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My Personal Statement

As a student of digital media, I have learned that art in its various guises can be used as a vehicle for
individuals to express political, emotional, and personal statements. An example of this is Shepard
Fairey's posters which not only aesthetically appeal, but through the choice of words and images
deliver powerful statements. Whilst developing my skills through my educational journey I have
understood the importance and power behind imagery and words. Although art can be expressed in
many ways digital art is an ever-expanding area and is accessible to all through various digital
platforms. Through completing a foundation course, I will experience various aspects of art giving
me a greater insight, which will inform my decision on what art degree to complete post foundation.
The course I am currently studying focuses on digital media, I have gained the following skills: the
ability to create a website, design posters for advertisement, generate magazine covers, and the
know-how to create as well as edit films. The ability to articulate my opinions has been developed in
unit 1 where I have used critical analysis to explain a designer or photographer's thought process
when portraying subjects in their work. This includes their decisions on font style, composition, how
to draw the observer in and how to portray the message. In unit 27 I have investigated the work of
Mario Testino as a case study, I looked at his vivacious fashion photography and used it to influence
my own response to his work. I have created my own photo shoots inspired by his work such as the
use of close-up shots and vibrant colours to make the focus of attention differentiate from others in
the frame.In unit 28 I have also learnt to use apps and programs including photoshop that assist in
manipulating and editing images. An example of this was using portraiture created through
photography and then manipulating to explore different effects. I have related these techniques to
artists such as Nigel Tomm and Annie Leibovitz, who use various filters and manipulation
techniques when creating their pieces. Their work has inspired me through how they often think
outside the norm and the intended message behind the work is portrayed.Having experienced both
Art and Media at Level 2 and Level 3 courses it has given me the drive to further develop my skills
towards a career in the creative industry. Skills that I have attained are shown within my attached
portfolio and
WEB.START.REC&ct=1638280835450&action=edit&mobileredirect=true. I have learnt that art is a
time-consuming subject however the outcomes warrant the effort. Through this experience I have
learnt to develop my time management skills to ensure that I meet set deadlines. I have witnessed
how valuable time management is in the creative industry on work experience, when working for two
weeks at a design practice. Other skills that I learnt included how to work within a team to make joint
decisions, how to work for a team manager and communicate my design ideas. I have continued to
develop this skill in my part time job as a waiter, doing this job has given me the opportunity to
experience the reality of working with others.Overall, I believe I have the right skills set needed to be
considered as a potential student at your university on your art foundation course with the intention
of going on to a degree at your university. I believe I have the knowledge and the required ambitions
to become a successful student at your institution.

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