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The poem's title is I am ME, and its author is Ken Nwadiogbu.

The author's

goal in writing this poem is to express himself and share his thoughts and

experiences in life. He applies metaphor terminology in his figures of

speech. Here's an example from one of the poem's stanzas: "I'm the

megaphone of my world," which is utilized as a metaphor. The author

compares himself to a megaphone whereas he showcases a thing or

activity in a way that isn't literal. The author is happy to speak or share his

thoughts about himself, as indicated in the expression he used in this


by Ken Nwadiogbu |
Categories: people, metaphor,
I am ME
The only one of my kind
The undisputed champion
I'm the one you need find
If you're not gazing for presumption

I'm the megaphone of my world

The gateway to success
The daredevil of love
The pioneer of my Highness

The panoramic view of paradise

Exalted the beauty of black
A paradigm of high class
Dominate like a spark

I am the synecdoche of mighty

The metaphor of wonder
The personification of Christianity
And simile of thunder

I am Kenechukwu Nwadiogbu A.K.A Kbillion

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