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(Orne oF THe ArTonNey GENERAL oe Sue oF AAIzoNA Arromer Goa May 2022 Seurery of Homeland Secu ‘Washington, D.C. 20828 Alejandro mayorias@n hs gov Dear Secretary Mayes, Last wee, Iwas appalled flea of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) launch of the Disinformation Governance Board: Deploying this oof apparts from 3 govenmentageney is reminiscent of communis or totalitarian regimes and speaks ylumes about the Biden administration’ ack of respect forthe First Amendment and fre speech throughou our nation, Furthermore, the individual selected to lead this board, Nina Jankowier, has already proven that she wil be anything BUT a fir and unbiased wbiter of goverment approved ith. Ms. Jankowicz has lengthy history of using bar Platforms to tack conservatives’ viewpoints ona number of controversial issues. She wil no doubt, continue her efforts Te assal hos she disagrees with am he elevated per at DHS, Mr Secretary, the creation ofthis board andthe appoinment of Ms. Jankowiez may be one of he greatest threats ‘to our Constintion that we have experienced in generations. Your stions come atime when Presiden Bien is under increasing srtiny and appropiate rcsm fr his ale policies, and when sae oficial (ike mel) ae winning inthe ‘ours of legal an pubic opinion. This ew board simply Blatant tempt by the Biden administration a recreste ad ‘stor the narative to silence polit opposton, ut make no mistake ~ your dea cant pas the sel tt ~ lone ‘Consitatonl muster History has shown the lepicis of similar efforts to cur fee speech and peaceful protests, From the old Soviet Union to he communist goveramest of China -among othe examples around the worl-once a goverment takes conto of le speech and other God-given iterts ofits izes it loses its moral authority o lead. ‘The First Amendment of be Constution of the United Sates makes it clear dha our federal government his 90 ‘busines interfering in anyone's perch —no mater what ental, Our Founders udrsood that goverment never has the ‘best interest ofthe iizenry in mind when i aterpts to regulate and restrict feedom of expression. Americas will not stand for this eaeplous overesch ofthe federal goveenmen’sConstttonal bounds Wit record fentanyl and her drug deaths sing and trois beng apprebended tempting to eter our county. | ge you abandon the Disinformation Governance Board and refocus your resources on sectrng our southern border and keeping Americans safe i Sincerely, ole Mack Bovieh 2005 Non Cesma Artin. Prous ANZONABSODA + Prone 602 542.4266 «Fax 602.542 ADB « wi 420.004

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