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Grammar Check A 3.

2 Past Simple: was/were

Name: ____________________________________________ Class: ______________

1 Complete the dialogue with was or were.

Wayne: Where 0 were you yesterday morning?

Danny: I 1_____________ at the pet shop.

Wayne: You 2_____________ at the pet shop! Why?

Danny: Yes, and my parents 3_____________ with me. It 4_____________ my birthday yesterday, you
see. There 5_____________ a parrot in a cage in the window and…

Wayne: You’re kidding! Don’t tell me… it 6 your birthday present! 7_____________ you excited?

Danny: Yes, of course I 8_____________! I still am!

Wayne: I’m not surprised. That’s awesome!

Danny: Do you want to come round and see it?

Wayne: Let’s go!

______ / 8

2 Complete the description of a zoo with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

The zoo 0was amazing! It 1_____________ very big and there 2_____________ hundreds of animals. But
there 3_____________ any insects or fish – only big land animals and birds, but they 4_____________
great. However, it 5_____________ so much fun because my parents were with me and they were really
embarrassing! My dad 6 _____________ so excited! I was irritated and I 7 _____________ very interested
in his animal jokes. Next time, I want to go on my own!

______ / 7

Total: ______ / 15

English Class A2+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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