Taizi ch9. 1: Salted .Fish JU N E 16, 2 02 1 6 Co Mments

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Taizi ch9.


(Due to the length of the chapter, I had to divide to two parts. And here’s the first part.)

After driving Yong Lin away, Yong Shan turned around and went inside.

Yong Qi, thinking he was unable to escape this time yet again, had no choice but to stand in
place and wait for his misfortune befall on him. Even though Yong Shan looked completely
harmless to other humans and animals, to this brother, who had been filled with too much
“bullying”, his breath quickly became unstable.

Yong Shan looked at him in amusement and found that the fingers which were grabbing the
corner of his clothes were so seductive that even Yong Qi himself would not know. In an instant,
Yong Shan felt that this person, who’s shy and trembling in fear in front of him shouldn’t be his

If possible, he really would rather this person be his Imperial Concubine.

At least when he embraced his concubine, his concubine would never cry.

He wanted to hug him, kiss him, put those beautiful fingers into his mouth one by one, and suck
until it was red. It was best to suck every part of his body until it turns red forever, branded with
the color of Yong Shan.

Yong Shan was grateful that Yong Qi didn’t know what thoughts were turning in his mind. If he
knew, he would have avoided him every day.

“What do you want to write?” Seeing Yong Shan standing there staring at him for a while under
his intense gaze, Yong Qi couldn’t help but ask.

Yong Shan’s gaze was substantive, as if a pair of hands peeling him layer by layer, biting all the
way to his bones. As Yong Qi asked, he pretended to move his steps and stopped in front of the
Huanghuali wooden cabinet, and took out the brush, ink, paper and ink stone. After all, this was
the place where he had lived in the past, and he roughly remembered where all these things were.

Moreover, it seemed that Yong Shan, the new owner, had not changed this palace much even
though this place now belonged to him.

“What should I write?” Yong Shan quietly approached from behind while Yong Qi was grinding

Both of them knew that this focus of grinding ink came out of pretense and was completely
vulnerable. Their distance shortened a little, and only a bit of air was slowly squeezed out from
between the two of them. Yong Qi noticed the itching on his back, which seemed to be different
from the feeling pierced by Yong Shan’s eyes at the beginning. After a while, he heard Yong
Shan laugh in a low voice from behind, “Guess what the word is?”

He wrote stroke by stroke on Yong Qi’s back with his fingertips. The writing was fast and
scribbled. After finishing writing, he randomly continued to make a few circles on his back, as if
he did not intend to stop at all, waiting for Yong Qi to guess his riddle.

But Yong Qi was silent, lowering his head and grinding his ink, as if he didn’t want to play this
boring game with him at all.

“I’ll write it again.” Yong Shan wrote on his back again with ease.


“Did you guess it?”

Once his lips stuck to the back of Yong Qi’s earlobe, Yong Qi knew he had to play with him.

In fact, it was not difficult to guess.


(T/N: 偶.)

“Which couple?”

“The couple from not alone but in pairs.”

(T/N: 無獨有偶.)

“Wrong,” Yong Shan corrected softly, “It’s a couple of good matches as if made in heaven, my
brother Yong Qi.”


Yong Qi’s hand suddenly slipped, and a few drops of ink splashed on the table. He shrugged, as
if wanting to look back, but was stopped by Yong Shan with a hand on his back.

“Don’t look back.” Yong Shan stopped him, putting his hands on Yong Qi’s back. “Do not look

His voice was so low that he didn’t sound like a supreme master of this huge palace. He was
being careful with his voice as if he was afraid of breaking something before he could look
forward to it the next time. 

He slowly leaned up, put his hands around Yong Qi’s neck, and hugged Yong Qi like a child.

He always felt that he had known better, became mature and sensible faster than any other
brothers, but now, he really wanted to be just a child.
Only children did not have to be responsible for their mistakes.

No one would always remember a child’s mistakes and would never forgive them afterwards.

But he had grown up, big enough to be one who would take up the heavy responsibility of the
world, and could dispose of a life at will.

He was sixteen years old and he was no longer regarded as a child who could be forgiven.

“Write a word for me.” Yong Shan said, slowly loosening the hand that encircled Yong Qi.

Yong Qi asked in a low voice, “What character?”

“It’s up to you. After you write it, put it on the table, and wait for me to come back. If I come
back late, you can tell Chang Defu to prepare lunch for you. You are allowed to walk around at
will, as long as you don’t leave the main hall gate.”

After listening to his instructions, Yong Qi did not move. After a long while he turned around.

But Yong Shan had already left.

The door of the side hall was half open, and he was left alone in the empty room. The emptiness
made people feel uneasy and lonely.

Yong Qi sighed and walked to the door, planning to close the wooden door thinking he really did
not know what to write for Yong Shan.

Suddenly, a figure stooped silently from outside the door, like a ghost, and frightened Yong Qi to
back away two steps.


“Your Highness Yong Qi, I am here to deliver a message to Your Highness by the order of Li Fei

Yong Qi calmed down, staring at the person in front of him. After looking back to see if there
was anyone peeping outside the window, he turned his head and said slowly, “I don’t know what
you said.”

“It doesn’t matter if Your Highness doesn’t know what I said. What’s important is, is Your
Highness aware of what the Second Prince Yong Shan intends to do right now?”

Yong Qi was silent for a while before saying, “How would I know?”

“Your Highness,” the man looked around, took a step closer, and asked in a low voice, “Has
Your Highness ever heard of the name Gong Wuhui?”

Yong Shan indeed went to see Gong Wuhui.

The prison was heavily guarded and difficult to enter in the eyes of outsiders. However, in the
eyes of an imposing prince, going in for a round of inspection was just a matter of one sentence.

The warm sedan stopped outside the prison. As soon as an attendant reported Yong Shan’s name,
the prison officer in charge of the prison immediately hurried out to greet him, accompanied by a
smiling face to welcome Yong Shan. On one hand, he shouted his order at someone to light the
candle in the cell to get some moisture, on the other hand, he ordered someone to bring the
prisoner out. 

Yong Shan smiled and waved his hand, “No need, I’m not here for the trial. I just want to take a
look at the person. Father Emperor had instructed before that I should not stay in the palace all
the time to read the memorials, but should also go around in person and visit more places. I just
happened to pass by here today, so I want to come in and have a look.”

“Your Highness is really diligent about the council matters and understands the situations. On
such a cold day, coming here personally to inspect the Imperial Prison. Alas, your Highness, be
careful. It’s wet here, be careful of the cold…”

Yong Shan listened to his babble, carefully and diligently, without saying anything. He held his
hand down, proceeding with a slow pace inside the prison. His leg injury had not yet healed, and
he still felt pain when walking. However, being someone with a strong will as himself, he would
not allow others to sympathize or pity him. He even hated being supported by someone, so even
if he tried to walk slowly, no one could tell something was wrong either.

He went in from the vestibule for storing documents and handing over official affairs. After
walking past a straight blue brick road, it was where the prisoners were officially detained. When
he got there, there were more iron-bolted wooden gates, one after the other, and each gate was
guarded by a guard.

Further in from the middle tunnel, on the left and right were small cells. Some were empty, and
some confined prisoners whose hands and feet were locked with shackles. The expressions of the
prisoners were different. Some of them, seeing someone coming, they would stare straight, with
a hint of hatred. Some just sat on the haystack with blank eyes.

Yong Shan looked at them for a while and boasted, “Although it is a bit humid here, it’s still
clean. You manage this place well.”

The prison officer received a compliment from him, and his face almost bloomed with a smile,
“This lowly official only knows how to devote to his work, and does not dare seek credit. Your
Highness is the one who handles big things. Although this lowly official is a small official, he
often hears the ministers praise Your Highness, saying that although Your Highness is young, he
is smart and hardworking…”

Yong Shan listened to his non-committal and kept silent, still pacing forward slowly. After a
while, he seemed to think of something unconsciously, and asked, “Just a while back, there was
an official who slandered the Royal family and was imprisoned by Father Emperor. Is he still
being locked up now?”
“The Imperial Censor? Oh! Your Highness must have meant Gong Wuhui. He’s still locked up.
Your Highness, please go this way here.”

The prison officer led Yong Shan to Gong Wuhui’s prison cell.

Glancing at the prison cell, Yong Shan couldn’t help but twitch his lips. “You really know how
to be humble and inferior. There are many other prisoners detained in the same cell here, but
why is this person alone receiving such special treatment?” 

“This lowly official dare not!” Afraid he might have misunderstood him, the prisoner officer
explained in a panic, “This Gong Wuhui dare talk nonsense and be reckless. Therefore the
Emperor ordered him to reflect on himself in the jail, and also to write down his repentance and
submit it to the imperial court. Because he has to write a statement of repentance, I have to
specially arrange a separate room with paper and ink. It is really not about government

Yong Shan listened, his lips formed a form of unpredictable smile. Then he raised his chin to the
prisoner’s door, “Open the door.”

Although he was smiling, there was no smile in his eyes. His eyes which were transparent and
gave off the feeling of icy cold made the person who peeked at his face tremble.

The prison officer did not dare to say anything again. He immediately took out the key and
personally opened the prison door, letting Yong Shan enter. The officer, with his head held low,
was going to follow behind his back, but suddenly heard the light and fluttering sentence “You
all go out” in front of him, and immediately dared not to follow anymore. He wisely retreated
and waited obediently outside the prison door.

Inside the Imperial Prison, this separate cell which was equipped with pen and ink was different
from a normal cell. Not only was it clean and had a bed, but the door was also thick and solid,
making the room like an independent space, and able to avoid the dilemma of being peeped from
time to time from the outside world.

Originally, this special measure was the considerations of the previous emperors bestowed upon
them. The situation in the court was changing, the more complicated it became, the more often
unjust cases rosen. In this kind of small cell, the detained ministers could write top secret
memorials, in order to get rid of the injustice and not have to worry about the writing falling into
the eyes of ordinary prisoners. Of course, it was also convenient for secret interrogation directly
in the cell to prevent secret leakage.

Yong Shan entered as his gaze sweeping away everything in the cell. White surfaces of the walls
facing from three directions, one thick door with thick bluestone slabs above, enclosed this small
space completely. The only connection with the outside world was that a small window opens at
the top of the wall, faintly infiltrating a little daylight, only the size of a palm. There was a bed in
the room with neatly folded quilts, and a simple case lying in front of the bed with pen, ink,
paper and inkstone, which was also neat and diligent.
The man sitting in front of the case was probably forty-five or six. He was lowering his head and
meditating. Hearing the sound, he raised his head. Seeing that it was Yong Shan, he was slightly
startled, but soon calmed down and moved his slightly numb leg to salute Yong Shan, “Chen,
Gong Wuhui pays respect to Your Royal Highness.”

(TN: I, your servant. Used in addressing the monarch.)

Yong Shan glanced at him coldly. He didn’t forgo his salute and said, “You still dare call
yourself a Minister. As a Minister, you know you should respect the Emperor. And yet how
could you speak boldly and slander the Imperial family? The Fifth prince, Yong Sheng, is my
younger brother who grew up in the harem; a child who doesn’t understand anything is not
offensive to you. Handling the memorials one by one, do you have to involve the treason and
rebellion on him?”

Yong Shan asked coldly as soon as he came in. If those words were said to ordinary people, they
would be shocked mindlessly. However, Gong Wuhui’s face remained as usual. He tilted his
head and listened carefully to Yong Shan finish his words. After being silent for a while, he sat
back in the same position as before, faintly showing an indifferent smile, “As soon as this case
came out, I knew I couldn’t get out alive. I just couldn’t imagine that the Fifth Prince is so
powerful and could pull Your Highness in as well. He, just a lowly Imperial Censor, whose life
is worthless, why bother to come in person? Your Highness, please take a look.” He stretched his
hand into his arms, touched something out, and put it on the case, “I have prepared the medicine.
There’s no need for you to do anything. Once I drink this medicine, everything will be over.”

(T/N: He, a low laugh, snicker.)

It was a small long-necked white porcelain medicine bottle with a cork on it, and a red thread
tied around the neck. It was unknown how Gong Wuhui got it in this prison.

Yong Shan stared at the medicine bottle, stunned.

This Gong Wuhui was not high-ranked in the Court. As a prince, Yong Shan was not allowed to
have personal relations with the ministers at will according to Yandi’s rules.  Therefore, although
he had heard of this person’s reputation, he had never had the opportunity to look closely at it.

(T/N: Yandi, Emperor of Yan.)

At first glance, he was not anything ordinary.

Seeing Yong Shan did not say a word, Gong Wuhui sighed, “This lowly official had been in the
Court for nearly twenty years, by nature, because I am curious and like to read the record of the
Ministry of Justice, I have seen a lot of unjust cases in the past. I have already guessed what your
Highness’s intentions are, and there is also no need for Your Highness to say anything. Gong
Wuhui will obey your orders.”

Yong Shan, who had always been strong and cold among his brothers, was, after all, only sixteen
years old. When he thought that he was going to kill a living Yushi in front of him, the palms of
his hands became faintly cold.
(T/N: Yushi, Imperial Censor.)

He stood silent for a while, and when he found his words again, his voice was a little dry, “You
are suspicious, I don’t want you to die.”

“I know.” Gong Wuhui didn’t call himself “Chen” anymore. After taking a look at Yong Shan,
he sighed in a considerate manner, “You may not be familiar with me, but I am very familiar
with Your Highness. Your Highness is cold outside but warm inside, has a firm and strong
personality, dislikes bad people and corrupt things. Not only can you distinguish between right
and wrong, but also understands how to pretend politeness and compliance. If you intervene in
this matter today, Your Highness will have to suffer.” Then he reached out for a pose, “Your
Highness, please sit down.”

(T/N: pretend to agree with others and deal with it in a perfectionry manner.)

His fearless attitude toward life and death, his calm talk, and his comments on Yong Shan’s
dispositions, all in all surprised Yong Shan on the spot. Yong Shan sat down facing Gong Wuhui
across the case. He was secretly surprised in his heart. This person had been in the court for
nearly 20 years, but he was still just an Imperial Censor. How could his Father Emperor be so
ignorant of his own people?

Unexpectedly, Gong Wuhui continued to give him surprises.

Sitting down and talking, Gong Wuhui first started with a startling statement, “Although I am
only a mere censor, I was secretly ordered by the Emperor ten years ago to observe the
characters of the princes. Therefore, not only Your Highness, but also the other princes. I know

Although this was unexpected, it also made perfect sense.

Otherwise, how could Gong Wuhui be so familiar with Yong Shan who grew up in the Palace?
Most of the people in the Imperial Palace had the status of relatives. Even if they were not
relatives, they would still have an interesting relationship. If he wanted to observe the princes
impartially, Emperor Yan would have cast aside his loyal ministers and chosen a low-key trusted
minister instead to observe wisely.

“In the winter of the Year 19th of Qingzong, the Emperor called me into the Palace secretly,
hoping to confer a title to the 2nd Prince in the spring of the following year. I was shocked when
I heard it, and desperately said that this matter is definitely not feasible.”

Yong Shan was shocked.

The 2nd in what Gong Wuhui said was without a doubt, Yong Shan himself. It turned out that
the first person that the Emperor wanted to confer a title was himself, but he was desperately
blocked by this person. In the spring of the 20th year of Qingzong, he was about to be granted a
title, but the person who got the title was Yong Qi.

In Gong Wuhui’s eyes, Yong Qi was more qualified to inherit the country and benefit the
Gong Wuhui smiled and said, “His Highness Yong Qi was born less than a month earlier.
Regardless of competence and potential, his body is weak and often suffers from illnesses. With
this alone, it is difficult to form a formal election. To be an emperor, he has to manage
everything. How could he do without a good body?”

The prisoner in the jail spoke in a casual and elegant manner. His every word was  astonishing.
After Yong Shan listened to it, he was puzzled for a while. He frowned, pondered carefully about
the cause and effect. When he thought back to the past, his heart hurt severely, and a sense of
ominousness was born. His eyes became sharp as he looked at Gong Wuhui, repented.

Gong Wugui laughed, seemingly pleased, “Your Highness is really smart, I have not seen the
wrong person.”

Taizi ch9. 2

(Last time I said I had to divide chapter 9 to two parts, but now it’s become three. And here is the
2nd part.)

The prisoner spoke in a casual and elegant manner. His every word was  astonishing. After
Yong Shan listened to it, he was puzzled for a while. He frowned, pondered carefully about the
cause and effect. When he thought back to the past, his heart hurt severely, and a sense of
ominousness was born. His eyes became sharp as he looked at Gong Wuhui, repented.

Gong Wugui laughed, seemingly pleased, “His Royal Highness is really smart, I have not seen
the wrong person.”


Then he said, without any sense of guilt, “At that time, the Emperor and I had the same thought
and we came to an agreement. Among the princes, the Second prince is the most talented and
should be selected. However, since ancient times, the princes have been selected and crowned in
an orderly manner. If the First prince was not granted the title, but the Second prince was granted
instead, it would arouse resentment from everyone around the First prince’s side and a disaster
would be born. Therefore, I proposed to the Emperor that the First Prince, Yong Qi should be
granted the title of Crown Prince first, then abolished it later.”

Suddenly, the narrow prison cell became so quiet.

As if an invisible string was tightly pulled out of somewhere, too tight to the point of making
Heaven fall and Earth rends, causing a major disaster to happen.

Gong Wuhui said a few more words. But those words were like thousands of catties of limestone
suddenly thrown into the water, blowing up a huge wave in Yong Shan’s heart.
Yong Shan was once again puzzled.

As wise as the Emperor, why would he choose Yong Qi, whose body was weak and frail to
crown, instead of many other qualified princes? What were his intentions? After he was
crowned, why would the Emperor be so furious with just a trivial matter of a Minister requesting
his mother to be the Empress? Not only had Yong Qi been abolished, his mother, Li Fei was also
detained. Some Official Ministers of Yong Qi’s mother’s side had been killed, demoted, or
imprisoned. The punishment was carried out without mercy.

How could a person as timid as Yong Qi, who loved poems and paints, appreciated snow and
plums, be colluded with the Ministers? How was it possible for him to secretly form a streason?
How could it be possible for him to plot something?

The person who was originally dazzling and elegant, the one who was granted a title of the
Crown Prince last year and received many blessings and praise to the point it made his head
dizzy, was suddenly thrown into the eighteenth floor of Hell all at once. On the same day he was
disposed of, he couldn’t even see his mother and was directly taken to Nanlin, to put under house
arrest in the name of reflecting. 

All of these turned out to be just a cover!

Moreover, it was a scheme deliberately planned for the sake of getting Yong Shan to be crowned

From beginning to end, because of him, Yong Qi became a scapegoat who didn’t know what he
had done wrong.

But when Yong Qi was brought to the Inner Punishment Court, toward Yong Qi, he…

Yong Shan’s facial expressions changed. The more he went further into this matter, the more
pain he felt in his heart. Biting his lips in silence, his eyes stopped on the small white porcelain
bottle. Suddenly, his heart paused, pondering whether or not he should kill this Gong Wuhui.

Kill? But this was the person who was capable and a loyal Minister of the Imperial Court.
Moreover, this person had the merit of supporting him.

Not to kill? Then what about Yong Qi and Yong Lin? There was no way that the Fifth prince,
Yong Sheng would stop here. If he made a fuss and stirred up trouble, bringing about the matter
of the secret letter being delivered to light, a heavy crime would fall upon Yong Qi, and once
again would be brought back to the Inner Punishment Court. 

Even if the crime involved his twin brother, Yong Lin, his position as the Crown Prince would
not be shaken. The Emperor had also prevented him from taking any actions in the Inner
Punishment Court. What if… what if Father Emperor made a decree, letting Yong Sheng lead
the trial? Yong Qi falling into the hands of that nasty bastard, wouldn’t it…

Gong Wuhui’s eye, which had been reading under the candle light all year round, became cloudy
as he stared at Yong Shan.
After being silent for a while, a smile appeared on the face of this considerate prisoner, “Your
Highness, do you know why I want to tell your Highness about such secret events?”

Yong Shan raised his head and stared at him.

“Your Highness, you have to take care of yourself. You have to understand, in order for you to
stay in the palace safely, how many people have spent and exhausted their efforts, all their hard
work, even if they have to fight, they do not hesitate to do it for you. Is it an easy task to preserve
a good Emperor in the future? No, it’s too difficult.” Gong Wuhui said, “For your sake, the
Emperor did not hesitate to put a knife on His Highness Yong Qi, establish first and then discard
later. As father and son, His Highness Yong Qi is still, after all, his flesh and blood. Do you think
the Emperor would not feel distressed if he did this?  This is… because it was the only last resort
for the Emperor to choose. As for me…”

Gong Wuhui paused, and Yong Shan’s heart jumped abruptly. 

Gong Wuhui examined Yong Shan for a moment, and then sighed faintly, “For Your Highness,
the Emperor was willing to give up his own flesh and blood, why can’t I bear to give up a life?
No matter what threats the Fifth Prince used to threaten Your Highness, once I die, it can be
considered that Your Highness will pass a difficult time this time. A minister can do their duty
and die without regrets.” After talking, he stretched out his hand.

Yong Shan only thought that he was going to get the white porcelain bottle, but before he could
think carefully, his hand reached out immediately, placing his palm on the bottle with a stern and
solemn face.

Gong Wuhui was also slightly taken aback. After taking a look at Yong Shan, he understood,
“Your Highness can rest assured, it’s not time yet. Your Highness personally visited the prison
today. If I die like this, wouldn’t it let outsiders have an opportunity to frame Your Highness?
Gong Wuhui would not do such a stupid thing.” Having said that, he couldn’t help but sighed

He was ordered by the Emperor to secretly observe the characteristics of princes for ten years.
No one caught his eyes, except for the Second prince who was always reluctant to express his
emotions. However, for Gong Wuhui, whether it was Yong Shan’s depressions living in the
Palace, his admiration for Yong Qi, or his eccentric resentment toward his mother, he could see
it all. Ten years later, he often had a feeling of a parent looking after his child.

However, if these feelings were to leak out, of course it would be disrespectful to His
Highness. If only…

Gong Wuhui carefully looked at the boy in front of him. Sixteen years old, it was not an
exaggeration to say that he was still a child. The path to the throne wasn’t an easy path to take. It
was really hard to keep him safe and became like today. But which road he chose in the future
required him to hobble alone, and one step was destined to be more difficult than the other.

Did the current Emperor ascend to the throne in the same way? 
“It’s the first time I have a chance to have a close conversation with Your Highness. I am
overjoyed. Let me give Your Highness a small gift.”

Gong Wuhui spread out the white paper on the case table, picked up the writing brush and
dipped it with ink. He meditated for a moment before starting to write something. His
handwriting movements were quick and powerful.

The minister has committed a crime of slandering the Royal family. Now he was trapped in the
prison cell. Under the eyes of Heaven, he is ashamed.

Only His Highness earnestly enlightened him. The way he was scolding, telling him earnestly
that as a minister, he must pay great respect to the Emperor was full of grace and kindness. The
minister has reflected on it and thanked him with tears of gratitude. 

The minister wrote this letter, hoping for His Highness to keep it as hidden evidence and wait to
observe the changes without repentance.

Sincerely, may Heaven bless.

Each stroke was as fast as the wind, strong and powerful. The white paper was painted with a
few lines of natural and vivid calligraphy.

After finishing his writing, Gong Wuhui held the tip of the paper with both hands, then gave it a
blow to dry the ink. When the ink was dried, he handed it to Yong Shan, “Please put it away,
Your Highness.”

Yong Shan’s obsidian eyes were staring at him for a while, and then he reached out to take it. He
took the small white porcelain bottle on the case table along the way when he stood up. Holding
it in his hand, he said, “Death is not necessarily the only way to solve the problem. If I think
about it again, there will eventually be solutions to solve these two matters.”

Outside the prison cell, stood the guards who had been waiting for a long time with their backs
sore. Seeing Yong Shan come out of the cell, they breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly
accompanied him out. 

On the outside of the Imperial Prison, the winter sun had already hung up high in the sky with
some silver line of sunlight spreading straight down to the Earth. Yong Shan, who had just come
out of the damp and cold prison, was exposed to the heat, and yet his body trembled for some
unknown reasons.

He half-squinted his eyes, glanced at the sun hanging high up in the sky, and exhaled a long
breath, “I have seen everything that should be seen. Bring the sedan chair and go back ba.”

As soon as he arrived at his palace, he was greeted respectfully by Cheng Dafu at the door.

“Your Highness is back.” Then the clever Chang Defu humbly said, “When His Highness Yong
Qi had lunch today, he said he would have only spinach with sesame oil and no need to add
meat, which I think is good but it’s too light.”
“Where is he now?”

“After eating, he is taking a nap in the room.”

Hearing he was taking a nap, Yong Shan thought of how obedient and how Yong Qi let his guard
down when he fell asleep. Yong Shan’s hanging heart after visiting the prisoner was lightened a
little. He waved his hand to dismiss everyone, and walked alone to the room arranged for Yong

Originally he wanted to take a look through the window, but since it was closed by curtains, he
simply and quietly opened the door and walked in. Two little attendants were surprised as they
saw him coming in and stood up in a hurry, but they were dismissed by the wave of his hand. He
then walked to sit quietly on the edge of the bed.

Yong Qi was wearing the same clothes he saw today. Probably he was too lazy to change his
clothes, for him intending to sleep just for awhile. 

Yong Qi, sleeping with his clothes revealing the overwhelmed inner garment, even if it was a
little wrinkled, it looked tempting. His eyes were closed. His eyelashes moved with the rhythm
of his gentle and even breath. Looking at the side, there was a book lying not too far away from
his hand. 

Yong Shan picked it up and took a look. It turned out to be a book of “Lao Zhuang”. He smiled
then put the book aside.

(T/N: Founders of Daoism.)

He leaned his back on the bedpost, folded his hands, and looked at Yong Qi taking his nap.

The dazzling sunshine was warm and bright, faintly shining through the bamboo window,
crossing through the curtain and going straight into the room. The room at midday was quiet, and
Yong Shan’s mind, which had been disturbed for a long time, seemed to be swept gently by a
brush. Suddenly, there was nothing left, only this still picture in front of him.

Only he and Yong Qi.

Yong Shan’s heart suddenly quieted down.

He felt his own breathing, peaceful and even, without the usual tension and stagnation, as if at
this moment, not only Yong Qi but also himself were asleep.

He loosened himself from tension, and with a smile on the corner of his lips, he quietly watched
Yong Qi sleep.

This happiness was hard to describe.

Yong Qi, my brother Yong Qi.

After staring blankly for an unknown period of time, he sat up straight, and stared at the sleeping
person. After a long while, he finally bent down, put his nose on Yong Qi’s face, and let out a
soft breath.

His touch was gentle and tender.

Should I wake him up? Yong Shan thought. 

Yong Shan remembered that he had seen this scene before. He didn’t remember what year it was,
but it was the same afternoon that he saw Yong Qi falling asleep in the stone pavilion in the
garden after reading a book. Obviously it was Yong Shan who saw him first, but at that time he
could only stand and watch like an idiot from a far distance. Later, Yong Lin came. Without any
hesitation, he walked into the pavilion and blew his breath into Yong Qi’s peaceful and quiet
face, while giggling. Yong Qi was awakened and suddenly straightened up from the stone table.
Yong Shan had no idea what he said at that time, but it made Yong Lin laugh more triumphantly.
Yong Lin then stretched out his hand and scratched Yong Qi’s neck, making Yong Qi laugh as

They were so happy that they didn’t even see Yong Shan standing in the dark.

The carefree laughter was like a knife, cutting Yong Shan’s heart into pieces.

If he could be like Yong Lin, walking into the pavilion without any hesitation. If he could be like
Yong Lin, just approach Yong Qi’s body casually, and breathe on his face…


(T/N: sound of exhale.)

Yong Shan pursed his lips, then let out another breath.

The warm breath blew the fine strands of hair hanging behind Yong Qi’s ears swept across his
jade-like cheek.

Yong Qi’s cheeks were beautiful and soft. It would make people go more crazy, if those cheeks
were to be stained with teardrops on them. When he was detained in the Inner Punishment Court,
he had shed tears almost every day. Yong Shan disliked him for being weak. A man can shed
blood, but not tears. On one hand, Yong Shan hated him shedding tears like a woman. On the
other hand, he secretly liked the way his brother looked when he was sobbing, so he deliberately
made him cry and beg for mercy almost everyday.

Brother, do you know?

You shouldn’t have been taken to Nanlin, shouldn’t have been sent to the Inner Punishment
Court, and there shouldn’t be any tears in your eyes. 

In Father Emperor’s heart, in fact, he has always understood you very well.
There was no need for a trial at all. From the very beginning, Father Emperor knew that you
were innocent.

All of this is for me, do you understand?

I’m really afraid there will come a day when you will know it all.

Yong Shan slowly pressed his lips against Yong Qi’s lips.

The touch was gentle and it felt good.

Yong Shan really couldn’t think of any softer and more beautiful lips in the world to compare
with Yong Qi’s. On one hand, he was afraid of awakening Yong Qi. On the other hand, he
couldn’t stop the itching in his heart. After struggling for a long time, while still holding back his
pounding heartbeat, he let out his tongue, licking between Yong Qi’s overlaid lips lightly.

“Un…” A low groan escaped Yong Qi’s breath.

Yong Shan sat up abruptly. Looking closely at Yong Qi again, it seemed that he hadn’t woken up
yet. The desire in his lower abdomen clamored even more intensely, and while being unable to
control the reason he had always been proud of, Yong Shan slowly leaned in.

Taizi ch9. 3

(I do not hate Yong Shan, but I’m feeling bad for Yong Qi.   )

Yong Shan sat up abruptly. Looking closely at Yong Qi again, it seemed that he hadn’t woken up
yet. The desire in his lower abdomen clamored even more intensely, and while being unable to
control the reason he had always been proud of, Yong Shan slowly leaned in.


At this moment, Yong Qi raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. He slowly opened his thick
eyelashes, with a hint of hazy and dazedness, staring at Yong Shan sitting in front of him. After a
long while of staring, a sudden realization came, and his face changed drastically, “Why are

“Why am I here? You seem to have forgotten that this is my Palace.” Yong Shan looked at him
and smiled condescendingly. Then he stretched out his hands and pulled Yong Qi to sit up, “Get
up. Now that the sunlight is just right, you should go out to get some sunbathing, so that your
body won’t be so weak.” He told Yong Qi to go out sunbathing, yet he did not stand up, neither
did he let go of his hands that were holding Yong Qi. Instead, he pulled him to his side, leaned
his body over, and touched Yong Qi’s waist again saying with his tongue clicking, “Chang Defu
said that you only like to eat spinach with sesame oil. You should eat more meat dishes in the
future, otherwise you will become thinner.”

(T/N: Ze ze)

Yong Qi was trembling under the hands that were stroking his waist. He was both embarrassed
and scared. Since he had just woken up, there was a little blush on his cheeks which made his
elegant appearance look more charming and bewitching. 

Yong Shan, with his pitch-black eyes, stared silly at him for a while with that picture in front of

Seeing his eyes were still glued on himself, Yong Qi’s body began to tremble slightly.

While the silence was almost suffocating, Yong Lin’s yelling voice came in a timely manner,
“Brother Yong Qi, get up quickly! While Brother Yong Shan is not here, we might as well…”

The door was pushed wide open and Yong Lin came stomping in while shouting. He was taken
aback when he saw Yong Shan was also there. He stopped his tracks and stuck out his tongue,
“Brother Yong Shan, why are you here?”

“It’s really weird today. People keep asking me why I am here. Has everyone forgotten that this
is my palace?” Yong Shan noticed Yong Qi’s hand was retreating, then he deliberately gripped
the retreating hand tightly, maintaining an ambiguous posture, looked at Yong Lin and smiled,
“What do you want to do while I am away?”

Yong Lin, who looked like he was caught red headed doing bad things, raised his hand to scratch
his head, not daring to answer.

Yong Qi gave a light cough and replied on his behalf, “We have agreed to practice calligraphy
together in the afternoon.”

“Yes! Calligraphy!” Yong Lin immediately responded, and with a frown, he continued, “Last
time Mother scolded me for my ugly writing, so I begged Brother Yong Qi to teach me how to
write. Brother Yong Qi, if you have enough naps, come and teach me now.”

Seeing the two of them cooperate in tacit understanding, they even dared to sing a harmony tone
in front of him, Yong Shan was furious in his heart.

He was still holding Yong Qi’s jade-like hand in his palm. The hand that was as fine as Jade,
elegant and soft, yet Yong Shan could not help but wanting to squeeze it hard and smash it to
pieces. However, this thought had just flashed for a moment, but that was enough to give him a
surprise. How can I treat him like this?

Isn’t it as cruel as my father? 

There were many thoughts in Yong Shan’s mind, and his face changed accordingly. He looked at
Yong Qi with eyes turning sharp for a moment then gentle at the next. 
Deep down in his heart, Yong Qi knew that he was fierce and terrifying like a breast with a face
changing faster than flipping a book. Feeling uneasy, Yong Qi lowered his eyes to avoid Yong
Shan’s line of sight, trembling in fear like a little creature under the control of a big beast, and its
life only depended on when the big beast was going to eat him.

He listened to Yong Shan’s breathing movement from a quick pace to slowly slowing down and
then became calm again, with his heart pounding in fear.

“It’s really rare that you, the Third Prince, who only know how to play around all day long, also
know how to practice calligraphy.” Yong Shan seamlessly let go of Yong Qi, put on the air as a
big brother, and said to Yong Lin, “Since you came to beg for Yong Qi to teach you, you’d better
learn and practice well. Don’t be lazy. Write at least seven or eight pages of good characters and
present it to Mother tonight. That will make her happy.”

Yong Lin always knew that his Second elder brother was someone who is amazing, standing on
a higher level than him. Yet, he did not expect that it would be so easy to get along with him like
this, so he laughed foolishly and nodded in agreement.

Yong Shan really wanted to stay and watch, but he knew that he was actually not very
welcomed. He sighed secretly in his heart, stood up then stretched out in an elegant and
unrestrained manner, “You two practice slowly ba. There are paper and writing brushes in the
study you can use and, Yong Lin, don’t break all those writing brushes of mine. Since I still have
other things to do, I won’t bother you two anymore.”

Yong Shan went back to the inner room alone, sat on the Huanghuali wooden chair and thought
for a while, before he ordered someone to call in a trusted guard, and commanded, “There seems
to have been a lot of things going on around the Fifth Prince recently. Send someone to keep
watch and report it back on time regardless of major or minor matters.”

After the guard was gone, he took out the letter written by Gong Wuhui in his arms, unfolded it
and read it again. Then he rolled it back up and put it in a secret compartment. After that he took
the small white porcelain bottle out.

Gong Wuhui was just an ordinary low-ranked official, however he was a talented person who
was worthy of being entrusted to do important tasks. He was bold, had unusual courage and
resourcefulness in his speech and act. It was really admirable. Yong Shan was afraid that such a
person couldn’t be found among the high ranked ministers around his father.

But if he didn’t die, Yong Sheng wouldn’t give up.

He wouldn’t risk losing Yong Lin and Yong Qi for the sake of just one Gong Wuhui either.

This matter was in a dilemma, the more he thought about it, the more headaches he got. Yong
Shan frowned, and threw the small bottle into the secret compartment irritably, and felt that he
had to put this matter aside first. Then he took out the records that were delivered in the morning,
and began to read.

After reading for more than half an hour, Yong Shan felt thirsty and called out, “Bring tea.”
The wooden door creaked open, and Chang Defu personally brought the hot tea up. He waited
for Yong Shan to finish drinking it before saying in a low voice, “Your Highness, the medicine
from Imperial Dr. Zhang is here.”

Yong Shan glared at him, “If the medicine is here then it’s here. Why are you acting so sneaky
and full of shame.”

Chang Defu smiled awkwardly. Since he was still afraid to speak up, he got closer, lowered the
voice in his throat and said, “It’s not the medicine for wounds, it’s… it’s that medicine.”

“Oh.” Only then did Yong Shan remember and ask, lowering his voice, “It turned out to be that,
how effective is the medicine? It’s fine even if the effect is slow, the most important thing is not
to harm the body. Did he say anything about the dosage?”

“Imperial Dr. Zhang personally sent it over, saying that it was a secret recipe from his ancestors.
The medicine is effective, but not too strong and does not hurt vitality. Follow along the five
elements and meridians for…”

“Enough. Who wants to hear your reciting? Remember to do it clean and clear, it cannot be seen
by Yong Qi.”

“Your Highness, rest assured, absolutely cannot be detected. The usage of this medicine is also
simple. Each day, with just a little bit of amount, dissolve it with water, and then soak the
chopsticks in it. The chopsticks that are dyed with medicine, will naturally come into the mouth
when eating. It is colorless and tasteless that even a genius can’t detect it either.”

After Chang Defu was dismissed, Yong Shan glanced at a few lines in the record, and in a short
while, he also finished reading the remaining. He lazily yawned, thinking of how he was working
hard and how he was worried about the aftermath of those who had caused troubles. However,
the people in question were still able to have fun which made Yong Shan couldn’t help but
reveal a bitter smile.

How can some people be let off that easily in this world? 

He stood up, opened the door and walked directly to the study. When he reached the study, and
the moment he looked in through the open door, his face suddenly sank.

Yong Lin was indeed practicing calligraphy and Yong Qi was also there, but their position was
too unbearable to watch.

There was a piece of well-wrapped rice paper spread out in front of the desk, and the ink that had
been grinded was also placed nearby. Yong Lin sat at the desk, while Yong Qi stood behind him,
holding his hand, and was teaching him how to use his brush. While he was in a deep
concentration, Yong Qi’s head leaned forward and stared at the paper making his chest pressing
against Yong Lin’s back while their cheeks were almost touching each other. The closeness
looked so intimate that Yong Shan felt sour and angry.

(T/N: to write good calligraphy, one needs utmost concentration.)

His clenched fist was loosened at one moment then tightened again a second later. Yong Shan
stood there for a while. Holding back his anger, he stepped in the room with a laugh, “Practice so
earnestly, it seems that Yong Qi is really a good master.”

“Brother Yong Shan, your work is done?” Yong Lin turned his head with the writing brush in
hand, grinned and said, “Wait for me for a while. After I finish writing the word “Jing/静”, my
homework is done for the day.”

Yong Shan walked over to Yong Lin. He stood and watched for a while. Sure enough, he was
still writing the word “Jing”. Half of the word had already been written with the structure
upright, calm and quiet, but unfortunately the force behind it broke midway, which seemed to be

Yong Shan knew that the error was caused by Yong Qi’s jolt and shook Yong Lin’s hand when
he heard Yong Shan’s voice.

They were obviously brothers, yet how could there be a world of difference in Yong Qi’s eyes?
He could teach one of two brothers practicing calligraphy while holding him, but felt very
uncomfortable after hearing the voice of the other one.

His eyes turned sharp like a blade, but disappeared in an instant.

Under his nose, the two dared to hold hands, their bodies were almost glued to each other, and
their intimacy was very hateful.

Yong Shan went around and waited patiently for them to finish writing the word. A moment
later, he saw Yong Lin cheerfully jump and throw his writing brush away as if he had been able
to solve hard labor at the side. A faint smile floated on Yong Shan’s lips as he spoke before
Yong Qi could even leave the desk, “I didn’t expect that the word “Jing” written by Brother
Yong Qi would be so good. Teach me too.”

Yong Shan walked to the writing table and sat down. He picked up the brush and turned around
only to see Yong Qi’s stunned face, “What? You refuse to teach this younger brother even a little

Yong Lin, who was busy tidying up his calligraphy handwriting, intending to slip away to seek
his Mother for a reward, heard Yong Shan’s words and couldn’t help tilt his head over, and said
in puzzle, “Isn’t Brother Yong Shan’s writing very good? Mother always says that your writing
is ten times better than mine.”

Yong Shan, with a black face, interrupted him, “What are you talking about? After spending a
day in my study, why don’t you hurry up and go back now? Starting tomorrow, stay with mother
and practice your material art well. I will check your horse riding and archery when I have time

Yong Lin was scolded so much that he felt wronged. He stuck out his tongue and ran away
holding the messy rice paper full of words.
But Yong Qi still stood still in place.

Yong Shan waited for a while, feeling very impatient that his stomach that was full of vicious
threats almost blurted out. He turned his head and after seeing Yong Qi’s stiff body, he paused.
All his anger was suddenly suppressed. Feeling frustrated for no reason, he put the brush down
lightly, and sighed, “Big brother, you’re very biased. We’re all brothers, why bother dividing us
into different categories.”

Yong Qi heard his complaints. It was very rare for Yong Shan to complain and act like a spoiled
child, so Yong Qi looked at him suspiciously. After a long while, he said in a very pleasant, light
voice, “You actually write better than me, so why do I need to teach you? Won’t it be a joke on
me?” He then leaned in slowly, and frowned, “If you don’t hold the brush, how can I teach you?”

Yong Shan turned his head abruptly, with surprises in his eyes.

Suddenly being penetrated by his gaze, Yong Qi felt like his heart seemed to be hit by something
and felt uncomfortable. Letting out a pretended cough, he turned his head, no longer look at
Yong Shan’s face, and just put his gaze on the paper, stretched out his hand to hold Yong Shan’s
hand that was grasping the brush, and began to move gently, “My calligraphy was taught by Lei
Taifu, while yours was preached by Wang Taifu, so the entry level is different. Lei Taifu’s
teaching is based and the emphasis is on context. It is not easy to write the word “Jing” smoothly
and easily express the meaning of quiescence. I can’t even write very well myself…”

(T/N: Taifu, Grand tutor.)

The tip of the brush moved very slowly, very carefully and smoothly.

On the white paper, a static character gradually took shape.

Yong Shan looked at the paper, but nothing caught his eyes.

His hand was held by Yong Qi, his white and slender fingers gently covered his fingers, and the
warmth of his palm gathered around the back of his hand.

Yong Qi just stood behind him, but he felt like he was being hugged.

The smell that belonged to Yong Qi embraced him, and the voice belonged to Yong Qi haunted

Yong Shan truly wished that the word that he was writing right now wasn’t just a single word,
but the most verbose book in the world, which could be written for the long, longest of time,
until all the ink and paper in the world ran out.

But it happened to be just one word, with just a few strokes in total. Time slipped past just the tip
of the brush touching the paper. In an instant, and the word was already written.

Yong Qi let go of his hand and stood up straight behind Yong Shan, “I didn’t teach well, I’ve
made fun of myself.”
The hand that was no longer being held, became cold in an instant. Yong Shan sat in silence, still
holding the brush with his fingers gripping hard. After a short while, he finally loosened his
fingers and put the brush down.

He stared at the word that wasn’t dried yet, and whispered in a tone that made people unable to
resist but want to listen, “As long as you treat me, even if it’s only half you treat Yong Lin, I…”

What comes after the word “I” seemed to choke in his throat. He could speak half of the
sentence, but was unable to finish the remaining half with endless lingering sounds, hidden
inexplicable meaning.

Yong Qi stood quietly and listened, but Yong Shan did not follow.

The two were silent, with one standing and the other sitting, neither could see each other’s
expressions, or even hear a breath.

In this unusual quietness, the sound of rustling, and cautiously walking could be heard from

“Your Highness…” Chang Defu entered through the open wooden door of the study, bowed his
back, and said in a low voice, “Supper is ready.”

Taizi ch10.1

(Note: I can’t compare but this is probably the longest chapter I’ve ever done. Since there’s no
way to cut in the middle, I just had to make it through. 
Reminder: a little bit NSFW of this chapter. It’s my first time translating smexy, so if there’s any
mistakes (I know it’d be a lot), feel free to cmt. And, don’t like it? Don’t read it.)


The place that was arranged for eating today was still in the same place where they had a meal
together last time. And today as well, the two of them were sitting opposite each other.

Although Chang Defu sometimes liked to nag, he was still someone very attentive while serving
his masters. He was very careful while serving the dishes that were ordered by Yong Shan,
precisely Yong Qi’s favorite dishes last time as well.

As an eunuch in charge of the Crown Prince Palace, he eagerly and personally held the
chopsticks; first handed them to His Royal Highness Yong Qi in respectful manner, and then
with both hands, he presented the other pair of chopsticks to His Royal Highness, the Crown
Yong Shan met his eyes, and tacitly understood that medicine had been applied.

Only the person who was about to be drugged knew nothing.

Looking at the many steamy dishes arranged neatly on the table, Yong Qi was surprised for a
moment. He glanced at Yong Shan, his sexy lips were stuck between opening and closing. Yong
Shan thought secretly to himself, finally you came to understand my intentions. He was in a very
good mood, his tolerance had also grown a lot. He smiled and waited for Yong Qi to speak.

However, Yong Qi struggled for a long time until his face turned red before uttering a vague
sentence, “Only two people, why make so many dishes? If Father Emperor knows about it, he
will scold us for not knowing how to be frugal.”

Although what Yong Qi said was quite different from what he wanted to hear, Yong Shan still
continued to maintain his good impression. His black and shiny eyes were staring at Yong Qi, as
the corners of his mouth curled up, “Us?”

With a sly expression like a fox that had just tasted the sweetness, he raised his chopsticks,
picked a piece of spiced ham to his mouth, chewed and smiled while watching Yong Qi.

Yong Qi, whose face was being stared at by Yong Shan, was lost in words. At this time, his
stuffy cheeks were flushed, and his lips were pressed together in silence.

Seeing the ears that were almost turned to red, Yong Shan found them very pleasing, but he did
not dare to really bully him too much, for fear that all his efforts would be wasted and quickly
averted his eyes. He turned to the dishes and said, “Since everything has been made, if you don’t
eat, then it will be the true meaning of not knowing how to be frugal. Why don’t you move your
chopsticks? Is it not to your liking?”

Yong Qi silently held out his chopsticks and began to pick up dishes.

The meal this time gave him a much more relaxed feeling; not as embarrassing and
uncomfortable as the first time he ate.

Yong Shan also held out his chopsticks. He picked the food and ate a little from time to time, but
not one bit did he know the taste that touched his tongue. He knew that he could not look too
fierce, otherwise, he would scare Yong Qi away.

But how could he resist not watching this person?

The person who was sitting in front of him, alive, calm, and very beautiful.

If he made a move, it would be eye-catching and beautiful. Every movement, every expression of
Yong Qi, even the moment he opened his red lips slightly to put the food in his mouth, all of
them bewitched people’s hearts.
He said that he had never done that with Yong Lin, how could it be possible?

The way he was, even the blink of his eyelashes could tempt people to go crazy. While Yong Lin
played with him every day and night, sticking close to his body, acting like a baby, touching the
crystal clear skin, and that lightened color tender lips.

Could Yong Lin let it go?

If Yong Lin wanted him, not only would he not refuse, he would definitely…

The tingling pain in his heart came like a wave of needles piercing nonstop.

Yong Shan quietly bit hard on his lips as he tried to pull his thoughts back to the present and then
adjusted the almost disordered breath to fit the calm and peaceful atmosphere at the moment.

Everything was still fine, why bother thinking about those things?

Yong Shan put down his chopsticks, took the hot tea from Chang Defu to rinse his mouth, and
leaned back in his chair to watch Yong Qi with his contented expressions.

Yong Qi was still very sensitive to his gaze, and when he saw Yong Shan put down his
chopsticks, he also stopped.

“Done eating?” Yong Shan asked.


“Are you full?”

Yong Qi knew that he was deliberately teasing himself, with the tone between ingratiating and
teasing, and the look in his profound eyes, which made Yong Qi a little awkward. He refused to
make a sound, but just nodded his head to answer.

Yong Shan understood his thoughts. Not only did he not find it annoying, but found it very
interesting instead. This person, he was still a prince, but why would his face be thinner than that
of a girl?

Quietly, he glanced at the chopsticks in front of Yong Qi, and an unpredictable smile appeared
from the corner of his mouth.

Yong Shan looked at Yong Qi who knew nothing about it.

That’s bad.

Yong Shan knew that he was really bad. As for Yong Lin, he would never have had this kind of
idea or made such a move. However, Yong Lin had no idea that if Yong Shan liked something,
he had to try hard and fight for it. Not only did he have to fight for it, he had to be ruthless and
fast enough without hesitation.

If he got it, he still had to hold it in his arms every minute and every second, with ten fingers
clasped tightly, and with his eyes guarding it from front to back like a wolf, not allowing others
to snatch it back.

Yong Lin did know how to fight for it, or it’s more like, he did not need to fight for it.

If Yong Lin liked something, Heaven would always give it to him. If Heaven did not give him,
their Father, mother, and Yong Qi would grant it for him. 

Even Yong Shan himself would also give it to him.

“It’s late, I want to take a bath and rest.” Yong Qi said.

“Okay, let’s go.” Yong Shan was being polite and easily let Yong Qi slip past his eyes.

Watching Yong Qi leave, he beckoned Chang Defu to come over and instruct, “Send two more
servants to wait on him while he’s taking a bath, and don’t take their eyes off of him, not even a
blink. If he solves his problem in the bathtub, I will throw you into the bathtub and offer you to
the Supreme Emperor.”

Of course, Chang Defu knew the hidden meaning of his words, so he hurried out and summoned
two trustworthy servants, whispering in their ears.

Yong Shan picked up a book and flipped through it as he sat leisurely like someone waiting for a
snack after a meal. After a while, Chang Defu came over, smiled and reported, “His Royal
Highness Yong Qi has finished taking his bath, and is returning to his room to sleep.”

Yong Qi took a comfortable hot bath, and as soon as he lay down, he heard the sound of the door
being pushed open.

He was a little surprised. He sat up suddenly from his ** and asked in a low voice, “Who?”

In fact, there was no need to ask. The beautiful and graceful silhouette of the owner of this palace
had already appeared right in front of his eyes, and with a faint smile on his face, saying,
“Brother Yong Qi, I’m here to check if you are asleep or not yet.”

Yong Qi’s heart rapidly beating for no reason.

The young man in front of him was obviously younger than himself, but he had the air of
someone who was more outstanding and handsome.

In addition to the experience of the previous few days, suddenly seeing him slowly moving
towards him, Yong Qi shuddered. He did not dare to say anything as he watched Yong Shan
shifty take off his boots and climb on the bed.

He then lifted the quilt and lay in.

“Isn’t it late? Are you not sleeping?” Yong Shan put his head on the pillow, and with his eyes
wide open, he looked at Yong Qi who was still sitting like a rock.

Yong Qi almost stopped breathing.

He was reminded of when his hands and feet were tied up in the Inner Punishment Court,
stripped naked, his body was forced to stretch while being played with in the deepest part no
matter how crying and begging he was. There was a chill running through his internal organs
while thinking of the past he could not let go.

“You lie down and sleep.” Yong Shan knew he was afraid, and said softly, “I won’t touch you,
not even a finger.”

Yong Qi was originally motionless and stiff. After listening to this, not only did he not lie down,
but he moved to the side of the bed against the wall in shock, as if he wanted to crawl away,
wrapping his knees with his hands.

Yong Shan originally planned to take his time, but at this moment he suddenly became angry. He
quickly sat up and pulled hard on Yong Qi’s wrist, “You lie down for me!”

Yong Qi, whose strength was originally not stronger than him, was dragged to the **. Yong
Shan’s body was like a hungry beast looking for food with the cover of human skin. He pulled
Yong Qi’s face to face on his own.

In such a dangerous posture, Yong Qi took a breath, his eyes filled with horror.

Yong Shan stared at him. After facing each other quietly for a moment, he chuckled.

“You, as big as a Prince, but your courage is too small.” He let go of Yong Qi who was pressed
under him, then turned his body over to sleep at the side. He lay on his back beside Yong Qi and
did not even place his hands randomly. “Go to sleep. You will be fine tomorrow, but I still have
a lot of things to do.” With a big yawn, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Yong Shan could be said to be very flexible; he was indeed fallen asleep when he said he sleep,
but Yong Qi had no such same ability as him.

After being frightened by a terrible prince brother who was lying next to him, he was so scared
that there was no more sleepiness.

The servants were all sent out by Yong Shan long time ago; the candlelight was also blown out.
In the dark, Yong Qi stared dully at the blurry blackness above his head. He had no idea when
the sky would light up, and for him, this darkness was like a long punishment.

Even after a long time of waiting, there was still no sign of light on the horizon.

Yong Qi finally couldn’t help but tilt his head to look at the sleeping Yong Shan beside his

Yong Shan slept very well. He was unlike Yong Lin who had bad habit of kicking around while
sleeping. However, the looks of sleeping Yong Shan was more like Yong Lin, probably because
his eyes were closed.

A vague sense of discomfort came out from somewhere.

Actually, it wasn’t like he just felt it now. He had felt the discomfort in his lower front for a
while, but when he was frightened by Yong Shan, all his attention was devoted to Yong Shan.
Now that he was less nervous, the strange and uncomfortable feeling was becoming more and
more difficult to ignore.

What was happening?

Stuffy, uncomfortable, unspeakable, intolerable…

Yong Qi frowned slightly and bit his lip. This feeling of discomfort was not like the kind of
intensely uncomfortable feeling, but it felt like a brush feather slowly brushing on his bones,
making him itchy and uncomfortable, exhausted all of his energy.

As he tried to rub his body, not only did he not seem to be relieved, but what ushered in was a
deeper sense of impatience, almost becoming urgent.

So hot! So uncomfortable!

After a long while, Yong Qi finally understood what that feeling was, and suddenly a sense of
shame ran across his body. He bit hard on his lip.

Unexpectedly at this time of the day…

Yong Shan, who was sleeping so close by his side, might be awakened by his movement at any

There was a feeling of his ** gradually swelling.

Don’t want…

Yong Qi was crying without tears, feeling his lower body slowly take a shape, half-pain and half-
He had always been indifferent to this type of thing. Not because of the grace of his birth, but
because his health was not good. And there was also no strong demayfor him in this aspect. At
the beginning, Yong Lin acted like a baby and begged him to try this type of good feeling that
was spreading in those palaces. He was being bothered so much there was no way to escape.
Thinking that doing those things with brothers was very common in the palace, when they were
bathing together, he reluctantly relieved each other by hand. 

At that time, Yong Lin was so excited that he screamed. After that one time, he came to beg
again several times, which meant that he would never get tired of it. Fortunately, soon after,
Father Emperor rewarded him with several beautiful court ladies and let him spend the night in
his room, and finally he did not come to bother him anymore.

After being sent to Nanlin, the Father Emperor also assigned himself a concubine. He tried it out
on the wedding night: although it was not very bad, it was not very good. It seemed dispensable.
Therefore, the number of couples having sex was not much.

If he wanted to count, this kind of thing happened the most frequent, when…

Yong Qi held his breath, turned his head, and carefully looked at Yong Shan’s sleeping face.

After confirming that the person around him was still asleep, he breathed out softly.

His ears perked up as he listened to the movement for a long time. Then he quietly, using the not
too hard, not too light strength, slowly put his hand between his legs.

When his hand touched the hot organ, Yong Qi trembled suddenly.

In his life, the number of times he did this kind of thing can be counted as one’s fingers. In the
past, even if he occasionally touched himself, he would wait deep into the silence at night. He
must make sure that there was no one around him, and even the attendants were driven far away
before he was willing to act.

Unexpectedly, today he was so hot all over that he could not help it. As if he was being tortured
enough, he did not even care about Yong Shan who was beside him anymore, and stretched out
his hand, touching himself.

The trembling, even though he knew it was his own, was hard to let go of the deep sense of
shame in his heart. But the moment he touched it with his hand, a feeling of joy dripped rushing
straight to his forehead, but for a moment, it all became insufficient, and strongly called for more

The pain and pleasure came to a higher level at the same time, even though Yong Qi gritted his
teeth, he still let out a slight groan.
The sound frightened him, and he hurriedly went to see Yong Shan who was sleeping next to
him, lest he moved a little.

He thought it was time to stop. If Yong Shan knew about this, the consequences would be
disastrous. But his hand still did not stop, stroking it over and over again. It begged for more
comfort. He could detect the indecent sticky body fluid oozing from the head.

Yong Qi struggled, sinking and floating in the wave of an embarrassing act, and gradually felt
like he was willing to himself give up, savoring the movement of his hands. Now his hands were
no longer in his control as he was playing fiercely at will. He lay on his back with his eyes
closed, making his chest rise and fall.

“Yong Qi, what’s wrong?” When he was about to reach the climax, there was a question beside
his ear, dazed like after waking up.

Yong Qi was so frightened, but at this moment, his lower body trembled and his hands were full
of heat.

It was unknown how long Yong Shan had woken up, he propped his upper body with one hand,
and looked at Yong Qi curiously.

Although his voice sounded confused, his eyes were very clear, as if saying that if he said a word
of lie in front of him would be immediately exposed without mercy.

Yong Qi completely lost his voice, forgot how to breathe, and stared at his brother in horror.

Yong Shan actually asked innocently, “Is it uncomfortable?”

After waiting for a while, Yong Qi still stared at him, not daring to move at all. Yong Shan
frowned, turned his head and raised his voice, “Guard, Your Highness Yong Qi is
uncomfortable, call the Imperial doct…”

“Yong Shan!” Before he could finish, Yong Qi sat up abruptly, holding Yong Shan’s arms
tightly with both hands.

Yong Shan turned his head and saw pleading in his eyes.

Yong Shan smiled, “What’s the matter with you?”

Yong Qi was so ashamed that he did not know what to do. He lowered his head, bit his lower
pale lip and said nothing, just pulling Yong Shan’s arm as if it was a life-saving straw.

“His Royal Highness, what’s the order?” An attention who waited during the night asked outside
the door.

Yong Qi was shocked again, for fear that Yong Shan would actually summon the Imperial
Doctor. And if it was found out, how could he still have the face to meet people?

Fortunately, Yong Shan glanced at him and said, “It’s okay, you all go.”

He turned his head and comforted him, “They’re gone, let’s go to sleep.” He gently patted the
hands that were holding his arm, and instantly stopped as if he had noticed something.

Yong Qi’s heart skipped a beat, feeling so desperate that things might have been revealed, and
quickly let go of his hand. At this moment, he suddenly knew what Yong Shan had discovered.
His hand that was still stained with his own body fluid, a slight fishy smell, sticky, warm, was
used to pull Yong Shan’s arm in a hurry, how could he not notice?

He suddenly shrank into the bed, wishing to curl up into a ball and squeeze into a corner so that
no one could see, but Yong Shan grabbed him hard and tenderly, dragged him in front of
himself. Each word from his mouth said with a long, hot breath, as he smiled, “Silly brother,
what’s so embarrassing about this?” Then he reached out and touched it down there.

Yong Qi came once, but the effect of the medicine still did not subside. At some point, the thing
below became semi-hard again. When Yong Shan grabbed him, he immediately let out a
whimper and trembled as if he was about to cry.

Yong Shan said softly, “I’m not laughing at you, why are you crying?”

While talking, his hands had already skillfully started rubbing the hot rod up and down.

His technique was of course much more proficient than Yong Qi, not to mention that Yong Shan
had known and never forgotten every weakness of Yong Qi’s body. Yong Qi felt his life was
being held and caressing in Yong Shan’s palm, and he did not even have the strength to resist.

Yong Shan did not tease him again. With a smile in his eyes, he quietly looked at his face in the
dark, and slowly served the thing in his hand. As if to determine the length and size of the thing
in his hand, he stroked it up and down a few times, and after feeling it had gotten bigger, he
stroked more attentively until it became so sticky so that Yong Qi’s eyes were completely
moistened as he pant seductively.

Seeing that Yong Qi could not sit still anymore, with his body straightened and weakened, Yong
Shan put his arm around Yong Qi and let him lay down gently. He propped up beside Yong Qi
with one hand, and played down there with another hand.

The night was deep and quiet.

When playing with the body, he could not hide the sound of obscene actions at all.

Yong Qi was embarrassed, but he felt extremely comfortable. It was a thousand times more
enjoyable than doing it by himself. Yong Shan knew that he was almost there, so he deliberately
stopped for a while. Sure enough, the slender waist could not help but swing slightly and twist
slightly, as if begging Yong Shan for more.

In the dark, Yong Shan sneered and chuckled. He took a mouthful of breath, and said, “Brother
Yong Qi, is your little brother’s service comfortable?”

Yong Qi was ashamed but still shook his head desperately with trembling thick eyelashes.

Yong Shan chuckled again, and said softly, “Stubborn. Obviously you like it.” Then he started
rubbing the top end with his fingertips.

Yong Qi suddenly twisted his body. His cry was full of a strange sweetness which was
completely different from the grief and indignant whimper in the Inner Punishment Court.

With the faint moonlight outside the window, Yong Shan saw his two teary eyes, his redden
cheeks, color full of love and attraction. The love he had for this person was to the extreme, so
much so that he would want to lie down, kiss him, serve him carefully under his hand and make
him happy.

After a while, Yong Qi’s body tensed and suddenly bent. Afterwards, he sighed in comfort, and
slowly softened.

Yong Shan retracted his hand which was still stained with white sticky fluid; the fluid which was
the taste of Yong Qi. He looked at his palm, then stopped his gaze on Yong Qi’s face.

Yong Qi gradually recovered. Seeing his expression, he also knew what he was holding in his
hand. He did not know what to say for a while. Lowering his head, he gritted his teeth and said
with a low voice, “I’ll help you clean it.”

Yong Shan did not let him clean it. He stretched out his hand from behind the bed curtain, lifted
the clean towel on the wooden shelf, and wiped his hands clean by himself. Seeing Yong Qi
sitting like a fool for a while, he suddenly bent down, hugged and kissed him a few times, and
said softly, “Good brother, you help me too.” And then he grabbed Yong Qi’s hand and guided
him to the lower place of his body.

Unexpectedly, when Yong Qi touched the hotness of his younger brother’s, his memory of when
he was being held in the Inner Punishment Court rushed back to him all at once, and quickly, he
retreated back his hand. His body became cold as he pushed and kicked Yong Shan away with
his feet. However, as soon as he remembered Yong Shan’s temper, his whole body was stiff
again and his fighting spirit also disappeared. He began to watch Yong Shan in horror.

Yong Shan did not expect Yong Qi to have such a big reaction, immediately resisted him like a
madman. He was stunned, and his heart suddenly became as cold as ice cubes.

The two looked at each other for a moment. Yong Shan then let go of him without saying a
word, turned his body over and lay down, with his back facing Yong Qi.
Yong Qi was still in a daze. His mind was in chao, he did not know and could not understand
how things became like this tonight. A moment later, after he realized that he had escaped from
Yong Shan again, he could not help turning his head to look at Yong Shan’s stiff back.

The night was very quiet. There was a faint musky scent filled in the air inside the room. Yong
Qi even heard Yong Shan’s gasp for breath, rapidly, almost like a cry.

But he knew that Yong Shan was not crying, and that Yong Shan was just turning his back to
him, doing the same thing he had just done to him by himself.

Yong Qi was in a trance and felt sad. However, he did not know where did sadness come from.
He only knew that right now his heart was feeling it. His body trembled from the cold as he
looked at Yong Shan’s back, his throat seemed to be choked, holding his breath. It was not until
Yong Shan made a slight groan and his stiff back slightly loosened that Yong Qi knew that he
had solved it, so then he stretched out his trembling hand and stroked Yong Shan’s shoulder.

“Don’t touch me.” Yong Shan shook his hand away fiercely without looking back at him.

Yong Qi, who had summoned his utmost courage to stretch out his hand, only to ended up being
pushed away, was dejected. He slowly retracted his hand, turned over, and slept back to back
with Yong Shan.

After a while, Yong Shan suddenly moved, turned his body over swiftly, as if he could not stand
it any longer and hugged Yong Qi from behind. He wrapped his hands and feet around him
tightly, and refused to leave any room for any movement. He gritted his teeth and said, “One
day, I will strangle you to death with my hand.”

He hid his face on the back of Yong Qi’s neck, neither kissed nor bite, just sniffed lightly.

Only that, and no more words were spoken.

Hugging Yong Qi to sleep, Yong Shan slept very well all night.

Taizi Ch10.2

Hugging Yong Qi to sleep, Yong Shan slept very well all night.


Yong Shan woke up feeling refreshed, full of pleasant feelings, without a trace of being tired. As
soon as he opened his eyes, he was met with Yong Qi’s back, as well as the slightly exposed
curved nape of his neck. He almost couldn’t help but want to kiss him.

Yong Shan resisted the urge, and wondered if the person in his arms was awake.
It looked like he was still asleep, right?

Yong Qi did not move at all. Yong Shan looked out at the sky and saw it was still too early, he
also didn’t want to get up, and hugged Yong Qi as he was.

After sleeping in this same posture for about half an hour later, the sky turned from gray to
brighten up the long horizons.

Suddenly there was a noise from Yong Qi’s side, asking with hesitation, “How could we sleep so
late and just wake up until this time? It will be bad if Father Emperor knows about this.”

After hearing this, Yong Shan understood that Yong Qi was probably just like him. He might
have woken up a long time ago, but did not move.

He chuckled lightly, wrapped his arms around him tighter, and blew ambiguously on the
beautiful nape of the neck he had been looking at for a long time, and asked, “It’s us again, and
what was the reason we slept so late?”

Yong Qi shrank his neck. Seeing so, Yong Shan sensitively held back his smile and snorted
coldly, “Why, do you hate me?”

Yong Qi was silent for almost half a day before he could utter a word of “Tickle.”

With just one word, Yong Shan became happy again.

This person, with his every word and deeds, is the man who can make himself happy and angry
like a fool. As a human being, when he behaves like this, I am afraid that I might be the lowest
Crowned Prince in all dynasties, thought Yong Shan.

He sighed as he hugged Yong Qi and asked softly, “What’s the word you promised to write for
me when you lost the game of chess before?”

“Originally I had written most of the word already, but when I was about to finish the last stroke,
a drop of ink dropped on it. I already threw it away, and will rewrite it for you again.” After
Yong Qi finished speaking, he moved his arm and asked in a low voice, “You let go, I’m going
to get up.”

“What if I don’t let go?” Yong Shan asked, acting willfully and being difficult.

Seeing Yong Qi did not make another sound, Yong Shan impatiently pulled him over, let him lie
face to face with him, and asked, “I WILL not let go, what can you do?”

Being roughly pulled over by him, Yong Qi was a little anxious. His delicate eyebrows were
knitted together, and refused to look directly at the brightness of his eyes, “How are you the
Crown Prince behaving like this?”

“Crown Prince? Being like this and I’m not like a Crown Prince? Then what is to look like a
Crown Prince?” Yong Shan was angry when he saw Yong Qi avoiding himself. He couldn’t help
being aggressive. He stretched out his hand with great strength, grabbed Yong Qi’s ** thing
through the trousers, and asked evilly:

“Only when I helped Brother Yong Qi to relieve himself at this place, did it make me look like a
Crown Prince? Huh?”

The sky was already bright at this time, and although the window was mostly covered by the
curtains, the light could still come through.

Once Yong Qi was touched by him, he couldn’t help but let out a low “um”, and it was unknown
whether it was fright or a groan.

He couldn’t help feeling humiliated and ashamed.

The blushing appearance fell on Yong Shan’s eyes without a trace.

Yong Qi lowered his eyes as his trembling eyelashes were pecked by Yong Shan. With a tone
that was half coaxing and half threatening, he said, “Let me hear you say Yong Shan didi.”

(T/N: younger brother.)

A while after Yong Qi’s hesitation, Yong Shan powered up his efforts to knead the fragile male
organ in his palm. Suddenly Yong Qi struggled to get free twice but failed either time. Clearly he
couldn’t get rid of Yong Shan. His ears were red, and his heart was pounding so hard it almost
leaps out of his throat. The thought of the servants outside might come in at any time stimulated
him so much; his body rose upward several times. His eyes actually condensed a layer of mist for
a moment.

Yong Shan sneered, “Are you still a man? Fancy that Your Highness has been the eldest Prince
for all these years and here, shedding tears at every turn. Are you not ashamed?”

“Didi…” Yong Qi’s lips moved and formed a hazy word.

Yong Shan froze.

Even after a while, he still couldn’t believe that Yong Qi would open his mouth and call him so.

He stopped his hand in the sensitive part of Yong Qi **, staring at Yong Qi’s lips that seemed to
be shining like spring water, and his mouth curled up, “What did you say? Why didn’t I hear it?
Say it again, louder.”

Yong Qi seemed to be really teased by him. His mouth was closed like a clamshell, and even his
eyes were no longer open.

Yong Shan chuckled softly. He hugged him tighter close to his chest, and joked, “Un, you also
know that I am your younger brother? I thought you only had Yong Lin as a younger brother.
You’re the eldest brother, but you’re too biased. How can you blame me for correcting you?”

After speaking, he let go of his arms.

Before Yong Qi could take a breath after he was released, he was pulled up by Yong Shan to sit
up again. “The sky has gotten really bright now. Since I have a lot of homework to do today, you
shouldn’t be too lazy either. Quickly get up and study with me. I’m afraid Taifu will be here

And Yong Qi received another headache.

The current Yong Shan might not be as terrible as before, but he was too unreasonable. Yong Qi
did not understand Yong Shan very well, for he always changed his face as a lightning bolt in a
short while, and when he behaved like a righteous Crown Prince, he could not be offended in the

Yong Qi couldn’t help letting out a sigh, and Yong Shan heard it.

Yong Shan asked in a calm manner, “Brother Yong Qi doesn’t like my master’s teaching?”

His eyes had already changed back to its original sharpness.

Yong Qi said, “That is the Grand tutor appointed by Father Emperor for the Crown Prince. It
seems inappropriate for me to follow along to listen to the lecture.”

“Don’t worry about this.” After listening, Yong Shan’s eyes slightly lightened and explained in a
composure manner, “Your trial has been cleared. I personally sealed the records and dispatched
someone to deliver it to the Emperor. Your wangfei is still in the fief. I have already reported to
Father Emperor that you are currently staying in the Prince’s palace temporarily, as well as to
study with me. You don’t need to worry about this kind of thing. Right,”

He paused, then leant close to Yong Qi, smiled dangerously and said, “Since you are no longer
the guilty Prince, it stands to reason that you can ask to see your mother when you return to the

(T/N: wife/concubine.)

Yong Qi suddenly shook, his face showed great surprise in an instant.

After enough watching of his changing expressions, Yong Shan threw him another sentence,
“Unfortunately, although you are not guilty, Li Fei is still a concubine who is guilty enough to be
locked up in the cold palace. With this identity, it is hard to meet, even her own son.”

(T/N: Fei: concubine. Li Fei: concubine Li.)

Yong Qi was shocked again. He raised his head, and with eyes as sparkling as a rare seven-color
glass bead, seemingly angry and pleading, met Yong Shan’s gaze.

Yong Shan knew that he was relying on his status as a Crown Prince and was bullying this
incapable elder brother. Although it was despicable, he felt a sense of pleasure. With a smile, he
said and gave him a hint, “Who should you beg for, don’t you know?”
Just then, Chang Defu cautiously cried from the door, “Your Highnesses, Taifu has arrived and is
waiting in the study hall. It’s getting late. How about letting the maids come in and help both
Highnesses freshen up?”

“Come in.” Yong Shan said in a refreshing voice. When he turned around and saw Chang Defu
leading a few palace maids bringing all kinds of accessories in, he gently raised his lips and said,
“You all can serve me. Brother Yong Qi is my elder brother and since we haven’t seen each
other for a long time, today, this younger brother will help him freshen up personally. To show
love and respect between brothers, it will also be a good talk in the future.”

With a word from the Crown Prince, naturally no one would dare to disobey his orders.

While three or four people first served Yong Shan, Yong Qi was left aside for a while.

Not long after, Yong Shan was soon cleaned up. The other things for cleaning up prepared by the
maids were sent to Yong Qi, but they really did not do anything. Yong Qi was taken aback. He
looked down at the clean hot water delivered to his eyes, and looked up again at the refreshing
face of Yong Shan. Seeing Yong Shan, who was so refreshed, smiled and leaned forward, rolling
up his sleeves, Yong Qi took a small step back. “Don’t play around.”

“Who said it I am playing?” While speaking, Yong Shan slowly dipped the towel in his hand in
the warm water. In front of so many people watching, Yong Qi was even more embarrassed. He
turned his face over, and refused to let Yong Shan wipe it for him.

“Do not move.”

Yong Shan was holding the clean towel and held Yong Qi’s wrist in one hand. The wet cloth
only touched a bit against his skin, and Yong Qi turned his face to avoid it again.

Yong Shan smiled lightly. He deliberately raised his hand to Yong Qi’s face, teasing him as he
watched Yong Qi dodging, trying to avoid being wiped. Very interesting.

“Yong Shan, Taifu is waiting. Don’t make trouble.” Yong Qi reluctantly grabbed one of his
hands, not allowing him to rub his face indiscriminately.

“I’ve said already that I’m not playing around. Be good and quickly show me your face. Brother
also knows that Taifu is waiting. Once I’m done, let’s go over together.”

“Yong Shan…”

“Keep moving or I’ll be angry.” Yong Shan suddenly asked, “Do you want to see your mother?”

Yong Qi suddenly stiffened, the hand that was holding Yong Shan’s hand also suddenly lost its
energy, and slowly dropped downward. Just like a criminal waiting to be sentenced, standing still
on the spot.

The smile on Yong Shan’s face also disappeared.

The shining sunlight in the room seemed to be covered with layers of breathless dullness.
The good enthusiasm just now also disappeared.

Sensing that the atmosphere had changed, Yong Qi was certain that he was in trouble again, and
looked at his younger brother with uneasiness. This gaze happened to be caught by Yong Shan.
Although it was slightly timid and didn’t mean to be rebellious like glaring, the distancing look
made people feel that it was difficult to the extreme in their hearts.

Yong Shan angrily threw the clean towel into the silver basin, splashing half of warm water out
of the small basin. The head of the maids holding the basin were wet, and all of them shuddered
with fright.

“What are you all doing? Still not hurry up and serve His Highness Yong Qi to freshen up?”

Yong Shan said coldly, and the stunned crowd rushed forward, panicking to freshen up Yong Qi.
They dare not to make a sound, lest they would annoy the Crown Prince again.

Yong Qi stood there while being served by the crowd of maids as he was being cleaned up. Yong
Qi was anxious, there were a lot of things in his mind. One hand, he thought of how it might not
be easy to see his mother after a while. On the other hand, he thought after dressing up, he would
go to see the Taifu and he would be safe for a while. But Yong Shan seemed to bear a lot of
grudges. If he remembered this unpleasant event again at night, he would vent his anger, and
Yong Qi might have suffered again like in the Inner Punishment Court…

His body was trembling all over.

After a while, he was already freshened up. The maids bought the used water and towel out.
Only he was still standing. Yong Shan could see that he was disturbed, as if frightened.

Yong Shan originally stared at him fiercely, but when he saw his desperate look, he felt soft
hearted. After struggling for almost half a day, he gritted his teeth and uttered a sentence, “Don’t
be afraid, it was just a joke.”

Yong Shan turned his head to look at him in surprise.

(T/N: I’m not sure if the author got the name wrongly mixed.) 

Yong Shan turned his face to the side, and faintly called, “Hurry up and change his attire. What
are you all still waiting for?”

Only then did the maids holding clothes and all kinds of accessories walk in on tiptoe, helping
each of the two Royal Highnesses to change their wear.

Yong Qi’s attire were all newly made, the colors were simple but elegant, made from excellent
materials, and they were very suitable for him to wear. The crescent-white satin collar made his
neck especially white and delicate. 

Yong Shan, who was dressed with a belt, reprimanded dissatisfiedly next to him, “Can’t you put
your heart to work properly? How come you don’t even know how to wear this small thing?”
Yong Qi turned his head to look and saw the maid who was kneeling helping Yong Shan wear
the waistband, was already sweating. Holding a jade pendant in her hand, how come it didn’t fit
on the belt?

After trying two or three times without success, Yong Shan’s face on the top of the maids head
was even worse.

The more frightened the maid was, the more her hands shook, and she almost couldn’t hold
things securely.

Yong Shan said impatiently, “Chang Defu, did you arrange this? Where did you pick this stupid

Chang Defu had already knelt over to help get it together. Since it was a newly offered exquisite
jade ornament, a complete set of several pieces came together, very delicate with several places
connected to each other and it was very difficult to handle it. It was impossible to get it right for
a while.

Yong Qi understood that Yong Shan was venting fire through trivial matters. After a moment of
silence, he walked over and took a look, and said, “This was made in the style of Dongyue
Kingdom, it was not common in the palace, and it was not surprising that they could not deal
with it.  Put this on first.” He took a square transparent ornament from the square plate, as if to
help Yong Shan put it on, but he hesitated again before his hand touched Yong Shan’s body.

Yong Shan was afraid that he would withdraw his hand again, so he grabbed the slender hand in
a flash, the unpleasant expression on his face had disappeared, his eyes were slightly bent as he
laughed and said, “I also haven’t seen this thing before. This is the first time I’m wearing it after
Father Emperor gave it to me. Brother, let me see how you wear it.”

Hearing his laughter, Yong Qi’s face was hot for no reason, and waited hesitantly.

Yong Shan was smart and considerate as he hurriedly ordered: “You all go out.”

He dismissed everyone around him, including Chang Defu, and waited for the door to close.
Once the door was closed, he moved a step closer towards Yong Qi, and whispered, “Look,
everyone is gone, no one sees us.”

The words sounded ambiguous, and Yong Qi couldn’t help replying, “Nonsense.”

Yong Shan heard it, and there was a slight ** in his heart.

The one who was most often scolded for nonsense was of course the most reckless and hateful
Yong Lin. When Yong Qi taught Yong Lin in the past, this scolding sentence, “nonsense”,
“nonsense again,” was often used on him and Yong Shan, in the dark, heard it countless times.

But it was the first time it was used on Yong Shan.

The slight irritation was very intimate, directly filling Yong Shan’s joyful sweetness in his heart.
He stared at Yong Qi, with his extremely tender expression, and stood face to face with Yong Qi
without moving his hands away. He smiled and said, “Okay, I won’t talk nonsense.” His voice
was very soft, as if he was afraid it would dissipate the sunlight in the room.

Yong Qi did not say a word. He only took the set of jade ornaments over, slowly and dexterously
fitted them on Yong Shan’s belt one by one.

When he lowered his head to play with jade ornaments, his jet black hair fell down covering the
back of his neck. Yong Shan couldn’t help but use his fingertip to lift a cluster of black hair that
covers the back of his neck to the side. A piece of neck muscle was exposed in the sea of pitch
black hair. In contrast, it was more moist and white and attractive.

Yong Qi was tickled and shrank his neck, “Don’t make trouble.”

“Your neck is so white.”


Yong Shan put his mouth close to his ear, “I’ll be sleeping here again tonight, and help my
brother do the same thing like last night, okay?”

Yong Qi was instantly reddened from his ears all the way to the edge of his neck. He was
trembling and said, “It’s done.”

After taking a step back, and was about to turn around to walk away, he was hugged by Yong
Shan, who was still leaning close on his neck from behind again. Yong Shan whispered, with the
same tender and soft voice in his ear, “Is it okay or not?”

“It’s not.”

“Really not?”

Yong Qi embarrassingly shook his head. He used one reminiscent sentence like a life-saving
straw, “Taifu is still waiting, it will be bad if you don’t go now.”

Yong Shan smiled comfortably behind him, “That’s fine too. I will discuss this matter with
Brother Yong Qi after the lecture.”

Without waiting for Yong Qi to slip away first, he loosened the strength on his arms around
Yong Qi, grasping Yong Qi’s wrist instead, and led him out of the room in a flash.

Taizi Ch11.1

The place where they were going to study was in a small room called Jingxin Zhai, Tranquil
Heart study room, in the Prince palace.

When the two arrived together, the current Taifu, Wang Jingqiao, had arrived a long time earlier,
and Yong Shan explained a few words of the cause of being late to the Taifu with a smile.
After a proper greeting, Yong Shan sat at one table, while Yong Qi took another one. The space
between the two tables was only a half arm size away. On the table were a brush, inkstone stand,
and a few white papers, and textbooks.

“Today, let’s… talk about Lao Zhuang.”

The nearly sixty years old Wang Jingqiao, had dim eyes, and his speech was not good. Every
time he spoke a few words, he had to think and talk slowly, or he would just cough.

However, Yong Shan and Yong Qi knew that this man was a court veteran. He was in poor
health over the years. The Emperor ordered him to take a rest while recuperating and teach the
princes to read books. Although they were not used to slow teaching, they still listened and
treated him respectfully.

“Qi WuLun (The Adjustment of Controversies), en… have you read it all?”

Wang Jingqiao picked up the book and read it first. Even though he was old and he would stop or
pause at some sentence, he was very dedicated to carry out the king’s orders. If he felt that his
reading was not smooth, he had to stop a bit, adjust his breath, and read carefully again.

It was either read the full text once, then explain it sentence by sentence, or read one sentence
while explaining one sentence.

So back and forth, the first four paragraphs of Zhuangzi’s “Qi WuLun” took nearly two hours.
After talking for a while, the old Grand tutor Wang felt his throat become dry, took a sip of tea
with restraint, and looked at the two royal students sitting awkwardly, “Your Highnesses, is
there, en, anything you don’t understand?”

Yong Shan looked at Yong Qi.

Yong Qi shook his head slightly.

The Grand tutor focused his gaze at the both of them attentively, and slowly said, “If there is
nothing Your Highnesses don’t understand, then I will… test and ask questions. Your Highness
Yong Qi, you say, what does ‘Our intercourse with others then leads to various activities, and
daily there is the striving of mind with mind’ mean?”

“Yes, Taifu.” Yong Qi answered, lowering his head for a moment, and then said slowly, “This
means that even though people in the world get along with each other, they still struggle with
scheming against each other all day long.”

“Then… What is your Highness’ opinion?”


“Oh?” Wang Taifu did not comment right away. He gazed at Yong Qi with his muddy old eyes,
paused for a moment, and murmured, “Knowing it is deplorable, an unacceptable act despite in
such a young age, Your Highness is correct. But this sentence is not just for this explanation.
‘Our intercourse with others then leads to various activities, and daily there is the striving of
mind with mind’ can also be resolved as what you see and experience every moment in the world
affects your heart.”

Yong Qi’s heart was slightly shaken, and he bowed his head, accepting the lecture.

Taifu sighed, then turned his gaze to Yong Shan dully, “Your Royal Highness, regarding the
lecture just now, en…what do you think?”

Yong Shan smiled lightly, “I’m thinking about those two sentences, ‘where they are given out
like the conditions of a covenant, we have those who maintain their views, determined to
overcome. (The weakness of their arguments), like the decay (of things) in autumn and winter,
shows the failing (of the minds of some) from day to day’“

“Oh? Please, Your Highness, explain these two sentences according to your own thoughts.”

“Be able to resolve by keeping your own thoughts in your heart like an oath, without verbal
explanations. The so-called defending win-win situation.”

“Then… What about the last sentence?”

Yong Shan pondered for a while, and suddenly he showed a self-deprecating smile, and said
lightly, “Explaining the autumn and winter as like slaughtering, and it should be interpreted as
decay of the withered grass of autumn and winter, but in life, who will not turn into the withered
grass of autumn and winter in the end?”

Wang Jingqiao’s wrinkled face slowly burst into an old-fashioned smile. While laughing, he
shook his head and murmured, “What a deceive interpretation. Alas, in great Lao Zhuang, how
many people have been able to solve it right in ancient times? Your Highness’s explanation. It’s
just based on Your Highness’s disposition, so others couldn’t persuade you.”

Putting down the tea bowl, he stood up tremblingly, “Let us stop here today. I am too old to sit
for a long period of time.”

The two students hurriedly stood up. They helped Taifu stabilize himself and held his hand at
each side until they left Jingxin Zhai. Yong Shan instructed Chang Defu to bring the small warm
sedan chair over and sent the Taifu onto the sedan.

Only until the warm sedan seemed to go far away did they turn to look at each other.

Yong Shan asked, “Are you tired after sitting for more than two hours? What should we eat?”

Yong Qi was still recollecting what he had just said in the class, and said, “In the past, it had
always been Lei Taifu who gave me a lecture. This is the first time I have listened to Wang
Taifu’s class. Although his speech was slow, I seem to have a grab of feelings.”

“Everyone should be like this after all.” Yong Shan then led Yong Qi back into the door, and
ordered Chang Defu to prepare food and drink which should be brought to the small side room
where they could view the scenery through the window.
Once the two of them entered the small side room, a few servants hurriedly greeted them, took
off the coats they wore to meet the Taifu, and put on light and simple casual clothes.

Yong Shan took a large string of jade ornaments taken off by the servants and looked at it. The
top square jade ornament was carved with the face of ancient gods and beasts, and the red
tasseled line below was connected with two waterfowl-shaped jade belt hooks. Further down, it
was tied with four auxiliary titles: jade rings, which were worn in series, like a chain of beautiful
jade on the waist, which was both generous and noble. It was no wonder that the jade ring was
chosen by the crowd to pay tribute to the court.

The Emperor received a lot of rewards for fair purposes, especially when foreign ministers paid
tribute. Usually he was bestowed with dozens of them as well. There were a few square plates
covered with yellow satin that were brought over but Yong Shan would forget all about it after
giving it a glance. Today he found these things very interesting.

He couldn’t help but love it more and more.

After thinking for a while, he took this set of jade ornaments and walked behind Yong Qi and
said, “Brother Yong Qi, stand still.”

His hands then went around Yong Qi’s waist and hung things on his belt. The jade ornaments
that had been assembled at the beginning, and now it didn’t take much trouble to hang them up
again. And after a short while, it had been arranged.

“That’s so pretty.”

Yong Qi frowned, and as soon as Yong Shan let go, he stretched out his hand to remove it, “This
type of thing, cannot be worn on other people.”

Yong Shan grabbed his hand, “There are no such words written on it. Moreover, it’s just a
decoration. What do you care about so much? Or do you dislike my things?”

Hearing that his tone of voice started to sound displeased again, Yong Qi stood still in a difficult

Yong Shan ignored him. He tightened the things on Yong Qi’s belt again, and then said, “You
should dress more noble, otherwise, if you appear shabby in front of Li Fei, I’m afraid she’ll
think I’m being mean to you.”

When Yong Qi heard the word “Li Fei”, he twitched slightly and was silent for a while,
revealing a look that he did not intend to continue to resist.

Yong Shan knew that he was obedient, and said softly, “Brother Yong Qi, let’s eat something
first. You didn’t even drink one sip of tea during the lesson? Did you study this hard in the past
as well?”

After that he brought Yong Qi to sit at a table by the window.

At the same time, Chang Defu quietly walked in. “Your Highness, His Highness the Fifth Prince,
beg for your attendance.”

There was a sharp flash of light in Yong Shan’s eyes, but it calmed down in an instant. After
giving an acknowledgment sound in a calm manner, he said, “I see. Send someone to stop him at
the door, don’t let him come in to ruin the mood.”

“Yes, this servant shall do it.”

“Chang Defu.”

Chang Defu stopped immediately, “Yes, what else does Your Highness have to order?”

“Go and tell Yong Sheng the things he asked me to do, I’m already working on it.  But things
have to be done slowly, don’t be impatient. I will find someone to tell him when there is news.
Be careful when you spread the word, and speak well. Don’t annoy him.”

“Yes, this servant will be careful.”

They had to study all morning after waking up, and now both of them were hungry.

The meals were quickly set up one by one, and those were still what Yong Qi liked to eat.

Yong Shan helped him get a spoonful of tofu and put it in a bowl, “Tofu is a good thing, but
unfortunately it’s always too vegetarian. I asked someone to steam the tofu with Yunnan ham
slices in the tofu, and it will make it taste even better.”

After eating two or three bites, the sound of footsteps came again.

Yong Shan looked impatiently at Chang Defu who walked in, “What is it this time?”

Chang Defu was followed by two servants, both of them holding generous square plates covered
with brocades. They were all precious gold, silver and various items made of jade. “Replying to
Your Highness, His Highness Yong Sheng has already returned. Before leaving, he also left
some gifts, saying that he respected his brother and everything is up to Your Highness…”

Yong Shan waved his hand, “All right. I have checked that there are no prohibited items, so you
can just put it away. Is it necessary to come over and disturb us brothers eating with such a trivial

Chang Defu also knew that he had come at an untimely time, so he hurriedly led people to

Yong Shan glared at them and lowered the curtain on the door before twisting half of his body
back to continue eating. He lowered his head and saw an extra sliced ham in the bowl. In an
instant, his eyes were smiling and asked the person sitting across from him, “Did you pick it for
Yong Qi was restless and unable to answer when he was gazed at like this. After a long while, he
said dully, “I don’t like eating sliced ham which is hidden in tofu…”

As he explained, the smile on Yong Shan’s face widened, the corners of his lips turned upwards,
even his neat white teeth were slightly exposed, and his smile was very beautiful.

“I instructed the cook to get the Yunnan ham out before serving it. They must have been
negligent. If you see the sliced ham hidden inside, might as well give it to me.” Yong Shan
scooped another spoonful of tofu in high spirits.

Before it landed down in Yong Qi’s bowl, there was another sound of footsteps coming through
the curtain. 

Yong Shan had been practicing martial arts for many years, and his hearing was several times
better than that of ordinary people. When he heard the sound of footsteps: he was very upset. He
turned his head and said in a deep voice, “No matter what, fxck off! Can’t these crooked people
let me have a quiet meal?”

Before he finished speaking, someone who was not afraid of death opened the curtain, and
leaned in with a face that was laughing like a fool. “Hey, I knew it was better to come early than
to come by coincidence! I was just hungry too.”

Yong Lin, a troublemaker who liked to move around, came here again.

He walked in proudly, stretched his neck to look at the table, sniffed his nose and said, “Brother
Yong Shan is really stingy. Every day, it’s always vegetables, tofu, radish and winter melon. At
worst, adding a piece or two of sweet-scented osmanthus jelly, Brother Yong Qi must be
starving. Fortunately, I was clever and brought a plate of thick sauced deer meat along today.”

Putting the small plate in his hands on the table, he squeezed his butt to Yong Qi’s side, and
poked him greatly. “Brother Yong Qi, move a little bit, I will sit with you. I got this thick sauced
meat from outside the palace. Tsk, tsk, it’s a rare delicacy.”

His thick nerves didn’t even notice the blue veins on Yong Shan’s neck, which had already

Across the table, Yong Shan faintly stared at Yong Lin. “You don’t stay with mother to practice
horse riding and shooting, what are you doing here? Still not listening to what I said before?”

“Practicing! I got up before dawn and practiced all morning!” Yong Lin, who was originally
happy at first, was asked by Yong Shan with a solemn face, showing a sense of grievance, and
was anxious to defend himself like a child. “It was mother who said that the practice should be
more relaxed, and I can’t do it overnight. It would also hurt my muscles and bones if I
overstepped, so I didn’t continue. I took advantage of the relaxing time to go out and stroll
around. If my brother doesn’t believe me, just ask mother. When have I lied to you?”

Yong Lin was insensitive, but Yong Qi knew where Yong Shan’s temper came from. He was
worried that Yong Lin, his stupid brother would talk nonsense again, and it would arouse Yong
Shan’s anger, so he cut off Yong Lin’s words, frowned softly and said, “If you don’t practice
horse riding and shooting, shouldn’t you go do your homework? If you have time, you should
learn something with peace of mind, even practicing calligraphy is good. You are obviously lazy,
and you sneak out to play at any chance you have, yet still not admit your mistake to your
brother Yong Shan?” 

While Yong Shan listened, his heart was clear as a mirror. He could sense each and every word
was spoken to protect Yong Lin, with anxiety and extremely cautiousness. 

He couldn’t help thinking to himself, in Yong Qi’s mind, he was just someone with a disposition
that could even harm his own twin brother!

While the inside was hurting, a stream of blood mixed with hot and sour taste rushed straight up
all the way against his throat making him unable to say a word.

As a result, it was Yong Lin who cried. As soon as Yong Qi finished speaking, he turned his
head to look at Yong Qi, and cried out with aggrieved and doubtful words. “Brother Yong Qi,
are you scolding me too? What exactly is going on? When I came back this time, I was either
beaten or scolded by mother or brother Yong Shan. And now even you are scolding me! What
did I do wrong today? I just brought a plate of meat and wanted my brothers to taste it together.
Brothers have a meal at a table, is it worth all of you to scold me? Am I so annoying?”

His big tiger-like eyes were so wide that they turned red. He let go of his voice and said angrily.
“Since everyone looks down on me, why do you call me back? Simply let me die in the fief
where birds don’t even lay eggs, wouldn’t it be a clean cut!”

The color on Yong Shan’s face had long turned blue, looking fierce and scary. Hearing Yong
Lin’s cries out louder and louder, and uttering the crow words of that simply letting him die on
the fief, the irritation and heartbreaking was really uncontrollable. Suddenly, as loud as thunder,
he angrily roared, “Get out!”

His hand swept frantically on the table.

Suddenly, all the dishes, chopsticks and everything on the table as well as the plate of sauced
meat that Yong Lin had worked so hard to get, were dripping with the soup, and they all fell to
the ground.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the room was suffocated to the extreme.

Seeing Yong Shan’s anger arose, Yong Lin suddenly became lost his voice as if he became a
dumb. After being stunned for a moment, with a sad and disappointed expression on his face, he
suddenly stood up, gritted his teeth and rushed out.

Yong Qi’s mother only gave birth to him. Yong Qi had no other brother with the same mother.
On the contrary, he loved this younger brother the most since he was a child. He couldn’t help
but grab to stop him, “Yong Lin, listen to your older brother…”

Yong Lin, who was tall, had a big build, rushing outwards with a fierce move. Yong Qi, who
stretched out his hand to pull while still on his seat, couldn’t hold him still at all. On the contrary,
he was twisted. One of them slammed unsteadily, and he bumped his forehead against the edge
of the table.

Peng! The noise was loud. 

“Yong Qi!” Yong Shan’s heart shrank as he heard it, and rushed to hold his face, “Where did you
hit? Let me see!”

Taizi Ch11.2

[I read 2Ha once, and cried once. After listening to the audio drama, I started reading again. And
once again my soul is being tortured. And since my soul has been tortured to the point of being
depressed, I decided to update another half of chapter 11 today. *Weepings*] 

Peng! Yong Qi was hit at the edge of the table and the noise was loud. 

“Yong Qi!” Yong Shan’s heart shrank as he heard it, and rushed to hold his face, “Where did
you hit? Let me see!”


Yong Lin also knew that he was in trouble and was taken aback. He quickly turned back and
circled Yong Qi and shouted, “Brother Yong Qi, Brother Yong Qi, I was wrong, are you okay?”
After seeing the red bruise on Yong Qi’s forehead, he impatiently said, “I will rub it for you.”

He stretched out his hand, but before it even touched Yong Qi’s forehead, Yong Shan waved it
away, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, “Scram.”

Yong Lin collapsed, almost crying out of shame, “Brother, I didn’t mean it, I really didn’t mean

“Yong Shan,” Yong Qi whispered softly, his skin was delicate and tender, his face was pale
white from pain. He frowned and said, “Your Highness, he is a naive child, don’t bother about

Yong Lin was even more guilty, and suddenly burst into tears, “It’s all my fault! I did bad things!
No wonder everyone dislikes me, but I even brought it upon myself! Brother Yong shan, you can
beat me to vent your anger as you did last time, and you can do the share of Brother Yong Qi
too. I will never tell mother!”

These two half-brothers actually had a tacit understanding than the twin brothers.

One begged, while the other wept bitterly, and when he was caught in the middle, he couldn’t
even breathe.
Yong Shan looked at them coldly, his intestines seemed to be broken indiscriminately by
someone poking with chopsticks. He was numb to the pain and couldn’t tell what it was like.
After feeling frustrated for a while, he calmed down, and said with a wry smile, “Is a home-
cooked meal worth your crying and screaming like this? You’re not like a prince at all.”

He helped Yong Qi to sit up, and when he looked back, he saw Chang Defu poking his head
outside the door. He said in a loud voice, “Chang Defu, bring some bruised ointment. His
Highness Yong Qi accidentally hit himself. Also, order people to re-served the dishes. In
addition to the dishes just now, plus two more meat dishes, Yong Lin can’t live without meat.”

Chang Defu repeatedly and respectfully responded and immediately ran out to complete the
tasks. Another two or three servants came in to clean up. After finishing cleaning the place, the
ointment arrived. Yong Shan held it in his hand and asked Yong Qi to sit still. He picked a little
with his fingertips, and carefully smeared it on the red and swollen forehead.

Yong Lin wiped his messy crying face, stood bewildered on one side, and said, “Brother Yong
Shan, let me do it.”

Yong Shan’s heart was both downhearted and cold, to the point of not feeling angry with him
anymore. Even his tone was milder than before, “It’s fine for you to sit down. After practicing a
whole morning of horse riding and shooting, you didn’t have anything to eat yet, and still had to
cry for a while, which is enough for you.” While speaking, he used his fingertips to gently move
along the edge of the wound in circular motions.

The movements were gentle; it could break a person’s heart.

Seeing Yong Shan was so easy to deal with today, Yong Qi couldn’t help being a little surprised.
He couldn’t help but stare at the strong and unpredictable younger brother in front of him. Just
when Yong Shan was about to return his gaze, Yong Qi was slightly startled, and immediately
dropped his eyes.

“It hurts? Did I rub it too hard?” Yong Shan stopped his movements.

Yong Qi shook his head. “No…en, it’s much better.”

He had his eyes down, and his long and thick eyelashes obscured the thoughts under his eyes.
With just this sentence said to Yong Shan: there was a light movement inside his heart, as if a
stone fell into the lake, creating a ripple effect, jumping inside and he couldn’t help raising his
eyes again. 

The two black pupils were as smooth as gems, and they looked at rarely seen Yong Shan

Yong Shan, who was helping him rub the medicine, was very close, and when Yong Qi glanced
lightly at him, it was as if he was looking straight into his soul. At the touch of that gaze, it
seemed as though  Yong Shan’s heart was suddenly pulled away from his original position, and
even his breath was abruptly held.
When he was chosen by the Emperor Yan as the Prince, no matter how big of events he had
faced, nothing could make him change his complexion, not even the slightest. However, at this
moment he was so excited that he couldn’t hold himself, his chest was full to the point of
swelling, and only when he felt pain did he realize that he had forgotten to breathe.

Yong Shan fixed his eyes on Yong Qi and it took him a long time to suppress the rumbling
roaring noise in his heart before he could whisper, “I’ve said before that I will treat you well in
this life. You rest assured. Yong Shan will never regret what he said.”

This word was spoken with great sincerity, as if making a bloody oath, he was very determined.

Although Yong Qi had been painfully teased repeatedly by Yong Shan, his heart couldn’t help
but tremble at this moment.

His mind was in a mess and he didn’t know how to respond to this sentence. He lowered his
head, hiding his face in an uncertain manner, and pursed his lips in silence.

He didn’t make a sound, and Yong Shan also didn’t make a sound. Still helping him rub the
wound, as if he couldn’t wait to show him how hearty devotion he was. He relied on his
fingertips to clear the red and swollen wound, without leaving a trace of pain.

Yong Lin, who had done something wrong, with a guilty conscience, listened to Yong Shan
honestly, and sat aside in distress. Although he felt uncomfortable, he was actually really
behaved sitting quietly and didn’t say anything unnecessary again.

The three brothers didn’t speak, and the room was so quiet that the sound of a needle drop could
be heard.

In the warm winter days, the sun was shining slightly in the afternoon, and it felt a little warm,
lazy, and comfortable to the extreme. And everyone silently thought about their own affairs.

Being in silence like this could also cause many unpleasant things to be erased and faded. When
the brothers looked at each other, and seeing guilty conscience in each other’s eyes, they
gradually softened.

Soon, Chang Defu led the servants to bring up the freshly prepared hot dishes, and put them on
the table one by one. He carefully explained with a smile, “There are two new meat dishes added
for His Highness Yong Lin. One is three yellow chicken with scallion oil and stuffing, the other
is pork elbow in marinated wine sauce. I originally wanted to make a hot pot of beef belly that
His Highness Yong Lin loves to eat, but since it takes time to prepare and I am afraid it’s not
enough time to make it, it will make your Highness wait too long…”

Yong Lin was still obedient just now, however, the rivers and mountains may change, but not
one’s essential nature. After a while, being amused by Chang Defu, he reverted back to his old
habits. Before Chang Defu finished speaking, he laughed and scolded. “You are too good at
flattering. Your mouth almost runs flowers by describing these two kinds of dishes. En, I’ll find
something to reward you.” He poked his hands into his arms, and after a long time, his smile
suddenly became weird.
It turned out that today while he was practicing riding and shooting, he didn’t bring any gadget
with him, which meant he couldn’t get anything out of it. Yong Lin had to look down at his belt.
Two jade pendants were tied on it. One was given to him by Emperor Yan and the other was
given by Shu Fei yesterday. Of course, he couldn’t give it to others.

But words had been spoken, and Chang Defu was still standing in front of him. If he was unable
to take out things, wouldn’t it be too embarrassing?

While pretending to be anxious as he was looking around, his gaze fell on the ornaments on
Yong Qi’s waist. He leaned over, clasped his hands together and begged with a smile. “Brother
Yong Qi, since you have such a thin waist, it would be a lot of hard work to have such a large
string of things hanging on. Why don’t you lend me a small piece and give it to me first, and I
will get you a more beautiful one in the future.” As he said, he wanted to tear down pieces of

Very unexpectedly, Yong Qi actually guarded his waist and prevented him from doing anything,
and coaxed, “Yong Lin, the thing you want, can’t it be anything else? Big brother will go and
find one for you. Stop your hand, don’t break it.”

Yong Qi had always been the best to Yong Lin, as long as Yong Lin begged, even if it was his
beloved things, he was willing to let it out for him. It was just that the jade components on this
waist, although each part was not big, the workmanship was exceptionally exquisite, and they
were inlaid one after another. It was very rare, and it must be the top grade among Yong Shan’s

Yong Shan must have liked this too, but he still gave it to him, and he tied it up personally not
long ago.

If he let Yong Lin tear it apart in front of Yong Shan, even Yong Qi would feel too sorry for
Yong Shan. While stopping Yong Lin, he couldn’t help but worry that Yong Shan would get
angry again. He moved his eyes to see Yong Shan’s reaction.

Where could Yong Shan get angry?

Seeing Yong Qi protecting the things he gave him, he was so happy that his hands and feet
trembled, as if a drunken person, and only muttered repeatedly in his heart——

Break up mental and rock, break up metal and rock…

(T/N: full idioms; if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks.

With a will, you can achieve anything.)

Seeing Yong Qi look at him, he burst into a smile that was as bright as the sun, walked quickly
over, took Yong Lin with him, and said in a gentle tone that the most loving brother in the world
would, “Brother, if you want something to reward people, I have a bunch of things here, all kinds
of things. No need to hold back, you can choose anything, as long as you like, and I will send
someone to send it to you. What else you need in the future, don’t hesitate and just come to my
palace and pick it.” He was extremely happy, even his words sound strange with a series “do not

Yong Shan took another piece of precious jade pendant from his waist, turned around and threw
it to Chang Defu, boasting, “Today’s food is well prepared, and you are considered as devoted,
take this and go.”

Since Chang Defu noticed that Yong Lin wanted to play with the jade decoration on Yong Qi’s
waist, he was so scared that his calves cramped and yelled madly inside. Several times he wanted
to ask Yong Lin not to reward him. In case the vinegar jar of His Highness turned over, it would
not be fun to implicate himself on this little manager.

Unexpectedly, fortune would fall upon him. Yong Qi’s small refusal turned things around and
finally he could also get a treasure. He narrowed his eyes with joy and bowed again and again.
“My gratitude to Your Highness, Your Highness Yong Qi, Your Highness Yong Lin.” With that
jade pendant, he retreated happily.

Yong Lin was moved by Yong Shan brotherly love for a long time. He opened his mouth wide,
staring at Yong Shan in a daze, and couldn’t help being moved again. Holding Yong Shan’s
hand, he stammered and said, “Brother Yong Shan, I…I know that no matter how a
disappointment I am, you also… also love me.”

For the first time, Yong Shan felt a little guilty. 

Yong Qi said on the side, “If you want to talk, it’s better to talk while eating. The dishes are
getting cold.”

The two twin brothers came back to their senses. They both were thinking of how difficult it was
to eat this meal, and couldn’t help laughing at the same time. At that moment, their appearance
and expression were all made out of the same mold.

Yong Qi was amazed, and for the first time he felt that Yong Shan and Yong Lin were extremely

Strangely, why couldn’t he see it before?

As a result, the atmosphere became very good. The three brothers actually sat down at the table
together, chatting and eating comfortably, and the most chatty one was of course Yong Lin. He
talked about everything while chewing on pork elbows dropping with oil and greasy water. Yong
Shan and Yong Qi chewed slowly, while listening to Yong Lin’s talking squirting his saliva
wildly on the table. There were smiles on their faces, and occasionally when their eyes locked on
each other, something light and warm hit their heart. They couldn’t help but heave a sigh in
secret. It was just a meal. How could it be so different like before and after the rebirth?

Heaven’s will was really unpredictable.

Yong Shan knew what was going on best in his heart, but Yong Qi was only vague. He just felt
that the person in front of him was not so hateful and terrible, and he was not greedy either. If
this could continue, his mother would live in peace in the future. And this kind of life might be a
little better than what he had expected.

Although his wish was not greedy, it was obviously not easy to come true.

Something happened before the meal was finished.

A shadow flashed, and stopped outside the door as his voice drifted into the room. “Your
Highness, this servant has something important to report.”

Yong Shan strictly ordered that his meal would not be distrubed. He was still facing Yong Qi
across the table, smiling as he listened to Yong Lin’s boasting. However, after hearing the sound,
he glanced out of the door and when he saw the person’s face clearly, the corner of his eyes
twitched. He put down the chopsticks, stood up slowly on his feet, smiled and said, “You eat
first, I’ll go out for a while.”

Yong Shan paced out of the room, and when the person waiting outside was just to move his
mouth, Yong Shan glanced at him, and immediately he fell silent.

The two soundlessly went to the corridor, and Yong Shan leisurely said, “Speak ba.”

The man was wearing the clothes of the mid-level guard in the palace, with a delicate trace
hidden between his eyebrows. His name was Lin Chuan, and he was one of the powerful arms
around Yong Shan whose duty was to scoop news in the palace.

Lin Chuan first took a look around.

“Your Highness.” He took a step forward and whispered in Yong Shan’s ear.

When Yong Shan heard this, although his face didn’t change much, his eyes sank immediately
after. “When did my mother go to Li Fei’s place? What was she going to do?”

The place where Li Fei stayed was naturally the Cold Palace.

He originally didn’t want to bother Li Fei who was locked up in the Cold Palace. However,
unexpectedly, not only Yong Lin but also Yong Qi who almost caused catastrophe there one
after another. Thus, in case something worse might happen in the future, with so much effort, he
ordered Lin Chuan to secretly pay attention to the things in the Cold Palace.

Lin Chuan said: The news that this servant got was that Shu Fei Niangniang had not only passed
by during lunch but she also brought along a food box. She said that she and Li Fei Niangniang
were like loving sisters, seeing Li Fei Niangniang was alone and deserted, she was also uneasy,
thus she had brought something delicious to her. With Shu Fei Niangniang’s current status, the
guards at the door did not dare to stop her, so they let her in. Half an hour later, Shu Fei
Niangniang went out and returned back to the palace.”

Yong Shan became more suspicious when he heard the word “food box”.
The grievances between his mother and Li Fei were too deep and they had been fighting both
secretly and openly over and over for decades. It had reached the point where the fire in their
heart couldn’t go down without seeing each other’s corpse.

If Shu Fei hadn’t officially become an Empress, she would still be a little timid, and he could
repeatedly intimidate her over and over again. However, this time he was afraid that Shu Fei
would have dealt with the enemy who had been beaten into the Cold Palace already.

Loving sisters?

Hmph, even the guards who opened the door to welcome her in would never believe it.

Yong Shan sneered secretly, and slowly asked, “Has everything in the food box been checked?”

“Of course I checked it.” Lin Chuan said: “Although Li Fei Niangniang was detained in the Cold
Palace, Li Fei Niangniang was favored by the emperor for many years and gave birth to the
emperor’s first son. If something happens to her, which of the guards will survive? Besides, the
guards knew something about the two Niangniangs, and they were even more careful when
inspecting them.”

As if to secure Yong Shan’s heart, he added, “In addition, this servant has already clearly
checked. After Shu Fei Niangniang left, Li Fei Niangniang is still inside. If something goes
wrong, there will be a disturbance in the palace.”

“Oh?” Yong Shan smiled warily, “In that case, my mother just kindly sent something for her to
eat this time?”

“It looks like there was a chat.”

“What did you say?”

“This servant is not clear.” Taking a look at Yong Shan’s star-like eyes, Lin Chuan’s breathing
became quickening, seemingly a bit awkward, and whispered, “The Cold Palace is the place with
the strictest head control in the harem. It takes time to inquire about the news and buy out
manpower. Besides, those who follow Li Fei Niangniang personally, on the one hand, have been
loyal to Li Fei Niangniang for many years, and on the other hand, even if one or two of them
want to change sides for another Lord, would they still want to join us? Which is why, in these
few days of work, this servant is temporarily unable to deal with the people inside. At present, I
bought an ordinary guard at the door first, so I could only know what things were going on at the
door, and after a few days pass, this servant will slowly find a way to seep inside more. Your
Highness, this kind of thing can’t be rushed.”

Yong Shan knew what he was saying was the truth.

Inquiring about the news that shouldn’t be inquired in the harem was inherently dangerous. In
case you showed your horse’s feet and got caught by someone, you might be immediately
charged with conspiracy.

Especially the Cold Palace, especially Li Fei.

Who would believe that the new actions in the Cold Palace were not to harm Li Fei, but to
protect Li Fei?

If you stumbled in this place and got caught by someone, you would not be able to clean it even
after you jumped into the Yellow River in front of Emperor Yan.

Yong Shan sighed secretly, his face pretended not to care, and just said, “It’s not bad that you
can do this thing in just a few days. It’s because I didn’t think thoroughly before, and I should
have paid more attention to the Cold Palace a long time ago, not as it is today.”

With these few words of self-blaming, Lin Chuan certainly didn’t dare to interject, he lowered
his head and listened to the side.

Yong Shan said, “Go and meet the guard who was bribed, praise him, and give him some more
money. Regardless of whether he is on duty or not, he must report immediately. Don’t be like
this time, I only got the news when people have already left.”

Lin Chuan nodded and said yes.

Yong Shan exhorted, “Pay more attention to Li Fei. If she feels sick, call a good imperial doctor
to see her immediately. Don’t let people take the opportunity to harm her.”

The two discussed carefully.

He dismissed Lin Chuan, and after thinking of Yong Qi who was still left in the room, Yong
Shan went back in the same way he left the room.


Taizi Ch12


The scene inside the room was still the same as before when he left. Yong Lin was still talking
about his naughty deeds on the side while Yong Qi was listening beside him. Feeling like sitting
wasn’t enough, he stood up from his chair, acting out by pointing and gesticulating this and that.
His actions showed that he was so excited like a restless monkey jumping around. As he said, he
suddenly remembered something and scratched his head, straighten neck and yelled out at the
window, “Wei, the kid standing by the door, help me deliver word to Shu Fei Niangniang, tell
her that His Royal Highness Yong Lin is at the Prince’s Palace… En, that, right, calligraphy!
Having His Royal Highness Yong Shan here, His Highness Yong Lin is practicing calligraphy
really hard! And he will only return in the evening. There is no need for Shu Fei Niangniang to
send someone looking for him. Did you hear that? Go! I’ll reward you with something good
when you return!”
(T/N: Wei, Hey.)

Speaking of rewards, the little servant who was snoozing under the sun suddenly jumped up and
ran to report the words diligently.

Yong Lin was laughing, feeling very proud of himself that he had no idea that Yong Shan had
already come in standing behind him.

On the contrary, Yong Qi seemed to perceive something. Just as he twisted his head back, he saw
Yong Shan had already arrived behind Yong Lin, with both of his arms folded, and his face was
so cold that he could teach someone a lesson at any minute. 

Yong Qi was still amused by Yong Lin. Ever since he had returned to the Imperial Palace, this
was the first time he was so refreshed and comfortable. He even forgot to observe the person
behind him and subconsciously, raised a finger to his mouth, and gently gestured a “shh” sign at
Yong Shan.

Seeing the astonishment on Yong Shan’s face, Yong Qi was taken aback after realizing what he
had done.

What was he doing?

A wasted person like him, actually dared to play pretend with the current Crown Prince? Not to
mention that he and this “brother” once…

Yong Qi was ashamed and panicked. He retracted his fingers full of embarrassment.

Yong Shan’s heart was full of joy. He no longer cared about the ignorant Yong Lin, took a step
forward, and grabbed Yong Qi’s fingers out of the blue, wrapped them in his palms and refused
to let go. He laughed in a low voice that could only be heard by the two of them. “Turns out that
Brother Yong Qi’s fingers are this beautiful.”

Hearing the type of tone Yong Shan whispered to him, full of frivolous molesting, suddenly he
was reminded of the embarrassing things the two of them did last night, Yong Qi was
embarrassed to death. He felt hot on his face. Even though he knew that his blushing was due to
shame and anger, he couldn’t help looking at Yong Shan’s eyes. Seeing his gaze become more
and more ambiguous, as if he was seeing through the obscene pleasure he was recalling, Yong Qi
was even more embarrassed.

Feeling as if he had done something shameful again, at this moment Yong Qi really wanted to
dig a place to hide himself.

His fingers were still gripped tightly by Yong Shan, even after he tried to free himself a few
times, he still couldn’t get them back. With a guilty conscience that he got from who knows
where, Yong Qi didn’t dare to exert much force while trying to break free. He first raised his
head to look at Yong Lin, who was still standing beside him, deeply engrossed in his own drama
and completely unaware of what was happening in the background, then turned his gaze to Yong
Shan, shaking his head lightly in the name of begging, and asking him not to do anything else.
Yong Shan was so tempted by his actions that his body began to itch all over, and he couldn’t
wait to kick this blockhead Yong Lin out of the room, shut the door and showering his love and

However this idea could only stay in his own imagination. Heaven shows mercy, since there
finally had been some improvement of Yong Qi’s impression toward him, even if he got the
balls, he wouldn’t dare to fool around.

Yong Shan gritted his teeth and told himself to be patient. Pretending to be considerate, he let go
of Yong Qi’s fingers with a thoughtful look.

When the tender jade-colored fingertips were about to escape from his palm, one couldn’t help
but grab it suddenly and brought it to his mouth, and gave it a bite.

Seeing the hand that was about to retract from Yong Shan’s palm only to be caught by him
again, Yong Qi was taken aback. Before he could react, all of a sudden, his fingertips hurt

What Yong Qi couldn’t bear the most was being in pain. Reflexively he opened his mouth, with
a frown, he wanted to cry out pain. However, remembering that he couldn’t startle Yong Lin, his
voice abruptly halted.

With a look of half dissatisfied and half complaining, he glared at Yong Shan.

That look was enough to make Yong Shan savor the taste for a year and a half!

Even though Yong Qi didn’t mean to treat Yong Shan as a lover in the slightest, in Yong Shan’s
heart, seeing just this glance was like seeing the godly everlasting love.

Everything seemed to happen and ended very quickly with just a matter of a few breaths.

The little movement ended just as when Yong Lin finished his another round of boasting, and
started calling out for more food and wine. He turned his head around and yelled at the door,
“Chang Defu, there are only tofu and vegetables left on the table! That meat you talked about
before, even if it’s not stew yet, bring out… yi? Brother Yong Shan, are you back already?” He
suddenly lowered his head and looked at Yong Shan who was half kneeling behind him, and
asked in confusion, “Don’t tell me you plan to sneak attack me? Let’s talk first, okay. I may have
some knowledge of horse riding and shooting but not about fighting. You are so strong, I
obviously can’t beat you.”

(T/N: Yi, expression of surprise.)

Yong Shan gave Yong Qi a look before standing up with a composed manner. He didn’t forget to
put on the air of an elder brother before Yong Lin. “I went out to deal with something only for a
short while. And why is there an additional wine on the table now? Have you forgotten what
Father Emperor usually teaches us? The princes are not allowed to drink alcohol, so as not to
cause trouble, and you never listen. And you still dare to send someone to lie to our mother,
saying that you are practicing calligraphy?”
Right at that moment, Yong Lin knew that Yong Shan had heard what he yelled through the
window. He might not be afraid of Yong Qi or his mother. But toward this twin brother of his, he
was scared. His body slightly shrank as he laughed, “My brother has wronged me. Why would I
dare to lie to our mother? I really want to practice calligraphy. But isn’t it better to start
practicing after eating?”

While speaking, he shifted his eyes to look at Yong Qi, and waited for Yong Qi to help him say
something nice.

Yong Qi was still feeling guilty of what happened just now. Seeing Yong Lin looking at him, he
was slightly shocked, thinking that he had been seen through, and it made him even more
embarrassed. Unexpectedly, he bowed his head to avoid Yong Lin’s gaze, which made Yong Lin
very confused.

“You’re done eating and still not want to leave?” An unpredictable smile escaped from his lips as
he coldly said, “Where do you think the Prince’s Palace is? Do you think I am so free that I can
entertain Your Highness Yong Lin all day long? Hurry up and leave. In the future, if you don’t
do your job properly, and are still running around in the palace, be careful that I will report this
matter to Father Emperor and punish by grounding you in your room.”

Yong Lin was grabbed and dragged out. Since he didn’t dare to use force to resist, he could only
follow along and protested aggrievedly, “I haven’t finished my meal yet! What did I do wrong
again! Ai, ai, didn’t you say that I could bring something good with me? I haven’t picked
anything yet…”

(T/N: ai, used to express surprise or disapprobation.)

“You still lack something? Then tell Chang Defu what you lack, I’ll order him to send it there in
the future.”

After driving the unwilling Yong Lin away, Yong Shan felt relaxed. Remembering that there was
only Yong Qi left in the room, his heart itched beyond description. When he walked back, he
didn’t forget to summon Chang Defu who was waiting outside the door to the corner, and asked
suggestively, “That medicine, has it been applied in the meal today?”

Chang Defu sneakily nodded his head. “According to Your Highness’s instructions, when setting
up the dining table, to ensure that there will be no mistakes, no other servants are allowed to
touch the dining table. And this servant also personally set the chopsticks for His Highness Yong

Yong Shan frowned. “Why doesn’t it seem to be as effective as yesterday?”

Chang Dafu said, “Is there such a thing like that?”

Then he turned his head over, glanced at the ignorant Yong Qi inside the room for probing, then
retracted again. Lowering his voice, he explained to Yong Shan. “It should not be. It’s all the
same medicine. This servant dared not neglect, soaking the chopsticks in the medicine and
handling everything personally. It’s just that Your Highness has instructed that His Highness
Yong Qi’s body is weak, and the medicine shouldn’t be too intense, which I did not dare to use
too much. Yesterday, the medicine was taken for a period of time before it became effective in
the evening. I am afraid it will take another hour to, before…that.” Then he had a ridiculous
smile on his face.

Being provoked by the look of Yong Qi just now, Yong Shan’s five elements were hot, like a
blissful paradise, every moment was like a dream. Because of this, he became more and more
unsure whether he was really in a dream. If he couldn’t get a certain guarantee, his pounding
heart couldn’t calm down.

He was originally the person who was the most able to endure the hard work of holding back.
But things were going to be reversed, and it would be like killing him if he waited for a moment

Hearing Chang Defu said that he didn’t dare to use too much medicine, and it would take another
hour or so to take effect, Yong Shan was very dissatisfied. “Didn’t you say that this medicine
will never harm the body? Why don’t you dare use it more now?”

To be able to become the head of the Prince’s Palace, naturally Chang Defu had excessive
experience. Although he knew Yong Shan was being burnt in lust and had lost his fairness,
Chang Defu did not defend himself a word. He repeatedly bowed his head, admitted his mistakes
and along the way, used the chance to climb the pole. “The chopsticks that are soaked in
medicine are indeed separated by a layer, and the efficacy of the medicine will inevitably be lost.
This servant will make up for his sins, and make a good cup of tea for His Highness Yong Qi
right away.”

This “makes up for the sin” was exactly what Yong Shan meant. He threw a significant look at
Chang Defu and told him to do it immediately. Pretending like nothing had happened, he walked
back, pushed the door open, and turned to look at Yong Qi, and said with a smile, “Yong Lin,
that noisy ghost was finally driven away. This quietness is really hard to come by.”

Yong Qi’s face was extremely thin. Because of the things that happened previously, he hadn’t
calmed down yet, and as soon as Yong Lin left, the two of them were alone. The ambiguous
feeling became thicker, making him a little scared.

As soon as Yong Shan appeared at the door, he stood up and asked calmly, “Is the time for the
afternoon class set yet? Wang Taifu’s class sounds very interesting.”

After a pause, he avoided Yong Shan’s bantering gaze, and coughed slightly. “Did I say anything
funny? Why does Your Highness look at me and laugh like this?”

(T/N: though YS is younger, but he’s the Crown Prince so YQ had to speak to him like a subject
to his superior.)

“We’re brothers. It’s just a look or two, why does Brother Yong Qi have to make such a fuss?”
Yong Shan’s heart was so hot that even a lava couldn’t compare to it. If it weren’t for the fear of
frightening Yong Qi, he would have already rushed up and hugged and kissed him wildly long
ago. While smiling faintly, he leaned forward in small steps.

“I… didn’t make a fuss.” Yong Qi, who was originally standing at the dining table, hurried to the

However, his move wasn’t fast enough and his way was immediately blocked by Yong Shan; he
had to find another way to hide. Yong Shan secretly observed the terrain and furnishings.
Although Yong Qi had a retreat, he could only retreat to a narrower place. Sooner or later he
would be forced to a blind spot by himself. So in no hurry, he learned how Yong Lin used to play
with Yong Qi, bit by bit, and act like a spoiled child showing his tantrum.

As he moved forward a bit, Yong Qi had to step backwards a bit. After two or three moves,
Yong Qi noticed that something was wrong, and after looking around, he was even more
alarmed. He stretched out his hands to block in front of him, “Crown Prince, be careful that your
stomach might be uncomfortable. Your stomach may get easily hurt if you move around after
just eating.”

Yong Shan smirked and asked, “What did you call me?”

“Yong Shan.” Yong Qi replied. Yong Shan gave another big step, and Yong Qi knew that his
question wasn’t correct, so he whispered, “Didi… right, didi.”

Yong Shan was overjoyed, and just as he was about to speak, a knock on the door came.

Chang Defu said outside the door, “Your Highnesses, this servant is here to deliver hot tea.”

Yong Qi was afraid of being seen this way, his face even more frightened. He looked up at Yong
Shan, and whispered, “Let me through.”

Yong Shan raised his voice toward the door, “Chang Dafu? Come in.” Turning his head, he
showed a generous smile to Yong Qi, “What do you mean letting you through? It sounds like I’m
bullying my brother. After eating, you should indeed drink some hot tea. Come, let’s sit down
together.” Regardless of whether Yong Qi was willing or not, he still grabbed Yong Qi’s wrist
and took him back to the table and sat down.

Chang Defu came in with two cups of hot tea. He held one cup to Yong Shan, and personally
served Yong Qi another cup. “Your Highness Yong Qi, this is the Longjing tea you like.”

Yong Qi thought that no matter whether Chang Defu was intentional or not, his coming in here
was like a relief for him so he glanced gratefully at him, took a sip from the teacup, and praised,
“It’s really good.”

Yong Shan watched from the side, opened the door for Chang Defu retreating out, and said
calmly, “This is the best Longjing, which was only appreciated by Father Emperor a few days
ago. The water is also the spring on the Saintess Mountain outside the city. The world of ice and
snow makes people pull back to the palace early in the morning. It really took a lot of effort just
to get a mere cup of tea.”
Yong Qi’s face changed slightly, “This is a reward from Father Emperor? The tea brewed from
spring water on the Saintess Mountain is regulated by the Emperor and the Crown Prince. How
can ordinary princes follow the same example? I shouldn’t drink it.”

He was just about to put down the cup in his hand, Yong Shan smiled dangerously. “What kind
of joke is my brother saying now? You have lived here for a while already. Which day have you
not eaten and worn the same things as me? Even the dishes just now were made in a small
kitchen that only the Crown Prince can use. If you say it’s a crime, you’ve committed it long
ago, and you still care about such a cup of tea? Why not drink it in a few sips and destroy the
evidence. Don’t forget you have to meet Li Fei in the afternoon.”

Since he was smarter than Yong Qi, in just a few words, he either scared or coaxed him in
succession, and the last move was to bring Li Fei out. Yong Qi couldn’t help but be obediently
drinking the tea. After finishing, he put down the cup and asked, “Can I really see my mother in
the afternoon? This matter, has Father Emperor approved? Yong Shan, you… what are you
doing?” His elegant eyebrows suddenly frowned.

“Helping brother.” Taking advantage of the situation, he sat down with Yong Qi, and softly said,
“After all, Li Fei has been detained in the Cold Palace for a long time. If you appear so luxurious
the first time you go to see her, I’m afraid it’s a bit inappropriate.” Then he stretched his hand
around Yong Qi’s waist and fumbled for a while, as if to find a buckle, to untie the large string of
ornaments on his waist.

When Yong Qi thought about it again, it made sense. He probably really blamed Yong Shan for
nothing. But being so close to Yong Shan like this made him feel uncomfortable. He softly said,
“I can do it myself.”

With little force, he tried to remove it himself but couldn’t.

“Brother don’t move around.” Yong Shan moved even closer, his hot breathing directly sprayed
on Yong Qi’s neck, and his tone sounded quite serious. “This gift was granted by the Emperor.
In case you accidentally break something while moving around, it’s hard for us to explain to
Father Emperor. It would also be a crime of disrespect for the monarch.”

Carrying out the accusation of not respecting the monarch, Yong Qi did not dare to struggle
anymore. He secretly suspected that this was just an excuse for Yong Shan, but if it really caused
a catastrophe, not only would he suffer, even his mother in the cold palace would be affected.

After such a hesitation, Yong Shan already knew that he had backed down, so he clung to him
even more presumptuously. With a pair of arms tightly around his slender waist, he softly
laughed. “This thing is easy to wear, but unexpectedly it’s really difficult to remove. Brother will
have to bear with it for a while.”

The fingers moved, as if they were about to unbuckle the belt. Somehow, without giving prior
notice, they got into the seams of the belt. If it weren’t for being blocked by most layers of
clothes, it would have almost touched the skin.

Yong Qi was suddenly very embarrassed and slightly annoyed. He called softly, “Yong Shan.”
He held Yong Shan’s hand, not allowing it to move around under the clothes.

Yong Shan wasn’t awkwardat all. Instead, he smiled softly, “My brother’s hands are really
warm, his body is also warm. Holding my brother is like hugging a warm stove.”

Yong Qi originally felt that his body was getting hot for no reason, and now that he said it, he
felt even stronger. In the winter, his body seemed to be dripping in sweat, as if there was
something slowly burning inside.

“About noon, I ate some meat dishes and drank some wine.” Yong Qi said, frowning. “You let
go first.”

“Wait a little longer, it’s about to unlock the kai.”

(T/N: Kai written in English. I don’t know what that is either.)

“You…you are just fooling around.”

The heat in Yong Shan’s heart was so hot that he was about to melt away. He lowered his voice,
as he sent it to Yong Qi’s ear, “Brother is more and more able to teach people a lesson now. But
since you are the eldest brother, you should behave like the eldest brother. Otherwise, how can
you be a role model for your brothers?”

Being held by him, Yong Qi couldn’t break free even if he struggled, couldn’t even scold him
even if he wanted to. Even after knowing that this was not proper, the heat in his body was
becoming hotter and hotter. He subconsciously wished that Yong Shan could restrain himself a
little harder, to extinguish the strange evil fire, and asked dully, “How come I don’t behave like
an eldest brother?” His elegant eyebrows were raised slightly, and it was even more delicate and
attracted attention.

Yong Shan blew a breath of heat on his neck frivolously, “Good brother, then why did you ask
your little brother to do that kind of shameful thing for you last night? You also got my hands

Yong Qi suddenly stiffened, like a well-dressed scholar, suddenly humiliated as he was stripped
naked in public. His neck, his face and even his forehead flushed red to the extreme, escaping a
seductive luster.

“Can’t argue, right?” Yong Shan looked at his side profile face affectionately. The thing he was
doing now was either amusing oneself without scheme or cunning coercion. The body that
hugged his arms became even hotter. He calculated the time of the onset of the drug’s effect,
lowered his eyes and peeked at Yong Qi’s thing, hoping to quickly make sure that Yong Qi had
felt it.

But Yong Qi was still sitting with his legs closed, covered by many layers of winter clothes.
Even if there were signs, how could it be possible to tell?

Yong Shan glanced twice, feeling anxious. The hand that went around Yong Qi’s waist finally
couldn’t help but slowly descended to investigate.
Yong Qi was startled, grabbed his hand abruptly, and asked in a low voice, “What are you

He was so panicked that Yong Shan was also surprised. However, he raised his lips and smiled.
“Did my brother do anything shameful? Why are you so afraid of other people’s hands?”

Regardless of Yong Qi’s block, he continued to explore.

“Yong Shan, don’t!”

Although Yong Shan was still slightly smiling, his movements were extremely strong, and Yong
Qi could not stop him. After a short while, he was able to find the **, and through the thick
cloth, he still grasped the shy organ.

“Ah…” Yong Qi suddenly gasped and let out a low moan.

“It’s so hard.”

The ridiculous tone made the caught Yong Qi’s guilty conscience humiliated to the extreme.

“No…it’s not…”

“Tsk tsk, my brother is not in good health, but this aspect is really strong and fierce. In broad
daylight, having a meal with brothers, why does the thing below rise up? Look, how it’s even
harder than an iron rod.” With a smile, he humiliated his innocent brother, and squeezed the
thing in his hand with further certainty.

The delicate body in his arms immediately shuddered like being attacked.

“Wu! Ah…” Yong Qi almost moaned in tears, shook his head desperately in embarrassment, “I
didn’t…wu… Shan, stop…”

(T/N: Wu; humming, sob, whimper.)

“I’m just helping brother.”

“Don’t… uh! Don’t knead! Ah… please…”

“Beg me?” After giving him an evil smile,  Yong Shan actually let go, “Since brother already
opened his mouth, how can I dare mess around? En, what should I do now? Brother said that
Wang Taifu’s class is good. How about I send someone to invite Taifu, talk about Lao Zhuang,
and then go to see Li Fei?”

Chang Defu made this bowl of hot tea many times stronger than the one on the chopsticks. Once
Yong Qi’s medicinal effect occurred, it was like a tsunami. If Yong Shan hadn’t touched it,
Yong Qi could have endured it for a while. Now that he was kneaded by him for a while, and
then instantly let go, making it even more difficult for him to hold himself, as if he was suddenly
lifted onto a fire and roasted.
He sat in a daze, feeling uncomfortable for a moment and couldn’t bear it. He listened to Yong
Shan talking in trance. Hearing that Wang Taifu was about to be invited to give a lecture, Yong
Qi began to shake his head timidly. Later, Yong Shan added another sentence of Li Fei and Yong
Qi shook his head like a wavy drum.

“Not seeing, even Li Fei?”

“See, but now, it’s late.” Yong Qi barely said a few words smoothly.

He shook his head for a while, and his head became dizzy. Only the flames of his ** burned
more vigorously, causing people to be hot and painful. Without even thinking about it, he
stretched his arm down unconsciously.

Yong Shan, who was observing on the side, saw him move, and immediately hugged him tightly
with his arms. He smiled and asked, “My brother told me not to knead it, so why would he break
his words and do it by himself now? No can do. I won’t touch, and my brother is not allowed to
touch either.”

Originally Yong Qi didn’t know what he wanted, but when Yong Shan exposed him, suddenly it
was like a mind blowing event, and he really couldn’t help but want to reach out to caress that
shameful place.

For a while, he was embarrassed, and his delicate, outstanding and pretty face showed remorse,
but the embarrassing feeling of xing from the effect of the medicine still couldn’t be concealed.

(T/N: xing in English text. No idea what’s that.) 

This person was so alluring with his red lips and white teeth.

The more Yong Shan watched, the more he loved, and all the more he wanted to press it back
and forth a few times to reach his innermost love. But he really didn’t dare to make a mistake.
He could only bear and endure it. Thanks to his deep concealing skills, he could also put on a
leisurely look like a sidelines, just holding Yong Qi’s upper body, not allowing him to interpret
without permission. He found some topics, talking about this and that, “Father Emperor seems to
be unwell recently, and officials from everywhere recommend prescriptions. There is a governor
surnamed Su who is particularly interesting. He specially sent his son all the way for thousands
of miles to the capital to present a cat with golden hair and green eyes. He said it was a divine
object, and keeping it in the palace can ensure peace and safety. The official asked me what I
should do, and I said…”

“Yong Shan.” Yong Qi’s body was burning and he still had to listen to his nonsense. After a
while, he couldn’t help it, and begged in a low voice, “You let me go. Being bind like this, I…
I’m so uncomfortable…”

Yong Shan glanced at him, his usual pale lips as delicate as rose petals. It seemed that this pure-
hearted brother had been too embarrassed and turned into a fish gasping for water.

“Brother is uncomfortable?” Yong Shan said diligently, “Should I ask for the Imperial doctor?”
Yong Qi was extremely vigorous, “You…you…”

He already knew that Yong Shan had other thoughts, but he also got embarrassed for no reason,
and he didn’t actually scold him from a standpoint. He bit his lower lip, with a self-reproach and
aggrieved expression, making Yong Shan’s desire higher.

“Gege, don’t be angry, you don’t want to see a doctor, didi will just listen to you.”

He had always hated other people’s squishy speech, but now these “gege” and “didi,” were
extremely smooth for him to speak. While talking, the hands that were holding Yong Qi could
not help but relax a little. Immediately, Yong Qi unconsciously wanted to go down and scratch
again, but Yong Shan quickly hugged again, teasing, “If I give my brother a little bit of space,
my brother is so quick to make himself feel good.”

Yong Qi was panicked and ashamed, turned his face to one side with his body trembling.

Yong Shan felt distressed, and secretly cursed Chang Defu for putting too much medicine and
complaining about himself that he was too lustful to deliberately play with the poor brother, but
at this time, it was better to die than to ask him to hang on the cliff and be a gentleman and saint. 
Pity and lust clashing against each other. After all, lust still had the upper hand. Enduring in
distress and holding Yong Qi, the brother who was not allowed to take medicine again, secretly,
he thought, let him go today, and he will be even more untouchable in the future. I’m sorry to
have to do this again.

Two people, one shivering while the other was hugging, had an evil fire in their hearts that could
not be extinguished as they gritted their teeth silently, both endured it like this.

The sun passed to the highest peak, and the warm light went through every angle, penetrated into
the large open-framed window, and spilled over half of the room, but it was not as frightening as
the heat in their hearts at the moment.

After a while, a dense layer of sweat oozed out of Yong Qi’s forehead, his face was soaked, and
his skin became more radiant.

Because of the force, there was a shallow circle of teeth marks on his lower lip.

Yong Shan expected that before long, he would beg for mercy. He was patiently waiting for him
to beg several times, which would be a skyrocketing price to obtain both soft and hard Yong Qi
for the night. Unexpectedly, Yong Qi’s face was too thin. After receiving a few harsh words
from him, he couldn’t speak anymore, and just endured it with bitterness.

Yong Shan felt very regretful. After getting on a tiger’s back, it was hard to get off. It was
impossible for him to stop halfway. It was so awful that he almost slapped himself with hatred.

He secretly peeked at Yong Qi’s face, knowing fully well that it would be impossible to wait for
Yong Qi to take initiative to speak actively.
Facing Yong Qi, he had always been concerned about personal gains and losses. He couldn’t do
it for a while, and suddenly he was depressed thinking that there was no reason for Yong Qi to
beg, he probably would rather die than let him touch it.

Thinking to this point, his heart suddenly became cold, and a chill that came from who knows
where, suddenly covering his raging passion.

He also didn’t know how much medicine Chang Defu had put into that cup of tea. Since Yong
Qi’s body was weak, he wasn’t sure if he could endure it or not. Thinking of this, his face
became a little darker.

In fact, when he was peeking at Yong Qi, Yong Qi was also peeking at him.

Of course, because Yong Qi couldn’t guess what he was thinking, he had to take a quick look at
him, but because of his guilty conscience, his ugliness fell into the eyes of Yong Shan, a mean
Crown Prince and a little brother, and he also didn’t know what trouble he would cause. Seeing
Yong Shan’s face getting more and more ugly, he thought that it was because of his inability to
restrain this unconvincing physical impulse. Because he couldn’t get to Yong Shan’s level, the
Song clan was defeated in the Court and even his mother was detained. It’s all because of his
lack of abilities. No ability or power in the Court meant he would be finished. Now in broad
daylight doing this kind of shameful thing and even the basic shame was gone. 

The more Yong Qi thought about it, the more he felt ashamed, and the more his body trembled.

Deep in the dark eyes, actually filled a thick mist of embarrassment and despair.

Yong Shan was still holding him close, even if he just raised his eyebrows, he couldn’t escape
Yong Shan’s eyes. Seeing him like this, Yong Shan’s heart was cold. Knowing that as long as he
had this brother, he would have been a place regarded as home, so he sighed. “You are amazing.
No need to cry, I’ll just let go of you.” Sure enough, Yong Qi was released.

Worrying that Yong Qi thought he was watching, he might not be willing to leave everything
aside to solve it on his own. He turned his face to the side with a restrained heart, and said
blankly, “You stay here, I’ll go out.”

Standing up, looking down, his already erected propped up the pants, and the clothes were faintly
protruding into an unbearable shape, as if he had completely exposed his intentions.

Yong Shan was furious at once.

His heart was cold, arrogant and lonely. Even himself didn’t feel much pity for his own ugliness.
At this moment, he was full of resentment and unwillingness. He was reluctant to use Yong Qi to
vent. It was useless to hate him. If it wasn’t for this thing to be greedy and wild, why would he
need to take advantage of Yong Qi over and over again? Why would he need to lower his head,
acting inferior, willing to please others which would only cause trouble for himself, not even as
good as a beggar?

Now he was still making a fool of himself!

While he was finding a way to vent his anger, his hatred suddenly erupted like a mountain
torrent. Thinking that keeping this thing was also harmful, he gritted his teeth, stretched out his
hand and grabbed his own **, as if his deep-rooted obsession with Yong Qi was all the mistake
made by this thing, so why not just snap it off.

(T/N: OMG, okay.)

Without much effort, he stroked his weakest and strongest place.

That organ was an extremely sensitive part of a man’s body. Normally, it wouldn’t be able to
bear even just a rub. Not to mention now he was torturing his own body when he was in a mess,
his blood overflowing. Suddenly, an unimaginable pain hit his brain, and even Yong Shan
couldn’t bear it, screaming “Ah” and curled up to the ground.

The pain drew away all the blood from his face.

Yong Qi, who was just freed, let out a sigh of relief only to hear Yong Shan’s screams. When he
turned around, seeing that Yong Shan was already curled up on the ground, he spoke in surprise,
“Yong Shan!” and hurriedly helped him up.

“I don’t need you!” Yong Shan waved his hand and stood up panting. It was so painful that his
lips turned pale. He sneered, “I can’t touch you. Don’t tell me that I can’t touch myself either?”

Yong Qi’s hands, which were stretched out in the air, froze there.

His bright and crystal clear-like eyes looked at Yong Shan complicatedly.

Once Yong Shan stared at those eyes, his hardened heart seemed to be broken with a crack. He
stared at Yong Qi fiercely for a while, and suddenly heart softened. Half-kneeling, he raised his
head and began to beg softly, “Good brother, you can treat me as Yong Lin. Let me help you
once, okay. If you say stop, I will stop immediately and never hurt you. You can treat me as
Yong Lin.”

Yong Qi was stunned.

The younger brother in front of him wasn’t Yong Lin, and he knew it.

But was this really Yong Shan? That ruthless and indifferent Yong Shan, with a cold air all over
his body, which he subconsciously wanted to avoid since he was a child? Yong Qi’s brain had
been burned by the hot object below to the point of scorching. His little bit of remaining rationale
was entangled in confusion, becoming hot and painful.

“Yong Shan, I…”

“Brother, good brother, I promise, just once.”

Yong Shan’s faintly voice penetrated into his ear. Yong Qi originally wanted to shake his head,
but seeing Yong Shan was watching him eagerly like a night owl, he was unable to move. He
knew it was wrong to nod, but he couldn’t shake his head either, his chest heaved up and down
as he panted slightly.

For a long while, he raised his hand in a daze, as if to touch Yong Shan’s face, to see if the
sorrowful anticipation was true.

Yong Shan was overjoyed, grasping the hand he stretched out, and pressing it obsessively on his

“Good brother.” He muttered in a low voice, half-closed his eyes, holding Yong Qi’s snow-white
hand, guiding him to touch his eyes, cheeks, and chin. When he touched his lips, he kissed his
palms in every possible way.

Yong Qi was embarrassed, “Yong Shan, don’t be like this.”

Since he couldn’t pull his hand back, he had to free up his other hand to push Yong Shan’s
shoulder, but Yong Shan’s expression right now was completely like a contented child, he
couldn’t bear to use much force to push him awake. He gave him a few lightly pushes with the
strength of a woman acting coquettishly towards her lover, even more intimate.

Yong Shan kissed his hand many times before sticking out his tongue to lick it. The palm was
delicate and sensitive, and when the warm tongue swept across it, the pleasure of the wet licking
suddenly spread to the forearm, like igniting a path full of strong wine, and the fire went straight
to the lower abdomen.

“En!” Yong Qi couldn’t help shivering, an embarrassing moan escaped through his teeth.

Yong Shan leaned over eagerly, “Brother, let me help you.”

In a half-kneeling posture, he untied the buckle on Yong Qi’s waist belt. Originally, Yong Shan
wanted to strip him completely nake, but remembered that this person’s face was too thin. For
fear that there would be extra obstacles, eventually, he abandoned a treat for his eyes, only put
his hands in carefully, and caressed Yong Qi’s hardening baby for a long time.

Even so, he was still extremely happy.

Today, Yong Qi was willing to yield after making a show of resistance and let himself touch it,
which was considered to be a particularly good sign. In the past, no matter how many times it
took, it was either him being tied up or Yong Shan had to pretend in order to touch him, it
couldn’t compare to this sentimental point at the moment.


“There are only the two of us here, brother, don’t bear it, just scream if you want to.” Yong Shan
stepped forward, with his face almost on Yong Qi’s trembling waist, and said very gently,
“Don’t worry about those servants. Whoever dares to say ugly word of brother in secret, I will
cut their tongues.” With one hand looping over, holding Yong Qi’s waist, the other hand
carefully rubbing under Yong Qi’s clothes.
Yong Qi groaned in a low voice. He could hardly sit upright anymore. If it weren’t for Yong
Shan supporting his waist with his hand, he would have softened on the chair with half of his
body against the back of the chair long time ago.

“Wu! Ah… Yong Shan… Hmm en… Don’t…”

“Like this?”

“Uhh…Ah! Ah! Yong Shan… Yong Shan…”

He heavily breathed out and the sharp nose opened and closed excitedly, but they were no longer
sufficient. Yong Qi opened his lips slightly, and was eagerly taken by Yong Shan into the hell of

Yong Shan was bewitched, “Be good, call my name like just now.”

“Si―um! There―that place―ah!”

“Is it here?”


The neck, which was deeply receded, was curved in a tempting and maddening arc.

“It turns out that my brother likes me touching this pinhole.”

“You…um…you you…uhh…”

Yong Shan was afraid that he would be angry again, so he quickly coaxed, “I was wrong.
Brother is the most upright person. In that place, every man likes to be touched there.” Then his
voice was lowered to a softer tone, “My brother’s two small meatballs were also swollen out of
words. Little brother will rub it for you.”


“It’s so full and bulging, shouldn’t it be a lot to release?”


Immersed in the sea of desire, the overwhelming pleasure had subverted the reason for Yong Qi.
At some point, he had grabbed Yong Shan’s clothes with both hands, and his fingers curled up,
so hard that his knuckles turned white.

“Brother will shoot his white liquid to produce his offspring from here. Tsk, such a tender
pinhole, wouldn’t it be pleasurable to scratch it with your nails?”

“Ahh agh―Yong Shan…no…hhn don’t…”

“I won’t hurt brother, really, I’m not lying.” Yong Shan’s voice brewed infinite tenderness,
“Wait a minute, brother will feel more pleasant, I’m not lying.”
The sound of water stains caused by the palms stroking the organs made the bright room filled
with sunlight also appear moist and embarrassing.

“Uhh…en.. ah!”

“Brother, are you quite comfortable?”

“Wu―there, don’t… woo…”

Yong Shan asked softly, “If my brother is comfortable, can I still do it in the future?”

Yong Qi didn’t hear Yong Shan’s words clearly at all. He shook his head randomly, and the hair
hanging from his forehead was soaked in heat and sweat. Under the influence of the medicine’s
effect, his excitement and luscious numbness was stronger than ever.

“Brother, you’re so beautiful.”


“Brother, do you know? Actually…I…”

“Wu―ah! Yong Shan… Yong Shan…”

“……I’m here.”

Yong Qi’s facial features were delicate and his eyebrows were as pretty as a drawing. At this
moment, the spring was overflowing, and corners of his eyes were full of red and alluring
charming, like a deer that could only admit his fate after losing his way, ignorantly and
hypnotized by the hunter.

The slight flame that was burning inside Yong Shan’s heart, had become more violent than at the
beginning, and his little thing that was not afraid of death, raised its head again, because he
didn’t receive the care he deserved, it was so painful.

He could actually suppress himself.

Serving Yong Qi’s penis hidden under his clothes, Yong Shan intoxicatedly looked up at his
brother’s face which had fallen in the depth of pleasure yet was still uncomfortable. He quietly
grabbed Yong Qi’s hand holding his clothes, put it on his lips, kissed gently over and over again,
and licked gently with his tongue.

As soon as the tip of his tongue touched his soft palm, it felt as if the breath that belonged to
Yong Qi entered his taste buds.

In a daze, Yong Shan felt it was a little salty. He slowly lowered his eyes to look at the white
jade-like palm that was moistened by his own lick, just to see another drop of water splashing on

Only then did he realize that he had already cried like a fool without him noticing when.
Taizi Ch13


Yong Shan lowered his head, his attitude remained calm and collected even after seeing the
teardrop on his palm. Noticing the tension on Yong Qi’s waist, and knowing that he was about to
reach his limit, he rubbed his fingertips more gently, and the squeaking moist rubbing sound
couldn’t be covered by these several layers of clothes.


Yong Qi’s slender neck was suddenly pressed back to the extreme as if he was being attacked.
His body violently shivered, and most of the hot current was sprayed into Yong Shan’s prepared

Yong Qi’s tight body rose during the time he climaxed, and then suddenly slumped down, almost
landing on the chair. Yong Shan quickly hugged him.

Yong Qi whose eyes were still moist from the aftermath leaned in Yong Shan’s arms obediently
with slightly panting as he looked at him.

This look was really tempting.

Yong Shan couldn’t help but leaned forward to kiss, only intending to give those thin rose-
colored lips with a light peak. However, after a light touch, he couldn’t hold himself back and his
tongue invaded inside like it had his own will.

Yong Qi was still immersed in the aftertaste of the strong wave, and his slightly opened lips were
easily attacked by Yong Shan.

Licking his gums with his tongue, he tasted Yong Qi.

As if not daring to offend him more than this, Yong Shan gently used his tongue to probe his
desire little by little. He stretched from his teeth to the base of his tongue, caressing softly,
wondering in secret how to prevent Yong Qi from noticing his luring him into a tongue kiss.

“Enn…” Yong Qi’s body suddenly twisted with excitement.

Yong Shan thought that he had provoked him, so he stopped abruptly and looked at Yong Qi’s

Looking at his delicate face that was covered with a layer of pink blush, he understood, smiled
understandingly, and touched the thing down below again with his hand. 

Sure enough, the Yong Qi who had only been satisfied just once, was hard again.
“Brother is really energetic.” Yong Shan said in a low voice. 

Yong Qi’s face flushed, and he almost sobbed with shame.

Yong Shan couldn’t bear to embarrass him, and quickly said, “It’s all because of Yong Lin. Why
did he bring wine to drink in broad daylight? It’s inevitable for ordinary people to have a mess
after drinking, not to mention that my brother never drinks like this before. It’s understandable
that he can’t hold himself when he gets drunk. Every man is all the same.”

Yong Qi still had doubts. Although he didn’t drink often, it wasn’t like he had never touched the
alcohol before. However, he had never encountered such a situation like today. Now even the
harsh and mean Yong Shan, who would take every opportunity to tease him, actually gave him a
step down in consideration. Of course he wouldn’t be stupid enough to cut the ground under his
own feet. He pursed his lips and froze for a moment before saying softly in a voice like a
mosquito, “Is there a way… to sober up?”

“It’s not good to hold back.”


“Originally, Father Emperor had rewarded us many court ladies just to prevent such things, lest
we endure and hurt our body.” Yong Shan smiled and said in a gentle and considerate tone, “but
with my brother’s current status, if his reputation of indulgence reaches Father’s ears, I am afraid
it won’t be very good.”

“There should be something to stop…”

Yong Shan pressed against his ears and whispered, “Let younger brother help you.”

Being gripped and squeezed lightly by Yong Shan in a familiar way, the pleasure came in waves
after waves. Although he shook his head in embarrassment, he couldn’t get up anyway.

The intoxicated and sweet numbness ran across his back. Yong Qi couldn’t help groaning softly.
The more he heard his own embarrassing voice, the more he couldn’t face Yong Shan. He felt
weak all over, and he could only rely on Yong Shan’s support to prevent him from falling down.
Feeling helpless, he leaned his chin on Yong Shan’s shoulder, so that Yong Shan couldn’t stare
at him anymore. 

With such an intimate move, Yong Shan couldn’t ask for more. He rubbed his cheek with his
face, and asked softly, “Brother, do you want to go back to the room?”

Yong Qi, who was still closing his eyes, feeling uncontrollably enjoying his brother’s fingers
service, opened his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and then realized with a panic that the
windows here were wide open, and with all the sunlight shining through, making it clear of the
scene inside with just a glance.
This made Yong Qi so frightened, he nodded quickly, and squeezed into Yong Shan’s arms, as if
to use him to block any peeping eyes.

Yong Shan asked him if he wanted to go to the room, because there was a bed in the room, and
not because of the sunlight and the windows. But seeing Yong Qi’s reaction, he already
understood. He embraced and coaxed him, told him to hide his face in his arms, and smiled.
“Okay, we’ll go back to the room. The way my brother blushes is too unnatural. Don’t get out
and be seen before we get to the room, otherwise everyone will be suspicious of our brothers.”

Even if he didn’t state this statement, Yong Qi would never dare to come out.

Yong Shan hugged him and went out, and instructed Chang Defu casually along the way, “His
Highness Yong Qi drank some wine at noon, and was uncomfortable. He wants to rest. Go, put
down the curtains of the bedroom, and no one is allowed to disturb us.”

Even though Chang Defu knew what the “uncomfortable” was all about, he didn’t reveal
anything on his face, only seriously responded and immediately obeyed the orders.

Once Yong Shan stepped into the room, the curtains were indeed lowered. There were thick
curtains, hanging so tight that not a slight gap could be seen. The shadow of a maidservant also
disappeared, even the passage all the way to the outer corridor was quiet.

Yong Qi was like a little tortoise, shrunken in his arms obediently. Yong Shan put him on the
thick bed, turned around to close the door, and when he turned back, he found that Yong Qi, who
was consciously faceless to see people, had been hidden in the bottom of a thick silk quilt.

Yong Shan’s chest overflowed with tenderness, taking off his coat, he got into the quilt.

“Brother, there are only us now.”

He fumbled for a while, and found that because of the violent effect of the medicine, Yong Qi
could not help but stretch out his hand to caress the place down below. When he got caught, he
was shaking with shame. Yong Shan didn’t dare to provoke him at this moment. He held him
calmly, stretched out his hand, and covered his slender five fingers. With a volume that can only
be heard by each other’s ear, he gently taught, “Place your finger here and rub it gently. Yes,
from the bottom to top, occasionally stroke the top hole.”

Yong Qi gasped again and again.

The two of them were nestled in the quilt, enlarged with the sound of the chaotic gasp, low moan
that escaped from the throat, and the pounding heartbeats, all so thunderous that could make
every nerve tense, yet cozy and warm.

“Yong Shan…Ah! Uh-Yong Shan…”

Yong Qi was trembling all over by his rubbing as he leaned back his neck in confusion, calling
out vaguely when his emotions reached the extreme.

This elder brother, who was born earlier less than a month of expected due, was indeed not
endowed with lust. In terms of lust, Li Fei knew that her son was weak, and she deliberately did
not guide him so as not to ruin his body more and more after getting to know the taste.
Therefore, Yong Qi had always been pure-hearted with less desire. He only had sex with a
woman only a few times.

As a result, after taking the medicine, he was served by a master like Yong Shan in every
possible way, completely discarding his helmet and armor.

Soon, he knew that Yong Shan’s touch made him happier. Under his unclear mindset, he
unknowingly withdrew his hand, and inside the quilt that covered everything, he let his half-
brother rub his long and bulging slender jade object at will. 

After a while, he arched his waist suddenly and shot into Yong Shan’s hands.

He was worried that Yong Shan’s hand would get dirty, and his complexion would be ugly again
so he turned to look in a daze, but what was reflected in his eyes was Yong Shan’s doting smile,
and when the soft kiss fell on his forehead, his face was full of warmth.

But soon, it became more embarrassing.

A short while later, the thing raised its head for the third time, clamoring greedily to continue
stroking and kneading.

Yong Qi was so ashamed that he just wanted to hit his head against the wall. However, Yong
Shan repeatedly consoled him, and kept whispering in his ear. “It’s nothing. It can be said that
my brother is much better these days. Just don’t drink alcohol randomly in the future.”

After that he still stretched out his hand to help him rubbing.

While being in a daze, Yong Qi felt something hard against himself. It felt a little familiar, but
also a little scary for some reason. He was in the sea of desire, and it took him a long time to
understand. He turned his head, barely opened his eyes and looked at Yong Shan. 

Yong Shan’s face revealed self-blame and quickly said, “It’s my fault. I dare not anymore.” Then
he actually moved his body away a bit, but his hand was still gently stroking Yong Qi’s.

Being stabbed by something hard just now made Yong Qi almost become like a statue. In the
midst of the storm and rain of sensory pleasure, the slight pain like a needle prick was still
clearly noticeable. 

He faintly turned his head, humming with his lips, and said vaguely, “I can’t handle it…”
Yong Shan was confused with his no-head or tail speech, but he still replied in a low voice,
“Don’t be afraid, if you can’t handle it, I will help you…” Suddenly, he was dumb and lost his

Under the quilt, one hand leaned forward timidly, yet dared to touch randomly but since it was
blocked by layers of clothes, it couldn’t touch the inside at all.

In a moment of surprise, Yong Shan freed up a hand, almost tore his own trousers into several
pieces, grasped Yong Qi’s hand, guided him to that place, and said softly with a voice full of
excitement, “Good brother. Don’t retract your hand.”

Yong Qi was both embarrassed and ashamed, thinking that he must be crazy. However, once his
hand touched the hard object that was hot like a soldering iron, it was like on a battlefield. He
couldn’t turn around and fled and could only close his eyes and enjoy Yong Shan’s deliberately
pleasing service, while forcing himself to comfort Yong Shan as well.

Yong Qi was inexperienced, and because of him being too shy, his actions were blunt. Doing this
kind of immoral thing, he couldn’t wait to let Yong Shan be satisfied immediately. Feeling
anxious in his heart, his strength was inevitably too strong in his hand.

Although Yong Shan was strong, it was impossible for that fragile thing in that place to practice
martial arts and withstand such force. Being squeezed indiscriminately by Yong Qi, he
immediately covered in cold sweat.

Yong Qi also felt something was wrong, and turned his head to look at him anxiously, “Is it… is
it too bad?”

Yong Shan tried hard to bear it. He was dripping cold sweat while raising his lips, smiled
pretentiously, and comforted him. “Brother is really amazing. It’s more comfortable than when I
did it myself.”

Yong Qi stared at him weirdly.

Although the two of them stopped talking, their hand movements didn’t stop. Their chests rose
and fell sharply, and at the same time their breath quickened. After a moment of awkward
stiffness, Yong Qi retracted his hand.

Yong Shan was anxious, and grabbed his hand and refused to make him retract. “Brother, what
does this mean?”

“I… Actually I…”

“No matter what you are going to say, you can’t just leave in the middle like this.”

Yong Qi’s gentle eyes were filled with charming moisture, and they were full of complicated and
confused ignorance. He had been served by Yong Shan several times, roughly knowing that
Yong Shan was extremely fond of him. Depending on the situation, it could be that this little
brother, the Crown Prince had been suppressing his desire.

In the past, Yong Qi had always felt that it was not a big deal to suppress one’s own desire.
However, after experiencing the pain today, he realized that it was indeed not easy to get through
it. If he suffered from it and didn’t vent, it was simply like a torture.

A luscious numbness swapped all over his body, and Yong Qi was immersed in this joy. The fear
of the past had almost all disappeared. He vaguely thought that being imprisoned in the Inner
Punishment Court was an order from the Emperor, and what Yong Shan did to him before, was
pretty the same to what he did to him now, which wasn’t too vicious at all.

As for why he had to be tough and make him that miserable, most of it was because he was not
good at it. With his hands like this, he must have squeezed Yong Shan black and blue, making
him drenched in a cold sweat, but why was it so comfortable when being rubbed by Yong Shan?

The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he got, his vision averted, and the thinking in
his mind became more and more weird.

Yong Shan was still holding his hand and coaxing patiently, “Brother help me finish this time,
okay? I will be like Yong Lin, and listen to my brother every word he says in the future.”

Yong Shan couldn’t get used to Yong Lin, and Yong Qi knew it well. Almost all of his fury had
something to do with Yong line. He was such a strong person, but saying such a thing as
behaving like Yong Lin made Yong Qi also uncomfortable.

A moment of sorrow and grief hit the tip of Yong Qii’s nose, and he couldn’t tell what it was like
and where it came from. It was just that when the impulse reached his throat, he gritted his teeth
and said, “I can’t use my hands, I use… can’t I use my body?”

As soon as the words were spoken, he became stiff.

Not only him, but Yong Shan was also stiff.

Everything stopped suddenly.

Just now, he breath was still inhaling and exhaling without fail. But at this moment, he dared not
even breathe out a small breath.

After a long while, as if something was choking in his throat, Yong Shan asked cautiously, “You
mean it?”

Yong Qi almost cried again, stammering, “I…I…”

No matter what he had to say, there was no chance of turning back.

With a straight face, Yong Shan interrupted him, grinding his white teeth, and said in a deep
voice, “If you dare to say it’s not true, I’ll strangle you to death right now.”

He stretched out his hand and hugged him tightly, kissed his face and neck fiercely, and began to
untie his clothes like a hungry wolf.

Yong Shan took off his coat and climbed on the bed, but Yong Qi didn’t take off anything,
except using Yong Shan hand through his lossen pants to solve the problem below.

Yong Shan stripped his clothes in half, as half torn and half open, if it weren’t for fear of hurting
Yong Qi, he would have stripped him nake all in one breath. 

The imperial jade belt that had been said to be unable to take off, and must not be broken, was
now worthless, and Yong Shan didn’t care about the buckle, he pulled it off at will and threw it
under the bed.

Yong Qi said anxiously, “It was bestowed by Father Emperor, if…”

“Respect the monarch, but not on this little thing’s head.”Yong Shan ignored what he had just
said, and chuckled against Yong Qi’s round earlobes, “Many things in my place are bestowed by
the emperor, and if they are broken, there will be punishment. I don’t know how many crimes I
have committed and deserve punishment, and I don’t care about such a thing.”

The only thing he worried about was that Yong Qi would learn about this medicine thing and
regret his decision now. 

He seized every moment, took his naked brother into a hug, and under the warm covers, stroking
the skin on the inner side of his legs ambiguously.

Being touched by him, Yong Qi’s limbs and body became hot. He was timid yet he couldn’t help
but want him to caress a little harder while twisting his body faintly.

Yong Shan understood what he meant, and laughed softly, squeezing the soft and firm skin with
his palms, playing with it intentionally, and gradually added a bit of force, causing Yong Qi to
unknowingly separate his legs.

“It’s still early.” Yong Shan said tenderly, “Loosen your waist a little bit, or you will get tired

Yong Qi heard the overtones and opened his eyes nervously.

Yong Shan smiled more and more softly, covering him in a gentle manner, and again and again
the fine kisses fell on Yong Qi’s face, fearing that he would be frightened, he let him close his
eyes, “It doesn’t hurt at all, I promise.”
The strength of the hand that was caressing Yong Qi’s gradually weakened, soft as a drizzle,
lingering on the side of the sensitive leg, but he did not touch the center of where Yong Qi was
most eager to touch.

The effect of the medicine in Yong Qi’s body was still there. He couldn’t hold it back for a
moment, opened his eyes again, and looked at Yong Shan pitifully.

Yong Shan kissed him and said, “It’ll be fine in a while.”

He used the white bodily fluid he got on hand to carefully apply several times on the two places
where it was necessary to be infected.

When the scorching firmness reached the entrance, Yong Qi was frightened by the past memory,
and inevitably shrank in fear.

“Brother don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt.”

Yong Shan didn’t dare to stop him, released his hand, and waited until Yong Qi was less
panicked before he affixed it again, moving his waist, let the murder weapon of the ** touch the
alluring snow-white meat mound with the lightest force.

He was so considerate. No matter how nervous Yong Qi was, he gradually felt better. Yong Shan
was on top of him, but did not press on him. This posture consumed a lot of energy and was
exhausting. Even a naive person like Yong Qi, seeing him like this was a bit unbearable to look
at. After thinking for a while, he took the initiative to open his closed legs a little bit, so that
Yong Shan could press his knees into the empty space in the middle.

Unconcealed joy suddenly escaped from Yong Shan’s face. He moved even further, letting his
own stiff thing slowly touch Yong Qi’s head-up jade stem, and whisper, “It’s a greeting.”

Yong Qi never expected this cold-faced brother could behave this way in such a situation. He
couldn’t help but give a light chuckle, and immediately turned his face in embarrassment.

Yong Shan smiled and kissed his cheek heavily, “Brother laughed.”

After pondering for a moment, he whispered, “Can I start?”

Yong Qi should have been terrified, but at this moment a hint of sweetness suddenly appeared,
covering up all the dark memories from before. Even himself couldn’t understand whether the
Yong Shan in front of him and the terrible Yong Shan in the past were the same person. Because
when he was held inside the Inner Punishment Court, he was so frightened for a long time and
couldn’t tell the difference. Perhaps the Yong Shan at that time wasn’t as terrible as he thought. 

He looked at Yong Shan, and suddenly realized that this was a younger brother, who was only
two hours younger than him, and only sixteen this year.
Why did he think that he was more terrifying than adults in the past?

Looking at it from a very close distance, those black and white eyes clearly hid a little
childishness, not as cold and ruthless as he imagined.

Yong Qi let his own imagination run wild off and on and didn’t seem to be so nervous anymore.
He let out a long breath, staring at Yong Shan and said, “Don’t tell others about this.”

As long as he didn’t go back on his words, Yong Shan would listen to what he said, and his
words were like Heavenly music in his ears. After kissing and sucking, he vowed, “I will tell no
one about this. If words leak out from my mouth, I’ll be struck by lightning, and die a terrible

Yong Qi was stunned for a moment before saying, “There is no need to make such a poisonous

Then his pretty cheeks twitched suddenly as he moaned. 

The stiff, hard object had already taken advantage of his momentary relaxation, and nimbly
penetrated into a section of the front end.

“Good brother, don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.”

Yong Shan muttered repeatedly, soothing while kissing his lips.

He really didn’t dare to mess around. Although he couldn’t stand it any more after entering, he
still waited for Yong Qi to relax a little before exploring the way inside bit by bit.

Yong Qi had been hugged by him countless times in the Inner Punishment Court, but in Yong
Shan’s heart, he only regarded today as the first time, and treated Yong Qi as a pure virgin with
all his heart, which toddy seemed to be a wedding night in the Prince’s bridal chamber as he held
the only person who would accompany him throughout his life. At this moment, no matter how
contented his heart was, it was extremely hard and uncomfortable to endure compared to the
thickness and creaminess of the thing below.

The passage was expanded, and Yong Qi couldn’t help groaning in a low voice every time the
foreign object got deeper.

This time it was definitely not as painful as before, but if something thick and hard was inserted
into the narrow place where it had been subjected to sex, it was hard to say that it felt good. If
Yong Shan’s hard object pushed in a little, he would struggle endlessly. On the contrary, Yong
Shan would move and stop for a while. Even the dull Yong Qi had noticed his painstaking efforts
and couldn’t say a word of refusal. After listening to Yong Shan’s guidance, he started to exhale
and relaxed as much as possible so that Yong Shan could get in more easily. 
The two brothers cooperated. The mucous membrane rubbed against the deepest part of his body,
and slowly became pleasurable, mixed with the medicinal effect of Yong Qi, and gradually came
to fruition.

Yong Qi’s expression changed from nervous to seductive.


“Good brother, your voice is so sweet.”

Yong Shan’s voice and movements were gentle enough to make someone melt.

Yong Qi couldn’t help gasping and groaning.

There was something sweet caressing inside his body, that even Yong Lin couldn’t give it to
him. Toward Yong Lin, he only treated him like an older brother looking after his younger
brother, his adorable and silly younger brother. 

But now, he himself, was the one who was being loved, protected and cherished. 

Unable to keep hold of his emotions, he relaxed and opened up his body, letting Yong Shan able
to move in and out faster and faster, and when Yong Shan came closer, he opened his lips and
greeted him with his kiss.

Even himself was surprised at his natural and unforced actions, as if he had never been treated
badly by Yong Shan before.

“Brother, call my name.” In Yong Shan’s familiar and intimate voice, there was a trace of his
majesty and pride of the Crown Prince .

Yong Qi wasn’t feeling afraid anymore. He vaguely realized that when Yong Shan threatened
him, he was always childish, stubborn and unreasonable, but with too much jealousy.

“Yong Shan…Si unh…Yong Shan…younger brother…um―”

Being whipped by the feeling of pleasure, Yong Qi kept arching up to meet him.

With his mouth calling vaguely, he more or less knew that as long as this was the case, Yong
Shan would give him more happiness.

What Yong Shan asked for, maybe just this.

And he guessed it right.

“Brother, good brother, Yong Qi brother.” Yong Shan responded affectionately, chewing the
name that belonged to him affectionately, biting each other’s lips and groaning hoarsely. 
He moved his waist frequently, attacking fiercely, but his gaze was fixed on Yong Qi’s face.
Every slight change in his face wouldn’t escape Yong Shan’s eyes. Expecting the happiness on
his face to become stronger and stronger, and frankly revealing every bit of satisfaction.

It seemed that he was not a hunter, but a prey indulged in Yong Qi’s hand.

He wanted to be possessive, but he wanted to please the brother under him more. 

He didn’t know whether Yong Qi could appreciate his feelings, but he was grateful enough.
While Yong Qi endured his penetration, he opened his lips and kissed him passionately.

Their tongues twisted as they sucked each other full of excitement.

Those moist lips couldn’t hold back a moan like a weeping escaping from his mouth. 

The violent moves were too fiercely like excited little beasts, and the lewd sound of water stains
resounded through the big room and might spread outside.

But no one can care about it.

Even Yong Qi became crazy.

Unconsciously, he was coaxed by Yong Shan and fell into the abyss of indecency. He thought
that he might regret it when he woke up, but now, he was so frantically at ease.

The two of them vented like crazy, and when the pleasure hit their bodies, they trembled, waiting
for the soul to ejaculate. 

Unbelievable numbness rushed to their foreheads, and it exploded in an instant.

“Ah ah ah ah!” Yong Qi, no longer concerned about morality, screamed.

This was the first time he was disrespectful, and shameful in his life. With legs spread to the
widest, body naked, his lower body was bearing the invasion of his younger brother and his
white neck leaned back, like a lewd courtesan crying out in pleasure.

The foreign object in his body suddenly became hot, and for a moment, the whole body seemed
to be burned by the heat.

His vision was completely obscured by the dazzling white.

“Brother, I like you so much.” Yong Shan exhaled softly in his ear.

The two hugged softly and gasped.

They didn’t know what to say, this feeling was beyond their expectation, Yong Qi couldn’t
predict it, and even Yong Shan had never expected it to be this strong. He was silent, eagerly
recalling that bullying happiness.

It took a long time for Yong Qi to come back to his senses, and asked in a naive way: “Are we…
that… together?”

Yong Shan laughed at his innocent stupidity, and sighed, “Yes, my brother Yong Qi.”

Yong Qi glanced at him, and suddenly said, “Are you crying?”

“Nonsense.” Yong Shan smiled lightly, “Who has ever seen me cry? It’s all sweat.”

Yong Qi stopped talking.

Yong Shan hugged him in his arms tightly and bit his ear, “Do you want to?” He lowered his
hand, and his heart was shocked.

The medicine was so powerful that it made him turn half hard again.

Yong Qi was touched by him and was very embarrassed. He wanted to turn around and break
away but Yong Shan refused to let go, hugged him tightly, and bit lightly on his ear. “It didn’t
hurt just now?”

“No… no, don’t do it anymore.”

Yong Shan who finally had one round after such hard work, was definitely not enough. He
wanted to seduce him again, but then cautiously shut his mouth.

He sat up suddenly, lifted the quilt, grabbed Yong Qi’s legs separately and looked at the place.
The white hot liquid was slowly overflowing from inside, and the sides of his legs were sticky,
unspeakably lewd.

The flesh was red and swollen, looking pitiful. 

Yong Qi, whose legs were suddenly being pulled apart, said in surprise, “Yong Shan, what are
you doing?”

Even before he could struggle, Yong Shan had already let go of his ankles, soothing him to lie
back down, and said softly, “Brother, you are too tender, it’d be good if you can get used to
slowly. But if the inside is being penetrated a few more times, it will hurt tomorrow. If you still
want it, I will help you suck it slowly with my mouth.”

Without waiting for Yong Qi to speak, he lowered his head, held his thing, and very attentively
served him.

Yong Qi originally thought he was going to use force, but suddenly realized that he had wronged
him, and the heat between his legs filled him with extremely comfortable pleasure.

He didn’t know why, lying on his back again, he was unable to move as if his spine was
removed, the only thing he wanted to do was to cry aloud.

As for why he wanted to cry, he couldn’t say why.

But he didn’t cry aloud in the end, he could only tremble silently with small sobbing with almost
no sound that could be heard while being served by Yong Shan’s diligence.

Yong Shan noticed it, raised his head, leaned over and asked, “Why are you crying? Don’t you
like it? Did I hurt you?”

Yong Qi shook his head, face full of difficulty.

He took a look at Yong Shan, and after half a day, he sighed softly, and asked in a daze, “It turns
out that you are not a bad person. How did I only know it today?”

Yong Shan could bear no matter how hard he suffered, but he never expected that he couldn’t
stand this Yong Qi’s trivial sentence, his eyes suddenly heated up, and tears almost fell.

“Good brother, I’m not good, I know, I’m not good to you.” He firmly hugged Yong Qi’s neck,
refusing to let go like a child, and gently gritted his teeth and said, “Brother, it is rare that you
have this kind of intentions toward me and I am content. Even if my life ends up in your hands
someday, I’ll gladly accept it.”

That night, Yong Shan fulfilled all his wishes.

Since there were curtains on the windows in the room, Yong Shan couldn’t see the outside, and
didn’t know how late it was. But he could vaguely imagine the outside scene, how time walked
slowly, and how the warm sunlight became crimson, slowly was stained with a faint haze, and
the faint haze gradually faded into the soft darkness.

And this every moment, he hid in this room with little light, in the soft bedding, doing sweet
things with his beloved brother that he would never want to forget in this life.

Yong Shan didn’t know how he fell asleep, he was so happy, he just wanted to cherish this short
image every minute, but he still fell asleep.

In the wee hours, the habit he had developed early made him consciously open his eyes.

Suddenly he woke up and lowered his head to look, and Yong Shan’s panicked eyes were filled
with peace and gentleness.
Yong Qi was still in his arms, naked, and slept deeply, with no intention of waking up. The
smooth-skinned body curled up slightly, as if frightened in his sleep, with his face pressed
against Yong Shan’s sturdy chest.

Even the pillow had long been missing.

The more Yong Shan watched, the warmer his heart became, and he couldn’t help getting hot
again. He touched Yong Qi lightly. This brother had no reaction at all even after being touched,
still sleeping soundly. 

It was peaceful and comfortable.

On the contrary, Yong Shan really couldn’t bear to wake him up. He sighed softly, thinking that
his body hadn’t been trained enough, he shouldn’t restrain himself indicriminstrly.

Since he was reluctant to let the sweet-sleeping Yong Qi leave his arms, he gritted his teeth to
endure, and commanded himself not to think about the place where men could not bear the most.
After half an hour, not even the lust could not be suppressed at all, but it seemed to have become
even harder. Yong Shan didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry. With a steel heart, he moved
Yong Qi’s head against his chest away slightly, found a pillow, and let him sleep well on it. 

He tiptoed, lifted the quilt and went out of the bed.

He picked up his outer robe and put it on. Even after almost half a day and not seeing anyone
coming in to serve them, Yong Shan laughed and remembered that he strictly ordered no one to
disturb him yesterday. He opened and closed the door of the room carefully by himself, and went
to the other room, calling for people to prepare a big bucket and fetch water for the morning

The servant was dumbfounded for a while. The big barrels were only used in summer. In the
winter, all qualified nobles in the palace bathed in large warm baths. The one who came to serve
him wasn’t Chang Defu. How could he be able to guess Yong Shan’s mind? He was still
hesitating when he heard the order and stood in a daze.

Yong Shan cursed lightly. “Fool, have you become a fool being ordered to do such a simple
thing? Still not going to prepare it soon.”

Although he was young, he was born with power and highest authority. His disposition was
always cold and ruthless, stern and aloof, and with a slight sneer on his face, it was enough to
make the attendant shiver and run out of the door. In less than a moment, a few servants carried
in the large wooden bath tub that was cleaned up and set it up properly.

The maids filed in hot water bucket after bucket.

In an instant, the big wooden barrel was filled with hot misty water.
Yong Shan tested the temperature, and showed a dissatisfaction on his face. He ordered the
servants to add more cold water to it. Only the water became so cold that he started to wash.

He took a cold bath in contentment, even if he was trembling from the cold, it was fine as long as
the heat went down.

After the bath, he was once again refreshed. When he stepped out of the other room, he happened
to hear Chang Defu nagging the servants at work in the courtyard.

“Chang Defu.” Yong Shan called out loudly.

When Chang Defu saw Yong Shan coming, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile on his face,
“Your Highness has gotten up? Judging from the rosy color of Your Highness’ face, Your
Highness must have slept really well last night.”

Yong Shan smiled slightly, let him follow into the study, and handed him a white jade item, “It’s
your reward, take it. Listen well, if a word about this matter comes out and falls into Yong Qi’s
ears, there’s no need for me to deal with you, cut off your tongue first, and then find a place to
hang yourself. Understood?”

Chang Defu took the heavy jade item with both hands, and then bowed and said, “This servant
understood. From now on, this servant will be very careful. The chopsticks will be arranged by
this servant, no, it’s the tea, later, even if this servant’s legs have become lame, this one will try
his best to take care of His Highness Yong Qi’s tea by himself even if he has to crawl over.”

“Later? There’s even a later?” Yong Shan glared at him coldly. “How much did you use in the
tea last night? If it wasn’t for you to have a bit of credit, I would have broken your legs a long
time ago. Throw away that medicine immediately. If my brother’s body becomes a little ill in the
future, see if I will spare your life or not.”

Chang Defu, who had been serving him for many years, knew what he was thinking just by
looking at his face alone. The words spoken were full of warnings, cold, and indifferent, yet in
his eyes were full of thought of a spring love. Knowing that he must have enjoyed his warm bed
last night, Chang Defu wasn’t too scared as he laughed and repeatedly nodded his head. “It’s this
servant’s sin, this servant had made a mistake. There will be no later, this servant dare not to be
rude to His Highness Yong Qi again.”

Yong Shan looked at him with eyes full of hideousness, yet he couldn’t hold back his laughter,
waved his hand and said, “Go out, I don’t have the energy to bother about your matter. Relay my
order when you’re out, no one is allowed to disturb Yong Qi’s sleep. Prepare the meal and pick
up some good deer antlers from the last tribute in the kitchen to mend his body.”

“Yes, yes, this servant shall do it right away, and pick the best deer antlers at the same time.
Your Highness, don’t worry, such a trivial matter, how can this servant not understand?” Chang
Defu smiled, and after saluting, he retreated, even his soul had disappeared in a blink of an eye.
Yong Shan watched him out and smiled again.

Today for no reason, he couldn’t hold back his smile. He guessed that Yong Qi, who had vented
like crazy last night, was exhausted, and wouldn’t wake up until the sun was high up in the sky.
If he went back there, maybe he couldn’t help but want to harass him again which could wake
him up from his sleep. Instead of bothering his brother in his sleep, it was better to finish the
work at hand and wait for Yong Qi to wake up and then start tenderly loving him again.

He forced himself to calm down, sitting at the desk and flipping through the memorial that was
delivered in the early hours of the morning.

Most of them were memorials from local officials paying respects. They were nothing more than
routine reports about the weather and harvest. The only two different reports were handed over
by officials from the capital. The contents were completely opposite, and they were all related to
Gong Wuhui.

One desperately wanted to protect Gong Wuhui, while the other was enthusiastic begging the
court to punish Gong Wuhui severely.

Yong Shan frowned, set aside everything else, and laid out those two memorials, and when he
was about to take a closer look, suddenly, Yong Lin got in from outside the door, and rushed to
stop in front of him like a gust of wind, he was anxious. “Brother Yong Shan, quickly change
your formal attire! Our mother heard that Father Emperor seemed to be seriously ill again, and
asked my brother to go and greet the Father Emperor immediately. I’m going as well.” 

Yong Shan’s face changed slightly as he suddenly stood up.

Taizi Ch14

[A bit earlier than scheduled.]

After quickly changing into his formal attire, Yong Shan rushed to inquire about their father’s
condition with Yong Lin.

As if the Emperor’s illness became serious, the sky would fall down at every turn. Because of the
affection between father and sons, there was no time to wait for the sedan chair to be ready, and
without the attendants tagging along, the two brothers came out of the Prince’s Palace against the
piercing cold wind in the winter morning.

Although the sun was out yesterday, after the second episode, a thick layer of hoarfrost was
condensed. Yong Shan and Yong Lin looked at the gray gloomy sky early in the morning,
roughly felt that it was not a good omen, and were a little frightened. Stepping on the unmelting
frost and snow on the ground, they walked quickly and would stagger if they weren’t careful.

Since Emperor Yan’s original companion empress passed away due to illness, the position of the
empress throne stayed empty for many years. It was unknown what Emperor Yan thought, in the
two canonizations of the Crown Prince, the prince’s mother was thrown aside, and the position
of the ruler of the harem was forced to suspend. As for the Emperor Yan’s chamber, it was
located in the Tiren Palace, which was the farthest away from the prince’s palaces.

The two princes passed through the small half of the Imperial City in the cold wind, and when
they arrived at the gate of Tiren Palace in a rush, sweat was already coming out and soaked their
inner clothes.

The atmosphere was quite solemn with the northerly wind blowing full of silent anxiety.

A lot of ministers who had heard the news stood outside the palace gate early, probably not long
after they arrived, judging by the sweat on their foreheads. When everyone saw Yong Shan
coming, there was a little movement.

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived.”

“Your Highness Yong Shan.”

Yong Shan waved his hand to stop them from saluting and led Yong Lin in.

Seven or eight of the servants who served the Emperor Yan on a daily basis stood guarding
outside the door with their hands hanging down. Seeing the Crown Prince coming, they tiptoed,
bowed to salute and greeted them. Yong Shan’s attitude was very generous, and an expression of
worry appeared between his eyebrows. He called out to Wu Cai, a steward in charge who was
more familiar, “What is going on inside? What did the imperial doctor say?”

Wu Cai was also apprehensive, shook his head cautiously, and whispered, “The imperial doctor
hasn’t come out yet. The emperor said that he was uncomfortable since the fourth watch. This
uncle was afraid of causing a rumor and ordered not to spread any false news. The doctor on
duty last night was imperial doctor Zhang who came over to get the emperor’s pulse.” After a
pause, he looked left and right, with voice lowered and said, “Early this morning, he also issued
an order to summon imperial doctor Chen into the palace.”

Yong Shan’s heart sank.

Among the imperial doctors, the old-timer imperial doctor Chen was the doctor Emperor Yan
trusted the most. Any pulse diagnosis that might cause a major event in the palace had to go
through the hands of this person before the Emperor Yan could trust it.

Yong Shan’s leg injury that was reported last time by Yong Sheng was also treated by the
imperial doctor Chen that Emperor Yan sent to him.
If it weren’t for something serious this time, how could Emperor Yan summon him into the
palace early in the morning?

While thinking about it, Yong Shan waved to Wu Cai, who had nothing to report, and sent him
back to resume his duty. He glanced at the door of Emperor Yan’s airtight room, and the servants
guarded outside the door like a wall. The number of guards authorized to carry swords in the
palace, walking under the corridor, had also doubled. No matter how he looked at it, it was like
they were facing the enemy.

He felt like he was being crushed by an invisible huge rock, heavy and uncomfortable. On the
surface, he could barely hold it, leaving only a look of worry about the Son of Man.

Yong Lin couldn’t keep his thoughts in place. After seeing Yong Shan and Wu Cai muttering to
each other, he hurried over and asked, “Brother Yong Shan, what happened to Father Emperor?
Is he really seriously ill?”

“Shut up!” Yong Shan shouted in a low voice, staring at him dissatisfied, and said, “Can’t you
look at the place before you spout nonsense? Father is still in his prime. I think it’s probably
because the weather has become a little bit cold recently, and he will be fine after today.”


“Stop talking. The imperial doctor is still there. If you have anything to say, wait for him to come
out and ask him later.”

Yong Lin was still very obedient this time, he shut his mouth, and unhappily stood with his
brother in the corridor. It was still warm a few days ago, but today just happened to be a cold
day. Even if the sky was getting brighter, the north wind was blowing more and more bitterly.
Yong Shan didn’t realize it, but Yong Lin, who used to be naughty, silently stood with his hands
down, like a sculpture. He really obediently waited with Yong Shan, and didn’t cause Yong Shan
any more trouble.

Just when they were putting up with their waiting, another person entered the palace gate. As if
because he was jogging all the way here, he didn’t have the time to look around. When he
reached Yong Shan and Yong Lin, he stopped abruptly, panting, and dared not to greet them too
loudly. “Your Highness Crown Prince? Brother Yong Lin is here too?”

It turned out to be Yong Sheng.

It seemed that as soon as he heard the news, he changed to his formal attire and rushed over to
pay respects to the Emperor.

Yong Lin was the most carefree, simple-minded and naive among them brothers. Not only did he
get along well with everyone in the court, he also greeted Yong Sheng, as close as putting his
hand on his shoulder. “It’s been a long time, Fifth younger brother. You also rushed over to pay
respects? The imperial doctor hasn’t come out yet, let us brothers wait together here.”

In fact, he knew to some extent that Shu Fei was not only at odds with Li Fei, but also in conflict
with Jin Fei. However, in his eyes, even the concubines were fighting, the brothers were always

Yong Shan’s mood was even worse when he saw Yong Sheng. His eyes were cold as he watched
Yong Lin still stupidly answering the conversation with Yong Sheng, and almost wanted to kick
this little idiot out of anger.

He thought, but actually doing it or not was another matter. Yong Shan brought out the
appearance of being an elder brother, and said to Yong Sheng warmly, “It’s such a cold day,
thanks to your filial piety to father, you ran over. Since you’re here, let’s stand and wait

While talking, he secretly calculated how to deal with Yong Sheng if he brought up the matter of
Gong Wuhui.

Probably because there was another Yong Lin here, Yong Sheng didn’t mention the name Gong
Wuhui. Instead he put on a fake smile and said, “Brother is praising me only to make me feel
more embarrassed. Filial piety is the leader of the hundred journeys. Father is not in good health.
Naturally, as a son, he should come and visit immediately. If he doesn’t even have this filial
piety, how can he be a Son of Man? By the way, why don’t I see Brother Yong Qi? Isn’t he
staying with the Crown Prince brother now? Didn’t he get the news, or did something happen?”

These few questions, one was more conscientious than the other.

The Prince who wasn’t filial, if words were to be out, this wouldn’t be a laughing matter

Yong Lin was a little surprised, thinking how his brother Yong Qi was unlucky, and it would be
terrible if he bore the crime of unfilial piety.

He was just about to open his mouth to lie for Yong Qi, saying that the reason he couldn’t come
was due to him falling ill. He hadn’t spoken yet, Yong Shan, who had already seen through what
he was going to do, decisively cut in front of him, and causally stated, “Yong Qi? He was just
released from the Inner Punishment Court. Although a serious crime couldn’t be found on his
body, after all, he also had a small offense of being careless, so I ordered him not to leave the
Prince’s Palace for the time being to study and reflect.” This was to put the responsibility of
Yong Qi’s absence on himself, and there was no gap for the Fifth brother to find Yong Qi’s fault.

After Yong Shan said, his thin and somewhat ruthless lips were pulled gently into an arc that
looked like a smile but not a smile, and gave Yong Sheng a light glance.

The murderous spirit of this new Crown Prince seemed to be innate. No one among the princes
could compare with him. Since childhood, his dispositions had always been cold and indifferent,
and even his own mother felt that this child was too dark, and didn’t like to talk much. When he
was silent, she couldn’t help but suspect that he was calculating something terrible in his heart.

In the cold weather, against the wind on the corridor, Yong Sheng was shocked by his heart
palpitating and his smile without reason caused him to cover in sweat. Originally, he still wanted
to make some more comments about the fact that Yong Qi did not come. But when the words
reached the tip of his tongue, he was frightened so much the words slid back down. “So that’s
how it is.”

The three brothers stopped talking, and stood side by side waiting for news inside.

After waiting for a while, feeling a little numb by the wind, Yong Sheng said while shivering,
“Brothers, it’s too cold here, and I don’t know how long we will have to wait. How about we go
to the warm room and wait.”

Yong Shan lowered his head and said considerately, “Fifth brother, your body is weak so go
ahead and wait in the small warm room.”

“Then brother…”

“I will just stay here. Father Emperor is ill, and I feel uneasy. I was so anxious that I was
sweating inside. If I wait in the warm room, it only makes me feel even more uncomfortable.”

With his face twitching a few times, Yong Sheng soundlessly gave Yong Shan a stab and
stopped making a sound. He gritted his teeth and continued to stand while just stomping his feet
and rubbing his hands to relieve the cold.

After a while, there was a faint movement from the door.

With the sound of Gera, there was a slit opened in the door, and everyone’s nerves suddenly

As soon as the imperial doctor Chen’s tired old face appeared, Yong Lin and Yong Sheng
surrounded him, feeling anxious and asked softly, “Doctor Chen, what happened to Father?”

“Is Father safe?”

“What is the disease?”

The imperial doctor Chen seemed to be too tired to speak, and gently swayed his wrinkled hands
like pine bark. He raised his head and glanced at Yong Shan, who was walking in front of him,
before moving his lips, “Your Highness Crown Prince.”

Yong Shan looked at him for a while before asking in a deep voice, “What exactly happened?”

What the imperial doctor Chen said was extremely vague, “What can happen? The emperor is
the Son of Heaven, and his body is under the care of God. We are just taking care of his
medicine and tonic. The prescription has already been prescribed. If your Highness wanted to
pay respects, kowtow outside the door then go back. You’re the blue-blooded nobility, please
take care of yourself. It’s windy here, so be careful of catching cold.”

Yong Shan muttered to himself irresolutely. “I’ll go in and pay respects to Father.”

“Don’t.” The imperial doctor said slowly, “The emperor is tired and just wants to talk to the old
minister about state affairs and decreed that the princes not to bother, and only summon Wang
Taibo in.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone’s heart beat suddenly, and their expressions were

If Father was sick, he would never stop his sons from visiting for no reason. He was tired at this
time, yet still had to talk to the old minister about state affairs. Who would believe?

Yong Lin stared suspiciously and looked at Yong Shan’s face. He wanted to ask but didn’t dare
to talk casually, so he could only hold back. Yong Shan couldn’t help feeling chilly. Last year,
when Yong Qi was abolished as the Crown Prince, the first sign was that Emperor Yan refused
to meet with the prince. Was it going to happen again today?

However, if he wanted to abolish himself, he would have a reason. What caused Father Emperor
to be so angry?

Could it be the matter between himself and Yong Qi…

Yong Shan was silent. In an instant, hundreds of thoughts had passed through his mind. Thinking
of the ruthlessness of the palace, the tragedies of the previous dynasty were vividly remembered,
but when he was being striked with a muck-rake by Li fei, Father Emperor fluttered with a
decree. Mother Mu, who had watched him grow up since he was a child, was interrogated in the
Inner Punishment Court, her life and death was held in front of him. Now he was a Crown
Prince. The higher he stood, the less he could fall. If there was a case he couldn’t survive, his
mother, his stupid brother, and the weak Yong Qi, weren’t they going to be bullied and insulted!

Thinking about it this way, his heart suddenly pained, as if as soon as someone on the battlefield
gave an order, then ten thousand arrows were fired at once, all hitting the same target without a

The north wind became condensed and suffocating.

Even if Yong Shan’s heart became confused, he still did not forget to have a look at Yong Lin in
the corner of his eyes.

Although his twin brother was sloppy in doing things, he still noticed something was wrong at
this moment. There was some panic in his eyes as he looked at Yong Shan worriedly. Yong Shan
smiled calmly at him. “The imperial doctor said already, Father Emperor has the protection of
God, you don’t have to be like this. Listen to the old doctor’s words, kowtow outside the door,
then go back and report to our mother quickly so that she can feel at ease.”

Yong Lin hesitated to speak and stopped after a while. After thinking about it, he didn’t dare to
make his own claim, and knelt down obediently.

Yong Sheng, who was frozen half-dead, after listening to imperial doctor Chen’s words, he
noticed some vague signs. He was overwhelmed with joy but didn’t show any of that on his face,
and quickly followed Yong Lin to kneel down, kowtowed his head twice toward the door of their
father’s still closed room, stood up and said, “I have to go back and tell my mother too.”

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving, it was unknown how much happier Yong Sheng
was than Yong Lin.

Yong Shan said to the imperial doctor Chen, “Since it is inconvenient to see my father now, I
will stand here again, and wait for my father to be better, then go in and pay him respects.”

The imperial doctor Chen didn’t have any opinion, but just said something may or may not be
needed, “That is also Your Highness’ own filial piety. This small official will take his leave
first.” As soon as he saluted, he slowly left the Tiren Palace.

Wang Jingqiao was a loyal veteran official and the news in the palace was also well received.
Knowing that the emperor was unwell, he dragged his old aging body to wait outside the Tiren
Palace early in the morning. After listening to the decree, he immediately followed the servant

He had been following Emperor Yan for many years, and he was anxious and worried about the
Emperor’s health. When he ran into Yong Shan down the corridor, he just nodded hurriedly, and
entered the room without a word of greeting.

Yong Shan watched the door that seemed to hide countless secrets open and close, and he didn’t
know what it felt like in his heart.

That year, being framed and sent to the Inner Punishment Court, he feared that it was only
because of resentment, but there was no such fear that the conscience or emotions needed to be
torn apart. It’s no wonder that everyone said that the higher you get, the colder it becomes, and
becoming the Crown Prince was no different from stepping on thin ice all the time.

[T/N: probably about the things involving YQ.]

The servants and guards of the Tiren Palace were all there, and no flaws could be seen. He could
only stand silently, enduring the pain of the north wind piercing cold on his face while doing his
duty as a virtuous Crown Prince.
Yong Shan mustn’t allow himself to think wildly anymore, and directly directed his brain to
recall the touching scene of Yong Qi lying in **, his white jade-like body wrapped in a warm
quilt, with a smile on his delicate face, without any defense, snuggling and sleeping with himself,
like a snow-white, rare, gentle and kind deer.

Originally, recalling the scenes was to ease the mood, but the more Yong Shan recalled, the
sweeter it was, the more heartbroken he became.

He shouldn’t have provoked Yong Qi. If he immediately sent Yong Qi back to the fief and away
from the court after the trial, wasn’t it good?

If something happened now, even Yong Qi would suffer…

As time passed, Yong Shan stood under the corridor for more than half an hour. Even though his
muscles and bones were strong, his face turned blue from the cold.

The servants outside the door were also trembling with cold, and began rubbing their hands and
gasping. Watching the sixteen-year-old prince standing in the wind, Wu Cai didn’t move either.
While feeling that the blue-blooded nobility was harming his own body, he couldn’t bear it. He
quietly found a hand warmer, walked over to Yong Shan, and whispered, “Your Royal Highness,
please go stand in the front, the wind here is too strong but the front will be better.”

Yong Shan shook his head and said lightly, “This is the place where the ministers are waiting to
be called. I’ll just stand here. If I go to the front, I’ll overstep the boundary.” Glancing at the
hand warmer Wu Cai handed over, a smile appeared on his cold and pale face as he softly said,
“Take it back, which prince is holding the hand warmer and waiting for his father to summon

Wu Cai was secretly surprised.

He used to hear people say that the Crown Prince was not only mean to others, but also
extremely cruel to himself. Sure enough, he finally saw the truth today. Since he was able to
serve by Emperor Yan’s side, and he was not a fool. He immediately retired wisely, and didn’t
dare to use the hand warmer himself, and gave it to a servant nearby. Which made the servant
very grateful.

After waiting for another half an hour, the door opened again. Wang Jingqiao slowly walked out
from the inside and saw Yong Shan under the corridor. He was taken aback and walked over and
asked, “Your Highness is still waiting for the emperor to summon?”

Yong Shan respectfully said, “Yes. Please Taifu pass the word to Father Emperor that Yong
Shan is extremely concerned about Father’s body, hoping to greet him personally.”

Wang Jingqiao’s dim pupil looked at him for a long time before slightly sighed. “Your Highness,
please go in by yourself. The emperor has an order, saying that if the old minister is going out
and his Highness is still waiting, he will call Your Highness in.”
Yong Shan’s heart sprinted up, but immediately suppressed all his emotions. He nodded at the
old Grand tutor Wang first before walking up the steps, and when he reached the door of the
room opened by the servants, he stopped to calm down and behave appropriately and crossed
over the high threshold with grace.

The hall was quiet, with no other servant to wait and serve. 

There was a fire dragon buried in the ground, and the surrounding furnace was also burning with
bright red charcoal. Yong Shan who just came in from the outside, suddenly feeling cold and hot,
and couldn’t help but shiver all over. He walked quickly in front of the Emperor Yan and knelt
down and said, “Son pays respect to Father.” With a very calm tone and movements.

When Emperor Yan was young, he was full of courage. After several changes in the palace, he
was determined to be merciless and everyone was terrified. In recent years, his oldness had
gradually shown and he often fell ill. He was particularly afraid of the cold this winter. There
wasn’t a single moment when the earth dragon and the heater in the Tiren Palace had been fired.
At this moment, he was half covered with a thick silk quilt and his thin shoulders were dressed in
bright yellow dragon robes.

But even so, his complexion didn’t heat up a trace of blood, instead it was like dry wax sallow.

“Get up and come to Father.”

Emperor Yan’s voice was a bit hoarse as he slowly commanded, and motioned Yong Shan to sit
on his bedside.

Yong Shan wasn’t the kind of person who was pompous like Yong Lin. When the power and
nobles in the court fell, quite a few people were just as arrogant and presumptuous. Since many
of people’s life was placed on his shoulder, he dared not to have any flaws, let alone doing
something stupid as sitting by his father’s bed?

When Yong Shan came up to Emperor Yan, he still knelt next to the bed, only raised his head
and said, “Father, let your son wait on his knees.”

Emperor Yan was surprised, but after a while he showed a very shallow smiling face, shook his
head and sighed, “Your temper…”

His smile was somewhat bitter and astringent and only after a moment the smile was silently
suppressed. He slowed down his pace and asked, “I heard from the Grand tutor that you’re
studying Lao Zhuang recently.”

“Yes, father.”

“What have you learned?”

Listening to Emperor Yan’s test and asking about his homework, Yong Shan’s heart relaxed a

The emperor and the prince, although they were father and son connected by blood, they were
the pairs who were the least like father and son in the world. His father could kill and destroy
everything he had with a single word.

Family affection had too much power, and many tragedies in the court happen under this kind of
compelling reason.

It couldn’t help that Yong Shan wasn’t careful and let his guard down.

“Replying to Father, Lao Zhuang is still at a beginner’s stage, and Wang Taifu only talked about
two or three simple sentences. The deeper meaning of Enjoyment of Untroubled Ease wasn’t
easy to understand. Taifu only talked about the first few sections in the lecture yesterday.”

“Simple, huh.” Emperor Yan asked casually, “The love of Heaven and Earth is impartial, and
they demand nothing from the myriad things. The love of the sages is impartial, and they demand
nothing from the people. Have you learned these two sentences long before?”

“Yes, I have learned.”

“This is called simple?”

Yong Shan’s heart felt cold, he lowered his head and slowly said, “This son is wrong, in the way
of Lao Zhuang, this son only learned a bit of the important quote, and he hasn’t even learned the
principles of the truth yet. Thank you father for teaching.”

There was silence above his head.

Yong Shan’s nerves were tense as he waited while holding his breath. After a long time, he heard
Emperor Yan sigh again and slowly said, “You are too young, and there is nothing to blame for
not understanding now. What I’m afraid of is that you will never understand and don’t want to
figure it out.”

He paused for a while, and then asked, “You are the Crown Prince, and as a father, it will
inevitably be for me to be stricter in your homework, understand?”

“I understand.”

“Then let Father ask you, why is the love of Heaven and Earth and the love of the sages

Yong Shan silently pondered for a while, and replied in a satisfactory manner, “The love of
Heaven and Earth and the love of the sages is impartial, because there is no selfish love, no
biased, and let everything and the people live freely, each with their own destiny to be born,
grow, and dead; however, this sentence makes people have a heartless misunderstanding.”

Emperor Yan said in a casually calm and relaxed manner, “Each has their own fate, then how do
you know what kind of fate one should be like?”

This statement was so mysterious, and Yong Shan’s heart couldn’t help but shrink back lightly.
He bowed his head and waited for the Emperor Yan to teach him, but what was given to him was
another suffocating silence.

It was unknown how long it took before he heard Emperor Yan call out. “Yong Shan.”


“When I talked to Wang Jingqiao about state affairs, he suddenly said something to me.”

Yong Shan’s whole body suddenly stiffened. Wang Taifu only saw him and Yong Qi yesterday.
Could it be that those old eyes were so powerful that they immediately saw what came up with
the secret report?

If this was the case, Yong Qi would be immediately faced with a calamity!

Emperor Yan’s voice was still floating from the top of his head as he slowly said, “He said that a
local official recently gave him a book, which was all about small family affairs, and there was a
story that was very fascinating.”

He paused for a while, as if recalling the story of Wang Jingqiao, and at the same time observing
Yong Shan’s reaction in secret.

After a while, he said leisurely, “There was a family that lived by raising geese, and their life
was very good. There were ten sons in the family, whether he was born to a regular wife or a
concubine, the father loved all his sons very much. But one day, one of his sons got a strange
disease. The old father was very anxious, and he quickly invited a doctor to treat him.
Unexpectedly, when the doctor came, he was helpless, saying that the disease was too difficult
and he needed a famous doctor. The old father spent more money and invited a famous doctor to
come over. Although the doctor was famous, his medical skills were not enough. He told the old
father that he knew the origin of the disease, but to cure it, there was only one strange doctor of
the most powerful doctors in the world who could do it.”

“The strange doctor’s medical fee was terribly high, but the old father felt sorry for his son, so he
gritted his teeth, took out the savings at home, and invited the strange doctor to the house. The
doctor was really good, and with a pulse, he said that it was not difficult to cure his son’s disease,
but the prescription was a little troublesome. Every two hours every day, boil one hundred fresh
goose hearts in a pot of water, then fry the boiled goose hearts into a bowl and have him drink
one bowl a day.”
“At the beginning, the old father followed the doctor’s instructions and boiled the goose heart for
his son every day. As expected, his son who was ill with a strange illness became just like an
ordinary person. The old father was extremely happy. But if his son did not drink medicine for a
day, he would immediately become seriously ill and suffer again. After drinking like this for a
month, the family killed 3,000 geese in a row. Seeing that all the savings in the family were
gone, and the geese were almost killed, the old father still felt sorry for his son and continued to
kill the geese.”

“Unexpectedly, after a month, the goose’s heart medicine wasn’t as useful as it used to be. The
old father could only invite the doctor to the house again. The doctor said that there was still
salvation, but the decoction this time couldn’t be a goose heart. It had to be boiled with the heart
of a brother of the patient. If he wanted the medicine to be more effective, and the patient would
not get sick again for ten and a half years he had to use the heart of the second son of the family.
Because this second son was the most capable among the brothers, and the heart of a wise man
was a better medicine.”

“After hearing what the doctor said, the old father shed only two tears. The next morning he
woke up earlier and cooked two small dishes for his sick son. He also heated a pot of wine and
brought it into the room and personally fed his sick son…”

Emperor Yan spoke eloquently, halfway through, he stopped.

Yong Shan was frightened when he heard it, and suddenly there was no sound on the top of his
head making his heart seem to have been clutched. Suddenly raising his head, he met Emperor
Yan’s gaze that was looking straight down at him.

Yong Shan’s calmness still couldn’t conceal that his face changed drastically, and his cheeks
were almost twisted with fear.

Emperor Yan didn’t seem to notice that his face was wrong, and asked with a smile, “Crown
Prince, what do you think the old father was going to do?”

It was as if there was someone in Yong Shan’s brain desperately beating the drum, making him
dizzy, and like a few injured and crazy beasts waving their sharp claws, scratching his heart,
hurting his body, the pain was bloody horrible.

He was stunned to meet Yan Emperor’s gaze, and suddenly screamed, “Father!”

“The son is dull, I can’t guess what the old father is going to do…” Yong Shan, as if unable to
breathe, clung to the edge of the sandalwood corner in front of Emperor Yan’s bed, and begged
with trembling lips, “This son only knows that you are the most loving father in the world, the
Emperor! It is absolutely impossible for you to solve things that small families can’t solve.
Father, you are the wisest and most powerful person in the world. Nothing can be in your way.
Father, this…this is all your son’s fault. Be benevolent and let go of brother Yong Qi! Please let
go of brother Yong Qi! Father!”

After Yong Shan finished speaking, he desperately kowtowed on the ground.

Emperor Yan indifferently watched him knocking blood on his forehead, and smiled weakly, “I
am the Emperor, and I really want to be the most loving father in the world… Crown Prince, stop
hurting yourself and go back.”

Yong Shan still wanted to beg but Emperor Yan had called the guards to come in, “The Crown
Prince is too worried and anxious about my illness and is unwilling to go back. You send him

The guards of Tiren Palace had always only listened to the Emperor’s instructions. Once the
order was placed, no matter whether he was the Crown Prince or not, the guards immediately
invited and “sent” Yong Shan out of Tiren Palace.

Taizi Ch15.1

[Was busy this week and almost couldn’t meet the schedule. I had to do this chapter to two parts.
Ahh. Okay, hope you like it.]

All the people in the palace were in a panic. The emperor’s condition was unknown, but the
prince was helped out by the guards with blood on his forehead. The thunder in the cold freezing
winter roared loudly one by one making the official Ministers outside the Tiren Palace were so
scared that their faces became pale, feeling as if the sky was about to collapse.

Once the guards bowed their heads and retreated, the ministers who had been shivering in the
cold wind for a long time surrounded him. Most of them didn’t dare to say anything, looking at
him with respect and cautious, waiting for Yong Shan to speak with their ears perk up.
Occasionally a few courageous ones opened their mouths and spoke a broken language. “Your…
Your Highness?”

“Your forehead…”

“The emperor he…”

The young Crown Prince stood stiff for a while. Only when the cold wind blew on his cheeks,
did he seem to sober again. Not long after, he raised his sharp dark and white eyes, and swept
them slowly for a round.
His gaze was gentle with a faintly suppressing aura, and at this time, he seemed to have an extra
power that was able to calm down people’s hearts.

Only after seeing the people around him calm down, did Yong Shan say reservedly, “Father
Emperor only has a slight illness. After the imperial doctor Chen took his pulse, he is now
resting. You are all important state ministers, and you have your own tasks. Don’t wait here
anymore. Come back and pay your respect when Father is getting better.”

His tone was deep and low, but bearing the hidden meaning of the calmness of the past, sounding
a bit sad and dejected.

Looking at this young prince, everyone could not help but relax a little, and the tension of their
nerves was slightly relieved.

Someone asked in a low voice, “Your Highness’s forehead, I don’t know if you want to…”

“Oh.” Yong Shan raised his hand and stroked his forehead, his skin was numbly cold, and he
didn’t feel any pain. It was probably because of the cold weather that his blood clotted quickly.
After touching it, his fingertips still remained dry, and he smiled bitterly. “I wanted to stay inside
and serve my father. But he refused to allow me, and then I kowtowed too hard. The golden
brick floor of Tiren Palace, ah, a moment of losing self-control tend to make everyone laugh…”

“No, no, that’s how close the relationship is between the father and son.”

“The Crown Prince is truly a pure filial son.”

Yong Shan had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and there was no time to add another interjection to
the audience. He raised his head to look at the sun hiding up high behind the clouds above his
head. Even though the snow wasn’t falling, the weather was still so cold with a murderous
At this moment, he didn’t know where to go.

Back to the Prince’s Palace? How should he act when he met Yong Qi? Yong Shan knew that he
had to do something, but he hadn’t thought about it yet. The more anxious he was, the less he
could make a careless decision. Which was why it would be better not to meet before he made a

Shu Fei’s side was probably like an ant crawling on a hot pot, looking forward to news.
Yong Shan subconsciously remembered the things in the past where his mother would make
things hard for him, adding problems after problems.

He stood silently in front of the palace gate, with an expression of discouragement which was
rare on his face. Other ministers didn’t know what was on his mind, they all thought he was
worrying about Emperor Yan’s condition, and sighed a few times, but still dared not leave
without permission. This was the best opportunity for them to show loyalty in front of the new
future monarch, and some of the ministers with a little brain also silently accompanied him in the
cold wind.

The imperial doctor Chen, who just came in and saw the scenes, was stunned for a moment
before he shuffled over toward Yong Shan. Seeing the blood on his forehead, he couldn’t help
feeling startled. He squeezed in the crowd and separated Yong Shan further, then spoke word by
word in a low voice, “What is the Crown Prince doing while standing in the wind? On such a
cold day, there is still blood on your face. Let this minister give Your Highness a treatment.”

Then he invited Yong Shan to a small resting pavilion.

It was a special place for the imperial Doctors who had to spend the night in Tiren Palace. There
was also a charcoal fire and a prepared box of medicine. The items prepared by the envoy under
the instructions of Emperor Yan were of course the best things.

After sending away all the servants who were waiting to serve them, the imperial doctor Chen
asked Yong Shan to sit down, then he personally took warm water to help him clean the wound
with the medicine.
Yong shan let him deal with it silently. His face, which was like a craft of art out of a jade, had
no trace of change while his starlike eyes watched the old doctor Chen taking water, wiping his
wounds, and taking ointment out of the box with complicity.

“Doctor Chen.” In the condensed silence, Yong Shan suddenly moved his lips with difficulty.

“Your Royal Highness.”

Yong Shan’s dark pupils flickered, staring straight at the old minister, and then asked in a very
light tone, “This wound, is it curable?”

The imperial doctor Chen looked at him kindly, and slowly said, “What is your Highness saying?
Your Highness is still young, and such a small injury will be healed in a few days. This minister
dares to speak a bold sentence that, Your Highness has a strong physical body, stronger and
much tougher than the emperor when he was young.”

“Will it leave scars?”


“Look at what?”

While answering Yong Shan, the imperial doctor Chen did not stop his hands. He skillfully
applied a the medicine to stop the blood and pain relief ointment to Yong Shan’s forehead, and
said, “Look at how the wound is being treated. If it is well treated, it won’t leave any scars. Your
Highness should not scratch around these areas for the next few days. If you don’t treat it well, it
will really leave a small lump.”

Yong Shan took a deeper look at him, and the corners of his lips slowly curled up and his
handsome face suddenly became incredibly soft.
He seemed to be more relieved than before, and started asking about his family’s matter. “I’ve
often seen you in the palace before, but haven’t had the chance to talk with you. How many
children do you have in your family?”

“I have no children.”


“Hehe, Weichen* was also counted as a wild person when he was in his youth ah. A wife and
four concubines, but…” The imperial doctor Chen laughed mockingly, “Although the third
concubine finally gave birth to a son, since it was a difficult born, and with frail flesh and blood
that fated to be no successor in line, the baby still died before he was two months old.”

[T/N: * your humble servant.]

Hearing it, Yong Shan was also sad and signed.

The imperial doctor Chen, who was depressed only for a moment, wrinkled and smiled, and said
in the tone of the person who had overcome the past, “It’s also fate. In fact, if I think more about
it, it may be a good thing. Pity all the parents in the world, which child is not a debt collector
from their previous lives? We parents have to take care of them ever since they were born. While
we are alive, we still worry whether they’re having a good life or not. Even if we spend our
whole life working hard trying to keep them safe, in the end, when the time comes and once I
close my eyes, it still worries me whether the family would turn upside down. Main wife, the
concubine, the son and daughter, and the more family members, the even more troublesome
when fighting. Alas, the bigger the family business, the more troubles it brings. Being a man is
not easy.”

Yong Shan did not make a sound, and the words of the old minister were slowly chewed in his
heart, as if a thousand weight of olive branch was smashed on him.

Only a long while later did he smile, and responded indifferently, “En, it’s not easy.”

After the imperial doctor Chen helped him apply the ointment and put on the gauze, and told him
not to let the wound touch the water, remember to change the dressing accordingly, and so on,
only then did he hobble away.
When Yong Shan got out of the warm pavilion where the charcoal fired, a cold wind rushed
toward him, causing him to frown slightly from the cold. He had already decided not to go to
Shu Fei’s palace for fear troubles would come down at him again, and just simply went back to
the Prince’s Palace.


Chang Defu had seen him and Yong Lin rushed to see Emperor Yan every early in the morning
and when he came back, he was wrapped in a circle of gauze around his head making Chang
Defu turn pale with fright. He followed Yong Shan with his waist bowed from behind, step by
step and dared not to ask indiscriminately.

When the maidservants saw the Master of the palace coming this way, they were naturally
careful, almost all of them knelt and waited.

Yong Shan went into the study room and sat down before taking two sips of the hot tea. His
bottomless black eyes stared at the door of the room, losing in thought. When he recovered after
losing his composure for a moment and saw Chang Defu’s appearance, he smiled softly,
“Looking at you like this, did you see a ghost? Has Yong Qi woke up yet?”

As soon as he spoke, Chang Defu quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and replied with a smile, “His
Royal Highness Yong Qi has just woken up and has been freshened up as well. This servant saw
that it has become cold today, so I invited him to stay and read in a warm room first. If there are
other things needed to talk about, he has to wait until Your Highness comes back.”
“Has he eaten?”

“Eaten. The food had been all prepared, stewed on the stove, inside…”

“Enough. I ask you a sentence, and you answer a bunch. There is no need to tell me about such
trivial matters.” Yong Shan cut his words indifferently, and asked in a deep voice, “Is he in the


Yong Shan no longer cared about Chang Defu as he stood up, and walked to the bedroom where
he had spent the sweetest moment of his life not long ago.

Inside the room was still as warm as spring.

It seemed that the tapestries on the windows and doors had been replaced with double layers, and
when Yong Shan entered the room, instantly he got a feeling as if immersed in warm water.

Yong Qi was sitting on a long heatable brick bed and reading a book with his back turned to the
door. Feeling a cold wind escaping in when the door was opened, he couldn’t help turning his
head back.

Seeing that Yong Shan was back, his eyes flashed slightly with joy, and instantly brightened.
After seeing his face clearly, his eyes became surprised again, as if he was about to ask
something. Yong Shan waited for him to speak, but Yong Qi only bit his lip, restrained
everything with a blush, and turned back to pretend to read intently.

“What are you reading?” Yong Shan took off his mink fur sleeveless jacket and walked to his
back and looked sideways.

Yong Qi seemed to remember what happened last night. He didn’t even dare to look at Yong
Shan with his eyes. Hearing his question, he only flipped the book in his hand to the front and let
him read the words on the cover.

Yong Shan laughed and said softly, “My brother is really diligent. In the cold winter, he still
endures the cold wind and frost and reads Lao Zhuang.”
His calmness made Yong Qi no longer as reserved as he was at the beginning.

“It’s very warm inside, how can there be any cold wind and frost?” Yong Qi’s gentle voice was
still very nice to listen to. “I’m just not sure when I will be able to listen to Grand tutor Wang’s
lesson again. I only want to take a look in advance. If he asks questions, I wouldn’t answer with
nothing.” He suddenly overturned the topic and asked Yong Shan, “What happened to your

Yong Shan only lightly and causally mentioned a statement, “In the recent three disasters and six
fortunes, people either hurt their legs or bumped their heads. Is my elder brother’s neck better?”
As he asked, he touched Yong Qi’s soft and white neck.

Yong Qi shrank his already because red neck as if the touch made him itchy, “Don’t be like this,
it’s too improper.”

“We’ve done many more improper things before and you’re still afraid of this now?” Yong Shan
smiled ambiguously, his eyes that could intoxicate people seemed to have an irresistible power
force. He cornered Yong Qi with this gaze as he slowly approached with a smile. Sitting down
on the warm brick bed, tightly next to Yong Qi, he asked in a low voice, “How many times did
my brother come last night? I originally wanted to count, but then I was so busy that I forgot.”

Yong Qi didn’t dare to meet the scorching gaze that made him tremble, and turned away
awkwardly. His neck was itchy, someone still put his fingertips on his skin and slowly rubbed it,
reminding him of the pleasure of being rubbed and squeezed over and over again last night.

Yong Qi shuddered, holding his breath patiently through gritted teeth.

“Where is the word my brother promised to give me? Have you written it?” Yong Shan asked in
a low voice in his ear.


“Where? Show me.”

Yong Qi turned his head and unnaturally stretched out a finger, pointed towards the small cabinet
near the bed, and whispered, “I’ll get it for you.”
Seeing through his intention to take the opportunity to escape, Yong Shan hugged him and kissed
him twice, “I dare not let my brother do the work, I’ll just go take it myself.”

He personally went to take the white scroll on the small cabinet, and for fear that Yong Qi would
be gone again, he returned to his original position with one hand was put around Yong Qi, and
the scroll was placed on the thick mattress with the other hand. He spread out the scroll slowly in
front of the two of them, and smiled softly. “Let me see what my brother wrote. This is a rare
color. You can’t just write it carelessly. If there is one stroke that is not well written, you have to
start again…” As he said, looking down at the unfolding scroll, the smile on his face suddenly

Yong Qi was really not careless, and he wrote every stroke very carefully.

Four shocking black characters appeared on white background of the finest rice paper, from top
to bottom―The love of the sages is impartial.

[T/N: Lit: 聖人不仁, The sages are not benevolent. I’m matching with the previous chapter

Noticing the person next to him suddenly stiffened, Yong Qi’s heart slightly shrank. He turned
his face to look at Yong Shan, and asked in confusion and anxiety, “Is it not nice to look at?”

Yu Shan was silent.

When Yong Qi saw him like this, an inexplicable fear advanced, and his limbs wanted to escape
despite what he thought otherwise. Yong Shan clamped his waist firmly with his arms that
looked like cast iron, staring at the character, and after a while, a light smile slowly emerged on
his face as he asked Yong Qi, “Brother’s words, of course, are good. But why did you pick this
sentence to write?”

Yong Qi looked at him suspiciously for a moment, and then he raised his chin to the book set
aside in a gesture, and said, “I don’t know what to write, I just flipped through it and wrote one
sentence. If you don’t like this sentence, I will pick one from [Mengzi] and write you another

[T/N: Mencius, Chinese philosopher.]

Yong Shan laughed, feeling helpless, “I don’t want those sour things in [Mengzi]. I must punish
my brother to rewriting another one, and I want the four words of Jiaou Tiancheng.”

[T/N: 佳偶天成: a good match as if made in heaven.]

Yong Qi was so embarrassed that he lowered his head and said, “All nonsense again.”

With such a disturbance, the fear disappeared. After watching Yong Shan take the scroll away
and put it aside, he couldn’t help asking, “Can I go see my mother? You promised it yesterday.”

His pleading eyes looked at Yong Shan cautiously.

On the face of the new Crown Prince, the usual complex expression which Yong Qi couldn’t
understand appeared again.

Yong Shan was silent. After watching Yong Qi’s longing become more and more obvious, his
confidence was more and more shaken because of his silence, and his pleadings became more
and more tragic, only then did he smile as if he had teasing him enough, “I am the Crown Prince,
of course my words count.” (I’ll keep my promise)

Yong Qi’s originally worried eyes suddenly brightened happily.

“Can I go now?”

“En.” Yong Shan smiled and said, “Go ba. It’s windy on the road, brother, be careful.”

Yong Qi was so grateful that after changing his clothes he went out quickly.

Yong Shan wrote on a piece of paper and ordered him to take it with him, then ordered the
guards to protect Yong Qi on the road. Seeing the energetic Yong Qi eagering to go out, he
called Yong Qi back again, took a look at him up and down, then touched the clothes on his
body. After feeling that it was okay, then he squeezed the thickness of his cloak, and said
casually, “It’s too thin, you should change to thicker one. Someone come and get a thicker fur
Yong Qi was neatly dressed, not only was he not feeling cold, but also feeling a little sultry. Just
as he was about to decline, a servant brought over a thick fur cloak.

Since he had a good and gentle temper and after thinking that he shouldn’t have trouble with
Yong Shan at this time, he took the fur jacket and changed it in silence.
Only then did Yong Shan wave his hand, “Go ba.”

Seeing that he was being so kind, Yong Qi’s views toward Yong Shan had changed a lot more
than usual. His round eyes glanced at him, and he seemed a little bit reluctant to go. The two
quietly looked at each other for a moment before Yong Qi turned his head and went away.

Losing the warmth of the heater buried under the ground and the warm brick bed that he was just
sitting on when he reached the door, Yong Qi shivered as the cold air rushed to him and
completely wrapped him up and down.

It seemed as if Yong Qi had been plunged into the ice hole from the warm stove, shaking
violently, and his breath was also misty white.

Only then did he understood that there was a real difference between the inside and outside of
the room. Fortunately, Yong Shan was thoughtful and had him change for a thicker fur jacket
one before coming out, otherwise he would really suffer from the cold.

Chang Defu ran after him, smiling and saluting, “By His Highness Crown Prince ordered, this
servant will escort Your Highness Yong Qi over there. The sedan chair has just been prepared,
waiting outside. Alas, it was so cold today, I’m afraid there will be another good snowfall.”

Yong Qi looked up, and sure enough the sky was overcast as if it would fall down at any time.

Because he was too eager to see Li Fei, he didn’t pay much attention to the weather. With a thick
fur cloak, he walked outside the palace gate, got on the warm sedan chair, and watched the
scenery moving all the way, passing through the palace and the courtyard.

After being away for a while, Yong Qi, who grew up here, felt that the huge and complex palace
was a lot unfamiliar. Although the scenery had not changed much, everything was still different.

The road he used to use to go see his mother now was no longer the familiar road in the past.
While sitting in the sedan chair, he watched the servants lift him in a strange direction. The road
was full twisted and turns as he went further and further. Outside the sedan chair, there was no
longer a close follower of his own. Seeing Chang Defu rubbed his hands and followed him with
his voice turning hoarse from walking, the feeling of without the freedom to act engendered
within his own body.

Just as he heaved a sigh at himself, the sedan chair arrived and stopped at the front door of a
palace gate. The place where the signboard used to be held up above the palace gate was empty.
The scarlet paint on the door had been frozen and there were cracks over the years with one piece
fell from the east to the west, and the dead grass that slipped along the wall showed lifelessness.

Only a few fierce looking palace guards carrying with swords guarding outside the door could
remind the outsiders that there were still living people inside this palace.

This place was indeed the Cold Palace.

Taizi Ch15.2

With just a glance at the gate, Yong Qi became so sad that he almost shed tears. His mother was
like a fine Jade flower who used to live in a high position and with great wealth. Many people
used to line up to fawn upon her, but now she was detained and locked up inside here.

Seeing his sullen face, Chang Defu also dared not speak too much. He first stepped forward to
greet the head of the guard, did official business according to official principles, and showed him
the note personally written by the current Crown Prince.

After the negotiation was completed, he came over to ask Yong Qi who was still in the sedan
chair for instructions. “I’ve said everything, your Highness, would you like to go in now?”

Yong Qi was too afraid to open his mouth, after nodding his head and giving a sound of
acknowledgement, he walked into the Cold Palace; the place where he only came for the first

There were many rules in the palace. Li Fei was the concubine who was sent to the Cold Palace
while Chang Defu, a servant who didn’t have anything related to her even as her servant, so he
couldn’t see her in person. He was stopped by the guards and had to wait outside the door after
Yong Qi arrived at the gate of the palace.

The Cold Palace adopted the same guarding system as Tiren Palace, where the guards were
divided into several groups, each group having their own duties, and not a single thread of
confusion could be allowed to happen.

After going past the palace’s gate, there was another group of guards inside.
Probably because the personal letter written by the Crown Prince was seen by the guard
beforehand that he didn’t make things too difficult. He asked Yong Qi to sign and leave his name
on the big register book and explained, “This is the place where I’m most afraid of getting into
trouble. No matter who enters or exits, he must sign his name. The rules are strict in and out, so I
can’t lead the way. Your Highness, please go in by yourself.” With a hand forming a please
gesture, he let Yong Qi go inside.

Yong Qi went in alone, and after passing the outermost corridor, he could vaguely see that the
layout here was similar to that of an ordinary palace, but it was much more barren and desolate.

The further he went in, the more lifeless the place became, as if he wasn’t entering the Cold
Palace but a ghost domain, both gloomy and sinister.

With the carved beams and buildings painting faded and dilapidated, it turned out to be even
more horrible.
Yong Qi walked alone for a while. This was a huge palace but there was no one present in the
room and he also didn’t know where Li Fei was.

Looking at the worn-out eave overlapping near and far, he felt sad in his heart. After hesitating
for a while, he continued to search the room one by one. Then he saw something moving past in
the corner of his eye, so he went over to take a look.

Outside the inconspicuous side door, a woman in a dress skirt was bending over the stove,
coughing several times with a puff of black smoke coming out of the stove.

Yong Qi quietly walked over, tilting his head and carefully looking at her for a moment before
calling out in a low voice, “Qingyi?”

The woman’s back flicked and stiffened for a while before turning around. After confirming the
person, she said, “Your Highness has come.” After having said these four words, a tone that
sounded suffocated and stuffy as a string tightly pulled in the air, slowly loosened becoming
almost like a sobbing and weeping instead.

Qingyi was the most trusted person around Li Fei. When Li Fei entered the palace, she was the
first to serve by her side. Watching Li Fei being favored, conceiving, giving birth to Yong Qi,
and almost becoming the mother of the world, then she saw Li Fei rapidly taking a fall. After
more than 20 years, there hadn’t been a single day she was away from Li Fei’s side.

She was also the one who had watched Yong Qi grow up, which was why it was natural that
their relationship was more familiar and intimate than that of a master and servant relationship
compared to others.

The two met each other, yet they didn’t know what to say. Thinking back to that year today,
there was nothing but sorrow with thousands of melancholy aroused which just happened and
ended in the twinkling of an eye.

After a while, Qingyi exhaled and asked in a low voice, “Did Your Highness come to pay a visit
to Niangniang?”
Yong Qi nodded and asked, dejectedly, “How is mother?”

Qingyi squeezed out a wry smile, “With how things are….how is it possible for her to be any
better? But Niangniang is still able to hold up for the time being.” Looking at Yong Qi lovingly,
she suddenly lowered her voice and sighed, “The last time I saw Your Highness, Your Highness
was still the Crown Prince…alas.”

On the day Yong Qi was abolished, Emperor Yan was exceptionally vigorous in carrying out his
orders. If there weren’t movements, there weren’t movements but once he did, he would set off
the whole situation in a stir. Within just a day, came several imperial decrees; abolished Yong
Qi, contained Li Fei, and suppressed the Song family.

Once the emperor overturned the palm of his hand, and the pressure was overwhelmingly

The mother was detained and locked up in the Cold Palace while the son was escorted to the
faraway fief; they were separated even before they could see each other. Later, with just a letter
of normal greetings turned into a corrupted secret letter, causing Yong Qi to be taken to the Inner
Punishment Court to be negotiated.

Thinking of Emperor Yan’s ruthlessness, Yong Qi couldn’t help but tremble in fear.

He didn’t want to say anything more, sighed and asked, “Where is mother? I want to pay her

“Your Highness, please follow me.”

Qingyi led him into a wing room not far away, and when they reached the door, she pointed to
the inside, “Niangniang is inside. Your Highness, please go in by yourself.” Then she turned
back and continued working on her stove.

While crossing the short threshold, Yong Qi’s mood was both anxious and a little timid. He
somewhat felt an unspeakable fear thinking about meeting his mother soon, as if he was afraid of
seeing some unbearable tragedy.

This wing room was fairly large, and the gloomy air inside was heavy. He couldn’t make out the
things hanging on the window, whether it were tapestries or thick blankets. Even if it was a
sunny day, the light wouldn’t be able to get in.

Yong Qi walked while looking inward, his eyes couldn’t adapt for a while entering this dark and
dull place. He stopped and stood in daze for a while, and the corner of his eyes jumped. Then he
suddenly found a thin figure sitting on the soft chair on his right hand side.

That face with that appearance, that was his mother, Li Fei!

“Mother!” Yong Qi cried out and knelt on his knees.

When his Crown Prince title was abolished, he was sent to the internal penal institution and was
separated from Li Fei, his life became ups and downs as if drifting along the storm wave. At this
meeting, he had made up his mind not to be as useless as before and not like a child to cry in
front of his mother.

But having seen the appearance of his mother living in a grave-like Cold Palace with her
dignified and noble figure wearing only a semi-old thick coat in the winter, sitting alone in the
dark wing, he was overwhelmed by a feeling of sorrow, how could he bear it?

“Mother…son has come to see you…” Yong Qi knelt down, hugged Li Fei’s legs, burst into
tears, and sobbed intermittently, “…son is useless, I made you suffer…mother…”

He sobbed and choked while trying to suppress his voice but the pain in his lungs and throat
made him become more uncomfortable. While crying, his back arched sharply, unable to stop the

A hand stretched out and gently stroked the top of his head, and said softly, “Silly child, this is
the Cold Palace, it’s quieter than anywhere else. There’s no need for you to hold back, just cry
out loud.”

“Mother!” Yong Qi raised his head.

Li Fei’s profile, which was as beautiful as before, jumped into his wet eyes, and only then did
Yong Qi discover that there were tears quietly hanging on his mother’s face.

It was the first time that he saw his mother, who used to have a strong disposition, shed tears, and
it made him even more sad. He hurriedly wiped her tears with his sleeves and sadly said, “I am
no good. Even after I’m here, I’ve made my mother feel sad.”

Li Fei helped him up, let him sit by her side, and said with a smile, “It’s not easy to meet and
what are you crying for? Never thought I would also have a day like today.”

After there was a change in the Palace, the first time the mother and son met, it was in this
lifeless Cold Palace. It was cold outside, and it was even more cold here.

Everything was like a nightmare that was hard to wake up from.

Li Fei and Yong Qi sat in silence for a while, wiped away their tears, and then began to speak in
a low voice.

It seemed that no one wanted to mention the past that was so full of losses, Li Fei, one sentence
by one, only asked Yong Qi about his daily life and how he had eaten after parting. Hearing
Yong Qi said that Emperor Yan made a decree and found him a princess at Nanlin to get married
to, Li Fei fell silent. She sighed, and faintly said, “I, after all, also have a daughter-in-law who I
don’t know when I can meet her.”

She also asked if Yong Qi had been wronged in the Inner Punishment.

Yong Qi suddenly felt guilty. He thought of when he was being tied up, wantonly played and
assaulted by Yong Shan, as well as the self-induced scandal last night, he didn’t dare look at Li
Fei’s face at all. He bowed his head and said, “Father Emperor is benevolent, son has been
released, and he didn’t suffer much. Now I am ordered to reflect on it, live and study at the
Prince’s Palace temporarily with Yong Shan.”

While talking, he quietly observed Li Fei’s face.

Li Fei, who was now in the Cold Palace, hadn’t had time to apply any rogue or power on her
face, but her skin was still crystal clear. Her pair of phoenix eyes hung up high, retaining a bit of
the dignity of the past.

The light was dim, and Yong Qi looked at his mother’s side face dimly, as usual, giving birth to
a guilty conscience that seemed to be seen through for no reason. He had to ask, “I don’t know…
how is mother these days…? I heard Qingyi say that mother is in good health…”

There was a faint smile on Li Fei’s face as she said faintly, “The days I am here are not bad
compared to you.” Her gaze swept towards Yong Qi, and she sighed with pity, “You have
suffered a lot, how can your mother not know?”

Yong Qi was startled, his thick eyelashes trembled.

Li Fei stretched out her hand, squeezed his hand tightly, and lowered her voice, “Yong Qi, last
time your mother sent someone to the Prince’s Palace, did you meet him?”

Yong Qi’s hand shook violently, and after a long silence did he lightly nod.

“Fortunately, you met him.” Li Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and said with emotion, “This Cold
Palace is really a place where flaws are hard to find. It is not easy to send a message. Your
mother has been in the palace for more than 20 years and has trained a lot of people, but now
there are only one or two that can be used at a critical moment.”

There was silence for a while.

Li Fei asked in a low voice, “Do you remember what he said?”

Yong Qi pursed his lips and nodded earnestly.

“Did you do what he said?” Li Fei added.

Her voice was very soft, but Yong Qi’s body still shook.

He hesitated for a while, raised his head and looked up at Li Fei, and said in shame, “The son is
useless, there are so many people there, Yong Shan has hidden all the important things, and I…
mother, I can’t find that thing.”
After he finished speaking, he lowered his eyes to look at his toes, quietly waiting for Li Fei to
get angry.
But Li Fei was silent. It was unknown how long it took before she spoke with a little
disappointment, and said slightly puzzled, “Hid it? That’s the Prince’s Palace where you used to
live in the past. Where can things be hidden? You don’t know.”

“I…mother, I…”
“Are you unwilling? Or you can’t do it?”

Yong Qi evaded Li Fei’s gaze and opened his lips embarrassedly, “Mother, this…this matter…”

The hand that was holding him tightly was suddenly released, as if to throw him away. Yong
Qi’s heart seemed to be pulled by something, and he suddenly grasped the retracted hand, and
had no choice but to boldly say, “Now the thing has become like this. Mother should stop
holding a grudge against him. Yong Shan is now the Crown Prince and he promised to let mother
go, and Yong Lin also returned to the palace. Mother also knew that son had always had a good
relationship with him. It may be assumed that these two brothers won’t make things difficult for
us, maybe even uncle will be forgiven in the future. Mother, mother, you listen to me, when
Yong Shan went out that day, this child didn’t know if he went to see Gong Wuhui. Besides,
even if he had something written by Gong Wuhui, what use would it be after stealing it? It will
only cause trouble for mother. You… listen to your son once…”

After listening to him, Li Fei didn’t know whether she was angry or regretful. Suddenly, tears
came out again, sliding down her face like a broken thread.

Yong Qi was frightened and didn’t dare to sit anymore. He knelt down and said, “Mother, don’t
be angry, listen to your son, mother, don’t hate your son…”

Li Fei’s mouth was pressed tightly, as if the misery and despair in her heart were about to break
through the embankment, and she could only rely on this last resort to guard. Without saying a
word, she stretched out her arms and hugged her kneeling son tightly.

The mother and child were cuddling each other like the only thing they could do under the sky
was to depend on each other.

“Stupid child, mother can hate all the people in the world, but I will never hate you.” Li Fei’s
hands trembled, but her tone was soft and reassuring, “I know you can’t figure it out, you are too
kind to understand the vicious heart in these people in the palace now, and for a lifetime, you
will not understand it. My poor child, God, have mercy on my son, why was he born as a

Yong Qi didn’t really understand and felt uncomfortable for a while, and couldn’t help saying,
“Mother, don’t be like this… what Gong Wuhui wrote is nothing important, why do you have to
get it?”

“It’s nothing important? Have you seen it?”

Yong Qi was at a loss for words, and fled Li Fei’s sight in embarrassment.
Li Fei looked at him for a while, and said helplessly, “Yong Qi, mother is here now, do you think
she still thinks about fighting with Shu Fei? You don’t understand the heart of being a mother,
being a mother under the world, only her own children are in her eyes, and she mustn’t allow a
single sand rub in her eyes. Yong Qi, you are the sand in Shu Fei’s eyes, and she won’t spare
you, do you understand?”
Yong Qi was slightly surprised.
He wasn’t a fool either, what Li Fei said, he understood somehow.
It didn’t need to mention his status as the former Crown Prince or other things else, only the
relationship between Yong Shan and him, Shu Fei wouldn’t let him go.

Being a mother, who could tolerate such a thing?


“Mother, Yong Shan, he said…”

“Don’t mention what Yong Shan said! Even if he said it, would you believe it?”

“I…” Yong Qi swallowed back the words on the tip of his tongue.

There seemed to be many fingers bit by bit pinching the flesh and twisted it fiercely in his hearts,
both painful and fearful, as if a feeling of danger lingered in his internal organs, and it was as
cold as poison.

He didn’t know who the danger would ultimately fall on, and he didn’t want to harm any of these
people in the palace.

First of all, his mother must be safe, and Yong Lin shouldn’t have an accident either.

But what about Yong Shan?

Although Yong Shan had some points that made people unable to find him pleasant, he treated
him really differently. Yong Qi was shocked to find that he was a little bit reluctant. Falling
asleep in Yong Shan’s arms last night was the most reassuring place to stay in the palace.

That kind of cherishment was completely different from what his mother Li Fei gave in the past.

It wasn’t the same thing.

Since he was a child, he has respected, loved and feared Li Fei. Now that they had met
misfortune, he was more intimate than before. After all, mother and child were connected to a
wretched situation. If there was a need to deceive each other, wouldn’t there be a word for

Yong Qi thought and thought, raised his head, lowered his eyes, repeated a few times, and finally
gently groped Li Fei’s hand, like a child, eagerly begging while stammering, “Mother, I… I have
a little faith.”

After thinking and saying that, even if Li Fei had a good temper, she would definitely be furious

He lowered his head and waited while trembling.

Unexpectedly, Li Fei was only taken aback, her eyes dropped and cast on his face, which was
softer than before.
“Yong Qi.”


Li Fei asked softly, “You don’t want Yong Shan to have an accident like you, be abolished, and
suffer the same crime as you, right?”

Yong Qi was both cowardly and weak, at this time, there was no escape from being exposed.

He trembled all over, knelt in front of Li Fei, flustered for a moment, feeling as if betraying Li
Fei’s expectations and nodded guiltily.

Li Fei who had expected it earlier only sighed, and asked quietly, “If there is a death between
mother and Yong Shan, who do you choose to die?”

Yong Qi seemed to be stabbed by someone, suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Fei
heartbrokenly, “Mother, you…why are you trying to force me like this?”

The soft face that resembled Li Fei was twisted in pain.

“Mother doesn’t force you, not force you.” Li Fei couldn’t bear it, caressing his face, softly
coaxing, “My child, you are so kind in your heart, how can your mother push you so cruelly.
This question is not for you, but for Yong Shan.”

Yong Qi was shocked.

Li Fei slowly said, “Yong Shan is already the Crown Prince, and the emperor’s health is no
longer good. If he dies, Yong Shan will ascend the throne. As soon as he ascends the throne, Shu
Fei will be the Empress Dowager. At that time, the Empress Dowager would not let me live, nor
will she let you live. If Yong Shan wants to save your life, he has to confront Shu Fei. You have
to let Yong Shan choose, and ask him who to choose, you die, or his mother dies.”

“No, no, no…” Yong Qi shook his head flusteredly, “It won’t be like this, mother, you…”

“At that time, I can’t live long either.” Li Fei smiled sadly, “But it’s nothing, as long as you can
live, I can close my eyes in death and die contentedly.”

“Mother, it won’t be like this…”

“It has always been like this.” Li Fei paused and said, “Cut weeds and eliminate the roots. If she
fails to cut the weed and remove the roots, it is because the force is evenly matched, and she
can’t do it. When she has this power, she will naturally do it.”
She suddenly showed a weird smile and asked in a low voice, “Yong Qi, did you know that Shu
Fei was here yesterday?”

Yong Qi shook his head blankly, “What was she doing? She… did she do something to
“She’s not an Empress. How dare she act rashly if she hasn’t obtained it yet?” Li Fei smiled
indifferently. “After fighting for 20 years, she still doesn’t have the courage to do it herself. This
woman is here to negotiate conditions with me.”

“What are the conditions?”

“She gave me a promise.”

Yong Qi faintly felt wrong, and asked, “What promise?”

“She promised me,” Li Fei curled her lips meaningfully, “As long as I end my life on my own
within three days, when she becomes the Empress in the future, she will spare you a life, let you
return to Nanlin’s fiefdom and live on your own.”

Yong Qi was shocked, both angry and hateful, “What kind of condition is this? Mother, I’ll go
report to my father, she actually…”

“Of course even if it’s a condition, it’s still a good deal. If she really keeps it to the end, I will
hang the rope without saying a word.” Li Fei was calm, her eyes slowly became sharper, and she
smiled coldly, “But I know exactly what she is like. Hmph, it’s okay if she doesn’t come, but
once she showed her foot here, I finally understood.”

Yong Qi was puzzled, “What did mother understand?”

Li Fei smiled actually a little pleasant, as she smiled at Yong Qi, saying, “Naturally understand
that her capable and smart prince is guarding and protecting my Yong Qi. Otherwise, how could
she rush me to die? If I die, you will have conflict with Yong Shan. If you have a conflict with
Yong Shan and are causing trouble, she will have an excuse to get rid of you.”

When Yong Qi heard “Guarding and protecting my Yong Qi”, he was already stunned and

The things he did with Yong Shan, if it was known to other people even if they were unrelated to
him, he wouldn’t know where to put his face, not to mention Li Fei’s expression and tone, it was
clear that she knew something.

He lowered his head, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Li Fei was surprisingly gentle and comforted him. “Yong Qi, don’t lower your head. Others
don’t know, but how can your mother not understand her child? There are things in the palace
that are even worse than you two brothers. As long as you can live well, no matter what you do,
your mother won’t blame you. But……”

The slender and cold fingertips lightly touched Yong Qi’s chin, raising his face a little.

“But you have to listen to your mother and steal the things Gong Wuhui wrote to Yong Shan.”

“Mother is not to harm others, but to protect herself.” Li Fei looked at him eagerly, “This is the
evidence of Yong Shan trespassing into the Imperial Prison and Gong Wuhui’s private meeting,
although it can’t really harm Yong Shan, but it is a handle after all. Yong Shan’s position isn’t
stable yet, even if Shu Fei has thicker courage, and she did not dare to leak this matter to the
emperor’s ears. With it in hand, mother can use this to threaten Shu Fei, so that she will not dare
to touch us mother and son for the time being. She used my son to blackmail me, and I also want
to use her son to counter her.”

Yong Qi’s heart moved slightly, and asked half believe and half doubt, “Really?”

Li Fei proudly said, “In this palace, the two of us have been fighting for almost 20 years. Each
one can’t really do anything about it. We rely on the two words of checks and balances. Don’t
you want all of us to be safe? This is the only way.”

Yong Qi pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, “Although this method seems to be
useful right now, didn’t mother say that if Yong Shan ascends the throne in the future, Shu Fei
will be the Empress Dowager? At that time, the emperor would be gone, and she would no
longer be afraid of this piece of evidence.”

“You child, it’s hard to live right now, what are you still thinking about in the future?” Li Fei
said helplessly.
“The harem is a dark road full of sharp knives. Who dares to expect not to be cut by a knife for a
lifetime? It will be fine if you can survive this period. The future will be discussed in the future,


“Yong Qi?”

“Yes… son understands…”

Taizi Ch16.1

After a round of secret talks, the mother and son bid farewells unwillingly.

When Yong Qi came out did he realize that there had been a big heavy snowfall outside the hall,
with pieces of snowflakes covering the ground and flowers, like wrapping in a brand new dress
for the palace, turning every inch of the place snow-white and glassy.

Seeing Yong Qi turning out of the gate of the neglected palace, Chang Defu, who was waiting
anxiously under the eaves covered by snow with his neck shrank, hurried over. He met him with
a smiling face that was freezing cold and stiff. “Your Highness has come out? This servant said
before that there will be snow falling and look at this now, tsk. Your Highness, please hurry up
on the sedan chair waiting over there.”

Thinking of Yong Shan who was still waiting for him, Yong Qi’s heart sank.
He had always avoided this ruthless and mean brother whom he had no good impressions of in
the past.

Unexpectedly, in this huge palace where things could be very different now, only Yong Shan
showed him sincerity which could make him moved. It was like the saying goes, you can’t judge
a person by his appearance. 

His mother ordered him to steal something, but wasn’t it like telling him to take advantage of
Yong Shan’s good feeling toward him?

This palace was really like a place full of schemes. No matter how capable someone was, anyone
who had a little kindness will inevitably get a stab in the back.

Yong Qi watched the heavy snow falling from the sky, and the more he thought about it, the
heavier his mind became.

But if he didn’t follow his mother’s instructions, once Shu Fei made another move, he might not
be able to save the lives of his mother and himself. It didn’t matter if he didn’t survive. But if
something happened to his mother in the cold palace, even if he cried out to the heavens, it
would be too late. Could it be that he had to watch her be killed?

While he couldn’t decide on what to do, he didn’t want to go back to the Prince’s Palace at all,
and stood in a daze with a foggy mind.

Chang Dufu, who thought that because he had seen the desolated appearance of Li Fei being
detained in the cold palace and couldn’t accept it for a while, looked up at the endless snowflakes
floating down from the sky, stomped his feet in an anxious manner, and said: “Your Highness, if
you don’t feel happy in your heart, please wait until you go back. If you get sick from the cold,
let Li Fei Niangniang know, won’t she have heartache? After all, Niangniang only has a son like
you. Please, get on the sedan chair. It’s nothing enjoyable standing under the wind and in the
snow. His Highness Crown Prince has said that if you get even a little bit cold, don’t expect this
servant’s legs to be intact. You should understand and sympathize with this servant…”

After getting along with him for many days, Chang Defu also tried to figure out the temperament
of this Prince and found out that he was more than ten times softer than Yong Shan. Therefore,
he got big courage, and while babbling and winking at the left and right, a few people came up,
pushed Yong Qi into the sedan chair half-coaxed and half-persuaded before hurriedly lifted it up
and left.

Chang Defu put his hands in his thick coat’s pocket, squeaking along the thickening snow and
followed by the side of the sedan chair.

On this long journey back, many amounts of snow had fallen on the heads and shoulders of the
servants lifting the sedan chair, covering them in white. 

With great difficulty walking on the road, they finally saw the gate of the Prince’s Palace from a
Another group of people carrying two warm sedan chairs suddenly came out of the palace.
Seeing the gorgeous regulation sedan chair of the one in front, Chang Defu knew that the person
sitting inside was Shu Fei.

When one group of people came in and another group came out, they happened to run into each
other on the road full of snow.

Chang Defu didn’t dare to be rude, so he quickly ordered the servants to stop and wait on the
side of the road. Then he went up next to the curtain of the first sedan chair with a smile.
“Servant greets Shu Fei Niangniang. On such a cold day, Niangniang still came to see His Royal
Highness? Alas, this servant didn’t have any luck at all, just went to work at his request, and
failed to serve tea to Niangniang himself.”

Behind the curtain, Shu Fei softly smiled. “What luck will it bring you in serving me tea? Is it
not more than a blessing to be able to do private affairs for His Royal Highness? Is Yong Qi
inside the sedan chair?”

“Replying to Niangniang, the inside is indeed His Highness Yong Qi.” Her words held more
weight than what she said, and after hearing it, Chang Defu secretly cried bitterly. The nobles in
the palace, one was more difficult to serve than the other. Any one who dared offend them a little
bit would end up having a miserable end. Having half of his face approached the thick felt
curtain, he said with a pitiful smile: “Niangniang, pardon the offense, this servant dared to reply
again, of course serving tea is a lucky thing, and who wouldn’t want to serve tea for such Noble
who are ten thousand times more precious than this servant, and even a string of hair is more
important than this servant’s life…”

Shu Fei let out another amusing chuckle in the sedan chair.

Sitting in the sedan chair behind was Yong Lin.

This time, following his mother to visit Yong Shan, his butt was so itchy that he couldn’t sit still.
If it wasn’t for the snow, and that he was under the watch of Shu Fei, he wouldn’t want to sit in
the sedan chair, feeling so suffocated even if he was beaten to death. As soon as the sedan chair
stopped, he poked his head out and saw Chang Defu going to the front of Shu Fei’s sedan chair
for greetings, then he saw another sedan chair stopping at the other side. He immediately raised
his voice and asked, “Is that Brother Yong Qi over there?”

While talking, he ran out of the sedan chair, walked over to Yong Qi’s place with a bright smile,
and yelled excitedly, “Good heavens! Brother, come out to see this snow! A heavy snowfall in
winter means a bumper harvest. I just said that I was going to fight snowballs with my brothers
and make a snowman and the ice lantern, but brother Yong Shan said that you were out.
Fortunately, I met on the way, ha!”

Before he could reach and lift the curtain of the sedan chair to find Yong Qi, Shu Fei’s voice was
raised from behind, “Yong Lin! What are you running around in the snow? You come back

“Are you being disobedient? Just now, what did I and your brother say? Did you take it like a
passing wind? If you do this again, your mother will immediately send you back to the fiefdom.”

“Mother, I only want to have a few words with Brother Yong Qi.”

“What’s so important that you must say it in the snow? Are you coming back or not?”

Sitting on the sedan chair listening to their mother and son’s conversations, Yong Qi felt
uncomfortable. He lifted the curtain, and said softly across the window: “Yong Lin, listen to Shu
Fei Niangniang’s words, go back quickly.”

Yong Lin never thought that Yong Qi would also help his mother, his energetic face suddenly
wrinkled up into a bitter melon as he muttered unwillingly, “I knew it, you all dislike me.”

And then he had to walk back dejectedly.

Only after her son returned did Shu Fei have the time to take notice of Chang Defu.

“Chang Defu, on such a rare opportunity that is hard to come by, I will be honest with you.” She
asked Chang Defu to lean over a little before stretching out her two fingers to open a gap in the
dense curtain, her voice that like a whisper to the ear suddenly became cold. “You have been
sneaking around with someone in the Royal Infirmary recently and got some shameful medicine
to please Yong Shan. I saw it all.”

Chang Defu was taken aback and almost knelt in the snow with his knees.

Shu Fei sneered, and slowly said with a low voice that could only be heard between the two of
them: “Don’t think that there is only one great crown prince over your head. There are many
great people in this palace. Yong Shan is only sixteen years old this year. You see how many
years I have spent in this palace. Without me as a mother, do you think the one you serve can
become a crown prince? He would have long ended up like Yong Qi.”

Chang Defu trembled in the cold weather and heavy snow, knowing that it wasn’t a joke to
offend the noble in the sedan chair, but it was also unfortunate that he was involved in the affairs
of Yong Shan and Yong Qi. Trying his best to smile, he said: “Niangniang, calm down, this
servant is a fool. His Highness the Crown Prince’s orders…”

“I’ll spare you this time.” After the incisive hit, Shu Fei changed her tone of understatement
again. “Actually, don’t keep talking about nonsense like a noble and servant. You should know
that when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven. You have to be good.
Serve Yong Shan well.”

“Yes Yes.”

“To make Yong Qi leave early and to keep Yong Shan at peace is also to protect yourself.

“Yes yes, this servant is at your service, what’s Niangniang’s order…”

“Shut up. I’m not ordering you or anything, don’t push the accusation of abetting on me.” After
Shu Fei finished speaking, she slowly leaned back and sat up straight, “Raise the sedan chair,
I’m going back to rest.”

Chang Defu stepped aside and waited for Shu Fei and her people to leave from a distance. He
then exhaled a long sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and walked back,
informing the awaiting Yong Qi in the warm sedan chair: “Your Highness, we’re going back.”
Turning around and stomping, he viciously scolded a few servants who hurriedly lifted the sedan
chair, “Raise the sedan chair! Clumsy! Go faster, you bunch of lazy things, don’t you see the
snow is getting heavier and heavier now!”

When the sedan chair returned to the Prince’s Palace, Yong Shan was really waiting for him.

It was unknown whether he had just sent Shu Fei and Yong Lin out, and had not yet entered, or if
he really made a special trip to wait for Yong Qi. Anyway, when Yong Qi stepped out of the
sedan chair, and after lifting his eyes, he saw Yong Shan standing on the steps, like a jade tree
facing the wind; an arrogant, graceful and unrestrained prince, completely set off by the snow
scene filling in the sky.

Yong Qi’s heart jumped when he saw it, and he couldn’t help sighing. They were obviously twin
brothers, but Yong Shan’s temperament was more proud and was gifted with his heroic spirit,
which Yong Lin would not be able to beat in his life.

Emperor Yan’s favorite concubines all looked extraordinarily beautiful, and the sons they gave
birth to were all good-looking. Yong Qi himself was a very handsome one. Therefore, the eldest
Prince brother never valued the appearance of his brothers, he only liked the friendly ones, such
as Yong Lin.

However, this time the scene in front of him was really like the only thing he first saw in his
entire life. When he raised his eyes, for a while, like a young girl who had never seen the world,
his mind became a mess as it was drifting about absurdly beyond belief, and even secretly
compared Yong Shan’s eyebrows with Yong Lin.

The subtle difference between Yong Shan and Yong Lin was that, in the past, Yong Shan looked
dangerous and scary; but now, he knew how to behave like a grown up gentleman, bit by bit,
showing his composure and shrewdness.

He himself wasn’t one-third compared to Yong Shan. Yong Qi was unreasonably ashamed. 

After waiting for a long time, Yong Shan stepped down the steps and asked, “Has my brother
frozen? Why is he standing under the steps and refusing to move?” His beautiful eyebrows
knitted together, “Your hands are so cold, and Chang Defu dared to say that he is thoughtful,
why didn’t he even prepare a hand warmer?”

“Yes yes, this servant didn’t manage it well.” Chang Defu scolded himself repeatedly.

Yong Shan ignored him and walked inside with Yong Qi.
Yong Qi’s heart was up and down, one moment thinking of Li Fei’s instructions, next moment
thinking of the fight between Shu Fei and his mother, and later thinking of Gong Wuhui, who he
had no impression of at all. He was a person who couldn’t lie, once he faced the powerful Yong
Shan, it was unknown how long he could hold before spilling the beans. 

Feeling anxious being escorted by Yong Shan along the way, he randomly found a topic and
said: “When I just arrived just now, I saw the sedan chair of Shu Fei Niangniang and Yong Lin.”

Yong Shan’s pace suddenly slowed down, but resumed again only after an instant and his
smiling face was restored. He continued to move forward, asking casually, “Really? Did my
mother say anything?”

“I didn’t meet Shu Fei Niangniang, the sedan chair just stopped and waited on the side, so that
the elder would go first. Only Chang Defu went to greet her. I was thoughtless. I should have
gone to pay her respect as well.”

Yong Shan laughed and scolded, “It’s a snowy day, paying respects can be done at other times.
Brother, you, you just like to make trouble for yourself.”

When he got to the door, he lifted the thick tapestry on the door and let Yong Qi go in first.

The room remained the same as when before he left, with the underground heating still burning
vigorously, and it was very warm and comfortable.

As soon as Yong Qi entered the door, he subconsciously sighed, revealing a touch of comfort.
Yong Shan stopped behind him, put his arms around his waist and said, “I think in the huge
palace, only here is the best place for my brother. It is warm enough here, and it is uncomfortable
to wear too much, brother should take off one or two pieces of clothes.”

As he said, his hand went ahead to the front, groping with his fingertips, to help Yong Qi pull the
scarlet satin rope tied to the cloak at his chin.

Probably the room was too hot, so there was too much difference between the icy snow outside
and the warmth inside the room. Yong Shan didn’t move much but Yong Qi felt that his body
was weak for no reason, even his knees were mostly soft, and it was very difficult to stand

The history book had a record about all sorts of beauty that tended to bring trouble. Many people
will find ways to flirt with them, the more beautiful they are, the more likely to be sexually
harassed. The embarrassing scenes, one after another vividly passed by, and the eldest prince felt
embarrassed to find that he was even more unbearable than the scandalous women in history

Taizi Ch16.2

The history book had a record about all sorts of beauty that tended to bring trouble. Many
people will find ways to flirt with them, the more beautiful they are, the more likely to be
sexually harassed. The embarrassing scenes, one after another vividly passed by, and the eldest
prince felt embarrassed to find that he was even more unbearable than the scandalous women in

“Don’t…” Yong Qi raised his hand and gently stopped the hand that was groping him.

In an instant, he found that his five fingers were placed on the back of his prince brother’s hand
with the stopping action that looked like a shameless seduction. Once the cold fingertips touched
Yong Shan’s hot skin, and the place that was touched felt extreme disintegration as if the cold
winter and summer suddenly collided with one another.

He shrank his hand as if he was scalded.

Seeing him withdraw his hand, Yong Shan laughed slowly in his ear, “Brother, how interesting is
this? It’s not like I’m unable to bear you to go see Li Fei every day, I just want to ask you to be
obedient when you come back.”

Pulling loose the laces, the thick cloak slipped silently to the ground.

Yong Shan slowly took off Yong Qi’s fur clothes, and then slowly loosened the exquisitely
embroidered long belt around his waist.

Yong Qi knew what would happen after his clothes were taken off. The embarrassing scandal
was still vivid, and now he didn’t even have the unwilling resistance he had before.

Imagining that he would become extremely filthy, his soul shuddered as he was gasping in
depression. He couldn’t help but grab the hand on his waist again, and gently pleading, “Yong
Shan, this…this is not right… “

“En, it’s not right.” Yong Shan bit his earlobe and murmured: “I was wrong, it’s all my fault. I
forced my brother to do it. Whoever blames it in the future, you can say that the crown prince
forced the rape on you. Oh, this is also the truth.”

Yong Qi felt very uncomfortable, and shook his head constantly, “No…it’s not like this…Listen
to me, Yong Shan…we can’t do this again…”

“I won’t listen, I just want to do it.”

Yong Shan responded with a smile to him, but his actions revealed his decisiveness.

He gently and firmly pushed away Yong Qi’s trembling hand that was about to stop him, and
easily untied his belt. He hugged Yong Qi, who was unsteady, placed him on the bed, and took
off his own clothes.

The strong, sturdy, slender and firm young body still had a strong visual impact on the already
upset Yong Qi.
“Brother is shy?” Yong Shan teased, grabbing the hands that Yong Qi was using, blocking his
face, and smiled: “What are you doing with your eyes closed? This is a rare opportunity. Brother
should take a good look at how this big thing can bring you happiness in a while, do you want to
touch it?”

The blatant words made Yong Qi dare not even breathe.

However, Yong Shan came even closer, biting hard on his earlobe, and said in a low voice, “This
is the future emperor’s dragon root. I don’t know how many Court ladies wish to have a look at it
every day, but no one has the good fortune like my brother, so you can touch it as you please.”

“I don’t want to touch…Ah! Yong Shan!”

“My brother doesn’t want to touch me, but I want to touch my brother.”

“Woo…no no! don’t…”

“Scream louder. I like to hear my brother crying, screaming, louder than a woman.”

Yong Qi almost burst into tears.

His thighs were forced to stretch out horizontally showing the twitching thing lying
embarrassedly between his legs, his whimpering sound was like a seducing spell.

He didn’t understand how he could make such a shameless moan, and still experience the
primitive and unquenchable pleasure in his body.

Yong Shan’s fingers merely rubbed on his crotch, but the feeling was so strong that his entire
lower back became numb.

“Why is it hard so soon?”

Yong Shan’s slightly surprised low voice added humiliation to the already embarrassing

“No, no…ooh―ahh…”

“If you don’t want it, don’t try to lift up your waist.”

“Woo… Yong… Yong Shan, please…”

Yong Shan didn’t reply with another teasing remarks, rather he just concentrated on teasing his
brother’s sex organ.

Transparent mucus was slowly oozing from the top of the delicate organ, while his fingers
rubbing vigorously, unfolding the folds and rubbing up and down, making an unbearable moist

These actions were more effective than any teasing remarks.

Yong Qi was even more ashamed, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

“Why? There is nothing to refute?” Yong Shan lowered his voice, staring at him with his sharp,
smiling eyes, “Or is that once you know the attraction of some bad thing, you wanna taste it

Yong Qi couldn’t stand his eyes that were about to slowly swallow him, putting his flushed face

Yong Shan laughed again, “I’ll just let you know the taste.”

He suddenly stopped moving, allowing Yong Qi’s vibrating organ to stand empty. The place
where the hospitality had been lost screamed out of desire like a protest, and Yong Qi almost
subconsciously lifted his waist into the air, as if chasing something.

He turned his head, Yong Shan’s ill-intentioned smiling face leaped into his eyes, and instantly
he realized that he had done a shameful thing again, and the lewdness in his bones could be seen
under Yong Shan’s eyes.

“I said that my brother actually likes it.” Yong Shan hugged Yong Qi, who was curl up and
sobbing, as if comforting, “Kong Zi said appetite and lust are only natural; by nature we desire
food and sex. The saint is like this, let alone you and me, what are you so shy about?”

There was a slight pain in his behind; Yong Shan’s long finger had been inserted into his cave.

Yong Qi shook his head desperately, “No, Yong Shan, you don’t…”

“Don’t what?”

Yong Shan asked slowly, his fingertips pressed hard as he went deeper.

Allowing the soft intestinal wall to wrap and suck on his fingertips, he found the most sensitive
small bump in his brother’s body in almost no time.

Yong Shan raised his lips again, and gave Yong Qi a smile from a condescending manner, and
gently asked, “Brother, do you want me not to do this?” His fingertips pressed hard there

Yong Qi bounced almost immediately.

“Ah! Hmm… Ah…”

A strong moan broke out.

“Still say you don’t want it?”

“Uh…no…no no…”

“Still no?”

“Ah! Don’t… Uh huh”

“Go ahead, say it ah.”

One after another, the force of the fingertips seemed to penetrate through the flesh, all pressing
on the place that was about to make his nerves collapse.

Every small subtle movement that dominated life and death made his body tremble with

His front was so hard and painful, even more painful than the wound being rubbed by the sand.
He couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to caress, but Yong Shan firmly grasped his wrist and
pressed it on top of his head.

“That’s not right, my brother is the most abiding by the rules, why does he start playing with his
own hands in front of his brother again?”

“Yong…Yong Shan…Don’t be like this…”

“Since I am the crown prince, I will be the emperor in the future.” Yong Shan smiled that wasn’t
like a smile, blowing a breath of heat on Yong Qi’s weeping face, “Everything in the world
belongs to the emperor, and this slender object of my brother is naturally mine. Let me give my
brother a reminder today that nobody is allowed to touch this beautiful thing under my brother
without my permission. Even my brother is not allowed to touch it himself indiscriminately.

Yong Qi was strapped tightly on his wrist, and his twisted and coquettish was like a charming
dance, shaking his soft black hair constantly.

“Do you understand?” Yong Shan asked in a deep voice.

He looked at the handsome, outstanding face of a person who could make him lose his mind and
seemed to know that it was not feasible to wake him up with words to give an answer. With a
smile, the fingers in his body were no longer just pressing, but without giving prior notice,
scratched the most sensitive place with his nails.

Yong Qi bounced up harder than before, like a fish suddenly put into a hot pan.

His big round eyes were covered with a layer of radiance, tears slid down from the corners of his
eyes, dripping drop by drop onto the bed sheet.

But what was even more embarrassing was that his thing was still erected.

“Do you understand?”


“Answer well.”

Yong Shan asked, moving his fingers, scratching his nails on the delicate mucous membrane a
few more times.

Yong Qi was bullied by him and he burst into tears, his waist trembling violently with the
imposed pleasure, sobbing, “Understand… I understand!”

“What do you understand?”

“Can’t… can’t touch…”

Yong Shan still wanted to bully him a bit more, but when he saw Yong Qi’s breakable cheeks
filled with tears, his heart softened, so he had to pull his fingers out a little bit, and gently stroked
the tightly contracted entrance to relax him. 

“My brother is so obedient. Look at me.” His tone was soft.

Yong Qi looked at him timidly with his black eyes full of tears.

Yong Shan asked, “Does my brother hate me?”

Without even thinking about it, Yong Qi shook his head.

Yong Shan smiled.

He half-squinted his eyes and stared at Yong Qi condescendingly. Yong Qi felt that his soul was
going to be penetrated by his eyes, and he couldn’t hide anything from such a pair of eyes.

No wonder his Father Emperor would abolish his hopeless self and elect this younger brother

A flash of light flashed by, and Li Fei’s instructions brushed his mind like an uninvited guest.
Yong Qi felt that his mind was extremely dirty. He promised his mother to steal things,
obviously relying on Yong Shan’s good intentions toward him.
In order to protect himself…

At this moment, Yong Shan was doing something disgraceful and dirty, but the things hidden in
his own heart were a hundred times more dirty than these things!

He shook his head, trying to bury his face in the soft pillow.

Yong Shan’s cheerful laughter pierced into her eardrums, “You shouldn’t be shy, why is my
brother hiding again?”

He pulled out his hand, temporarily let go of the small soft entrance, leaned down, whispered in a
low voice, “Brother’s eyes are the clearest in the entire palace.”

However, in Yong Qi’s ears, it was really the sharpest mockery in the world.

He couldn’t wait to find a way to escape and Yong Shan didn’t allow him to run away, kissed his
cheek lightly, bit his lip gently, then poke his tongue inward little by little.

“Hmm… um…”

The resistance he had in the past was gone, there was nothing left.

Yong Qi began to feel like he was like moths playing with fire, hoping that Yong Shan would
embrace him like this, with the same enthusiasm as before, causing him to be confused, and the
fire of lust burned his brain silly, making him unable to think about anything.

He was sandwiched between the sheets and Yong Shan. It was unknown whether he was
overcome by lust, or his caution was thrown to the wind. He opened his lips a little shyly, letting
Yong Shan form a stormy attack, invading the city, plundering the ground, and not leaving
behind even a little bit of trace.

Their tongues were entangled, and the wet, licking sound penetrated all the way to the inside of
his ear.

“Good brother, be good.”

His buttocks pressing against the thick sheets were lifted slightly.

As if he knew what he was going to suffer in a while, he involuntarily stretched his muscles, and
the small hole between the two mounds that had just been bullied by his fingers, shrank more and
more nervously.

Yong Qi’s beautiful and delicate face had a sign of panic.

He obviously wanted to escape, however, his body seemed to know better than his brain where it
was safer. Moving his arms in a panic, he hugged Yong Shan’s neck as if asking for help.
Following Yong Shan’s body, his upper body was also suddenly lifted up a little bit.

Yong Shan was overjoyed and kissed him, boasting: “It’s really good. Just hold me like this,
don’t let go.”

The sturdy lower abdomen stretched forward and stood firm, and Yong Qi yelled “Ah”.

Then the entrance was expanded.

The hot and hard foreign object took the sensation in the human body and intensely stimulated
every place below the waist.

“Ahh!umm, no… no, no…”

“Still saying no?”

Yong Shan laughed in a low voice, and deliberately pushed his waist forward a little bit like a

The strong sense of oppression made Yong Qi whimper immediately.

“Yong Shan…don’t…ahhh…no, no…”

The aggressive behavior of male nature was repeated in an orderly manner; taking out a little,
then penetrating deeper, persistently.

Every part of the hard object penetrated, it seemed to pierce his stomach, both hot, painful, and
poisonous, and his waist was paralyzed like a broken waist.

“Ah…um en―um um…”

“My brother, be good and lift your waist up a little.”


“Really not obedient.”

Yong Shan breathed a sigh, he wanted to treat him excessively well, and while stroking his
slender waist, he lifted it up and down according to his own frequency.

“No, I…ah!” Yong Qi screamed, “Yong Shan! Yong Shan, don’t…ooh…”

Forced to raise his waist to greet him, the foreign object suddenly penetrated into the impossible
The collision-like action could almost kill him.

The heat wave swept across with pleasure, and Yong Qi twisted his pale white body like crazy,
unable to escape the oppression and happiness given by his younger brother.

“My brother’s thing is standing so straight, will you come soon?”

Yong Qi cried vaguely, and his long legs, which were as white as jade, were carried on Yong
Shan’s shoulders, dancing chaotically in mid-air.

His body was crushed almost to paste like, and every place was subjected to Yong Shan’s
grinding, especially the most sensitive protrusion, which clearly conveyed every time Yong Shan
stood up, pulled out and penetrated fiercely.

The huge object had been pressing that point relentlessly time and time again, and Yong Qi
couldn’t stop his cry and moan.

“No no…ah! Shan…oh no! Don’t do this, ah…um, don’t be like this…”

He cried and begged, while knowing that his waist was twisting desperately.

The hot object came and went in and out of the buttocks, bringing with pain and pleasure, and
even his sex organ trembled with excitement. Yong Qi was distressed, because no matter how
hard he tried, he couldn’t release his arms around Yong Shan’s neck, as if it were the only
driftwood that could save his life in this stormy sea.

But this disregard of humiliation and embarrassment clearly allowed Yong Shan to invade
himself more thoroughly, and even more recklessly, to reach the deepest point of his small
entrance below.

Yong Shan no longer took control of his waist, since now it had started moving forward as if
delivering itself to him.

This was the shameless state of the harem concubines eagerly eager for the dragon essence, and
they were actually doing it.

“Brother, you feel so nice. It’s hot and soft, sucking me like a small mouth.” Yong Shan’s
breathing of hot air, spraying on Yong Qi’s face.

The pleasure of being held tightly by a hot and soft tunnel made His Royal Highness Crown
Prince overwhelmed, wantonly assaulting his brother under him.

This was his innate tendency, to plunder with no room to escape. Emperor Yan probably favored
him, which wasn’t really an advantage.

To be an emperor never needs to be perfect, the most important thing was to know how to make

He understood that he should be more considerate and gentle, but it didn’t matter anymore, he
just wanted to take Yong Qi seriously.

The person who he had been secretly peeping at for more than ten years was also the person he
couldn’t touch before, was now suffering from his sharper embarrassment, every time twisting
his waist and crying helplessly under his eyes.

But Yong Qi was surprisingly holding him still.

The scorching possessiveness burned and after ruining everything, even in the ashes, the crown
prince of today could still see his ambition and desire that he couldn’t avoid.

“No… no more…”

“Brother obedient, let’s do it again.”

“Really… Yong Shan… Woo don’t… Woo! Forgive me…”

“We still have one whole night.”

Treating his brother like a prey, Yong Shan started round after round without mercy.

He vented his desperate madness as if telling that he wasn’t an outsider to the already red and
swollen flesh and tunnels endlessly.

Both desperate and crazy.

But there was one thing, he was pretty sure. Only himself, so deeply, sure without any doubt.

He could lose everything in this world, including himself.

But he could never bear to lose Yong Qi.

The father, whose health was already seriously ill, would discover this sooner or later. At that
time, the disappointed Emperor Yan, their Imperial Father, might not spare anyone’s life.

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