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Bad and Innocent

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by DoNotAsk

 Dedicated to francescanicole88
"Hi!" Kyungsoo greeted his new seatmate.
"Hey." The latter greeted back shyly.
"I'm Do Kyungsoo, you are?"
"Kim... Jongin."
"Oooh. You're so silent Jongin." Kyungsoo chuckled.
"Mr. Do, Mr. Kim mind if you share your topic with us? WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS!" The
teacher yelled.
"I'm sorry teacher!" Kyungsoo said but he's still smiling.

Kyungsoo is the transfer student and he's been in that school for a week but he just met this guy,
Kim Jongin. He's absent for the past days.

"Let's eat lunch together." Jongin read the words scrabbled in the paper Kyungsoo thrown at
him. He looked at Kyungsoo and the latter's smiling brightly taking down notes. This made
Jongin's heart beat fast.

The bell rang, it's lunch break. Jongin's going to stand up and walk out when he felt someone
held his arm, it's Kyungsoo. "Let's go." He said smiling.

Kyungsoo became quiet popular in just a week because he's totally a cutie and definitely super
adorable in everyone's eyes. He had so much friends immediately too. 99% of the students they
run to greeted him.

Jongin on the other hand was being glared at. All of the students see him as a nerd, a creepy one
for he's so quiet and that long bangs making worse add that he's always alone. He's used to it but
Kyungsoo's gonna change it.3

"Hey I'm gonna go to the library." Jongin excused.

"What? No. We'll eat lunch together right?"Kyungsoo pouted.
"B-but there's someone who's worth being with you, not me so I'll jut go away." Jongin said.
"Wow. That sounded like a break up line."Kyungsoo giggled.
"H-huh? I'm so sorry." Kai bowed.
"Hey don't do that. I'm just teasing you. If you're worried about their looks or something at
you, please don't be. I really got this feeling of wanting you beside me and be my friend so
please?" Kyungsoo pleaded.
"B-but-" Jongin was cut off when Kyungsoo smirked and shouted, "NO! Don't break up with
me! I love you!" And the smaller hugged him while he blushed.3

They heard gasps and whisphers. All eyes are at them, all shocked. Then there's silence. Crickets
could be heard. Their jaw dropped when Kyungsoo speak again, "Don't leave me Jonginnie
jagi."Jongin blushed harder at this.
"Hey! Don't you dare leave him or you'll get it."One of the students said cracking his knuckles.
"Yeah! The cutie loves you so you better take him seriously nerd!" Another one shouted.
"O-ok. I won't." Jongin gulped.

It ended with everyone cheering, Jongin in cold sweats and Kyungsoo smiled happily.
The two are now at the rooftop eating their bought lunch.2

"Why did you do that?" Jongin asked.

"So they'll stop looking down at you?"Kyungsoo more like asked too.
"B-but well..."
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Kyungsoo suddenly asked. Jongin choked on his food
after hearing that. Kyungsoo chuckled and gave Jongin water.
"Thanks." Jongin said after drinking.
"Anytime. So... you're answer?" Kyungsoo giggled.
"Hmm. As for me, I believe in it. It happened to me." Kyungsoo smiled.
"Then why did you do that back there when you love somebody else?" Jongin asked.
"I didn't know your that slow baby. You're the one I've fallen for. I love you the first time I
saw you." Kyungsoo confessed.
"M-me?! How come? We don't know anything about each other and-"
"YOU don't know anything about ME. I've been stalking you for 2 years already." Kyungsoo
"Stalk? You? Me? What?!" Jongin don't know how to understand this.
"Ok. Last two years I'm at a bookstore and you're there too. I felt my cheeks burned when I
saw you reading seriously. That's love at first sight." Kyungsoo said.
"No I think's that's not me. I'm not going in a bookstore." Jongin defended.
"Oh come on Mr. Denial, it's you. I followed you to your house and saw your family name
and search for you. I even waited this moment to transfer in your school. I've learned
everything about you." Kyungsoo said proudly.
"No, you haven't. All people have secrets and don't you think you're invading my
privacy?"Jongin asked a little mad.4

Kyungsoo's smile faded. He's about to cry. Did I forget to tell you that Kyungsoo can be a brat at
times, especially when he really wants to get something?

"I just really love you so much." Kyungsoo starts to sniff.

"H-hey! Don't cry. Oh jeez, plase don't cry."Jongin panicked.
"Then let me love you and make us official."Kyungsoo said.
"What?! But-" But Kyungsoo started to cry out loud. Jongin facepalm and gives in, "Fine. We'll
be official."
"Really? Yehet!~" Kyungsoo cheered as if he didn't cry a while ago, he hugged Jongin who
suddenly felt so weak.
Months passed and Kyungsoo still clings to Jongin. The owl boy really love Jongin. The tan boy's
starting to feel the same way but as he said, everyone got their own little secret. 4

"K-kyungsoo." Jongin called out.

"We've been dating for months and you're still stuttering my name. How cute~" Kyungsoo
"Aish." Jongin can't help but pout secretly.
"Hey I saw that! You pouted! Kyeopta!"Kyungsoo squealed.
"Kyungsoo." Jongin is getting shy at Kyungsoo's words and also he feels butterfies again.
"Ok. Ok. So what is it?" Kyungsoo asked.
"Uhh... nothing." Jongin laughed awkwardly.
"If you say so." Kyungsoo smiled.

He always smile, he's always happy. Jongin's glad tho. It makes him happy also. He's really falling
for the latter. But what if he's just playing with me? Did someone really gonna fall for me? What if
he found out my secret? I'm sure he'll find me wierd and leave me. I can't let that happen. He can
be hurt also. Should I break it off? Can I? This thoughts of Jongin was cut when Kyungsoo speak.

"I love you Jonginnie." Jongin was startled yet out of his conciousness he answered, "I love you
too Kyungie."
Kyungsoo's eyes widened, wider as before as he heard it. He jumps out of joy and hugged Jongin
tightly. Jongin on the other hand became shy all of a sudden when he realised what he just said
but smiled at seeing his Kyungsoo so happy and hugged back the smaller.

"Let's make love." Kyungsoo suddenly said.

"WHAT?!" Jongin burst out all flushed in red.
"Just kidding, we'll do it when you're ready. You'll top tho. Anyway, can... can we
kiss?"Kyungsoo asked.
"Yes." Jongin smiled before pulling Kyungsoo closer for a kiss.7

It was a long yet sweet kiss. A kiss full of love and passion for each other.

"I love you." They both said as their lips parted. They both smiled and looked at the sun set.
Their at the beach waiting for it.
Not all secrets are being burried with the person.

Kyungsoo's dead worried when Jongin didn't came to school today without an excuse letter.

"You're making me dizzy for Pete's sake!" His cousin Baekhyun glared at him as he walks back
and forth in his living room.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to. Jongin didn't go to school today. I'm worried." Kyungsoo said then
sit beside his cousin who's cuddled in Chanyeol's (Baek's boyfie) arm.
"Why don't go to his house?" Asked his another cousin Luhan who's drinking bubbletea with his
boyfriend Sehun.
"Good idea! I'll go there and you four will mess up my house, NO!" Kyungsoo gave them a flat
"You pick your house over Jongin? That's cruel." Sehun said.
"No! What I'm saying is leave my house now so I can leave too." Kyungsoo said so harshly.
"Aw. You're really don't trust us do you?" Baek gasped offended.
"The last time I trust you my house, you nearly burn it so NO." Kyungsoo retorted.
"That won't happen again dear. Now go. We'll watch a movie." Sassy Baek said.
"Fine! Just don't burn my house or I'll rip off your skin." Kyungsoo said and run outside.
"Now, Channie and I will use the guestroom to do some hot business." Baekhyun said
"Fine by me, I wanna experience bath s*x this time. Come on Sehunnie." Then Luhan pulled
Sehun to the large bath room.3

(DNA/N: I really laughed at this part. Using Kyung's house for this. Horny Baek and Luhan. Lol!) 1
Kyungsoo on the other hand knocked on Jongin's front door. It's his first time going in if ever. He
knocked again but no response. Again but still the same. He decided to turn the knob and it
wasn't locked. He entered and saw a manly house with Jongin's scent everywhere.

He walked inside to the kitchen. He was stunned seeing a sexy tanned back facing him. Is that
Jongin's back? He didn't move a muscle he almost drooled as he stared at that sexy back, he's
shirtless tho, he's only wearing a sweat pants and a towel hanging on his broad sexy shoulder.
Kyungsoo's still cheking Jongin out that he didn't realise that the younger already turned around
and face him. He only knew that he's now staring at Kai's sexy hard chest and sexy packs of abs.
Yes, all of it is sexy. My Jongin's so sexy! Kyungsoo screamed in his mind. Then his eyes went up to
see Jongin's face. His eyes widened and it hit him, it's his first time staring at Jongin's eyes,
special thanks to his long bangs but now his wet hair is styled upwards which made the younger
look sexier. Jongin's so handsome, I'm right picking him as mine he's cute the first time I saw him
till this day but right now, he's damn so handsome and sexy! Kyungsoo thought. 4

"Kyungsoo?" Is it only me or Jongin's voice sounded so sexy when he called me? Kyungsoo
gulped before he answered, "yeah?"
"Oh so it's you. Nice to meet you." Then Jongin winked.
"H-huh? Nice to meet me? What the hell Jongin? We've been dating and all." Kyungsoo can't
help but sounded hurt.
"Hm. So that ass didn't tell you yet. I'm may not be Jongin but I'm Kai." The said Kai smirked.
"What?! Kai? Who are you? Where's my Jongin?" Kyungsoo asked.
"Ooooh. My Jongin? How cute of you babe." In a swift move Kai was at Kyungsoo's side holding
the smaller's waist.
"H-hey. Let go of me. Tell me where's Jongin!"Kyungsoo said.

Kai laughed. "Fine. I'll show you." Then he brought Kyungsoo in front of a mirror, he's standing
behind Kyungsoo. The smaller looks confused. "What's this?" Kyungsoo almost whisphered.
"There's Jongin. Hi Jongin! I'm with ourboyfriend. He's really a cute one." Kai said waving at
the mirror with a smirk plastered on his face.
"What the heck are you doing Kai?!" Kyungsoo exclaimed. He's really confused right now.
"Hey Jongin, I'll explain everything to him? Mkay. Stay there." Kai said like a mad man at the

Kai lead Kyungsoo to the living room, make him sit beside him and he put his arms around the
smaller's shoulder.
"First, don't freak out. I'm gonna rape you if you do. I'm serious. Second, listen carefully for
Jongin is now nervous if you'll understand or not. Lastly, do understand everything I'll say
so your questions will be answered. Get it?" Kai said as he played on Kyungsoo's hair.
Kyungsoo gulped before nodding.
"Good. So here it is. To tell you the truth I'm Kai and I'm also Jongin. I liked the nickname
Kai more, it's given by umma tho. By the way-"
"STOP!" Kyungsoo cutted Kai's words.
"Hm? Why?" Kai asked.
"Where the heck is your hands going?"Kyungsoo glared at Kai then to Kai's hand who's now
holding on his upper tight too close to his buddy down there.
"I'm out of here." Kyungsoo stood up.
"Wait! Here, go to this address and asked for an information. I'm just lazy to explain. I'm
more energetic in bed." Then Kai winked that gave chills on Kyungsoo's spine.5

Kai walked him to the door. He called a taxi and before he closed the door he heard Kai
shouted, "What a gorgeous ass babe! Love you!"2

Kyungsoo blushed madly but he's also mad at Jongin for hiding something like this to him.

The next day, Jongin's back to school. Jongin, not Kai and Kyungoo's ignoring him. Jongin
accepted it tho. He knows it's his fault anyway.

Weeks passed and they're still in that situation. The both of them is missing each other more day
by day.

"Ok! I'll go." Kyungsoo suddenly stood up. The ChanBaek and HunHan got startled by him with
that action.
"What are you saying?" Luhan asked.
"None of your business. Now I'll leave you this house again and please /deep breathe/ don't
have s*x everywhere and if you really can't stop yourselves please learn to clean your
mess."Then Kyungsoo shut the door leaving the couples laughing.
"He really needs to get laid." Baekhyun said that made them laugh more.
"Welcome! What's your order sir?" A woman in the counter asked Kyungsoo. He didn't know
that the address Kai gave him is a cafe.
"Uhh, one iced americano please." Kyungsoo smiled.
"Coming right up." The girl said as he work on her monitor.
"Uhm may I asked who's the owner of this cafe?" Kyungsoo asked unsure.
"Yes. It's me." The girl said and Kyungsoo's lips formed an 'o'.
"I need to talk to you."
"I'm Kim Jongmi. What do you need?" She beamed a smile.
"Kim? Are you somewhat related to Kim Jongin? I'm Do Kyungsoo by the way."
"Yup. He's my brother. You his friend? Oh gosh! Finally he got his friend!" Jongmi's eyes
twinkled. Kyungsoo now remembered Jongin told him he have a big sister.
"Well actually... I'm his boyfriend." Kyungsoo blushed. Jongmi's eyes widened then squealed
earning looks from the cotumers. She then apologised.
"You're really his boyfie? Kyah!~" Jongmi cooed.
"Yeah." Kyungsoo blushed more. He just met his boyfriend's sister!
"Ask me anything then." Jongmi gave him a meaningful smile.
"Uhm... i-it's about Jongin, of course and... Kai." Kyungsoo said.
"Oh so you met Kai." Jongmi smiled.
"Yes, I'm still confused right now." Kyungsoo admitted.
"I can see that." Jongmi nodded.
"Are they twins?" Kuungsoo asked. Jongmi giggled.
"Nope. Let me explain. You see, Jongin is an introvert kid. He's a child who grow up inside
the house. He got shy easily in front of people and he always thought that they are always
judging him so he's afraid. Because of this an imaginary friend made it's way to his life. Kai's
Jongin's nickname but he thought it doesn't suit him since he's always shy so he named it to
his imaginary friend. Mom found out and brought him to a psychiatrist to check him. They
did theraphy but it got worse. Jongin became a double personlitied person. Jongin as the
introvert and Kai as the out going and kinda rebel one. Kai comes out when Jongin hears
cursing the word fck and Jongin comes back when Kai sleeps." Jongmi explained.
"Oh. So that's why." Kyungsoo breathed.
"Maybe you're mad at Jongin for hiding it from you but maybe he only did that so you won't
felt wierd around him. So... you really love my brother right?" Jongmi's serious.
"Of course I am. That Jongin, thinking my love for him wasn't enough. Hmp! Anyway,
thanks for telling me this, Ms. Kim." Kyungsoo said bowing.
"Call me noona too." Jongmi smiled.
"I will. Thanks noona! See you next time." Then Kyungsoo go out of the cafe and rode a taxi.
"Jongin! Open this door!" Kyungsoo knocked as he got to step his foot at Jongin's front door.
Jongin opened the door just to get slapped by Kyungsoo.

"Howw dare you?!" Kyungsoo growled.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it." Jongin said.
"Shut up! Did you think I don't love you enough thaty you hide it from me? Did you I won't
accept you? Then you're wrong!" Then Kyungsoo hugged Jongin.
"God I missed you!" Jongin pulled Kyungsoo inside his house and kissed him.

Kyungsoo kissed back with his tears streaming down his face. He really missed the younger a lot.

"I love you Jongin." Kyungsoo said.

"I love you too Kyungie. Thank you for everything." Jongin said and kissed Kyungsoo's

They're now cuddled on Jongin's sofa while watching a movie.

"Why is Kai like that?" Kyungsoo suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" Jongin asked back.
"You know, he's kinda touchy and horny."Kyungsoo chuckled.
"Oh. Uhh... I don't know too. Maybe he's my erotic side? I don't know. If you see me
watching yadong I swear that's Kai." Jongin said.
"I see. You're so innocent. Jeez I'm turned on. Fck." Then Kyungsoo covered his mouth. He
just said a key word.

The next thing Kyungsoo knew was he's being pinned on the sofa by Kai. He can now tell the
difference of them two. Jongin has this fluffy and innocent face and Kai has a sexy one.

"Kai." Kyungsoo said.
"Do you hate me?" Kai asked.
"What?" Kyungsoo frowned.
"The way you say my name is unwelcoming. Do you hate me?" Kai asked again sounding so
hurt. "I think everyone does. I'm unwanted. Even mom wanted me gone. They only love
Jongin. YOU only love Jongin." Kai said sadly.
"Listen, you said you are Kai and you're also Jongin. I love Jongin. Don't you think I love you
too?" Kyungsoo said wiping the visible tears on the sie of Kai's eyes.
"You love me too?" Kai asked.
"Yes." Kyungsoo smiled.
Then Kai hugged Kyungsoo. "I love you. Don't leave Jongin, ok?"
"I won't." Kyungsoo answered closing his eyes feeling Kai's arm around him loosened.
"K-Kyungsoo?" That soft voice calling me. It's Jongin.
"I love you." Jongin said.
"I love you more." Kyungsoo said.
"Am I one again?" Jongin asked.
"I don't know." Kyungsoo answered.
"Say the magic word." Jongin said.

Kyungsoo thought for a while and said, "Fck me."then he smirked. Jongin blushed but he's still
Jongin yet he's feeling erotic.
"You sure?" Jongin asked.
"Since I saw you at the bookstore." Kyungsoo winked.

Then they kissed. Sweet turned to hot and sloppy one. Their feeling it. Jongin wrapped
Kyungsoo's leg om his waist and walk to his room. He laid Kyungsoo on the bed and started
kissing his neck. He removed Kyungsoo's top and kissed his lips once more.

"Take all of me Kim Jongin, Kim Kai, Jonginnie, jagi." Kyungsoo pecked on Jongin's lips.

It's special day for the two of them. The bad boy Kai and innocent Jongin is now one with his
beloved Kyungsoo.

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