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Chapter 1: Its A Good Way of Moisturizing (Cum)

 10K  44  5

by katosuto19

Chapter 1: Its A Good Way of Moisturizing (Cum)1

Beijing has been experiencing raining for a few days, it was pouring on the whole city down, the
dark clouds looked like a pot of inverted buckle, the sky was extremely low, heavy and the air was
stuffy and the congested cars line went as slow as a slug, creeping forward little by little.

After several consecutive shifts, he was also suffocated in a small compartment blown up by the
car heating. He was feeling dizzy and swollen  and He Gu traffic jam was like blocking him from
being upset. He and his car moved forward like a tortoise while still using his mobile phone to
communicate with his subordinates. Trying to catch up with them a few times he was free. It was
almost ten o'clock when he got home. From the opening of the car door to the opening of the
umbrella, it was only a few seconds he ended up drenched in rain because the rain was too much.
In the late autumn, when the rain hits the skin, its comparable to the ice shards on the skin.

When he went upstairs, he even got tired from his own ascending footsteps.

The key hole, rotated and opened in a circle, He Gu spirit and the lazy brain suddenly woken up.

Through the door panel, a sound of the game console came.

So he came.

At that moment, the heaviness brought by  work and the tiredness of working overtime
disappeared, like the raindrops that fell on the ground and turned into a few petals, then
disappeared into the earth, his heart seemed to feel the breeze around the moon and the flowers,
which sounded like a very good exaggeration, but when he knows that when he opens the door
and see the person, his joy would be turned into a warm stream and as the blood travels all over
the body, back to the heart everything becomes so warm and beautiful.

He Gu leaned back against the wall, took a few deep breaths with his eyes closed, wanted to make
himself into a little spiritual. Then, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened the
front camera. The mobile phone reflected a sleek face. He followed the wet hair and he still had a
handsome face because he was drenched by the rain. The soft scalp, with heavy dark circles
showing tired eyes, also showed a trace of wolfish gaze.  He sighed, the sky gets like this, what is
the use of calling so he no longer does that useless work, he push the door into it.

There was no light in the room and the backlight from the LCD TV was the only light source in the
room. A man hidden in the darkness sat on the sofa, holding the gamepad and focusing on the
screen, two legs that were placed on the coffee table.

The man did not look at him and the slender fingers slammed the gamepad buttons.

"If you are coming, why won't you even turn on the lights. Is it that hard to turn on the lights?"

"Don't turn them on kills the atmosphere." The man said no to his head.

He Gu looked at the screen, it turned out that the other person was playing a zombie game, the
policewoman wearing hot pants on the screen was searching for zombies in a dilapidated factory,
the atmosphere was different and tense.

"Did you eat, are you hungry?"

The man did not answer and his attention was all on the game.

He Gu put down the briefcase, took off the wet windbreaker and hanged it up, then went to to the
bathroom and took shower quickly, he changed the home clothes, came out, went to the kitchen
and poured a glass of water went with it to the sofa.

The glass slammed on the coffee table and the man finally turned his head slightly and took a
look at him. In the darkness, the deep eyelids were black and bright and a careless, meaningless
look contains the normal looks, He Gu felt the heart trembling.

He hasn't seen him for more than a month. Thats why does he look at the person in front of him.
Although, he can see him on TV and online from time to time.

The man concentrates on playing the game, He Gu did not talk and simply just stayed with him so
quietly, but unfortunately, the sex hot pants policewoman was killed by the zombies, the man
threw the gamepad and cried "fuck"

"Are you in a bad mood?" He Gu whispered.

"I'm being run around like the wind, I'm  annoyed to death."

"Have you eaten?"

"I don't want to eat, your TV screen is too small, it's really not fun, the game on your console
should be updated."

"Oh... I will cook something for you, you played for the night so you should be hungry."

"Do not want to eat, just go and turn the light on." The man commanded.

He Gu went and turned the lights on.

The man covered his hand on the eye and till his eyes got used to the light, then he rubbed his
head and put down his hand. It's such a good face that makes another person in the room
breathing hitch up. The man has a three-dimensional shape that is unique to Caucasians, but
because three-quarters of his genes are from Eastern descent, so he is in the lines of the sexy
looks, with a little feminine almost cute face. He is like a mix of good things, his nose is like a
dangerous peak, his mouth is naturally upturned, like he was laughing and not laughing, such a
face is simply a masterpiece by the creator. The pure black turtleneck sweater is especially
accentuating  the white skin and its smoothness and the half-length curly hair is casually rolled to
the back of the head. It is obviously a completely forbidden attire, but it shows a few naughtiness
because of his lazy and casual eyes. Its unbelievable that the man can't tell the unclear sex -
appeal he has and danger it invites.

"Ju Han, why are you thin? You have lost weight ?"

He Gu eyes fell on Song Ju Han not willing to move away, his career is in full swing, he can see his
own time to meet with him being, less and less, so much that one minute and one second should
not be wasted.

"Maybe." Song Ju Han picked up the cup and drank his fill, then leaned back on the back of the
sofa, his head tilted back, throat was exposed from the turtleneck sweater, rolling up and down.

He Gu felt his heart trembling again, he said: "If  you are tired, take a shower and sleep."

Song Ju Han turned to look at him, he sneered and jeered: "You didn't think that I was coming all
the way here....  To come to sleep here? Then why don't I sleep in my own home, why don't I sleep
five stars hotel."1

He Gu looked at him. He knows what Song Ju Han is doing, there was nothing more than doing it 
making love. In the past few years, the connection between the two of them has been fucking,
nothing else. He just kept a little expectation, expecting Song Ju Han is going to be tired and will
just come to him to calm down his mood.

Song Ju Han said with a sigh: "How are you still standing boringly over there come, come over."
For a knowledgeable and interesting person, he should have taken the initiative.

He Gu went over, Song Ju Han held his arm and pulled him to himself. He Gu one-meter-eight
body was pressed on Song Ju Han. He was really heavy. Song Ju Han gasped softly and put his
hand into his home clothes: "Let me touch - touch you and see your body."

"Should not."

Song Ju Han slithered his hand to He Gu lower abdomen from his upper abdomen and his
muscles were still soft and firm. He satisfactorily hmmed: "Sitting in the office all day, you should
remember to exercise more, it would be ugly to be fat know."

Song Ju Han pulled his chin, kissed him one by one: "How long have we not seen each other? I
still miss you."

"39 days." He Gu said.

Song Ju Han smiled: "Remembering that it is so clear, you do have an engineer mind"

He turned and pressed He Gu on the sofa: "Why is your hair wet?"

"It's raining outside." He Gu said..

"Have you been working overtime  to the present?"

"It's okay"

"I told you to resign from that awful job, I will give you money. You can open a cafe, restaurant
then just do something casually and feel comfortable. Why must you bother to go to the unit to
see the those people, how can you get mixed in the state-owned enterprises?"

"I won't do anything else." He Gu said

"I knew you would say that." Song Ju Han bowed his head and took a bite on He Gu clothes and
began to pull off his clothes

He Gu is always very cooperative.

Today's Song Ju Han seemed very anxious. When he is in a good mood, he likes to do some
foreplays, but when he is in a bad mood, he will be rampant and the simple foreplay is on the
He Gu was getting hurt from Song Ju Han rough ways and frowned, he bit his lip and did not say

Song Ju Han was satisfied with body and sighed with a sigh of relief: "He Gu."

He Gu looked at him in confusion, looking at his poppy-like addictive face, his body trembled and
the pink blush slowly climbed onto the skin. After so many years, he still couldn't adapt to Song's
wilderness and his animal-like physical strength, but even if he didn't adapt to it, at least he got
used to it, at least he could bear it.

Song Ju Han complained to him more than once, that he did not enjoy it doing it this way.
Without him, he could cooperate with this. Perhaps this is the reason He Gu two maintained the
relationship to the present. Otherwise, there are as many handsome men and women as Song Ju
Han's side, how can he not turn to them? Instead coming here to sleep.

He Gu doesn't know how long it has been, he felt some sensations and suddenly he felt that Song
Ju Han pulled out and shot his cum directly on his body...

This is also one of Song Ju Han's hobbies.

Song Ju Han fell on him breathing heavily on his chest. Now is the most difficult time in Beijing.
Because the weather is already cold, heating has not yet begun to take effect and warm the room,
but the hot temperatures from the two people have driven away the chill of late autumn.

It took a matter of five or six minutes for the eyes to spread from wandering to focusing. He tried
moving because he felt quite uncomfortable.

Song Ju Han hugged his waist and buried his head in his neck. He said lazily: "Don't move, let me
lie on  for a while."

"I want to clean it up." He Gu stopped, added: "Don't cum on me... I told you that."

Song Ju Han stroked his chest: "It felt cool and satisfying... what's wrong, I only dare to do it with
you---set." The tone is rotten, but the words are like gifts.

He Gu didn't he say anything else. He said it more than once—in fact, He Gu told Song Ju Han
three times. Since it was pointless to the hardheaded man he decided not to say it again.

Song Ju Han joked while he was playing with his cum on He Gu skin: "This is a very good way of

He Gu his his face in the pillow as his and blushed.


"You are still so tight in there, do you usually have maintenance?"

He Gu didn't speak

Song Ju Han smiled low: "Yes, you don't understand these things at all."

He Gu just put his face on the sofa wanting to ease some shame.

Song Ju Han looked at the red neck and felt very satisfied. He got up and pulled up He Gu: "Come,
I will take a shower with you."

He Gu legs were slightly soft and Song Ju Han carried him into the bathroom and the shower
opened, Song Ju Han pressed him back to the wall and the tall body covered it and he couldn't
help but pick up another round of sexual conquest...

It's already midnight, when Song Ju Han's torment was over. When he got cleaned it, he was lying
in bed and his tired fingers were too lazy to move.

Song Ju Han lay beside him, breathing evenly and was already asleep.

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han's face which was illuminated by the moonlight and the taste in his
heart is hard to describe. He looked at the face and Song Ju Han's face and in his eyes that face
seemed to regress from this age to younger age and gradually the face he saw in his mind
changed back to the youthful man and his memory did not consciously return to the Third year of
High School.

At that time, He Gu was a nerd who was preparing for the college entrance examination. Song Ju
Han was just a high school and he was very popular in the school. He was a tall man, he would
play basketball and he was proficient in playing several musical instruments. The entertainment
media company with a market value of tens of billions was interested in him even when he
doesn't speak, they often showed his face in various media like a big star. Song Ju Han had a half
a foot in the entertainment circle. The most important thing is that his looks were great.

He Gu is a gay man. He knew it when he was in junior high school, so he likes to look at good
looking boys. Of course, he only dares to look at them.

The two of them should not have had any intersections in school life but they happened to be
forced by the teacher to participate in a campus public welfare publicity campaign. The
advertisement method is very simple and crude - that is they were to appear in a series of videos
which will promote the school. The role for Song Ju Han in the videos is to sing the theme song on
the spot, singing both Chinese and English and He Gu role was to translate the lyrics of the song.

So, in the afternoon, he and Song Ju Han sat in the teacher's office and he translated the lyrics on
the notebook. He Gu has no cell that screams music in his body and Song Ju Han has written a lot
of songs and even made his own album. Song Ju Han has a high demand for lyrics writing. The
lyrics writing is not for a simple Chinese to English translation, but the translation also needs ti
conveys artistic conception and the English verse must be in line with rhyming. After an afternoon
they spent together, He Gu found that Song Ju Han English was much better than his. When
asked, Song Ju Han said he had foreign tutors since childhood and who went to the best schools
and he himself went to foreign countries for several consecutive summer vacations.

He Gu is a self-confident boy and feels that the teacher has made him be completely redundant
because the singer can can translate his own lyrics better than he.

He Gu still remembers that after the translation, Song Ju Han smiled at him and said: "Well, I am

That smile said though it was not too fascinating to have the brilliance of erupting flowers. He Gu
felt that his heart was slammed into a punch, no it was not hurting or sour, it was as if something
was infused with something in his heart. He remembered nervously saying: "Sorry that I didn't
help anything..."

"Well, you still helped." Song Ju Han pulled out the u disk and lifted the bag. The boy skin
reflected the soft and moving milky luster skin under the setting of the sun light. The bright eyes
seemed to be the smashed star river and the drops spilled into He Gu's hearts: "It's seldom for me
to meet someone who can hang around with me and is not a gossip monger."
He Gu couldn't tell whether Song Ju Han really had praised him or satirized him. He only
remembered that he had been watching the back of Song Ju Han head until he disappeared from
his eyes.

Later, the charity event was very successful. The students probably didn't care much about the
content of the video itself. Instead, they were obsessed with Song Ju Han's performance. After the
performance, Song Ju Han was very decent to pull the teachers, propaganda and staff of the
planning activities on the stage this me also included him(He Gu), Song Ju Han stood on his
shoulder next to him and said some words.

At that time, He Gu had only two or three thoughts in his heart. First, Song Ju Han was really
talented and would really handle the stage. Second, Song Ju Han called his name. Third, Song Ju
Han's hand was so hot that he was making He Gu feel hot all over the body.

His face must have been very red at the time.

A long time after the event they didn't have any interaction. He still searched Song Ju Han on the
huge campus. Once he found him, he secretly looked at him.

On the day of returning to school after the college entrance examination, the two men
accidentally met in the empty men's toilet.

He Gu took the courage to say hello to Song Ju Han and Song Ju Han looked at him for a while,
only he forgotten who he was, "Ah?".

He Gu was very disappointed.

Song Ju Han asked him casually: "You are a senior, how was the exam?"

"It was alright."

Song Ju Han whistled, pulled the zipper and raised his eyes, but He Gu eyes were caught on his
sneak peek.

He Gu can still remember the embarrassment and fear he felt at that moment, he was as if the
thief was caught on the spot.

Song Ju Han's face changed slightly. He glanced at the zipper that he had no time to pull and the
reaction that his crotch was accidentally exposed. He said in a way that He Gu still remembers
even the tone of the tone: "Are you gay?"

The tone that is full of surprise and contempt.

He Gu groaned inside and he knew his hidden secrets were easily shaken off and the shame he
was feeling was hard to describe.

At that time, homosexuality was not as widely accepted as it is now. Most people still sneak up to
have sex like thieves, but Song Ju Han has been in contact in the entertainment circle since
childhood. This aspect is too much liberal than his peers.

Song Ju Han chuckled a laughter filled with ridicule and then he just left.

He Gu remembered the afternoon when he spent after, just hiding in the toilet for a long time. The
afternoon after the college entrance examination when was supposed to be relaxed, he was
tittering and uncomfortably.

Chapter 2: I'm Not a Member of Your Harem

 3.4K  37  0

by katosuto19

Chapter 2: I'm Not  a Member of Your Harem

Waking up, it is already passed three days.

He Gu opened his eyes, the sun was shining on his face and he felt a heavy arm on his waist. He
grabbed the arm and quietly placed it in his heart, then turned to look at the man on the pillow.

Song Ju Han slept very soundly and the chaotic hair hanged on his face, the long eyelashes cast a
fan-shaped shadow on the face and the nose fluttered gently. A quarter of the Aryan ancestry
makes Song Ju Han's good looks have both the savageness of Caucasians and the mystery of the
Asian races. This is a face that can easily make people's hearts go crazy.

He Gu took a long time to think of the reasons why he loved Song Ju Han, is it because of this
face, He Gu is an engineer, he is good at thinking, using systematic ways of solving things but also
use various examples and assumptions to proof his thinking. Later, he came to the conclusion
that even if Song Ju Han didn't have this face, his origin, status, talent, rich experience and
mature communicative wrists he could easily attract He Gu. The Song Ju Han back in high school
that could be cast out from the bones. Out of the extravagance and high-ranking people, came
such a arrogant son, he is very attractive enough to be worshipped, if you change to the present,
He Gu may been able to resist Song Ju Han's words and smile, but he couldn't do it when he was

Only after he truly understood Song Ju Han, he knew that He Gu is a smart and complete self-
immersed person. He Gu understanding of Song Ju Han is probably second only to the Song Ju
Han's parents because Song Ju Han never pretends to be a gentleman in front of him and does
not bother to fake anything.

He Gu looked at him and watched the sleeping guy for a long time, because he was tired of the
stiff posture, so he moved.

This time, Song Ju Han woke up and yawned at his eyes: "What time is it?"


Song Ju Han slammed his eyes openly: "Fuck, why didn't Xiao Song call me!"

Xiao Song is Song Ju Han's assistant.

Song Ju Han looked around and looked forward, his grim face said: "Where is my mobile phone?"

He Gu got out of bed and went straight to the living room. After a while, he returned with Song Ju
Han's phone.

Song Ju Han took the phone and saw that it was dead. He dropped the phone on the quilt and
turned to He Gu: "Give me your phone."

He Gu handed him the phone, Song Ju Han dialed Xiao Song's phone: "Hey, yes, why am I here...
How? OK, I missed it anyway, change it, you can explain it to them." After the phone call, Song Ju
Han remanded himself back to the bed.

He Gu asked: "What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

"Yeah." Song Ju Han said uncomfortably: "Go get me something to eat."

He Gu put clothes on, first he put Song Ju Han's mobile phone in the charger, then went to the
kitchen to prepare breakfast.

When Song Ju Han washed his face, the breakfast was already on the table. Song Ju Han sat
down and ate it without saying a word. He did not see He Gu who was still busy in the kitchen.

When He Gu put the fried eggs on the table, Song Ju Han has already eaten almost everything left
on the table and then he reached out and said: "Give me my mobile phone."
He Gu went to take the phone and turned it on and to him.

Song Ju Han pressed on the screen and a WeChat call came out. A very nice female voice which
sounded spoiled said, "Why haven't you come back to mine, I am so sad."


Song Ju Han ate while talking with even a drop of shame: "I have been busy recently."

He Gu hand which was holding the chopsticks clenched unconsciously, his throat twitched up
and down, silently bowing his head and eating his porridge.

The two of you came to me to the ground for two words, the woman's voice is very pretty, Song
Ju Han spoke with a faceless expression when he spoke the words, that made He Gu feel

Song Ju Han ate a porridge and said carelessly: "Did you hear recognize this  voice?"

He Gu shook his head.

"Oh, I forgot, you don't listen to upcoming songs very much. This is a newcomer who has just
been trending in the entertainment scene, she is entangled with me and she is making me write
songs for her."

"Are you sleeping with her?" He Gu carelessly asked. In fact, he does not like listening to songs
very much, but Song Ju Han's songs, he has heard them countless times in every place, he just
does not listen to other people's songs.

Song Ju Han shook his head and said contemptuously: "Who knows?.... that it is not clear."
"Then you still care about her."

"My dad wants to hold on to her, her style is very unique, but why would I even want to write
songs for her?" Song Ju Han said with a smile: "How much money can I make writing song lyrics."

He Gu didn't talk.

When Song Ju Han looked at He Gu, he smiled mockingly: "Hey... anyone who approaches me
always wants to show me something, right?"

"I also figured that."He Gu wiped his mouth and looked at him faintly: "Figured that from your

Song Ju Han laughed heartily.

He Gu laughed ending with a smiled. Song Ju Han thought that he was not much different from
other people. He Gu looked at his face, his name, his money and why he never explained
anything, because the relationship of "mutual benefit" is all what Song Ju Han wanted.

What's more, He Gu feelings are just a cumbersome joke for Song Ju Han and he does not want to
show his own shame.

He Gu doesn't have much to say, he had no entanglement, made no trouble, he made no

resistance, so Song Ju Han is not bored with him, unless Song Ju Han gets tired of him one day,
but before that day gets here they should be able to maintain this relationship for a while, if they
even fuckbuddies.... They are not friends, if this fuckbuddy title breaks then in He Gu life he is
afraid there will be no chance to touch this man again.

After dinner, Song Ju Han called someone again and it seemed he was calling the driver.

After cleaning up the kitchen, He Gu opened the tablet and first purchased a batch of the latest
genuine games. He spent more than a thousand yuans and then started watching TV.

His 48-inch TV was bought two years ago, even now, it is also same as the size of the TV in Song Ju
Han home. He Gu is very busy at work, usually does not even look at it. Only Song Ju Han will
come to play games, so this TV was bought just for Song Ju Han. In fact, it is not just TV. He Gu
comes from a small family and his family isn't rich. But things must be prepared by Song Ju Han
who will come to visit him from time to time. Now that the 65-inch TV has just appeared on the
market, it looks quite stylish, but it is very expensive. It costs more than 40,000 yuans. He Gu
pondered the computer for a while then placed an order.

With a tap of a finger, the salary worth of two months is gone.

He Gu felt a bit of a pain, but if you think about it, there is nothing to it. One has to make money
for nothing more than spending it. This is nothing but for his own happiness. As long as he can see
Song Ju Han, he will be happy. Besides, he is a lonely man. He usually spends a little amount of
money. He is not likely to get married in the future. It is even more impossible to have children
with no wife so why keep the money.


Song Ju Han came back after the phone call and stretched his waist hard, lying on the sofa lazily:
" He Gu, come and massage me."

He Gu put down the tablet and went to seat next to him, he put Ju Han head on his lap and gave
his head a massage with a moderate pressure.

Song Ju Han closed his eyes and sighed softly. He looked very comfortable.

He Gu can't bear the ups and downs sighs from Song Ju Han mouth, there is a desire to bow down
and kiss the white forehead. He whispered: "Are you preparing for the concert?"

"Well, I will try to do it as little as possible in the future. The money is money, but its energy taxing
and every afterwards I'm always tired ."

Song Ju Han is a very talented singer and he is a very talented creative performer. He is very good
at dancing and singing. He can also write good songs. There are only a few Chinese song writer in
the music circles. None knows how many people are rushing to ask him for a song? Because if one
can sing the song written by Song Ju Han, it means that he has a place in his circle and that is
what gold owners are willing to pay for.

He Gu fingers gently combed his hair: "I know you prefer to write songs."
Song Ju Han scoffed and yawned. He suddenly remembered something. He said, "Hey, guess who
I saw today."


"Your college boyfriend, he had returned home."

After a moment, He Gu hand stopped and he concealed his emotions: "Feng Zheng? You know
that he is not my boyfriend."

"Oh, what is that? Fuck buddy?" Song Ju Han smiled: "No, you are still with me."

He Gu voice was plain: "I said that we are only friends."

Song Ju Han sat up from the sofa and stared at him with a squinting look: "He is very well mixed
now. After returning to China, he did not go to his own company. Instead, he started a Venture
Capital (Like an Investment Company). When the company was producing new film group, he
came to me. He said that he has simmered down and is not as impulsive as he was at the time...
Yes, he still asked about you."


"You are not curious about what he asked?"

He Gu shook his head, he felt upset. An elegant and noble face appeared in his mind. If it wasn't
for Song Ju Han, he and Feng Zheng might have...

"He asked if we were still together." Song Ju Han raised He Gu chin and stared at the eyes with a
sigh of relief. His eyes had a  subtle expression: "Guess how I answered him?"

He Gu tone was flat: "....Not interested."

Song Ju Han smiled: "I said that you were still in my harem and his facial expression was really
wonderfully grim at the time."

He Gu frowned and got up and went to the study.

Song Ju Han grabbed his wrist, his strength was bruising, his expression was very arrogant:
"What's wrong? Are you not happy?"

"No, just not interested."

Song Ju Han stood up and pinched his chin and chuckled: "Don't pretend, your eyes changed
when you heard his name. That kid left  because we were together..."
"We aren't been together."He Gu looked up at Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han was stunned.

He Gu smiled, pointing his finger at himself and pointed it to Song Ju Han: "This thing, don't call it
...We are together thing, I am not a member of your harem. Do you really want to discuss our
relationship with me? Do you really need to discuss it with me ?"

Song Ju Han released his hand and his tone cooled down: "No need."

He Gu nodded: "I still have some work to deal with, you can go to play games, call me if you need

He Gu didn't went back to the study room, he just sat down and took a breath and he heard the
door slamming and silence fell. He sighed heavily and pulled his hair irritably.

Why bother for it, he is hard to come by once a while, what is the point of arguing for the mutual
benefits? After so many years, he doesn't even know what kind of person Song Ju Han is.

Somehow annoyed, from the bottom of the drawer, He Gu pulled out the cigarette covered by the
notebook. Song Ju Han wants to protect his skin he never smokes and does not like the smell of
smoke, but He Gu often stays up late for the project, sometimes he does not smoke, sometimes
he can not hold it back and smoke, but he tries to smoke less, at Song Ju Han home, there is
almost no smoking allowed, and most important he can not let Song Ju Han know about his
smoking habits.

Taking a puff, the taste of tobacco was poured into the lungs along the nasal cavity. In fact, he
never liked the taste of smoke, but this rough, primitive stimulation is really refreshing.

He went to the window and saw Song Ju Han sitting in the car. He had not waited for the driver to
close the door. He himself opened the door and pushed the driver back.

It seems that Song Ju Han is really angry today. He Gu felt quite funny? In the past, He Gu
humiliated Feng Zheng and teased Song Ju Han. It is clearly he is the one that wins the game. No,
Song Ju Han is always the one who wins. From the beginning of his birth, he is destined to be a
bigger man in life. It was raining, He Gu was standing at a high place, enjoying the good things
that ordinary people struggle for a lifetime and may not be able to get a little bit of it.

So, Why did he mention the things of the past year make Song Ju Han upset.

Probably his own attitude, Song Ju Han used to be a sigh of relief. In Just Han conscious, only
people who are weaker than him are matched him and only pulled his eyebrows. He Gu has
always been  obedient but occasionally he did not restrain himself and he really provoked Song
Ju Han

Really he should not.

After smoking, he returned to his desk and turned on the computer to work. He is a construction
engineer, his work is quite cumbersome and his responsibilities in the project are great. He heads
a team of nine people and he has worked hard for six or seven years in state-owned enterprise. If
he counts salary, project bonus and year-end award he can get five or six hundred thousand
yuans a year. That is also a small achievement. But staying up late for a long time, working
overtime, at the age of nearly 30, it began to make him a little tired.

He stared at the complicated building structure map, feeling a little tired, suddenly he
remembered Song Ju Han's words, that he should do small business or something.

He Gu is a very introverted person, does not like to talk and does not like communication, so he
never thought about changing careers before. There is a building for a Middle School. It needs
serious and meticulous data and calculations to support it. These things have formed a fixed
science in the continuous learning and practice of mankind for thousands of years. If he is
cautious and professional enough, his private life will not be a big leak, he knows that he is
suitable for such a boring, disciplined work and can not do the work that requires creativity,
because the less the change to his life structure, the more he feels safe.

But people will change, whether active or passive, he really began to consider switching work in
the past two years. Mainly because he is too tired, he can not afford to suffer, but if a person is too
tired as he grows older, He Gu is not afraid of old age he is afraid ... is afraid that Song Ju Han will
not want him anymore. Working hard and insist on fitness, work overtime to dizziness, he dares
not eat late at night, a dry winter skin will only darken which is the big treasure of engineering
men. Its so hard for outdoor men  to understand skin care products or wear those brand names
that even he can not even pronounce the name, These are all because of Song Ju Han. After seven
years of work, he has almost no money in deposits. Unconsciously, he seems to be living for
another person.

If he wants to change career, Song Ju Han will definitely help him, Song Ju Han is very generous,
in terms of money. The Land Rover that He Gu is now driving, the third-ring house, were all given
by Song Ju Han. He never refused this, he received it and Song Ju Han was not  suspicious. He
often comforts himself that even if Song Ju Han choose to give his feelings to anyone else He Gu is
not a loss. He loved Song Ju Han for ten years. After someone sleeps with someone for six years,
he still earned a luxury car. He has no one to blame and to try and change to being a good person,
he only dreamed  of it and smile.

Chapter 3 :General Manager Gu Qing Pei

 2.6K  28  1

by katosuto19

Chapter 3 General Manager Gu Qing Pei

He Gu was somewhat annoyed. After being annoyed for a while, he was absent-minded. His mind
was thinking about Song Ju Han's departure. He was afraid that he will not come to him for a long
time and He Gu is not a person who will leave problem without trying to resolve it. He really didn't
know what to do. He once tried to reconcile after Song Ju Han's anger explosion and that only
caused Song Ju Han to become even more furious.

Thinking about it he decided to go to the company, he had intended to give himself a day off,
because yesterday was too tiring, but now he needs work to distract his attention.

Before going out, he suddenly found a mobile phone on the sofa. When he walked and turned
over,  it turned out to be Song Ju Han's. Song Ju Han, this person is not worried about most
things and often loses three or four phones on regular basis

He sent a message to Xiao Song: [Xiao Song, Ju Han mobile phone is here - He Gu]

Then he turned the phone off.

When he arrived at the company, assistant Chen Shan saw him very surprised: "He, are you well
enough to come in today?"

"Little tired but don't worry."

"He Gu, you are dressed very handsome today." Chen Shan looked at him up and down and
complimented: "I think your taste in clothing is getting better and better."

He Gu looked at his clothes. This is what Song Ju Han brought the last time he put his clothes
from the sponsors here. The pants are too long for him to wear and the shirts are still fit. The taste
of this thing is like a man piled up with money.
" He Gu you are always in good shape, handsome and pretty, what is not good for you to wear and
not come out looking handsome.... is your vision too high, my niece has just graduated from
Oxford and does not look like you." The executive secretary is a middle-aged big sister with a
straightforward personality. Few people in the company dare to joke with him, she is one of them.

He Gu pretend not to hear: "Get on with work." After that, he went to communicate with the
subordinates about the progress of the project.

As soon as He Gu graduated, he entered the state owned enterprise and worked hard for six years.
He was mixed with the middle-level leaders. He knew that his career had almost stopped here
because he was not good at communication and the sweet words to charm leaders he could not
manage to utter them. What will one do with their own profession. He is satisfied with his current
position and income, but the workload is large.

After checking the project report from his subordinates, he picked up a bunch of problems, he
was in a bad mood and especially harsh today.

It happened that Chen Shan came in at this time: "He Gu, Mr. Gu is looking for you."

"General Manager Gu?"

"Well, he wants to meet you in the office, when you have time."

The subordinates were relieved.

"Got it." He Gu spoke a few words and left for the office.

Chen Shan's "General Manager Gu" is called Gu Qing Pei. He is the high-level manager of their
company. He started at company production. Later, he managed company personnel. Now he is
in charge of company bidding and purchasing, but he is only  three or four years older than him.
The man has strong ability and fast career development. It is hard to beat. Gu Qing Pei is the
number one person in the company. The ability, knowledge and eloquence are only seen in one
aspect, but mainly because he is too handsome.

He Gu and Gu Qing Pei had more business contacts in his usual life and Gu always looked after
him and their relationship was not bad.

Taking the elevator upstairs, He Gu went through the long corridor, knocking on the old solid
wood door in front of him

The ninth floor and above are the offices for senior executives. They have just been refurbished
years ago. The renovation has cost  the company more than two million. It is completely enviable
and hypocritical, but it is known that he He Gu will never move into such an office.

"Please come in." There was a steady magnetic voice from the office.

He Gu pushed the door going in

In the spacious and luxurious director's office, a tall man in a white shirt was standing near his
desk, behind him he held his right hand a brush and a white rice paper was on the table.

"General Manager Gu."

"He Gu, you are here." Gu Qing Pei looked up and smiled. In his early thirties, the man had an
impeccably handsome face with narrow cheeks and a sharp chin. Two thick eyebrows flew up and
curled up at the end of the face. There were those deep eyes in his narrow eyes. He had a Phnom
Penh glasses, his hair is meticulously pulled behind the head, the collar of the white shirt is as
sharp as a knife and here is a finely crafted elite man. He lifted his chin and said, "Sit."

He Gu sat down on the sofa.

Gu Qing Pei touched the ink and continued to write on the white rice paper. He said: "I have been
practicing calligraphy words and writing and my mood are always particularly calm afterwards
which will help to think and decompress. If you have time, you can try it."

Gu Qing Pei wrote using a brush, then gently put the paper of the lobular rosewood to the side, he
took the paper up and faced it towards He Gu with a smile, said: "How is that?"

There are two lines of words on the paper: History books customs damaging wave breaking
through the clear sky to the Ninth heaven.

The word is vigorous and free, such as the wave and water.

He Gu heart was clear. It seems that the rumor that Gu Qing Pei wanted to change jobs is true. He
can probably guess the purpose of Gu Qing Pei's calling him. He nodded: "Gu, your words are very
well written."

Gu Qing Pei smiled: "If someone else praises me so much, I listen and it sounds like a flattering,
but hearing it from your mouth. I feel like it comes from the heart."

He Gu said the truth: "It's really good."

Gu Qing Pei rolled the word into the building plans tube hold and walked over. The tailor-made
suit just rightly set off his long and straight figure.

He Gu stood up

Gu Qing Pei said: "Sit, sit." He sat next to him and handed the word to him: "This one I'm giving it
to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu." He Gu accepted it politely.

Gu Qing Pei looked at He Gu: "Did you work late again? Aren't you tired?"

"Well, there are projects pressing on me."

"Money is for the company, the body has its own needs, you have to find a balance between
them, people have limited energy, don't be too stubborn."

"I'm still good."

Gu Qing Pei picked up the purple teapot and gave him tea.

He Gu said: "Gu, I can do it myself."

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "Don't mention it." He poured two cups of tea: "Try it."

He Gu took a sip and he couldn't taste a reason he could only say, "This is good tea."

Gu Qing Pei smiled: "He Gu, you are really interesting."

He Gu didn't know what Gu Qing Pei's meaning was, but he knows that it's not right to let the
leader pour tea for the underlings. For so many years, he often saw a lot of his own personal
deficiencies in the little details.


"Don't be nervous, let's talk casually."


"He Gu, haven't you been in the company for a few years?"

"Six years."

"You are also an old employee. I remember that when I was in charge of Personnel for the past
two years, I given you an assessment every year. Do you know what's my assessment today? Let's
talk about your views on the status quo, position, work intensity, salary, environment, anything."

He Gu hesitated with worry.

Gu Qing Pei asked about his recent project. He was asked about his satisfaction with his position,
workload and salary. He Gu was just not sociable, not stupid and he could only avoid with the
light answer.

The two of them had been idle for ten minutes, Gu Qing Pei said the topic: "You probably heard
about it, I am working on the handover and I will leave my job in next month."

He Gu nodded: "I only heard that Gu is leaving .... But where?"

"A friend's company, they're mainly doing real estate." Gu Qing Pei leaned on the sofa and looked
around: "I have used this new office for half a year, but I am really reluctant to leave it."

"You have been working here for ten years. With such a big change, you must have a lot of

"Yeah, my friend had been asking me since two years ago. I have evaluated his company for more
than two years. In fact, I don't have any dissatisfaction with our unit here. The leadership is easy
and the subordinates are strong with a great sense of responsibility and after sitting in my
position, the work is very leisurely, most of the time I just spend it bragging and drinking, but..."

Gu Qing Pei smiled: "It is because of this, it made me feel that there is no passion in my working
days. I am still young, I still love a challenging life, If I stay here, joining the managing board will
be the end of my career, but I think I am can do far more useful things than that."

He Gu has always admired Gu Qing Pei, Gu Qing Pei is not only a beautiful appearance man and
dresses well, the man has a resolute and clear focused leadership style, but he is also a gracious, a
gentleman with a temperament, he is more rigorous professionally, He Gu is not the picky
academic man and Gu Qing Pei like him, is also an engineer, but the development progress
between the two of them is very different.

When He Gu was a few years younger, he had the idea of climbing up and trying to communicate
and pull relationships. After leaving the campus and stepping into the society, he realized that the
gap between himself and Song Ju Han was a bigger gap. He once thought that he could work hard
to shorten the distance, but he just opened his thoughts and every time he reassessed himself, he
saw that he was lacking in lots of things.  Gu Qing Pei is like a mirror. If he takes a photo, he will
dispel those tireless thoughts and work on the project with peace of mind. As he gets older, he
knows more clearly what he can and can't do, just like that. Brother Gu has a life that never sleeps
and nothings to fill the gap.

Suddenly, He Gu suddenly realized that he was in a daze and he immediately returned to reality.
Just like the eyes of the younger brother who smiled and laughed, he nodded. "Gu's ability
indeed has more room for showing his abilities."

Gu Qing Pei laughed and said: "He Gu, I didn't say anything to anyone in the company. I think
people are very accurate. We both experienced similar things. Every time I saw you, I felt like I saw
my previous self, just that we have different personalities, you are inclining to more stable life I'm
more into challenges."
"Thank you, Mr. Gu." He Gu thinks that he can talk but can't ask for progress and can only say
"stable". Every time he finished talking with Gu Qing Pei, he ends up learning oneorr two things.

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "Oh, I know that you are busy with work and I am not going to keep
you around. You have always been smart. You should also be able to guess what I want to say. He
Gu, would you like to go with me to the new company?"

He Gu has thought about moving to a new company for a long time, he originally wanted to reject
it outright, but he just thought in his mind, remembering the tiredness he experienced these days,
working overtime for a long time, he suddenly changed his mind. It's better to listen to Gu Qing
Pei's words and give yourself one more choice. So he asked about the situation carefully.

Gu Qing Pei briefly explained the situation of the company he was about to go work for ..... giving
a good prospect. However, after listening to it, He Gu found that it was not in line with his
expectations. Although the annual salary was much higher, the independent project would only
be more tiring and stressful than what he is handling now and the private enterprise would not be
better than the state-owned enterprise. Of course, he is not good at directly rejecting Gu Qing
Pei... he can only said that he needed time to consider.

Gu Qing Pei naturally understood that he had a lot of concerns and then he chatted about
something else and said that he would invite him to dinner.

From Gu Qing Pei's office, when the elevator went downstairs, the mobile phone suddenly rang,
because the ringtone was a bit strange, he didn't react at all, but he was alone in the elevator. He
immediately realized that it was Song Ju Han's mobile phone.

He quickly connected the phone: "Hey, Xiao Song."

"He Gu.... Will you send my mobile phone." Song Ju Han's lazy voice sounded on the phone.

"Okay.... Address."

Song Ju Han did not speak, He Gu voice "feedback" two times, only to find that the signal in the
elevator was too bad, the line was broken and he dialed the phone after he got out of the

As soon as the phone was connected, Song Ju Han yelled at him: "You dared to hang up my

He Gu was calm: "I was in the elevator, the signal was not good."
Song Ju Han sighed a relieving breath and after a murmur, the voice changed to became Xiao
Song: "He Gu, brother, we are in Dasheng Studios, I am so busy that I can't really leave today.
When can you send it?"

"Nothing, I will let the assistant send it now."

"Well, you have to call me before your assistant arrives. I will send her a work card..."

"Tell  him to bring it! He is thinking about giving my phone to a strange assistant, are you
kidding!" Song Ju Han was apparently not in a good mood on the phone.

Xiao Song smiled bitterly: "Brother He Gu..."

"Well, I'm used to it" Hanging up the phone, He Gu shook his head helplessly, Dasheng Studios
was in the North Sixth Ring Road and he rushed over to cross the entire capital, just hoping that
there would not be any traffic jam.

He told the subordinates a few words, then He Gu took the cell phone and left, thinking of Song Ju
Han's teeth and claws, he couldn't help but want to laugh. Song Ju Han is more elegant in front of
the media. In private, there are many violent screams from his face. He and Song Ju Han have
known each other for so many years. The number of assistant Song Ju Han has changed is now
four. The clever and good-tempered Xiao Song is the longest one to stay on the job

Of course, no one has insisted on him for a long time. In various senses, he can still tolerate  Song
Ju Han more than Song Just Han parents.

In fact, it is not difficult to get along with Song Ju Han. After all, Song Ju Han does not eat people.
He just does what he wants following his heart.

Others can't stand him and will not go near him, thats because they are not afraid of losing him
like He Gu.

Chapter 4 :Loving Unreasonable Man

 2.3K  28  30

by katosuto19

Chapter 4 Loving Unreasonable Man

After driving for more than an hour, he finally arrived at Dasheng Studios.

This is his first time to come to this film shooting base called "Southern side, North Dasheng", the
scale of the place is really amazing, it has become a famous tourist attraction in Beijing, there will
be at least two or three plays here every day. Movie shooting has attracted many tourists.

He Gu stopped the car and gave Xiao Song a call. Xiao Song's voice was sounding like someone
going crazy, he told He Gu to wait for him.

This went on for half an hour.

Watching a group of tourists lined up inward, there are many fans, wearing uniform clothing,
holding a variety of fan clubs items.

Ooh to be really young, He Gu think.

At this time, Xiao Song finally came. He was sweating. He was particularly embarrassed when He
Gu saw him. He even apologized: "He Gu, this is a work pass card, you can drive in."

"I won't go in, you give him the phone back."

"Ah, you are not going in? Brother Han is shooting an advertisement, won't you look at it?"

"There is nothing to look at, I am a layman who has zero influence in your work."

"No, it's really fun, let's go see."

He Gu felt a little strange, why did Xiao Song insist on  him seeing the shoot?3

Xiao Song also realized that he was too a bit too diligent. He said slyly, "Are you quarreling with Ju
Han? Brother Han is in a bad mood today, you have to go in and calm him, otherwise... we can't
do a good job. ......"

"I won't come." He Gu knew that is true: "And we didn't quarrel."

How could he quarrel with Song Ju Han, the first two sentences are his limit and he won't answer
back anymore.

Xiao Song sighed in disappointment: "Then you drive carefully."

"Well, life is hard." He Gu patted him on the shoulder and turn in the car.
In fact, he really wanted to see Song Ju Han, but he knows that it is not good time to meet when
Song Ju Han is busy and not in good mood. Most of them are more intimidated by him. It is better
to wait for Song Ju Han to get rid of his anger and he will probably come to him.

Not long after the car drove out, his phone rang, it was Xiao Song. When he switched on, he
listened to Xiao Song's voice and said, " Brother He Gu, Brother Han is angry, he said I should
make you come back."

"Is he still angry?" He Gu didn't he understand  Song Ju Han logic.  He said helplessly: "Okay."

He lost his head in front, but at this time it was hitting the peak of back to work rush hour, staring
at a big traffic jam and between the turtle and the car....the turtle moved quickly. Ten minutes
later, Xiao Song called to remind him. After twenty minutes, he called again and reminded him
that he should come...this time Xiao Song voice was already sounding like a  crying man.

He Gu is also very anxious, but he can't fly.

After seven or eight kilometers, he drove back to the studio after being in the traffic for more than
half an hour. Xiao Song was waiting for him at the door. When he saw him, it was as if a man who
saw a savior. He was afraid that he would sneak into his car with a remorse: "Brother He Gu, you
drive in, I will show you the way."

The security guards let them go after seeing the work pass cards. The two went into the cinema
along a road that was completely different from the tourists.


He Gu looked at the panting Xiao Song and comforted him: "Don't worry, you should be tempered
when you are working with Ju Han. What's wrong to him?"
Xiao Song was crying and sulking: "I don't know, Brother Han often awkwardly loses his temper. I
don't know why this time. When I said that when you sent your mobile phone through someone,
he was even angrier."

He Gu can't figure out why, but it is definitely not because Song Ju Han especially wants to see

The car drove to a country-style street and the two got out of the car. Xiao Song took him to a big
house that was being used as a shooting place.

Before going to the lounge, Xiao Song knocked carefully: "Brother Han, Brother He Gu is coming."

"Yeah." There was a cold voice from the lounge.

Pushing open the door, He Gu saw Song Ju Han wearing a uniform of a Major Army General,
standing in front of the mirror, letting the stylist sorting out the belt. In order to pursue the proper
effect of the figure, the clothes were deliberately made a little bit tighter, wrapped in Song Ju Han
and the curved muscles and one person looked like the perfection of God. Song Ju Han's mother
is a German-American super-mode supermodel who once enjoyed the world's reputation. He is
taller than her. Song Ju Han is ten centimeters taller than her. His legs are longer. His looks and
body inherit all the advantages of his parents. There are some people in the world who when
people look at them they can say then that man is blessed from nature.

Song Ju Han turned his face and a pair of black-rimmed glasses were placed on the bridge of the
nose. The high-browed brows contrasted with each other. It seemed that the facial features were
particularly deep. His hair was combed to the back of his head, revealing a smooth forehead,
which further highlighted his tall nose and knife looking eyes. The shape of the face gave off a
rigorous and a mysterious hell that can break out at any time.

"." He Gu nod his head.

Song Ju Han said to the stylist: "Go out, I want to take a break."

The stylist and makeup artist heard the words, all went out, Xiao Song was also went out, He Gu
hesitated, just as he lifted his feet, Song Ju Han glared at him: "You stay."

He Gu closed the door and walked to him: "What's wrong, why are you in a bad mood?"

Song Ju Han took off his glasses and threw them to one side: "Xiao Song wanted to let you in, why
didn't you come in?" Song Ju Han, doesn't like wearing glasses  because his eyelashes are too
"I am afraid to affect your work."

"Bullshit." Song Ju Han pinched his chin: "Do you want to hide from me?"

"Why would I be hiding from you?."

Song Ju smiled coldly: "Isn't it because I mentioned Feng Zheng, you seem to be quite fond of

"We haven't contacted each other for so many years and this shouldn't be an idea in my head."

"Then why were you so anxious for him?"

He Gu thought about it for a moment: "I don't think I am anxious."

Song Ju Han raised his eyebrows: "Are you lieing to me?"3

He Gu sighed: "Ju Han, what do you want."

"Don't fucking talk to me in this tone..... you make it sound as if I was unreasonable." Song Ju Han
pushed him away and almost pushed He Gu to the ground.

He Gu got up and sat next to him and watched him quietly. He didn't know how to comfort
people. He just understood Song Ju Han. The fire in Song Ju Han's heart was burning no matter
what caused it. As long as he didn't vent it cleanly, he would definitely make everyone feel


Song Ju Han was silent for a while and suddenly he pushed the coffee table with a kick. He
shouted in a hurry: "You fucking are a dead man. I say a few words about him and you show a
smile. I can spend money to find a duck boy. They are more knowledgeable in obedient than you,
why do you think so high of yourself ?"3

He Gu heart was feeling little painful and his lips trembled slightly, the more Song Ju Han is like
this, the more he does not know what to do, He Gu can only continue to be silent.

Song Ju Han went on to kick a few things.

After wards he hesitated for a long time, he began to say: "Ju Han I am in the wrong, don't be
angry." Although He Gu did not know where he was wrong he said to calm the other man.

Song Ju looked at him  for a long while, then said: "Pull your pants off!"1

He Gu looked at him with surprise? This is  just a lounge, there are people outside...

"Take them off, if you don't even have shame have to learn at least how to not let
someone down."

He Gu hesitated for a moment: "You go lock the door."

Song Ju Han locked the door and looked at him with his hands on his chest.

He Gu took off his pants with a blank expression.3

Song Ju Han strode up and He Gu pressed his back to the sofa. He seemed to be worried about
crumpling his ironed clothes. Ju Han just pulled down the belt, regardless of the rampage it
would cause on the ironed clothes.

While fucking him, Song Ju Han said in a cold tone: "It was a pity that you didn't go fuck with Feng
Zheng. I didn't even have an objection to it. Otherwise you can let him know that I have a bed--on-
- my bed Kung Fu is better than his."

1]..... Bed Kung Fu.... Sex techniques

He Gu bit his teeth and didn't dare to make even a little noise. His forehead was dripping wet with
sweat, his eyes are a little congested with blood, he can only bear the pain and discomfort, but
the shame - shame and sorrow - the insults went straight to his heart. He persuaded himself in his
heart, he doesn't care about being insulted, he wants Song Ju Hans companionship, if he has to
pay the price for it like this, it is fair.

Probably there is such an awareness between them is the reason why Song Ju Han has not
broken up with him.
Song Ju Han's sexual urges in this area is much larger than that of ordinary people. Especially
when he is in a bad mood or stressed, he can't smoke or drink, he can't travel by car and all the
common relaxing methods are restricted from him. So what he does most often is...... Exercise
and fuck ...... making love. But he is not usually so abusive or heavy handed, one he is not
indiscriminate about who he is fucking as long as, the other person is not gonna want something
further, second he doesn't want to be used, the third is that he is being watched on his every
move, being in the entertainment circle for many years, he did not talk about his formal love, but
there are several fixed bed---companion, He Gu is the one who survived the longest time with

Speaking of it, if there was no Feng Zheng at the beginning, it would not provoke Song Ju Han's
tantrum heart. He wouldn't get him into the hand. After so many years, Song Ju Han's vindictive,
arrogant and aggressive personality has not changed.

Song Ju Han shot his cum and wiped his cock with a paper towel and finished then pulled up his
clothes. He Gu legs felt paralyzed on the sofa and he couldn't move from for a long time.

When Song Ju Han saw what he was like, he seemed to be in a better mood. He pinched his face
and revealed a malicious smile: "Fuck--Are you satisfied or not?"2

He Gu looked at him with a slight squint and did not speak.

"I asked you something?!!."

"Satisfied." He Gu whispered.

"That's good." Song Ju Han leaned down in a corner of He Gu lips and placed a very gentle kiss,
but the words are like the words from the devil: "I am also very satisfied, the one I had fucked was
younger than you ....but less beautiful....a few have you sold their--- soul, you are also a gifted
with leg spreading talent."

He Gu closed his eyes and barely moved .... He wanted to get up, but he couldn't feel anything
below his waist.

Song Ju Han put on his pants and took a slap on his crotch---and said: "Wait for me here, I will
take you to eat delicious foods at night."

Song Ju Han walked to the mirror, finished arranging the whole clothes and also straitened the
collar. He hummed the tune, then turned and opened the door.
He Gu sat on the sofa, his fingers pulled the zipper weakly, he tied the belt, such a simple action
he took a few breaths to complete.

He looked at the ceiling with some disappointment, his heart was empty and his mind was empty.

He knew that he was very guilty, but if he did not hinder others happiness..... he was happy.
Moreover, he can't wait for a few years. He is almost thirty years old. He wants to enjoy the time
he has with Song Ju Han together before Song Ju Hans gets tired of him and He Gu enjoyed every
minute and every second together with Song Ju Han and save more memories. People are so
short in time on  their lives. In a year, no matter how others live, he does not care what others
think. Anyway, he will not violate his own intentions for any dignity.

He likes Song Ju Han, so he must bear it.4

He slowed down his breathing for a long time and his soft legs were better. He went to the
bathroom and cleaned up. He waited quietly in the lounge for Song Ju Han. From yesterday to
today, he was too tired to wait, he then fell asleep on the sofa.

He doesn't know how long it took. Someone pushed the door in. He Gu wake up, his brain
squeaked and looked at Xiao Song confusedly.

"He Gu, why are you still here?" Xiao Song looked at him in surprise.

"Ju Han wanted me to wait for him."

Xiao Song said: "Brother Han has already left and went to eat with the crew, I stayed to pack thing

1]..... He is a megasshole..... He makes Yuan Yang seem like church monk 5

He Gu closed his eyes and said tiredly: "Well, then I will go back."

"He Gu brother." Xiao Song couldn't bear it: "Brother Han was too busy in the afternoon, just... he
was busy and he forgotten...... I will invite you to eat."

"No, you go back to rest early."

"Brother He Gu..." Xiao Song sighed: "you've worked hard you look tired."

He Gu didn't you say anything, he took the key and left.

He still does not need the sympathy .... He is a big boy.

Chapter 5 :Two Assholes from The Same Pod
 3K  24  2

by katosuto19

Chapter 5 Two Assholes from The Same Pod

He Gu rushed around the construction site for several days to solve the problem of a load-bearing
wall structure. During this period, the building designer and the contractor argued almost into a
fight. Every day he came home, he felt that his whole body had lost his outer skin. From the inside
out, the problem was just solved temporarily. He could relax for a few more days.

When he was at home, he turned on the computer as usual, searched for the latest news of Song
Ju Han and visited Song Ju Han's Weibo and forums. He usually has no things to do or hobbies, at
most he would be reading a book, staying health and fitness, the whole thing leads to a very
boring person, the only stationary activities with understanding that is probably chasing stars. Of
course, with him and Song Ju Han many years after being  bed--companions, it is really not
suitable to use the pursuit of celebrities to describe himself but he thinks that the relationship
between the them is not far away from that definition, he silently pay attention to Song Ju Han's
every move, stalking him in various ways, through various ways. However, Song Ju Han did not
know and did not care, the biggest difference with ordinary people chasing celebrities and him
chasing Song Ju Han, is nothing more than the fact that he has already slept with the said

He Gu has a lot feeds which he is watching on the Internet, but he rarely post anything and he
never likes anything. He just likes to watch things around him. He likes to watch some of the
songs and photos of Song Ju Han collected by fans. Some he watches interviews, as well as those
homemade small videos, cartoons, meme, etc., because he can't usually see Song Ju Han. What
the fans have created is a very good and a very perfect Song Ju Han. This is not a person who He
Gu knows and he certainly does not intend to dismantle it, because this perfect Song Ju Han is
really fascinating and it is so good. Why would he destroying such a good thing?

There are hundreds of various information about Song Ju Han in his computer: photos, movies,
mv, advertisements, interviews, etc. As long as it is about Song Ju Han if he finds it on the Internet
he would end up saving it, he wants to save his memories in this way. Unexpectedly the thing that
he has done about Song Ju Han, he even secretly recorded him when Song Ju Han was sleeping
beside him, but he will not tell anyone about that.

Looking at a recent interview with Song Ju Han, the phone suddenly rang and he took it and
looked at it, it was a strange number.


"... He Gu?" The voice on the other end of the phone was hesitant. It was a young man whose
voice was calm and nice.

He Gu heart tightened... this voice... Although it has not been heard for several years, he still
knows who the person at the other end of the phone is. He takes a deep breath and leans back in
the chair, trying to calm down as quietly as possible. He Gu said: "It is me."

"I am Feng Zheng."

"Well, I heard you."

"You still remember my voice, Ah"

"My memory has always been very good."

Feng Zheng smiled and said: "Same here."

He Gu felt a little awkward, even though he had already known that Feng Zheng had returned to
China - from Song Ju Han's mouth, but he did not expect Feng Zheng to contact him again. After
all, the two were not on good term when he left. But thinking about it, after so many years,
everyone is not a student anymore. The thing that happened on that year should have been
scattered to the wind. He slowed down his voice: "You are back home, I heard that you are doing

"You heard? Did you hear it from Song Ju Han?"

"Yeah." He Gu notice that Feng Zheng's tone was a bit wrong


Feng Zheng laughed and said: "I didn't expect you to be together for so long. I underestimated

He Gu didn't want to continue this topic with Feng Zheng: "Congratulations, I thought you would
stay in the United States."

" China is still my home. I would be going back sooner or later." Feng Zheng said with a sigh of
relief: "I came back now. How are you? What are you doing now?"

"I have been working in Nanchuang since I graduated and I have been doing my own profession."

"It really suits your personality." Feng said: "I am very curious about what you are like now, I also
have... I haven't seen you in six or seven years?"

"Something like that." He Gu didn't wait for Feng Zheng to open his mouth and he took the
initiative to said: "Please can we get together for a meal tomorrow."

Although He Gu can't be said to be humanized person, if he is hesitant, he seems to be tempted.

"Well, I was also trying to get together with you. How about this Saturday night? I just returned
home, I don't know where one can go to eat delicious food."

"You think about it for a few days, what do you want to eat, I will take you there when I'm free."


Hanging up the phone, he felt like he unloading weight. He threw the phone on the table and felt
very tired. In fact, he didn't want to see Feng Zheng at all. It was all too troublesome. He Gu had
some social phobia since he was a child. After getting this job, he changed his phobia to a lesser
degree, but the interpersonal communication, he tried to avoid it and try to avoid being involved
in anything, he prefers to eat instant noodles at home and is not willing to go out for a big meal.

But he knows that he can't do that to Feng Zheng.

In fact, from a certain point of view, Song Ju Han and Feng Zheng are somewhat similar. They are
all proud as the sky. They have an eager to win way of thinking. If there was no competitive smell
of gunpowder between Feng Zheng and Song Ju Han, from the very beginning, He Gu will not be
able to arouse  Song Ju Han's interest.

Has he and Feng Zheng not seen each other in a few years? He began to recall the past.

After he went to college, he and his former affiliated high schoolers were still in the same school
district. The high school was not close to them, but the campus had only three canteens, so he
and Song Ju Han could meet one or two times a month, even in order to see Song Ju Han a few
times. Like the little fan girls in the school, he deliberately went to the second dining hall to eat.

When he was a freshman, he and Song Ju Han met a few times, but Song Ju Han could not
remember him at all.


Later, Song Ju Han didn't finish the third year of High School. He went abroad to study music.
Until his internship year, he never saw Song Ju Han. He only knew about the various news about
Song Ju Han from entertainment reports. For example, he was always in a popular situation.

Le Godfather's daughter is dating him.

He was a guest at a world tour of some singer.

He composes a song for an award winning film.

He is a spokesperson for Greater China fashion brand.

He and his mixed-race supermodel mother participate in retro fashion show...

He Gu remembered that he was looking at the news reports and really realized what was called
"The people from the two worlds" meaning. When he was still holding an internship salary of 800
yuan, Song Ju Han's father had gave an island to celebrate his son's rite of passage.

However, at that time, he had a really a star amazed mentality towards Song Ju Han, only
because the two had had a single afternoon and it left him with deep affection for Song Ju Han.
Although Song Ju Han, who is separated by screen or paper, looks so far away, He Gu has to
wonder if that afternoon was a product of his own fantasy.

Later, when he was a senior intern, Song Ju Han returned to China and he also happened to know
a school's schoolmate, Feng Zheng. Then, four months after graduation, He Gu hasn't seen Feng
Zheng for six and a half years.

It's no use to figure out this. He Gu think it's funny. Maybe he wants to prove that he really
remember Feng Zheng.

Good memory is really a mixed question. If you can selectively remember, then people can
choose to remember the useful, forget sorrow, and useless things. The memories that Song Ju
Han gave him is mixed with joy and sorrow. Even if he can really freely filter his memory, he will
choose to remember Song Ju Han and his good parts bits.

Soon it was Saturday, He Gu booked a roast duck restaurant that has been opened for a few
years, because Feng Zheng said that he wanted to eat authentic roast duck.

This roast duck restaurant is not known by many people, because the location is remote and
difficult to find, the owners are a pair of old couples without children, they can make a few ducks
dishes a day, but the taste is very good, they all rely on word of mouth, the restaurant box. There
are only few available tables that's why He Gu phoned early, to actually to set a reservation
After stopping the car, he opened the umbrella and got off the car, took the wine out of the trunk
and walked towards the intersection.

The weather in Beijing during this time was really annoying and the rain was going on and on, so
He Gu couldn't remember when it was the last time he saw the blue sky.

He stood at the intersection and sent a text message to Feng Zheng, telling him that the place was
not easy to find and he was waiting for him at the intersection.

For a long while, Feng Zheng returned an " OK" text back.

After waiting for twenty minutes, a gray Continental Limousine  which looked like a list driver
suddenly stopped in front of He Gu

The car just stopped one second before the car  door was opened after the next second. A tall
man walked out of the car without an umbrella.

He Gu stopped and Feng Zheng ran across the rain.

For six years, time has passed so fast. The man has all changed from a young boy to a socially-
skilled person in a suit. Some intangible things are like a rain and fog between the two people,
which makes He Gu feel a little heavy.

Feng Zheng's facial features have not changed much and  he is still so beautiful. It's just that his
temperament is a bit calmer and not a starry. It converges on three-point arrogance and four-
point childishness looks, while the remaining three-point extravagance is more eye-catching. He
wore a smart suit and a long trench coat, which made him look extraordinarily slender and

The front door opened and the driver ran down with the umbrella to give Feng Zheng an

Feng Zheng took the umbrella and said to the driver, "We are  going to find a place to eat." His
eyes have been staring at He Gu

He Gu coughed a little, looked up, smiled and reached out a hand: "Feng Zheng, I haven't seen
you for a long time."

Feng Zheng also smiled and looked at him: "He Gu"

The moment he grasped his hand, Feng Zheng pushed it backward and pulled He Gu into his
arms, then hugged him gently.

Somehow surprised, He Gu also politely patted his back.

Afterwards Feng Zheng let him go: "Why wait at the intersection, it is raining."

"That restaurant is not easy to find, the car would not be able to drive in, let's go." He Gu made a
hurrying request.

Feng Zheng smiled at him and the two walked side by side.

" He Gu you look a bit tired without any spirit, have you been working too hard recently?"

"Doing engineering works, often leads to working overtime, I'm used to it."

"The body is the capital of the revolution. Don't work too hard. You  said it yourself. If you have no
family and not tired, you can spend the money for yourself and rest a bit."

He Gu laughed: "The money I have is enough, but the work is too  much, sometimes...hey, work is
for people anyway, that's all."

The two talked and by then they had already arrived at the roast duck restaurant. He Gu looked at
the simple door and he put a few words on it: "You said that those famous shops don't serve
delicious food to eat, let me take you to find authentic taste, your big brother is assuring you you
won't dislike this place."

Feng Zheng smiled: "When we were in college, didn't we often eat skewers on the side of the road.
If I really want to make a statement about disliking small places (shabby food shops) I definitely
won't be saying it in front of you."
He Gu smiled: "Let's go, this place food is really delicious."

The two of them entered the box and sat down. There is no menu in this store. Besides the roast
duck, what the boss wants to cook, what to eat , is quite simply his own decision.

He Gu brought a bottle of 1999 VOSNE ROMANEE... He Gu didn't I really understand the wine. But
there were a lot of wines sent by Song Ju Han's assistant at his home. He took a bottle with him.
He knew that Feng Zheng would probably like it.

Feng Zheng saw the wine and his mouth twitched: "Is this from Song Ju Han?" The tone was not
very good.

He Gu felt a bit embarrassed: "Well... is it expensive?"

"It's okay, but it's not like you usually drink."

He Gu didn't pay attention to the harshness of Feng's words. He knew that the two people were
not on good terms with each other. He was not interested in their petty quarrel: "If you don't like

"Nothing, open it." Feng Zheng said lightly.

He Gu opened the wine and poured two glasses.

The two of them toasted each other and Feng Zheng looked at him: "Celebrate after a long time

"Celebrate a long time reunion."

The food came up one after another and the two chatted together while eating.

"Well, this roast duck is really delicious. I don't particularly like the fatty ducks. I don't know how
many hormone food the ducks eat and they are ending up in the goose." Feng Zheng praised.

"The ducks on this family are raised at the owner's own home. They are all stocked in the
countryside, so they are more expensive than the city ducks. I also don't like too fat on the
roasted duck."

"Do you remember the barbecue shop in our school's east gate?" Feng Zheng wiped his hand and
smiled and added: "I don't know if it is still there."

"There was no demolition there, the owner moved, but the mall is still there. The carts are so
flexible. I saw them there when I was driving past the last time."
"Sometimes I really want to go back and try eating it, but now..." Feng Zheng looked at his suit
and smiled at himself.

There are some emotions eords: "I am also embarrassed to queque up with a group of High
School students."

Feng Zheng looked at him: "Time flies so fast, from then to now... Yes, Song Ju Han told you that
me and him met?"

He Gu stopped eating and he was pretended to speak carelessly: "Well, he told me."

Feng Zheng narrowed his eyes: "It seems that you two still get along well."

" It's alright." He Gu  felt some annoyed to Feng Zheng's side-baiting, he is not willing to talk to
anyone about his relationship with Song Ju Han, especially Feng Zheng.

"But he is always in a sex scandals, don't you two often quarrel?"

He Gu put down the chopsticks and said plainly: "The scandals are all fake."

He said that not to excuse Song Ju Han, because it is indeed a fake and there was a girl who slept
with Song Ju Han and wanted to date him in the  open. Song Ju Han wanted a hidden thing. The
anecdote that came out was related to all kinds of interesting stories He Gu know it Because Song
Ju Han never bothered to lie to him.

Feng Zheng laughed. After laughing, he probably felt that it was not right. He just stayed silent but
he still looked at He Gu with a playful look. He obviously does not believe his  words.

He Gu swallowed a drink and thought about it. This is not really reliable thing when the one
saying it is him. It seems that Feng Zheng if did not ask for a clear understanding today and he
would not be willing to question what Song Just Han had told him.

He knew that Feng Zheng and Song Ju Han were the same kind of people. They used the elegance
and cultivated prim and proper outerwear to wrap the inner vindictive and abusing behaviour.
However, Feng Zheng's symptoms were much lighter than Song Ju Han's. At least his temper was
better than Song Ju Han.

Sure enough, Feng Zheng supported his chin on his hand and looked at him with a smile. His eyes
were sharp: "He Gu, He Gu are you still with Song Ju Han?"
Chapter 6 Goodbye Party and A Surprise
He Gu smiled at him. "Feng Zheng, you know about relationship between me
and Jun Han.It's a misunderstanding. For so many years, we have only been
companions to each other. His story whether it is true or false it has little to do
with me." He Gu decided to tell the truth, he did not want Feng Zheng to be
caught up in this issue. In fact, he was probably doing it for selfish reasons.
He Gu felt that instead of waiting for Feng Zheng to find out on his own it
would be better to say it first and be calm about it.

Feng Zheng clenched his fist and his voice grew cold: "So Song Ju Han said
that you are a member of his harem, that was not a joke."

He Gu smile came out easily

Feng Zheng just leaned back on the back of the seatee and looked at He Gu
with a questioning gaze. The narrow, deep eyes were shining with sharply, as
if he could see the inside and outside of He Gu.

He Gu felt uncomfortable to be looked like that by Feng Zheng, he took a

glass of wine and drank it.

"Over the years, you and Song Ju Han have only been fuck buddies?" Feng
Zheng's voice was cold and he looked somewhat angry.

He Gu stopped and his replying voice was serious three points scolding:
"Feng Zheng, my relationship with Jun Han, has nothing to do with anyone,
today I was to take you in and have fun in the city, we don't have to talk about
other people."

"He Gu, I can't even ask if I want to ask? If there was no Song Ju Han, you
should have been mine."

He Gu sighed: "The past things should not be revisited any more, many years
have gone by since then right."

Feng Zheng leaned over to him and there was a trembling cold man with the
onxy-like eyes. At the same time, he said something heart wrenching: "But
you still like him even when he is like that."

He Gu heart trembled, he lowered his head in shame did not speak.

Feng Zheng sneered and said: "You like him. You have been sleeping with
him for so many years. I watched him change this woman and change that
man. You didn't even one of his bullshit out. He Gu, are you not angry to be

He Gu slammed the chopsticks on the table and looked at Feng Zheng with a
blank expression: "Feng Zheng, I asked you out to eat what I didn't want is for
you to scold me, I don't care about your opinions and if you're like this we
don't have to meet again, I wish to see you no more. There is no future in
whatever you have in your head."

He Gu stood up in a hurry.

Feng Zheng also stood up, he whispered: "I just don't want you to be his!"

He Gu stopped

"He Gu you chose that bastard over me.He didn't even liked you at all, what
are you doing with him? What can he give you and I can't?"

He Gu turned back and looked at Feng Zheng calmly: "Song Ju Han doesn't
like me, it's not his fault, he doesn't owe me anything, I don't want to figure out
why or anything, everyone is an adult, I choose how to live my life, who I am is
my own business. Goodbye."

He Gu walked out of the box, settled the bill at the front cashier and then went
out with his head held high.

When He Gu came out, he discovered that he had forgotten his umbrella in

the restaurant box. Since he didn't want to turn back he had to walk in the
drizzle and so he walked quickly.

He ran to the parking lot in one breath and he opened the door and got in,
only to feel his body paralyzed with emotions.

"He Gu, why are you not angry?"

Feng Zheng's words, stuck into his heart like a needle, made him feel hot in
the face from there until here.

In fact, concerning things non-related to Song Ju Han, he has a strong self-

respect all the time. He can accomplish tasks that are almost impossible to
accomplish for his own self-esteem. He takes responsibility for self-esteem
and does not have to bear the responsibility for anyone else self-esteem. The
opportunity to pay, it seems that he is self-respecting in other places, just to
have his self respect be smashed by Song Ju Han, but also to give himself a
little happiness.

Of course, he knows its a shame and embarrassment, but as he said, he

choose this himself, it does not harm others, he does not break the law,
should he be angry and unruly and cares about other people's perspective?

He Gu is doing things he wants even if its not in line with being decent and
perfect, he has no regrets.

He regretted meeting Feng Zheng and spending money to buy food that was
not very swallowed well. It was just awful.

He admits that he was moved by Feng Zheng's hearty speech. Feng Zheng is
perfect. He has a gleaming and a dead gorgeous face. He is also extremely
intelligent and excellent at everything. The two of them are not only alumni, he
is a senior partner at the his company, but also this surname Feng carries a
lot of clout, so the two became a friend of course.

Compared with the short-lived relationship in the afternoon of the third year of
high school and the vain love from Song Ju Han, Feng Zheng is obviously
more realistic choice, at least he is not out of reach. If Song Ju Han had not
return to China, if there was no such thing as one later event, he would
definitely end up in Feng arms.

However, he has not been much interested about Feng Zheng so far.
Because when he is eager to fall in love is when he hides his feelings and
tries to make friends, he feels that he is as smart as Feng Zheng. In fact, he
knows everything, but he is not too slow, not far away from it, if there was no
Song Ju Han. The emergence of Feng Zheng whose eyes are higher than the
top, will not change him from nothing to something. Song Ju Han is also the
same. If there is no competition that Feng Zheng can match his vigour-ness,
Ju Han may not even remember He Gu name..

Men, they are all with this challenge and they are eager to win over it. He Gu
saw it very clearly from that time. Song Ju Han and Feng Zheng both they did
not like him, but he was the prize of one of them defeating the opponent. He
felt that he should have been the winner with the profits. Unfortunately, he
likes Song Ju Han.

Once you like someone, you already lost to him at the beginning.

He Gu pulled a deep breath, started the car and went home.

Halfway through the road, he received a text message from Feng Zheng, only
three short words: I am Sorry.

He did not return a reply, but deleted Feng Zheng's phone number entirely.

He didn't know what Feng Zheng's intention was for today, but it was definitely
not for him. Although they had no contact in these years, he can get Feng
Zheng's news from past alumni from time to time. The Feng Family child has
always been the object of concern for everyone. He Gu doesn't want to know
if Feng Zheng has not been idle sitting by pining his love for him.

He can guess that when Feng returned to China, He Gu saw the anger and
annoyance that Feng Zheng going after Song Ju Han. The defeat and
frustration of six years ago all came to his mind, so he felt more and more
unable to stand up with his face. So, what does he want to bring back now?
Probably, other than that I'm going to get him back idea to win the game, he
couldn't think of why Feng Zheng was interested in him.

Many people think that he doesn't care about the things in world. In fact, He
Gu is just not sociable, but he sees people more accurate than anyone else.
Sometimes people live too much happily, it is a very heart-wrenching thing.

The news of Gu Qing Pei's departure was quickly spread in the company. He
has already submitted his resignation and there was nothing to hide about it.

He Gu heard the gossip and said that after Gu Qing Pei was sought after, his
annual salary doubled, so He Gu very happy for Gu Qing Pei. If Gu Qing Pei
really did want to chart his career at the new company, it would be a choice
for himself.

Gu Qing Pei's subordinates, wanted to do a farewell party. All the employees

who had a good relationship with Gu Qing Pei big and small company leaders
were invited.
On Friday afternoon, He Gu did go with a few colleagues to a booked hotel
and the big sister who always talked with him was also in the car.

As soon as he got in the car, this eldest sister looked left and right and said:
"He Gu, the first time I am in your car, this car just cost more than one million."

He Gu "hmm" and looked at the front intently.

"He Gu is really young and has a promising career, handsome really, General
He, its not that I boast falsely, my niece and you would really match, her rich
big man ended up in vain, now she is working in the bank. Her annual salary
is 300,000 yuans."

He Gu smiled and said nothing.

Chen Shan coughed and slammed his elbow at her and sneaked his eyes. He
Gu is always easy to lose his temper, but his character is also very cold. This
big sister really doesn't read people's eyes at all.

The big sister said with disappointment: "He Gu what kind of girl do you like, I
will introduce one to you? I know a lot of girls of all age."

He Gu squinted a little, from the time he entered the company to now,

everyone wanted to introduce him to a girlfriend, from the leadership to the
staff, they're just like the flies can not finish buzzing around, it seems that the
older he is, the surrounding people are singling him out, hid tolerance kept
getting lower and the big sister is also very annoying. He coughed aloud:
"Sister Yang, you shouldn't be troubled by that..... I am not going to find a
girlfriend and I don't want to get married."

Yang sister's eyes widened: "Why?"

She couldn't help but look down and wondered if there was anything wrong
with that part.

Her eyes were quite rude and everyone else in the car was embarrassed and
at the same time they pinched themselves with cold sweat at the reply from
He Gu.

He Gu felt a little funny, but he still does not have this amount of tolerant, he
said calmly: "I have a bad relationship with my parents, my father died when I
was in high school, my mother never came to see me after her remarriage, I
am never getting married. I do not trust in marriage that's why I am not getting

The car was silent, half awkward and Sister Yang said "oh" two times, she
didn't know what to say next.

He Gu looked at her from the rear view mirror: "Thank you for you good
intentions Sister Yang, but I came to the company to work, not to find a
girlfriend, I hope that things that have nothing to do with work in the future,
won't end up in my face."

There was no ups and downs in the tone, but the warnings implied by the
eyes made Sister Yang unable to stop sweating

Who doesn't knows in the company, He Gu character is rather cold, usually

not ignorant, but once he turned his face, he will never give anyone s good

Along the way, no one dared to speak.

When they arrived at the hotel, He Gu led the people to the big box. Some
colleagues had already arrived, they were singing and there are rows of wine
on the table next to them.

"He Gu."

"He Gu you're here."

He Gu turned his head: "What about Mr. Gu?"

"The road traffic has blocked him, why don't you sing with us?"

"I have to go, you sing, I will check on him." The box is full of small staff.
They're not the same level or higher than him. General Gu is not here. He Gu
is here, these young people are not comfortable, he also uncomfortable, he
simply grabbed his phone and went out.

He walked down the corridor to a balcony, he just wanted to open the phone
to see the news, Song Ju Han's phone call came.

He Gu eyes lit up, he immediately pressed the call answer button: "Hey, Song
Ju Han."
"Ah, He Gu?" Song Ju Han's voice was lazy, his lazy tone, a slightly hoarse
voice and an accent with an inexplicable sense of exoticism, once praised by
the media as the sexiest voice in the world, although it is just a compliment, it
can be true for what it meant when one hears it, especially when Song Ju Han
is in the horny desire--the kind of suppressed low-pressure moans that is let
out when he is looking forward to the fucking which can make He Gu ears feel

He's a singer who has been a long-time performer for many years. Song Ju
Han has a voice which should let him eat this bowl of rice by nature.

1].... Voice best for singing

After a short period of loss, what is the reason: "There is a company dinner."

"Sounds boring, come and accompany me."

"Now it's not good to go away, it's gonna end up late."

"How late."

"Nine o'clock."

The phone was silent for a moment: "No, come over now."

He Gu reply was soft: "I really can't leave this dinner party but I will try to get
away soon?"

"Whatever." Song Ju Han's tone was obviously not very happy and he hung
up the call.

He Gu held the phone and hesitated. Then the elevator door opened. He
heard Gu Qing Pei's hearty laughter. He Gu cheered and smiled and greeted
him: "General Manager Gu."

"Hey, He Gu, going away so early, come walk around, enter the box, don't just
stand outside."

"I was just making a call."

"Who?" Gu Qing Pei smiled and rubbed his eyes. The narrow expression was
matched with the handsome face. It was quite charming: "Is the girlfriend
urging you to go home to eat?"

He Gu smiled: "No, let's go, most people are here."

At the dinner table, Gu Qing Pei was still slick, he made a brief introduction of
his plans after leaving the state company and the new company that he is is
going to go. Of course, he has given the old boss a respectful face and said
that they work will hard, even if there is no one position higher than his today.
The people are talking and the words are also leaking.

A subordinate asked about Gu Qing Pei's company: "General Manager Gu, is

that the company that was controlled by The Yuan Group? I heard that the
The Yuan family took 6,000 hectares of land in Lishuiwan this year. It is for
really big project."

"Yuan Lijiang is a big deal."

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "Yes, I will participate in this project. I will build a
commercial houses in the future. If you are interested, come to me and I will
give you the lowered price."

"Wow, thank you, Mr. Gu."

A female employee smiled and said: "Hey, I have heard the news about Yuan
son, I saw on the Internet, the oldest son of Lijiang, he is super handsome,
just saw a sneak shot, a very vague photo, but he is really super handsome."

"You can still see the super handsomeness in a vague photo, maybe it is a
camera angle problem."

"Look at it yourself, I will show it to you..."

Several young employees began to chat about that gossip. Gu Qing Pei
smiled and looked at He Gu: "You didn't eat much, the food didn't suit your

"No, I eat less at night, I'm dieting."

"Oh, this habit is good. I am also a vegetarian at night. After a man has
passed 30, the metabolism is in decline and it is especially easy to gain
weight." Gu Qing Pei thought, "Have you reached thirty?"

"Twenty-eight, just almost to Gu."

Gu Qing Pei shook his head with a smile: "Do you think that I can't understand
it? When I am in this position in my thirties, I am so stable, but it is a big

He Gu told the truth: "I feel that every step Gu has made has been well
thought out and that the annual salary is higher, it is not a big turmoil."

Gu Qing Peing's smile deepened and he seemed to be so arrogant: "It makes


He picked up the glass.

He Gu quickly raise the glass and pre-emptively said: "I respect you with this
cup, I wish you great achievements in the new environment."

Gu Qing Pei smiled and he touched the cup and drank it.

After dinner, they sang, some chat and some wine tasting. He Gu chat with
Gu Qing Pei for a while and couldn't help but watch the watch twice.

Such a small move was also seen by Gu Qing Pei: "What's wrong, rushing

He Gu said. "Oh, I have something..."

"Oh, then go back first."

"Gu, I am sorry, I will invite you to dinner the next day."

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "Good, I will count that you owe me a meal. Can
you drive? I call the driver send you?"

" I haven't drink, no problem."

"Well, be careful on the road."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu and lets get together again."

"See you."

He Gu left the box and speed up the pace to the parking lot. Now it is just past
8 o'clock, much earlier than he expected. It is not far from Song Ju Han
apartment. If the speed is faster, he will arrive at 8:30.

Fortunately, there was no traffic jam at this point. He quickly arrived at the
place and went downstairs to buy the yellow sauteed crabs, which was a
favorite food for Song Ju Han and took the elevator upstairs.

Just ringing the doorbell, after the door was opened, the person who opened
the door made him stunned.

A strange, beautifully-looking boy.

Chapter 7 He Can Watch

The teenager looked at him, his eyes finally stopped on the small package in
his hand and he took the plastic bag with one hand: "Thank you, how much is

He Gu return to reality and faintly recognized that this is an actor who was
recently trending. He was less than twenty years old, his skin was so tender
that he could be seen as someone who just got out of the water and his body
was still a young boy. He wore a pair of skinny jeans. Lined legs looked
slender. It's just like someone standing in the light.

He Gu was calm: "46 yuans"

"Oh, you wait." The boy turned back to get the money. After a while, he took
the wallet out and took a fifty to him: "Keep the change."

He Gu didn't you say anything, took the money and turned and left.

"Who is it?" Song Ju Han's voice came from the room.

"Takeaway." The teenager replied.

"Takeaway? Did you order some?"

"Isn't this what you ordered? Crab... what?"

He Gu walked as fast as possible to the elevator, but he was still a step
behind and Song Ju Han's voice came from behind: "He Gu?"

He Gu stopped and then turned around.

Song Ju Han frowned at him, looked at him again and snorted: "What are you

"Finished delivering a takeaway." He Gu said with a blank expression.

Song Ju Han frowned, although He Gu was calm, but he could still feel the
man simmering anger. He couldn't help but feel funny inside. He knew He Gu,
this person except in bed he rarely showed his emotions. Ju Han wriggled a
finger: "Come back."

The boy poked his head out and his round, bright eyes looked between them

He Gu moved to speak: "Since you have a guest, you can go be busy first."

"You don't want to come back."

Is this what they call jealous? He hasn't enjoyed it yet.

He Gu took two seconds and went back into the apartment.

The teenager said: "Brother Han, who is he?"

Song Ju Han ignored him, grabbed He Gu collar and pulled him to his face
and smelled it: "Yes, you were not drinking too much."

The teenager widened his eyes. That tone is scornful, which means this man
is definitely not an ordinary friend relationship.

He Gu nodded to the teenager and familiarly found his slippers in the shoe
cabinet. He Gu has been in Song Ju Han's apartment several times. Song Ju
Han once gave him the key, but he didn't want it. If he had the key, he might
not be able to stop from coming over and over again. Sometimes people have
enough self-control and need some external force to bound it, he does not
want to give himself the illusion that "I can always come to find Song Han." In
fact, for many years, there were ten and six sevens who were actively seen by
Song Ju Han, but the three or four times he sought Just Han.... But this was
only when countless desires him could no longer be suppressed.

The teenager looked at them awkwardly and seemed that he still don't believe
in the relationship between Song and He. The gap between the two men is
like a simple porcelain and a diamond like shining Ming vase. Its a good thing
to match with other diamonds. Such a platinum or lower, how one turn to to
such a porcelain.

The teenager frowned and looked at Song Ju Han and He Gu something did
not fit well.

He Gu almost never put the boy in his eyes. After he entered the house, he
didn't even take off his coat. He locked the door and went into the kitchen. He
put the food into two bowls and then put it out on the table: "I have eaten, you

Song Ju Han seems to have just woken up and the neckline of the loose knit
sweater revealed most of the beautiful clavicle and the vigorous chest
muscles. His curly hair was a little messy. Sitting at the table, he yawned first,
then stares at He Gu in a daze.

Song Ju Han's facial features are most often raised higher by the deep and
charming eyes, but He Gu liked his lips most, Song Ju Han's lips are slightly
upturned, always red and moist, as if they are ready to kiss things at any time.

The teenager unceremoniously pulled the stool and sat down. He took it and
ate it and looked at him coldly.

Song Ju Han also ate and asked while eating: "Wasn't there a dinner party?"

"I left early."

"I told you to come at six o'clock. What do you mean by coming now?" Song
Ju Han glanced at him: "I have already said that I hate waiting for you."

"No." He Gu looked at the watch: "Or I will go back first."

"Clean the bowl and go back, otherwise the room will smell."

"Yeah." He Gu turned his head and looked out the window. From here, he can
see very good night scenes. Those cars that are crowded with dragons red
eyes on the ground look like high stars in the sky. This city was build up and
this is the only one standing tower on a higher place with a nice view.

"Brother Han." The boy said with a smile: "I will clean up, you let him go back."

Song Ju Han smiled at him and suddenly said: "He Gu, do you know him?"

"I have seen him on TV." He Gu couldn't remember what the boy was called.

"Introduce yourself." Song Ju Han Road.

The boy said coldly: "My name is Zhuang Jie Yu."

"He Gu, hello."

Zhuang Jie Yu thought that he was a tempered man and the man's
indifference it was like provoking him. He didn't know what Song Ju Han
meant by calling him saying he wanted to play together? He looked at Song
Ju Han and some things he could not guess. He can't play with this kid, but if
he sacrifices this chance he has to think about what he wants from Song Ju

After Song Ju Han finished eating, he entered a state of fullness and wanted
to have fun. He said lazily: "He Gu, is Jie Yu the type you like?"

Zhuang Jie Yu felt his heart tremble and felt that he had guessed it. He
secretly saw through Song Ju Han plans in his heart. On the surface, he was
no longer worried about He Gu look cold, he smiled.

He Gu gaze patrolled on the faces of the two men and he couldn't understand
what Song Ju Han wanted to do and he said vaguely: "Yes."

"Well, I know that he is looking a bit like Feng Zheng, from that year." Song Ju
Han said carelessly.

He Gu didn't expect Song Ju Han to mention Feng Zheng again. He thought

about it, not at all, so he shook his head. Song Ju Han is really a personality
that must is unforgettable and the conflict of that day has not yet been

"Isn't he like him? Lips, red teeth, white face, looks like the man at that age
almost the same as before." Song Ju Han smiled and looked at He Gu
"Not quite like." He Gu came over, picked up the bowl they had finished and
went to the kitchen.

Song Ju Han made another yawn, probably had enough to play and fluffed the
head of Zhuang Jie Yu: "Come and prepare."

Then he went into the bedroom.

Zhuang Jie Yu gave a "Oh", his eyes drifted to the kitchen, this man's...good
looks are okay.

He Gu just finished washing the bowl and he was going to leave and when he
turned back, he saw Zhuang Jie Yu with both hands on the chest, leaning on
the door frame and looking at him.

He Gu tried to cross him, but he was stopped. He Gu waited quietly, waiting

for Zhuang Jie Yu to do something.

He thought that he would appreciate a naive jealousy. He didn't expect

Zhuang Jie Yu to say the unexpected. He hooked his neck and said, "Can you

He Gu answer honestly: "Yes."

"He wanted to fuck me-------for a long time, I didn't want to do it. But Brother
Han technique should be good..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to think about it. There is nothing wrong
with the physiology." He Gu didn't he know that he was playing at, but he
pushed the kid arm and went out of the kitchen.

Zhuang Jie Yu frowned, what does he mean?

He Gu took the key and prepared to wear his shoes to leave.

Zhuang Jie Yu went up and grabbed his tie, not too happy to be rejected he
said: "What do you mean?"

He Gu frowned: "I want to ask this sentence."

"Brother Han asked me to get ready, he doesn't want to do it with you. I am

like this. Don't tell me that you're grieving for it?"
He Gu reacted to it and knew that this kid had misunderstood? Song Ju Han
did not have such a hobby. He said: "You misunderstood and I don't play this
thing three people thing with Jun Han."

Zhuang Jie Yu smiled: "Don't you even want to hang around for it? Then I will
have to go and have sex with him alone."

He Gu stopped

Zhuang Jie Yu raised his eyebrows: "You didn't know? Brother Han has a
great demand. Sometimes a single person can't cope with him. He likes sex
too much. Didn't he fool around with you?"

He Gu felt that his chest is filled with some dull emotions and he was mad at
himself. He pushed the boy's hand, opened his finger a little, pulled his tie
back and says coldly: "I don't do that."

Zhuang Jie Yu was angry. He didn't expect He Gu to refuse him. He was the
one who was reluctant to do it with him around. He played this one and picked
it up. He was always picked for the body and the fact that his face looked
good. He Gu would go where? Ah, he doesn't take a look at him. Now he
dares to reject him?! He was a little angry, grabbed He Gu collar and kissed
his lips with force.

He Gu was frozen

In addition to Song Ju Han and Feng Zheng, He Gu did not kiss anyone. At
that time, his only thought was that this kid's kiss technique was really good.
When he was with Feng Zheng, neither of them had any experience. When he
kissed Song Ju Han, Song Ju Han was not too satisfied he was too impatient,
he seems to think that this is a serious kiss for the first time.

"What are you doing?" Song Ju Han's cold voice came from behind.

The two separated and Zhuang Jie Yu looked at Song Ju Han with a slight
gasp. There was something in Song Ju Hans eyes, that he could not
understand, it made him feel chilly.

Was he really wrong? Song Ju Han does not want to...

He Gu wiped his lips. He really didn't know how to explain it. Does Song Ju
Han need him to explain? He didn't bother to explain it if he didn't need it.
"Brother Han... Did you not say I should get ready?" Zhuang Jie Yu said

Song Ju Han said with a blank expression: "I didn't say for you to prepare like
this? I said you should prepare yourself."

Zhuang Jie Yu's face changed slightly and Song Ju Han was generous and
funny in the weekdays. Even if his bed was said to be something--
overflowing, he was also fun tone around. He never said such a ugly thing in
front of others. He didn't know what he did that provoked Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han did not look at him at all, but stared at He Gu evilly: "Why did
you kiss him?"

"He kissed me." He Gu said

"I saw that you enjoyed it." Song Ju Han narrowed his eyes: "But we didn't
fuck for a few days - you, wouldn't be so hungry - thirsty?"

Zhuang Jie Yu was even more surprised. He had never seen Song Ju Han
acting this vindictive at anyone. Although this big star is not a comprehensive
person, but Zhang Jie Yu has not been exposed to it, there is no such thing as
a self-cultivation. Song Ju Han should be a decent person inside and outside,
with his graceful posture since birth, as long as there is no conflict of interest
he is always a perfect son. But he never imagined that Song Ju Han would
have such a hot side.

Was the kiss is really enjoyable? It was an impeccable kiss judging from the
skills, it made him have a new understanding of what kissing should be, but
that's all it is it's just like tasting a food he has never tasted. There is no
special meaning. He felt that he should say everything. Song Ju Han was
obviously angered by it. If saying nothing and saying something is useless
then it should be let go. When Song Ju Han is not happy, he knew it is best to
disappear. This is the law he understands.

He Gu turned to wear shoes.

"You dare to step out of this room and I don't want to see you again." Song Ju
Han raised his chin and looked at him from a height.

This sentence really worked, He Gu straightened up and had to explain it

again: "He misunderstood what you meant, we..."
"He didn't misunderstand." Whatever happened to Song Ju Han, his mouth
twitched gently, revealing a somewhat cruel smile.

He Gu body trembled, Song Ju Han does not really want to...

Song Ju Han came over and pulled out his tie: "You have been very obedient
for so many years, will you obey me today?"

He Gu throat was agitated: "Ju Han, don't be an assh*le." He Gu looked at

Song Ju Han and the other person, because he has no position, but he can't
participate in this, it's disgusting.

"How is this bring an assh*le? Isn't it too ass-crap for you to kiss him?" Song
Ju Han thought about the scene he saw, He Gu face was slightly horrified and
seemed to have some enjoyment, only then hid heart was angry and the
blood seemed to be instantly boiled. He Gu actually went to his house and a
little singer---they were kissing, He Gu even kissed someone else? Oh shit!

"This matter should not be my fault."

This sentence seemed to annoy Song Ju Han even furyher, he grabbed He

Gu collar and pressed him to the wall, the p shining beautiful stars, this time
also rose the chill of the boundless universe.

What happened..... Zhuang Jie Yu was startled by Song Ju Han's violence. It

was almost ruined by the tense atmosphere between the two, but all that
violence for just a kiss. Isn't Song Ju Hans reaction too strange?

Zhuang Jie Yu did not understand Song Ju Han, because he only saw the
elegant and charming side of Song Ju Han and he had seen all of Song Ju
Han's appearance. Song Ju Han's temper is so great that people who truly
understand him have always been cautious. Today it is probably a kiss
between him and Zhuang Jie Yu that made Song Ju Han feel that his authority
has been violated? Although he is also very innocent, can he withstand the
wrath of Song Ju Han, this seemed to not be an once or twice thing for now
it's best to wait until his temper wait finished.

Song Ju Han squinted his eyes, his eyes swept every inch of his face and
finally fell on the lips. He rubbed his lips with his fingertips, then overwhelmed
them with force and kissed He Gu extremely violently.
He Gu doesn't he know how to respond to this kiss which felt like a
punishment, he has to avoid the collision of teeth as much as possible.

Song Ju Han's tongue slammed his teeth carelessly in his mouth. He Gu was
gradually getting a little breathless and his face rose a blushing red.

In the meantime, Song Ju Han began to pull his clothes, He Gu was shocked
and grabbed Song Ju Han's hand: "Jun Han?!"

"Today's play is special, I will fuck -- you, he will watch." Song Ju Han pulled
hard and pulled the pants belt.

Zhuang Jie Yu only felt that his head was numb and he was scared by the
anger and malice coming from Song Ju Han's voice.

He Gu was anxious: "Let's calm done Ju Han don't make trouble!"

"Who is going to make trouble with you?"

Song Ju Han's strength is not something that ordinary people resist. As the
sole heir to the Song Dynasty Entertainment empire, his safety was always
put in the first consideration, so he had the best martial arts teacher to teach
him martial arts since he was a child. He Gu once saw him use his ring finger
and little finger to crush the walnut like it was nothing. The beautiful hands are
not only proficient in a variety of instruments, but also can punch the hardest
bones in a person and He Gu is in front of him.... Why?

He Gu face was flushed, this is probably the most embarrassing scene in his
life. His eyes passed Song Ju Han's shoulders and saw Zhuang Jie Yu's eyes
full of horror, he felt his heart was trampled into the mud.

Song Ju Han approached step by step, He Gu desperately wanted to push

him away: "Jun Han, let me go!"

"Don't move, motherfucker you have fucked up my day. Shouldn't you

compensate me for it? Maybe someone would get more excited when he look
at you. You can feel it, it's because he is comfortable with you then I will be
fucking--you until you are comfortable like him."

His hand has already pushed He Gu underwear

He Gu heart felt a big pain, his eyes were burning, he doesn't know where the
strength came from but he managed to push Song Ju Han away!

Song Ju Han fell a few steps back, but quickly stabilized his body.

He Gu looked like a man ehonhadcs scuffle with a wolf, his clothes and tie
were messy, the trousers piled on the feet and the face was full of anger.

Zhuang Jie Yu looked at him with a trace of grief. These rich people, they
really are evil.

Song Ju Han didn't expect that the reaction from He Gu who was silence and
obedience would be so great. He hadn't had time to get angry. But the deep
humiliation on his face made him feel paralyzed.

He Gu trembled and he lifted the trousers, ran to the door, kicked the shoes
and like a whirlwind ran out of the door.

When Song Ju Han reacted, He Gu had already run out. His face became
quite ugly and he flipped the stool next to him.

Zhuang Jie Yu was a little scared and stood by and was at a loss of what to

Song Ju Han's throat was agitated and his eyes gazed at the half-opened
door. He had been frozen in the place for a long time and did not move. He
didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhuang Jie Yu did not dare to breathe.

After a long time, Song Ju Han seems to find him, he looked at him coldly:
"Don't ever touch him again, or you can forget any chance to even become a
thing in the entertainment circle."

Zhuang Jie Yu took a breath and nodded like a shrimp: "I'm sorry, sorry
Brother Han."

"Fuck off

Chapter 8 It's Because I Just Don't Allow It

He Gu ran out of Song Ju Han's house, he could not hold himself together he
nearly collapsed.
Fortunately, there was no one in the elevator on that evening, otherwise he
would have looked ugly with his pants in tatters.

He ran back into the car and he couldn't wait to start the car and drive home.

Halfway through the road, he suddenly remembered that this car was given to
him by Song Ju Han. Suddenly, there was a surge of vomit in his stomach and
he slammed the steering wheel and braked the car to a stop at the side of the

He felt tired and laid back on the chair and slowly closed his eyes.

In the past six years, Song Ju Han has not been vindictive for him. The house,
the car, the precious gifts which came are different from each other and the
red envelopes for the holidays, are always on time from him. When Ju Han is
in a good mood, he will hold him tenderly andbet affectionate. As long as he
can tolerate the temper, the two will be in quite harmonious and Song Ju Han
has not treated him badly.

As for Song Ju Han sleeping with others men and telling him the story of it, it
is not something He Gu can control. As he said to Feng Zheng, Song Ju Han
does not love him. It is not Song Ju Han's fault. There is no promise or
agreement between the two people. He is very aware and fully knows that the
pain he experienced from Song Ju Han makes him look like a mediocrity thing
and he is willing to endure it.

He thought that after so many years of running with Ju Han, he could endure
many of the mistreatment from Song Ju Han, but he still underestimated the
extent of Song Ju Han's mistreatment today.

He found a half-pack of cigarettes from the drawer and held it for a long time
before he found the lighter.

Because Song Ju Han didn't like it, He Gu wanted to smoke even more.

He opened the window and let the cold wind rush in. The smoke rose and
blurred his vision. As the taste of nicotine flew a back and forth in the lungs,
his confusing brain was also awake with the stimulation from tobacco.

It's ridiculous. Whatever he feels for Song Ju Han is treated as a joke. This
joke is like a sickle hanging over his head. For years, he was waiting for the
sickle to fall, waiting for Song Ju Han to worship him back. He has been
preparing for that day. Now, he feels he is far from that day ever happening.

The phone rang suddenly, He Gu heart trembled and he quickly took it over.
At first glance, it was a strange number. He called out and answered the
phone: "Hello?"

"He Gu, it is me." Feng Zheng's voice came from the phone.

"Well, say it." He Gu voice was very cold. He is not usually this cold. But after
the verbal conflict of that day, it is even more pissing to give Feng Zheng a
good face.

" I want to apologize to you about the things I saidthat day,."

"It's nothing."

"Your umbrella is here with me, I want give it back to you."

"It's just an umbrella, there is no need to give it back."

Feng Zheng smiled and said: "I just wanted to have an excuse to see you
again, give me a little face will you?."

He Gu sighed: "Feng Zheng, what do you want now?"

Feng Zheng's hardhead is not to be ignored. For the past six years, Feng
Zheng had no need for his hospitality. But he still does not believe that Feng
Zheng will not be cordial to him.

The phone conversation was silent for a moment: "Just thinking of you, I was
just thinking about our past good times."

He Gu heart suddenly became a bit sour and He Gu couldn't help but recall
the fact that when he and Feng Zheng were in college together. They really
had a good time, although most of the time they were only flirting around each
other and finally they fell in love. It was also very difficult. The only person
other in his life who has been through his heart is Feng Zheng. He Gu is a
person who is into long-term like/love. Otherwise, he will not like a person for
so long. Feng Zheng is always in his heart and was always placed in a sun-
filled corner, it was the lush good years that they could never go back to.
Because those years were really beautiful, He Gu couldn't be too cold hearted
towards this man.

Feng Zheng said again: "I promise not to mention you and Song Ju Han
issues, can we still be friends?"

"You..." He Gu say helplessly: "Even if you say it, we will still be friends."

Feng Zheng smiled: "Speaking of it. When are you free, I want to invite you
out to eat."

"I'm a bit busy with the project at hand, there have been too many things

"What are you doing now? Listening to the voice around you it doesn't sound
like you are at home."

He Gu stumbled, "Yeah, just finished the shift, I am going home."

"I am in a friend's bar, not far from your company, wanna come over for a

"No, today has been too tiring and I don't feel like running around."

"You are still so afraid of contact with strangers." Feng Zheng smiled and said:
"Are you afraid of me?"

There is a hint of incomprehensible petting in the voice.

"I am not afraid of anything, I am really tired."

"Well, then go back and have a rest and I will meet you again."

Hanging up the phone, He Gu calmed down the mood, he finished the

cigarette and drove the car back home.

The home is empty, there is no atmosphere of life in it, he rarely eats at home,
once the work gets busy, he goes home and takes a bath, sleep, there is no
time to do anything else, this house sometimes feels more like a hotel to him,.

This apartment was also given by Song Ju Han. It looks like Song Ju Han is
still supporting him financially. Although he does not need anyone to support
him, if he has to buy a house in the Third Ring. He would have to pay ten or
twenty years of mortgage.

Regarding the fact that Song Ju Han gave him a car, he did not feel insulted
and never felt grateful. These things did not make much sense to him. His
material requirements were very low. He had a calm personality of life even if
he rented a house and squeezed into the subway. If Song Ju Han wants to
give him something, it is Song Ju Han who is doing it voluntarily, just like He
Gu is rushing to love someone who can't love him back and that is also
voluntary. Nothing is special about it.

However, every time he and Song Ju Han are not happy, He Gu will think that
the car, the house, and experience and have an eye-opening dilemma,
especially this ever-empty, unhabitated house, it will only remind him once
and for all how lonely he is and the house indicates that there if one day Song
Ju Han is cold and tired, He Gu may have to go on being alone forever.

After that day, the two had not been in contact for half a month.

Half a month is actually not long. When Song Ju Han is busy recording a
song, it is normal for them to not see each other for one or two months, but
the last time was not because of a happy goodbye, that was the most intense
conflict between the two people in six years. This makes it into every day

After the anger was diffused, He Gu wanted to call Song Ju Han several times
and he could not gather up the courage. He was not too shameful, but he was
afraid to know if they had gone to the mountains and fell into water(broken
up). He repeatedly tested Song Ju Han's time limit for him and tried his own
bottom line again and again. Every time he opened a hole in his heart, it gave
birth to some self-abuse sense of salvation, because now Song Ju Han is
more disappointed and He Gu is just waiting for the day of separation, the
better he will be when it comes, the more he will wait for him to squander his
feelings about Song Ju Han. He should be able to leave.

But it is still not working now, not yet. He is running like a man chased by
explosives. Is it explosive or something else because if it is explosives then he
has no time to stop and catch a break, but it is not just explosive but no matter
where he stops, the bomb will explode and he will certainly be injured. He
knew that earlier that when he stops the damage can be lighter, but he seem
to not be able to stop his legs.
One day, he couldn't help himself. He quietly called Xiao Song. He
deliberately called him at eleven o'clock in the evening. He thought that Xiao
Song should have gone home. I didn't expect the phone to be connected. It
was KTV sound, Xiao Song voice is not small. In KTV, he also deliberately
yelled at the call and shouted: "Hello, He Gu?"

1].... KTV is a karaoke TV entertainment place.... You would see this in plenty
of Korean drama they go and sing into a closed.

He Gu closed his eyes: "It's me."

"You wait, I am going out to tell you something." Xiao Song obviously drank
some wine, he had a little loose tongue when he is drunk.

After a while, the phone voices were quieter and He Gu spoke: "Xiao Song,
have you not been home yet?"

"Are you looking for Brother Han?."

He Gu regretted making this call and Song Ju Han should have heard it... He
was completely familiar with Xiao Song and if there is fight between him and
Song Ju Han..... Xiao Song didn't have to guess the reason.

"Brother He Gu?"

"Ah, oh, have fun, I will hang up first."

"What's wrong? You must have something to say?." Xiao Song made a wine
burp and continued: "This is nothing, I am not high, you can say it."

He Gu voice was nearly inaudible:" How is Ju Han recently?"

Xiao Song paused and his voice was a bit reluctant: "He's good, just busy,
haven't you seen him recently?"

"No..." He Gu didn't know what he wanted to hear from this phone call? He
wanted to bang his head and said, "How is his mood in these two days?"

"These two days are not bad. In the first half of the month, Jesus.... he was
terrible. I had almost made a letter of resignation, but then he calmed down"

"Oh..." He Gu didn't you know what to say.

Xiao Song also felt a little embarrassed: "He Gu, brother, have you two

"Not like that."

"When he is in a good mood, I will mention you to him."

He Gu face had a bitter smile: "Thank you."

He Gu felt like a concubine waiting for the Emperor's favour to turn to him. It is
also necessary to rely on Xiao Song, a small eunuch, to help him out a good
word to the Emperor, otherwise the Emperor would have forgotten him.

But he really wants to see Song Ju Han, he can't be satisfied with just looking
at photos and videos.

Sometimes, he is very glad that in the past six years, Song Ju Han has never
given him a little hope, otherwise He Gu will be tortured by his possessive
desire and delusion.

Hanging up the phone, He Gu sat in the dark for a while and then pressed
play on the new album that Song Ju Han made last year. The 65-inch big TV
he bought has arrived and such a large size seems to be a lot out if his normal

He Gu leaned into the soft sofa and watched the handsome man in the TV like
a man in the dark night, listening to the whispering sounds in the ear like a
bewitching spell, his heart could not suppress the tremble rising up.

There are so many people in the world who like Song Ju Han, but since he
can get so close to Song Ju Han, he should be content.

He warned himself of this contentment again and again.

A phone ringing woke him up. He slammed his eyesoprn and found that he
didn't know when he fell asleep on the sofa. Song Ju Han's album on the TV
has a ended already.

He Gu took the mobile phone, it was already more than two o'clock in the
middle of the night. He was called by Xiao Song. He was startled in his heart.
It would not be that Ju Han got in accident.
He quickly connected the phone: "Hello Xiao..."

"He Gu, brother, Brother Han has gotten into some trouble here, can you
come over?"

He Gu felt the earth shatter and he jumped from the sofa: "What happened?"

"I don't know how someone leaked to the fans that he is here. Now the fans
have blocked the front and rear doors of the KTV place. Brother Han drank
the wine and is getting angrier."

He Gu felt relieved. He thought that Song Ju Han was in danger. He said: "I
am at home now... Hey, isn't your company prepared for things like this?" He
Gu was afraid that he would not be able to do anything even if he gets there.

Xiao Song said: "This, if the boss knows, he will blame me for not protecting
the whereabouts of Brother Han, so..."

He Gu understands it: "Give me the address, I will get there soon." He Gu

quickly put on his clothes, took the key and rushed out of the house.

At night, there were fewer cars, so He Gu even drove pass two red lights and
rushed to KTV at the fastest speed.

Sure enough, at the KTV door there are full crazy fans, as well as passers-by.

He Gu pushed the crowd and squeezed into the doorway. He stood out in a
pile of little fan girls and he looked quite awkward.

The KTV bodyguard stopped him at the door gave him a look: "Are you He

"Yes, I am."

The bodyguard let him in.

When He Gu got inside before he even got to the box he heard Song Ju Han
voice thundering inside.

"Get off, I want to go home, who is the motherfucker dare to stop me-"

"Brother Han, you have fans outside, you can't do this.... your image..."
"Fans are bullshit, what are the fans mean to me? They are a bunch of idiots,
do they even know me, do I know them? Go away!"

There was a sound of something breaking inside.

He Gu pushed the door open and he saw Xiao Song's sweating blocking Song
Ju Han and there were two male waiters next to him and his face was

After Song Ju Han saw He Gu he stayed still and frowned. "How come you
are here?"

Then he looked at Xiao Song: "You told him to come? You dared... who the
hell let you make this decision on your own!"

"Brother Han, Brother Han, you listen to me, tomorrow, when you wake up,
you can swear and cuss at me, you just can't do it now. You listen to me, if
you are photographed like this, Song He will kill me." Xiao Song cried quickly
and kept ask for a miracle help.

He Gu understood this. Xiao Song was looking for him to appease Song Ju
Han. Otherwise, there are so many bodyguards and waiters inside and
outside. It's easy to get Song Ju Han out of here, but Song Ju Han is now
alcoholic drunk and angry, probably will break our in swearing infront of his
fans and if something was said or done wrong it would be troublesome.

He Gu went over and said: "Ju Han you calm down, there are really a lot of
fans outside, maybe there are reporters, now..."

Song Ju Han grabbed his collar: "Who the hell said you can come over....fuck

He Gu didn't care about his tantrum, but he gently grabbed his hand: "Ju Han,
you don't usually drink alcohol, so don't let alcohol control you okay?"

The reason for the He Gu appearance is very positive, he is like a mature man
with calming effect the score is not bad, hid facial features are correct, neither
too good looking but you can not pick faults with it, he is handsome, but also
give people a reliable, trustworthy feeling they are looking at him, when He Gu
uses a serious eye and a gentle voice to appease people, he can give people
an unusually sense of secure relaxed.
Xiao Song gave everyone else a look and several people went away. There
were only two people left in the private room.

Song Ju Han waved his hand and screamed: "I want to go home, I feel
suffocated here, make the fools outside go away."

He Gu pressed his shoulder and made him sit on the sofa with a strong hand
holding his back neck: "I will send you home later, but now you have calm
down, okay?"

Song Ju Han closed his eyes, his long eyelashes trembled slightly and his
breathing became much smoother.

He Gu looked at Ju Han slightly twitching eyelashes, thinking of his wayward

temper, hid lips could not help but posed out a bitter smile. Song Ju Han likes
to get body massages. In order to let Song Ju Han have a reason to stay with
him, He Gu deliberately learned how to give massages. In fact, in order to get
closer to Song Ju Han, he has done a lot things that requires efforts, but Song
Ju Han probably won't know that for a lifetime.

After a while, Song Ju Han really calmed down, He Gu quickly poured a glass
of water for him.

Song Ju Han drank his mouth fill and opened his eyes and looked at him:
"Since when is your relationship with Xiao Song so good?"

"We are okay friends."

Song Ju Han smiled sarcastically: "Did you let Xiao Song call you over today?
I thought you called him earlier tonight. You think I didn't know? I was sitting
next to him."

He Gu didn't know how to explain it, he simply smiled by default.

Song Ju Han smiled a little: "It's only been half a month, I thought you would
stick to it for a longer time."

He Gu felt some confusion in his heart and his head is too shamed to lift up.

Song Ju Han took another gulp and suddenly put the cup on the table. His
hand ruthlessly grabbed He Gu hair, forcing him to raise his head and then
the hot lips descend on him.
He Gu had trace of surprise in his eyes.

Song Ju Han's tongue swept the oral cavity again, only then he let him go.

He Gu licked his lips and a pair of dazed black sly eyes looked at Song Ju
Han without any shame.

He Gu had a slightly confused look when he licked his lips and Song Ju Han
spoke words which tugged his heart: "you missed me?"

He Gu held Song Ju Han's chin and his eyes were like watching his own
prized possession.

He Gu nodded

"How much did you miss me?"

"I thought of you every day."

Song Ju Han stretched out his finger and patted him on the heart: "Is it more
like here..."

Then the other hand moved down and touched the crotch. "Or more like this

He Gu held his face and kissed him tenderly: "I want to go home."

Song Ju Han smiled and his mood was a lot better. He knew He Gu could not
go on without him.

He Gu showed him a smile: "Let's go home."

Song Ju Han did not move. He gently touched his face with his slender fingers
and his eyes were deep. "Zhuang Jie Yu told you that I had sex with others?"

The smile on He Gu face froze.

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "It's true. Sometimes when I need it, you would
be tired. It's too disappointing, so I'll find a second man."

Ju Han stroked the rosy lips tracing the lips and said, "But I never took you to
have sex with them, do you know why?"
No matter how expressionless He Gu face was he still said: "I don't fool

"Its not that you don't want to fool around I just don't allow it." Song Ju Han
pinched his face: "You are very clean. You have been with me since I
graduated from college. Your life circle is also very simple. I don't like
statement of love, so I like you. You are clean. Do you understand? Don't let
anyone touch you, because this is your only advantage."

He Gu looked at this favorite face, only to look confused, his eyes blurred to
some extent that he can not see clearly. His heart felt suffocated so much that
it was difficult to organize the words or speak. In the end, he just nodded
calmly. His face was like a mask of a copper wall, blocking the sword from the
outside and blocking the emotion from it.

Song Ju Han looked at the dazed He Gu and frowned slightly and kissed him
with a sigh of relief: "Come, lets go home."

He Gu stood up, he walked behind Song Ju Han, looking at this back, even if
it was a back, it seemed to radiate sonething.

He spent ten years following this back, he tried his best to get close and
approach it again, but it was just like this, the gap between the two would
never disappear, even if he caught corner of Song Ju Han affection, What a

He Gu took a deep breath and couldn't help but smile.

In fact, he guessed it. The reason why Song Ju Han didn't break with him for
so many years. He was just doing it because he liked comfort and safety he
found in He Gu. He Gu was safe in all senses. He didn't go out into chaos - he
didn't break the rules, he didn't give Song Ju Han trouble. Today, Song Ju
Han's remarks are nothing more than confirming his conjecture.

Nothing more.

In fact, he felt that he and Song Ju Han were having a n equivalent

exchanges. Song Ju Han got security from him. He Gu got companionship
from Song Ju Han and both of them got what they wanted and they all were
fulfilled in the end
As for the pain and despair he experienced, it has nothing to do with others
people, just like he likes Song Ju Han and it is only his own business and no
one else.

Chapter 9 Carting a Drunk Curly Headed Fuckbuddy

Through the corridor, Song Ju Han glanced at the messy door, rolled his eyes
and gasped against the wall, cursing something in his mouth.

He Gu took off his coat and put it on Ju Han head: "I won't let them get close
to you. You can walk with your head down."

"I just drunk a wine, I'm not a thief." Song Ju Han pushed the coat down.

"It's not very good to be photographed while being drunk" He Gu held the
clothes and let him down. He stared at Song Ju Han with a quiet eye. "Be
obedient, I will take you out and get in the car."

Song Ju Han's image is as a mixed-race gentleman with a bit of naughty spirit.

He always shows people an attitude of a princeling. Although this kind of
drinking is a mess, it is a different style, but Song Ju Han's father hates
sudden situations, one careless move and Xiao Song may lose the rice bowl.

1]... Loose the rice bowl = loose the income/salary/job.

What Song Ju Han does has nothing to do with his heart in this life. He can
only love music from the depths of his soul. Therefore, even if he is such a
wayward person, he is very self-disciplined in order to protect his image. He
usually only drinks one or two glasses of red wine at most, he rarely drink so
much, the amount of alcohol is not very good, if he was awake, this small
scene is enough for him to deal with himself, but for now He Gu must protect

Song Ju Han looked into He Gu eyes which were dark and inky, the kind of
stability that only belonged to mature males and his impetuous heart gradually
calmed down and he nodded lightly.

He Gu covered his face with his clothes, the warm hand held Song Ju Han's
hand, the other hand wrapped around his shoulder and they were surrounded
by Xiao Song and the staff, walking out the door.

A burst of screams rang around them.

He Gu frowned deeply and felt that the eardrums were perforated. The
craziness from these little girls he had been seen many times because he had
been to many of Song Ju Han's concerts, but this is the first time, those seem
to be tangible fanaticism coming from all directions. He felt that his body was
constantly being pushed, crowded and pulled. He has the illusion that he will
be swallowed up by these ordinary and weak girls.

"Song Ju Han, Song Ju Han, I love you - Ah -"

Suddenly, a dark thing flew over. When it came to reaction, it was too late for
him to escape. He scoffed and felt a pain in his eyebrows. His right eye was
suddenly bloody and his line of sight became blurred.

"Brother He Gu?!" Xiao Song screamed.

Song Ju Han, who had been walking silently slowed down. He wanted to push
open the coat on him in the next second. He Gu hugged Song Ju Han head
with one arm and his strength was great. The hand that was with Song Ju Han
suddenly tightened and the two palms slammed with sweat: "It's okay, we are
coming up to the car."

Song Ju was annoyed: "He Gu what happened?!"

"I'm okay." The sound of the voice is very heavy and steady. In the unusually
noisy environment of the screams of the fans and the roar of the bodyguards,
this voice is like a stream of clear calmness into Song Ju Han's heart.

Xiao Song opened the door of the car, He Gu put Song Ju Han into it and then
he sat in it.

As soon as the doors closed, the maddening sounds were immediately

isolated and the tight heartstrings of the three men finally came to rest.

Song Ju Han opened his coat and looked at the eyebrow that had been
smashed. His face suddenly changed: "Fuck, this is fucking stupid!"

He Gu wiped his forehead with the wet paper towel. Song Ju Han grabbed it
and carefully wiped the blood along the lower edge of the wound: "If you open
your eyes the blood will flow in."
He felt uncomfortable, his eyelashes have been shaking all the time, Song Ju
Han used his fingers to open his eyelids and gently wiped the blood from the
eyes with a paper towel. He Gu felt that the right eye had recovered his vision.

Xiao Song was going to drive away and Song Ju Han spoke. "Don't drive yet."

The two of them have not responded yet, but Song Ju Han suddenly opened
the door, He Gu wanted to stop him but he was too late and the crazy
screams come up again, which increased his headache.

Song Ju Han's eyes crossed the crazy fans. In such a chaotic scene, he
calmed down like a bystander. Finally, his eyes locked a reporter who was
holding a camera. He poked a bodyguard and said: "Take that man camera."

The bodyguard quickly rushed to push the fans.

Song Ju Han combed his curly hair with a slender finger, took a deep breath
and glared at the fans with a charming smile: "So late, why don't you go home
to sleep, how do a group of little girls stay up this late?"

The gentle and intimate look from the genius singer Song Ju Han was created
by countless sessions, not the one He Gu knew.

Fans screamed so hard that the voices collided with the sky.

"I had a few glasses of wine with my long lost friend today. I am a little drunk.
If you took my picture. It's best for you to hide it. Don't send it out yeah?" His
voice was soft and hoarse, like a man talking to a spoiled lover, it can make
people drunk.

Those fans seem to be fainting and they are so excited that they eat every
word from his mouth.

At this time, the bodyguard pulled the reporter and Song Ju Han grabbed his
equipment and looked at it. There was blood on the top of the camera. He
restrained the urge to hit the man and pulled the reporter's collar and took the
person to the front of the car. Song Ju Han is very tall, he is close to one
meter nine. The reporter felt like a chicken. Song Just Han pointed out He Gu
and said: "You hurt him.... apologize."

He Gu used a paper to stem the blood from dripping on the eyebrows, the
paper towel was red, the reporter was frightened and quickly nodded and
apologized, He Gu eyes did not look at him, he just called Song Ju Han to
quickly get in the car.

Song Ju Han said goodbye to the fans. Only then got into the car and
slammed the door. Xiao Song was afraid that he would regenerate his anger
so he quickly drove the car away.

Song Ju Han leaned on the back of the chair, and looked at He Gu: "Does it

He Gu smiled: "Not much." He thought that Song Ju Han had just made the
reporter apologized to him. His heart was warm as the summer sun. At this
time, it would feel like it was a little bruise, even if he was lying in the hospital.

For many years, he rarely felt that Song Ju Han care on his heart, even if he
had told him about his really heart just five minutes ago.

I like a person who like this, a word can raise my nirvana, a word can plunge
me into hell.

"My goodness, if there were not a lot of people, you would have seen how I
would have beaten him."

The smile on He Gu face couldn't be covered.

"What are you smiling at?" He Gu is it not a person who smile usually. In fact,
he rarely has... He doesn't have too many expressions. In Song Ju Han
memories, it seems that it has been a long time ago since he saw He Gu
smiling. Don't say anything about it.. it's pretty good.

"You were so handsome." He Gu eyes fell on Song Ju Han's face and refused
to move. The slightly intoxicated Song Ju Han curls are a bit messy, the hooks
were quite entangled in the style, the eyes are slightly red, then lazy and
casual with a little decadent breath, this is the beautifulness that make people
breathe tightened.

Song Ju Han smiled and asked: "When am I not handsome?"

He Gu pinch his palm: "Ju Han, thank you."

Song Ju Han pushed He Gu short bangs and looked at the wound he had just
stemmed. He whispered: "If I can't help my man, am I a man or not?"
"A little bruise, you just scared me." If Song Ju Han got mad after getting off
the car, He Gu really didn't know how it would end tonight, but he thought that
Song Ju Han was photographed, he was worried. : "Your photo..."

Song Ju Han did not care to said: "The reporter's photo won't be send out, the
problem of fans shooting photos is not big, nothing more than bad hair day,
not so serious."

Xiao Song whispered: "Brother Han, don't worry about it, Song Ha Jun always
wanted to talk to you."

"Talk about it, can you blame me?" Song Ju Han yawned indifferently: "Don't
go to the apartment, send us back to Xiangshan's villa."


Xiao Song sent the two to the villa and He Gu treated the wound with the
medicine box. The wound was not deep and it had stopped bleeding. It was
just on the edge of the eyebrows and even if it was left, it could not be seen.

By the time they returned Song Ju Han was already too sleepy. After seeing
what was going on, he went upstairs and went to sleep.

He Gu took a shower and went upstairs.

Pushing open the bedroom, he saw Song Ju Han wearing clothes and falling
on the bed, already sleeping. He went to the bathroom and got a wet towel,
gently cleaned Song Ju Han face and hands and then undressed him.

Halfway through, Song Ju Han woke up, squinting at the eyes and looking at
He Gu and his throat was sliding up and down, but did not speak, closed his
eyes and slept.

He Gu couldn't help but smile. He stuffed Song Ju Han into the quilt and
drilled himself into it.

There was still some coldness in the quilt. When he entered, Song Ju Han
instinctively came over to him as a heated body and hugged him.

He Gu put his arm on Ju Han waist and watched his sleep quietly. For what
reason, this moment is really worth a thousand dollars, so he watched and
looked at him and couldn't bear to close his eyes until he couldn't resist the
sleepiness and fell into the dream.

He Gu has gotten used to getting up early every day of the year. He grew up
this way from childhood to a grown up. Unless he is in an emergency, he goes
to work, and gets there early never late.

And Song Ju Han was still asleep and a small patch of skin of shoulders was
exposed in the tightly wrapped quilt. The curly hair was scattered on his face
and the red and moist lips were slightly open, revealing an innocent look. He
Gu bowed his head and gently kissed Song Ju Han ears, he could kiss and
touch Song Ju Han and even sleep with him on the same bed, he felt that he
was experiencing things much better than most people in the world. Who
could be bitter.

He rolled out of bed and sneaked down the stairs. After washing, he started
making breakfast.

Because the villa in Xiangshan is too far away from the city, Song Ju Han
does not come here often, but someone will come to clean it at a fixed time
and fill the refrigerator with fresh ingredients. He Gu has been here several
times. In fact, Song Ju Han has several residences in the capital. He has also
seen Song Ju Han's parents and he has eaten twice with the supermodel hot
mom who was glamorous. He felt a bit special, probably only one for Song Ju

After cooking, he took out his mobile phone. This time, he should have
watched the company's mail immediately, but he opened the entertainment
news and wanted to see if anything was posted about what happened
yesterday. Fortunately, it was indeed a bit of gossip news, but there is no
official, nothing more than some vague photos taken by the fans, they did not
stir up any splashes.

He just let go of his heart and started to work on the really reason for turning
on the phone.

He waited until ten o'clock and there was some movement upstairs. He heard
Song Ju Han shouting: "He Gu?"

He Gu sighed and go upstairs.

Song Ju Han just took a shower, he was only wearing a pair of pajama pants,
the red-naked upper body has the most muscular and beautiful muscles. He is
a typical figure dressed in a thin body and has a good body portions. This
figure is very suitable. On the mirror, in reality, it is more like a photo-shopped

Song Ju Han grabbed his shoulder and poked the gauze on his brow's corner:
"How is it?"

"Nothing, it doesn't hurt anymore." If Song Ju Han had not say anything about
it He Gu would have forgotten.

"You had a work-related injury, what kind of reward do you want?"

He Gu grabbed his waist and smiled and said, "Let me kiss you."

Song Ju Han bowed his head and kissed him: "This opportunity is rare and
then I ask you for the last time, what kind of reward do you want?"

He Gu didn't think that Song Ju Han was serious? He Gu wouldn't let go of

such an opportunity. He said without hesitation: "Will you spend my birthday
with me?"

He Gu never really cared about his birthday. He has never been one to
celebrate one ever since his mother left, but he needs one.

"Yes, when?"

"Any day of the next month." He knew that Song Ju Han was very busy and
could not pay hundreds of thousands of millions of liquidated damages by
skipping hid schedule just to accompany him on his birthday.

Song Ju Han smiled and kissed his cheek: "I like you, you're sensible."

He Gu smiled. The sensible word is usually spoken from in the elders to the
younger generation, the superiors to the subordinates, the male to the female
and of course there is a situation when the golden master is on the bed, these
two words make him feel uncomfortable, but he does not show anything. He
Gu just patted Song Ju Han's face: "Come down and eat."

He Gu cooking skills are not bad, although he only makes some home
cooking and the food is very common, but the taste is very good. Song Ju Han
ate two bowls of porridge. Last night, the stomach sensation brought to him by
the empty stomach and the night haze dissipated.

After dinner, He Gu found two hangover pills: "Why did you suddenly drink

Song Ju smothered the medicine along the water and then sighed with relief:
"The new song... I was asked to changed its lyrics more than ten times and
finally changed to satisfaction and the mood was good."

"Congratulations, can you let me hear?"

"You look for Xiao Song he will let you." Song Ju Han did not know what he
thought of, but he grinned. The pure joy from the heart made him look a little
childish and still very beautiful.

Only music can make Song Ju Han reveal such a smile.

He Gu smiled. The biggest advantage of being liked person is that it is a bit of

gain in getting along. Perhaps the usual words and deeds and Song Ju Han's
behavior can confused one with countless meanings and values ??in other's
eyes. Song Ju Han's smile can light up his life in an instant. A sentence can
make him ponder over until he smashes and grinds. He tries to pick clues
from it a little bit by a bit. Whether it is successful or not, it is enough for him to
be in a good mood for period of time and He Gu felt that life is so full and

Those who are happy or sad because of thinking about Song Ju Han are still
accompanied by self-abuse sweetness in the pain.

He Gu often tells himself that seeking Song Ju Han is not the most painful and
there is no need to ask for more.

How lucky he is, at least he can still love a person, otherwise someone like
him who is not interested in anything should love something, in order to make
himself feel that he matters in this world.

He loves Song Ju Han, but this six-year period has already ruined any
expectations of his that Song Ju Han will love him back. He no longer
speculates, no longer fantasize, no longer craves, he is just enjoying the little
happiness that the person he loves brings to him. that's enough.
In the past six years, He Gu repeatedly suspected that Song Ju Han knew
that he love him. Song Ju Han is very clever and his IQ is high. Because he
has been exposed to this grotesque circle since he was a child, the guy who
know things around the incredible things hundreds of times more than
common people, so few things escapes his eyes. But He Gu thinks that loving
in hiding is also quite good, he can accompany Song Ju Han, he can get too
much benefit, Song Ju Han has probably been afraid of love starting from a
very young age, so he must now believes that some people just want the
benefits from him, but he doesn't know how He Gu loves him and how it
differs from other men and women who come and go. After all, everyone likes
Song Ju Han, even if it is special, for Song Ju Han, He Gu afraid it does not
make any sense.

Chapter 10 Gu Qing Pei vs Song Ju Han The Curly Haired Bastard

The two stayed in the villa of Xiangshan for two days.

During the period, Song Ju Han's father, Song He, called him to a training and
at that time, He Gu was being fucked by Song Ju Han on the open balcony.
The man had a penchant for doing whatever he wanted.

Song Ju Han lazily smacked words with his father. There was light music in
the room, but the surroundings were very quiet. As long as a little movement
was made, the fucking would be revealed. There was no way to do it. Gu He
could only bite the pillow on the recliner and he couldn't make a sound. This
seemed to be very interesting to Song Ju Han

On weekdays, he is always a serious man. Only after will he show a

completely different side, which belongs to He Gu only.

Song He paused: "What are you doing?"

Song Ju Han looked at He Gu who had a face of a man being bullied. He was
in a very good mood and said with a smile: "Listening to a song."

"You didn't listen to what I said? You don't care about anything. Those
reporters can catch up with even a little bit of something."

"I know Dad, I think it's quite awkward coming from you." Song Ju Han's slight
stunned eyes showed a sarcasm. "The pictures of you and the little model last
month were passed to me."
"Shut up, my life is not your concern."

Song Ju Han chuckled and the temperature in his eyes plummeted...

Probably in recognition of the "work injury", Song Ju Han was quite gentle in
the past two days. In addition to making He Gu cry and beg for mercy, he was
completely impeccable in his good lover portrayal.

Song Ju Han can be good to a person if he wants. He can kill people with
deep affection and sweetness. It's just a death with a smile, a love word that
sticks to the ear or like a cannonball wrapped in tons of honey attached to the
bottom of the heart. He Gu has experienced a bit of it. It was six years ago
when Song Ju Han and Feng Zheng fought over him, so that he
misunderstood and mistakenly thought they(HG and SJH) were in love.

After many years, he still remembers that when he first got "caught-- looking",
Song Ju Han laughed at him, as if he was the biggest joke in the world.

Fortunately, now that he has grown up, Song Ju Han is good to him. He
enjoys it and if he is not good to him. He endures it and will not give up extra

Two days passed quickly and the driver took them back to the city. He Gu pick
up a call on the road and he had to be at company in a hurry, so the driver
sent him to the company first.

As a super-large state-owned enterprise with tens of thousands of employees

worldwide, Nanchuang Group stands in the most prosperous CBD Financial
District. At this time, although it is not commuting time, there are still many
people in the square.

The driver parked the car in front of the office building and Song Ju Han was
swearing on what was wrong. He slowly opened his eyes and said lazily:
"Where are you hurrying to?"

"Going to the company."

Song Ju Han snorted and hugged his waist and said: "Don't go to work, isn't
good to just accompany me?."

He Gu stroked his hair: "I still have to go to work."

"You can't earn a few dollars, and you end up so tired..." Song Ju Han
snorted. "You look at the news. You have been working hard all day long. If
you continue this way and your body will be finished sooner or later."

"I exercise every week, my body is not bad."

For Song Ju Han this is not so cool.

He Gu gently pinch his chin and got a kiss on his lips: "I am leaving."


He Gu was a bit reluctant to leave, he even hopes to live in a world where

only him and Song Ju Han were the inhabitants, but that is impossible.

1].... SHS

When he got out of the car, he felt that the plate number on a Porsche
Cayenne was a bit familiar. Sure enough, Gu Qing Pei also walked down from
the car. His figure shook and he nodded and smiled. "He Gu for really, what
happened to your face?" Gu Qing Pei pointed to the band-aid on the

"General Manager Gu." He Gu went over, a smell of wine came out,

"Scratched a little skin, a small injury. You were drink?"

Gu Qing Peing's face was red and his eyes were very small. He looked very
good. He grabbed He Gu shoulder and smiled. "At noon, I have entertainment
dinner. My friend brought two bottles of good wine." He "snapped" two times
and watched. Looking like his mind flew back to the wine.

1].... Wang Jing you bastard you are even in this novel...

He Gu smiled: "It seems that Gu always drinks beautiful... can you walk?"

"I'm okay." Gu Qing Pei said nothing, but his feet were a little shaky.

Gu Qing Pei's driver poked his head out of the window: "Mr. Gu, you wait for
me to park, I will help you."

He Gu got in the way: "No, I will help him."

"Let's get inside the elevator, don't let the staff see me like this." Gu Qing Pei
is obviously not drunk, he was just a little dizzy.

When the two of them just walked into the door, there was a cold voice behind
them: "He Gu"

He Gu turned around and saw that Song Ju Han has not gone yet and he
even got off the car! Although his face is covered with black glasses, but the
impeccable figure and three-dimensional facial features, you can see at a
glance that he looks very good.

Gu Qing Pei also turned his face and half-squinted his eyes and looked at
Song Ju Han. He felt that this person seemed to be a bit familiar...

"What's wrong?" He Gu gave Ju Han a win and wanted to make him hurry
back into the car, although there are not many people at this time, but what
should he do if they have a sharp eye.

Song Ju Han bluntly pointed to Gu Qing Pei: "Who is he?"

"My boss." He Gu lower his voice and said, "Let's go."

Gu Qing Pei said with a smile: "He Gu, is he your friend?"

"Yeah..." He Gu worry was incomparable. No one is that a fool, not to mention

that Gu Qing Pei is as smart as a fox. Song Ju Han's attitude is unlike an
ordinary friend.

Song Ju Han heard the words "My Boss" and looked up and down at Gu Qing
Pei. He didn't want to believe it.

Song Just Han is different from He Gu. When was growing up he only liked
women. Later, he tried the men and he felt that it was not bad. He was straight
acting gay man, but He Gu was a pure gay man. How did he not know
before? He Gu has such a long look? Mr. Gu is also a handsome boss so why
are they so familiar with each other?

Ju Han hates anyone getting close to He Gu, he think he should be the only
man to He Gu, so he instinctively feels that He Gu belongs to him alone, as he
said, He Gu must always be "clean", a clean, loyal, mature. The person who is
not troublesome and can calm him, although He Gu is not good at words, he
can not bring it out, but it is good enough for him to know Song Ju Han alone.
Gu Qing Pei drank some wine, but his character has always been impeccable.
At this time, he let go of He Gu and he walked straight as much as possible.
He extended his hand to Song Ju Han: "Hello, my name is Gu, what is your

Song Ju Han did not reach out and did not speak. Of course he did not want
to let people know that he was here.

The atmosphere dropped to the freezing point for a while, He Gu felt that he
had a smoke coming from his head. He pulled Gu Qing Pei and said: "Gu, I
am sorry, let's go back to the company and I will explain it to you."

Gu Qing Pei took back his hand and smiled at the corner of his lips: "Oh, you
seem to be that star, is it... Are you in advertising?"

Song Ju Han's eyes were sharp and the lips were slightly paralyzed.

He Gu felt that Song Ju Han was going to get angry. He is not an

understanding person inside or outside. He Gu really wants to disappear on
the spot.

How could Gu Qing Pei make Song Ju Han embarrassed and not fight back
and said with a three-point drunken smile: "I especially like your
advertisement, singing and dancing, that looked like a fun thing to watch."

Song Ju Han laughed: "I am not in advertising, but you are drunk at noon and
your professionalism is suspicious."

"Song Jun Han, don't say that!" He Gu said urgent: "You go back first, okay,
this here is the company grounds, there are people coming and going."

Gu Qing Pei put his hands in his pockets, so he looked at Song Ju Han with a
sly look.

Song Ju Han still wants to make trouble, but finding that some people have
noticed around them. His slender fingers moved the sunglasses down slightly,
revealing a pair of sharp eyes that smashed Jun Han and he glanced at Gu
Qing Pei with a sneak peek and turned to the car.

After Song Ju Han left, He Gu sighed with relief and then looked at Gu Qing
Peing's face and could not say a word.
Gu Qing Pei looked at him for a moment and raised his eyebrows: "I didn't
expect you to know Song Ju Han."

"He is a High School alumni."

Gu Qing Pei said"oh"in a long sounded form and a smile on his lips: "You
really look like ordinary high school classmates."

He Gu face was so ugly, he swears hard: "Gu, I am sorry, I am really sorry, I

apologize for him on his behalf."

Gu Qing Pei patted his shoulder: "It doesn't matter, it's not your fault."

He Gu was angry and embarrassed in his heart. He doesn't know what nerves
Song Ju Han had to make such a scene. Gu Qing Pei has always been good
to him. He Gu also respects Gu Qing Pei. This is a crime that has offended
him. It is simply an innocent disaster.

Such a trouble, Gu Qing Pei's wine headalso woke up a lot, the two people
walked into the office side by side, although Gu Qing Pei's looked as usual,
but He Gu heart beat like a drum, still fearful.

He Gu went to the office with Gu Qing Pei all the way, although Gu Qing Pei
will be gone in the next two weeks time but he was still his boss.

When he entered the office, he poured a cup of tea into Gu Qing Pei cup and
handed it over.

Gu Qing Pei sat down on the chair, slender fingers loosened the tie and
button, revealing a small bump of the collarbone, he drank the tea, did not
know what to think, after a moment, suddenly smiled.

He Gu could not bear to look at him.

Gu Qing Pei seems to be unsatisfied: "He Gu, I really can't read you. No
wonder, you are such a good condition, I don't know how many people want to
introduce you to girlfriends to the company in these years. You have pushed
it. Thid turned out to be the reason why."

He Gu didn't talk, it was the default reply. He knows that his appearance does
not look like homosexual. He is neither fashionable nor feminine. Although
these two are not the labels of gay men, most people who do not understand
this group generally use these two criteria to distinguish straight and gay men.

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, this is your private matter. I
am just surprised by what happened today."

He Gu fave had a bitter smile: "General Manager Gu, I am really sorry..."

"It has happened so don't apologize, I said it is not your fault. But that Song
kid can be big enough trouble, saying that you are not more than friends, I
won't believe it."

He Gu knows that he can lie to Gu Qing Pei, but chose to tell the truth: "We
only meet occasionally, um... not a fixed relationship."

He Gu couldn't say [fuckbuddies] to the boss so he could only euphemistically

expressed it, He knows that Gu Qing Pei will understand the term.

"Hahaha so it's this way." Gu Qing Pei smiled and shook his shoulders.
Alcohol exaggerated his emotions: "Interesting, really interesting."

He Gu was even more embarrassed

"Oh, don't be nervous, I don't blame you, I don't have such an awakward
outlook to life, let's get back to work."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu."

"Right, you still owe me that meal, remember before I leave, I want to talk to

"Well, General Manager Gu, when you are free."

From Gu Qing Pei office, He Gu vomited a sigh of relief. Fortunately it was Gu

Qing Pei, if you changed him to some of the old-fashioned leaders... Song Ju
Han will not be upset and only a calm Gu Qing Pei can make people
misunderstand the scene.

He Gu patted his head and returned to his office.

He is currently carrying out three projects at the same time. Today, there is
something wrong with the case of a Spa Center, they were waiting for him to
go to a meeting.

He Gu spent more than two hours with Party A. At the end of the meeting, the
day was dark and the company's people were basically gone.

The car was still at KTV. He took the taxi to pick up the car and called Song
Ju Han on the road.

The phone rang a few times and picked it up. He Gu tried to ask: "Ju Han?"

Song Ju Han voice was a little cold and "hmm".

"You are not angry?"

"I am not idle, how would I have time to get angry every day?"

Oh he is already angry...

He Gu sighed: "Gu is really my boss, we are not very in anything else than
friendship, today you saw him he had drink too much, I wanted to help him to
the office, nothing else."

"how old is he?"

"Thirty one or two."

"I remember that you are also a middle-level leader in the company. He is still
your boss. Is he an executive?"

"He's an executive."

Song Ju Han smiled ridiculously: "How did he climbed up? Is your boss
fucking women? Is he a woman? Is he homosexual? Are the Nanchuang
people dead zombies, it's in the world's top 100 companies, and they're letting
a man in his thirties be an executive?"

He Gu said helplessly: "No, he is more capable, but he is about to leave."

"When is he leaving?"
"Just at the end of this month."

"Oh." Song Ju Han's tone sounded a lot better. "Farewell."

He Gu sighed in his heart.

After a while, this page turned over. When the two people said a few words
that were irrelevant, they hung up the phone. It seems that the sweetness of
the past two days is still there and Song Ju Han is not annoyed. He Gu had a
calm heart for a good afternoon.

He took his own car and when he was about to go home, he received a call
from Feng Zheng who asked him to eat out.

Feng Zheng had asked him twice before, he didn't have time and he refused
and this time he agreed.

The two went to a private winery.

When he got to the door, he said the name and the waiter took him in.

This is a Tuscan-style winery. There are two rows of swordsmen outside the
winery. Due to the limited space the winery is a bit crowded, but the design of
the winery is very pure and elegant. He Gu is a construction engineer. He has
been dealing with designers all the year round. When he looks at a building,
he probably knows how much the design value is. This building style is the
element that is not commonly used in domestic architecture. It is the method
thats worth called burning money.

He Gu had the waiter bring him to a room and at a glance, he saw Feng
Zheng, who was chatting with people. In addition to Feng Zheng, there were
seven or eight people in the room There were men and women, all of whom
were dressed impeccably.

"He Gu?" Feng Zheng smiled and stood up. He said to other people:
"Introduction, this is my friend, He Gu, the Senior Engineer at Nanchuang, He
Gu, these are my friends..." Feng Zheng introduced them one by one. These
people are not simple workers in their careers but there are too many people,
so He Gu felt a bit awkward.

After the introduction, Feng Zheng pulled him to the sofa on one side: "Come
on, you got here fast, there was no traffic jam?"
"Coincidence, there is no jam today." He Gu looked around, "It's very good

"It's my friend's winery, Ah, he's the boss." As he said, a young man came in.
The man was tall and handsome and his temperament was very casual. He
looked down with his eyes. As if he was careless about nothing, Feng Zheng
waved him: "Peng Fang, come."

1]....Beloved Enemy Henchmen No1

"Come on, I just woke up." Peng Fang touched his neck and said, "Hey, he
said, "this freaking neck seems to be a stiffer."

"I went someplace last night, I just woke up now."

"The nightlife is mixed in, going back and forth to Los Angeles within three
days and staring at trade deals" Peng Fang looked at He Gu and smiled and
said hello: "Hello."

"Hello, I'm He Gu" He Gu shook hands with him.

"I'm Peng Fang." Peng sat down on the opposite sofa and asked the waiter to
pour him a cup of ice water, then lifted his chin to Feng Zheng: "How is this

"Great, I'm going to bring some friends to the party today."

"Thank you, drink on my count today and I will help you more."

"No problem."

When Peng Fang gave him a cigarette, He Gu pick it up a topic: "Does Peng
specialize in making wine?"

Peng gave a smile: "No." He looked at Feng Zheng. "I haven't seen him

"My college classmates he is not much in our circle."

Peng said an "oh" voice.

He Gu know that Feng Zheng's circle is the circle of prominent families in
Beijing. It's a circle where only the rich and the second generation kids have
the qualification to enter. Feng Zheng took him here, maybe he wants to
introduce him to some useful friends, although they are being kind, He Gu felt

For those who are as versatile as Gu Qing Pei, they must be able to fly
through such an occasion and easily become the focus of the party. A
foreigner with no background, sitting in the position of a monopoly of large
state-owned enterprises for ten years, how can he have no such skill?

It is a pity that no matter how envious of Gu Qing Pei he is, he can't become
Gu Qing Pei. It is already the result of his many years of lone man cultivation.

Whatever Peng thought of, he smiled and said: "Hey, Feng Zheng, do you
know who is coming back?"


"Yuan Yang."

He Gu felt that the Yuan name is a bit familiar, but he can't remember where
he has heard it.

Feng Zheng smiled: "Yes, he is finally willing to return from the army then?."

"He was forced to come back by his whole family. I am so happy." Peng Fang
smiled. "I am going to give him the biggest party. You must come when he

"Sure, you are happy."

"That I am.... he is my best brother."

The two chatted for a while and Peng left to say hello to everyone. Feng
Zheng and He Gu had the opportunity to chat.

Feng Zheng smiled and said: "We will eat together in a while. Peng hired a
chef who has been dug up from a Michelin restaurant in France. Every other
day, he is shipping seafood from Canada. It tastes very good."

"I didn't eat much at noon." He Gu smile and patted his belly.
"Has it been busy at the company recently?"

"The old thing I think is that I will have to change careers in a few years, I get
too tired, I'm afraid that the body can not afford the overwork."

Feng Zheng nodded: "Really, I support you. What do you want to do other
than that?"

"I don't know, let's talk about it later."

Feng Zheng smiled and looked at him: "You asked me to have a meal, I will
invest in you."

He Gu laughed: "Is it easy to get an investment?"

"As long as it is you."

He Gu felt Feng Zheng's eager gaze watching and feeling a little flustered. He
turned the subject: "What about you, what have you been busy with recently?"

"We intend to invest in a new film from Song Media, which is currently in

"Oh, I heard about that."

Feng Zheng smiled and laughed: "you also heard from Song Ju Han?"

He Gu answered plain: "Yes, their company's movies have always been doing
good at the box office."

"Well, Song He has raised a group of talents and his vision is very good. He
always knows exactly what the market wants and what young people want."

"What is Feng role in this?"

"My dad, it's his body, he said that he can still work for twenty years. He also
agreed for me to come out and practice."

The two chatted about the sky and earth, the atmosphere was very good, as if
the conflict of the day had never happened, He Gu felt relaxed and a lot, he
can only be friends with Feng Zheng, no matter how good his company is.
Well don't forget to vote and comment.....

Get intoxicated..... and wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.

Chapter 11 General Gu You Are Gay?....Yep So are You

Peng Fang's winery has just opened and friends and friends have come to
experience it. Peng Fang also hopes to take the opportunity to publicize the

After eating, when Peng Fang left, he also prepared a gift for them. He Gu
looked at the red wine in the bag and planned to go home. When Song Ju
Han came to him, they could occasionally drank a cup or two.

Walking side by side to the parking lot, Feng Zheng looked at his watch:
"Would you like to go to the bar or club for a drink?"

He Gu smiled: "If you drink again, you can't drive, let's change it to another

"Alright." Feng Zheng patted him on the shoulder. "Right, I have a relative who
bought a manor in the suburbs. It was built especially beautiful. I remember
that you like fishing. When are you free to go with me?"

He Gu often fished with his father when he was a child. Since his father
passed away, fishing has become a way of cherishing the memories of his
father. It is also an activity that allows him to relax his worries. Sometimes he
is bored he will find a place to fish, just recently, the work was piling up and he
was busy and he didn't have time to relax. Feng Zheng said that He Gu
nodded at a heartbeat. "Well, if I have time, I must come."

Feng Zheng smiled and said: "Be careful on the road."

"Well, Feng Zheng, thank you for today."

"Thank you."

"Thank you for introducing me to your friends and that seafood was delicious."

Feng Zheng smiled: "If you like, I still have a lot of good things for you to try."

He Gu cussed and there was some confusion in his heart: "Feng Zheng, you
don't have to be so good to me."
Feng Zheng looked at him intently: "You were very good to me that year."

"That's all in the past, let's say we are friends..." When He Gu was doing his
internship, he was of course very good to Feng Zheng. Feng Zheng was also
a good-looking student and colleague and the son of the boss. He also gave
Feng Zheng tutorship in the middle of the night. Feng Zheng bought
sometimes bought him birthday gifts. He Gu also worked overtime to correct
Feng Zheng's work. He Gu didn't have many people close to him. There is
one reason for him. He has no reason not to be good to him.

Feng Zheng shrugged: "That is, we are friends, why can't I be good to you."

He Gu thought that he can't be too passionate, so he smiled calmly: "Yes, we

are friends. Then I will go back."

Feng Zheng waved his hand.

Song Ju Han made the title song of the new album and it swept the major
music charts in a time. During this time, he appeared in the public eye
frequently. On TV, on the Internet, on the newspapers, wherever he is, just
turn an eye and everyone can see his advertisement.

In order to warm up the new album, Song Ju Han ran a non-stop promotions
and the two had no chance to meet in a short time, but He Gu occasionally
sent a message to Song Ju Han and he did not care if he never got a reply.

On the last day of working at Nanchuang, Gu Qing Pei got together with
several good relationships leaders and friends and had a lunch in the
company cafeteria. The meal had already been eaten countless number of
times and the wine also drank by countless bottles. This last meal was very

On the big screen TV in the cafeteria, Song Ju Han's new song was just
released. This is a dark jazz music with some catchy lyrics. It's not very good
to sing along, but you can hear a lot of words. Anyone around can't
consciously stop from nodding along it up.

Gu Qing Pei turned to look at the TV, his mouth slightly smiling and then
looked at He Gu with a knowing smile. He Gu did some of the nodding with
the beat.
"Xiao Chen, do you like this singer?" Gu Qing Pei asked the person who was
singing along.

"Love him." Xiao Chen said with a smile: "Song Just Han's songs are very
nice and he is very talented. Most of his songs are written by himself."

"Is he a mixed blood?" Gu Qing Pei's understanding of Song Ju Han is limited

to being able to name his name and knowing face.

"Yeah, a quarter of German blood, his mother is a Chinese-German mixed-

race supermodel, very beautiful." The female colleague next to them said that
she pulled out her mobile phone and showed her screensavers. It was a
poster photo. In the photo, a beautiful and goddess with a bright and a carved
figure, is covered with a tulle coat, she was holding a little boy of three or four
years old with one hand, the boy's curly black hair and the fine features were
captivating. The eyes were as bright as the entire starry sky: "This is when he
was four years old when his mother took him on the vogue cover."

"Wow, it's beautiful."

He Gu collected this series of photos, it is the first Asian mother and son on
the cover of the US cover of Vogue, which caused a lot of turmoil in the
fashion circle. Although it was not Song Ju Han's first appearance in the
media, It was the first time that the world knew him. This mother and son duo
are indeed pleasing to the eye.

He Gu has seen Song Ju Han's mother several times. She is a Chinese-

German mixed-race born in the United States, passionate and intelligent and
unparalleled beauty, but Song Ju Han has almost no similarities in her
personality except her appearance.

"Her body has remained very good until now." The female colleague shook
her head and sighed: "It's like she is not humans."

Gu Qing Pei praised: "She is really beautiful."

"Song Ju Han's father is also very handsome. Oh, this family is simply...." The
female colleague talked about her idol, such a few words and no matter if the
colleagues around them are not interested, she was desperately showing the
photos in the phone.
Gu Qing Pei looked at him for a moment and deliberately teased him: "He Gu,
do you like his song?"

He Gu choked by the soup and coughed down.

"He is definitely not interested in these." Xiao Chen smiled and said: "I don't
think he even knows who Song Ju Han is."

1]..... Shared his bed which is more than what you can say

Gu Qing Pei smiled and his eyes sparkled with joy.

He Gu cleared his throat as if nothing happened, "Well, why he is liked young

people, I really don't know."

"Hey, He Gu is only 28, young and very good looking, why do you talk like he
is a middle-aged person?"

"That is, He Gu character is too old and at an usually a glance you can see he
too mature for these things. When he is angry, he can be scary. Gu, you talk
about him."

He Gu smiled: "You guys are too much and I am not that scary."

Gu Qing Pei took a shot on his shoulder and deliberately said seriously: "He
Gu, you should usually smile more, don't always have that face or you won't
be able to find a wife."

Laughter rang at the table.

When he got off work, Gu Qing Pei sent a text message: [You will accompany
me for a drink at night.]

He Gu guessed Gu Qing Pei still wanted to convince him to change company

with him, so he returned:[OK.]

In a short while, Gu Qing Pei sent the time and an address. In the bar street,
the name of the bar was vaguely familiar, but He Gu couldn't remember it and
didn't care.
When he got off work, He Gu went home, cooked a bowl of noodles and
watched TV while eating. He usually doesn't watch TV very much, but when
he thinks that if he doesn't enjoy this 40,000 TVs he felt really distressed.

A familiar face popped up on TV, not Song Ju Han, but Zhuang Jie Yu. This
small upcoming took over major role in film of a big-name director as a male
No.2 in the movie. His appearance of the sunny and cheerful baby face on the
TV was really difficult to connect with the person who he met at Song Ju Han's
home that day. However, considering the gap between Song Ju Han and his
predecessors, there is nothing to be astonished.

When he saw him, He Gu couldn't eat the food anymore. Song Ju Han's side
is surrounded by a bunch of people who look so good. It's really amazing that
he and him can go through six years without He Gu being dumped.

He packed up the dishes and took a shower.

The warm water washed away the tiredness of the day, he closed his eyes,
the brain gradually emptied and Song Ju Han's face appeared in his mind.

Two days later it would be his birthday. This month has gone by a third. He
doesn't know if that Song Ju Han still remembers the appointment to
accompany him. He will not wait for Song Ju Han's conscience to rediscover,
because even if he forgets it. Song Ju Han will not be embarrassed and I will
call him to remind him. Although Song Ju Han had a bad memory, He Gu
would not say anything to him.

After the shower, He Gu changed his casual wear. He looked in the mirror.
The person in the mirror was slender and straight. He had a thinner body than
the youthful boy of his school days.

He Gu dried his hair and puts on his coat and went out.

When he got to the place, he felt that his forehead was numb and he looked at
the people who came in and out. This is clearly a gay bar. He just
remembered why it seemed familiar that because he saw it on the Internet.
This is a gay bar. It is quite stylish. It is very famous in the 'comrades' circle of
Beijing. It is nicknamed "Black Gate". The name and the two black stone
gates are opposite which the bar is named, the boss is a star who didn't come
out of the closet but the entire world knows that he is gay. He also saw that
boss at Song Ju Han's party.
He Gu looked at his watch. It was still early. He didn't like to be late, so he
must have enough time to go out. Now he has enough time to calm down.

How can Gu Qing Pei ask him to come to gay bar?! Even if he wants to ask
him to change company with him, he doesn't have to go for it to the extent to
this extent. He Gu does not like this kind of gay dating place.

This is really embarrassing, it is like going out to eat at a steak restaurant, but
he is vegetarian, a table must be accompanied by his vegetarian foods, Gu
Qing Pei really ruined it him.

He thought about it and decided to intercept Gu Qing Pei at the door so they
can change to a normal place, otherwise he would be uncomfortable.

He Gu stopped the car and stood at the door of the bar waiting.

Just less than half a minute after standing, there was a little boy who came
over to knock at his window. He Gu politely said: "I am waiting for a friend."

"Is he your boyfriend?" The little boy was blindly flirting

"Oh, no."

"Then when your friend gets here, he can also play with us."

"Thank you, no need." He Gu didn't smile and after aggravating the tone, the
other party scoffed and turned away.

He didn't expect this front footer to go away before the other one had gone far,
one more came, He Gu felt funny, it seems that his type is quite popular here.

After the second one was sent away, He Gu saw Gu Qing Pei who came to
him from the distance.

Gu Qing Pei smiled and stood in front of him, looking up and down him.

He Gu was slightly frowning: "General Manager Gu? Why do you like this

"He Gu, don't you like this place?"

"I rarely come here, this is not the place to talk, let's change it."
"Nothing, there is no club noise here."

"Yes, hehe..." He Gu big eyes popped, "Have you been here before?"

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "Yes, I come here often."

He Gu eye went even bigger...... Is it that Gu Qing Pei is also...

However, this is not right. He heard that Gu Qing Pei was divorced. His ex-
wife used to be an employee at Nanchuang. He also saw photos and she was
very beautiful.

Gu Qing Pei, when he saw He Gu was worried, he grabbed at his arm and
dragged him in without saying anything.

The two men found a position to sit down and Gu Qing Pei skillfully called the
waiter: "Send the wine that I had here last time."


He Gu really believes that Gu Qing Pei really came here often. He has doubts
in his heart. What is Gu Qing Pei trying to do?

Gu Qing Pei looked at He Gu and he smiled and said: "What are you thinking
when you have an expression like you came into hell?"

He Gu was embarrassed to said: "General Manager Gu, this..."

"It's rare to meet a gay man in a serious life circle, I'm quite happy."

He Gu was surprised: "Gu, you are really gay."

"What's wrong, don't I look like it?" Gu Qing Pei spread his hand broadly and
expressed his expression of "You Don't Look Like IT."

"Yes... not quite like."

"Ha ha ha, you still don't think I am like it, you are also not like it. I admit that
there is still some screwed up point of view. We have known each other for so
many years. I really didn't see it for a long time, I don't know if you were in the
closet or my gay radar was too blind."
He Gu felt helplessly: "I don't know if I should be happy."

Actually, Gu Qing Pei is not like him. That is not entirely true. Gu Qing Pei has
the unique exquisiteness of a gay man, but he has no strangeness in his
speech and behavior and he is very popular among women. The important
thing is that he was divorced, so it is impossible for people to think in the
direction of the gay man corner. On the contrary, he would look even like a
stupid straight man in the gay bar.

The wine came up, the waiter poured wine on the two glasses Gu Qing Pei
raised the glass: "Really, if I didn't leave Nanchuang, we would never be
sitting here today, but since we are not colleagues, I want to invite you as a

"Gu is very polite and I'm flattered."

The two gently clink glasses and tasted the wine.

It's not clear what Gu Qing Pei wants to do, but Gu Qing Pei's work has
always been measured and he's not too big on flashiness.

Gu Qing Pei said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, I know what you think in your
heart. I have no other meaning, that is, um, how to say it, I felt a little lonely. I
don't know a few people who are gay like me so I can't talk about it. There are
no friends who come here or have similar situations sometimes feel keeping
things inside can be quite depressed. I believe that you have the same

He Gu nodded. He has few friends, only a few college students who

occasionally stay in contact, carefully counting, except Feng Zheng, there is
really no friend who knows his sexuality. Because he didn't have the pressure
from his parents, he didn't feel any strangeness to his sexuality, but he could
also feel the sense of disapproval. That is what the whole society gave to this
group, no one can be spared. A few words from Gu Qing Pei were said and
entered his heart.

"So, having such a friend is not a bad thing." Gu Qing Pei smiled at him with
his eyes open.

He Gu smile: "Gu, thank you."

Until then, his hanging heart fell back to the original place and the whole
person relaxed. Gu Qing Pei is right. If there is such a friend, it is a lucky
thing. What's more, so many people want to make friends with Gu Qing Pei,
but he has a big advantage because of the same sexual orientation. How to
say it is a good thing.

The two clinked again.

At this time, when a person came over, he called out in the distance: "Gu."

"Hey, how are you in here today?" Gu Qing Pei stood up.

He Gu turned around and looked at the light in the bar, but he still recognized
it at a glance, that is the boss of this place " - Ou Taining-".

Ou Taining is an actor. To be precise, he is an over-the-top actor. When he

was in his 20s, he was also played in hit movies. Later, he was a little quiet,
but he has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and has
accumulated a lot of wealth and connections. Now he is gradually turning to
the back of the scene. At Song Ju Han's party, Xiao Song told him a gossip,
although He Gu was not very interested in this person, but he has good

Ou Taining is about the same age as Gu Qing Pei and his temperament is
quite unique. There is a sense of vicissitudes that has nothing to do with age.
It is hidden in the deep and melancholy eyes, which makes his handsome
appearance gets a little depth, so a man who looks at his appearance sees
nothing than what is in front of him. No sexuality scandals, but only two years
ago because of emotional problems caused by news, the gay thing was

This is what Xiao Song told him. Xiao Song is a child who is really gossip

The two of them had a few words and Ou Taining only noticed He Gu. He
screamed: "Have we seen each other? Last year at the Four Seasons

He Gu nodded: "I am alumni friend of Song Ju Han. I didn't expect Mr. Ou to

recognize me."
Song Ju Han didn't like people who circled the entertainment circle very much,
so if Ou Taining didn't recognize him, He Gu would definitely pretend never to
seen him. He has seen him now, he didn't expect that Ou Taining's memory
would be so good. At that time, there were hundreds of people at the party.
The two did not even exchange a word at the time.

Ou Taining smiled and said: "Why wouldn't I recognize you, Song Ju Han's
assistant was with you, everyone was very curious at that time, why did Song
Ju Han send his assistant to take care of another person."

He Gu smiled: "I am not a person in the circle, he maybe be afraid for me."

He Gu estimated that Song Ju Han known of He Gu fear of crowds or chaos,

Song Ju Han was really worried , if not Xiao Song has been with him, he
would have been planning on how to leave the gift and leave the party.

Gu Qing Pei unexpectedly said: "It turns out that you have seen him. It is a

"Yeah, I happened to be in the club today. You haven't come for a long time.
It's not a coincidence."

"Come and sit down and talk?"

Ou Taining looked at the watch: "No, I have enough time to say hello to you, I
have something to do at night, can't push it."

"So busy, big stars." Gu Qing Pei patted his shoulder. "Go, drink less."

Ou Taining let the waiter give them a bottle of wine and left.

He Gu ask: "Gu, how do you know him?"

"I come here often, I have common friends, I know this person is good, there
is none of star behavior impetuous."

He Gu heard the meaning from Gu Qing Pei words, but he could only pretend
that he didn't understand it and concealed Gu Qing Pei's wine.

Gu Qing Pei sipped his mouth and looked at his eyes: "Since we are friends,
will you let me gossip about you and the big star of Song Entertainment?"
Chapter 12 People Whose Calls Screws the Mood
Why did Gu Qing Pei ask this, He Gu made a light cough: "What does Gu
want to gossip about?"

Gu Qing Pei smirked in a cup: "Let's talk casually, I'm curious so you and
Song Ju Han are alumni? You have known each other for many years?"

"Ten years."

"Oh, that's really long enough."

"Yeah." Ten years, He Gu felt some emotions depressing him.

Ten years sounded very long. Looking back and looking forward, it seems to
be like seconds passing by. Many things seem to be still from yesterday.
Sometimes He Gu wakes up from his sleep and suddenly he doesn't know
where he is, how old he is. The more he feels that, the more time he feels his
shorter his life gets

"You and him... it's really hard to think of you two together, it's not that you are
not good looking, but that you seem to have no intersection with that circle."

"There is no intersection, only I knew him before he became famous."

"He was a classmate?"

"No, he was two years younger than me, I knew him through school activities."
He Gu remembered this was from a decade ago, he was a little embarrassed.

"Then you became..." Gu Qing Pei was not too embarrassed to say
everything, after all, the two of them are familiar.

He Gu smiled, "Hmm".

Gu Qing Pei raised his eyebrows: "You don't want to find a serious

He Gu shook his head: "You know me, Mr. Gu, I am a certain character, I am
bored easily and I do not like please other people. I think what I have is quite
good now."

1]....... Except Song Ju Han

Gu Qing Pei looked at He Gu pretentious face and a cloudless expression. He
remembered that Song Ju Han was full of hostility on the day and there was a
hint of jealousy lover in his eyes, but he did not break it: "Also, it is nothing
more than finding someone to be a companion, but telling the truth. You may
think so now, it may not be possible to be like this in a few years. I used to
think that it was so good, to be unrestrained and unburdened, but now I want
to settle down even more and more. There should be a person for warm and
cold days and not change."

"Yeah, lets talk when I change." If one day he really changed his mind, it
would be a celebration to He Gu.

"What type do you like? You are in good condition. I can introduce some of my
friends when you have time." Gu Qing Pei added: "You don't want to say that
you love Song Ju Han. I grew up like that. I was looking the same things as
you." He finished his eyes and smiled.

He Gu laughed: "In fact, I don't know." Does there has to be a type he likes?
He has hardly considered this problem. His love has been set by Song Ju Han
many years ago and Song Ju Han is unique and there is no talk about the

"Well, nothing, you have more time to bring people in the circle, you can't be
too far from the moving times."

He Gu was smiling because what Gu Qing Pei said makes sense. Maybe if he
knew more people. When He Gu sees the world more often, he will not be so
narrowly surrounded by the wishful feelings. Of course, he does not feel that
there is anything wrong with him. Who else is there? Can they really be a
forever and benevolent, he just can't get someone.

Just chatting a few words, Gu Qing Pei talked about the thing he wanted to
pull He Gu to another company. He Gu knew that this was the most important
purpose of Gu Qing Pei invitation. Even deliberately revealing the sexual
orientation and getting closer to each other, it was possible just to achieve this
goal. However, his ability was affirmed. Of course, it was a good thing. The
two of them talked very much and he really felt moved a little.

After the party that day, his relationship with Gu Qing Pei was much closer.
He also had a deeper understanding of Gu Qing Pei's upcoming company
transfer. After completing the cases in his hand, he planned to take a good
rest for a while, seriously considering it.

Soon after it was his birthday, it was just the weekend, but he still woke up
early as usual.

After breakfast, he received a call. Since his father passed away, the mother
and son have only seen each other one time in more than ten years. The only
connection between them is a phone call on his birthdays and a red envelope
that he sent in the New Year. Even if he calls, he can't say anything, nothing
more. It's like his mother is a vacant guest and a chilly reminder of the past, it
was if it was a routine that had to be completed based on their blood

This year seems to be a little different. Her voice doesn't sound as spirited as
it used to be and he asked her if he will be celebrating.

He Gu face wrinkled into a frown: "Mom, are you not feeling well?"

"Oh, low blood pressure, old problems, what about you?"

"I am OK."

"That's good... you are 28 years old now, time is going really fast."


There was a sigh on the other side of the phone: "Have a good birthday,
remember to wear more clothes this time of time of the year."

"Well, you also pay attention to your body."

Hanging up the phone, He Gu fell on the sofa and sat there for a while.

His parent's marriage was a complete tragedy. His dad was a weak,
undaunted bookmaker. His mother was a strong woman who can't be
comfortable with the status quo if a house wife. Because of her principles and
values, her husband was quite frightened by her words. He Gu was quite
frightened when he was a child. Later he heard them quarreling. He went
through the living room and back to the room to read books. The family of
three lived in a small apartment, but it seems to be like in separate three
worlds. It is difficult for them to integrate into each other's life. He probably has
been getting more and more reticent since then.

He Gu prepared for the divorce possibility very early, but he did expect that
his father's illness would be the divorce. After his father died, his mother was
like a bird that finally got rid of the cage bars, fluttering in the wind and
pursuing a better life and a better marriage. He has heard about his mother's
status quo over the years, his mother is very strong and her new husband has
a listed company, but these have nothing to do with him.

In the early years of his father's death and his mother's disregard, He Gu was
still resentful, but now he is numb to that.

In fact, this is also very good, at least he does not have to face the blame of
his parents and relatives because of sexual problems, no one cares about
him, he is free.

He Gu grabbed the phone and sent a message to Xiao Song: [Ju Han is free

After waiting for a long time, no response, he simply called and no one
answered. He had to put down his mobile phone and turned to read the book.

Until noon, Xiao Song gave him a call: "Hey, Brother He Gu, sorry, we had an
MV in the morning, I didn't hear the call."

"That's okay, are you busy now?"

"Almost a little, you have something you wanna ask?"

"It doesn't matter, I will wait until you are not busy."

"Want me to get Brother Han?"

"No that's okay."

Hanging up the phone, He Gu felt disappointed, he knew that Song Ju Han

would not remember his promise, this big star was born with no heart, can't
remember even if he is reminded again and again, the most important thing in
his life is patience.
At the time of dinner, He Gu called Xiao Song again, no one answered and
gave Song Ju Han a call. He also did not answer. He shook his mobile phone
and threw it into the sofa. It seems that today is like every other day.

He tied the apron, cooked himself a bowl of longevity noodles, cut a few
pieces of beef, sprinkled with fresh chopped green onion, put on a poached
egg, steamed out of the pot, the light and warm fragrance scent floated into
the breath, making him feel changed.

Just as he ate two bites, a sudden sound came from the door, followed by the
sound of the key twisting, He Gu stood up suddenly and walked quickly
toward the door.

In the next second, the door opened and a Song Ju Han wearing sunglasses
and a cap, wearing a dark red shorted down jacket, which lined up the two
legs wrapped in the black jeans and he brought in a chill of cold air.... just as
he walked in.

He Gu stopped, his heart seems to be gently beaten by something, crisp and

numb, with a boundless warmth.

Song Ju Han held bags of things in his hand: "What do you stand there
looking stupid, come over and pick these up."

He Gu reacted and he took the bag in his hand: "You, how come you?"

Song Ju Han took off his sunglasses and cap: "Didn't you said you wanted me
to accompany you on your birthday?"

He Gu blinked his eyes and felt so happy that he didn't know what to say.

Song Ju Han sighed: "It's getting colder, I spent a day outside the MV and I
was frozen."

He Gu put things down and wrapped his hand with Song Ju Han's hand: "The
heating in the house is very good, just wait a little while."

Song Ju Han looked at the eyes full of smiles and joys. He was in a good
mood and smiled and said, "Are you happy?"

He Gu sincerely said: "Happy, I didn't expect you to remember."

"I am not seventy or eighty, how can't I remember." In fact, Xiao Song
suddenly remembered and reminded him, but looking at He Gu he was happy,
there is no need to say that he had forgotten, he used his chin to point the bag
at his feet: "This is me. Let Xiao Song go pick the gift."

"Thank you." Now there is a pile of golden stuffs lying on the ground. He did
not look down at him for any reason, because his eyes are reluctant to leave
Song Ju Han. In the past six years, such warm-hearted fragments have been
made from time to time, even if only once or twice a year, it is like a charcoal
fire in the cold winter, enough to warm him for a long time.

Song Ju Han glanced at the dinner table: "Do you eat this on your birthday?"

"I didn't expect you to come."

"Even if you had been by yourself, why not just buy a cake."

"I don't like to eat sweets."

Song Ju Han frowned: "Come, let me take you out for a big meal."

He Gu hold him: "Ju Han, it's cold outside, let's not go out, I'll cook another
bowl of noodles, you can accompany me to eat here."

Song Ju Han looked at him with a chest: "Do you want to have a birthday like

He Gu nodded: "This isn't bad."

"Well, it's your birthday." Song Ju Han suddenly found the big TV in the living
room and his eyes lit up. "You changed the TV?"

"Were you not the one complaining it was too small before?"

"Are the games updated?"

He Gu showed a smile: "It's all updated, you can go play."

Song Ju Han took off his coat and threw it aside went playing the game.

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han nestling in the sofa, long legs on the coffee
table, holding the gamepad, focusing on the look, the corner of the mouth can
not suppress the rising smile, this picture is too perfect, too warm, as if Song
Ju Han belongs here, belongs to this home. He smiled and walked into the

He first cooked a cup of honey ginger tea for Song Ju Han, then cooked a
bowl of noodles and then called Song Ju Han for dinner.

The two men sat facing each other, each guarding a bowl of longevity
noodles, smiling at each other.

He Gu said: "Ju Han, I'm very happy you came to me today, if I knew you
were coming, I would have surely prepared more special foods you love to

Song Ju Han licked his mouth and the foxy eyes squinted: "You are what I

He Gu had a smile on his lips: "Good food."

Song Ju Han ate two bites: "Right, do you want to change car?"

"Ah? What car?"

"Your have been driving it for four or five years. Would you like to
change it? Today is your birthday. If you want something, you can say it."

"No, I am used to that one." He Gu is a state-owned enterprise employee after

all. The current car is in line with his income and position and if he change a
new car is not good... He might have to explain himself to the higher ups.

"What do you want?"

"Did you not came with gifts?" He Gu looked at the pile of gift bags "I will take
a look at them later."

"Those don't count, you have been with me for so many years, don't be too
polite." Song Ju Han stared at him for a moment.

He Gu smiled lightly: "I have food, drink, room and car. I really can't think of
what I am missing."
Song Ju Han smiled: "You don't have to live so innocently." He often doesn't
see why this person is sometimes simple and clear, sometimes his hidden
things. Even Ju Han was surprised that he could stay with He Gu for so many

"There is no need to worry." The reason is that the tone is light and the mood
is excellent.

In material terms, He Gu does not lack anything and in terms of spiritual

satisfaction, only Song Ju Han can give him that, now the person is in front of
his own eyes on his birthday and that is enough.

After eating full faces, Song Ju Han took the honey ginger tea and drank it
and used his eyes to urge He Gu to open the gift.

He Gu put the gift bag on the coffee table and unpacked it, there are clothes,
ties, watches, cufflinks, belts and several sets of men's skin care products, He
Gu can't help but shake his head: "Xiao Song is a kid, this is more of a Gay
men style."

"Don't say that, he says his girlfriend is like a shopping puppy." Song Ju Han
picked up a tie and put it on He Gu neck. "Well, Xiao Song followed me for
three years and his tastes are much better. Whenever you come to me, you
wear a sweatshirt with dirts on them."

"It was not being picked up by you. You shouldn't be too strict with him. I think
he did a good job." With Song Ju Han was in a good mood, He Gu quickly
help Xiao Song by saying two good words, in all fairness, Xiao Song is good,
the man temper is soft, smart and attentive. The main thing is that his
tolerance is strong. Song Ju Han may find it hard to find an assistant who is
more comfortable than this.

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Well, he did a good job and I should raise his
salary in the New Year." Song Ju Han pulled the tie, He Gu body leaned
forward and four warm lips were stuck together.

Song Ju Han did not know why but after remembering He Gu and Zhuang Jie
Yu's kiss, his heart was not good, he pulled He Gu by the back of the head,
forcefully kissing the soft lips and then using the tip of the tongue to open the
teeth, probing inside.
He Gu straighten his eyes, Song Ju Han rarely seldom kisses, most of the
time, this is just a prelude to the bed stuff, his focus on this kiss, is what
makes this quite unexpected, but also quite enjoyable.

I don't want think too much about it.

He grabbed Song Ju Han's neck and felt the rare kiss that I had invested his
feelings in.

Song Ju Han stroked his back and gasped and said, "I want to give you the
last chance, what do you want for your birthday?"

"I want you." He Gu push the man down on the sofa and his hands landed on
Song Ju Han's shoulder.

The two people were looking at each other and the thick ringing of the mobile
phone suddenly screamed, He Gu was confused, he wanted to pick up his
own mobile phone, did not want to do anything with it, Song Ju Han naturally
do not want to destroy this atmosphere, but then calling person was really
persistentown mobile phone, did not want to do anything with it, Song Ju Han
naturally do not want to destroy this atmosphere, but then calling person was
really persistent, if one call he does not pick up the second call comes and
when the second call does not get picked up the third time it continue to ring.

Song Ju Han finally got annoyed. He straightened He Gu waist and grabbed

the phone on the coffee table: "Who is fucking bothering for so long?"

He was startled when he saw the name of the caller ID.

He Gu face looked red and gasped and asked: "Who is it?"

Song Ju Han's face was frozen and went from the summer spring to the ice
cold in an instant, he sighed: "Feng Zheng!"

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and wake up...
As Always Years of Intoxication

Chapter 13 Memories Of The Past: Meeting The Bastard

He Gu nearly cussed: "Oh."
"'Oh'?" Song Ju Han held his mobile phone: "Do you still maintain contact with



"Previous time."


"Yeah" He Gu looked at Song Ju Han's sullen face and his heart sighed, it
seems that his birthday is over.

The phone was still ringing and Song Ju Han's throat was rolling up and down,
his finger slipped and the phone was connected.

He Gu didn't had enough time to stop it, Song Ju Han has pressed a hands-
free, Feng Zheng's voice with a laughter came up: "He Gu, happy birthday!"

Song Ju Han was sitting He Gu. He narrowed his eyes and looked at He Gu
from a height.

He Gu reached out to the mobile phone, Song Ju Han did not give him a
chance, with a deep sarcasm he spoke: "Feng, ah, who were you looking

The phone was silent for two seconds and Feng Zheng's voice sank two
negative: "Oh, Song , you two are together."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Of course, Why wont I accompany him on his
birthday, do you want me to let him to be accompanied by you?"

"The big son of the Song Entertainment is too big, I am worried that you can't
accompany him."

"When can or can't accompany him, what is Feng fucking Zheng business
with it?" Song Ju Han grabbed the phone's hand and tightened it more and
more, as if he was pinching Feng Zheng neck with his hand.

He Gu used the voiceless mouth to say: Song Ju Han, give me the phone! He
desperately wanted to grab the mobile phone. Song Ju Han simply pressed
his chest and pressed him to the sofa. He was not dressed properly. They are
in a sex haze few minutes ago Song Ju Han was still a luring--personal
picture, but now it seems even his face is awkward.

Song Ju Han's hand strength is too big, so He Gu felt his internal organs are
oppressed, let alone sit up, even breathing was difficult.

Feng Zheng changed his breath and tried to calmly said: "Why? Give the
phone to him, I will tell him."

Song Ju Han's face flashed a sigh of relief: "Sorry, He Gu mouth is a bit

occupied, he can't speak now."

He Gu straighten his eyes and almost yelled at the same time as Feng Zheng
with the same voice: "Song Ju Han!"

Song Ju Han directly cut off the phone and threw it out in disgust.

The chest was coming up and down fast and his face was red. When he and
Song Ju Han were together, he resisted and never complained. After all, he
was rushing to please him, but even if he was calm, as a man, it was the most
taboo thing to lose face in outsiders.

Song Ju stared at him coldly and coldly: "You met, but didn't tell me."

He Gu took a deep breath: "I see so many people every day, do I have to tell
you about everyone?"

"Feng Zheng is not like everyone else!" Song Ju yelled. "He hasn't seen you
for so many years. He still remembers your birthday. It is enough to be
attentive. When did you meet, you saw him a few times right, what did you

He Gu bit his teeth: "We didn't sleep together."

Song Ju Han was stunned.

The emotions have been calmed down. He stared at Song Ju Han's eyes and
said clearly, "We didn't sleep together, I didn't mess around with anyone. I
also have a physical examination every year, so you don't have to worry.
Song Ju Han's hand was hanging on his side and he gradually tightened. That
stopped He Gu from getting a word. Yes, his request for what is not this, this
is what he said personally... He's sullenly said: "You have this conscious."

"Yes." He Gu expression was calm he did not have a trace of emotion: "After
all, this is my only advantage."

Song Ju Han got up and kicked the gift bag next to the sofa. He grabbed the
jacket and was going away.

"Jun Han." He Gu bowed his head and stopped him.

Song Ju Han turned to look at him, his eyes emanating chiling cold.

"You said you would give me a birthday present anything I want, does what I
want, count?"

Song Ju Han did not speak.

He Gu raised his head and his voice was dark and deep like a pool of
stagnant water: "I said to you, i wanted you accompany me today."

Song Ju smiled coldly and sarcastically said: "My appearance fee is 80,000
yuans per minute. I can't afford for two hours with you. If you feel empty back
there, find a stick."

1]..... As they say.... If you feel horny use a dildo..... Wow SJH

He Gu clenched his fists and the good looks were extremely stiff.

Song Ju Han turned away.

At the moment when the door was smashed, He Gu jump from the sofa and
slammed the heavy tea table to the ground. He did not managed to make the
general kick and the pain in his back flared up. He also felt dizzy. He gasped
for a big breath, his chest was violently raised ups and downs and the whole
person was a little worried. Finally he stood and felt that he was spinning
around and had to sit down.

Has the fuse warmed to burn to the head...

He Gu lips raise a self-deprecating smiled.

If... If Song Ju Han wants to show the worst side in front of him, would he still
do it without hesitation? No, he will stay away from him. He Gu will always
treat Song Ju Han as an unreachable star, with a distance from the earth to
the starry sky and nothing more, only when the stars are so far away, will their
light be impressing.

Nothing can be done to change that in the world.

When He Gu was intoxicated on wine he knew was poisonous. What is the

use? Poisonous seeped into the bone, there is no cure for it.

He Gu laid down on the sofa, looked at the familiar ceiling and the memory
rolled over like clouds.

Six years ago, while he was interning and writing a thesis, Song Ju Han was
an honorary alumnus and attended the 200th anniversary dinner of their
school establishment. He knew that Song Ju Han had returned to China, but
he did not expect Song Ju Han to participate in such a simple banquet. At that
time, he was stupid and he knew that he was creating a packaging strategy
like a positive energy image. He only thought that Song Ju Han was still in his
alma mater. He was really good..

He Gu was a top student with the full scholarship, a student representative at

the banquet, so the two met again in the background.

After many years, he could not forget what it felt to see Song Ju Han again.

Their school is a top-ranking university in China and the newly-built Grand

Hall can accommodate 3,000 people. However, in order to trace the past, the
school leaders chose to hold a celebration in the previous older hall of the
school. The auditorium is an antique of their school's status. It represents the
long and heavy history of the whole school. It is well maintained. It haa been
around for a long time, the background is simple, there is no separate lounge,
so there is a set of tables and chairs in the corner, Song Ju Han had the four
bodyguards, a broker and an assistant, the back doorkeeper was still guarded
by the student union, prohibiting any unrelated personnel from entering. At
that time, Song Ju Han had already emerged in the domestic entertainment
circle. In order to avoid riots, the fans who came here were directly stopped
outside the school.
When he entered the lounge, he saw Song Ju Han, who was playing with his
mobile phone. Song Ju Han wore a gray custom made suit with a school
badge on his chest. The lazy and curly hair on the head was meticulously
fixed with hair gel. The lines on the side face were as perfect as ice
sculptures. The backlight of the phone made him paler. The skin was more
radiant and smooth.

There were twenty or thirty people in the background, who were secretly
watching him or talking to him but Ju Han seemed to be unaware of it and
didn't even lift his head.

Somehow strangely nervous, He Gu did not know if Song Ju Han still

remembered him.

It's funny to think about it now, remembering how it is, it's best to not
remember how.

At that time, the Minister of the Student Union came in and once again
checked the process again and then went to Song Ju Han said slyly: "Song,
do you need to recheck the process again?"

Song Ju Han heard the words, raised his chin and smiled slightly: "Okay."

That smile made that serious female minister face go suddenly red.

Song Ju Han in the high school era, although his character was still
precocious, but the inside and outside also revealed the youthfulness of the
young boy. Now he was only 20 years old, but he already has this rare star
aura, especially in a group of plain common people. Among the students, he
was extremely dazzling.

The female minister's speech was stuttering: "Oh, yes, the process is... the
student's speech stage, ah, yes, that, the student's representative will give a
speech first, then..."

Someone has laughed out and the minister's face went even redder and her
head hanged down and her voice was getting smaller and smaller.

"I will give a speech first, the final introduction of the honorary alumni, the last
one will be introduced given you." He Gu came over, he was also very
nervous, but he was born with a calm dead face, seemingly calmingly walked
to the front of Song Ju Han, to the minister after the introduction, "When they
introduce to you, you will go to the stage to talk about your part and then the
host will come up to interact with you."

Song Ju Han's gaze fell on He Gu. He obviously felt that the person was
familiar, slightly squinted at him and then stood up.

At the age of 20, Song Ju Han had already had a tall head of 185cm which
made him feel more oppressive.

The knot of the throat rolled up and down and He Gu hand clenched tightly
behind the back.

It's hard to imagine how a person can see this level. The kind of charm that
bursts out from the bones, you can't find the slightest bad look, when you
come into contact with the deep-eyed eyes, the beauty in them is like a shock
wave and everyone will be hit right away. How confident and courageous do
you dare to be self-sacrifice when you meet with Song Ju Han?

At least thats why He Gu can't do it, the woman minister can't do it, no one in
this room can do it, so when Song Ju Han stood up in everything stops an
instant even the birds were silent.

Song Ju Han slightly turned his head: "You... have I seen you before?"

He Gu strong and calmly nodded: "I was attached to the Middle School , we
done campus environmental protection publicity performance together."

"Oh, I remember it." Song Ju Han's smile was clear, "It's so smart, this event
we have to cooperate again."

He Gu couldn't help but smile with him, he had a voice in his heart shouting:
Song Ju Han remembered me, Song Ju Han remembered me!

1]..... Fangirl in a dead face gay boy

Song Ju Han's next sentence gave him a bucket of cold water: "Sorry, I don't
remember you very well. What is your name?"

"He Gu, He Gu it's He Gu"

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Why did you took this name... Couldn't it be
that you were a fan of 100,000 Reasons Why when you were a child?" His
smile was so cute.

He Gu felt that his cheeks were hot and the feeling of being taken care of by a
person who is out of reach is so delightful and frightening. At that time, he was
only 22-year-old, it was not easy to remain calm. After all, few people can be
near Song Ju Han. He has been used to countless big scenes and big names
and he was long been paralyzed. He also became a bit stuttered: "Hey, my
father is a teacher. He said that people are always looking for knowledge in
their lives."

"Well, good name.... come sit down lets talk." Song Ju Han gave the assistant
a look.

The assistant quickly moved the stool and put it aside. He Gu didn't think that
Song Ju Han would talk so well and he sat down in a dizzy manner.

"Show me the process." Song Ju Han turned his body and stared at the paper
He Gu had held.

A faint perfume wafted into the nose, Song Ju Han was very close to him, his
shoulders were on his shoulders and the long curled eyelashes were like two
fans and he felt fanned under his eyelids.

He Gu held his breath for fear of breathing dysfunction, he spread the paper
and turned to Song Ju Han part: "This introduction is in the work of your agent
and there should be no problem."

"Yes, no problem." The agent said, guiding the photographers who He Gu did
not know where they came from.

"Oh, I know." Song Ju Han nodded, looking up at He Gu, with a smile on his
eyes. "You represent the speech because you have a particularly good

He Gu felt that his heart has missed a few shots and he nodded nervously.

"Our school is one of the most prestigious schools in the country. How did you
do at the college entrance examination?"
"I was sent straight from the Middle School." Although he did not became the
capital champion in the same year, but his college entrance examination
scores also ranked in the top ten in the city, because He Gu has been
guaranteed a place, so he did not prepare for the college entrance
examination, during that time he went to do the internship, If he prepares for it
seriously, he still wouldn't know what it will be. However, he can represent the
speech, not because he has the best performance, but because the best
students have gone abroad for exchange. He gave up the qualification of the
exchange student because he could not break through the social barriers of
speaking English with foreigners. Although his English score was extremely

"Schoolmaster." Song Ju Han smiled and laughed.

The sound of the shutter suddenly came from behind and He Gu didn't know
what happened. His back was stiffened and straight and he didn't even dare to
turn back.

Song Ju Han looked at him like a scared bird. He couldn't help but smile. He
pressed his shoulder and said, "Come on its just routine photos. If you don't
like it, you can cover your face."

"Ah, no, it's okay." Song Ju Han pressed his hand on his shoulder. In high
school, Song Ju Han once patted his shoulder like this and gave a thank-you
on the podium. Four years later, he still remembered Song Ju Han's palm

The agent came up to play with his paper: "Classmate, your arm should be
raised a little, Ju Han you should appear, you're making a serious discussion
with him."

So He Gu hold the paper stiffly and Song Ju Han took his mouth to He Gu ear
and whispered, "Don't be afraid, it's okay, it will be finished soon." The voice is
really unique, young and lazy. The tympanic membrane of the hearing person
felt the heart beat faster and the blood boiling.

It's hard to finish the photo and afterwards he was completely relieved.

"Hey, the host is coming, Feng Zheng, why was he late this time?" the female
minister complained.
"Sorry, sister." Feng Zheng strode in. Not like Song Ju Han, who is matured
with Europeans mixed looks. As a 19-year-old Oriental boy, Feng Zheng's
bones are growing too fast, but the body was thin, with the white and beautiful
face, giving him a delicate and tender energetic outlook.

He Gu explained from away: "Feng Zheng, just come to the next process..."

"Oh..." Feng Zheng's eyes crossed and his eyebrows were slightly stunned.
"Ju Han, you are here."

"Feng Zheng." Song Ju Han waved his hand and he smiled and said hello.

He Gu was surprised. Did the two know each other?.... Song Ju Han never
mentioned Feng Zheng, but it is no surprise that he has been paying attention
to Song Ju Han and hehas not mentioned it to anyone.

Chapter 14: Memories of The Past:Caught between Two People

Feng Zheng shook his timetable sheet and said to Song Ju Han: "Have you
read the interactive paragraphs I sent you?"

"Read it." Song Ju Han said lazily, watching Feng Zheng's expression with a

The minister said with amazement: "You know each other?."

Feng Zheng said nothing, "I knew him when I was young."

"Feng Zheng, you are too much, you actually didn't tell me!"

The hostess who was with Feng Zheng is so angry... no one here knows that
she is a fan of Song Ju Han, who was rumored to be the host of this
celebration. Also gave the teachers money. Feng Zheng's name is justified,
he's a school handsome student and there's that thing that he donated money
to the school from time to time. It's of course a school most famous man.

Feng Zheng smiled but didn't answer.

Song Ju Han came over: "I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you?"

"Yeah, you haven't come to China for the past two years. I am fine."
Somehow, He Gu felt that Feng Zheng was a bit shunned by Song Ju Han
and under the guise of the superficial cordial, there was some subtle hostility
between the two.

"Now that I'm back and I am not going to leave." Song Ju Han stretched out:
"How long till it starts?"

"Come on." Feng Zheng turn to He Gu: "Are you nervous, why are you still

He Gu subconsciously wipe a forehead, Feng Zheng could not help but smile:
"At the nose tip."

He Gu was embarrassed and had to wipe the sweat on his nose. He was
really nervous, but not because of his speech, but because of the few minutes
ago he was chatting with Song Ju Han: "Well, is there any more?"

"Your hair is a little wet, school sister, is there a paper towel?"

The Minister handed over the paper towel and Feng Zheng took the paper
towel and directly pressed it to He Gu hairline.

He Gu took a paper towel from Feng Zheng and wiped his face carefully.

After wiping the sweat, Feng said: "Let's go outside and interact with others.
It's a bit hot here."

"Our interaction is two sentences, no need to fuss over it."

"Come out with me and breathe the fresh air."


He Gu turned to Song Ju Han and nodded, Song Ju Han had a smile that
could not be discerned.

The two of them walked to the back door of the auditorium. He Gu sighed with
relief. He was embarrassed to say, "Hey, it's so nervous to talk to Song Ju

Feng Zheng frowned: "Why is it so nervous."

"This is the first time I met a celebrity." He Gu thought about "Actually it's not
the first time. When we were in high school, we both attended the school
activities, but at that time he was still a child, not famous, now the whole
person is not the same."

"It's all because he is trained. You can also be a star when you train for two

He Gu laughed: "How can I do it? I'm at my limit trying to speak in front of so

many people in school. You are still almost the same."

Feng snorted: "I am not interested in that."

"Right, I did said that you and Song Ju Han know each other."

"What is there to be said?" Feng patted his hair and was a little impatient.

He Gu was sensitive to what happened: "You don't like him very much?"

Feng Zheng was silent: "We met when we were very young. When we were
young, our relationship was very good. When we grew up, we lost contact and
we fell apart."

He Gu thought that the two people are not so "lost contact" so simple, there
may be other contradictions behind, but Feng Zheng does not seem to want to
mention it, so He Gu didn't ask.

Feng Zheng remembered: "Yes, how long till your internship end?"

"There is still more than a month."

"My dad appreciates you very much. You can sign a contract to full job when
you get your diploma." Feng Zheng said with a smile. "You will be in The Feng
family in the future."

He Gu felt that his face was a little hot and he didn't know how to hide it.

1].... Be in the Feng Family....that's almost like saying after we get married you
will be in the Feng Family
Feng Zheng also realized that he had said could be misinterpreted. He
coughed and concealed the whole tie: "Yes, did you not say that they opened
a new aquarium last time? I am free this week, wanna go together?"

"Okay." He Gu smiled: "The tickets are not very easy to get now, I have to
make an appointment and I will tell you when after make an appointment."

"Well, then I will look up the good food shop nearby."

The two chatted for a while and when they saw the time, they went back.

The celebration of the day went very smoothly. After speaking on behalf of the
students, He Gu invited Song Ju Han to the podium. The students under the
stage boiled and the screams could pierce the roof and make this solemn
celebration like a star. Yes, the scene was a little out of control.

Song Ju Han took the microphone and calmed the students in three
sentences. At this age who can be such a light weight, he should not be

After the completion of the task, Feng Zheng took the stage.

The two of them talked and laughed on the stage, that is, they did not talk
about their old knowledge and they did not see the subtle hostility. They just
interacted step by step.

He Gu looked at them in the audience, he thought that he was afraid that only
Feng Zheng, such as the pride of the sky, will not be covered up by standing
next to Song Ju Han, but compared with Song Ju Han, Feng Zheng still
seems like a newbie.

After the celebration, it was followed by an internal dinner. Although the

dishes were all Chinese, they used a Western-style buffet to give participants
enough time to communicate.

Feng Zheng was chatting with He Gu and the hostess called Feng Zheng
away, saying that the teacher had something to tell him.

After Feng Zheng left, He Gu eyes begin to search for Song Ju Han, which
should have been easily found, but he could not find him at this time.
Maybe he went to the bathroom, He Gu heart moved, he remembered the
summer vacation in that he and Song Ju Han met in the toilet. It was really
shameful at the time, but fortunately, Song Ju Han did not seem to remember.

When he thought of it, he put down the plate and went to the toilet. He still had
to get Song Ju Han's sign.

There are two bodyguards standing at the entrance of the toilet. So Song Ju
Han is really there.

He Gu was waiting outside.

After waiting for a while, Song Ju Han came out and when he looked up, he
saw He Gu. He looked up and down as if looking for a reason, and his face
had a smile.

He Gu nodded to him and smiled: "Can you sign me a name?"

"No problem."

Song Ju Han took the paper towel handed over by the bodyguard and wiped
his hand, then the slender and beautiful hand stretched over.

He Gu quickly pull out the notebook and hand it over.

Song Ju Han quickly write down on paper the "He Gu" word.

He Gu felt some excitement in his heart.

Song Ju Han went on to write the customary "Happy Everyday" and signed
the name of his own in a dragon and phoenix flourishing.

He Gu was happy and said: "Thank you."

"Nothing." Song Ju Han paused and smiled: "You and Feng Zheng seem to
be familiar?"

"Ah, I intern in his company."

Song Ju Han said a long "oh" and said something that seemed to be quite
profound: "He does not look like a good friend."
"Oh... okay." He Gu thought of the beginning of contact with Feng Zheng, he
really feel that this Young Master is somewhat arrogant and indifferent, but the
two of them were working down at the company and went to the same school
and He Gu gradually become familiar with him.

"Oh, yes, I have a fan meeting on the weekend. It's not big. There will be
some games and lottery. It should be fun. Are you going to come?"

He Gus face brightened: "Good, good." He did not expect Song Ju Han to
invite him.

"I will give you a mobile phone number. Come with Feng Zheng when you
arrive. Call me, I will bring you in."

"Good, good!" He Gu was somehow flattered, He Gu does not know how to


Many years later, He Gu often recall that weekend, it was the worst weekend
ever. He started to be unlucky in the morning, the bathroom faucet was
broken, the key could not be found, the power went out, the wallet was
halfway empty and everything seemed to stop him from going to see Song Ju
Han, but he still arrived at the right place.

Everything is fate.

He called Feng Zheng a day in advance, but Feng Zheng refused to go. His
replying tone was not very good. He also hesitated, but Song Ju Han specially
invited him. If he didn't go it would be too impolite. The most important thing is
that he really wants to go, so he went there on his own.

When he arrived at the hotel, He Gu made a phone call to Song Ju Han. Song
Ju Han took the call and told him to wait.

A few minutes later, Song Ju Han's assistant came down and took him directly
to the lounge. Song Ju Han was having his hair done.

He Gu smiled and said hello.

Song Ju Han looked at him from the mirror: "Are you alone? Where is Feng

"Oh, he said it was not feeling very well, so he didn't come."

Song Ju Han nodded. "You find a place to sit and rest and I will arrange a
good position for you."

"Thank you." He Gu picked a corner and sat down, where he can peek at
Song Ju Han and Song Ju Han can't see him.

Today, Song Ju Han wore a casual suit and sneakers. The whole person
looked youthful and still looks good and people are not willing to remove their
eyes from his body.

He doesn't know if Song Ju Han will sing today. He has heard all of Song Ju
Han's songs. Maybe he will sing the latest single. He Gu thought about Song
Ju Han's lazy voice and his heart was palpitating.

Song Ju Han finished with his hair, the stylist and assistant went out and there
were only two of them left in the room.

He Gu was a bit cramped and being alony with Song Ju Han in wasn't he
same room was like a test to people.

Song Ju Han looked at his hair in the mirror and said carelessly: "I heard that
Feng's Enterprise's workers often work overtime, do you work overtime?."

"It's true I work overtime, it's just fine on this week."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "That's a coincidence. It looks like fate intended
to let you have time to see me."

He Gu felt that his face was a little hot, he was stuttering and said: "Yes..."

Song Ju Han turned and walked toward him: "Why are you so nervous? You
should be more calm than when you were a few years ago."

"Do you remember?"

"I forgotten it before, but when I saw you and remembered it all again." Song
Ju Han sat next to him, his knees bumping to He Gu intentionally or
unintentionally. "I felt that it was very comfortable to get along with you, in
change if others, you do not scream, call me to sign a photo or be
photographed together and just not annoying."
He Gu was embarrassed to smile: "I also try to be calm, but in fact, it is hard
to not be nervous."

"Oh, why?" Song Ju Han squinted and smiled. "Do you think I will eat you?"

"You..." He Gu turned his head and looked at Song Ju Han's eyes, he was
stunned by to the soulness in them and his heart trembled and he bowed his
head down, "No..."

Song Ju Han was still waiting for He Gu to speak, He Gu cell phone suddenly
rang, it was almost in a life-saving moment and he quickly got up to pick up
the phone, taking the opportunity to breathe smoothly: "Hey, Feng Zheng?"

"He Gu, where are you?"

"Me? I came to the fan meeting."

Feng Zheng was silent: "I got the ticket for the aquarium. At three o'clock this
afternoon, if you come now just taking a taxi, you will get here in time."

"Ah...but the fan meeting will start at three."

"Song Ju Han is something to look at. I have reserved the appointment, but
the deputy curator will give a private tour... he is a postdoctoral fellow in
marine biology. He usually does not give tour. I only got it after heavy pleading
and ass kissing. You like fishes very much."

He Gu difficult to said: "But... I have arrived, I have seen him, so I will leave..."

"Since you have seen him, why are you still there? It is his fan meeting and it
is not specifically for you!" Feng Zheng's voice was obviously annoyed.

Song Ju Han came behind and said slowly: "What's the matter, are you

Feng Zheng apparently heard it. He was silent on the phone: "You are coming
over at three o'clock, you can't let me go to the aquarium alone." Then he
hung up.

He Gu didn't had enough time to say the last sentence, there has been a busy
tone on the phone and he frowned deeply. Feng Zheng usually has some
arrogant young temper, but he is not unreasonable. What is wrong with him
today? Is it related to Song Ju Han?

Song Ju Han spoke with his hands on his chest: "Feng Zheng told you to go?"

He Gu didn't know how to answer it.

Song Ju Han raised his eyebrows: "Has he gotten better?"

He Gu was embarrassed to said: "He is not... he wanted me to go with him."

"Oh, don't give him an excuse. I know that he doesn't want you to see me. He
is a jealous man, from an early age."

He Gu unknown. "Why? Is there any hostility between you?"

Song Ju Han shrugged: "We were very good friend when we were young.
Later, we grew up. Because of the similar age, we are always compared by
adults. Gradually we start to compete. No one is obeying anyone." Song Ju
Han bent down slightly, then he said, "He is probably... afraid I will grab you

He Gu opened his eyes and stared at Song Ju Han and his body was stiff.

Song Ju Han laughed happily: "Just kidding, you should see your scared

He Gu felt a little embarrassed. Of course, he knew that Song Ju Han could

not "grab" him from Feng Zheng. Even he and Feng Zheng were only
awkwardly friends.

Although he was very fond of Feng Zheng. His was mentality above the top,
he did not dare to venture there.

Song Ju Han patted his back: "Oh, go with him. I am a year older than him. I
don't want to let him down."

He Gu apologetically said: "Sorry, I wasted your invitation."

"It doesn't matter, if you really feel embarrassed, please ask me to eat out
next time."
There was a flash of joy in the eyes: "Okay, of course."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "You go downstairs, I will let the driver send

"No, I will take a cab."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the driver is still idle now, go."

"It's really okay I can go..."

Song Ju Han slightly tilted his head and gestured to him not to refuse.

He Gu nodded: "Thank you..."

Song Ju Han showed a beautiful smile. At that moment, the one that He Gu
saw in the classroom at dusk four years ago, the boy who put his bag on his
shoulder and smiled at him, the same beautiful, dazzling smile made him in
his life. The first time He Gu realized, what is called heartbeat stopping

Chapter 15: Memories of The Past: Cat-fished

There was some traffic on the road. When he arrived at the aquarium, he was
a few minutes late. Feng Zheng stood at the entrance of the aquarium waiting
for him, He Gu got out of the car and the two men ran inside.

Feng Zheng looked at the car that sent him. It was obviously impossible to be
a taxi. He frowned. "Song Ju Han asked his driver to send you?"

"Oh, yeah, the driver was idle, there is nothing to do at all."

Feng Zheng said coldly: "Don't you be stupid, Song Ju Han's character is very
poorly. You see his the good side, he is just s pretense wrapped in lies."

At that time, only half of the foot stepped out of the campus. Song Ju Han
character was full of the simplicity of the young man and the humane nature.
Naturally, He Gu didn't believe it. he only thought that it was because the two
had contradictions. Of course, he did not refute Feng Zheng. He has always
been too lazy to argue for something insignificant and he has shifted the
subject: "Have you been waiting for a long time? Let's go in."

Feng Zheng face darkened and he turned away.

He Gu sighed and followed up.

The size of this aquarium is second to none in the country. It brings together
all kinds of rare fishes from five continents and it decorated in a very high
standard style. It started to play into hunger marketing and limited ticketing
every day. After booking a ticket you will manage to get in a month later, so
you can't see anyone. Everyone is vying to get a professional lesson from the

Feng family was a prominent family. Feng Zheng invited the deputy director of
the aquarium to accompany them alone and took them to see one after

The marine life is really fascinating and the entire aquarium is like a dreamy
fairytale world.

When the three people went around and discussed, Feng Zheng gradually
forgot his anger. The two of them looked very energetic and did not leave until
the aquarium was about to close.

"Those jellyfish are so beautiful, the light in the aquarium is clear and the
structure in the body is clearly seen." He Gu looked at the photos in the
phone, he thought if he had another chance to come back later he will
certainly come.

"Yeah, but I prefer shellfish and it's a lot awakward when it swim. It's
especially funny."

"Haha, one by one like a race. Right, where are we going to eat at night?"

"There is a deep-sea restaurant opened near the Haizu Pavilion, my seat is..."
Feng Zheng mysteriously smiled. "Forget it, you will know it later."

He Gu interest was piqued.

The deep-sea restaurant is built in the aquarium. The two left and right seats
box are by the long aquariums. You can enjoy a variety of fish swimming by
while eating food and occasionally see a whales swimming, it is a very good

Feng Zheng spoke the reservation name and the waiters took them through
the lobby to the secluded box area. Finally, they led them into a private box.
The box is a spherical design, it's an all-glass structure, surrounded by blue
sea water and marine life, it's just like being in the deep sea.

He Gu face brightened: "Wow, it's beautiful."

Feng Zheng smiled and said: "Yes, this deep sea place has only two
restaurants. It is also the first one in China. This door is made of LCD panel.
After it is closed, it will play the video in real time and integrate with the
background sound."

When the waiter left the menu, he closed the door and went out. As Feng
said, the image of the back panel of the door seamlessly connected with the
glass wall, which is quite realistic. He Gu smiled and said: "In such a romantic
place, it is a waste of food for two men eat here."

Feng Zheng flipped through the menu and smiled at him. He looked casually
and said: "How can two men not be romantic here?"

He Gu smiled.

He is more and more helplessly undecided when it comes to Feng Zheng.

When he first met, Feng Zheng didn't really care for him. He naturally kept the
politeness between alumni and that of a colleague. After gradually getting
acquainted with him, Feng Zheng unconsciously discovered his sexuality. He
said calmly to him that the sexual orientation will not affect their friendship and
work. Although He Gu had a bit of a good impression on Feng Zheng at that
time, it was just a good feeling. Just like a normal man's goodwill nature
towards the opposite sex, there is no such thing as a special feeling.

But he doesn't know when it started. The two people became more and more
subtly entwined. Feng Zheng sometimes made some unspeakable moves,
which made him a natural difficult to forget about, but when He Gu was
tempted to push forward, Feng Zheng will retreat again. After a few times, he
feels that Feng Zheng is doing all this out of fun. For an 18-year-old boy, the
innocence is just a kind of adjustment of life, especially with the same sex.
And he doesn't have to take responsibility because of zero chance in
pregnancy, homosexuality is cool and interesting and can maybe even show
your personality.

After understanding this point, He Gu tried to restrain Feng Zheng's reverie,

He Gu became a man who talk less, thought more and always was cautiously
doing things and the two maintained a good friendly relationship, but they also
enjoyed each other company

It is very pleasant for the two to enjoy this dreamy view while eating.

When they finished eating, he changed the song in the box. He Gu listened to
the melody and it was very familiar to him and I quickly knew that it was Song
Ju Han's song.

Feng Zheng didn't get it at first, until Song Ju Han's unique voice came out, he
was only then annoyed.

He Gu pretended like he did not hear it he just continued to talk about the

Feng Zheng put down the fork: "You saw Song Ju Han today?"

He Gu couldn't avoid it and said: "Yes, he is very busy. You can call when you
talk about two sentences."

"He didn't say anything?" Feng Zheng stared at He Gu eyes and his eyes
were a little deep.

He Gu thought about it: "What do you mean?"

"About me."

"Oh...he said that when you two were children, you had a good relationship.
When you grew up, you alienated each other because you were always

Feng Zheng seems to be relieved: "Well, no way that wouldn't happen we are
almost the same age, it is inevitable to be compared."

He Gu didn't like to explore other people's past, Feng Zheng did not say, so
he would not ask more.

The two of them no longer talked about Song Ju Han, although the
atmosphere in the box was a bit strange before the end of the song.

Half a month later, when he gradually forgot his personal relationship with
Song Ju Han, He Gu accidentally received a call from that same big star.
Looking at the caller ID on the screen, he was surprised. He thought that
Song Ju Han was kind to him, saying that he would like to eat out with him. In
fact, after that day, He Gu never thought about seeing Song Ju Han.

He Gu grabbed the phone and left the office, he walked into the corridor and
pressed the call answer button: "Hey?"

"He Gu?" Song Ju Han's voice came from the side of the microphone. After
the transmission on the radio waves, the charm of his voice has been
weakened by half, but it is still straightforward.

"Yes, hello."

"I am Song Ju Han."

"Yeah..." He Gu tongue got tied up.

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "You didn't forget me?"

"No, how could I!."

"That's good, I have time today wanna come and chat over a meal."

He Gu spoke fast: "Oh, oh, ok, where do you want to go?"

Song Ju Han asked him to eat! Song Ju Han asked him to eat!

"I can do it, but you have to hide it."

"Okay, no problem, then I will send you the address later."

"I will come to your company at six o'clock to wait for you."


Hanging up the phone, He Gu heartbeat was still as fast as the drums.

He Gu actually wants to eat out with Song Ju Han... How could this be, how
could Song Ju Han eat with him!

He Gu head hit the wall and hit it with a back and till the feverish brain finally
calmed down.
Song Ju Han, who couldn't even remember his name after meeting, he
couldn't have been interested in him thid suddenly. The only intersection
between the two was Feng Zheng.

What does Song Ju Han want to do? He Gu really couldn't understand Song
Ju Han's angle. What can Ju Han wants from him?

The more he guessed, the more curious he was, the more he wanted to go
and see him. Anyway, it is a surprise to eat with Song Ju Han.

He went downstairs in advance and waited at the door of the company. At six
o'clock, the familiar car that had been sitting in the car park drove over and
slowly stopped in front of him.

He Gu pulled the car door and Song Ju Han sat in the back seat and smiled at
him: "Hey, have you waited for a long time?."

He Gu smiled: "No, I just came downstairs."

"Where do you want to go eat?"

"Well, I know a private restaurant, vegan, the environment is very good, very
quiet, we can take a box."

"Well, you give the address to the driver."

He Gu gave the driver the address on the phone and the driver said that he
knew the place.

When he leaned back on the back of the seat, he could feel that Song Ju
Han's sight was falling on him, which made him feel cramped: "Hey, I saw you
on the show during this time, aren't you busy?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to pay attention to my movements. You look like a
person who is not like obsessed with celebrities."

He Gu felt embarrassed: "I don't like celebrities, but I like your songs."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "I am preparing for the concert and I will send
you a VIP ticket."

"Ah, thank you."

"I have really been too busy recently. I'm very busy today but I wanted to rest
and have a little bit of fun I think you still owe me a meal."

He Gu heartbeat was a little faster, he could not dare look at Song Ju Han's

"Why are you looking down and not at me, won't you dare to look at me."
Song Ju Han's deep eyes always patrolled on He Gu as if he could just see
people everywhere.

He Gu bravely raised his head: "No..."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Your face is red."

He Gu touched his face subconsciously and suddenly thought of how stupid

this move was and suddenly he was at a loss and the ears turned red.

Song Ju Han couldn't help but laughed: "He Gu you are really... hahaha..."

He Gu smacked himself angrily, still vainly arguing: "The car is a bit hot."

Song Ju Han suddenly came acrossclose to He Gu face, staring at the bright

eyes, he whispered: "Don't be shy, I did say that I don' people."

He Gu use his life's strength to restrain the thoughts of shrinking into the door.

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Why are you so cute."

He was described by a boy who was younger than him as "cute". He Gu felt
that he was self-confident, but there was a shameful ecstasy in his heart.

Song Ju Han's smile and his words made his heart beat faster. He Gu simply
feels that he was not feeling normal.

When the car drove to the place, He Gu couldn't wait to jump off the car and
he took a few breaths and felt the heat on his face retreat.

Song Ju Han, with sunglasses and a hat, covered half of his face got off.

The two went straight to the box with the waiter, He Gu handed the menu to
Song Ju Han: "I don't know what you like to eat, but the celebrities seems to
be keeping fit as trend, so I picked a vegetarian restaurant."
"You picked it very well. I have been into eating vegetarian food recently."
Song Ju Han smiled at him and then bowed his head.

At that time, Song Ju Han was only little famous, the waiter did not recognize
him, she just stared at the handsome face.

Song Ju Han finished ordering the food and rested leisurely on the chair:
"Have you been working very busy recently? Seeing as you have dark

"Work is okay, I am busy with college papers." Seeing its near graduation
soon, although the most difficult issue of employment problem has been
solved, he has always been strict with his own schedule and he later wanted
to study part time graduate, so his the paperwork should not be sloppy.

"Oh, you are not working for a tyrant, you should have no problem."

"There is no big problem, but it takes a lot of time to research a lot of data."

"You are doing things so seriously, no wonder you can work at the Feng's
company." Song Ju Han fiddled with his fingers: "Right, when did Feng Zheng
start an internship at his dad company?"

"After going to college, I went to the company a few months earlier than he

"He did come later... But he was smart from an early age."

He Gu nod: "Yeah, although sometimes he is unsettled, but his work is okay,

he is very smart."

Song Ju Han smiled: "Your impression of him is just 'something unsettled'?"

He Gu went on to cautiously explain: "What other impression do you mean?"

"Grumpy." Song Ju Han showed a sarcasm smile: "His temper is not

something small."

"He is only occasionally a little impatient, not bad tempered." He Gu never

gossip behind the people, he thinks that men should not do such boring thing,
he does not know what Song Ju Han wants to uncover from him after asking
about him several times.
"It seems that he is really good with you, at least more gentle than when I
knew him."

He Gu consider the wording: "We are very good friends."

Song Ju Han raised his eyebrows and then nodded and smiled.

The waiter came up with the dishes one after another. Song Ju Han didn't eat
much. Although it is not a big meal, it is hard to imagine Song Ju Han as a
vegetarian. It is not easy to eat such a thing.

The two of them talked, although their life circle had almost no intersection,
but Song Ju Han's social skills were cultivated from an early age. It's not
difficult to find a topic. He Gu felt that he was ignorant, but at this time he was
racking his brains and not wanting to be frozen out. The meal was not boring.

After dinner, Song Ju Han proposed to go to a club to have fun and He Gu

was worried: "Aren't you afraid of being recognized?"

"It's okay, it's a private club opened by my friend. It's a membership only.
There are no messy people."

He Gu was happy to agree. He can now face Song Ju Han and he is not so
nervous. After all, no matter how high the person is everything becomes
simple after you find out that it is actually a human not to mention Song Ju
Han is easy to get along with. So He Gu let go of the restraints

He Gu has never been to a private club in s long time. He can't imagine what
it looks like. They're probably different from each other. For example, in front
of him, it's all for the young people's party. The entire clubhouse is a large villa
with a variety of recreational facilities, pool tables, chess, game consoles, mini
golf, squash courts, private cinema, etc. There are basketball courts, tennis
courts and swimming pools in the yard.

There is no one in the club today. When Song Ju Han entered, only one table
was occupied with drinking and chatting youngsters.

"Wow, the big star of Song Entertainment, I haven't seen you here for a long
time." Several people turned over.

Song Ju Han smiled and spoke a few words.

One person said: "who is this one?"

He Gu smile at him and smiled, Song Ju Han said: "My friend, you don't know

"I can't remember when you came last time, is it before you went abroad?"

"Should be, I didn't come back to China for a long time." Song Ju Han patted
him on the shoulder. "You talk, I will bring my friend to play pool."

"Okay, you be good."

Song Ju Han led He Gu to go to another room.

He Gu looked around: "It's quite interesting here, have you been here often?"

"When I went to school, I often come here. This is one of the fixed points of
the gathering of the kids of our generation."

He Gu thought about it. In the dignitaries of the capital, almost all of the
prominent families knew each other. Song Ju Han and Feng Zheng knew
each other. It was indeed a normal thing.

Song Ju Han picked the pool stick, folded his legs, leaned on the billiards and
rubbed the stick head with the shell powder. At that time, He Gu was on the
age of obsession with American movies. Song Ju Han's movement was quite
a bit like in the movies. The male character No.1's casual and chic, a simple
action flooded He Gu heart to a lake.

He Gu returned back to reality and hurried to find a topic to open up about his
own thoughts: "You like playing pool very much."

"I often played it when I went to school in the United States. I haven't touched
it for a while, how about you?"

"Not very good at it."

"It's okay, it's very simple, I will teach you, I will show you first how to do it."

When Song Ju Han went to the side, he pressed down his body and opened
his pose with his left hand pressed on the table, the fingers were long and
powerful and the shape of the nails was full and round. Song Ju Han was like
a finely carved piece of art. You can't pick up faults when you look up and

He put the pool stick on the tiger's mouth, pushed the right hand and the ball
banged out quickly. The balls were broken up and a straight ball rolled into the
bag. He Gu looked around the pool and Song Ju Han scored six balls in a
row, until the seventh one was missed by two inches, it went hitting the table
and slowly bounced back.

"Ah--." Song Ju Han slammed his head and smiled at He Gu. He also blinked
his eyes: "Sure enough I have lost my touch."

He Gu has been staring at Song Ju Han and when he saw the smile, he felt
that his heart was punched, not painful, but extremely satisfied

"Come on, I will teach you."

He Gu walked toward Song Ju Han

Song Ju Han's long arm stretched out from behind He Gu back, pressef his
chest with He Gu back and forced him to bend down in a hug: "So, the body
should be pressed down."

He Gu felt that the back muscles were burning and the whole body suddenly

Chapter 16:Memories of the Past: Caught after Fished

Song Ju Han grabbed his left hand and placed it on the table: "What's wrong?
Are you afraid of this pose."

He Gu swallowed his throat with difficulty, as if he was afraid of being burned,

quickly leaned down, to put his chest on the table, just to put a bit of a
distance with Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han chuckled: "The pose doesn't have to be so low. The standard
posture should be 90 degrees with the back and legs. What is the difference
between you and almost laying on the table? It's too funny." He pointed with
the index finger at He Gu fingers: "Put up some, this hand must hold the pool
stick steady."

Somehow He Gu voice was a little trembling: "Okay."

"Nothing is difficult, what are you nervous about." Song Ju Han's voice was
full of banter.


"Come on, grab the pool stick with your right hand." Song Ju Han personally
put the hand on the club. "The shoulders should not be so stiff and then
should be raised a little higher."

The air-conditioning in the room was very full, but He Gu was sweating. He
was so nervous that he could feel his heart pounding, as if in the next second
it would break through the sternum and pump out of it... No, what did he
want? He is an adult and he has to control himself. He closed his eyes hard,
but felt sweat coming into his eyes.

Song Ju Han snorted and laughed: "He Gu, why are you still sweating? This
position is a little tiring but only after a while, it will not."

"No, not tired, I'm okay." He Gu said it quickly

"Then try to hit play a ball, No. 6 looks good." Song Ju Han stood behind him,
holding the waist in one hand, grabbing the hand in one hand and gently said
in his ear: "You feel my strength."

As he said that the stick in front of the hand went forward and slammed into
the 6th ball.

As Song Ju Han moved forward, he bent down---the body also gently touched
at the buttcrack, although it was separated in an instant, but He Gu mind
shook and in his mind suddenly appeared a shy -- - Shameful picture, he
stood up almost like a conditioned reflex, which affected the final force of the
pool stick which eventually led to uneven force and the ball was several
degrees off.

"Hey, why are you moving." Song Ju Han patted He Gu waist and
complained: "It could have gone in."

1]..... Double Entendre intended.....

"I.... I have to go to the bathroom." He Gu simply flee the place.

When he rushed into the bathroom, He Gu splashed the cold water on his
face, only slightly helped the heat on the skin drop a little

What does Song Ju Han want to do? Are those actions just now

He Gu was smarter and has no experience in subtle sexual feelings. He used

his brain to find proof of Song Ju Han's behavior and intentions just now. He
does not want to be passionate, but he does feel that those actions are too

How could things develop like this, just last month, he was just a fan who liked
Song Ju Han silently and he planned to spend three months' salary to buy a
ticket for a concert. Now he is alone with Song Ju Han in this place...

"He Gu?" Song Ju Han suddenly walked into the toilet.

He Gu was in shock, the two people eyes met through the mirror, Song Ju
Han had a smile on his face and got into his space without warning, he
violently lowered his head and splashed the water on his hair: "It's too hot, I
also want to wash my face."

1].... You're an asshole I want to drown you

"The air conditioner is so cold, you are still hot, you wouldn't be sick by any
chance." Song Ju Han came over and reached out to touch He Gu forehead.

He Gu subconsciously stepped back and the clear eyes flashed in panic.

Song Ju Han's hand was stiff in the air. He was not angry. He smiled: "Why do
I feel that you are afraid of me... or do you hate me?"

"No, how can you think that."

"Then why are you doing this..." Song Ju Han thought about it. He couldn't
seem to find a suitable word and smiled. "I know, are you shy?"

He Gu blinked his eyes and erase the water on your face: "No, I am... hot."

Song Ju Han smiled. He looked around: "That summer vacation, the day after
returning to school after the college entrance examination, do you remember
it? It is also a coincidence that this school toilet is a bit like the same as the
one there, just bigger than this."

He Gu throat knot was rolling up, Song Ju Han remembered, remembered

him as...

"Don't be afraid, being gay is not a big deal." Song Ju Han chuckled. "I have
been everywhere, it's no surprise at all."

"Is it... the entertainment circle seems to be a lot with gays."

Song Ju Han walked over step by step. Finally, standing in front of He Gu,
gently pulling the chin: "I asked you, when I was holding you, what were you

He Gu was shocked and suddenly he wanted to retreat, but Song Ju Han took
his waist and pull him back into his arms.

He Gu hasn't had this intimacy or been so close to same-sex or opposite sex

relationship in this life. Song Ju Han's breath and temperature seem to spread
to him instantly and invading all the points. He wants to break away free, but
Song Ju Han's grip is quite strong. He struggled with no avail and could not
move: "You...".

Song Ju Han grinned and said: "You answer me, if you tell the truth, I will let
you go."

He Gu felt that you are smoking on his head: "You, don't tease me, let me go

"You answer me first." Song Ju Han stuck his lips to He Gu's ear and said with
low voice "When I was holding you and sticking myself to you, what were you
thinking about? Do you want something that you dare not tell me?"

He Gu urgent: "No, I don't mean to disrespect you, I really..."

"No, you didn't tell the truth." Song Ju Han bowed his head, his lips gently
covered the earlobe and whispered, "I want to hear the truth."

He Gu couldn't help but clench his fists and his chest was violently undulating:

"I do not know... I do not know."

"How come you don't even know what you think?" Song Ju smiled slyly. "Is it
something that hurts? - Do you not dare to say something?"


"Then I will guess, do you think of the position were just in?" Song Ju Han
finished and laughed in the ear.

The laughter slowly plunged into He Gu ear, echoing in the ear canal, making
the bones a little crisp, it felt really nice.

He Gu face is almost bloody and he sternly argued back: "No, let me go..."

Song Ju Han screamed in his ear: "Don't say 'no' as if you don't want
anything, I am not very shameful. Is it that I have no charm?"

He Gu closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "Song Ju Han, what do you

"What do I want? Well, I thought about it, I want to doooooo..." Song Ju Han
pulled the sound in long and finally picked up the tone in the voice. "...... You."

He Gu felt that his head is going to explode? His eyes widened and glared to
take the ceiling hoping for an escaping hole.

Song Ju Han smiled and let go of him. He looked at his stiff look and smiled
louder: "He Gu, how are such funny, you have never talked about love, are
you so innocent?"

He Gu wiped his face and said, "Don't tease me."

He turned and rushed out of the toilet.

Song Ju Han chased him in three steps, grabbed his shoulder and pressed
the running person to the wall. His eyes and tone were very gentle: "I didn't
tease you, you really attracted me."

"You... you are too..."

Song Ju Han was undecided, but he stared at the eyes with sorrowfulness in
them and lowered his voice and said, "I want to kiss you."

He Gu was nervous and his eyes were red: "I...but..."

"You don't feel nothing about me, huh?" Song Ju Han rubbed his thumb with
his lips. "Can I kiss you?"


"What why?"

He Gu said calmly: "Why are you interested in me?"

Song Ju Han squinted and his face was not red and said: "Because you are

He Gu stared at Song Ju Han, wanting to see something from his expression,

but there was no flaw.

"If you don't talk, it means you agree."

"Ah..... I……"

Song Ju Han pinched his chin, gentle and placed a kiss on the lips.

He Gu was petrified, Song Ju Han was kissing him and Song Ju Han was
kissing him! Song Ju Han moist soft lips are against his lips. He tasted the
taste of kissing for the first time. It turned out that other people's lips were so
soft and so hot. The original kiss was so embarrassing, just like in his heart.
Something is blooming in the sunshine, accompanied by the breeze that
exudes a refreshing fragrance, so wonderful and beautiful.

Song Ju Han had a soft relationship with his legs. This is really too exciting for
him. He Gu felt helpless and let Song Just Han do whatever he wanted.

Until then, He Gu couldn't breathe and Song Ju Han let go of him and stared
at the beautiful eyes with a beautiful eye, whispered: "Do you like me kissing

He Gu took a deep breath and feel the trepidation of his heart.

"Speak, do you like?"

He Gu closed his eyes and nodded honestly.

Song Ju Han smiled and whispered to his ear: "I also like kissing you, your
lips are really soft."

1].... Playboy 101

He Gu didn't you know how to answer, he can only continue to nod.

"You.... open your eyes."

He Gu stayed silent for a moment and after making a great determination, he

slowly opened his eyes and saw Song Ju Han's eyes, the face which had a
smile on, such as the vast starry sky.

Song Ju Han kissed him for another reason: "Have you ever kissed anyone?"

He Gu shook his head a little.

"And Feng Zheng.... He did not kiss you?"

"I am not in that kind of relationship with him."

Song Ju Han seems to smile wider: "Really?"

"Really not."

"That's good." Song Ju Han glared at his earlobe. "Then you are with me

He Gu felt that he was dreaming? Everything that happened this afternoon is

like a dream. The plot in the dream is too fast and too illusory. He can't keep
up. He doesn't dare to move, he is afraid to make a sound, for fear that he will
this dream will be broken.

Song Ju Han used his forehead to rub at He Gu forehead and smiled. "Your
face is very hot. I don't know I think you have a fever."

"I, I will wash my face again."

"Don't, I like how you look when you blush." ??Song Ju Han bowed his head
and dropped several kisses on He Gu face.

He Gu didn't you know what to do he was like a big doll, letting Song Ju Han
play with him.

Song Ju Han's hand stretched into the clothes along the clothes, gently
stroking the warm skin, He Gu has never had this kind of physical contact with
people, this was shuddering.

Song Ju Han kissed from his cheek to his neck and suddenly smiled. He
buried his face in the neck: "You not moving, as if I want me to do what ever I
want to you."

He Gu was a little embarrassed, his head felt stuffy and no sound. His social
skills are already weak and now the whole body is like a dead corpse.

"Well, I am afraid of scaring you." Song Ju Han pinched his face intimately.
"Do you still want to play pool?"

He Gu nodded.

"Come, I will teach you." Song Ju Han added a sentence, "This time teach you

In the years when Song Ju Han studied music abroad, there was no gossip
news and his flirting techniques were first rate He Gu was blushing and any
one of the light or heavy limbs---physical contact made him think too many
strange things.

Throughout the afternoon, he felt that his brain had not thought about it, but
just followed Song Ju Han.

Chapter 17 Memories of the Past:Loosing the V-Card

It's confusing if the two are dating.

Song Ju Han is very busy. He Gu often can't find him. He Gu send a text to
him. There are eight stones in the sea(no reply). He Gu doesn't care about
these things. He just want to see Song Ju Han every day, but he can only
meet him once a month and only see him in a hurry.
Gradually, even Feng Zheng discovered that He Gu was not right and asked
him what's wrong. He was often distracted recently.

Song Ju Han was particularly demanding of privacy. He Gu couldn't tell

anyone. He was a celebrity. He was naturally afraid of this. He Gu had to lie: "
I had to change the thesis topic, had to prepare for the answers....too busy."

"You are preparing, no problem, do you want me to help you?"

He Gu smiled: "No, I can do it myself."

"You don't work yourself too tired. Let's go fishing this week. Friends
recommended for me a good place, freaking beautiful."

"Forget it, the timetable is tight, now I can't even dare to go out to play, wait
until I get back to you."

Feng Zheng was a little disappointed: "We haven't been out for a long time."
He suddenly reached out and squeezed his face and said, "I have so few
friends, you still won't accompany me."

He Gu laughed: "You have fewer friends? Last time you had a birthday, you
had fifty or sixty people invited."

"Forget it, those people are friends... A really a friend, there are so few. As a
result, they went to study abroad one after the other. What is so good about
going abroad, I don't want to go anywhere."

He Gu was helplessly: "Feng what you said is true."

Feng Zheng showed a big smile: "No matter what, you have to accompany me
to the movie at least this week. I would like you to accompany me."

"Well, Saturday?"

"Well, I will take you to a good meal after that."

When He Gu couldn't see Song Ju Han, he could only work hard. He did want
Song Ju Han to have time, but he himself not have time.

Love is unbelievable, He Gu hated that he can not be with Song Ju Han every
minute, every time, as long as he sees him, he will be happy, if he can not see
Song Ju Han then even the tea is not tasteful, at night he will think of his
smile. If he doesn't sleep, he will try him best to make himself better.

He Gu lived alone from high school. His mother had to bear all the expenses
before he graduated from college. There was not much money to spare and
after buyingenough food and drink, but there was not much extra disposable
cash. Fortunately, he did not have high materialism requirements and his
living expenses had always been spent carefully, he has been receiving
scholarships, plus the wages of working and internships. He had saved tens
of thousands of yuans in a few years. Now, for the first time in his life, he has
the idea of ??dressing up for himself.

His character doesn't care much about money in his heart. In the past, when
the hair was long, it was 15 yuan for washing and blowing. This time, he spent
500 yuan to cut a hair into a particular style and he didn't feel distressed. After
cutting the hair, he went to the mall and bought several sets of clothes and

After the whole person changed from head to toe, he looked at himself in the
mirror. He really looked a lot better. Maybe... standing next to Song Ju Han,
he would not be too awkward.

On Saturday afternoon, He Gu went to see a movie with Feng Zheng.

When the two met, Feng Zheng said: "He Gu, you changed your hair and you
have a lot of handsome flair."

He Gu was very happy to hear that: "Really?"

"Really, I don't know how many times better than before. You have become
more. Where did you cut it?"

"Cut in the stars saloon."

"No wonder, the craftsmanship of the stars hair cutting saloon is really good."
Feng Zheng wondered, "Hey, why are you willing to spend money to gather
stars to cut your hair?"

He Gu touch his hair: "Well, I'm graduating soon. I'm not a student anymore, I
want to change my hair."
Feng Zheng couldn't help but laugh: "He Gu changing your lifestyle.... you
also care about your hair style, these clothes wouldn't be newly bought?"

"Oh, yeah, my clothes have been worn for a few years and I have to have a
few new clothes when I go to start work."

Feng Zheng smiled and shook. He climbed his hand over his shoulder and
gently covered his head with his mouth. He whispered, "What to do, I am not
adapting if you become handsome too fast."

He Gu slowly took his arm down: "The opening time is coming, let's go in."

Feng said: "Oh, let's go."

They looked at a sci-fi film. There was a background sound that was
especially quiet. In the middle of the movie He Gu phone was ringing, echoing
in the auditorium and it was particularly harsh. He Gu quickly took out his
mobile phone and saw the caller ID is - Song Ju Han. He stood up without
hesitation and went out to answer the phone: "Hey, Song Ju Han."

"He Gu, where are you?" The phone sound was lauded with Song Ju Han's
laziness as if he was too tired.

"I was watching a movie."

"Watch a movie? Who are you with?"

"With Feng Zheng."

Song Ju Han was silent for a moment. He Gu felt some tension in his heart.
These two people don't quite deal well with eachother.

Song Ju Han said slowly: "I feel jealous when you go watch movies with him."

He Gu was relieved and smiled: "What are you jealous, I just watch a movie
with my friend."

"I am jealous, I am resting today, you....come to my place."

"Now? The movie hasn't finished yet. I promised Feng Zheng to accompany
him to dinner."
"I have a rare day off, don't you want to see me?"

"Of course I think, but..." He Gu hesitated if he knew that Song Ju Han would
be free today. He should have said to Feng Zheng that he was staying at
homd to deal with the thesis.

"Nothing, you come now." Song Ju Han's tone is somewhat overbearing.

"Ju Han, I really want to see you, but I'm not so good to abandon..."

Song Ju Han said: "You like Feng Zheng?"

He Gu spoke urgently: "Of course not."

"Since you don't, what are you hesitating for? What occasionally counts
between friends, He Gu, come now or I will be angry."

1]..... Uuughthis bitch nikka

He Gu sighed, he felt that Song Ju Han was really a little angry, although he
did not care, but he did not want for them to be awkward for this and Song Ju
Han, so he said: "Then you wait for me, I will come as soon as possible."

Song Ju Han said with an easy tone: "Well, hurry."

He Gu like a cat run back to the seat.

Feng Zheng: "What happened? Who called?"

"My tutor is looking for me, I have to go back to school now." He lied to Feng
Zheng and felt bad, especially in his heart.

"So urgent?" Feng Zheng frowned. "The movie hasn't finished yet."

"Sorry, Feng Zheng, I will accompany you the next time."

Feng Zheng is not very happy, but there is no waybto refute. "Then you go
see the mentor and come over to eat with me afterwards."

"I think that the tutor invited me to dinner at night."

Feng Zheng: "You have been busy with papers all the time, we haven't had
time to come out for a long time."

"I'm sorry, Feng Zheng, wait for me to get back to you and for dinner."

"Forget it, I don't want to watch it, let's go." Feng Zheng stood up

The two walked out of the cinema together.

He Gu stopped a tax and hurried away.

Song Ju Han lived in a high-class apartment in the urban area, not far from
the cinema. The taxi arrived in 20 minutes, He Gu rushed to Song Ju Han

When he was in the elevator, He Gu squint at the mirror for a long time patting
his hair and straightened his clothes and his heart was full of joy.

The doorbell rang twice and he heard a footstep. The next moment, the door
was opened. The reason he looked at his own thoughts was in front of him
and there was a huge joy in his heart. He went up to hold the Song Ju Han
and kissed the soft lips.

Song Ju Han snorted, then hugged his waist and responded enthusiastically.

The two of them were very entangled only half a minute apart, He Gu gasped
and said: "You know I miss you more."

Song Ju Han smiled: "Know it." He touched his hair. "You changed your hair?
It looks good."

He Gu thought that this spent money is too much valuable

Song Ju Han pulled him into the door: "Come, look at the gift I have prepared
for you."

"Ah, what gift?"

Song Ju Han pointed to a dozen gift bags on the floor: "The clothing brand I
recently spoke to gave me a new season clothes, I deliberately asked for the
ones more of your size."
He Gu was busy refuting: "This dress is too expensive, not suitable for me to

"What is not suitable about them? isn't that people wear clothes and they are
clothes to wear."

"I am still an intern now, it's really not suitable."

Song Ju Han glared at his earlobe: "But if you don't, I will be very

He Gu looked at the clothes slyly and looked at Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han hooked his shoulder:"YouI will take them, I will occasionally
wear these clothes to go out for publicity, we can wear them as couples wear,
are you not happy?"

He Gu imagined the two people wearing a couple's wear. Although they

probably didn't have the chance to wear the same clothes and stood together,
the picture very aspire to him. He smiled and said, "Thank you, but I was in a
hurry. Didn't bring you anything..."

"You are my gift." Song Ju Han said that shamelessly and his face was not

He Gu couldn't held his mouth up from a smile.

"What movie did you watch with Feng Zheng today?"

"A sci-fi film, not bad."

"You didn't finish watching it? It doesn't matter, wait for the blue light to come
to my house." Song Ju Han's apartment has a large walled in home theater.

"Nothing." He Gu embarrassing to whisper, "I wanted to see you even more."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Would you like to listen to the song I am

When Song Ju Han got into the bedroom, he sat on the rug with his legs
crossed, holding the guitar against the edge of the bed and smiled slightly.

He Gu looked at him quietly, his heart warm and his mouth could not stop

Song Ju Han's slender fingers fiddled with the guitar strings and he sang an
English song with a hoarse voice with the sound that has not been post-
processed, with a few sleek modifications, it was not as perfect as the audio-
visual end products, but it retains the most original and pure taste that the
song brings.

Song Ju Han closed his eyes and sang with fascination. He Gu looked at
Song Ju Han and he was fascinated.

Song Ju Han's smile, his eyes, his soul and even his voice, he is like a sinister
devilish satan, easily fascinating thousands of people.

He Gu felt the fear at that moment, he began to suffer from the same loss as
everyone who fell in love, being unable to restrain himself to think about why
Song Ju Han was with him and one day he would leave him.

Until Song Ju Han finished singing the song, He Gu hadn't returned to reality,
Song Ju Han stretched out his long legs and yelled at him: "He Gu?"

"Ah?" He Gu woke up like a dream.

"How was it, nice?"

"Good, it's so nice."

"What is your opinion?"

"I am a layman and can't make any comments."

Song Ju Han casually stroke the guitar: "Sometimes a layman can give people
an unexpected opinion, you can just talk about it."

"Mmh..." He Gu thought for a long time, still couldn't think of any opinions.

Song Ju Han laughed: "Forget it, it is difficult for you." He patted the carpet
around him, "Come, sit down."
He Gu went and sat down with Song Ju Han.

"I will sing to you, what do you want to hear?"

"Your new single which you made last month."

"Good." Song Ju Han cleared his throat and sang while playing with a guitar.

He Gu laid on Song Ju Han shoulders, closed his eyes and feel the sound of
the notes and the whole person seems like he was flying.

How can he be so happy, how can it be so sweet, if this moment can be like
this to the end of the old days.... how good will it be.

Song Ju Han sang one after another, He Gu listen till he got drunk on them,
so that he did not know when Song Ju Han was laying down the guitar, when
Ju Han overwhelmed him in the carpet, when he recovered from the heat-kiss,
the two had already red - body lingering sensations fully naked.

He Gu panicked, the brain going blank, but he did not resist, he let Song Ju
Han fire burn him, even the pain that he had never tasted was felt now but did
not let his thoughts of being with Song Ju Han think regret.

He Gu was finally stunned by the pain mixed with pleasure---the new

sensation brought by the coupling and Song Ju Han's pair of eyes, which
seemed to be carrying the magic, had followed him into his dreams.

He woke up the second day. He Gu was sober and only felt sore, especially in
that place, it was embarrassing painful. He rubbed his temples and the whole
person feeling a whirlwind. It took him two minutes to digest what happened
last night.

He sighed, although the muscle and the skin is very comfortable, but it is too
damn painful to do this. He didn't have any understand of what is bottoming at
that time. He only thought that Song Ju Han had experience, so it should be
like this, but it was not the same as those people who looked like they enjoyed
it in the small porn movies...

1]...... Porn is fantasy

He barely managed to get up from the bed, went to the bathroom and took a
shower. After washing and cleaning, he wanted to find Song Ju Han, but he
called twice and there was obviously no one at home.

He called Song Ju Han twice and no one answered. He felt a little lost in his
heart, so he sent a message telling Song Ju Han that he would go back first.
When he left, he looked at the pile of clothes that Song Ju Han sent him. He
hesitated and took them.

These clothes are impossible to wear in college and at the company but when
he goes to see Song Ju Han, they will be useful.

After returning home, He Gu felt some low-grade fever, he swallowed two

tablets and continued to rush through the paper.

Until dusk, Song Ju Han called and said that he had gotten up in the morning
and asked if He Gu was uncomfortable.

1]...... Weren't you supposed to check on him before leaving you idiot.

"No, I'm okay." Even if it is not comfortable, He Gu is a man, he will not admit

Song Ju Han said with a smile: "That's good, I wanted to stay with you."

He Gu felt a lot calmness in his heart, he softly said: "You are busy with work,
there is no way."

"Yeah, I have been..." Song Ju Han said and a soft female voice called his
name on the phone.

He Gu froze.

Song Ju Han said: "I still have work here, I will first hang up and then contact

"Oh, okay..." Before all the words have not been finished, the phone has been
cut off. He Gu held the phone for a long time, only silently let it go, continue to
change the paper, but it to concentrate, the low-feverish brain was a bit
worrying, he kept thinking, even he can not tell what he is thinking.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

He Gu suddenly woke up and his eyes widened and he was shocked.

He took a deep breath and got up to open the door. Feng Zheng presented
two plastic bags and appeared in front of him with a big smile.

"Feng, Feng Zheng, how come you are here?"

"The project document of the Property Department has just been sent to my
mailbox. Anyway, I want to see both of them together. I just bring you to
dinner along." Feng frowned. "How do you look so tired, are you sick."?"

"No, I stayed up late last night. I haven't read the mail yet, I am reading the

"Do you have a lot of opinions from your tutor?"

"No, he was very satisfied with it."

"Ah, what did he ask you to do yesterday?" Feng Zheng smashed the plastic
bag into the kitchen and asked while unloading the goods.

He Gu thought that he lied yesterday, it seems his lie is going to be burnt and
he was busy fixing it: "He mentioned something and said some ideas to me."

Feng Zheng came over: "He Gu, I feel that you are not quite alright, are you
really not sick?" He said that and Feng Zheng explored He Gu forehead of his
hand. "Heavens, you have a fever!"

"Nothing, it is not high."

Feng yelled in anger: "You are sick... You are really sick, do you want to fight
like this, isn't there still three weeks away to submit the paper? You have been
preparing it for a year, there are still a few days to go right? Now hurry and

He Gu smile bitterly: "Nothing."

"It's not okay, you walk and shake." Feng Zheng held his arms and pushed
him to the bedroom.

"Feng Zheng, I am really fine."

"Be obedient, I will go to cook, I told you to get some rest." Feng Zheng
pushed the bed into the bed and stuffed him into the quilt.

He Gu got into bed and found that he was really tired and the bed was really
comfortable. He immediately sighed with a sigh of relief: "Well, then I will take
a break and wait for what Feng cooks."

Feng Zheng smiled and said: "I bought it for you and I have to cook it too.
Now you are having a good time. I haven't cooked..... even for my parents."

He Gu smiled.

Feng Zheng went to work busy for dinner, He Gu fell asleep in confusion.
When Feng Zheng made a meal ready and called him, it was already dark.

Feng Zheng put the food on the table and asked for his input: "Hurry and
taste, I just went to buy the medicine and you will take the medicine after you
eat the meal."

"Okay, it's good." He Gu felt really hungry.

"I want to drink some beer, where's the bottle opener?"

"I think it's in the drawer by the TV cabinet."

Feng Zheng went to find the bottle opener, but saw a pile of bags given by
Song Ju Han on the sofa in the living room. He picked up those paper bags
and turned them over. They were all clothes.

He Gu apartment is not big, the living room and the dining room are
connected, He Gu saw Feng Zheng's move at once and he was so nervous
because he forgot to put away those things.

Feng Zheng turned around and his face was a bit ugly: "Don't tell me this is
what you bought."

"...I bought it."

"These clothes are thousands worth of casual ones. He Gu I know that you
are not so generous with your spending?"

He Gu licked his lips and felt that he was sweating on his forehead.
Feng Zheng threw the bag back to the sofa angrily: "Do you like Song Ju Han
so much? For him you would be able to spend this kind of money that you
wouldn't spend on anyone else at all?"

He Gu felt very embarrassed. He really didn't want to say more lies from his
mouth, so he stayed silent.

Feng Zheng took a deep breath: "You are sick, I am too lazy to argue with
you, but your fucking behavior is really worth of a brain-dead moron. You think
you are better that those underage girls who still chase celebrities."

He Gu spoke with a condescending tone: "Feng Zheng, I spent my money and

it's none of your business keep your nose out of my life."

"You..." Feng Zheng was blocked by his anger and could not speak.

He Gu softened the tone: "Okay, come over to eat then before the food gets

Feng Zheng probably felt that He Gu was childish and naive for this matter.
He couldn't pull his face to continue to be angry. He went back to eat but he
kept his head down and didn't talk to He Gu.

He Gu felt a splitting headache.

Chapter 18: Memories of the Past: A Heartbreak Confirmation

After five minutes of silence, He Gu felt that this kind of face-to-face dinner
was too boring and he took the initiative to chat with Feng Zheng. Feng Zheng
said a sentence back and his mood was still not very good.

After dinner, Feng Zheng threw the medicine to him: "You have to take those
half an hour after a meal."

"Okay, thank you if you hadn't come today, I wouldn't eat such a delicious

Feng snorted and took his eyes and yelled at him: "If I didn't come, maybe no
one would knows if you burned out to death."

He Gu smiled: "How come, I have taken the medicine before you come, but it
has not yet taken effect."
"You go lie down, I have almost half an hour to clean up, just enough to get
you up and take medicine."

"No, I feel much better now that I am full. I can clean up myself."

"I said you go, you go." Feng Zheng took him into the bedroom and pressed
him on the bed. "Your clothes are a little wet, change drenched." Feng Yan
pulled the collar, just as He Gu laid down, the button on the front slammed
open, revealing a small piece of collarbone and chest.

Feng Zheng's eyes suddenly went straight red. He Gu didn't know why. He
looked down and saw the traces of blue and brown on his chest. This is...
Bite--mark! He remembered he had them all over the body when he took a
shower today...

Feng Zheng's eyes widened and he ripped He Gu shirt violently. When he

saw the traces on the body, the whole person was like someone struck by

He Gu pushed his hand with force: "Feng Zheng, what are you doing!"

"What is this?!" Feng Yan pinched his shoulder, the strength of the force
made He Gu feel pain.

He Gu was extraordinarily shy: "What does it have to do with you! Do you

know what you are doing!"

"I asked you what this is!" Feng Yan was so angry that he couldn't believe
what he could see on He Gu body!

He Gu closed his eyes and felt embarrassed and angry like never before:
"Bite-mark, is there a problem?"

Feng Zheng's hand trembled and his eyes were a little red: "... Who?"


"Who is it?"

He Gu was silent for a moment: "I think I have the right to keep my privacy,
Feng Zheng, you are too abnormal now, is it me who has a fever or you have
a fever?"
Feng Zheng gritted his teeth and said: "Tell me who it is!"

"I don't want to say!" He Gu really angry. "I am a 22-year-old grown man. Why
do you think I need to report my life to you? Feng Zheng, you should go back."

Feng Zheng seems to think of something in general and the two pupils shoot
out Ju Han mang: "It's Song Ju Han, is it?"

It was so shocking that when He Gu wanted to hide his expression, it was too

"Why are you stupid!" Feng Zheng was so mad that he pushed h hard. "You are a big fool, you and Song Ju Han? You know what he is?!"

He Gu calmed down at this time: "Feng Zheng, I don't know what kind of fight
you have with him, but those have nothing to do with me, you are too
abnormal now, do you know that?"

"I am abnormal? You are the abnormal with your motherfucking brain! You
slept with him? Are you sleeping with Song Ju Han?" Feng Zheng anger
seemed to be rushing to kill He Gu.

He Gu took a deep breath, "Yes, is there any problem?"

"He will sleep you today, he will be able to pick another one up tomorrow,
Song Ju Han is a jerk, you fucking....uuugh!"

"Even if it is....this is my own business."

"Your own business?" Feng Zheng glared at him. "Why do you think Song Ju
Han came after you? If it is not because of me, would he even look at you?!"

He Gu cussed, his face changed: "What do you mean?"

Feng Zheng consciously stopped talking, but it was impossible to take them
back. He gnawed his teeth and screamed.

"Feng Zheng, what is the meaning of your sentence, make it clear. If Song Ju
Han really wants to play with me, I can afford it, I am not a woman, sleeping
around is no big deal, if you really take me as a friend , make the sentence
you have just said clear."
Feng Zheng clenched his fist and said, "He...he is trying to piss me off."

"What do you mean?"

"We... from a young age we had a competition, he saw you with me, he
wanted to grab you from me."

He Gu felt the blood leaving his face and also his brain and he hadn't returned
to reality for a long time: "But me and you..... we are only friends."

"But he doesn't think so." Feng Zheng stared straight at his eyes. "I don't think

He Gu was shocked and looked at Feng Zheng.

"I know that you were only confused by him for a while. We used to get along
very well. Is it not? He Gu you asked me if I might like boys? I didn't answer at
the time. I can answer you now, if the boy is you......."

"Don't say it." He Gu hanged his head. "Feng Zheng, this is not the first time. I
don't know if you intentionally or unintentionally saying this but I am finished
and I have not done anything wrong. I can't stand still and play this game with
you and Song Ju Han."

"You could have given me some time!"

He Gu sighed: "Is it the same feeling?"

He Gu once wanted to be with Feng Zheng and his hope has been almost
squandered in repeated temptations and disappointments.

Feng Zheng held his shoulder and screamed: "He Gu, don't you be stupid,
Song Ju Han is playing with you, you... you stay with me."

He Gu grasped Feng Zheng's wrist and unconsciously tightened it up. He said

with a blank expression: "Feng Zheng, what you said today, you're doing
things just like a child.... And it is unreasonable, you go home calmly. We can
talk again later."

"You do not believe me?"

"How?... Would you believe me if I say things in this way?"

"You only knew Song Ju Han for a few days? Do you believe him? What kind
of people are around him, you may want to rethink about why he is close to

This is what is called heart stabbing, He Gu took a deep breath: "You said it, I
have thought about it. You listen to me Feng Zheng, first, we are not dating,
there is no possibility of it ever, second, I can not believe you... there is no
doubt that Song Ju Han likes me, third, even if you are telling the truth, I am
still not going to be with you."

1].... Wow cold-hearted effer

He Gu spoke so cool, but his heart was very uncomfortable, he does not want
to believe what Feng Zheng said, but then it is a good explanation of his long-
standing doubts - why Song Ju Han came at him fast and furious.

If it is really because of Feng Zheng... He simply can't think about it.

Feng Zheng looked stiffly and his expression gradually became sad: "He Gu, I
never found out, you are so calm. You don't feel anything about me? You will
know what Song Ju Han is, sooner or later."

"Feng Zheng, even if I had feeling for you before, it is already past. Song Ju
Han may be a jerk, I will be clear with you I can't be with you, then why are
you becoming this kind of a person?" He Gu looked at Feng Zheng seriously.
"Feng Zheng, you are my best friend. We are very happy when we are friends.
Did you have to do this?"

"He is not good." Feng Zheng pushed his hand and his face was awkward.
"He Gu, you will regret it, I will leave you to see the true face of Song Ju Han."
He turned and slammed his fist against the wall, his head looked whirly and
he walked out

"Feng Zheng-"

The door was slammed and the voice hanged into the air.

He Gu felt that his body tight nerves are loose and the whole person fell
weakly on the bed.

Why... Did things become like this.

Does Song Ju Han really like Feng Zheng? He Gu didn't want to believe in his
heart, but he couldn't help but feel that Feng Zheng was right.

He is a plain college graduate and his family is is not prominent or anything.

When he sees himself on Song Ju Han's side, he looks like a boy toy being
favored by him.

But... he remembered Song Ju Han's gentleness, Song Ju Han's smile, Song

Ju Han's voice, those could not be faked, should he believe what his eyes saw
or Feng Zheng's words?

He Gu closed his eyes and felt the chaos in his head. His heart seemed to be
blocked by something, falling all the way and below, it was the abyss that
could not be seen in the dark end.

He doesn't know for how long he had been sleeping, when he woke up again,
he felt burned out and his body was relaxed. After he got up, he swallowed
some medicine and drank two large glasses of water. His brain was sober.

Thinking of what happened last night, he still felt uncomfortable and


To be honest, he cares a lot about Feng Zheng. Feng Zheng is his best friend
when he was young. Both of them have a common language both at school
and in the company. He Gu was somewhat isolated person based on his
character, it is not easy for him to be able to make a friend who can talk.

He didn't know what deep contradiction between Song Ju Han and Feng
Zheng there were, but it was obviously more serious than he thought.
Whether Song Ju Han really is as a bastard as Feng Zheng said, Feng Zheng
can't just make such a strange speculation it has to be based on something.

As for Feng Zheng's saying that he wants to be with him, He Gu does not
believe it. If Song Ju Han really only wants to provoke Feng Zheng for the so-
called "childhood competition", then Feng Zheng, who is suddenly liking him is
more suspicious.

He Gu nestled on the sofa, calmly thinking about the morning, finally decided
to personally go to find Song Ju Han to ask him. With a knife in his head and a
knife in his heart, he was only shackled. He was so young, his life was just
beginning and his emotional frustration was nothing that can't be forgotten.
He packed up and went out. He planned to go to the vicinity of Song Ju Han's

He went downstairs in the neighborhood where Song Ju Han lived, sat down
in a coffee shop and sent a text message to Song Ju Han: "I am near your
home, I'm looking for you, when are you coming back?"

The text message did not get a response for a long time, He Gu was not in a
hurry, took out the notebook and began to continue to work on the paper.

The sky soon became dark and Song Ju Han returned to the message at this
time: "Photo shoot in a far location, I'm not going home today."

Somehow disappointed, packed up the notebook and planned to go home.

in the car, he received a call from Feng Zheng.

Feng Zheng's cold voice came: "He Gu, where are you?"

"Outside, I am going home soon."

"You come with me now."

"What's wrong?"

"You want to know what kind of person is Song Ju Han? I will open your eyes

He Gu breath stopped, his voice shook a little: "...well, you send me the
address." He got off the car and took a taxi and rushed to the address given
by Feng Zheng.

It was a nightclub that looked very private. There were two bodyguards
standing at the door and the who guests went in had showed something to be

Hesitating, Feng Zheng came over and his face had a look of gloominess.

He Gu has never seen such a look on Feng Zheng. When Feng Zheng was
angry, he never looked such a picture of suffocation. He opened his mouth
and finally had nothing to say.
Feng Zheng led him to the door and showed the security guard a picture on
the mobile phone. The two security guards brushed and asked for the gesture:
"Young Feng, please go inside."

Feng Zheng walked in front of him, He Gu he followed.

Before going to a box, Feng said: "Go in, I am waiting for you outside." When
he turned around, he sighed, "Do not start a fight."

He Gu looked at Feng Zheng's eyes and his heart beat like a drum.

Through the door, he heard a sweet female voice singing inside.

Open this door, what will he see? No matter what, he couldn't retreat. He took
a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He Gu closed his eyes and pushed the door open.

The box is very large. There are more than a dozen people sitting and
standing. He Gu eyes located Song Ju Han, who was sitting in the corner of
the sofa and holding a very beautiful girl in his arms. The two are talking and
laughing. Also looking at each other with googling eyes.

He Gu felt that his scalp went numb, the hands and feet suddenly become
cold and the eyes of everyone around them pierce his skin like a needle.

When Song Ju Han saw him, his face changed and he was very surprised.

He Gu was unusually calm: "Sorry, I am looking for someone."

Song Ju Han loosened the hand that was holding the girl thin waist and stood
up in the air. His tone was very pissed off: "He Gu, how come you come

He Gu refrained from yelling the feelings of his heart inner turmoil: "Ju Han,
you come out."

Song Ju Han rushed to his friends and nodded: "You play first." After that, he
went out and closed the door.
He Gu chest rose and fall a bit and he sighed and said: "I have something to
ask you."

"Who brought you here? Is it Feng Zheng? You told him?" A series of

"It was my own discovery." He Gu gazed at Song Ju Han, just yesterday, he

looked at this person and felt that his heart was full of happiness and now the
blooming flower has been knocked into the mud with the cold wind.

Song Ju Han stroked his hair with some irritability: "He brought you here

He Gu heart suddenly felt a sharp pain, as calm as possible he asked: "The

girl you just held, is she your girlfriend?"

Song Ju Han said indifferently: "No."

"What am I then?"

When Song Ju Han looked at him his eyes seemed to be incredible: "What do
you mean?"

"What do I mean?" When He Gu heard this question, it is even more

incredible, "Song Ju Han, you don't know what I mean?"

Song Ju Han first sneered, he looked at He Gu face and then laughed


1]..... How many of us have been laughed at because we assume we were

their one and only???...Well not me.... I'm not into that nonsense!!

Chapter 19 The One Who Doesn't Knock

He Gu felt that his eyes were burning and his line of sight got a bit fuzzy.

Song Ju Han said with a smile: "He Gu, what did you really came here to do?
You are also a pure gay, how can you not know the rules than my half-way?"

1]..... (bisexual/whoring)

"...Rules?" He Gu chewed these two words repeatedly, as if he was

swallowing poison--- medicine.
"We just slept together and now you think I am responsible for you? Or else I
am the only one for you?" Song Ju Han's voice was full of sarcasm.

There was a fierce flash in his eyes. He Gu grabbed Song Ju Han's collar and
pushed the man to the wall.

Song Ju Han was a little surprised. He buckled his wrist. He was half-
heartedly joking and said, "He Gu, you better not act impulsively. Fortunately,
you can't beat me. If you really beat me, you gonna get into big problems."

He Gu eyes were bloodshot and his chest was violently rolling. He has never
suffered such humiliation in his life. He feels that something in his body has
been torn and blood has fallen to the ground.

This face made him familiar and unfamiliar. From the first acquaintance to the
present, for four years, he silently paid attention to Song Ju Han's every move,
only because of the afternoon he got near him in that small classroom. For the
first time, making him know what kind of good things he likes.

If they didn't meet again, he would always be a fan for Song Ju Han and will
not be out of control as he is now.

What did Song Ju Han think of him...

Song Ju Han looked at the somewhat distorted face, sighed and touched his
hair gently: "If I thought you play like thins? Wanted to be lovers?I wouldn't
bother come to playyou...."

Can't play?

He Gu remembered what he said to Feng Zheng. He said, "I am not naive."

How brave is it when he was bragging, now? He never thought about playing
and he couldn't play with it.

Song Ju Han's tone became gentle and confused: "Were we not so good? He
Gu, I like you very much, but I am still young, I don't want to fall in love, you
are so young, why are you too serious? What you want? Everything can be
obtained from me, what is there a need to be so angry."
He Gu felt like a punctured ballon he slowly loosened his hold on Song Ju
Han's collar, forced the pressure off the surging, he was silence for a few
seconds, he nodded and said quietly: "You are right."

Song Ju Han, you are right, why bother being too seriously.

He also didn't have a small piece of regret and he still slept with a celebrity. If
it was just a fuckbuddies, Song Ju Han's specifications were too high, as long
as he was not serious.

He Gu held his fist and suppressed the pain that made it difficult to breathe
and looked at Song Ju Han with a blank expression: "You continue to play, I
am leaving."

Song Ju Han frowned. "He Gu, this thing... I blamed myself for not telling you
at first, I thought you understood. I will compensate you, whatever you want, I
will buy it for you."

"You didn't say it clearly, which part exactly?"

Song Ju Han couldn't speak.

"Is it the part that you fooled around with me then to provoke Feng Zheng?"

Song Ju Han's face was somewhat uncomfortable: "Is this what Feng Zheng
told you?"

"If not?."

Song Ju Han was silent: "He Gu, you follow me, I will always be good for you,
you want to experience things a bit, we have fun years at this age."

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han deeply and watched his face for half a minute
before saying, "Okay."

At that time, he was too young and stupid. He thought he made a decision
that was free and mature.

The loss of love is a small episode in his life. It will be overdone. Since he still
has some fascination with Song Ju Han, it is not a bad thing to be a
companion. He has nothing to lose. He even thinks about it. They are all men,
Song Ju Han can play around, what can he do?
He couldn't predict at the time that it would be the most costly, irreparable and
wrong mistake in his life. His love for Song Ju Han did not die because of
changes in mentality and time. Instead, it became more and more blazing.
When he suddenly felt shocked, he had already walked too far and sank too
deep to turn back.

He Gu opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling of his home.

Thinking about the past, he fell asleep on the sofa and the past was woven
into a story that merged into his dreams. Six years, all the details at the time,
he actually remembers yh so clearly.

In particular, he remember how Song Ju Han was fascinated by He Gu

fascination. How could he use his words like that. In a few words to make his
cheeks hurt and his heart broken? He also remembered how frustrated Feng
Zheng's decision was made at the time. Remember Feng's impulsive the
rough kiss.

He knows that because of his affairs, Song Ju Han went to find Feng Zheng
then Feng Zheng went to find Song Ju Han, the two also had a lot of conflict,
but He Gu did not know what happened when they met, Feng Zheng flew out
from the country, the other one He Gu has been shackling with him for the
past six years.

He also remembers that in the past six years, Song Ju Han fed him a
whispers of a sugar and He Gu was firmly fixed.

He really made up his mind to "fool around with" Song Ju Han. He wanted to
vent out his fascination with Song Ju Han and he now was too addicted. He
could leave the man without regrets. He doesn't feel that he was out of the
box. Unexpectedly, Song Ju Han was still the Song Ju Han, but He Gu could
not withdraw.

He Gu never regretted it, but occasionally he can't help but think, if at that time
he and Song Ju Han had split off each other, what will happen now? Probably
he will have heard Song Ju Han's news after a few years then just laugh at it
then smile and tell his friends that he had slept with this big celebrity. In short,
it will not be the situation that is so deep in the quagmire today.

But can he dare he regret it.

He rubbed his sore back and climbed up from the sofa and at a glance he saw
the cell phone that was thrown out by Song Ju Han.

He took the thrown battery put it in the phone on and booted it up, but
fortunately the phone is not broken.

One boot, more than a dozen missed calls and text messages came out, all of
them were from Feng Zheng, he dialed him back and Feng Zheng almost
immediately picked up the phone on the first tone, he nervously shouted: "He
Gu, are you okay?"

He Gu was tired and said: "I am fine, I am sorry, you must think I'm a joke

1]..... Girl all my readers thinks you're a joke..... But it get better yeah?

"You are really..." Feng Zheng gnashed his teeth. "Song Ju Han has been a
really bastard for ten years. What did he do to you?"

He Gu laughed at himself with a mockery: "In fact, there is nothing. He came

to accompany me on my birthday. He was angry when he saw you calling me.
You haven't been around here for so many years."

Feng Zheng was silent and evaded the weight and said: "You are okay then."

"It's rare that you remember my birthday and he was worried."

"How can I not remember it. Song Ju Han is gone? Come out and hang up
with me."

"It's too late, I have to go to work tomorrow and you should rest early."

Feng Zheng couldn't help but said: "He Gu can't I persuade you?"

He Gu slowly leaned on the wall: "Feng Zheng, all the things you can think of,
can't think of, I understand, but I still can't help myself. Anything you advise
me that it's useless, I am self-sufficient, but I don't want to be with you. It's
already awful for me to say the same things again and again."

"He Gu, you are the only one I know, who jumped into the fire pit while he was
wide awake."
He Gu was teased by his description: "No, maybe I owed him in my previous
life and I have to pay debts in this life."

There was a long sigh from Feng Zheng on the phone.

After Gu Qing Pei went to the new company, he did not abandon the group
chat of the old company. He Gu opened the group chat occasionally and he
could see a few grumbles as he joked.

On this day, He Gu was reading a document and a pop-up window popped up

on the computer. It was Gu Qing Pei's video call invitation. He opened it with
some doubts.

He saw Gu Qing Pei sitting in the boss's chair and waving at him with a smile:
"Hey, He Gu whatchu up to?"

He Gu ust wanted to laugh: "Work, Gu you seems to be in a good mood."

"Hey, I have to keep a strong smile, this company has a bunch of messed up
people, the boss gave me a big problem... forget that, don't say this, I have to
show you my new office." Gu Qing Pei stood with his mobile phone after he
got up he made a sweep movement of the office.

That office is more luxurious than the office belonging to a Nanchuang's

executives. It's a private company. If they want to spend money that's their
right, He Gu can't help but envy him: "This office is very good."

"Yeah, how are you, are you not tempted?"

He Gu smiled: "That is the president's office, what is the use of being


"We are renovating the new office area. I installed it and I moved it. This office
is yours." Gu Qing Pei looked at him with a smile. "As long as you come, I
have reserved a seat for you at any time."

"Gu, you are really lifting me up. I will only work for this company. Nothing else
will work. I am really afraid to live up to your expectations." Although He Gu is
very grateful to Gu Qing Pei for his appreciation, he always has some guilty
conscience. He felt that Gu Qing Pei, such a beautiful man, should not be able
to see his dead hopeless brain.
"Hey, If you still want to work like this, as long as you do what you do, I will
give you something else."

He Gu smiled: "Gu, I will give you an answer later, okay."

"Okay." Gu Qing Pei sighed. "He Gu, I think you should be able to imagine my
situation. Yuan Li Jiang career path was very big. He promised me to put this
branch on the market and let me enter the group executive board, but there is
no one around me now, it's really crappy."

"I know."

"So I have high hopes for you coming to work here, I will wait for you to
answer me later."

"Okay, sure."

"Right, I will show you the Arowana that I have raised. I have two in the office.
I hoped it can assimilate to the new officer's suffocation. As a result, it died
yesterday. I bought it for 80,000 yuans..... I feel bad. I didn't sleep well last
night." Gu Qing Pei said that he was grievously screaming and he was a little
bit childish.

"That must have helped you block a wave of anger and heroic righteousness."

"Hey, when you said that way it makes sense. I have a lot of comfort in my
heart." Gu Qing Pei pointed his mobile phone at the fish tank. He Gu didn't
spent time to see the baby fish who was more expensive than gold? Suddenly
there was a rough opening sound.

Gu Qing Pei's voice was immediately wrapped in a full mockery: "How many
times I said that you have to knock on the door become bring your face in my
office. You are a grown up, how can you not even understand the courtesy
taught to a two-year-old child?"

1].... The one who doesn't knock get it

"Don't speak such nonsense." A young, clear, angry voice came over from
that side.

He Gu curious sat up and the video was moved off.

Immediately, the original video frame began to change there was an ad
playing --- Song Ju Han's electrical concert advertising.

He Gu sighed and shut the video window. He is unlucky, even if he wants to

forget the man, the one who can be overwhelmed every day is hiding from it.

Since his birthday, there has been no connection between them for half a
month. He felt that Song Ju Han would have been angry for a long time and
He Gu still can't afford to reconcile. Near the end of the year, the work
pressure is too great, he was on the job site. Under this high pressure, he was
exhausted and tired and he was too lazy to think or go find Song Ju Han.

That one thing he has always expected to be coming, maybe it has come
now, he has been preparing for this day for six years and he has long been

Chapter 20 A Whiny Straight and an Annoying Twink

Afterwards Gu Qing Pei made a phone call to explain He Gu, it was his driver
who lacked manners and his tone was very embarrassed.

Of course, He Gu doesn't believe that it's a driver, that is, the creditors are not
necessarily so horizontal. But he has never said much, if Gu Qing Pei does
not want to say, he does not ask.

It seems that Gu Qing Pei's situation in the new company is not ideal. He is
used to being boss in Nanchuang. It is inevitable that he will be frustrated
when he changes the new environment. However, He Gu believes that with
Gu Qing Pei capabilities he can get it slowly. However, now he can feel the
loneliness and pressure there is a need to talk about it, so he offered to have
a meal together with Gu Qing Pei, the last time he drank the wine he was
bought by Gu Qing Pei, saying that the repaying meal was always good.

Gu Qing Pei readily agreed.

He Gu had a busy day on the construction site and rushed home to take a
shower and change clothes, so he was ready to go to the appointment.

Before leaving the door, he received a call from Xiao Song.

He Gu looked at the caller ID and his heart was hanged to hus throat. Xiao
Song called him, it is impossible for it to have nothing to do with Song Ju Han.
He took a deep breath and pressed the call button: "Hey, Xiao Song."

"He Gu, brother." Xiao Song's voice was pumped up and grievous.

"What happened to you? Why are you crying?"

"I may have to be fired. I feel bad in my heart and I won't dare let my girlfriend
know. I want to talk to someone."

He Gu looked at the watch and the time was abundant before he has to meet
with Gu Qing Pei. He sat down and his voice was quiet: "Don't you cry, tell me
what happened?" His voice was low and the sound line sounds particularly
steady, which is very calming.

Xiao Song calmed down a bit: "That, Brother Han has been in a bad state
during this time, are you two quarreling?"

"Why do you say that? What did he say to you."

"That is... Brother Han is in a bad state, it is easy to erupt into a fit of anger.
When he gets angry, his father Song He turns his anger at me. The day
before yesterday, Brother Han kicked the photographer at the advertising
shooting scene. Song He spent a lot of money to suppress it, then I was used
as a cannon fodder." Xiao Song said that in a way, and his voice was a little

"Why did he fight?"

Xiao Song hesitated: "In fact, the contradiction is not too big, that is, the
opinion are not in the work.... well not by much. Brother Han usually has no
temper. Then I asked him, he said..."

"Say what?"

"The machine used by the photographer is junk."

"Just for this he fought with the photographer?" Although Song Ju Han has all
kinds of problems, but he is very dedicated in his work, how can he fight for
"I don't know if there was something wrong with the machine, but the machine
looks expensive. Then I think that machine looks like the machine that hurts
you that day."

He Gu face wrinkled into a frown: "You think too much, those machines are
dark and look like they are all the same."

"...also, in short, every time you have a conflict with Brother Han, Brother Han
will be in a for of one heck of outbursts."

He Gu doesn't you know if he should laugh or not: "Xiao Song, whoever

makes him unhappy, he will end up in a fit, if you just make a cat angry, it will
scratch you two times. I understand what you mean, you want me to come
and calm him down?"

Xiao Song whispered: "He Gu, my brother, I actually admire you and I
especially admire you. I don't want to ask you forgo your work. I just think that
you and Brother Han are a thing. If you don't quarrel with him he will be good,
and that will be good for everyone around him."

"Me? What a pitiful thing we have?"

"I think that Brother Han cares about you and cares more for you than others."

He Gu felt some sadness in his heart? He said with ease: "Why do you think

"I, I feel it."

He Gu smiled but there was no smile in his eyes: "Xiao Song, I think I know
you know Ju Han more than you think. I may not be able to help you with your
work. Every time I look for him to calm his head, it is just like pouring oil on the
fire, but you can rest assured that I guarantee that Song Ju Han will not fire
you. He can't find a better assistant than you."


"Really, the last time I was with Ju Han, he said that he would raise your
salary. In fact, both the father and son are very satisfied with you."
Xiao Song's voice sounded better: "Really? I'm still on mortgage, the pressure
is so big and if I'm fired, I might not be able to find a job with such a high

"Do not worry." Song Ju Han saw Song He, he is a shrewd and daunting man.
People who are in high positions, it is too normal for them to take their anger
to the people underneath them. Xiao Song's work ability and character are
good, it's impossible le to fire him easily.

"Thank you, He Gu, brother, thank you for talking to me, my heart is much

"It's okay, you work hard, no one is willing to fire you."

"Ah, thank you."

"Well, that's it then I will hang up."

"Well... brother, when are you going to find Brother Ju Han?"

He Gu was silent: "Let's talk about it later"

Hanging up the phone, He Gu rushed out the door.

When he heard that Gu Qing Pei wanted to eat pizza. He Gu specially booked
a very famous Italian restaurant. The restaurant is located in a particularly
lush business district. The road is blocked and the parking space is not easy
to find. He lined up his car in the underground parking lot, the snails generally
moved forward faster and finally he saw the parking space, but his car was
blocked, because at the front a sports car was reversing very sharp.

He Gu looked at the White 911 Porsche and slowly leaned over his body, then
slowly fell back. As a result, he found that he couldn't get in and went forward.
He repeated horned several times and still couldn't get in and the car waiting
behind made angry horn.

When he looked at the watch, the time was a bit tight. He turned off the car
and went to the side of The White 911 Porsche and knocked on the window of
the driver's seat.

The window slowly descended, revealing a handsome and white face, both of
them were taken aback.
Zhuang Jie Yu

It's a coincidence that the capital is so big that they can come across each

Zhuang Jie Yu did not return to reality and looked at him with sorrow.

He Gu said coldly: "Get off the car."

"…… What?"

"Get down, you are blocking a bunch of cars behind."

Zhuang Jie Yu bit his teeth and took a look at him and got out of the car.

He Gu sat in, closed the door, went forward and then reversed the car, the car
slipped into the parking space smoothly, the action was done in one go.

Then he got out of the car and looked at the little actor who didn't look fazed.
He took his own car away from the place

Stopping the car, He Gu quickly walked to the restaurant and just as he

walked to the elevator, he saw Zhuang Jie Yu leaning on the pillar next to the
elevator, as if he was waiting for him.

He Gu couldn't help but look at him up and down again, he wore a cap and
sunglasses with a baseball jacket and jeans in the cold, he looked as tender
as a bamboo shoot.

Song Ju Han is probably right. Zhuang Jie Yu is a perfect look-alike to a 19-

year-old Feng Zheng. It is not a look, nor a figure, but the youthful

Zhuang Jie Yu saw him and seemed to be reluctant then he finally said:
"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He Gu pressed the elevator and stood by and waited.

Zhuang Jie Yu came over and walked around him for two laps. He screamed:
"How did you get together with Brother Han? You two are too circles away
from each other."
He Gu didn't pay attention about him.

Zhuang Jie Yu did not feel embarrassed: "Hey, why are you here, did you
came here to eat?"


"I just came to eat too let's go together."

"I have a friend."

"I don't mind."

"I mind." The elevator door opened, He Gu strode in.

Zhuang Jie Yu sighed and he followed him. "Do you want to use such
awkwardness? How many people want to eat with me and I give you a chance
you don't want it?"

He Gu looked at the elevator door and pretended not to hear him.

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Jie Yu was so angry that he jumped.

The elevator door slammed open and He Gu strode out, just wanting to be far
from this strange person.

"It seems like someone is here to eat with you... you don't want to be eating
together here?" Zhuang Jie Yu pointed to the restaurant in front of him.

He Gu sighed: "I am here to talk about business, don't follow me anymore."

"Who the hell is following you, you have no shame!" Zhuang Jie Yu wanted to
blow up. "I am here with my friends!"

"Oh, misunderstanding." He Gu went in and walked in.

He Gu sat in the reserved position and waited for Gu Qing Pei, but found that
Zhuang Jie Yu and his friends were not far away. Zhuang Jie Yu did not know
what to say to his friends. The two of them were looking in his direction. He
Gu was not very comfortable, but also helplessly but had to wait for Gu Qing
After a while, Gu Qing Pei came and when he sat down, he complained: "It is
getting harder and harder to park around here."

"Yeah, especially on the weekends." He Gu smiled, "How does Gu feel in the

new company?"

"Oh, don't mention it, a bunch of bad debts, but it is quite challenging."

"It's quite right for you. Your energy is so abundant. There may be no room for
challenges in Nanchuang."

"Haha, I think so too."

The two of them chatted and ate and Gu Qing Pei suddenly looked at him with
a strange look: "He Gu, have you noticed that the people at that table have
been watching us?"

He Gu warn Zhuang Jie Yu with a warning look. "Maybe they are look at the
general direction"

"It will be alright." Gu Qing Pei smiled and called the waiter to come over.
"Send a bottle of wine to that table."

He Gu almost drowned

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "The little boy with dark hair is the type I like. Do
you think he will come over?"

He Gu cough twice: "He will."

"I also think he will." Gu Qing Pei smiled confidently.

"He seems to be an actor."

"Is it? I don't care much, no wonder he looks so flattering."

"Well, not famous so many people still don't know him."

The waiter sent the wine to the table and Zhuang Jie Yu breathed a sigh of
relief. He smiled at Gu Qing Pei and the smile was quite cute.
Soon, the two of them came over and Zhuang Jie Yu said with a smile:
"Brother, thank you."

"You're welcome, wanna come and sit together?."

"Okay." Zhuang Jie Yu looked at He Gu provocatively.

He Gu pretend not to know him and nodded at him.

They sat down in a attention gathering way. Zhuang Jie Yu's friend hairs was
dyed in a red maroon color, his baby face looked very cute, both of them were
so sweet and Gu Qing Pei turned to chat with them, He Gu sat on the side,
like a prop.

He Gu didn't feel embarrassed about it and politely smiled at the content he

barely listened to, while observing how Gu Qing Pei hooked people. He does
not want to learn, he is curious, its really attractive gayness.

After watching it for a while, he found that there is no observation value and
there are conditions which are employed by Gu Qing Pei. In fact, there is no
need to do anything deliberately it's just a multitude of skills.

Gu Qing Pei found out He Gu was left out and quickly talked to him. Zhuang
Jie Yu and his friends added a WeChat to each other.

After the addition, Zhuang Jie Yu gave a look at the side sitting around and
there was a glimmer of light in his eyes: "He Gu, what are you doing?"

"Engineering." He Gu said it lightly

"Oh, no wonder you're so stable." Zhuang Jie Yu gave a look at what was
going on and said with his friend, "Oh, this is called abstinence------, right?"

Gu Qing Pei laughed and it shook his shoulders.

He Gu awkward: "I don't understand the things from your generation."

"Then I will explain it to you, abstinent - desire - is that..."

"You talk, I have to go to the bathroom." He Gu stood up.

Gu Qing Pei said with a smile: "Don't tease him."

"Then I am teasing you, brother."


When he went to the bathroom, he took out his mobile phone and watched the
news for a while. Until the time was too long, it would be rude to wait he left
and reluctantly walked back to his seat. As he expected Zhuang Jie Yu and
his friends had left.

He Gu was relieved.

Gu Qing Pei smiled apologetically: "If I knew you were so uncomfortable, I

would not let them come."

"Nothing, anyway, let's just eat."

"Actually, I also hoped that you can meet more friends."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu." He Gu knew that Gu Qing Pei had a good intention, but
they have to get to know each other and he don't need to know Zhuang Jie
Yu's types.

The two chatted about the company. Although there was a little accidental
episode in a meal, it was very pleasant. After many years, he felt that he once
again found a friend who he can talk to. He Gu was happy from the bottom of
his heart..

He doesn't feel lonely, he is just more tolerant.

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