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Amity Business School

Survey of Companies for CSR activities

Submitted To- Submitted by-

Dr. Richa Sharma Ayushi Parashar
Corporate Social Responsibility

The social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and
discretionary expectations that a society has of organizations at a given point in time. CSR is
about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact
on society. Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to
behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life
of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.
CSR is a process by which an organization thinks about and evolves its
relationships with stakeholders for the common good and demonstrates its
commitment in this regard by adoption of appropriate business processes and
strategies. Thus, CSR is no charity or mere donations. It is a way of conducting
business, by which corporate entities visibly contribute to the social good.
Socially responsible companies use CSR to integrate economic, environmental,
and social objectives with the company’s operations and growth.

CSR activities are important to and even expected by the public And they are
easily monitored worldwide. CSR activities help organizations hire and retain
the people. They want CSR activities contribute to business performance.

Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility- One of the most common

forms of corporate social responsibility, a number of companies focus their
CSR efforts towards reducing their impact on the environment.

Ethical Corporate Social Responsibility- Ethical corporate social

responsibility programmes focus on ensuring that all stakeholders in a business
receive fair treatment, from employees to customers.

Philanthropic Corporate Social Responsibility- Philanthropic social

responsibilities go beyond simply operating as ethically as possible and involve
actively bettering society. This type of corporate social responsibility is frequently
associated with donating money to charities, with many businesses supporting
particular charities that are relevant to their business in some way.

Benefits of CSR for companies:

 Better company image and customer loyalty
 Identifying areas for improvement
 Increased employee engagement and satisfaction
 Attracts talent and investors


Starbucks has long been known for its keen sense of corporate social
responsibility and commitment to sustainability and community welfare.
According to the company, Starbucks has achieved many of its CSR milestones
since it opened its doors. According to its 2019 Global Social Impact Report,
these milestones include reaching 99% of ethically sourced coffee, creating a
global network of farmers, pioneering green building throughout its stores,
contributing millions of hours of community service, and creating a
groundbreaking college program for its partner/employees. Starbucks' goals for
2020 and beyond include hiring 10,000 refugees, reducing the environmental
impact of its cups, and engaging its employees in environmental leadership.


Ben & Jerry’s is a certified B-Corporation, which is recognized as the highest

standard for social corporate responsibility.

By carefully selecting their ingredients and suppliers, Ben & Jerry champions
positive consumption patterns. They source all of their delicious brownies from
Greyston Bakery, a bakery committed to providing jobs and job training for
individuals who face barriers to employment, and exclusively use Certified
Humane cage-free eggs. In an effort to close the loop and maximize
resources, one of their sustainable manufacturing practices include the
transportation of dairy waste from their Vermont plants back to two of their
supplying farms, where their waste is put into methane digesters with other
farm waste to generate energy that can power the farms.
Ben &Jerry’s also gives back to the community through their Partner Shop
Program, where scoop shops that are independently owned and operated by
community-based non- profit organizations are exempt from standard
franchise fees. PartnerShops offer job and entrepreneurial training to young
adults with employment struggles, changing their lives for the better .

Reliance Industries Limited:

They have spent a whooping Rs. 908.71 Cr. On CSR activities. Some of their
CSR Projects for the financial year are:-
a. Disaster Relief,
b. Jio Institute Institution of Eminence,
c. Promoting Grassroot Sports,
d. Community Development Health Initiatives,
e. CSR Initiatives at manufacturing locations, etc.

Tata Consultancy services Limited

They have spent Rs. 602 Cr. On CSR activities. Some of their CSR Projects  for
the financial year are:-
a. Overheads for various CSR initiatives,
b. Water conservation through desilting repair and maintenance of lakes
watershed restoration for sustainability and flood protection,
c. Training and educating children women elderly differently abled
scholarships special education and increasing employability,
d. Disaster Relief technical support for Hospitals including Cancer
Institute’s promoting hygienic sanitation,
e. Contribution to TCS Foundation.

Which is the most remarkable CSR activities done by your company in the
past one year? 
 Accenture:
o Accenture with collaboration with Microsoft have expanded
commitment to support social entrepreneurs, 
o Accenture has been committed to cover the vaccine costs for their
employees and their family members.
 IBM:
o IBM is using it's technology to help the NGOs to counsel the
victim's of human trafficking in India. 
 Amazon:
o Amazon commits to more than 222 hours of lights off across its
buildings for Earth Hour,
o Amazon up skilling of 1000 youths under skill development
 Infosys:
o Infosys spends Rs. 360 Cr. supporting Covid-19 relief measures
Pan-India by contributing to the users PM Care Funds, helping
hospitals, destitute, daily wage workers and underprivileged
sections of the society.
 Deloitte:
o Deloitte has helped small businesses around the country with
solutions to the challenges faced by them during this pandemic

CSR activities are very much important from a company perspective. It is the
moral obligation of the companies to give back a certain proportion of their
profit to the Society and the Environment via CSR activities which are being
implemented effectively in most of the companies. CSR activities in the fields
of Education, Healthcare and the Environment are being executed by majority
of the companies. Transparency and dialogue can help to make a business
appear more trustworthy, and push up the standards of other organizations at the
same time selected PSUs are trying to manage their CSR department in a very
good manner. As discussed above PSUs are expecting huge amount of support
from government for implementing CSR policies and in return government is
also trying to facilitate them by launching various Guidelines, norms and
With increasing and widespread commitment of corporate resources to CSR,
attention is now shifting to the strategic formulation, implementation, and
measurement of the market returns to CSR initiatives. But still a concern to
companies is whether their focus on “doing good,” will provide positive returns
to their CSR actions. This emphasize the need for better measurement models of
CSR that capture and estimate clearly the effects of a company’s CSR actions
on its stakeholders as well as the nations in which they are operating.

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