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ANSl/AWWA C105/A21.

(Revision of ANSl/AWWA C105/A21.5-05)

American Water Works


The Authoritative Resource on Safe Water"

AWWA Standard

Encasernent for
Pipe Systems

::;:'.:' Since 1881

Effective date: Oct. 1, 2010.

First edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors in 1972.
This edition approved June 20, 2010.
Approved by American National Standards lnstitute July 15, 2010.

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AWWA Standatd
This document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. lt is net a specification. AWWA standards describe
minimum requirements and do not contain all of the engineering and administrative information normally contained in specifi-
cations. The AWWA standards usually contain options that must be evaluated by the user of the standard. Until each optional
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the product described will provide satisfactory service. When AWWA revises or withdraws this standard, an official notice of
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Copyright © 2010 by American Water Works Association

Printed in USA



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that tensile strength was nearly constant and that elongation was only slighdy affected
during a seven-year test period. BUREC's accelerated soil-burial testing (acceleration
estimated to be 5 to 10 times that of field conditions) shows polyethylene to be highly
resistant to bacteriological deterioration.
II.B. Type ofMaterial. The materials described in this standard are a linear low-
density polyethylene film and a high-density cross-laminated film. A low-density film
was used in the initial research and testing of polyethylene encasernent to protect ductile-
iron and gray-iron pipe from corrosion. The current materials provide the same degree
of protection as the low-density film and are stronger and more damage resistant. Other
types of polymeric material are also available that may provide equally suitable protection.
II.C. Exposure to Sunlight. Prolonged exposure to sunlight will eventually
deteriorate polyethylene film. Although the film is required to contain not less
than 2 percent carbon black or 2 percent of a hindered-amine ultraviolet inhibitor,
exposure of wrapped pipe should be kept to a minimum.
11.D. Copper Service Connections. The direct connection of copper services
to ductile- and gray-iron pipelines has historically been a common practice in the
waterworks industry. To minimize the possibility of bimetallic corrosion, service
lines of dissimilar metals and the attendant corporation stop should be wrapped with
polyethylene or a suitable dielectric tape for a minimum clear distance of 3 ft (0.9 m)
from the main (Sec. 4.4.7).
In addition, the grounding of household electrical services to the copper water ser-
vice line may also result in stray current corrosion of the copper service or the ductile-
iron or gray-iron main. AWWA policy opposes the grounding of electrical systems to
pipe systems conveying drinking water to a customer's premises. AWWA further states
that interior piping systems may be connected to an electrical service neutral and to a
separate grounding electrode, provided these systems are dectrically insulated from the
water utility's pipe system. To minimize the possibility of stray-current corrosion on
the ductile-iron or gray-iron main, electrical insulating couplings should be installed
at the water main.
III. Use of This Standard. lt is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA
standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use
in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. The following items should be
provided by the purchaser:
1. Standard used, that is, ANSI/AWWA Cl05/A21.5, Standard for Polyethylene
Encasernent for Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems, of latest revision.

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ANSl/AWWA C105/A21.5-10
(Revision of ANSl/AWWA C105/A21.5-05)

American Water Works

AWWA Standard

Polyethylene Encasement for

Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems


Sec. 1.1 Scope

This standard describes materials and installation procedures for polyethylene
encasernent to be applied to underground installations of ductile-iron pipe. This
standard also may be used for polyethylene encasernent of fittings, valves, and
other appurtenances to ductile-iron pipe systems.

Sec. 1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum requirements for
polyethylene sheet and tubes to be used for external corrosion protection of buried
ductile-iron pipe, fittings, and appurtenances.

Sec. 1.3 Application

This standard or sections of this standard can be referenced in documents for
the purchasing and installation of polyethylene sheet or tubes for corrosion protec-
tion of buried ductile-iron pipe, fittings, and appurtenances.


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— AWWA C105/A21.5-10

intended to be a completely airtight or watertight enclosure. Lumps of clay, mud,

cinders, etc., on the pipe surface shall be removed prior to installation of the poly-
ethylene encasernent. Durîng installation, soil or embedment material shall not be
trapped between the pipe and the polyethylene.
The polyethylene film shall be fitted to the contour of the pipe creating a
snug, but not tight, encasernent with minimum space between the polyethylene
and the pipe. Sufficient slack. shall be provided in contouring to prevent stretching
the polyethylene where it bridges irregular surfaces, such as bell-spigot interfaces,
bolted joints, or fittings, and to prevent damage to the polyethylene caused by
backfilling operations. Overlaps and ends shall be secured with adhesive tape or
plastic tie straps.
For installations below the water table or in areas subject to tidal actions,
tube-form polyethylene should be used with both ends thoroughly sealed with
adhesive tape or plastic tie straps at the joint overlap.
Also, circumferential wraps of tape should be placed at 2-ft (0.6-m) intervals
along the barrel of the pipe to minimize the space between the polyethylene and
the pipe.
4.4.2 Polyethylene installers. The polyethylene encasernent shall be
installed by personnel trained or experîenced in the proper application of the
encasernent as described in this standard. At all times during construction of the
pipeline, precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to the encasernent film.
4.4.3 Methods of installation. This standard includes three methods of
installation of polyethylene encasernent on pipe. Methods A and B are for use with
polyethylene tubes, and method C is for use with polyethylene sheets. Method A (refer to Figure 1). Cut polyethylene tube to a length
approximately 2 ft (0.6 m) longer than the pipe section. Slip the tube around the
pipe, centering it to provide a 12-in. (305-mm) overlap on each adjacent pipe sec-
tion and bunching it accordion-fashion lengthwise until it clears the pipe ends.
Lower the pipe into the trench and make up the pipe joint with the preceding
section of pipe. A shallow bdl hole must be made at the joints to facilitate installa-
tion of the polyethylene tube.
After assembling the pipe joint, make the overlap of the polyethylene tube.
Pull the bunched polyethylene from the preceding length of pipe, slip it over the
end of the new length of pipe, and secure it in place. Slip the end of the polyeth-
ylene from the new pipe section over the end of the first wrap until it overlaps the
joint at the end of the preceding length of pipe. Secure the overlap in place. T ake

One length of polyethylene tube for each length of pipe, overlapped at joint.

Figure 1 Installation method A

Take up the slack in the tube to make a snug but not tight fit. Fold the excess back over the top of the
pipe, securing the fold at the quarter points along the length of the pipe.

Figure 2 Slack-reduction procedure for installation methods A and B

up the slack width at the top of the pipe as shown in Figure 2 to make a snug but
not tight fit along the barrel of the pipe, securing the fold at quarter points.
Cuts, tears, punctures, or other damage to the polyethylene shall be repaired
as described in Sec. 4.4.6. Proceed with the installation of the next section of pipe
in the same manner. Method B (refer to Figure 3). Cut polyethylene tube to a length
approximately 12 in. (305 mm) shorter than that of the pipe section. Slip the tube
around the pipe, centering it to provide 6 in. (150 mm) of bare pipe at each end.
Take up the slack width at the top of the pipe as shown in Figure 2 to make a snug
but not tight fit along the barrel of the pipe, securing the fold at quarter points.
Secure the ends as described in Sec. 4.4.1.
Before making up a joint, slip a 3-ft (0.9-m) length of polyethylene tube over
the end of the preceding pipe section, bunching it accordion-fashion lengthwise.
Alternatively, place a 3-ft (0.9-m) length of polyethylene sheet in the trench under
the joint to be made. After completing the joint, pull the 3-ft (0.9-m) length of
• AWWA C105/A21.5-10

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Saparate pieces of polyethylene tube for barrel of pipe and polyethylene tube or sheet for joints. The
polyethylene over joints overlaps tube encasing barrel. (Method B is not recommended for bolted-type
joints unless an additional layer of polyethylene is provided over the joint area as in methods A and C.)

Figure 3 Installation method B

12-in. (305-mm) Minimum

Pipe completely wrapped with fiat polyethylene sheet.

Figure 4 Installation method C

polyethylene over or around the joint, overlapping the polyethylene previously

installed on each adjacent section of pipe by at least 12 in. (305 mm). Make each
end snug and secure as described in Sec. 4.4.1. A shallow bell hole is necessary and
shall be made at joints to facilitate the installation of the polyethylene tube or sheet.
Cuts, tears, punctures, or other damage to the polyethylene shall be repaired
as described in Sec. 4.4.6. Proceed with installation of the next section of pipe in
the same manner. Method C (refer to Figure 4). Cut polyethylene sheet to a length
approximately 2 ft (0.6 m) longer than that of the pipe section. Center the eut
length to provide a 12-in. (305-mm) overlap on each adjacent pipe section, bunch-
ing it until it clears the pipe ends. Wrap the polyethylene around the pipe so that
it circumferentially overlaps the top quadrant of the pipe. Secure the eut edge of
polyethylene sheet at intervals of approximately 3 ft (0.9 m).

Lower the wrapped pipe into the trench and make up the pipe joint with the
preceding section of pipe. A shallow bell hole is necessary and shall be made at the
joints to facilitate installation of the polyethylene. After completing the joint, make
the overlap and secure the ends as described in Sec. 4.4.1.
Cuts, tears, punctures, or other damage to the polyethylene shall be repaired
as described in Sec. 4.4.6. Proceed with installation of the next section of pipe in
the same manner.
4.4.4 Pipe-shaped appurtenances. Bends, reducers, offsets, and other pipe-
shaped appurtenances shall be covered with polyethylene in the same manner as
the pipe.
4.4.5 Odd-shaped appurtenances. When it is not practical to wrap valves,
tees, crosses, and other odd-shaped pieces in a tube, wrap with a Hat sheet or split
length of polyethylene tube by passing the sheet under the appurtenance and
bringing the sheet around the body. Make seams by bringing the edges of the poly-
ethylene sheet together, folding them over twice, and taping them. Handle width
and overlaps at joints as described in Sec. Tape the polyethylene securely in
place at the valve stem and other penetrations.
4.4.6 Repairs. Repair cuts, tears, punctures, or damage to polyethylene
with adhesive tape or with a short length of polyethylene sheet, or with a tube eut
open, wrapped around the pipe to cover the damaged area, and secured in place.
4.4.7 Openings in encasement. Provide openings for branches, service taps,
blowoffs, air valves, and similar appurtenances by cutting an 'X' in the polyethyl-
ene and temporarily folding back the film. After the appurtenance is installed, tape
the slack securely to the appurtenance, and repair the eut and any other damaged
areas in the polyethylene with tape. Direct service taps may also be made through
the polyethylene, with any resulting damaged areas being repaired as described
previously. To make direct service taps, apply two or three wraps of adhesive tape
completely around the polyethylene-encased pipe to cover the area where the tap-
ping machine and chain will be mounted. This method minimizes possible dam-
age to the polyethylene during the direct-tapping procedure. After the tapping
machine is mounted, the corporation stop is installed directly through the tape
and polyethylene as shown in Figure 5. This method is very effective in eliminat-
ing damage to the polyethylene encasernent caused by the tapping machine and
chain during the tapping operation. After the direct tap is completed, the entire
circumferential area shall be closely inspected for damage and repaired if needed.
10 AWWA C105/A21.5-10

Figure 5 Preferred method for making direct service taps on polyethylene-encased iron pipe

4.4.8 junctions between wrapped and unwrapped pipe. Where polyethyl-

ene-wrapped pipe joins an adjacent pipe that is not wrapped, extend the polyethyl-
ene wrap to caver the adjacent pipe for a distance of at least 3 ft (0.9 m). Secure the
end with circumferential turns of adhesive tape.
Service lines of dissimilar metals shall be wrapped with polyethylene or a
suitable dielectric tape for a minimum clear distance of 3 ft (0.9 m) away from the
ductile-iron pipe.
4.4.9 Back.fil/ for polyethylene-wrapped pipe. Use the same backfill mate-
rial as that specified for pipe without polyethylene wrap, exercising care to prevent
damage to the polyethylene wrapping when placing backfill. Backfill material shall
be free from cinders, refuse, boulders, rocks, stones, or other material that could
damage the polyethylene. In general, backfilling practice should be in accordance
with ANSl/AWWA C600.


Sec. 5.1 Inspection and Affidavit of Compliance

5.1.1 Quality control and inspection. The manufacturer of polyethylene
film for corrosion protection encasernent of ductile-iron pipe systems shall have
a documented Quality Control System or a current compliance certificate from

an accredited Quality Auditing organization to assure that it complies with all

requirements of this standard. The film manufacturer and/or the film distributor
shall maintain accessible quality records for a minimum period of one year from
the date of manufacture. In lieu of the above records, the manufacturer may elect
to test a customer-selected film sample, provided that proof of manufacturer and
the date of manufacture (DOM) are verifiable to the sample.
5.1.2 Affidavit ofcompliance. The purchaser may require a signed affidavit
by an officer representing the polyethylene film manufacturer that the film meets
the inspection and all applicable material requirements of Sec. 4.1. The manufac-
turer's statement of compliance with this standard and use of similar statements on
packaging or promotional material must be verifiable as required under Sec. 5.1.1.
Statements from suppliers shall not be accepted in lieu of a statement from the
original manufacturer of the polyethylene film.
5.1.3 Freedom from defects. Polyethylene film to be manufactured and
used in accordance with this standard shall not be made from recycled materials
and shall be clean, sound, and without defects.


This standard has no applicable information for this section.

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14 AWWA C105/A21.5-10

2. pH (see A.1.2).
3. Oxidation-reduction (redox) potential (see A.1.3).
4. Sulfides (see A.1.4).
a. Azide (qualitative)
5. Moisture content (relative) (see A.1.5).
a. Prevalence
6. Sail description (see A.1.6).
a. Particle size
b. Uniformity
c. Type
d. Color
7. Potential stray direct current (see A.1.7).
a. Nearby cathodic-protection-utilizing rectifiers
b. Railroads (electric)
c. Industrial equipment, including welding equipment
d. Mine transportation equipment
8. Experience with existing installations in the area (see A.1.8).
A.1.1 Earth resistivity. There are three methods for determining earth re-
sistivity: four-pin, single-probe, and soil-box. In the field, a four-pin determination
should be made with pins spaced at approximate pipe depth. This method yields
an average of resistivity from the surface to a depth equal to pin spacing. However,
results are sometimes difficult to interpret where dry topsoil is underlain with wet-
ter soils and where soil types vary with depth. The Wenner configuration is used
with a soil-resistance meter, which is available with varying ranges of resistance.
For all-around use, a meter with a capacity of up to 104 ohms is suggested, because
it permits bath field and laboratory testing of most soils.
Because of this difficulty in interpretation, the same meter may be used with
a single probe that yields resistivity at the point of the probe. A boring is made into
the subsoil allowing the probe to be pushed into the soil at the desired depth.
Because the soil may not typically be wet, a sample should be removed for
saturated resistivity determination. This may be accomplished with a laboratory
unit that permits the introduction ofwater to saturation, therefore simulating satu-
rated field conditions. The unit is used in conjunction with a soil-resistance meter.
The interpretation of the results of resistivity measurements is extremely im-
portant. A determination based on a four-pin reading with dry topsoil averaged with
wetter subsoil would probably be inaccurate. Only by determining the resistivity

in soil at pipe depth can an accurate interpretation be made. Also, the local situa-
tion should be determined concerning groundwater table, the presence of shallow
groundwater, and the approximate percentage of time the soil is likely to be water
With ductile-iron pipe, corrosion protection provided by products of cor-
rosion is enhanced if there are dry perîods during each year. Dry periods seem to
permit hardening, or toughening, of the corrosion scale or products, which become
impervious and serve as better insulators.
In making field determinations of resîstivity, temperature is important. Resis-
tivity increases as the temperature decreases. As the water in the soil approaches freez-
ing, resistivity increases greatly and, therefore, is not reliable. Field determinations
under frozen soil conditions should be avoided. Reliable results under these condi-
tions can be obtained only by the collection of suitable subsoil samples for analysis in
laboratory conditions at a proper temperature.
lnterpretation of resistivity data. Because of the wide variance in results ob-
tained using the methods described, it is difficult to interpret any single reading
without knowîng which method was used to obtain the reading. The interpreta-
tion should be based on the lowest reading obtained, with consideration to other
conditions, such as typical moisture content of the soil. Because of the lack of exact
correlation between experiences and resîstivity, it is necessary to assign ranges of
resistivity rather than specifi.c numbers. Table A.1 shows the points assigned to
various ranges of resistivity. These points, when considered along with points as-
signed to other soil characterîstics (also shown in Table A.l), are significant.
A.1.2 pH In the pH range of 0.0 to 4.0, soils indicate acid conditions that
are often associated with high rates of corrosion. In the pH range of 6.5 to 7.5, soil
conditions are optimum for sulfate reduction. In the pH range of 8.5 to 14.0, soils
are generally hîgh in dissolved salts, yielding a low soil resistivity.
In testing pH, a combination pH electrode is pushed into the soil sample,
and a direct reading is made, following suitable temperature setting on the instru-
ment. Normal procedures are followed for standardization.
A.1.3 Oxidation-reduction (redox) potential. The redox potential of a soil
is significant, because the most common sulfate-reducing bacteria can live only
in anaerobic conditions. A redox potential greater than +100 mV demonstrates
that the soil is sufficiently aerated, preventing sulfate reducers from forming. Po-
tentials of 0 to +100 mV may or may not indicate anaerobic conditions; however,
a negative redox potential definitely indicates the anaerobic conditions in which


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the greatest good of people and the environment.

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