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Ellyza Baez

April 20,2022
Period 1
BNW pre-reading and chapter 1

Book Cover Predictions Title

● Artificially made humans an allusion to a Shakespearean play (The Tempest)
● Loss of identity/ individuality
● Futuristic ideas/ civializations
● Rebelling against the new society
● Forfeiting individual freedom
● Being a larger body of workers
● Individuals purpose
● Obsession with being perfect
● Humans and emotions
● Make mistakes/ flaws
● Idea of mortality
● Relationships
● Basic necessities of life
‘Brave New World’ predicted today’s world better than any other novel
Written by: Scotty Hendricks
❖ How has a ‘Brave New World’ predicted today's new world?
● Written to show a nightmare world of the future
● Predicted things that have happened
● Intelligent people can be tested
● About an imperfect world written in 1931
● A dystopian novel is about a imperfect world that will happen in the future
● This imperfect world we are going towards but also welcome it
● Everyone is perfectly happy and is genetically made to be perfect
● People are conditioned to be happy/ entertained and if all else fails they have a drug to make them feel happy
● Soma- drugs, legalized weed
● Dictatorship- “The World State” run by 10 oligarchs
● They have to avoid unhappiness at all cost
● Aldous Huxley made Henry Ford god
● An assembly line of creating people
● To make more jobs so they are happy and distracted
● The new state pushes mass consumerism, sexual promiscuity, and avoid unhappienss
● This dystopia world will all fall apart and then what will happen to the people
● People love to be enslaved (even intellectual people who know what is going on) so there is no hope of change
● Even today we have the choice to influence genetic makeup
● Today many people are able to detect a disabled fetus, detecting gender before birth, sperm sorting to choose gender
● This leads to future ways to determine IQ, rebellionship,etc.
● Even now we are constantly on our phones, tv, and more electronics to not be bored
● The new drug Soma- causes euphoria, positive hallucinations, or at a large dose a tranqualizer to escape the world is real
● Even now our war on drug- especially the ones perscribed for mental, physical reasons
● Everyone has a job, automation has stopped to make jobs available
● Everyone uses new products even when not needed
● Consumerism can be used as a distraction instead of exploring other pursuits
● Concern about the future
● The human experience is so complex that it does not allow for constant perfection
● Huxley made a world called the World State that question what people need in there life to become perfect like emotions, insatiable
appetites, basic survival= food, safe, shelter, greater purpose, and families
● The power is held by government and huge businesses
● Today our world the richer is just becoming richer and they are the ones to run the government
● News today is controlled by a few conglomerates and primates the same idea instead of others
● Propaganda is used to control people and how they think (media’s information)
● Huxley is warning us about what could happen if we let it happen
● He says we need to learn about who are we worshipping things that do not have enough value
● This book is a nightmare of a world that is completely destroyed
What is Satire
● Satire is a literary device for the artful ridicule of folly or vice as a means of exposing or correcting it. The subject of satire
is generally human frailty, as it manifests in people’s behavior or ideas as well as societal institutions or other creations.
Satire utilizes tones of amusement, contempt, scorn, or indignation towards a flawed subject with the hope of creating
awareness and subsequent change.
○ For example, one of the most well-known satirical literary works is brave new world by Aldous Huxley. In his
novel, Huxley satirizes most of the social conventions and institutions considered sacred and held dear by an
“enlightened” Western society. This includes religion, monogamy, social equality, and the blessing of childbirth.
In the novel, these conventions and institutions are turned upside down such that the characters embrace drug
culture, social class separation, casual sex, and governmental control. Huxley satirizes contemporary society in
order to expose for the reader its arbitrary and often hypocritical moral structures.

Chapter 1

What is the World State? Add page numbers. Collect terms/vocabulary related to World State and define.
● The world state motto is Community, Identity, Add page numbers.
Stability (pg.3) ● AF= after ford (pg.4)
● They have a hatchery and conditioning babies to act Leaders (pg.6)
a certain way (pg.3) ● Alphas (perfectly fertalized) (super humans)
● It is runned like a factory line to make these babies ● Betas (perfectly fertalized) (super humans)
● The time is AF 632 (pg.4) —-------------------------------
● The hatchery is run by a director who runs Workers (pg 6)
everything that goes on (pg.4) ● Gamma (undergoes bokanovsky’s process)
● A place where workers are made at mass speed (pg. ● Deltas (undergoes bokanovsky’s process)
4) ● Epsilons (undergoes bokanovsky’s process)
● The processes of how the babies are fertalized (pg. —------------------------------
5-6) ● People- worker
● Many gammas, deltas, and epsilons are made by the ● Bokaovshy process- dividing the egg into many of
dozen and then they also dump alcohol (epsilons them ( the mahor instrument of social stability) (pg.7)
almost to death) to make them dumber and dumber ● Demijohns- a large bottle holding liquid (pg.11)
(pg 6) ● Freemartin-is an infertile female cattle with
● Bokanovshy’s process is the major instrument of masculinized behavior and non-functioning ovaries
social stability (pg.7) (pg.13)
● Hand pick certain people (alpha and betas) to get
there ovaries to create these “perfect” people (pg.7)
● There purpose is to stailize the population (pg.8)
● Everything is run at a certain pace and there is no
room for error (pg.9)
● Everything is labeled and checked and updated
constantly (pg.10)
● How they stimulate the pregnacy in a factory and
what they have to do to keep the embryo growing
● Gammas, Deltas, and epsiolins are steralized (p.13)
● They label whether or not they are going to be able
to reproduce or not (pg.13)
● They controll what they person will end up doing
their entire life (pg.13)
● The lower the social class the less oxygen the
embryo receives causing more and more brain
damage during development (pg.14)
● Beginning of thinking of mutating and creating a
faster growing time for a person so the sooner they
work the longer they will be working for the
community (pg.15)
● The secret to happiness and very true it's liking what
you got to do. Making people like they're on
escapable social destiny (pg.16)
● Theycondition the embryos to move a certain way
and act a certain way depending on their social class

What questions come to mind as you read chapter 1? Add What predictions do you have about how the potential
page numbers that keep track of when this question came to issues/problems within the World State creation? Add page
mind. numbers.
● What will happen if they made an error in the ● People are being made so much that there is bound
hatchery?(pg.4) to be a problem with over breeding (pg.7)
● With all of this constant reproduction what are the ● Someone is going to mess up the factories process
risks of over stretching the amount of embryos they and no one is going to know what to do (pg. 9)
can get out of the ovary? (pg.8) ● There will be an uprising since the lower class
● Who came up with this process of creating a caste people feel like they can never get to the level as a
system and playing a god role in creating who gets alpha or beta they will always be stuck at the bottom
to be in what? (pg.14) (pg.13)

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