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Trends in Food Science & Technology 123 (2022) 57-68 Contents lint available at SoisnseDirset Trends in Food Science & Technology Journal homepage: vw. clsevies.comiloceteltifs Commentary Health conscious consumers and sugar confectionery: Present aspects and projections Nevzat Konar“”, Recep Gunes”, Ibrahim Palabiyik ‘, Omer Said Toker * lucie Ome Unter Fant of Artalane Dame of Food Engng Eth, “Kotdaet Unoeni, Forly of nance Depernct of Food eneor, Kckok Tey {Not Kanal Cry, Feely of Ages Dorm: of Food Erg, Teds, Tay 1 Fa Teal ony, Fotiy of Chon ond Maarged Darn Fed Engen, lel, Takey ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT ‘Backgound: The number of health consclous consumer I naaslag among diferent codlo-economle groupe all cover the world The fod inst ad technolonychould be able t erpond ts changes inthe expectations and demands of this consumer group. Therefore, preparation should be made for adaptation to the current peviod fd possible future scenzios in all ates that couce human life. In thie regard, in addition to novel food ‘production and sflty studies, any ason to be taken in terme ofthe effects of thie coneumer atte on com ompton behavior i forest portance ‘Scope and approach In his stud, the statu of contectionery technology during the rising of health conscious consumers, effexe on confectionery cousumpdon, and ploy study lsuee for de heulthy and funcional rodost vre disused. Witnin this sepe, te aimed to present proections tothe insuray ane terearehers (i eld by ceviewing and cacusing the Gindnge of exiting etucee considering healthy and functional sugar confetoncry products: ‘Rey fines and cochsions: Despite the hgh caloie concer, no siniant decreases ae expected inthe con upton of confectionery products, Because these fds can contibute to the high mood level that consumers ‘need. However, the ececleration guned by the increase in consumes’ preference and demand for healthy foods vil be elfective and determinant inthe fture periods for sugar confectionery products. This vl encourage {fora to develop fneionsl confectioners, particu thoreastocntet wih the immune stem sil Be oF seater inporance. Theor, innovative appreaches and desis are needed for confectionery products in term of shelf fe, stably, pockaging and labeling. We may suggest that ll takchelder tach importance 0 the development of mult-funetonal and lowcalrie product, with a package design and ie suitable fr online sales channels by considering the rising of individual consuming behavior. be produced in a safer, sustainable and ethical manner. In the definition 1. introduetion ‘There are nine main criteria covered In international research to determine food preferences and the motivational factors that affect them; natural ingredients, weight contra, price, helth, mood, ethical concerns, aecessbility, sensory properties and taste, convenience (Souza cr al, 2020). Health conscious consumers (HCCE) are individuals who lead “wellness oriented” lifestyles are concerned with nutiton, fitness, sress and their environment (Uraf= © Goos!l, 1999). Thetefore, this consumer group ic under the influence of moze than one motivation factor in food consuming behavior. THCCs area group tha sin search of healthi food and expects ito Banal adress: nevzatkonar@howmsil com (N. Kona) pdt ong/10.1016/ i 2022 09.001 of “healthier” product, we ean include foods that ate organic, func- Sonal, natwally healthy, and ftee of potential alleigens. However, the Gefinition may differ between counties. Because the experiences and dynamics of eich community change their priorities. For example, Chinese consumers have a “concemed” behavior thet focuses on food safety. Various food contamination scandals have been influential in the CChinste choice and purchasing decisions of procesced foods. For thie reason, they prefer brands that they “trust” and “Yemiliar” when pur chasing domestic food produete. In general, for Chinaze consumers, the concept of “healthy food” can be stated as synonymous with “safe” and “risk-free” produets (Wanzano, Lu, Hort, & Day, 2020), However, Jap- nese constimers area group that is highly concemed about health, but Received 6 Aust 2021; Receives in revied form 7 January 2022: Accepted 4 February 2029 Aalale online 9 March 2022 antna44 2022 lever Li, Al sights eseved. Abbreviations ALA cclinoleni acid es Confectionery products DHA Docosahexaenoic acid EPA Eicosapentacnoic acid Fas Fatty acide Hocs Health conscious consumers INA Linoleic acid ‘MFO Microeneapeulated fish ol PUFAs Polyunsaturated fatty acids ‘with a different approach. This causes the Japanese food market to constantly focus on functional, healthy, and nutacous products. Thus, i has resulted in the functional food matket in Japan becoming a larger, diverse, and high-volume market compared to the text of the world (Tanemura, Machi, & Urushihara, 2020), In addition, this change bas become « global reality, although under the influence of diferent ‘motivational factors for each country or region. For example, for Buro- ean consumers, environmental concerns and sustainability accompany health concerns (Faber, Henn, Brugardoas, & Percze-Cuoto, 2021). The consumption of low-calorie products in the Western diet is becoming smote and more widecpread, and the consumption of herbal products especially protein soutees, is encouraged (As:iemnn-Witzel, Gants Fraga, & Perer-Cueto, 2021) The fact that consumers begin to give more importance to the rela tionship between health and nutition increases their expectation for the contibution of their health, especially their immune systems. inthis nse the inclusion of some “well-known” health- supporting components tn widely consumed foode has become one ofthe reasons for preference. Therefore, in recent years, more healthy and functionally enriched foods have been demanded and consumed (Nunes eta, 2020; Wong, Kim, Chung, & Cho, 2020). n addition, the COVID-19 pandemic, which bas tured into a global crisis and will sul in possible irreversible effects, has aleo caused a great acceleration in thie demand ane eoneumption (= Backer etal, 2020; Grunett et al,, 2021; Molina-Montes etal, 20215 Posiman et a, 2021). With this approach, confectionery products (CPs) red to be adapted to changing consumption patterns. However, in this adaptation process, it should be taken into account thet the main rotivational factors in the consumption of CPs are “satisfying hedonic hhunger” and "pleasure", Due to the rise of HCCS, a decrease cen be predicted inthe cales and consumption rates of CPs which are consumed primarily for “pleasure”. Hoviever, the results of studies conducted in diferent counties reveal that there is no significant decrease in the consumption ofthese foods, even for some product groups, consumption rates have increased in some regions (racale & Vacear0, 20205 Kan & Smith, 2020; Laguna, izzman, Puerta, Chaya, & Térrega, 2020) There is also a need for adaptation to changing global and locel ‘market conditions and purchasing behaviors for sugar CPs. Despite rapid changer end developments, there is still «lack of needs enalyie and information. The compatibility of current needs with new product development studies is important. In order to ensute this compatibility, the interaction of consumer expectations and technologieal possibilities as well as curent and future needs should be taken into account. Therefor, fist of all, global trends and new opportunities in confer tionery products were discussed in our study. Along with the current research results in the Held of confectionery technology, the compo- rents, processes and other elements (package, labels, distribution channels, ete) that can be used in this technology should be diseused in way that can contribute to all stakeholders. However, ignoring calorie lavele while developing the functional properties of confectionery products may be insufficient to mest consumer expectations and market reeds. Therefore, in our study, the relationship between high calorie ‘rnd Fd Sine Tachnaoy 1282022) 7-88 value and obesity, which should be considered asa common point in the evelopment of functional confectionery products in genoral, was mentioned from the perspective of confectionery technology. AS @ prominent expectation of HCCs, the relationship berreen food con- sumption, immune system and wellness was discussed as a separate fection. Considering the increasing importance of ethnic markets, religion bated factors accompanying the cancemms of come consumer groups (such as the search for halal and kosher products), the stain Abilis of plant hazed food and food ingredients, environment concerns, and the diferences in diet type (uch as vegan) are very important for using altemative hydrocolloids. Therefore, these issues needed to be reviewed from the HCCs perspective. In addition, considering the re quirements of changing reall conditions and the consumption of on- fectionery produete for pleasute and mood, it was questioned hav ta respond to consumer expectations. Another factor valid for all food products aswell ar confectionery isto adept to changes in retail con ditions. Otherwise it will not be possible to reach HCC as well as other consumers, mths regard, adaptation to changing retll conditions was also covered within the scope of our study. Another sim of this study is {o contribute to the future projections of confectionery manufacturers of different sizes, 2. Global trends and new opportunities for funetional sugar confectionery products ‘There are three diferent consumer concems that are decisive on. global confectionery product tends; healt, sustainability © environ ‘ment, and price. HCCé can also be described as consumers who are generally concetned about sustainability & environmental isues ‘Therefore, from the perspective of HCCs, globel confectionery trends Include confectionery produets which are low-calorie and/or sugar-free ingredient, entiched with phytochemicals, fruitorigin components, ‘high levee of polyphenol cource components such ae cocoa, gelatin free, prebiotic & probiotic ingredients, Low-calorie and sugar-free, probiotic, snd gelatin free CPe were discussed in Section 3, 4 and 6, respectively Although, studies on functional sugar CPs are quite new, from a Ihicrorical perspective, thie category can be associated with products such es hard candy and chevrable soft candy or lozenges, which ere commonly used in the treatment of cough, cold, and sore throat by containing plant-based materiale euch as mint, thyme, cinnamon, ete. (Pickford & Jardine, 2000). Today, thanks to the developing technology, the production of various kinds of CPs andthe criticism of most of them. tas unhealthy products has started with widerening functionality studies in this ector and aleo triggered spacial marketing sratagies. In this regard, Rumoca, Pintaic, Kjusuri, Marié, and Karlovié (2019) stated that functional confectionery ean be defined as ‘a confectionary item that has undergone the addition, removal or replacement of stan Sard confectionery ingredients with an ingredient that fulfills a specific physiological function or offre a potential health benefit. On the ther hand, CPs ere characterized as a suitable environment forthe intake of fonetional ingredients due to their nature (Sessler, Weis, & Vodovor, 2013), In tis respec, the most common strategies to bocst the func Uonalty of the products include replacing sugar with diferent sweet feners and incorporating vitamins, minerals, probiotics, natural colorings, omega fatty acids, and different fruit derivatives or plant extracts 10 the formulations (ilcinok ct al, 2020; Amiadi, Ghorbari, amishehlar, & Roufegarinejad, 2018; Gok, Toker, Palabiyik, & Konar, 2020; Konat, Toker, Oba, & Sagdie, 20165 Konar etal, 2017; miranda ral, 2020; Samakredharnrengthai & Jannu, 2021; Toker etal, 2018). ‘ith this framework, new production techniques are also being tested (Fig. 1). The aim ofthese studies ito make the products healthier tnd more nutritious. Because the main target consumer group of can feetionery products Is cildten, and atthe ame time, the preferences of other consumer groupe are directed towards thoce entiched with prod. vets containing healthier and essential nuteiems. in this regard, con- fectionery manufacturers have been extensively exploring the Functional Approaches ‘Changes made inthe ‘production process ‘rnd Fd Sine Tachnaoy 1282022) 7-88 Functional Soft Candy Products {In the production, these approaches can be applied separately or in combination with exch other Fig. 1. Functionality tends in sft candy products possibilities of creating functional products by using natural sweeteners (eg, stevia glycosides, fit juices and their concentrates, hone, palm sap sugar, flavors (¢g.beibal exacts and volatile oils), colors (eg salrongoe, herbs and plant pigments, extract: end by produc), suger replacers eg dietary fibers, prebiotics, iflaent plant-based bioective inguedioms (eg. polyursatratd fatsy acid, vitamins, plant poly phenols, bisetive peptides, and various gelatin substitues (eg. m= roalgas,aguafaba, pects) to meet such demands (Mndua tal, 2020) Fly it can be stated thatthe use of innovative gelling agents or auditivs, suchas various food by-products, creates new fed in sft (Ps. In this category, while msking changes in the parameters of the production proces, itis ls posible to evaluate vatous by- ot waste Products sleased ater processing in diferent branches of the food i Gusty. Not surprisingly, all these changer mace in the production technique and formulation also have a huge impact on various eical properties ofthe final product suchas physica, textural, sensory, and froma telesce. For example, Cappa et al (2015) investigeted the physicochemical properties of soft candies enriched with grape skins ‘hich te relencd a byproduct dusing wine production, Aaron of the study, the use of grape skin powder doesnot have a negative elect on the acceptability ofthe product, om the concrary, i increase the rthocyanin, avonol, and procyanidin contents ofthe nal product. In a diferent study, honey andes rut julces were used instead of suger sup, artical Bavoring, and color submances in gelatin bared sof candies (stl, Tonal, & Fibs, 2018), Cano Lamadid etal. (2020) sed pomegranate juice, apple pee, and honey in ther gummy candy fommtltion. 1 war determined thatthe red color (2), which was the rmost valuable quality parameter of the pomegranate Juice, wes pre- served thank othe low temperature (60°C) applied in the production. (nthe other hand ile high water avy causes a decrease in shelf life in confectionery shih s processed at los tesperarres, harness affected depending onthe gelatin ratio and composition. ‘Apart froma these, the use of CPs as carter and/or delving agent, of bioactive compounds is ineeasing day by day. restive confectionery rmanufetures have reeognaed the vale of these products a a penect delivery syst for functions ingredients. In particle, soft candies, locenges or pasties are widely used to deliver vate of funcional inguediens including vitamins, minerals, protein, plant antioxidants, omega fat acids, probioties and prebiotics (Sas, 2020; liane, Babushkin, Akindino, Perflova, & Novikova, 2020; Caleio Pinos, Martinez Tomé, Muca, Jordan, & Baia, 2020; Tamer, Incelai, Copa, & Kasinca, 2018). Lozenges are produced commercially by coating and compression techniques. These products, which can also be chewed, can contol the zelease of Bioactive substances with slow dtasoluion behavior the mouth (Unashanr, Dinesh, in, Lash, (& Damadharon, 2016). These specific products can be classified into various classes based on the site of action which ean either be local and systemic effects. In such products, many heat labile active ingredients can be fortified ino the formulation by compression technique (i>: odunni, 2015), However, the insufficient number of bioavalabiity snd biosccesbility studies related to there products, and the failure to examine the interactions between bioactive components and other conventional confectionsry components are important shortcomings. ‘These products are defined as heving characteristic texturel properties and its estential to determine the effects of textual properties on the release of bioactive component. Fr the release of bioactive components, ‘specially the chewing stage and the inital pars of digestion naa to be catoflly evaluated. As with the releae of sugar, the textural propertics and microstructure ofthe confectionery can be modified forthe release of bioactive substances. Another approach in developing functional CPe {5 using filings as a bioactive compound. Thus, by acting asa protective shield for bioactive components lass thermal and oxygen exposure during processing can be achieved, and alzo interactions with other confectionery components ean be minimized Interms of eansumption, lonenges or pasilles with a differen exture offer many advantages compared to the conventional tablets. Firstly, they can be given 9 those patients who have dificulry in swallowing and do not requir the se of water in their consumption. They are easy {o prepare, with a minimum amount of equipment and time, and they ray cantain one or more active compounds in flavored and sweetened base, most importantly, systemic absorption of drugs can be possible through the buccal cavity, in this way they ean increase the bioeval sbiliy (Choursiya & Andheriye, 2018; Maheshwari, Jain, Ansar, Mahajan, & Joshi, 2013; Umashankar, Dinesh, Rini Lakshmi, & Dam adharan, 2016). The rype and concentration of hydrocolloids used in the preparation of pasilles have various effects on the texture and sensory propettiee of the produce. Gelatin alsa appents in the formulation of there specific products. Moreover, different texturing agents such as xanthan gum, starch, pectin, alginate, and carrageenan ean be used in the production (Choursiya & Andheriys, 2013) Briefly, the production process andthe selection ofthe ingredient to be added tothe formulation sre important factors in the produetion of functional products. For instance, some functional components are highly sensitive to high temperetures, and these components may become ineffective when the ctandard production proces is followed. Sines high temperatures re required to eusute suitable dry matter value fn the production of sugar confectionery, thie cituation both limite the ‘innovation planned to be made inthe production technique and ereates 4 negative effect onthe functional compound to be used. Conversely, a ‘new ingredient added to the formulation may alzo cause « higher pro duction temperature. In addition, functional additives that donot dissclve completely inthe product matric and ae not dosed inthe right smvount may eeat a cloudy or rene trustre inthe product Apart fom the process, other clement inthe product formolation can alo sect the sablity ofthe Ameonal adv since the mechanism of faction of these compounds may change in amid or obese food tmatrix: Some functional componente may avers affect the ext Dearstere of the ial posi such ar moire content, pee strength, viscosity or crystallization degree (Pickford & Jardine, 2000). in this reaper tlang al these factors into consideration inthe pro- duction of functional CPs is very important to obtain a igh quality and stractve final produc. ‘Another erga pint that canbe associated with pleasure based consumption seed to visual characterises, A common appiccon in coferionery isthe ue of ferent colorant Inthe confctionery indus, companies nomi se arial weys to itae certain cok oving of foods thax occur array. But, some of these substances pose Dotentl risk to human heath, eepecaliy when consumed in excess {hi el, 2010) Therefore, in eset seas, there hes been growing Snereat in tiling eta exempt rom cericaton plant se olor sourees in Ps naditon to coloring, natal soates tend to provide falthimproving effects and functional benefits without causing side tifevt or toni. Commonly naturally oscuring food clorants an be Allocate in diferent sub-categories amelyanthocyenins, eatoerois betacjains/betalans chorophyls and diferent pheelc compounds {ital ik, Taochatai, 2020. In this content the we of natural colorants and pigment sources has become very important in ine with Soh opel replations and consumer entice and expectations In ternational ener in confectionery technology emphasize tet there is fm imence intrest aod seech for “minimally proceed naturel ol ais, expecially inthe Buropean Confectionery Matket (Cay iss 2019) Aswordng tothe everch data iar Research Fuse (2019, the market size of naturel colorants has eached 1.9 bilon USD/ yee. is noted thatthe main ingredients ofthis mark iacude eareenois, snthocrsnin, pari exert, curcumin chloropbll and Sprig. t ir noteworthy that among thee ingradints,coalgae vigin natural Colorants have the lange market share growth of 6.35% (Warkot ovonch Fn, 2019). tn general, among the alga-derived prodocs, che prodaion of dad Spin pp I the higher ith toon 12.000 tons pe year and the merit siz f algae based producti expected 1 reach 4 lion USD in 2029 witha growth of 5.266 (ioyans ot O19). These data cam be sonsdered ss an indication that sbi microlgne oxgn colorants have significant commecialization po- tent in the confectionery industry. tn adtion to all thes, natural colorants ae expected to improve not only the vssl propre of the products but alo incease ther nttional status or teehnlogica Proper, thst ft be “mut-eece” component (Mains or Moles, Bares, & Ferien, 2019 3. High-ealotie intake and obesity versus sugar confectionery ‘Today, it can be stated thatthe world is sruggling with obesity just, like a pandemic. (lian & Smith, 2020) In particular, reduced physical activity and an increase in consumption of calorie dense foods are associated with a higher risk of weight gain or obesity (Camilleri eta, 2014), Sugar CPs represent a large group of high-calore foods that are in great demand among consumers of all ages For this razon, unconscious fr uncontrolled coneumption ofthese products can lead to the preva. lence of various metabolic diseases such as obesity asa result of exces- sive energy intake and reduced energy expenditure that may increase the susceptibility © and severity of various infections. Also, excessive consumption of these products and their love content of biologically sctive macro and micronutrients required for the body disrupe the nat ural balance of the diet (Altinok et a., 2020; Gok etal, 2020), Today, because of the high prevalence of obecity associated with high euger Intake, consumers prefer CPs with low calorie value, sugar-fiee ot candigs with natural compounds (Cappa et al, 2015; Da Silva et al. ‘rnd Fd Sine Tachnaoy 1282022) 7-88 2016; Delgado & Ranon, 2018). According to this, efforts to produce low-calorie and sugar-free products CPs continue rapidly. Basically, sugar reduction in confee onary applications arises from the paral replacement of erytlline sucrose and/or com syrups (Kleiner, 2016), Asis known, the single most Important ingredient in confectionery is sugar, chamially named ae sucrose. In addition to sveetness, sigar provides smucture, bull, mouthfeel modifier, flavor enhancer, and preservative properties in all products (God:hall, 2016). Therefore, sugar reduction in confectionery science is big challenge. Various sweeteners such as sugar alcohols (corbitel, mannitol, xylitel, malo, Istito,icomalt et), seri, imln, various fruit extracts, honey, plant-based syrup, and different food by-products are combined and used as sugar substitutes inthe produc tion of sugar confectionery (Gol: t al, 2020; Rivero et al, 2020). Also, {in general, maltitol syrups are used instead of glucose syrups, and iso salt is usad for sucrose in soft and hard candies However, suger (sucrose) and com syrups are the primary in sredients in CPs and thelr removal from the formulation poses a sig nifcent problem, raquiring the use of ingredients ta replace their bulk. mother words, sweeteners used as sugar substitutes in CPs producton do net perfectly provice bulk, viscosity or texture, therfore, nuttitions of non-nutitious awectenere and come other bulking agents muct be mixed with each other to provide these properties. Although the ideal substitute for sucroce har not yet been determined, the variour sweet: ners mentioned have numerous advantages. Because with the use of there substances in related products, both ealovie reduction and postive effects on quality characteristics ‘can be achieved Moreover, it is Important to choose appropriate sweeteners to preserve the quality of products with no alteration or loss during the storage inthe replacement of sucrose studies. However, consumers should be aware ofthe potential side effees ofthese sweeteners. In addition, the health effects of high intensity sweeteners, which provide advantages fo caloric restriction, ate critical, and limiting their consumption can be health-promoting (ang, Goossens, & Blaak, 2021; Silva, Bresiel, & Luquoti, 2018). “Another eitical fctor isto obtain a product with a taste that cannot be distinguished from its sugary counterparts inline with the consumer expectations. In this context, especially various fruit pulps, plant ex races (Ansa, Anju, Vikas, & Raj, 2016; De Moura eta, 2019; Saale, (Chalwad,& Pawar, 2012), and by-or waste products (Cappaet al, 2013; Romo-Zamarrén, Pérez-Cabrera, & Tecante, 2019; Alinok etal, 2020) resulting from the production process in the food industry come to the fore, Itis stated that this approach not only increases consumer appeal in the products, bu alo enriches the nutritional quality in temas of vita mins, mineral, fiber and protein (Cohinkar, Chavan, Pawar, & Amar cwies, 2014). However, there are some factors need to be considered ‘when using these components, such as ()stabiliry, (i) sweetness, (i) Interaction with stabilizers, iv) effect on physical and textural proper ties. Plant based alternative ingredients (for example, fruit waste and by-products, pulps or concentrates) generally subsctuce sugar or com syrup according to their physical properties. However, their diferent alfinities to water may affect the final product moisture content and water gctivity values, In this ease, undesirable changes in both quality characteristics and product stability may be encountered. Ths isa sig nificant sk, especialy for some confectionery products characterized by low moisture content and water activity (Subramaniam, 2016). On the other hand, the ure of there ingredients in confectionery products can result in dramatie reduetions in sweetness (Da Sliva et al, 20165 Delgado & Banon, 2015 Gok et al, 2020). In this ease, it will be necessary to use natural and high-intensity sweeteners, A significant ‘portion of potential plant-based alternatives thet can be used are also Fich in phenolic compounds, but gelatin, which is @ commonly used stabilizer in confectionery, can interact with polyphenols (Banciyo- padhyay, Ghosh, & Ghosh, 2012; Roln, 2014; Schicber & Gareis, 2007) and thus important quality problems may be encountered, especially in term ofthe textural properties ofthe products also ifthece ingredients are substituted for comsyrup, there will be losses in the inhibitory eflect of sucrose erystallization (Gok otal, 2020). If they are used as sucrose substitutes, the effects of particle sizes and solubility propettcs on the physical and textural properties of confectionery products should be Considered, Finally, there isa tek thatthe presence of lipids, even at residual levels, may couse a decreesein density and significant problems in product quality, especially in aerated products (Subramaniam, 2016) 4, To boost immune system and wellness by sugar confectionery products consumption: reality or fiction In this section, in order to strengthen the immunity of HCCs and to sintain a healthier diet program, manufacturabilty of low-calovie and sugar fee products, and products containing probiotics, omege-3 fatty ‘cid, certain vitamins and minerals have been discussed, Probiotics are Aafined ae “live mieroorganieme which confer a health banefit on the host when administered in adequate amounts” (FAO, 2012). although strains ofthe genera Lactobacillus, ifdebacterim, and Propiontbactr are the most widely used and studied probiotic bacteria (Divya, Varsha, ‘Nampoothir, Ismail, Pandey, 2012), while other species belonging to the Lactococcus, Enterococcus, and Saccharomyces genera have alzo been included in the list mainly because of their known health-promoting cffects(Terpou ot al, 2010). Probioties can exhibit antiviral effects via the gut-lung axis and thus play an important role in people's suscepti bility to infectious diseases by protecting the intestinal or lung micro- biota (indora, Chakraborty, Holliday, Mandal, & Schrum, 2021). It is stated that one ofthe best approaches to combat various infections isto improve the immune system using probiotics that hove the potential to ‘minimize the inflammation caused by the infection Baud, Agri Gibson, Reld, & Glannoni, 2020; Gohil, Samson, Dastager, & Dhame, 20213 Olaimat et a, 2020). 1m the food Industry, probiotics, which are used successfully in various products, especially in the production of fermented dairy products, have recently been tried to che ensichment of various CPs as @ new potential delivery form. Considering sugar CPs, Chea, Chen, and Shiu (2008) aimed to creete anew probiotic eandy with good flavor and health benefits using the response surface method and a sequential quadratic programming technique. According to the etudy, mill war smixed with yogurt cultures and probiotics (L paracasei, B longum) and incubated at $7 °C for 20 h. Then, the samples were blended with Iyo- protectant (lactose, skim milk powder, and sucrose), freze dried and nixed with siveeteners (lactose and ayltol to improve the texture for forming tablets. Ina different study, Lolo etal (2018) developed and characterized the gummy-supplements ensiched with probiotics (Lactobocis plantarin and L paracasei) and prebiotics (peyliuma husk). ‘According tothe study, the developed gummy-supplement formulation allowed to produce higher value producte witha igh content of viable probiotic cells without specific processing steps. As e result, the formulation consisting of gelatin, apple pomace, L. paracase, and psy lium husk wae recommanded ae the best In addition, suadies on the development of suitable tablet forms that preserve the high viability of probiotics in the gacwointertinal environment and during storage continue intensively (Hug et al, 2016; Silva et al, 2013), and com mercial samples of these produets have just begun to be offered to consumers today Its accepted that an adequate supply and balance of nutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of both innate and adaptive im- ‘mune systems (Well, Plissonneau, Legrand, Rioux, & Thibault, 2020) in this context, omega-3 faty acids (Fas), which are known to have post tive effects on health (Cammone, Riccioni, Parrnello, & D’Orszio, 2019), have @ very special role in this proces as they pariipate tn the contra of chronic and acute inflammations (cil ts, 2020).Omega-3 FAs are polyunsaturated faty acids (PUFAS), which are abundantly available in marine foods, include linolenic acid (LNA) and its de- vatives, including eJinolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosshexaenote acid (DHA) (Vivar-ietra etal, 2021), Ie now generally scepted thatthe intake of EPA and DHA for optimal nutrition ‘rnd Fd Sine Tachnaoy 1282022) 7-88 anges from 200 mg to ~600 mg/day for adults, and from 40 mg to 250 ‘mg/day for infants older than six months, children, and adolescents (FSA, 2012; Konar etal, 2018). rom the perspective of HCCs, tis thought that CPs can be a suitable and potential delivery vehicle for omega Fas to all age and socio fconome consumer groups, In thie respect, various sadies have been sted out to add these Fs expecially indifferent hard soft candies or lozenges, and some successful products have taken their places in the market. In a different study, Kolanoveski and Weipbrodt (2008) eval ated the influence of microencapsulated fish oil (MFO) powder addition fon senzory quality and oxidative stability of Fisherman's Friend ‘ype lozenges. According tothe study, it was stated that lozenges fortified ‘with MFO can contribute positively to the levels of omege-3 long chain PUAsin the diet. Additionally, in a recent patented invention relates ro supplementation of Jellies with high concentrations of hydrophobie ac tives such as phytocerol esters, omege-3 FAs (combinations of DHA and EPA), and/or conjugated linoleic acid (Chamberlin, 2016). ‘A strong immune system plays a fundamental role in both preventing snd allevistng diseases. For this, ive very important to follow s healthy and balanced diet containing suffieient minerals, vitamins and antioxi dants. However, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, which have potential boneficil effects on reepiatory end inflammatory concitions, ‘may not always be taken in sufficient quantites with conventional diet. ‘Therefore, the importance of foods or supplements fortified with these nuteients has increased. It is particularly stated that vitamins C, D, ine (Za), selenium (Se), and magnesium (Mg) which have immuno. ‘modulatory roles (Ata! et al, 2021; Shakoor eta, 2021), and phy. fochemicals such as phenolics and carotenoids (Chojnacks, Witok Krowiak, Skrzypezak, Mikula, & Miynarz, 2020; Talukder, Bha sts, Datiaroy, Nagle, & Dasgupta, 2020) with antioxidant properties ‘have a potential role inthe treatment of infections, In terms of CP, there are curently various products in which these micro nutrients are added to the formulation. With thie strategy, by adding appropriate doses of these ingredients tothe certain Cs, positive benefits ean be achieved for the negative perception on these products. Especially, various fruit pulps, plant extracts (Anica era, 2016; De Moura etal, 2019; Kumar, 2020), and by or waste products (Atinok et al, 2020; Romo-Zamarrén cal, 2018) are added to CPs, increasing the consurser appeal and the ‘nutritional quality of the products in tems of vitamins, minerals, phe nolis, ber and protein. On the other hand, more importantly, diferent types of lozenges or pasilles (hard or soft/chewable) featuring over-the-counter medications or dietary supplements which are widely ted to daliver a variety of functional ingredient in a certain dosage including vitamins, minerals, plant antioxidants, omege-3 fatty acids, probiotic, and prebiotics, ate readily available on the market In cummary, confectionery products, which are widely consumed ell, over the world, have the potential 10 be used against various health probleme with their advantageous etuctute for the sansport and dis ‘aibution of the above mentioned bloaetive components. However, the moet important point to be considered in functional product develop rent cade is thet whether the products actually have the claimed amounts of the active ingredients. This requires aceurate dosing and precise control ofthe end product. in addition, since these products ere priced higher than other candies, the appearance and organoleptic properties of the product must be of high quality to provide aesurance and validate che price, In this respect, consideting all these factor, continuity in the confectionery industry can be achieved by designing snd producing high quality consumer eppealing product that support specific wellness needs and goals. 5. Satiation needs for hedonic hunger: texture, sensory and visual properties of sugar confectionery products It is possible to state that two different hunger phenomena sre effective in food preferences and consumption of individuals. one of them is phyziologial hunger and the other ie hedonic hunger. People who experience significant food deprivation and an acute need for cal cries are considered to be in a state of physiological hunger (E:pel- Huynh, Muratore,& Lovee, 2018). On the ether hand, hedonic hunger or plescure-based hunger eauses peopl to caneuime food wndar conditions where they donot feel “hungry” physiologically (Naughton, McCarthy, & MeCarthy, 2017). Hadonie hunger is based on the need forthe satis faction of our senses. Therefore itcan be stated that an important partof four choices in food consumption is to suppressor satisfy this hunger (Naughton, McCarthy, & MeCarthy, 2015). Significant differences can be encountered among the general motivational factors affecting the food preferences of the consumers according tothe society, age, and gender of the individuals. Food selection motivation and behavior of consumers from eountres belonging to the same geographical region can vary widely. There is on increase in consumers’ tendency to consume food depending on motivational factors such as lifestyle and ‘way of expressing themselves, being healthier, and positioning them- selves in society. On the other side, Thaichon, Jebarajakischy, Tarwu, ‘and Gajphiyeb (2018) stated thatthe eraving for consumption of some food products, especially CPs, provides eelf-conzolation, elloving for @ small escape from the routine of daily life co experience freedom and sensory properties induces addiction, turing coneumers into confer: tionery consumers and in tun inducing continued consumption. ‘Numerous foods, including CPs, are consumed preferentially, caused by hedonic hunger. So, what aze the motivation factors that lead con- sumers to this situation? In general, the acceptance or rejection of food tenttely i elated to whether it meets consumer expectations and needs (losea & Chen, 2017). As with other foods, the color (appearance), flavor (ste and aroma), texture, and nutritional value of confectionery products are critical factors for consumer acceptance and succsce of these products. However, with the changing consumer preferences, the relationship between thoce factors has also changed and hae become more complex. Consumers generally want to consume CPs to increase their mood, but they donot want to worry about excessive caovie intake during consumption of these products, and they also expect these products to support their health. In other words, while physiological hunger can be neglaced in line with motivational factors for confer tionery consumers, even HCCs, various expectations such as low calorie and funetional properties of product are aleo a prerequiita for hedonic hunger. Therefor, the development and production of a confectionery that will estisy the hedanie hunger sufficiently are very important for the consumer. In this respect, the texmure and sensory properties together with the visual quality of the end products should be consid- cred, especially in the development of functional CPs for HCCs. In general, the textures one ofthe main characteristics of foods used to describe product quality and acceptability. The addition of neve in rediente, ification or replacement of existing ones, or changes in processing conditions can result in both desirable and undesirable changes in texture (Levine & Finley, 2018). The textural properties, which are essential inthe quality, stability, and attractiveness ofthe CPs, salsa have a significant effet on the severity and duration ofthe oral process during the consumption of these products. The effects of ‘mastication intensity may facilitate the release of arome compounds fom the product matrix that con vary depending onthe texture. For this reason, itis very imporaant to optimize the textural properties and determine ther effect on che teleae of bioactive components and fl- vors. For example, it is Inown that the amount of gelling agente and sugars used in produets that have a specifi funetion on the product cexture affecting the release of aromstic compounde during chewing Boland, Delahunty, & Van Ryth, 2006; Burey, Bhandari, Rutgers, Hak ley, & Torley, 2009; Delgado & Banon, 2018; Konar,Palabiik, Toker, & Sesdie, 2010) It can be stated thet texture is also very important in sugar release. In this case the relationship between perceived sweetness level and theoretical sweetness can be modified to ensure optimum sweetener use which results in @ product with @ lover calorie value ‘The effect of gelling agents on the aroma release in gel-type candy products and the release end perception of volatile aromatic ‘rnd Fd Sine Tachnaoy 1282022) 7-88 components during mastication have been investigated in various studies (Deleris otal, 2011; Pizzoni, Compagnone, Di Natale, D'Ales ‘sno, & Pitta, 2015). The increase in the amount of hydrocolloid in the product formulation causes a increase in stucrure and a decrescein the perceived aroma. This decrease may be due to the decrease in the amount of aroma component that passes into the volatile phace ae a result of specific interactions with the product manix, andthe inerense inthe resistance of these components to diffusion from the Food tothe air phase (Pizzoni et el, 2015). Moisture value is one ofthe factors that have a very important effect on the textural properties of confectionery products. High moisture content can cause internal molecular mobility fn confectioneries and re-crystlliztion of polyols (Ergun, Listha, & Hartel, 2010), We can also mention that there Is a telationship between the moisture amount and the etabilty of the bioactive ingredients that ate intended to be used in the confectionery (omar, 201°) ‘Funetional Cs, which gains more popularity with the rising of HOCS, do not only contain various biosctive compounde with eppropriate amount and stability, but should also be “sugar-free” and/ot “lisa vie. For this reason, CPs producers and industry should consider the possible effects of the bulking agents on the textural properties, Ac cording to these possible effects, the main festutes ofthe relevant cuzar alternatives include; solubility (), relative sweemess (i, hygroscopicicy Gi, and crystallization behavior and kineties (iv). In this regard, depending on the confectionery type, hydrophilic sugar alternatives may cause undesirable changes in texture and shelf life of CPs. For instance, mannitol is a polyol sith a low calorie value, while ite comparetivaly low solubility and rapid crystallization behavior signif cantly affee the textural properties ofthe confectionery products (Gok cal, 2020), In addition, the crystallization behavior and rate of sugar alcohols, as well s their solubility properties affecc the flow and texture properties ofthe confectionery and chevablity (Da Silva ct al, 2016). Especially in soft cendics inulin is another bulking agent with potential use asa sucrose substitute (Delgado & Banon, 2018). 1m parallel with the change in consumer trends and expectations, there is also a great demand for reducing the use of expecially gelatin and arifcial colorant in confectionery procs or replacing them with ther naturel counterparts. The socio-cultural and religious attitudes and the widespread growing trend of wegan diet leo reveal the neceeity ta ‘manufacture the relevant products using plant originated stabilizers and hydrocolloids. Hence, it can be stated that this expectation may gain mare importance in CPs by effects of eonsumer evolution and therefore itis necessary to focus on studies in this study area Although the industrial demand for natural colorant is inereasing, their insufficient stability against enzymatic reaction, light, oxygen, pH, and temperature factors can result in their dagradation (Klinjapo © ‘Krassckoopt, 2018). But thanks to technological advances and im provements in the production, this Is not always the case. For example, the encapsulation technique has been vsdely weed to prevent the natural colors from being adversely affected by the produetion process. n this respect, Amjadi cea (2018) eneapeulated the betanins obtained from red beets by loading them into liceomel nenocarriers end included them inthe soft eandy formulation asa food model. the results showed that the betenin content and antioxidant activity of the encapsulated samples were at least twice that of samples containing free betanins Ordlors, Barbosa, Perilla, Osorio, and Nezareno (2019) also used bets: Jains a natural colorant: by encapeulating them with calcium alginate according tothe ion gelation method and used in soft CPs, According to the result, it was stated that encapsulated betalains exhibit a vexy vibrant red-purple image and createan important potential for the use of natural pigments inthe food industry. In another study, Malena eta. (2020) deed the mierosncapsulated red grape juice powder in the jelly candy formulation, In the study, it was determined that the conte Ldonery produced had satisfactory phytochemical snd antioxidant sc tivity and the protective effect of microencapsulation process allowed the slow release of anthocyanins from food matrices dusing simulated gastric digestion (Nthhalosa etal, 2020). The use of natural ingredientsis ls important for coated soft candies, knowm as dragee, Dragees have a shell layer on the outer surface ofthe product, which has hard, brit, or soft texture depending on the syrup composition and sugar crystals. In order to obtain a brightly colored surface, most chocolate dragees are covered with a white layer, which acts asa kind of lining. Although t+ tanium dioxide ic often teed for thie purpoee,ctarcher with different properties or ealeium carbonate cen be used as an alternative to this inorganic substance (Hubbermann, 2016). Considering all these studies, understanding how olor works in confsetionery applications wall make it easier to use natural colorants in product development studies. Especially, iis very important to choose the appropriate water soluble or fot soluble colorant according tothe candy yp that does not ease any external flavor or aroma and to ensure pigment stability uring the shelf life a wel as to prevent the cating ofthe pigment Alo, deter mining @ sultable packaging material that is sufficient to protect light sensitive colorants ie wer important. On the other hand, the cost of using some natural colors may be higher then that of synthetics, there- fore, i isnecessary to earry out reseerch and development studies in the production of = new product by taking all theee factors into consideration. 6. Using hydrocolloids by considering consumer consciousness Sugar CPs cover a wide range of candies with diferent cextural properties, primarily dus to the type and amount of hydrocolloid used (Hartel, von Ee, © HoMberger, 2018), Gelatin sone ofthe most favored gelling agents by che confectionery indusay for manufacturing diferent types of sft candies and ie the only commercislly important natural protein capable of producing clear, thetmally reversible gelsin the water close to the body temperature (Mohos, 2017). Its e natural biopolymer of animal origin with desirable properties such as good water solubility biocompatibility, low immunogenicity, plasticity, adhesiveness, pro- ‘moting call adhesion, forming transparent gels under certain conditions, significantly increasing the demand for gelatin worldwide (kim, Nim, ‘Yang, & Han, 2005). But on the other hand, a certain consumer group doesnot prefer GPs containing gelatin. This is due tothe prevalence of vegan dicts, ar well ar the negative attiude of some consumers to the suspicion chat porcine cen be found even if bovine gelatin is used in Halal and Kosher foods. However, another important problem about the use of porcine and bovine gelatin alternatives ar stabilizers in confer- tdonery produets isthe possibility of causing allegic rections in relation to the fact that a significant part of these substances is in protein structure. For example, ish originated collagen peptides can be used for this purpose in gummy candies and insome food supplements. However, ‘Abe etal (2020) recently reported a case of anaphylaxis related to fish collagen usage in gummy candy. In addition, fish collagen has been reported as an allergen in some previous studies, and ithas been stated that heat treatment increases allergic reactivity to fish collagen (Kobayashi et al, 2016). Therefore, it tums out that che proteomic characterization of protein-derived alternative stabilizers and the determination oftheir allergenicity are aleo very imporeant. In this respect, many studies have been conducted to replace gelatin, wich different gelling agents in CPs formulation from past to present, tnd very successful results have been obtained. Expecially, starch of Gerivative compounds represent an area of high interest in gelatin supplementation or replacement. Thin-oiling and high-amlose starches, starch-hyérolysis products (dextins), and cold-water swelling starches are used generally in different types of chewable candies, In addition, slow setting, high-methoxy| pectin is used in the prepatation of frultMavored acide confectionery Jellies and Is usually present at concentrations of less than 2% (Williams & Philips, 2003, pp 3001-3007). Ina creative patent, gelatin was replaced by combination of maltodextrin and wheat gluten (Van & Schusren, 2002, p. 979612). (On the other hand, agar, gum srabic, carrageenan, and gellan gum can bementloned among the various gelling and thickening agents that have been successfully adapted to soft candy production (Saha © ‘rnd Fd Sine Tachnaoy 1282022) 7-88 Bhattacharya, 2010). Another innovative approach is that certain imicroalgse species and aquafaba can be used as texture modifiers in a variety of foods, including soft candies. However, itis known that gelatinieation conditions change when the type of hyrcellotd used changes, or in other words, the gelatinization mechanism mainly de pands on the gelling agente, processing factors, and the synergistic af fects of ther components (Banerjee & Bhattacharya, 2012). Therefore, it is necessary to acknowledge the importance of creating consumer seeeptable toutes, and understanding how these textures come about, through processing and structure modification (Burey etl. 2000). Another important issue is the limited umber of studies on marshmallow technology, although it has widespread eonaumpion. In this produet group, its possible that studies on foam size stability, and rolding processes will contribute to the improvement of product quality (Gartel etal, 2018; Schieber & Gareis, 2007; Subramaniam, 2016). In addition, iti important to determine the components that can be used with gelatin and act as co stabilizers (Hartel etal, 20185 Mardani etal. 2019), 7. Adapt to changes in retail: price, design and shelf life Firaly, o significant increase in the oworld population, changing eating habits, and rising disposable income are driving the grovth ofthe slobal confectionery market. subsequently, other factors affecting the roth are; an increasing trend towards giting CPs among consumers, market players’ investments in promotional activities, advertising campaigns, and of eouree social media marketing. In this rexpect, this section teamed to make projections on new manufacturing strategies Jn confectionery products in order to protect consumer health and to ensure continuity in production ‘m recent yeats, digitllzation and is reflection on food purchasing behavior is « phenomenon affecting retail trade and therefore the food ‘market (Fig. 2). By this way, consumers are able to buy more food by raking produet comparisons with less time and effort. On the other ‘hand, thie may be a disadvantage in terme of products to be consumed for the first time, as it leads to purchasing without experiencing. Issues should be considered according to tancform and increaze of on-line purchase behaviots os following; (i) package and food structural de signs, (I) labeling and using nutritional and health claims, (iD price tiven competition increase, (iv) now opportunites of relatively small ‘produces, who sometimes find les space on the retail in conventional food retall activities, logistics costs are among the disedvantages of small-scale producers. However, with the increase in the number of online sales channele and market shares these mane facturers cen provide various advantages. In addition, HOCs can espe cially use social media channels for product search and review. These channels, on the other hand, con be used for marketing activities at lower costs than mass media, and also allow direct communication with consumers. This means that small-sale producers provide low-cost But «fective marketing opportunites. tis possible to produce CPs enriched ‘with different bioactive components with lovecapscity equipment However in large-seale enterprises, production is carted eut with high capacity systems. Therefore, small-seale CPs producers have several advantages in order to mest the different expectations of HOCs with flexible production conditions. The packaging type and design of CPs are among the factors that affect consumer expectations, Viaual aethetis, which i frequently used {in food packaging, is very important in tems of contributing to quality aswell tothe communication hereen the producer and the consumer regarding the charactristis of the product. 1n this regard, linguistie terms (text or word) and/or visual materials (colors, symbols, images, re) can be used in food packaging. In addition to boing the key com ‘ponents of the packaging style, visual materials can provide the con sumer to quickly define and categorize the product, end guide expectations. As a result of varlous studies, thas been determined that visual materials sxe perceived faster than linguistic terme end they ere ON Ci, ‘rnd Fd Sine Tachnaoy 1282022) 7-88 Sin it pecon Eyam cme Fig. 2. Comparison of conventional and online staling channels in temas of confeaionery inducny and aivanases of online retaling, smote effective in the fist interaction (Pens, tyne, Chan, Wong, 20205 smith, Barratt, & Sprensen, 2015). In addition, it has been observed that associating the design ofthe packing and cartier food ‘with the detated health effec inereases the willingness to purchase. for instance, Chines female consumers ete not only sbou overall asl benef, but also sbour possible phsleal image and sesthetes Can, ss, & Gong, 2070). Therefore, we ean say thatthe realisation of packaging designs in confectionery products considering the high cok fe perception, sensory properties, functional effects (i any), and the components inchded in the formnlaton (nach ae natal ingradient, bioactive substances), s very important in terms of eompacibiiy with digitalized retling The characteristics of the packaging material con give consumers “impli” messages about the sensory (ase, flavor, roma), hedonic (catisaction level or general quality and price) propertie ofthe foods before consuming. This oceuts through the visual propexties of the packaging materil such ar color, shape, positon, symmetry, and vol tune, For example ea result of en ntererting stay conducted by so, Misra, and Spence (2011) on chocolates containing different proportions of coc, they found thet consumers acociate th angular chapes on the packaging and angular package designs with mote bitter and hot lavors. In this segard, as rorult of various scientific cue, i bar boon revealed thet the chape and dacign ofboth food and its packaging sla can have an effect onthe perceivd and expected taste (Ci-Pees otal, 2019 Nobrega, Ares, & Deliza, 2020; Simmonds, Woods, & Spence, 2013), According to Velasco, Salgado-Montejo, Manmolejo-Raros, and Spence (2014), “sweet” tests are beter expressed by mesne of rounded packaging shapes, wineoas "sour tastes” afebetice conveyed by means Of angular shapes. Additionally, the selection of packaging colors for CPs is design clement that will bcome even more important in of-ine retailing ‘Product packegings provide a kind of “guidance” to consumers at sales points This is crieal especially forthe Gt interaction between the product and che consumer. Packaging vieuale can aft the pu chasing decision, shape the consumer expectations ofthe taste they con perceive when ung these products, and even affict the perceptions during consumption. For example, i ws stated that glossy packaging tmaterlls erates perception of food contining higher ft centent and taste (De Kerpa, Valle, Kerchave, 2020; Ye, Morsn, © Kamp, 2020), Huang, Peng, anal Wang (2021) examined the mechanism ofthis behaniotl efficr with their aye naclng erady. According to the aid, participants were cued by a flavor word before they searched fra food packaging with this favor Inbel. the participants marked «color favor Jncangrient target more slowly than a calorAavor congruent one, Not surprisingly, during purchesirg, consumers primal search and sean for color base packaging, since this percelved as an easier and more efficient “product scan” than searching for words on the packaging ‘ier the targe color is found, ema related word Is searched on the product package. If thee is a confict as « result of this earch, ‘word-based product scanning strts again. Inferring from here, the color flavor incongruerey may prolong the reaction tne of consumes ‘when purchasing confectionery products. For thisreazan, massages that ae desired o be delivered to consumers in both ditect and on-line sles an be provided bythe cesign of suitable and attractive confoctonery packaging The perception and change in consumer attitudes and behaviors cause differentiation in their preferences snd motivation factors in food choles. Healthier snacks that do not compromise thelr ase are sng trends smong consumers and thi isan important strategy adopted by companies. Accordingly, chore may bean intense interest inthe contents of the label information of confectionery p seneral source of information om thei txts ofthe product tthe pont of sae for confectionery. These labels sre generally presented into ways; tables onthe beck ofthe package or Symbols on the Bout ofthe package. Fron face ymbols ae mote easily understood by consumers due to the use of diferent colorful images. la this espect,epecaly in functional CPs, it would be a correct approach to use detailed “nutrition statements” or various font-face symbols in messages about the product composition to be presented to the con sumer. On the other hand, confectionery producers offer convenient packaging that allows consumers to eat in stall portions and store the rest for ater. (Consumers make choices under the influence of health awareness snd other motivational factors, ex. puice. For example, asa result of some statics, ithas been determined that certin consumer groups have the perception that healthy and funcional foods are more expensive than others and that they ean make purchasing decision (postive or negative) without the need to adaquataly contol the pice and label of this product end without making comparisons (Hos, Peczak, Sample, 2017). tnedton, the assoelaton ofthese features wit the taste ofthe Product is coried out by the consumers, and che perception tha che healthier one ts less tasty comes tothe fre. However, although some consumers have 8 tendency and perception of vhealthy food = more ‘xpensive food", there may be generalisation behaviors for products that they have not experienced before. Ithas been revealed asa result of scientific ctudies thet the mainstream media ie azo elfective on this behavior as well as personal experience (Lec & Yun, 2015). However, this may differ from country to county. For example, Jo and Lusk (2018) tried to determine on the basis of countries how consumers in South Kores, China, and the USA established a relationship between “healthy and functional food & caste" and “healthy and functional food {& price’ telkng into account these approaches and factors. Asa result of this emidy, it vise determined that South Korean eoncumers perceive healthier foods as more expensive foods. Nosuch findings were obtained for Chinese consumers and US consumers. In addition, Chinese con- sumers described healthier food ae tater. It has been determined that consumers in all thtee courses establish a relationship between price tnd tart, and ithas been determined that theve isa perception cha the tastier food is cheaper. although this pereeption is not as strong for South Korea as other counties, it ean be considered an important finding. In addition, it har been determined that South Korean con- sumers take nunitional and health claim information mote into consideration than consumers in other countries and ure ites @ mot vation factor in their purchasing decisions. 1nall three countries the fact thatthe product contains label information thet could potentially effect baeleh negatively affected the willingnes to purchaee, ‘The confectionery market is dominated by multi-national producers. Those manufacturers generally carry out their production activities in certain regional enterprises and supply the whole global market from these locations. Therefore, ane ofthe issues to be taken into consider- ation in confectionery technology is the logistic activites from the production area to the retails, On the other hand, the number of “anxious” and “conscious” consumers has increased all over the world (Gomes et al, 2020; Manzano eal, 2020), With this framework, itcan be said that one ofthe factors thet shouldbe taken into account interme ofboth consumers and retail logistics isthe improvement of the shelf life of confectionery products. In this way, the impact of environmental expccures that the product will sulfer before reeching the consumer can beminimized. Ths wil positively affet the retail logistics activities. For example, considering the average temperature, humidiry, and rainfall conditions of regions with dense populations such as Southeast Asia, and considering that midland emall-poducare may alse have insufhcient stocking and conditions it can be stated that the improvement of shelf life of the products is important when these products are expottad to these regions. actors affeting the shel life of CPs vary significantly depending on the typeof product. However, in all CPs especially the changes in the moisture content have a sharp effect on the quality properties. Accord- ing tothe producttype, hard candies have very lov moisture (2-53) and ‘eater activity (0.25-0.40), while the moisture content and water ac. LUvey of various chewable soft candies can vary berween 6 and 22% and 0.45-0.75, respectively (Ergun etal, 2010). Changes inthe amount of ‘moisture in these products can cause important quality problems such as recryetalization, development or acceleration of rancicity, chewabiliry dferences, shaping problems, and vatious textural production defects, such as excessive adheslveness, hardness or softness (aurey etal, 2009). Therefore, it may be edvantageous to use alternative ingredients that reduce the amount of water used in the formulation by showing high affinity to moisnre, and also to reduce calories axa suger subsrtute by scting aca bulking agent. Another approach in this context ie the = lection and optimization of using the level of stabilizes, gelling agents, sand other preservative food additv Purthermore, studies on packaging technology are ineluded within, the scope of efforts to improve the shelf life of confectionery products. For this purpose, approaches such as the use of smart packaging, the selection of suitable packaging material, and the modifieation of the packaging atmosphere are emphasized (Alizadeh Sani, Molammadian, him, & Jafar, 2020, Mohammadian, Alizadeh-Sant, & Jafri, 2020) in addition to all these, one of the strategies that can be used both to respond to the health concerns of consumers and improve shel lif isto ‘rnd Fd Sine Tachnaoy 1282022) 7-88 benefit from the multi-functional affects of the bioactive ingredients planned tobe used in the product formulation. It may be advantageous to select these bioactive ingredients in such a way that their prominent antioxidant and antimicrobial activity properties also provide an ‘mprovement inthe shelf le ofthe products, 8. Conclusion ‘The number of health conscious consumers (HHOCé) ie increasing all, cover the world. These consumers are fiom different socio-economic fans groupe, but they have similar characteristic in their food pref ferences, Some ales have conceme cbout surtainabilty and the envi ronment. HCCS are in seatch of low-ealarie foods rich in bioactive components, in which plant originated foods are more prefered. How- ever, conventional confectionery products (CPs) are high-calorie foods that contain a significant amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, low cal cris and/or sugar-free confectionery products should be developed primarily for this eonsumer group. Enrichment of the products to be developed with bioactive components that especially support the im- ‘mune and gastrointestinal systems may increase the satisfaction level of HHCCé. For this sim, it has been determined as a result of various studies that bioactive components euch az probiotic, vitamins, heel extract, polyunsaturated fatty acids can be used. However, in products consumed for plearure, such ar sugar CP, quality characteristis are also of great importance, For this teason, besides in vio and in viv bioactive compounds biosccesbiliy and bioavailability studies, especially physico-chemical, texture and sensory analysis should be carried out Because although HOCs expect healti-supporting confectionery prod= vets, the hedonic hunger of these consumers should also be satisfied. Additionally, natural colorants should be used for the modifiation of the visual characteristics, which is one of che basic quality parameters. However, product development studies that ean only meet these ex [pectatons are not enough to reach HCCs. At the same time, it is ‘necessary to adopt to the changing market and marketing conditions. ‘Among the prominent features of this change is especially on-line retailing. It chould be kept im mind that consumer: prefer some prod- vets that they have not experienced before, based on packaging design, label information, and health claims. These developments and changer also provide some opportunity to small-scale confectionery manufac turers. In addition to lower matketing cost, itis possible to supply. products with bioactive componente that will meet the expectations of HCCs. Generally, the ability of confectionery producers and researchers to produce accurate responses to the expectations and damands of HCC in confectionery products is critical for the consumption levels of these products im the inure Author statement ‘Nevaat Konar: Conceptualiztion, Writing - original draft. Recep (Gunes: Conceptuslization, Writing - ariginal draft brahim Palabiyil Conceptualization, Writing - original draft. Omer Said Toker: Concep- twalizaton, Waiting - original dra. References Aur S, Da JK mal T Wabi M. 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