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1. About it
1. Cover
2. Chapters
1. Chapter ~ - Works related
2. Chapter 1 -
3. Chapter 2 -
4. Chapter 3 -
5. Chapter 4 -
6. Chapter 5 -
7. Chapter 6 -
8. Chapter 7 -
9. Chapter 8 -
10. Chapter 9 11. Chapter 10 -
12. Chapter 11 -
13. Chapter 12 -
14. Chapter 13 -
15. Chapter 14 -
16. Chapter 15 -
17. Chapter 16 -
18. Chapter 17 -
19. Chapter 18 -
20. Chapter 19 - Interstellar zerg (1)
21. Chapter 20 - Interstellar zerg (2)
22. Chapter 21 - Interstellar zerg (3)
23. Chapter 22 - Interstellar zerg (4)
24. Chapter 23 - Interstellar zerg (5)
25. Chapter 24 - Interstellar zerg (6)
26. Chapter 25 - Interstellar zerg (7)
27. Chapter 26 - Eschatology
28. Chapter 27 - Interstellar zerg (8)
29. Chapter 28 - Interstellar zerg (9)
30. Chapter 29 - Interstellar zerg (ten)
31. Chapter 30 - Interstellar zerg (11)
32. Chapter 31 - Future abo (1)
33. Chapter 32 - Future abo (2)
34. Chapter 33 - Future abo (3)
35. Chapter 34 - Future abo (4)
36. Chapter 35 - Future abo (5) (1)
37. Chapter 35 - Future abo (5) (2)
38. Chapter 36 - Future abo (6)
39. Chapter 37 - Future abo (7)
40. Chapter 38 - Future abo (8)
41. Chapter 39 - Future abo (9)
42. Chapter 40 - Future abo (ten) (1)
43. Chapter 40 - Future abo (ten) (2)
44. Chapter 41 - Future abo (11)
45. Chapter 42 - Future abo (12)
46. Chapter 43 - Future abo (13)
47. Chapter 44 - Future abo (14)
48. Chapter 45 - Future abo (15)
49. Chapter 46 - Future abo (sixteen)
50. Chapter 47 - Future abo (seventeen)
51. Chapter 48 - Future abo (eighteen)
52. Chapter 49 - Future abo (19th)
53. Chapter 50 - Future abo (20)
54. Chapter 51 - Future abo (21)
55. Chapter 52 - Cultivation (1)
56. Chapter 53 - Self-cultivation (2)
57. Chapter 54 - Cultivation (3)
58. Chapter 55 - Self-cultivation (4)
59. Chapter 56 - Self-cultivation (5)
60. Chapter 57 - Self-cultivation (6)

Completed - 2020 - Web Novel - English

Action | Adventure | Fantasy | Romance | Sci-fi | Supernatural |


Befriending The Most Powerful Person: Works
"The highest value and force people to make friends" Author: A dark black


Shao Ci was bound by a system of ‘being friends with the highest force’.
After crossing, I discovered that as long as someone with a higher force
value appeared, this system without rhythm will immediately change the
target that can be attacked ...

1,1V1 master, fine points attack, quickly wear text

2, ten thousand people are obsessed with no brain, the protagonist is very
scum and ruthless

Content label: Face-wearing system

Search Keywords: Protagonist: Shao Ci

Brief Comment

Shao Ci was bound by a system of ‘being friends with the highest force’.
After crossing it, I discovered that as long as someone with a higher force
value appeared, this system without rhythm will immediately change the
target that can be attacked ... So all the people who had been attacked by
Shao Ci were blackened. After going through various Shura fields, Shao Ci
found that these black people were actually the same person. & The story of
this article is easy, the writing is smooth, and the protagonist's voicing is a
highlight. Various twists and turns unexpectedly make people look forward
to what will happen next.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter 1:

At the S-city base, a dinner for psionicists is being held.
At this time, three years have passed since the beginning of the last days,
and although it was very confusing at first, now all bases are very peaceful
under the seat of powerful abilities. Regardless of the ability or ordinary
people, as long as they are in the base can live a stable life, of course,
ordinary people will be more difficult.

The evening banquet hall is quite luxuriously arranged, and even the rare
wines and various precious foods that are extremely scarce after the end of
the world are very precious materials. Being in it makes people feel like
they were back to the last time.

At the meeting place, the most noticeable person was Suzuki, the first
power of S City. He has a very beautiful appearance and a gentle and
elegant temperament, just like a cute little boy who was born to be sought

At the same time, he also has a powerful level 6 water system ability, which
has helped him save the base several times in the tide of zombies. It can be
said that Chu Jin is the central character of S City and has numerous avid
fans. Even the person in charge of the base wants to marry his beloved
daughter, but he is politely rejected, saying that he cannot get married
before the base is completely stabilized.

Only Shao Ci knows, don't look so so perfect, in fact, this guy is a big scum
male villain!

In the eyes of others, Shao Ci, who is a healing power, is Chu Jin ’s loyal
dog brother, who ignores others and only has the utmost enthusiasm when
facing Chu Jin. guy.

Every time he heard such remarks, Shao Ci's heart was indifferent. If it
were not forcibly asked him to stick to the other side, how could he make
such a shameful move!

A few months ago, Shao Ci was still a otaku who hadn't left home for a few
months, but was bound by a mysterious system of 'being friends with the
highest military force' system, and plugged him directly into this book In
the "Most Powerful".

"The Most Powerful Apocalypse in the Last Time" is this X-point abused
eschatology. Although the male lead has a variety of general abilities, but it
is a lonely star constitution, where is the dead person, like the male lead's
sister After the confession, they will definitely receive the bento, and the
people around them will also receive the bento within 100,000 words. It is

Chu Jin is one of the villains of this article. He is a person who looks good
and honest, in fact, he is very deliberate. He uses everything he can to
achieve his purpose. He is gentle to everyone, but it is all acting. In fact, he
never puts anyone away. In my heart.

As for this broken ‘highest force’ system, it ’s actually a shameless

thighholding system. Just listen to the name! This system does not bring

This system will automatically lock the person with the highest force value
currently encountered as the target of the Raiders, and then daily tasks will
appear randomly. Failure to do so will result in unbearable punishment.

In the months of holding his thighs, no, as a friend, Shao resigned to have a
deeper sense of what kind of person Chu Jin is.

I have been doing daily brush favors for several months, and Chu Jin looks
very moved, but in fact ... his favor is 0.

At the same time of 0 degrees, but occasionally alienated and occasionally

hung himself, Shao Ci admired his acting skills. If Shao Ci is really a guy, I
am afraid he will fall.

Fortunately, this system does not require much affection, otherwise Shao Ci
feels like he has to explain here for his whole life.

[Daily quest: ask the host and the target to say hello (0/1)]
Shao Ci was relieved that today's tasks are still normal. A few days ago, I
was randomly assigned to say 1000 words of praise words. After that ... the
picture was too miserable. He didn't want to remember it anymore.

And there, Chu Jin still smiled and spoke with the crowd. No matter who he
was, he did not ignore it. He took care of the people around him. When he
saw Shao Ci walking towards himself, Chu Jin smiled softly. "Small
remarks, is there anything wrong?"

If any of the people in this conference changed to Chu Jin ’s smiling eyes,
they would blush and beat, feeling that they were different from other
people, and felt that they were a special existence that was valued.

"No, no ... I just want to say hello to Brother Chu." Shao Ci's heart was
indifferent, but his expression was very agitated, his cheeks were slightly
red, and an outsider could see that he had died of Chu Jin'ai's death. ——
This is not Shao Ci's acting skills, but a special plug-in of the system,
allowing the Raiders to feel the sincere feelings that the host wants to be
friends with him ...

This is an introduction to the system's plug-in, but in Shao Ci's opinion, this
plug-in has no meaning at all except for letting other people consider
themselves a gay.

At this moment, several psionicists were anxious, came over in a hurry, and
whispered something to Chu Jin, Chu Jin frowned slightly, turned to look at
Shao Ci, stretched out his hand and touched Shao Ci. Over his head, he
said, "Small remarks, there seems to be something wrong with the
powerists in City B. Please go out and treat them for you, can you?"

His voice became clearer and clearer, listening alone was a treat, and hardly
anyone could refuse his request.

Chu Jin looked down and could see that the other side's slender body was
shaking slightly because of tension. Qingxiu's beautiful face tried to keep
calm, but did not know that the flushed cheeks and ears had already
exposed his true emotions.
Shao Ci liked him.

Chu Jin can easily come to this conclusion, as long as he gives a smile, the
other side will be happy to die for him.

But what about that? Chu Jin smiled lightly.

Everyone around them cast a jealous look on Shao Ci, who could be
touched by Chu Jin. If Shao Ci was not the only healing power in the base,
he would have been dragged into the alley by Chu Jin's fanatics. Already.

Shao Ci stammered in agreement after touching his head, and then left the
banquet hall in a hurry with the powers.

This scene fell into the eyes of other people in the banquet hall. Many
psionicists were very jealous. After all, there can be a healing psionicist
who is so dead-hearted towards him. This can be said to be an extra life.
Why are they? No such good luck.

No one knows what Shao Ci, who left the banquet room in grief and
anxiety, thinks, when will the day when I can please the scumbag come to
an end!

Every day in the system so frustrated, he can not convince himself that he is
not a guy!

However, we must also be grateful that Chu Jin is such a scumbag,

otherwise I really feel good about it and I really can't bear the words of

This time because the city of S is expected to have a wave of corpses soon,
we specifically invited the nearby city base B to help, of course, also paid a
lot of price.

And this banquet was held to meet the talents of city B, otherwise the city
base would not have so much precious and scarce food.
Shao Ci followed the people in several bases to the villa prepared for the
VIPs in City B. When he started, he smelled a thick **** smell and looked
up. Although there were a dozen people in the hall, his vision was
subconscious. Settled on one of them.

It was a young man with pale skin, with a beautiful face, a little black hair,
and a look of indifference. He was drinking tea slowly and orderly, and
even half of his eyes were owed to the people who came in.

Most of the powerful auras around him were injured, but they didn't even
dare to sit, and stood beside the youth respectfully.

Shao Ci's face was brushed pale, lying down, this, this familiar person, this
person is not the original male lead Yin Han!

Yes, speaking of City B, Yin Han is the most powerful psionicist in City B's
base. It's not strange to come over this time ...

Unlike ordinary scrap materials, Xuan Han is a very powerful protagonist

and has a very handsome appearance. He only pursues to become stronger
in his life, with a cold and intelligent personality, and controls everything.

Even if the people around him were miserable for various reasons, there
were countless people who came forward willingly to be his subordinates,
listen to his orders, and be willing to die for him. The degree of fanaticism
was like a cult believer.

From this point of view, Chu Jin's brain residual powder is a little worse.

Thinking of this, Shao Ci felt that his luck was still very good. Although
Chu Jin was a little bit stubborn, his life was guaranteed around him. Don't
worry about miserable lunch afterwards.

The next moment, however, the sound of the system rang.

[?? ? ... A character with a higher force value is detected ... According to the
rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders is started ... The
replacement is completed. The current Raiders are cold. ?
Shao Ci: "..." system do you tease me?

Although I have known for a long time that the so-called friend system with
the highest force value has nothing to do, but this is really a person with a
higher force value, immediately change to a target who can be attacked. Is
it ruthless to be okay? !!
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter 2:
[Daily mission reset, the current mission is [treat once for Raiders], please
refuel. ?

Shao Ci barely breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Every time he
randomized daily tasks in the system, he was intimidated. For fear of
random random tasks, this time it was normal.

The person in charge of Shao Ci explained the intention, and several people
there turned to look at Yin Han. When Yin Han finished drinking a cup of
tea and nodded gently, these people let Shao resign to deal with the wound.

You have to know that even if the odds of infection are not high, there is a
possibility that they will become zombies. Generally, they will take
medicine or seek treatment from the stranger afterwards.

These abilities can only obey Yin Han's words. This time they came to City
S because of Yin Han's order, and they totally distrusted the outsiders. If it
weren't for Yin Han's nod, and Shao Ci's innocence, good-looking and well-
behaved, it would make people feel good. They would not let outsiders treat

It is said that this time, the powerists in city B encountered siege of zombies
on the road, many of their men were injured, but in the end Yin Han killed
all the remaining zombies.

Shao Ci: "!" Wait, does this not mean that Yin Han was not injured at all? !!
How else to treat it!

Forget it, treat these people first.

Other Shao Ci could not guarantee it, but he was absolutely okay in terms
of treatment. This was the only reliable plug-in given by the system. Even
those with only one breath to die could be rescued immediately.
It is also because of this plug-in that Chu Jin's goodwill has not fallen to a
negative number, after all, he will only focus on those who have value in

However, in order not to be arrested for research, Shao Ci was still very
low-key, pretending to be exhausted every time to help people heal. But
this time I want to hug ... No, to make friends with Yin Han, he still has to
show a little strength, otherwise how can the other side care about him.

So Shao took five minutes to heal everyone.

People in S City: "!!!" Wait. Is Shao's speech so powerful?

The powerists in city B: "!!!!!!" This trough, this healing power is too
powerful, such a person is too wasteful in city S, I really want to tie him

Shao Ci himself was shocked: "...!" He turned out to be so powerful that he

didn't know it.

However, the task to be done is still to be done, otherwise the system will
not punish him.

Then Shao Ci slowly raised his head to look in the direction of Yin Han, a
face that wanted to say something but did not dare to say it, and Bai Jing's
face was flushed.

The powerists in city B stayed, and then a pity was born in their hearts.
They didn't see others express their love for Yin Han, but those people died
later. If this good healing power died, It's too wasteful.

Yin Han naturally knew that someone was watching him, put down his tea
cup, raised his eyebrows and looked at Shao Ci, and waited for him to

Shao Ci's face turned completely red. He summoned the courage and
whispered, "Well, then, can I help you and treat you?" Then it seemed that
his words were too sudden, and he hurriedly added: " Even if there is no
injury, there are many benefits to healing. I, I have no other meaning ... "

Yin Han didn't speak, just stared at him. When Shao Ci was foggy in his
eyes, and bowed his head down helplessly, he laughed softly, with a smile
under his eyes, and said, "Come on."

The City B stunners were stunned: "..." Wait, what did they just see? !! The
boss actually laughed, this is not scientific!

As for the people in S City, they can't bear to see the pictures in front of
them. Most of them are Chu Jin's men. They don't know how to explain this
to Chu Jin at that time.

"Okay, okay." Shao Ci's heart was let go, although he was still worried
about whether Yin Hanke would die ... but he did so much.

Shao Ci walked honestly and pressed his hand on the white and slender arm
stretched out by Yin Han. From this perspective, one can see Yin Han's
amazing face without dead corners more closely.

This is the best-looking person Shao has ever seen. Although his skin is a
little pale, and his temperament is somewhat gloomy, it is more attractive.

"Fortunately, I am not a **** guy ..." Shao Ci was so emotional, thinking

for himself at the same time.

Now that the target of the strategy is not Chu Jing, Chu Jin has no effect.
In order to facilitate daily tasks, it is imperative to find a way to rely on Yin

Shao Ci didn't think it was too much of him to abandon Chu Jin so cruelly,
but he gave it to Chu Jin for a few months as an obedient youngster for free.

But when I met each other and hugged my thighs, it seemed like I was too
unruly. Shao Ci decided to take it slowly and volunteered: "If you don't
mind, let me be a tour guide and take you to visit the base. ?"
Seeing that his face was flushed, it seemed as if he had used all his strength
to say the shao of this sentence, and Yin Han smiled, "Of course."


At the banquet on the other side.

"So Brother Chu is assured to let Xiao Shao go? Don't be afraid that he will
empathize and not fall in love?" One person joked: "I heard that the talented
person sent from city B looks pretty."

Although everyone knows that Shao Ci is unrequited love, but most people
know how important Shao Ci's ability is. If Shao Ci looks to others, it still
has a lot of influence on Chu Jin.

Chu Jin said indifferently: "Small words are not my appendages. I can't
restrain his freedom. In the final analysis, I can't give him anything ... If the
power wise person in city B is really good, I will sincerely bless him.

Others just talked casually, but now they passed away with a smile.

Chu Jin took a sip of the red wine in his glass, and there was a dark glint
across his eyes.

How much Shao Ci likes him, others don't know, but he knows best.

When he was trapped in the zombies when he was on a mission, Shao Ci

ran out of the safe base regardless of his safety, and rushed along with the
rescue team to help him heal the wound without rest. Anxiety and anxiety
can be seen not false.

And after that, he will definitely follow up every time he goes on a mission,
no matter how dangerous the situation is, he never hesitated.

Because of this, his attitude towards Shao Ci is the most casual, anyway,
just a smile can coax it.
How could such a shameless utterance like others casually? Not to mention
the superficial reason of appearance.

Chu Jin has absolute confidence.

What he didn't know was that when Shao Ci saw him go out to do the task,
he thought that he could finally rest for a day without holding his thighs. He
did not expect that the next day's daily tasks would not be completed,
resulting in something terrible.

On the third day, Shao Ci heard the news that Chu Jin could not come back
for a while, and ran out in fright with the rescue team. After completing the
daily tasks of healing the wound quickly, he dared to rest.

However, with the exception of Shao Ci, others are afraid they will never
know this life.

As Chu Jin continued to talk to others, a loud noise came from the door of
the banquet hall.

It seems that the power of City B is here. Chu Jin put down his wine glass,
walked to the door with a perfect smile, and gained a lot of admiration
along the way.

However, in addition to admiration, many people on the road cast strange

looks at him. If Chu Jin was right, those people's eyes even contained a
touch of sympathy.

This discovery made Chu Jin frown slightly. It seemed that something he
hadn't expected happened. This feeling of not being able to hold everything
in his hands made him very unhappy.

When seeing a party in City B, Chu Jin froze and finally understood why he
had received such a look before.

The extremely beautiful appearance of headed Yin Han did not attract Chu
Jing's attention. He had already inquired clearly about the situation in City
B. Although Yin Han brought him a sense of crisis, he was still able to
cope. Status.

But following Shao Yin's inseparable status, his eyes were almost gleaming,
and Shao's cheeks were flushed, but Chu Jin felt unprecedented anxiety.
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter 3:
Chu Jin soon realized that she was strange and calmed down quickly.

But it was Shao Ci's matter, and it wasn't worth his trouble. And he is very
clear about what kind of person Shao Ci is. At the moment, this is nothing
more than a worship of the strong. It is nothing at all. The most important
person in his heart is himself.

What's more, Yin Han is still such a powerful psionicist. There is no

shortage of people around him, and Shao Ci is definitely just acting on the

After thinking about it clearly, Chu Jin smiled slightly over there, with a
proper respectful attitude, but did not look flattering, "Presumably you are
the cold of city B, it is really a long-known name, thank you very much this
time Can come to S City to help us. "

Most of the people at the banquet gathered around unconsciously, and the
sight of Yin Han was full of worship. They had heard of Yin Han's name
long ago.

Yin Han is the top powerful ability in country c. It is said that his ice ability
has reached level 7. The base of city B was originally broken by the
zombies. Yin Han saved the entire base by manpower to save the entire
base, which made the base of city B rise. Now it has become the most
powerful force in the surrounding area. The person in charge of the base of
city B is willing to release Yin Han Is simply shocking.

Shao Ci knew what it was for, because the person in charge of the city B
base was also a villain who wanted to capture the ability of Yin Han, but
was directly killed by Yin Han, and everyone recommended Yin Han as the
person in charge.

But as a protagonist, Yin Han is pursuing to become stronger. How can he

stay in a base forever, let his younger brother be the person in charge, and
he came to the S city base.
Chu Jin's level 6 water system power is also very powerful, but compared
with Yin Han, it is nothing at all. The difference between each level of
power is very different, so even if it is Chu Jing, you can only use the
honorable title to call each other.

In the cold contrast, Chu Jin's brilliance was almost completely covered,
and it looked dim.

Therefore, even if there are rumors that most people who are close to Yin
Han die by accident, those who want to collide with him are still endless.

Previously, it was because of Yin Han's indifferent attitude. These talents

did not directly engage with each other, but now it seems that Yin Han can
tolerate Shao Ci's approach, which shows that they are not without
opportunities. Compared to Shao Ci, they are not far behind, isn't that Shao
Ci has seized the opportunity.

For a time, Shao Ci only felt that countless needle-like sights gathered on
himself, but Shao Ci was used to it when he was beside Chu Jin, and did
not react.

Yin Han's conversation with Chu Jin was just a slight nod, and he was too
lazy to say a word. Chu Jin's face was a bit ugly, but he could only
continue to pull it off.

Chu Jin's gaze shifted to Shao Ci, and when he suddenly thought of
something, he said to Yin Han: "It seems that Xiao Ci gets along well with
you, so I'm relieved."

Hearing here, the original noisy banquet suddenly calmed down, and
everyone raised their ears, for fear of missing important information.

"Small remarks?" Yin Han squinted slightly, thoughtfully looking at the

intimate title.

Shao Ci: "... only, it's just a title." Although I was used to this title when I
pretended to be my fancier, I always feel the mystery of shame now!
"Xiao Ci is a very serious and good boy." Chu Jin said with a smile, as if
the relationship between the two was extremely close, but then sighed: "It's
a bit uneasy to keep pestering me, After all, I still want him to make more
friends, and now I see that he is willing to deal with others, I am relieved. "

"Really?" Yin Han's expression was obviously gloomy.

Those who were jealous of the onlookers who were jealous of Shao Ci's
involvement with Yin Han so quickly became happy and whispered:
"Looking at him so quickly to engage with Lord Yin Han, I thought there
were many ways."

"Master Chu Jin is so good to him, he is not satisfied, and now whoever
wants him?"

"Master Yin Han now knows what happened before, and he will definitely
hate him."

"Shao Ci didn't look at his identity, thinking that he had a healing power. It
was a joke. There is no medicine against zombies in any base now. Even
without him, our base is no problem."

These words are simply worthless to downplay Shao Ci's ability, but in fact,
if the ability is taking medicine after the injury, it needs to rest for several
days. If healed directly with the healing power, he could continue to fight
immediately without taking a break. This effect is completely different.

Listening to these mean words, Chu Jin laughed more and more mildly, this
is what he wants to achieve.

That's right. After Shao Ci was severely abandoned by Yin Han, he would
not think about leaving him unrealistic.

Shao Ci, listening to these passers-by, always felt like he was a person from
another world. What lines are you talking about here? He is just an ordinary
brother holding his thigh as a younger brother. Why is it said that he is like
a scumbag who pedals two boats!
And you should know that this is the X article, Yin Han as the male lead,
the sexual orientation must be straight and can not be straight, if you
suspect that you are a guy, how can you hold your thighs!

Shao Ci could not help but grasp Yin Han's sleeve nervously.

Yin Han bowed his head and saw Shao Ci clutching his sleeves pitifully,
his eyes foggy, and trying to explain but couldn't say anything, he could
only look at himself nervously, the coldness in his heart disappeared for
the most part .

"Don't worry, I'm not angry with you." Yin Han smiled, and a lot of
exclamations came around. Later, he leaned down and kissed Xia Shao's
forehead gently.

It's like a feather gliding gently over his forehead. It's soft like a dream, but
this is what really happened.

It took a long time for Shao to respond: "!!!?" Wait,

wait, what just happened? !!

[It is not bad to detect the favor of the Raiders, let the host continue to

Shao Ci: "..." No, system, can you explain why Yin Han, an x-point literary
master, did such a gAY thing!

[That's because the target thinks you are cute, like a cute little animal. ?

"Really, that's great." Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, subconsciously

interpreting the words of the system as the existence of the other person as
if he were a pet, "If you treat me as a pet, you can understand ... Strange. "
Which x-point man will use a man as a pet? !!

And others were stunned by the scene of Yin Han's pro-Shao speech. He
was speechless for a long time. The development of things was completely
different from what they thought. Yin Han should not ridicule him severely,
and then Shao rushed out the door.

Yin Han looked up, coldly scanning the people who had just taunted. Those
people hadn't responded yet, but felt a cold wind swept away, their mouths
were frozen, biting cold, and they couldn't say a word of life or death. Their
eyes suddenly showed deep terror, and they could not wait to leave here.
But he was afraid of causing anger.

They didn't expect Yin Han to do this for Shao Ci, and they regretted it so
much that they knew it would happen. They wouldn't even say a word at

Chu Jin was also shocked in her heart, and she had some guesses about Yin
Han's strength. She still tried her best to keep calm and said, "These people
are indeed a bit wrong, but everyone is not an enemy, and you don't have to
do it. To the point ... how about asking a few of them to apologize to you? "

Suddenly the eyes of those people who looked at Chu Jin were filled with
gratitude. Many people instantly felt that Chu Jin was better than the cold
but strong personality, but the cold was a bit better. Cold thoughts.

"Apologize to me?" Yin Han looked at Chu Jin and sneered. "I don't need
any apologies. The people who really need to apologize are here."

He held down Shao Ci's shoulders, who was pale and apparently nervous,
and swept across those frozen and shivering people. "You don't have to do
too hard things, as long as you guys kneel at the door for a night, Naturally
nothing will happen. But if you say anything in the future, I can't guarantee
what will happen. "

Those people flashed unwillingly in the eyes, but were shivered by the cold
wind and frost. They could scare the liver and gall just by looking at Yin
Han. Even if they were unwilling, they could only do as Yin Han said.
Facing the cold, they did not have the slightest resistance.
Chu Jin didn't expect that Yin Han dared to threaten people in front of him,
and he still needed to use the other side. Now he really can't do anything,
and his heart is becoming more and more unwilling.

Then Yin Han held Shao Ci's hand and walked towards this side, and
whispered as he passed by Chu Jin: "As you can see, I have a good
relationship with Xiaoci, so you don't need to worry about this outsider. "

"An outsider?" Chu Jin turned his head subconsciously to look at the two
men. How could he be an outsider?

The person that Ming Shao relies on most is him. Without him, he ca n’t
even eat. No matter what time he looks at him with those sparkling eyes,
even if his attitude is so lukewarm, Shao Ci will never He hasn't changed,
he likes himself so much-but Yin Han but Shao Ci met for less than a day,
what qualifications can he say that he is an outsider?

Chu Jin almost blurted out these words, but quickly calmed down, hung the
false and perfect smile of the past, "It seems that I can rest assured that I
have entrusted the small words to you."

Subconsciously, he looked at Shao Ci, but Shao Ci didn't even look back at

Everyone looked at Chu Jin with very subtle eyes. It is conceivable that
after today, people in the entire base will probably know that Chu Jin's little
follower empathizes and doesn't fall in love, and Yin Han's speech to Shao
is quite good. Even a fool will not return.

Seeing that Chu Jin's expression was normal, a few psionics dared to come
up and sighed at him: "Chu Jin, I did not expect Shao to say that he was
really ..."

"Ah, don't be sad, what is there for a good person like you?"

"But Chu Jin, you better go back to it. After all, Shao Ci is the only one
who heals in our base. If we just follow Yin Han and leave like this, it will
be a big loss to our base."
"If others can still forcibly stay, but Yin Han's strength is so strong, and he
will lose a lot against our base."

"You don't have to worry, I know what I think in my heart." Chu Jin was
very confident. "Because I've been so cold recently, he's temporarily out of
place. He will come back naturally after this incident. "

That's right ... Chu Jin told himself this way, Shao Ci was just awkward.
Sooner or later, he would come back to him, but he will be better for him in
the future, after all, Shao Ci is quite useful.

As for those strange things that happened when I saw Shao Ci with others,
Chu Jin was regarded as an unsuccessful one because he did not
successfully control the development of things.
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter 4:
Shao Ci didn't know why. After the banquet, he returned to the villa's room
with Yin Han so naturally ... And Yin Han went to the bath more naturally.

What a strange development! Speaking of him, he hasn't entered Chu Jin's

room for so long.

Shao Ci sat on the sofa in the room like a needle felt, although this room is
more luxurious than the decoration of his small apartment (after all, it was
the villa of the wealthy man in S city before the end time), and it is also
preserved after the end time It is intact, and even can watch some simple

Shao Ci wanted to leave, but it was too impolite to leave while someone
was taking a bath, so he had to wait. He only felt that the short ten-minute
long was terrible. When the bathroom door finally opened, he looked up
and held it before he could speak.

The coldness just after taking a shower, water droplets were still hanging on
his hair, and he gently rubbed his ears behind his ears. The beautiful face
was more fully displayed. If you look down, you can wear a bathrobe on
your body. Most of the white jade chests were revealed.

Shao's speech: "!" Even if he is not a guy, he feels that he will be blinded!

"Now you can go in and wash it." Yin Han said with a smile.

"I'm not here to take a shower !!!" Although Shao Ci wanted to answer that,
but when looking directly at Yin Han's face, he didn't have the courage to
refute, and he didn't say a word for a long time. Finally, I had to hide in the
bathroom directly.

"Why!" Shao Ci leaned against the bathroom wall, anxious to slap himself.

Then he took the shower at the fastest speed and found that he had not
changed his clothes. At this moment, Shao Ci felt that he had been
abandoned by the world and had to put on another bathrobe hanging on the
wall ... … So who was the one who prepared two bathrobes in the bathroom
from the beginning!

Out of the bathroom, Shao Ci stiffly said, "Well, can I go back now? After
all, it's so late, it's not good for me to stay here ..."

While talking, Shao Ci slowly walked towards the door. The next moment,
a cluster of sharp ice cones suddenly emerged from the ground, with a cold
flash at the top, completely blocking his way out.

As someone who has seen the original, Shao Ci doesn't know where. This is
the cold ice ability, which can easily stab a mutant zombie. Therapists who
fight against the five scums like him are afraid of frostbite if they encounter

Is it necessary to do this? Shao Ci turned his head tangled.

At this point Yin Han was sitting on the bed, reached out and patted the
position next to him, looked at it with a smile, and said, "I just lack a
pillow ..."

What a pillow is that!

Shao Ci was startled, trying to find an excuse, stuttering stupidly: "Then,

that, my sleep is not very good, if it disturbs you to sleep, don't ..."

"But I can't sleep without a pillow." Yin Han frowned, looking very
troubled. "In that case, without the spirit, the power of the power will be
greatly weakened. I'm afraid I can't help your base. It's ... "

This is a threat! This is a complete threat! There is no such setting that the
power of sleepless power will weaken.

As soon as Shao gritted his teeth, if he had slept with Yin Han for one
night, he would not have been killed by his protagonist aura the next day,
but it was already the case now and he could not refuse.
After all, Yin Han is now the target of the Raiders, and looking at the whole
world, except for the villain boss Zombie King, there are basically no
people who have a higher military value than Yin Han. It is more important
to have a good relationship ... although I do n’t know which day I will die

Shao Ci had no choice but to continue to walk daringly, facing the cold
eyes, lying carefully on the far side of the soft bed, trying his best to
maintain the furthest position with Yin Han, not even daring to move.

"How can I sleep if the pillow is so far away?" Yin Han came from the side
with a smile.

"I, I'll be here ..." Shao Ci's face was already flushed, and he moved away
with the speed of the turtle.

Lying next to Yin Han, Shao Ci thought he would be scared to sleep all
night. However, because the bed was too soft and comfortable, he fell
asleep without even reaching ten minutes, and slept very coldly and hugged
Yin Han.


Early the next morning, Chu Jin came to Shao Ci's residence.

After all, he had some problems at the banquet yesterday. Although he

didn't care about Shao's remarks in the past, now Chu Jin always thinks he
should come and coax.

Knocked at the door, and no one responded.

Chu Jin frowned slightly. He usually saw Shao Ci when he woke up. He
couldn't remember when Shao Ci usually got up.

However, the senses' senses are very keen. Although there is no movement
in it yet, Shao Ci must have been awake.
Chu Jin said softly: "Small remarks, are you awake? I know you are still
angry with me. Last night I was bad, can I let me in?"

After a few breaths, there was no sound. Chu Jin's heart had a bad
association. He reached out and pressed the door, and violently destroyed
the lock with the power. The door was opened instantly.

Shao Ci's residence at the base is not very large, just an ordinary room, and
it can be seen at the door. Right now, there is no one in this room.

"He didn't come back at night." Chu Jin clenched his hands subconsciously.
Even if he didn't look in the mirror, he also knew how distorted his
expression was at this time. It was completely different from the gentle
personality he had created in the past. Startled.

Chu Jin took a few deep breaths before calming down, only to find that he
had twisted and deformed the door handles. He closed the door, his eyes
were much colder. "Even if the cold is so strong, how about I will let him
stay forever In City S. "

At this time, Shao Ci was walking around the base with Yin Han,
introducing what each place did.

The tide of corpses is still relatively far away, so I have time to visit the
base, waiting for a few days, I am afraid that the days of non-stop killing
zombies will be.

"This is the bazaar of our base. Many psionicists will bring back what they
searched out. These things are very cheap. They can be exchanged with
only the nucleus of ten first-level zombies." It's been a long time in the
base, and it's no problem to be a tour guide.

However, Yin Han had let his men go shopping by themselves, and now he
is the only one following Shao Ci.

Yin Han nodded slightly, his eyes were on Shao Ci's body from beginning
to end, his eyes were smiling, it seemed that he was enjoying some
beautiful scenery.
Shao Ci faced such a look, and the psychological pressure was very great.
As soon as I thought of coming together this morning, I found that I was
holding Yin Han so hard that the other party couldn't get up. Shao Ci
couldn't wait to shoot himself last night.

Even though he had been screened by a barrage, Shao Ci still tenaciously

introduced the situation of the base.

By noon, the two sat down in a high-end restaurant dedicated to the


The raw materials of the food in these restaurants are cultivated by

researchers in the institute through special methods, and the dishes prepared
are no different from before the end of the world. Of course, the price is
also very expensive, a meal requires five third-level zombies.

A crystal nucleus of a third-level zombie is enough for ordinary people to

live for more than half a year. Of course this is nothing to the strong.

Most of the time, Shao Ci treats Chu Jin and his men free of charge. Only
occasionally he treats other people and still takes some nuclei. Although not
too much, it is enough to invite Yin Han to eat a meal. of.

When entering the door, Shao Ci naturally gave the two people's crystal
nuclei to the waiter, Yin Han noticed this scene, his eyes flashed slightly.

"The food here is definitely not as good as that of City B, but the taste is
still very good!" Shao Ci looked at the menu on the table with his eyes
shining. He usually eats fast food noodles to fill his stomach. He has n’t
eaten normal food for a long time.

"This is the first time someone has invited me to eat after the last days." Yin
Han glanced at Shao Ci with those dark, bottomless eyes, and said quietly,
"These crystal nuclei are not small numbers for you. Come on. Why are
you so good to me? "

Although his tone is casual, Shao Ci always feels like he will break into
Be's ending if he doesn't answer well.
Shao Ci hesitated a little. His white cheeks turned red with the speed visible
to the naked eye. Although he was very shy, he still looked hard at the cold
eyes and said sincerely, "I just ... think, I want you To eat the best ... after
all, after all, you are a guest in our city! How can you give your guests
casual food! "

Thanks to the system's uncompromising face infrared hanging.

In fact, Shao Ci was just trying to hug Chu Jin's thighs before, and in every
way he worked hard to make Chu Jin happy. Sometimes the tricky tasks of
the system are not close enough to do!

But Chu Jin, the dead man, has remained indifferent. Shao has become
accustomed to it for a long time, and now he has changed his strategy and
subconsciously used the previous method to feel good. Fortunately, he still
has conscience ...

After listening to this, Yin Han was obviously in a very good mood, his
eyes were widened and he said, "If it is not for the S city but for me, I will
be happier."

Shao Ci's head can't be lowered, "Don't, of course, mainly for your ..."

At this time, the door opened, and the waiter said respectfully, "Mr. Chu,
would you like to choose the usual position?"

"No need." A gentle male voice sounded. "Today, I want to eat with an

Shao Ci looked up and saw Chu Jin, who was slowly walking towards this


Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter 5:

Seeing that Chu Jin was getting closer and closer, even if Shao Ci was
thinking with his toes, he knew that the acquaintance he said was himself,
and his expression became subtle for a while.

It can be said that Shao Ci not only did not like Chu Jin, but also hated him
very much ... there was no appetite at the thought of Chu Jin's coming to eat
or something.

"What a coincidence, I actually met you here." Chu Jin came over with a
decent smile, and Junlang's face made people completely disgusted. It can
be said that he was almost never rejected. "No Mind if I come and eat
together? "

"What if I can't say it?" Yin Han naturally handed the tea to Shao Ci,
without even giving Chu Jin a straight eye, said coldly.

Chu Jin's expression was stunned, his face remained unchanged, but his
hands secretly turned into fists. Even though his power is not as good as
Yin Han, he is the first person in S City. I did not expect that Yin Han
would be so disrespectful to himself, but if he retreats in this way, how can
he mix in S City in the future.

"Mr. Yin really laughed." Chu Jin raised his head, a perfect smile on his
face, and walked towards the window without stopping, his eyes kept
looking at Shao with his head down, "But it is Just eat a meal, can't you
give me this face? "

At the next moment, a line of ice spikes suddenly emerged from the ground,
completely blocking the road in front of Chu Jin, and the surrounding air
cooled down instantly. And this is not the end. Immediately, numerous
small ice thorns condense on the ice thorns, and they stretched quickly
around them, and this small space was filled in an instant.

This is similar to the ice thorns that stopped Shao Ci from leaving
yesterday, but if it is at least dozens of times more aggressive, it can tear a
zombie into pieces on the spot. I can imagine how terrible it would be if
Yin Han really started Screen.
All of this happened in less than half a breath. If Chu Jin had not responded
quickly and quickly backed up, he would immediately use the power to
wrap the whole body, for fear that it would be directly incomplete by these
ice thorns.

"You ...!" Chu Jin's face became ugly. As for the other waiters and guests,
they seemed to be fighting when they saw the two strong men. It can still be
stopped, but in front of it is the first strong man in the base and the
legendary cold, who dare to stop it.

"Oops, they aren't going to fight." Shao Ci saw the situation was bad, and
quickly ate it, but he took out the crystal nuclei that had been so long to eat
here! If he doesn't finish the food, the crystal nuclei he spends will not be
wasted ... it's all Chu Jin.

Although there is always something wrong with the point of concern.

With a smile, Yin Han reached out and wiped away the food touched by
Shao Ci's mouth, but his voice was cold as if to condense into ice. "I said,

Shao Ci was stunned, and then he couldn't help clapping because he was so
happy to see Chu Jin eating ?.

The pressure of powerful abilities came, and Chu Jin's breathing stopped at
that instant. Under the opponent's powerful abilities, his legs softened, and
he almost fell to his knees, but he remained tenaciously. In his posture, his
pride did not allow him to bow to another power.

Chu Jin's eyes subconsciously looked at Shao Ci, but found that Shao Ci
was applauding, a very happy look ... Anger suddenly burst into my heart,
Chu Jin could not wait to directly rush up to ask why Shao Ci was like this,
do they get along? Feelings of a few months are not as good as the cold one
who just met one day!

But Chu Jin couldn't do it, he could only punch his fist, telling himself that
Shao Ci was just trying to attract his attention.
With great reluctance, Chu Jin finally understood over how big the gap
between himself and Yin Han was.

Originally thought it was just a difference of one level, and he was not
much different from him, but in the face of cruel reality, Chu Jin had to
admit that the difference of this level was like a huge gap, even if he was
chasing wildly. Can't catch up.

And even Shao Ci, who liked him so much in the past, is now ... it's Yin
Han's fault, it's all his fault! As long as he is gone, everything will return to
the original.

Chu Jin secretly gritted his teeth, remembering the method used by those
who used the power to strengthen the nucleus mentioned by people who
had previously heard of the institute, his mood gradually calmed down, and
a smile appeared on his face, "It seems that Mr. Yin really does not
Welcome me, then I will leave without interrupting. "

Even though she lost such a big face, Chu Jin still kept her personable and
turned away.

After he left, the ice spurs on the ground collapsed instantly, melting
numerous liquids, and evaporated immediately before it spread, but
disappeared without a trace in an instant, and there were no traces in the
place. Everyone feels like dreaming.

Witnessing the whole process of Shao Ci felt the understanding of Qi, and
at the same time felt the force of Yin Han more deeply. Originally, he
thought that Chu Jin was very powerful. Now it seems that he is really far
from Yin Han. So fast.

Then Shao Ci suddenly remembered a very, very, terrible thing.

Since it is said that only the villain boss Zombie King has a higher value
than Yin Han's force, then if he meets the Zombie King then, shouldn't he
run to attack the Zombie King? !!

However, Zombie King is not human and should not be used.

[Host, how can you not want to be friends with others because they are not
people? Treat all life equally. ?

Shao Ci: "!" It's because your system has no more exercises to hold your

Hold the zombie king's thigh, then only the dog will bring an ending!

Fortunately, even slags can be tolerated, but the zombie king ... The picture
of Shao Ci's brain supplement is so ghostly that he has no appetite and can't
eat any food.

"Is that Chu Jin really good?" Seeing Shao Ci's sad look, Yin Han's
expression was gloomy, and he suddenly said, "Do you like him that

"No!" Shao Ci refuted almost immediately, feeling that his taste and sexual
orientation were insulted. "How could I like him, it was all before ..." He bit
his lower lip and suddenly found that now It should be a good opportunity
to brush up on Yin Han's favorability, and immediately said: "I was blind
before. Since meeting you, Chu Jin is not as good as garbage in my eyes.
Only you are what I really want. Followers! "

The first half of this sentence is almost completely sincere from Shao Ci,
coupled with the external plug-in of the system, it sounds more and more
sincere. Even the deepest person in the city can't see any guilty conscience.

Yin Han's originally anxious mind calmed down instantly, he reached out
and rubbed Shao Ci's head, and whispered, "I believe in you."

At this time, Shao Ci was a little bit upset about the system's favorability
detection system. I don't know what strange setting it is. This system can
only detect whether the favorability is negative, positive or zero. Arrived, it
was a pit.

Except for Chu Jing, who is so shocking and big scumbag, who would be so
stubborn and keep such good feelings for so long.
Yes, yes, Shao Ci's eyes suddenly flashed.

Now that he knows the original plot, he can kill it before the villain boss
Zombie King has grown up! At this time in the original text, the zombie
king should be near S city. Just as Yin Han will go out tomorrow to remove
the surrounding zombies.

After eating, Shao Ci quickly made excuses to return to the apartment

alone, even if he wanted to hug him ... who wanted to be a friend of Yin
Han, who was sleeping with the other or something was too explosive, he
never wanted to happen again. Time.

Shao Ci was thinking how he could persuade Yin Han to go to the place
where the zombies were, while reaching out to push the door, only to find
that the door that should have been locked was easily pushed away!

"Bottom!" Shao said at a glance that the door handles were deformed. As
for the lock, it was violently damaged ... It was almost forcibly opened by
the naked eye.

In the end, who would be all right to pry the door of a psionicist, this is
almost bold, is it those ruthless brain powder?

Even if the impression of Chu Jin is worse, Shao Ci did not contact the
person who pried the door with Chu Jin. After all, Chu Jin used to have his
attitude towards him, maybe he doesn't even know where his home is now.

"In short, let's take a look at the situation in the home first." Shao sighed
and walked in, but the next moment he was caught, pulled with an
irresistible force, and pressed directly on the wall.

Shao Ci's shoulder slammed into the wall fiercely, and there was a period of
pain, but he didn't have time to treat himself, just looked at the person in
front of him in surprise, "Why, why?"

Why would a character like Chu Jin pry a lock and run into someone else's
house for a favored person!
Chu Jin pressed Shao Ci's shoulders, his expression was still so gentle to a
false degree, his tone was helpless, as if he was coaxing a disobedient child.
That's to you ... so don't stop being willful, come back to me obediently. "
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter 6:
Shao Ci is not unable to understand Chu Jin's mind, after all, an available
follower just ran away, and it is definitely difficult for a person like Chu Jin
to tolerate.

But now Chu Jin is no longer the target of the Raiders, Shao Ci was too
lazy to care about his mood, and said directly coldly: "Chu Jin, I don't think
we have anything to do with you, so what did you do to me before, nor am I
Very concerned."

As soon as he didn't need to do his daily tasks, Shao Ci was too lazy to
shout at the usual Chu brothers, and called his name directly.

Two people who have zero favoritism with each other should stop reluctant
to get along with each other, which is good for everyone.

Chu Jin did not believe what Shao said at all, but sighed, staring at Shao
with a gentle and tolerant look, "I've been busy lately ... I'll take the time to
accompany you after the corpse tide is resolved, so don't go any further Are
you awkward? "

If Shao Ci really liked Chu Jin, he would have forgotten and nodded in
agreement with his favorite object.

However, Shao Ci almost got goosebumps. He did not expect that Chu Jin
would say such a word in order to redeem a subordinate. It is indeed
worthy of being a villain. Such acting skills are really admirable.

"I'm not awkward." If Shao Ci hadn't prepared to offend Chu Jin, I'm afraid
he would have been mocking and telling the truth. Now I have to give him
a little dignity and say, "You haven't done anything wrong, I It just feels
like I've found someone I should follow more ... So please leave.

Chu Jin seemed to have heard a joke, and said nothing: "Don't make a joke
with me anymore. And do you think Yin Han is really good for you? He
just uses you, only in You are the safest around me. I know you said it
because you were angry with me. "

Shao Ci thought he had made it clear enough. As a result, Chu Jin still had
this high attitude, and his eyes seemed to show his compassion, as if he ran
the door and said these words because of sympathy.

"Yin Han is much better than you." Shao Ci couldn't bear it anymore, and
said, "Just when I was with you before was blind, now I'm awake, anyway,
there is no such thing as me beside you. People, let this end. "

"Yin Han is much better than me?" Chu Jin's eyes darkened, and I didn't
know why there was anxiety in his heart. He always felt that Shao Ci's
attitude should not be like this ... Isn't he like himself anyway? Then give
him a kiss and get his own kiss. It must be a dream to Shao Ci.

And deep in his heart that he didn't want to admit it, there was still
expectation for the kiss.

Chu Jin immediately held Shao Ci's shoulder and bowed his head to kiss.

Shao Ci doesn't need to know that Chu Jin came to give up like a charity in
order to save himself ... After all, the previous post must make him suspect
that he is a guy, so he made this move.

However, I cannot forgive even if there is a reason! !!

At this moment, Shao Ci had been so frightened that he lost his mind,
directly raised his leg, and his knees were pushed hard towards Chu Jing's
legs below the neck which could not be described.

As an aggressive villain insisting on his own pride, Chu Jin stiffened as

soon as he was about to scream, his face was half black, cold sweat slipped
from his forehead, and all the powers around him had to be violent. trend.

Shao Ci consciousness came over and what he did was not good for the
whole person. He ran past Chu Jin and rushed out of the apartment.
He also did not dare to turn around, for fear of being turned back, Chu Jin
would be caught fat.

No, Chu Jin is also a villain in addition to being a scumbag. He is also a

villain who must report. If he is caught, he will be smashed.

Shao Ci didn't even think about it, and rushed to the villa where Yin Han

The men guarding the door saw Shao Ci coming and immediately smiled
and asked him what was happening. He still had a good opinion of Shao Ci
who gave them free treatment last time.

Shao Ci said that after he came to find Yin Han, he was put in directly ... It
was not like looking for Chu Jin in the past, but he also had to withstand all
kinds of white eyes.

In the beginning, it was okay to have no contrast. Now that I have contrast,
I feel that I have lived a hell-like life before.

Shao Ci came to the door of Yin Han's room and hesitated for a long time
before knocking on the door.

The door opened the next moment, while Yin Han was sitting on a rattan
chair by the window and looking at the book. The sunlight outside the
window was pouring on his body, and his pale face was breathtakingly
beautiful, as if he were a figure in the painting.

Seeing Shao Ci's pale face rushing in, Yin Han frowned suddenly, his eyes
were cold, "What's wrong? Who bullied you?"

"No, it's not ..." Shao Ci didn't want to cause so much trouble, so he skipped
the topic and looked at Yin Han with his eyes full of hope. "It's just, my
apartment can't live because of some problems. , I do n’t have a crystal
nucleus on my body, and I do n’t know where to go ... I do n’t know if I can
stay here temporarily. I will try my best to help wherever I can. My power
should be useful. ”
The crystal nuclei are all placed in the apartment, and now where Shao Ci
has the courage to go back to that place to take, there are so many things
about Chu Jin's dead man.

"Of course you can." Of course, Yin Han could see that Shao Ci was hiding
something, but he didn't go to question, but just put down his book and
slackly said with his chin. You want to stay, you can only share a room
with me. "

Shao speech: "!" Who is it? Even he knows that there are so many rooms in
this villa, and all the little brothers brought by Yin Han are more than
enough! I don't know what it was like to build so big before the end of the

"If I don't agree, I can't do anything about it." Yin Han raised an eyebrow,
with a smile in his dark pupil, "Then I can only let you go back."

Shao Ci saw that Yin Han had to force himself to sleep with him, but he
had no choice but to bite his lower lip and said, "Well, I promise ..."

Isn't it just a real pillow? What's so hard about this is better than facing Chu
Jin one hundred thousand times better!

"Come over here and sit by the window and rest a bit. The sun today is very
good." Yin Han said, "I will go outside tomorrow, and I need to relax

Shao nodded and walked toward the rattan chair opposite Yin Han, and
halfway there he saw that rattan chair was frozen directly by ice cubes ...
Hey how do you sit there! Yin Han could not deliberately make things
difficult for him.

Shao Ci looked at Yin Han with a grimace, and saw that Yin Han passed
over his body, looked at him with a smile, and pointed to his thigh, "Come

Hey what a shame play! !!

Shao Ci almost fell to the ground with a cricket, but he is also a
battlehardened person. What a shame to play! Then he walked slowly,
sitting under Yin Han's body under tremendous psychological pressure, and
could still smell a cold aroma at the tip of his nose.

Yin Han took Shao Ci's waist with one hand and picked up the book with
the other. It seemed a bit perplexing: "I'm a bit tired when I read a book.
Right? "

Of course Shao Ci could not refuse. He picked up the book and looked at it,
but it was shocked.

This turned out to be a little yellow book, but also a little yellow book for
men and men!

Who would have believed that the painting-like chill that sat at the window
just turned out to be a little yellow book! It's still a man. Whose book is
this? Are you not afraid that the straight X-point writer Yin Han is furious
when he sees it?

Of course, Yin Han, who should be furious now, is very interested, not at
all looking angry.

"This, how do you read this ..." Shao Ci's eyes couldn't look directly at the
text in the book, it was so heartbroken.

"It's OK to just read it out." Yin Han snuggled up to his ear and said softly,
"Look at this paragraph, just read it out like this? If you don't want to miss
it, I can come."

Then, Yin Han used the extremely nice voice to describe the action of the
boy and boy in Huang Wen, without any embarrassment.

To be honest, listening to such a nice voice, even if you miss the contents of
the cafeteria's menu, you can be fascinated, not to mention the yellow
storm. Shao Ci, who heard all of this up close, just felt that his body had to
After realizing this, Shao Ci's face was all white. Where can Yin Han
continue to read, he can only quickly say, "Let me come, I will read it!"

Shao Ci took a deep breath and looked down. The content of the next
paragraph had been so violent that he couldn't look straight at it, but he had
already agreed, and he could only tearfully read the next content, only It
feels like torture.

After reading a few pages of content, the protagonist in the book was not
finished yet, Shao Ci was sweating all over, and wanted to get into the
ground in shame. I don't know if it is his illusion. I always feel that my
body and the cold body are hot.

Moreover, Yin Han had been listening quietly as he read the story. Shao Ci
could only hear the sound of his light breathing, and occasionally mixed
with a few chuckles, which made Shao Ci's face flushed.

"I, I think ... it's time to eat, and I should go down and see how the food is!"
Shao Ci couldn't bear it, he just put the book down and tried to find an
excuse to leave here.

Yin Han held his hand, bowed his head and kissed gently at the fingertips,
and then whispered, "Thank you for today, let me spend a pleasant

The place where Shao Ci was kissed was like an electric shock. He threw it
out subconsciously, and stuttered, "I, I'll go down ..." Then he rushed down

The dinners were sent directly. After all, the city base could not let the
invited psychics pay for their own food, and the taste of these dinners was
quite good.

At dinner time, after Yin Han finished eating, other talents started. Shao Ci
originally wanted to eat as low-key as everyone else. However, Yin Han
said that he could not eat alone, and took Shao to have dinner together.
Shao Ci was also worried that other people would be dissatisfied with this,
but these people's enthusiasm for Yin Han is not comparable to ordinary
people. As long as Yin Han does what they do, they will unconditionally
support them. There is nothing to be unhappy about.

After sleeping at night, nothing happened, and Shao Ci fell asleep as soon
as he touched the pillow.

By the next day, everyone had to go out and clean up the surrounding

This may be a task that can be completed at the risk of life for ordinary
abilities. However, for Yin Han, it is a wave of zombies that can solve a
wave of zombies. For others, the most terrible mutant zombies, for him. It's
just a bigger bug.

Of course, the base of S City did not hesitate to hand over the most
dangerous task to Yin Han, otherwise how could it be worth the price they

The removal of nearby zombies was only done on the way. The real task
was to Yin Han go to the old research institute to obtain valuable research

The old research institute was built on the outskirts, far from the center of S
where the zombies are the most, and it should reasonably be safe. But after
the Institute was smashed by the zombies that year, the newly developed
enhanced power fluid inside it melted into the soil and surrounding rivers.

Because of this relationship, after absorbing the enhanced power fluid, the
number of nearby mutated zombies is abnormally large. Although the
number is not as high as that of S City Center, the strength is far from the
ability of outside zombies to compare. Hardly anyone can survive.

The base of S City has always been thinking about strengthening the power
fluid. This time, Yin Han was invited. The tide of the corpses is still
secondary. The most important thing is the stuff in the research institute.
And that place ... is also the place where the original zombie BoSS was

Thanks to the author in the original work, he used a chapter to describe how
the zombies BoSS was born. Otherwise, Shao Ci still doesn't know how to
find the growing zombies BoSS, although he felt the author completely
when he saw that plot. Just make up the word.

When leaving the base, I needed to check something. Several staff members
saw Shao Ci astonishment in the team. Although everyone heard about the
previous gossip, they saw that Shao Ci really did not care about Chu Jing
and instead told others The team came out of the task, they still felt magic.

One of them frowned suddenly: "Captain Chu is going out of town to do the
task today, Shao Ci, are you not with him?"

This person is named Yang Fei. He was Chu Jin's friend before the end of
the world. He also became a power man after the end of the world. Now he
has become a small person in charge of the base through Chu Jin's
relationship. Go out against the zombies.

Shao Ci gave free treatment to most of Chu Jin's friends. However, due to
the influence of Chu Jin, these people have a high attitude towards Shao Ci.
They have never had a good face, as if Shao Ci was born short of them.
Sometimes the speed of treatment is a little slower, and it is necessary to
ridicule. .

The Yang Fei in front of me is the one with the least attitude. It is your
honor to help you Chu Chu, and it is your honor to treat me.

Several of Yin Han's men glared at Yang Fei fiercely, but finally a powerful
healer came to their team, how could they allow others to dig people in
their presence.

Yin Han is almost impossible to be injured, but his men are different.
Everyone is an ordinary power. Moreover, Yin Han also likes to let things
go when he is in danger. He believes that those who are often in the front
line of life and death can grow fastest. If this thing shrinks, it is not worth
following him.

But at the same time, Yin Han will also distribute most of the nuclei
obtained by killing the zombies to the public, and will give his best
treatment in other aspects, so basically no one will complain.

Shao Ci heard a surprise, "Chu Jin is going out of town too? I have never
heard of this before ..." I was kicked to an important part yesterday. Is Chu
Jin okay now ...

"I don't know what you think. Since you have followed Captain Chu, you
can help him well. Don't mess with him all day long." Yang Fei continued
to speak, watching with an unhappy expression. Shao Ci, like how much
wrong Shao Ci did, "If you still want to stay with Captain Chu, you should
know how to do it now."

In the past, Shao Ci had to endure the swallowing of these people. He could
only think in his heart that it really deserves to gather people in groups and
groups, but now he no longer has to bear it.

"Thank you for reminding me." Shao Ci looked at the person in charge with
a smile, "But I'm sorry, I have no meaning to your captain Chu, and I don't
want to stay with him at all. I'm leaving now. Ask him to do it later Don't
bother me. "

"What did you say?" Yang Fei didn't expect that Shao Ci dared to refute
him, and suddenly became furious. "What kind of attitude do you think,
who do you think you are? He's just a healer. He really thinks he's amazing.
Think you can't do without others? "

When Yin Han was suddenly angry when he heard this, he had to start.
Although Shao Ci and them have n’t known each other for a long time, it
can be seen from Yin Han ’s attitude that he is very fond of Shao Ci, and
Yang Fei taunts Shao Ci, which is equivalent to mocking Yin Han ’s taste.
It is strange if they are not angry. Already.
Shao Ci quickly stopped those who wanted to do it, turned his head and
said lightly: "Anyway, you don't look down on my power anyway, I have
nothing to say, so I'll go and buy medicinal treatments myself. Like you
said, a healing potion doesn't cost much, right? "

After speaking, Shao Ci also turned around and added a sentence, "Yes, I
forgot one thing, please tell Chu Jin, and do n’t do the perverted thing like
prying the door and blocking people in the future. I really Very
troublesome. "

Yang Fei's face became extremely ugly, but then he sneered, "Huh, you are
just a good seller who sells buttocks. You dare to stigmatize Captain Chu.
How can Captain Chu break the door? This is simply impossible. I don't
think you want to hang around at the base of S city at all ... "

Suddenly a cold wind blows, and Yang Fei's body instantly frosts, and his
cheeks become frosty blue. He stared at Shao Ci with a deep panic in his
eyes, and the subconscious body shivered. .

It was too late for Shao to turn his head, and there was a hand resting on his
shoulder, Yin Han sounded with a cold voice, "Just right, since your S city
has such an attitude, let Xiao Shui develop in B city Just fine, our city B
especially welcomes capable psionicists. It will never do such a disgusting
thing to crowd out psionicists like other bases. "

Yin Han's men also did not expect that there would be people who would
abandon such a powerful healing ability. Quickly you say one word to me,
one by one said that if Shao Ci joined their team, the treatment would be
several times better than here.

In fact, it was always awkward before Shao's speech. Everyone in the S city
base thought his power was salty, otherwise his attitude would not be so

Several other staff members were still watching the excitement. Now when
they see the situation is not good, they quickly laughed and said,
"Yang Fei just drank too much before drinking. Now I just say such things.
Mr. Yin, don't care about a drunk. "Yeah, our city S is still good for the
psionicist, and it definitely has no meaning to despise Shao Ci."

They now remembered that the person who had ridiculed Shao on the night
of the banquet, but really knelt outside for one night before recovering. And
those who did not kneel did not have the slightest tendency to melt the ice
on their mouths, and it took half a life to solve the problem. Suddenly in
their hearts, they were glad that they hadn't ridiculed.

"Oh?" Yin Han raised an eyebrow. "Those words, small words, but the
people I value, I can't hear anything when I can't do anything."

Yang Fei was trembling, but his hatred was revealed in his eyes. As a friend
of Chu Jin, when was he not a hero in the base? Today, he was actually
taught by an outsider. The reason is because of Shao, whom he has always
looked down on. Words, how can I balance my heart.

"If you apologize to me, I'll forgive you. What happened in the past can be
written off?" Of course Shao Ci knew what Yang Fei's personality was, and
pretended to be a holy father.

Sure enough, Shao's words angered Yang Fei, and he said angrily: "Do you
think Shao is great if you have a backing? Let me apologize to you and
dream!" Anyway, he didn't believe Yin Han really dare to do anything in S

What he didn't know was that even Chu Jin, in the restaurant, had been
ashamed because of the cold. Afterwards, Chu Jin immediately used her
right to suppress the incident, so no one in the base knew about it.

After finishing that sentence, Yang Fei felt a sudden pain all over his body,
and his body was extremely cold, but his internal organs seemed to be
burned. Two kinds of opposite pains were superimposed, and he screamed
and knelt immediately. Fall to the ground.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter 7:

Yin Han looked at Yang Fei's eyes like a dead person, then turned to look
at Shao Ci, and said softly: "Small words, this kind of person doesn't need
to be controlled anymore, don't care what he said, we go out of the city
first Right. "

Yin Han's men looked at the responsible person who fell to the ground with
a kind of compassion. Others didn't know that those who had followed Yin
Han had already been very clear about his means.

The heartbreaking pain was not the end, it was just the beginning. After the
pain had passed, the person would be unable to move and could only rest in
bed. And he will find that his power is passing day by day, and this passing
is irreversible. When he can stand up, he will find that his power has
completely disappeared, and he has since become a waste.

For these people who are proud of their powers, losing their proud powers
is the most terrifying. Most psionicists can't stand the process of their
abilities slowly disappearing, and almost all become lunatics.

That is, these people in S city did not know Yin Han's means, so they dared
to be so arrogant in front of him. After this incident, they would probably
know who can provoke and who cannot provoke.

If the people in S city are not convinced, Yin Han has his own way to
convince them. The later the ability is, the more difficult it is to cross each
level, but the strength increase is not ordinary 1 + 1, but geometric growth.

At the level of Yin Han, even if the abilities of the entire city of S can't deal
with him, Chu Jin still has a little resistance to him, but it's just a little bit.

Several other staff members wanted to say something, but looking at Yang
Fei's miserable appearance, they were scared to say half a word, and
watched as the group left.

Later, Yang Fei, who was carried to bed by the staff member, continued to
curse, vowing to make Shao Ci look good, totally unaware of what tragedy
would happen to him.
Shortly after Yin Han left, Chu Jin was late. Although he experienced such
a deep blow yesterday, he quickly recovered. His expression was not the
same. Today, he is going to go straight to the task. .

Seeing Chu Jin, Yang Fei put up with painful complaints and said how
impolite Yin Han and his team were, and how they did not take S City in
their eyes, especially the Shao Ci who was eating and eating, it was a traitor
in S City.

Because he was so angry, Yang Fei recounted what Shao had asked him to
tell him before.

The other staff members watched their noses and their noses. Although they
didn't agree with Yang Fei's words at all, they didn't say a word on the face.
In fact, most of the abilities in the base came from other places, and were
not bound by the S city base. It is also very common for the base to leave
because of bad treatment, but in Yang Fei ’s mouth, It is as unforgivable as

"Oh?" Chu Jin looked down at Yang Fei, who was described as
embarrassed, and it took a lot of effort to conceal his disdain. He said
gently: "It doesn't matter, Xiao Yang, I will report your resentment. , Take a
rest now. "

With Chu Jin's assurance, Yang Fei completely relaxed, and a sudden pain
came, and he couldn't help but struggle in bed.

And where others could not see, Chu Jin flashed coldly in his eyes, and he
sneered lowly, "Since you have done this kind of thing, don't blame me for
being ruthless."


After Yin Han and his team passed the inspection, they left the base in a
modified vehicle.
Shao Ci has been out of the base to follow the task and do not know how
many times, but this time he was extremely nervous, even when sitting in
the car can not calm down.

After all, he is now out with the original male lead Yin Han to do the
task! !!

As everyone knows, the protagonist's halo will pull strange, it is impossible

for the protagonist to go out without any accidents. This task will certainly
not be as calm as before.

Shao had to be vigilant at all times in order to keep this small life as far as
possible, otherwise he would not even know how to die.

At the beginning, it was quite normal. The zombies near the base were
almost dead. Occasionally, they encountered a few and were easily resolved
by Yin Han's men.

In this way, the sky became dark, and everyone planned to find an empty
place to set up a tent to rest for a night. However, a person with
visionimproving ability was looking at a certain direction, and then his face
changed, "No, there is a dead body. The tide is coming, at least a few
thousand ... No, there are more, there is no end to it! "

Shao Ci spent several months in the base of S city, and it was the first time
that he saw so many zombies. He was shocked and speechless for a while ...
It really deserves the treatment of the protagonist. Hundreds of zombies are
the limit, and now Yin Han encounters so many.

It's really hard for his men to live on to this day.

"Damn, it stands to reason that it is too far away from the city center of S.
How come there are so many zombies, let's go quickly! If it is surrounded,
it will be troublesome!" Said one of Yin Han's men anxiously. .

Shao speech: "!" Hello, don't set FLAg!

Almost immediately after this sentence was spoken, zombies began to
appear in other directions.

Everyone in the car was stunned, and quickly drove in the opposite
direction. Just kidding, although they came out to kill zombies this time,
didn't they rush into the tens of thousands of zombies to find death?

There were also a lot of zombies on both sides of the direction of the car.
From time to time, they came around and rushed to the front of the road.
Then they were easily killed by the car's powers, and then they were
crushed by the modified car.

The atmosphere became very tense for a while, but everyone was still calm.
After all, as long as the car had the backbone of coldness, they didn't need
to worry about being stepped down.

Shao Ci also cheered up. If there were more zombies, mutant zombies with
particularly high military values ??would jump out. At that time, someone
must be injured in the fight against the zombies, and it is time for him to
come in handy.

Only Yin Han on the car was a lazy look. It was not like facing the crisis of
corpses, but rather like when he was at home. His mentality could not be
relaxed anymore, and he slowly cut away from the base. Take out the cake.

Shao Ci stared at Yin Han blankly: "... now there are so many zombies."
Why suddenly I feel a bit silly to be so serious about preparing to save

Yin Han inserted a piece of cake and sent it to Shao Ci. He said intimately,
"If you don't have good food now, you can't get better treatment when you
are hungry. Come on." "

Why is it so reasonable! Let him forget how to vomit!

Shao opened his mouth subconsciously. At this moment, the modified car
just passed over a zombie corpse, and bumped slightly, so that part of the
cream was pinched on his mouth.
The taste of the cake was so delicious. Shao Ci didn't remember when he
ate the cake last time. For a while, he felt touched. He reached out and tried
to wipe the cream, and his wrist was held down by Yin Han. Already.

"It's not good to waste food." Yin Han said as he gathered together, gently
rolled the cream from Shao Ci's mouth into his mouth with the tip of his
tongue, as if to clean him up, and kissed his lips several times. .

Shao Ci threatened the whole person: "???

Wait, what is this development? !!

At the crisis moment when he was besieged by zombies, he was actually

kissed by the x-point man ... For Shao Ci, the latter was a hundred times
more powerful than the former!

"Xiaoci is similar to the rabbit I raised." Yin Han sent the rest of the cake to
Shao Ci's mouth, and he didn't eat much.

Shao Ci relaxed while eating.

… The system has also said before that Yin Han treats him as a pet, so if
you kiss a pet, it ’s not a big deal, and cream is really precious in the last

Shao Ci totally evaded reality and found a reason for this.

"This should be no problem, it's just some ordinary zombies, and it can be
thrown away after a while." Xiao Zheng, who had set FLAg up, wiped the
sweat on his head and said, "As long as there is nothing unexpected

The next moment, a fork road immediately drove out four or five modified
cars and squeezed into the road.

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, in fact, Xiao Zheng, you are the main character.
The four or five vehicles were fighting against the zombies around them.
The colorful abilities were thrown out in a mess, and several of them did
not lose any zombies. Apparently, their people were very tired.

After all, powers are not infinite. If you use them for too long, you will
exhaust your power, and the power stun will pass out. It is impossible to
use powers after four or five days of rest. Therefore, the general power
person will try not to run out of all powers, or take out crystal nuclei to
absorb energy.

These four or five vehicles also attracted many zombies on the fork, and
there were actually two mutant zombies!

It should be known that mutant zombies are zombies that are particularly
prominent in speed or strength, and their qualities are several times that of
ordinary zombies. It is extremely difficult to deal with them.

Variant zombies that focus on speed are more terrifying than mutant
zombies that focus on power, and they can even outpace most of the psionic
powers. Many slow-action abilities may have had too little time to react to
what happened during the battle, and were killed by mutant zombies.

As for the zombie king in the original, the strength is no longer terrible.
Even Yin Han cost a lot of money to kill the Zombie King at the end, and
he almost lost his life.

"There are mutant zombies, and the two are speed-type. What luck is this?"
Everyone's faces were a lot ugly, and they were filled with disgust for the
person in the car next to the mutant zombies. If it isn't critical now, you
must hit the people's congress and the people behind you.

Two mutant zombies followed the team not far and near, and almost no
attack from the car's powers could hit them, and they were avoided each
time they wanted to hit.

Yin Han's men are okay, and they have survived several times from the line
of life and death. They also have experience with mutant zombies.
Although they cannot directly kill the mutant zombies, they can still be
made inaccessible.

But the psionicists in the cars next to them are not very good. They have not
experienced much in the past. It is as simple as cutting a melon to face an
ordinary zombie. Coping ability.

These two mutant zombies are wise, they can kill everyone in one breath,
but they are like playing with prey. They do n’t directly do it, but they only
come a few times from time to time, which makes people tremble.

When everyone's vigilance was relaxed a little, a mutant zombie rushed

over, and a scream of extreme screams came from the car next to it. I saw a
phantom's throat being bitten directly by the mutant zombie, and blood
sprayed like a blood rain.

Shao Ci saw the **** scene with his own eyes, his face was a bit pale, and
he was the first time to see the death of a power actor.

"What's wrong, afraid?" Yin Han didn't know when the body came over,
took Shao Ci's hand, and his dark eyes looked over and asked: "After all,
those people seem to be poor, after all Also with you as a base, would you
want to save them? "

"No, I don't want to." Shao Ci didn't know what Yin Han asked himself
about the topic, but just shook his head and said, "I don't have the ability to
protect myself. How can I save people and how long I can live? . "

It is normal for the dead in the last days. Although Yin Han has the ability
to save people, Shao Ci is not the kind father who is generous to others. He
is not big enough to ask Yin Han to save himself for himself. Knowing that
Yin Han even stocks his men ...

What's more, these strangers care about him. If they were seriously injured
beside themselves, Shao Ci will use his powers, but the situation is already

Yin Han held his hand and smiled, "With me, you will not die."
His tone was different from usual, and while being gentle, he was a little
firm, making Shao's speech a little dazed.

At this time, the person next to him was caught by the mutant zombies, and
suddenly a big mouth with deep bones was caught. Immediately, his arms
were retracted into the car.

Shao Ci immediately threw all the things he had just said and rushed out to
treat the person. The longer this wound is dragged on, the greater the
burden on the power person.

Yin Han took a meaningful look at the modified car next door. Depending
on his strength, he could naturally feel that there is a powerful field of
power in the car behind him, and that person is definitely going to do the
same today. The mission is meticulous.

I do n’t know what happened to Chu Jin before he stood up to deal with the
mutant zombies, Yin Han was so happy to watch it.

As for helping, he is all right. If Chu Jin died like this, he wouldn't care, just
worried that Shao would be sad because of it ...

Although Shao Ci has demonstrated his attitude towards Chu Jin, Yin Han
has not been able to relax. He always feels that Shao Ci, who is now
following him warmly, seems to be leaving.

Suddenly, a mutant zombie jumped directly onto the car, scratched the roof
with that sharp and hard nail, and made a sharp and harsh sound. If it is an
ordinary car, now I am afraid it has been directly pierced by the zombie's

Modified cars are much stronger than ordinary cars after modification. This
can only be sustained, but I am afraid that it will not last long.

"What should I do?" Shao's mood was tense, and he quickly looked at the
others in the carriage, but found that everyone had no previous vigilance at
all, but they were all relieved, and what they should do is continue what.
The next moment, Shao Ci understood why their response was.

Yin Han, who had been lazily leaning on the position, frowned, and
whispered, "So noisy."

Almost the next moment he spoke, a cold current swept across the cabin,
and then there was a huge movement on the roof, as if something was
struggling, and a loud noise sounded the next moment.

Shao Ci can be seen from the window. There are broken ice cubes scattered
on the roof, and those ice cubes are still frozen with broken flesh.

There is no doubt that the mutated zombies that just made everyone
extremely troubled and scared were killed in a single blow in Yin Han's
hand, and they were torn apart without dignity.

Even after reading the original text, Shao Ci couldn't help but be surprised
at this time. "!" Lying down, Yin Han's force value is almost against the
sky, and I don't know how the zombie king in the legend has a higher force
value Terrible existence.

The other mutant zombie seemed to be scared by this scene, and instead
attacked a few cars next to it, and he dared not touch them. Only those
ordinary zombies who have no thought at all continue to surround them.

The people next to the car saw the scene more thoroughly, and they were
speechless at a sudden by the cold force.

Fortunately, there is only one mutant zombies left, and their pressure is a
little less than before, but those people's abilities are much weaker, and
they still can't deal with that mutant zombies.

The mutant zombie finally got tired of it, and when he saw it, he wanted to
rush into the car and kill as many phantoms as possible, and a stern cry for
help came out.

Before waiting for the reaction of the people here, a burst of powerful
energy suddenly burst out from the modified car next to it. The next
moment, a huge ball of water suddenly appeared in the air, which happened
to trap the mutant zombies.

The mutant zombies startled and struggled frantically, but the mass of water
was wrapping it around, no change whatsoever.

"Wait, the water system power?" Shao was startled. With his memory, only
Chu Jin had the powerful water system power at all nearby bases ... No, this
power seemed to be better than before. It's a little bit stronger. Such a
powerful character cannot be mentioned in the original work. Does it mean
that Chu Jin just advanced?

Shao Ci's conjecture is correct. After Chu Jin led the team today, he
happened to meet a tide of corpses.

At that time, Chu Jin didn't take it seriously. Anyway, as long as his power
is sufficient, these ordinary zombies can't help him, and as long as the
crystal nucleus is in his hand, his power cannot be used up.

However, it happened unexpectedly. Chu Jin once again killed a wave of

zombies and let his hands go down to get the crystal nucleus. Then he
frantically absorbed the power in the crystal nucleus in order to restore the
power. However, he found that his power had begun to advance.

The ability to advance is a good thing, but when you are advanced, you will
unconsciously pass out, and will not wake up until you have completely
advanced. Many psionics just fart when they hit the zombie halfway

After Chu Jin was in a coma, the rest of the group suddenly felt helpless,
and originally planned to return to Chu base with Chu Jin. But I didn't
expect that I was struck by two mutant zombies with bad luck.

Usually, when encountering mutant zombies, they are resolved by Chu Jin
at once. When there is a need for them to face, these people who dare not
face the mutant zombies have to flee in the opposite direction and just meet
the cold. .
In a way, they are quite lucky. If they didn't encounter the cold, they would
probably have been killed by the mutant zombies before Chu Jin advanced.

After Chu Jin successfully advanced, he felt that he was stronger than he
used to know, and the whole person was excited. He just thought about it,
and the mutant zombies in the air were tangled into pieces by the turbulent

The next moment, the water ball stained red with blood exploded directly,
like a bomb, blasting countless zombies into pieces.

Suddenly the area became empty, and only two or two zombies who had
escaped from the calamity were walking in a trance, which did not
constitute a threat at all.

The crowd looked at this scene in shock, and finally realized that another
seventh-level power was born.

After listening to his report, Chu Jin also understood what happened. He
sorted his clothes, opened the door, and got out of the car. He looked at the
modified car in front of him with a smile, "Yin Han, listen Thank you very
much for having helped me through the difficulties of advancement. "

His voice is not loud, but it can be heard clearly by everyone around him.

Chu Jin's eyes looked with a little pride at the modified car next door. He
thought that the place that was originally inferior to Yin Han was just an
ability. Now his ability is also level seven. There is no difference between
the two. He doesn't need to look at Yin Han's face anymore, and he doesn't
need to suffer any more. Already.

There is also Shao Ci who abandoned him and chose Yin Han. After seeing
his current self, he should also regret that he was at a loss, when he cried
and begged to return to himself.

The thought of Chu Jin holding his thigh to cry was a little deeper on Chu
Jin's face. See, God is on his side.
It's almost the same as Chu Jin's thinking. Now Shao Ci is really at a loss.
He is in a seat, his face is extremely ugly, and his mood is quite bad.

Now Chu Jin has advanced, and his power is on the same level as Yin
Han ... if he is just a few points stronger than Yin Han, this unruly and
strong friend system will definitely make him re-hold Chu Jin's thigh! !!

He also kicked Chu Jin's undescriptable part of his neck yesterday. Today,
if the target of the Raiders changes back ... Shao Ci feels that he might as
well die directly.
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter 8:
However, after several tens of seconds, the system did not experience any

It is impossible to expect that this system has abrupt control, so the only
reason is that Chu Jin's force value is still inferior to that of cold ... Think
about it, Yin Han is a person with a protagonist aura, and as the protagonist
His biggest advantage is the value of force. If even this point is exceeded, it
is really miserable.

Shao Ci finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he was just like a fool,
but he looked up and saw Yin Han looking at himself with certainty.

Although Yin Han ’s eyes were not different from usual, but he focused on
it, but he did n’t know why. Shao Ci always felt terrible, as if he was stared
at by some fierce beast, and his body was stiffened. “How, how Alright?
Look at me like this ... "

"It's nothing, I just ... want to confirm something." Yin Han's mood didn't
seem very good. He looked over expressionlessly. His exquisite looks were
more attractive in such cold, "You have What do you want to tell me?
Looks like you were scared just now. "

Because he was quite concerned about Shao's resignation, Yin Han let his
investigation go on the day he came to S city. Not only did he pass Shao's
past, he also knew exactly what happened between him and Chu Jin. , And
even found Chu Jin's plot by accident, and secretly bought through the
institute, thoroughly investigating what Chu Jin was secretly planning.

Under such circumstances, even if Yin Han doesn't want to think anymore,
he will doubt what Shao Ci's purpose came to himself.

Only during this time, Chu Jin did not do anything, even if Yin Han
doubted it, he just put it in his heart. He is more willing to believe that Shao
Ci is a snobbish person than any traitor, because his strength stays with
In this way ... he will be able to keep Shao Ci by his side all his life. It
doesn't matter if Shao Ci doesn't really like himself.

But now Chu Jin's ability has actually escalated, and the threat is
completely different from usual. Yin Han's heart became more vigilant,
especially when he saw that Shao Ci was lost because of Chu Jin, his heart
became cold at that moment.

Shao Ci had no idea what Yin Han was thinking, how could he suddenly
ask this question, and what he had to say, he had to say, "So Brother Yin,
please be careful?"

"Well, I will. You can rest first." Yin Han did not show the disappointment
in his heart at all, but smiled and nodded at Shao as usual, then let his men
push the door open and turned away. Out.

After Yin Han left, Shao Ci's heart was released. He looked at Yin Han's
back in doubt, wondering what had just happened ... how did he feel that
Yin Han seemed suddenly terrified?

No, no, Yin Han was originally a terrible person. It was said in the original
work that he is a very indifferent personality. Even if everyone around him
is dead, he will not look at it any more.

It was only during this period that he got the illusion that Yin Han was
getting along well. After realizing this, Shao Ci's face turned pale.
Fortunately, he discovered this matter so early that he didn't make mistakes
again and again.

After getting out of the car, Yin Han looked in the direction of Chu Jin, and
was too lazy to show a perfunctory smile. He just looked at it indifferently
and said, "Well, congratulations to Captain Chu. If it's okay, I won't be
accompanied. . "

Yin Han's attitude has been indifferent to a degree of disgust, and it will not
be uninteresting to continue for another person, but Chu Jin is not an
ordinary person.
"Please wait a moment." Although Chu Jin was displeased when he saw
Yin Han's attitude, he has long been used to disguising himself with false
masks, and still maintains a smile at this moment. Take a break together. "
"No." Yin Han refused without hesitation.

"Don't refuse so quickly." Chu Jin tried to persuade Yin Han and said, "My
blow just killed a lot of zombies nearby, but there are still many zombies in
the back. It's getting late now. It ’s not a good choice. I just knew there was
a nice place to rest in front of me, and it would be safer at night if we were
together, right? ”

With such sincerity in his attitude, if he refused again, it would seem cold
and unreasonable.

Yin Han doesn't care about this. Even if everyone blame him, as long as he
is happy, what does it matter?

The only thing he cared about was Shao Ci's idea. He was just worried that
Shao Ci would leave himself because Chu Jin had advanced ... Now this is
a good opportunity for temptation.

So Yin Han raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Since Captain Chu has invited
so, let's go together."

Shao Ci listened to the conversation between the two in the car, and
suddenly the whole thing was bad.

Chu Jin is a villain! Where can the villain's invitation be agreed so easily?
Hey, so angry.

In the original work, Chu Jin always tried his best to be the strongest power
actor, and secretly let the researcher research how to seize the power of
others. In the end, there was some progress.

However, the research methods are not perfect, and the materials in the old
research institute are needed to complete them completely. However, the
old research institute was very dangerous, so Chu Jin invited the famous
strong man Yin Han to accompany him for information.

It would be better if Yin Han got the information, but if he didn't get it, he
could sneak attack while he was seriously injured and grab it directly to
find a way to extract the ability.

At that time, it was very late in the story, and the Zombie King had already
been upgraded. It was just when Chu Jin was planning to plot the cold cold
that killed him ... Yes, that is what Chu Jin died in the original text.

It's still early, and it should have been other plots. But Shao Ci didn't know
if it was his fault. He made the original plot do not know where he went. He
couldn't guess what would happen afterwards.

But even if the plot has deviated from the original work, Chu Jin's work
will definitely remain the same. It is impossible for the villain not to do
anything, and it would be dangerous to walk away with him.

Shao Ci was very anxious, but Yin Han agreed, he is just a little brother,
what can he stop, can only remind Yin Han a few words ... After Yin Han
returned, Shao Ci carefully gathered beside Yin Han's side , An anxious
look of embarrassment to say anything.

Others saw what they were about to do, and all looked away, pretending
that they didn't see anything.

"What's wrong?" Yin Han looked over. "Do you have anything to say to

Shao nodded and nodded, then turned around and said in a voice that only
two people could hear: "... be careful, he has a problem."

Yin Han's eyes seemed to light up for a moment, and slowly asked, "What's
wrong with Chu Jin?"
Shao Ci was afraid that Yin Han did not believe in himself. After all, he
said such a sentence without a head, and could not get any evidence. He
immediately grabbed the sleeve of Yin Han and was trying to tell the plot
he knew. " Actually Chu Jin has been ... "

Suddenly, Chu Jin found that she was stuck. She couldn't say half a word at
all. What she wanted to say had hovered in her mind, but she couldn't say it
at all.

[Warning the host, the original plot cannot be disclosed at will, so that the
world consciousness will detect the presence of the host as an outsider, and
every effort will be made to try to expel the host. ?

Shao Ci: "!!!" There is actually such a setting, why didn't you say it
earlier, but now it's halfway to report it, suddenly it seems suspicious to
say nothing!

"What's wrong with Chu Jin?" Yin Han froze when he saw Shao hesitated.

"I want to say ..." Shao Ci had to make an excuse, "Although Chu Jin looks
serious, but his sexual orientation seems to be wrong, he seems to ... have
some interest in men, brother Yin you grow up To be so good-looking, you
still have to be careful, lest Chu Jing be frustrated.

X-point man is most afraid of the guy! This will definitely make Yin Han

Shao Ci suddenly admired his wit.

The light in Yin Han's eyes was completely dimmed, but he still touched
Shao Ci's head as gently as usual. "Well, I know. Thank you for reminding
me. I will pay attention to it at that time."

"Moreover, maybe there will be any traps or the like in that resting place, so
be careful." This was all guessed by Shao Ci, so he didn't count as spoiler,
so he just went out and said, "Chu Jin he also Not a good person. I lost my
face so much now and I will definitely find ways to get revenge. " "You can
remind me this way, I'm very happy." Yin Han pulled Shao's speech,
pressed him directly into his arms, and put it in his ears: "It's okay, I already
know what Chu Jin is like People, and on his side, there are people I
secretly sent past lurking, I know exactly what he is going to do. "

Hello, this is just to play Chu Jin between applause, I always feel that the
positions of the protagonist and the villain have been subtly changed.

and many more! Since Yin Han was careful that Chu Jin was all about
sending people to lurk in the past, wouldn't he be suspicious of himself!

Just a few days ago, Chu Jing was posted like a **** guy, but the attitude
was so good at the moment when he saw Yin Han ... He had a very cold
attitude to Chu Jin, who was wildly sought after.

If other people think he is admiring vanity, or what kind of dead face

control, it is not too bad, if he thinks he is the spy sent by Chu Jin ... It
always feels like a rhythm to finish.

Shao Ci's face turned white instantly, and he carefully asked: "But Brother
Yin, just tell me such an important thing, aren't you afraid I will leak it

"I know you won't betray me." Yin Han said these words gently.

Because, before he betrayed, he would break Shao Ci's wings and tie chains
to his hands and feet, so that he would not even be able to leave his side ...
In that case, there would be no betrayal at all.

Thinking of something like that in the heart, Yin Han's expression became
more and more gentle. He reached out and raised his long hair, put it behind
his ear, and then bowed his head and gently kissed Shao Ci's cheek.

Shao Ci had no idea what horrible things were going on in Yin Han's head.
His cheeks turned red instantly, and he bowed his head extremely
embarrassed. Will live up to your trust. "

"Well." Yin Han nodded and whispered, "I believe in you, I believe you
will not let me down."
Shao Ci: "..." I don't know why, it always feels creepy to listen to this voice.

Then the modified car followed Chu Jin's team for more than ten minutes,
and finally came to the place where Chu Jin said he could have a good rest.

This is a factory on the outskirts of City S. It was abandoned before the end
of the world, and it was surrounded by wasteland. There was no crowd.
Therefore, there are almost no zombies inside, and there is a tall wall
shelter, which is a good place to rest.

The modified car directly crashed into the broken factory door and rushed
in. Several other cars followed, and then everyone came down and quickly
cleared away the few zombies following the car. Soil-based abilities also
ran to condense strong walls and blocked the original exit. The whole
process was abnormally fast.

Soon, a seemingly safe makeshift rest was completed.

"Let our men take turns to watch outside, let's go in and rest." Chu Jin said,
if he took a glance at Shao who just got out of the car and walked to the

There is nothing in the factory building. It must have been moved back
then, and a large area can be easily organized.

However, because of the large number of people who could not all sleep in
it, Chu Jin proposed to let the people on his side sleep in the open space
outside. Yin Han naturally would not refuse, so he settled down.

Soon Chu Jing's men arranged a large open area in the open space, and put
the tent prepared in the car on the ground before taking it out.

However, Yin Han sent a hand to clean up the inside of the factory. He
happened to have something to deal with and went with him. Only Shao Ci
was a power-healing powerless, and when he entered, it had no effect, so he
was left outside.

Shao Ci: "!" What if Chu Jin took the opportunity to retaliate at this time!
Shao Ci subconsciously looked at Chu Chujin, but Chu Jin was totally an
attitude towards strangers, and looked very cold when he saw him.

"Chu Jin must be waiting for me to apologize for his forgiveness." After a
few months of getting along, Shao said at a glance what Chu Jin was
thinking, "Just dream, I would be bitten by a zombie He won't apologize to
him if he wants me to beg for mercy, and I'll raise the rank first. "

It was so boring outside, Shao Ci had to sit alone in a remote place and eat
compressed biscuits.

Suddenly several people came to him. Shao Ci looked up. It turned out that
Chu Jin's men were injured when dealing with mutant zombies before. Free
treatment was used in the past. At this time, the subconscious came to Shao
Ci. The attitude was very bad. Shao treatment.

"I'm sorry." Shao Ci waved his hands, a cold attitude, "I want to receive the
nucleus for treatment."

A few people suddenly got upset. They used to treat them for free before.
Now it ’s almost like their lives to receive the nucleus. "Isn't it good when I
asked you for treatment? Now I changed the team, even us. Did all of his
teammates look down? "

"It's ridiculous to think of the nucleus just because of your shabby ability.
Who would come to you without money to buy potions!"

"We asked you to treat it because it was to exercise your powers. Would
you like to charge?"

Shao Ci wondered whether he had been too kind to these people in order to
please Chu Jing. All of them looked so embarrassed. "Sorry, I suddenly felt
tired, even if I had crystal nuclei. Healed. "

"What do you mean!"

"I just said I wanted a crystal nucleus, and I'm tired now, are you on
"I think you are just hitting!" Talking about these people, they are actually
going to do it.

Shao Ci's face suddenly changed, and he was thinking whether to run
quickly to find someone to save his life.

"Stop it for me." The voice suddenly sounded.

It turned out that Chu Jin did not know where he came from and drank
these few people. He usually behaved very kindly, but when he learned his
lessons, he was still very dignified, saying: "Everyone is a base, how can
you do this kind of thing? Give me an apology to Shao."

Several of his men immediately persuaded, quickly apologized to Shao, and

hurried away.

If Shao Ci stood up casually and wanted to leave, Chu Jin was stopped.
"Wait, I have something to tell you."

Shao speech: "!"

On the other side, time went back to a while ago, and several men reported
to Yin Han while clearing.

When Shao's speech was absent, Yin Han had no intention of covering his
nature at all. He looked coldly at the reports of his men, and the momentum
of the whole body made everyone else's heart tight.

"It's clear. Tonight, Chu Jin will let people sprinkle the powder of medicine
that attracts zombies on the other side of the factory." Yin Han's men
Xiaozheng Hui reported: "The medicine powder is the latest research from
S City, especially Attracting mutant zombies can be attracted even over a
distance of tens of kilometers. Ordinary zombies can't come over so fast
even if they smell. "

"Is he crazy?" The other person said in astonishment. "This is a trick that
hurts the enemy by one thousand and 800. And the S base is okay to study
such things."
"Maybe it should be too confident in your strength after the upgrade, and
the S City Research Institute has even studied even more terrible things,
and this kind of thing is nothing." Xiao Zheng said.

"He will sprinkle the strongest medicine powder on our side, so that all
zombies will come here. Chu Jin is trying to siege so many zombies over to
consume the boss' physical strength, and then he can take advantage of the
idea of ??maneuvering. "

"In that case, we just can't leave directly." Another said: "Let this Chu Jin
play with these zombies, we will not be accompanied."

"No." Yin said coldly, "We are going to stay tonight. And you can't break
Chu Jing's plan, just let him do it."

"This ..." Everyone looked at it in surprise, completely at a loss as to why

Yin Han was doing this.

However, since these days following Yin Han, their trust in Yin Han has
reached an enthusiastic level. I believe that any judgement he has made is
unconditional obedience to what Yin Han has said, and no one has raised
different opinions at all.

After everyone else left, Yin Han walked to the window and stared at the
scene outside, just seeing Shao Ci, who was humiliated by the wounded,
and his eyes suddenly became cold.

In fact, his power can already be upgraded to the eighth level, but that
power is too powerful. Once advanced, he may not be able to control such
power and make the power lose his reason. Therefore, Yin Han has been
suppressing his power. .

But even if he has been suppressing his own power, his strength is far more
than ordinary level seven abilities. Chu Jin is not his opponent at all.

As for those mutant zombies, they can kill as much as they come.
"It all depends on tonight." Yin Han whispered, "Shao, who are you on the

In this dangerous way to test Shao Ci's real idea, only Yin Han would do it,
and he didn't even care if doing so would cause accidents and kill more

In other words, he only cares about Shao Ci.


In fact, Shao Ci did not want to say anything to Chu Jin, but Chu Jin saved
him before (in fact, Shao Ci suspected that this incident was self-directed
by Chu Jin), and he had to give Chu Jin a face, "I just thank you very much
Is there anything? "If he wanted to talk about that nonsense again, he would
just turn around and leave.

As for kicking Chu Jin's undescriptable things below his neck, Chu Jin
himself will not mention it, and Shao Ci will not speak like a fool. Let this
matter pass by calmly.

"Now I just want to tell you." Chu Jin looked at Shao Ci with a kind of high
eye, said: "You will regret it, regret that you actually left me."

"I will regret it?" Shao Ci sneered, "This is the last thing I have ever done in
my life!"

"You can only do that now," Chu Jin said in a very confident tone. "Soon,
you will kneel in front of me and ask for forgiveness." With that said,
Chu Jin left directly.

"???" Shao Ci looked at Chu Jin's back aggressively, not knowing where
Chu Jin came from.

It is better for him to go to Yin Han, so as to avoid any trouble when he is

not careful. Shao Ci, who thought so, turned his head to meet the cold sight
of I do n’t know when to stand by the door.
The eyes were very cold, and Shao Ci couldn't describe the feeling of being
stared at by such eyes for a while. He just felt that the fear came from the
bottom of his heart, his body was stiff, and he couldn't move.

"Come on." Yin Han realized that his eyes were actually scared by Shao Ci.
It was because the emotions had not changed after just killing those who
dared to ridicule Shao Ci. He paused and said, "The inside has already
You're almost done, it's time to rest. "

"Um ..." Shao Ci walked scrupulously.

Actually, when he was talking to Chu Jin, he was hit by Yin Han, which
was too bad luck.

Yin Han didn't ask much, as if he didn't care what Shao Ci and Chu Jin said
at all. The cold eyes before were like the illusion of Shao Ci, but the more
Shao Ci became more worried.

"I didn't say anything to Chu Jin before, he came to me by myself." Shao Ci
couldn't help explaining, "Then we just said a few words and it was

Wait, why does this line make him feel like a guilty husband after

"Well, I'm clear." Yin Han nodded absently, then grabbed Shao Ci's hand
and pointed to a place: "How do you like to sleep here tonight?"

Shao Ci looked at his appearance and knew that he could not explain
clearly, so he sighed. He already explained it anyway. If Yin Han didn't
believe him, there was nothing he could do.

After dark, everyone was ready to rest, and the area quieted down.

Of course, that's just what it looks like. In fact, the two gangs have their
own babies, and no one goes to sleep well.
Only Shao Ci, who was caught in the drum, had been lying on the quilt,
because there were so many abilities around him, he thought that there
should be no danger, so he fell asleep very ordinary.

I don't know how long, Shao Ci suddenly heard a loud noise and was
suddenly awakened.

"What's wrong?" Shao Ci stood up quickly, and saw everyone else was
completely asleep. His expression was very vigilant, and the howl of
zombies came from the surrounding walls.

Shao Ci: "!!!" Wait, he just slept, what happened? Why is this factory
suddenly surrounded by zombies? What do the vigils eat?

...... Sure enough, staying beside the protagonist can't relax at any time.

Shao Ci also quickly stood up, looking at the direction where Yin Han was
located. Of course, it was the safest way to stay with the person with the
highest force.

When he finally saw Yin Han's figure and wanted to rush forward, a loud
noise sounded. A mutant zombie smashed into a wall on one side of the
factory and rushed in.

The wall was knocked open like a tofu project, and other ordinary zombies
were squeezed in like tide water. Fortunately, the number of ordinary
zombies is not large, and it can be solved by the remaining abilities.

And the situation on the open space outside is not very good, Shao Ci can
hear the special sound when the ability is used (wait, etc.).

As for the mutant zombies, no one else could do anything, so they had to
give it to Yin Han.

When everyone else ran over to deal with ordinary zombies, Shao Ci, as a
healing power of five dregs, couldn't do anything, so he had to stand around
in a hidden corner and didn't dare to escape. Mutated zombies were killed.
In addition to the mutated zombies that just broke the wall, a total of eight
or nine mutated zombies came in, all of which were speed-type.

These speed-variant zombies jumped up and down quickly in the room, like
a gust of wind, and they seemed to see that Yin Han was the only human
threatening to them here, ready to deal with Yin Han together, and then
those ordinary abilities I can let them be slaughtered.

Shao Ci didn't pay much attention to it at first. Anyway, the cold force was
so high. Except for the zombie king, these small mutant zombies were not
scared at all.

However, it was not the same as he thought. In Shao Ci's opinion, Yin Han
was obviously struggling to deal with these zombies. When he killed four
or five zombies, his movements became slower, apparently because most of
his power had been consumed. Exhausted.

"No ..." Shao Ci faintly felt something strange, and always felt that Yin Han
shouldn't be like this, but Yin Han didn't need to pretend at this time ... Is it
because the situation is not good today?

These zombies scratched a few times from time to time, which has caused
Yin Han to have many wounds on his body. He was also accidentally
caught by a zombie and severely scratched his back. And Yin Han also took
the opportunity to kill the zombie at that moment.

The situation became more and more dangerous. Several times, Yin Han
seemed to be killed by the zombie. Shao Ci nervously focused on the
picture in front of him. He had long cast out the doubts in his heart, and did
not even notice somehow. All other phantoms disappeared.

When Yin Han finally killed the last zombie, and he was exhausted, he
almost fell to his knees. Shao Ci rushed out to hold him, and bowed his
head to Yin Han's face. All stayed.

I saw blood stained on Yin Han's pale cheek, and it was a thrilling beauty ...
No, now is not the time for him to appreciate the beauty of others! !!
Shao Ci quickly healed Yin Han, and after the ability was sent, Yin Han's
wound recovered quickly.

Suddenly, a cold laugh sounded from the direction of the door, and the door
was kicked directly.

I saw Chu Jinzheng walking in while applauding. His face with a gentle
smile was full of sarcasm, "It's ridiculous. Who would have thought that the
famous coldness would be caused by the siege of several zombies?" At
such a level, everyone would be shocked if they said it out, hahahahahaha
... "

Shao Ci's face was all green. At this critical time, Chu Jin actually ran out ...
No, all of this was done by himself, he was a villain!

This is troublesome. If the wound is his power can be cured immediately,

but Chu Jin has consumed so much power before, but there is no way to
add it. If he and Chu Jin of the same level compete, who wins? Not
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter 9:
Now that there are no other people here, Chu Jin has not hesitated to show
his true face, his expression is much colder than in the past, and his face is
also mocked.

Shao Ci suddenly was shocked to see Chu Jin like this, but he felt more like
this when he let it go than when he was a hypocrite.

"You don't need to worry about yourself," Yin said coldly, but secretly
watching Shao Ci's expression.

"It's hard to speak now." Chu Jin looked at it coldly, like any villain, and
started pulling up a bunch of nonsense, sneer and said, "I originally saved
your life to get the materials in the institute, But I didn't expect me to
succeed. In this case, you have nothing to do. "

When Shao Ci saw Chu Jin, he began to pull his own purpose. This was
obviously the prelude to zooming in. Then he turned to look at Yin Han's
appearance. He still looked pale and weak, and had to stand by himself to
barely stand. What a fight!

"I don't need a more powerful person than me to live in this world." Chu Jin
continued to sneer and looked at it, "blame yourself for not being alert

Seeing that Chu Jin was about to start, Shao Ci couldn't hold back, and kept
Yin Han behind him. Although he knew it was useless, Xiao Zhi still
reasoned with emotion: "Stop, everyone has no deep hatred. Is it necessary
to achieve this level? If Yin is killed now, who knows if there will be more
powerful mutant zombies in the future, what will happen then? "

"What qualifications do you have for me to stop?" Chu Jin saw Shao Ci
actually guarding Yin Han so coldly and humming: "And, your name is
very friendly, but it was only a few days. Your relationship with Yin Han
has become so good? Is there anything in the middle of this that is not so
good? "
"We are all normal men, and we can't see anyone." Shao Ci said frankly.

"Well, only you can believe this sentence." Chu Jin said: "Don't you just
run after him because of Yin Han's strength?"

Shao Ci: "That's not the case!" This sentence is a bit of a lie ... Because Chu
Jin's statement is indeed a fact ? _ ? what a cruel reality.

"Now you also see that the rude coldness in the rumors is now just a waste
that I can kill at will." Chu Jin approached slowly, "Will you still pursue
him like you used to do? In your heart Regret it, regret the decision you
made, regret that you actually chose him. "

"No." Shao said this sentence from the heart, and said very firmly: "I said I
would not regret it, even now."

After hearing this sentence, Yin Han's eyes lightened a little, and the pale
cheeks were flushed.

Unexpectedly, Shao Ci's affection for Yin Han was so deep, Chu Jin's face
was a little darker, and his heart became more anxious, "Don't you want
Yin Han to die? Then I said, I can let him go, but Need you to do
something, would you? "

"You say it." Shao Ci's heart sank. According to his understanding of the
original text, Chu Jin would definitely be a villain. After proposing some
very haunting conditions, he would still die if he did it himself. Yin Han,
but even if he knew everything about it, he could not refuse.

"I want you to kneel in front of me and apologize to me." Chu Jin's voice
with a little joy, said: "Apologize that you should not leave me, you will
always stay with me as my slave. You are willing ?"

The cold sweat of Shao Ci came down: "This ..." Even if I had known Chu
Chu for so long, I did not expect Chu Jin to be such a person, and even
what was always ashamed of my slaves was actually saying, And there is
no sense of disobedience, he really looked down on him before.
"Don't you want to?" Chu Jin smiled sarcastically. "It seems that your
feelings for Yin Han are just that. Since that's the case, let me kill him
honestly. But rest assured, before you help After my love for so long, I can
let you go. "

If you want to keep posting Chu Jin, Shao Ci thinks that she might as well
go posting Zombie King!

"I'll do it." Shao Zi gritted his teeth, thinking quickly in his mind, when he
knelt down, he took the opportunity to drag Chu Jin, and then let Yin Han
run away. Anyway, there is still a chance to live.

As Shao Ci was preparing to move forward, Yin Han behind him suddenly
reached out and took Shao Ci directly into his arms.

"Oh?" Chu Jin's expression was cold, and he sarcastically said, "Are our
heroes not able to see it anymore? But now you can't protect it yourself, and
you are thinking about protecting others? It's really moving ... but, also It's
ridiculous. "

"That's a lot of nonsense." Yin looked coldly and coldly, and the
surrounding temperature quickly dropped, and even frost condensed on the
ground. Only Shao, who was held by Yin Han, was fine.

Chu Jin's expression changed, and he quickly retreated, almost at the next
moment, his original position was occupied by a cluster of ice cones
flashing with coldness.

And then, all the space around him was occupied by the rapidly condensed
ice cones. Chu Jin was trapped in the ice cones. There was no place to
escape. He could only open the water shield to protect the whole body.
Poked to death by an ice cone.

"You can still use so many abilities." Chu Jin's face became more and more
ugly. "Your injury was just pretend?"

Yin Leng looked at him, "Do you want me to praise you for being smart?"
Shao Ci: "!!!" He was really pretending, just now he was almost ready to
kneel to delay time.

Later, Shao Ci was fortunate again. Fortunately, he just stood on the side of
Yin Han with firm determination. Otherwise, he might have been beaten by
Yin Han.

"I didn't expect that the hero who saved City B would do such a thing. It
really opened my eyes." Chu Jin said: "Just don't underestimate others, even
if you are not injured, you just consumed it. A lot of powers. Everyone is a
level 7 power, and it is not necessarily to say who wins and who loses. "

Countless drops of water appeared around Chu Jin's body, like bullets,
suddenly flew towards the side of Yin Han. The denseness was enough to
make people with dense phobia go crazy.

Chu Jin still has confidence in this move. Even if the cold ice ability can
freeze the water drops, freezing such a large range of water drops will
definitely take more power. In Chu Jin want to come, the battle between the
two should be a protracted battle, see who loses his power first.

In the face of this amazing field of water, Yin Han just raised his eyebrows
and said indifferently, "Oh? Did I say that, am I just a seventh-level

As soon as the voice fell, all the water droplets were frozen, and they were
fixed in the air.

Chu Jin subconsciously wanted to retreat, but he could not retreat, and his
face was astonished. "What? Are you already an eighth-level ability? This
is impossible! You must be a deceiver, how could it be ... ... "

Obviously everyone is the proud of the sky, why it is impossible for Yin
Han to have such strength. Chu Jin didn't want to believe that even after he
advanced, there was still a big difference between Yin Han and Yin Han.

Shao Ci is also shocked, and he has clearly seen the original work, why did
he not know anything, is there such a miserable book wearer!
"Since this is your own move, I'll give it back to you." Yin Han smiled
slightly, but fell into Chu Jin's eyes like a demon.

The dense ice beads moved slightly, and flew towards Chu Jin like a bullet
rain. Chu Jin tried his best to keep calm and use the power to condense
numerous water polo in front of him, but these water polo that could easily
hang the mutant zombies burst like bubbles in front of the ice beads.

All Chu Jin's efforts became futile. In the blink of an eye, Bingzhu had
reached him, and at the moment he was about to run through his body, he
stopped abruptly.

"I suddenly thought that it would be too cheap to kill you like this." Yin
Han said, all the ice beads were scattered, and the fatal crisis disappeared
without a trace.

"Yin Han, what on earth do you want to do ..." Chu Jin almost knelt down
on the ground, and an ice cone stood up without knowing when to rise,
directly penetrating his body, Chu Jin coughed fiercely, blood ran down.
The corners of the lips shed.

Because of this ice cone, Chu Jin can't even move it. If he is not careful, it
will make the ice cone deeper, and he can only rely on the ice cone to
maintain a difficult standing position.

If ordinary people have died in such a severe wound, but the power of the
phantom is much stronger than that of ordinary people, even if they are
hung for a day, they can still survive, and they can still maintain their
saneness, even if they want to pass out Here.

"I just want you to see how happy I am now." Yin Han said, and then
bowed his head and kissed Shao Ci's lips with amazement.

Chu Jin: "... you!"

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

Why does this happen!

# ??! After crossing to xdwen, how was it broken by the male lead, the
landlord is male #

At this moment, almost all of Shao Ci's mind emerged from the content of
the post name he would get if he went to help ...

Speaking of such a close look, Yin Han's face does not show any flaws, the
skin is extremely fair and delicate, and the eyelashes are very long. It is
indeed the author's original man with the best seal, so even if it is He also
made a kiss with the man ... No, now is not the time to think about this kind
of thing, the system will come out and explain it!

[Host, this is a normal thing. After all, human sexual orientation may also
change, and the host you always use the favorability of the Raiders. When
the favorability exceeds a certain value, it is very scientific for the other
party to bend. Ah. ?

Shao Ci: "..." Why the system is so reasonable, he couldn't even refute it all
at once.

[But the host should pay attention to it, although there is no restriction on
the host's interaction with the target or marriage. However, if the target is
changed, the host is not allowed to be as close to the original target as
before, after all, it is better to make friends. ?

Shao Ci: "!" Shente is the only one who can make friends, and your friend
system, where you can change the target of the Raiders, is the least
qualified to say the two words. There are many slots and I don't know how
to vomit.

After a long and long kiss, Yin Han raised his head, stared at Shao Ci, and
said in a gentle tone: "Although there was some misunderstanding before,
I finally understand your heart."
Shao Ci: "Keekekekeke ..." You misunderstood. Shao Ci wanted to say so,
but he didn't want to be so young to welcome death, so he chose to be

Before, he even said that this system made him look like a guy, but now ...
haha, it has been regarded as a guy by everyone.

Although Shao Ci is not good for the whole person, under the special
effects of the system, other people's perspective can only see blushing, but
Shao Ci looks speechless because of excitement.

Yin Han's eyes were brighter, and he lowered his head and kissed Shao Ci's
forehead softly, "I will definitely treat you well and will never put you in
danger again."

Chu Jin was covering her wound in the abdomen, her face pale as paper,
biting her lower lip, and watching the two in front of her without blinking.
This beautiful picture almost blinded his eyes, and her heart began to tingle,
But he couldn't look away, and forced himself to look close to the

It seemed that feeling his sight, Shao Ci finally turned his head.

At this moment, Chu Jin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if in the next

moment you could see Shao Ci, who was as anxious as he ran to his side to
treat himself.

However, what confronted him was only Shao Cina's eyes as if looking at
some stranger.

Chu Jinru was struck by lightning, and coughed up several spits of blood
under the dual blows of her body and mind, and her heart twitched almost
like it was going to crack.

He suddenly remembered that Shao Ci, who had traveled thousands of

miles for his own injury, was so anxious. And at various banquets, Shao Ci
hiding in the dark watching his cheeks red ... When did it start, Shao Ci no
longer looked at himself like this?
Yeah, even if Chu Jin doesn't want to admit it anymore, these have
completely become the past and become the picture only in his memory.

Until now, Chu Jin found out that he didn't know when he was so
concerned about Shao's resignation. Even today, he does not want to admit
that he has always been high above himself, playing with people around
him and applauding himself, and he will like Shao Ci, which is something
he has absolutely no plans for the future.

But it's too late. Who can blame if things turn out like this? All this is his
fault. He didn't know to cherish it. He thought that everything could stay
like this forever, and he never cared about Shao Ci's thoughts.

Everything should not have been this way, if he could understand it earlier

"Ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ha ..." Chu Jin burst into a terrible smile, touching the
abdomen wound and causing a burst of tear-like pain, but these are no
longer relevant, he just smiles constantly, his eyes do not know what It was
already wet.

In front of him, there seemed to be a shadow of Shao Ci. Shao Ci was

holding out his hand with a smile, as if back to the past. Chu Jin almost
thought he was dreaming, and suddenly reached out his hand, trying to
catch the other side. If this was true, he would never let go of this hand

However ... he didn't catch anything, he just grasped the air tightly.

Later, Yin Han took Shao to leave the factory, only to see that Yin Han's
men were staying in the open space outside, while Chu Jin's men were all

Seeing Shao Ci here, he didn't know that he had been confused, but IQ was
a problem. When he thought that he really thought that Yin Han had dealt
with a few mutant zombies and was seriously injured, he wanted to hide in
the ground with shame.
"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you this before ..." Yin Han also realized this and
quickly explained: "This is also to see what Chu Jin is going to do, just in
case I didn't tell you."

Of course, the more important reason is that Yin Han wants to see who
Shao Ci really likes. If Shao Ci just showed a closer relationship with Chu
Jin, he would definitely be imprisoned and play now.

Shao nodded and nodded to expose the incident. In the face of the twisted
Yin Han, who has the leisure to investigate what has happened! He had to
think carefully about how he could not base himself with Yin Han ...

On the other side, Chu Jin is still alive and strong. He is also a seventhlevel
ability, but he was too hit, so he vomited several blood and passed out.

Yin Han said that killing such a person also dirty his hands (in fact, mainly
to show that he and Chu Jin are completely different in moral quality in
Shao Ci), directly discarded Chu Jin's legs, and tossed him Return to S City

Although the power can still be used, but the legs are abolished and they
can no longer stand up. The goal of always pursuing the strongest can never
be achieved again. For a proud person like Chu Jin, it is undoubtedly worse
than life.

Later, during the period when Chu Jin was still in a coma, Yin Han used his
strength to deter the management of the base of S City, and he gained
control of the base. The eschatology was originally a respect for strength,
so this incident did not cause much turmoil.

Things should have ended like this, but Yin Han was still planning to go to
the old institute, and he was also very interested in the materials of the

Of course, Shao Ci agreed with both hands and feet. This trip was
originally to kill the zombie king who has not yet grown up. Hanging Chu
Chu is just the way.
In this way, a group rushed towards the old research institute.

This time, the accident went smoothly. There were no zombies or

mutations. The zombies arrived near the institute ... wait! Shao Ci suddenly
realized that there was a serious problem. Didn't he say that there were
particularly many mutated zombies near the old research institute, but he
hasn't encountered it yet, but it is abnormal.

Everyone also thought of this, and the atmosphere was calm for a while.

"Suddenly I found something." Xiao Zheng, the only subordinate in the

team, suddenly said, "There are not many zombies near here, but there are
many abnormal plants. Could it be caused by the intensive fluid of the
institute? ? "

Shao Ci only noticed that the plants around the institute were really
flourishing. When the car came in, it was like entering a tropical jungle.
There were no animals. There were only a few ordinary zombies that were
lazy, and they were too lazy to kill.

Animals and plants have mutated since the end of the world, but the threat
is not comparable to zombies, so nobody cares about this.

However, it was mentioned in the original text that the vicinity of the
institute is not the same as the normal area, so Shao Ci did not rest
assured, but just felt uneasy.

The car drove directly to the entrance of the institute, and everyone got out
of the car vigilantly and observed the buildings in front of them.

The institute was almost completely covered by plants, and the original
appearance could only be vaguely seen, but the door was open, as if
inviting everyone to enter.

This picture is almost like the scene of a horror movie. Shao Ci was
shocked and tried to remember the original plot.
It says that the center of the institute has a research room, which contains
the richest intensive fluid that was originally researched. It was developed
by a rather talented scientist, but no matter what the name is, it ca n’t be
used anymore.

The zombie king was originally held in the institute for research, it was
used as an experimental intensive fluid ... As a result, it can be imagined
that the zombie king became very mischievous, and the research institute
was lost, and then the The richest fortifier is used.

But the fortifying solution is so rich that it needs to be absorbed for a long
time, and the zombie king has to sleep for at least two or three months, so
now if you go in, you can directly kill it! It was a perfect plan.

The more Shao Ci thought about it, the more he felt okay, and he followed
in with the others.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

The institute is also full of plants, and it is a bit difficult to walk. I do n’t
know where the sound of drops of water comes from the ground. Listening
makes people nervous. It ’s strange that they have walked this long distance
and have n’t seen To a corpse.

Even if zombies can eat people, they will not eat up all their bones.

After opening a door, a shadow suddenly jumped over. Before the crowd
reacted, the shadow was directly pierced by the head of Yin Han and an ice
cone. After falling to the ground, it turned out to be a mutation. Zombie.

Shao Ci is still in shock, but the others have a long-accustomed look, and
continue to move forward. For them, it is normal for such a powerful
mutant zombies to be killed by Yin Han.
Yin Han noticed his nervousness and quietly held his hand. Shao Ci calmed
down and felt that he had seen too few things ... at least he couldn't do it in
a mutant zombie. When you came here, you were calm!

The more plants you walk in, the more like walking in the jungle. Many
strange plants grow in the passage. I don't know how these plants grew so
luxuriantly in the sunless institute, but when I think about them, they are
all mutant plants, and I feel normal.

Originally, there were many facilities in the institute to prevent outsiders

from invading, but since the zombies were broken, these facilities have
almost no effect. It can be said that the only danger along the way is the
mutant zombies hiding in a hidden place.

Although Yin Han could mutate the zombies in one second, except for the
first time, he did not take such a clear shot, but put his hands and the
mutated zombies to fight hard, and waited until they fell completely into the
wind before they started. With such powerful strength, it is no wonder that
those people have a cold attitude towards the cold like the most fervent

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that his strength is far superior to

most ordinary abilities, which are all trained in the fight with zombies.

And when they fought fiercely, Yin Han took out the snacks on his body
and fed them to Shao Ci. Xiu Enai ignored the occasion and Shao Ci was
fed without restraint.

Shao Ci substituted himself into other people. When Naobu was there, there
was someone showing affection beside him when he was beating the
zombies. He must vomit blood with anger, why can Yin Han be so casual!

"Speak if you are tired." Yin Han gently wiped the cold sweat scared by
Shao Ci with a handkerchief, and said, "I can walk over with you on my

Shao Ci: "Alright, okay, I can go by myself ..."

Speaking of the original text, people who are close to Yin Han will be
particularly unlucky when they are on a mission, and the setting of dogs is
not yet forgotten. Shao Ci has always been so close to Yin Han.

At this time, a zombie rushed into the oblique side, and he was about to bite
at Shao, leaving fast afterimages in place. The speed-variant zombies in the
institute are much faster than the outside world, presumably because of the
effect of the fortification fluid.

Yin Han didn't even turn his head around, just helped Shao Ci with his own
sweat, but the zombie was frozen by the ice without even touching the
shadow of Shao Ci. Then the ice exploded and cracked. With the zombies
dead inside, not even the prototype could be seen.

"!!!" Shao Ci touched his heart that was almost frightened, even if he knew
that there would be nothing to jump out so suddenly, it was scary, and
suddenly felt that there was still a long way to go in his future ...

After walking for a long time like this, although everyone was injured more
or less, none of them was in danger of life, and after the cure of Shao Ci,
they became alive and well.

Shao Ci thought that when Chu Jin and Yin Han came together in the
original text, many people died. It seems that at that time, Yin Han was not
his own, and he simply did not care about letting people die, but this time it
was his own. He just shot.

The plot that should have been similar to a horror movie was so hard and
hard that Yin Han was like a safe and harmless training. Those mutant
zombies would definitely scold the street if they had IQ.

The crowd went to the core of the material so smoothly, and rummaged in
the box covered by plants. With powerful abilities, some boxes that require
a password to open can be easily opened.

None of this is a matter of shame. At this time, the biggest villain boss,
Zombie King in this article, is sleeping in this institute! Why is he in the
mood to find any information here. Shao Ci absent-mindedly opened a
drawer and saw a work permit in it.

The photo on the work permit is a teenager who doesn't seem to be fifteen
or sixteen years old. In the photo, he looks cold and exquisite, wearing a
researcher's white coat, and looks like a staff member of this institute.

Such a face value is almost not like a cannon fodder, and also entered the
institute at such a young age. It should not be an ordinary person before the
end of the world, maybe it is a genius. But there is no longer any living
person in this base, this boy must be dead.

What a wonderful future flower of the motherland, Shao Ci was sighed,

considering that he might use it later, he collected his work permit.

Soon the room was almost ransacked, and the door to the core research area
inside was closed shut.

Even though it has been abandoned for many years, this door is still
powered on, and requires pupils and fingerprints to open it ... but because it
was made shortly after the end of the world, the current powerist opened it
by means of points.

Shao Ci was breathing short, yes, this is the place! The Zombie King stays
behind this door!

After the door was opened, a laboratory that was unusually clean and
different from the outside appeared in front of everyone, even with cold
lights inside, as if everything stayed before the zombies broke through here.

It looked much safer than the overgrown outside world, but everyone held
their breath and looked carefully at the laboratory.

In the middle of the laboratory, there was a huge glass container filled with
extremely clear liquid, but in the liquid, an unrecognizable corpse was
soaked, in sharp contrast to the clean room.
"What is this?" One wondered. "Is this the legendary fortification fluid?
What is the purpose of soaking a corpse in it?"

"Don't care so much, we are not researchers anyway, anyway, it is enough

to collect this water to take samples back."

"But if the corpse inside is also useful? Would you like to take this corpse

Others don't know, but Shao Ci is clear-cut. The Zombie King is definitely
here! I did not expect that in the future, the zombie king who beat the male
lead and kicked the villain would be so salty that he did not even have a

In short, whether he has a face or not, let him die first! Shao Ci then said
Hu Hu: "I once heard the researchers who escaped here said that here is
doing research to extract viruses from zombies and try to make a
powerenhancing fluid."

The man who escaped from this institute has certainly not seen Shao Ci, but
he has read the original text.

"I've heard of this, too." One said, "If this potentiator can be used on our
abilities, what are these zombies?"

"You also know later that this fortification solution can also be used on the
psionicist, and it will be cheaper for those zombies around." Shao sighed,
"And most of the dead here is also a zombie, probably because of the
previous injection What potion has been asleep all the time. If it wakes up,
it will be troublesome. It is better to kill it here. "

"But is it really a zombie?" No one else could see it. The corpse floating in
the water was obviously not very similar to the zombies outside, and some
questioned Shao Ci's statement. "If something is right If fortification fluid is
indispensable, if you kill it here, you will destroy the plan? "

Shao's speech: "!" The fortification fluid is not made by making zombie
bubble wine!
"No need to be noisy." As soon as Yin Han spoke, everyone immediately
calmed down, daring to say a word.

Yin Han said indifferently: "I believe in the small words, what's your

Someone dare to refute Yin Han, everyone suddenly nodded like a chicken.
Not to mention that the corpse is really a bit problematic now, even if Yin
Han points to a living person and says it is a zombie, everyone will say that
it is indeed a zombie, and no one will question it.

Yin Han smiled slightly and reached out with a finger. The water in the
glass container instantly solidified, pierced the body's head suddenly, and
the water splashed suddenly, "OK."

"!" Shao Ci could hardly believe it, and the zombies boss died like this? !!
Is it really that easy? Things went too smoothly.

But how do you think that the skull of the corpse has shattered into dregs,
even if it is really a zombie boss, there is no chance of resurrection.

Shao Ci was finally relieved, but deep down, he didn't know why he felt a
little strange.

At this time, other people also went to take the water in the glass container
as a sample, although it is not known whether this is the legendary fortified

Suddenly the ground shook, and the next moment, countless vines spread
out on the floor and grew out, so a fantasy picture like a movie happened
in front of everyone.

Several people who took the water were caught by the vines, and the vines
were still growing rapidly. At the same time, the entangled people kept
screaming. No matter how they struggled, they couldn't escape, and they
were completely wrapped in an instant In the middle of the vine.
The rest of the people changed their faces and wanted to rush to save their
companions, but knew that even the other party couldn't get rid of them. In
the past, they would be dead, only the long-range attacking abilities
continued to attack and encountered the vine Afterwards, it had little effect,
but only slightly damaged the surface of the vine.

"Why is this mutant plant so powerful?" "Is it also because of this

strengthening fluid ..."

Yin Han moved quickly to block Shao behind him, and then changed into
an ice blade and cut directly toward the vine.

The ice blades, which are much more powerful than those abilities, also
took some time to cut the vines apart, revealing the few people who were
just involved, and they saw that some of them seemed to have been sucked
away by the vines, and their bodies had become Extremely dry, like a
corpse with only a layer of skin and bones left.

"Abominable!" "This **** vine!" Everyone's faces became ugly when they
saw the death of their teammates.

But the cut vine quickly grew a new branch, and quickly climbed towards
this side.

"No, let's go, this vine is not something we can handle!"

At this critical time, everyone couldn't even bother to fetch water and take
away the corpses of his teammates, and ran out quickly. The slowest
running Shao Ci was directly hugged by Yin Han.

Not only the vines, but even the peaceful mutant plants outside originally
seemed to suddenly have consciousness at this time, madly attacking
everyone, even the weeds on the ground tried to entangle people's feet, or
relying on fire. The burner burned out before he could go much better.

The path that was not long before became abnormal and difficult to walk.
From time to time, mutant plants attacked, but within a few minutes
someone was directly swallowed by a mutant cannibal. Fortunately, he was
rescued in time for rescue.

"What the **** is going on." Shao Ci is not good at all. The original did not
mention that there are still such powerful mutant plants in the old research
institute. Is it because the zombie boss was directly killed? Will the world
give the task of villains to these mutant plants?

After passing a corner, the road in front of them was completely blocked by
the plants. Everyone could only watch the mutant plants and open the way
to leave.

"If the mutant vine catches up, it will be troublesome," Xiao Zheng said.
"This mutant vine is obviously much higher than other mutant plants."

The next moment he said this, the ground floor of the passage also shook,
and the next few vines broke through the ground and popped out.

Xiao Zheng closed his mouth immediately, and everyone's face changed,
glaring at Xiao Zheng, every time he established FLAg, what would

Yin Han's face was also very heavy, and he could only temporarily drop
Shao's resignation and tell him to stay behind him and go forward to deal
with the vines that suddenly came out.

Shao Ci stayed in a slightly safe place behind him. When he saw someone
injured, he went up to help with treatment, but his heart became more and
more disturbed, and he always felt that something was going to happen.

This feeling became more and more intense. Shao Ci turned his head
subconsciously and looked towards Yin Han, and he saw a black vine
hanging down silently from the ceiling. For a while, no one noticed it, and
Yin Han was fighting with his power. Forty-five vines, apparently did not
notice the crisis behind them.

Shao Ci was startled, "!" Seeing this, I knew it would be miserable!

Seeing that the vine was about to touch Yin Han's body, Shao Ci was too
late to even remind him, so he rushed forward and pushed away Yin Han,
but his hand was directly entangled by the black vine.

It was said time and time, and with less than a breath of effort, the vine
wrapped his body around his wrist very quickly, and suddenly pulled Shao

Shao speech: "!!!"

Yin Han turned his head and saw this scene. He suddenly grasped Shao Ci's
hand, and at the same time, the surrounding air quickly cooled down. The
power was almost out of control, freezing all the surrounding objects, and
the black vines were also Freeze completely.

"Is it okay?" Yin Han stared nervously at Shao Ci, with obvious fear on his
face. Obviously, he did not expect that Shao Ci would be in distress
because of him.

Shao Ci was relieved, "It doesn't matter, this black vine doesn't seem to
absorb human power ..." It's all because of brushing goodwill, and suddenly
forgetting that his strength is far worse than the cold thing , Almost broke

"I slowly put you down." Because I didn't know what the black vines were,
Yin Han didn't dare to cut the vines directly, for fear that Shao Ci would be

After cutting the root of the vine, Yin Han slowly used the power to
completely freeze the vine. Shao Ci carefully pushed away the cold vine
and jumped out of it, only to find that he had just been touched by the black
vine. There were small wounds that kept bleeding.

Shao Ci was scared to death as he looked at the wound. If Yin Han hadn't
responded just now, he might have been shot directly.

The moment he stepped on the ground, he suddenly felt his feet empty, and
the floor suddenly cracked.
Shao Ci: "??????" Hey, what luck is this! !!

Under the cracked floor, there is a flower that is one person tall. Such a
terrible mutant plant is the first time I saw Shao Ci. He fell into this flower
the next moment, and the petals were touched by Shao Ci. The moment
they closed, they burrowed into the soil in one breath.

What about people outside Shao's speech is unclear. In short, he is not dead
yet. He feels that he is staying in a confined space. The petals around him
are as thick as a wall and he is so close to his body that he can hardly

It's just a matter of time before being strangled like this.

Now think about that black vine must be with this huge flower, and one
party will start directly without the other.

Shao Ci really did not expect that he was not bitten by the zombie king, but
because he killed the zombie king and was strangled by a flower. For a
time, he did not know which method of death was more sad.

From time to time, wounds in the body came from pain, and the bleeding
blood was absorbed by the petals. Shao Ci quickly applied the healing
power to himself. Under this healing power close to BUg, the wound
recovered with the speed visible to the naked eye.

I don't know if it was the illusion of Shao Ci. After the wound was restored,
the petals around him didn't seem to be as crowded as they had just been
crushed to death.

I do n’t know how long, Shao Ci felt that his breathing was not smooth, his
chest was panicked, his head was groggy, and when he felt like he was
fainted, the petals surrounding him suddenly opened, and He also fell into
the cold pool.

"I wasn't dead?" Shao Ci was stunned, carefully climbing up to look at the
surrounding environment.
Here is a space shaped like a drop of water. The bottom of the water is
covered with bluestone slabs. The surrounding walls are covered by mutant
plants. There are also thick tree roots. I do n’t know what light spots are
floating in the air, giving out a radiant glow. It is reflected above the water,
making this area full of fantasy.

"Where the **** is this?" If the surrounding mutated plants are similar to
those on the outside, Shao Ci has to wonder if he has crossed again. "Is it
the underground space of the research institute? ... "

Suddenly, I didn't know what was touched. Shao Ci was tripped over
suddenly, holding his body with his hands, but felt that his hands felt
something. Shao Ci suddenly shook his tiger's body, his frightened legs
were soft. He looked tremblingly towards the bottom of the water, only to
see clearly by that little light. There was a person lying on the bottom of the
water, and his face was facing Shao Ci.

Lying in the water is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy with a very beautiful

face, just like a work of art, beautiful enough to make people sigh, eyes
closed gently, as if sleeping quietly.

Shao Ci was scared and his body was stiff. This face, this face is not the
person on the work permit he got before! Why is he here, is he alive or

After the reaction, Shao Ci subconsciously remembered to run away, but

the boy suddenly opened his eyes. He had inorganic red eyes like ruby,
looked coldly at Shao Ci, and bite directly at Shao Ci's neck the next
moment. Come over.

At this moment, Shao Ci finally understood.

This guy is a zombie king! !! !!

The original only said that the zombie king was asleep in the fortified
solution, but he did not say where the fortified solution was, making him
think that the zombie king was lying in the glass container in the laboratory
above, but in fact it was just an ordinary corpse , The real zombie king
actually hides in such a hidden place!

And the flower sent him here. The cliff was for food for the Zombie King!

As if in response to Shao Ci's thoughts, the sound of the system sounded.

[?? ? ... A character with a higher force value was detected ... According to
the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders was started ... The
replacement is completed. The current Raiders is Yu Shao. ?

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

Yu Shao? Is this the name of the zombie king ... It does appear that there
are two words on the work permit.

wrong! Now is not the time to care about such things, but he has to be
killed by the zombie king! The system actually gave him the trick of
shifting the target of the strategy. You can try to be a friend of the zombie
king yourself? ?

Shao Ci only felt that there was severe pain in the bite around his neck. He
felt that the blood slowly moved away from his body, his face became pale
as paper, and his body had no strength at all. Even if he has strength, he
can't resist, and can only heal himself with abilities.

Although this will not die, I always feel that it has become a permanent
food reserve for the zombie king, and why this zombie king has only been
sucking blood, does it remember that he is not a vampire but a zombie ...

[Daily mission reset, the current mission is [treat once for Raiders], please
refuel. ?

Shao Ci: "!" Who needs treatment? It ’s too sacred to be dying and to treat
the attackers.
Although he was voicing his heart, Shao Ci took a casual attitude and sent
the power to the body of his zombie king ... I do n’t know if the healing
power will be used on the zombie. What is the effect?

The next moment, the zombie king actually let go of his mouth, raised his
head, looked at Shao Ci with those beautiful red eyes, and then turned

Shao Ci was so scared that he almost wept, wondering if Zombie King was
finally ready to bite himself, his eyes closed tightly. But the pain in the
imagination didn't come for a long time, but a soft and cool thing touched
his cheek.

"?" Shao Ci couldn't resist the temptation of curiosity, opened his eyes
gently, and found that his lips were actually the zombie king's lips--he was
kissed by the zombie king!

Then Zombie King looked like a kitten, with curiosity in his eyes (Shao Ci
didn't know how he could see curiosity in those eyes), and put out the tip of
his tongue and licked his cheek gently.

Is this something you want to lick and taste? (X)

The joy of escape from the death was masked by the horror of Zombie
King's kisses and licks. Shao didn't dare to move, he could only watch this
happen stiffly.

The next moment, the zombie king's white and slender hand was pressed
against his chest, and his neat nails seemed to cut the clothes in an instant.

Shao Ci only felt that his chest was cold. When he looked down, most of
his chest was exposed outside, and he was shaken subconsciously under the
stimulation of cold air. The senses of his body seemed to become extremely

The Zombie King seemed to be interested in swiping his fingers across his
chest, and his irritated skin was tingling.
In Shao Ci's opinion, this is as if the other party is thinking about where to
sip, which is more delicious. The whole person is even worse ... Sure
enough, even a zombie king with an IQ is so complicated to eat.

The next moment, the zombie king lowered his head, licked it at the
collarbone, and covered the raised part of his chest, taking a curious breath.

A mysterious feeling spread from that place instantly, Shao Ci's body was
instantly softened, and the next moment his cheeks became instantly
reddened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and shameful anxiety could
not get into the ground. " Sink ... wait, wait, why, why is that place ... "
Why is this happening! Will he die in such a humiliation!
I don't know where the strength came from, so Shao Ci suddenly pushed the
zombie king away, covered the broken shirt on his chest, and gritted his
teeth to look at the zombie king.

But unexpectedly, the zombie king just looked at him with a little doubt and
puzzled eyes, and did not mean to come and bite.

Shao Ci: "...?" Is it something he misunderstood?

Wait, all this happened because he healed the opponent with his power.
What is the use of this healing power on zombies? Come and explain!

[When the host's healing power is used on a non-human creature, it will

make the other person feel kind. Please take advantage of this to complete
the task. ?

Shao Ci was relieved, and I felt a bit wrong in the future. This power is too
subtle. Hey, it only has such effects on non-human creatures. I always think
that the system will use this to make things happen in the future. .

But that's not what you need to worry about now.

Thinking of what just happened, Shao Ci's face was mostly black, and his
heart was full of heavy feelings. Fortunately, no one else saw the picture
just now, otherwise he wouldn't want to be a good man in the future ...
Shao Ci looked up again and saw that the Zombie King was sitting in the
water with nothing on his body, and the water droplets slipped down from
his white body like a jade. Looking at Shao Ci with an innocent face, he
looked abnormally well-behaved, The exquisite appearance is like a
porcelain doll, and it is completely impossible to see that it is a fierce
villain boss.

Shao Ci took out the work permit that he had put on his body, and
compared it. The teenager in front of him looked even smaller than the
work permit ... but the names are all Yu Shao, and it should be correct.

Judging from the recent behavior, Shao Ci probably inferred that the current
psychological age of Zombie King should be three or four years old. After
all, the intensive fluid has not been completely absorbed, so it has not
evolved completely, and it will take some time ... … After he has
completely absorbed, IQ is almost the same as ordinary people.
Considering that he was a genius during his lifetime, he may be much
smarter than ordinary people.

"In this case, there should be no problem in doing the task." Shao Ci
thought as far as possible, "Even if the Zombie King suddenly wants to bite
me, he can give up with power ..."

He has disappeared for so long now, Yin Han, they should not look for it
again, they will go back first. Then you can try to upgrade the zombies
according to the original plot.

After insisting on this period of time, Yin Han will be upgraded to the most
powerful full text, and the force value can also exceed the Zombie King! At
that time, the target can be changed back, and he can be relieved!

Before that, he and the Zombie King ... No, it should be called Yu Shaocai.
Just get along with Yu Shao first, and take care of your children.

After Shao Ci worked **** psychological construction, he summoned his

courage and extended his hand towards Yu Shao.
Yu Shao tilted his head, then grabbed Shao Ci's wrist, lowered his head to
cover the fingers sent to him, and gently stroked his fingertips with his

Shao Ci: "!" It ’s not that you are reaching out to do this!

I always feel that his future will not be as smooth as I think ...

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

Although I am ready to stay here for a while. But just the next day Shao's
resignation would not work.

Because he was always soaked in the evolution fluid, he felt that his whole
person was going to be soaked. Shao Ci found a place to stay beside the
pool, and sat directly here.

The biggest problem is that there is no food at all! In addition to the

strengthening fluid, there are only plants on the wall.

Shao Ci couldn't absorb the fortified solution. The whole person was
already hungry and dizzy. He could only lean on the wall and look at the
mutant plants on the wall. He wondered if he would directly poison the
mutant plants and die, no. It had been drowned before by mutant plants.

Yu Shao was lying on Shao Ci's thigh, and he did not seem to understand
why Shao Ci did not play with him.

The next moment, there was a sudden change in the wall next to me, and I
saw a few vines drilled out. There were still a few shiny crystal nuclei on it.
It looked like the particularly powerful mutant zombie crystal nuclei, bright
in color, like It's the same as candy ... Of course, the degree of hardness is
completely different. Ordinary zombies have average nucleus. As for the
mutated nucleus, people in the S City Base Research Institute have done
research and are almost harder than diamonds.
The crystal nucleus was sent directly to Yu Shao. He naturally took the
crystal nucleus and sipped it in one bite. Then two or three bites ate the
crystal nuclei clean.

"Slump." Shao Ci felt terrified at the thought of being bitten yesterday. He

almost ended with this crystal core yesterday.

Although it is known that zombies can also evolve by eating the same kind
of crystal nuclei, such a random nucleus is really a ghost animal ... And
what is going on with these mutant plants, why do you listen to Yu Shao?

Shao Ci couldn't figure it out and didn't want to think about it anymore, and
he was really hungry enough to faint.

A crystal nucleus was handed to him. Shao Ci looked a bit surprised, and
saw Yu Shaozhen blinking his eyes like red crystals, reaching for the
crystal nuclei to his mouth.

Does he want to give me food? Shao Ci was touched for a moment, "Thank
you, but I can't eat this thing ..."

Yu Shao tilted his head, and then put the crystal nucleus into his mouth. At
this time, it was still developing normally. However, the next moment, his
head came together, holding Shao Ci's face, and kissed his lips directly.

Shao Ci was aggressive throughout: "!?"

The next moment, the crystal nucleus was pushed into the mouth of Shao Ci
by Yu Shao's tongue, and Shao Ci was constantly struggling. If he eats it, it
will really be dead.

However, Yu Shao looks small, but the strength is not completely Shao Ci's
resistance. He stretches out his hand and holds Shao Ci's chin. Shao Ci can't
move. He can only let the other's tongue rag in his mouth.

He could only hold his tongue against the crystal nucleus, lest he
accidentally swallow it, and he did not know if it was his illusion. He
always felt a sweet smell in his mouth.
After that, something even more shocking happened. The nucleus, which
should be harder than the diamond, slowly melted away and quickly melted
into an ice-cold liquid. All of it was swallowed by Shao Ci.

"Cough cough ..." As soon as Yu Shao removed his lips, Shao Ci coughed
suddenly while pressing the ground next to him.

He actually accidentally ate a crystal nucleus directly! !!

Shao Ci is bad for the whole person, no one has eaten the crystal nucleus
directly! Those who are capable of absorbing energy are holding it in their
hands. Will he take it directly?

Yu Shao looked satisfied.

Shao Ci looked at him with tears in his eyes, feeling that he was dying
soon, but Yu Shao curiously looked at the glittering thing in his eyes, licked
it when he came over, and then he seemed to be addicted, holding on to
Shao He licked away all his tears.

Shao speech: "QAQ."

Surprisingly, after a long period of time, Shao did not feel anything unusual
in the body, and there was no strange feeling in the stomach, but before the
feeling of hunger had completely disappeared, the whole person had

"Is that crystal nucleus edible?" Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief. "No
matter what, I saved a small life."

There is no light here either. Shao Ci can only sleep when he is sleepy.
Fortunately, the crystal nucleus I ate before was quite full.

The same day as yesterday, the vines brought in a few crystal nuclei.

It seems that before, the vines were all sent crystal nuclei, but I do n’t know
why I was involved in it last time. Shao Ci felt that he was too miserable ...
wait, this may be the problem of Yin Han ’s protagonist. Those who are
close to the cold in the book will happen when they come out of the
mission. Isn't he now, but he is a little bit luckier than those people. He has
no direct dog belt but has become a zombie king's reserve.

After Yu Shao had eaten the other crystal nuclei, he fed the subsequent one
to Shao Ci. He probably didn't know what kissing meant, but just thought it
was fun.

Although Shao Ci was ashamed, he could not refuse ... otherwise he would
starve to death.

After experiencing the same feeding of crystal nuclei as yesterday, Shao Ci

was again stunned to shed physiological tears.

Yu Shao immediately rushed over, licked the tears cleanly, and then kissed
Shaoqi's cheek as if satisfied.

Shao Ci: "... wait this isn't something delicious!" Oops, Yu Shao seems to
have developed mysterious interest.

In the next few days, Shao Ci tried to correct Yu Shao ’s habit, but it was
completely useless. Sometimes he did n’t cry. Yu Shao would still haunt
him for a day, and he would bite his shoulder in the same way. Gently bite,
but Shao Ci was frightened several times.

Because it is too boring to stay here everyday, Shao studied the surrounding
walls when he was bored. The building here is definitely artificial. Since it
is artificial, there should be an exit ... Of course, if the exit is blocked by
mutant plants He didn't have much to say when he lived.

When he sat down and rested on this day, he suddenly found that there was
a very hidden gap in the wall where he rested. Shao Ci immediately
searched on the wall and found a place that needed to be verified. Can not
be used for a long time, but there is no doubt that there must be a space
behind this.

Shao Ci seemed to know what a great secret, but he didn't dare to do

anything. If he really opened the door, it would be bad for Yu Shao.
But a voice in his heart told him that the truth of the matter must be hidden
behind this.

After that, Yu Shao seemed to have reached the growth stage. He grew
taller day by day with the naked eye, and the fortification fluid in the pond
quickly decreased. The pond was much shallower than before.

He couldn't even speak at all. He could speak a simple pronunciation the

next day, and he could say a complete sentence on the third day.

During this time, the daily feeding did not stop. Looking at Yu Shao getting
bigger and bigger, the pressure of Shao Ci also became more and more
serious. He was almost fainted by his relative several times.

When Yu Shao's IQ returns to his original level, will he realize that he is a

zombie and he is a human, and then he will directly kill himself? Shao Ci's
worried hair was about to fall out.

Finally, one day, when Shao woke up, he did not see Yu Shao, but saw a
two-person-high light cocoon placed in the middle of the pool, and the
evolution fluid in the pool was a kind of horror. Speed ??is absorbed by the
light cocoons ... There is no doubt that Yu Shao is going to grow up

"The opportunity is only now." Shao Ci secretly gritted his teeth and didn't
think about escaping. His target was Yu Shao. He escaped and couldn't
finish the task, but he really cared what was going on .

Shao Ci came to the very hidden place with the door. After thinking about
it, he took out Yu Shao's work permit hidden in his body and put it on the
verified place.

Then the door opened.

What appeared in front of Shao Ci was a laboratory, even with lights on,
but the exit was blocked. Shao Ci went straight in, with a lot of information
on the table, but he couldn't understand it at all.
Fortunately, there is still a thick diary on the table. If this is a game, it is
definitely the most important item ... Shao Ci took a deep breath and
opened the diary in a chair.

The owner of this diary is Yu Shao. When others used zombies to study
fortifying fluids, Yu Shao was studying mutant plants, thinking about how
to use mutant plants, and applied for a special plant for mutant plants.
Extremely hidden laboratory deep underground.

Later, because the power was wrong, the entire research institute was
reduced to **** after the intensive fluid was applied to the zombies. Yu
Shao was not involved because he hid here, but he also knew the situation

Yu Shao is indeed a genius, but at the same time he has a high IQ, but his
emotions are extremely indifferent. He is only interested in his own
research. After the collapse of the research institute, he did not feel afraid at
all, and did not want to run away. Instead, he started More crazy research.

He began to study how to create the most powerful zombies, not only
improved the fortifiers studied by others, but also added the previously
studied methods of manipulating mutant plants, and finally developed a
terrible fortification. Liquid comes out.

The zombies produced in this fortification solution cannot be said to be

complete zombies, but can be said to be a new type of fusion of mutant
plants and zombies.

Then, at this point, there was not much food left in the laboratory. Yu Shao
came up with the idea that he wanted to make himself the first experimental

This is the end of the diary.

Shao Ci was stunned: "!" I always felt that there were a lot of slots, and this
was completely out of the original, right? Such a zombie king seems to be
much more powerful than the original, can this be better?
He doesn't know if the plot effect changed suddenly because of the
butterfly effect that he passed through, or if the world did not follow the
original text completely.

"Suddenly began to worry if Yin Han's force value could be higher than Yu
Shao." If Yu Shao had the highest force value, he would have no way to go.
Shao sighed and stood up to see what was going on outside.

The next moment, Shao Ci suddenly felt that something cold was crawling
over his waist, and looking down, he actually had a vine sticking out of his

Shao Ci: "!!!!!!" Wait, what is this tentacle play!

Then Shao Ci was **** by vines and couldn't move. He couldn't even
struggle. He looked at the exit with panic eyes, and saw a tall figure
walking slowly towards here.

Yu Shao, who was originally a beautiful boy, has completely turned into a
youthful appearance, her appearance is still as delicate and beautiful as
before, with a smile in her light red eyes, and she is wearing a white coat
that she did n’t know where to get it, and she put one hand lazily on it. In
his pocket, the other hand held a gorgeous red crystal nucleus.

"Thinking about where you went ... if you don't listen, today's lunch will be

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

Why does the groin suddenly grow so large, and the atmosphere is the same
as the arrest?

The captured Shao Ci looked at the diary just put down by himself. The
whole person was not good, and he could only weakly explain: "I just found
this place by accident ... just come in and see ..."
"Oh?" Yu Shao walked in slowly, flipping through the diary on the table,
and then tossing the diary aside, "This kind of thing doesn't look good, does

"Hmm ..." Shao Ci nodded pale, staring at Yu Shao with a tremor, always
feeling that he was the kind of cannon fodder that would be killed within
three minutes after hitting the villain boss.

"Why is my face so ugly? I won't do anything." Yu Shao reached out and

embraced Shao Ci, and got close to the past, and stunned his neck as usual,
"After all, you are me My favorite little brother resigned. "

Shao Ci was frightened again, looking at Yu Shao suddenly, "Wait, how

do you know my name?" He was pretty sure he didn't mention the word at
all after he came.

This is not a fantasy text, it's just an eschatological text. Don't tell him
anything about the power of mind reading.

"Before I caught my brother, I heard what you said above." Yu Shao said
lightly: "As long as these plants are located, no matter what happens, I
can't hide it."

"You said that you could feel the outside world from the plants at that
time?" Shao said, "Did you drop the things I did at that time?"

"Um." Yu Shao smiled lightly, kissed Shao Ci's cheek with a reward, and
then got to Shao Ci's ear and said, "Xiao Ci's body smells so good, and
other dirty Dirty humans are different. I liked it from the beginning. I really
wanted to taste what it would taste like. It must be able to make people
happy to the point that their hearts are melting. "

When he said this, he also took a bite in Shao Ci's ears, scaring Shao Ci to
faint, his body stiffened ... not that he was timid, whoever almost stayed
before one almost put himself The biting Zombie King couldn't calm down
beside him!
However, at this time, Shao Ci still wanted to say something, you were a
human before! Is it really good for all humans to just map it casually!

"But then I changed my mind. It would be a waste of such a cute little

resignation brother to die." Yu Shao held Shao Ci's cheek with a smile, his
red eyes were a little fanatical, and said, "I I want you to stay with me
forever, and I ca n’t leave a step in my life. As long as my brother
obediently obediently, I will not do anything? "

"Of course I will be obedient." Shao Ci nodded quickly. Of course, at this

time, of course, the most important thing is to save his life. As for the
martial arts, it has been lost a few days ago, and there is no more burden

And as long as Yu Shao's force value is still the highest, even if Yu Shao
wants to drive him away, he can't go, it's a **** uncontrolled system fault.

"Well, let's have lunch then? Xiaoxi brother is hungry." With Shao's
assurance, Yu Shao's attitude was suddenly much milder. He took the red
crystal nucleus in his mouth and leaned over to kiss him. Come down and
push the crystal nucleus into Shao Ci's mouth as usual.

In fact, Shao Ci always wanted to say that he could not let himself eat the
crystal nucleus first, and saved this extremely shameful first step. But he
had no courage to raise it.

As usual, the crystal nucleus slowly melts in the mouth, and Shao Ci is used
to it, so that the crystal nucleus liquid is swallowed in a way to avoid being
choked. Speaking of this, the crystal nucleus is still a bit delicious ... just
don't It's completely unaffordable to think about where it came from.

"No, why didn't Xiaoci elder brother cry?" Yu Shao frowned slightly,
reached out and touched Shaoci's cheek with a regretful look.

"!" Shao Ci: "This ... I don't cry every time ..." Why would such a shameful
habit be remembered after upgrading.
The next moment, Yu Shao pulled Shao Ci, bowed his head and kissed him
again. This time, unlike the past, there was no crystal nucleus in the middle.
Instead, Shao Ci felt even more ashamed, as if there was something secret.
Was opened the same.

And Yu Shao's body has a faint scent of fragrance, which makes people
almost addicted to it.

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhting since the kiss has not stopped yet),
Shao Ci feels out of breath, trying to struggle, but the body is bound by the
vine and the only moving foot is lifted I want to pass by, but I find that I
can't do anything at all, and the opponent's leg is still squeezed between his

When Shao Ci was about to pass out, his body was finally let go, and he
gasped in a big mouth, only to find that his tears didn't know when he fell.

Yu Shao came over and kissed him softly, "Sure enough, I like to talk to my
brother the most."

Shao Ci glanced sideways and found that Yu Shao's white cheeks were
flushed, and he smiled slightly at himself, looking well-behaved and shy.
He couldn't see a bit of a terrible villain boss.

"..." Shao Ci suddenly felt that he had no future. Who could tell him why
the zombie king would be this kind of person! He would rather encounter
that kind of cruelty, even if he was beaten every day ... forget it, now it's
fine, people need to know how to be content.

"Okay." Yu Shao contentedly released the vine wrapped around Shao Ci.
"There's nothing to stay in this place, let's leave together." He suddenly
lowered his head and stared at Shao Ci, "Xiao Ci Where does my brother
think it is good to go? As long as you want to go, it doesn't matter if it is a
base of all powers? "

Anyway, all these people can't kill you!

Shao Ci was still waiting for Yin Han to save himself in the fire after the
upgrade. How could he let Yu Shao have the opportunity to contact now,
and said quickly: "Just find a place in downtown S, there must be a lot of
preservation there Well-built buildings and food, there are many zombies.

"Just listen to my little brother." Yu Shao kissed Shaoyan's cheek

affectionately, then took his hand and walked towards the sealed door of the

I saw several vines suddenly appearing on both sides of the door, and the
door that had been closed was pulled open, and an upward path appeared.

Yu Shao took Shao Ci's hand and walked up as leisurely as in his backyard.
I don't know how long he walked. He opened the door again, and the two
came to a remote corner of the institute.

There were lush mutant plants all around, but before Yu Shao stepped on it,
they automatically retreated. The ground was probably a little cleaner than
before the end of the world.

"These children are very dangerous. If you step on them, something bad
may happen, so be cautious when you leave your brother?" Yu Shao said
so. Those who were not nervous before Shao became nervous, and those
who were careful were afraid. Stepping on something triggers tentacle play
and the like.

"Well, someone else came in here." Yu Shao narrowed his eyes slightly, his
expression became cold for a moment, and his red eyes became inorganic
like snakes.

"Others !?" Shao Ci's heart was tense, and there was a voice of other people
speaking beside him ... saying that the sound insulation of this institute is
also bad.
"Let's take a look here again, maybe we can get something good." "Yeah,
this institute was very famous in the past. If we get the rest of the fortifier,
we will develop." "Not hurry go?"

The voice was getting closer. The next moment, the door on one side was
opened, several people came over, and immediately noticed that there were
still people here, and all their attention was attracted by Yu Shao's red eyes,
and he suddenly raised his gun in panic. , Fired at this side.

Shao Ci Anyhow also spent several months in the S city base, and at a
glance, they saw that the bullets they used were specially developed by the
base, and they were very powerful against the zombies.

But it is not useful for eggs. Before the bullets came, they were blocked by
the surrounding plants, and they were unscathed.

The people immediately wanted to escape, but were tied by the vines. They
looked at Yu Shao in a panic and tried to resist with abilities, but their
abilities were almost untouchable by Yu Shao's side. Only then did they
find out I'm afraid I might lose my life, and finally shouted, "Monster!"
"Help, I don't want to die!"

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, when you make such a thing and say such lines, you are
ready to become cannon fodder.

Yu Shao looked at it indifferently, just like looking at a few insignificant

bugs. When he impatiently wanted to kill these people directly and made
them the nourishment of these mutant plants, one of them noticed Shao Ci
next to him, suddenly said: "Shao Ci? You are not dead?"

Hearing here, Yu Shao's action was slightly paused.

"Are you stupid? How could a normal person stay here? He must be the
puppet of that monster!"

"It's a pity, but Yin Han is still looking for someone outside this institute ...
if we can take him out, we can change a lot of crystal nuclei."
"It's important to save your life now! How could we deal with that monster

"Oh?" Yu Shao reached out and embraced Shao Ci's shoulder, and said
softly: "Little resign brother, that person named Yin Han is still looking for
you, do you say we want to go out and see?"

"!?" Although Shao Ci wanted to go, he knew that Yin Han now had no
chance of winning at Shang Yu Shao, and Yin Han was the only hope for
his escape, but there was absolutely nothing to do, feeling the protagonist's
aura It's not very safe. "No use ... there's nothing to go ..."

"But I think that person is very concerned about the younger brother, how
can we let him wait outside?" Yu Shao smiled harmlessly, and then
dragged Shao Ci to the couple who were tied up.

The few of them were scared to say a word and looked at Yu Shao in

Yu Shao's eyes were cold, and he whispered, "Tell the cold thing you know.
If it's true, I'll let you go."

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

Those people were about to speak immediately.

Shao Ci panicked, and quickly pulled Yu Shao's sleeve and said, "Isn't it
just an ordinary ability, what do you know?"

"Little brother, if you say anything more, I think you are helping that
person?" Yu Shao still smiled, but there was no temperature in his eyes.

Shao Ci closed his mouth in shock. And those people are you rushing to say
one word at a time, for fear that you will be killed after you finish.

It turned out that Yin Han didn't give up after Shao's speech was removed
last time. Instead, he used the power to almost turn that area over, but there
is still no trace. After that, he promised who would find Shao's speech to
repay him.

Immediately, everyone in the nearby bases was excited, and the heavy
money was still the same thing. The most important thing was to make Yin
Han such a powerful power owe himself. After that, the entire institute
would be emptied, but Shao Ci had no shadow.

These people just came with a mentality of casually coming to look at it. I
did not expect to directly hit Shao Ci and Yu Shao in this way, and did not
know whether they should be lucky or unfortunate.

"This way, then you can go." Yu Shao's voice dropped, and the vines that
entangled those people were sent away, and they fled without a trace.

Shao Ci couldn't believe that Yu Shaohui said so, but this is the big villain
of the full text, "Really let them go like this?"

Yu Shao said: "If my brother doesn't want to let them go, I can catch them

"No, this is not necessary." Shao Ci quickly shook his head.

"The main thing is to release these people to attract that coldness." Yu

Shaoman said casually, "Otherwise, these people have already become

Shao Ci was startled: "Attract Yin Han? Why?"

"That's right." Yu Shao nodded and leaned close to Shao Ci and said,
"Because I think he is a very threatening character. Since this is the case, he
must be killed. Couldn't the older brother be reluctant?"

"No, I didn't want to ..." Shao Ci tried to conceal the uneasiness in his heart.
He should believe that Yin Han's protagonist aura would not be so easy to
hang. Maybe something could not come?

Yu Shao said with a smile: "This is what my brother said, I remember."

What Shao Ci thinks is that his smile hides a dangerous breath. "... QAQ"
He really wants to leave this person quickly, even Chu Jin is fine, anyway,
there is no risk of being killed ...

[Remind the host that the system has a teleport function that can teleport the
selected target directly. The cost only requires the host to do one more
random task in the future. ?

So why can't you tell all the features at the beginning, but think about such
a broken system without any worry.

Shao Ci: "... so good it makes people feel very good!" In short, remember
first, see if there is a chance to use it.

Shao Ci followed Yu Shao's heart out of the door, seeing the sun outside,
breathing fresh air, feeling as if he had come alive. The days before
underground were really not lived by people.

Yu Shao looked at the trees not far away and narrowed his eyes slightly.
"It's so fast."

The next moment, the surrounding air was cold, and several ice cones
emerged from the ground with a thunderbolt, but Yu Shao avoided it

Later, Yin Han walked out from behind the tree. He didn't look like he had
rested during this time. His eyes were blue and black, and his skin became
paler. A pair of eyes stared coldly. "Take him give me back."

"Oh? Are you talking about a little brother?" Yu Shao pulled Shao Ci next
to him into his arms, with a bit of malice in his eyes, and smiled proudly at
Yin Han: "I'm sorry, Xiao I wo n’t go with you, brother. He ’s mine. Right,
little brother? ”

Has this happened once before?

Shao Ci looked at Yin Han's eyes, but under the coercion of Yu Shao, he
had to nod his head and said, "Well ... I'm yours."
"As long as I kill you, everything will be the same as before, as long as the
small words are all right." Yin Han's face remained unchanged, but he was
relieved when he looked at Shao Ci.

Yu Shao raised an eyebrow and said, "It's just courage to come alone."

Yin Han glanced at Yu Shao and said lightly: "It's just a monster. I'll deal
with it alone."

Shao Ci: "...!" I have to admit that Yin Han is very poisonous, but now your
military value is not as good as Yu Shao. It is dangerous to say such words!

Yin Han slowly walked towards this side. With each step, the weeds under
his feet were frozen by ice cubes. After walking all the way, everything
around him was almost covered by ice.

"Ah, yeah, it looks terrific." Yu Shao hid behind Shao Ci, held his shoulder,
and narrowed his eyes in the direction of Yin Han. "Little brother, I'm so

Shao Ci: "..." There are too many points in the above words and I don't
know what to say.

Yin Han stretched out his fingers and suddenly more than a dozen ice cones
stood up and stabbed at Yu Shao's body. Just before touching Yu Shao's
body, these ice cones were entangled by the black vines that suddenly grew,
and they could no longer move forward for half a minute.

On the other side, there are countless vines attacking Yin Han, but the
moment they touch Yin Han's fingers, they have all been frozen.

"Sorry, these ice cones don't seem to hurt me." Yu Shao shook his head.
"But my vines can't deal with you, it seems like a trouble."

Yin Han's eyes were cold, and all the vines were immediately covered with
a layer of frost, as if assimilated by those ice cones. There were countless
ice thorns, and they quickly swarmed towards Yu Shao, dense enough to be
The moment Spurs were about to meet him— "Almost tired of it." Yu
Shao's expression became cold.

Yin Han's expression suddenly changed, and he reached out to cover his
chest, but the blood was constantly flowing out of the corners of his
mouth. He just felt that something was suddenly growing in his body. "...
What is this?"

"When you were touched by the vine, the vine's seeds have already entered
your body." Yu Shaoxing said vigorously: "The vine will sprout and grow
in your body, use abilities for nutrition, etc. Finally, after you have dried
you, you can grow directly out of your body ... How interesting. "

Shao Ci: "!" It's so cruel, and the vine seed is almost invincible, and it's
really not an ordinary person who can achieve the villain boss.

Yin cold whispered, "Even if I die, I will kill you before that ..."

But the next moment, there was more blood pouring out of his mouth, his
body was rickety, and he could only condense an icicle to support his body,
looking very sick.

"Sorry, you don't have that chance." Yu Shao smiled slightly, and the black
vines that had been frozen around him broke through the **** directly, and
stabbed in the direction of coldness.

Shao's speech: "!" Lying down, if this is a stab in the middle of Yin Han's
wall, it will be a bento!

The thought of Yin Han, if he had a bento and had to spend a lifetime with
Yu Shao, Shao Ci did not know where the strength broke out. He even
shook away Yu Shao's hand behind him, and then suddenly pushed away
the front Yin Han, using His body stiffly blocked the vines.

The vine pierced directly into Shao Ci's body like a sharp knife, stirred up
like a living body, and constantly absorbed blood. If it were changed to a
normal person, it would be painful.
Fortunately, under the shield of systematic pain, Shao Ci can only feel the
pain within the limit of tolerance. But even so, with the continuous flow of
blood, his face became extremely pale, and it looked very painful.

"Small remarks?" Yin Han's face changed, holding Shao Ci's body.
Although his expression remained calm, his eyes were full of panic.

"I ..." Before he said what he said, he coughed up a lot of blood, and most
of it spilled on Yin Han. "Cough cough cough ... yes, sorry ... soiled your
clothes ... "

"Now is not the time to talk about clothes." Yin Han suddenly embraced
Shao Ci and said, "When I kill this monster, I will take you back ... you
have the healing power, and there will be nothing wrong."

"Let ... Let me see your wound ..." Shao Ci closed his eyes and applied the
healing power to Yin Han's body.

The vine seed sprouts and grows very fast, but under the impact of the
power, the newly born root system quickly withers, but only a moment has
left the seed, and when it is about to completely destroy the seed, it
Actually, he rushed into Shao Ci's body at a very fast speed along the

Shao Ci blew his mouth again under this shock. "Hello?" Hey, wait, the
person who hit such a terrible trick instantly became himself ... why he
was so miserable.

"When are you going to tell the old?" Yu Shao came from behind with a
voice of grievance. "It was said that he was going to stay with me ... As a
result, I forgot to see others, how could this be? When it comes to the next
few words, the sound has changed from sweet and greasy to frozen.

"You monster." Yin Leng looked over, because he had just been parasitic
from the vine seed, and once he used the power body, he felt like he was
going to break up, but he also had to do it as if nothing was happening.
But Shao's speech is very clear. In this way, Yin Han is simply giving
away! With his current strength, it is absolutely impossible to deal with Yu

"Stop it." Shao Ci grabbed Yin Han's hand and said the rest, "Hurry up ...
I ... it won't matter ... you leave quickly, and then ..."

Then be sure to come and save people! He couldn't sacrifice so much for

After saying this, Shao Ci directly used the teleportation skills provided by
the system and suddenly pushed Yin Han away.

Yin Han didn't expect that Shao Ci would push him away at this time, and
unexpectedly reached out to try to catch Shao Ci, but the next moment was

At the prompt of the system, Yin Han's figure disappeared instantly.

After doing all this, Shao Ci was finally relieved, but he fell backwards
weakly and was held by Yu Shao, who had been watching from behind.

"I heard everything my brother said just now, so sad, it turns out that you
don't want to stay with me so much, and I have done so much for that
person. I'm really surprised." His hand slid down Shao Ci's back and gently
touched the vine that penetrated Shao Ci's body. He also pulled it hard, and
Shao Ci's body shook suddenly.

"It hurts? This is the punishment for a bad boy. If I get angry, I will do
something bad."

Now it's terrible. Do you want to do anything bad to scare him directly?

Shao Ci thought about saving Yin Han anyway, but he didn't know what to
do with Yu Shao. He immediately gave up and said, "... Let me die like
At the next moment, the vines deep into Shao Ci's body were actually torn
apart. This process is more painful than before (although the pain of the
system has been almost reduced by the shielding effect), but Shao Ci only It
was painful to make up for something happening in my body a little bit, and
tears fell down.

"You can't say such things." Yu Shao said coldly, then lowered his head,
kissed the tears on Shao Ci's face gently, and his tone eased again. "Little
brother, you promised to stay with me By your side, even if you die ...
don't think you can be relieved. "

Shao Ci suddenly remembered at this time, Yu Shao is the zombie king! He

said that it can really be done, just turn himself into a zombie!

... No, he didn't want this to happen!

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

"No, I don't ..." Shao bit his lower lip, and stretched out his hand to grip Yu
Shao's sleeve. "I'll be obedient in the future ..." He shouldn't become a

Seeing that Yu Shao's expression was still indifferent, Shao bit his teeth,
and kissed each other's white porcelain cheek in the past, exposing all the
rituals and saying, "I, I like you."

In any case, let ’s confess it first to improve our favorability, and it does n’t
matter if we do such a shameless thing to save our lives!

"In order to survive, my little brother can even tell such a lie." Yu Shao
said this, but reached out and hugged Shao Ci, sighing slightly: "It's so
cunning, I know it The sentence is false, but I'm still very happy ... " So
bad way is it really useful? !!
"But don't think that you can get rid of it. I still think of today's things?" Yu
Shaoyu Feng turned around and said, "Little brother, you care about the
cold. So, as long as you don't Healing my wounds with healing powers,
what if I don't go to him? This is punishment. "

Shao Ci's face was ugly, so he didn't need to heal the power for such a
serious injury, so he would not lie in bed for ten days and a half months ...
maybe this is what Yu Shao wanted.

If only this can keep Yin Han's life, forbearance will pass.

"That's like you said, I won't use abilities." Shao Ci almost said this with
tears ... Even if the system shields most of the pain, it's still uncomfortable!

"Well, so good." Yu Shao whispered: "Sure enough, I still like you the
most, and it's different from my brother who is full of lies, but all I say is
true ..."

Shao Ci heard cocoons from his ears when he heard such lines, and he
didn't take it seriously because he lost too much blood and finally passed


When he woke up, Shao Ci found himself lying on a soft bed, and there was
incomparable pain in all parts of his body, especially the place where the
vine was pierced by before was still aching and painful. Looking down at
the wound, Gauze wrapped ... I don't know how Yu Shao did it.

Shao Ci struggling to get out of the bed under the bedside table and look at
the surrounding environment. This is probably in the hotel room. The floor
is covered with soft carpet. You can see that there is a small bathroom next
to it. Floor-to-ceiling window.

Looking out of the floor-to-ceiling window, you can see a lot of tall
buildings. If your vision is better, you can also see the countless zombies
below ... Yes, this is really the city center of S city. At first I just said
casually, now Yu Shao really brought him here.
Looking at the weather outside, he probably slept all night, now it is the
next day.

Then Shao turned around and looked at the direction of the door. He knew
in his heart that he was impossible to leave, or walked with a strange
mindset, reached out and pressed the door handle, and easily pushed the
door open. .

Then he saw a corridor full of vines and various mutated plants, and Yu
Shao just stood at the door and smiled when he saw, "Little brother, what's
wrong? Want to run away? This is not OK."

Suddenly seeing Yu Shao's smile, Shao speech startled, took a step back
subconsciously, but pulled the wound at the waist and abdomen, and then
suddenly lost all his strength, his legs would fall to the ground as soon as
his legs were soft.

Suddenly, several vines were drilled on the ground to support Shao Ci's
body, so as to prevent him from falling to the ground miserably, although
it was not supported by the vines.

"I didn't want to run away, I just looked ..." Shao Ci quickly explained:
"And with so many zombies below, how could I run away."

"Is that right? I can barely believe you once." Yu Shao walked slowly, bent
over, and stretched out his hand, and pressed Shao Ci's wound a few times,
and the white gauze was stained with a touch of light. Red, Shao Ci could
not help hissing a few times.

"It's so careless that the wounds are cracking." Yu Shao grabbed Shao Ci's
hand and said lightly: "Although heals the power, the wound can be
recovered quickly because of the power, but if you don't, With the power,
the injury will be slower than the average person recovers, and they will be
weak during this time ... "

Shao Ci looked at the past in surprise: "!" If that's the case, what's the
difference between him and the abolishment! And why did Yu Shao know
the settings that were not even written in the original text? Is this the power
of a genius scientist ...

"It's just the beginning now." Yu Shao's tone started to get a little excited,
letting Shao Ci's hand pressed against his cheek, his light red eyes seemed
to radiate light, "After a few days, my brother with a little resignation even
I ca n’t pick up a spoon ... Such a small brother can rely on me no matter
what he does. Without me, I ca n’t do anything. I ca n’t live without me.
What a wonderful future. "

... not beautiful at all! !! And where is he going to spend a few days, now he
can't move even with soft legs!

Shao Ci feels that his three views have been impacted again and again since
crossing, but considering that Yu Shao is not a normal person ... No, he is
not even a human being. He should have such a strange idea. Nothing, as
long as he persists in this time, as long as he persists, he can be relieved!

Then Yu Shao hugged Shao Ci, put it carefully on the bed, and stretched
out his hand and stroked the wound on his waist and abdomen. "It hurts. It
doesn't matter if you want to cry, I won't laugh at brother Xiaoxi."

"It's still tolerable." Shao said after he realized that it was not good, what if
Yu Shao listened and tossed his wound to the point where he could not bear
it, and quickly said: "I'm hungry ... I have n’t eaten for more than a dozen
hours. "

Sure enough, this sentence successfully transferred Yu Shao's attention. He

once again took out a crystal nucleus, and the red crystal nucleus emitted a
beautiful color under the sun. "In fact, there are many materials in the city.
Brother wants to eat normal people's food? "

Of course I think. Is this still something to ask? !!

However, Shao Ci knew that he could not tell what he was thinking, so he
followed the other person's thoughts and said, "No matter what food, as
long as you feed me."
Sure enough, Yu Shao's happy eyes narrowed when he heard Shao's
remarks. He bowed his head and kissed Shao's several sips. "It should have
been normal food for Xiaoci's brother, but now you are injured. Those
foods provide too little nutrition ... "

So are crystal nuclei more nutritious than ordinary food? In fact, Shao Ci
doubted whether he would eat silly if he continued to eat crystal nuclei,
but think about it anyway, everyone will usually take the crystal nuclei to
absorb energy, now this is just another way to absorb ().

Next is the routine mouth-to-mouth feeding of crystal nuclei. After the end,
Shao Ci gasped for a few times before recovering. He took the cup handed
by Yu Shao and drank the pure water inside ... Fortunately, Yu Shao didn't
have any more He just forced him to cry, even if he did this kind of shame

"Speaking of it, wouldn't it be so boring to stay here just like that?" Yu

Shao put in front of Shao Ci, bracing his face and said, "Doesn't your
brother Xiaosi think?"

Although it is boring, once Yu Shao is going to do something, it is not an

ordinary thing. Shao Ci almost sprayed the water out of his mouth and said
quickly: "No, I think it would be very nice to stay with you. Interesting,
how can it be boring! "

"I'm so happy, my elder brother would coax me." Yu Shao smiled. "Since
this is the case, I will temporarily move the original plan a few days later,
so that humans in those bases can enjoy a few more days of leisure.
Someday. "

Shao Ci continued to drink water. "..." always felt like doing something
good invisibly, and suddenly found that what he was doing seemed to
sacrifice himself to please the boss to save others, why is it so touching.

And he finally understood Yu Shao's brain circuit. As long as he touched

Mao, nothing too bad would happen ...
"But after drinking so much water, my younger brother also wanted to go to
the toilet." Yu Shao suddenly said such a thing.

This time, Shao Ci sprayed water directly.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

It turned out that Yu Shao was actually thinking about this idea. No wonder
he gave him so much water!

"No, I don't want to." Shao Ci said quickly, even if there was no rhythm,
but if he really let Yu Shao hold him to go to the bathroom or something ...
Just thinking about Shao Ci would feel faint.

"Yes." Yu Shao just smiled and came over. "Anytime, it's okay. Just talk to
my brother if he wants to," he said.

Shao Ci: "...!" Why are you so caring about such things! !!

During this period of time, Shao Ci was like sitting on a needle and felt
afraid that when he wanted to go to the bathroom, fortunately, Yu Shao
didn't know what to do when he went out.

"Great, now." Shao Zi gritted his teeth, supported his body with his hands,
and slowly moved towards the bed ... Although he said he could secretly
use the power to heal himself, but who knows if Yu Shao will Check it out,
if it was found out, wouldn't his hard work be in vain!

When the difficult move to the bedside, Shao Ci suddenly thought of four
words to describe himself-physically disabled Zhijian.

When feeling sad, Shao Ci fell on the ground in an unstable manner, and
when he saw that he was about to fall on the carpet, a few vines suddenly
grew from the ground, just entangled him.

Shao speech: "!!!"

"Sometimes my little brother just doesn't like to say what he thinks. This is
not good." Yu Shao's voice came from the door, then he walked in and
looked at Shao Ci condescendingly. "Since I want to Go to the toilet, why
not tell me? "

"How do you say this!" Shao Ci struggled to get down from the vine, but
his body was tangled tighter, making him unable to make even the last

"No," Yu Shao said while stroking his face. "Xiaoci elder brother wants to
treat me as the closest talent, and I will do whatever I want for you."

Yu Shao leaned down and hugged Shao Ci and walked towards the
bathroom. In order to make the other party no longer evade reality, what did
he do here? He also slowed down, and surely saw his younger brother's face
and ears turned red.

After reaching the toilet, Yu Shao held Shao Ci in a posture like a child,
pulled the other's pants down slowly, and then whispered in his ear:

"No, no, I can't ..." Shao Ci's body stiffened, and he felt ashamed to hit the
wall, but the feeling of the lower body's description was stronger, which
made him feel uncomfortable.

"It's already this time, isn't Xiaoci's elder brother still believing in me?" Yu
Shao bit his head in the same manner as Shaoci's neck with anger, unlike
ordinary zombies. There is a substance in his saliva that can temporarily
excite humans. .

The sharp tooth tip scratched the skin and made people feel numb. The
thrill of throbbing like lightning flashed through Shao's body. When he
awoke, he heard the sound of water in his ears.

Suddenly, Shao Ci's face was even red with his fair neck, because his eyes
were too shameful, and tears fell down.
"Isn't this possible?" Yu Shao said as he kissed Shao Ci's cheek, cleaned his
lower body and pulled his pants up. "Brother Xiaoci is so cute ... I like you
the most ..."

S city base.

After obtaining the information from the old research institute, the
technology of City S has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and the
fortification fluid has been researched, but it has strong side effects. It can
only temporarily improve its strength. After use, it needs to rest for several
months to recover.

For example, Yin Han is only one step away from the advanced level. After
using the intensive fluid, the power increases rapidly, but too powerful can
cause mental problems, and even cause emotional loss and memory loss.

Because of this relationship, Yin Han couldn't make up his mind. He was
afraid that he would forget Shao Ci ... Remembering the last thing, he was
still a little hesitant. I do n’t know how Shao Ci managed to teleport him
out. Did he Still teleport? But why did Shao himself not leave.

No matter what, Yin Han made up his mind to save Shao's speech.

At this time, the base's power-setter also noticed something strange in the
city center of S, mainly because the hotel in the center of the city was
covered with mutant plants. It was too eye-catching.

Only Yu Shaohui is so arrogant. He wants everyone to know where he is.

Anyway, he is very boring, and he is very welcome to kill him by himself.

After learning the news, Yin Han immediately packed up and went to the
city center. The last time he was negligent. This time, as long as he pays
attention, he will definitely bring Shao Ci back.

No one else knew what was going on at the time, nor did they expect Yin
Han to lose, so they didn't stop it.

After returning to bed, Shao Ci was buried in the quilt, and he could not
wait to get out of it forever, no matter how coquettish Yu Shao was outside
he did not hear.

"Little brother, I'm wrong, come out quickly, I won't do that again next
time." Yu Shao sat beside the bed and said softly, "If you come out, next
time I will Take you out for a walk ... My younger brother wants to go out,
too? "

After listening to this sentence, Shao Ci immediately forgot the previous


Although it is very shameful, the yearning for the outside world still
overwhelms the shame. Now I feel bored and bored here all day. Shao Ci
still wants to go outside. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with Yu Shao.

When I saw the quilt pulled apart, Shao Ci, who had red eyes, carefully
looked over, and whispered, "Is it true?"

Yu Shao had a feeling of being hit by the heart. He held Shao Ci and kissed
him several times on the face, then hugged him with the quilt, and
murmured, "Little brother, you will always be by my side. Right ... "

Shao Ci did not feel guilty to say such words after going through such
shameful things, "Of course it will. I will be by your side."

Because of the external relationship, Shao Ci's words seemed extremely

sincere. Even Yu Shao couldn't find anything wrong, and happily hugged
Shao Ci and went outside.

After going downstairs, Shao Ci first noticed that the building covered with
mutant plants was almost green, and then found out that Yu Shao had
actually prepared a wheelchair outside. Is this intimate ...

"Little brother can go wherever he wants." Yu Shao put Shao Ci in a

wheelchair and said with a smile, "There is no one else here."
The street is really empty, no one is normal, but it is shocking that there are
no zombies. You must know that the city center has the most zombies.

Generally, those who are not able to come come, and now think about all
Was scared away by Yu Shao ...

Although Yu Shao is nominally a zombie king, he is very omnivorous, and

eats mutant zombie crystal nuclei when no humans eat it ... if he wants, he
can also use his own ability to spawn a batch of zombie zombies.

"It's been a long time since I talked about my brother's clothes. It's time to
change some new clothes." Yu Shao said, "Let's go shopping in the nearby

The street is very quiet, only the sound of wind blowing. The original
cluttered streets are now clean and scary. It may be that Yu Shao also
cleaned up with mutant plants before. The shops on both sides of the road
are still messy.

It didn't take long to come to a nearby mall. This is a very large mall. The
food inside was robbed almost at the beginning of the last days, but few
people like clothing and daily necessities took it. It is now preserved. More

Shao Ci had no idea that he would still have such a leisurely shopping mall
after the end of the world ... and that he could take the whole mall's stuff
casually, and there was no need to worry about where a zombie popped up.

Yu Shaoxing selected several clothes vigorously and said, "Let's try it

now." He stretched out towards Shao Ci's clothes, and actually planned to
change clothes for Shao Ci directly here.

Lying down! Even if no one is changing clothes in such a place, it is still a


Shao Cihu shook his body, "Wait, don't need it! Just a few clothes, just
wear them ..."
[Daily mission refresh, the current mission is [Kiss Raiders once], please
host to cheer. ?

Shao speech: "!" Hello? !!

Before, even if it behaved like a **** guy, the tasks were all ordinary cures
or praises. What is going on now? What about good friends? Will you do
this to your friends!

Even if everyone thinks he is a guy, Shao Ci still wants to struggle.

And Yu Shao seemed to sense something, frowning and looking out the
window, whispering: "Well, there is a bug in ..."

Shao Ci was struggling, and he did not notice Yu Shao's unusual

movements at all. Then he finally made up his mind and gently scratched
Yu Shao's sleeve with his hand.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Yu Shao immediately leaned over to him. "Is there
anything wrong with your brother?"

"You can come a little more ..." Shao Ci said, and then when Yu Shao was
obedient, he took a deep breath and kissed his lips.

At this moment, Shao Ci felt that he had no more restraints.

What he didn't know at all was that Yin Han, who was coming to find him,
was hiding in the building opposite, and just happened to witness it.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

After being kissed by Shao Ci, Yu Shao gave a little stupefaction, and then
reached out and hugged him, "Xiaoci's brother is so cunning, actually
doing this ... In this case, I can no longer do too much to you It's ... " Hey,
did you really want to play strip play here?
Shao Ci breathed a subtle sigh of relief.

"Brother Xiaoci, you're here to stay, I'll take care of other things, and come
back soon, don't you run around?" Then Yu Shao stood up and touched
Shaoci's face, and quickly Step away.

Even if there is no system of making friends with the people with the
highest military force, Shao Ci will not run, but here in the city center of S
city with the most zombies, running is simply trying to die. So he sat here
waiting very securely.

Until an acquaintance appeared before him.

"Xiaoci ..." Yin Han, who was paler than before, slowly walked in front of
Shaoci, his face was a bit ugly, he said softly, and reached out to Shaoci,
"Follow me."

What are you doing here? !!

Shao Ci was startled at first, tangled after realizing that Yin Han hadn't
upgraded yet, and said, "No ... no ... I can't leave now ..."

"Why?" Yin Han's smile faded a bit. "It's obviously the best time to escape.
Is there any reason you would like to stay here? Follow me."

Speaking of Yin Han, he directly grasped Shao Ci's hand. At this moment,
Shao Ci only felt that the place touched by Yin Han was like an electric
shock, and he subconsciously threw away the opponent's hand.

[In order to implement the concept of making friends with only one person
at a time, and in order to protect the rights and interests of the current
strategy target, a new function has been added to the system. If it touches
the previous strategy target, it will make the host uncomfortable. The sound
of the system sounded.

Shao Ci: "!!!" Wouldn't you be able to safeguard the rights and interests of
the host system? What a ghost function!
Looking up to see Yin Han's complexion was already ugly, Shao Ci burst
into his heart and quickly explained: "No, I have absolutely no disapproval
of you, just just ..."

"Do you already like that monster?" Yin Lengbuding said. "For him, you
would rather stay here than go with me. In your heart, he is more important
than me? Are we not lovers?"

What kind of love triangle is this? !! And when is a lover! Shao Ci himself
was aggressive, "No, no ..."

"Then you leave with me, and I believe you." Yin Han held out his hand
again, his voice trembling a little, his eyes even implored, "As long as you
hold my hand, no matter What happened before was as if it hadn't
happened. "

Shao Ci froze, looking at the hand in front of him, without moving for a
long time, the light in Yin Han's eyes slowly disappeared.

"... I'm sorry." Shao Ci could only say this.

"Hahaha ..." Yin Han suddenly smiled low, "I lost ... I actually lost to a
monster ..." After he said, he reached out and held down Shao Ci's shoulder.

Shao Ci was still at a loss as he looked at him. When he pressed his

shoulder, he felt a wave of current flowing in his body. His pain turned pale
and he struggled. "Wait ... don't touch me anymore ..." Well……" Under
such stimulation, Shao Ci actually passed out.
"Why ..." Yin Han saw that Shao Ci had just been touched by himself, and
it was so painful, and he didn't know what it felt like. Obviously, the
relationship between the two was not like this ... why is it because Are you
not strong enough?

The next moment a few vines suddenly emerged from the ground. Yin Han
had already been vigilant in his mind because of the previous things, and
quickly flashed away. After he returned to God, Shao Ci had been
surrounded by vines.
"I'm thinking of who it is. It turned out to be your defeat." Yu Shao slowly
walked in from the outside. "Dare to shoot at my younger brother, I won't
let you go easily."

The words fell, and numerous vines broke through the floor and got out,
attacking Yin Han.

With the previous experience, Yin Han has become more proficient in
avoiding vines this time, but there are too many vines in the end, and he is
also a bit weak, and soon falls into the siege of vines.

Gritting his teeth, Yin Han, despite the danger of being hit by vines, drilled
directly from the gap, and numerous ice cones stabbed at Yu Shao.

"You're too weak." Yu Shao looked over indifferently, and stretched out his
hand, all the ice cones shattered.

The vine seeds that had just invaded Yin Han's body also sprouted as much
as possible. He suddenly fell to the ground, coughed up a lot of blood,
covered his chest, and looked at Yu Shao fiercely.

"After all, you are also the one who your elder brother likes before. I will
let you go now ... Anyway, you can't live like this anyway." Yu Shao said
as he hugged Shao Ci who passed out. , Looked at it with a smile, "Little
brother, I will take good care of you, you can go in peace."

Yin Han wanted to say something, but the blood in his mouth continued to
flow, and his body had no strength. He could only watch the two figures go

... No, how could he die here.

Yin Han took a bottle of semi-finished fortification solution from his arms,
with deep attachment in his eyes. This was originally taken just in case, but
now he has to use it.

Isn't he worse than that monster? As long as he gets stronger, Shao Ci will
definitely return ...
Even if Shao Ci did not like him anymore, he would have to stay with him.

When Shao Ci woke up, he was already lying in the hotel bed, and he had a
headache when he remembered what had just happened.

I don't know if Yin Han is okay ... but even if Yin Han is okay, what will he
think of himself when he upgrades back in the future. He just said that. Yin
Han wouldn't have killed him all by then.

After so much hard work, the goodwill that has been so hard for a long time
is so overwhelmed. What was the hard work before?

"Brother Xiaoci don't have to worry. I didn't kill that person." Yu Shao saw
Shao Ci with a sad look on his face, and said, "Because I know that Xiaoci
cares about him, so I didn't do it. "

Wait, are you such an understanding person?

... probably the protagonist halo has played a role.

After Shao Ci convinced himself, he reached out and rubbed the top of Yu
Shao's head, and said with an unconscious conscience: "What a good boy."
"Speaking of small brother, you still have vine seeds in your body." Yu
Shao said suddenly, reaching out and touching the wound on Shao Ci's

Shao Ci himself had to forget about this seed. Suddenly, he heard Yu Shao's
words, which scared him into a cold sweat. He didn't forget the agony that
Yin Han was almost tortured by this kind of child, "Can you take it out? ? "

"Although I would like to take it out, but I can't do it at the moment ... I can
only put the vine into the body of my younger brother ..." Yu Shao said.

What kind of plot is this R18G, after you put it in, it will die directly!

Shao Ci's cold sweats came down. "Then I won't die ..." I always feel that
my life is not guaranteed.
"It's okay, as long as I'm there, there will be no problems." Yu Shao said
slowly, "As long as my little brother still stays with me ... otherwise I don't
know if this kind of seed will sprout . "

Shao speech: "!" This is a threat at all! And it always feels subtle and feels
like FLAg, is it really okay?

Hey, worrying about this now is useless. Things have developed to this
extent. Compared to the previous cold things, this broken seed is nothing.

A month later.

At the base of S city, everyone looked nervously at the direction of the

laboratory. It was clear that the weather was not cold, but everyone was
wearing thick clothes because of the cold and cold air conditioner from the

A month ago, Yin Han was shocked when he came back with wounds and
blood stains. Later, Yin Han himself proposed to drink the intensive fluid
that has not been thoroughly studied, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Then the door was pushed open with one hand, and Yin Han in a black suit
walked out. Water droplets hung on the slightly long black hair. The clear
face was full of coldness, and the dark eyes were bottomless. Standing there
is heartbreaking.

The powerful momentum made the people standing outside take a few steps

"Let's go." Yin Han's eyes looked towards the center of the city, and he
gently reached out and stroked the clothes that had been stained with Shao
Ci's blood in his hands, with the meaning of inexplicable words in his eyes.
Something you must do. "

He wanted to lock that disobedient lover forever.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
19: Interstellar Zerg (1)
During this period of time, Shao Ci lived a life that was completely
wasteful. Every day, he had to help Yu Shao no matter what he did.
Although it was a shame at the beginning, he became accustomed to it
later ... The adaptability of people is really terrible .

Finally, Shao Ci's injury was almost recovering, and his strength gradually
returned to his body ... but because he had been paralyzed in bed for so
long, it took some time to recover before he could successfully stand up.

Not only was Yu Shao unhappy, but he was also enthusiastic to help, and he
rushed several times when Shao Ci was still in bed, making Shao Ci doubt
about the person who had forced himself to lie in bed before.

Originally, Shao Ci was a person with little willpower, but when I

remembered how hard he had offended Yin Han last time, if Yin Han was
going to kill him or something after the upgrade, he could n’t even run and
could only be killed. That's too salty fish!

Although Yin Han may not necessarily kill him ... but Shao Ci thought
about the problem and liked to think from the worst aspect. Immediately
stimulating daily hard practice, he finally could barely support the wall or
walk on crutches.

However, before Shao could run and jump, the last thing he wanted to
happen happened.

It was a beautiful day, when Shao Ci was being pulled by Yu Shao to take a
walk outside. Shao Ci was walking hard, step by step. He was tired and
panting after a few steps, and could only rest on Yu Shao. .

Suddenly the surrounding air cooled down, and Yu Shao's expression

changed, "Someone came."

Shao Ci: "Ah?"

Then black vines were drilled on the ground, and they were automatically
woven into the shape of a chair. Shao Ci felt very comfortable after sitting

Wait, now isn't it surprising that this vine actually has such a home
function, the air is getting cold, right? Isn't this unique scene before Yin
Han's appearance! He hasn't recovered yet.

Later, Yin Han's figure appeared in front of the two of them. He seemed to
have changed a little, but he didn't seem to.

[?? ? ... A character with a higher force value is detected ... According to the
rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders is started ... The
replacement is completed. The current Raiders are cold. ?

"The berth was upgraded so soon!" And the words of the system made Shao
Ci tremble because of the cold or nervousness.

"It's been tossed into something like that, you haven't actually died?" Yu
Shao stood in front of Shao Ci, with disapproval in his tone, and said, "It's
really lucky, but this time you don't necessarily have that luck. This Even if
the younger brother asks me no matter what, I won't let you go? "

"Just so, I think that too." Yin Han said lightly: "As long as you kill this
monster, everything can be over."

"So calling others monsters is really excessive ... And, do you really have
that strength?" Yu Shao slowly extended his hand.

Numerous black vines have been drilled from the ground. These vines do
not know how many zombies have been absorbed as nourishment. They
look even more embarrassing than before. They even have black barbs on
them. Just look at them and know that they will be stabbed How much pain.
Just a moment, these vines completely surrounded Yin Han.

Although it seems that Yu Shao has the advantage now, Shao Ci knows that
the victory and defeat have already been divided when the system prompts
them, and now all these are just staged according to the predetermined

Sure enough, the next moment, all the vines quickly climbed into a layer of
frost, and then cracked as if they could not bear it, but the cold surrounding
them was unscathed, and there was no opening in the clothes on them. .

Yu Shao's pupils shrank, and then he said as usual as usual: "It seems you
are a lot better ... but don't think that you can **** the younger brother, you
will always be a loser in front of me."

"It wouldn't have been this way if you hadn't inserted your leg
horizontally." Yin coldly said, slowly reaching out his hand.

Countless ice cones stood up and rushed towards Yu Shao in the middle.
All the mutant plants blocked by him were frozen under the attack of ice
cones and then turned into crushed powder. They suddenly stabbed Yu in
an unstoppable trend. Shao's body.

The moment he was stabbed by the ice cone, Yu Shao understood that now
he is not Yin Han's opponent at all, and immediately changed his mind.

At the next moment, a huge mutant flower was born on the vine chair
where Shao Ci was sitting. Yu Shao was going to do the same thing as
when Shao Ci was taken away for the first time. As long as Shao Ci was
taken away, he had his own way afterwards. Get out.

But as soon as the flowers were about to wrap Shao Ci, they were frozen by
the ice, and even the vine chair where Shao Ci was sitting was frozen.

"..." Although I shouldn't feel like talking at this time, it was so cold. Shao
Ci was forced to stand by the wall next to him, and then sat down again,
fearing that he would be frozen and healed.

And the victory was quickly decided over there, Yu Shao was unable to
move by the surrounding ice cones, and all the mutant plants he summoned
could not withstand the cold abilities, and all were frozen into scum.
After all, Yin Han is the one with the protagonist's halo in his body, and he
has no one to stop at the last upgrade.

Shao Ci watched Yin Han coming towards himself, holding back the wall
in a few steps in fright, but at the next moment there was a severe pain with
cold in his knees, causing him to fall directly to the ground, his arms
suddenly in A hole was scratched on the rough concrete floor, and the body
was completely weak and could not even move it.

Footsteps were getting closer and closer to him, Shao Ci's body had
stiffened, his face was covered with cold sweat, and I didn't know what
was waiting for me.

Yin Han squatted down and lifted up Shao Ci, pulled his upper body into
his arms, and said gently: "Why run away? Are you afraid of me?"

Shao Ci would be scared to death by Yin Han. He would rather Yin Han
punch him a bit better than asking questions slowly, "I, I didn't ..."

"You lied, your body was shaking so badly." Yin Han hugged Shao Ci
directly, lowered his head and printed a kiss on his forehead, looking at the
wound on his arm, "Does the wound hurt? Know If it hurts, don't run away
again ... but you won't have a chance to run again. "

"I'm sorry ..." In fact, under the systematic shield, Shao Ci's body was not
very painful. Now his psychological pressure is much greater than the
physical pain.

"Why apologize?" Yin Han said lightly: "Before I was not strong enough to
protect you ... but now I am strong enough to keep you by my side. There is
nothing to apologize for."

Shao Ci: "..." Alas, it's broken.

"Okay, now it's time to kill the monster that destroyed our relationship."
Yin Han turned around and slowly walked to Yu Shao with Shao Ci.
Many parts of Yu Shao's body were pierced by ice cones, and blood
continued to flow out. He was gritting his teeth and staring at this side, his
eyes gazing at the direction of Shao Ci, and slowly extending his hand in
the direction of Shao Ci. Resign brother ... "

"Shut up, can you call his name?" Yin Leng looked, and at the moment half
of Yu Shao's body was covered with frost, and his hands fell back weakly.
Shao Ci gathered up the courage and said, "Can you kill him ..."

"Oh? Why?" Yin Han wasn't angry, just looked at him with a smile, "I have
any reason to let him go?"

"Because ..." Shao said, "If he dies, I will ..."

"Okay." Yin Han said suddenly, took out a dagger made of ice and put it in
Shao Ci's hand. "As long as you use this dagger to run through his heart, I
will let him go. Very Simple, such a monster will not die even if its heart is
broken. "

Shao Ci: "!" Ah Han really broke, but now I can only promise.

Shao took the dagger, walked hard, looked at Yu Shao, who was pale in
front of him, and whispered: "I'm sorry ..." He raised his hand and aimed at
the dagger frozen into ice with some trembling. Yu Shao's chest could not
pierce for a long time.

"It's okay, I won't blame the younger brother." Yu Shao whispered, holding
out the **** hand and holding Shao's hand, "but I hope you don't blame me

Before Shao Ci understood the meaning of his last sentence, the hand
holding the dagger was held down by Yu Shao and stabbed in at his heart.
The dagger formed by the ice cone was extremely sharp and easily
penetrated. In the flesh.

Yu Shao smiled suddenly and looked at Shao Ci, "It just won't die if it was
stabbed in the heart, but compared to being killed by someone ... I still want
to be killed by my brother Xiaoci, I'm so selfish Even if I die, I want to go
with my little brother ... "

The voice fell, Yu Shao suddenly broke away from the ice debris on his
body, bowed his head and kissed Shao Ci's lips, the next moment, a crystal
nucleus was sent into Shao Ci's mouth with a **** breath, and quickly
melted into a sweet liquid.

Wait ... where is this crystal nucleus now?

After realizing what the crystal nucleus might be, Shao Ci opened his eyes
in amazement and looked at Yu Shao in disbelief.

After doing all this, Yu Shao seemed to have lost all his strength and leaned
weakly on Shao Ci's body. "In this way, I will be integrated with Xiaoci's
brother ... so happy ..."

Shao Ci was frightened, "!"

After difficult to say this sentence, Yu Shao never moved again. Shao Ci
reached out and touched his body, and his body turned into countless pieces
of withered leaves that were scattered by the wind ... I don't know if he was
considered a zombie.

Shao Ci just reacted, and the dagger in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.
At the next moment there was a sharp pain in the waist and abdomen, as if
something had taken root and sprouted in it ... Because of the system's pain-
shielding effect, Shao Ci was not very painful, but the body still curled up
subconsciously, and the blood in the mouth could not be controlled
Constantly pouring out.

After Yu Shao's death, no one can control the seeds of the vine. Although
Shao Ci was able to heal himself with healing powers, this only made the
painful time last longer, and it didn't make any sense at all.

"Small remarks?" Yin Han's voice came, and then Shao Ci was held tightly
in his arms by Yin Han. The strength of his body was flowing away
quickly. Opening his eyes hard, he could vaguely see Yin Han's constant
Saying something, but he couldn't hear it at all, and didn't have the strength
to say another half a word.

The next moment, the **** liquid was sent into the mouth, and Shao Ci,
who was going to sleep like this, suddenly sobered up, and suddenly found
that Yin Han had cut his wrist and sent blood into his mouth.

"As long as you keep on, you will be fine ... It's so hard now, how can I let
you die."

The power of the psionicist can indeed save people to a certain extent, but
the psionicist itself is also extremely harmful.

Shao Ci opened his eyes in shock, and never expected that Yin Han could
do this for himself, but the seeds in his body grew faster after absorbing the
blood of the power maker. It was only a moment when Shao Ci coughed.
As more blood emerged, the consciousness gradually drifted away in the
cold voice.

[Mission completion meets the eligibility criteria. It is detected that the

host's body can no longer hold on, and the transmission channel is opened
for the next world. ?

The final thought of Shao Ci is that I hope that the next world will not
encounter so many guys.


This is a mine star quite far from the capital star.

Therefore, the black lacquer produced here will cause the machine to
malfunction, and high-tech mining cannot be used, so only manual labor
can be used.

And Shao Ci, now digging mechanically in the mine with a pickaxe, this is
the second month that he has been sent to this broken place. I don't know
which day is the end.
To talk about what is going on, we have to start from a year ago.

At that time, Shao Ci, whose soul was severely damaged, was sent to
another world of this article. That's the X-dot text called "The Lower Zerg's
Counterattack". Just listening to the name shows that this text has
something to do with the rotten Zerg in the interstellar text. Click in to see
if even the protagonist is a Zerg.

In the settings of this book, after years of evolution, the Zerg can now
maintain a human form as soon as they are born. Except for settings such as
estrus, others are not much different from humans. Far better than humans.

But even though it looks similar to humans, the hierarchy within the Zerg is
still very strict. The most noble is the royal family. They are inherently
better than other Zerg, both in strength and appearance. Then came the
nobles and civilians, as well as the lower zerg from artificial insemination.

This lower Zerg is average in all respects and was born to be enslaved. It
has no human rights at all. The first Zerg to be killed on the battlefield are
all lower Zerg. Anyway, it takes only three years for the Zerg to grow up. It
is enough to produce as many as you want.

In addition, the consciousness of the lower Zerg has fear of the higher Zerg,
and there will never be any idea of ??resistance. Basically, they have
worked hard all their lives. Only the protagonist has the halo counterattack,
and also opened a harem to marry several Zerg princesses or something.

Shao Ci was unfortunately dressed as a low-level Zerg. Because there were

no parents, the names were randomly derived from the name database. As a
result, the two words Shao Ci were randomized, and he said he didn't
believe the system.

The low-level Zerg had already been in juvenile size when they hatched,
and then they would be sent to study intensively for a few years. After they
came out, they would start hard work or go to the battlefield as a cannon
fodder. They could not even find an object.
Because the value of the people around them is all too low, the system has
given Shao Ci a five-year protection period. During these five years, the
target of the raiders can be unbound.

Shao Ci thought he was going to stay in this broken place for five years. I
didn't expect the system to say "four and a half years" directly, and it was
really four and a half years later ... Why not mine him so powerfully? My
miserable life is fast forward!

In short, there is only one month left in the five-year period.

After leaving the low-level Zerg formation base, Shao Ci was sent to this
miner, and he was mining hard from morning to night every day. The food
can only eat the most common nutrients, and there is no rest day, otherwise
Because the Zerg is physically stronger than humans, I am afraid that Shao
Ci was exhausted. Although terrible, it is a lot better than the cannon fodder
on the battlefield.

When it was dark, Shao Ci sighed and returned to the extremely small
room. There were five or six people in such a narrow room, and the
conditions could not be worse.

"If I don't meet anyone with strong force in a month, I'll be finished ..." No
one wants Zerg as a servant. "

If you can meet the original male lead, and the original male lead is still a
stallion male, there is no need to worry that he will suddenly want to
engage in basic problems. However, the system said that something went
wrong hundreds of years ahead of time when crossing, so now the original
male lead is not even an egg.

Shao was almost furious by the system.

And this time his healing power is still plugged in, but if he is used
casually, he will be dissected as a monster. Lower Zerg have no human
rights. Shao Ci dare not try.
But when mining the next day, the two principals chatted, and their
conversation happened to be heard by Shao Ci.

"I heard about it. Recently, the Hadley family has insufficient funds to sell
our mine star. The boss will change in the future."

"So what can we do, even if the boss changes, our mine star will not

"This is not necessarily the case. I heard that the new boss is going to come
here for inspection. We can prepare well. If we can get the boss's favor, we
will be able to step up to the sky. I don't want to spend all my life in this
broken place."

Other low-level Zerg are working numbly, even if they heard it, they did
not hear it, only Shao Ci burst into his heart.

"This is an opportunity. Rarely there will be people who sound very

powerful in such a broken place." Shao Ci thought.

However, even if the other party comes to visit, they may not be able to
meet, like the aristocracy or something must be dangling and left, they are
quite scornful of the lower Zerg, how could they be willing to come here.

Shao Ci thought about it that way, and left the matter behind.

A few days later, the legendary new boss came to this miner.

In order to greet the new boss with the best face, even the lower Zerg have
a few new clothes to wear, and the food is better every day ... from a
tasteless nutrient to a little taste of nutrition Agent.

Most of the staff ran outside to greet them. Only a few people in charge
who were not usually seen remained here. Several of them were full of
resentment and kept complaining, saying that if they can go out, they can
give it to the boss. Impressed or something.
The next moment, the head of the person's communicator suddenly rang.
He impatiently picked it up and looked at the content. The next moment, he
was stunned and his hands were shaking.

Several other people took a curious look at the past and opened their eyes
one after another, excited and uncontrollable.

Then the men quickly arranged their clothes and ran to the door of the
mine, as if they were going to meet someone.

"No," said Shao Ci, a little surprised. "Does the aristocrat really want to
come over? Wait!"

Shao Ci suddenly changed his face. The Zerg aristocracy was far superior
to the civilians. As long as the aristocracy came in, there would be no doubt
that the system would be regarded as a new target by the system, but he
could n’t stay close to each other ... Time will fall into a tragic life that
cannot complete daily tasks and accept punishment every day!

After realizing this, Shao Ci's cold sweats came down, and he hid in a
nearby lounge ... Anyway, now that the person in charge is gone, it doesn't
matter if he is lazy.

This lounge is a place for the person in charge to rest on weekdays, but
basically no one comes. Presumably the nobles also look down on such
broken lounges, and there should be no problem hiding here.

At this time, several outside leaders also met their new boss.

It was a young man named Isreel. He had a very beautiful face, dark hair,
light gold eyes, and a kind smile on his face, but others would not mistake
him for his smile. He is a person who can be easily accessed, and it is
difficult for others to breathe just because of the pressure of the gap in

And his status is also very honorable. He is the next heir to the Lance
family. It can be said to be the top character of the empire. He is simply the
kind of person who can only be seen in the news. People of the world.
There are several heads of mine stars behind Israel, each of them looks
charming. "Master Israel, why do you suddenly think of visiting the mine?"

"Aren't you nonsense, Lord Israel must have come to understand how the
black lacquer ore was mined. What a dedicated person."

"It's also true that ordinary people can't do it to such an extent, Lord Israel
is really admirable."

Everyone seemed to have found something. You said crazy words of praise,
and you all looked forward to making a good impression in Isreel.

"Isn't it?" Israel's voice suddenly sounded. Although his voice was not loud,
it was like a thunder on the ground. The people around him were quiet for a
while, and they closed their mouths and couldn't wait to say anything.

"I'm here to find someone." Israel smiled slightly. "If there's nothing wrong
with the investigation, that person is here now."

Everyone was extremely surprised, and then there was a burst of

annoyance. Who in the end didn't even say that they knew the new boss, so
that they could not tie up in advance.

"Who is Lord Isreel looking for? Just say the name, and everyone here can
find out where they are." One person hurriedly said.

"But that person is just a low-level Zerg, can you find it?" Israel said.

Everyone looked at each other. The name of the lower Zerg was naturally
absent. These lowest Zerg Zergs are identified by numbers here. Who
would remember the name of a lower Zerg?

Not to mention the aristocracy, even the civilians do not bother to

associate with the lower Zerg, what is this new boss for? Could this be a
test for them?
Everyone's faces were a little pale, and they were extremely nervous, for
fear that the adult was not here to find someone, but just to find a reason to

"Don't worry, I'm still very satisfied with your work." Israel saw at a
glance what they all thought, and said lightly: "As long as you find this
person, I won't embarrass you any more. A person."

Several of the supervisors who were usually responsible for the supervision
were pulled out, looking for people according to the information provided
by Isreel, all of them were bitter faces. Where do they usually pay attention
to what the low-level Zerg look like, and also What black hair and black

And when he was looking for someone, he couldn't let Isrell wait here. He
insisted that he didn't want to go out. One person suddenly remembered that
there was a place to rest, and he immediately took Isrell to the lounge.

Shao Ci stayed nervously in the lounge, and suddenly heard a voice from

"Well, why do you want to come to such a shabby lounge! If I were found
out, it wouldn't be complete?" Shao immediately became anxious. After
looking around in the room, he found an empty cabinet and hid in. .

This cabinet is extremely narrow. Fortunately, Shao Ci's body is relatively

thin. There is no problem hiding in it. It may be over for a slightly fatter

Although the Zerg's sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and any changes
can be smelled, Shao Ci has been working in the mine for so long that he
has been smelling black lacquer ore for a long time. Generally, the Zerg
cannot smell it. But whether the noble can feel him or not, there is no other

The door opened the next moment, and the system's prompt sounded at the
same time.
[?? ? ... The character with the highest force value is detected ... According
to the rules of the system, the selection of the Raiders is started ... After
selection, the Raiders are currently the targets. ?

Shao Ci: "..." This is how to bind the Raiders casually. Why did he work
hard to hide in it?

And Israel's name sounds familiar ... Wait, it's not the original villain? !!

But yes, although most of the lower Zerg can only live for several decades,
the life of the higher Zerg is very long, and the royal family can live for five
or six hundred years. It is not surprising that aristocrats like this have lived
for two or three hundred years.

In the original plot, Isreel controls the existence of the royal family with
one hand, just like the regent, even the princess prince must look at his face.
It was also when he despised the original man when everyone despised the
original man. Various factions have assassinated and assassinated the
original man. If there was no protagonist halo, the original man would have
been killed by Israel. Know how many times.

Shao Ci did not expect that he encountered such a powerful villain in the
original text so quickly, or was in this rotten miner, and he could buy a
lottery ticket.

Of course, the lower Zerg are not eligible for lottery ... this **** Zerg
society _ (: 3 ??) _

Outside, the crowd came in and surrounded Israel. After Israel, who was
full of brilliance, came in, everyone suddenly felt that the lounge was not so
good. Now, how shameless they are, they all looked at Israel nervously, for
fear that he would be angry.

After Israel came in, he frowned slightly, looked at the direction of the
cabinet, and was always shocked by the crowds who were paying attention
to Israel's every move. "Master Israel, what's wrong? Is this the lounge?
Doesn't it suit you? "
"No, I'm quite satisfied." Israel smiled slightly. "Maybe it's my illusion." He

said this, but slowly walked to the cabinet and looked up and down.

People around did not understand his thoughts and racked their brains to
think about the topic. "This cabinet is made of local wood. It is said that it
contains special elements. If you like it, we can send you a set."

"It's very good." Israel smiled even more happily. "But I care more about
the people in the cabinet."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone suddenly changed their face,
and it was so easy for Lord Israel to abandon this sour lounge. As a result,
there was no one in it. If anything happened, the key is that none of them
found it. It's an extreme failure.

"Who is hiding inside?" "Do you want to offend Lord Israel? Hurry up!"
"Damn, is it an assassin targeting Lord Israel ?!"

"Shit." Shao Ci had already heard the words of the people outside clearly,
sadly feeling that his young life was about to end again.

The next moment, Shao Ci accidentally fell out because his legs were numb
because he was too rigid. The cabinet door was knocked open.

Shao Ci was able to make up for the scene that he was killed by random
guns, closed his eyes tightly, but fell into a soft arms.

The crowd looked at this picture in shock, almost couldn't believe their
eyes, and the people who had originally screamed to grab Shao Ci closed
their mouths in a familiar manner.

Lord Israel, a noble, even helped a lower Zerg? Even if Israel had asked
them to look for it before, they thought it was just a plaything.

After all, some aristocrats in high society also have special hobbies, like to
abuse the lower zerg and the like, anyway, the lower zerg have no human
rights ... but even such nobles are disdainful to touch the lower zerg in
person, they must wear it Gloves and other things, even then, throw away
gloves after using them.

"???" Shao Ci also looked at Israel in shock, wondering why he did this to

"I've finally found you." Israel's eyes glowed, and he held Shao Ci directly
in his arms. "I still think what to do if I can't find you. This time, I will
never let go again. is you……"

"Have we ever met?" Shao Ci finally asked the question everyone wanted
to know.

"Of course we've seen it." Israel seemed to think of something very
beautiful, and his expression was gentle for a while, but the next moment
seemed to think of something, turning to look at the people standing next to
him, "I'm sorry Can you please go out first? "

Even if these people want to know the gossip again, they dare not offend
Israel, and they retreat out at the fastest speed, and finally bring the door.

Israel lifted up Shao Ci, then took his hand and sat on the sofa beside him.
He gently looked at Shao Ci and said slowly, "Maybe you have forgotten
it. That was four years ago. . "

Shao Ci: "?!" Four years ago? It wasn't long before he hatched?

"At that time, because of family grievances ... I was jealous of being the
heir and was kidnapped to that remote planet." Israel said slowly, "They
wanted to kill me there, but I fled. After coming out, I hid in that hatching
base, but at that time I was seriously injured and fell to the ground almost
waiting to die. "

"Those who passed by thought that I was a low-level Zerg and didn't see
anything." With that, Israel's eyes were cold. "When I thought I was going
to die in this way, You appeared, obviously you had a hard time, but you
did not hesitate to save me ... I will never forget the things at that time. "
Shao Ci: "Well, you, are you the injured child?"

Israel smiled. "Do you finally remember?"

Shao Ci really remembered it. It was not long before he hatched. The staff
were too lazy to take care of them, these low-level zerg. They were
basically in a stocking situation, and sometimes they did not even eat.

At that time, Shao Ci encountered a seriously injured teenager in a remote

place. He remembered that the teenager's skin was as white as ivory, and
the look of light golden eyes with tears was almost heart-warming. .

At that time, Shao Ci also shocked the low-level Zerg who had such a
beautiful appearance, and then wondered whether the child was jealous of
others because he looked so good, and then he was seriously injured.

As a Yan Kong, Shao Ci had no reason to decide to help, and secretly took
the teenager to a place where few people went, and brought him food every
day. Fearing that his power would be discovered by the other party, he just
secretly used a little power to treat the other party every day.

However, the young man disappeared after being injured. Shao Ci was still
a bit sorry at the time, but soon he forgot about it ... I didn't expect that
young man would be a villain, and now he still came to him, This is simply
not lost to the original blood.

"At about the same time when I was hurt, my grandfather's people found
me. I originally wanted to take you with me, but because I was too weak,
no one listened to what I said, and my grandfather thought he was saved by
the lower Zerg. It was the shame of the family that forced me to forget it.
"Israel quickly explained:" Ah, I definitely have no intention of abandoning
the lower Zerg. "

"Well, I believe in you." Shao Ci wouldn't say it if he didn't believe it.

"I didn't mention it after that, but I kept it in my heart." Israel said, "Until
recently, I finally grew strong enough to ask you about it, I thought I came
directly to you. But I was afraid that there would be any accidents after this
incident was known, so I bought the planet directly. "

Although Shao Ci had already subtly understood Israel's background, he

was still stunned by this suffocation. "..." The opposite party's money is
definitely an amount he could not earn for hundreds of years! No, the lower
Zerg do not even have a salary.

"Don't worry about it now, those who resisted me are dead." Israel said in a
soft voice about very ghostly things, his head was getting closer and closer,
almost hitting Shao Ci's forehead , "No one can stop me anymore, I can
take you directly out of this place."

Shao Ci: "!" Is it really good to say such a terrible thing casually! All the
original people set it down all at once!
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
20: Interstellar Zerg (2)
After finding Shao ’s resignation, Israel apparently completely lost interest
in the miner. After announcing that everyone in the scene could raise his
salary, he took Shao directly to the private spacecraft and was ready to
return to the capital.

Although in the name of Shao Ci, the miner (what a ghost) of this ore star
cannot leave casually, but Isreel is the boss, and he can do whatever he
wants, where anyone has the courage to say what he does.

Israel's private spacecraft is quite luxurious, and it has all kinds of things
that are very big at first glance, but Shao Ci has no idea what facilities to
use for it ... Shao Ci suddenly felt that he had really traveled for so long
now. This is an interstellar world.

In comparison, the spaceship that Shao Ci originally sat on from the

incubator base was like a container.

And most surprisingly, there are several simulated robot maids on this

In the empire, the number of women is very scarce. Basically, they are
intermarried with nobles, and civilians basically rely on artificial
insemination to give birth to children ... and the setting of this article seems
to say that Zerg women also have Tintin, and Zerg sisters It's still quite
strong. If you don't agree, you'll get males or something.

It seems that it is because the author of this article is like Sister Yu, and the
harems prepared for the original man are also strong girls.

After Shao Ci knew this setting, even if he could find an object, he had no
meaning at all. This author is really poisonous! Where is there such a point?

If it weren't for this setting, this Zerg is actually no different from

humans ... As for Shao Ci during estrus, he refused to think at all.
In short, in this context, it is normal for such a simulated robot maid to be
popular, and it can be used not only for housework but also as a bodyguard,
which is quite convenient.

Shao Ci was relieved when he saw the maid. Since he would still buy a girl
robot, then Israel should ... maybe not a **** guy ...

Then Shao Ci was beaten quickly.

When a robotic maid tried to help Shao to take off his outer jacket, Israel's
face became cold for a moment, and he caught the maid's hand. He used so
much strength that the robotic arm was pinched and the electric flowers

This happened so quickly that Shao Ci couldn't figure out what was
happening, and looked at him with a grimace, "?!"

"It's only me who can make a small remark." Israel threw the broken
artificial arm aside, his expression was very cold, and he was almost judged
as two before.

Shao Ci was shocked by his words, "!!!" Hey, just be a robot! And why
Israel, who looks like a normal person before, is so sick QAQ

Noting Shao Ci's surprised expression, Isreel quickly grabbed his hand in
panic and explained innocently: "Ah, just because I saw something else hit
you, so I suddenly I just lost my mind. Usually I wouldn't do this ... this one
will be sent for repair. "

Shao nodded and nodded: "... um, I know." Does this explain the difference
between not explaining it? It just makes people feel scarier, okay!

Later, Isreel asked the other robots to clean the ground again, and he took
off Shao's jacket casually, and smiled, "Let ’s go take a bath before eating?
After all, I have been in the mine for so long. It also needs to be cleaned. "
So Shao Ci was sent to the door of the bathroom in this way. He was afraid
that Israel would say something astonishing, ‘Let ’s take a bath together’.
Fortunately, Israel seemed to be doing something else and just left.
Shao Ci then entered the bathroom with peace of mind.

In the past, when I was in Mining Star, I had no bathing conditions at all. I
used a high-tech duster to scan every day and went to sleep. Although I
knew it would not get dirty, I was always uncomfortable psychologically.

... and wait for the food! Shao Ci was excited when he thought of it. After
so long eating nutrients in the incubation base and mine, he forgot what the
taste of the meal was.

After taking a bath, Shao resigned his clothes in the bathroom and felt like
he was alive.

Taking a deep breath, Shao Ci pushed the door open and saw a robot maid
on his face. Then the maid looked like a ghost with a terrified expression on
his face, and abruptly retreated three meters away.

This simulation robot can simply think and make expressions, but Shao Ci
still feels a mysterious sadness when he can see such anthropomorphic
expressions on the robot.

"Small remarks, are you finished?" Israel's voice came from the side.

Shao Ci turned his head and looked at Israel's attire, and his eyes were
suddenly startled, "???"

Israel's handsome face with a smile, light golden eyes sparkled ... However,
he was wearing an apron, yes, it is an apron, or the kind of pretty home with
apron printed on it.

"I've prepared the meals. Come on."

Israel's words scared Shao even more.

Wait, how is the rice made by Isreel? !! So he is such a good person! What
about the cruel and scheming villain? !!

Until entering the restaurant, Shao Ci still felt like dreaming.

Isreel opened the chair, and after Shao Ci sat down, he saw a few dishes full
of color and fragrance in front of him. If this is a gourmet text, there must
be 3,000 words of dishes at this time. Description.

"Am I coming to heaven?" Shao Ci couldn't help but have such a thought in
his heart, and felt happy to pass out.

Looking at the settings in the original text, it is said that most of the nobles
are eating dishes made by robotic chefs. The taste is the same, and only the
royal family can eat handmade dishes ... In short, it is very similar to the
setting at the beginning of the gourmet text.

Shao Ci has already been prepared to eat ordinary food. Anyway, no matter
what, it is better than tasteless nutrients, but the reality is so beautiful, it is
so unrealistic.

"I'll be very happy if you like it." Isreel sat beside Shao Ci, staring softly at
Shao Ci, "I used to take time to listen to the companion who said cooking
on the internet is very popular I learned. Although the process of learning is
very hard ... but the thought of small words, I can persist even after being
tired. "

Even though Shao Ci was a little afraid of Isreel, he had to be moved by his
efforts at this time, "You worked hard ..."

Israel's face turned red instantly, inserted into a piece of meat with a fork,
and then nervously handed it to Shao Ci, "Come try?"

Shao Ci subconsciously opened his mouth to bite the piece of meat, and
after eating the piece of meat that would definitely use a thousand words to
describe the process of eating in gourmet text, Shao Ci's heart had a strong
shake .

If he can eat such delicious meals every day, even if he is asked to mine for
a few more years! What's wrong?

"I can cook it for you every day after I get married," Israel said. "And our
children ..."
Shao Ci: "... Oh." Both of them are male. Hey, even Zerg ca n’t be male.

"The child's words are no problem. I have also asked relevant personnel.
Now the technology is very developed. Even two males can have children,
and they can also lay several eggs at a time." Israel continued, the whole
Everyone is already immersed in the beautiful fantasy of the future.

Shao Ci's face was scared by his vision. "..." Also, there are several eggs or
something, it's terrible. Hey!

Forget it, there is no good ending to forcibly start something, he still should
not sell his soul for food (.

Even if he was scared, Shao Ci stubbornly ate up all the food, and then it
was completely unsurprising ... he ate it, and he couldn't move on the sofa.

There was a moment of distress in Eastray, and he naturally pulled Shao Ci

into his arms and hugged him tightly and said, "It's all my fault. I shouldn't
do so much ... I will definitely do less next time."

Shao Ci was held by him, and he was almost stiff. He said, "In fact, it's not
your fault ... It's all because these foods are so delicious and totally
uncontrollable ... Anyway, watch some TV first."

Israel nodded, not knowing what key was pressed, and a picture appeared
on the entire opposite wall.

Now it seems that it is news time, talking about something about the royal

Shao Ci was instantly energized. He had heard that members of the royal
family had the best looks and looks the best. Although he couldn't be with
the Zerg sisters or anything, it was fine to admire the beauty.

The next moment, several figures appeared on the screen, but their faces
were mosaic.
Shao Ci almost spit out old blood: "..." I took off my pants and you showed
me this? !!

"Because I don't want to talk about seeing other people's faces, I chose the
setting that automatically blurs when people's faces appear ..." Israel said
cautiously, "Aren't you angry?"

"I won't be angry ..." No wonder!

Shao Ci thought about it terribly. What is the character of Isreel? He

thought he was just a gentle person at first, but now the closer he is, the
more horrible he is ...

[Refresh the daily task, the current task is [Heal once with the healing
ability], ask the host to cheer]

Shao Ci: "!" Is no longer in a world with abilities, how can this daily task be
the same!

Even if Israel looked like an incurable love brain, Shao Ci did not dare to
use the power directly in front of him. This kind of thing is more suitable
after falling asleep at night.

So Shao Ci whispered, "Well, I'm a bit sleepy, now it's time to go to bed."

Israel's fair face flushed instantly, and some shyly said, "We ... we're not
married yet ... it's not good to do that kind of thing."

Shao Ci: "!!!" Hey where do you think of going! This is just going to bed
purely! I really don't know if he should be pure or impure ... And even if the
words of marriage are spoken, no one can pretend to have heard them!

Sighing, Shao Ci felt that he couldn't be so confused anymore, and said in

earnest: "According to your identity, there should be many objects to
choose from, why should you choose me ... I just saved you in the past, not
necessarily you. The type you like is far from your identity. "

And they have different sexual orientations ... that's what matters!
"What nonsense are you talking about?" Israel smiled. Although his
expression was still gentle, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became

Shao trembled subconsciously.

"When you held my hand, everything was already doomed." Israel stared at
Shao with intent eyes, grasped his hand tightly, his tone with a touch of
enthusiasm, "Since then, I swear, I will never let go of your hand again in
this life ... I could not do it in the past, but now I can do it, why should I
give up? "

"No, no ..." Shao Ci didn't know what to say, "I just think you need to think
carefully ..."

Suddenly, Israel's voice chilled and said, "Still you don't want to be with
me? Don't you like me? Is there anything wrong with me? Obviously I

have done so much ..."

Shao Ci was taken aback by his suddenly changed attitude, racking his
brains and thinking about the reason, "But our lives are different ..."

"Did you worry about this?" Israel's expression eased momentarily, and he
came over and stunned Shaoci's face. "It doesn't matter, there will always
be a solution."

Why can you be so optimistic? Shao gritted his teeth and said, "What if

"... if not." Israel's expression was full of longing, slowly: "I will die with

Shao's speech: "!" This person's love brain is gone!

"If I can't be with you, I will go crazy." Israel whispered, "So you don't
have to say that again, will you?"
Shao Ci was staring at his eyes where he could say anything else, but
nodded: "... um, um, I won't say any more ..."

After that, Isreel came to the spaceship's bedroom with Shao's speech.

This bedroom is on the edge of the spaceship. The transparent glass

window occupies the entire wall. It is easy to see the shocking and beautiful
starry sky outside. Until then, Shao Ci realized that the spaceship was in the
universe. In flight.

However, the shortcoming is that there is only a double bed in it, and the
decoration of the room is quite delicate. Many things are prepared in two
copies. Whatever it looks like ... it is like a room where couples sleep.

Shao Ci looked at Israel in amazement, "!" Wasn't you the guy who just
said it was bad to do this kind of thing before getting married?

"Relax, I won't do anything." Israel quickly explained, lowered his head and
cheeks flushed, and whispered, "I just want to spend time with the babble
all the time. Are you feeling trouble? "

After experiencing what happened just now, Shao Ci almost knew, now if
he refuses, Israel will immediately turn his face to force him to sleep ... and
how can he refuse to do the task.

"It's okay, let's sleep together." As soon as Shao's words fell, Israel came
over excitedly and kissed him on the cheek.

"I really want to hurry up to get married," Israel murmured.

Shao Ci: "...!" Who will stop this guy?

After lying in bed, Shao had no sleepiness. Israel hugged him and soon fell
asleep, with a happy smile on his face.

It's time to use abilities. Shao Ci took a deep breath and held down Israel's
arm, slowly passing the healing power into his body.
This should be a very ordinary thing. Even if there is no wound, you can
use the healing power to strengthen your body. But Shao Ci forgot a very
important setting, so ...

I saw Israel frowning slightly, then his face slowly turned red, and he kept
making some unpleasant low gasping sounds. His body became hot next to
Shao Ci, and kept on He was clinging to him.

Shao Ci was frightened. He wanted to escape but couldn't escape it. The
difference in strength between them was already doomed at the moment of

"Small remarks, um ... so uncomfortable ..." Israel didn't seem to be awake

yet, and subconsciously lowered his head to cover Shao Ci's neck, and
kissed and bite there.

Shao Ci's body softened instantly, "... how is this, this, this system, ah!"

[When the host's healing power is used for non-humans, it will make the
other party feel friendly or excited about the host, because the target is the
Zerg, and it is also possible to enter the estrus temporarily when stimulated.

Yes, since it is the Zerg, everyone is considered non-human, so it is

understandable ... It is impossible to understand! !!

Shao Ci simply suspected that the system was intentional, so he didn't tell
important things every time. What would he do now?

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

21: Interstellar Zerg (3)
In fact, the Zerg is a very unruly race, and there are many people who mess
around outside the estrus period. In the estrus period, it became a
completely lower body thinking animal, because although many aristocrats
despised the lower zerg, they still had some illegitimate children with the
lower zerg ...
In short, they are so unruly. Isrell who insists on not being **** before
marriage is a clear stream in the Zerg.

But now, this clear stream will turn into a mudslide because of his power!

When Shao Ci thought he was going to be killed by the system, Isreel

finally woke up. The first thing he did was let go of Shao Ci, the red tide on
his face faded away, and he panicked and explained: "Yes , I'm sorry, it
seems to be because I'm too happy to sleep with Xiaoqi ... so I accidentally
estrus ... "

Shao Ci's mysterious guilty conscience, "It's okay, nothing happened,

anyway, I wouldn't care."

"No." Isreel bit his lower lip, carefully stroking the bruising where he had
just bitten, "I almost made an irreparable mistake."

Shao Ci: "..." Is this so serious ... No, this is really serious!

"Actually, I didn't say it because I was afraid of you thinking about it."
Israel sighed. "Actually ... the lower Zerg's body can't bear the mating with
the higher Zerg. If you mate forcibly, you will The physical damage of the
lower Zergs can even affect lifespan. "

Shao Ci: "!" Feeding the lower Zerg not only has no human rights, does not
even have the right to mate! But after thinking about it, the lower zerg was
originally born to make tools. It seems that there is nothing even in estrus ...
After all, if a group of tools is messy, it will be troublesome.

Speaking of "The Counterattack of the Lower Zerg", the protagonist also

received the harem after using some method to improve the gene. Shao Ci
suddenly felt that he could not be miserable as a low-level Zerg.

However, from the current situation, it is not without benefits ... Shao Ci
worked hard to find the benefits, and finally found ... At least he doesn't
have to worry about losing himself.
"You don't want to be sad." Israel saw Shao Ci's expression distressed, and
quickly grabbed Shao Ci's hand to comfort him: "Even if this is the case, I
will not give up on you, nor is it an example of a lower Zerg improved
genes, a few Ten years ago, a lower Zerg had saved the prince's life on the
battlefield, and was given the nobility's identity and genetic improvement
medicine. "

Shao Ci: "..." Why does it sound that the lower Zerg is more like the male
lead in this article!

This gene-improving potion can make the Zerg upgrade as bad as it exists.
It is only available in the palace. Occasionally, a bottle in the black market
will be instantly sold at sky-high prices.

"Although we couldn't achieve the level of the lower Zerg that year, but
with the family's credit for these years, I think His Majesty will also give
me a face." Israel said slowly, "Just wait for a while That's it ... wait until
then, I will definitely host a wedding that attracts the attention of all
empires. "

When it comes to the back, Israel seems to have pink bubbles beside him,
smiling and staring at Shao Ci, "Xiao Ci, do you think so?"

Where can Shao say no, he only nodded, "Hmm ..."

Although in fact Shao Ci has no expression, but with the addition of the
system plug-in and Isreel's love brain filter, how do you look at Shao Ci's
shy look? After several sips, I fell asleep again.

Unlike Israel, who is sleeping peacefully, Shao Ci is caught in the

confusion of the future. Without mentioning anything else, the daily task of
healing is enough to cause serious problems. Hey!

However, because the bed was so comfortable, Shao Ci fell asleep only
halfway through it.

In the next time, Shao Ci woke up every day and was taken care of by
Israel. All the food and drink were delivered directly to his mouth. He did
n’t need to do anything by himself if he wanted to do anything. Games and
movies. It's just that I have to complete the task every night while Israel is
asleep, so that every time Israel wakes up, he feels guilty. He doesn't
wonder why he is in estrus so often ...

Those machine maids didn't even show their faces, they didn't know where
they went.

This life is actually very good, except for the faces of characters appearing
in games and movies have been mosaic.

Shao Ci really wanted to ask Israel that he looked so unreliable! Is it just

like a face control! Is it just like someone who will see things in a minute?

But he didn't dare to ask, because thinking about what he had done in the
past, he was indeed the kind of person who changed the target in minutes ?

After a few days of sailing, the spacecraft finally came out of the capital.
Looking out the window, you can see that this is a very beautiful planet.

Capital Star has numerous checkpoints outside the planet. If Zerg without
aristocratic status can not even enter it, civilians need a special invitation to
come here.

Israel's family power is very great. He is only an heir in name, but in fact
has mastered more than half of the family power. No one dared to inspect
his spaceship, and all the cards were released directly.

So Shao Ci easily came to this planet where other civilians can only look up
on the star network in their lives.

But his pressure was even greater ... The lower Zerg actually came to the
Capital Star, and it can be said that almost everyone couldn't believe what
would happen. If they were found by others, they would probably be put in
jail and executed directly.
In other words, as long as Shao Ci is on this planet, he can only stay with
Isreel. If he escapes, there will be only one dead word ... Maybe this is the
result that Isreel wants.

After the spacecraft landed, Isrell followed a family-only passageway, and

there was no one on the road, leaving Shao a bit regretful.

Shao Ci did not particularly want to see other people's faces, but the more
he refused to see it, the more he wanted to see it. This is human nature!

Until he came to the private aircraft, Shao Ci didn't see anyone.

The private aircraft is also self-driving, and the position above is quite
spacious, but Isreel just pulled Shao to sit on himself, saying that it was for
the convenience of introduction, and then blushed himself, a pair of Very
sorry look.

Shao Ci: "!" It's not you who always feel ashamed!

The aircraft passed through many places along the way, and Isreel
introduced them to Shao Ci in the same way, saying that he could take Shao
Ci to go shopping together in the future.

Shao Ci saw the buildings above the distant peaks at a glance.

It was a very large building, half of which was floating in the air, and it was
very tall on the outside. Flowers like colored clouds were planted in the
mid-air. The waterfall dangled from high school and reflected the sunlight.
Beauty is like the buildings that appear in movies with fantasy

Shao Ci couldn't help but look a few more times. Israel noticed his sight
and said, "There is the most central part of the Capital Star, the palace
where the royal family lives. At the highest point, you can see beautiful
scenery at night. And ... I'll see you in in a few days. "
Shao Ci, who hadn't noticed much at first, suddenly felt a shock in his
heart, looked at it suddenly, "Wait?" He seemed to hear something to send
him in?

Israel's tone was full of perseverance. "I don't want to be separated from the
resignation ... but there are still some reasons to give you a civilian status.
You must go to the palace for a while."

Shao Ci continued to be shocked. "But no one wonders why a lower Zerg

would work in the palace?"

"In fact, there are still many illegitimate children of the aristocracy in the
palace." Israel explained: "Most of them were born of nobles and lower
zerg. Although their genes are similar to ordinary people, they have no
official identity. At this time, I will send them into the palace to serve as
servants in this way, and I will get a civilian status after a period of time. I
also plan to do so ... and after taking the potion, who knows that you were a
low-level Zerg. "

You Zerg really **** up! This illegitimate child is on the bright side.

Shao Ci suddenly remembered a very important thing. Israel's words

sounded very reasonable ... But if he left Israel, how can he do daily
tasks? !!

He quickly held Israel's hand and said nervously: "If I were gone, could we
still meet every day?"

Suddenly, Israel stopped talking, and Shao Ci turned his head to see that his
eyes were red, and he felt helpless at once, "Wait, don't you cry ..." "I won't
cry ..." Israel's voice was a little choked, and he buried his head directly in
Shao Ci's shoulder socket. "I will pick you up every night ... Time passes
quickly, Just tolerate it and it will take you back. " He didn't know if he said
it to Shao Ci or to himself.
Shao Ci was relieved, but he still had a question, "What am I going to do?"
He only learned one mining skill in this world. (It was so difficult to pass
through to the future world!
Israel was distracted by this sentence and said, "Just water the flowers just
in a very remote place. As long as you stay there, you won't encounter
anyone else. ... "Israel suddenly turned and stared at Shao Ci." Small
remarks, you will stay right, right? "

Just now Shao Ci thought about Isreel letting himself go to see the beautiful
royals this time, and now I find that it is clearly the same as before ... I
really worry that he will one day get sick enough to dig people's eyes

In Shao's heart, Israel will erupt at any time like an unstable bomb. If he is
not comforted, he will be injured in minutes, and nodded quickly: "Of
course, I will stay in that place. . "

"I can't bear it." Israel breathed a sigh of relief and then embraced Shao Ci.
"My little resignation has to be sent to another place. What if someone
cares about it ..."

"Someone should not look at me casually." Shao Ci felt that Isreel was
thinking too much.

"Small remarks are so cute. Why would anyone dislike them? It must be
blind." Israel said angrily, and then said, "In the previous four years, I was
worried about Xiao every day. Will the resignation be snatched by others,
but fortunately the resignation has been waiting for me ... otherwise I might
go crazy. "

Shao Ci: "!" If you are not in a normal situation now! !!

Before Israel said something more terrible, the aircraft finally reached the
end, a suburban manor not far from the palace.

Not all aristocrats can settle in Capital Star, and most people only have a
small villa in Capital Star. There are only a handful of people who have
such a large estate in Capital Star like Isreal.

This manor occupies a large area, but it is a bit scary. It has no one except
the robot servant, which is very quiet.
Israel explained that he did not want to see the existence of other people in
the love nest of the two, so he dismissed the housekeeper and other servants
to the private planet.

Shao Ci automatically ignored the two words of his love nest, and was a
little touched in his heart. Israel probably did this for his own good. After
all, not everyone can use normal eyes like Israel. Look at the lower Zerg.

If the people here have n’t left, from the family situation previously
described by Isreel, Shao Ci can completely replenish the dog's blood. 'You
do n’t deserve our young master, this money is for you and then get out of
here. A planet, or I'll send you to a story like 'Jail', and think of it as a

Because in a few days, Shao will be resigned to work in the palace. Israel is
even more annoying than the one on the spacecraft. If he had family issues
to deal with, Shao Ci felt that he might really follow him together. Go to the
palace and stare at yourself.

Finally, on the day when he was about to leave, Isreel took a pile of food
and stuffed it into the space button and gave Shao a speech, kept telling
him, and finally said, "Absolutely can't walk away?"

Shao Ci heard the cocoon when he heard this sentence, and nodded,
indicating that he would stay honestly in place, and Israel was reluctant to

After arriving in the palace by flying vehicle, Shao Ci was led by the
attendant under Isere's reluctant sight.

This time, Shao Ci really only saw a few people who looked like servants at
the door. After that, the road became more and more remote. Finally, he
came to a very remote garden and looked up to see the beautiful aerial
palace. .

Most of the other people stayed in the buildings in mid-air, and this corner
of the ground floor was really empty.
After all, it was a person sent by Isreel himself. The attitude of the attendant
was good, and he introduced what Shao Ci should do.

Shao Ci's task is to trim the flowers and plants in this garden. It doesn't
matter if the technique is not good. Anyway, don't cut the flowers and
balds. Everything else is arbitrary and there are no requirements.

Shao Ci: "..." is really casual.

After the attendant left, Shao Ci took the scissors and trimmed them
casually in the garden, his eyes drifted unconsciously to the side of the wall.

The original male lead was led by the other party to the ground floor of the
palace after attacking a princess, and saw a ore treasured by the royal
family. That ore has the power to improve the Zerg gene, and the original
male lead is instantly upgraded.

The genetic modification agent mentioned outside was also researched

based on the structure of the ore, but the effect was less than one tenth of
the ore.

Now, Shao Ci is so close to that ore, but there is no way to get over it ...
hey, after all, he doesn't have a protagonist halo to make the princess fall in
love with him.

Even though Shao Ci didn't seem to have a very positive attitude when
Israel said before, in fact, he wanted to get rid of the identity of the lower
Zerg, who can tolerate that he will always be inferior.

Speaking of which, the royal family may not be able to exceed the value of
Isere's force. Although he is so in love now, he easily won the rights of the
family, or he can become the villain of the regent in the future. ...... Now
only His Majesty Hiszer's force can exceed Israel.

At the beginning of the original text, the former emperor Sizer was dead.
Because there were no descendants left, he caused a scuffle for the throne.
In the end, Israel helped raise a royal child.
However, in the original text, there are often paragraphs describing how
powerful Zezer was during his lifetime. He can be said to be a legend of the
Empire. At birth, he had birth defects and his eyes could not see. Even if it
is a high-tech future, there is no way to cure.

In contrast to other lively princes, no one was optimistic about Sizer at the
time. But when he was an adult, he suddenly showed his style. Even if he
had flaws, his every move was impeccable and his appearance was so
perfect. The value of force can crush everyone, and other brothers can only
look forward to his existence.

Then the old emperor was suddenly violent when he was in his prime, and
Cizil naturally took the throne. Some speculate that the death of the old
emperor was related to him, but no one dared to say it.

However, after that, Zizel did not know why he died in his youth ...
Anyway, it has nothing to do with Shao Ci, and the emperor will not run
away in such a broken place, probably he will not have the opportunity to
meet the other of.

After trimming the flowers casually, Shao Ci sat upright in the pavilion to
be lazy, and no one came to this broken place anyway.

The next moment, a shudder came from a place not far from the bush, and
Shao Ci quickly stood up. After half a day, he didn't see any movement
there, so he walked carefully.

After removing the finely divided branches, a teenager who fell in the
weeds appeared in front of Shao Ci.

This young man looks just like the eleven or twelve-year-old, with a very
slender body and golden hair looks very soft. Coupled with that delicate
look that is not human, he is just like an elf.

It was just that his eyes were covered with a piece of cloth ... It seems that
the eyes of this boy are invisible ... The reason to say it is of course also
because His Majesty the Emperor is the same. I did not expect that this is a
royal inherited disease.

Shao Ci: "!?" Wait, why does he always meet the beautiful young man who
fell in the wild!
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
22: Interstellar Zerg (4)
Shao hesitated before he helped him up, and saw that the opponent's knees
and arms were scraped out of the mouth by sharp blades of grass. The blood
and the fair skin were extremely dazzling compared to the other, and looked
extremely miserable.

The teenager was expressionless, as if he didn't care much about the

current situation, and even though those wounds were still bleeding, he
didn't react at all.

Shao Ci was startled by the wound on his body. It wouldn't be like this
when he fell down, and he was still a Zerg child ... or was this boy's body
too weak? He couldn't bear to treat the other side, but remembered the
terrible side effects of this power ... with this side effect in his world, don't
even think about treating others casually ? _ ?.

[Because the rules are limited, the side effects of abilities are useless to the
minor zerg. The host can safely use the abilities. ?

Shao Ci was relieved. Thinking about it, it was normal when he treated
Israel. No strange things happened. It seems that this system is still
mysterious in strange places.

Anyway, this boy can't see, even if he feels that something is wrong, just
deny it. Shao Ci thinking so gently put the power into the opponent's body,
and the terrible wounds were instantly restored.

"...?" The boy looked slightly puzzled and looked up slightly.

Shao Ci shifted the topic and said, "Why did you come to this remote
place?" He just fell to the ground like that ...

"..." The teenager remained silent.

Shao Ci was not a nosy person, and he was ready to leave, but found that
his sleeve was being dragged by a teenager.

Only now did he see the boy look weak and weak, probably just because he
couldn't stand up before he fell to the ground ... At this moment, Shao Ci's
mind suddenly appeared a variety of dog blood plots, nothing unloved The
prince was bullied by the servants, and he got into such a remote place or

This teenager looks like he doesn't like to talk, and has flaws. It is not
unusual for him to be bullied.

Shao remarked: "Then I will help you go there to rest?"

The boy stunned, then nodded, and was seated in the pavilion by Shao Ci.
After sitting down, he didn't move. He was very well behaved, like a doll.

Shao Ci also justified laziness and did not work, and asked, "Speaking of it,
are you hungry?"

The boy nodded slowly.

Shao Ci took out the snacks prepared by Isreel for himself and brought
them to the teenager. "These are snacks made by my friends and they taste
good ... I don't know if you want to eat them."

The boy opened his mouth and didn't move his hand, apparently asking
Shao to feed.

I don't know what kind of life this child usually lives. Shao Ci thought
about and sent the snacks. The teenager bit his mouth out of the snacks and
finally accidentally bit them on Shao Ci's fingers. .

He looked weak and weak, but his teeth were sharp, and he immediately
broke his mouth with a bite of Shao Ci's fingers. Then the teenager
curiously licked the wound with the tip of his tongue.
Shao Ci was startled, quickly drew back his hand, and healed the location
of the wound instantly with power.

The teenager was a little helpless, as if he realized that he had done

something bad, his head lowered, and he said in a small voice: "... I'm
sorry ..."

He suddenly said to startle Shao Ci, and Shao Ci was still thinking whether
the child would not speak.

"It doesn't matter." How could Shao Ci blame him, took out several pieces
of snacks, said with a smile: "If you like, eat more."

This time the teenager took the dim sum and ate it slowly, his face was still
a little flushed, and he looked very satisfied. After he was full, he thanked
him in a small voice.

Such a well-behaved child completely cured Shao Ci, who had been scared
by Yu Shao before.

Later, Shao Ci thought that he could not fall down and went to trim the
flowers and grass. By the time he returned, the boy was gone.

"Probably go back." Shao Ci thought so, without too much concern.

In the following days, Shao's speeches were very regular. When he came
out to trim the flowers in the morning, he went home in the evening or
something, and he could eat a meal prepared by Isreal ... Suddenly, the
mystery felt like a family.

Almost two or three days later, Shao Ci met the boy again in the garden.
This time he sat directly in the pavilion and waited, and stood up carefully
when he heard footsteps.

Shao Ci thought he would never see him again. He was very happy and fed
a lot of food to the teenager. He felt like feeding a stray kitten.
The teenagers didn't come very regularly. They came every other day, every
time they obediently ate food and listened to Shao Ci. He rarely spoke
himself and did not disclose much information.

Decades later, another morning, Shao Ci came to the garden and actually
met a young man with no bandage on his face. He had beautiful blue eyes,
but his eyes were dull and looked very pathetic.

"What's wrong today?" Shao Ci was surprised.

"Because you are a gentle person." The teenager said nervously, "In the
past, everyone would make fun of me by seeing the eyes, so I kept wearing
it ... would you dislike me like this?"

"How could that be?" Shao listened, and he was able to make up for the
humiliation of the young man by others, and quickly said: "You have
nothing wrong, all those who bully you. You don't need to care about those

"Um." The boy nodded and smiled shyly.

Shao Ci looked relieved that he didn't seem to care, and sat aside.

"Speaking of which, you came here to get the genetic modification agent,
right?" The boy suddenly said.

Shao Ci was startled and almost fell to the ground. After sitting firmly, he
felt that there was nothing to hide, and he said, "Yes."

"Then if you get it, you'll leave here." The teenager's expression was a little

"That's also no way ..." Shao Ci also felt a bit lonely, saying, "But I think
you can find other friends again."

"Huh." The boy nodded, as if to say something, closed his mouth, and
finally whispered, "Actually I ... know that there is an underground passage
here, every time I come from there ... it seems OK Leads to many places, if
that helps you ... "

Shao was startled, "Well?" This would not be the passage to some
underground ore! Why did he let him know casually.

[Hidden sideline missions [improve genes to the level of ordinary zergs]

triggered by dialogue, the system will help as much as the rules allow, such
as helping the host to temporarily hide, failure is not punished, please host
to cheer. ?

Shao Ci: "When did the system wait so well!"

Although Shao Ci feels very problematic, but the system provides such a
large plug-in, there is no hesitation.

Shao Ci took a deep breath and asked, "... where is that passage?"

A few days later, Shao Ci searched for a day and went into the very hidden
underground passage.

This passage is very spacious, with exquisite portraits carved on the walls,
and the ground is smooth like a mirror. Although there are countless forks,
Shao Ci has not gone the wrong way at all with the help of the system.

It looks like there is nothing on the wall, but this is all a high-tech future
world. Presumably there are countless cameras hidden in the dark.
However, Shao Ci, who hides his body, is useless.

"It always feels like it would have to be pulled to death if caught for a few
minutes." Shao Ci thought so.

If there were no systematic plug-in to conceal his figure, he would not have
come even if Shao Ci was killed.

The journey went very smoothly. There was no guardian on the road, and
the door was wide open. I was afraid that anyone could go in directly.
"It's too lax." Shao Ci's heart lifted up, and it always felt like an obvious
trap, but he is now in a stealth state. Even if it is a trap, no one can find his
existence. What is there? I'm scared.

Even so comforting himself, Shao Ci still felt a little weird. I didn't know
how long he had walked. The light of the surrounding passages dimmed.
After opening a door, a hall appeared in front of his eyes.

There are no decorations in this hall, not even lights. The only light source
is a half-height ore placed in the middle of the hall. The color of the ore is
extremely beautiful, exuding a light from purple to blue.

Just standing at the door, Shao Ci felt the blood in his body boil faintly,
only the ore in his eyes could be accommodated, and his whole body was
eager to walk closer to it.

That's right, this ore is the one the protagonist encountered in the original

Shao Ci couldn't do it even if he wanted to suppress the excitement in his

heart. He didn't pay attention to the spirit of other places at all, walked
quickly to the ore, and reached out and touched it directly.

At that moment, Shao Ci knelt almost directly in front of the ore, only
feeling feverish, blood seemed to break free from the body, but his mind
was abnormally sober, feeling the change of the body like an outsider.

That power changed his body from the inside out, every inch of skin and
bone was different from the past, and the picture seen by both eyes was
much clearer.

At this moment, a hand stretched out from the side, and gently put it on
Shao Ci's shoulder, then a familiar voice sounded, "You are indeed

Shao Ci suddenly awakened from that state, suddenly looking to the side,
facing a pair of dim blue eyes, the other was clearly invisible, and smiled
slightly at his direction.
"System, good stealth!" Shao Ci scared the soul into flying, but after all this
was a familiar person next to him, so he could still calm down the scope.

[The plug-in can cover the host's body, but it can't hide the breath of the
host, and the other party's sense of smell is more sensitive than ordinary
zerg because the eyes can't see the object, so you can detect the host. ?

Shao Ci: "..." Why is there a feeling of being double-pitched! And it ’s too
dark that the cute and cute boy who cut it is actually too black!

"This is the holy stone that has been circulating in the royal family for
thousands of years." The boy slowly said: "How amazing it is to transform
the Zerg body ... I just said a little, I didn't expect you to really come, but I
was before I haven't told you that using it comes at a high price ... "

Shao Ci looked at the past in surprise. I didn't expect that the silent boy
before had so many words ... Wait, the focus of his attention seems to be
subtle and not quite right ...

"The price is that if the transformed person can't mingle with the royal
family, they will die within three years." The teenager continued.

Shao Ci: "Well !?"

What a ghost of this r18 comic-like setting! Isn't it mentioned at all in the
original text? !! But think carefully about the main character in the original
text, and indeed, he has smashed with several princesses, so ... this sentence
may not be true, no, the other party did not need to lie to him ... This
sentence is mostly true Already.

At this moment, Shao Ci suddenly felt that he had dug a big pit and jumped
in. I knew that it would be better to be a gardener. Sooner or later, I could
get a genetic improvement agent. !!

The boy smiled, hugged Shao from the back, and drew in his ears: "I can
help you only, do you want to be my person?"
Shao Ci was bad for the whole person, and he quickly said, "But you're still
a kid!" How did the Zerg educate, so that such a big boy can say such
terrible and thunderous lines.

"It's not necessarily." The boy's hand was raised, and he pressed it directly
on the ore.

The shocking thing happened. The moment the teenager's hand touched the
ore, the body grew rapidly, but after a few breaths, the other's slender hand
was already larger than Shao's, golden. Even her hair dangled.

Shao Ci had already been aggressive. In the last days, others could only
grow up by sucking a pool of fortification fluid. Now what is this? Does
this sacred stone have the effect of ripening?

[?? ? ... A character with a higher force value was detected ... According to
the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders was started ... The
replacement was completed, and the current Raiders is Sisell. ?

Shao Ci: "???" I made a big grass, and wait for the system to say that this
person is an empire emperor! Is this too bloody? Hurry up and tell him it's
just the same name ...

"It's the formal self-introduction now." The other's voice rang beside Shao
Zi's ears, with a slight smile. "My name is Sisell, have you heard that?"

Just at this moment, the transformation of the ore was completely over, and
Shao Ci's body was finally able to move. He suddenly turned his head and
saw a sick young man with amazing beauty.

The long light-gold hair was tied behind her with a black ribbon, and only a
few strands hang down her chest. He looks ill because of his extremely pale
skin and dull blue eyes, but there is no doubt that he is not as harmless as he

The suppression of the opponent's strength and pedigree made the body of
Shao Ci held by him directly stiff. When I thought of the emperor as an
unloved prince during this time, he also arrogantly gave the other party
healing power , He has an urge to kill himself.

The system has previously said that it is useless for minors, but Cisel is not
a minor at all. I don't know if there was a problem at that time ...

When I was working as a pruner in the palace, I actually encountered an

unloved prince. How could such a **** plot really happen!

… Although the trimmer actually met the emperor, it was just a matter of

"Don't be so scared, I like you very much." Sizel's fingers crossed Shao Ci's
back. Shao Ci, who had just experienced the impact of the power of
minerals, was much more sensitive than before. Hemp feeling.

Shao Ci's mind was even more confused, worried that his healing ability
would be sent to the institute to be dissected or something after the

[Daily mission reset, the current mission is [treat once for Raiders], please
refuel. ?

With a faint smile on Sizel's face, he said, "I don't care about what you
broke into here without permission, but the price is ... become my thing,
how about it? It's a good deal."

There is no doubt that this is a very cost-effective thing. If other people

know that they will not be punished for trespassing to the underground
forbidden area of ??the palace, they will be able to engage in the foundation
with such a beautiful emperor. exploded.

Now Shao Ci is all right without being dissected. Besides, the Raiders are
already bound. What's the use, just when I want to say yes. Cizère couldn't
bear it any more. He suddenly came over and bit his neck, and his long,
white hand stretched out directly to the undescribable part of Shao Ci's
lower body.
Shao Ci struggled in shock, but his strength was not enough to compete
with Sisser. At the moment, Shao Ci had a clever move and used the power
directly to Sisser.

At this moment, Sizel's movements paused. Shao Ci did not know where
the strength came from. He actually broke free from Sizel's arms and fell on
the ground next to him. All the places where he was bitten on his neck
Blood oozed out, and now there was a faint feeling of pain.

"Look!" This is not just a matter of chastity. At that moment, Shao Ci felt
that his life was in danger!

"Ah ..." Cizelle seemed to have returned to God with apologetic tone.
"Every time I use the holy stone to change my body shape, my body will
be out of control for a moment ... Just because I am so happy It ’s out of
control all of a sudden ... but your blood tastes really delicious. " Cizère
still looked intently, pale red on his pale cheeks.

Shao Ci: "!" Is it out of control for you to die?

"I will pay more attention to it in the future." When Zizel's face showed a
guilty expression, he could almost move anyone and reached out to Shao
Ci. "I will never hurt you again this time. "

Shao Ci stepped back subconsciously, remembering what had just

happened, he still has some psychological shadows.

"Don't want to forgive me? I accepted my apology so easily before that ...
because you're still angry that I lied to you?" Sizel seemed to be feeling
down. In exchange for others seeing this scene is afraid to rush forward to

However, Shao Ci has been used to this face since this time. This beauty is
not very useful to him. He remembered the horrible experience just now
and suddenly thought of running away.

Obviously in the past, even if he is no longer willing to run again, Shao Ci

will tolerate because the other party is the target of the strategy.
However, after experiencing a series of scares, Shao Ci suddenly forgot to
think, and he got up directly from the ground, and a coward almost fell, and
then ran out without looking back.

He didn't dare to look back at what exactly Zizel's expression was.

After hearing the footsteps disappear completely, Cizelle stood up

expressionlessly, reached out and held the ore aside, the light of the ore
shone on his side face, and it was beautiful and suffocating.

"Don't you know? As long as you stay on this planet, you won't be able to
run away ..." A smile drew from the corner of Sisell's mouth, "... but let the
prey breath out occasionally."


Shao Chong rushed out in no one's way, watching the sky outside was a
little dark, he sat down and took a breath.

Anyway, the purpose of getting rid of the lower Zerg status is achieved ...
but what should Zezer do!

If the target of the strategy is a scumbag Shao Ci will not be so entangled,

scumbags will only be emotionally scumbags or something, Cizelle will
eat people's rhythm at every turn.

Forget it, think about it tomorrow ...

Shao sighed, and slowly walked outside, and was slightly relieved when he
saw Isler's aircraft.

Although Isreel is in love, he can't eat people, it's pretty good to say ...

"What happened today? It came out so slowly ..." Israel frowned, saying he
was about to grab Shao Ci's hand.

Shao Ci's hand was like being hit by an electric current, and the other's hand
was shaken away subconsciously.
I have forgotten the system and this dog has changed the target of the
Raiders. The previous Raiders will be painful when they are touched! Shao
Ci felt like a thousand grass and mud horses rushing past in his mind.

"No, I ..." Shao Ci quickly looked up to explain, and saw Israel looking at
his neck.

"What is this?" Israel's eyes cooled down, and his body came together,
squeezing Shao Ci in the corner, questioning: "... who is this trace left?"

"!!!" Shao Ci noticed his gaze and almost kneeled to the ground. He found
that he had been scared too much before, and forgot to heal his mouth
before being healed by Sisell! And it just happened to be seen by the love
brain of Isreel!

This is the rhythm of kneeling.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
23: Interstellar Zerg (5)
"Obviously according to my arrangement, no one can go to that place."
Israel's tone was a little colder. "What the **** are you hiding from me? Or
are you secretly going there or not? The place?"

That's right, it's hiding a lot of things from you and secretly going to places
you shouldn't go.

Shao Ci hasn't spoken yet, Israel said again, "... is Prince Heller, right? He
is the most lascivious person in the palace, and the number of Zergs he has
encountered has exceeded one hundred. It's not strange to shoot ... or is it
Princess Eliza? What she likes most is a teenager like you ... "

Shao Ci was stunned and watched Israel naming one after another, and he
was going to say the names of all the blood-lined Zerg, and once again felt
that the Zerg is a race that likes to fuck.

Of course, the most important name of His Majesty the Emperor Sisell was
never mentioned.

After all, Zizel was a Zerg who was so good at himself that he was
suspected to have any problems in that area, and it was because of the lack
of a harem and no sons and daughters that it caused a mess.

"If you are persecuted by you, just tell me that no matter whether the other
party is an aristocracy or a royal family, I will also let them pay the price. It
’s me or something you like, right?" Israel bit his lower lip and looked at
With an expectation in Shao Ci's eyes, he reached out and caught Shao Ci's

The moment Shao Ci was touched by him, his face changed, his face was
struggling, and his wrist was trembling slightly.
Obviously this is the best time to explain it! But it is too painful. Even if
Shao Ci is forced to endure, he can only do not let Israel's hand be thrown
away, as far as talking is impossible.

For a moment the aircraft became quiet, and even if Shao Ci hadn't read it,
he could know how ugly Israel's face was.

"You just hate me so much, don't you want me to touch?" Israel's voice
chilled out completely. "It was the same as before, although it doesn't seem
to matter, but in fact you don't like it at all. Mine? I just stayed by my side
because I could n’t resist ... After all, if it weren't for me, the lower Zerg
you like would not have died like that, you must still hate me
... "

Wait, who are you talking about! Why is there such a sudden amount of
information! This is how many years ago it was broken. Shao Ci was
terrified and threatened, and once again felt that Israel's brain-tonicity was
so powerful.

"But that's all your fault, because you are so good to those cheap people,
how do they deserve? Obviously you just look at me alone." Israel has
fallen into the history of the black In the memories, the tone changed
fiercely, "I swear secretly at that time, if I meet you again, I will never let
your eyes stay on others, now I work so hard Maintaining this peace ... "

The treatment of the lower Zerg was not very good. Many people died, and
Shao Ci did not notice which one died abnormally.

Shao Ci couldn't even remember who the lower Zerg he liked in Isrel's
mouth. After all, he had a very good attitude towards the cute-looking
children. Brain make it up.

But this is not the reason for Isreal's blackening. This guy has never been
black since he was a kid! If he hadn't said it, Shao Ci would never have
known such a thing.
"After seeing you again, I was so desperately covering up, I always put on
this look in front of you, put on a mask and want you to be as gentle as me
to the past ... but it's useless at all, you He won't forgive me at all. "Israel
was almost blackened, and Shao directly pressed to his seat.

...... Isn't the main reason that the soft and cute boy in the past has become a
snake disease? !!

Shao Ci felt a tingling in the place where he was touched, tears fell down,
trying to struggle, but his body was held down by the other side, "No ...
don't, sigh ...".

Israel's hand slowly touched his neck, pressing it against that bite mark, his
eyes were extremely cold, "So you have to find someone to do something
like this just to avenge me?" I had known that I should have locked you up
right away ... once you weren't with me, I didn't know what to do ... I had to
watch you all the time ... "

Shao Ci is suffering from both psychological and physical shocks. What he

wants to say to alleviate the current atmosphere can't be done. He can only
breathe in a sigh of relief, but I can't wait to faint now.

"What to do now ... is to clean this place first ..." Israel grabbed Shao's
placket, lowered his head to bite the place where there was a bite, and
continued to bite until his own The marks completely covered the old ones,
and a sick red appeared on his white cheek. "Ah, that's it ... you should
leave my mark on your whole body ..."

Originally thought that Isreel was just a love brain guy, but Shao Ci found
himself wrong, he was a snake disease guy!

Who will take this sick person away soon? Shao Ci thought sadly in his
heart, the next moment he couldn't hold it anymore, his eyes were dark and
he completely fainted.

This is a very dimly lit room with a soft carpet on the floor and an
extremely large bed in the middle. The black veil hangs down from above,
blocking the scene inside.

Shao Ci woke up stupidly, feeling that there was no place in his body that
didn't hurt, and he tore off his loose clothes and could see all traces of lilac
on his body.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Shao Ci's body could not help but
stiffen. After bringing him back to the manor yesterday, Isreel took him
directly to the bathroom, and then made his bad ‘your whole body should
leave my mark on it’ statement.

Obviously Shao has been struggling under the systemic electric shock
punishment, but Israel did not care at all, just clinging to him and leaving
his traces on his body.

In the end, Shao Ci had no energy at all, and only sobbed in a low voice.
Israel kissed his cheek contentedly. Before Shao Ci was not well, his face
was flushed with excitement, "Ah , Now you have only traces of me. "

"It's okay. I don't do anything now. I like you so much. How can I hurt you?
I can't do it until our wedding ..."

"You cry? Ah, because you are very happy, too, and you are looking
forward to the wedding day, too? Me too, but not yet ..."

After talking to himself for a bunch of words, Isreel happily embraced Shao
Ci and went to bed. Of course, only he was satisfied. Shao Ci was not good
for the whole person, while Israel fell asleep After breaking free, he fell
asleep successfully.

Otherwise, even if he has a big nerve, he can't bear sleeping while being
shocked. Although it has been used for so long, it has a subtle habit.

"No ... I have to run away." Shao Ciguang was thinking about the coldness
of the dog-like night yesterday, and staying here to worry and fear is
secondary. The more important problem is that daily tasks cannot be done.

Shao Ci moved his body hard and heard something colliding. He suddenly
felt that something was not right. Looking down, his ankle didn't know
when he was put on silver cuffs, and the chain was connected to the wall. ,
Quite sturdy.

This chain is made of the latest synthetic alloy and cannot be opened
without a key.

Shao Ci's face sank: "..." Sure enough, how could it be so easy to escape ...
Israel was sick like that yesterday, and it's strange not to do anything today.

The sound of the door sounded, followed by crisp footsteps.

"Are you awake?" Isreel came in with the food, opened the veil on the bed,
sat directly beside Shao Ci, and said softly, "I don't have to go to work from
today, I will Take good care of you ... "

"Then you ... kekeke ... what about your job?" Shao Ci started to realize that
his voice was hoarse, all because of crying for too long last night.

And why did that kind of thing happen last night? Israel can still behave so
daily today, but it is even more terrible, okay!

"That kind of thing can be handled here as well, and it's not important at all
compared to small remarks." Isrell took the topic casually, picked up a bowl
of porridge, and handed it to Shao Ci with a spoon. " You did n’t eat
anything last night. You must be hungry now. You ca n’t eat anything. ”
Who was harmed by not eating yesterday? !!

Although Shao's heart was full of fluctuations, the food delivered to his
mouth could not be wasted, and he was really quite hungry. He opened his
mouth honestly and swallowed the delicious porridge, and his empty
stomach felt satisfied. .
... Although everything else is very problematic, Isreel's cooking is

After Shao Ci drank all the porridge, Isreel put the bowl back in the tray,
handed over a cup of hot water, and gave it to Shao Ci. Then he reached out
and wiped the water on Shao Ci ’s mouth. Stains.

Shao Ci subconsciously reached out to block, Israel's eyes darkened, and he

directly held Shao Ci's body, and couldn't refuse to just go over his head,
lick the water stains on his lips directly, and then smiled. Go out with the

Shao Ci almost screamed out. Even so, he was sweating a lot, and his spirit
was a lot weaker.

It's not an issue at all! !! Even if Isreel thought he was still a low-level
Zerg, he couldn't make a fuss, but if he was forcibly touched every day in
this way, he would definitely be dumb!

Shao Ci reexamined himself. A person who has just evolved into an

ordinary Zerg, the biggest change is that he finally has an estrus and can
reproduce. Strength and five senses have risen so much, but to say that he
broke away from the chain Still dreaming.

For other things, only the system's forced plug-in makes you look more
sincere (no improvement in combat effectiveness), and the healing power
plug-in (used only to make the Zerg estrus, it is better not to have).

Shao Ci did not even dare to use this plug-in to heal himself. He was afraid
that he might accidentally get into heat ... by then it would be funny.

After summing up everything, Shao Ci had to admit that he was a

warscumming milk! Is it a dream to escape? !!

It seems that the **** compliment to the Raiders randomized this morning
to make the other party feel happy is incomplete.
Shao Ci's face is even harder to look at. The systematic punishment is
terrible. Although it is not a physical punishment such as being hit by Isrell,
the mental torture is not comparable to electric shock.

Shao Ci still remembers that he did not manage to stay in the base to sleep
at the base. After the mission was not completed, his consciousness entered
a space. In that space, Shao Ci had to experience countless times what
happened yesterday, even if If you are so familiar with everything, you
must do it. You will wake up instantly after falling asleep, and everything
will start again from the moment you wake up.

This kind of torture is even more terrible than being directly punished by
physical punishment. Shao Ci didn't know how many times he experienced
before waking up. He would rather go and post Chu Jin's scum man a
hundred times without wanting to be punished again.

But now ... As soon as Shao Ci thought of going through yesterday's events
countless times, he couldn't wait to hit the wall to die.

And the sound of footsteps came over again, thinking that after Israel did
n’t know what to say and what to do and what to do, Shao Ci's face was all
white, and he quickly lay in the quilt to pretend to sleep .

However, Shao Ci forgot how he couldn't resist the temptation of the bed,
and he fell asleep directly when he lay down ...

In the dimness, he opened his eyes and found himself in a mist, and in front
of him was the garden that he would go to every day.

"Am I dreaming?" Shao Ci thought so.

Even dreaming about this garden, I suddenly felt that he was very dedicated
... Although the garden has been much uglier than before after he became a
flower trimmer, this can't erase the fact that he worked hard!

So Shao Ci walked forward with a proud mood to appreciate the fruits of

his labor, and then he saw a surprising scene.
On the grass of the garden, a teenager was lying on the ground and kicked
by other people. Those people had vague faces and could not see clearly,
but the clothes on them seemed absolutely noble.

"It's just a blind man. Do you think you're any great?" "Even if it's a prince,
as long as you don't kill you, no one will hold us accountable." "With such
a lowly mother, you haven't been kicked out. It's already amazing to go
out ... you dare to bite me ?! "

A few people suddenly became furious, and they were beaten around the
teenager. The thin boy was silently bearing it, gritted his teeth and said, "No
... you can't say bad things about your mother."

"Isn't it humiliating for identity?" "I think he has such humiliating blood
in his body ... Ah, it's disgusting." "Let's not fight anymore, just think
about it and feel disgusting. "

A few people suddenly showed a disgusted expression and left from other
places. Only the thin boy climbed up hard, his expressionless face with

That's right, this boy is Cizelle ...

Shao Ci was stunned. Why did he dream of being beaten by Zizel? Is his
grievance too deep?

Shao Ci hesitantly walked over, but the surrounding scenes changed again.
Those who had bullied Sizel fell to the ground, covered with blood, guts
and everything were pulled out. The degree of mosaic.

And the slightly grown-up Cizelle was standing in a pool of blood, and the
blood on the angel-like face was still stained with blood. He slowly reached
out and wiped off the blood on his face, "... now finally quiet. . " This scene
can be taken directly as a horror movie.

Shao Ci stepped back scaredly, "!" Why did you have such a dream!
Doesn't it take a good rest even in dreams!
In fact, Shao Ci was not very scared of horror **** movies or anything.
After all, he knew that those were fake, but the picture in front of him was
so real. Just looking at it made him feel cold.

Then all the pictures turned into fog and disappeared. The next moment a
cold wind blew from behind. Shao Ci's neck suddenly gased goosebumps
and turned quickly.

The sight in front of me changed once again. This was a dark hall. On the
throne was a young man with light blond hair. He was wearing a black
dress and put his hands on the throne. He smiled slightly at Shao Ci, "You
are coming Then. "

Things have reached this point, Shao Ci can no longer guess what
happened, he can jump off the building, because it is a dream that he is not
afraid of being bitten, and his courage is a bit bigger, "Why do I dream of
these things? Or is it not in a dream now? "

"It's in a dream, but ... it's in my dream." Cizelle slowly braced his face and
said, "Because I left a little mental power on you, it was easy to do it
... ... "

Shao Ci: "!!!" Although the setting says that the higher the level of the Zerg
constitution and mental strength, the stronger Wang can even influence
other Zerg by virtue of his mental strength, but he had never taken it
seriously before, never thought There can still be such an expansion ...

"Come, come by my side." Cizelle held out his hand to Shao Ci.

Shao Ci himself didn't want to move very much, but his body walked
uncontrollably, and naturally sat on Sisell's leg, half of his body leaned on

What a shame unfolding! !! If Shao Ci could jump straight up, he would not
be able to control his body, and could only sit there honestly.

"Good boy." Cizel smiled, lowered his head and kissed on Shao Ci's cheek,
"Are you afraid of me? Your body seems to be shaking."
Shao Ci is going to be bad, "No ... I just don't know why you treat me so

It's time to do this, and Shao Ci suddenly remembered his random task
today [praising the target and making the other party feel happy], and
immediately said: "You are so perfect, so good, I ca n’t help but feel shame
before you Just being in front of you makes me feel ashamed ... "

It was a shame to say Shao's words in such sloppy lines. Fortunately, after
Seezel heard it, he seemed very happy, and the task was directly completed.

"How is it ... the breath on your body smells good, and at that time ... it was
the first time someone helped me." Cisel whispered softly, "You are gentle
and kind to me ... ... It's lovely to easily expose your special abilities when
you first meet. "

Shao Ci: "..." The last sentence need not be added at all, right? ?

"This is the first time I have used this ability ... No one has ever given me
any ideas in the past," Cisel said softly. "But because I don't have much
control, it seems to have made some past pictures. I wonder if you were
scared ... "

More than just being scared, you must be scared to death!

Shao Ci: "Alright, okay ... but those people, what they say ..." Subtle and
very caring.

"Well, you heard that," Cisel said lightly, "Yes, in fact, my mother is also a
low-level Zerg?"

Shao Ci regretted it instantly: "!?" Wait, this is the kind of royal secret that
will be destroyed when he hears it. Can he survive if he listens?

"Although she is a lower-level Zerg, she has amazing beauty and was given
to the emperor as a gift by a nobleman. Of course, such a gift is decent, and
it should reasonably be killed directly and punished severely. Nobles are.
"Cizelle was as calm as he was talking about other people's affairs." But
because of the beauty of his mother, the emperor immediately moved her
heart and kept her secretly. But this matter is still Too

shameful, even if the mother becomes a normal Zerg by relying on the holy
stone, she is still a shame in the court. "

Shao Ci: "..." My mother is really a story of dog blood.

"Although I was favored for a while by virtue of her beauty, such a favor
soon disappeared," Cisel continued. "After giving birth to me, my mother
died because of dystocia. Although I still have a royal family, Gene, but
inherently has an invisible defect. The emperor thought that this was
because the mother had been a low-level Zerg relationship, and it was also
full of disgust to me. "

Shao Ci wondered if it was time to reassure him, and saw Sisell sneer,
"Even if he hates it, he hasn't died in my hands in the end. Everyone who
has humiliated me Have disappeared in this world. "

Shao Ci felt that he was going to become a corpse when he waited. This is
something that outsiders have no idea at all! It's all his QAQ.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I won't kill you." Sizel was keenly aware of the
change in Shao Ci and smiled, "I'm still waiting for you to be my queen."
Shao Ci: "..."

and many more? What's wrong with his ear? What did he hear that seemed
very thunderous and terrible? !!

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

24: Interstellar Zerg (6)
Why can you say such lines casually! !!

When Shao Ci was shaken by Xi Zer's line thunder tiger's body, Xi Zer had
completely ignored the previous events, reached out and gently stroked the
bite marks on the neck of Shao Ci, and said with satisfaction: "Huh ... ...
and indeed the trace is still there ... "

Shao Ci was startled, and quickly looked down, all other traces of his body
faded in this dream world ... It's great, otherwise, if Israel's bruised body is
taken by someone else I don't know what it will take to see it.

There is only one bite mark on the neck yesterday. Think of it as just a
dream world. It is a little different from reality.

"As long as my mark is there, no one can move you." Cizil smiled softly
and asked: "How are you feeling now? Is it true that Israel has troubled you
after returning yesterday? Although he watched It looks good, but jealousy
is strong, not a good person to deal with. "

"Do you know my relationship with Isreel?" Shao Ci was shocked again,
with a feeling that his sole was being uncovered.

"Sorry, when I saw you for the first time, I sent someone to investigate. I
was still thinking about which illegitimate child of the aristocracy." Cizelle
slowly said, "But I didn't expect it to be Islay. My friend. I did n’t expect
that Israel still has that past ... But I ’m very sorry, since he sent you to me,
I wo n’t let go. ”

It was so straightforward to say Heng Dao De Ai for the first time! !! Israel

"You are in a bad situation right now." Cizelle grabbed Shao Ci's hand. He
looked quite harmless when he smiled, and looked quite thin, but only
when he was so close. The terrifying breath on him.

Apart from that, Shao Ci felt that sitting in this place was not good for the
whole person.

"If you promise to be my person now, obediently resist nothing ... I can take
you away right away? Because I don't like to threaten others, I hope to get
your consent." Sizel Said softly.
Isn't this even a threat? !!

Although Shao Ci feels that all kinds of things can't be done, but now things
can only stay by Xizel, after all, Xizel is the target of the Raiders (again,
this **** system) ... In order to complete daily tasks, even I do n’t want to,
I can only go.

Shao Ci still remembered that he was too miscalculated yesterday. He

should calm down and not run, or calm down to deal with the bite,
otherwise he would be caught on the spot by Israel, and other things

But I thought for a moment ... if I applied a cure to myself on the spot and
then estrus, the scene would be terrible. Suddenly I think it ’s still a
lowlevel Zerg.

"I think ..." Before Shao had finished speaking, he felt that the surrounding
scene suddenly became unstable, and when he opened his eyes again, he
saw the black veil on Isrel's bed.

Why did you wake up at such a critical time! !! But maybe I can't go back
to sleep now ... I don't know if Cizelle will get angry.

Shao sighed, "When will I be able to leave this world?"

He can't stand this place anymore ... but it is better to stay here anyway than
to mine in the mine (.

The last world was crossed after farting, but even so, he did not dare to die
casually. Who knows if he can wake up next time after this death.
[According to the rules, it is necessary to walk through the original male
lead before leaving. After all, the host is wrong at this time. ?

"Bottom? Are you serious about the system?" Shao Ci fell into panic for a
while, "The original male lead will still be born for a hundred years !!!"
If he really wants to stay in this world for a hundred years, he will be
killed either by Israel or by Sisser! !! He doesn't believe he can persist
until then! !!

[Special methods can be used to speed up the progress, but because the
host's crossing causes a series of butterfly effects, these problems must be
solved, otherwise the world's will will be aware of the host's existence due
to the dramatic collapse of the plot. ?

Shao Ci was relieved when he heard that he could fast forward, but is it a
bit difficult? How did he know where there were problems.

[As long as the host saves the life of the former Raiders Israel. Because he
is the original villain, he must live until the protagonist is born, otherwise
the plot will collapse. ?

It was also specifically marked as the target of the former Raiders. I feel
that Israel is miserable.

"Then what am I going to do?" Shao Ci asked. "And it feels like I'm easier
to eat bento than Israel, right? He's better than me ..."

[Because the host's current Raiders are killing the former Raiders, they may
cause the former Raiders to die. ?

"So ..." Shao Ci suddenly thought of a more terrible thing. "Wait, then Zizel
was also a character who died before the original protagonist was born.
Should I kill him?" Raised to **** level?

[This is not necessary. The system states that [the world will not care about
such things. But just in case, the host must die in this mission, so that he
can hide the will of the world, and then use the rebirth method to put the
host next to the original protagonist. ?

Shao Ci: "..." Why the world will not care about such important things! !! In
addition, the original male lead is also a low-level Zerg, so it was so
difficult for him to get away from the pit and go back to the broken place.
[In order to help the host, this system will provide maximum help for this
task. ?

"For example, don't call me when I meet Israel?" Shao Ci asked with hope,
this matter is more urgent than anything.

[You cannot cancel the punishment, but you can make the current become
tolerable by the host. ?

Shao Ci: "..." Well, this is probably the biggest concession made by the

Although the dialogue between Shao Ci and the system was so stinky and
long that he felt like he was concocting words, in fact, these dialogues took
place in the brain, and the outside world was just a moment away.

According to what the system just said, Shao Ci already had the idea of ??
how to solve it. He got up from the bed and saw that Israel actually fell
asleep beside the bed.

Maybe I fell asleep accidentally while doing something. Israel frowned

slightly while sleeping, a very restless look.

Shao Ci feels that Israel is not easy. How many years ago things are still
remembered now, maybe it is because he has so many minds that it is so
easy to be blackened.

Actually, Israel has given Shao Ci a lot of good food every day these days.
Otherwise, Shao Ci would not think about it if he changed to a more
serpentous person.

"It's not good to fall asleep like this." Shao Ci pulled up the blanket on the
side and covered Israel's body, because the movement was a bit large, and
the chain on his ankle suddenly made a collision sound, and Israel, who
had fallen asleep suddenly, suddenly Waking up, grabbing Shao Ci's hand,
"Don't leave ..."
Seeing Shao Ci in front of his eyes, Israel was relieved, and then noticed the
blanket on his body. He stunned for a moment and looked at Shao Ci with
surprise, "Don't you blame me?"

Shao Ci thought that he would be born again a few hundred years later
anyway, and now it doesn't matter what he says, it is good to make Isreel

So Shao Ci grabbed Isreel's hand. This time there was only a faint electric
shock. It was like tickling. It was quite far away from the previous one.
Sure enough, Shao Ci was tolerable.

Then Shao Ci said: "I have never been angry with you ... the past things
have passed so long, I do n’t remember the lower Zerg you said ... As for
now, I thank you for taking me Bring it out from that place, and thank you
for the delicious meals you have been making. " These are all sincere
words from Shao Ci.

Israel looked down at Shao Ci holding his hand, and was suddenly silent.
After a while, his voice trembled and said, "After that, this is the first time
you actively hold my hand ... I've been waiting for this day ... always ... "

Shao suddenly panicked. "Wait, don't cry."

Israel stood up, hugged Shao directly, leaned on his shoulder, and sobbed,
"... I have been working so hard all the time, I want to see your smile again,
I want you Call me that gently ... but what did you do wrong, why are you
getting farther and farther away from me, what I want is not what it is
now ... "

No, it's the direction you're working on is totally wrong!

Shao resigned and said, "No, don't cry, isn't everything all right now? I
won't blame you ..."

Israel held Shao crying for a long time before slowly calming down, his
eyes were red, and he looked a bit pitiful, he whispered: "Even if this is just
what you say to lie to me, I am very Happy ... "
"Am I the kind of person who can lie in your heart?" Shao Ci felt very
angry. Although he is indeed a person who can do that kind of thing, it does
not prevent him from getting angry ? _ ?.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was so excited all of a sudden, I said something wrong ..."
Israel quickly wiped away his tears, a look of helplessness, and finally
bowed his head, "I want to understand, I was too much before I'm not
calm ... Although I thought that as long as I can be with you, it doesn't
matter anyway. But sure enough, I still hope that you will be happy when I
am by my side. "

Shao Ci did not expect that Isreal was such a person who could figure it out
so quickly, and the opportunity to make him think of it was just a
handshake ... why did you suddenly feel that Isreal was so miserable?

After that, Isreel removed the shackles locked on Shao Ci's feet and
dropped them in the garbage disposer. It seems that he is not going to use
them again in this life.

Shao Ci feels that the shackles are all superfluous. With so many guard
robots in his house, even if he has wings, can't he run away?

However, because of the past, Israel has a psychological shadow. He is not

willing to let Shao leave the house for the time being. He has no idea about
the genetic improvement agent in the palace. Now he would rather buy it on
the black market.

The next few days have been very relaxing. It may be the most comfortable
day for Shao Ci to come to this world. Eat, drink, sleep well, and no longer
have to worry about what Isel ’s sudden blackening makes.
Things come.

Because the task was agreed with the system, the daily tasks of the day
were temporarily canceled, and the punishment was naturally gone.

But it's always coming. Another night, after Shao Ci fell asleep, he came to
Cizil's dream again.
This time the dream is much more stable than last time. There is no messy
**** memory killing (in fact, Shao Ci suspects that Cizelle was intentional
last time). The hall has a high dome, and thousands of stars are pouring
down. , Reflected on the smooth ground like a mirror, walking on it is like
walking in the stars.

There is a faint scent in the air, like the scent of a certain flower.

Shao Ci didn't know what the palace in the real palace looked like. The
sight in front of him made him drunk.

On the magnificent throne, there is a young man sitting. He has a more

beautiful face than anyone, and his light blond hair seems to have a layer of
golden light. He is leaning on the throne with his eyes closed, and he is
wearing a complex dress. Thick robes, like a well-dressed doll.

This time, Cizelle waited for Shao's speech in the form of a teenager.

"How are you thinking?" Sisell opened his eyes, but those eyes that were
supposed to be as beautiful as sapphire were dim.

For a while, Shao Ci felt some regrets, not because he had any special
feelings for Sisser. The feeling of regret was like seeing a missing piece of
art, which could have been more perfect, but hard. There are flaws.

"I've figured it out." Shao Ci slowly walked over and whispered: "Your
Majesty, I am willing to be your person, please take me away."

Such shameful lines come out of Shao Ci, which is not good for the whole
person, but this line is quite commensurate with the style of Sizel ...

"Good boy." Cizelle smiled slightly. Under his smile, the stars around him
seemed dim for a moment. He took Shao Ci's hand and kissed gently at the
fingertips. "As you wish . Come to me. "

Shao Ci was thinking that if he took the initiative, Cizelle would not
embarrass Israel, and then think of a way to die ...

Although I don't know what method Zizel wants to use.

Shao Ci, who was thinking about this, was soon beaten. In the early
morning, he woke up with Isrell shaking directly, rubbing his eyes and
yawning, and asked, "What's wrong? It's so early ... "

"We need to leave quickly." Israel looked anxiously: "His Majesty has
begun to shoot against the family, I don't know if the group of people in the
family has acted too arrogantly recently and caused His Majesty ... In short,
we stay here too It's dangerous. "

Shao Ci woke up instantly: "!"

Oops, I started to do things so quickly, and also directly started other

people's families ... definitely not just because of his affairs, like Isreel said,
his family's power in the empire is too great, and there are Many arrogant
people have done something that will be caught. Cizelle probably wants to
do it.

In this case, he must have been fully prepared for it. It is impossible to let
Israel escape easily. Now, if he escapes with Israel, accidents are more
likely to occur.

Shao Ci's face sank, and it seems that he must now use the method
considered before.

Israel hurriedly packed things, Shao Ci hesitated slightly, went to the living
room and poured a glass of water, and poured some sleeping pills into it.

The effect of this sleeping potion is not very strong for the senior zerg, but
the system borrows a little power, making the potion effect several times
stronger than in the past, which is enough to make Isrell instantly lethargic.
Israel had already packed everything, and Shao Ci's hand was about to
leave. Shao Ci passed water to him. "It's very hard to get up so early, let's
have a glass of water."

Israel may have hesitated if it was before, but after getting along these days,
he now has great confidence in Shao Ci, taking the water and drinking it.

"Let's go ..." Only halfway through the conversation, Isreel almost fell
down. He looked at Shao Ci with a stunned look. His eyes were full of
complex emotions, not disappointment or sadness. "Why ... "

Before he could hear Shao Ci's answer, Israel fell asleep completely.

Shao Ci put him on the bed with his back on his back, looked at the
sleeping Israel, and sighed softly, "Sorry ... everything I do is for you to

Although this is a task required by the system, Shao Ci didn't want to see
Isrel die like this.

"System, you can now simulate my breath into the breath of Isreel." Shao

Because it was said before that we should provide the greatest help to Shao
Ci, the system directly helped. At this time, it is still very reliable.

In fact, Shao Ci couldn't smell any different smell in Zerg, but the system
said that it should be good ... don't pit him at this time.

After getting ready, Shao Ci changed into a suit that Isrell usually wore, and
then took a deep breath and went out.

Only after descending the stairs on the second floor, Shao Ci saw it. There
was a man sitting on the sofa in the living room, and he was almost scared
to kneel on the ground.

Cizère seemed to take this place as his own home, sitting leisurely on the
sofa, with a cup of steaming tea on the table in front.
"Ah, Israel, good morning?" Cizelle heard the noise, raised his head with a
smile, and waved his hand like he saw an old friend.

Shao speech: "!" Sure enough, Zizer recognizes that people rely on smell!
That's why he asked the system to help him do this. He had thought that it
would be a little troublesome if he only met outside after going out. Now
that Cizère is coming by himself, it is still a good idea to cheat.

Of course, Shao Ci didn't dare to underestimate Sizel because there was

only one person. He was a man who reached the throne by force, and
breaking into this manor guarded by heavy robot guards was like playing ...
probably You don't even need to take a shot. Using mental power directly is
enough to get those robots into chaos.

Shao Ci didn't say anything, just walking down, his footsteps were very
clear in the quiet hall.

"Why don't you talk? Are you afraid?" Cizelle slowly drank the tea and said
slowly, "You weren't such a timid person before."

Shao Zi gritted his teeth and walked faster, but a moment of effort would
come to Cizère.

"Stop it, but you're here to kill him?" Cizel turned his head and said
blankly, "If I take another step, I won't be merciful ... although I didn't
intend to keep you It's all about it. "

When Shao Ci lifted his leg again, a strong mental force rolled over,
apparently just an intangible object, but slaps on Shao Ci directly like a
raging wave, affecting it inside the body. Organs.

Shao Ci immediately fell to his knees on the ground, and coughed up

blood as soon as his throat was sweet, and then the blood continued to
flow. If the pain was not mostly isolated under the mask of systemic pain,
he might just call out Come.

Cizelle, who was still sitting like a theater, was surprised. "No ... you're not
Isere ..."
Cizelle suddenly stood up, walked quickly in front of Shao Ci, lowered his
head and groped for Shao Ci's cheek. At such a short distance, he finally
found out Shao Ci's true identity, and his face became extremely ugly. " ...
why? Why are you doing this? "

Shao Ci coughed the blood while grasping Cizelle's hand, "I ... don't want ...
Israel has an accident ... I'm sorry ..."

"Even if you want to do this, you can tell me directly, why should you hide
from me ..." Sisell fully understands how much he has just hit. If the enemy
is Isere, it will probably only be seriously injured, but it will change. Cheng
Shao's speech is not necessarily, "I will take you to find someone for
treatment now."

"No ... no need ... I know my situation." Shao Ci knew that he still had
some help, so he couldn't let Cizel find someone to feed him! How else
would he be born again.

Shao Ci made every effort to grasp Cizelle's hand, and then input the
healing power in the past with a brain. The use of power will take extra
energy, so the severely injured Shao Ci's mouth continued to pour blood,
even breathing difficulties, but he did not stop the power delivery.

That's right, this is the final move of Shao Ci's preparation. Use the power
to completely heal Zizel's eyes. In this case, Cizel should remember that his
kindness was wrong and that he would not hit Israel.

Shao Ci has asked the system before. Although this defect that is invisible
to Sisell's eyes cannot be treated with current technology, it can still be
saved with healing abilities.

"Why?" Cizel's expression was no longer the usual smile, but a bit dazed,
his tone was unprecedentedly dignified. "Why do you want to use this
power against me at this time? It's you who need treatment even more now
... "
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
25: Interstellar Zerg (7)
Finally, there was a chance. Shao Ci was pleased in his heart, and he said
arduously, "Please ... Israel Israel ... I only have this last wish ..."

Until now, Shao Ci didn't care whether or not Cisel was angry when he
heard this word. Anyway, the target of the Raiders had to be changed, to
save Israel's life first.

After saying this, Shao Ci felt that Cisele clenched his hand, and the next
moment he heard the sound of the system prompting the completion of the
task, completely relieved, and passed out.

Of course, this time fainting is to completely eat bento, what will happen
after that, Shao Ci does not want to know at all, he just wants to clarify the
relationship with these two people!

As soon as Shao Ci woke up, he found that he was tied by strong ropes all
over his body, unable to move at all, and covered with cloth, and could not
see anything. There seemed to be no light around him.

Do you want to play in the dark room as soon as you come up? ?

Shao Ci: "???" He thought he would regenerate an egg directly as before.

What is going on now, why is he locked up in this place, and where is the
good original man.

[Don't be stupid, how can there be so much time for you to be born again.
This system is a direct copy of your body lost a hundred years later. At this
time, the original male leader is already the leader of the rebel army, and
the force value is higher than some nobles. ?

Shao Ci: "..." Ah, this is really a lot easier, and you can go straight to the
Raiders, but why is he tied here?
[... When respawning, I chose the place closest to the original male lead, but
because the method was not correct, the unconscious host was caught as an
enemy and is now locked in the space of the spaceship. ?

Like the response system said, the door was opened the next moment, a
loud noise came, one person carried Shao Ci, and then dropped it directly to
the ground. Shao Ci's shoulder hit the ground and felt a pain. .

"The leader, this person, actually lurks into our spaceship, and at a glance, I
know that it is not a good person!" Said a person beside him.

"Well, let me see." An extremely cold voice sounded.

The moment he heard this voice, Shao Ci understood that he was the
original male lead Pei Fan. As an X-dot writer, if the name is too Western,
readers can't remember it. Anyway, he is a low-level Zerg name. All of
them are random, so they all took this name.

Although this is a kind of Marvin, it also has a male lead and a male lead.
Pei Fan is such a powerful male lead.

As a low-level Zerg, he was born with a force value and a face value
comparable to that of a nobleman, a very sober mind and apathetic
personality, and his feelings were quite dull. But as the protagonist, of
course, there are countless people who are convinced by his charm, not
only the lower Zerg, but even the nobles have begged to be little brothers to
be harems.

The author of this singular taste did not make a card according to common
sense, and there was no emotional drama in the early stage of the text. It
was not until the fan of Pei Fan was intentionally arrested that he fell in
love with the princess at first sight.

In short, although the harem was only opened later, this is enough to prove
that Pei Fan is a person with a normal personality.

I don't know who tore off the cloth in front of Shao Ci, the sudden light
almost blinded his eyes, looked up, and saw a circle of people around him,
while a person sitting in front of him was The handsome young man with
dark hair and black eyes, his appearance is more like a half-breeder than
Westerners, and he is looking coldly at Shao Ci.

[?? ? ... A character with a higher force value was detected ... According to
the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders was started ... The
replacement was completed, and the current Raiders is Pei Fan. ?

As long as you are friends with the original man, are you afraid that you
will not have a good life in the future! And Pei Fan is different from Yin
Han, he will not kill the people around him, it is perfect!

Shao Ci was struggling to get up immediately, looking at Pei Fan's position

with the look of anticipation and admiration, and this look was again added
with special effects by the system.

The effect of the others seemed to be that the intruder's eyes sparkled at the
first glance when they saw their leader, and his eyes were full of brain
residual powder to look at idols. Even if he just scolded Shao Ci, he was not
a good person. It always felt like I was just blind.

"Master Pei Fan, I am your loyal fan!" Shao Ciqing said sincerely:
"Because I really want to join, I ran in secretly ... Please let me follow
you! As long as you can Stay by your side, whatever you want me to do! "

I don't know why the words are full of sincere feelings. Everyone is moved
by it, although it always sounds weird, and I feel that the new man's sexual
orientation is questionable.

However, the lower Zerg had no sister, otherwise it was because the X
point text has long been everywhere.

"Oh?" Only Pei Fan moved slowly, leaning down and reaching out to
provoke Shao Ci's chin, "Look at the dress, are you a nobleman, how could
the nobleman easily give up his identity to join the rebels?"

Shao Ci realized that the system even copied the clothes he had worn
before. He was really a pig teammate! He bit his lower lip, as if he was
struggling, and then he uttered the life of the dog blood he had thought for a

In Shao Ci's account, he was an illegitimate son of a nobleman and a lower

Zerg. He was not seen at home. He also was beaten by his brother and
wayward brother. He had been beaten every day. I look so good in face so I
wear such nice clothes.

Although he lived in the aristocratic family, he hated his father and his
unfortunate father, and hated the nobles who humiliated him, so he tried
every means to go to Pei Fan.

The words of Shao Ci are extremely true under the system's plug-in. Even
the most people in the city can't see that he is telling lies.

"It's normal to doubt me," Shao said busyly. "After all, I suddenly broke in,
so it's inevitable to be suspicious, but I only admire you for this and never

Pei Fan quietly looked at Shao Ci in front of her.

At this time in the eyes of others, Shao Ci was obviously tense but
struggling to present a calm look, and his eyes were full of admiration. His
white cheeks were flushed, and his lower lip seemed to not want My heart
is misunderstood, no matter how you look at it, you are already deeply in
love with their leader.

"No need." Pei Fan let go of her hand and raised her eyebrows and asked,
"What's your name?"

Finally succeeded! !! Thanks to the plug-in of the system, otherwise it is

certainly not so easy to succeed.

Shao Ci quickly said excitedly: "Shao Ci, my name is Shao Ci! I will work
hard in the future!"

"Um." Pei Fan nodded arbitrarily, let others arrange Shao Ci's residence and
This is a spaceship that was snatched from a small BoSS, and it is not
particularly large. Shao Ci is basically a newcomer, and he has to sleep in
a small room with others.

But what is this? Shao Ci, but people who have worked in the pit for several
months, compared to that pit, is this room a paradise? Not to mention there
is a shower where you can take a bath, and there are various foods you eat
every day. Taste nutrition can be selected. This life is already pretty good.

However, because Shao Ci is new and hasn't won everyone's trust, the job is
to sweep the floor and wipe the table ... Because there are no high-level
housework robots in this spacecraft, this kind of thing must be done by

Of course, as the leader of the rebels, Pei Fan will not appear so casually.
However, Shao Ci ’s daily tasks were completed very smoothly, because he
would meet each other in some places every day, and even five or six times
in a few days ... Shao Ci had some doubts that Pei Fan was too busy.

In addition, the system did not perform some particularly excessive tasks as
before, basically all the tasks of greeting and praise (almost all of them
when I met Chu Jin), Shao Ci always felt like he was lucky after rebirth
much better.

On this day, Shao Ci went to the cafeteria with other people to receive the
nutritional supplements. When they lined up, they saw a group of people
coming out of it. The head was Pei Fan.

As the leader of the rebels, Pei Fan naturally did not need to take nutrition
with everyone, but he would still come here to take a look at the situation,
which is also a way to gather people's hearts.

Everyone looked at the past with longing eyes. It can be said that all people
here joined because of the worship of Pei Fan. Without Pei Fan, they are
now mining in Mine Star like Shao Ci in the past, miserable Maybe it has
already become cannon fodder on the battlefield.
It can be said that before Pei Fan, no lower zerg had thought that they
could counterattack. The lower zerg was born with the idea of ??being
inferior to others, not to mention the inherent fear of those higher zerg.

If someone rebels in this way, minutes will be suppressed. But Pei Fan is a
man with a male halo. As long as he is on the battlefield, everyone is as
divinely assisted, and the enemy's IQ is crazy, and he makes many lowlevel
mistakes and leads to loss. Otherwise, they will be convinced by Pei Fan's
charm and join the rebel team.

Shao Ci thought that he would get better and better after mixing with Pei
Fan, and that Pei Fan is now a low-level Zerg who will not have an estrus
period of egg pain. Do n’t worry about estrus when you do the task. .

Just as Shao Ci fell into a beautiful fantasy of the future, Pei Fan's men's
expressions were complicated.

"The leader hurt his hand during practice, so he needs to find someone to
wait for the meal ... Just choose you, the new one with black hair." The
mood of the commander is very complicated. It is clear that the leader was
not injured at all, but he pretended to be injured. Come and name the
newcomer, what is it for?

Shao Ci immediately threatened: "Me?"

The crowd suddenly appeared for a moment, then they all looked at with
jealous envy hate, can't wait to beat Shao himself. This is the first time they
have encountered such a situation since following Fei Fan, how did such a
good thing fall into the hands of this newcomer!

"That's right, it's you," said his subordinates, "what more nonsense, hurry
up to follow."

"Uh, uh, I'm here." Shao Ci responded and quickly followed up. Is he really
lucky recently?
In the most luxurious room of the spacecraft, Shao Ci was pushed in. One
person put the food on the table, and the rest left directly. Only Shao Ci and
Pei Fan remained in the room.

Shao Ci: "!" These men are too much, actually no one stays here at this time
to look at it ... Actually, they should have taken care of Pei Fan.

This room is more luxurious than the place where Shao Ci lived, and there
is even a light brain that can be connected to Xingwang.

And Pei Fan was sitting at the table, looking at Shao Ci expressionlessly,
"Can't you?"

"Ah ... okay, I'll be right here." Shao walked over and planned to feed Pei
Fan. He looked down and couldn't see where Pei Fan's hand was hurt ...

Pei Fan just spit out two words, "Sit down."

His words seemed to come with deterrence, and Shao immediately sat down

If Pei Fan's staff saw this scene, they would be shocked. Although Pei Fan's
performance in front of Shao Ci was quite alienated, Pei Fan would never
sit at the same table with other people.

"I already drank the nutrient today." Pei Fan continued: "You have solved

Shao Ci's eyes were about to radiate, and he said very difficultly: "Ah?
Really?" This is very precious and normal food on the spacecraft.

"Do you want me to say it again?" Pei Fan raised an eyebrow.

Shao Ci closed his mouth immediately and ate the food cautiously under
Pei Fan's sight. Although he was under great pressure, he was happy to eat
food other than nutrients.
After the food was eaten, Shao Ci wondered if he should leave, and he
heard Pei Fan said, "I'm bored, let's talk. How is your life on the spacecraft
these days?"

It seems that this is the point. Sure enough, calling him this time is not so
simple! Shao Ci felt as if he finally understood something. He sat up
straight and said, "The life on the spacecraft these days is very fulfilling. I
do work every day. It feels completely different from the muddy days in the
past. Thank you all for this. . "

"Don't you find it hard to drink the nutritional supplements?" Pei Fan said,
"You were once a noble."

"No!" Shao Ci shook his head and said firmly, "I think this is very good
now, and the taste of the nutrients is also good, not worse than the food I
used to eat."

"Um." Pei Fan nodded. "After all ... come at noon."

Shao Ci looked at him in shock, "Hey?"

"It's nothing, it's just too much for lunch." Pei Fan said blankly, "I can't
finish it alone."

If Pei Fan's men are scared to pee when they hear this sentence, you must
know that Pei Fan is the thing that most hates others to touch themselves.
Even if it is unnecessary, it will be thrown away instead of passing it to
others, and the food is obviously In this category.

Shao Ci himself was shocked, but he couldn't think of any reason why Pei
Fan was good for himself, so he went back with such shock.

After sweeping the ground for another afternoon, after returning to the
room, Shao Ci found that his bed had been maliciously broken.

Isn't it a meal with your boss? Is it necessary to do so? !!

Shao had no choice but to report to a responsible person, who frowned

If it is someone else's business, you can still fool around, but Shao Ci, but
the leader who has been concerned about it recently, may not be able to
deal with it casually. Then the person in charge made an idea and called out
the monitoring directly to catch the person who did the bad thing.

This person will face a small black house for three days and hard work for
more than ten days.

There is no other way around Shao's bed. Although Shao Ci wanted to say
that he could live in the room of the person being locked up in the small
black room, the person in charge said that there were other places to go, so
Shao Ci went with him.

Shao Ci followed the person in charge in a trance, feeling more and more
familiar as he walked, until finally he was taken to the door of Pei Fan's

Shao Ci: "?????"

"Because there is no other place, the leader is kind and willing to let you
stay in his room temporarily." When the person in charge said this, he felt
that it was not scientific and his expression was extremely complicated.

It ’s really like this, is it really okay for your leader to sleep with a
sweeping floor casually? !!

Shao Ci almost had to doubt whether the person in charge wanted to pit
himself. He pushed the door nervously and saw a small bed on the side of
the room ... It seems that the person in charge did not lie.

It should be Pei Fan doing this in order to win people's hearts!

After all, he's the X-point male, and it's a different type from Yin Han, even
more straight!
Shao Ci persuaded himself immediately.

And Pei Fan was sitting at the table, and turned to look at him, "I am sorry
for today's affairs."

"Well, no need to apologize, this is all my own problem." Shao Ci said in a


"No, it's because I haven't restrained my men." Pei Fan said: "After several
days of observation, you can be sure that you really have no problem."

Later, the person in charge came up and said that Shao had no need to
sweep the floor after all. After all, he was a noble. The sweep was really too
humiliating, and there was a post that needed him more.

He was finally promoted. Shao Ci was very moved, but he was still a little
worried ... because he was not an aristocracy at all, and he did not know
anything about high society. It would be funny if he was sent out to be a
spy! But if you say that you are not a noble, you will be killed.

In the following time, Shao Ci and Pei Fan stayed in the room because there
was nothing to do.

The atmosphere was really embarrassing. Shao Ci kept saying some praise
words to show his talents.

I don't know if it was his hallucination. I always felt that Pei Fan smiled for
a moment, but then disappeared soon after.

"You can take a look at this." Pei Fan took out a stack of information and
shoved it to Shao Ci.

Finally, something was done, and Shao Ci was relieved. After looking
down a few sheets, he almost fell off the chair.

This data is actually data of some aristocrats of the empire, so secret things
do not know where Pei Fan came from. Fortunately, they are all small
nobles who have broken places, and they can be regarded as places where
Pei Fan and his team gained experience in the early stage.

However, the latter one was actually from Israel, and the grade was higher
than the others. I don't know how many times. At a glance, this
acquaintance scared Shao to death.

Isn't Isreal a big boss that only appeared in the middle and late period!
There was his information in the early stage.

Shao Ci did not want to run into Israel at all. His current body is completely
different from that of a hundred years ago. He will definitely be recognized
when he hits it ... I do n’t know what will happen to Shao Ci.

Taking a closer look at the information, Shao Ci was relieved. The above
detailed information about Isreel was quite small. He just said that this is a
very dangerous person. He must avoid the planet in his name to avoid
causing him. note.

Paying attention to which one Shao Ci looked at, Pei Fan said, "What we
are going to arrive tomorrow is a planet in the name of Isrell. It is a mineral
star with a lot of black lacquer ore on it. Making weapons can paralyze
most of the empire's intelligent machines. "

Shao Ci: "Ah !?" It wouldn't be the planet he did hard work in the past! Is
this too coincident?

"Don't worry." Pei Fan thought that Shao was afraid of Israel, and said
lightly: "This mine star's position is quite remote, even if something
happens, that Israel can't catch up for the time being. " "Hmm ..." I
hope it's the best.

After that, Shao Ci inquired a little about whether the emperor Sisell was
still alive. No news was available at all. After all, how could these lower
zerg on the border know about those things ...
Shao Ci slept for a night with a heavy heart, and learned the next day that
everyone was planning to leave.

But before that, some people were needed to spy on the situation, and it was
said that Shao Ci, who was once a noble, was also put in these people.

Shao Ci: "!" It always feels like bad luck has suddenly begun! I hope not to
be too bad ...

But think again, this may not be a good opportunity. Isreel bought the ore
star only for him, but now he may have forgotten it for so long, and will
definitely not come.

And after he had done hard work here, he knew very well what was
happening in the pit. Maybe he could take advantage of this opportunity to
succeed and be promoted.

Shao Ci's mood suddenly improved a lot.


At this time, a luxurious private spacecraft also flew towards the mine star.

The people on the other spaceships passing by saw the family emblem on
this private spacecraft with a surprised look. I did not expect that I could
encounter such a large family's private spaceship in such a remote place.
Lord Rael's family.

However, they did not dare to think that Israel himself was also on the ship.

In the spacecraft, a young man is sitting in a position. He has black hair,

light golden eyes, looks extremely beautiful, always has a faint smile on his
face, and looks extremely intimate, which is exactly the dream of thousands
of girls The lover is also an old acquaintance of Shao Ci.

"Going back to this planet again," he said lowly. "Unfortunately, you are no
longer there.
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
26: Eschatology
It has been several months since the death of Zombie King. After the
biggest threat of Zombie King was eliminated, the S-city base has
developed a potion of potentiation, and a cold eighth-level phantom, Yin
Han, attracted Countless other strong bases and civilians came to visit, but
within a few months of work, it developed into the most powerful base

And the fact that Yin Han is still single has caused countless people to
move. Everyone knows that Yin Han once liked a healing power named
Shao Ci, but that power was killed by a zombie king in a mission. Now,
what threat does a dead person have?

Everyone firmly believes that there will be more people around Yin Han
within three months, but until now no one has succeeded in the ranks, and
from time to time, we can hear the news that Yin Han's people are driven
out of the base by means of time. Someone asked what happened to those
people, and they kept silent, one by one, as if they were scared.

As a person who has been with Yin Han for a long time, Xiao Zheng's
status in the base is naturally not low. After once again rejecting a man who
wanted him to be a matchmaker, Xiao Zheng sighed, remembering the
scene they saw when they hurried to the city center that day.

Even though more than half a year has passed, the picture of that day is still
as clear as it was yesterday.

At that time, the Zombie King was nowhere to be found, and Yin Han was
half-knelt holding the body of Shao Ci on the ground. Everyone could not
see his expression and could only hear him muttering something to the
corpse. Sleep again ... we should go back, I will take you back now ... "

Although everyone was not very clear about what happened after Shao Ci
was taken away by the Zombie King, they still knew that Yin Han liked
Shao Ci very much, and they could not bear to see the scene.
"Boss, Boss ..." A man finally couldn't help but Shen said: "Boss, Xiao
Shao, he's dead ... But he has completed the mission before his death, and
now the Zombie King is dead, he can be at ease Go, let's bury him ... "

"No, he can't leave." Yin Han's voice became a little hoarse, his gaze gazing
at the person in his arms. At this time, Shao Ci was pale, but his expression
was very peaceful, as if there was really no regret. .

"Why can you still look so calm after you leave me? Have you never put
me in your heart?" Yin Han almost hysterically said these words, then
lowered his head and smiled. After a few voices, "Don't think about it, even
if I die, I won't let you go like that."

As a matter of fact, he actually bite Shao Ci's shoulder, tearing a piece of

meat from the top.

The next picture is too horrible. Everyone dare and can't come forward to
stop it. They can only watch Yin Han like a madman, tearing the piece of
meat off the corpse and eating it. Any zombies are terrible.

Had it not been for Yin Han to shed tears, everyone would have thought
that he was going to become a zombie.

When the corpse had only his head still intact, Yin Han calmed down and
gently held up the head, as if doing something extremely holy, and kissed
the pale lips.

"Now you are one with me." Yin Han smiled lowly: "You can no longer
escape from me."


Recalling the horrible picture, Xiao Zheng entered the room with a tray
filled with food. This is the best location in the entire S city base,
occupying a floor of space, and also a dream of all the powerists in all
bases. Where to come.
Unlike the extravagant and luxurious fantasies that others have imagined,
the decoration in the room is quite simple, similar to the room where Yin
Han first came to S in the past, and even the furniture was moved from that
place ... probably this reminds him of the time Time.

At this moment, the sun was pouring down from the window, and Yin Han
was sitting against the bed, holding a book in his hand and reading it softly.

This picture can be said to be so beautiful, except for the skull in front of

After undergoing various treatments by the researchers, this skull

completely maintained the appearance of life. If you don't pay attention to
the neck down, it will look like a person who is still asleep at a glance.

"I'm also very good today." After finishing reading for a while, Yin Han
gently looked at the head in front of his eyes, and stretched out his hands,
stroking the cold cheek, as if he was facing a real person. . "

In the past, those who tried to seduce Yin Han were scared after seeing this
picture, and they left immediately.

Xiao Zheng put the food on the table aside, and couldn't bear to look any
longer, and turned and left here.

Probably as long as Yin Han is alive, such a scene will always exist.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

27: Interstellar Zerg (8)
Of course, before mixing in, Shao Ci had to cover up his appearance a
little ... otherwise it would be troublesome to be recognized.

Although no one should remember a low-level Zerg when it comes to

speaking, but he was so decent and walked with Isrell at the time ... A lot of
people noticed his face at the time. Obviously, a hundred years have passed,
and a long life is trouble.
Even if other people may think that they are just two people with similar
looks, it may also cause various unnecessary troubles.

Of course, Shao Ci's reason for suggesting that he should be easy to find is
also very good. He said that he was a noble before, if he was recognized as
not so good.

Everyone agreed with this reason, and finally found Shao Ci with a wig and
then put on some makeup.

Although it is not much different from the previous look, at first glance, it
feels a bit similar at all, and I will never see it as a person ... I really want to
thank the great makeup technique. That is, the Zerg will not be
shortsighted, otherwise you can wear glasses to cover it up.

Shao Ci was relieved and followed the crowd into the mine star.

Although it is a remote quarry, there are still some good tourist attractions,
the scenery is not bad, and the price is quite cheap. Some civilians around
here often come to travel. Occasionally, some aristocrats who have a brain
drain choose to come here to experience the natural style.

The black lacquer stone produced by this planet is not allowed to be sold
directly to civilians, but there is also a poor quality black lacquer stone,
which cannot reach the powerful effect of the black lacquer stone, which
cannot be taken. There is no other use for making weapons, so just process
it and sell it as a souvenir ...

Speaking of such a stone, it looks pretty good, but because it occasionally

causes the machine to fail, it can't be sold.

Shao Ci's pedestrian plays the kind of little aristocrat who has nothing to do
when he comes to this kind of planet tourism, which is taken for granted by
the person in charge of the local mine. Even if the people of the mine had
hosted a real empire aristocracy such as Isere, they did not see that they had
any problems.
This person in charge is actually the same as that year. Shao Ci was startled
and shrank to a low-key appearance. The person in charge just glanced
casually and continued to talk diligently to Pei Fan.

The heart raised by Shao Ci finally let go, and it seemed that his dressing
was still very successful.

Pei Fan casually answered the words of the person in charge, but this
highcold attitude made the person in charge more attentive, and constantly
introduced various local places, saying that people could take them to
sightseeing spots or something.

"No need." Pei Van Gogh coldly rejected the proposal of the person in
charge, saying that he had only one purpose for this visit, that is, he wanted
to buy the more inferior black lacquer stone, and then processed it into
jewelry and sold it.

Although this purpose sounds a bit unreliable, where can those people who
now live a life surrounded by machines buy such dangerous jewelry?

But this is the case for many noble masters. They have money and no place
to spend, and they mess up things. It is not painful to lose anyway.

The person in charge was ecstatic at all, and never thought that Pei Fan
might have lied to him, and his attitude was ten times better. I wished to
kneel on Pei Fan.

After all, these inferior black lacquer stones in the mine cannot be sold even
as souvenirs (not to mention they can't be sold at all), they are piled up a
lot, occupying most of the warehouse, and they ca n’t be thrown to the
garbage star for disposal People have long been thinking about how to deal
with things, and now there is a big head of injustice who doesn't lie in vain.

Afterwards, Fan Fei casually proposed to visit the mine and said that he
wanted to see how the black lacquer was mined.

The person in charge immediately hesitated, "but according to regulations,

other people are not allowed to go in and visit ..."
The men standing behind Pei Fan immediately sternly, "Just look at your
mining process, what can happen? Or do you not want to sell us the black
lacquer stone at all?"

The person in charge immediately became tense. Looking down at Pei Fan's
indifferent look, it seemed that he was not in a hurry about this matter. It
would be bad if a fat sheep was released because of this kind of thing.

After weighing the pros and cons, the person in charge wiped the sweat on
his head. "If there is a special situation, it can still be harmonious ... but
there will be nobles coming tonight. The mine will be fully alert when the
time comes, so I hope you can finish reading soon. "

Shao Ci: "..." It sounds terrible. What a noble person is not Isreel ... No, it is
impossible, such a minebreaker Isreel topped it once. God, why would I
come here a second time.

With a sorrowful mood, Shao Ci entered the mine with others, and
unexpectedly found that the mine is quite different from that year.

It may be that a lot of new things have been studied in this century. The
mine looks much taller than that year, but the place where the black lacquer
stone is mined is still the same. After all, black lacquer can make the
machine fail.

Moreover, Shao Ci also found that the area he had mined at that time
seemed to have been mined, and the person in charge did not walk from
there at all, and from a distance, the door was tightly closed.

When everyone saw the low-level Zerg working in the mine, Pei Fan was
okay, he could maintain a cold expression, and everyone else's face was
much uglier.

The responsible person thought that these people were suspected of

abandoning the lower zerg, and immediately explained: "It is also
impossible for the lower zerg to mine the black lacquer stone. After all, the
black lacquer stone cannot be mined by a machine ... but after processing
the black lacquer stone That layer of the surface will be disposed of, and
you will never touch the dirty genes of the lower zerg. "

He didn't say it. Fortunately, a few people's faces became even more ugly.
If they didn't have more important things to do, they were afraid that they
would rush forward and beat the person in charge.

After almost observing, the person in charge took everyone to the outside
lounge to prepare for a detailed discussion.

Shao Ci looked behind him with some doubts. He remembered that there
was still a lounge on the other side, but after so many years, it was normal
even if it was abandoned ... and that lounge was not very high-quality that

After entering the lounge, everyone directly stunned the person in charge
and his staff. These people have enjoyed in the mine for so many years. The
combat effectiveness has long declined and I do n’t know how much. It is
said that the five scums of the war have been elevated, and they have fallen
without resistance.

Although I was thinking about not making too much movement, so as not to
attract Isreel's attention, but how difficult and unexpected how to do the x
point man ... Anyway, Shao Ci is giving up the low-key idea.

Then Pei Fan and a few men stayed here to collect information, and the
rest put on their clothes, went out with their work permits, and went to the
place where they just saw the black lacquer stone.

Even if they wanted to take away the lower Zerg here, the spaceship on the
spacecraft was not enough, and they could only endure this idea.

Shao Ci knew where the black lacquer stone's warehouse was, but what he
said couldn't explain how he learned it, so he had no choice but to say
When Shao Ci was walking towards the warehouse, he just passed by the
area in the past, he hesitated a little, and finally curiosity prevailed and he
quietly pushed the door.

Theoretically, what kind of authentication is required to open such a door.

As a result, Shao Ci only heard a click, and the door opened directly.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Shao Ci looked at the door in shock, then looked
down at his own hand, suddenly felt that he had done something big ... but
this mine may not be here after today It will exist, it should not matter.

Surprisingly, everything inside the door is the same as in the past. There is
no trace of mining of the black lacquer stone on the wall. It is like those
people inside have suddenly heard any order when they are working
halfway, so they have Leave the same.

Generally, such scenes are played in various horror movies, such as what
monsters are suddenly dug out and everyone scares them away.

"What the **** is going on here ..." Shao Ci made up a lot of mess in this
dark and empty place, and was so frightened that he was cold. "Forget it, I'll
leave here soon."

If I go on, it will trigger something terrible.

Shao Ci left the room in a hurry and walked to the warehouse where the
black lacquer ore was stored in memory.


On the other side, Pei Fan probably also knew that he had definitely
offended Israel this time, asking someone to wake up the person in charge
directly, and to get some information from him, so that he would not be
killed if he knew nothing in the future. .

After the person in charge was awakened by the water, he cursed for a
moment, saying that the invaders had not ended well. Then someone was
pressed against the neck with a knife, and then immediately shrank, and I
answered what I asked.

He didn't even torture him, and the person in charge casually told Israel's

It turned out that Israel will come to this mine star for a few days every
year. Everyone needs to keep it secret, so outsiders do n’t know ...
Otherwise, this planet may have been long lost by Israel ’s fans. Crowded.

The person in charge said it was a bit regrettable when he came here, and
then said that Isreal was scheduled to arrive tonight.

By chance, Pei Fan and his party came, and the responsible person thought
they were assassins who came to kill Isreel.

"Why?" Pei Fan looked at the person in charge indifferently, and asked:
"Israel clearly has the right and power, where is it bad to go, have to come
to this mine star tour? You really did not lie?"

The person in charge ran down with cold sweat, and said quickly: "... This,
I don't know, how can I know the kind of thoughts in an adult's heart, but I
say it is true, there is no lie ..."

The blade was pressed a little deeper immediately, and blood ran down
from the neck. The person in charge felt the coolness of the blade and
suddenly panicked. Finally, he said the most unspeakable information. "I
said, I said it !!!! That's because Lord Israel came here to meet someone he
likes. "

Despite the fact that the lower Zerg had died a hundred years ago, Isreel
would not allow these people to bring up this matter, let alone call him
Shao Ci's name.

So every time you talk, everyone pretends that the lower Zerg is alive, and
even the food is ready for two. Now that I am used to it, I ca n’t change my
mouth. The person in charge did n’t say anything about that person ’s death,
but he was actually afraid that he would be killed if he said everything.
As soon as the person in charge came out, everyone's face became even

One person was more direct: "Everyone knows that Israel is not only not
married, but even a lover. How could he run for thousands of miles to see
this lover ... if he really wants to see him, Just fine? How could a nobleman
not have such rights. "

"I absolutely did not lie!" The person in charge was so frightened that he
panicked, "There are still photos to prove it."

"Oh?" Pei Fan raised an eyebrow and let the person in charge take the
picture of the place where the person in charge said, and his heart moved
slightly. If the person in charge said true, they might have found the whole
empire by accident. Unknown to Isler's weakness.

The man flipped from the cabinet to the photo packed in a sealed bag. He
didn't take a closer look and gave it directly to Pei Fan.

Pei Fan took the bag, took out the photo, and looked down. After seeing the
picture clearly, his face looked as usual, but his hands almost crushed the

One of the people in the photo is the legendary Isreel, and the person with
his eyes watching gently. Pei Fan is very familiar. That person is the one he
valued recently and wants to be promoted, Shao Ci.

Even if you want to convince the person in the photo and Shao Ci that they
are similar in appearance, they have similar looks and manners, and Pei Fan
cannot possibly admit it.

Looking at Pei Fan who was not talking, everyone was a little puzzled and
asked, "Boss, what's wrong, who is this person above?"

"No." Pei Fandan said indifferently: "It's not a very important person. And
since Isere's lover is still left in this place, even if we catch it, we can't
threaten it. But that one Israel? "
The crowd nodded, and they hadn't expected to threaten Isrel by such
things. Now it's not a matter of much, and no one proposed to see what the
photos looked like.

"But." Pei Fan looked indifferently to the person in charge. "How could you
have a picture of Isreel here? He just trusts you like that?"

"No no no, how could Lord Israel trust me?" The person in charge quickly
said: "It is because every time Lord Israel comes, photos are placed in his
room. All of us here He gave it. "

"Well, that's the case." Pei Fan nodded absently, it seemed that he didn't
care about the matter at all, but he already understood something.

"Well, here you can see the scenes everywhere in the mine." One person
said to the machine beside him, and then called out the monitor.

Then everyone just saw that in the picture, Shao Ci walked on the road and
suddenly opened a door. After entering for a while, he panicked out, as if
something terrible had been encountered.

Seeing this scene, the person in charge said with a shocked expression:
"How come, it's Lord Israel's room. It is impossible for others to enter."
"You're telling the truth? Did you take a closer look?" One asked.

"It's true, even if I have the highest authority there, I can't go in." The
person in charge said quickly: "These things have been said before. I have
absolutely no reason to lie here."

The scene fell into a weird silence for a while, and everyone didn't speak,
just looked at the picture in amazement, even if they didn't see the previous
photos, they all suspected that there was something wrong with Shao Ci.

"It's nothing to be surprised." Pei Fan was cold in his heart, but said lightly
on the face: "It's all the tasks I secretly entrusted to him. Such a room looks
difficult to enter. In fact, it can be easily opened by using special methods.
It seems that he should have found what I asked him to find. "
"Ah, scared me. I thought there was something wrong with the
newcomer ..." "Yeah, it's still a great leader. You can achieve this level by
cultivating the newcomer for a few days."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Pei Fan couldn't calm down and put
the photos into the space button.


After Shao Ci came to the warehouse, he filled a lot of black lacquer stones
in the space button, and almost filled the whole space button.

Then Shao Ci got the news that he should go back. When I remembered
what else was going on tonight, Shao Ci was in a tight heart. Regardless of
the fact that the space buttons were not full, he quickly returned to the
agreed place. At this point, almost everyone else is already there.

After Shao Ci handed in the space button, everyone hurriedly left the base
and left on the spacecraft. As for the person in charge, he was fainted again,
and all the pictures taken by the monitor were destroyed ... Originally, their
identities were completely exposed. It doesn't matter if they are destroyed
or not, but Pei Fan remembered Shao Ci and let him People did it.

After the spacecraft left the mine, the people sorted out the black lacquer
stones they found, and found that there were more than expected.

This time the mission was completed smoothly, everyone was in a good
mood, and they were celebrated on the spacecraft. Many foods that were
not usually eaten were brought out, and some people sang songs directly.

However, Shao Ci was exaggerated because he received the most black

lacquer stones. Even those who were usually alienated also smiled and
greeted Shao Ci, as if Shao Ci was already in the team. One member.

Shao Ci returned to the room in a good mood, and saw Pei Fan holding a
photo in his hand, looking at it as if thinking about something.
Shao Ci did not dare to disturb him, so he wanted to sit silently, but was
suddenly stopped.

"Let's talk about it." Pei Fan said indifferently: "Before we all thought you
were the illegitimate child of the little aristocrat on the Star of Jin, after all,
the spacecraft has just left from the Star of Star, but your appearance is
obviously the same as the star of Star The aristocracy is very different. "

This kind of question Shao Ci had long thought about, and immediately
answered: "Ah ... after all, my mother is a lower zerg from other planets,
and I was dismissed because my appearance is similar to my mother."

"So do you have any brothers that look similar to you?"

I don't know if it is the illusion of Shao Ci, I always feel that Pei Fan's
words have a sense of expectation, as if he wants him to admit it.

"No." Shao also knew that lying too much would be troublesome, and said,
"My mother has only one child."

"Um." Pei Fan nodded. "What do you think of that Isreel in the materials I
showed you last time?"

Shao Ci's mood became more and more subtle. Obviously, he had gained
the trust of Pei Fan before. Did he do anything to make him doubt himself
this time? Israel is also mentioned. Why?

"I don't have any idea ..." Shao Ci said: "The kind of big aristocracy in the
upper empire is too far away from my life, probably the kind that I can't see
for a lifetime. What can I think?"

"Um." Pei Fan looked at Shao Ci, and even smiled softly, put away the
things in his hands, "It's okay, take a good rest."

"Okay." Shao Ci always felt weird, but Pei Fan said that it was all right, it
should be fine.
On the other side, on Mine, the crowd stood tremblingly, staring nervously
at Isere, who was sitting in the middle.

The person in charge was thrown to the ground by a large number of

flowers and kept begging for mercy. "Master Israel, I didn't expect those
rebels to do this kind of thing before they were conspired by them. I have
absolutely no betrayal you."

Others were also very scared. They never expected that such a thing would
happen before Isreel came. If people outside knew that the rebels had mixed
in with Isreel's miner in this way, they still Robbed most of the resources
and left, where is Israel's face?

Israel drank the tea slowly and said lightly, "Well, I believe you."

When the person in charge was relieved and rejoicing, Isrel said slowly:
"Just recently, the lower Zerg on the battlefield have died a little. I think
you have some use. Pack your luggage today and leave tomorrow. "

"No, don't!" The person in charge issued a mournful sorrow, "Master Israel,
I'm really loyal to you, give me another chance!"

He has been here for so many years, and his body has been hollowed out for
a long time. I am afraid that he is worse than some lower Zerg, and there is
only one dead word on the battlefield.

"I don't need a waste here." Israel looked coldly, "take him away." If he
didn't want to destroy his good mood, he would have killed the waste here.

After the person in charge was dragged away, the remaining people were
extremely nervous, for fear that it would end up with the person in charge.
As for the rebels lurking into the planet, they were basically dead in their
eyes and offended Iraq. Lord Slell, unless you escape to humans, don't want
to live any longer.

Israel did not care about them, but just walked towards the mine. This is
where he and Shao will meet again, so he will return once a year to close
the area. He would always open the door of the cabinet again and again,
always feeling that Shao Ci would be hidden inside like he was then.

Sometimes he couldn't help wondering if Shao Ci would still be alive if he

didn't meet himself.

Israel's hand rested on the door, only to find that the door was just a cover,
and was pushed open in an instant.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

28: Interstellar Zerg (9)
Since then, Shao Ci has lived a peaceful life on the spacecraft for dozens of

In these days, after solving some useless little aristocrats, Pei Fan's team
also absorbed a lot of civilians who were dissatisfied with the aristocracy
and replaced a new spaceship. Shao Ci also has his own room.

Everything is moving in a good direction, but Shao Ci's mood has become
agitated. According to the description in the original text, after going to a
mine to grab the supplies, this group of people caught Israel's attention, but
Israel did nothing, just observing the rebels secretly What can be done.

It wasn't until after that that Isreel felt that Pei Fan threatened little. Had it
not been for the protagonist halo, this group of people would probably have
been wiped out. Pei Fan was almost arrested, and then he fled by relying on
the protagonist's halo. After that, Isreel realized Pei Fan's threat and
seriously dealt with it.

And now, it is not far from the day when that happened.

"Ah, ah, I can't tell the plot." Shao Ci was very entangled. "And even if it is
mentioned implicitly from the side, if you change the plot, you don't know
what will happen ... but it can. Take advantage of this opportunity to brush
up on Pei Fan's goodwill, anyway, no one will lunch this time. " After
thinking so, Shao Ci was relieved and fell asleep at ease.
What Shao Ci doesn't know is that Pei Fan has seen his strange behavior
these days.


Soon, the day of the original story will come.

Shao Ci still remembers that this plot tells that Pei Fan brought a few men
into the city of a certain planet to buy supplies, and then was blocked at the
port when he was about to leave. However, Isreel did not consider the
rebels composed of these lower Zerg and civilians as a threat, and only sent
a dozen or more men with high military values, and this was escaped by Pei
Fan and others.

Since the last Miner mission. Pei Fan paid special attention to Shao's
speech, and basically did not allow him to leave his sight, and this task
naturally pulled him up.

Although Shao Ci feels strange, as long as the current goal is achieved, he

doesn't bother to think about it.

This is an extremely prosperous trading planet, especially cities with

spaceship ports, where countless spacecraft are parked here every day.

In fact, this is the first time that Shao Ci has come to such a place. Although
the former Capital Star has a good view, it is still far from prosperous, after
all, outsiders are not allowed to enter.

Tall buildings are everywhere in the city, and countless aircraft pass by in
the middle. There are also a variety of facilities for shopping and
enjoyment. Many aristocrats around will come here by airship.

There is also a huge lake in the middle of the city, which looks like a
sapphire from a distance, from which several rivers flow through the city.

Shao said they didn't have the leisure time to enjoy, hurried to the hidden
place in the city, and then entered the underground black market
That's right, such a bustling trading planet basically has a black market, and
people like Pei Fan can only buy supplies here.

After paying the money and getting the goods, a few people were leaving,
but the boss kept talking and said, "Be careful when you leave."

Shao speech: "!" Why can a passerby set up a flag! When entering this city,
Shao Ci was very nervous, feeling that something terrible might have
happened, and his face was a lot ugly.

When people asked Shao Ci, they had to say that this was the first time they
had come to such a big city. They were so excited that they barely confused
the past.

"I know the plot, what else is so nervous." Shao Ci kept comforting himself
in the heart, "As long as you follow the plot, nothing will happen."

Several people boarded the aircraft and hurried towards the port. However,
they had not reached half the distance. One person's face changed when he
picked up the communicator.

Shao speech: "!" Lying down? Is this an X-point man who hasn't grown up
yet? Say yes to just a dozen hands down? Israel, why don't you come by the

"Fortunately, before our people saw that the situation was bad, they had
already drove away ... Now we can't go to the port. Let's find a place to
avoid it before we say it."

The next moment, there were several military flying chess around, using
weapons against this side, so that the aircraft here had to land on the ground
under the impact.

As soon as a few people got out of the aircraft, they saw dozens of people
with weapons around the road.
At this time, even a fool knows that he has encountered an ambush ... and
there are still so many people, even if they are all open, they will not be
able to fight!

"Hateful." Several people had to flee to the side alley, and those people also
chased after each other, but maybe they were afraid to disturb the people
around them so they did not use weapons, although Shao Ci felt already

Unfortunately, because of various factors, the military personnel are

naturally stronger than these miscellaneous soldiers, and the speed is much
faster. If it were not for the mess in the alley, they would have been caught
up long ago. Already. But if it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be
caught for long.

"It's better for us to be scattered." Pei Fan said abnormally calmly: "I am
their goal, let me go from here alone, you leave from other places."

Although others were unwilling, they also knew that this was not the time
for quarrels, and they were also dragged by Pei Fan, so they nodded and
escaped from the other side of the alley.

Shao hesitated for a while, trying to find an excuse to stay, and the next
moment was grabbed by Pei Fan, "You follow me."

Shao said for a moment, looking up, he could only see Pei Fan's back, so he
hummed and ran forward with him.

It was also during this time that Shao Ci often exercised on the spacecraft,
otherwise he could run out of breath with his previous physical strength.
Now it seems that when I was bored before, it was really good to decide to

Those in the rear military did not care about the others, but rushed towards
Pei Fan quickly.
When we were about to get out of the alley, there were a bunch of people
on the opposite side, presumably because of the news we had received

Fortunately, there was a fork next to it. With almost no hesitation, Pei Fan
rushed into the fork with Shao Ci. This fork was not long. After taking a
few turns, he came to the rapid river.

"Let's go out of the water." Pei Fan quickly made up his mind.

Shao Ci: "!!!" He can't swim!

Before Shao had said this, the people in the back saw that they were leaving
the river, and they were obviously anxious, and they didn't know who fired

Seeing that the shot was about to be fired on Shao Ci, Pei Fan quickly
rushed to Shao Ci and hugged him, at the same time, the bullet also
penetrated his shoulder. This is not an ordinary bullet, but it was developed
for the Zerg. Even the most powerful Zerg will be weak for a period of time
after being shot, and need to rest for several days to recover.

Pei Fan snorted, most of the blood was splashed on Shao Ci's body,
smelling the **** smell, Shao Ci was still in the process of panic.

Originally, it was intended to save Pei Fan from brushing his favorability.
Why did things become like this now, and why he was saved instead.

The huge force of the bullet made them fall directly into the river.

The blood flowed from Pei Fan's shoulder and instantly stained the
surrounding water red. But even so, he gritted his teeth and hugged Shao
Ci, and the rushing water pushed them down. After Shao Ci entered the
water, he was almost choked. There was a feeling of drowning. I did n’t
know what it was. Time passed out.

When Shao Ci was sober, he found himself lying on Pei Fan's thigh, and he
sat up quickly.
This is a very small space. The two of them are leaning against a huge
abandoned machine. The surroundings are dark and extremely quiet. Only
the gaps on the wall cast a few rays of light.

"Where is this?" Shao Ci's memory remained when he and Pei Fan fell into
the water together.

Pei Fan said: "This is an abandoned factory flowing under the river, there
are no people around, but it should be found soon ... we go now ... kekeke

"By the way, your wound!" Shao Ci looked at the light and saw that there
was no blood on Pei Fan's face, the cloth on his shoulders had been stained
with blood, and he looked very weak, holding on The wall wanted to stand
up but it was weak.

"This ... looks so serious." Shao Ci remembered the situation before a while
and was afraid. If it wasn't for Pei Fan, he would probably have eaten a
lunch box. . "

Pei Fan did not answer, but took a few breaths, and fell directly on Shao Ci
the next moment. The temperature of his body was astounding, he was
panting constantly, and had lost his consciousness. He looked very
uncomfortable, and it seemed to be a fever caused by a serious injury.

The X-point male lead was not great at the beginning, and Pei Fan's
physique is quite special, which can be said to be a plug-in of him. Every
time he is injured or dying, his combat effectiveness will greatly increase
after he wakes up.

Shao Ci reached out and was caught subconsciously by Pei Fan in a coma.

"Ah ..." Shao Ci had to use this posture to continuously input the abilities,
and the abilities were very effective. The original wounds healed quickly.
After a while, Pei Fan's breathing calmed down, and she rested quietly.
Sleeping on Shao Ci.
It's just that the lost blood and the effect of that bullet will not be able to
recover in a short time. Even if Pei Fan's health is good, he must rest for a
few days before he can toss.

"Ah." Shao sighed, and it seems that the original plot changed for some
reason. After all, he was so big that he walked by alone, more than the
butterfly in the butterfly effect.

I don't know how long I sat there, footsteps from outside, and voices from
people talking.

After all, there are only a few places in the lower reaches of the river. It is
normal for people searching here to come here so soon. There must be
many traces on the ground outside. It is only a matter of time before they
are found.

But even if Pei Fan has a protagonist halo, now that there are so many
enemies, his body has not completely recovered, even if he wants to escape,
there is no way to escape. The plot is so much worse than the original, and
even Shao Ci did not grasp Pei Fan's ability to retreat.

The noise outside is getting louder and louder, and obviously it will be in
this factory in a while.

Shao Ci gritted his teeth. It was better to be arrested than two, and Pei Fan
had saved his life before. Now he will repay Pei Fan's kindness.

Looking down at Pei Fan, who was still lying on the ground, Shao said he
would pull out his hand, but Pei Fan held his hand even harder and
whispered, "No ... don't go ... "

"Sorry, I have to leave now."

After all, Pei Fan is now weak and Shao Ci pulled his hand out as soon as
he tried to put Pei Fan in a more hidden place. Then he stood up and ran
out, and made a great deal of movement when he ran.
Those who wanted to find out here immediately chased after hearing the
news, but no one thought to continue to check if there was anyone in the
factory ... presumably because the protagonist's halo had affected their IQ.

Shao Ci was not very physically fit and was caught shortly after he ran.

They thought they were going to be beaten up. As a result, those people
just pulled out the handcuffs and hid Shao Ci's hands and pulled the
aircraft aside.

Shao Ci was sitting on the aircraft, his heart was extremely tense, and he
felt that something terrible would happen to him.

In short, Pei Fan didn't get caught ... It is absolutely possible to escape by
relying on the protagonist's halo.

[Because the previous rules were not perfect, after being modified, after the
host leaves the Raiders each time, there are three days to buffer. In these
three days, the host does not need to do daily tasks. ?

Shao Ci: "!" When I heard this news at this time, although I should be very
happy, my mood was still very complicated!

After a mess of thinking, the aircraft reached its destination, and Shao Ci
was pushed off the aircraft. There are countless army people and countless
passers-by watching, constantly looking at Shao's words with different
eyes, and also whispering.

Even though there have been so many shameful incidents, Shao Ci, who
thinks that his psychological endurance is already high, feels embarrassed

The army in front of them suddenly separated, and several people came to
spread the red carpet on the ground. The people around them seemed to be
aware of something and screamed.

Shao's speech: "??????" I still need to engage in such a big battle?

There are petals falling in the air, and disappear when they fall to the
ground. This is a petal made with high-tech projection technology, which is
not only beautiful but also environmentally friendly.

In the next moment, Isreel, dressed in a uniform, walked away, as if the

nobleman came out of the painting, so he came to Shao Ci, grabbed Shao
Ci's hand and pulled it directly into his arms Smiling: "It's been a long

[?? ? ... A character with a higher force value has been detected ...
According to the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders is
started ... The replacement is completed, and the current Raiders is Israel. ?

Shao speech: "!!!" Lying down? !!

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
29: Interstellar Zerg (ten)
No, why does Isreel know it is him? !! Shouldn't it be the first time that it's
just that this prisoner looks so much like my old lover (although it seems
that Shao Ci does not want to admit it)? !!

Even if he knew it, he should be shocked how a dead man suddenly

appeared? !! Such a normal meeting of acquaintances is quite abnormal!

Shao Ci was held in his arms by Isreel, looking at the petals that
disappeared when he fell on him. The whole person was in an aggressive
state, and his brain was full of various vomits.

And the crowd around the crowd was shocked and speechless. At first, they
thought that they wanted to catch such a big fight and they were so excited.
When they were excited to meet the legendary Lord Israel, they saw such
an explosive picture the next moment? !! Why is Lord Israel hugging this
wolf howling, and at first glance what a wanted man is!

This has not been an ambiguous object for hundreds of years, and even
people have speculated whether it is asexual Lord Israel, how could it be so
close to a wanted criminal?

"Let me introduce it to you." Israel released his hand after holding it

enough, took Shao's hand, saw the handcuffs above, and stretched out his
hands, then made of the strongest new alloy The resulting handcuffs were
directly deformed, and then they became hot and melted into two halves.

After the handcuffs fell to the ground, Shao Ci's hands were unharmed,
which is enough to see how powerful Israel's power is and how accurate he
is in control.

Israel smiled and looked at the crowds outside the red carpet and
introduced: "This is my partner. Although he looks very cute, he is actually
not very well behaved? Apparently, an engagement banquet will be held,
but from my Fleeing around ... I came here this time just to take him away.

Shao Ci: "Oh!" Is it really that bright and fair? !! He used to be active as a
rebel under his command, so he just wanted to wash it in just a few words?
Even Israel may be questioned by the public.

However, it is indeed that Shao Ci thinks too much, and no one cares about
that kind of thing.

Suddenly, the sound of air-cooling came around, not only the crowds
around, but even the subordinates of Isreel were shocked and speechless.

Before that, they had no idea what Israel was going to do to catch this
person. They only knew that Lord Israel had instructed not to hurt the
target. They had thought that they were afraid of being killed and could not
be tortured ... What is going on with this picture now? !!

As for those who have just caught Shao's speech, they are also beginning to
worry about whether they have just been too rude. If it hurts Lord Isrel's
partner, it is not finished.

Shao Ci: "..." Why do you think these people's concerns are not right? !!

On the other side, Isreel took out a box and reached out to open it, with a
ring in the middle of the box.

The gemstones inlaid on the ring are shining in the sun, and the red and
purple liquid flow inside is very beautiful. After seeing the ring clearly,
many people screaming around.

"That's only a few thousand rubbles in the entire empire! You can buy
several planets for one value!"

"His Majesty Julier was said to have proposed to the Queen Eliffel with a
ring of ruby, and they were also a very loving couple. Since then, ruby ??
has become one of the most precious gems of the empire. I never expected I
could see it one day! "
"If someone proposes to me with a ruby ??ring, I will pass out happily."



Shao Ci was also shocked. I didn't expect that it was such a precious gem.
Wait, they seemed to say that it was red obsidian. If he remembered it
correctly, this gem seemed to have a bit of a terrible function.

After associating with that function, Shao Ci subconsciously retracted his

hand, but was held down by Israel with a smile.

As soon as Shao Ci wanted to say no, Israel leaned down and reached Shao
Ci's ear. "I know where your companion is hiding ... if I don't obey, now
my men will do it directly?"

The warmth of hot air was spilled on the auricle, and Shao Ci's heart lifted
directly. He no longer struggled honestly, put out his hand obediently, and
finally realized why those people had easily let go of the abandoned
factory. It turned out that Isreel had already said good ... Now it seems that
this matter is not as casual as he thought.

Israel raised Shao's hand, that extremely beautiful face was almost more
dazzling than the beautiful gemstones in the sun, and the golden eyes stared
at Shao Ci softly. "I saw you for the first time I want to do this ... Although
so much has happened, now it can finally be done. "

In the crowd of countless people, Isreel took the ring inch by inch very
seriously and slowly put it on Shao Ci's finger. The holographic projection
continues to project romantic petals. If you ignore Shao Ci's embarrassment
and handcuffs at the feet, this is a perfect proposal scene.

All the people around me were envious of it. They looked at her with
glittering eyes and kept screaming. They are afraid they will never forget
this incident.
As the protagonist, Shao Ci was not as happy as anyone else thought. He
felt that it was not like wearing a ring, but rather a yoke on his body.

Although ruby ??is a gem of love, it can break the feelings of countless
couples. Because it can feel the emotion of the person wearing the ring,
when the heart is excited and joyful, the gemstone will light up, and when
the person wearing the ring is sad or unhappy, the light of the gemstone will
also become extremely dim.

So although many girls dream of this gem, many husbands and wives will
not want it, otherwise they will expose their true emotions in minutes ...
Now Shao Ci is worried about this problem! !!

As soon as this extremely precious ruby ??ring was worn on Shao Ci's
hand, the light tended to dim.

Fortunately, other people are far away, and the sun is strong. Otherwise, if
everyone sees the ruby ??ring at the proposal site, the light is still dim,
isn't it a bright statement that Shao Ci is boring to Isreel?

Obviously it was blue and white, and there were so many people around,
but Shao Ci was so cold in his heart that he almost fell to the ground in
shock. Looking up, I just felt that Israel's gentle smile seemed to be so cold.

"No, no, I'll die if I go on like this." Shao Ci quickly thought about happy
things, thinking that this ring was worth several planets, and he changed
from the proletariat to the rich overnight, and his mood suddenly suddenly

Under the influence of Shao Ci's mood, the gem that was supposed to be
dull also restored its original light.

Israel's eyes also recovered, and he bowed his head and kissed the ring
gently, smiling at Shao Ci, "Welcome back."

The screams of those around were much higher, almost deafening people's
ears, but to Shao Ci, it was like the voice of another world. He was caught
by Israel. As if isolated in another world.
This is not his sudden literature and art. It is the gas field carried by a
person with strong blood and strong force such as Isere, which can subtly
isolate some external temperatures and sounds. It is still a very useful skill.
Otherwise, Shao Ci will be fainted in such a big sun.

Shao Ci looked at the ring on his hand with some sad eyes. All this
happened too quickly. He couldn't even think of the way he refused ... It
always felt like this, he would lead a terrible life!

Hey, presumably there is something in Isreel that will spread throughout the
empire tomorrow. I don't know what Pei Fanhui and others would think
about it ... forget it, no matter what they think, they can't go back to that
place themselves.

The Isreel private ship is quite large, and it is extremely luxuriously

furnished with various facilities. It is like a small town. Everyone
encountered along the way bowed their salute.

Then the two came to a huge bedroom. There was even a swimming pool in
this bedroom. It looked like a hall, and the bed inside was even bigger and

There were several machine maids standing by the table, ready to stand by.
In fact, according to Isreel's current status, even if it is to find a real female
Zerg to be a maid, it is not impossible.

After arriving in the bedroom, Israel let go of his hand, and Shao Ci stepped
back immediately.

"Don't panic, sit down and rest, right? I think you have a lot of things to ask
me." Isreel sat down at the table, and the machine maid on the side quickly
made hot tea.

Anyway, Shao could not escape, so he had to sit opposite to Isreel,

struggling and said, "... that, in fact, I want to say, did you recognize the
wrong person ..."
"No." Israel put his hands on his chin, and looked at Shao with a smile. "I
don't know if you find it. These days, I have been watching you." Shao
Ci: "Well?" What a terrible statement this is.

"Ten days ago, I had noticed you when I was a mine star." Isreel said: "I
used the genes left in the mine to test and found that it really is you. And I
don't know At that time, your genes have evolved, probably because of the
past ... "

Shao Ci: "..." will no longer be able to use the identity of the lower Zerg as
an excuse!

Israel apparently didn't want to mention Tizizer's affairs, and continued:

"Since then, I have been watching your movements in secret. When
everything was prepared today, I finally got you by my side."

Sure enough, it was the fault of that mine! Shao Ci immediately thought of
the door that he had accidentally pushed open.

Shao Ci also said, "But ... the difference between me and the person you are
looking for is quite big, such as ... the difference between living and
dying ... or something ... are you sure you are not looking for the wrong

He had eaten bento directly in the hall of Isreel at that time, and this was
not a linguistic resurrection.

"This thing ... you know better than me?" Israel whispered. "At the time,
when I woke up from the bed, I was facing your death. At that time, I really
thought I was going to be forever. I have lost you, but only a few days later,
your body has disappeared. "

Shao Ci's face suddenly became ugly: "!" Hey, you give it to me. Didn't you
say it was a copy before, in fact, it wouldn't be to use the old body directly?
[After all, copying a body requires a lot of energy, and the host has already
used up almost one hundred years after it came to the host ... it can be used
the same after repairing anyway. ?

Obviously it's very okay! And don't treat his body like a machine!

"Although I don't know how you did it." Israel said quietly, saying, "But
obviously, you deceived me and escaped from me by the method of fake
death. There I have been searching for you since then, but I have no news
whatsoever. "

Shao Ci: "... Ah, it's hard for you." Can't find it because it really died!

"I didn't expect you to appear again." Israel said: "Also, you have actually
taken refuge in the rebels. It seems that even if you are not a low-level
Zerg, you still have a heart for them ... ... but do they really treat you as a
companion? "

Here comes the villain's favorite provocation. However, Shao has no way to
deal with it.

"Um, maybe ..." Shao Ci did not have any confidence in his answer,
because he also knew that although some people regarded him as a
companion, more people couldn't understand why a nobleman was with

This kind of problem exists even in the original work. Later, Pei Fan's men
were clearly divided into the nobility and the lower Zerg faction. If Pei Fan
were not present, this organization would have been broken.

However, Shao Ci himself was not very sincere, and he only joined the
rebels for the convenience of staying with Pei Fan.

"So, you're not fit to stay in that kind of place, it's better to stay with me."
Israel smiled. "Look, haven't I let go of the little bugs this time? Where
they hide I know everything, but I've let it go as if I didn't see it. " "Why?"
Shao Ci didn't quite understand. "Those people are going to resist the
rebels of the empire ... you can catch them. I can't escape anyway."
"It's all about you." Israel slowly said, "If those people want to, they can get
rid of the status of wanted criminals and become a civilian life again ... but
if they still insist on not changing , I will not be merciless. " That's the
protagonist's, of course, the idea will not change ...

"Then what do I need to do?" Shao said a little sloppily. "After all, you let
those people go." After all, Israel wasn't doing charity.

"What you have to do is just stay with me." Israel reached out and covered
Shao Ci's ring finger, staring into his eyes, like when the two first met. The
golden eyes lighted up, "I wouldn't care or ask anything that happened
before. Although I can force you to stay, sure enough, I still hope you can
stay voluntarily."

Shao Ci was so gazing at him that he couldn't say no, and nodded. I always
feel that Israel is different from the past, but I don't know where it is.

After obtaining Shao Ci ’s consent, Eastray often showed a much more

sincere smile than before, and pushed the tea cup in front of Shao Ci. “Rest
assured, this time I will never do anything like that before Now. "

At night when Israel didn't notice, Shao Ci also tried to take off the ring, but
the ring that he put on casually at first became very tight now, no matter
how hard he could not take it off. .

"Ah ..." Shao Ci was discouraged. Sure enough, if the ring given by Isreel
could be removed casually, it would not look like he would give it away.

Sure enough, in the next few days, Israel's story spread throughout the
empire. Whether it was watching TV or the Internet, or even paper news
that nobles could see, the most important page on it was that day. Photo of
the port.

And Shao Ci overnight became the envy of teenagers and girls throughout
the empire. Countless people want to dig into his life and experience, but
they can't find it, they can only constantly imagine how Shao Ci captured
Isrel's heart.
After that, countless news broke out on the Internet. Someone who said that
Shao was an imperial clan met with Isreel in the palace. Others said that
Shao Ci was a soldier. The two met when Lord Israel toured the battlefield.
There are all kinds of speculations, and some of the news that Shao Ci was
actually a lower Zerg in the past were completely ignored.

The rebels were shocked when they saw the news. For a moment, they did
not know what expression to face. No matter how you look at the news, it
was Shao Ci who had been with them before and after. What the **** is
going on, are they dreaming?

After responding, everyone began to worry about whether their identity

would be exposed, and scolded Shao Ci, saying that Shao Ci must be
undercover sent by the empire.

Only after Pei Fan was very calm after seeing this news, he said
indifferently: "Everyone knows what Shao Ci did when we came to us, and
he was caught by the military to cover me. It's not as simple as we think,
maybe they want to split us in this way. "

After listening, everyone quieted down. After experiencing such a long

time, they believed Pei Fan almost unconditionally and never questioned it.
After all, Pei Fan rescued them from such a situation.

Even though Pei Fan had a lot of loopholes in their words, they didn't
realize it.

After Pei Fan had finished speaking, he turned back to the room, his face
was hard to look after closing the door, his hands were clenched tightly, and
his palm was almost torn.

"Sooner or later we will meet again ..."

After a lapse of a hundred years, Shao Ci returned to Capital Star, and when
he saw the familiar planet from afar, he remembered all the broken things
that had happened here before.
During these ten days on the spacecraft, he took the time to secretly check
the incident on the Internet, but he couldn't find it at all. Even if the news of
the emperor is no longer secret, it is impossible to have a clue. People
disappeared the same.

It was just that there was no news of Cisel's death. It seems that Cisel
should not have died, but how could the dignified emperor have no news at
all, what happened that he did not know.

If I had known that I would continue to come back here, Shao Ci would not
have been so straightforward when he died, and I must listen to what Sisser
said ...

In addition, Cizel will grow bigger and smaller. Shao thought he was
relying on the power of the Holy Stone, but now he does n’t have to be

In short, Shao was too lazy to continue thinking about things that he
couldn't figure out.

The biggest difference between the current Isreel and the past is that he will
finally not stop Shao Ci from seeing other people's faces like he used to,
and he will never restrain Shao ’s behavior, as long as Shao is still in his
control Within the scope, no matter what to do.

When Shao Ci asked carefully, Israel smiled, "I believe in you, and I also
believe in myself. With me by your side, why would you look after others?"

Shao Ci: "..." It is true that Israel has this face value, unless the talented
person will like other people.

"Can it be said, isn't it?" Israel was silent when he saw Shao Ci, his eyes
were slightly cold.

Shao Ci quickly said: "No, I just think you are right."

"I believe that this will never happen now." Isreel took Shao Ci's hand,
stared at the ring with a gentle look, and saw a few flashes of light on the
ring before he continued. "And I won't let that happen."

Shao Ci was almost scared to death, all because of Isreel's love of watching
rings, which led him to practice the habit of thinking about things as soon
as he approached Isreel. What a bad darkening plot.

After getting off the spaceship, Isreel took Shao to the new manor, as if it
was because too many unpleasant things in the old manor had been
abandoned by him.

It just happened that Shao Ci didn't want to return to the manor who had
died once. He was relieved after learning about it.

There are many servants in the manor house, as well as an elderly butler.
At this time, Isreel had fully grasped the power of the family, and no one
could point his finger at his actions, so these servants were also retained
by him .

When they saw Shao's speech, everyone looked respectfully and honestly.
The steward also looked over with gratifying eyes, and he could be
considered to have grown up with Isreel, thinking that Isreel would be
single like this forever, and now he finally has an object, no matter what it

Shao Ci: "..." It seems that the plot of a giant gatehouse does not appear at

Israel took Shao to the master bedroom next to a decorated room similar to
the master bedroom, and said: "Xiaoci, this is your room during this time,
what do you think? If not I'll change it if you are satisfied. "

"Well, I also have my own room?" Shao Ci did not respond for a while.
"Although I also want to live with you, I have to pay attention before
getting married. If I accidentally do something, I will be troublesome."
Israel looked troubled. "So I prepared this room, Be patient before the
wedding. "
The one who obviously needs patience is just you ... Shao Ci is so happy
that he will cry. If he really sleeps with Israel, it will feel terrible.

Shao Ci wouldn't know what to do at night unless the system was kind and
did not release any cure tasks in the previous ten days.

After hurriedly having dinner, Shao Ci was ready to go to bed and rest.
Israel also specially came to give Shao Ci a good night kiss, "Have a good
rest, see you tomorrow morning."

After Shao Ci fell asleep peacefully, he dreamed of the garden that year.
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
30: Interstellar Zerg (11)
"Slum? Is it Cizel's dream again?" Shao Ci had no idea that he was just an
ordinary sleep, and such a high-energy thing would happen, could he still
see Cisel this time?

Shao Ci walked a few steps forward in his heart, and saw the blond boy
lying quietly in the flowers. The soft blond hair was scattered on the grass.
He looked peaceful and slept deeply.

"What's wrong with Cizel?" Shao Ci slowly walked over. "Isn't this his
dream? Why is he still sleeping? It can't be my dream ..."

[After testing, the former Raiders Sizer (the system always has such a deep
maliciousness in this regard) has a congenital disease caused by genetic
instability in the body, which is not only invisible to the eyes, but also
changes the life span. It's extremely short, and probably can't live like
thirty. 】

No wonder the protagonist in the original text has already taken a lunch
before Cizelle ... wait, this kind of thing should have been said earlier!

[The data on this world collected earlier is not complete enough to be

extrapolated. ] System Road [Before and after, the target of the Raiders
Zizell will become a teenager from time to time, also because of the use of
holy stones to alleviate the illness to force the state of the body to look like
a child. 】

"So it is, why is he still alive now ..." Shao Ci suddenly thought that the
worst thing in this article should be Cizel, who was obviously the prince but
was bullied all the time. Then he finally took the throne, and as a result If
you haven't enjoyed your life, you'll have a bento.

[Because the host used a lot of abilities at first, and improved the body of
the former Raiders Sizer, so he just fell into a drowsiness and maintained
the function of the body by the nutrient solution. Although he would not
die, Can't wake up. 】
"... I shouldn't have rescued him at the beginning." It ’s better to eat bento
directly than a vegetative situation ... No, Shao Ci suddenly realized a very
serious matter, "Wait, why do I Will you come here? "

[Presumably because the host came into the area covered by his mental
strength and was pulled in unconsciously by the other party. ] The system
said so, [Speaking of which host your body also has such risks. 】

"Ah? Wait?" Shao Ci shocked, "Do you mean, will I also become a
vegetable ?!"

[The gene of the host is forcibly transformed by the holy stone. Although it
looks no different from the normal Zerg at present, in fact, the body is
almost unbearable, and it will probably fall into the same target as the
previous Raider after a while. Situation. 】

"None of the outside rumors said that? And the original man didn't!" Shao
Ci looked at Cizelle on the ground, and suddenly his heart became tight.
Can the story of being a vegetative person continue to develop? !!

[After all, there are too few low-level Zergs transformed into ordinary
Zergs by using holy stones, and most of them were killed because of other
relationships before the normal life span was exhausted ... Originally, the
male owner has no need to worry about such things. 】

That's too much! !! Do people who do n’t have the protagonist halo have to
eat lunch! Shao Ci felt angry.

"Will I be able to go directly to the next world then?" Shao Ciyun asked: "I
have already seen the original male lead, is it okay?"

[Actually, when the original male protagonist reaches the peak of his life
(almost at the end), the host is considered to complete the task completely.

Shao Ci thinks the system just wants to kill himself, "... well, where else
can I hope to complete the task? It will probably become a vegetative in a
few days ... Can you fast forward? "

[The remaining energy is not enough, but at that time, I will try to activate
the final potential of the host's body. Although it will exhaust all life in a
short time, but that time is enough for the host to see the original male host.

Why is it as if he is going to eat bento tomorrow?

After learning this cruel news, Shao Ci suddenly sobered up, only to touch
his forehead, he found that his face was covered with cold sweat.

Although he wanted to tell himself that what happened before was just
dreaming, how could dreaming be so clear.

What the system says seems to be very easy to do, but in fact, who knows
what will happen, what inspires the body to enable people to move for a
period of time, if an accident occurs in that situation, an accident is an
accident .

Shao Ci got out of bed and drank a glass of water to calm down, then
slowly walked back with a glass, pushed open the door and saw Israel
sitting in the room, a pair who had been waiting for a long time Looks like
the cup in his fright almost dropped.

Israel's eyes softened after seeing the cup in his hand, and he whispered, "I
thought you were gone again."

Shao Ci did not understand what Isreel was worried about, "How could that
happen, and even in this place, I can't even walk if I want to go."

Later, Shao Ci thought about why I was just out of the room for a glass of
water. Israel also knew that if I thought seriously, I would think of a lot of
bad things ... or do n’t keep thinking about it, and be an ignorant person
Good thing.
"It's the same thing, I think too much." Israel chuckled, "... It's only a few
days before the wedding, but my heart is getting more and more disturbed."

Shao Ci felt that it was not a problem to stand at the door, so he went in and
put the cup on the table next to it. Considering that it is not good to go to
bed this way, I sat next to Isere, "You don't have to worry."

Now he has no problems other than becoming a vegetative! (Although this

is a big problem!)

Israel naturally held Shao Ci's hand. "I sometimes don't know if it's a dream
now. I've always been afraid that when you wake up one day you will
disappear ... I actually have this idea, you will Do you think I'm ridiculous?
I didn't want to say it, but at night, I couldn't help but want to say it. If I
didn't keep it, I would like to stay by your side all the time. " That kind of
thing is gone!

"Of course not, after all, we only met again for more than ten days ..." Shao
Ci thought that Israel should be premarital phobia ... No! !!
"Wedding? Wait, just a few days? Is it so fast? Is it really possible for such
a life event to be so casual ..."

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you. Actually, it was prepared when Mine found your
identity." Israel smiled. "I have asked someone to forge your identity, and
the wedding The scene was almost set up ... because I was in a hurry and
wanted to hurry up with you. "

It's too early to prepare, and why can't I just forget to talk about such things.

What Shao Ci wanted to say was a thousand words, and it finally turned
into a sentence, "... you're happy."

After that, Israel didn't leave the room, he just had to watch Shao Ci sleep
next to him. Shao Ci did not dare to stimulate him, and went to bed

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. In these days, Shao Ci never

dreamed of Sizel again, thinking about things like that.
The wedding is not held on the Capital Star, but on another private planet
of Isreel. It is said that it was a holy place for weddings, and countless
couples get married here every year. But it was later bought by Israel for a
high price.

Shao Ci can only lament the waywardness of the rich ...

Now there are almost no outsiders on this planet, only the guests who have
been invited since then, almost all the people from the upper class of the
Empire have come.

When everyone received the invitation, they were still aggressive.

Although they also saw Israel's scandal, they thought it was just for fun ...
Who can think of a person like Israel who is really real Just marry a
civilian? !! This is too abnormal.

The wedding scene will also be broadcast live on Xingwang. Almost half of
the people in the empire are watching it. Many people mourn when they
hear the news and swear they will never watch it, but in reality the number
of live viewers is still high. The site is almost going to crash.

Almost everyone is not very clear why their male **** is going to get
married more than half a month ago, before thinking about whether it
would be a gossip, but now obviously all this is true.

As a character at the center of the event, Shao Ci was also bad for the whole
person. Why hasn't he even talked about love and married a man ... And he
has to be watched by so many audiences, it's so distraught, how can he
forget such things.

And a few days before marriage, Israel sent people to stare at him all the
time. Even if Shao said he didn't want to get married, he would probably be
stunned. Shao thought he knew Israel quite well. I had to let it happen.

After changing clothes in the lounge, Shao Ci was pushed to the open space
The scene was extremely romantic, with countless petals falling from the
sky, and Isreel, wearing a white suit, was standing opposite and smiling.

Shao Ci walked in a tense mood, Israel took his hand and easily took off the
ruby stone ring that had troubled Shao for several days ... Anyway, this
high-tech ring Shao also engaged Do not understand the principle.

Subsequently, Isreel took out another ring. He seemed a little nervous, and
slowly put the ring on Shao Ci's fingers.

Shao Ci also took out the ring that had been prepared before and put it on
Isreel, and felt that Isreel's breathing was rapid.

This time Shao Ci could not see what material it was, anyway, no matter
what it was, as long as it did not have the terrible function of the previous
ruby ring.

The invited audience immediately applauded fiercely. No matter what they

think of Shao Ci, now they have to believe that Isreel really wants to marry
a civilian, and he is still obsessed with each other.

Since it is the one that Isreel really likes, no matter what their original
identity is, they cannot be offended.

After being put on the ring, Isreel was so excited that he took Shao Ci into
his arms and whispered, "Small remarks, I love you."

Although this step was already done, Shao Ci couldn't say those three
words anyway, so he had to face it with silence, "..."

Because Shao Ci did not respond, Isreel's mood suddenly dropped a lot, he
whispered: "I know, I always thought I was doing it for your good, but
forcibly done a lot of bad things to you, and often I have not respected your
wishes ... but from now on, I will make good corrections to those mistakes,
and I believe that one day, you will like me ... "

"I ..." Shao Ci was touched by Israel's words, but he really wanted to talk
with Israel about how different sexual orientations are together.
The next moment, Shao's mind was aching, his eyes were dark, and his
body fell uncontrollably towards Isreel. There was a burst of pain all over
his body, as if spreading from the deepest part of his body. of.

Suddenly, Shao Ci realized that this is the legendary side effect coming? !!

At first, Isreel was pleasantly surprised that Shao Ci fell into his arms, but
later realized that the situation was a bit wrong, holding Shao Ci's body, he
said in a panic: "little words? What happened to you?"

Shao Ci felt that he was about to go to sleep like this, quickly grabbed
Israel's body, and said hardly: "... I'm sorry ..."

Shao Ci can think of how terrible the headlines will be tomorrow's news,
what terrible news that the imperial male **** ’s wedding day turns into a
vegetative ... but he doesn't want to be unconscious at such a critical
time! !!

After being in a coma, Shao Ci actually came to the garden again. He

wondered if he was bound by this place.

But this time, Cizelle woke up and sat in the garden.

Cizelle also used a juvenile form. He sat in a chair and held a tea cup, and
saw Shao's resignation. He immediately showed a shy smile, just like when
the two met for the first time, when Shao resigned. I don't know what
terrible identity this teenager encountered.

Sizer: "You are finally here."

"How did you wake up?" Shao Ci looked at it in surprise.

"I wouldn't have woken up. But because of your arrival, it stimulated my
dreams and made me wake up for a while." Cizelle slowly said, "I have
been waiting for you ever since."
Shao Ci knew that he couldn't run anyway, and his mood calmed down a
lot, and he asked, "What are you waiting for?" "I want you to kill me."
Cizelle slowly.

"Wait?" Shao said without a reaction, "Why?"

"Of course it is because only you can kill me." Cisel said: "And I only want
you to kill me ... if it is someone else, I may still be unhappy, but if the
person doing it is you, I I think I will be very happy. "

Shao hesitated, and said quickly: "But if I live, maybe there is a way to live
in the future, there is no room for recovery if I die now."

Cizel put down the tea cup, slowly walked to Shao Ci, hugged Shao Ci, and
put his ears on his chest, "... I don't want to live anymore ... and can die
with you, I have no regrets at all. "

Shao Ci's body stiffened because of Cisel's movements, but he paid more
attention to Cisel's words, "Do you know the side effects of Holy Stone?"

"Know, because my mother is so dead." Cizelle smiled slightly. "I was

supposed to die when I was born, but I just live to this day ... Actually, I
was crazy, I thought People who took the entire Capital Star to the funeral,
but after meeting you, I have a new decision. "

"... You ..." Shao Ci felt that he was really powerless, and knew that Zizel
had a problem, but he didn't expect him to be so sick.

"Did you start to hate me? It's okay, even if I hate me, I'm very happy."
Cisel handed a knife to Shao Ci's hand, a sincere smile appeared on his
face, and he held his chest. "Come on, stab it here, as long as you kill me
here, the actual I will die like this ... Otherwise, you can only entangle me
to death in this dream. "

"Since this is what you want me to do, then I won't say anything anymore."
Shao sighed. If it were not for him, Sisser would probably have died
quietly, rather than die now. Alive.
Shao Ci took the knife, took a deep breath, and stabbed at the position of
Sizer's chest.

Probably because of the relationship between dreams, there is no real sense

of stabbing, but a feeling of lightness.

Anyway, this is not the first time I have done this kind of thing, and I don't
know if it is because of the relationship in a dream, Shao Ci feels quite

Cizel's body slowly dissipated with the surrounding garden. At the last
moment, he smiled and looked at Shao Ci, "Actually I like you ..."

Shao Ci: "... I didn't feel it at all!"


Different from Shao Ci's coma, Israel blocked the news the next day, and
everyone did not know what happened to Shao Ci. Although everyone
made a lot of speculations, Israel never came out. No one has ever spoken,
and no one knows if Shao Ci is still alive.

After that, the plot also developed in accordance with the original text,
because Israel's disregard at the beginning, the rebels developed at a rapid
pace, and after the empire's upper level reacted, it had reached an
unstoppable situation.

After capturing Pei Fan at the top of the empire, he thought that the matter
could finally be resolved, but he did not expect that Pei Fan was arrested
intentionally. Therefore, he developed several nobles into his own hands,
and even broke into the interior of the royal house. Each princess scrambled
to give up her identity and follow Pei Fan.

After all, the author probably presumed to force something, and the original
text was also the princesses who were convinced by Pei Fan ’s charm and
decided to follow him, so now Pei Fan does n’t want to open the harem but
he can really remain single. Took his men.
In just a few years, Pei Fan's power developed. Except for the capital, other
places have been almost completely occupied.

This is simply impossible to do. No one would believe it a few years ago. It
was just that a low-level Zerg could actually do it, but Pei Fan did it.

But to say that Pei Fan is only a low-level Zerg, no one will believe it, and
some even think that he is actually the most noble existence, otherwise how
could he have such strength and charm.

In such confusion, Israel had no intention to deal with Pei Fan, but just
stayed in the room every day, leaving Shao with sleepless feelings, and
constantly feeling each other's body, so that he could I feel that Shao Ci is
still alive and has not completely left himself.

Early on, he understood that the reason for Shao Ci's coma was the same as
that of Cisel. Even such Cisel could not wake up. Of course, Shao Ci's hope
of waking up was very slim.

"If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't ..." Israel whispered to himself
while kissing the sleepy Shao Ci's body, and he didn't know that if he knew
it would now What's the situation.

It wasn't until the rebels had hit the capital that the Isreel left Shao Ci's
body, stroking his cheek relentlessly, and kissing him on the forehead and
cheek of Shao Ci, "Wait for me to come back . "

Although he said so, he already knew that he probably wouldn't be able to

return this time. But he was not willing to kill Shao Ci who was still in a
coma ... he always thought that maybe the other party would wake up one
day, as if Shao Ci came to himself again.

After Israel got dressed and left, he didn't know how long it had been
before, and Shao Ci lying on the bed bounced and opened his eyes gently.

For Shao Ci, after he had acted on Sisser in the garden, he had just woke up
in a blink of an eye. If it had not been for the system's prompt, he would
have been unaware that time would have passed in the past few years.
"Is it time for the original text to come to an end? It feels so fast ..." Shao Ci
sat up hard, feeling uncomfortable as if he had been crushed by heavy
objects. Looking down, he saw traces on his body, and When I moved it, I
felt that it was extremely uncomfortable to describe the area below my

"Look down?" Shao Ci was so shocked that he couldn't react for a long
time. What happened to me, "me, what happened to my body?"

[During the period when the host was in a coma, the day and night were
targeted by the Raiders doing things that could not be described below the
neck. However, the host has no consciousness and cannot feel it anyway.

"It doesn't matter what it is! This is clearly very problematic!" Shao Ci's
face turned red and white instantly. Just thinking about what might have
happened before, he couldn't wait to hit the wall immediately. "So casually
I will ... Day, night, night, etc ... I originally thought that being a vegetative
can avoid this kind of thing. Israel is still ... Is he still a human ?! System,
shouldn't you stop this happening ?! "

[You are married to the host anyway, and it is normal to do this kind of
thing. 】

"Isn't that expedient at first!" Shao Ci regretted that he hadn't been a little
bit angry at the beginning, so he should directly refuse and then become a
vegetative. Now he thinks of it and regrets and coughs up blood.

"No, cough cough ... this is ..." Shao Ci wiped off the blood on his lips.
This is not the coughing blood of anger, because his body can't keep it up.

I did n’t have time to grumble and grieve my lost virginity here. Shao Ci
quickly got up from the bed and couldn't care about his body covered with
traces and quickly found a piece of clothing to put on. Because there was
only Isler's clothes here, it was a bit big after being passed on, and he
couldn't care less.
Shao Ci was afraid that he would die without seeing Pei Fan, so he could
use the healing power to renew his life. This is a little bit more painful, but
the sad thing is that the estrus that has been worrying for a long time is
triggered, and the body becomes hot.

"Why do I have to estrus at such a critical time!" Because this is the only
characteristic of this Zerg, so do you want to give him a try before he
dies? !!

Shao Ci walked down the second floor with difficulty, at this time the hall
was a mess, and I didn't know what had happened before.

When Shao left the house, he saw that the original beautiful garden was
almost in ruins.

Pei Fan, in a black grim expression, was standing in the ruins, and heard his
voice look at this side.

[Question completion progress is 100%. 】

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

31: Future ABo (1)
Opposite Pei Fan was Israel, who had fallen to her knees and covered her
wounds and gasped.

After they noticed Shao's remarks, they were both surprised.

Shao Ci felt that he would often hit Shura field, but in fact he did not want
to encounter such a thing! !! No, Pei Fan should have no thoughts about
him, the relationship between the two is just the superior and subordinate.

That's right, because Pei Fan is so boring, until now Shao Ci didn't know
his thoughts.
"...!" Israel seemed to want to say, but the moment he opened his mouth,
blood spilled from his mouth, and he fell to the ground and coughed

Pei Fan walked quickly towards Shao Ci here.

Shao took a few steps back subconsciously, but because he was in a

mysterious estrus, he could not move at all, and he could only reach out and
support the wall to support his body. Just go! !! Speaking of how this body
will become directly out of this world.

[Because this body is maintained by the healing power of the host, if the
host leaves, the body will wither immediately, and the same thing as in the
previous world will not happen. 】

"Wait for you to say the same thing as the last world, what happened in the
last world ?!" Shao Ci always felt that he heard something terrible.

[You still do n’t know the host. 】

What else can Yin Han do to the corpse? !!

Shao Ci's mind flashed a variety of terrible pictures, "..." That's right,
people's curiosity can't be too vigorous ... he still pretended not to know

When Shao Ci was thinking about this kind of problem, Pei Fan had
already come to him, his expression was very complicated, "I finally
found you, then you deceived me."

"Ah ... yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time." Actually, in the memory of
Shao Ci, the two talents were separated half a month ago, but how can such
things be said at this time. Then he hurriedly said, "Although I have a
relationship with Isreel, I am definitely working hard with you ... kekekeke

When it comes to half, Shao Ci himself coughed up blood.

"What's wrong with you?" Pei Fan was startled. "You look very bad."

Of course, it's all overdue and it's a mystery to turn yourself into estrus. Is
that all right?

"No, you listen to me first. I have no intention of being a spy ...

kekekeke ..." Shao Ci felt that he must prove his innocence before leaving.

"I believe in you." Pei Fan said: "I remember the day's events clearly ... if it
were not for you, my life would have been gone, how could I not believe
you ... after that I Always working hard, hoping to take you away one day.

"Cough, cough ..." Shao Ci covered his mouth, but the blood was still
pouring out, "I'm sorry ... I probably can't hold on ..."

Does it mean that it is a habit to eat bento in front of the original man every
time you eat it? !!

Pei Fan took Shao Ci's hand in shock, and the next moment, Shao Ci went
dark, fell forward, and fell into a deep sleep.

[Mission completion meets the eligibility criteria. It is detected that the

host's body can no longer hold on, and the transmission channel is opened
for the next world. 】

Shao Ci felt that the system was becoming more casual.

Before, I just wore some worlds that were very problematic, but everyone
basically looked like straight men (emphasis). Anyway, it looked okay.

But now, the system actually let him wear it directly into a copy of the
American text. Just looking at the content of this article, Shao Ci will be
poisoned to death ... The sinister intentions of the system are clear to him
without thinking. However, he is very firm!

Even if it's smashing with the man, even if it's kissing with the man, Shao
Ci still thinks he's straight ... forget it, suddenly it feels inexplicable.
There are three genders in this world, namely Alpha, Beta, and omega. The
difference is that Alpha can't give birth, Beta and omega can give birth (and
omega also has a terrible estrus period than Zerg.

Although there are both men and women in these three genders, in Shao
Ci's opinion, being with a girl with Ding Ding is any difference from being
a girl ... What a female omega is a clear spring in this world!

And this is also the main attack and grace, the main character Pei Shi is an
Alpha. He was born in a slum. He only knew that his mother died due to
dystocia and did not know who his father was. He grew up in an orphanage.
Of course, the protagonist of this kind of father unknown text is terrible, the
biological father of Shi Pei is actually the emperor of the empire.

Although he is only an orphan, Master Pei has very high talents. He also
has a face with a very high value. He climbs up step by step through mental
means, using not many people, and knowing his own life. In the end, Gong
Dou succeeded, and the superior became the emperor and became the
winner of life.

As for grace, it ’s normal to be graceful anyway. It ’s normal for the male

scum to be a bit scum, and his scum is also male (many of them are male
Alpha, according to the setting of this world, AA fell in love, but Ke Guys).

The male lead in this article still wants to repay, and he is very deepheaded.
When he is offended, he will not say anything on the surface, but he will
use revenge on the ground.

I don't know how many male leades are in this standard configuration. Shao
Ci didn't feel anything at all. If he didn't actually wear a cannon fodder, he
would still be a male Beta cannon fodder who taunts the male lead from
time to time.

I personally know that offending such protagonists can't mix in this kind of
text, okay? !! People who once ridiculed Shi Pei have basically either lost
their reputations or ate lunch, and Shao Ci's cannon fodder is even worse.
This cannon fodder was wronged to be a **** (or peeping in the men's
bathroom), because it was too shameful, and was dismissed ruthlessly by
the school ... Then on the way home, he was also sent by the hero's admirer.
People tied back.

This was the situation as soon as Shao Ci passed through. He was tied to the
ground with a rope, and his clothes were in bad condition. There was a
person on the side who constantly beat him with a whip. The pain was
mostly isolated by the system. But From time to time, it feels like a ghost.

"Bottom ?!" Shao Ci didn't even realize it. Why was it such a heavy start,
even if I wore it in the American ABo world, now I still get pumped with a
whip, but can't I? All right.

There was also a young man in black sitting on the side. His appearance
was quite good-looking, even called gorgeous, but not feminine. However,
this beautiful face was full of disgust. He looked down at Shao Ci and let
his servants continue to wave their whip.

[嘀嘀 嘀 ... The character with the highest force value is detected ...
According to the rules of the system, the selection of the Raiders is
started ... After selection, the current Raiders is Ji Zhaoyun. 】

Ji Zhaoyun is the son of the distinguished Duke, an extremely talented

Alpha, and a brain fan of the original protagonist Pei Shi ... He also
provided a lot of help to Pei Shi in the future.

Although Pei Shijun has just entered the military school at this time, he is
already a strong character in the school. He entered the top 100 in the
virtual online mech competition for the first time, and Ji Zhaoyun also
became a member after watching the game. Pei's brain powder.

In addition, Ji Zhaoyun's character is completely a spoiled master. After

learning that the object he admired was actually being ridiculed by a salty
fish Beta, he was very dissatisfied, and caught Shao's words that dared to
ridicule Pei Shi. Come over.
"Dare to ridicule Master Pei." Ji Zhaoyun sneered, "It's just a waste Beta,
where is the courage."

Shao speech: "!" Hey you are sexist! !! Don't think that you are Alpha, it's
great. This kind of egg that can estrus casually is not as convenient as Beta!

"It seems you're pretty tough." Seeing Shao Ci's expression that he wanted
to refute, Ji Zhaoyun snorted coldly: "Put harder, let me see how long you
can hold on."

Wait, he's not stingy! Stop!

"I've insisted ..." I can't go on ... I haven't finished begging for mercy, Shao
Ci was beaten for so long because he was hungry and tired, and finally
passed out.

I don't know how long it took before Shao Ci woke up.

At this time, he was naturally lying in a small black room. How could a
person like Ji Zhaoyun prepare a place for a person who was arrested and
beaten up!

This small black house is obviously a place where lynching is used, but
because the Duke's wealth is rough and he has carpet on the ground, at least
he sleeps better than ordinary floor.

There was no window on the wall, and the door was closed tightly. Now
Shao Ci, who has no strength at all, is not trying to escape.

It is reasonable to say that Ji Zhaoyun's doing this kind of thing is illegal,

but his identity is doomed. Even if he killed Shao Ci here, no one would
dare to settle accounts with him.

"This is really about killing people." Shao regained a little strength by

healing his wounds with abilities, but he was still hungry, thirsty and tired,
his clothes were ragged, and there was solid blood on it. It's about to
In this way, the situation of the original male lead and a voter has been
offended before. !!

This is simply the beginning of **** difficulty. What is he going to do?

The thought of the target of the strategy was that of Ji Zhaoyun, Shao Ci
felt no future. But if the target is the original male lead, then the picture
can't be seen ... Just thinking about it, it is impossible for the original male
lead to have a good face towards someone who has insulted himself many
times before!

The only good thing about him is that he is wearing a Beta. How good is it
to be a Beta. Shao Ci was touched by this, he has had enough setting of

[Actually you are an omega pretending to be a Beta. 】

Shao Ci: "... Ah ?!"

Shao Ci recalled the body's own memory after he wore it. The father of the
original owner was a dismal aristocrat, and the mother was the daughter of
a wealthy merchant, barely squeezed into the upper class society of the
empire, and the only one depended on family relations The child entered
the military school.

Although it was not mentioned in the original plot, if you think about it,
the original owner who offended the original protagonist must be the end
of the family.

"Wait, so I don't have any reason to pretend to be a Beta, right?" Shao said,
"Why not say that a cannon fodder that has been beaten has so many
settings that don't feel strange!"

[This is all made up by the world's will. It seems that the mother of the
original owner can no longer give birth, and omega cannot inherit the title,
for fear that the title will fall into the hands of others to force the host into
Beta. 】
Shao Ci: "... then, that has been covering up for more than ten years, and it
will be no problem to continue to cover it up?"

[The inhibitors on the host are still very powerful, as long as there is no
Alpha to label the host. 】

"Why do I feel what the system is saying?" Shao Ci's face turned green.
But considering that most of the Alphas in this world are Alpha-like guys
(inferred from the harem of the original protagonist), he feels that he is fine.

In the little black house, he persisted for a long time, and Shao Ci kept
adding blood to himself with healing powers, so that he recovered most of
his physical strength and did not collapse to the ground. Today Shao Ci
only discovered that this healing power is really good, as long as it is not an
inhuman creature.

The next moment, footsteps came from outside. Shao Ci was so anxious
that he lay back on the ground, pretending to be unconscious. It would be
bad if Ji Zhaoyun saw that he was so lively and wanted to draw a few more

There was only one footstep this time, and the door was pushed open the
next moment, and a voice full of disgust sounded, "Well, it really is a
waste, not just a few whip, but now I haven't woke up."

Shao Ci: "..." Try to lie here for a day without eating or drinking after being
beaten yourself! !!

[Daily mission refresh, the current mission is [Strong Kiss Raiders once],
please host to cheer. 】

Shao Ci: "???" System you ... Hey don't set up this kind of unruly setting
right away because it is the world of U.S.A.? ?

But forget it. Anything happened, and kissing was nothing.

After experiencing things like destroying the Three Views in the previous
world, Shao Ci became very indifferent.

Ji Zhaoyun looked at the young man with a pale face lying on the ground,
but he felt a little pity on the other side, and then he was disgusted by his
own idea.

Thinking of the purpose of his coming, Ji Zhaoyun directly pulled Shao Ci's
collar with his gloved hand, and disgust flashed in his eyes. After thinking
about going out, he dropped the glove that touched Shao Ci, and then
chuckled coldly: "Waste, wake me up!"

As an excellent Alpha, Ji Zhaoyun had a natural disdain for Beta, even

when he looked down on Beta, who is also a noble, not to mention that only
Shao, whose father is a little noble, had resigned. As long as he thought, he
would resign Shao tomorrow. It's okay for the family to drive out of the

Shao Ci then pretended to be awake, and said weakly, "What are you going
to do?"

"Fortunately, you're lucky. If it weren't for fear of killing you, I wouldn't let
you go so easily." Ji Zhaoyun remembered what his brother said to himself
in the morning, and snorted, "Hum, get up and pack up, Today, you must
follow me to apologize to President Pei, don't think that you will be
confused by pretending to be dead. I will not let you go easily without
receiving the forgiveness of President Pei. "

However, those words that Ji Zhaoyun said later were not fully heard by
Shao Ci, who was thinking about something more serious at this time.

In the end, whether Shao Ci could not complete the daily tasks and was
abused by the system, or was beaten by Ji Zhaoyun after completing the
daily tasks, was in the mind of Shao Ci.
Obviously it's clear which side is more terrible. Compared with the system's
terrible mental torture, Ji Zhaoyun didn't hurt even if he took his whip for
an afternoon.

After making up his mind, Shao Ci was ruthless, holding Ji Zhaoyun's hand

Ji Zhaoyun did not expect that Shao Ci dared to resist, nor did he expect
that Shao Ci still had the strength to seize himself, and then he caught it,
then he was angry, and his status was so noble, he was attacked by a waste
Beta. Now, this is simply the most humiliating thing in his life.

Before Ji Zhaoyun started to do anything, Shao Ci suddenly came over.

Because the situation is too urgent, instead of saying that Shao Ci made up
the past, it is better to say that he hit the past so much, and he does n’t know
where the energy broke out. He actually pressed Ji Zhaoyun directly to the
ground, and his teeth also kept Ji Zhaoyun His lips were torn, and the ****
atmosphere escaped between the two populations.

Ji Zhaoyun was lying on the soft grass, and it seemed as if he felt the faint
aroma from the person in front of him, and the other person's lips were so
soft that he was just a Beta, why can he ...

Shao Ci did this with the heart to be killed, and slowly sat up after hearing
the sound of the system prompting the task to be completed.

"..." Well now you can wait for Ji Zhaoyun's anger to erupt.

Then the scene fell into a weird silence.

"You ... none, shameless, shameless! This is my first and first time ..." Ji
Zhaoyun reacted, immediately got up, wiped the blood on his lips with his
hands, and gritted his teeth: "It actually offends me It's just a waste Beta,
even doing this kind of thing ... I will never let you go! "
Shao Ci was ready to be whipped. He lowered his head and closed his eyes.
As a result, half a day passed and nothing happened. Then he opened his
eyes in confusion.

Then he was held down by Ji Zhaoyun, and the other side suddenly kissed

Shao Ci's heart panicked for a moment: "... 唔唔?!" Wait, is Ji Zhaoyun's
revenge just to do this kind of thing? ?

Ji Zhaoyun seems to want to compare with the previous Shao Ci. He just
reached out and held Shao Ci's jaw, let him open his mouth, and then
intruded into his mouth with the tip of his tongue, although he had never
done this kind of thing with others before. The movement is still a little
rusty, but even so, Shao Ci can hardly breathe.

After Shao Ci was almost fainted after being kissed by his relatives, Ji
Zhaoyun proudly raised his head and reached out to raise Shao Ci's chin.
"Huh, you just want to compare this waste to me."

Shao Ci looked at Ji Zhaoyun with an extremely shocked look. "..." Is such

a thing normal people can do? Hey? !!

Or in the ABo world, it is normal to do this kind of thing ... After all, men
can be pregnant and women can have tintin. What else is impossible.

"But since it offends me, I can't let you go." Ji Zhaoyun snorted again. "It
has to be locked up to let you know what happened to offend me." Ji
Zhaoyun then left in a hurry.

Shao Ci waited in the room for the end of Ji Zhaoyun's mouth, and then he
waited to change the room.

This is a very good room, with a bed, a bathroom, a table, and even a
helmet with internet access!
Does Ji Zhaoyun really have the consciousness that he is illegally
imprisoning others? !! Actually, this kind of things that can let people
communicate with the outside world are placed in the room.

However, even if he could contact the outside world, Shao Ci found in

despair that he still couldn't leave ... even his parents couldn't take him

It doesn't seem to be Ji Zhaoyun's heart, but he has the absolute confidence

that he will not run away.

Shao Ci also did not understand what Ji Zhaoyun wanted to do. Anyway, it
was boring to wear here, so he put on his helmet directly.

The virtual world is no different from the real world. In the future, many
people will indulge in the virtual world all the time, because there is no
need to worry about estrus in the virtual world. Those omega who can only
stay at home and school also like to stay in the virtual world. In the world,
there are game bins with nutrient solution for such people, which can be
used directly for two or three days.

If you are wearing a helmet and surfing the internet directly like Shao Ci,
you will have to go offline to eat for up to five or six hours at a time.

After Shao Ci put on his helmet, his consciousness went directly to a lively
street full of people. The crowd didn't notice Shao Ci at all, but looked
gleefully at the battle on the virtual screen.

Shao Ci's attention was also attracted in the past. When reading this book's
introduction, he knew that the world had mecha settings besides ABo, but it
was the first time he saw it.

On the virtual screen, there are two mechs fighting fiercely. One of them is
gorgeous and equipped with various high-tech weapons, while its opponent
is a seemingly worn-out mech. Look I worry about when it will fall apart.
It stands to reason that the victory and defeat should be obvious, but the
reality is that the gorgeous mech is declining, and the worn-out mech is
getting more and more brave, and it is completely in the upper hand.

All the audience looked very excited and kept cheering, apparently they
were all fans of that worn-out mech.

"Awesome ..." Shao Ci could not help exclaiming.

The person next to him said excitedly: "After all, it's Time Master.
Although it is a newcomer who appeared only in this competition, the
strength is so strong. Even if he uses such old-fashioned mech, no one is his
Opponent! I think he can definitely make it to the finals this time! "

Shao Ci: "...!"

This person whose name is time, isn't that the original male lead Pei
Shijian? !!

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

32: Future ABo (2)
In accordance with the rules of this competition, participants can choose
not to reveal their appearance and real name. Pei Shijian took part in
hiding his appearance and name.

But his identity can be concealed from ordinary people but can not be
concealed from a background person like Ji Zhaoyun, it was guessed in

In the original text, this game is also the first step of Shi Pei ’s road to
glory. Not only did Ji Zhaoyun watch the game like a brain fan who was
deeply fascinated by his technology, but also met a lot of talents during the
game. Good friends also laid the foundation for his future capture of the
In the end, Shi Peijian won the first and became famous in the entire
empire, and then defeated the Zerg spy who was undercover in the imperial
star (the bad villains were used in various interstellar texts). After this
incident, he became so famous that fans broke billions of dollars overnight.
Those who had insulted him at the beginning had been retaliated against
and could no longer mix in the capital.

As the cannon fodder that was only expelled from school with the
disgraceful reasons not long ago, Shao Ci's mood was very complicated.
Just thinking about it, he knew that the revenge between Master Pei had not
ended, and that when he got more power in the future, I can't say if I can

And he still has to attack Raider Pei. !! Favorability is extremely negative.

Just thinking about Shao Ci has great pressure. If he can also take the line
of the original male lead to participate in this mech competition, it will not
be because the salty fish with force value can only be locked in the room
and played now. .

[Host, you can go to this virtual machine armor contest. In addition, in the
virtual world, because everyone is projected into consciousness, they will
not be bound to new Raiders. 】

"The point is not something that is targeted by the Raiders, although this is
also very important ... If I go to five melee competitions, I will definitely
get rid of the first round if I go to any mech competition." Shao replied
subconsciously. Tao, but my heart was a little shaken.

Although the original owner has done Beta for more than ten years with
inhibitors, the actual constitution is still about the same as that of omega,
which is a bit better than those of omega. Therefore, the grades in the
school are also at the end of the crane, and they also bully civilian students
like the original protagonist. .
The original owner mocked Master Pei before, in fact, because he was
jealous that he was an Alpha. Although he didn't want to admit it, Alpha
was inherently superior in terms of force.

But as long as it is a boy, who is not excited about mecha. When Shao Ci
was an otaku, he liked to watch the machine warfare every time, every time
he saw the main character boots, I wanted to try it myself. But now, such
opportunities are in his sight, and it is too unreasonable to try them out.

Shao Ci turned his head to look at the regular screen. As long as he paid 60
empire coins, he could participate in the competition. Of course, the 60
empire coins only provided the lowest practice mechs, and he had to spend
money to get good mechas.

Therefore, to some extent, this kind of competition can also have good
results by throwing money. Others who make the siege are basically good
in technology, but like Pei Shijian, they can complete the explosion by
practicing with old-fashioned mechs. It is the first time in hundreds of years
that others have assembled hundreds of millions of imperial coins, so they
have attracted so many fans.

Now anyone who wants to participate can participate in the competition.

The competition uses a points system. The one hundred people with the
highest points can advance to the final before the end of time. If they win,
they can get 2 points. If they lose, they can lose 2 points. A tie is 0 points.

Although it is only fighting in the virtual world, it also consumes mental

power. After the mental power is low, it will affect the performance, so the
average person will fight two or three games a day.

"Anyway, it's only sixty empire coins. It's almost the same price to go to a
movie, and it can be anonymous." Shao Ci went to the automatic
registration office without a burden, and swiped it directly on his personal
terminal. Then the space around the whole person was dark, and several
virtual screens appeared in front of him.
[Please select the mech you want to use. ] The emotionless machine
synthesizer sounded.

Shao Ci looked at the screen in front of him, with a variety of mechs, and a
variety of new weapons, many of which were inaccessible to the outside
world, but in the virtual world, they only needed to pay for Imperial coins.

Of course, Shao Ci did not hesitate to choose a free old-fashioned mech. He

wouldn't spend an extra empire coin for such a game that is impossible to

The next step is to choose whether to hide the appearance and the name of
the contest.

Of course, Shao Ci chose to hide his face, but he almost didn't think about
the name. He typed the word "Little Prince" in the name of the word ... This
is still his nickname when he was online.

People in the future certainly don't know what spicy bars are, so not only
can they keep the mystery, but also let him remember the hot bars that he
likes to eat when he hasn't crossed them ... After saying that, he suddenly
felt the name was perfect.

After choosing, Shao Ci's shining screen was completely darkened.

[Old-fashioned mech has been selected ... has been successfully registered
in the game ... the current point is 0 ... matching opponents for you ...]

After a series of mechanical sounds, Shao Ci brightened up and found

himself sitting inside the mech, and the outside world was the playing field.
The feeling here is very real, and it is no different from reality at all. Shao
Ci touched the inside of the mech with excitement.

The Mech Contest this time has started for several months, and it will be
over in half a month. Most of the fans in front of the rankings have fans,
and every time there are countless people rushing to spend money to buy
tickets to watch them closely, and such as Pei Shijian has been broadcast
directly to the outside to promote the game. Already.
In general, the points that are extremely low are not watched by the game,
and the competition system will match people with similar points, so Shao's
opponent should be the one with the lowest points.

However, the scene at this time was already full of people, and the opposite
of Shao Ci was a very high-level mech, and the surrounding audience
continued to cheer.

Shao Ci had a bad idea. He looked down at his opponent and was shocked.
"... lie?"

The competition system was a match of Shao Ci. The opponent was
actually a player with a name of less than 100, named Edwin. He was also a
well-known local tyrant who threw money, and many of them used tens of
millions of imperial coins at a time He didn't hesitate to use it. In addition,
Edwin has a good face, and there are naturally many fans.

Unlike others, Shao Ci knows more about this person. Because this Edwin's
true identity is actually the prince's cousin, his family is a super chaebol
enough to influence the entire Empire's business, and his mother is behind
the famous.

In addition, he was also a friend of Master Pei. Later, he even betrayed his
cousin as a prince and turned to support Pei Master. Only in this way can
the Prince of the villain boss lose so quickly.

I did not expect to face such an opponent as soon as he came up, Shao Ci
felt for a while whether he was abandoned by the world.

Like the surprised Shao speech, Edwin and the audience were shocked
when they saw that the enemy was just a point 0 and a salty fish using
oldfashioned mechs.

"Is there a bug in this system?"

"Such people know at a glance that they are here for fun, but can they be
with Edwin?"
"I'll be able to participate in the game then, right ?!"

"And what a weird name for the little prince, it sounds ridiculous to say

To these people, the name Little Spicy Little Prince is no longer so angry
that it kills Matt.

Edwin, who is sitting in a high-level mech, is thinking seriously. He has

brilliant blond hair and green eyes, and has a handsome appearance. He can
indulge countless people with a slight smile, otherwise he did not reveal his
true identity, otherwise There are definitely more than ten times more fans
than now.

"I heard that even if this is the first time, if the system detects that the
opponent's mental strength is extremely strong, it will assign an opponent
with the corresponding strength ... maybe this is the case now."

After thinking about it that way, Edwin suddenly became serious and stared
at the enemy.

At this point, the game has not officially started. Shao Ci tried to operate
the mech by fumbling which key was in which position according to the
skills he had learned in school from his memory.

From the perspective of the outside audience, it seems that this

oldfashioned mech suddenly started to shake, like a drunken person, he
could not even walk well, and he fell to the ground several times, and then
Climbed up hard.

A taunting voice burst into the stands, "Oh my God, this is a complete
Mecha beginner? My younger brother in elementary school is better than

"Why did such people have the courage to participate in the Mech Contest?
It's ridiculous."
"I will record this game today and post it to the forum for everyone to

Even Edwin was a little hesitant. How could such an opponent be regarded
as a newcomer? Is it really that the matching system is wrong?

After half a day of hands-on operation, Shao Ci suddenly remembered that

during the class, he also taught the use of mental power to directly connect
to the mech operation, because this method requires extremely strong
mental power, so most people can't do it. .

But after successful connection, it can make people feel that they are the
mech, which is many times better than manual operation. If injured, the
operator will also be traumatized, which is also a more dangerous method.

[Countdown 10, 9, 8, 7 ... 4, 3, 2, 1-start! ]

Shao gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and tried to connect the mech with his
own mental strength. In the next moment, a blue ocean appeared in front of
his eyes, and he was a tiny light spot in this ocean.

"This is the world of my mental power?" Shao Ci froze.

In the original text, it was said that the spiritual power of ordinary people is
directly as large as a light spot, and as a talented male lead, the spiritual
power of Pei Shijian is the size of a lake.

And the original owner as a cannon fodder, the result of the mental
strength test is only B ... In other words, the sea in front of him is not the
original mental strength, but his own mental strength.



Immediately after the countdown, the barrier in front of the two mechas
The audience's voice was also heard in the stands, "Hurry up and beat this
novice who doesn't know the heights and heights!"

"We bought the tickets to see the masters, but not to look at such rookies."

"A weak chicken dare to use old-fashioned mechs and think he is the ****
of time?"

Edwin controlled the mech and rushed to the enemy quickly. His mech is
the latest model developed so far. It is much faster than ordinary mechs.
The power of the weapon is also very strong, and it can be easily broken.
The opposing cockpit.

It's already this time, and the opposite mech is still motionless. Obviously,
the people in the cockpit have given up the confrontation.

It seems that this time there was a systematic BUg mismatch. It was a
shame for this contest that people who even gave up fighting.

There was a hint of disappointment in Edwin's eyes. He came to participate

in the mech competition to confront more powerful people, not to waste
time on such waste.

Edwin directly manipulated the laser knife to stab the opponent's cockpit,
and now this enemy is no longer worth his serious treatment, he just wants
to solve it with the fastest speed.

Numerous applause and screams sounded from the stands, almost everyone
can think of the moment when the cockpit of this old-fashioned mech was
pierced by a laser knife.

However, Shao Ci's eyes suddenly opened.

At this moment, he seemed to become this mech ... No, his powerful mental
power almost covered the entire test space, everything was absorbed into
his eyes, even the expressions of the audience in the stands It was clear to
And Edwin ’s extremely fast laser knife seemed to Shao Ci to be as slow as
slow motion, and could easily be avoided.

Facing the laser knife coming from the attack, Shao did not even think
about it and then ducked away.

It was expected that the puncture of the cockpit did not occur. Edwin
suddenly felt a moment before realizing that the other party had escaped at
a very fast speed just now.

The people in the stands were stunned. Many people thought they were
dazzled, and reached out and rubbed their eyes.

"What happened just now?"

"Is it a coincidence ... it's clear that even the mech is not well controlled,
how could it be avoided suddenly?"

"It must be a coincidence. Even a genius cannot learn to operate at this

moment ... unless he has just connected with mental power, but how is it

This person inadvertently told the truth.

Edwin frowned, and attacked Shao Ci with a laser knife, but just as the
other side just flashed away easily, not even worse than his latest model.

Generally speaking, either the technology is very superb, or only the mental
force can connect to mecha to achieve this.

Edwin himself used mental powers to control the mech, but he could not
fully control the mech completely. And among the people he knows, the
level of use of old-fashioned mecha ...

At that moment, Edwin actually remembered his very much respected

friend Pei Shijian.
"How is that possible? It's just a waste." Realizing that he had compared
this newcomer to Shi Pei, Edwin felt a moment of anger. Compared with
such a person, it was an insult to Shi Pei.

Edwin looked up at the old-fashioned mech on the opposite side, and

chopped it at the other side, while preparing to launch ammunition to
directly destroy the limbs of the other mech. "Is it just going to hide, this
time you have no luck."

This time, however, the opponent did not flash away directly, but took out
the broken laser weapon to block Edwin's attack.

The weapon of the old-fashioned mech cannot naturally be compared with

the latest laser knife, but it is destroyed within a few breaths, but it is the
time of these breaths that the old-fashioned mech has rushed to Edwin's
face, and the mech directly grasped Edwin Mech's Arm.

At this moment, Edwin clearly had several ways to break free, but his body
could not move anyway, and the place where he was in contact with the
opponent's mech made him clearly feel the other person's mental power.

What a powerful and terrible mental power, at this moment, Edwin felt as if
he was drowning in the ocean, unable to breathe at all, apparently his
mental power was also an elite S-class, but he was completely in front of
the other I ca n’t resist, I ca n’t even struggle, I just want to surrender to
someone who has such a powerful force.

That's right ... At this moment, Edwin's mind appeared with the word

I do n’t know how long it took Edwin to return to God. At this time, the
opponent ’s weapon has arrived on his cockpit. With a little more effort, he
can easily stab the cockpit with his body. wear.

[09364 wins. ]
Along with the mechanical sound of the competition system, there was the
sound of cool air from the crowd. No one expected that such a newcomer
who was not favored by everyone could defeat Edwin so easily.

Those who had mocked Shao Ci before felt that they could no longer face
the situation at hand. If it wasn't for the game that one person could only
use one identity, they would even suspect that this hot little prince was also
a trumpet opened at that terrible time.

Some people even became fans of Shao Ci on the spot, and long ago forgot
Edwin, cheering Shao Ci's name.

"Ah ... I lost." Edwin only reacted, and he lost to a newcomer with only 0
points in the game.

It would be a shame to say that going out would be a shame, but Edwin
didn't feel the shame at all, but there was a strange emotion in his heart.

"No, with such strong strength, how could it be a newcomer." Thinking of

the feeling of being completely overwhelmed by the strength of others
before, the feeling of being unable to resist and almost choking, Edwin's
fair and handsome face turned out After flushing, the whole person felt
extremely excited.

That kind of feeling is what he wants to pursue. Before that, Edwin felt that
the most qualified was Pei Shijian, but now ...

"That's right, this is the person I've been looking for." Edwin's eyes looked
at the position of the opponent's mech, only to find that the other party had
already left.

Shao Ci quit the game quickly after the victory, and the whole person was

"What happened just now, why is my mental strength so strong?" Shao Ci

felt that everything just now seemed like a dream. After he connected the
mech with his mental strength, the whole person seemed to open a plug-in,
like It was like beating primary school students that easily defeated their

You know that it's not an ordinary opponent, it's Edwin, a very important
male character in the original text!

Until now, the excitement of victory still remained in Shao Ci's body,
making him calm down all at once, as if he was still in that blink of an
eye, he could observe everything and easily kill his opponent. State.

[That is because the host, after you have gone through several worlds, in the
course of various traversals, the soul strength is already much stronger than
ordinary people, and there is no problem in participating in this
competition. Of course, if in reality, strong mental power will cause the
host's body to collapse directly. 】

"... Can't you give me a better body since it's all like this?" Shao Ci's fiery
heart suddenly cooled down again, thinking that he could finally become a
strong man without being given by those snake ailments. Tossing, I didn't
expect to be just powerful in the virtual world.

[Too strong will attract the attention of the world will. The identity of the
host has also been hidden in this competition, otherwise if it is discovered,
it may cause unnecessary trouble. 】

"It's the same thing." Shao Ci thought that he was not a protagonist of Long
Aotian. There was no aura of the protagonist. If he had such great strength,
he would have to eat lunch every minute.

After taking a break, Shao Ci was filled with pride and ambition, "Since it
can only be strong in the virtual world, I definitely can't let go of this
opportunity, I will enter the finals this time." Where is there such a thing in
the world.

After the decision was made, Shao Ci continued to enter the arena
On the other side, the people who just watched Edwin and Shao's speech
contest uploaded the recorded images to the forum.

The people of the Empire highly admire the strong, and mech competitions
are often held everywhere, and this virtual mech competition is almost
everyone's attention in the Empire. And countless people go to the forum
every day.

And "Zero points newcomer actually uses the old-fashioned mech to kill the
top 100 strongest, is it the second time that the great **** was born?" ”This
post immediately caught the attention of countless people. The person who
originally thought that it was untrue and disdainfully clicked into it was
shocked after seeing the video.

It was just one afternoon of work, and this post had countless replies. Many
people were shocked and questioned at the same time, saying that it was
Edwin's misplay, or there was something dirty between Edwin and the hot
little prince. Transaction.

Then these people were sprayed with dog blood by Edwin's fans. Everyone
knows that Edwin is a local tyrant who never lacks money. How can it ruin
his reputation because of such things, and it is impossible to collect any
money? .

When the people in the post were noisy, a person suddenly dropped a video,
saying that he happened to see the hot little prince when he was watching a
mecha game, because he was so shocked that he recorded it.
Come down and let the people in this post see what's going on.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

33: Future ABo (3)
The content of this dropped video is the scene of the hot little prince
fighting with a relatively well-known player ranked more than ninety.

In this battle, the spicy little prince also crushed the opponent easily as
before, and even others could clearly see his easy-going attitude, but the
battle-hardened opponent seemed to be stingy, not only He lost without
resistance, even after half a day before he reacted.

And there is more than one such video, as long as anyone watching it
outside can see that this man named Hot Little Little Prince actually
participated in dozens of games without stopping, and each game was
rough. The crushing opponents won, and almost all the players they met
could not hold on for more than ten minutes.

Generally speaking, a player is exhausted after participating in three or four

competitions, but this hot little prince seems to be tireless. How terrible is
his mental strength?

All of these videos were posted, and most of the black people in the post
disappeared. Everyone couldn't believe it, could there be two such powerful
players this year? In addition to the great **** of time, there are actually
other people who can use the old-fashioned mech to such an amazing

With such powerful strength, it is certainly not an unknown person in

reality. Is it the master of a large family who sneaks in to participate?

On the other hand, Edwin directly stated in his social account that the
previous things were absolutely true, without any falsehood. And he
admires the strength of the little prince and hopes to know each other.

Edwin's enthusiastic tone surprised the fans who followed him. Everyone
knows that Edwin is not very concerned about things other than fighting.

He never talks very much. I didn't expect to say something like today when
I talk. Like the big fan of the hot little prince.

Edwin's fans are also millions. After reading his message, many people who
do n’t know what happened are curious to search for this person called the
hot little prince, and later they were fought. The video content was shocked.
Overnight, the little prince of hot strips had more powder, and everyone
knew in the forum who his true body was. All those questioned have
disappeared without a trace, replaced by countless kneeling replies.

"Ah, why is he so handsome, just like my male **** time god, I think I'm
going to fall in love again!"

"Me and I too. Obviously it's such a shabby old-fashioned mech, but why
is it so handsome, I have licked dozens of those videos above! It's not
enough at all!"

"I don't know when the hot little prince will come to participate again, I
want to see how he and the top 50 experts will play against each other."

"It must be seen that it is absolutely proper for such a master to enter the

The fan of Pei Shijian is quite uncomfortable. It feels that the new person is
completely in the cottage Pei Shi. Various taunts in the post indicate that if
this newcomer now only defeats some of the wastes that the top 50 cannot
enter It ’s just that if you run into time, the **** will definitely be hanged.

However, most people are really looking forward to what these two people
who are also fighting with the old mech will encounter.

During this time, there were countless people who wanted to secretly
investigate who was behind the hot prince, but they couldn't find out
anyway, and finally had to give up.

In a dormitory of the Imperial Higher Military Academy, a dark-haired

young man walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. He had a
handsome and charming look in his beauty, and always had a kind smile on
his face. Can make others feel at ease with him.

This dark-haired young man is Pei Shijian, the male lead in this interstellar
ABo mecha script. After Pei Shi wiped her hair and put on her helmet, she
saw countless emails as soon as she entered the virtual world.
The content of these e-mails is nothing more than a recent appearance of a
player who uses old-fashioned mechs to fight with Pei and ask about their

There was a disdainful smile in the corner of Shi Pei's mouth, and then all
the mails were emptied without hesitation.

"It's just a worthless person, it's not worth my attention at all."

Pei Shi has absolute confidence in his own strength. No one can be more
powerful than him.

You must know that his mental strength is the strongest SSS level, and he
has been practicing the operating skills for many years. How can he be a
casual person with a name that is so disgusting that he can easily compare
with it.

After playing for more than a dozen games, even the extremely powerful
Shao Ci could not bear it. He looked exhausted and climbed to hundreds of
points, and then exhausted from the virtual world.

After taking off the helmet, Shao Ci found himself covered with sweat.
After all, omega's physique was too weak, and spending a little longer in
the virtual world would cause a great burden on the body.

So Shao went to the bathroom and took a bath, and found that there were
still new clothes that could fit in the closet.

At this moment, the outside sky had already darkened, and there were still
food on the table. It looked quite advanced. Shao Ci was touched for a
moment, but then thought that dog food was better than Shao at Ji
Zhaoyun's house. Ci usually eats better food ... maybe this is their worst

"But what exactly does Ji Zhaoyun want to do?" Shao Ci sat puzzled at the
table and ate, "I have beaten me up before. Now, instead of not beating, I
am still locked up in such a good condition." Somewhere ... Are you afraid
that when I go out, I will talk about something that would ruin his image, so
I want to bribe me ... "

Thinking of Ji Zhaoyun's arrogant look, Shao Ci quickly wiped out this

unrealistic idea from his mind.

But other Shao Ci did not know, he only knew that if Ji Zhaoyun would not
come again, today ’s daily tasks [greeting with the target of the strategy]
would not be completed.

Shao Ci began to consider that if Ji Zhaoyun could not come back at night,
he would have to risk being drawn and do something to attract Ji Zhaoyun
over ... What was hit was not terrible by the system punishment.

Fortunately, Ji Zhaoyun had not forgotten that a person was closed here,
and after Shao had finished eating, he opened the door with a proud face
and walked in.

Shao Ci quickly said: "Master Ji, hello." It's great to complete the task.

"I don't have time to say hello to you like this waste, don't think that being
enthusiastic and I will take you seriously." Ji Zhaoyun said angrily: "Don't
think you can stay here comfortably by changing rooms Now, I won't give
you nothing to eat. "

He did not want to come and eat for nothing! !!

"So, then can I go home?" Shao has not forgotten that he still has parents in
this world, but he just sent a message to his family when he was in the
virtual world. Will worry.

Of course, it's embarrassing that the son fired because of peeping at the
men's bathroom ... Shao Ci felt that the original father and mother were not

"No," Ji Zhaoyun hugged his hands in his chest and sneered. "Do you think
you can leave after you offended me like that yesterday? Don't make a
Did n’t you come back offensive yesterday? !!

Shao Ci thought so, of course he couldn't say that, otherwise he must have
been half-dead by Ji Zhaoyun, and had to say, "What do you want me to
do, Master Ji?"

"In order to make up for what you have done, I want you to be my servant."
Ji Zhaoyun said proudly, "Of course, those professional things have other
servants to do, you just have to be in charge of serving me at school. It's
just a Bata. It can become my servant. Your parents know that they will be
proud of you. "

Although Shao Ci wanted to scold Ji Zhaoyun, his face was too big, but this
is indeed a fact, a downcast aristocrat like his family who bears the name of
the aristocracy but has no actual power. It is an honor to say hello to the son
of the Duke. .

Shao Ci: "But I have been fired ..." This is a cruel thing.

"What is this? You can go back to school tomorrow. I have already told the
dean." Ji Zhaoyun said, "Of course, if you don't serve well, the college will
still fire you. So you can get Give me a good job, don't think you can be
lazy as a Beta, my requirements are very high. "

After talking coldly about these things, Ji Zhaoyun turned and left.

Shao's speech: "!!!" Hey casually, is it great to think that you have the right
and the power? !! ... It's really amazing, he can finally go to school again! !!

Fortunately, Ji Zhaoyun didn't mention yesterday that he apologized to Shi

Pei. Shao Ci now dare not go to see Shi Peijian in a short time. I was afraid
that Shi Peijian would have an unpleasant and frustrating thing to make him
famous. destroy.

Pei Master not only reports, but even friends can count in order to achieve
the goal. It is better to say that everyone is not a friend in his eyes, but a
**** that can be used. In the original text, Edwin was completely used by
him. In the end, the family was tossed and broke, and then committed
suicide by killing his cousin.

Although many of the original Pei likes in the original are Alpha guys, but
his harem after the success of the position is only omega, after all, the
protagonist's sexual orientation is still normal ... what is this? !!

In short, Edwin, who is the cousin of the chaebol, is so miserable. Shao Ci

doesn't think he can save his life with a passer-by's cannon fodder! !!

The best thing to do is to rush out and hug his thigh when the original
protagonist becomes famous, and then you can eat lunch and leave the
world. As long as he avoids seeing Peijian.

The more Shao Ci thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was
perfect, and he fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, Shao Ci got up early in the morning and put on his school
uniform. After experiencing yesterday's tapering, he is now full of interest
in mecha and wants to go to school to learn quickly ... The body is stronger
for exercise, so maybe one day I can successfully drive the mech in reality.

Although you can beat most people by relying only on your mental
strength, if you encounter such a particularly powerful one, you may still
not be able to beat it. Especially the original owner didn't study well before.
Shao Ci in several places in Mecha didn't know what to do.

Then I went downstairs for breakfast. Just as I said yesterday, Ji Zhaoyun

was served by several servants while eating, and Shao didn't need to quit at

Shao Ci felt that he was okay to find himself a servant and did not know
what he was thinking, but as long as it was good, it would do.

After breakfast, Shao Ci followed Ji Zhaoyun to the flying machine to

Shao Ci sat down earnestly, thinking about how to study well after going to
school, then heard the next Ji Zhaoyun suddenly said: "Speaking of it, you
went to the virtual Internet cafe yesterday, did you watch the virtual
machine game?"

Shao Ci only responded for a long time. He actually was talking to himself,
and suddenly ah, and then saw that Ji Zhaoyun's face was obviously ugly,
and he immediately said: "Of course, what's wrong?"

"Well, it really is a useless Beta, and can't even respond to other people's
speech." Ji Zhaoyun shot another shot, and Shao felt that if he was not the
son of the Duke, he would have been beaten by the surrounding Beta.

"Then you must know the hot little prince who made a big splash in the
game yesterday." Referring to Ji Zhaoyun's eyes full of disdain, he sneered:
"Taking such an awful name, and imitating what old mech Pei used. It's
ridiculous, but if you beat a few weak chickens, you think you're great. "

Unexpectedly, he could hear his nickname in the virtual world from Ji

Zhaoyun's mouth, and Shao Ci suddenly coughed, "Keke cough ..."

"Let me listen when others talk." Ji Zhaoyun gave Shao a very unhappy
glance, and then continued to express his anger towards the little prince.

Although Ji Zhaoyun is a very prideful wayward young master, he also

worships the strong, so he treats Pei Master differently, and even becomes
the brain powder of the other party.

Yesterday, after seeing a bunch of people comparing this hot little prince
with Pei Shi, Ji Zhaoyun was very upset, but he couldn't find anyone to talk
to. Shao Ci was still useful after thinking about it, but he was embarrassed
and Shao Ci talked seriously and hesitated for a long time before finally

"Ah, yeah." Shao Ci listened to Ji Zhaoyun's words, nodded from time to

time, and occasionally said indignantly, "You are right, this hot little prince
is too garbage."
Ji Zhaoyun listened to Shao's words, feeling that he looked more and more
pleasing to the eye, and actually rare and Yan Yuesi nodded to Shao's
words, "Yes, although it is a waste, but it is a bit wink."

Shao Ci: "..." Is it easy for him to make a favor? You still have to scold
yourself constantly, but fortunately Ji Zhaoyun eats this set, and the degree
of favorability is unexpectedly good. When the favorability level goes up,
you don't have to worry about your future treatment being so bad! !!

"Well, I don't know why I can't find out the identity of the hot little prince,
otherwise I will grab him and torture him." Ji Zhaoyun said angrily.

Shao Ci: "..." In fact you have tortured.

Soon, the Imperial Military Academy arrived, and it was considered a

famous school. Many nobles were studying here, even some minor princes
were there.

As a privileged student, Ji Zhaoyun's aircraft drove directly to the apron

inside the campus before stopping. Instead of going through the long and
oversized garden to reach the teaching building location, like ordinary

Even if they both entered the school by relationship, the difference between
the shameless aristocracy such as Shao Ci and the son of a duke like Ji
Zhaoyun is quite large, the place of study is different, and even the teachers
and the resources for learning are very different.

Shao Ci was thinking of going to another area in the memory of the

original owner. He was about to leave but was immediately stopped by Ji
Zhaoyun. "Stop, where else do you want to go?" "Ah? I, I'll go to the
classroom." Shao said.

"Are you stupid?" Ji Zhaoyun snorted coldly. "Since you are my servant,
you have to follow me. What other place do you want to go to? Come on."
"But is that okay? I'm not a student here ..." Of course I'm happy to go to a
better place to learn Shao Ci, but will he really not be kicked out by the

Ji Zhaoyun arrogantly dropped a sentence, "No one has dared to do

anything to my people, you just come."

Shao Ci: "!" Ah suddenly thought that Ji Zhaoyun was so handsome.

So Shao Ci forcibly went to the advanced classroom here with Ji Zhaoyun.

Can anyone think that after offending the original male lead, and then being
wronged into a metamorphosis of the helmet male bathroom, and being
taken home by fans of the original male lead and being beaten with a
whip ... things actually turned around, not only successfully returned to
school again In class, I even came to a more advanced place directly. Is this
a blessing due to misfortune?

With complicated and excited mood, Shao Ci and Ji Zhaoyun entered the
classroom together. All the students in this class were Alpha, probably
once had Beta, but was squeezed away by Ji Zhaoyun.

Everyone in the classroom originally read the books indifferently one by

one. When they saw Shao Ci, who followed Ji Zhaoyun, his eyes suddenly

In fact, according to Shao Ci's original cannon fodder, these people could
not remember him at all. However, the previous thing was so explosive that
everyone didn't expect that there would still be people who peeped at the
men's bathroom. This is a metamorphosis in metamorphosis! Everyone in
the school was numb when they thought they might be peeped while taking
a shower.

This incident was almost on the news. If it weren't for the academy's fear
that things would spread and undermine its reputation, Shao Ci might now
have become a pervert known by all Emperor Duxing.
It can also be seen from this that how terrible a person Pei Shijian is. After
he was so framed, the original body was not to mix up anymore.

Shao Ci: "..." Although this is not the first time I have been regarded as a
guy, I don't know why I feel particularly shameful this time.

People were even more shocked that Shao Ci was actually brought by Ji
Zhaoyun. Is Ji Zhaoyun a middle evil? !! This guy is not only a Beta, but
also a pervert who can peek into the men's bathroom!

Even if others are not clear, they also understand how Ji Zhaoyun's disdain
for Beta, even the attitude of these Alpha students are very arrogant. How
did this guy like Ji Zhaoyun get his thigh up? !!

Facing everyone's strange eyes, Shao Ci sat down.

However, Ji Zhaoyun was calm and unconcerned, so he didn't feel any

problem at all, and asked Shao Ci to help him open the book.

Classes started soon, and the teacher just glanced at the lecture and began to
lecture naturally.

Most of the things are still intelligible, and you can also think about the
situation in which you used mech combat before, that is, some of the more
esoteric places he didn't know clearly. Whenever this time, he began to
write subconsciously Here comes the notes.

Ji Zhaoyun was also very serious when he was in class. His attitude and
arrogance were completely different. After all, he was quite pursuing this

When I was concentrating on the lesson, the time passed very fast, and soon
the class was over. Shao Ci had a feeling that he hadn't heard enough.
Looking at the book with questions, he didn't dare to ask.

Because he was just a student who came into the classroom, where can I
ask the teacher questions?
The original host came to school for class time. It was almost a pass in the
exam, and the mech combat class was even more appalling.

However, it is also related to the family. After all, the original owner is
actually only an omega. He is born with physical defects, and his parents
are guilty of him. He didn't want him to be a very powerful person.

"When you go back, you can check it on the virtual Internet." Shao sighed
and found that Ji Zhaoyun was watching the notebook in his hand.

"Well, I don't know such a simple question." Ji Zhaoyun first dismissed a

few words of sarcasm, and then came over, "Look, this is not the case
here ... If this place is like this, how can you not even know this kind of
thing? Is there a good class? "

In this way, Ji Zhaoyun explained all the questions to Shao Ci. Although he
was extremely impatient and mocked a few times from time to time, the
content of the explanation was very detailed. Even Shao Ci understood it all
at once. Already.

After listening to Shao Ci, he suddenly realized that Ji Zhaoyun would not
be the legendary pride, right?

Wait for this kind of awful thing, and don't think about it!

The next lesson was similar. Ji Zhaoyun said what Shao did not understand,
and finally his expression became more relaxed. "It seems that you are not a
complete waste, and you are a little motivated."

Shao Ci: "..." It seems that Ji Zhaoyun likes this kind of person who loves

Then it's time for lunch. There are several restaurants in the college. Some
are cheap enough to be eaten by civilian students, and some are extremely
expensive. They also restrict the restaurants that only noble students can
enter. Although Shao Ci was regarded as a downcast aristocrat, he didn't
have much money in his hands and ate all the food in ordinary restaurants.
Of course, Ji Zhaoyun chose the most expensive one. Shao Ci was thrilled
when he thought that he could eat a variety of foods.

However, what happened the next moment wiped out Shao Ci's enthusiasm.

Aren't the two people in the distance not only Peijian and Edwin? Lying
down! ? The perfect plan he was thinking about last night is completely
shattered. Hey!
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
34: Future ABo (4)
This is the first time Shao Ci saw the looks of these two people, and he has
to admit that both of them have high values and each has its own

Although Edwin had a prominent background, he was a person who didn't

like others to entangle himself, and was very low-key, even his identity was
hidden, and most people in the school didn't know about it.

At this time, Pei Shi was just a talented and well-characterized freshman in
the school. No one knew that he was the great time **** in the online mech

So both of them walked around the school like ordinary students, and there
were no fanatics around.

Therefore, the two of them collided with Shao Ci casually.

The next moment, the sound of the system sounded.

[嘀嘀 嘀 ... A character with a higher force value was detected ...
According to the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders was
started ... The replacement is completed. The current Raiders is Edwin. 】
Shao Ci: "???" Hey, why is Edwin? !! He thought it would be Pei Shi. [Of
course, this is because Edwin, the target of the Raiders, has a higher force.

Shao Ci: "..." It is also the case that Shi Peijian is still in its infancy, and it
is normal for the force value to be inferior to Edwin.
Different from Shao Ci, the whole person who was scared after seeing him
was different. When Pei Shi saw the two of them, he smiled and greeted
him, as if he had met an acquaintance. Nothing strange.

Just looking at the attitude of Master Shi Pei, who would have thought that
he was wronged that the original owner was a man who peeped at the men's

The more that Pei Shijian was, the more chilled Shao's heart was. He would
prefer Pei Shijian to come up and flick his own whip to solve the problem,
and he didn't want him to conceal himself in such a bad way, but the man is
Nothing like this.

Seeing the object of worship, Ji Zhaoyun's attitude was very excited. After
opening his mouth, he was too nervous to speak, tangled for a long time,
and finally just nodded casually, without saying a word, his attitude seemed
extremely cold. ... If it wasn't for the time when he always blew Pei Shijian
at home, Shao Ci could not guess that he was the brain fan of Pei Shijian.

It is no wonder that in the original text, for a long time, Master Pei
suspected that Ji Zhaoyun was the person he was working against, and
several times he wanted to kill Ji Zhaoyun.

Shao Ci thought of this, but also felt that Ji Zhaoyun was also miserable. It
is actually such a person's brain powder, which is really not easy.

Edwin was indifferent, greeted Ji Zhaoyun casually, and then ignored Shao

In Edwin's view, one more look at such a person is an insult to his own
eyes, and he is still thinking about it. Yesterday, he was excited and sent
dozens of emails to the hot little prince. It would be too annoying to
disapprove him, and could not help but regret it.

And Ji Zhaoyun's look at Edwin was very cold. After all, it was this guy
who lost to the hot little prince, which made the situation so far. If he was
useful, it would not cause the situation now.
Shao Ci was very self-aware and didn't say anything, so he wouldn't blame

It was just saying hello that made the situation so awkward.

After all, there were things for both parties to do, and they soon fell apart.
When Pei Shi passed by Shao Ci, he dropped the sentence gently, "I didn't
expect you to have some means. But next time, I won't have such good
luck. Please wait."

The sound of this sentence was very light. Only Shao Ci heard it alone, and
his heart tightened, and he suddenly turned around, and saw a very kind
smile appearing on Pei Shi ’s handsome and strange face.

Then Master Pei turned his head and left with Edwin.

To be honest, when he saw the smile among Master Pei, Shao Ci almost
scared to his knees.

It's okay to be stared at by the original host again! By the means of the other
party, you can easily set yourself in ruins ... Although it is now in ruins,
forget it, no matter how much he is, even if the whole empire is regarded as
a peeping male metamorphosis? He is not alive yet.

Shao Ci was a bit arrogant.

Ji Zhaoyun, who has already walked for several steps, turned his head and
glanced at Shao Ci, "What's so good, don't look at it, come here quickly."
Shao Ci quickly followed.

Ji Zhaoyun chose a box in the restaurant directly, and ordered a bunch of

expensive food. After the food came up, he looked straight at Shao Ci, and
was unhappy: "Why are you still sitting there, come and wait, Don't you
have the consciousness of being a servant? "

... Shao Ci was thinking, and he didn't know if Ji Zhaoyun hadn't waited for
himself before.
The targets of the strategy have all changed, and Shao Ci has been more
lazy, hesitating and said, "Well, but I'm just a Beta. It's not good to meet

Ji Zhaoyun said arrogantly: "Although it's just a Beta, you did a good job,
much better than other Betas. I barely allow you to serve me at a close

Shao Ci really wanted to say that you were starved to death, but people had
to bow their heads under the eaves, and they used to feed Ji Zhaoyun in the

Shao Ci was very curious how Ji Zhaoyun now liked himself, so he asked
the system. Although this salted fish system can only detect the three
states of negative, positive or zero.

[The favorability of the former Raiders is zero. 】

Shao Ci: "..." Why would he still ask him to feed.

[That's because the former Raiders' negative sentiment towards most Betas
is negative, so it is more pleasing to see the host as 0. 】

Shao Ci: "..." could not be refuted.

Now think about it, maybe Ji Zhaoyun usually feels very uncomfortable
eating by himself, and then he catches him by the way to make a strong
man ...

During the growing period, Alpha had a particularly large meal. Shao Ci's
hands were sour before Ji Zhaoyun finished it, and then he drank tea very
elegantly. Shao Ci did not see how Ji Zhaoyun ate such a thin body and ate
so much food.

After the feeding, Shao Ci began to eat his own food, and soon became
immersed in the deliciousness of the food. As for all the unpleasant things
before him, he was left behind.
Is there anyone else in the world who can satisfy him so easily.

Ji Zhaoyun feels a lot better after eating. Looking at Shao Ci, he said, "The
day after tomorrow's organic armor combat class, you'd better go and
practice for me. I don't want to watch you lose my face."

Shao Ci suddenly remembered how miserable the results of the original

mech's actual combat class, and suddenly his whole face turned pale. On
the virtual network, he can rely so much on mental power, but in the reality
that mental power will collapse, he can only operate manually.

And his experience of manually operating the mech was only the warm-up
before yesterday's battle with Edwin, and he fell several times.

That's still on the virtual Internet. I almost felt no pain when I fell down. If I
changed to reality, I would probably break him with an omega's weak body
and lie in bed for months ...

The parents of the original owner told the teacher that they would not be
able to attend the actual combat class every time. But obviously Ji Zhaoyun
is not such a reasonable person.

... It seems that after going back today, I have to practice the manual
operation on the virtual network.

Shao Ci's good mood suddenly went to more than half, took a cup of tea
and took a sip.

"And the **** hot little prince." Ji Zhaoyun snorted coldly. "I will teach
him today and let him know that the sky is high."

Shao Ci almost sprayed out the tea that had just been imported,
"hehehehehe ..."

"What's wrong?" Ji Zhaoyun frowned suddenly. "Don't you think I can

"No, no ..." Shao Ci quickly said, "How can the little prince of spicy strips
beat you, I believe you will succeed!"

"It's almost the same." Ji Zhaoyun said: "You are doing well today. If you
continue to work hard, I will consider raising your salary."

Shao Ci was shocked: "!" There are still wages! I thought I was working for

In fact, Ji Zhaoyun is a good person to feed him ... but remembering that he
was beaten when he was dressed, Shao Ci thinks it's okay.

The afternoon class was a physical education class. Shao Ci worked very
hard to realize how unbearable Omega's physical strength was.

I just ran away for a while and was breathless, and all the Alphas beside me
were full of energy.

However, Shao Ci felt that he could dress as a Beta omega. Although

occasionally envious of Alpha, he would not scold injustice or something ...
Most of the omegas are still locked in the house. Otherwise, I will go to a
school full of omega, and then I will wait to marry when I am an adult.

If he wore such an omega, Shao Ci would have chosen to die.

After school, Ji Zhaoyun went back to his room aggressively.

Shao Ci also returned to the room, put on a virtual helmet and entered the
virtual world. When he entered, he was stunned by the number of emails.
Before that, the original owner's mailbox had only a dozen emails scolding
him for perverts ...

These e-mails were sent to the contest by others, and then the system of the
contest was sent again. There is no problem in terms of confidentiality. No
one can know the email address of Shao Ci.
Yesterday, Shao Ci just left dozens of games and left. He didn't think about
going to other places such as forums and seeing it. He never thought that he
would be a little famous person in the game.

Shao Ci poked at these emails and saw that there were a lot of courtship
letters, which also contained various selfies, even some male and female
omega, which really scared Shao Ci.

And Edwin actually sent him dozens of e-mails, and when I opened it, I
found that it was written in the same tone as the brain residual powder.
Shao Ci really couldn't think of the indifferent Edwin who wrote this during
the day. Sentence ... If he knew he was a hot little prince, he didn't know
what the reaction would be.

And this Edwin was so excited after being beaten by himself, in fact he was
shaking! … But you do n’t have to worry about daily tasks in this case.
Shao Ci considered waiting for today ’s things to be resolved before
contacting Edwin to meet online.

Before and Cizelle can complete daily tasks in dreams, then it should be
possible on the Internet.

There is also a part of the letter about cooperation, and there are still many
forces who want to win him. Shao Ci was very tempted to see such a large
amount of imperial coins proposed by the other party. However, in reality,
he is a salty fish. What good is it to be a master who can only live on the
virtual network, and he has to ignore these letters.

As for what kind of money is advertised in the competition, Shao Ci is very

interested. If not, just advertise, so it would be so good to have money.

So Shao Ci asked the system to completely block his position, and then
asked the other party about the price of the other party. Finally, they talked
a lot, got a lot of deposits, and instantly added tens of thousands of imperial
Although the original host family is aristocratic, the lives of ordinary people
and civilians are similar, and the cost of a year is almost tens of thousands
of imperial coins.

After Shao Ci got all these things, he came to the square with the most
traffic, and he saw a declaration of war written on the square's most
prominent advertising space.

It reads that he invited the little prince to go to a certain virtual mech

training ground. If the little prince wins, he can get one million interstellar
coins. If he loses, he will quit the virtual mech competition and in the future
Never participate again.

In the virtual world, I don't know how many people are playing every day,
but there are not as many as arrogant, and it immediately attracted the
attention of countless people.

The advertising space that people in this area can see as soon as they come
in, they need more than 100,000 interstellar coins a day.

Shao Ci understood instantly, no wonder that so many advertisers were

looking for him all at once, it seems that this is the relationship between the
advertising space.

Shao Ci: "..." The person who put this declaration of war is Ji Zhaoyun. Is
he going or not ... We should know that although Ji Zhaoyun did not
participate in this competition, his strength is still very strong. Repeatedly
calculated by Master Shi Pei's calculations, he became a general in the later
part of the original story, and became a powerful helper for Master Shi
Pei ... So he went or didn't.

Isn't this nonsense? Of course, go. Shao Ci is very confident in his own
mental strength. Why did Ji Zhaoyun give him money and he didn't take it?
That's a million interstellar coins.

Shao Ci did not hesitate to go to the competition side and swiped up with
his personal terminal. This individual-to-person battle also uses the virtual
machine armored system.
After entering, the same interface that let him choose mecha appeared as

Generally speaking, the mechas used by a contestant are the ones that they
are best at. They are generally not replaced at will, and they are more
individual. They also have some special marks on the mecha, such as
rankings. The top fifty masters can identify who it is just by looking at the

It's just that the appearance of the hot little prince makes Pei Shijian's
oldfashioned mecha look less unique than before, so Pei Shijian's powder is
not so unpleasant.

However, yesterday, Shao had no money and chose it casually. Today, he

got so much deposit, and immediately he stunned. Why would he choose
the shabby old-fashioned mech, and immediately changed to the current
latest model, which is also the public The mech requires only a few
hundred imperial coins to use.

In the real world, you can't open any powerful mechs. Of course, you must
try them all on the Internet. He doesn't have to pretend like the original
male lead.

If you want to advertise, you need to choose a custom shape, and you need
thousands of imperial coins, but these are not much more than advertising

Shao Ci directly turned on this function and copied the lines given by the
advertisers to the mecha. The original white mecha suddenly became
colorful and indifferent, and it seemed that his master's aesthetic was also

However, Shao Ci didn't care about these things. Compared with being
scolded and not aesthetic, it was obviously that imperial currency was more

Shao then turned on the screen, and she saw the challenge from Ji Zhaoyun.
An agreement was attached beside it, which explained in detail what would
happen if she lost and what would happen if she won. If it is legally valid,
once you sign it, you cannot regret it.

There is also Ji Zhaoyun's signature below.

Ji Zhaoyun also hides his real identity in the virtual world. His name here is
‘Stay Away From Me’. It really matches his personality ...

Shao Ci signed the agreement immediately and then clicked Accept. There
was a flower in front of him, which was transmitted directly to the scene.

The scene was full of spectators, all of which just saw the news and bought
tickets immediately. This is not the official competition room is to pay for it
yourself, and the money sold for the ticket will be divided into 1% for the
two participants.

So when I saw these people, Shao Ci felt as if he had seen many imperial
coins, and he felt moved.

Most of the people came for the little prince. They also wanted to see who
was the challenger, so they just bought the advertising space in the square.
Then, after seeing Shao's mech, everyone was holding back.

Did n’t you say that the hot little prince uses old-fashioned mechs, why do
you change it now, even if you change it, why does this mech look so
tacky, there are so many messy characters on it ... wait, These are

A good mech was tossed into this ghost, how many advertisements did the
little prince receive? !!

This completely ruined the pressure of the hot little prince in their hearts! !!
Although there was no such thing as taking such a name, they really wanted
to ask how little money the little prince was short of money ...

And Edwin, who keeps his attention on the people at all times, naturally
bought the tickets for the first time, watching the scene nervously and
excitedly. Since yesterday's events, he has not been able to calm down, all
his thoughts are hot. little Prince.

With the filter bonus, even if he looks at such an ugly mech now, Edwin
feels very personal, and still wants to make his own mech like this after
going back.

"Huh." Ji Zhaoyun sneered when he saw the mech in front of him. "It really
is just a waste. To do such a thing for the time being, I also want to
compare it with Pei Xue. I will let you lose it directly from now on. Don't
even think about participating in the Mech Contest again. "

Shao Ci did not care so much at all, just looked at the various buttons in the
mech, recalled the knowledge learned today, and was moved to find that he
remembered it. Now I know almost every place I did n’t know today.

Anyway, the warm-up time is not over yet, so use this time to practice it.

So Shao Ci tried to manually operate the mech. With yesterday's

experience, his operation has been much better today. Although he can't
completely work with mental power, he feels like he is integrated with the
mech, but it ’s good. You can walk normally instead of falling down.

The onlookers watched the mech taking an extremely stiff step, slightly
better than the beginners, and looked a little surprised. They have only seen
those videos showing the heroic appearance of the little prince, and they
don't know how many people were laughed at before the start of the first
game because of that bad operation.

"Isn't it a good idea to change to a new mech?" "Ah, you should use your
habitual mech to participate in such an important game. Why would you
want to not change your mech?" "Is this really the case? Did you lose it?
Didn't I buy my ticket for nothing? "

Only Edwin's heart was agitated, watching intently, remembering

yesterday's first encounter with the little Prince of Hot Strip. Under his
filter, even if Shao Ci fell straight now, Edwin would think it was a
technical and aesthetic fall ...
The warm-up time will soon be over. Ji Zhaoyun also took it seriously,
although he said that he didn't take the other party seriously. However, Ji
Zhaoyun has watched all the videos of the little prince, even if he has to
admit that the other party is still a bit level, but if it is comparable to Pei
Shi, it is far from enough.

Although the strength is very strong, the skills of the little prince are very
unfamiliar, and he does not understand the tactics at all. He often behaves
like a mech beginner.

"According to yesterday's video, this hot little prince will sneak up at the
fastest speed from the beginning. Many people were pierced by the cockpit
before they responded." Ji Zhaoyun thought: "As long as I guard With this
first strike, and then take this opportunity to directly start, you can easily
defeat him. "

After thinking about it, Ji Zhaoyun sat indifferently, connecting the mech
with his mental power, waiting for the opponent's attack.

Basically, their level is used to operate the mech, otherwise the hand speed
can not keep up.

In this world, mental power is inherently destined, but physical fitness can
be improved. Many things are destined from the beginning. Even the master
of the original text, Pei Shijian, who climbed up from the slums, is his
greatest. Plug-ins are also his powerful mental power.

At the beginning of the game, the clumsy little prince's original awkward
stance disappeared instantly, the speed of the entire mech became
extremely fast, and he attacked in an instant.

"Sure enough, as I thought, if I didn't take precautions, I might really lose."

Ji Zhaoyun caught this move as planned, and he could think freely in his
heart, and then attacked the other side while he was in the situation.

It is reasonable to say that at such a fast speed, according to his

calculations, the little prince of Hot Strip is impossible to avoid, but at that
moment, the other party flashed faster than the video.
"How could it be." Ji Zhaoyun opened his eyes wide, then realized that the
little prince of the hot bar yesterday used the most broken old-fashioned
mech, and today he has replaced it with a new mech. It is normal for the
speed to increase. .

And missed this best opportunity, the little prince of spicy strip has quickly
flashed to a safe place.

"Damn, I actually made mistakes at this time. Forget it, use the second
solution." Ji Zhaoyun's face was a bit hard to look, and he pulled out the
laser knife and rushed towards the other side.

After watching those videos, Ji Zhaoyun inferred that the opponent did not
seem to be good at fighting. Since the initial plan failed, then he should
follow the ordinary method, anyway, he has confidence in his own strength.

Ji Zhaoyun guessed right. Shao Ci was really not good at fighting. He had
never learned any skills. Yesterday he relied on speed and unexpected
surprise. Today, he met Ji Zhaoyun, who studied him thoroughly, and
suddenly exposed himself. Short board.

However, in the case of strong mental power to master the audience, Shao
Ci almost looked at all of Ji Zhaoyun's eyes. Any attack can be avoided.
Behind the eyes, he can avoid sneak attacks, and it is difficult to lose. But
it's not easy to win.

In the course of the battle, Shao Ci's mental power completely recorded Ji
Zhaoyun's actions, and then in the course of the battle, he unknowingly
used it.

At this point, Shao Ci himself did not realize that when he used such a
tactic to attack, Ji Zhaoyun was stunned.

"He was actually learning my moves, and he was learning so fast.

Obviously, few people in the academy could learn it." Ji Zhaoyun
remembered the strange movements of the other party when he just warmed
up, and suddenly there was a terrible feeling in his heart. idea.
"Is this man a beginner in Mecha? That's why it becomes like this when
there is no mental power connection system ... So how terrible is his
mental power?"

"If this is the case, then yesterday, he did not deliberately imitate Pei Xue,
but because he didn't understand what to use for the first time, he used the
old-fashioned mech, but won so easily ..."

After having such an idea, Ji Zhaoyun couldn't calm down at all. Looking at
the mech of the hot prince again, he had no original disdain in his heart, but
a strong curiosity surged.

He wanted to know how powerful this man's mental power was.

Before that, Ji Zhaoyun had seen Pei Shijian being the most powerful
person, and he saw it at a glance. Even though Pei Shijian was not as good
as many people at this time due to experience and various reasons, as long
as he relied on With such a strong mental power, he will definitely be the
most powerful person in the future.

What's more, Shi Peijian still has such terrible skills. He can see infinite
possibilities in him. Because of this, Ji Zhaoyun has not hesitated to
become Pei Shi's brain powder.

Now he seems to have found a more powerful person.

In fact, to a certain extent, Ji Zhaoyun and Edwin are quite similar. Both
people are pursuing the strong and their attitudes are close to distorted. This
is also because the setting of the original protagonist is related to the
convenience of the original male lead to accept the younger brother, but it
seems that it is cheaper now.

Ji Zhaoyun's eyes showed enthusiasm, and he approached the other without

hesitation, and even used the most dangerous method to explore the mental
strength to approach the other's mech.
This is an extremely dangerous method. Only people who are very
confident in their own mental strength will do it. If there is an advantage,
they can make the other party unable to control the mech and win.

If the other person's mental strength is too much stronger than himself, as
long as one is not careful, the person who uses this trick will even become a
vegetative person, and it is likely that they will be lost in the other person's
mental strength because of the difference in mental strength. It's like

Ji Zhaoyun is not unaware of the risks, but at this time, he is full of desire to
see how strong the mental strength of this person is, as for his own safety is

The audience on the stage thought that fierce fighting would break out later.
Who knows that this ‘stay away from me’ just pounces over the mech
holding the hot little prince. What the **** is this for? !! Wasn't the battle
good before? !!

When Edwin saw this scene, he almost crushed the handle of the seat next
to him, and his face was very ugly. "What the **** is going on with this
guy, do you want to use any tricks?"

The noise of the outside world is gone, and the moment when the spiritual
power touches the other's mental power, Ji Zhaoyun is absorbed in it.

Such a powerful mental power instantly let his willpower go to half, as if

the whole person was soaked in the ocean of spiritual power, and there
seemed to be a faint aroma in the air.

No, this scent ... Ji Zhaoyun, who was close to a coma, was suddenly
shocked, but she was sober from the state directly.

Although Ji Zhaoyun felt that it had been a long time ago, it was only a
moment in the outside world.
Shao Ci feels very bad, this kind of mental force being invaded feels like
being stripped of clothes. Anyway, now that Ji Zhaoyun has delivered the
door to him, then he will do it directly.

The moment Shao took the weapon directly against the opponent's cockpit,
Ji Zhaoyun also opened his eyes, his white cheeks flushed, and he looked in
the direction of the opponent's mech in amazement. At the moment he lost,
His voice blurted out.

"You're ... omega?"

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
35: Future ABo (5) (1)
Of course, Shao Ci could not hear Ji Zhaoyun's last sentence, and he simply
quit after victory.

After leaving the game, Shao Ci received the news that a million imperial
coins had arrived in his account. There was still an unreal feeling in his
heart. I didn't expect that ... in a split second, he became a millionaire.

Suddenly I want to challenge more people like Ji Zhaoyun who are stupid
and rich.

After the game, the video was also posted on various forums and social
networking sites, which immediately caused everyone's surprise.

Although everyone thinks the first time you watch the video, whether the
aesthetics of the hot little prince is a bit problematic, but after seeing it, you
will naturally ignore it.

In the empire, as long as there is strength, the other is nothing at all, even
the mech full of advertisements on the hot strip little prince seems to be
compelling. For a while, many people have imitated and are in mech
Something messy on it.

Shao Ci has received more emails from advertisers. Now that he is not short
of money, he will set aside and consider doing daily tasks.

So, on the other side, Edwin, who was so excited after watching the game,
received an e-mail from the little prince.

There are all kinds of facilities in the virtual world, whether it is to enjoy
food, travel or leisure, whatever can be done. And these experiences are
almost the same as reality, but the price is much cheaper than reality and it
is safe.
It's like the beautiful sunrise on the legendary extremely dangerous substar,
which used to be seen at the risk of life, but now it can be experienced
directly in the virtual facility at the price of only a few hundred imperial

Because of the large number of people, there are also many people who do
their daily work in the virtual world. It can be said that the difference
between the virtual world and the reality is very small, and it is almost a
second world.

However, the virtual facilities are also quite expensive, just like the branch
of this high-end restaurant built by the Empire ’s largest wealthy in the
virtual world. Although the food is virtual, it is also quite expensive.
Ordinary people can eat it once. Come out and show off for a long time.

And Edwin, sitting at the table on the garden terrace at the highest point of
the restaurant, looked at the scenery outside the glass window uneasily.

He is wearing a custom-made suit at a high price today. In reality, at least

one million empire coins are needed to buy it, and that blond hair is also
specially found by someone to make a styling, which makes him look more
energetic. It is several times more beautiful than usual.

Such Edwin, just sitting there is enough to make countless people scream,
of course, there are no other people here, of course, the entire terrace has
been wrapped up by him, anyway, here is his property.

Outside the glass cover is the simulated aurora of the Murphy planet, which
is said to be the most beautiful and romantic scenery in the world. The
garden is full of countless light pink flowers, and the faint aroma diffuses in
the air.

This is the sacred place for dating and the best place for marriage in the
hearts of couples, but Edwin didn't think of it when he chose, but only felt
that only such a good place is worthy of his male god.

"I don't know if he will be dissatisfied here?" Edwin was very nervous.
After receiving the e-mail from the Hot Little Prince, he hesitated for a long
time before finally choosing this restaurant to meet, but still worried that
the other party would Disgusting.

The door was pushed open the next moment, and a man with a mosaic on
his face came in and greeted him.

That ’s right, this mosaic-faced person is Shao Ci. I really want to thank the
privacy protection settings in the virtual world. As long as you do n’t want
others to see the true content, you can set privacy protection ... After this,
others will not be able to see clearly anyway. Your looks.

Otherwise, Shao Ci would not have met Edwin so casually, if the identity is
exposed, it will be troublesome.

Only the hot prince who had received the invitation could enter this place
now, and Edwin stood up with excitement.

Even at this time, Shao Ci's face had mosaics, and the clothes he wore were
casual. Shao Ci had no opinion at all, and his male **** felt that the
mosaics on his face were so beautiful and stammered. Said, "Hello, hello ...
me, me ..."

Because he was too excited, Edwin almost tripped, but fortunately, Shao Ci
was close, and he quickly supported him, "Are you all right?"

Of course, Shao Ci ’s voice has also been treated with privacy protection,
and it sounds very distorted. However, in Edwin, it sounds like the sound of
nature, and his usually indifferent face turns red instantly. “I I'm fine. You,
it's my pleasure to be here. "

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, is this the same Edwin I saw yesterday, and people's
feelings have changed!

Two people sat down at the table, and Edwin was obviously very nervous.
"Excuse me, what would you like to eat? You can order more food here,
please be polite."
Shao Ci also knew that this restaurant was opened by Edwin's, so he
ordered a lot of food, and Edwin also ordered a few.

Because it is only virtual food, you can only experience the deliciousness of
the food, but you will not feel full. Therefore, it is favored by many people
who want to keep their figure and taste the food.

These virtual foods automatically appeared on the table after the selection,
and the two of them ate them, but in fact they ate one, and Edwin kept
watching here with admiring eyes. Nothing matters to him now.

Then Edwin summoned the courage to say, "I, I am your loyal fan ... the
moment you beat me, I was already deeply intoxicated by your posture,
because you and I found it. The meaning of life, please let me follow you ...
if you are lucky enough to meet you in reality ... "

Shao Ci was numb all over his words, "!" Hey! There are too many slots in
these words, and why are they so exaggerated, people who do n’t know
thought they were reading prose or something.

In fact, when Edwin learned that Shao was about to meet him, he spent a lot
of money asking the poet to help him write it, and had a long time to
memorize it before Shao's resignation.

Shao sighed: "Sorry, I can't reveal my identity in reality, so I can't meet


"That's it ... I offended." Edwin was a little lost, and then quickly said, "It
doesn't matter, as long as you can think of me when you have time. If you
don't want to abandon, I still think, I still want Once again, let you show me
how to use Mecha. No, you do n’t need to give instructions. You just have
to beat me mercilessly ... Of course I will pay for it, no matter how much it
is! "

Who wouldn't want to hit someone with money? But Edwin is really

Shao Ci said: "... Of course this is OK."

Since it was just collecting money to hit Edwin, Shao Ci was not good at
collecting too much money, so he said the price of an online mech trainer
training once, almost 50,000 empire coins, Edwin returned after listening I
think it's a little bit less, double the price.

Shao Ci: "..." Sure enough, he was still very polite, actually thinking about
saving money for the richest son of the empire ...

After eating, Edwin took Shao directly to his residence in the virtual world,
which also contains a place dedicated to mecha training. Most people don't
buy homes in the virtual world, and Edwin has this kind of leisure.

The facilities here are very luxurious, which are comparable to those in the
Mech Contest ... Although it is only virtual, it still needs a lot of money to
achieve such a degree.

"If it ’s a battle, wouldn't it be better to go outside." Shao said, and there are
extra ticket income or something in the battle. Maybe he was beaten and
made a profit.

"But you came here specifically for me. I don't want others to see it." Edwin
said here, his tone was obviously a little unpleasant, "As long as I see this
scene, I want to enjoy it. Alone with you. "

Shao Ci: "... you are happy."

Since it is free to choose freely, Shao Ci certainly chose the best and most
gorgeous mech currently. Edwin chose the latest mech he most commonly

Edwin has been waiting for today's battle for a long time. I don't know how
many times I dreamed of that day. During the day, I was absentminded
except during training. On several occasions, Pei asked him what was

But Edwin was embarrassed to tell the story to his friends, and then made
excuses to cover up.
Now just sitting in the cockpit, Edwin's cheeks have turned slightly red, his
eyes are looking at the position of the other party's mech, and his spirit is in
a state of extreme excitement ... If Shao Ci saw his appearance, he would be
scared Thought he was in estrus or how.

On the other side, Shao Ci quickly discovered the benefits of this advanced
mech. It takes a while to complete the spiritual connection between the old
mech and the ordinary mech. In this advanced mech, it takes only a blink of
an eye. Can be done.

I did n’t feel it when I used other mechs. Now I use high-level mechs, and I
just realized how awkward when I used that low-level mechs to fight.

Shao Ci suddenly realized that something was not so good, "..." Oops, how
could he use such a high-end mech to use the broken mech in the future.

However, he is now a millionaire. He can use the money to buy mecha in

reality, and the tens of thousands of imperial coins on the virtual network
are not important.

After manipulating the mech, Shao Ci nodded, and the two started fighting.

Because Edwin has exercised a lot in addition to being dazed these days, his
technique is a lot more proficient than before, and because I have watched
the video of the hot little prince over and over again, I do n’t know how
many times, I have a lot of Shao Ci Coping methods.

However, he did not want to beat Shao Ci, but naturally wanted to improve
himself to catch up with each other, and he believed that the stronger his
strength, the stronger the excitement after being defeated.

Although I have lost many times before, only when I lost to the spicy
prince, the feeling of being completely crushed at that moment can excite
him to such a degree, and losing to others only makes him feel I'm not

Edwin's force value was not low, and he lost to Shao Ci so quickly because
he was not prepared.
However, Shao Ci was not the first Shao Ci that even the mech could not
manipulate. After fighting Ji Zhaoyun, he also learned a lot of tricks.

After you came and played for more than a dozen rounds, Shao Ci found an
opportunity to suppress Edwin and pressed it **** the ground. At this time,
Ben should come to an end and the game should end. But at this moment,
Shao Ci's mind suddenly remembered what Ji Zhaoyun had done before.

Today's Shao Ci is full of curiosity about spiritual power, how can he not
want to experiment when he knows a method.

"Only those with strong mental strength can do it. If it is me, it should be
okay." Shao Ci thought about this, and explored the mental strength directly
to cover Edwin's mech.

This feeling of spiritual power and spiritual power is very special, just like
the deepest consciousness of two people collided directly.

It is said that sometimes, if you can adjust well, the intersecting of mental
powers can even produce a stronger pleasure than the actual papapa (so
many couples and lovers also like this feeling. Of course, Shao Ci has not
known this kind of thing yet.

Because people in the virtual world are projected into consciousness, their
response to mental power is several times stronger than reality.

At the moment when Shao Ci's mental power touched, Edwin's feeling of
excitement came to an extreme, and Shao Ci was infected with a moment,
feeling that his body became hot instantly, thinking Do something to vent
the relationship.

If Shao Ci ’s mental strength is similar to Edwin ’s mental strength, I ’m

afraid he will not be able to control himself for the time being.

Fortunately, Shao Ci ’s mental strength is much stronger than Edwin ’s, and
this impulse is soon be Suppressed.
"Hah ..." Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat on his
forehead. Sure enough, this kind of thing cannot be tempted casually.

By this time, Edwin had completely given up his resistance, and he heard
his voice sound for a long time. "... I lost."

I don't know if it's Shao Ci's illusion. I always think Edwin's voice is

After Shao Ci got off the mech, it took a while, and when Shao Ci was
thinking about whether to go and see, Edwin crawled out. At this time, his
clothes were soaked with sweat, turquoise For example, the eyes of the
gemstones were also full of water, and they kept panting in a low voice, not
only the cheeks, but also the auricles and neck.

Shao Ci: "...!" Suddenly, you are really shaking, isn't it just losing a game?
Is it worth it! !!

Edwin looked at Shao Ci flushed, and then came over here, Shao Ci almost
backed away.

It's terrible. Although he knows that there are so many guys in the world,
like Edwin, he is even more terrible than ordinary guys.

When Edwin walked in front of Shao Ci, he was half-knelt on the ground,
holding Shao Ci's hand reverently, and said enthusiastically, "Even if you
don't want me to follow you, if there is something to do in the future When
you solve it, you must think of me first, and I will do whatever it takes. "

Shao Ci has been scared stupidly: "Ah, um, okay, don't do this ... Stand up
quickly ..."

How could he look directly at Edwin in the future! But Edwin and he
wouldn't meet often anyway ... this kind of thing should not matter.

Today ’s random task is to praise the Raiders. Although Shao Ci felt that it
was not the right time, but it was too late to say anything, and he held
Edwin ’s hand instead, "Well, you are fine, today and you I'm happy to stay
together ... "

Although scared by Edwin's shaking degree, in the future, you can

complete the task so casually and you can take the Imperial Coin. How
happy it is, what a trivial matter.

Edwin managed to calm down, and now he heard Shao said, his face
became even redder, "I, I, I will follow you all my life ..."

Shao Ci did not know how Edwin kept this excitement on a mosaic face,

When I know who the Hot Strip Little Prince is, I hope Edwin can keep his
normal heart.

Soon the next day.

Shao Ci was a bit tired after so much tossing on the virtual Internet
yesterday. He almost couldn't get up in the morning, and went downstairs
with sleepy eyes. As a result, he was sober when he saw Ji Zhaoyun.

Ji Zhaoyun, who was always full of arrogance, was a little embarrassed

today. He was slowly eating the breakfast that the servant delivered to his
mouth. From time to time, he thought of something, and his white cheeks
were still red.

Usually, if those servants are not done well, they will be scolded by Ji
Zhaoyun, but today he is completely out of state. Even if others do
something wrong, he seems to be stunned, and then smiles slightly. .

What kind of ghost is this, is this arrogant and willful, Ji Zhaoyun who
always stinks all day, why is it like a young girl in love.

Shao Ci was not light by his own illusions, who was so unlucky by Ji
When he got on the aircraft, Ji Zhaoyun seized Shao Ci again and forced
him to chat with himself. After all, Ji Zhaoyun was so bad-tempered that he
had no friends and could only chat with Shao Ci.

"You listen to me. I always thought omega was a very troublesome

creature." Ji Zhaoyun opened another map cannon. "Fragile and delicate, he
would cry there just a few words, just look at it It's upsetting that I was
going to never get married in this life. "

Shao Ci: "..." Wow, this Ji Zhaoyun not only hates Beta, but he also hates
Omega, but this is also normal. After all, in the original text, he is still a
guy who likes Alpha, so he can only like him ... ...

"But just yesterday, my mind changed." Ji Zhaoyun said: "I met an omega,
and I finally understood that he was the other half of my fate ..."

Shao Ci: "... Ah, this is a good thing."

But speaking, who did Ji Zhaoyun meet yesterday? Are n’t they all staying
in the school? There are only Alpha and Beta in the school. Is it virtual
online? Did you know anyone after losing yesterday?

When Shao Ci was thinking hard, Ji Zhaoyun said, "You may want to laugh
at me when you say it. You must not laugh. The person I am talking about
is the hot little prince yesterday." Shao Ci: "... kekekekekekekeke !?" What
the hell? !!

Shao Ci simply wanted to grab Ji Zhaoyun's collar and ask him clearly, why
did he know that he was omega! This is not scientific at all, or is there any
problem with the inhibitor? !!

"But." Shao Ci's difficult organizational language said: "That hot little
prince, is Alpha, how can an omega have such strength, and it is
impossible for omega to participate in any virtual machine contest, hahaha
Haha ... "
Omega because of physical limitations, basically will not learn the
knowledge of Mecha, even if the level of mental strength is even higher, it
will not consider this issue.

"No, he is indeed omega." Ji Zhaoyun said resolutely: "I felt the

pheromone smell of omega in his mental strength. I didn't expect that there
could be such a point of omega, it seems that I used to be too narrow It ’s
not just Alpha that is powerful. " Do you know it yourself? !!

Although Ji Zhaoyun actually reflected on himself because of this incident,

Shao Ci was totally unhappy.

The unlucky egg that Ji Zhaoyun fell in love with was his own.

Why is this inhibitor so spicy chicken? !! It was seen casually, but it may
also be a problem of mental power ... Damn, Shao Ci felt that he should
pay more attention to using mental power in the future.

Now the only good thing is that when I entered the competition, I chose to
be anonymous. Shao Ci was even more afraid to reveal his identity. If the
identity was revealed, Ji Zhaoyun and Edwin were afraid that it would be
enough to tear him.

"Fortunately, when I challenged yesterday, I didn't show my true content.

As long as I change his name, he should not know who I am." Ji Zhaoyun
looked relieved.

Shao Ci: "..." In fact, the other party knew everything.

"Speaking of it, how do you think I should pursue it?" Ji Zhaoyun looked at
Shao Ci, his attitude was better than before, and he was very sincere. "After
all, I have no experience in pursuing people. It's not good. "

Shao Ci: "... that." Do you think I have the experience of pursuing
people? !!

If Ji Zhaoyun was pursuing someone else, Shao Ci would just say it

casually, but now that person is himself, he ca n’t just fool around. If it ’s
not good, it may be very troublesome. Not answering is even worse, who
knows who Ji Zhaoyun will wait to ask.

So Shao said nonchalantly, "Omega generally likes that gentle Alpha,

especially this powerful omega, definitely hates that kind of strong Alpha,
so you just have to face him tenderly, and then do the gentle One thing,
don't do anything too intense, so he should see you well. "

Yes, do n’t do anything too intense, as long as this is no problem! !!

"Well, you're right." Ji Zhaoyun nodded thoughtfully, and then returned to

his usual appearance, looking proudly at Shao Ci, "If I pursue success, you
are the first-rate hero. By then I will I will never treat you badly. "

Shao Ci pretended to be happy, but there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Anyway, he knew that Ji Zhaoyun could not pursue success in his life.

After getting off the aircraft, the two even encountered Edwin who was
single. Ji Zhaoyun didn't want to say hello at all. Shao Ci remembered
yesterday's events, for fear that Edwin recognized himself and didn't want
to speak at all.

Edwin glanced coldly at this side, glanced at Shao with a glance at trash,
and then left indifferently.

Shao Ci: "..." It seems that he has thought more. Based on Edwin's attitude,
he can recognize that he is a hot little prince.

Ji Zhaoyun snorted coldly: "... how arrogant the whole day looks, how
powerful it is, but my partner can't beat him."

When Shao Ci heard the title of Ji Zhaoyun, he was shocked and coughed
suddenly: "Cough cough ..."

"Speaking of whether you've caught a cold lately, you have a lot of

coughs?" Ji Zhaoyun turned his head and looked over.

"No," Shao Ci quickly said, "I was just stimulated by the cold air."
Ji Zhaoyun said indifferently: "If you are sick, go to the doctor directly.
You can reimburse me for the expenses."

On the other hand, the hot little prince's incident has also attracted more
attention from the power. After all, not only does he look strong, but he is
also short of money at a glance ... he knows that he is a kind of very
attractive person.

If it wasn't for Shao Ci's reality, the salty fish might have agreed, but the
reality is cruel.

At this time, the highest and most expensive restaurant in the sky, the
legendary Crown Prince Highness Loris is sitting inside and looking at the
outside scenery. From this place, most of the kings can be seen, and the
scenery is very beautiful.

As the biggest villain of the original text, Lorris is also a very deliberate
figure. He has blond hair and blue eyes, and his appearance is extremely
beautiful. After all, he is closer to that imperial emperor than his resolute
emperor. The appearance of a beautiful queen.

The queen is best known for her beautiful appearance, so much that
everyone forgets that she was married to the royal family because of her
outstanding family history.

At the same time she had a beautiful face, the queen's personality was also
very extreme, she had a terrible possessiveness to her partner, and secretly
killed countless maids who tried to seduce the emperor, even a few

While inheriting the beauty of the queen, Lorris also inherited her paranoid
personality, and had a terrifying possessiveness for the things she loved.
Even when she was young, she would not even touch toys.

The best thing about this article is that the true love of His Majesty is Pei
Shijian ’s mother. A small white flower born at a low price, but because of
the queen ’s possessiveness, he did not dare to bring it back, which led to
Pei Shijian ’s birth in a slum. Kind of place ...

Afterwards, the queen learned about this and directly took the medicine in
the emperor's cup. He wanted to end up with the emperor. However, the
emperor was eventually rescued. If it was not for the help of the queen's
family, he might directly The corpse of the queen was cut off.

Because of this, the emperor was very displeased with Loris, who was
similar in appearance to the queen, and felt guilty about Pei Shi, who really
loved him. After that, he spared no effort to pave the way for Pei Shi, and
for this he calculated his political marriage Born the eldest son, it made
Loris completely defeated.

However, at this time, Lorris was still the crown prince, and the life of the
illegitimate son of Master Pei was not revealed.

"Speaking of it, I saw a very interesting person on the virtual Internet

yesterday." Lorris said with a smile.

"Oh? Who is actually interested in His Royal Highness?" The young man
sitting opposite Loris has a beautiful appearance. If Shao is here, he will
find that his looks are similar to those of Ji Zhaoyun, but more similar.
Many mature.

He was Ji Zhaoyun's brother, Ji Zhaoyuan, the heir to the Duke.

In the original work, Ji Zhaoyuan was a person who stood on the side of
Loris from the beginning to the end, and then released Ji Zhaoyun because
he couldn't bear to kill his brother. However, it also indirectly caused the
victory between Master Shi and finally because of Ji Zhaoyun's face. Only
survived, but the rest of my life was in pain.

When Ji Zhaoyuan said this, he secretly sweated for that person. He would
be noticed by His Royal Highness. I really do n’t know if it was lucky or
"Look at this." Loris sent the light brain to Ji Zhaoyuan, calmly: "The most
interesting thing is that I can't find out his identity. The appearance of the
video is also vague. What did I do? To this extent? "

Such a game is anonymous, in fact, those powerful people can easily find
out who it is, like Shi Peijian has been picked up by a bunch of people.

However, there are still people who can't find it as a prince, which is a bit

Ji Zhaoyuan looked at the screen. It was a player fighting with an old mech,
and he easily defeated Edwin.

After all, Edwin was a cousin of the prince. Ji Zhaoyuan also knew a little
about his strength and immediately became interested in the person on the
screen. Defeated, I want someone to investigate ... "

When the time came out, it was also a sensation. Ji Zhaoyuan also had a
pull-in mind, but the other party declined it politely. Ji Zhaoyuan only had
some regrets in his heart. He didn't think of anything else, and he did not
expect that this person would be a person who would subvert the empire in
the future.

"Speaking of it, I heard that your brother recently brought a downcast

aristocrat home tortured?" Lorris raised an eyebrow and looked a little
cold in his blue eyes.

Ji Zhaoyuan's heart tightened suddenly, but his face was not taken
seriously, and he sighed helplessly, "Xiao Yun was used to by our whole
family since he was a child. As a result, he grew into a character who is not
afraid of heaven. I He had already said him well. Now he should have let
that person go. Although that kind of downcast aristocracy is nothing, it is
not very good to be held accountable. "

"Well," Loris said lightly: "After all, the situation has been troublesome
recently, it is better not to have any handle that can be caught by others."
"Yes." Ji Zhaoyuan's heart was put down. As his righteous assistant to His
Royal Highness, he knew very well what the true character of Loris really
looked like.

The perfect gentleness in front of outsiders is disguised, and the extreme

and suspicious is the real character of His Royal Highness.

Thinking of the queen's personality that was so extreme that he wanted to

share it with the emperor, Ji Zhaoyuan felt that the person who would be
liked by His Royal Highness in the future was a bit miserable.

After discussing this topic, Lorris looked at the mech on the light brain
again, and his eyes were full of interest, and he whispered, "It's really
interesting ... This is the first time in so many years that someone has
caught my attention. You Who is it? "

At this time, Shao Ci had no idea that he had attracted the attention of the
biggest villain in the original text, and he looked at the old-fashioned
practice mech with a tangled face.

Tomorrow will be that horrible mech combat class, so Shao Ci came to

school without burden. I did not expect that today there is a mecha
practice class.

Although Shao Ci enjoyed the feeling of manipulating the mech in the

virtual world, it was the first time that he had encountered mech or
something, and he was worried about what would happen.

The next Ji Zhaoyun said lightly: "You better practice today, otherwise
losing tomorrow is not just as embarrassing as it may be, you may lose
most of it. Tomorrow's actual combat class, everyone must participate,
don't blame me for not reminding Past you. "

After talking about Ji Zhaoyun, he moved to the mech position over him.
Most people in the mech practice class practice some movements, and some
people who have made appointments will learn about it.

Looking at the entire training ground, only Shao Ci is standing still.

There was a sudden chuckle around.

"Isn't this the metamorphic Beta who peeped at the men's bathroom? I heard
that he had been fired long ago, why is he still standing here with his face in
the face?"

"It wasn't that Ji Zhaoyun's thigh was successfully returned to study,

otherwise which school would such a student want?"

"If you look at him like this, even if you succeed in holding your thigh, it
won't even open a mech, it's ridiculous."

So why is this group of Alpha so boring? Have this gossip time to practice
it yourself!

Although Shao Ci didn't care what these people said, it was not a problem
for him to stand here all the time. What he should face was always faced,
and he gritted his teeth and climbed up to Mech.

After touching the mecha on the virtual network, I don't know how many
times. In reality, it still makes Shao Ci feel very novel. The position where
the finger touches the button has a wonderful feeling.

"It would be nice if you could connect the mech with mental power in
reality." Shao sighed and remembered his salty fish body, so he had to
throw this idea aside and manipulate the mech.

Because of the previous practice on the virtual network, it ’s okay to just

manipulate the mech to walk or to do some simple moves. Shao Ci was
relieved. “But it ’s still far from fighting. Tomorrow It's better to just
surrender soon. "

On the other side of the training field, three sneaky people gathered
together, "Yes, that guy is the useless Beta, right?"

"Yes, I've seen it." The other person nodded. "It's just a Beta, so arrogant,
and dare to come back to class, let's teach him a lesson."
"But if the teacher saw it, it would be troublesome." One said worriedly.
"It's okay. I've seen it. The teacher is in trouble now and will be back at
least half an hour. This time is enough for us to teach this guy well."

After a good discussion, these people boarded the mech and secretly moved
towards Shao Ci.

Shao Ci was practicing his movements. Suddenly a heavy blow came from
the side. His machine suddenly lost his balance. He fumbled for a long time
to find the center of gravity, and looked angrily to the side.

It was found that there was more than one mech next to it, and there were
actually three more, directly surrounding them.

"Bottom." Shao Ci felt a bit uncomfortable at once. "I met a fault." After
all, the original owner had offended a lot of people before, and there were
so many friends among Master Pei. It is also normal.

Faced with the attack of three mechas, Shao Ci's response was very busy.
His manual manipulation of the mechas was really unskilled, and he was
continually retreated to suppress even the act of resistance.

In the end, there was nothing to retreat from. These people directly attacked
Shao Ci's limbs, apparently trying to destroy Shao Ci to humiliate Shao Ci.

Shao's speech: "!!!" Shame or something else is the second, is it worth

losing money to break the practice mech! !!

Even if it was Shao Ci, the anger in his heart came up. Shao Ci's somber
questioning system asked, "Does the body collapse as soon as I manipulate
the mech with my mental power in reality? Is there no excessive time? Is it
possible to use healing powers? Heal your body? "

[It is true that there is a process of causing physical collapse after using
mental power. According to the current physical condition of the host, it is
possible to persist in using mental power for three minutes. After three
minutes, the body will quickly collapse, and even if the healing power is
used, Can't be saved. 】
"Three minutes, it is enough to deal with these people." As soon as Shao
Ci's face became cold, his mental strength began to connect to Mech.

On the other side, Master Pei is standing high on the side of a building next
to him, observing the situation in the mech training ground, watching Shao
Ci being persecuted, and said lightly: "If you want to blame, blame yourself
You do n’t usually train well, so you will be bullied now. ”

"What's wrong? Is there anything interesting below?" Edwin stepped out

and looked curiously down.

"It's nothing, just look at it casually. I'll go back first." If Master Pei said
nothing, he turned back to the classroom. Things are almost over, he is not
interested to continue to see how a waste is being
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
35: Future ABo (5) (2)

Edwin was going to go back, but the light in the corner of his eye suddenly
saw something. "That is……"
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
36: Future ABo (6)
In the most remote place of the mech training ground, there are several
mechs fighting. This is a very common thing here, but the unusual one is
the one that was besieged.

Obviously, it is just the most common old-fashioned mech, but it easily

resists the attacks of the other three mechas, as if you observe everything in
your eyes. While blocking the attack, you can also attack with ease. An
attack attacked the key point of the opponent's mech.

After all, the old-fashioned mech in the training field is the mech that has
been eliminated for many years. The weaknesses are very obvious. As long
as the parts are seized and attacked several times, they can fall apart. But
these students obviously cannot do so.

Edwin looked intently, not even blinking, for fear of missing the details of
the battle, and his hands trembled with excitement. "That's right, that's ...
that's definitely ... I won't admit it!"

The person below is definitely the hot little prince!

The battle ended quickly, and the time did not last for three minutes. Then
the other three mechas were beaten without any strength. Even the mecha
parts were scattered all over the place. There were protective facilities in
the cockpit, so the inside People are probably fine.

As for the mech that Edwin thought was driven by the little prince, he
hurriedly walked into this place where he could not see.

"... Oops." Edwin, immersed in the fighting just now, suddenly woke up,
gritted his teeth, hurriedly turned and rushed downstairs, not even the
voice of Master Pei calling him back to class.

After seeing Edwin just leave, Master Pei's eyes darkened slightly.
Recently, Edwin's behavior is very abnormal, and Shi Pei doesn't like the
feeling that such things cannot be held in his own hands.

"It seems I should investigate."

After a moment of excitement, Shao Ci quickly left the scene.

In fact, he was a little bit persuaded. Just now he was so excited that he
destroyed the three mechas on the opposite side. If he lost money, even one
million imperial coins would not be enough! Although it is said that these
three people provoked him ahead.

...... Even though the school regulations stipulate that people who want to
drive after the damage of the mech are losing money, Shao Ci began to
worry about whether his sudden power burst will be seen.

Fortunately, that place is relatively hidden. According to the system, it is

also in a place that cannot be monitored, and the system blurs the video of
Shao before leaving.

This thing started quickly and ended very quickly. No one noticed it. Even
if the three people talked about it later, no one would believe that a Beta
could achieve such a degree.

Shao Ci thought that he was finally relieved.

His body had a tendency to collapse when he just broke out. He felt better
after healed himself with the healing power at that time. Now the effect has
passed and he feels weak and his limbs are completely weak. Dull.

After Shao Ci climbed out of the cockpit hard, he met Edwin, who was
walking quickly.

Edwin glanced at Shao indifferently, and hurried forward.

"Well, isn't that where I just came from?" Shao Ci had some doubts in his
mind, but he was really out of energy now and was really sleepy, too lazy to
think about what Edwin was doing.
Edwin hurried to the place where he had just fought, and he could only see
the three mechas that had fallen to the ground. "Is it really gone ... I am
coming too slowly."

Edwin was lost for a while, but still holding a little hope, he stepped
forward and opened the cockpit of the mech lying on the ground, and
wanted to ask the people inside if they knew who their opponent was.

But Edwin ’s hope was to fall through, and the people in the cockpit
seemed to be greatly stimulated, curled up in the cockpit and shivered.
Obviously, being defeated in just three minutes was a big blow. After that,
they couldn't ask half a word at all.

"Useless guy." Edwin gave up asking and looked at the person in the
cockpit coldly. "I didn't have enough strength and tried to challenge that
person. I got it by myself ..."

Edwin then went to investigate and monitor.

I don't know if it happened, that place just happened to be out of the scope
of monitoring, and the outside scene wasn't known for any reason, and it
was completely unknown.

This matter had to stop there.

"But in this case, I can narrow my search." Edwin remembered something,

and his face was slightly flushed.

"I didn't expect it to be so close. I didn't realize that there were such
powerful people in the college before. Is it because of some reason that I
have to keep a low profile?"

Shao Ci was exhausted and waited until the end of class in the lounge, and
then returned home with Ji Zhaoyun. Ji Zhaoyun seemed to have no
thoughts, and did not notice that Shao Ci was much tired than usual.

Anyway, Shao Ci didn't really want to hear his troubles about love, but he
was relieved.
However, after a while, he regretted why he didn't ask, and it led to such a
terrible thing.

When I got back to the room, although I was tired, Shao Ci still had to be in
the virtual world. After all, today ’s daily tasks have n’t been done yet ...
and it ’s almost the end of the game. Not enough to reach the final.

As soon as this time online, Shao Ci's mailbox was full again.

Shao Ci glanced roughly. They were all letters similar to yesterday. There
were more than a dozen Ji Zhaoyun, and he did n’t have to think about it to
know what it was.

As for advertising, Shao Ci is now a celebrity. He chose a few more

expensive exercises, and then wrote an email to Edwin to let him contact
himself after logging in to do his daily tasks.

Then Shao Ci stepped out of the initial room and came to the virtual square,
and was shocked by the sight in front of him.

The large and small advertising spaces above the square were actually
wrapped up, showing the same picture, and the picture above shows the
video of the hot little prince fighting.

Rather than a video, it ’s better to edit it. It ’s almost cut out some of the
most handsome scenes of the hot little prince when they were fighting. It
looks particularly hot. Even Shao Ci was touched by it. There is such a
handsome side.

Soon after the clip was played, a young brunette appeared in the middle of
the screen, holding a bouquet of roses in his hand. It is Ji Zhaoyun.

Shao Ci remembered what Ji Zhaoyun said to himself this morning, and he

felt a sudden shock in his heart. He was in a trance. Wouldn't it be what
happened to Ji Zhaoyun?

To be honest, although Ji Zhaoyun had problems with his personality and

thoughts, he still looks very high. At the moment his appearance appeared,
several screams sounded in the virtual square. Several people asked others
about this. Is it a new star?

Shao Ci's mood is very complicated, but the man is this kind of
facecontrolled creature, so he is not qualified to talk about others.

Ji Zhaoyun on the screen that spanking is not the usual appearance, but the
seriousness of looking at the screen, began to introduce up their own, from
family background to the height measurements, favorite food, favorite color
...... elementary school when there are results It all burst out.

It's almost like a blind date advertisement. No, other ordinary blind dates
don't say so much extra stuff!

However, as long as he has the face and the identity of the Duke's son, he
said a blind date, and probably the people who want to go on a blind date
will crowd the Duke's House.

Shao Ci always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. It seemed that

something terrible was going to happen.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ji Zhaoyun said affectionately: "Spicy little
prince, after seeing you, I realized that you are my destined companion, and
I hope to know you ... Actually, I am not Such strong people just want to
get your attention, so they did something like this ... "

Shao speech: "..." Hey! Do you think that if you say that you are not strong,
you are not strong? !! Don't even think about marrying your wife in your

All the people who watched the ads were shocked. Although they did not
know what the **** of the hot little prince was, it was definitely Alpha who
could be so powerful. The duke's son came out! This is big news! !!

And those omega who just got excited are now indifferent. Anyway, this
gender Alpha sexual orientation is also Alpha's guy. It has nothing to do
with them.
Shao Ci can almost imagine that this explosive news will definitely spread
throughout the empire tomorrow. He doesn't want to be famous in this way
at all.

Now the only thing that is fortunate is that Ji Zhaoyun, a man with a pit in
his head, did not tell his gender, otherwise Shao Ci would have to run out
with Ji Zhaoyun, even if he was fighting for his life.

Even if Shao Ci was totally unwilling, the words “Spicy Little Prince”
became a bit hot because of Ji Zhaoyun's relationship, and their popularity
was almost as high as those of the top 50 players ... though these popularity
was amazing.

In order to vent the anger in his heart, Shao Ci went straight to the virtual
machine armor competition.

This time, Shao Ci still used the mech full of advertisements, which was the
following yesterday, and then he chose to start.

This time, Shao Ci's random opponent was actually a top 50 player. You
need to know that the top 50 people are extremely powerful people. In
order to retain them, the organizer will even give away 1% of the ticket fee
to the other party.

It can be said that the top 50 people earn a lot of empire coins every time
they enter the competition. Shao Ci is very jealous of this. He also wants to
quickly enter the top 50 to make money.

The hot little prince is no longer the newcomer of unknown name a few
days ago. Many of his fans in the audience are his fans, constantly calling
for his name.

Shao Ci was proud in his heart, but when he looked at the auditorium, he
saw at a glance that the screen above the auditorium was still playing Ji
Zhaoyun's video.

Am I rich? Hello? !! How much money did Ji Zhaoyun spend? !! Do you

think others will accept him after such a brainwashing bomber? !!
There was a burst of grief and indignation in Shao Ci's heart, and he
almost attacked the opponent fiercely. The opponent was stunned by his
momentum before he reacted, but anyway, he is also an experienced
person. He lost, evaded the attack, and began to resist, but in the end he
was still invincible. the other side.

In a dorm-like dormitory at the Imperial Military Academy, Edwin took a

deep breath, and then couldn't wait to lie in the nutrition cabin.

In pursuit of the best condition, Edwin purchased the most expensive

nutrition capsule from the beginning, and he would not consider what
helmet to use.

In the past, Edwin went to the virtual network for mecha competitions, but
now he has a new pursuit. He wants to see the hot little prince he cares

As soon as I was online, I received an e-mail from the hot little prince.
Edwin was shocked, but it was just a dozen words, which meant that he
wanted to reply after he was online. But Edwin felt that every word was so
precious, but this was an e-mail sent by the male god, and he couldn't help
but read it many times.

Then Edwin calmed down to write the reply e-mail, both hands shaking,
thinking about the wording for a long time before pressing send.

Edwin couldn't calm down his excitement. When he looked up, he saw the
advertisement that Ji Zhaoyun tossed on the square. After seeing the
familiar little prince's posture, he was shocked and couldn't move.

After seeing the advertisement halfway, the joy in Edwin's heart suddenly
turned into anger.

This Ji Zhaoyun has nothing at all, except for his life experience and that
face, there is nothing worthwhile, but he was also hugged his thigh casually
by a Beta. Now I'm sure I just want to play here ... Damn, actually This
attitude is unforgivable to his male god!
But what if his male **** was confused by Ji Zhaoyun. Edwin's heart
couldn't help worrying, "No, no, he won't be easily confused."

And, where does he have the right to interfere with each other's choices?

Edwin's mind was thinking involuntarily. If one day, the little prince really
wanted to be with other people, then how would he think ... just thinking
about that situation, Edwin felt that the pain in his chest was about to crack,
and the whole person's mood was not right.

He was too greedy, he felt very happy when he could only watch from a
distance before, but now when he can get closer, he still wants to go further.

Because of this incident, Edwin was totally distracted afterwards, and only
cheered up when he saw Shao Ci.

Shao Ci also found that Edwin was in a bad state today, and asked casually
after completing the daily tasks: "You look like you are not feeling good
today? What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm fine, don't worry about people like me." Edwin was flattered
and said quickly: "But ... if I don't feel offended, I have a question for you,
if you don't want to say anything You can't say it. "

Shao Ci was also curious about what Edwin had to ask himself, "You say

"Today, you saw the one in the square, too," Edwin said cautiously.

Shao Ci almost spit out old blood and said, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I saw it

Shao Ci felt ashamed when he was actually mentioned on the spot.

"Then what do you think of that ..." Edwin said quickly and explained: "I
didn't mean to question you, I just thought ... after all, that kind of person
looks very unreliable ..."
That's right! Shao Ci simply wanted to shake hands with Edwin.

"I don't have any idea about that video." Shao Ci said in order to restore his
compelling image: "For me, the competition is the most important. As for
other things, I don't think about it, and that kind of person also Just talk
about it and forget it soon. "

"Also ..." Edwin breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "After all, you're
Alpha. Of course, you're not interested in people who are also Alpha."

When he said this, he realized that he was also Edwin of Alpha, and his
chest was aching again.

"I'm not interested in Alpha." Shao said casually, "I like omega ... but I
don't think about it now."

It's simply impossible for omega and omega to be together, but Shao Ci
was originally here to do the task, and he would not consider emotional
issues at all.

"It's also inconvenient to send an e-mail every time I meet. Why don't we
exchange contact information?" Shao Ci mentioned casually.

Edwin was shocked instantly, and the original low mood was instantly lost,
and he said excitedly: "Of course, this is my honor." Today is the mech
combat class.

This is a very important class only once a month. People in grades one and
two are required to take it. No one can take leave.

The content is probably to randomly select two students to play against

each other. Because they use ordinary mechs equipped with weapons, their
lethality is much higher than that of old-fashioned mechs, so this time of
year is also the time when the student has the highest injury rate.

Shao Ci was so nervous that the person sitting on the stage watching the
stage couldn't calm down.
Although he can also use his mental strength for three minutes, but if it
suddenly becomes so powerful, things will not end so easily. At that time,
others overestimated his power, and then arranged some courses or tasks
that were impossible to do, and Shao Ci was absolutely impossible to

In fact, if the opponent is someone else, Shao Ci is most worried about what
to do if he is unlucky and selected as Pei Shi's opponent.

Compared to this, even if all the news that Ji Zhaoyun came out in the
morning when watching the news was nothing.

Like Shao Ci, Ji Zhaoyun was also very worried, but what he was worried
about was not the actual combat class of Mech, but what he did yesterday.
"Will I do too much yesterday, I didn't want to do this step. But how can I
show my sincerity. Should I apologize? "

Shao Ci couldn't believe Ji Zhaoyun's apology would be an ordinary

apology. He quickly said: "He must have understood your thoughts, but he
was too shocked so he didn't respond."

... Although I don't want to reply to Ji Zhaoyun, I have no choice but to


"I hope so." Ji Zhaoyun sighed.

Shao Ci was wondering why the dukes and husbands wouldn't care about
their sons, don't care about their younger sons because they have an
excellent older son who inherited the title! Doesn't it really matter if you
come out like this ... Does the Duke's reputation really not be affected!

After ruthlessly voicing in his heart, Shao Ci forgot the original feeling of
tension, anyway, to make the worst plan.

At this time, in the luxury box on the other side, Edwin also watched the
screen on the screen occupying the entire wall in front of him. The above
are the five or six battles at the same time.
Edwin investigated it afterwards. Only the first and second grade students
were on the training ground yesterday. Today will definitely appear in the
actual combat class, and the hot little prince must be among them.

The hot little prince has such strength. If he wants to be in the early stage,
he must have been out, but he is still unknown, and he must have been
hiding his true strength.

Therefore, he will definitely act in a low-key manner in the actual combat

class, or he may lose intentionally. Edwin was going to observe from the
details and watched countless times in the video. He had deeply carved the
subtle movements of the little prince in his mind.

Edwin was excited and nervous at the moment.

Pei Shijian sat beside him, staring blankly at the picture in front of him.
He had already investigated clearly that Edwin's exception was due to the
hot little prince.

"It's just imitating my loser, and I can only take this popular name to grab
the attention of others." Master Pei thought, "Even with a strong talent,
what can you do now? You are proud of a few more days. "

Pei Shi ’s favorite is to let the enemy climb up, and then when the opponent
is most proud, he knocks the opponent off the altar and enjoys the other's
painful feeling.

By that time, Edwin will also understand that it is him who really deserves
to follow, not the poor imitator.

"Ah, it's me." Master Pei stood up and smiled slightly at Edwin. "I'll be
back soon."

After battle after battle, it was Shao's turn soon.

Shao Zi gritted his teeth and walked from his seat, his footsteps were so
He has already thought about it. He will play as usual at that time. The
game stipulates that he can concede defeat after five minutes. When he
insists on conceding for five minutes, he will admit defeat. Anyway, he
won't be fired ... When the opponents concede, they will not do it again.

Then Shao Ci saw his opponent, Pei Shijian.

Shao Ci scared almost knelt to the ground, "... ???" and so on? What is his
luck? So many people in the school actually encountered Pei Shijian.

Pei Shi also kindly smiled at Shao Ci, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect
that this time the opponent was you."

Shao Ci: "Ah, how are you ..." No, there is definitely something to do with
Master Pei here, otherwise it is impossible to be so clever.

"I still remember the scene when I first met each other." Master Pei smiled.
"It's been so long in the blink of an eye. I still miss the past."

If someone who does not understand the situation hears the words of Master
Shi Pei, they will surely think that he and Shao Ci are friends.

However, Shao Ci knew that when the two met for the first time, it was
when Pei Shijian had just enrolled in school, but was severely humiliated
by the original owner ... Pei Shijian threatened him!

Shao Ci gritted his teeth: "Well, Master Pei, don't you think that the
discussions between the students ... need not be so serious? It's fine as long
as you click."

"Oh?" Master Pei raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I'm very serious about
everything about mech. But I also believe in your strength very much, and
then I'll show my best strengths. Now, I don't think there will be any
accidents, right? "

To your sister! This is a complete threat!

Shao Ci knew that it was useless to admit defeat now. Even a person like
Shi Peijian would admit defeat, he would pretend not to hear it, and then
cruelly abused the enemy.

Shao Ci climbed up to the mech cockpit with great psychological pressure.

This is the first time he has used ordinary mechs in reality. If it was not for
Pei Shijian, everything would be perfect.

Soon the game began. Master Pei's attitude was relaxed, and he was
manipulating the mech to attack slowly.

Just like a cat playing with a mouse, Pei Master doesn't plan to kill him with
a single operation, but plays with each other thoroughly, and waits until he
is impatient.

Shao Ci constantly dodged the attack from Master Pei, only feeling that
every second was so long. I do n’t know when Master Pei will start to do
anything, nor do he know what he wants to do next moment. Cheeks
slipped down.

If he can use his mental strength, he will be able to observe the movement
of the other party, and he won't fall into such a point.

On the other side, Edwin sat in the box for a long time and couldn't find
anyone who acted like the little prince. When disappointed, he turned to his

He knew very well that the whole grade was afraid that few people were Pei
Shi's opponents. Today, this opponent looks particularly weak. Under the
attack that Pei Shi can call water, he can only dodge barely.

"How could such a person be?" Edwin sighed. He didn't know if he could
find it today.

A strong impact came from the front, and Shao Ci shook it a few times
before standing still, only to find that one of Mecha's feet was unstable.
Under the blow from Master Pei, the mech's left leg actually failed. "Oops."
Shao bit his lower lip and suddenly understood that Master Pei was
preparing to deal with himself by dealing with the three guys yesterday.

Moreover, with regard to the personality of Master Pei, he might pretend

to attack the cockpit accidentally in the end, and he would not give up
without hurting himself seriously.

"This way, I can just sit back and wait." Shao Ci's eyes cooled down. "Even
if the other party is the original male lead, there is nothing you can do if
you don't resist ..."

Originally, Shao Ci did not want to directly conflict with the original male
lead. After all, the other party was the son of destiny protected by the will
of the world. If confronted, he would always suffer.

But now he understands that some things can't be avoided if he wants to

avoid them. If he doesn't face them, others will only intensify.

Shao Ci closed his eyes and connected his mental strength to the mech.

On the other side, Master Pei is manipulating the mecha leisurely. Under
the SSS-level mental power, the entire mecha is like his body, and it is even
faster than the body's response in many cases, whether it is No one is his

Pei Shijian thought that he was born to be a genius for manipulating mecha.
This is the ability that God gave him. No one can compare with him. Even
when born in a slum, he had great luck, and he was born with whatever he
wanted, and he rarely encountered much frustration.

But even so, Master Pei has developed a rather distorted character, just like
now, obviously he can easily kill this Beta without knowing the heights and
heights, but what he enjoys most is the last dying struggle of the weak.

Obviously doomed to failure, but insisted on that little hope of success, but
finally found in despair that his own ending was only a failure.
Every time he sees the despair and pain in the other's eyes, Master Pei will
express his inner joy. When he attacks, he will always give the other party a
chance to escape, sometimes he will let the other party escape successfully,
sometimes Hit the opponent's key.

Just thinking about the expression on Beta's face at this moment, Master Pei
could not restrain the smile on his face.

The next moment, Master Pei suddenly froze.

The attack that should have hit the opponent was actually avoided.

No, according to his plan, it will definitely hit here. How can it be avoided
by relying on that Beta's strength, and the opponent's mech has a problem
with the left leg.

Pei felt once again the anxiety that the situation was not controlled by him,
and his eyes became cold, "I'm tired of it ... now, it's time you lose."
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
37: Future ABo (7)
Shao Ci can obviously feel that the attack between Master Pei is no longer
as slow as it was just now, but has become fierce, and all the moves are
about to stab.

If it was still manual operation, Shao Ci must have lost. But now that his
mental power and mech are connected, he can observe the surrounding
situation very clearly. He can see everything on the field, no matter how
tricky Pei ’s attack can be.

Of course, in order not to reveal his true strength, Shao Ci deliberately

pretended to be in a hurry when he walked away. One is that he could avoid
it because of good luck, and successfully pretended to be a salted fish.

"But it won't work like this ..." Shao Ci meditated thoughtfully: "There is
not much time left, you must end the matter within three minutes, and you
can't directly win the Master Pei ... that kind of thing will definitely cause
others note."

In the box, Edwin almost stood up when he saw the scene in front of him.

Although in the eyes of others, Shao Ci was just a dodge among the two in
the fight, as if there was no resistance, and even quite embarrassing, but
Edwin was keenly aware of the difference.

According to his understanding of Pei Shijian, Pei Shijian has now exerted
his full strength. This is no longer a level that ordinary people can match.
You must know that Pei Shijian is in the forefront of the virtual machine
armor competition. Character.

And if that Shao Ci is really so useless, it would never be so lucky to avoid

so many times, and some subtle little movements that Shao Ci made while
avoiding, were all seen by Edwin.
The small movements in these details are very familiar, just like he did in
the video that he repeatedly watched countless times every day, during the
battle. This is the man Edwin has been trying to find in the game since this

Edwin could hardly believe his eyes, and a totally unbelievable guess
emerged from his mind, "How could that be? Could it be ..."

"... No, no, it's too early to make a conclusion," Edwin stood up. "I have to
go and see."

After making up his mind, Edwin rushed out of the door without hesitation,
and ran towards the area where Shi Peijian and Shao Ci were fighting.

It is quite close to the battlefield, and it is still in a very high position, so

you can easily see the scenes of the game.

Edwin stared straight at the extremely rusty mech that seemed to fight, with
turquoise eyes struggling.

"Let me see ... what the **** are you?"

On the field, Pei Shi ’s heart was getting more and more displeased, and his
opponent, who should have been able to deal with it easily, now avoided
the attack again and again, and gave him little patience. Passed away.

Pei Shijian likes to play with the weak, but if the actions of these weak are
out of his control, he will fall into a frenzy.

"It seems that I have to use some means." Pei Shi's eyes were cold, and he
reached for the key stab on Shao Ci's body.

As long as he was stabbed in this position, Shao Ci ’s mecha would

immediately lose control, and even the safety facilities in the cockpit would
be affected. It would also be common to have a serious injury at that time.
In the past, most of these students were because of this Relationship was
Shao Ci, however, was a random move, which happened to avoid this

"Sure enough ... what about this?" But this incident was long anticipated by
Shi Peijian. The move was just a tentative test. When Shao's speech flashed
away, the machine Peijian manipulated. Jia's other hand also took out a
weapon and attacked where he flew away.

"So, can you avoid it?"

This is a card that Shi Peijian has never shown before. In fact, he can use
weapons in both hands, and each hand can maximize the power of

In the original text, Shi Peijian only revealed this in the late stage. He didn't
want to show his hole card in the actual combat class, but in the face of the
situation of out of control at the moment, he finally made up his mind.

What Shi Pei didn't know was that, in fact, his opponents knew more about
him than he did.

At this time, the weapons held by the two hands of Master Shi Pei had
completely blocked the way of Shao Ci. Shao Ci had no place to dodge
again. If he dodged, he would be stabbed by a certain weapon.

And Shi Pei had certainty. As long as Shao Ci's mech was stabbed once, he
could seize the opportunity to directly toss the opponent's mech to

Shao Ci's mech was frozen in place, as if confused because he couldn't find
a way to escape.

The audience on the side stage all exclaimed, "It's really amazing to be able
to achieve such a degree." "Although I knew that Pei ’s mecha foundation
was good, I didn't expect him to have such technology. . "

None of these people's marvels were heard by Shi Peijian. At this moment,
when he just thought of Shao Ci ’s broken armor, he was already excited
and could n’t restrain himself. He manipulated his weapons to attack the
past, “It ’s time , Where do you choose to escape now? You ca n’t escape
anywhere? ”

Then Shao Ci seemed to be too nervous to control the mech. The mech's
body slipped forward like a drunk and fell, and he just avoided the attack
from Master Pei.

"How is that ..." Master Pei suddenly felt stunned.

And all this is not over yet. In the eyes of Master Pei's unbelievable, Shao
Ci's mech actually hit him, and the position of the weapon happened to hit
his cockpit. There was a shaking in the cockpit, and Pei's mental power and
the mecha's connection were broken.

The cockpit is the most critical part of the entire mech. As long as the
cockpit is touched by the other party, the outcome is almost a foregone

And the mech combat class is not for the students to really kill, so the
moment Shao ran into the cockpit of Master Pei, the harsh bell rang, which
means that the winner has been divided. .

The onlookers were shocked. "Sure, this one can win?" "This guy's luck is
too terrible. I thought he would be well-learned. I didn't expect ..." It ’s too
pitiful. The winning ticket was in the hands, but it was lost because of this
kind of thing. ”

The voices of these people were scattered into Pei's ears.

He ... actually lost?

He has never lost since he entered school, but he actually lost to a beta? !!

After realizing this, Master Pei's strange face suddenly became extremely
gloomy, and he looked at the opponent's mech with a kind of deadly look.
"I wanted to simply let you leave the school after suffering a serious
injury. Now it seems that I am still too kind." Master Pei said lowly, and
the mental power spread instantly.

He clearly knows that his mental strength is stronger than most people, if he
wants, he can even make people with mental strength below a.

When he was in a lower school at the beginning, those who offended him
were mentally impaired in the battle, and he could not stay in the school
ever since, and could only stay in the sanatorium all his life. And they
themselves don't know why their mental strength went wrong.

Now, Pei Shijian also intends to use this trick to deal with Shao Ci. After
all, mental problems are difficult to detect. Even the Imperial High Military
Academy cannot find out what he did.

But at the next moment, the spiritual power spreading between Master Pei
was actually feeling a sense of inexplicable fear. Master Pei could climb to
such a height. In addition to luck, there was also a strong premonition that
occasionally appeared in his mind. Have him avoid the crisis several times
at a critical time.

This fear still appeared for the first time in his lifetime, and Master Pei
subconsciously stopped the spread of spiritual power.

And just when Pai was paused, Shao Ci had manipulated Mecha to stand
up, and quickly backed away from the site. He was unwilling to stay with
Pei to stay in a space for even a second.

Pei Shijian looked coldly, hammering his hands on the mech, "Shao Ci ... I
remember you."

This is his second shot at Shao's resignation, but he has not succeeded yet,
and he will never let the third time fail.

The students who watched the showdown were extremely surprised, and
this was the first time in more than ten years that they had seen someone
win because of such shit. None of them found anything unusual.
Edwin was standing on the side of the field, holding his hands tightly, and
constantly watching the playback on the side of the screen, his eyes were
full of disbelief.

Immediately after arriving, he carefully observed all the actions of Shao Ci.
The more he looked, the more he felt that the actions of Shao Ci were very
similar to those of Little Prince.

"But it may be that he is imitating ..." Edwin thought, "If you really want to
imitate, these details are not impossible to imitate."

However, the moment when Shao Ci happened to avoid the attack and ran
into Pei Shi, a mental force spread inadvertently.

At that time, Shao Ci couldn't care about his mental strength because he
wanted to focus on Master Pei. Thinking that absolutely no one would let
the spiritual power spread to the other side, he did not expect to
accidentally hit Edwin who was standing there. .

Perceiving this strong and familiar mental power, Edwin's handsome and
indifferent cheeks have been abnormally flushed, and his body has lost his
strength directly and can only lean on the railing to maintain it. balance.

"Nothing wrong ... everything else can be faked, but this kind of mental
power ... such a powerful mental power ..." Edwin murmured to himself:
"Absolutely only him, ah ... I am now Just discovered……"

Edwin thought of the last time when he rushed to the mech training ground,
he happened to bump into Shao Ci on the road. At that time, he thought that
it was just this junk beta that had been hiding here, and even lazier.

But it doesn't look like that now. He must have left in a hurry after the end
of the battle, but was hit by himself. Edwin clenched his hands. He should
have found the clue at that time, but because of the inherent prejudice in his
heart. Without thinking directly.
No wonder after that I looked for it in the academy according to the alpha
standard, and I have never been able to find a similar character. That is
because the person he so much dreamed about turned out to be a beta.

Edwin didn't change his mind just because the little prince turned out to be
a beta, but the adoration in his heart was a little deeper.

This degree can be achieved with the status of beta, it is indeed his own
male god.

Shao Ci's victory is definitely not just a coincidence. Edwin now recalls the
scene just now. This is clearly the result of deliberately made to outsiders
after careful calculation. Obviously he could defeat Pei Master at will, but
he would use this circuitous method to achieve his goal.

Now thinking about it, in the past Shao Ci's useless appearances were all
pretended by him. In fact, Shao Ci was always covering up his true
strength, so it doesn't matter if he is insulted.

Yes, Edwin remembered what the little prince said to him when he was on
the Internet. Shao Ci didn't care about these things at all. He just thought
about Mecha and thought about becoming stronger.

Edwin sat back to his position suddenly, flashing in his mind what
happened after encountering Shao's speech. He thought that he had
forgotten almost the same memory, but now he wanted to be so clear.

When I met again and again, I always pretended not to see this person, and
even felt that seeing the other party would insult his eyes ... but the other
party did not have any opinion on him on the virtual network, and even his
attitude was still the same kind.

But even if Shao Ci didn't care about such things, Edwin couldn't forgive
himself who had once scorned the other person. He couldn't wait for the
time to go back, and then slap his past self to wake him up.

At that time, when Shao Ci was wronged as a peeping peeping at the men's
bathroom, Edwin was very clear that Shao Ci was innocent, but he thought
that such a person would be deserved of being wronged, so he never stood
up and said Shao Ci was also fired from the college.

After that, Shao Ci returned by Ji Zhaoyun's strength, otherwise ... wait.

Edwin was suddenly shocked, remembering Ji Zhaoyun's confession to the

hot little prince that he saw on the virtual net yesterday.

Before that, he was weird. It was clear that Ji Zhaoyun and the hot little
prince had no chance to meet each other. Why did Ji Zhaoyun court so fast,
as if they had known each other for a long time.

I now understand that they knew each other at that time ... In the final
analysis, it was his fault to watch from the beginning.

As soon as he thought that Shao Ci and Ji Zhaoyun were acquainted for this
reason, Edwin couldn't speak in pain, and didn't know how long it took
before he could calm down.

As soon as Shao Ci entered the mech preparation room, he immediately

withdrew from the state of being connected to the mech and wiped the
sweat on his forehead.

It wasn't just his forehead, his body was soaked with sweat.

After all, not only is it necessary to control the mech with mental power,
but also to deal with the Pei Master with a protagonist aura, and also to
pretend to be very weak, and then happen to win ...

However, Shao Ci did not expect to win so smoothly, it seems that Shi Pei
was too despised by him, so he did not take precautions at that time.

It is also because this time is only a practical class, which cannot affect any
actual plot. Otherwise, even if the will of the world is to let Shao Ci have a
heart attack and eat a bento, Master Pei will not lose it. It's not easy. "Even
if Master Pei couldn't find the problem this time, I just thought I was lucky
to win." Shao Ci almost admired his wit.
As for what will happen to Master Pei after winning this time, Shao Ci has
no idea ... Anyway, things have developed to such a degree.

Shao Ci crawled out of the cockpit for a while before climbing out, feeling
extremely exhausted, walking all the way lightly, not at all like walking on
the ground, but like walking in the clouds.

"Sure enough, you should exercise next." Shao had to take a few steps to
hold the wall and pant, and he couldn't help complaining. "This omega's
body is just too spicy, but it takes a little mental energy to get tired. That
way, if you graduate, you won't find a job. "

After leaving the mech preparation room, Shao Ci got the attention of
everyone around him. The expressions of these people were a little
surprised. After all, people who are so lucky to Shao Ci are rare, so they all
think of it Touching Shao Ci's hand and luck, but the relationship is not
that good.

If someone posted this to a social networking site, Shao Ci's cliff would
become the kind of koi that had been reposted hundreds of thousands.

The next moment, the door was opened and Edwin's figure appeared at the
door. He seemed to be in a hurry. His golden hair was messed up a lot, but
it made him look much easier to access. a feeling of.

Everyone's expression changed after seeing Edwin.

Yesterday Edwin ran to ask the school to surrender the surveillance. I do n’t
know who passed it on. Most of the school realized that Edwin ’s identity to
do this is definitely not simple, and a few people directly Learned Edwin's
true identity from some source.

So overnight, Edwin's true identity spread throughout the academy, and he

didn't mean to hide it.

Only people like Shao Ci who don't pay attention to the campus network
don't know.
At present, everyone has a sense of stubbornness towards Edwin, and even
more hates that he didn't see that there were still such powerful figures in
the academy and was jealous of Master Pei's luck.

However, Edwin was so inaccessible. Everyone was a little embarrassed to

speak. In the past, some people approached him because of Edwin's face,
and the other side ignored him.

Edwin's expression changed after seeing Shao's resignation, and he walked

quickly towards this side.

Shao paused subconsciously, and watched vigilantly, "...!" What Edwin

wanted to do? !! Is it because he used that method to win Master Shi
Peijian, and he is upset that he will come to revenge? !!

The onlookers thought of the relationship between Edwin and Shi Pei, and
instantly had the same thoughts as Shao Ci, thinking that Edwin's precipice
came to Shao to settle accounts ... It was simply that they brush Edwin It ’s
a good time to be in love.

Because Shao Ci basically stayed with Ji Zhaoyun in the past, these people
did not dare to say anything. Now Ji Zhaoyun is not there. In order to please
Edwin, these people ridiculed Shao's resignation one by one.

"Is this the guy who just won the Master Pei team? How does it look like a
weak chicken? It doesn't look like it can be beaten at all, isn't there
something nasty?"

"Hehe, you didn't see that this guy won with good luck. Otherwise, how can
a pervert who has been expelled from the school and come back to his face
to beat the Pei master, everyone knows how good the Pei master is. of."

In order to please Edwin, these people were very shameless and

exaggerated Pei Shijian.

"Master Pei is so pitiful, because this may affect the performance of the
year-end review ... originally this waste should not stay in our school, even
if it is unbearable, even if it affects others, it is really shameless. "
"Yeah, such a powerful person like Shi Pei has actually lost to a beta. If you
say that, your reputation will be affected."

"And it's so tired after just getting a mech. If you really want him to
participate in any mech competition in the future, don't vomit blood
directly? Weak and omega-like ones, do n’t come to the military academy. I
consciously dropped out. "



Shao Ci didn't know what expression to use to face it. "..." Is it necessary
for you guys to do this to hold your thighs! These ridicules are so stiff, and
the last one is still a little bit close to the truth ...

Edwin's face was getting more and more ugly. These people thought that
they had reached a point, and they were excited to speak, and they all
scolded ...

Although it looks very poor, as long as you can please the cousin of the
prince and the young master of the empire's biggest chaebol, even if you
have no quality, is there no future? !! Everyone has such a mentality.

Shao Ci thought that Edwin could never hit himself in the presence of so
many people, and continued walking forward as if nothing had happened.

Unexpectedly, just standing for too long, Shao Ci's legs actually began to
tingle, and he fell forward uncontrollably.

Seeing that Shao was about to fall face down on the ground, Edwin
suddenly speeded up his pace, quickly stepped forward to hold Shao, and
asked very nervously: "Are you all right? Is there any discomfort?" Shao
Ci was greatly frightened, "??!" You? !!

People around the audience: "...?!" !!

Those who just talked just closed their mouths.

Why is the development of things different from what I said? Say yes to
find fault for a friend? Why did it suddenly become so unfolding, what
makes them feel embarrassed!

"I, I'm okay ..." Shao Ci suddenly wondered if Edwin recognized himself
and had to ask: "Are you asking me for anything?"

"I'm very sorry, I'm too late to take you away before these people speak."
Edwin's eyes were guilty, but he knelt directly in front of Shao Ci and put
himself aside In the humblest position.

Shao Ci had been scared by Edwin's behavior, and he was in a mess. "This,
this ... wait, wait, don't you ..."

In the face of so many people, how did Edwin kneel down without any
psychological burden!

The onlookers were also scared to pee. Is this still Edwin with a cold face,
as if everyone owes him money? !! And the object he faces is still a very
unbearable beta, isn't it really owned by someone? !! Or did they
collectively have any hallucinations, or did Shao Ci actually have a great
hidden life? !!

Because it is so shocking, everyone has begun to make very unreliable

brain supplements.

In Edwin's eyes, there was no other person at all, but he focused on Shao Ci
with those beautiful eyes like gems, his voice was a little trembling, "I
apologize for what I have done in the past and hope you can forgive I ... I
understand that what I have done can't be taken in a sentence or two. It
doesn't matter how you punish me, but please don't leave me. "

Shao Ci: "...!" Such an exaggerated line from the bed, Edwin knows his
identity, although I do not know which channel he learned from ... In short,
the most important thing is not to Let others know about it.
Audience: "???" What is this! Did something happen when they didn't
know it? I always come to school every day, but unknowingly seems to
have missed some breaking news.

As for those who had ridiculed Shao's speech before, now they can't wait to
tear off their mouths. They want to run away and they are too noticeable to
be found by Edwin. They can only stand in the crowd with much suffering.

What's going on with this Shao Ci, obviously is only a beta, and was
expelled from school. It is clear that ordinary people can't make a comeback
at that time, but he even made two such powerful characters in one breath.
He How did you do it? !!

The sight of everyone around me almost punctured Shao Ci, and Shao Ci
quickly grabbed Edwin's hand, "Well, I forgive you, stand up quickly ...
some things are inconvenient to say here, still look for A place to hide. "

After being held by Shao, Edwin's cheeks suddenly turned red. He

immediately stood up and nodded. "Okay, everything is up to you."

Then Edwin turned his head and looked coldly at the crowd just watching,
and said coldly, "I wouldn't pretend that those people said I didn't hear you.
You'd better publicly apologize on the school's website before today,
otherwise the time will come. Get ready to take on the anger of the
Hymans. "

Edwin can say that he did not hide his identity at all. The onlookers were
shocked. He directly took the name of the Hayman family. Obviously,
Edwin was determined to care about these people.

Those who have scolded Shao Ci, no matter how bitter they are, have to
start thinking about what words to use to apologize to Shao Ci online.
Although shameful, compared to the consequences of being suppressed by
the Hyman family, shame Shame ...

Everyone did not forget that the last time a superstar from aristocracy
ridiculed the owner of the Hayman family, but was later hidden in the
snow. The entire family was suppressed and broke, and the title was taken
back by the emperor.

Then Edwin took Shao Ci's hand, hurried to a nearby lounge, noticed that
Shao Ci was panting, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? You don't
seem to be in good shape. "

"It's nothing, I'm fine." Shao waved and waved his hand, looked at it
seriously, "You found my identity?"

Edwin hurriedly said, "I'm very sorry, I didn't mean it, I just happened to
notice this."

"Sure enough, you have already found ..." Shao Ci deeply felt the horror of
a brain residue fan, and even such a hidden identity could be discovered by
him. "Then I ask you, please don't tell me about this, Especially I ca n’t talk
to Master Pei, is it okay? "

Edwin panicked, almost kneeling down again, and gritted his teeth: "Of
course I will do what you say, but don't use the word please for me ..."

Although Pei Shijian was his friend, it was nothing compared with Shao Ci.
If Edwin were to choose between the two of them, Edwin would definitely
hesitate to discard Master Pei.

Edwin can betray his cousin for Pei Shi in the original text, and can also
betray anyone for Shao's resignation now.

"Okay." Shao Ci was relieved, and he said, "Also you see, although I have
that strength on the Internet, but in reality I am just an ordinary student. If
you ca n’t accept it, everything will be considered It never happened. "

"You are so gentle, and so gentle to people like me." Edwin was almost
moved to tears, choking, "Even if you are different from the Internet, but I
have decided to follow my whole life. You will never change for this
reason. "

It was Edwin who had gone into trouble.

Shao Ci: "... as long as you are happy." Edwin himself could not help but ...

"If you meet in school after that, you don't have to call me that, as long as
you just call me by name." Shao Ci thought the question was still serious
and asked, "Can you?"

"Of course no problem." Edwin said, "I will call you later ... call you Shao,
Shao Ci ..." With that, his cheeks were completely red, and he was deeply
immersed in happiness. Looks like inside.

Shao Ci has been embarrassed by Edwin's reaction. "..." Isn't it just saying a
name, there is no need to be so excited! !!

"By the way, it's a bit late, so I'll leave first." Shao said, and if Ji Zhaoyun
couldn't find him, then it would be troublesome to run over.

Edwin suddenly remembered and asked, "Yes, your relationship with Ji

Zhaoyun ..."

As a result, before Shao's resignation, the door was pushed open violently.

Ji Zhaoyun's figure appeared at the door, and an impatient voice came over,
"It's just a servant. Don't always trouble me, just leave me in the seat after
the fight. Now I still want me Come to you in person. "

Shao Ci: "!" He came right after he said it, which was intentional.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

38: Future ABo (8)
Seeing that there were actually two people in the door, and the other was
still Edwin, Ji Zhaoyun frowned suddenly, but the next moment he ignored
Edwin directly, looked at Shao Ci, and said coldly, "What are you still
doing? Come here, or else you'd better sleep here tonight. "

After speaking, he turned around without hesitation and went out.

As soon as Edwin saw Ji Zhaoyun's attitude towards Shao's resignation, he
immediately wanted to speak, but was stopped by Shao's resignation.

Shao Ci took a break and his physical strength was almost restored. He
looked at Edwin with an apologetic look, "let's continue talking at that
time." Then he hurried toward the door.

Edwin asked half of the questions and had to swallow them back. Looking
at the back of the two men leaving, his eyes were several times colder than
usual, and his hands were clenched tightly.

"Such a person ... how to stay with him ..."

On the aircraft, Shao Ci suddenly remembered that Ji Zhaoyun was the

brain powder of Shi Pei. Then accidentally winning things won't make Ji
Zhaoyun angry, and suddenly he was a little persuasive.

"Congratulations on your winning." Ji Zhaoyun glanced at him and said,

"Although I hope Pei Xuechang wins, I won't do anything to you for this
reason. After all, what you won is also true. "

Shao Ci: "...!" Liar, you are obviously the kind of guy who hangs for men
and even their brothers! He had secretly calculated the enemies among Shi

But think about it, at that time Ji Zhaoyun was deeply in love with Master
Pei, so it was normal to fall in love with the brain. Now he only worships
Master Pei ... so it is understandable that he is not so crazy.

Shao Ci was relieved immediately. I completely ignored the fact that Ji

Zhaoyun now likes the hot little prince.

"Speaking of just now, how did you stay with that Edwin?" Ji Zhaoyun said
casually, "Until recently, he had been stinking at you." It's as if you don't
stink yourself.

Shao Ci burst into his heart, "Ah, that just happened to be in the lounge ..."
Although Edwin would kneel on the spot tomorrow ... Shao Ci felt like Ji
Zhaoyun, probably never He didn't listen to gossip in any school, so he was
too lazy to explain (.

"Oh? Really." Ji Zhaoyun snorted coldly: "Anyway, it has nothing to do

with me. But Edwin is really overwhelmed. He actually confessed to my
partner on the Internet, it was delusional, there was I want to be ahead, who
will look after people like him. "

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, you and him are just half a catty! And who is your
partner, don't be so confident.

"Speaking of tonight, you don't have to stay in the small room above, just
go down for a meal." Ji Zhaoyun said lightly: "Looking at your recent
performance, I think we should improve your treatment. Now. "

Shao Ci: "..." is because of the discussion of what love issues, so does Ji
Zhaoyun's favorability come up a little?

I hope Ji Zhaoyun will never know the truth.

The dinner in the hall was much more delicious than the one in the room.
Shao Cidi's tears were falling, and my heart moved for a while, and I began
to think about how to reply to Ji Zhaoyun on the Internet.

After going on the virtual network, Shao Ci went to the campus network
and took a look. The unexpected post above did not discuss Edwin ’s post
at all. There were no posts with even Shao Ci. There were only a few
discussions. How could Pei Shishi be so unlucky?

After searching a bit, Shao Ci found that even the keywords were actually

Shao Ci: "..." I almost forgot Edwin's identity as a cousin of a prince, and
it's perfectly fine to block out the information here.

After letting go of the big rock in his heart, Shao Ci went to play a few
games first, and then went to Edwin. This is almost a daily routine.
After this period of accumulation, the score of the Little Prince of Hot
Strips has climbed to more than 200, and only a little more than a hundred
points can squeeze into a hundred miles.

For others, there can only be two or three games a day, and it takes at least
two months to make up more than a hundred points. But for Shao Ci, who
wants to play a few games a day, he can get together in a day when more
than a hundred points are fast. I don't know how many people express

Because Edwin knew the true identity of Shao Ci, he was too lazy to shield
his appearance and voice, and went directly to Edwin with his true

After seeing Shao's speech, Edwin almost immersed himself in a happy

world, and felt that he was one step closer to Shao's speech. Now two
people can meet in the real and virtual world every day, away from his
dream again One step closer.

If there wasn't that **** Ji Zhaoyun in the way, things would be perfect.

After the discussion, Edwin and Shao Ci sat in the room, drinking tea,
resting leisurely, and chatting by the way.

"Why do you hide your strength?" Edwin asked in confusion: "Depending

clearly on your strength, even in school, you can be regarded as one of the
best people. Why should you hide your identity, but still be hidden? Those
who are ignorant are humiliated. "

Edwin remembered how those people mocked Shao Ci, and there was a
dark mood in his heart, and he could not wait to expel all of them from the

In fact, Edwin also searches the Internet every day for news about the Little
Prince of Spicy Strips, and every time he sees something dark, he wants to
beat the other person's flesh.
"This is it." Shao sighed, pretending to be a lonely expression of a worldly
superior: "I don't want those people to know who I am ... because I just
want to live a peaceful college life without being disturbed, Be an ordinary
person, not a master. "

If others and Shao Ci say so pretentiously, Shao Ci will definitely slap it.

But Edwin's eyes sparkled after hearing this sentence, and he said with
emotion: "Yeah, people like you pursue nature differently than vulgar
people like us."

Shao Ci remembered that he had changed the mech to that broken

appearance for the advertising expenses. It was completely vulgar, but
Edwin was so crazy touting ... Shao Ci's heart suddenly felt a little
embarrassed, even if he was shameless. Humou is so ashamed that he feels

"Well, I still want to ask you, is there any relationship between you and Ji
Zhaoyun?" Edwin asked carefully, "Sorry, sorry, I'm annoying, I have
asked yesterday obviously ... but I I still do n’t understand why you are so
beautiful and powerful, staying with that kind of person. ”

What a ghost, that word! Obviously having two powerful words is enough!

Shao Ci was almost stimulated by Edwin's adjectives to spit out old

blood ... This is still the first time he has lived for so many years. The
fancier filter is simply terrible.

"It's nothing." Shao Ci managed to recover from the shock of those two
words. He couldn't possibly say that he is now a servant, and explained:
"You know, I was fired for that reason. At that time, it was Ji Zhaoyun who
saved me, so in order to repay him, I stayed with him to help him during
this time. "

"Then there is no way to leave?" Edwin hurriedly said, "If it is money, I can
help, no matter how much money ..."
"That's not necessary." Shao Ci said: "The life is quite good now, and it
doesn't need to be changed for the time being."

The main reason is that if you don't stay with Ji Zhaoyun's side to monitor
him, who knows when he will go crazy and expose himself as an omega.

"So ..." Edwin's eyes suddenly dimmed.

Sure enough, he did not do well enough. If he did enough, why would Shao
Ci choose not to choose him but Ji Zhaoyun?

The Ji Zhaoyun must have known Shao Ci's identity on the Internet, and
used it as a coercion to force Shao Ci to live with him, and then
shamelessly intentionally show love in the advertisement, he must want to
use this to persecute Shao Ci.

Edwin was insane brain supplement over there, and Shao Ci was taking
advantage of this break to email Ji Zhaoyun in the name of the little prince.

Shao Ci said in the email that he likes low-key and powerful people. If Ji
Zhaoyun can enter the final in the real mech competition of the empire
every few years, then he will consider things with him.

If Shao Ci's memory is correct, the actual mecha competition will be held
shortly after, which can just attract Ji Zhaoyun's attention.

As for the finals, Shao Ci is very clear. Although Ji Zhaoyun's strength is

good, he has not yet grown up, and it is impossible to enter the finals.

After pressing the send button, Shao Ci couldn't help feeling that he was so

And the time was almost up, Shao Ci and Edwin spoke offline and went

Edwin sat in the position, looking at Shao Ci's cup of tea, and
unconsciously picked it up and kissed it gently.
This is as if you can get closer to each other.

Not knowing how long it took, Edwin suddenly returned to his senses, and
the hand holding the cup shuddered, "What am I just doing ..." Afterwards
things went quite smoothly.

Shao Ci was still lying in bed the next day, and was pulled up by Ji

Strangely, Shao Ci was pulled to the garden of the Duke's Mansion, and
began to exercise with Ji Zhaoyun.

"What's going on?" Shao yawned, looking confused at Ji Zhaoyun.

"I have to get to the final of the Mech Contest. For that goal, I have to start
training now." Ji Zhaoyun gritted his teeth. "I want to be worthy of his

Shao Ci: "!" Lying down, Ji Zhaoyun actually worked so hard for an email.
It seems that he is really serious ...

Although Shao Ci's mood was a little complicated, things went well. Ji
Zhaoyun really forgot what was confessed on the Internet and changed it

to focus on real-life training. In school, he also seized all spare time to

practice mecha.

Edwin had to hide upstairs because Shao had said before that he could not
go to him casually in order to keep a low profile.

Looking at Ji Zhaoyun who is so close to Shao Ci, Edwin's heart is jealous,

but he can't tell his emotions and Shao Ci, and can only use the terminal to
take pictures of Shao Ci's exercise.

After experiencing the previous incident of Edwin kneeling, although it can

not be mentioned on the Internet, everyone almost knows what happened,
and their attitudes towards Shao Ci have changed a lot. It is not like
watching with scornful eyes before, But when he saw it from a distance, he
avoided it, as if he was a mine that would explode.

Although Shao Ci felt a little subtle, as long as it was convenient, it was

fine. Anyway, the attitude of those people would not affect him.

In this way, Shao Ci went to class during the day and then worked out in his
free time. After playing the virtual machine game at night for more than ten
days, his body was finally better than before ... A lot of it is just a
comparison with before, after all, omega Naturally, there is a limit on
physical strength, and even if you are not strong, you can't exercise to the
level of Alpha.

The goal of Shao Ci is to meet Beta's physical standards.

In the virtual world, the Hot Prince Little Prince's points in the virtual
machine game have finally reached the top one hundred, which is enough
to enter the finals that will start soon.

These days, Shao Ci does not know how many games he has played, and he
has encountered terrible powerful enemies several times.

But these terrible things are for others, and they are not much better for
Shao Ci. In these days, the fighting power of Shao Ci has also been rapidly
improved, and he has never failed.

Unconsciously, the number of fans of the Hot Strip Little Prince soared, and
there were a lot of brain residual fans, and the Hot Strip Little Prince was
blowing wildly in various places. Some even claimed that the strength of
the Hot Strip Little Prince had reached the top ten standards. As long as he
is given time, he will surely win.

Because this kind of brain residual fan's remarks made everyone else's fan
very angry, from time to time there will be a fight on both sides. But even if
they are the little black princes, they can only start with the name and mech
ads, and they dare not go to the strength of the little black princes. After all,
the strength of the little princes is obvious to all.
Everyone also called on the little prince to create a social account for
promotion, but Shao Ci felt that that might expose his identity, so he didn't
say anything.

During this time, the mech full of advertisements of the Hot Strip Little
Prince even became a new trend. Many young people printed all kinds of
messy text on their mechs and felt very fashionable.

The first person to imitate it was Edwin.

On one occasion, Shao Ci woke up and watched Edwin's battle, but when
he entered the auditorium, he saw Edwin's mech, and then almost spit out
old blood.

Edwin, who was driving fashionable and tall mechs, was very rich and

But now, although he is still the most expensive mech, he has nowhere to
stay. The mech is printed with various texts. If you look closely, it is
actually the name of the hot little prince ... Edwin even He also printed the
mech patterns commonly used by Shao Ci on his mech ...

This is no longer aesthetically indescribable, it's just spicy eyes, it looks

very scary, it's just like a brain with a terrible powder.

No ... Edwin was a brain fan.

As the person printed on it, Shao Ci felt that he had felt such shame for the
first time since he took this nickname ...

And he finally realized how hot his eyes were when he drove out, but even
Shao's words would not change!

The people around me are all used to the terrible painting style of Edwin.
Shao Ci inquired a little to find out that Edwin was actually the chairman of
the Hot Little Little Prince Fan Support Association. Many trends were
brought by him. .
Shao Ci: "..." To some extent, Edwin is really terrible.

Because Edwin did not choose to hide his identity, his scene in the cockpit
was cast directly onto the screen in the center of the venue.

Everyone can clearly see that Edwin is wearing a college uniform today,
and his handsome appearance is full of indifference, his eyes are casually
looking at the direction of the enemy, as if he did not put the enemy in his

The enemy was immediately irritated by Edwin's eyes, and rushed in with

"Too weak." Edwin shook his head, but remembered Shao Ci in his mind.
After experiencing the battle with Shao Ci, the strength of these people
was not enough for him to see.

"If it was that person, it would never be so slow."

"If it was that person, it must have come to me now ..."

Edwin's mind was full of scenes in which Shao Ci guided himself. He had
no patience for the battle in front of him and pierced his opponent's cockpit
with a weapon without hesitation.

"Fighting such people is simply a waste of my time." Edwin

thought coldly.


Shao Ci did not recognize that person that Edwin had been with him during
this time. After all, Edwin's attitude when he was in front of him and the
attitude in front of outsiders was too great.

After the game, the two met in Edwin's house.

"I just watched your game." Shao said.

Edwin was startled, and then his cheeks instantly turned red, helpless:
"This, this ... I just didn't play well at all, and you have seen this failure ..."

"It's okay, I think you're very good." Shao said, "The battle was very
handsome just now. The enemy is not your opponent at all."

Shao Ci really feels that way, and Edwin's strength is indeed very strong in
the original text, not to mention that his current force value is higher than
that of Pei Shijian ... After saving the last thing, he will go to Shao Peijian.

Edwin froze for a moment, as if hit by something in his heart.

He and he were actually praised by Shao Ci. Edwin almost felt that there
would never be such a happy moment in the world. It took a long time for
him to react. His green eyes were full of smiles and he looked seriously at
Shao Ci. "Thank you very much, you recognize me so ... I feel very happy."
I'm so happy that this moment never ends.

After going offline, Edwin opened his eyes from the nutrition cabin.

Originally very simple rooms, there are now pictures everywhere, and the
characters in the pictures, of course, are without exception Shao Ci.

These photos were taken by Edwin recently behind Shao Ci. I don't know
how many photos he took, he couldn't bear to delete them.

Climbing out of the nutrition cabin, Edwin walked to the wall, and in front
of him was a photo of the same size. The above Shao Ci was like a real
person standing in front of him.

Edwin reached out and pressed Shao's hand on the photo. He pressed his
forehead against the wall, his eyes full of obsession.

The next moment, he saw Ji Zhaoyuan in the corner of the photo, his eyes
suddenly cold.

"There are always people who shouldn't be in the way ..."

"Obviously, it's enough to have me by his side. These extra people are not
needed at all."


A few days later, the finals of the virtual machine game began.

The finals and preliminaries are different. Instead of using the points
system, all people are divided into ten groups. After each group of internal
players fights against each other, the one with the best performance is
selected. Finally let these ten people go to the real finals.

By this time, each battle of each player is divided into five percent of the
tickets. Although people who can reach this level are generally not scarce,
but this is also a symbol of honor.

Shao Ci felt very touched by the official. Although he was already a

millionaire with million empire coins, this money was nothing at Emperor

If there were only a few opponents, Shao Ci could not wait to play more
than a dozen games every day.

Edwin has given up his qualifications for the finals. He has recently lost
interest in fighting these people. It is better to say that in addition to
fighting with Shao Ci, everything is so boring.

Edwin thinks that instead of participating in time-wasting games, it is better

to spend that time on watching Shao Ci's games, which will make him a
little more excited.

Of course, it is worthwhile to fight with Shao Ci in the finals, but Edwin

does not want to be an obstacle to Shao Ci's progress. Even if the chance of
two people randomly entering a group is very small, he is unwilling.

The opening ceremony of the final is for all participants to go up. At these
times, many players who never appeared in front of people will show their
true features, after all, it is such an honor.
Of course, you can mosaic your face if you don't want to show it.

Shao Ci really wants to show off in front of so many people, but he has the
identity that can't expose his appearance, so he has to put up a mosaic on
his face and feel that the whole world is dark.

Everyone was lost for a while. They thought that they could see the little
prince like this, and they all started to guess why the little prince was so

The empire is most sought after for its strength. Even if he looks so ugly,
everyone will accept it. Several of the appearances in the finals are a bit
unbearable, but they still have a lot of fans.

Therefore, there are not many people guessing that the little prince is
playing mosaic because of his appearance. Most people think about whether
he actually has a non-public identity, such as a certain aristocracy or the
royal family.

On the other hand, Shi Peijian felt that it was almost time, and showed his
true face directly at the opening ceremony of the final.

The audience in the audience was a sensation for a while, and everyone did
not expect that the God of Time was such a beautiful man. Every smile is
so touching.

Even if the strength is strong, the strength still has such a high face value,
with such a high face value and so young, this is hard to come by! In an
instant, Master Pei's face rose in a considerable amount.

The students at the Imperial Military Academy were stunned by the

incident. Of course, the people in the academy also pay attention to the
virtual machine competition, and they also have their favorite players, and
the **** of time naturally has a lot of fans because of the bad technology.

Now everyone knows that Pei Shijian is actually the legendary **** of
time, so shocked that it can't be added.
Those who did not understand how Master Pei became Edwin's friend
instantly understood that the two of them must have known each other in
the game ... Damn it! In other words, they also want to be the base friends
of the **** of time! !!

When Shao resigned to school the next day, he saw that Pei Shijian was
surrounded by a group of people. Everyone looked at Pei Shijian with a
highly admired expression, one by one, and constantly touting Pei Shijian.

The expression between Master Pei is still so indifferent. He smiles and

looks at the crowd. "Don't worry, take your time. I will sign every
classmate. I just have good luck. I do n’t have much strength, neither do
you. I care so much. "

This gentle attitude has caused many people around to fall, not to mention
that there is also a protagonist halo among Master Pei, and in a split second,
several people arouse the thought of being younger brothers.

When Shao Ci came over, everyone's eyes were very delicate. Everyone
knew that it was impossible for Shao Ci to ridicule Pei Shi, but Shao Ci was
now properly faced.

However, in the actual combat training class a few days ago, Shao Ci went
to Shi Pei and won the Master Pei. Although the process was ridiculous,
the result of this victory will not change.

The thought of this salted fish Beta actually wins such a great time **** for
that reason, everyone's mood is complicated.

You must know that it is not ordinary people who can reach the finals of the
virtual machine game. There are countless forces rushing to win, not to
mention that Pei Shijian is only a student. I can imagine how bright the
future is.

After tangling a bit, Shao Ci, who was too lazy to pass through, continued
to tout Pei Shijian. Whoever has the time to manage a passerby, it is more
important to have a good relationship with Pei Shi who looks very close.
And Edwin kept watching in the dark, and saw that these people actually
looked at Shao Ci with such eyes, his fingers almost got caught in the pillar,
and he hurried to Shao Ci when no one was around. Beside, "Don't care
about those people, they simply have no eyes, you are the best in my heart."

"I'm okay, but don't you have to congratulate Master Pei?" Shao said, "I
rarely see you and Master Pei together recently."

Edwin only reacted, "Ah, I've been following you lately, and I've forgotten
to contact him for a long time."

Video and photos licking Shao Ci every day have taken up most of the
time, where Edwin still has time to talk to Shi Pei.

Shao Ci was stunned: "!" Is it really okay to feed you like this?


And in the position of the most central capital of Emperor Star, Ji

Zhaoyuan was sitting by the window, looking down at the information
about the hot little prince in his hand.

After investigation by the men, although the little prince of Hot Strip has a
lot more information than before, there is no way to find out who the true
body is, only to find out some habits about using mecha. And what adverts
I like most (...) this kind of meaningless thing.

Recalling the other day, my younger brother actually came out on the
virtual Internet on the spot. The object that came out was the hot little
prince. Ji Zhaoyuan felt a headache.

The Duke and his wife are traveling on other planets during this time, but Ji
Zhaoyuan is unable to go back because of something. He didn't expect to
just leave his younger brother for a month, and he actually did such a big
thing. Ji Zhaoyuan didn't know how to face his parents at that time.

How could the younger brother, who has always been above the top, look
down on an unidentified Alpha? What happened in his absence?
And His Royal Highness has been following the news of that person
recently ... Ji Zhaoyuan suddenly thought that his brother would be his
rival to His Royal Highness.

No, this is impossible. Even if His Royal Highness has paid more attention
to that hot little prince recently, but who wouldn't even show his face, who
would like it? He should have thought more.

After thinking about it, Ji Zhaoyuan frowned and looked at his

subordinates, "Can you only find this? Who is this hot little prince, who
actually has such a large authority, can't even the central computer check

"We have no way to investigate the central computer, we cannot find out
his detailed location." His kneeling men quickly said, "But in the end we
tried every means to finally lock his approximate location, which should be
right. "

"Oh? Tell me." Ji Zhaoyuan raised an eyebrow.

"The place where the spicy prince is located is exactly the direction where
the Imperial College is located. But we can't find other more detailed

"Very good, even there ... presumably the hot little prince is a student here."
Ji Zhaoyuan looked at the direction of the college district. "There are only a
few schools in the college district. not easy?"

Thinking of his younger brother who is still studying in the college district,
Ji Zhaoyun suddenly realized that the Little Prince of Hot Strip may have
some connection with his younger brother in reality.

"It seems that now I need to go back in person."

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
39: Future ABo (9)
After Pei ’s identity was revealed, his treatment at school changed
instantly. Not only did he have many followers, but even various retired
teachers came to make up lessons for him.

These teachers were the most influential figures on the battlefield at that
time. Even the attitude towards the prince was extremely indifferent, but
they were moved by Pei Shi ’s technology that can reach the final with
oldfashioned mechs. After learning about Pei's family situation, the school
directly waived the high tuition and gave the highest grade scholarship to
Pei's room ... Although Pei's room is no longer short of money.

Although the arrival of Shao Ci changed a lot of plots, making the original
two important characters not so enthusiastic about Shi Pei, but the plot is
still developing according to the original line.

In the virtual world, the topic of the **** of time is actually such a
handsome man. It is also the hottest topic on various websites. It can be
said that during this time, Pei Shi is a situation person in the real world and
in the virtual world.

Under such circumstances, as someone who had previously had a holiday

with Pei Shi, Shao Ci's situation was a bit dangerous.

Shao Ci thought that Shi Peijian would deliberately target himself, but he
did not expect that Shi Peijian had forgotten the grievances of the two.
When he met, he greeted him well, and he did not ridicule Shao Ci for the

Therefore, everyone praised Shi Pei as a kind person, and it was so easy to
forgive those who mocked him.

On the contrary, Shao Ci became even more panicked. "..." Shi Pei was not
the kind of person who would easily forget the hatred. He must be brewing
something big in his back.
Moreover, Shao Ci is also faintly disturbed by another matter. Recently,
when exercising, he always felt a sudden dizziness in his head. Several
times, because of this relationship, he almost fell to the ground, and the
position behind his neck. Fever from time to time.

Shao hadn't taken it seriously at first, and thought it had been too hot
recently. But once Edwin sat next to him, and then came over
subconsciously, whispering indifferently, "Your taste is delicious ...", Shao
Ci suddenly awakened and stood in shock. Up.

According to the setting of that terrible ABo text, the position behind the
neck seems to be the omega gland! And Edwin is still Alpha, which is very
bad, very bad.

Edwin only responded, and then apologized, "I'm very sorry, I just offended

"It doesn't matter." Shao Ci waved his hands, but it didn't feel good in his
heart. Is that omega inhibitor going to be ineffective ...

Although he hasn't been bitten by Alpha, but during this time, he has
exercised beyond the limit every day, maybe it has affected the inhibitor or
something ...

[Yes, the host is right. The omega inhibitor on your body is slowly losing
its effect. After a week, its effect will disappear completely. 】

The problem is serious now. Hey! !!

As soon as he thought of what would happen to him when he revealed his

omega identity in school, Shao Ci was not good for everyone.

Being expelled from school is still a trivial matter. Ji Zhaoyun found it to

be the most terrible. At that time, Ji Zhaoyun must feel that his feelings
have been deceived, and then revenge him in anger.
Shao Ci was going to take time off for a few days and ask the original
parents how to solve the problem.


On the other side, Ji Zhaoyuan also knew about what his brother was doing
these days.

"The young man arrested by him actually stayed at home as a servant?" Ji

Zhaoyuan really felt that he couldn't understand Ji Zhaoyun's thoughts.
According to his understanding of Ji Zhaoyun, it would be good not to
injure people who did not look good to him. Will you keep the other person
at home and watch every day?

Although it is said to be a servant, according to the identity of the other

party, this is already a good thing, not a punishment.

"No ... I have to look up this person." Ji Zhaoyuan felt that there must be
something he hadn't noticed.

Shao Ci's materials were quickly presented by his men.

The first half of the data is normal, probably a Beta from a noble family of
nobles, who entered the school by walking through the back door, and then
spent a lot of time in the school, even mocking Master Shi.

But then the style of painting began to change. The male Beta was fired
because he peeped in the men's bathroom (this is the first time Ji Zhaoyuan
has lived so long to hear about the reason for such an expulsion), but then
returned to him by the relationship of Ji Zhaoyun. When I arrived at the
school, I hugged the thigh of Prince Edward's cousin Edwin and defeated
Pei Shijian in actual mech combat.

"Can you beat that Master Pei? It's just a Beta. How did you do it?" Ji
Zhaoyuan was surprised, and immediately began to think whether this Shao
Ci would be the hot little prince in the virtual world.

Then Ji Zhaoyuan watched the video of the mech combat class.

Those onlookers at the time were only students. They didn't pay attention to
the details of the fighting, and their eyes were not good. Naturally, they
couldn't see anything, but Ji Zhaoyuan also acutely discovered some of

"The performance in the first half was very poor, but suddenly there was a
change in the middle. Even the dodge movements became smoother than
before, and this method was still used to achieve victory ... Can it be said
that this shao ci What does the prince have to do? "

After returning home, Ji Zhaoyun and Shao Ci saw Ji Zhaoyuan sitting in

the living room. Ji Zhaoyun's face changed then, remembering what he had
done during this time, he shouted honestly: "Brother."

Ji Zhaoyuan apparently wanted to teach his younger brother, "Well, do you

remember my brother?"

Shao Ci was shocked. He didn't expect to see Ji Zhaoyuan. He thought that

only Ji Zhaoyun would live here alone. Then Shao Ci began to think about
what the male servant should call Ji Zhaoyuan, and finally felt too
troublesome, so he stood behind Ji Zhaoyun and pretended to be dead.

"You are Shao Ci, right?" Ji Zhaoyuan turned to Shao Ci again.

Shao Ci was startled, then nodded quickly, "Yes, I am Shao Ci."

Although Ji Zhaoyuan has a good character in the original text and is not as
aggressive as others, he is also a heir to the Duke. He is far from being as
good as he looks on the outside. In fact, he is quite a dark one. people.

In contrast, although Ji Zhaoyun was wayward and arrogant, he scolded

people at every turn, and immediately caught people back for the whip, but
he was a person who could see through at a glance, and stayed more at ease
with him.

"It's really hard for you to take care of Xiaoyun at this time." Ji Zhaoyuan
said: "I will trouble you to continue to take care of him in the future."
"I don't need others to take care of it," Ji Zhaoyun said.

Shao Ci nodded quickly, and looked at what the two of them seemed to say.
"If there is nothing, I will go first."

Ji Zhaoyun snorted coldly. "Hurry up if you want to leave. Don't forget to

come down for dinner at night."

Shao Ci hurriedly went upstairs, while the brothers Ji Zhaoyuan and Ji

Zhaoyun came to the study room to talk.

"Brother, why are you coming back so soon?" Ji Zhaoyun wondered, "Don't
you say you were going to go for a year?"

"I'll be back when I have something, but fortunately I'm back, otherwise no
one knows what else you'll be tossing about." Ji Zhaoyuan said lightly:
"What is the relationship between that Shao Ci and you? Why did you
decide to leave him?"

Ji Zhaoyun's face changed slightly, and then he said, "Because he offended

me, so he stayed here as a servant for a while to compensate me."

Ji Zhaoyuan: "When will that be done?"

"I didn't think clearly." Ji Zhaoyun said frankly.

"..." Ji Zhaoyuan helped him, and then he said, "I remember that you hate
Beta. What is there about this Beta that makes you look good?"

"Maybe he is more familiar." Ji Zhaoyun thought for a long time, and then
said, "It feels a bit better than other Betas."

Ji Zhaoyuan was also thinking about how his brother had not been killed,
and then he said, "... Why do you show affection to that hot little prince
online, do you know how much trouble this incident has brought to our
family? "

This incident has caused few people to approach Ji Zhaoyuan recently.

After all, everyone thinks that his brother is Alpha's guy, and maybe his
brother has a problem with his sexual orientation, which makes Ji
Zhaoyuan miserable.

"That's because I like him." Ji Zhaoyun said without hesitation. Although

he knew in his heart that the hot little prince was an omega, he would not
say it.

"Well, in fact, I don't want to care about you." Ji Zhaoyuan had a headache.
"But do you know what he looks like? It doesn't matter if he is a big five
big man, or an old man?"

"Certainly not!" Ji Zhaoyun said swollenly, "My future partner is normal!"

"Or do you already know him in reality?" Ji Zhaoyuan suddenly said coldly,
"For example, just that Shao speech, does he have anything to do with the
hot little prince?"

"How is that possible?" Ji Zhaoyun froze, and then said, "Brother, don't
make a joke, how could Shao Ci have anything to do with the little prince
of hot strips, they probably haven't even seen it."

"Then how did he successfully win Master Shi Pei? You are a fan of
Master Shi Peijian, you should be very clear about his strength?" Ji
Zhaoyuan looked straight at Ji Zhaoyun and said, "Did you hide from me?"

"No, absolutely not." Ji Zhaoyun said: "Shao Ci was only lucky that time.
He usually doesn't have that strength ..."

Although saying so, Ji Zhaoyun felt something strange in his heart. It was
indeed like that, even if Shao Ci's luck was even better, it was a coincidence
that time ...

"Did you find some problems yourself?" Ji Zhaoyuan saw Ji Zhaoyun's

expression slowly, "Since this is the case, you should observe and observe
with your own eyes during this time. It's not that Shao Ci must be small and
hot." There is nothing to do with the prince, but he must not be so useless in
front of you, and you should not trust too much. "

Even if Ji Zhaoyun wanted to refute, he couldn't do it. He remembered what

happened during this period of time. He seemed to ignore a lot of things ...
and the thing that made him most incomprehensible was Edwin's thing.
There was definitely something in the middle of him Don't know what

Ji Zhaoyun thought of it, and gritted his teeth: "I will take a closer look. I
want to see what he is hiding from me."


Shao's request for leave was very smooth. After all, he is now only a maid
here, not a betrayal, and there is no problem if he wants to go home and see
his parents.

Moreover, Shao Ci didn't need to organize any salute, and went directly to
the port to prepare to take a spaceship home.

As a downcast aristocrat, of course, Shao Ci's family could not afford to

live in the Imperial Capital, he lived on some other planet with the
Imperial Capital in a galaxy.

Every day, a fixed spaceship passes by that planet, and it only takes a few
hours to come and go, which is very convenient.

After arriving in the waiting room, Shao Ci encountered Edwin, who was
already waiting inside.

"Why are you here?" Shao was startled. How did Edwin know that he was
leaving, he said nothing.

"I don't trust you to leave alone," Edwin said. "So I bought the ticket
without permission. I'm very sorry."

Shao Ci said: "But you still have to go to school?"

"That kind of thing is not necessary at all, I have already taken time off."
Edwin said lightly: "I would rather go with you than any class, and if there
is any problem, I can help immediately."

Shao Ci had no reason to refuse, saying: "Well then. Come together ..." Just
as Edwin was by his side, if something unexpected happened that he
couldn't get online, he could do the task.

Edwin bought the ticket for the best room in the most advanced spacecraft
before he came. Originally, Shao Ci was going to squeeze a spaceship back.
Now when he sees that there is such a good place to sit, he just bought the
original one. The ticket was refunded.

After boarding the spacecraft, the two stayed in the room and waited. After
all, Edwin was paying a lot of money. Sitting here is very comfortable, and
you can see the scenery outside the window, and food is provided.

When he flew halfway, Shao Ci wanted to go to the bathroom and walked

out. He pushed the door of the corridor and hit a young man directly.

This young man has blond hair, and his appearance is only handsome, but
it looks very comfortable. At this time, his face looks extremely ugly, but
he fell to the ground directly after hitting Shao Ci.

Shao Ci: "!" He just wanted to go to the toilet. Why did he encounter such a

And the other party does n’t look like an ordinary person, of course ... How
can an ordinary person who can afford the VIP position of a high-level
spaceship be, if it is a very powerful aristocrat, what happens if it happens
is sold He can't afford it.

Shao Ci was terrified, and leaned down to see the man's condition.

I saw the young man frowning, his forehead full of cold sweat, a very hard
"Oops, his condition seems to be very serious." Shao Ci saw it was not very
good, and thought of his power that had not been used for a long time, and
gritted his teeth. What will happen. "

The zergs they encountered in the last world really killed him.

Thinking about this, Shao Ci took the young man's hand and put the power
into his body.

The frowning youth suddenly calmed down, his pale cheeks slowly
recovered, but this did not stop, then his cheeks gradually became flushed,
and his body began to heat up. The body leaning on Shao Ci's arms was
subconsciously stunned.

Shao Ci: "...?!" Why does the lying tank just heal the other side and get
excited to such an extent? !!

[The answer is simple, because the other party is not a human, or a pure
human. 】

All of a sudden, Shao Ci's mind came to his mind. This article still has Zerg
as the middle villain.

The Zerg in this article is much more dangerous than the Zerg in the
previous world. Many Zerg have disguised themselves as humans and have
mixed with human society. They have been disguised for many years, and
many have even married and had children. This Zerg even hides a lot in the
Imperial Star.

In the original text, it was also that these Zerg people went crazy to attack
humans, and Pei Shijian saved the terror with his mental strength to save
everyone, and his reputation became even higher. However, as the prince,
Loris did not do anything during the whole process, so it was greatly
This is completely unscientific. Even if Loris really did nothing, wouldn't
he find a few people to blow himself up, anyway, no one would really
investigate whether the Prince was really doing nothing.

At first Shao Ci felt that the villain was still far away from him, but at this
time, he discovered that the Zerg was beside him.

However, Shao Ci couldn't tell the story of the Zerg, because in the
progress of the original text, humans haven't discovered it now. If he said it,
it would spoil the plot and be directly obliterated by the will of the world.

Seeing that the Zerg youth on the ground was about to wake up, Shao Ci
leaned him directly on the wall and walked back in a hurry.

Anyway, he shouldn't have done anything.

As for how the Zerg in the estrus should solve the problem, Shao Ci
ignored it.


After several hours of sailing, the two finally arrived.

Speaking of which, this is the first time Shao Ci has traveled to his home
for so long.

Although this family has fallen into disappointment, anyway, it is also

aristocracy, and there are still ancestral mansions, and here is only the
planet around Diduxing, and prices are much cheaper.

Edwin was totally unaware of the episodes that occurred during the flight,
and followed Shao like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law, looking very

After Shao Ci pushed the door open, he finally met his parents.

In the future, humans will have a long life span and will age slowly. The
parents of the original owner will look quite young. It is also wonderful to
say. It is clear that the two are very different from Shao Ci's actual parents,
but Shao Ci felt kind at the first sight of them.

Probably the emotion that comes with this body.

Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, were both children who loved their children.
This time they were separated from the children for so long. When they saw
Shao Ci, they dragged him to look left and right for a long time. They had
to say that Shao Ci was thin. In fact, after eating, drinking and exercising
for so many days, Shao Ci's body is much better than before.

Then Father Shao looked at Edwin who followed, "This is ...?"

Edwin wore extremely formal clothes to see Shao's parents today, plus the
demeanor on his body, and the extremely high value, he knew at a glance
that he was not an ordinary person.

"Uncle and auntie, I, I am ..." Edwin was so nervous, obviously that he was
so calm even when facing the emperor, but at this time in front of Shao Ci's
parents, he even talked. Not quite able to say.

"This is my friend Edwin. He and I are studying at the same college. This
time I came alone because I was not assured." Shao Ci didn't mention
Edwin's life at all, and he always felt like saying it. It will be troublesome.

"Oh, it's amazing that our children still have such serious friends." Shao
mother looked at Edwin with a moved look, and then asked the maid to take
him to the room to put things.

Although not much rich, there are still so many maids here, basically all
Beta daughters of the poor people nearby.

Four people ate in the restaurant at night.

Mother Shao and Edwin inquired about Shao Ci's work in school. Edwin,
who was still very embarrassed, became enthusiastic when he mentioned
Shao Ci. The best student in the college.
Shao Ci was ashamed while listening, and did not know what Edwin
actually said.

However, which parents don't like their children to be bragged, the more
they look at Edwin, the more they look at it, and when they look at Shao Ci,
they suspect that their eyes look like a daughter-in-law ... Shao Ci quickly
took this terrible idea from himself Removed from my head.

Then Shao mother asked Shao Ci what happened during this time. I heard
that he was terrified when he was dropped out of school, and then went
back to school later. How did this happen?

Shao Ci felt embarrassed when he remembered how he was dropped out of

school. He avoided this topic and talked in a good direction. He
completely removed the thing that Ji Zhaoyun had pumped himself,
indicating that he was kind. Ji Zhaoyun was rescued.

Edwin's mood was down.

"Ah, that's still the Duke's child, and she's so caring." Shao's mother moved
for a while, "I'll be grateful to others then."

Shao Ci quickly said, "This is not necessary. I am still a servant at Ji

Zhaoyun's house ..."

It was a shame to be a servant at first, but the servant of the Duke's house
could even make people touted outside.

Shao's father, Shao mother, was so proud that Edwin's mind was even more
unequal. Ji Zhaoyun's garbage man can make Shao Ci's parents so
important, he must work harder.

However, before resigning from Shao, he could not reveal his identity, and
Edwin was prepared to start from other aspects.

When it was late at night, after Edwin fell asleep, Shao's father, Shao's
mother, took Shao's speech, and the three of them talked about the business
in the room on the side.
Shao Ci went directly to the topic, and his face looked ugly, and recently
the omega inhibitor seemed to be ineffective.

Father Shao's face sank. "Ah, this inhibitor is also considered a banned
drug. I heard it was very unstable when I bought it. Now I am lucky to be
able to use it for so many years."

Mother Shao sighed and wiped her tears, "If it wasn't because we were
useless and didn't let you suffer such a crime, you can grow up at home like
other omega, and then get married and have children instead of now So it's
like a Beta all day. "

Shao Ci quickly said: "You don't have to be sad, I think it's so good now."
If you really get married and have a child like an ordinary omega, will he
scare the urine?

"In the past, we were too paranoid. Now thinking about this title is actually
nothing. You might as well drop out of school and go home." Father Shao
groaned. "Other omegas like your age have begun to date, you It's not too
late, just as I have been paying attention to the recent unmarried Alpha. "

"Yeah, and this Edwin who came here this time is also good, and he looks
very concerned about us."

Wait, he came back here to continue to suppress, not to be urged to marry!

Not to show Edwin to his parents!

If Shao was really asked to resign from his blind date, he might as well hit

"I've been growing up in Beta, and I don't want to be an omega anymore."

Shao bit his teeth. "And I've always used Beta as a help at the Duke's house.
If Ji Zhaoyun finds out I've been deceiving him, I won't spare me. "

If the previous one can be regarded as the child's awkward disregard by the
parents, the following few words are serious, after all, it is the Duke.
Faced with this reality, Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, quickly gave up the
idea of letting Shao go home to go on a blind date, and then asked how to
continue to maintain the role of the inhibitor.

Shao Ci was relieved, but he did not expect that one day he would bring Ji
Zhaoyun out to solve the problem.

After returning to the room, Shao Ci slept in bed.

The final game of the virtual machine game is only played once a day, and
now it is a few days before his turn, it is better to take a good rest during
this period of time to save energy.

The next day, Shao Ci lazily got up from the bed, yawned and went
downstairs, and saw Edwin wearing an apron, with a shy face, and a plate
in his hand.

Shao Ci scared his jaw almost dislocated:, ...? !! "

Mother Shao laughed and was very happy. She came and said to Shao Ci,
"This child is really nice. I actually woke up early to help out. I also asked
what you like to eat and made a lot of breakfast ... This is still The first time
I saw Alpha, who was so good at cooking. "

Edwin looked embarrassed. "It's nothing at all. I have done too little."

"Oh, your child is too modest. I always only know how to play when we
look at our babble, and I don't know if I have studied well in college."

As soon as Shao Ci was mentioned, Edwin was serious. He actually

explained to Shao mother that Shao was not playing, and how serious he
was, how powerful, and the touted content was not repeated last night.

The Shao mother who listened became more and more happy, if it was not
because of Shao's remarks yesterday, she could not wait to assign Shao's
resignation to Edwin now.
Shao Ci was all in panic: "..." Why hadn't he discovered that Edwin would
please other people's parents before.

Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, looked at Edwin ’s eyes as if they were

looking at son-in-law. Fortunately, Edwin did n’t know that Shao Ci was an
omega thing, so he did n’t notice any problems at all, but just felt that Shao
’s parents were Very kind.

After eating, Edwin ran to the kitchen to study what to do at noon ... Such
virtuousness is simply terrible.

And according to the description of the original text, Edwin seemed to have
been set up by young and old men who did not touch the spring water with
his fingers. Was it because he volunteered to be his younger brother and
started to practice these ... Shao Ci suddenly felt a little moved, although he
felt that Devin's efforts seemed a bit wrong.

Shao Ci came to the room. The three continued to talk about yesterday's
topic, and their expressions became serious again.

Father Shao sighed, "I went to ask, the inhibitors of that year can only be
used once, if used for the second time, it will cause great damage to the
body, which may cause infertility for life, so it can no longer be taken the
second time."

Shao Ci: "..." The sink is very good, this damage is quite good!

However, after thinking about it, Shao Ci thought that it might lead to
worse constitution. Perhaps he could not even open the mech for 3 minutes
after eating, and soon gave up the idea.

"And now even if I want to buy it, I won't be able to buy it." Shao mother
said, taking out a bottle, "Fortunately, I thought that maybe there would be
an accident later, so I bought a bottle of medicine and the medicine in it
could It plays a role in temporarily suppressing the omega breath. A pill can
last about a week ... "

Shao took the pill bottle, and the whole person relaxed instantly.
This bottle of medicine is enough for several months, and if things go well,
his identity will not be revealed before leaving the world.

Then Mother Shao sighed and held on to Shao's shoulder, "When you finish
taking these medicines, go home obediently. At that time, we will leave the
galaxy directly. Even the Duke will not know about this. Yes ... we can start
again. "

"Hmm ..." Shao nodded and nodded. They don't know that the original
owner died long ago, and now he will leave the world after completing the

Fortunately, Shao Ci also has healing powers. He intends to use the powers
to heal Shao's mother's body so that they can have another child. Then, he
will gradually forget the pain of losing the first child.

Just then, there was a loud noise outside the door.

Shao Ci was shocked, and rushed to open the door, but just hit Edwin with
a look of expression, and the tray in his hand fell to the ground, and the
snacks that were originally inside were scattered on the ground. on. It
seems that he was just preparing to deliver a snack, but he happened to hear
the conversation of the people inside.

Although Shao Ci had just remembered the development of various

dogblood TV shows when he was talking in it, he did not expect that this
would really happen to him.

"You just heard what we said?"

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
40: Future ABo (ten) (1)
If it weren't for the task, Shao Ci would have wanted to kill him.

Edwin said, "Yes, I heard them all."

Edwin calmed down after being shocked. He finally understood why Shao
Ci had been hiding his identity this way. That's because Shao Ci is actually
an omega, so you can't be in the limelight, otherwise it will cause all kinds
of troubles.

After understanding it, Edwin's admiration for Shao Ci was deeper. As an

omega, he could do so much better than Alpha.

That is, only a character like his male **** can use omega's body to reach a
level that other alphas cannot.

Being a brain fan is to favor his male **** no matter what happens.

Edwin immediately said, "No matter what happens, my mind will not
change, and I will never say it."

Shao sighed and said, "I haven't told you about this for a long time, it's not
that I don't trust you, but it would be troublesome if it was exposed ... Do
you really feel indifferent now? As an Alpha, instead It's ridiculous to
follow an omega. "

There are indeed a lot of Alphas in this world that look down on omega,
thinking that omega can only stay at home with children and the like ...
Even if the relationship is good before, some people will change their
attitude after learning about gender.

Of course, Shao Ci hasn't realized this. The above are the feelings derived
from some details in the original text. After all, omega is really just a vase
in the original text.
"No, you are you. Even if you are omega, I want to follow you. It won't
change." Edwin seemed to be afraid of Shao Ci and didn't believe him, just
kneeling on one knee, looking at Shao Ci's eyes Saying: "What **** does
not make any difference at all. My mind will never change."

Shao Ci was frightened when Edwin knelt down for the first time, but now
he is getting used to it. However, the previous two times were done by
Edwin when he did not know his gender, but now that he knows his true
gender, he can fully see Edwin's views on this matter.

Seeing Shao Ci was still a little hesitant, Edwin bit his lower lip, knowing
that if his answer was incorrect, Shao Ci may not have the trust he had in
the past, and he was shocked in his heart and caught Shao Ci immediately.

"I'm willing to sign an agreement. If this thing is passed on, I will never use
mech to fight again ... I don't know if you can believe me?"

Shao Ci was startled, to know that Edwin's status was so high, that he was
so suspicious that he was an insult to him ... and he was willing to make
such concessions for this. If it was Shao Ci who encountered this kind of
thing I left without looking back.

He knew exactly what Mecha meant to Edwin, and he could use that to
write an agreement ... enough to see Edwin's determination.

At this moment Shao Ci was touched a bit, although his touch was quite

Edwin did very willingly. After encountering Shao Ci, he felt that he had
found the goal he was pursuing. If he could no longer follow Shao Ci's side
in the future, he would feel the deepest in his heart. Fear.

Compared with Shao Ci, even if it was the favorite mech, it is so boring to
think of it now ... If the opponent is not Shao Ci, then he can continue to
use mech, and he is completely unhappy.
"I believe in you." Shao Ci took a deep breath. "It's as if this hasn't
happened. After returning to the college, let's live as normal as before."

Anyway, even if he didn't believe it, he couldn't really kill Edwin ... it was a
desperate fact.

"Well." Edwin's eyes glowed, and he said, "I'll continue to prepare snacks
for you."

Shao Ci: "...!" Is it really okay to feed you such virtuousness!

This thing has passed, after all, going to school is still very important. In the
afternoon of the same day, the two men took the spacecraft together and
returned to the Capital Star. There was no accident on the road.

Shao Ci thought about his lack of morality before, and directly left the Zerg
during the estrus or something. If the other party really got mad, maybe he
would be caught in the bureau.

However, we haven't seen any news about young people attacking people
on the spacecraft. It should be fine.

After Shao Ci separated from Edwin, Edwin was obviously worried, but
still said nothing.

Shao Ci returned to Ji Zhaoyun's home and found that Ji Zhaoyuan had

already left at this time. Shao Ci was relieved. He was not very good at
dealing with Ji Zhaoyuan's type of character. He always felt as if he had
been seen through.

Although he did nothing wrong.

Ji Zhaoyun was lying on the sofa obliquely, with black hair like crow
feathers, and slightly raised eyes were looking at Shao Ci. His exquisite
features were full of pride.

Although his temper is so bad, he has to admit that Ji Zhaoyun's face is

really high. Shao Ci was so emotional again.
"I have actually left for so long this time, isn't it just going home to see it,
and there is no major event." Ji Zhaoyun was very dissatisfied, said angrily:
"Do you know how much trouble your departure has caused me in the past
few days? ? "

Isn't that no one feeding at lunch? So after all this, can't you get used to
eating alone?

"It's all my fault, I'm very sorry." Shao Ci knew how to deal with Ji
Zhaoyun. Anyway, no matter whether it was his fault, he apologized first ...
Then Shao's apology in the system plug-in looks very sincere.

"Huh." Ji Zhaoyun did not say anything more, but said: "I have been
working hard for a while and I feel my physical fitness has improved a lot.
Do you think I will join the machine that will start recently? How about the
first division, can you reach the final? "

The actual mecha competition is much more troublesome than in the virtual
world. Just signing up requires a lot of procedures, and it is impossible to
hide identity as completely as on the Internet.

If you are injured in a game, you are really injured, but of course such a
game is much more powerful than the virtual online authority.

Ji Zhaoyun asked such questions as Shao Ci, of course, he did not want
Shao Ci to really give his opinion. In short, he touted it first.

Shao Ci praised unexpectedly: "I believe that you will be able to reach the
final according to your level. Others are not your opponents at all!"

"This is of course." Ji Zhaoyun looked contented, but then suddenly said,

"You don't wonder why I'm going to the mech contest?"

"Ah?" Shao Ci looked at a loss: "If you want to join, just join, what's the

Although he is very clear why Ji Zhaoyun went to participate, but he will

not behave as if he knew it → _ →
"That's not your business, go back." Ji Zhaoyun looked impatient.

Shao Ci: "..." How did Ji Zhaoyun's character feel more troublesome than
before? Is it the relationship that has recently started to fall in love ...
Anyway, it doesn't matter to him.

Shao turned around and was ready to go upstairs. Tonight is the first battle
of the little prince in the finals. He needs to prepare well.

"Wait a minute." Ji Zhaoyun suddenly said again: "I'm going to exercise

tonight, you don't have to do anything anymore, just go with me, see how
weak you are, you can't exercise well, take you I feel embarrassed at
school. "

Shao Ci: "Ah, that ..." Wait, there is an important game tonight, and Ji
Zhaoyun went to exercise instead of watching the game, always feeling that
he was planning something not so good.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Ji Zhaoyun looked careless.

"Ah, that is I want to go to the final of the virtual machine game. Isn't there
a hot little prince tonight?" Shao Ci felt that there was nothing to hide, and
he said directly: "Don't you like that player, too? Don't go and see tonight?

"Speaking of, about the hot little prince, do you know what I don't know?"
Ji Zhaoyun said after adding: "After all, I don't like to communicate with
other people, and those things on the virtual Internet are not clear. " I knew
you were a friendless person ...

Shao Ci's cheeky boast: "Ah, I don't know very well about that, I just think
he is a very powerful person, and it must be a powerful Alpha in reality."

"Well, yes. You're right." Ji Zhaoyun remembered what his brother said and
thought he was thinking too much.
The hot little prince is an omega, and Shao Ci knows that there are no
omega people ... As for Edwin, he has confessed online and has become the
chairman of the hot little prince fan support club. Maybe and Shao Ci met
at the fan support.

Ji Zhaoyun completely relieved his heart, and then waved his hand casually,
"I won't exercise today, you can go."

Shao Ci: "!" Although I don't know why, I just feel like I have avoided
some serious problems.

The final venue is different from the previous one. The venue is several
times larger, and the content of the competition will be broadcast live, and
there will even be personnel to explain it.

All positions are filled with spectators, and the fans on both sides are
clearly distinguished, with a faint feeling of tit-for-tat.

This time Shao's opponent was a player in the forty, a middle-aged man
named Rex.

"The player here is Rex. This year is only 37 years old. This is the fifth time
he has participated in the Mech Contest. Everyone must be familiar with it.
Every time before, Rex players can only be here. Step by step, can he win
this time? "The host introduced.

The next moment the camera turned to Shao Ci, a mech with a lot of
advertisements appeared on the screen.

That's right, in order to advertise more, Shao Ci shamelessly changed to the

largest mech.

Those who have only heard of the Little Prince of Hot Strip before but have
not seen his game are shocked by the pictures in front of them, and the fans
of Little Prince of Hot Strip are very proud, in their words, " Ordinary
people ca n’t get so many advertisements yet. This is a symbol of our male
god's strength. "
"Uh ..." The host had never seen such a lack of players, was shocked, and
then explained: "This is a newcomer, the hot little prince. Although it is the
first time to participate, it is amazing in strength. He reached the final in a
short period of time. I don't know what he will do? "

Then the host gave another blow to the performance of the two, and that
was the beginning of the game.

Rex looked at Shao Ci's direction in disdain. "Although the strength of this
hot little prince is good, after all, he is too young, has no combat
experience, and is relatively jerky ... far worse than me."

Because he did not choose privacy protection, this paragraph was directly
placed on the screen, which immediately caused a lot of dissatisfaction
among fans of the hot little prince.

"Huh," Rex said again, "I don't know what talents are so unconfident about
their looks. At this time, they still hide their looks. I think there must be
something wrong."

Of course, he was not ridiculed for nothing, but just wanted to use these
words to stir up the anger of the opponent. Once the opponent lost his mind,
it would be easy to find the flaws.

Like Rex thought, after the game started, Shao Ci's mecha rushed to him

"Isn't it enough to get angry?" Rex was so proud of himself that he tried to
fight. But the reality is different from what he thought. Although the action
of the spicy little prince is a bit jerky, the speed is faster than he imagined.
Although there are many flaws, it has disappeared before he attacks.

Don't mention anything and then use the flaws to win when the other side
is angry. If it is not for Rex's experience, I am afraid that he will lose it at
the beginning.

"Abominable, but a little kid." Rex gritted his teeth.

The two fought for a few more minutes. In Rex's view, the two sides are
now about the same strength, stalemate for a long time, and for the time
being, they can't win.

"I didn't expect this boy to have such a strong strength ..." Rex was a little
surprised, but his heart was getting more and more unhappy. He worked so
hard for so many years to reach this position, how could he easily give it to
such a boy, "but met I, if you are unlucky, come again next year. "

Rex had hidden a part of his strength from the beginning, and for the
current outbreak, he suddenly attacked the past, but Shao Ci avoided it
blindly, and seemed to fall completely into the wind.

However, Shao Ci was similar to what Rex did, yes, he also hidden his
strength at the beginning.

Although Shao Ci has always insisted on speedy decisions, this time there
was an accident.

When an advertiser talked with Shao, he said that as long as he could

compete for more than ten minutes, the pay would be tripled.

Under the temptation of money, Shao Ci had no tactics to release water at

the beginning of this game ... if Rex knew he might vomit blood directly.

Outsiders seem to feel like two people are fighting fiercely. In fact, Shao
Ci is only part of the spirit to deal with Rex, and most of his strengths
have not yet been exerted.

Moreover, when doing this, it is more difficult than usual casual fighting. If
it were not for the advertisements on the body to be seen to the maximum,
and then receive more advertisements in the future, Shao Ci would not do
such a troublesome thing .

If it's hard to say in reality, but in the virtual world, it can be said that there
are very few people who can be Shao's opponents ... After all, in terms of
mental strength, those people are worse than Shao, and he is the most.
Dreadful opponent is Pei Shijian who has the protagonist halo.
The fans of the Hot Strip Little Prince are nervously watching the battle in
front of them. You must know that they haven't finished the game for more
than ten minutes since they started the Hot Strip Little Prince.

"Why did the game last so long? It seems that the opponents in the final are
different." One said nervously.

"Well, I think your hot little prince lost." On the other side, Rex's fans were
politely mocking: "Your hot little prince crushed the weak opponents, right
Masters with mature technologies like Rex will certainly not be able to hold
out for a long time, hum. "

Many people on the field think so. After all, this is also a bit realistic.
However, some of the hot little princes are a little disappointed. What they
like is the hot little princes who are invincible. Now they are facing their
males. God's strength is not the strongest sense of drop.

Edwin was also watching, but he was more worried, because he was afraid
that Shao Ci's omega inhibitor suddenly failed, so he lost his usual level.

"It seems that the hot little prince has finally encountered a strong enemy
this time." The host looked at Shao Ci, who was constantly avoiding, and
explained. "Although the little hot prince is very strong, Rex has
experienced five times. Contestants, I'm afraid the situation of the Little
Prince is not very optimistic ... "

Just when everyone thought the victory was almost set, the situation
suddenly changed.

"Time is up." Shao thought that when he thought about it, there would be a
large amount of imperial coins in his account, a smile appeared on his face,
and then he looked up at the opponent in front of him. "Although I'm sorry,
but let the game be over now."

When Rex was proud of the attack, he discovered that the little prince of the
bar had actually begun to fight back.
"It's too late, now counterattack will only make himself more panic." Rex
sneered, thinking that his recent attack had already disrupted the rhythm of
the hot little prince. Now, taking advantage of the opportunity, the weapon
will be stabbed directly. To the key of the opponent, ready to end this game.

However, the next moment, the little prince's mech avoided the attack with
a very difficult posture, and then stabbed directly from a tricky angle.

Before Rex could react, the cockpit was already penetrated by the
opponent's weapon. If in reality, the driver would have died a long time
ago, but in the virtual world, players would simply be forced out of the

Soon, Rex disappeared into the field with the mech.

Everyone looked at all this in astonishment. After they thought that the hot
little prince lost, but it took a few tens of seconds. In these tens of seconds,
the hot little prince suddenly won like a god's help.

Fans of Hot Strip Little Prince shouted with excitement, and those who said
that the Hot Strip Little Prince would definitely lose can't wait to get into
the ground.

The host was also stunned, and then hurriedly explained: "It seems that this
is the tactic of the hot little prince. First deliberately show weakness to
confuse the enemy, and then take the opportunity to counterattack. The
counterattack action can also be seen to control the mech. How powerful
the technology is. "

No matter what happened on the court, Shao Ci planned to quit the

competition site directly after completing the task.

When checking whether the money arrived, Shao Ci received a message.

This information is similar to the challenge book issued by Ji Zhaoyun at

the beginning. The above said that he wanted Shao to play one-on-one with
him, and there is no need to worry about being seen. He is a specially
selected venue without an audience, regardless of Shao Ciyun paid directly
two million imperial coins without winning.

Shao Ci: "!" If it wasn't for a totally different tone from Ji Zhaoyun, he
thought that Ji Zhaoyun had come to find fault again, but this person is
even more shy than Ji Zhaoyun!

The empire is so big, there are so many tyrants _ (: з 」∠) _

Although there may be problems, Shao Ci was very unsettled by the

temptation of money and chose to agree directly.

Shao Ci came to the game field that the other party said. Sure enough, as
the e-mail said, there was no empty audience ... Shao Ci still had some

And a mech is stopping in the opposite position, the other party also
blocked his own information, can not see who it is, the mech is very
ordinary, is the most popular mech, there is no personal characteristics

Will it be tried by other opponents to test their strength? Shao Ci thought

about it this way, but he didn't care about this kind of thing, anyway, as
long as he had money to take it, it would be the best. If all the opponents
came to this move, he would immediately get rich.

Of course, not everyone is as stupid as Ji Zhaoyun.

In the system beep, the game started.

Shao Ci focused his attention, but the opponent's mech suddenly rushed

Shao was surprised. The opponent's speed is very fast, and the response
when dodging is also quite fast, which is different from the opponents he
has encountered in the past.
If it wasn't for Shao Ci's own mental strength that he could observe the
whole audience, I'm afraid he would lose it directly, but it is also because of
his mental strength that he can pay attention to all kinds of subtleties. Shao
Ci can notice how terrible the strength of the person in front of him is.

"Who the **** is this person?" Shao Ci's mind flashed through tens of
thousands of possibilities. He always felt that the most likely place was Pei
Shijian, but Pei Jianjian did not even pay 2 million empire coins to the
enemy. Man.

Finally, after fighting several rounds, the two fell into a deadlock.

Shao Ci can use his mental strength to crush the enemy, but he generally
does not want to do so. When he hesitated, the other person's mental
strength suddenly touched.

Because mental power is a very delicate thing, it is almost impossible to

prevent others from contacting mechs, but everyone will pay more attention
to their own mental power. After all, this one is a vegetative end.

But now this person is so casual. Last time Shao Ci encountered such a type
of person, it was still Ji Zhaoyun's arrogant and daredevil.

The next moment, the two's mental strength met.

Shao Ci froze a little, feeling that the mental strength of the other party was
a little different from that of ordinary people, but he himself had only
experienced the mental strength of Edwin and Ji Zhaoyun, and did not
know whether his feelings were correct.

Most people's mental strength is relatively sunny, but this person's feeling
is cold and sticky. It is uncomfortable for Shao Ci to be close to such
mental strength.

Later, this mental power has a tendency to peep into the depths. The last
time Ji Zhaoyun did this, he immediately found out that Shao Ci was
actually an omega. This time, where did Shao Ci make this person do, he
immediately made a ruthless, not only the other party His mental power
was expelled, and he suddenly crashed into the other's mental power world.

Shao Ci felt as if he had come to some extremely gloomy place, his body
was a bit cold, and he began to feel that he should not use mental force so

"Ah, that's right, that's the feeling ... I finally found you." A low voice
sounded, as if it was ringing beside Shao Ci, and then smiled slightly.

"?!" Shao said with a shock, almost unconsciously withdrawing his mental
power, and manipulating the mech quickly backed up many steps.

What's going on with this guy, why is it so terrible ... it seems to be a horror

The opponent ’s mech did n’t have to catch up, as if this battle was just
trying to test something, the next moment it disappeared directly into place,
but it was directly withdrawn.

"Wait for the system, what was that just now, why can he talk?" Even if two
million imperial coins were about to be acquired, Shao Ci couldn't forget
what had just happened, and he was scared to death.

[When the spiritual power is strong to a certain degree, it is possible to

directly use spiritual power to communicate, such as the transmission of the
consciousness in the text of cultivation. 】

"That's it ... it's not a strange event." Shao Ci was relieved.

But what does that man mean? Got you? Who is it and who is looking for
him? It always sounds uncomfortable.

Forget it ... The other party is completely anonymous, and Shao Ci

couldn't find what he was looking for. Instead of tangling something here
that doesn't know when it will happen, let's face it first.

So Shao Ci left the incident behind for a while and went offline.
After coming out, Shao Ci was suddenly dizzy, his body began to heat, and
he felt extremely uncomfortable. His limbs couldn't hold his strength, and
the next moment he fell directly to the ground.

"Oops, here, is this the legendary estrus period coming." Shao Ci was in a
hot state, and the whole man was aggressive, struggling to reach for his
medicine towards the backpack.

According to the setting of this ABo article, the general omega will start
estrus after it is fully developed, and Shao Ci is now fully developed, but it
is suppressed because of the inhibitor.

I heard that this estrus period will be more violent after it comes, and it can't
be solved without a few days and nights.

If Shao Ci is a **** guy, he must be happy to die, but he feels that he is still
a straight man. He can only take the medicine hard, and hate why he didn't
take the medicine with him.

The next moment, the knock on the door rang, and Ji Zhaoyun's voice
sounded, "Are you asleep? I have something to say to you."

"Bottom!" Shao Ci was frightened by the sudden visit of Ji Zhaoyun, and

his body, which had finally managed to stand up, almost fell to the ground

Speaking of this, shouldn't someone like Ji Zhaoyun kick in the door and
rush in, now it's so polite and unscientific.

No, this is not the time to get into trouble with Ji Zhaoyun.

Maybe he was sobered by Ji Zhaoyun. Shao Ci suddenly recovered his

strength, quickly grabbed the inhibitor in the bag, unscrewedly opened the
lid with a shaking hand, picked up a pill and swallowed it directly.

This medicine is still quite useful. Within a minute, Shao Ci ’s hotness

calmed down, and the estrus was directly suppressed. Now Shao Ci ’s
whole person just feels like a dream, and his body does n’t have that
Feeling powerless.

Shao Ci quickly collected the medicine, then replaced the indoor air, and
eliminated the omega pheromone that may have just spilled.

Although Shao Ci himself couldn't feel it, Alpha was very sensitive to the
smell of omega. If it was found, it would be over, so he took out a few
bottles of perfume that had never been used and sprayed them in the room,
mixed with various aromas. Even the most keen Alpha couldn't smell any
more omega.

After doing these things, Shao Ci went into the bathroom and quickly took
a bath, throwing the sweat-soaked clothes aside, and changed to wash

Feeling almost the same, Shao opened the door just like he had just taken a

Shao Ci said in doubt: "What's wrong? What's wrong with me?"

"It really made me timid to wait for so long." Ji Zhaoyun looked at him
with her arms in her arms, and looked very dissatisfied. "My time is

It's too late to find someone's fault!

"I'm very sorry." Shao has already learned the skills of guilt expression on
his face, no matter how much he vomits, and whispered: "I just didn't hear
because I was just showering ... then, do you have anything? "

"Nothing, I just want to ask how you feel recently. After all, as a master,
you have to care about the situation of the servants at home." Ji Zhaoyun
has a proud attitude. He is doing such a good thing and it makes people feel
owed. Shy person.

"Very good." Shao said, "The food and accommodation are very good."
And all he has to do is chat with Ji Zhaoyun, which is very easy, at least
better than chatting with people like Ji Zhaoyuan.

Although he had only said two or three sentences with Ji Zhaoyuan, Shao
Ci was wary of his obsession.

"Of course, no one has ever dared to abandon the Duke's Mansion." Ji
Zhaoyun frowned again. "However, the smell in your room is so messy. It's
really bad. Your taste is very problematic ..."

In order to disguise the past, Shao Ci had to start to hack himself. "... This, I
actually like this taste. Only in such an environment can I sleep peacefully."

"I can't help you. Don't do it if you're outside. Now take a good rest." Ji
Zhaoyun snorted and left quickly.

Shao Ci looked at Ji Zhaoyun's look as if he hadn't found anything. This

relieved him. After closing the door, he found a cold sweat again, but he
had no strength to go to the bath again, and lay down on the bed in anger.

Today was really exciting, and almost was discovered by Ji Zhaoyun. But it
wo n’t work like this. It ’s okay to mix it once. It wo n’t be so easy next

It seems that he should find a way to move out from here.

But in the corridor, Ji Zhaoyun turned away and looked a little gloomy, his
hands clenched tightly.

At the center of the Imperial Capital.

Ji Zhaoyuan looked puzzledly at the young man who was so human-like on

the screen in front of him. "His Royal Highness, why did you suddenly call
me back?"

He also recently investigated a lot of interesting things at the Imperial

Military Academy, although it is not yet possible to find out who the real
prince of the hot strip is. But regarding Zhao Shi's affairs, Ji Zhaoyun did
investigate a little.

"Don't look for it." Loris had a faint smile on her face. "I have already
investigated a part of it myself ... than that, obviously it needs your help in
other ways. It is true that you are used to investigate someone Overkill. "

"You're right, I obey all your decisions." Ji Zhaoyuan knew that even if the
two grew up together, Loris never fully believed in him. This time, maybe
there are other considerations. .

Anyway, he couldn't continue the investigation.

"Speaking of which, I've been a bit tired recently. You help me arrange the
time for next month for a few days. I'm going to take a break." Loris said.

Ji Zhaoyun's heart was a little stunned. This was the first time he and Loris
had known each other for the first time that they wanted to relax ... Before
that, he thought that His Royal Highness was a machine that would not stop

"Okay, I'll arrange it for you."

The next day, Shao Ci found that Ji Zhaoyun seemed to have changed his

Although Ji Zhaoyun worked very hard before, but now he is working hard
as if he was dying, almost all his leisure time is spent, and he is too tired to
move every night.

Unexpectedly, he was so desperate for the Mech Contest, Shao Ci was

really surprised.

Although Shao Ci was thinking about leaving, he never found time and Ji
Zhaoyun said that he had to stay temporarily.

Anyway, Ji Zhaoyun is so tired now that he can't come to find fault.

During this time, Shao Ci's inhibitor, which had no effect, had finally
completely disappeared.

At this time, Shao Ci knew that this kind of inhibitor would be good for
more than ten years at a time, so that he can now only take one inhibitor a
week to control himself, otherwise the omega pheromone would be

And Edwin was like he did not know that Shao Ci was omega. It behaved
the same as before, and there was no change because Shao Ci's gender

If it hadn't happened before, and it was so explosive, Shao Ci would feel

like he was dreaming ...

Shao Ci felt that it was too good to be Edwin as a brain residual fan, but
think about Edwin so much like Pei Shi in the original text. Afterwards, it is
not necessary to form a foundation with Pei Shi. What are you worried

And those players after the virtual machine game are not Shao's opponents
at all, he directly became the first place in this group, all reached this step,
the strength of the hot little prince has also been recognized by more people

Someone used to say that he was just a low-level imitator of Pei Shi. Now,
when he says it, he will be sprayed with dog blood. And obviously the little
prince is worse than Pei Shi. Nowhere else, gradually no one said that.

Pei Shijian also succeeded in becoming the first place. Of course, his
success process was more tortuous. He lost several times and finally

Watching the video of the hot little prince who might become his opponent,
Pei Shi's expression was not very pleasant.
At first, he felt that the hot little prince was just a low-grade goods that
imitated himself, but he did not expect that the other party climbed to this
height step by step, even comparable to him.

Only Pei Master has always surpassed others, and where is anyone else
stepping on him like this?

However, Shi Peijian just didn't like the hot prince at the moment. What he
hated the most now was to ridicule him many times and stay in the school.
He finally won his Shao in that way. Resign.

"I don't know why. When I see this hot little prince, I always think of that
guy." Although Master Pei thought so, he didn't take it seriously.

After all, although the hot little prince has never revealed his identity,
everyone thinks he must be an Alpha, and Shao Ci is a Beta with
considerable strength. Even if Pei Shi sees the hot little prince, he will not
treat him. Compare with Shao Ci.

"Even if it looks like it, it's not going to be a loser to me, anyway." Master
Pei sneered.

After the group stage is over, the last ten people selected are almost the
ten most powerful people in this game, of course, they also contain some
elements of luck.

By this time, their popularity has almost reached its peak, and the most
noticed of them is the hot prince who has never failed, but unlike the
beginning, most people now think that the hot prince must be He is a
veteran who has more than ten years of combat experience.

Compared to this middle-aged person, obviously Pei

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

40: Future ABo (ten) (2)
Students like teachers are more promising.
Shao Ci was so passive as a middle-aged man that he was not happy at all.

Moreover, it is still half a month before the finals officially begin, and in
the middle of this, all kinds of publicity must be started, and some players
selling around (Shao Ci was surprised when he saw it).

However, even with these things, Shao Ci did not know why it took so long
... Considering the original plot, Shao Ci felt that other reasons should be
secondary, the main reason was to allow Pei Master to upgrade.

Yes, the next thing to start is the very important plot in the original text.

In this plot, the force value of Pei Shi will surpass Edwin.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

41: Future ABo (11)
In the original text, not long after, the five major military colleges of the
Empire will be united to host a game on a very remote planet.

In the original text, Teacher Pei naturally also went.

It was a rather dangerous planet, filled with virgin forests with tall trees,
and there were countless terrible beasts and poisonous plants.

These alien beasts have a low IQ and cannot be separated from this planet,
which is far less than the Zerg threat, but it is also quite difficult for these
students who cannot use mech and only weapons.

Pei Shijian relied on his strong physical fitness and reaction ability to mix it
with water. After that, he found a mineral-enhancing ore in a hidden cave.
His physical strength went directly to the next level, which directly inspired
him. The royal blood in the body found that his father was actually the

It can be said that this plot is a major turning point in the original text.
Generally speaking, you can't rob the original protagonist. If this is not done
well, the world will focus on it and eat the bento directly, but when you
think of the ore that can enhance your physical ability, Shao Ci is a little

However, these things are afterwards. The most important thing to worry
about now is how to do daily tasks after binding Shi Peijian!

Compared with Shi Pei, Shao Ci felt that the people he knew before were
all little angels.

Even if Shao Ci is no longer willing, this day will soon come.

As long as you are a freshman, you have to go, even if you are running
around. Shao Ci also did not know if the original owner had come to hang
around at that time, had he ever thought about the day when he still had to
play, after all, he was fired directly in the original text.

Everyone was excited to board the spacecraft. The Imperial Military

Academy is arguably the best of the five military academies. The number of
noble royal families is also the most. The spacecraft is naturally not much
worse. It can be compared with some luxurious luxury ships. Even the
rooms are double rooms.

Then the problem came.

Shao Ci and Ji Zhaoyun were separated into a room.

After learning about this, Shao Ci almost got the heart of his dog. The more
he didn't want to happen, the more he came. He seems to be getting worse
lately ... But as long as it is not in the same room as Master Pei It's ok.

A dainty young master like Ji Zhaoyun naturally prepared a lot of luggage

when he went out. After all, how could he be a casual general in the wild.

Shao Ci casually packed a few clothes and some things that felt useful in
the wild, and then came out to help Ji Zhaoyun carry the suitcase.
"No need," Ji Zhaoyun glanced over and said, "Just like your fragile body,
helping me carry my luggage, others thought I was treating you badly. And
I also have room for buttons."

Shao Ci was relieved that he might not be able to carry his luggage for so
long ... I forgot about the setting of the space button, but in the future, the
space button is also very expensive. People who come to put mecha on
board will be people like Ji Zhaoyun.

Shao Ci was preparing to go out, mentioning his own, but was stopped by
Ji Zhaoyun. He looked indifferent, "Bring your luggage too."

"Well?" Shao was shocked.

How can Ji Zhaoyun, who is so disgusted with Beta, be willing to put other
people's things with his own things? And this other person is still his
housekeeper, and his favorability to him is still zero.

However, people always change, and Shao Ci didn't think too much, and
handed the luggage to Ji Zhaoyun.

After the academies gathered together, they began to board the spacecraft,
and Pei Shijian and Edwin who were most concerned about were separated
into one.

After the spaceship was opened, everyone couldn't calm down and gathered
in the spaceship's training ground to exercise.

Ji Zhaoyun was no exception. Before preparing for training, he received a

message, frowned, and came to a relatively remote corridor of the

Edwin had been waiting here for a long time. He looked like thousands of
miles away from outsiders, and no one dared to approach even the most
lively place.

"What do you want me to do?" Ji Zhaoyun raised his eyebrows and said
impatiently. "My time is precious."
"Changing rooms," Edwin said coldly, disgusted but forced to speak.

Ji Zhaoyun snorted coldly. "If I don't want to, you can change it if you want
to change it. Where can I put my face?"

"Aren't you admiring Master Pei?" Edwin was almost impatient, and said,
"Now you have the opportunity to get in close contact with him. Are you
still unhappy?"

When Edwin mentioned Master Pei, Ji Zhaoyun was surprised.

During this time, after playing against the little prince, he unknowingly left
Pei Shi's affairs behind him. Even in the finals of the virtual machine game,
he didn't pay attention to those matches played by Shi Pei.

In the past, the overflowing adoration in my heart has disappeared

completely now, remembering that Pei Shi felt no different from a

Yeah, because now he has found a better person. Pei Shi is no longer

"That's a thing of the past, now I've ..." Ji Zhaoyun seemed to think of
someone, his expression was a little complicated, and then he said
directly: "In short, I have no interest in Master Pei anymore, are you and
him not friends? Just don't want to live with him? "

If Shi Pei knew that he had been suspected of being abandoned by these
two people, he would be furious if he was pushed back and forth.

"You know what my purpose is for," Edwin said directly, "you have
whatever conditions you say."

"Huh, I don't know where a Beta got your attention." Ji Zhaoyun said,
"Even if you do, don't think about changing the room anymore, I will never
agree ... I still have something, No more wasting time with guys like you. "

After speaking, Ji Zhaoyun turned and left without hesitation.

Edwin looked at Ji Zhaoyun's back, his green eyes were frozen, his eyes
were boiling.

On the other hand, Shao Ci is lying in the room after dinner. When he
thinks about the situation he will face later, where is the mood to exercise,
he should enjoy it while there is still a good life That's right.

And now staying in a room with Ji Zhaoyun, if the inhibitor expires, it will
be over. Shao Ci thought about it, took out the medicine bottle and took a
pill, then he felt relieved.

Damn, whoever came up with this terrible setting of ABo, I always feel that
it is not enough to end it. Hey.

Although Shao Ci did not want Master Pei to upgrade, he also hoped that he
would upgrade quickly so that he could leave the world as soon as possible.

Shao Ci felt sleepy after taking the medicine, and fell asleep in bed.

I don't know when the door opened, and Ji Zhaoyun's figure appeared at the

Seeing Shao Ci sleeping, Ji Zhaoyun did not speak, but closed the door
tightly and walked slowly to the bed.

Shao Ci wasn't sleeping very securely, his brows frowned slightly, as if he

had dreamed of something not so good.

Ji Zhaoyun stretched out his hand and gently brushed Shao Ci's eyebrows.
The movement was subtle and stiff. He had never tried to touch others so

The next moment Shao Ci's eyelashes trembled suddenly, but Ji Zhaoyun
froze, but did not retract his hand.

After waiting for a while, Shao Ci apparently showed no signs of waking up

and continued to fall asleep.
"... take a good rest." Ji Zhaoyun whispered, then lowered his head, and
gently kissed Shao Ci's cheek.

"Well ..." Shao said loudly.

Ji Zhaoyun's white cheeks turned red instantly. He raised his head in a

panic, and then saw Shao's speech that was completely silent, and his heart
was frustrated.

"Abominable, you liar, so cunning ... you know it all the time, but you
never tell me, do you want to see my joke?"

Ji Zhaoyun said, remembering that when he met for the first time, he had a
whip for Shao to spend the night, and his mood was a little low.

"To me, what do you think ..."

Ji Zhaoyun looked at Shao Ci, bowed his head with arrogance, and kissed
Shao Ci's lips. I just felt that the other's lips were so soft. I was a little
intoxicated for a while, and tried to put the tip of my tongue between the
other's lips and teeth.

Then the sound of sticky water rang in the quiet room.

I do n’t know how long it took before Ji Zhaoyun raised his head flushed,
wiped off the silver thread on his lips, unconsciously unbuttoned Shao Ci ’s
uniform, reached out and held Shao Ci ’s body, and lowered his head to bite
gently Shao Ci's white slender neck.

Even though it was already faint, he could still smell the faint aroma after
being so close, reminding him of the day when he challenged each other,
and the night before,

He never said to Shao Ci, even if the room was full of messy perfume, the
faint smell of omega was so obvious that no breath could be covered, just
by smelling it gently People are addicted to it.
And now, if he bites like this, he will be marked by himself, and he can
only belong to himself.

However, Ji Zhaoyun let go of his mouth and looked at the extremely calm
Shao Ci who slept, and stretched out his hands and pinched Shao Ci's
cheek, "You fool."

Only the next day, the spacecraft reached its destination. This is a star that
looks very beautiful from afar. The danger hidden in it is completely
invisible from the outside.

This planet is usually scarcely visited by anyone. After all, it is dangerous

and has no resources to mine. No one will come except for some people
who like adventure.

Shao Ci yawned as he got off the spaceship. He fell asleep so early

yesterday, why is he still so sleepy today.

And I do n’t know why I always feel a little pain in my neck, I do n’t know
if I fell asleep improperly ... Shao Ci had no idea what happened yesterday,
and I felt very calm all day.

The only problem is that Ji Zhaoyun didn't know what kind of temper he
was getting out of early in the morning, of course, this is a common thing.

The quality of the air on this planet is very good, smelling a refreshing
feeling, looking up, there is a continuous forest without end.

It feels good to look at it from such a distance, but it is a bit unpleasant to

think of spending the next few days in it.

People from other colleges have almost arrived. The crowd gathered in a
rather rudimentary base. In just such a short time, many students have
already argued with students from other colleges.

However, Shao Ci noticed that there was a young man surrounded by

people in the college next door. His looks looked familiar, which made
Shao Ci subconsciously take a few more glances.
Ji Zhaoyun next to him was not happy at the time. "What's so beautiful?"
Looking at Shao Ci's gaze, he found out that he was a handsome young
man, and immediately snorted, "That guy is not as good-looking as me."
Shao Ci: "..." Why do you have to compete on this kind of problem!

The young man also noticed Shao's speech and turned to smile at him

Ji Zhaoyun was angry again, blocking Shao directly, "Don't watch."

Shao Ci did not know where he looked at the next student a few times, but
he finally remembered that this young man was not the Zerg youth he had
encountered on the spacecraft before? !!

Suddenly, I did not expect to meet again in this kind of place. I did not
expect that the undercover of the Zerg actually went into the five major
military colleges ... but this is also a normal thing.

The zerg of this world and the zerg of the previous world are still quite
different. The most important thing is that the lower zerg of the other party
cannot be transformed into human figures, while the higher zerg can change
their posture at will, and their mental and military values are born
naturally. Just strong.

Such a high-level Zerg ran undercover, and it was normal to be able to

directly enter the five military academies ... even in such a severe situation,
Pei Shi could drive these Zerg out, thanks to the protagonist's aura.

Anyway, the last time he walked fast, the other party didn't see his face, and
Shao Ci turned his head casually, so he didn't want to be involved with this
kind of Zerg villain.

Although the Imperial Military Academy is famous for its royal support, it
is not the most powerful one. Other colleges have their own advantages.
People in each college are very unpleasant to others, and they have to
compete every few years, and the winning college can become the first
college in these years.

This competition is about training the students' ability to survive in the

wild. The content is to walk physically in this virgin forest to reach the end.
It is not possible to use mechs and weapons of great lethality. Only cold
weapons can be used.

When speaking outside, it is said to cultivate the spirit of solidarity and

solidarity, but everyone secretly knows that if they can get ahead in this
competition, it can be said that they can win glory for the college and get
more opportunities in the future. Very desperate.

Of course, there are safety guarantees in such a dangerous place. Each

student has received a distress device. If there is any serious problem
related to life and safety, press the distress device and a teacher will
immediately go to the rescue.

However, it will be considered as a waiver automatically after pressing,

which is a relatively shameful approach.

Shao Ci didn't care whether to lose face or not. His weak omega physique
still had to walk in the forest for a few days or something. If you think
about it, it's impossible. You might as well abstain. It was just a shame to
abstain from the beginning, and insisted on abstaining for two or three days.

The teacher told the crowd some precautions, and then the lottery was
divided into groups. Each group of two people must stay together for these
days. If one party abstains from voting, the other party is also disqualified.

Pei Shi ’s student number is in a relatively advanced position, and he went

directly to the stage, and he just arbitrarily clicked on the screen, and
suddenly a number stopped.
Everyone in the audience was very excited. They all knew how strong Pei
Shijian was. If they could be divided into a group with Pei Shishi, it would
be great. This time, maybe they can get unprecedented good results.

Shao Ci did not pay any attention to the above scenes. According to the plot
in the original text, Shi Peijian was grouped with Ji Zhaoyun this time, and
it was not about his own business at all.

Then Master Pei said, "No. 154."

Wait, why is this number familiar?

Shao Ci held an unbelievable mood and looked down at his student number,
one hundred and fifty-four.

"Student Shao Ci, what a coincidence, it seems that we are really

destined." Master Pei stepped down with a smile, stood in front of Shao
Ci, and stretched out his hand, "Please take care of me." What fate, is
this unlucky at all? !!

Why did Ji Zhaoyun in the original text become him ... Originally, I felt
that this game would only be a bit harder, but now Shao Ci felt like he
might be killed.

Even though this game has been done as safely as possible, the situation in
the forest is unpredictable after all, and many students died unexpectedly in
previous years. In the original text, Master Pei also killed many other
colleges to challenge him. He can imagine his future!

In the complex eyes of those around him, Shao Ci almost stiffened and
stretched out his hand, holding it with Pei's hand, only feeling that the cold
sweat on his body had come down, "Please take care of ..."

On the other side, Edwin and Ji Zhaoyun were in the same group.
Obviously, neither of them expected this to happen.
Seeing this situation, Edwin came over and proposed to act with the group
Pei Jian. The reason was: "After all, two people are still too few, or four
people are more confident, and they can take turns to watch at night. It ’s
also much more secure. "

What Edwin said is still very reasonable, because of this relationship, quite
a lot of people go in groups of four, some are six or eight together.

Pei Shi naturally has no opinion, and strong teammates such as Edwin and
Ji Zhaoyun have also helped him to achieve the first place.

As for Shao Ci ... Pei Shi smiled slightly. Since he came to this planet, he
was not ready to let Shao Ci leave alive.

Ji Zhaoyun gave a cold hum and gave Shao a glance. "For your weak part, I
just promised to come over."

Shao Ci grabbed Ji Zhaoyun's hand with excitement and said, "Thank you
very much, you are so good!"

This has saved his life! Although he knew that Ji Zhaoyun should be here
for Shi Peijian, and he just said that sentence just to hide his love for Pei
Shijiao, but Shao Ci was very moved.

Ji Zhaoyun froze, then blushed directly, and hurriedly said, "What are you
doing? Who allowed you to grab my hand?"

Although saying so, he did not mean to break free at all.

Edwin noticed the movement here, and looked at the place where the two
hands touched, his eyes were cold.

In this way, four people moved forward in the direction of the forest
together. Although there were students from other colleges on the road,
everyone just nodded and walked away. No one would go the same way as
those who were their opponents. Calculate.
Although the force value of this group of people is very high, Shao Ci has
no expectations ... It always feels good for these people not to do anything,
especially between Shi Pei and the opportunity. It is good for everyone to
reach the end. .

The beginning of the journey was very smooth. The road became more and
more difficult to follow, and there were all kinds of shrubs. When the other
three Alphas were still alive, Shao's speech was gone, and he was tired and

Fortunately, the three people are all Alpha. Shao can still use the reason that
he is a Beta to obscure the past. If there is a Beta in the team to compare
with Shao, he will have no face at all.

"I knew you were going to be like this." Ji Zhaoyun turned around and
looked disgusted. "At first glance, you know that we are going to drag
down our team. If it doesn't work, I won't be able to carry you."

Shao Ci was scared to death. Ji Zhaoyun's first half was okay. Anyway, he
was used to ridicule ... but what was the second half? !!

Is Ji Zhaoyun such a kind person? Actually, he was willing to carry a Beta

student who was not his teammate in such a match. Shao Ci also felt that he
would whisper that the two teams were parting ways.

Even if Ji Zhaoyun had not discriminated against Beta as before because of

the influence of the hot prince, he would not be so kind. It feels like people
have set up ooc!

"Don't you want to?" Ji Zhaoyun narrowed his eyes. "I don't dislike it, do
you really want to?"

"No, it's not, it's just ..." Shao Ci quickly explained, "I think I can hold on a
bit more, or don't bother you."

Rather than Ji Zhaoyun walking on his back, he might as well stick to his
teeth first.
"Huh," Ji Zhaoyun said, "then keep walking. Don't ask me if you can't
move at that time."

Shao Ci gritted his teeth and continued for a while, and then he couldn't
stand it. He almost tripped over a few roots. When he was about to fall, he
was directly supported by Edwin, who had been watching him secretly.

Edwin, because of Shao ’s orders, was still subtle and kept a distance from
Shao ’s before, but now there are only four people, he does n’t care so
much, he said, “It ’s not the way to go. My strength Stronger than Ji
Zhaoyun, you can better protect yourself, let me carry you. "

Edwin also stepped on Ji Zhaoyun secretly when recommending himself.

However, Shao Ci feels very agreeable to this, because Edwin's words are
indeed the truth. Whoever sees the target selected by the system knows that
the two of them have a higher force value.

"What do you mean?" Ji Zhaoyun immediately became upset and glared at

Edwin. "Do you mean I'm not as good as you?"

"I don't mean that," Edwin said lightly. "It's just telling the truth."

Ji Zhaoyun's face was ugly. The most important thing was that he couldn't
refute it. He could only grab Shao Ci's hand. "Say, who do you want to

Shao Ci: "??????" Why is this happening in this case? !!

And Shi Peijian is still watching right now!

Edwin wouldn't even care about it. But if Ji Zhaoyun is not allowed to
memorize this time, he will definitely get into more troublesome things.
After all, he is such a person who is capable of doing things.

As for Edwin, Shao Ci was very relieved to Edwin. After all, Edwin has
always been so reliable, and his personality is much better than Ji Zhaoyun.
He should be able to understand his choice this time.
So Shao apologized and looked at Edwin and chose Ji Zhaoyun.

"Look, surely he chose me." Ji Zhaoyun glanced at Edwin proudly, and

backed Shao Ci on his back, and said, "You have to catch it. I don't care
when I walk Many."

Even so, Ji Zhaoyun paid great attention to it, fearing that Shao Ci would be
scratched by branches on the road.

Edwin froze for a long time, and soon fell behind the two of them.

Master Pei came over and said lightly, "Although you want to be nice to
others, some people don't seem to want to show you love."

"This matter has nothing to do with you." Edwin said: "I know exactly what
he thinks, and I can understand his approach." He understood the idea of
Shao Ci, but was still not able to accept it. Thing.

The next moment Edwin blamed himself. How could he feel that Shao Ci's
approach was wrong. Shao Ci could not be wrong. All the fault lies with Ji
Zhaoyun ... Yes, everything is Ji Zhaoyun's problem.

"Oh?" Master Pei smiled. "But your face is ugly ... Is it so difficult to admit
your inner thoughts? Do you not feel that your efforts are not rewarded?
Sometimes you just give, yes Can't get what you want. "

Although Pei Shijian didn't know exactly what happened between Edwin
and Shao Ci, he was still happy to provoke alienation. It is best to let that
**** Shao Ci experience the feeling of betrayal before leaving.

"No, I never thought about it, as long as I can stay with him ... I'm very
happy ..." Edwin suddenly gritted his teeth and looked at the two ahead, but
he had to admit that At that time, jealousy was burning in his heart, and
almost half of his reason was to be eliminated.

He never tried jealousy in his life, but since staying with Shao Ci, he has
experienced this kind of feeling almost all the time, and still has to bear the
At the beginning, it was just just wanting to stay with Shao Ci, but human
desire is endless. As long as you get one thing, you will want more.

If Shao Ci is by his side ... only he is alone.

Edwin thought about it more than once, but at this time he finally couldn't
bear it anymore.

Edwin's expression completely cooled down, gazing at the two in front of

him, but his heart was relaxed for a long time. He finally understood what
he was going to do now.

That kind of extra people shouldn't exist in the first place.

Pei Shi watched Edwin's expression change and left with a smile.

However, he didn't know that Edwin didn't think of betraying Shao Ci

because of his words, but he had the intention to kill Ji Zhaoyun.

After entering the deep forest, some strange beasts appeared.

These strange beasts are similar to ordinary animals, but they are more
terrifying, and they are very scary.

At first, when he saw a strange animal that suddenly came out, Shao Ci was
frightened, but when he saw that this strange animal was easily solved with
a knife by Master Pei, he was relieved.

Even if it looks terrible and can be solved with this ordinary weapon, it
does not seem to be difficult to deal with. Compared to the kind of zerg that
can become a human being mixed in human society, it is a bit scarier.

It was getting dark, and the four decided to find a place to rest in the forest.

Ji Zhaoyun directly brought a tent for tourism this time. It will be

automatically opened at the touch of a button. It is very labor-saving. He
also took out a lot of food and water from the space button. The
competition is still to travel.
Moreover, Ji Zhaoyun prepared a tent that was quite large and could sleep
two people.

Although Ji Zhaoyun was not very willing, everyone decided to let the two
stay vigil and then the other two take a rest, so that they took turns every
two hours.

As a result of the draw, Shao Ci and Edwin were separated, while Ji

Zhaoyun and Pei Shi were separated.

Although Ji Zhaoyun was unwilling, he thought that he had won the game
before, and also remembered Shao Ci all the way, and now the vigil simply
let it go, and there was no trouble.

There was no sound of Shi Pei lying in the tent. Even if the two were so
close together, Ji Zhaoyun completely forgot his original admiration for
Master Pei. His mind was full of Shao Ci and he couldn't sleep at all.

Although he did that kind of thing when he met for the first time, Shao Ci
kissed him the next day and stayed with him, staying with him, this time in
Edwin He chooses between him ... can you think that he is also a bit
interesting to himself?

Now thinking of the kiss from the beginning, Ji Zhaoyun was still a little
embarrassed, and a bit of sweetness rose in his heart.

Outside the tent, Shao Ci leaned against the tree listlessly and looked at
the fire in front of him. He almost fell asleep several times. He couldn't
help but yawned.

Edwin looked very distressed and said, "If you're too tired, take a break
first, and there's no problem with me."

Shao Ci shook his head and said difficultly, "No, I can't sleep now ..." What
a bad thing would happen if he fell asleep during this vigil.

I don't know when it's past zero o'clock at night, and the sound of the
system suddenly sounded in Shao's mind.
[Daily mission refresh, the current mission is [Kiss Raiders once], please
host to cheer. 】

Shao Ci immediately became sober.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

42: Future ABo (12)
I thought the system had recently converged. I didn't expect to be planning
a big move. Actually, at this time, such a task was released. Shao Ci simply
suspected that the system had ulterior motives ... No, there is no doubt at
all. This system is dedicated to Yu culture guy.

If the task of this ghost animal is not done at this time, it will be even
more difficult when everyone acts together tomorrow. Shao Ci can't
imagine himself kissing one of the three men.

But at this time, it would be too bad to kiss Edwin, and he would definitely
be regarded as a guy by the other side. Then, according to Edwin's
personality, in all likelihood he would dedicate himself directly ... That
picture is too beautiful I dare not continue to make up for it.

The only way now is to do the task while Edwin is sleeping, so no one can
see at all, hello I am good everyone.

Shao Ci let his heart down, sitting calmly by the fire and waiting.

Time was up soon, Ji Zhaoyun stepped out of the tent with dark circles,
stared straight at Shao Ci and Edwin, and saw that the two were not sitting
very close, so he was relieved.

Ji Zhaoyun hadn't slept at all for the past two hours, but was thinking about
all sorts of messy things, and worried that Edwin would take the
opportunity to seduce Shao Ci ... Yes, at this time Ji Zhaoyun's brain
supplement Edwin has become the kind of junior who wants to step in
between him and Shao.
Pei Shi had slept well, then got up well, and she didn't care about the
problem between the other three people.

"Then we'll rest first." Shao Ci almost drowsyly climbed into the tent, his
eyes could not be opened.

I have to say that Ji Zhaoyun really does not treat himself in the enjoyment.
This tent is quite soundproof, and immediately after entering, it quiets
down. All outside noises are isolated, and the mats on the floor are not
made of any material. It is extremely comfortable to lie down, as if you
really returned to your room ... No, it is better to say that Shao Ci's own
room is not so good.

Edwin, however, was sitting at the outermost place, quite alert, without the
appearance of going to sleep.

How can he do the task without sleeping? Shao Ci quickly said: "It's so late,
you should come and rest, and wait two hours later to continue vigil."

"How can I lie by your side and fall asleep?" Edwin hurriedly said, "I just
need to sit here. I don't trust other people. I should protect you in such a
dangerous situation. "

Shao Ci said, "... At least for now, you don't care so much. Come and have
a good rest."

Edwin: "But I ..."

"It's already very hard during the day. How can I sustain it if I don't sleep at
night?" Shao Ci racked his brains and thought about the reason, "If you
don't rest now, you won't be able to concentrate tomorrow, even Alpha's
body will It's not iron. "

"That's the same thing, then I'm offended." Edwin thought about it too, a
little embarrassed to sit next to Shao Ci, and then lie down.
The distance between the two was so close that Edwin's breathing slowed
down subconsciously, and his hands subconsciously held down his chest,
fearing that his extremely rapid heartbeat would be heard by Shao Ci.

If there is no task to do, lying in such a place, Shao can fall asleep within
ten seconds, but now he has to support the spirit for the task and constantly
look at Edwin.

Seeing that Edwin lying there was almost asleep, Shao Ci stood up and
moved silently to Edwin.

Edwin slept quietly, her soft blonde hair spread out, and when she fell
asleep, her expression was very cold, and her appearance was exquisite like

When Shao Ci first met him, he never expected that one day he would stay
with him like that.

"I'm sorry ... I ..." Shao Ci's subtle guilt felt, sighed, reached out and gently
pried Edwin's hair, then he leaned down and pointed at the pale lips Go on.

Shao Ci, who was nervously doing the task, didn't find out that Edwin, who
was supposed to sleep very well, clenched his hands, and his ears were
unnaturally crimson.

Yes, Edwin did not fall asleep. How could it be that he stayed beside Shao
Ci so casually when Shao Ci got closer, he thought what the other party was
going to do, and was always very nervous. He resigned to kiss him.

Edwin suffered a great shock in his heart. He never thought that he would
have a relationship with Shao Ci that surpassed the current relationship. He
would be happy as long as he stayed with Shao Ci, although he
occasionally wanted to be with Shao. He got closer, but never thought of
doing such a thing.

Rather than thinking about it, it is better not to think about it. Edwin's
mind almost held Shao Ci on the altar. Such a person with himself is a
blasphemy against each other.
The moment the two lips touched each other, the system completed the task
prompt sounded, at the same time, the tent was suddenly opened.

Ji Zhaoyun, who was looking for excuses because he was not assured, saw
this scene as soon as the probe came in.

The next moment, the shrill sound of the torn fabric of the tent sounded,
and Ji Zhaoyun could hardly believe his eyes, clutching the tent torn by

Shao Ci was startled and looked up directly, "?!"

Well, this is a dog blood plot. Hey, this plot that was hit when stealing a
kiss from someone else, why is it used for these three people who have no
feelings of friendship or more at all?

It is better to say that the three of them have no friendship.

Fortunately, Ji Zhaoyun had no interest in him, Shao Ci thought for a while,

and had to use the method of being a **** guy (and it is normal for a Beta
to like Alpha in this world!), Although it is shameful, but it is better than
It's good to be a pervert who will sneak attack on others.

"... I didn't expect to be seen by you." Shao Ci looked flustered, and then
said, "This, in fact, I have always liked ..."

"Don't say it." Ji Zhaoyun directly interrupted what Shao Ci was about to

Shao Ci: "Ah?" Is there anything you can't say?

"How can you ... how can this be?" Ji Zhaoyun's face was extremely ugly.
He walked over quickly and grabbed Shao Ci's hand. "It's clear that the
person you like is me, isn't it? How can you be right? When others do this,
they have to confess to me. "

Shao Ci: "Ah ????"

Wait, when he didn't know, Ji Zhaoyun just made up any mess.

"No ... have you misunderstood something ..." Shao Ci struggled to

organize the language.

"Misunderstanding?" Ji Zhaoyun was almost furious, gritted his teeth and

said, "Okay, then, if you misunderstand, if you don't like me, then why did
you kiss me when you first met?"

Shao Ci: "Ah? Then, that thing is actually because of ..." Why should such
a thing that should have been silent in the past still be taken out for

Obviously he himself had forgotten this black history, but Ji Zhaoyun never

"Actually, I did that because I lost my mind when I was beaten by a whip."
Shao Ci finally thought of the reason, "I'm really sorry ..." But after that, Ji
Zhaoyun returned in revenge. Although using that method.

"What do you mean? Do you want to deny what you have done? You are
just throwing it all out ... no, in fact, you just want to play with me?" Ji
Zhaoyun gritted his teeth, "because I was right at first You, that's why you
retaliate against me like this. "

Obviously at the beginning, it was just a few whip. What does it have to do
with the chaos, is he not aware of ABo's worldview? !!

Shao Ci always feels that there is a deviation between his understanding

and Ji Zhaoyun. "No, I don't mean that. I would have retaliated if I wanted
to retaliate against you, and the person you like is not hot and small ... 唔
唔... "

Ji Zhaoyun seemed so angry that he rushed over and pressed Shao Ci to the
ground, lowering his head and biting at Shao Ci's lips.

Shao speech: "!!!!!!"

At this point, Shao Ci's heart was aggressive, why did things develop so far.
Why does a person who doesn't like him have a shocking word that can
only appear in a dog-blood TV series after smashing him into a strong kiss
with another person, and then doing such a terrible thing? !!

Actually, I am dreaming ... If Ji Zhaoyun does not despise Beta, it will

become like this, it is better to be his original Alpha guy who likes Alpha!

Then Ji Zhaoyun raised his head. It seemed to be much calmer, but his
expression was calm and abnormal. He reached out and stroked Shao Ci's
face, as if asking Shao Ci, but in fact he was persuading himself, "I know
what you really like It ’s me. The previous ones were just awkward, right.
The reason why I did this to Edwin was just to stimulate me. It ’s okay ... I
can understand. ”

Shao Ci: "... Do you know my true identity?" No matter how you think
about it, this is the only possibility.

"Yeah, I already knew that." Ji Zhaoyun said, "You didn't say anything to
me right, right? You said that you want me to enter the role of mech
contest, it's all to inspire me, right? ? "

Ji Zhaoyun's tone does not seem to be asking a question at all, but it seems
to be coercion.

Shao Ci: "... Yes, right." If he said at this time in fact what he had just said,
he would have been beaten by Ji Zhaoyun.

However, it's still difficult to figure out what Ji Zhaoyun thinks. He knew
this kind of thing and could hide it for so long. It was totally unscientific.

"I know ... you are all for me, it's okay, I won't be angry." Ji Zhaoyun
smiled suddenly, then leaned down and hugged Shao Ci.

However, Shao Ci was scared to death by Ji Zhaoyun with such a good

Then Ji Zhaoyun looked to the side and said coldly, "Okay, now someone
doesn't have to pretend to sleep?"

Edwin sat up suddenly next to him, a pair of blue eyes were cold, and
looked at Ji Zhaoyun with the same eyes as the dead.

Shao Ci: "Are you awake?" Wait, what happened to pretend to sleep, did
Edwin just fall asleep? Shao Ci suddenly felt that he might not live

"Yes," Edwin said. "I woke up and I know what you did."

"..." Shao Ci was about to spit out old blood, "No, no, no, it's not what you
think ... actually ..."

"I don't mind," Edwin said, "I just want to know why you did that ... I can
accept it for whatever reason."

"What more reason?" Ji Zhaoyun said coldly, "Isn't it just playing with

"You ..." Edwin gritted his teeth and looked at Ji Zhaoyun, almost unable to
suppress the dark emotions in his heart, and punched him in the face with a

When Ji Zhaoyun didn't respond, he actually started directly, fell to the

ground, coughed a few times, covered his bruised cheek, sneered, and
looked at Edwin. "I was hit by it Well, it looks like you know a lot about
yourself, and know that it is impossible for him to have you in his heart. If
so, why not quit early? "

"You're looking for death." Edwin looked at Ji Zhaoyun coldly.

"Everything is spoken under threat. I really don't know where you came
from to show off your courage."

"Well, what's wrong with my showing off?" Ji Zhaoyun looked at Edwin

angrily. "You slut, on the surface, looks so high, but in the back he seduce
someone's partner with a shameless face, thinking he is a prince. Is your
cousin great? "

"What did you say?" Edwin sneered. "You know exactly what's going on.
Don't look at who you are trying to slap others on, you must be very clear."
Shao Ci, who was still lying on the ground, said: "???" Why wait for these
two guys to tear up so much? Hey, and Ji Zhaoyun's lines are really bad.

Regardless, at this time, escape is more important.

Shao Ci ran to a safe place, hiding behind the tree, and saw that the two
people there had already taken out their respective prepared weapons and
fought, all of which were to cause each other to die.

Fortunately, this game said that they ca n’t bring mechs, otherwise if they
take out mechs to fight ... then this incident will directly affect the entire
academy. No, not only the entire academy, but also the five major colleges.

When the beating there was fierce, a hand suddenly rested on Shao Ci's
shoulder, and a voice sounded, "Don't you think that instead of paying
attention to others at this time, you should not pay more attention to the
surrounding environment? ? "

Shao Ci turned his head abruptly, and saw Pei Shi with a smile on his face,
his heart was suddenly shocked.

Pei Shijian said: "I really didn't expect that a Beta could let them both do
this for you, but now this is all over."

Shao Ci hurriedly said: "Wait, if I die, you won't be able to complete the
mission ?! Don't you want to win the first place in this competition?"

"You're right, I'm really troubled in this case." Shi Peijian said: "However,
the rule says that if one party abstains from voting, the other party will be
disqualified, but what will happen if one party dies?" Wouldn't it be okay
to lie down? !!
Shao Ci stepped back subconsciously, but suddenly stepped on the air, his
body fell backwards.

Was there a **** before? Shao Ci couldn't remember how, after all, he had
been carried away by Ji Zhaoyun all the way, without paying attention to
the surrounding terrain.

At this critical moment, Shao Ci suddenly seized Pei ’s clothes, but did not
expect that Pei ’s room did not stand still, and the two fell down together.

This is a very steep hillside, and the two people rolled down from above.
Shao Ci only felt that there was no place in his body that was not painful,
and the whole person could not move when lying on the ground.

On the other side, Shi Pei ’s room is okay. He patted the dust on his clothes
just like an okay person. After all, he is an Alpha, and his physique is much
higher than Shao Ci.

"I didn't expect to be counted by you, but thanks to you, this kind of place is
a good place to kill people. Do n’t worry about being found, right?" Master
Pei raised an eyebrow and looked at Shao Ci, his face With a smile, it
seemed as if he could not escape when he was injured, and walked slowly
at an extremely slow speed.

Shao Ci, lying on the ground, quickly healed himself with the healing
power. Fortunately, this plug-in of the system was really powerful, and the
wound just scratched out was healed at the same time. So as not to find
clues between Master Pei.

"You are the person I see the least." Pei Shi went to Shao Ci, took out the
dagger, propped his other hand on the cheek, and said softly, "I saw you for
the first time in the college. At that time, I still remember your arrogant
expression, when you said that people like me who came out of the slums
were absolutely impossible to come forward, it was a bit of nostalgia. "
Shao Ci: "..." In fact, he did not do this.

"At the time, other people who ridiculed me had left college a long time
ago. Only you have been dangling in front of my eyes." Master Pei sneered.
"It's really a haunting soul. If it were not without conditions, I would never
Let you live till now. "

Shao Ci: "!" He didn't want to stay in the academy and always bumped into
Pei's room. It was very shocking to be shocked at first!

But now this situation can't be helped anymore. Shao gritted his teeth.
"Don't you know my heart? Actually, I didn't ridicule you because I didn't
look down on you, but wanted to attract your attention!"

It was forcibly washed away, and Shao Ci also tentatively said, as for the
chance of success is very small.

"Shut up." Master Pei's face sank directly, and he stabbed a small knife into
Shao Ci's wrist, so he stuck his hand to the ground.

There was a sudden cold sweat on Shao's forehead, but under the mask of
systemic pain, this feeling was almost like the feeling of being bitten by a
kitten or puppy, not very painful.

"Are you kidding me? Do you think I will believe what you say?" Master
Pei said, "After you win me, I can't make you alive anymore."

Especially, if you have a species, you will kill everyone who has won you!

Shao Ci was almost furious, but remembered that in the original text,
Master Shi Pei really even killed the bear child who had beaten him up in
the welfare home when he was a kid ... It is a cruel man who must not
offend, but he has offended What else can I do!

"Where can I get started?" Master Pei suddenly drew the knife out and
looked at Shaoci with a smile. "If it's so easy to kill you, isn't it just right?"

Shao Ci's hand was shrunk back, fearing that Master Pei would go crazy
and stab a few knives.
"That being the case, then I will waste your limbs first, and then give you
half an hour to escape, how about it?" Shi Peijian said to himself: "If you
can escape, I will Let your life go. "

Shao Ci's face was hard to look at: "No ..."

This is exactly the villain in the horror movie. I actually came up with such
disgusting things. I originally knew that Pei Shijian was a very obsessive
male lead, but I didn't expect it to be so abnormal.

"Well, that's it. I think I can die in this way. You must be very happy, too?"
Said Pei Shi, he firmly grasped Shao Ci's other hand, and the knife
immediately turned towards Shao. Stab in the direction of the wrist.

This is the time!

Shao Ci took a deep breath, and his spiritual power rushed directly towards

When attacked by mental powers, Master Shi had a brief moment.

This is the opportunity! Shao Ci suddenly got up, pressed Pei Shijian
directly, and seized the knife in his hand.

After Master Pei reacted, he suddenly looked at Shao Ci, "You have such a
strong mental power?"

During his lifetime, Shi Pei never saw anyone stronger than his own mental
strength. After testing the SSS level of mental strength, he realized that his
mental strength might be the strongest in the empire, but now he is actually
Someone is better than him ... and this man is still so unbearable as before.

"Yeah, what about that? Compared to that kind of thing, you have to worry
about yourself." Shao Ci gave back what Pei said before.

At that moment, Shao Ci ’s mental power suddenly collided with Pei ’s

mental power, which instantly suppressed Pei ’s spiritual power, and he
could n’t even move his body completely. How arrogant he was just now
and how embarrassed he is now But Shi Pei said with a chuckle: "Since I'm
not as good as anyone, you can do whatever you like. Don't use any fist
such a useless thing, how about using the knife in your hand?"

Shao Ci was silent immediately: "..."

"Can't you?" Master Pei said as if he knew Shao Ci wouldn't do anything to

him: "After all, you're a mediocre person, mediocre is annoying, people like
you in this world Enough is enough, even a few deaths don't matter. "

"How do you know I won't do it?" Shao Ci raised his wrist, and the wound
on it healed as soon as the knife was pulled back from Master Pei, but the
psychological trauma was scared by Master Pei before. It won't disappear
so easily.

Although it would not be possible to kill Master Shi, it would be better if he

did not kill him?

Shao Ci looked at Pei Shi ’s pair of slender hands, and he felt strangely
calm in his heart. He said lightly, "Your hands look good." Then he dug
deep into the knife without hesitation. Blood splattered.

Shao Ci didn't want to do anything terrible, he just wanted to do

everything Pei said. Pei Shi should be very happy if he can enjoy those
things he said.

"Well ......!" Pei division between Yaozhu Ya can not help it put up in the
past, he may not have that kind of pain Shao resigned shield plug-in, and
then he just pulled a mocking smile, the "so little? That's for me That ’s
not enough. ".

"That's what you said. And this hand here, too ..." Although Shao Ci was a
little hesitant at the beginning, when he saw Pei Shi's face, he hesitated
most of the time. .

Deeply pierced the wrist of the other hand again, and the Master Pei
groaned suddenly, and the cold sweat on his face slipped down. He gasped,
but still provoked Shao, "That's it Do you still want to torture me? "
Shao Ci has been doing nothing forever. Master Pei is going to kill him
anyway. It is useless to hold his thighs. It is better to let out the anger of this
time now ... Although it is used for later serenity For the price.

However, they have already played the plot of Shuluochang of Edwin and
Ji Zhaoyun. Shao Ci felt that the two words of tranquility probably missed

So I tossed back and forth a few times in this way. The clothes on Shi Pei ’s
body seemed to be taken out of the water. His body was covered with
blood, and he had almost passed out lying on the ground.

Originally, Shao Ci was tired enough to use mental power. Now he still has
to torture Pei Shi, even more tired and anxious to fall down and fall asleep,
but if he falls asleep in front of Pei Jian, it will cause terrible things to
happen. of.

Then something more terrible happened. Shao Ci's body suddenly became
hot ... Suddenly, he suddenly realized that the terrible estrus period had
come again!

But the medicine to suppress estrus is still in the tent. I don't know if Edwin
and Ji Zhaoyun hit the place in the tent to destroy the medicine ... but there
is nothing to do if it is not destroyed. He can't go back to get the medicine

Why all these messy things have come together, and sure enough this is the
fate of cannon fodder.

Shao Ci lowered his head and looked at Pei Shijian, who was close to a
coma. He gritted his teeth and walked towards the vicinity. In short, he
could not stay with an Alpha during the estrus. This time, it was even
cheaper. As for the estrus, you should endure it, and go back there at dawn.

Shao Ciying got up, and walked in a more hidden direction beside him. His
eyes were full of trees, and he thought to himself, if at this time he
encountered any strange beast, he would be finished.
Then it was as if the original male lead had been beaten up by this world,
and a strange beast suddenly emerged from the side.

This is a giant worm with a height of one person. It looks very scary. You
can become a villain in a horror game without pS at all. Of course, it is still
a bit inadequate to be a villain BoSS.

Shao Ci: "!" Wouldn't it be necessary to come so fast, didn't he just hit the
original male lead! Well, hitting the original male lead is indeed a serious

Although it's been a while since I finished using my mental power ... but if I
use it now, my body may not be able to sustain it.

Shao Ci gritted his teeth and wanted to continue to use his only attacking
mental power, but fell to the ground because his energy was exhausted.
Naturally, no mental power was used.

At this time, the giant worm was approaching again, and Shao Ci could
almost see the tusks of the worm. He felt a little stun in his heart, did he say
that he would eat such a bento!

At this critical moment, the giant worm hesitated, then took a few steps
back, and finally ran away like a natural enemy.

Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, and waited. This was not the time to relax.
He tried his best to support his body and looked up, and he saw a blond and
blue eyes standing not far away, looking at it with a smile. Kind youth.

"Coincidentally ... we're meeting again." The young man greeted with a

Shao Ci was startled, "Thank you very much for this time ... Really, it's a
coincidence. I didn't expect you to remember me." Isn't this guy the same
Zerg! No wonder the giant worm was scared away, probably because of the
smell of the zerg, but why is it at this time ...
"Of course I remember you." The young man came slowly to him, reached
out and raised Shao's chin. "After all, you saved me on the spacecraft, and
I certainly won't forget the life-saving benefactor."

More than a life-saving benefactor, he was the one who ran away after
making him estrus.

Shao Ci felt so lucky that he had not been beaten. "..."

However, he was totally miscalculated this time. Sure enough, the Zerg
can't fool past creatures without seeing them. They can distinguish people
by their sense of smell.

Now it seems that it is no accident that he meets this young man here. The
other party should follow him by taste.

Shao Ci thought about not being able to disclose what he knew was the
Zerg, otherwise he would probably be killed.

"Your body is hot, and it looks like it's not in good shape." The young man
noticed the other places and said, "The clothes are also torn and the skin is
exposed ... you also have one. Come here, what happened? "

Shao Ci quickly said: "It's okay, I'm fine, I just separated from my
companion just after I encountered an alien beast attack. Now I just need
to take a break."

The grievances between him and Master Pei should not be mentioned, and
now is not the time to need help from other people, what if the identity of
omega is found.

"Also, you have been paying attention since the beginning. Why do you
have the omega pheromone breath?"

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

43: Future ABo (13)
Shao Ci was almost frightened by this youth sentence, but because he was
in the state of estrus, his mind was completely dizzy and he couldn't think.
He couldn't explain for a long time.

"Are you okay?" The other party helped Shao Ci to his feet and let Shao Ci
lean on himself. "It seems to be hard work?"

Shao Ci subconsciously affixed to the other person's body. The cold feeling
made him very comfortable, but the hot feeling from the inside out in the
body was still extremely uncomfortable, but the most terrible thing was that
he couldn't be under the neck. Description. If Shao Ci was in a sober state at
this time, he would definitely wish to die directly.

"I ... I'm okay ..." Shao Ci could only whisper with the last bit of
consciousness. His body was completely out of strength, and he could only
lean on others weakly.

The youth's smiling blue eyes were also a little deeper. If he was just an
ordinary human Alpha, he would have been stimulated by the increasingly
rich omega pheromone and lost his mind, but he could still stay calm. .

"Yeah, you're fine ... don't be afraid." The youth's hand gently touched Shao
Ci's back, and the other hand was touching his cheek.

The omega during estrus is extremely sensitive. Such touch alone can make
them tremble. If you add a heavier stimulus, such as violently violating
their body, insert it in the most sensitive and vulnerable place, you can see
To the appearance of their convulsions due to excitement.

The youth's eyes whispered to Shao Ci's ear, "Because you're only in heat

This sentence sounded like a thunder in his ears, and Shao struggled with a
little strength with the rest of it. Of course, this strength was smaller than
the kitten, and he couldn't help anyone, he could only say hardly: " No ...
I'm not omega. "
"Huh?" Qing Qingchun smiled and squeezed his cheek, and said, "You said
it wouldn't be good, but it wouldn't be the way to go, right?"

Obviously the situation is very dangerous, but Shao Ci has no way to

think. Listening to the other party's soft voice, it seems that there is really
nothing wrong with it. The body relaxes subconsciously, and slowly

If he had a little sense of reason, he would know that the problem is serious

"Oh, obediently, although it will be a little painful, it will soon pass." The
young man hugged Shao Ci and hugged his back with one hand, and said.

"Oh ...?" Shao Ci always felt as if something bad was going to happen, but
he couldn't react.

The position of the glands at the back of the neck is much more sensitive
than the general position. Being touched in this way makes Shao Ci feel
more at a loss, all kinds of feelings rush into his mind, and he is confused.

Then the young man bowed his head, lowered his head and gently covered
his neck, and then nibbled on it, slowly moved to the position of the back of
the neck, and felt the more and more intense omega pheromone taste.

Even if this body is not human, it is going crazy.

The young man closed his eyes gently, and then bit it down completely.

Shao Ci only felt a sudden pain in the back of his neck, and together with it
there was a strong sense of pleasure that could not be ignored. The blood in
his body seemed to boil for him, causing him to gasp, although exhausted I
was struggling with all my strength, but I didn't even have the strength to do

He still had a little sense of consciousness in the end ... this seems to be a
legendary mark! ?
Then Shao Ci was dark before his eyes, completely fainted.

The young man opened his eyes, loosened his mouth, and kissed Shao Ci's
neck slightly. "... It really doesn't work ... this body has no way to make a
thorough mark. "

With a smile, looking at Shao Ci, who was completely unconscious in his
arms, the young man's hand touched his cheek, "I will meet again next
time ..."

After saying this, the young man stood up, but after walking for a long
distance, his body fell directly into the river, and his eyes lost his energy.

At the same time, the blond-blue-eyed youth lying in the nutritional cabin
opened his eyes far away in the palace of the Imperial Capital.

He sat up, and the drops of water dripped from the bright blond hair, and
slid from his cheeks that were more beautiful than the princess known as
the Imperial Rose for her good looks.

"It really doesn't work ... After all, the body is too fragile, I can't bear my
strength at all, it can be used for a few days, it is the limit, and people have
to recover that body."

He whispered softly, as if frowning slightly because he hated the trouble

that would happen next.

"... but you don't have to worry about it next time." Because

he had completely identified that person.

He suddenly began to look forward to what the other party would do when
he saw him appear in his real identity.

I don't know how long it took before Master Pei woke up, at this time his
limbs were still in pain.
If an ordinary person had died with such an injury, but Pei ’s intellect was
still very clear, he could clearly feel how serious his wound was. This is the
first time in his life that he has suffered at this level. Seriously injured.

"That's right ... that's how it feels ..." Master Pei reached out and held the
wound that was no longer bleeding. He exerted a little force and felt the
pain coming from the wound. He was a little excited.

His life is so smooth, he has hardly felt the taste of failure, but has
repeatedly planted it in the hands of the same person.

Obviously he should feel angry, but he was getting more excited.

Compared with the success that came too easily, such a failure is extremely
rare. Compared with other people who are easily solved by him, Shao Ci is
like an odd number who broke into the world halfway, making him seem to
keep pressing The life of scheduled orbital movements became unstable.

"Hahaha ... hahahahaha ..." Master Pei didn't know what to think of, and
laughed lowly, but then suddenly coughed.

Even with Shi Pei, he lost so much blood, and his mood swings were so
fierce that he felt dizzy for a while.

And the necklace on his neck as the mother's relic was immersed in the pool
of blood, but then it was shining brightly.

Reaching hard to hold the necklace, Pei Shi ’s wound healed quickly.
Although the whole person looked extremely embarrassed, there was no

Yes, the relic of Pei ’s mother was an extremely precious necklace given to
her by the emperor that year. This is a mineral that can enhance the body
quality of the wearer. It was volatilized after encountering Pei ’s blood. The
remaining strength healed his wound.
"This is ...?" For the first time, Master Pei looked so seriously at this simple
and unsophisticated necklace. After exerting his strength, the gem in the
center of the necklace turned gray directly, and then broke apart.

On the metal block inlaid with precious stones, there is a pattern printed.

It is a pattern that symbolizes the royal family, something that is known to

the people of almost every empire. This pattern is almost equivalent to a
symbol of rights. Anyone who dares to use it will be sentenced to death.

Then why does the royal pattern appear in the relics that his mother gave

Pei Shi suddenly made a totally unrealistic guess about his life.

On the other side, Shao Ci woke up in a drowsy state, only remembering

that his own neck was bitten by that zerg yesterday, after which he passed
out because he couldn't bear the feeling of pain and pleasure intertwined.

"Bottom ..." Shao Ci suddenly woke up, quickly reached out and touched
the position of his neck, his face suddenly turned white, "... I was marked?"

The ABo settings in this article are quite two. For example, in order to
maintain the protagonist's force, the Pei master is inherently able to resist
omega pheromone. Even if he smells it, he will not lose his reason.
Omega's love to come over to confuse Master Pei has failed ... but this
really doesn't make people think that Master Pei is not that good.

In terms of marking, if the time is tight, the back of the neck can also be
temporarily marked, and the marked omega can restore calmness. Of
course, if you want to completely solve the estrus problem, you still have to
be crazy ...

Shao Ci was shocked at the thought of this place, and he was relieved when
he looked down to see that his clothes were still well on him. As for the
mark on his neck, he ignored it ...
Speaking of that Zerg, it's actually very kind, and did nothing else except to
take a bite. Although for the native omega, being bitten by the back of the
neck is an incredible thing.

But for Shao Ci, who has been in the world for less than half a year, the
back neck is not different from other places, so I still have a little gratitude
to the Zerg.

However, if Shao Ci knew the true identity of the Zerg, he would certainly
not think so.

If the personal Alpha hits his former self, absolutely terrible things will

"In order to prevent this from happening again, it's better to go back and get
the inhibitor now." Shao Ci struggled to get up, but found that his body was
still weak and weak, and his hands were tired, and his whole body was like
It is the same exhaustion that has been crushed.

Speaking of which, yesterday, not only was he hurt by Pei Shi from the
hillside, but he also fought fiercely with Pei Shi, and stabbed Pei Shi
several times ... Then he went directly into estrus. , And then almost killed
by a giant worm.

And it all started just because he kissed Edwin.

Think about Shao Ci, I feel so unlucky, and although his vest on the
Internet has not gone away, Ji Zhaoyun, who should not know it, knows it,
and what to do in the future ... hey, do n’t think about it So far away, it is
urgent to leave from here.

Because of the lack of strength, Shao Ci had to use the previous method to
continuously heal himself with the healing ability, but the tooth marks on
the back neck did not seem to be included in the scope of the wound by the
ability, but he could not be cured in any way. You can only raise the collar
a little higher, trying to block the bite.
But others just need to pay a little attention to that position to see the tooth
marks on it.

When Shao Ci finally regained most of his strength, a giant beetle looked
slowly from a distance.

It turned out to be the giant worm last night, and although it looked less
gloomy at night than in the night, all kinds of details were quite scary,
making Shao Ci disgusted to describe his body in uncomfortable language.

"This worm hasn't even left yet ... it turned back." Generally speaking, I
was scared away yesterday, shouldn't I just run away? There is only a
lowlevel worm with any IQ!

Shao Ci is more and more certain, because he stabbed the original male
master Pei Shijian as the son of destiny several times, so he was targeted by
the will of this world, so there are so many broken things.

Feel free to change this article. Which cannon fodder that grabs the
protagonist's limbs with a knife will not eat bento?

Fortunately, after a night's rest, the mental power can almost be used again.
Shao Zi gritted his teeth and looked at the direction of the giant worm,
secretly calculating.

It is more convenient to use mental power when the other party is closer,
otherwise it would be funny if it did not hurt the other party at all but it
would not work.

The next moment, it was a loud noise, something suddenly flew from
behind, directly through the body of the giant worm, the giant worm
unwillingly struggled with a few legs, but there was no way, just slowly
After the movement, the black liquid flowed all over the ground and looked
extremely disgusting.

The first reaction of Shao Ci was not rejoicing, but turning his head
cautiously, "Who?"
At this time a human is not necessarily safer than a giant worm.

I saw Edwin jumping from behind in a hurry, still holding a gun in his
hand, and seeing Shao's speech, he directly put the gun into the space

"I finally found you." Edwin looked like he hadn't rested all night. He
quickly supported Shao Ci and checked up and down. "It's great that you're

Edwin himself descended the hillside before, and found that the ground was
full of human blood. He almost collapsed at that time, or he looked around
with hope because he didn't see the body.

"Don't you say you can't bring a hot weapon?" Shao Ci said, and found that
his focus was a bit wrong.

"Ah, then it doesn't matter, as long as it is not seen, who wouldn't bring
anything to defend in such a dangerous place." Edwin said.

Shao Ci, who did not have any powerful weapons at all, might as well say
that he could not buy them at all, felt a shot in his knee.

What's more, a cousin like Prince Edward and a son of a duke like Ji
Zhaoyun, who would be fine investigating their space buttons, even if they
knew that something would be hidden inside.

"Yesterday I lost my sanity because I was too excited. I didn't stay by your
side all the time. I am really sorry." Edwin couldn't wait to choke yesterday.

"It's okay." Shao Ci felt that yesterday's situation was too confusing. "You
are also because of my relationship ... If it weren't for Master Pei's sudden
action, things would not have developed to that point."

"I didn't expect him to do such a disgusting thing." Edwin was so resentful
to Master Pei now that he had forgotten what he appreciated the friendship
of the other party. "How can he shoot at you, really Too cruel."
Would Edwin say such things if he knew what he had done to Master Pei ...

"This is okay ..." Shao Ci quickly shifted the topic: "Speaking of him, how
is Ji Zhaoyun?" Edwint pulled out his gun, is Ji Zhaoyun okay ... although
he doesn't like Ji Zhaoyun too? , But anyway, we have been together for so
long, it is normal to care about the other person's death.

Edwin's expression calmed, apparently he did not want to mention Ji

Zhaoyun, but this was a question raised by Shao Ci, and he had to answer,
saying: "The guy was injured after I was beaten, and has escaped."

Shao Ci: "... It's hard for you." That being said, Edwin can bring weapons,
and Ji Zhaoyun's self-protection weapons are quite normal.

"What's the blood on your body?" Edwin noticed that there was blood on
the cuffs of Shao Ci and other places, because after a long time, Shao Ci
fell in the dirt again, but he couldn't see it all at once. When he came out, he
was anxious. "Where was he injured?"

"No, these ... are the blood of Master Pei." Shao Ci finally couldn't avoid
this topic, so he had to say, "Yesterday I was a little bit excited when
fighting with Master Pei. ... I don't know what happened to Master Pei after
that. "

Although a normal person is stung on all four limbs, if you think about it,
you can't get away, but Pei Master is the man with the protagonist's halo
body. Nothing should happen unless it is too trivial.

"It is indeed you. As an omega, you can beat an Alpha to such an extent."
Edwin's eyes sparkled and he praised sincerely: "It is the luckiest thing in
my life to follow you."

Of course, even if Shao Ci failed to blast Master Shi, Edwin would still feel
that being able to follow Shao Ci is the luckiest thing in his life.

Shao Ci always felt that even if he lost Edwin, he could blow up.
"This is not the place to talk, after all, let me take you away." Yu Guang, in
the corner of Edwin's eyes, glanced at Shao Ci's neck, but he froze.

"Just so, I'm hungry." Shao Ci didn't notice where Edwin's eyes were. He
was tired, hungry, and sleepy at the moment. Where can I pay extra
attention to where Edwin was looking? .

Besides, after getting along with each other, Shao Ci also trusted Edwin
very much. When he was extremely vigilant, when he met Edwin, he
relaxed and suddenly fell asleep, yawned, and said, "Well ... ... and omega
inhibitors are still in the camp ... you have to get them. "

"Okay." Edwin turned his head, pretending to be indifferent, carrying Shao

Ci on his back and walking in the direction he had come from.

Obviously this was something he had been expecting for a long time, but
his heart was getting heavier.

It seems to Shao Ci that the forest looks the same everywhere, but when
Edwin walks, he is familiar like his own backyard, and he walks very fast
in the forest. Don't feel too shaken.

In this case, Shao Ci, lying on Edwin's back, soon fell asleep.

If he did not pass through, but saw the strength of many passers-by Alpha's
indigenous people, probably start to think that Edwin's force value is simply
not as human ... but Edwin's force value is even more Strong, but also not
as strong as the villain and the upgraded Pei Shijian.

When he came down to the hillside full of blood, Edwin paid attention to
the surroundings, and did not know where Pei Shi went. The blood on the
ground had dried up at this time, but it still looked dazzling, almost Imagine
what happened here yesterday.

Now if Edwin hits Peijian again, he will definitely fight with him endlessly.

While Shao was sleeping, Edwin put him under a tree aside, and treated the
ground a bit so that no one could see what had happened here.
Because Shao Ci slept very well, he didn't know that such a thing would
happen. When he woke up, he was already at the camping place yesterday.

The situation here was extremely tragic. At the beginning, the two were still
fighting in a restricted way. When Shao Ci was found to be avoided, all the
weapons were pulled out, and there was no intact apprentice around the

Now this area is extremely cluttered. The tent is even more damaged.
Looking at it looks like it is swept by some robbers. It makes people worry
that they can't find anything inside.

Shao Ci walked nervously to the place where he put his stuff yesterday, and
was pleasantly surprised to find that it was still intact ... I didn't expect that
he could still encounter such a good luck situation when he was so unlucky.

No other things are necessary, but the omega inhibitors must not be thrown
away. Shao Ci was taken out and stuffed into his mouth. He felt that the last
omega breath in the body had disappeared, so he felt relieved.

Edwin was suddenly worried when he saw this scene: "I heard that eating
too much of this inhibitor will be very harmful to the body ... Generally,
omega will not be taken. Is this really okay?"

"There is no other way now." Shao Ci looked indifferent. "Anyway, that

kind of thing doesn't matter at all."

Anyway, Shao Ci didn't have the feeling of staying in this world for a long
time. Since he had secretly healed the body of the original mother with the
healing power, he was ready to leave at any time.

Edwin did not divert his attention because of the words of Shao Ci, and his
eyes were a little complicated.

Is it his illusion? Why does it always feel that Shao Ci will leave his side at
any time and go to a place where everyone can't catch up ...
Shao Ci packed up the remaining useful things, thinking that Ji Zhaoyun
and Pei Shi did n’t know where they had gone. The rule said that only two
people would reach the finish line to be considered a score. Shao Ci started
when I thought about it The idea of abstaining.

In fact, in the beginning, according to the strength of the four of them, there
was absolutely no problem. It was just one day after the accident
happened ...

Talking about those people in the academy, if they knew that Pei Shijian,
who most expected to win the first place, could not take the first place
because he abstained, he would scold himself.

Edwin obviously thought of this, and said quickly: "No, I can't let those
ignorant people insult you like this, I will take you to the end, you just
need to take a good rest."

Shao thought for a while, and felt the same ... He nodded, and now he
doesn't worry about staying beside Edwin, and he can exercise his body by
the way.

It took me a few days to get to the destination because I didn't have Pei
Master nearby, things went quite smoothly, and nothing unexpected

It has been so long. The best students from other colleges have almost
reached their destination. What Shao Ci did not expect is that there is Ji
Zhaoyun waiting at the end.

Ji Zhaoyun sat outside with a listless look. His eyes lighted up when he saw
Shao's words, and then he put on a disgusted face, and walked over quickly
to want to say something to him.

Edwin immediately fired Shao behind him.

Ji Zhaoyun looked angrily, "What are you doing? Give me a break."

"No," Edwin said coldly. "Don't be so arrogant."

Knowing that he was not as good as others, Ji Zhaoyun had to grit his teeth
and gave up his intention to talk to Shao Ci one-to-one. He said to Shao Ci,
"I will not forget the previous agreement, and I will finish it. It is agreed
that you will fulfill your promise, otherwise I will never let you go! "

After saying that Ji Zhaoyun did not wait for Shao to reply, he turned and
ran away.

Shao Ci suddenly felt that he was so confused on the Internet that Ji

Zhaoyun was a failure: "..."

However, Shao Ci was relieved before Shi Peijian came. If he encountered

Pei Jian, and then this unruly system turned Pei Jian into a target, he really
didn't know what to do.

And Shao Ci suddenly remembered a very serious matter. Didn't the

system say it before, would it hurt if I changed the target and touched the
previous target? This setting is not reflected in Ji Zhaoyun's body at all.

The system came out to explain [that is because this world is special and
different from the previous one. The protection period opened to allow the
host to get used to it will last three months, so the host does not have to
worry about changing the target during this time. The setting that will
appear later. 】

Shao Ci: "..." is very conscience, but why not say this in advance! And now
it seems that the three months are about to pass, there is a feeling that the
discount has ended before it is enjoyed.

Every time before this caused various problems due to this shattered setting.
Can't I completely cancel this punishment mechanism now!

Shao Ci also said casually. I didn't think the system would listen. Sure
enough, the system was the same as the previous rhetoric. No changes were
made. It was said that the interests of the Raiders were to be protected ...
Shao Ci felt that these Raiders were actually quite It's miserable, except for
Chu Jin, who looks most disliked.
As for the Zerg youth, there was no news at all. Even if he went to the
academy where he was staying before, the others were very confused. They
did n’t know the other party ’s redundant information at all. They just met
the other party before. It ’s just the power of the game, that's why they
sought after each other so much.

Shao Ci: "..." Why does your college feed so casually, this is the rhythm to
be finished.

There was no other way out of Shao Ci, and the young man didn't seem to
be able to tell other people's secrets casually.

With the passage of time, the slowest students have arrived, but Shi Pei has
never appeared.

The person in charge at the academy couldn't help but ask Shao Ci. Shao Ci
had to say that he was separated halfway and he had no idea where he had

Except for concealing the news that he had beaten Pei Shi to others,
everything else was true.

Because of Edwin and Ji Zhaoyun as witnesses, everyone did not doubt

what Shao Ci was hiding, after all, looking at Shao Ci did not seem to be
able to fight with Shi Pei.

Then the game was over. The Imperial Military Academy ranked high in
this competition. Pei Shijian, who had thought that he could perform well,
disappeared directly. Everyone's mood was not good. Some people even
suggested that Pei Shijian might have already died.

But Shao's speech is very clear. Shi Peijian is the central figure in this
world. If he dies, the world may also collapse. Where else can you guess his
life or death here ...

There should be some chances between Shi Pei, after all, such protagonists
are blessed if they don't die.
Although there are still people searching in the base, most people think that
Pei Shi may be more fierce and less fertile. Everyone boarded the spaceship
back to the Imperial Capital. How excited and excited when they came,
now I am in the mood What a loss.

Because Master Pei was gone, Edwin directly asked Shao to move to the
room where he lived. Ji Zhaoyun also said nothing.

In the past few days on the spacecraft, Shao Ci has also been very low-key
and basically does not go out. Now what to do if he is outraged by those
brain residuals among Master Pei.

After eating, Shao Ci fell asleep in bed, and now Edwin was beside him, he
was relieved.

Edwin looked at his sleeping face, his eyes were a little dark.

He never asked the question, what was the reason for Shao Ci to kiss him at
that time, was that the reason Shao Ci and Ji Zhaoyun explained? If that's
the case, but Edwin knows clearly that Shao Ci has no meaning to
himself ...

Before that, Edwin always thought that he only needed to follow Shao's
speech, and he could be satisfied as long as he could see his figure up close.

But after that incident, Edwin finally understood.

Now he doesn't just want to be with Shao Ci, but wants to be with Shao Ci
by himself. He wants him to look at himself and talk to himself. His eyes
will never look at the direction of others. .

"... I am so greedy." Edwin looked in the direction of Shao Ci,

remembering the bite mark on his neck that happened to be seen when he
found Shao Ci that day.

"... who was it that marked you then?"

But this is not important anymore, because in the future ... Only Alpha can
mark Shao Ci.
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
44: Future ABo (14)
In this way, the group returned to the college. Because of the incident
between Shi Pei, the mood in the college was very low. If it is not certain
that Shi Pei has died, probably everyone will hold a mourning party.

Of course, Shao Ci dare not go to Ji Zhaoyun's house again ... I feel that
something bad will happen in the past. Anyway, he has no luggage to pack,
so consider renting a dormitory in the college.

There are still many cheap dormitories, but most of them are multi-person
rooms, and some single rooms are in the building. It feels that if the omega
pheromone is transmitted in a minute, it can cause an entire building's
Alpha riot. The picture is too beautiful. OK.

After returning to the college, Ji Zhaoyun never visited the college. It is

said that for the mech competition, Ji Zhaoyun specifically asked his father,
and he asked his father to hire a retired general to train him. He was
training every day from morning to night. He could not spare any time. Is
extremely hard.

A duke like Ji Zhaoyun was born to enjoy a blessing. After all, inheriting a
title is an elder brother's business. He only needs to enjoy it, and he has
come this way in the past ten years. No one has ever expected him to do

However, now Ji Zhaoyun is suddenly struggling so aggressively, startled

the Duke and his wife, and worried that his son is not evil.

Shao Ci knows that in the original article, Ji Zhaoyun's military value was
very high in the later period, but now the plot is at most mid-term. Even if
he can improve, he won't be able to enter the final of the mech competition
at once ...

When Edwin learned that Shao Ci wanted to find a dormitory, he directly

asked him to move to his own residence.
Shao Ci didn't really think about it, but considering that I do n’t know when
it will be troublesome to have an estrus, there is still a person around me
who is more trouble-free ... And Edwin's residence is so big, there is no
need to worry about the issue of omega pheromones .

At this time, Shao Ci completely forgot that Edwin was also an Alpha thing
... all because of Edwin's loyal dog image deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Edwin fainted with anger after learning that Shao had been using the helmet
on the virtual world before Shao's speech.

The use of a virtual helmet does not make people's consciousness

completely put into the virtual world. Although it feels similar to reality
when used, it will affect some subtle aspects. Now those contestants
basically use the nutrition cabin. .

Moreover, the use of the nutrition cabin can greatly reduce the burden on
the body. People with extremely poor physical fitness, such as Shao Ci, can
stay in the virtual world for a few more hours, and it will not look like a
helmet when they come out. Exhausted like that, but still feel comfortable.

So Edwin directly bought the latest nutritional capsule for Shao Ci. In his
opinion, Ji Zhaoyun, who had prevented Shao Ci from exerting his
strongest strength, was simply a sinner, and he started to regret that he had
played too lightly before hitting Ji Zhaoyun.

Shao Ci originally felt that Edwin was too terrible. After using the nutrition
cabin, he was scared by the smooth speed of entering the virtual world, and
felt that his body was much lighter, and the sight in front of him was clearer
than before. It's as if the foundation building in the text of Xiu Zhen was

In such a comparison, Shao Ci instantly felt that he used to use a broken

computer for one second and one card ... when he did not change, he was
used to the feeling of a virtual helmet, but after changing it, he found that
the previous days were really not a life. .
The outsiders became more excited because of things between Pei Shi, and
some even scolded Shao Ci, saying that if they were not assigned such a
weak teammate, how could Pei Shi disappear. The more they thought, the
more they became angry, and they strongly demanded that Shao be fired.

But Edwin was here, and their goal was not to achieve it.

Edwin did not want to talk to Shao Ci, but in the end, considering the
seriousness of the matter, he talked to Shao Ci, and advised Shao Ci not to
go out. If there is anything, you can find him.

Shao Ci was originally a person who was afraid of trouble, and thinking
about the picture of going out and being surrounded by fans of Shi Pei felt
terrible, and immediately gave up going out ...

Others looked like Shao Ci was innocent, but just formed a team with Pei
Shi and encountered this kind of thing ... However, Shao Ci knew very well
that such a thing would happen now. There were still a few swords with Pei
Shi. Great relationship → _ →

Because he couldn't go out or take classes, Edwin simply didn't go to class

himself. He brought textbooks and Shao Ci to give one-on-one

Edwin's grades are among the best in the school. When giving lectures, he
will also take into account aspects that Shao Ci did not know. In this way,
he will learn a little more than Shao Ci usually went to class by himself. I
also have a deeper understanding.

In addition, Edwin will cook a variety of foods to feed Shao Ci, for fear
that Shao Ci will be bored here every day, and change his way to make a
variety of food.

Originally, Shao Ci was an otaku in the past, and there was no particular
urge to go out. Now, this life can hardly be more enjoyable. Basically, I
have everything I want. The world practice mecha, there is no idea of
going out at all.
Unlike Shao Ci, Edwin's mood is quite complicated.

This incident was not a good thing for Shao Ci at first, but he would be
overjoyed that he could stay with Shao Ci without being disturbed by

He even hopes that such a life will continue forever, even if it costs

In the blink of an eye, it was the final of the virtual machine game.

In the previous period of time, the official contacted various players to let
everyone go for various publicity and the like. Occasionally, there were a
few invited to some programs to promote, almost like stars. But in this
respect The world of the player has more fans than the celebrities.

Of course, Shao Ci never showed up. After all, it was too much to play with
mosaics on his face and advertise outside, and this is not much. It would be
ridiculous if he accidentally revealed his identity.

In addition, this can also create a kind of compelling (Shao Ci has long
ignored the inhumane things that he had done to Mecha for advertising

I did not expect that Shao Ci really made the fans even more fanatical. The
idols in their hearts should be such mysterious and indifferent people,
which is full of force.

As for the mecha that is often used by Shao Ci, which is full of
advertisements, it has been wildly praised by fans, saying that this mech is
just like art, and art is not understood by the public, so ordinary people ca
n’t understand the hot bar. The aesthetic of the little prince.

Shao Ci: "..."

However, Shi Peijian had no news during this period, and even when the
official considered to disqualify him, Pei Shijian finally appeared.
That's right, the protagonist always has a plot that comes back at such a
moment. Except for some authors who really like the abuse of the main
character, they have to write the terrible plot that the protagonist can't catch
up with the critical time every time.

Shao Ci, who always only looks at Shuangwen, has severely rejected this
kind of text. Perhaps this kind of text is more in-depth, but he reads the text
entirely for the sake of coolness. Who cares about the depth of things.

But now Shao Ci would rather be the protagonist of Master Pei ... This
protagonist with a wide open finger is very unfriendly to his cannon
fodder! !!

In particular, Shi Pei must have been upgraded by Golden Finger before
returning. He had stabbed him several times before, and he must have a
deep hatred in his heart. It would not be Pei who would report if he did not
return a few dozen. Between the teachers.

However, there is no need to worry about the expropriation of Shi Peijian.

Such a person who sees his face more than anything else will never say that
he was seriously injured by a Beta. It is too much Shameful, completely
destroying his perfect image.

Shao Ci also dared to go to the campus to check it out online. It turned out
that the people above were super excited. All posts were about Pei Shijian.
Said Pei Shijian is like a representative of the Imperial Military Academy.
The college is over.

As for the people who said they were going to fire Shao from the college,
they said nothing. They were probably busy kneeling and licking Pei.

This incident can be said to have completely passed away, but now Shao Ci
is not even afraid to go out when Shi Pei returns. He would rather stay at
home until the end of the original text, rather than go out so soon and then
tragically bind Master Pei!

Then it's time for the finals to officially begin.

Shao Ci naturally won in the first game. With such a powerful mental
strength, he was not worried about losing, and all the people present were
not threatening except Pei Shi.

I just remembered the guy who singled out two million empire coins last
time, and what the other party said at that time, Shao Ci was a little
worried, and kept paying attention to the surrounding opponents, but he
didn't find it like that person.

Does that person really just want to tease him, is there no more insidious
purpose? ... Who can be so boring.

After Pei ’s return, the force value soared, and it was more compelling than
ever before in the game. All kinds of very difficult actions were done
without pressure on him. Even the videos recorded by others were
spreading wildly on the Internet. Countless people were impressed by the
charm of Pei Shi, and for a while they were faintly called the national male

If it follows the direction of the original text, he is a national male god.

However, in the finals, Pei Shi's opponent was the hot little prince.

After this period of competition, both parties have a large number of fans,
even if it is said verbally that they will always worship their own male god,
but in fact, whoever can win can become a winner, but the loser No one
will ever remember.

The pressure of Shao Ci is huge, mainly because of Pei Shijian, but the son
of destiny. It is difficult to win him with the protagonist's halo guard. It was
so easy to win the last game without affecting the plot. Said to have a great

Although relying on the protagonist's halo, even if he loses Pei Shi, he can
still face it again, but the routine of this article is invincible. When Pei Shi
was basically not abused, it can be said that he is the author ’s own son.
Shao Ci doesn't want to lose, he has already reached this point, even if he
fights, he has to fight again.

Edwin also knows that the situation is now in a critical situation. Every day
he makes various foods to supplement his body, takes care of Shao Ci, and
sometimes the food is delivered to his mouth ... Shao Ci has a subtle kind of
family. It feels like Edwin is so kind.

The day of the finals finally arrived.

The battle between the little prince and time can be said to be countless
people long ago.

And now the battle is finally about to begin. Tickets for this day were
robbed when they were released just a few days ago. Some people even
couldn't buy second-hand tickets at high prices on the Internet. Not
everyone has the opportunity to watch the finals from a distance. Not to
mention that the players on both sides of this final are still difficult to get a
character for decades.

"Who will win in the end?" Before the official start of the game, everyone
discussed fiercely.

"Although it feels great on both sides, it really is that God of Time can win.
After all, he has been fighting with the worst old-fashioned mech, and his
strength can be seen."

"Don't you know? The little prince of the hot strip used old-fashioned
mechs for the first battle, and he won directly at the time. His technology
must not be worse than time."

"But the hot little prince now uses all new mechs. Maybe he knows that his
technology is not enough. He can't beat others with old mechs? From this
point of view, he has the mech advantage."

"Hey, God of Time suffers from this. The difference between the mech
used and others is so great, it is likely that the strength is better than the
opponent but he will lose, if he does not insist on this."
From this point, we can see that Master Pei ’s mentality, even if he loses the
game, can be pushed to the top of the mech, maybe there will be a bunch of
people to sigh for him, and then he won even though he lost Something

The next moment, both sides of the mech appeared on both sides of the
arena. After seeing the scene in front of them, everyone opened their eyes

"How come? It's two old mechs?"

"The little prince actually chose the old-fashioned mech? What did he want
to do?"

That ’s right, even if it ’s covered with messy advertisements, the mecha

style is the cheapest old-fashioned mecha, exactly like the mecha used by
Pei Shi on the opposite side.

This old-fashioned mech has been eliminated by the outside world for many
years. Only the most ordinary skills are used. Now only newcomers who
are new to mech are used, but now they are directly used in the finals.

The host was stunned, and then explained, "I did not expect that the hot
little prince player used the old-fashioned mech, it seems that he wanted to
have a fair and duel with the time player."

That's right, Shao Ci has always viewed the online remarks before, and has
long known the thoughts of these people on the Internet. In order to avoid
winning and being said to be unfair, Shao Ci immediately chose the same
old-fashioned style as Pei Shijian. Mecha, this also avoids a lot of trouble.

The opposite Pei Jian was sitting in a leisurely position and raised his
eyebrows to look at the old-fashioned mech. "That's right, I chose to use
old-fashioned mech like me ... I'm really confident in my strength." , But
relying on a newcomer like you, I still have a long way to go before I win.
Except for Shao Ci, Shi Pei hasn't eaten on others, and he doesn't think
other people can bring the same surprises as before.

Pei looked at the position of his wrist, and there was a very swollen wound
on it. In the real world, the wound had long been healed by the power of the
necklace, but in the virtual world, it was specially made to commemorate

The last time after the planet was stabbed by Shao, the master Pei stumbled
upon the secret of the necklace left by his mother, and came to a cave under
the guise of misunderstanding. The ore left behind.

This ore actually has the power to stimulate human potential, and the royal
bloodline inherited from Master Pei has been fully activated. For a time, his
force value has been upgraded, and his appearance is more beautiful than

When Shao Ci read this article, he talked about why everyone is human, but
the blood of the royal family is so powerful ... But there is no other way for
the author to open a golden finger to Master Shi.

After that, Master Pei returned to the capital of Emperor Capital. He had
almost guessed his own life, and then came a strong unwillingness.

Obviously all the emperor's children, why his mother died in the slums
and died while he was still growing up in an orphanage, and other
princesses can lead such a relaxing life ... If the condition is good, his
mother will not be affected.

At this moment, Master Pei ’s heart urged to retaliate against society. He

was not the kind of person with three perspectives, and blackening was a
matter of minutes ... rather, he was black from beginning to end, basically
Never vain.

Shi Pei knew that although he was sought after by other students in the
college, it was not worth mentioning to the royal family. To this end, he
must take the first place in the virtual machine game to increase his stack.
After he came back, he had not seen Shao Ci, and after thinking about it, he
knew that Shao Ci was hiding from himself. However, Shi Pei will not be
troubled by this. As long as he has power in the future, can't he want a Beta
to stay with him?

Even if Shao had to hide, those around him would dedicate himself to him.

Moreover, after strengthening Pei Shi ’s strength, it can be said that it is a

bit higher than other people. There was no pressure in the previous game.
Now he is facing a hot little prince who has been used on the Internet to
compare with him. There is also no sense of crisis at all.

Unless this hot little prince is the one who has repeatedly brought him
crisis, but how is this possible?

"Come on, please please me with your painful and desperate gesture after
failure." Master Pei smiled slightly and manipulated the mech into the field.

At the same time, Shao Ci also went in.

The people on both sides are holding the idea of quickly resolving the
battle and crushing each other. Shao Ci feels that things will change late,
but Master Pei is too lazy to waste time in such a battle. When two people
with the same idea enter the venue, Fight together at extremely fast speeds.

The onlookers were overwhelmed by the dizziness. It was completely

unthinkable that this was just a battle between two old mechs, and it felt
like it was worth paying ten times the price to buy the ticket.

And everyone else who watched the live broadcast was very ashamed. The
old-fashioned mech has been driven by almost everyone, but no one has
been able to play to such a degree. It can be seen how strong the two-man
combat technology is ...

Although it is said that the mental power is strong, you can control the
mech as you want, but you can't win as you want. Shao Ci was not very
good at the beginning. It was only after this period of hard work that he
strengthened his strength.
What the audience didn't know was that in fact, the two men in the battle
still had clumsiness. Master Pei was waiting for the opponent to fully exert
his strength to defeat him with his mental strength, but Shao Ci was afraid
that he would find himself real. Identity does not dare to use mental power.

The two were fighting fiercely, and each move was a direct attack on the
opponent's key, and the speed of the two was so fast that the number of
mech hits was countless.

After all, this is a very fragile old-fashioned mech, and its original data has
been faithfully restored on the virtual network. If it is severely hit, it will
probably fall apart, and the victory will be clear by then.

Everyone held their breath and watched, for fear of missing any detail, such
a wonderful battle may be rare once every few years.

Shao Ci wanted to make a quick decision, but did not expect the upgraded
Pei division to have such strength. When he was considering whether to use
the power, a familiar feeling of hotness suddenly emerged from his body.

"?!" Shao Ci was about to spit out old blood, his action was delayed for a
while, and Pei Shi, who had almost caught the opportunity, was defeated
directly. Fortunately, he avoided the attack by relying on his strong mental

Depressed, obviously he has just taken the inhibitor just now, why is it still
in estrus ... Although I heard that the inhibitor is not as effective as before,
it is not so fast! He has n’t eaten a lot.

Sure enough, this is the world consciousness that is preventing him from
defeating Pei Shi, the son of destiny. If this delays, Shao Ci feels that there
may be a possibility of explosion in the nutrition cabin ... although it was
bought with millions of imperial coins Super premium nutrition cabin.

"There is no way but to take advantage of now ..." Shao Ci attacked the
mental force while his consciousness had not completely dissipated, and
now he could not take care of that much.
At that moment, Master Pei felt a familiar sense of crisis, and immediately
gritted his teeth, but at this time, he couldn't avoid it. If he avoided it, he
would only lose an ending. How could he be willing to block it? Shao Ci's

So, the next moment, Shao Ci's spiritual power came into contact with the
spiritual power attached to Master Pei's mech.

Mental power is also very easy to infect other people's emotions. At this
moment, Pei Shi felt the same way and felt the anxiety in the other person's
mental power. The body seemed to be hot, but it was more important. The
mental power is so familiar ...

If it had been the past, Master Pei would probably be stunned by this mental
force, but after experiencing the upgrade, his mental strength has improved
a lot, and there is still room for thinking when he barely resists it.

"... It was you ..." At this moment, many things that Pei Master couldn't
understand before became as clear as a cloud.

No wonder Edwin, who had no feeling for Shao Ci, suddenly followed him
madly. No wonder Ji Zhaoyun's attitude towards him was so different from
that of others. He was himself who had been kept in the drum.

The heartbeat between Master Pei is fast, and the mood is getting more and
more excited. "Shao, how many surprises can you bring me? Let me see
your true strength."

From an outsider's point of view, the two mechs were so stalemate, and
those who were very familiar with mech battles knew that this was because
the manipulators were caught in a mental confrontation.

If it is in a normal state, Shao Ci can definitely expel the spiritual power of

Shi Pei, but at this time he is extremely difficult to concentrate, and his
strength is probably equivalent to the usual two-thirds.

The spiritual power between Master Pei is like a sharp sword, and the
mental power of Shao Ci is violently entangled. At this moment, the
emotions of both sides are almost completely transmitted to the other side,
and it is difficult for the two to recognize what is happening. That's what I
really feel.

"Abominable ..." Shao gritted his teeth and felt his increasingly hot body.
Although he knew that the situation of the other party was probably the
same, but this was not the way to go. "I will definitely lose this way."

On the other side, Pei ’s spiritual power is still wanting to go one step
further and want to have a thorough contact with the core of Shao Ci ’s
spiritual power. This is generally something that only the closest people can
do, and even the other person can be detected. Part of memory. Of course,
if one's mental strength is enough to crush the other side, it can be forcibly

"No." Shao Ci suddenly awakened. Taking this opportunity, he immediately

took his consciousness away from Pei Shijian, and then when the Pei
Shijian didn't respond, he directly used the weapon to pierce the opponent's
driving. cabin.

The battle that has been deadlocked for so long is over.

"Ha ha, ha ha ..." Shao Ci was so exhausted that he almost fell into the
mech cockpit, "... I, I won ..."

He actually won the Pei Shijian who was blessed by the will of the world.
This is simply impossible ... even if the nutrition capsule really explodes the
next moment, it is not a surprise.

Shao Ci almost fainted, but his consciousness was extremely excited

because of the relationship with estrus. At this time, the mental condition
was too abnormal, and he was forced to withdraw from the virtual world
after quitting the game. This is also to prevent some people in the virtual
world Too excited and what happened.
In the virtual world, there was a cheering sound on the arena, everyone
excitedly cheered the title of the hot little prince, one by one extremely

The hot little prince actually defeated him with the old-fashioned mech that
Pei ’s best. This is another strong proof of his strength. Those fans in the
future can no longer use this to mock the hot little prince. .

Only Edwin felt that the situation at the time was a bit wrong. Recalling the
recent situation of Shao Ci, he quickly got off the line and left the nutrition
cabin to rush to the room where Shao Ci was.

Edwin smelled the strong omega pheromone as soon as he started, which is

the smell of omega that has completely entered the estrus.

"Is it really ... estrus?" Edwin said tightly.

If the usual Alpha had probably rushed out of control, Edwin was extremely
calm, stepped forward to the nutrition cabin, and slowly observed the

Shao Ci was lying in the nutrition cabin at this time. His white cheeks were
already covered with crimson, and his eyes were full of water. He couldn't
help breathing, seeming to be very uncomfortable.

Edwin leaned down, reached out and touched Shao Ci's body lightly. Shao
Ci sobbed suddenly, and the place where he touched quickly became red ...
because he had been suppressing the estrus before, Makes his body
extremely sensitive now.

Edwin's cheeks were also flushed, and he leaned next to Shao Ci's ears,
slowly speaking, "... now, what do you want me to do?"

"Good ... so thirsty ..." Shao muttered, "water ..."

Edwin grabbed the water glass on the side, filled the water in the mouth,
and kissed Shao Ci's lips, sending the water slowly into Shao Ci's mouth.
After feeding the water, Shao Ci hugs Edwin's neck like he was afraid to
leave, and constantly draws liquid from his mouth, as if this can alleviate
the dryness on his body.

I don't know how long it took Edwin to raise his head, and lift Shao Ci, who
was almost irrational, out of the nutrition cabin, and walked towards the
bathroom on the side. Now he should take a bath.

Shao Ci was in the heat of estrus, and he was constantly chaotic on Edwin,
whispering: "... help ... help me ..."

In this case, Shao Ci was not very able to tell what was going on. It seemed
to be a dangerous situation, but it was not very clear, but Edwin felt that he
was worthy of trust, and he subconsciously relied on it. he.

Edwin's green eyes were completely darkened. He held Shao Ci in his arms
and whispered, "Now, can I invade you?"

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

45: Future ABo (15)
Shao had no idea what Edwin was saying, and nodded blankly.

Edwin bowed his head and took off the sweat-soaked clothes on Shao Ci's
body, like opening a carefully packed gift.

Only at this time can Shao Ci only look at him.

Then Edwin took Shao Ci and sat in the hot tub, leaning down and kissing
each other's lips, until Shao Ci's lips became a little red and swollen. Neck
kept kissing down.

His turquoise eyes were full of longing and enthusiasm, like the most
devout believer worshipping the **** of his faith.

Shao Ci had no energy at all and could only lean on him obediently. The
body that was uncomfortable because of estrus was constantly holding
Edwin's body.
"Please forgive my offense."

Shao Ci vaguely heard Edwin say this, but then there was a pain under him,
making him unable to resist.

The omega's strength in estrus can be completely ignored, Edwin easily

held Shao Ci, gently bowed his head and kissed each other's white neck, his
eyes finally revealed the deepest hidden desire.

"I always belong to you."

... can you always look at me?

He muttered like this, and finally bit it down.


When Shao Ci woke up, it was already the third day.

Shao Ci hadn't realized what had happened. He was lying in bed feeling like
his body was about to fall apart. There was no place where it was not
painful, and there was no strength at all.

However, when Shao Ci felt the strangeness beyond his neck that could not
be described, a part of his previous memories came to his mind like

Shao Ci: "?????" Wait, wait? !! So did he and Edwin do something below
the neck? !!

How did things develop like this? Hey!

In the previous world, when Israel did such a thing when it became a
vegetative, it doesn't matter. This kind of thing happens in this world ...

Shao Ci felt that his three views were broken, not to mention that he still
has memories this time!
Then the door was pushed open, and Edwin came in with the food. He
didn't look awake, had dark circles under his eyes, and had no golden hair.

Shao Ci didn't know how he would face Edwin in the future, watching him
speechless for a long time.

Edwin set the food aside, but the next moment he knelt down directly, took
out a sharp dagger, and handed it to Shao Ci.

Shao took the dagger, and he was aggressive. "Edwin, this is ..."

"It's all my fault, and I did that to you." Edwin Shen said, "If you feel
unhappy, feel free to vent on me. Even if you want to kill me, I won't Any
complaints. "

"How could I kill you because of this kind of thing ..." Shao said, and he
wasn't the kind of person who was in a bad mood!

Regarding the previous events, he could only think of a few pictures, but he
couldn't remember the details.

"But I have committed an unforgivable sin." Edwin bit his lower lip,
stabbing the dagger and stabbing his chest.

"Wait!" Shao Ci grabbed him quickly. "It's not your fault either. It's not a
normal Alpha in that case."

Except for the guy who has an author to hang on with Pei Shi ... Speaking
of which is Pei Shi's fault this time! If it were not for defeating himself,
how could he fall into estrus, but the system also had a big problem.

Edwin said: "But if I can't get your forgiveness, I don't know what face I
can live in this world."

"It's okay, it's okay, I forgive you." Shao Cisheng said that he was afraid of
Edwin's disagreement and went to death.
Anyway, if you do this kind of thing, you won't die. It's not the first time to
say it, and it will be very easy to be labeled.

Nothing should have happened.

Shao Ci felt that he was really an easy figure ...

After the end of the virtual mecha competition, the video of the little prince
and time using the old mecha can be said to have spread quite far, which
has set off a wave of old mecha for a while.

Many people have begun to pursue old-fashioned mechas, and even many
people think that really skilled people should use old-fashioned mechas to
prove themselves.

And the spicy little prince has become an idol in the hearts of many young

Ji Zhaoyun, who used almost all the time to exercise, took time out on the
day of the final and fell into silence after watching it.

Obviously he has worked so hard, but he feels that Shao Ci is still farther
and farther away from him. No, he must work harder ... he must catch up
with the opponent.

As a result, Ji Zhaoyun devoted more and more effort to exercise, and his
progress was quite obvious, which surprised everyone around him.

After learning that his brother had been doing this for the Beta, Ji
Zhaoyuan was a bit shocked. However, he recently investigated the Beta.
Although there are still a lot of strange places on the other person, think
about the shining little prince and think about this Beta.

In this way, it seems that Beta is really not related to the little prince of
spicy strips. Compared to these things, it is more important that Pei Shi
disappeared on the planet for several days. It should be reported to His
Highness ...
Speaking of it, does his brother really win over Edwin? Ji Zhaoyun thought
of this and could not help but worry.


In the original text, after Pei Shijian achieved the first result, she became
famous and was seen by her mother's admirers.

Because the appearance of Shi Peijian was similar to that of his mother, he
was instantly recognized by the admirer. Later, the admirer secretly
contacted Pei Shijian and concealed his identity to give him a lot of help.
The emperor and his son recognized each other and made a lot of progress.

However, because the emperor was afraid that Master Pei would be
assassinated by the family behind his prince, he never disclosed his identity.
He only attacked the forces of Loris in secret, but he did not know that his
every move was observed by Loris As a result, the identity of Shi Peijian
was exposed in the eyes of Loris.

Now, although Pei Shijian didn't get the first result, because of the battle
with Shao Ci using the old-fashioned mech, Pei Shijian's reputation has
reached the level not lost in the original text.

On a certain spacecraft, he had great power and defeated the Zerg fiercely
in the battle more than ten years ago. Now General Willie, who is now
called an empire hero, saw the video on the virtual screen in front of him.
The cup in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, and said in shock.


As we all know, General Willie was just a civilian of poor origin in the
past. He got to this point because of the appreciation of the emperor.

But no one knows that the beloved childhood friend Emilia is the emperor's
mistress, and because of her guilt, the emperor will promote Willie.
Otherwise, how could it be better than his own efforts? Get those generals
of noble origin.
Now that Emilia has been missing for more than ten years, she didn't expect
to see this person with similar eyes and eyes to Emilia.

Willie sent someone to investigate almost immediately. After seeing the

detailed information between Shi Pei, his hands almost shook.

"Nothing wrong ... this is Emilia's child ..."

The thought of Emilia's death in the slums because of the persecution of the
Hayman family, and the thought that the **** Hayman family now has
such a large power through the relationship of the prince, Willie's mood
cannot be calmed down He must take revenge for Emilia.

But before that, he should raise the only child left by Emilia.


After the end of the virtual machine game, although Pei Shijian didn't get
the first place, it was still very popular in the college. After all, only the Pei
Shijian reached the finals in the whole college.

Everyone also came to comfort Master Shi, saying that the hot little prince
is so powerful that he must be a dozen years old. I have n’t known how
many times to have such strength, and Master Shi is still young, and Room
for growth.

In the face of other comforts, Shi Pei was very motivated, but in fact he
knew very well that the identity of the little prince was actually Shao Ci
who was ridiculed by these people several times ... I do n’t know What
would they think if they learned that Shao Ci had such strength.

Master Pei did not expect that he would repeatedly lose to the same person.

If it was lost to others, Master Pei would not be willing to retaliate, but it
was Shao Ci who lost to him, but other emotions erupted in his heart.
Although he did not expect to win the virtual machine game, but due to his
reputation, there are many more contacts with him. It seems that he will
now start to choose his future way.

When you do n’t know your identity, Master Pei will definitely choose the
Hyman family behind the most powerful prince, not to mention his friend
Edwin. But now that he not only knew his identity, but also broke up with
Edwin long ago, Master Pei changed his mind.

"It was General Willie who was faintly opposed to the Hayman family, and
he was also a civilian. He wouldn't just see the body when he was seen, in
which I had the advantage to mix up his head." Pei Master groaned: "But so
far no The forces over there come in contact, or should I go to recommend
myself directly after graduation? "

Pei Shijian is not the kind of person who has to be invited by others. As
long as it can achieve the maximum benefit, it doesn't matter if you want
to give up something.

While thinking about it, an email was sent over, and Master Pei casually
opened it. After seeing the above content, he smiled suddenly.



Although Master Pei didn't win, the plot is still developing in a

predetermined direction driven by the will of the world.

However, there are some plots that are much different from the original. For
example, after watching the video, General Willie was very dissatisfied
with this hot little prince who had won Pei Shijian and thought that he was
no better than Pei Shijian.

And with General Willie's eyes, it can be seen that the various actions of
the hot little prince are quite astringent. It is definitely just a little hair
child who has not grown up. He probably only hit Pei Shi through his
mental strength.
General Willie could not find out the true identity of the little prince, but
he was not afraid of offending the entire empire. His emperor was behind

Later in the interview, a reporter remembered the recent reputation of the

little hot little prince, and asked General Willy what he thought of the
recent virtual machine game.

General Willie sneered, saying that he was very uncomfortable. Recently,

some young people do whatever they can for money. This is not only
strength but everything, and character is very important ... not to mention
this young man is not necessarily It really has such strong strength.

If it was n’t for the hot little prince that he used old-fashioned mechs with
Master Pei, General Willie would like to use this to support Master Pei ’s
step on the hot little prince, but for the sake of low-key or avoid Pei Shijian.

The reputation of General Willie is not comparable to those on the virtual

network. When the Zerg invaded the edge of the empire, General Willie
relied on his powerful strength and a group of born-to-be killed men to
successfully repel him. He could Said to be the hero in the hearts of
countless young people, he has a huge impression in the whole empire.

Although General Willie did not name his name, as long as he was an
individual, he knew who he was talking about. It was actually ridiculed by
General Willie's stamp, it can be said that the little prince of Hot Strip has
no future at all.

Under such circumstances, the online pursuit of the little prince of the hot
strip is much less, and various media have avoided mentioning it. Even the
official of the virtual machine armor contest has been much lower-key, just
like the previous virtual machine armor contest. It hasn't happened in

Many people even scolded the little prince without knowing the situation.
Anyway, even General Willie scolded them, and they could never be
Many fans of the Little Prince can't help but argue with each other, and then
they are beaten as brain powder. Many people say that such people still
have so many powders that are the degeneration of the current society, and
the future of the empire is worrying and so on. .

In this case, quite a lot of people took off the powder, but the rest were
convinced that the little prince of spicy strip would not let them down.

Fortunately, the little prince did not disclose his real identity, otherwise he
would have been scolded.

Shao Ciyi, who had rested for several days to calm his inner trauma, faced
this situation on the Internet.

When he remembered that General Willie was the most supportive of Pei
Shijian in the original text, he almost understood the matter ... it must be
the ghost of Pei Shi that he had been upset.

General Willie in the original text is the kind of person who is extremely
shorthanded. It can be said that Shi Peijian is regarded as his own son.

Whether it is Pei Jian ’s fault or not, as long as he is wronged, he is his

enemy .

What's more, in addition to General Willie's strength, there is also a

powerful force. Without his help, Master Pei would not have been so easy
to take office.

The key now is that Shao Ci can't come out and say something, and he can't
jump out and run to challenge General Willie, so the cliff will be laughed at
by others.

After learning about this, Edwin wanted to use his family's power to help
Shao Ci, but was stopped by Shao Ci. After all, General Willie's status in
many people's hearts is not ordinary, so jumping out casually and facing
him has only one failure.
And according to Shao's knowledge of General Willie, his blow will
certainly not end so easily. If he plays his hole card now, it will be difficult
to deal with it.

Edwin had to secretly let the family members come forward to wash the
white prince in the virtual world. Of course, it was not very useful. Edwin
made people flesh out those who sang on the Internet. .


Like Shao's thoughts, General Willie was not satisfied with this. After
suppressing the morality of the Little Prince of Hot Strip, he began to want
to fight against the strength of the Little Prince of Hot Strip.

So General Willie suddenly came out and said that he was not targeting the
young people now, but just wanted to hone each other. After all, how could
young people succeed if they did not have this ability to resist stress.

Later, General Willie also stated that after watching the video of the hot
little prince, he felt that he was still a bit strong, but this strength was not
much. If the hot little prince can win his subordinates, he will take back the
previous words. If he can't even do this, forget it.

The general sent by General Willie was a man named Augustine. Although
he was not well-known and unknown to the public, his strength was really

However, Augustine's temper was very bad. He had also missed and killed
his teammates. He would have been sentenced to death if it was not General
Willie's protection, so now he can't get mixed up, but for Willie General
loyalty is beyond doubt.

With the promotion of General Willie, many media even came out to
publicize it. If the spicy little prince does not accept the challenge, he will
definitely be suppressed and never stand up again. If he accepts and loses, it
will naturally have the same ending.
Unless he can win Augustine, everyone with a good eye knows that this is
impossible. Don't look at the splendid little prince in the virtual machine
armor contest, but it is far from those who have been honed in the
battlefield for more than ten years.

Shao Ci expressed his willingness to accept this challenge as soon as he

learned about it.

And this matter quickly spread through the virtual network.

Many people who didn't pay attention to the virtual machine competition
had paid attention to it after learning that it was promoted by General
Willie. For a while, it was not good to start jealous that the Little Prince
could have such attention.

General Willie naturally knew that if the little prince of Hot Strip would
win this time, it would surely be more dazzling than in the past, but how
could he win? But a little Mao child, how could he defeat his powerful


The official of the Virtual Mecha Contest provided a free venue for this
game, and also provided various live broadcasts. The number of online
people was as high as 10 billion, and the server was almost crowded.

Augustine, the strongest man sent by General Willie, also drove vintage

Augustine naturally wanted to use this as a sign of disdain for Shao's

resignation. He used old-fashioned mechs to fight into the sky. Even a
dozen or so champions of this virtual mech competition were not his

The host introduced Augustine's military achievements in recent years, and

the audience was exclaimed every time they said the same thing.
It can be said that if Augustine's temper and luck are better, his
achievements may not be comparable to that of General Willie.

On the other side, the hot little prince is very dim. In addition to the first
result of the virtual machine armor competition, it seems that he has
nothing to say.

And under the will of General Willie, various media and the hot little prince
who has become a meritorious person who has high self-esteem. The crowd
in the audience looked at the hot little prince with contempt.

Only the fans occupying a small part of the stands, facing the eyes of the
people around them looking at the brain damage, constantly shouting the
title of the spicy little prince, trying to cheer the spicy little prince up.

Soon, this game that was almost watched by the entire empire began.

Shao Ci took a deep breath. This plot is completely irrelevant to the

original, and there will be no influence from the will of the world. He can
fully rely on his own strength.

After the two's mechs fought together, Augustine's moves were quite
insidious. They were all moves that would definitely cause problems in the
other's mech as long as they hit, and Shao Ci kept dodging. It seemed
extremely difficult to escape.

To an outsider, it seems that Augustine did not want this game to end so
quickly, and continued to humiliate the little prince, but the little prince was
unable to fight back, obviously not as good as the opponent.

The host looked a little bit embarrassed for the little prince. "It seems that
the outcome of this game is already obvious."

He couldn't help sighing. He also paid close attention to the little prince
from the beginning. It is clear that the other party is a very powerful man
with a bright future. Who knows how to offend General Willie? Now it is
probably To be stepped into the mud.
Fortunately, the true identity of the other party has not been revealed. It
may still be possible to change the name of a low-key point in the future,
but it is certainly not as high as it is now.

The fans of the Hot Strip Little Prince looked very nervous.

They also know in their hearts that the strength of the Hot Strip Little
Prince is definitely inferior to that of the other person who has been honed
for more than ten years in the state of life and death. This is almost
regarded as the last match of the Hot Strip Little Prince. Still can't help but
have vague expectations.

I look forward to seeing the scene where the little prince wins his opponent
like countless times in the past.

In fact, Shao Ci can directly win by relying on his mental strength, but in
this case, he will reveal that his mental strength is too strong, not to
mention that his combat experience is really inferior to the opponent, so it
is better to learn at this time.

An outsider looked at a very dangerous dodge, and it was still very simple
to do in Shao Ci. His mental strength could even directly analyze the
principle and purpose of the action made by Augustine.

Although Augustine looked down on Shao's remarks, he couldn't help

wondering why the hot little prince could keep dodging.

Then, Augustine attacked out, but the little prince on the other side stood
upright, and did not evade at all.

The audience in the stands felt like they were finally here. It seems that the
little prince is aware of the gap between his strength and the opponent, and
finally decided to give in.

But different from what they thought, the Little Prince of Hot Strips
grabbed Augustine's weapon with a very tricky action. When Augustine
was stunned, the Little Prince of Hot Strips quickly used his previous use.
If Augustine did not respond in time, he would be hit directly by the

The fans of the Hot Strip Little Prince immediately saw this scene. When
the person who did n’t know who was challenged, the Hot Strip Little
Prince imitated the actions of the other party. Is this time he is ready to use
the method before ?

"Hum." Augustine snorted, and his face was full of sarcasm. "You have a
decade or more of work to learn from me."

These moves are practiced at countless times of life and death. Such a little
hair child can never learn it. Even if it is done in form, how can he
understand the actual principle, unless it is the kind of mental strength A
strong person can judge according to the situation ... But if a person who is
so strong in spirit is really, why would General Willie be hit like this?

Those experienced people shook their heads when they saw this scene. At
this time, they did not use their own moves, but imitated each other. How
could they have played Augustine who knew this move well? Sure enough,
the spicy prince is still too young.

The host also sighed in his heart and said, "It seems that the little prince is
trying to survive the crisis by mimicking Augustine's moves, but can things
really go so smoothly ... wait, his moves It's not the same as Augustine did
before ... "

Augustine was very disdainful and sneered: "Sure enough, I can't even
learn, it seems the game should be over ..."

The next moment, the little prince attacked differently than planned, but
wiped past his mech body.

Augustine was startled. "How is that possible? He can actually meet me?
This is obviously not the case ... what's wrong, he made a change?"

Then the little prince attacked one move after another. All the moves were
subtly different from those shown by Augustine before, but they were
obviously sharper than the previous moves. This is considered to be a
mech. Anyone who doesn't have much research can tell.

Augustine, who is very familiar with these moves, was in trouble because
of this familiarity. The attacks in many key places were modified by the
little prince, which was almost impossible to prevent.

Everyone was shocked: "This is it !?"

"Did the hot little prince improve on this move?" The host was shocked,
and the subconsciously said what he thought.

"How is it possible? Improve the moves, but also the moves of a strong man
like Augustine ... It can be said that he fully sees the disadvantages of the
opponent's moves. This is what the talents who have reached the peak in
mecha skill accomplish Ah. "

"Is he really capable? Isn't it possible?"

"How can a person with such strength be silent in reality? It must be a

famous person like General Willie."

"It can't be ... it must be a coincidence."

The audience was caught in chaos for a while, and the fans of Hot Little
Prince continued to cheer. It seems that the opponents this time were not as
powerful as they thought. Sure enough, they had thought too much before,
so powerful. How could the hot little prince lose?

"Damn." Augustine gritted his teeth, and his expression was a little hesitant.
"How can I lose to this kid."

However, the opponent's tricks are so mysterious, even Augustine is a bit

difficult to fight, coupled with the previous thought that his strength can
absolutely crush the opponent, so instead of choosing a habitual mech, he
used an old-fashioned machine. A, making him even unable to reach the
best state.
"Have to use mental power." Like those of Shao's opponents in the past,
Augustine also wanted to directly use mental power to attack.

But before waiting for Augustine to use his mental power, the little prince
of Spicy Barbara seized a chance, and the weapon was directly hacked at
the weakness of Augustine's mech.

This old-fashioned mech was extremely erroneous, and was instantly

dismantled, and the cockpit fell directly to the ground.

There is no doubt that the outcome has been divided.

The audience was extremely shocked. From the little prince of the hot strip
fell into the downwind, and now he has an edge and finally wins directly,
but only a few minutes later.

Actually, he can win Augustine, and we can totally see how strong his
strength is ... and it is no coincidence that he improved those moves before,
because his strength is far better than Augustine's.

Who is this hot little prince?

The little prince's mech did not exit directly after the victory, the cockpit
was opened, and a person jumped out directly from it, landing lightly on the

Even at this time, his face was mosaic, and no one could see who he was.

Everyone was startled and looked down. At this moment, almost half of the
empires were watching this scene.

Shao Ci only felt that his chest was hot and had unprecedented strength on
his body. Even when so many people watched, he didn't feel timid.

After fighting with Augustin, he suddenly felt a strong urge to become

stronger, not relying on mental strength to defeat the opponent, but really
learning those moves by his own strength. But the strength of most people
can no longer satisfy him, and now there is exactly one person to choose ...
"General Willie, since you don't recognize my strength, I'm here to
challenge you."

Although the voice of Shao Ci was not very loud, it spread throughout the
hall. The sound of a quiet needle falling from the ground to the entire site
could be heard clearly.

"Do you dare to accept my challenge?"

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
46: Future ABo (sixteen)
The audience reacted for a long time, and then took a deep breath, almost
wondering if there was something wrong with their ears.

General Willie can be said to be the most prestigious and powerful person
in the empire now, and the little prince, a newcomer who only made his
first online attempt to challenge General Willy? Even if he had successfully
won Augustine, it was too arrogant to make such a declaration?

General Willie, who was looking at the screen in the lounge, almost crushed
the tea cup in his hand. He had never been so insulted since he became

A trivial boy, actually said he was going to challenge him. Where did he get
the courage?

In this case, don't blame him for being too hard. General Willie grunted.

The next moment, General Willy's grim face appeared on the screen of the
competition venue. His eyes were full of disdain, almost like a charity, and
said, "I accept your challenge."

There was a tumult in the auditorium, and it was not just the auditorium.
Everyone who was paying attention to the outside world was taken aback.

Even if the little prince has never lost since he came out, even if he
successfully defeated Augustine this time, the gap between him and
General Willie can't be bridged at once.

After receiving a response from General Willie, the Little Prince of Hot
Strip set the time for next week's game, and then went directly offline.

After that, the news on various social networks almost broke the news, and
the heat was not as many times as it was when the Little Prince and the
Time Final were hot.
Countless people are shocked by this. While shocking the arrogance of the
hot little prince, he is also shocked by his courage. Many people ask
themselves if they are in that position.

Originally, those who ridiculed the little prince were a little ashamed after
seeing the game, but after seeing that he dared to challenge General Willie,
many people scolded the little prince online and did not know how to
respect their seniors. Arrogant.

After all, General Willie has such strength, even if he does everything right,
even if he said that the little prince is not good, he just has to guide the
newcomers. However, the Little Prince of Hot Strips actually tried to
challenge General Willie. This was simply unrecognizable. Some even said
that the Little Prince of Hot Strips wanted to use the name of General
Willie to hype.

But there are also many people who have become inspired by the spirit of
the little prince, and some diehard fans still say online who knows that the
little prince will not win? I don't know how many battles he thought he
would lose. He won this game.

Of course, such people are also ridiculed by other people as a brain residue,
but after the previous battle, everyone knew that it was impossible, but
could not help thinking about it, what would happen if the little prince
really won.


On the other hand, the subordinates of General Willie did not understand
why he accepted the challenge of this hot little prince this time.

"General, how can you agree?"

"That way, whether you win or not, that kid is all the rage."

"And wouldn't it be good for us to deal with that kind of thing?"

General Willy frowned. "Even Augustine lost, are you sure you can win?"
The others stopped silent. Although they were very confident in their
strength, Augustine was by no means so easy to deal with. From this we
can see that the hot little prince must not be simple.

When Augustine remembered that he had lost to the hot little prince, he said
angrily, "If it wasn't for the insidiousness of the boy that I had no time to
use it, how could I lose so easily?"

Speaking of him, he was hammering a punch on the wall, hammering out

the strong walls.

Then Augustine remembered something, and quickly said: "Then you will
use the mental power to attack the hot little prince, then his mental power
will immediately collapse under your attack."

People whose mental strength is broken are basically useless.

"You're right." General Willie said lightly: "I thought so too. At that time, I
saw that the potential of this hot little prince was not simple. If he was
allowed to grow, he would definitely cause serious problems. I'll do it now.

The crowd suddenly realized that they praised the wisdom of General


On the other side, Shao Ci practiced mecha operation on the Internet every
day. Now he almost understands the movements and principles of mecha.
What is lacking is mental training.

Although his mental strength is strong, he is not aggressive enough. Shao

Ci felt frightened when he thought about the last time he was peeped into
the heart by Pei Shi ’s spiritual power.

However, there are very few books on spiritual power, and even less on
how to attack. Shao Ci constantly tried to practice with spiritual power.
Thinking back to what Pei Master had done that day, he worked out the
principle a little bit.

Soon, the day of the game came.

This game is even more sensational than before, countless people are
watching this game, and even the royal family is watching. Even if they
knew the outcome, they still wanted to see the legendary General Willie.

Moreover, the official sold this ticket in the form of an auction in a

particularly shameless manner.

Many die-hard loyal fans are young people. Naturally, these tickets cannot
be seized, but Edwin bought a lot of them and gave them directly.

After Shao resigned, looking at the advanced mech used by General Willie
on the opposite side, his heart was very tense.

Although General Willie's guard was short to an unreasonable level, his

strength was indeed very strong, and even with such a strong mental power,
Shao was a little bit uncertain.

Therefore, this time, Shao Ci did not choose the old-fashioned mech, but
directly used the strongest new mech. Such a mech can last at least a little
longer, and it will not be killed by the opponent as soon as it comes into

After the game started, General Willie attacked quickly and tried the
strength of the Little Prince, but he encountered the same situation as
before, and found that the Little Prince was learning his moves, and the
speed of learning was strange. Very fast.

"Sure enough." General Willie thought to himself, "This hot little prince is a
genius. If he grows up like this, his future achievements will be limitless ...
even more than me."

It would be nice if such a genius was included in the team at the beginning,
but unfortunately he did not take the other party as a thing before, and now
the relationship between the two parties has reached such a point that the
little prince of spicy bar must not be allowed to continue to grow.

"But unfortunately, such geniuses have lost countless times in my hands,

and today, I am going to make you here completely futile."

General Willie snorted and used his mental power directly to the little
prince opposite. Although his mental strength is not only SS level, but also
very aggressive, even many people with decades of combat experience are
not his opponents, not to mention this little newcomer.

When the opponent's movement slowed down, Shao Ci also acutely noticed
that General Willie wanted to attack himself with mental strength.

In the previous combat effectiveness, even if Shao Ci had a very strong

mental strength, it was also worthy of avoiding the attack of General Willie.
After all, the gap between the fighting experience between the two was too

Many of General Willie's guesses were also correct, but he was wrong
about how powerful the mental power of Shao Ci was.

"Now is the critical time." Shao took a deep breath and concentrated his
mental strength into a sharp blade, as he did before Pei Master, and
suddenly attacked General Willie's mech. go with.

At the moment when the two men's mental strengths met, General Willie

What a powerful and terrible spiritual power it is, like an endless sea,
without seeing the end at all.

It will surely die in this way. General Willie has hardly thought about it.
After so many years of experience, he has directly taken back his mental
strength. Even so, he felt a sting in his mind, just like it was going to burst
apart. .
At this moment, General Willie even remembered the fear when he met the
Zerg Queen in the Zerg's lair.

He has never said anything. In fact, he did not kill the Zerg Queen, but
escaped in panic under the pressure of the opponent's mental power.

At that time, General Willie thought it was all over, but unexpectedly, the
Zerg evacuated and he was regarded as a hero by everyone.

Naturally, General Willie didn't say this, but this time, the spirit of the little
prince was the same as that of the Zerg queen. He completely lost his war
will and fell into fear, even daring to move. Move again.

In this case, Shao Ci's weapon easily pierced the opponent's cockpit.

The game suddenly fell into silence, and the host could not say a word.

Everyone felt like they were dreaming.

Until the system prompts who has won, the crowd wakes up like a dream,
the next moment, the fans of the hot little prince burst out cheering, they
could hardly believe everything they saw, and cried together. Crying and
laughing, but no one looked at them at this time.

Others couldn't believe it. The little prince of Hot Strips won Augustine. It
can be said that he was more capable and talented, but he actually won
General Willy? Who is he and how old is he? How could this be done?

The host's voice was a little trembling. "This time, the victor ... is the hot
little prince. He actually won, actually beat General Willie. Perhaps we
have always underestimated his strength."

The host felt that he seemed to witness the rise of a genius in the new era.

The people in the auditorium were silent for a moment, as if they had just
reacted, one by one began to cheer, and the shouting names in their mouths
were all hot little princes.
No matter what they thought of the little prince before watching this game,
now they have been deeply dumped by his strength and become his fans

The empire has always been a strong one, no matter how much glory he had
before General Willie, the moment he lost to the hot little prince, his light
has faded countlessly.

It can be said that the Little Prince of Hot Strip succeeded like stepping on
General Willie, and only he could do such a thing. Even if others had
thought about it, he did not have such strength.

Almost just a moment after the end of the game, the traffic to all news since
the appearance of the hot little prince has skyrocketed, and many websites
have collapsed. All media have changed their tone, apologies one after
another, and then they are bragging about the hot little prince.

Those who had mocked the little prince also quickly deleted all the news.
Some people just deleted it a bit slowly, and found that there were more
than 100,000 comments criticizing themselves, and they were scared to
apologize and express themselves. Now it's also a powder of spicy prince.

No one can imagine that such a newcomer who only emerged in the virtual
machine game a few months ago can defeat General Willie today.

In the past, those who thought that the hot little prince was a lucky man
who had never lost, but now he was shocked to find that it had nothing to
do with good luck. Everything was because the hot little prince had enough
power to crush everyone.

And those who lost to the little prince were no longer upset, but were
deeply honoured. They also showed the video of the little prince fighting
and showed off to countless people around.

Everyone is guessing the identity of the little prince, as long as he reveals

his identity, even if he is just an extremely ugly coal miner on a remote
planet, there will be countless people kneeling and licking.
Unfortunately, the little prince is so low-key, even if they rack their brains,
they can't find out who he is.

It doesn't matter if you don't check your identity, it's the same on the
Internet. On the night after the game, tens of millions of people showed
love to the little prince online.

There are even a variety of nobles who have high backgrounds and high
values and are willing to pay for all their wealth. They only want to date
the little prince once, even if it is just a ten-minute date.

Everyone also inquired that the little prince of spicy bar actually singled out
with others because of one million empire coins. Immediately, countless
people sent emails expressing their willingness to give out ten million and
one hundred million empire coins. Fight yourself.

The sales volume of merchants who have been looking for the Hot Prince
Little Prince before does not know how many times it has increased. It is
extremely fortunate to have their own vision, and those who are not
optimistic about the Hot Prince Little Prince are extremely sorry.

It can be said that just overnight, the little prince of spicy strip became the
male **** of the entire empire. If he has any social account, I am afraid
that there will be hundreds of millions of fans instantly.

Ji Zhaoyun, who really knew Shao's identity, gritted his teeth and
compressed his daily rest time. Even if he couldn't catch up, he had to do
his best.


Shao Ci rested for a night because he was a bit tired after playing. When he
got into the virtual world the next day, he was surprised by the number of
emails in the mailbox. Because the number was too huge, Shao Ci was
directly Squeeze out the virtual world.

"... I don't need to read the email this time."

But what happened to so many e-mails, were all fans of General Willie
scolded him?

Then Shao Ci looked at the remarks of those on the Internet casually, and
was shocked.

Although he knew that it seemed that he had defeated General Willie, it was
too exaggerated ... I did not expect that he would still be treated like this

Especially those who are willing to spend 100 million imperial coins only
want to be beaten by him once, Shao Ci has the impulse to agree.

At first, he promised to play with Ji Zhaoyun for one million yuan. Now
why do n’t he agree with so much money, and it is not a game, just to play.

Then Shao Ci received a message from Edwin and came to Edwin's house
in the virtual world ... Although he obviously lived in a room, he had to use
this method to chat.

"You must not agree to those people's demands." Edwin almost sat down
and said, "I will give you as much as you want if you are short of money,
but please do not agree to this only."

"Why?" Shao Ci didn't quite understand.

Although the Little Prince of Hot Strips has such achievements now, Edwin
is very happy, but there are more than tens of millions of love rivals, Edwin
can't help worrying about who Shao is being taken away.

"Everyone wants to know who you are now," Edwin said. "I have received
countless inquiries, and even the elders at home have asked me."

After all, Edwin is the chairman of the Hot Little Little Prince Fan Support
Club. Others can't start from the Hot Little Little Prince, of course, they will
doubt whether he knows the situation.

Shao speech: "!"

"Of course I can never tell you the news." Edwin hurriedly said: "This
matter will gradually fade, these people will give up when they know that is
impossible. But if you promise It ’s no ordinary person who can take out
100 million empire coins, they will definitely want to investigate your
identity crazy. "

Shao speech: "!!!"

It is also said that although the system's confidentiality work is currently

doing well, who knows if there will be any accidents.

"All right." Shao Ci could only give up reluctantly.


After the defeat, General Willie was completely aggressive, and he could
hardly accept that he had been defeated by a hairy boy, but he was very
clear about the mental strength of the little prince.

If he wanted to resist at that time, he would definitely end up in a mental


He is doomed to lose, but the ridicule from the enemy's Hayman clan makes
him unacceptable.

General Willie's men did not dare to say anything, they were afraid to make
General Willie angry.

"Who the **** is that?" General Willie gritted his teeth. "With such strong
strength, how could there be no news in reality?"

I thought this would happen in the past, but then something unexpected
happened to everyone.

At first, many characters spoke for the little prince, and secretly mocked
some people who couldn't improve their strength. They suppressed new
people here, almost alleging that Willie was being called by his name.
The interested person only needs to investigate a little to find out that these
people rely on the Hyman family behind them. It seems that the hot little
prince actually turned to the Hyman family. However, the Hayman family
is the most powerful family in the Empire.

However, after all, General Willie still had the power, and only a few
people secretly taunted, but no one dared to say anything right.

Later, someone suddenly posted a post, picking up Augustine who had

fought the hot little prince last time. He actually killed someone in the army
that year, and his character was very bad. He even robbed someone's omega
to serve himself. , And then directly abandoned.

But all of these crimes were concealed by General Willie, and even his men
severely wounded those who reported them, and directly killed them.

If such remarks could usually be deleted by General Willie's forces for a

moment, but this time the other party had the Hyman family to help him,
and there was a growing trend, not to mention Augustine and the spicy
prince last time After the battle, it can be said that it became famous
throughout the empire.

And this is not the end, perhaps inspired by the first post, and more and
more posts have been posted since then, exposing the bad things of
General Willie's men.

For a time, the image of General Willie collapsed in everyone's hearts, and
he began to doubt his previous thoughts.

After all, people were trembling under the attack of the Zerg. The empire
needed a hero to stabilize the heart, and General Willie was promoted
because he did have some strength and had a good relationship with the
emperor, but he was an unconditional guard. These years Many of the
people who have made troubles have all concealed themselves, and they
think that it is absolutely okay to rely on their own forces. I didn't expect to
be caught now.
Under such circumstances, more and more people on the Internet began to
scold General Willie, and his power was affected for a while, and he even
received news from the emperor.

Had it not been for General Willie's strength to be recognized by everyone,

I'm afraid he would be drowned by everyone.

Augustin was so angry when he heard the news that he punched the wall
next to him. "We worked hard to protect these useless civilians, didn't we
just grab a few omega, let alone the omega It's been a lifetime's honor for Zi
Se to be able to serve me. Is it such a trouble? "

"It's not the problem now." General Willie frowned. "It's not a problem that
the Hayman family wants to seize this opportunity to defeat us."

"After all, it's all that **** hot little prince. If it weren't for his arrogance,
how could things have become what they are now?" Augustine said angrily.

But Augustine didn't dare to come and fight with the little prince, even
General Willie lost, what could he do.

Other men also began to curse the Hyman family constantly.

General Willie sighed, knowing that things were not so easy to solve now,
"You go out first."

When the people in the room were almost gone, there was another person

That person is Pei Shijian who joined recently.

"Do you have anything to say?" Seeing this young man who was similar to
his first lover in seven or eight points, General Willie's heart became soft,
as if the person in front of him was his child and Emilia .

"General, I have some thoughts on this matter." Shi Pei said with a harmless
smile on his face, "I think we can hand over Augustine." Shortly after
joining Shi Peijian, he found that he was being treated better than other
newcomers. I do n’t know how much, and he was promoted quickly.

Even General Willie, who was extremely difficult to see other people,
encountered him several times, and the other person's look at him was
extremely loving.

Pei's skepticism is certainly impossible to ignore the past, so he investigated

it himself, because no one thought about covering it up. He soon discovered
the relationship between General Willie and his mother, and he almost
understood that year. In the end what happened.

Whatever it is, Master Pei can use it. He pretended that he didn't know
about it at all. When he met General Willie, he also looked like a
goodlooking junior. He also put forward many useful opinions. Of course,
his status Is rapidly improving.

After that, Master Pei pretended to accidentally discover the relationship

between General Willie and his mother, and then ran to ask the general, and
even asked whether the general himself was his child.

General Willie, who knew the identity of Master Pei, was unable to tell the
truth. Instead, he shook his head, and finally sighed, indicating that he
would treat Pei Master as his own child.

General Willie did not dare to tell Shi Peijian his true identity, but he was
afraid that he would be found by the members of the Hayman family, and
then Shi Peijian's life would be in danger.

Master Pei also concealed the fact that he had known his life for a long
time, and now also through this relationship, he dared to recklessly ask
General Willie to surrender Augustine.

"What did you say?" General Willie looked at Master Pei suddenly, and
then became furious. "This is not what you should say. Augustine is my
brother who has been with me for so many years. How can I say it?" Just
give it up ?! "
Master Pei said very sincerely, "I said this for the sake of your general."

Although in fact Augustine prevented Pei Shijian from going further, not to
mention that Augustine had humiliated the little prince so many times
before, making Pei Shijian see him very unpleasantly.

"You see, all your men are just as arrogant as Augustine. He has no merit
other than strength, and it has caused you a lot of trouble ..." Pei Shijian
dedicated himself to Willie The general thought, "This time, it can be said
that it was caused by him, and the situation is so severe at the moment, but
he doesn't know the problem of himself, such a person will definitely make
more trouble when he stays thing."

If these words were said by others, General Willie must have dragged it
out and killed him directly, but this is what Shi Pei said, and whoever is
closer to him between Pei Shi and Augustine, obviously Very clear.

Where can a man like Augustine compare with the children of women he
has loved for years?

"And you are like my father, can I still lie to you?" Said Pei Shi. Directly
shocked General Willie.

"Yeah ... you're right." General Willie heard what Pei said, and suddenly
remembered the countless things that Augustine had done. He remembered
how much effort he had spent trying to cover him up. Gustin was still
unaware of repentance, and the last bit of affection in his heart disappeared.

Looking at General Willie's expression, Pei smiled meaningfully.

In this way, General Willie surrendered Augustine directly. After all, what
others did can be forgiven, but what Augustine did has already caused

Then General Willie stated that what he did under his opponents was
completely unaware. Although no one would believe it, it was over.
General Willie ’s reputation also dropped greatly, and he never had the
same shroud as the past. Kind of light.


Edwin has been jealous of Ji Zhaoyun. After all, those tens of millions of
rivals do not know the identity of Shao Ci at all, even if it is threatening, it
is not strong.

Only Ji Zhaoyun is another person besides him who knows Shao's identity.
Although Ji Zhaoyun is now exercising every day in addition to exercising,
he and Shao are too close. If you want to meet, you can see each other in

It happened that the semester was almost over. After various considerations,
Edwin invited Shao to resign from his home to play. On the surface it was
meant to take Shao to resign, but in fact he wanted to take Shao to resign to
see his parents ...

Edwin thought that it had been marked now, and if he would fake a
marriage in order to disguise his identity, Shao Ci would not have
refused ... Such a step by step, he could one day achieve his goal sooner or

Shao Ci himself agreed to do nothing, and he has become quite dependent

on Edwin recently. If no one wakes him up in the morning, no one will
make him breakfast ... who after such a happy life Would you like to go
back to the original hard days!

If Shao Ci wants to stay in this world forever, I am afraid that Edwin will
be successful in a few years.

While in the palace, Loris watched the fighting video in front of him,
slowly sipping the wine in the glass, and the blue pair showed a smile.

"It really deserves my fancy ..."

Then the personal terminal suddenly rang a few times, and Loris looked
down, with a bit of inexplicable emotion in his eyes, and whispered: "Oh?

In this case ... It seems that I am going to the Hyman family Here it is. "
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
47: Future ABo (seventeen)
On the spaceship that came back, Edwin and Shao Ci introduced their
family affairs, as well as some things to pay attention to after going.

The Hyman family is the largest family in the empire, and many
celebrities have appeared in it. They have also married many large
families, and their power covers almost the entire empire.

And Edwin's mother, Serina, a female Alpha, is the patriarch of this

generation, and her sister is the queen of the year.

Patriarch Serina is a very strong person and has many lovers, but her
original match is left aside. After all, the two married together because of
their interests and had no feelings.

It is also for this reason that Edwin's relationship with his mother is not very
good. Instead, he has a better relationship with the queen. He often lived in
the palace when he was a child. After the queen died, the relationship with
the prince was also good.

It's also because Edwin was lucky. When he lived there, he didn't meet the
Queen and Loris when they went crazy ...

Of course, this good relationship passed in the original text after Edwin
became Master Pei's master ... This time without Pei Jian's presence, there
should not be any dogs whose cousins broke off because of a man. Blood

Shao Ci is a bit worried about whether Master Pei could not stand up
because of his relationship. Obviously Master Pei had resentment against
him, but if Master Pei could not reach the peak of life, he would not be able
to leave the world. I feel quite complex.
However, Master Pei is the son of destiny. Even if there are a few men, he
will be able to successfully reach the finale under the protection of the will
of the world.

Edwin is extremely adored by the Prince, and in front of Shao Ci, he

constantly talks about all the deeds of the Prince, including how good his
grades were when he was studying at school, how powerful the mech was.

Shao Ci once again felt that Pei Shijian, who could make Edwin betray his
prince, was really a terrible man.

Afterwards, Edwin sighed again, "His Highness is a man with a very good
personality. Although he has power now, he is not happy."

After all, my mother was only concerned about the emperor. Where would
there be that time to take care of Lorris, after that, he did such terrible
things and died vigorously. The emperor was even more lazy to look at

It was also because Edwin felt happy now that he felt more and more

Shao Ci thought that Edwin still didn't know that it was better. After all,
the prince was actually the big boss of the white-cut black villain. Any
good character was pretended in front of others, and he was a very cold

Maybe he doesn't have any feelings for Edwin, they are all disguised ...
After all, this is more in line with the villain boss's design.

Seeing Shao Ci's face was not very good, Edwin thought he was angry
because of his words, and quickly said: "Of course, in my heart, you are the
best, even Your Highness is not as good as you."

"Well, I understand you." Shao Ci felt that Edwin was like a large dog for
praise. He couldn't help but reach out and touched his head. Edwin's face
suddenly turned red.
After all, it is a private spacecraft, which does not require detours or docks
on the halfway planet, and soon arrived on the planet where the main home
of the Hyman family is located.

This planet was a well-known health resort in the past. Among them, the
hot springs are very famous. It is said that because of the relationship
between various trace elements, in addition to eliminating fatigue, it is even
more effective to go to exercise after soaking in the hot springs.

After that, the planet was bought by the Hyman family. Now only the
Hyman family and guests and the servants who serve them are on this
planet. The entry of other people needs to be checked carefully.

As the next heir, of course, the classmates brought by Edwin can go in

directly, and the inspectors saw Edwin's respectful luggage immediately.

Shao Ci thought that only the patriarch was probably higher than Edwin's
force value here. In this way, you can test whether the system will allow the
girl to be a target for the raid. Maybe it can save his sexual orientation ...
though The female Alpha also has Tintin, even though I have said it many
times, I still feel that the world is too scary.

The aircraft docked at the door of the manor. At this time, it was very late,
and the appearance of the manor could not be clearly seen, but it could only
be seen that it occupied a large area.

Shao Ci looked at it. It seemed that there was a banquet in it, the lights were
bright, and the courtyard was full of all kinds of gorgeous decorations.

"My mother likes to hold banquets, and it's probably the same now." And
many lovers will be invited to come, and every banquet can see those lovers
vying for favor, also because he usually doesn't want to come back.

Shao Ci: "It's not the right time for us to come ..." It just happened to bump
into someone at a banquet.
Edwin was distressed and said, "If she meets you will ask some extra
questions ... but it doesn't matter. If there is any rude question, you can just
ignore it."

The main purpose of his return this time was just to take Shao to resign to
meet his father, and to tell him that he already had someone who decided to
accompany his whole life. As for the mother, just say a few words casually,
even if her opposition is too fierce, it can not control her thoughts.

"Is this really okay ..." Shao Ci always felt a little bad in his heart, always
feeling that something bad would happen when he walked in.

But they're all here already. It would be too much to say anything else. Of
course Edwin would definitely not refuse, but Shao Ci himself was

So Shao Ci daringly followed Edwin in.

I saw a lot of people gathered in the magnificent hall. After seeing Edwin,
they all froze, and then came over excitedly.

"Master Edwin, you are actually back this year."

"The patriarch will be very happy."

"Do you remember me? We met a few years ago."

"Speaking of my child and the young master, you were also a childhood
friend, do you remember?"

Suddenly the two were surrounded by the crowd. Each of them was very
enthusiastic and horribly enthusiastic. If Edwin hadn't kept his face cold,
they could have squeezed directly into Edwin.

Edwin's attitude has been very cold, completely an attitude of rejecting

people thousands of miles away, but other people have tried their best to
come together.
After all, Edwin was the next heir to the Hayman family. Although there
were many patriarchs outside, there was no illegitimate child.

Not to mention that Edwin has no object at this time, not to mention those
who have omega in the family, even if the only person in the family has
Alpha at this moment, if Edwin doesn't look down on them, they will
certainly jam the child directly.

As for Shao's speech on the side, these people were completely ignored.
After all, it only looks like Beta, and there is no threat at all. Maybe it is
only a good classmate of Master Edwin.

"Mr. Edwin, you heard the news from your Highness, so you rushed back?"

Hearing this suddenly in the midst of noise, Edwin turned to look at the
man, "You said, Your Highness?"

The person replied by Edwin was immediately stunned, and then had a
sense of honour to be named, and quickly said, "Yes, it is His Royal
Highness. You didn't know this?"

Edwin frowned slightly. His Highness Lorris definitely wouldn't come here
except on his mother's birthday. Why on earth this time, is there anything

After hearing their conversation, Shao Ci's face suddenly turned white: "!"

Why, as the original villain's final villain, actually came here at this time, I
always feel that something bad will happen. And Loris's force value is
obviously higher than Edwin ...

Is he too late now?

Shao Ci looked at the crowd crowded around him, desperately finding that
he could not squeeze out.
Just at this time, the hostess of the banquet, the patriarch Serina also came
out from the second floor, and the others stopped talking immediately to
avoid being bored by Serina.

The patriarch Serina is only in her fifties now, and she can be said to be
quite young in the future with a life expectancy of two hundred years. She
has blond and British looks and is a very charming woman.

But at this time in the contrast of the people next to her, Serina was looking
a lot bleak.

The young man next to her had light blond hair and blue eyes, with a smile
on her face, but there was a slight sorrow in her eyebrows. He had a
beautiful appearance that could not be described in words, regardless of any
beauty in her body. Everyone should deeply feel inferiority.

After all, this is the appearance of the first beauty of the empire that was
jealous of countless people.

The moment they saw Lorris, everyone in the audience froze. Even if they
had seen the picture of His Highness most of the time on the Internet, the
real person was much better than the photo, making them speechless for a
moment. .

It stands to reason that such a look should also make countless people right,
but everyone deeply feels that they are not worthy of His Royal Highness,
and almost always see him with the same mentality as watching artworks,
so let's not pursue Not even a few show love.

However, Lorris has no meaning to other people. He has been selfcontained

for years and has not even had a gossip target.

Serena has long been accustomed to the impact of Lorris's face on others,
and did not care. There are more important things than what happened to

She had already learned the news of her son's return, looked at Edwin's
location, and immediately smiled, and came over here.
The others pushed away consciously to make way for her.

Edwin's expression eased when he saw his cousin who had not seen him for
a long time.

"This is your classmate?" Serina looked at Shao with curiosity. This was the
first time Edwin brought her classmates back.

Unlike Edwin, who was in a good mood, Shao Ci's mood was quite bad,
and his face was even ashamed.

[嘀嘀 嘀 ... A character with a higher force value has been detected ...
According to the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders is
started ... The replacement is completed, and the current Raiders is now. 】

What really happened to this point. What can he do to get close to this
target? Loris is no less difficult than Master Pei.

The only thing better than Shi Peijian is that he hasn't offended the other
party yet ...

"This is mine ..." Edwin introduced, but suddenly he didn't know how to
describe the relationship between Shao Ci and him for a while. If he was a
classmate, it always felt too rusty. Obviously he wants to go further.

While Edwin hesitated, Lloris smiled slightly, looking in the direction of

Shao Ci, "You are finally here."

Shao Ci did not realize that Lorris was talking to himself until the other
person took his hand.

In front of everyone, Loris sent Shao Ci's hand to his lips, bowed his head
and kissed, "I've been waiting a long time."

Shao Ci's mind was almost like ten million grass horses running by, "!?"
Wait, what is this unfolding? !!
The crowd's response was similar to Shao's speech. If they had not tried to
maintain their manners in front of Loris, they might have their jaws

What did they see? !! Why does His Royal Highness have such a good
relationship with this Beta who looks like a passerby? This is not scientific
at all, or is this passerby Beta really a very powerful person?

Serena was also stunned, and said to Edwin: "Did you bring your
Highness's friend this time? Why not talk about it before? It's so rude."

Edwin was stunned. He didn't hear his mother's question. He just looked at
the picture in front of him. His heart was full of shock. Why would his
cousin know Shao's speech? It shouldn't be ... And how could he be as close
as Shao Ci.

Shao Ci finally returned to God and asked questions that everyone around
him wanted to know, "Your Highness, me, us ... do you know?"

"We've known each other for a long time ... you think about it, you can
remember it." Lorris said to Shao Ci, and then took his hand, facing Serena
and the people around him: " Let me tell you now, this is my fiance Shao's
resignation. "

Loris spoke softly, but thundered like a thunder.

fiancé? !! Wait, what did they hear? !!

Shao Ci was stunned, looked at Loris suddenly, but suddenly felt his voice
sound familiar.

… Remembered, isn't this the tyrant who spent two million imperial coins
to challenge himself in the virtual world last time, but did nothing, and
finally left a creepy word and ran away? !!

No wonder he would say that he found it ... Although I don't know how
Lorris recognized him in the virtual world and the real one, but now he
almost knows the reason, and it doesn't make sense to entangle that kind of

Shao Ci felt that the whole person was not good, and he thought that he had
covered up the vest well. As a result, almost all the main plot characters
now know. Is there any difference between this vest and no!

The others reacted at this time.

"What? What did I just hear?" "Your Highness actually has a fiance?"
"This, when is this happening ?! Why haven't I heard the news at all?"
"Actually I'm still dreaming?"

Everyone wondered if they had missed something very important these past
few days. Why the future emperor, His Royal Highness Prince Alpha,
would choose a Beta as his companion now, which is justified? !!

Moreover, they have never heard of the name Shao Ci, and there is no such
surname in the big families and nobles counted by the Empire.

However, their status cannot help questioning His Royal Highness' decision
at all, and he had to put away the shocked expressions one by one, hide the
doubts in his heart, and send out various blessings.

Serina was also shocked, and then frowned, "Her Highness, are you
serious? Has this matter been discussed with His Majesty? The marriage is
not a child's play."

Lorris glanced at her lightly. "I'll make my own decision."

Loris's attitude was very mild, but Serina's heart was cold. At that moment,
she seemed to see her beautiful but paranoid sister.

Obviously a well-known gentle beauty, or a fragile omega, but did

something that no one can believe.

At that time, my sister could do that kind of thing. If they were to stop His
Royal Highness' decision, who knows what the Prince would do?
Serina immediately compromised. "Since Her Royal Highness likes it, I
won't say anything more."

"His Royal Highness, are you kidding me?" Edwin looked at Lorris, trying
to keep calm, but his voice still shivered. "Will this kind of thing be decided
too casually ..."

His cousin, whom he admires most, did such a thing, and it was
unimaginable to hit Edwin.

"I'm serious this time?" Loris said with a smile. "And I have someone I like,
shouldn't you be happy?"

Edwin's face became extremely ugly in an instant, looking at Shao Ci with

the eyes of praying, seems to want him to tell himself that all this is not

What a cruel person, Shao Ci can't bear to look at Edwin like this.

However, now that he is bound to Lloris, although he does not know what
Loris is going to do, it is obviously impossible to tell the truth of the matter
at this time! Shao said, "This is really true."

Edwin tried to smile barely, but couldn't do it anyway.

At a glance, Serina saw that her son had a problem. Did Edwin also like this

If it had been before, Serina probably would have persuaded him to marry a
famous omega, and then true love would be used as a lover, after all, Serina
did the same.

But now that he and His Highness Loris like the same person, this is really
terrible. Serina hurriedly said, "Edwin, you just came back and haven't seen
your father yet? He's been waiting for you for a long time. Come on."
"Yeah." Edwin looked incoherent. "I'm so sorry, so I'll leave first."

The way he left was doubtful that something would happen.

However, Serina was the hostess of the banquet and could not leave at will,
so she said, "Okay, now that everyone is here, it's time to start dancing."

Everyone hasn't seen enough of the **** triangle story just now, and they
all have some regrets.

After the music sounded, Serina hurried away.

But Loris, who caused this to happen, was just like nothing. He looked
down at Shao Ci and smiled softly. At this moment, it seemed that all the
light around him was dim. "Come, dance with me." "

"...!" Shao's mind was still in a mess. Before he could figure out what Loris
was going to do, where could he dance freely, and said: "But I can't
dance ..."

"It doesn't matter, I will teach you well." Loris's attitude was obviously
very gentle, but Shao Ci felt cold in his heart, always feeling that if he
refused now, something bad would happen.

So Shao Ci staggered into the dance floor with Loris.

Others also slowly digested this explosive news. If they danced on the
dance floor casually, they could not wait for the party to end soon, and then
ran to discuss with others the gossip they know at the banquet today.

After the end of the song, Shao Ci, who could not dance at all, had stepped
on Loris. I do n’t know how many times. I always felt that I would be killed
if I continued this way. May I take a break first? "

"Of course you can." Lorris didn't mean to leave Shao forcibly.

After getting rid of Lorris, Shao Ci almost flew into the garden outside, and
found a remote place to sit down before he was relieved.
Lorris will say such things this time. There are only two possibilities. One
is that he is also an avid fan of the hot little prince, and then sees that he
can't help but has the urge to confess.

But looking at the original work, I know that Loris is by no means a stupid
and sweet person like Edwin and Ji Zhaoyun. He is already strong enough
and will not have any ideas about other strong players. No matter how
powerful people are, he is just a pawn.

Had it not been for Master Shi's aura, it would never have been so easy to
defeat him.

So maybe Lorris is trying to win over himself?

But you do n’t have to do such a thing, just pull your men, why do you need
to forcefully say something about your fiance in front of everyone ...

Isn't Dignity Prince still using this method to retain a master?

Not to mention he is still such a salty fish in reality.

Shao Ci felt a headache when he thought about it, sighed, and couldn't
imagine how his life would be in the future. The only thing that was clear
was that he would not be able to eat those delicious foods made by Edwin
in the future ... Think about heartache what.

The next moment, a man came over, and it was Edwin who was pale.

"I have something to ask you."

Apparently Edwin didn't just go back, but stayed in a remote place. His face
was very ugly at this time, but when he looked at Shao Ci, he still tried to
maintain a calm look. "What you said before was really?"

As soon as Shao Ci was about to explain, Edwin carefully reached out and
wanted to hold Shao's hand.
Then Shao Ci who didn't pay much attention all of a sudden, felt the terrible
electric shock that was encountered by the former Raiders.

And this electric shock is several times stronger than before.

At that moment, Shao Ci not only retracted his hand quickly, but also
nearly fell to the ground because the flashing action was too fierce. Then
Edwin wanted to hold him, but Shao Ci was severely thrown away.

Shao Ci swears that he is definitely not intentional. It is a systematic fault.

This electric shock is obviously more painful than the last world!

[That is to prevent some of the hosts from shaking to deliberately violate

the rules to get pleasure. 】

Shao Ci: "Oh!" Damn, would it be more exciting for a person to shake M,
so only an innocent person like him becomes worse.

Edwin's face was pale and paper-like. He bit his lower lip and stepped back
a few steps. "It's my fault. I shouldn't run into you. I shouldn't ask you such
a question ... But why ... why ... "

He is too self-righteous. Although he has been with Shao Ci for a long time,
what Shao Ci actually did and who he met did not necessarily have to speak
to himself.

Well, I do n’t know what he does. It ’s not incomprehensible. Maybe Shao

Ci and Lorris got to know after what they did n’t know ... And it ’s true that
Lorris and the Shao he longed for really matched, and he should bless him.

But ... obviously it should be, why he couldn't be happy, but also produced
that terrible over-thought.

"Wait, it's not what you think, I can explain it." Shao Ci rarely sees the
Raiders who have not been blackened directly after being pushed away.
This is a clear stream, and he wanted to explain immediately.
"Explain what?" Lloris's voice came suddenly.

Shao Ci turned his head and saw Loris coming slowly here. He smiled and
looked at the two of them. "Can I listen to what you say? I also want to
know what you are talking about Then. "

Shao Ci had to swallow the words to say, "Nothing, I have nothing to say."
"Edwin, thank you for taking care of me for this time." Loris turned to look
at Edwin, "I will remember what you do, and if you have any trouble, you
can also find me. "

Edwin now looked at his admirable object, and suddenly felt that the other
person's smile seemed so abominable. The dark emotions in his heart
almost burst out, but the next moment he reluctantly said, "... I will."

After saying this, Edwin felt like he didn't want to face the scene any more,
and left swiftly.

Shao Ci thought about explaining it to him when he was still on the

Internet. Now is not the time. There are more important things waiting for
him to solve.

"What's wrong?" Said Loris. "Suddenly looking at me like this, do you have
anything to tell me?"

"His Royal Highness, why did you do this?" Shao said: "Even if you know
my identity on the Internet, you don't have to say that in public, it's not
good for you ... and you see , I'm just a Beta, not as powerful as in a virtual
world. "

It ’s better to make it clear now, lest Loris find out that he is a salty fish.

"I know, I know much more than you think." Loris said: "I have been
following you for a long time ... after all, a big authority can even make it
impossible for me to find out who it is. Man, makes me interested in his
true identity. "
Shao Ci: "..." The source of everything is here?

"I've been looking for who that person was before, and I finally confirmed
it after doing that to you." Lorris smiled. "And after seeing that the little
prince is you, I also investigated clearly , You really don't have the strength
in the virtual world. "

"Then why would you do that ..." Shao Ci could hardly figure out what
Lorris was thinking, but if he could figure out what he thought, then the
other party would be just an ordinary villain ...

"A person has great strength in the virtual world, but in reality it is just a
mediocre Beta. This is an interesting thing." Loris said, "I am really

Shao Ci: "..." Please don't be interested in this kind of thing.

"And ... I really like you." Loris came over, reached out and stroked Shao
Ci's cheek, whispered to his ear: "You remember when you went to the
planet for training before , Suddenly estrus? "

"!!!" Shao Ci stiffened, and the subconscious was about to retreat, but was
held tightly in his arms by Loris. He could only ask, "How do you know
that thing ?!" "

That thing should only be known to the Zerg youth passing by? !!

"I don't know, I was there at the time." Lorris looked at his neck. "You were
delicious when you were in heat ..."

Shao Ci: "You!" What is the development of the pit? Don't tell him that the
Zerg was posing as Loris at the time? !! Wait, that Zerg youth really seems
to have blond hair and blue eyes ... Although he looks completely different,
who knows if Loris used any high-tech method to do it.

The Prince of the Empire is actually the Zerg or something, which has
completely subverted many plots in the original text? !! No, if you think
about it, you can feel subtle, but still very sick.
Before Shao Ci had completely digested the matter, Lorris's eyes darkened
slightly, "... why do you have other people's pheromone smell?"

Shao Ci: "..." Suddenly, this, this ... I almost forgot something that I could
not describe below the neck with Edwin during the estrus.

"Who are you tagged for?"

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

48: Future ABo (eighteen)
Well, why does it feel the same as any arrest?

However, you can also seize this opportunity. Is n’t the setting of this ABo
world not after the omega is marked by Alpha, you can no longer slap with
others, for this reason, Loris should give up the unreliable idea before !!

Thinking of this, Shao Ci was happy, Shen said: "Your Highness, you can
see it ... Yes, I am just such a casual person, not only very heart-warming,
but also Yankong, seeing one loves another, even I like omega. "

In order to make Lorris change her previously unreliable idea, Shao Ci has
begun to confess. If he's working in the right direction, it doesn't matter if
he turns black again.

Besides, it ’s actually the fact that I like omega → _ → Even Shao has not
seen an omega now.

"What you said," Loris said, "I think we are suitable."

Shao speech: "?!"

"I'm tired of a bland life. You can always bring me new surprises." Loris
said: "A few words won't change my mind ..."

Shao Ci: "... even if I mess around ?!"

"Of course not." Although Loris was still smiling, her eyes were much
colder. "No matter who you used to like, from now on, you can only stay
by my side ... I can only look at me in my eyes. . "

Shao Ci: "... what if someone approaches me?"

Lorris said, "Those who are close to you, wouldn't it be better to kill them?"

Shao speech: "..." Hey! Is there such a thing as a villain? !! What if that
person is your cousin!

After thinking about it, Shao Ci thought that Lorris could really kill his

"But I won't force you."

Shao Ci knew that when the general villains said such words, they would
immediately start threatening people, and they were ready for the moment.

"I am also very clear about your parents." Loris said: "They let you pretend
to be Beta, but also to keep the title of that nobleman. As long as you marry
me, they can not only continue to be nobleman, they can even directly Into
the upper class. "

Shao Ci: "!" Suddenly, even his parents moved out! Saying yes won't
persecute it, and sure enough ...

"But if you refuse, things will probably be very bad." Loris said: "You have
to think carefully."

Shao Ci was seriously considering that the other party was the target of the
Raiders. Finally, he made up his mind, grabbed Loris's hand, and looked up
at his face seriously: "I think about it clearly."


"Actually, I have always admired His Royal Highness." Shao said, "Let me
stay with you."
Just let it die with the wind.

As for how an omega is tagged with other Alpha, he will not care about it!

Edwin didn't know how he got back into the room. By the time he returned,
everything in the room had become messy, and the albums in the cabinet
were scattered.

Looking down, Edwin can still see the photos taken by the media of his
cousin, who was specially collected in the album, when he graduated.

The above Loris smiled very mildly, but even so, because of his
appearance, he still looked extremely dazzling.

… It might be too dazzling, but rather dazzling.

Edwin never expected that he would encounter such a thing when he came
back this time.

Of course, Edwin would not blame Shao for anything.

And in the previous time, Shao Ci's attitude was also very reluctant ... But
why was he throwing himself away like that later, was he confused by that

That's right, it's all a problem for Loris. If he didn't appear suddenly, things
would not have reached this point ...

As long as he can die, everything can return to the original situation.

Edwin was surprised to find that he felt so calm when he wanted to kill his
cousin, whom he has always worshiped.

It was late at this point, and Edwin sorted out his thoughts and went into the

But under the moonlight, it was clear that a photo album was spread out on
the floor of the room, and a silvery dagger was piercing the face of the
good-looking young man above.
After returning, Shao Ci learned that Serena had arranged him and Lorris in
a room ... After all, Serina regarded him as Lorris's fiance, and it was
normal to make such arrangements.

Even if he didn't know how to explain it, Shao Ci had to bite the bullet and
sleep with Loris in a room.

As for the idea of seeking Edwin's explanation on the virtual network, there
was no opportunity at all.

Moreover, Shao Ci did not know how to explain it. Now that things have
developed to this extent, it is better to let Edwin think that this is really

Fortunately, the bed in the room was big enough, and Shao Ci lay directly
on the farthest side after taking a bath, and his heart was still tangled with
the matter ... What is the relationship between Loris and the Zerg!

"Do you think about why I could appear on that planet before me?" Loris
suddenly came over and asked Shaoci's eyes.

Shao Ci was so scared that he almost fell off the bed, then nodded. "I care
about that."

"I can tell you, because I like you very much." Loris leaned lazily on Shao
Ci and said, "In fact, those are the bodies copied from my genes. Of course,
those bodies are and Without my own will, I can use it whenever I want to
go. It is very easy. "

"Can current technology do this?" Shao Ci was shocked. "Can people's

consciousness be transferred to other bodies?"

I thought it would be great to project human consciousness into the spiritual


"... Of course not." Lorris said in a very casual tone. "The reason I can do it,
of course, is because ... I'm not human."
Shao Ci: "!" Why is the bedroom so casual? If you say such things, you
always feel like you are going to die! !!

"Just kidding." Loris smiled and poked at Shao Ci's face with a smile. "Did
you believe it? It's naive. It's easy to be deceived by others."

Shao Ci: "..."

No, using his years of experience to ensure that this thing is absolutely
true ... but then, how exactly is Loris the Zerg?

It is impossible to say that it was inherited by the emperor. After all, Pei
Shijian is also the son of the emperor. If that is the case, this article will
become another book of Zerg counterattacks.

But if it was the Queen, wouldn't it mean that the Hayman family ... and
Edwin ...

No, it shouldn't be like this, or just because the replicated body has
imported the Zerg gene or something because of some needs, it sounds
more reliable.

Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that everything could finally be


At this time, it is also midnight, and the sound of the system sounds on
time. [Daily task refresh, the current task is [Kiss Raiders once], please
host to cheer. 】

Shao Ci: "..." There is actually a difference between a strong kiss and a kiss.
Isn't it necessary to kiss?

【Yes. 】

I really didn't expect that when the system released such a conscience task,
Shao Ci felt a little moved at this time.
If the system releases the task of treatment, you can test whether or not
Loris is the Zerg ... wait, even if the system does not send the task, he can
try it by himself.

Moreover, Shao turned his head away, and Lorris didn't know when he was
asleep beside him. It was a good time for temptation.

In all likelihood, there will be no problem. Shao Ci thought so, then leaned
slowly in the direction of Loris.

After his hand touched Loris's arm, the other side suddenly opened his eyes,
and the blue eyes were now close to ice blue, as if without any emotion, he
said: "What are you going to do? ? "

"This is ... good night kiss ... yes, good night kiss!" Shao was almost scared
to death, anxious to speak, and then bowed his head and kissed Loris on the

He can be so clever that he can complete daily tasks while fooling the past.

The next moment, Lorris grabbed his hand, pressed Shao directly on the
bed, and raised an eyebrow: "I have been controlling since the beginning,
but you are still tempting me here."

"I just, just because you look so good, so I have no control." Shao Ci
quickly said.

"Oh?" Lorris leaned down and rushed to his ear. "Do you know what
happens to those omegas who can't marry them after being marked by

"do not know."

Shao Ci felt that this setting was very painful. After Omega was marked by
Alpha, it could not be marked by others anymore. If that Alpha did not
want to be responsible, it would not be very troublesome.
Although Empire law stipulates that Alpha must be responsible under such
circumstances, there are some powerful scummen Alpha who do not want
to be responsible and have no way.

And if omega is not married at the age, it is also illegal, and it needs to
pay a very high cost. The family can force the omega to marry or
something ... This is simply feudal society.

Although the status of omega has also improved a lot in recent years, unlike
in the past, even without human rights, the whole person was completely
reduced to a part of Alpha's wealth, but still still can only stay at home and
not go out.

"Those omegas will be forcibly married to others, even if they have been
labeled, they will still be forcibly possessed by the other party ... you know,
it is very painful to combine omega with people who are not labeled." Loris
said, " And they will be disgusted by the people who get married. When the
children are born, there will be no use value, and no one will ever ask them
about their lives. "

Shao Ci's face was frightened: "!!!" The lying system quickly found a way.

[It's okay, in order to prevent this, when the host wears it, the system has
already transformed this body, but because of not being familiar with the
worldview of this world, something unexpected happened. 】

"What an accident ..." Shao Ci felt bad.

[Although it is okay for the host to mark other people casually, but the
Alpha that has been marked by the host will never be able to mark others ...
but this kind of thing is not important to the host, the host need not worry
about messing around . 】

Shao Ci: "..." There are so many slots. Hello? !! And he won't mess around.

Seeing Shao Ci's face was ugly, Loris thought he was scared, saying: "Don't
worry, I won't do this ... Recently, the research institute has been
developing a medicine to change this phenomenon, and it will soon be
fruitful. Then we can solve this problem. "

Shao Ci was relieved. Technology really benefits mankind, although people

who have smashed with him can't be blessed.

No. In fact, he still doesn't want to slap with others casually, even if the
other person is a face of value like Loris!

"Then if there is no such potion?" Shao Ci asked. "How would that be?"
"What do you think?" Loris smiled and touched Shao's cheek.

Shao Ci felt bad for the whole person. "..." He didn't want to think about
such things! !!

And although it did n’t show much on the surface, in fact, Shao Ci was still
a little afraid of Lorris. After all, he was a villain, and there was such a
mournful mother. Shao Ci felt that his life was not guaranteed by his side. .


Even so, when he got up the next day and saw the beautiful face of Loris in
the early morning sun, Shao Ci felt that he was almost bent.

"It's terrible." Shao Ci turned his head quickly, and he was a little scared in
his heart. This kind of face was actually a waste for a man! !!

If he traveled a little more than ten years ago, he would probably see the
legendary first beauty queen.

Shao Ci and he really did not understand the emperor's aesthetics. He didn't
like the queen with such a beautiful appearance, but what little white flower
would he like ... but that might be the taste of the other party.

After getting up, Loris took Shao to resign to the restaurant for dinner.
At this point Edwin was already waiting there, his expression looked
completely the same as usual, and the look towards Shao Ci and Edwin was
also normal, not like a person who was ntr only last night.

Serena ran to find Edwin yesterday but couldn't find her. She was still a
little worried. Now she saw her son's attitude finally relieved.

"Yesterday I was so shocked that I didn't respond, so I'm really sorry to

leave." Edwin stood up and saw the two coming up, and said, "But today I
already want to understand."

Loris also didn't know what his cousin was thinking, and smiled, "That's

Shao Ci was relieved. It would be great if Edwin could figure it out, but
how would he tell Edwin about the thing that was systematically said

Edwin is simply miserable by the system. This thigh-holding system is

good for the Raiders and makes the host a little jealous, but the attitude of
the former Raiders is ruthless and terrible.

For a former Raiders object such as Edwin who was caught by the system's
modified settings, the system will never care ... Edwin can be said to be
bound by Shao Ci now.

But the situation is still better than the original, after all, Edwin's favorite
objects in the original are more scary and dregs.

"If you feel happy, that's enough." Edwin looked at Shao, and was very

"Of course I will give him happiness." Lorris said with a smile.

His attitude makes people feel intentional, but look at Loris' gentle smile,
no matter who thinks he didn't mean it ...
Shao Ci: "..." This guy is almost ah, no wonder, the original text was
betrayed by Edwin. He probably thinks it is quite happy to make his cousin
despair ...

The next few people started to eat breakfast. Of course, everyone had things
in their hearts. No one except Shao Ci had any taste of the food. After
eating, Lorris said, "I'm going to take a small retreat today."

"Is it so fast?" Serina was a little surprised, and said, "Her Royal Highness
doesn't spend much time here?"

In fact, Serina wanted to send His Royal Highness to leave as soon as

possible. His Royal Highness was originally a long-faced thing, but who
knew it would cause such a thing ... Even Edwin is normal now, but who
knows Will he do irrational things?

"No ... I came here this time for the purpose of resigning." Lorris smiled
slightly. "Now that's done, we can leave."

Then he turned to look at Shao Ci, and Shao Ci had to say, "Yeah, I think I
can go."

In fact, Shao Ci would like to try what it feels like when the hot spring is
soaked, but how can he still say it now.

If Edwin might not be able to eat the meal he had been coping with, he still
looks indifferent, and it seems that he hasn't taken the matter into his mind
at all.

After eating dinner, Shao Ci was taken out of the house by Loris, and took a
private spacecraft directly.

Shao Ci was very entangled in his heart, not knowing where to go now.

Loris said: "Well, now is the time to meet your father-in-law and motherin-
Shao Ci: "Well !?"

So is Loris really serious about getting married? !! Doesn't anyone else

really have an opinion ... But think about the emperor's indifference to
Loris, and maybe he would be very happy to hear that Loris casually
married any downcast noble.

As for the others, even the head of the Hyman clan, Serena, could not do
anything with Lorris, and what else could they do.

In this way, the spacecraft sailed towards the planet where Shao thought he
would never return.

Shao Ci was a little embarrassed, after all, he brought Edwin back last
time, and Shao ’s father Shao mother liked Edwin very much, it was just
thinking of Edwin as his future object. Now he suddenly changed his
personal identity. Question?

After coming out of the spacecraft, it should have taken the aircraft directly
to its destination.

However, Loris suddenly thought and wanted to see Shao Ci's hometown.
No matter how he persuaded Shao Ci, there was no way. He took Shao Ci
directly out of the port.

Instantly they caught the attention of everyone around them.

Loris has such a top-notch value, even if he is not a prince, he can become
an eye-catching existence for everyone. Now, even if he wears sunglasses
that cover up the image, it is almost the same as if he did not wear it.

After the others were shocked, they were extremely excited, "Your Royal
Highness?" "How did His Royal Highness come here!" "Ah, ah, ah, am I

The port was in chaos in an instant. Numerous people crowded over here.
Although no one dared to approach the two casually, making the two
meters around Loris empty, but it was already crowded beyond these two

Shao Ci was going to be frightened. Such a grand occasion made him feel
like he would be trampled by the crowd the next moment, but Loris next to
him looked familiar, without any tension at all, but smiling and The people
around me greeted, making the people around them screaming constantly.

Because here is just outside the port, what happened here completely
affected the normal operation of the port, and those who did n’t know
thought it was a riot.

In the end, the person in charge of the planet rushed over. Originally I just
wanted to see who was making trouble, but after seeing that the person
turned out to be His Royal Highness, his excited hands shook, and he
immediately asked Lorris to board the aircraft. .

Loris was gone, the crowd quickly dispersed, but the crowd couldn't calm
down and quickly uploaded the photos they took to the virtual Internet.

The person beside His Royal Highness in the photo also caught the
attention of others.


On board.

Shao Ci still remembers that the person in charge was very high-spirited in
the memory of the original owner. He had never had a good complexion.
He did not expect it to look like this in front of Loris.

"I don't know what to do here in the hall?" While excited, the person in
charge was extremely embarrassed, for fear of the exposure of the things he
had done before, "Yes, is there anything we can't do well here?"

The man who poured the tea aside was also very nervous. He almost poured
the tea out of the cup several times. Even if he tried to keep himself calm,
the hand couldn't stop.
"No, I just want to see my future father-in-law and mother-in-law ... But
things have developed like this." Loris sighed: "I'm troubled too."

Shao Ci: "..." In fact, this guy is very happy at all, it ’s completely how
happy he is, and he doesn't care about other people's thoughts.

The person in charge was shocked to hear.

Prince-in-law's father-in-law? !! How could such a distinguished person be

on this planet, he knew very well that although this planet is relatively close
to the Imperial Capital, it is not a travel planet, except for some upstarts
who want to be closer to the noble circle. Some downcast aristocrats are

Then the person behind the person in charge saw Shao Ci's face clearly, and
he was shocked, "This is not the Shao family ..."

The person in charge remembered it. Although he felt that Shao was
familiar, he didn't think about it at all. After all, how could a shabby
aristocrat of the Shao family know His Royal Highness, now he was
reminded by his men.

"I haven't seen you in a long time." Shao said hello, and now he doesn't
really want to say what he is.

The person in charge just thought that Shao Ci was the prince's younger
brother. But just this is enough to be surprising. I didn't expect to be a Beta
from a daunting aristocracy. He could still hold the prince's thigh, and I
knew that he should let his children make friends with him.

The next moment, Loris took Shao Ci directly into his arms, and publicly
announced the relationship between the two. "Actually, my fiance is my
fiance, and I have taken care of you over the years."

The person in charge was stunned, and could not wait to travel back to the
past, and regretted that he had never had a good relationship with the Shao
family in the past.
The men behind him were as white as paper, carefully pulling the person in
charge's clothes.

This was the secret code between them, and the person in charge
immediately smiled apologetically, saying that he was okay, and then went
to the corridor outside.

The person in charge looked at the man anxiously. "What's the matter, tell
me quickly." He also rushed to take this opportunity to show his goodness
to His Royal Highness, wasting this precious opportunity.

"My lord ... don't you remember?" The man said pale, "A while ago, you
also agreed to the demands of those people in the Shao family ... now they
are afraid ..."

The person in charge was stiff and suddenly remembered.

The people in the Shao family gave him some benefits before, as if he
wanted to do something to the people in the main department. Anyway,
such a dismal family of Shao's family can't turn the right thing.

I did not expect that Shao Ci, who was now watching the dismal Shao
family, could hold such a golden thigh, and did not know how to actually
become the prince's fiance. This is over!

The person in charge almost fainted and was quickly supported by his men.
The person in charge slowed down for a long time, then almost hissed and
said, "Hurry up, stop those people, you can't be seen by His Highness ..."

If you are seen, don't mention any future, I'm afraid I can't keep my current


On the other side, Shao's house is full of sadness and mist.

Some time ago, an excellent Alpha named Shao Tianyang appeared in a

side branch of the Shao family. He was a few years older than Shao Ci. He
was born with a very powerful talent. After Shao's mother had an accident,
he wanted to adopt him. Shao Tianyang, but this matter was left behind for
various reasons.

Some time ago, Shao Tianyang successfully became a subordinate of the

owner of the Hayman family. Although it was only a separation, their side
branches instantly had no power in the past, and they began to move up the
title of aristocracy. Idea.

At first, Shao's father, Shao mother, paid a lot of money to send away those
who drank this position.

But after all, the Shao family is very dismal now, and the only child Shao
Ci is still an omega pretending to be a Beta. There is no way to fight against
Shao Tianyang covered by the Hyman family.

Although Edwin was here last time, Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, was
completely unclear of his identity, let alone knowing that the noble heir of
the Hyman family, who sounded far away, had actually come to his home
and was still When cooking at home, I thought it was just a classmate with
a similar background to Shao Ci.

"What the **** is right now." Mother Shao couldn't help hiding her face
and wept. Recently, her health was finally getting better, and Shao Ci had
been struggling a lot. She thought that she could finally get rid of the past
plight. Such a thing.

"It's still a question of this title." Father Shao sighed. "Let's just hand it
over. Presumably, Shao Tianyang will not treat us after getting his
identity ... This kind of rhetoric can be returned to ordinary omega. "

Mother Shao said: "You're right ..."

When the two were about to continue the discussion, the door was opened
directly. A young man full of pride behind him followed a large group of
people, and came in arrogantly from the door.

As soon as those people behind him came in, they smashed into each other.
"What are you doing?" Shao's father quickly protected Shao's mother and
looked angrily at Shao Tianyang.

"Ah, Uncle Shao, it's not me who said that the decoration of this house is
really bad." Shao Tianyang sat down on the sofa, raised his eyebrows and
looked at Shao's father Shao. It's mine, so why not start organizing now, or
let me move in as fast as possible? "

"You! I haven't agreed yet. You should stop them soon." Father Shao
gritted his teeth. Although he was Alpha, he was very mediocre, and now
he has no strength, or he will not let the family fall. This degree.

"Oh?" Shao Tianyang looked indifferent. "Do you agree that it is


"Everyone is a relative, why do you do that?" Father Shao angered. "Don't

think you can do anything with the reputation of the Hymans.

"Oh, uncle, you are already so old, do n’t be so angry, it ’s bad to be angry."
Shao Tianyang sneered, and said, "But uncle, what you just said, You want
to fight against the Hayman family on your own? It's amazing courage ... I
really admire it. "

"You ..." Father Shao had to admit it, let alone resist, the Hayman family
could crush them to death with one finger.

"Please hurry up with me now, I can give you two old-age pensioners."
Shao Tianyang said lightly: "I didn't have this rare title."

"We don't need you to pay for your old age at all ..." Shao's mother fully
realized that even if she gave up the title of the nobleman, the other party
would not have a good attitude. She bit her teeth and said, "We also have

"Oh? Heir?" Shao Tianyang naturally investigated before coming, but only
knew that the other party was a servant at the Duke's house.
Shao Tianyang certainly did not dare to offend the Duke, but the servants of
a Duke's family dare to confront the Hyman family? Immediately
dismissed: "That Shao Ci ... is just a Beta, a waste."

The next moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside the door, "Who do you
say is waste?"

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

49: Future ABo (19th)
When it comes to being interrupted halfway, Shao Tianyang was very
displeased. He obviously gave so many benefits to the person in charge,
and actually let others come in and bother.

Shao Tianyang turned his head impatiently, and saw Shao Ci and the person
in charge beside the door at a glance.

Although Shao Tianyang hasn't seen Shao Ci for many years, anyway, he
also researched and looked at the information before he came. He still has
some memories of Shao Ci's face, and immediately sneered, "I thought who
it was, it was Shao Ci. Do you think I have a problem? Do you think you
are so good? "

"What's going on?" Shao Ci immediately turned to look at the person in

charge. "You better explain it to me."

Although saying so, Shao Ci almost guessed the matter ... As soon as he
was on the aircraft, he felt that the person in charge had the wrong attitude.

The person in charge simply looked indifferent, and quickly said, "In fact,
this is all a misunderstanding, but the people in the Shao family wanted to
come and take a look, but they didn't know where they didn't communicate
well ..." At the same time, he kept looking at Shao Tianyang, hoping Shao
Tianyang can cooperate.
He just calmed down on the aircraft just now, and then witly indicated that
his father-in-law and mother-in-law needed to bring a gift, so he
successfully dragged the prince.

However, Shao Ci didn't know what he was aware of. He had to rush back.
The person in charge had to come back with him, thinking if he could
rescue it. I didn't expect to see this scene at a glance, and I felt that my head
was starting to faint again.

Even if you want to win the title of nobility in someone else's house, it is
not enough to achieve this level! Actually started to smash, this Shao
Tianyang is too arrogant.

When the person in charge thought about it, he completely forgot how he
had promised Shao Tianyang when he received the benefits.

It's a pity that Shao Tianyang didn't understand the suggestion of the person
in charge, just snorted, "I came here this time for the title of aristocracy of
the Shao family. There is no misunderstanding in it. I think you have
forgotten something."

Shao's father, Shao mother, looked at Shao Ci and the person in charge next
to him in shock. They already knew that the person in charge had been
bought by Shao Tianyang, so they thought the person in charge had come to
persecute them.

But I did not expect that Shao Ci came over. If Shao Ci impulsely quarreled
with the person in charge, it would not be good. Shao mother hurried over
and said Shao anxiously, "Why did you come here? This one? You don't
need to worry about it ... we can handle it. "

Father Shao looked coldly at the person in charge. "We have n’t stayed on
this planet for a long time. We pay a lot each year. It's really chilling that
you are now biased towards others because of such a little benefit. .

The person in charge listened to their words and was about to faint, and
quickly said: "You have misunderstood, I am not here for that matter."
Father Shao was frightened by his title. This is the first time in many years
that this person in charge has used your name for him.

Although the person in charge initially had a bit of reluctance to give Shao
Tianyang the benefits, but now Shao Ci is next to him. This is the prince's
fiance. How can he offend? Is it important that those benefits have their
own position? !! Does this need to be tangled?

The person in charge immediately decided to look at Shao Tianyang and

said, "I don't know about this at all. If you break into Shao's house without
permission, you might well put me in charge. As for Shao's title, it is
Shao's. Yes, unless you are a Shaw family ’s orthodox heir died, you cannot
inherit the Shao family. "

Shao Ci: "..." The attitude of feeding has become too fast, and this line
should have been true to him ... It is as if the responsible person is the heir
of the Shao family.

Father Shao and mother Shao were all surprised by the attitude of the
person in charge who changed his face quickly. I never expected that the
person in charge would actually speak for them. Obviously, I have known
each other for more than ten years. Every time I met in the past, I did n’t
give any good looks. The person who only recognizes money but not others
has become so upright. This world is too unreal.

Shao Tianyang immediately laughed and sneered, "Give me all the money,
don't you want to recognize my lord? There is a Heyman family behind me
as a backer, and you still have to think about it."

In the end, should he choose to have the Hyman family as the backer, or the
three people there who have nothing but the title of aristocracy?

The person in charge had been selected with almost no hesitation.

Specially, compared to the Prince, Shao Tianyang relied on someone from
the Heiman family to be a fart. The Prince could crush them without
moving his fingers.
"What about the Hayman family? I won't succumb to this kind of thing."
The person in charge looked just right. "Even if the head of the Hayman
family comes in person, I will put this sentence here!"

Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, was completely aggressive and wondered if

the person in charge was possessed.

It was the first time that Shao Tianyang encountered someone who was still
impressed by the name of the Hyman family. He frowned suddenly,
thinking in his heart that he did not know how much Shao Ci had given to
the person in charge. Speak for him.

However, although he was close to the Hyman family, he could not rise
without throwing money. After all, there were also strong people around
him. If not, he would not have to remember the title of the Shao family.

Shao Tianyang said: "According to the rules of the family, the strongest
Alpha in the next generation can inherit the title. Now this Shao Ci is just a
useless Beta and has no qualifications to inherit. Even if it is a family
member, I am this one. Alpha, the strongest of his generation, obviously I
am more qualified than him. "

The people in charge are in pain. This is a rule hundreds of years ago and
has long been abolished.

Although there are still some nostalgic people mentioning it, in fact, no
family has used this set for a long time. I did not expect that Shao Tianyang
also said it. It is really shameless. We can see that his parents did not say so
often. .

When the person in charge was about to say something to ridicule Shao
Tianyang, Shao Ci suddenly spoke.

"So, do you recognize that you are the strongest person in this generation?"

"Of course." Shao Tianyang looked at Shao with a mocking look. "Unlike
the Beta, which you can enter the Imperial Military Academy through the
back door, I was admitted to the Academy, or I graduated with the top ten
results of the Academy."

Although he was not attending the Imperial Military Academy, he was a

college less than the top five military academies. This also makes Shao
Tianyang very unwilling. Obviously, no matter it is talent or ability, he is
several times stronger than Shao Ci. Why can Shao Ci be able to enter the
Imperial Military Academy by his parents? But his own hard work can only
go to such a college.

If he can stand in the position of Shao Ci, he will definitely have better
achievements now, and he will definitely be no less than the Pei Division
of the Imperial Military Academy.

"Then I will play against you. If you win, how will I give this heir to you?"
Shao Ci suddenly said.

Shao Ci has completely given up covering what strength, anyway now he is

already holding the prince's thigh, and everything is left to Loris to solve.

Shao ’s father, Shao mother, was shocked, but they knew that Shao ’s
words weighed a few pounds or two, and they would definitely lose in this
way. Almost immediately he grabbed Shao ’s clothes and wanted him to
change his mind.

The person in charge felt that he was going to faint again. If he was
stimulated in this way, he could not stand it anymore.

At first, things went very smoothly. Why did Shao Ci actually say such
things? If he can't keep this position, he will be cut to death by the Prince!

"You don't need to say anything, I already think very clearly." Shao said.

Father Shao sighed, thinking that it was probably Shao Ci who wanted to
send out the position of heir in this less self-esteem way. Forget it anyway,
he made a lot of money in doing business in these years, even without this
position Not to be impoverished.
Shao Tianyang smirked directly and said, "Shao, you really thought you
were great when you went to the Imperial Military Academy? Let me beat
you fiercely, and let you know how much weight you have." "What if you
lose?" Shao said.

"If I lose," Shao Tianyang snorted coldly. "Then I will go directly to the
marginal planet to mine, and I will never enter the Empire Center again in
this life."

He didn't take Shao Ci as an opponent at all, so he easily said such a thing.

After the two sides signed the agreement, they were ready to start the game.

However, the Shao family did not have a mech and a place to fight, and the
group went to the mech training ground in the city center.

This mech training ground is used by many people who can't afford mech to
train, and there are occasional competitions, but not too many people
usually watch, after all, the players are quite amateurs.

But this time I heard that it was a dispute between the nobility's heirs and a
responsible person as a guarantee. The owner of the training ground
realized the business opportunity and immediately agreed to let them use
the venue for free, while at the same time promoting it outside.

Suddenly all the tickets were sold out, all the places were full, and several
people were fans of Shao Tianyang. After learning that Shao Tianyang
came here to play, he was extremely excited.

Shao Tianyang did not participate in the virtual machine armor competition,
but he also occasionally participated in some small competitions and so on.
Coupled with his good looks, he was also a little popular.

"Isn't that Shao Tianyang? I've watched his mech game on the virtual
network. If he goes to the virtual machine competition, he can definitely get
the top 100."
"Oh my God, how could such a powerful person come here to compete?" "I
heard that it is to fight for the position with the current Shao family heirs."

"Now the heir of the Shao family ... seems to be called Shao Ci, it's just a
Beta. In the past, I've seen him compete with other people's mechas. It's
almost unskilled, and it makes people wonder if he will turn on. A. " "That
being said, the outcome of this game is definitely very clear." "Sure
enough, the title of aristocracy is better for someone like Shao Tianyang."

"Hey, if it's a close opponent, I want to see a fierce match ... but now it's
good to see a master like Shao Tianyang crushing the opponent."

Although it is wrong for Shao Tianyang to come to grab another title no

matter what he thinks, but this is an empire with strength as his respect, so
everyone is actually on Shao Tianyang's side. Only a few people will have
pity on the original heir Shao speech.

The person in charge failed to stop Shao's speech. At this time, his head was
full of cold sweats. He can't do anything now. He can only buy a special
seat and invite Shao's father, Shao's mother, with a very charming attitude. I
hope I can The prince's father-in-law and mother-in-law add points.

Now he has no extravagance for promotion or promotion to the peak of life,

as long as he is not exiled to a remote planet, it is good.

At the next moment, the mecha of both sides entered the field of
competition. The mecha of the competition were provided by the mech
training ground, which are all the same, which can be said to be quite fair.

Suddenly, many people in the audience began to call Shao Tianyang's

name, and there were many direct confession.

Shao Tianyang was so proud of himself that he spoke.

There are special settings in this mech, which can radiate the players' voices
along the loudspeaker, and everyone in the audience can hear them.
"Thank you for your support. If there are people who want to watch, I will
perform for you for a few minutes after the game. If you have any questions
about mechs, you can also ask me directly."

It's as if he already has a winning ticket, and Shao can be killed in minutes.

However, everyone at the scene felt that his attitude was okay and even felt
that he had made a profit. Even Shao's father Shao mother is the same, can't
breathe when watching the stadium nervous.

However, Shao Ci was very calm. He didn't say a word until the start of the
game. There was a whispering whisper in the audience, and he didn't dare
to talk if he talked.

After the game started, Shao Tianyang's mech directly used a very difficult
move, which was the most sought after by young people. Although
gorgeous, it was actually useless.

There was a sudden applause in the audience, as if the mech show had
already begun.

Later, Shao Tianyang's mechs rushed to him, and Shao's words didn't
respond. Then it seemed extremely difficult to move, just like a novice

Shao Tianyang sneered, in order to maintain his image in front of the

outside, but also a gentle attitude, "Shao, I'm really sorry, although I can't
bear to see you lose the position of heir ... But after all, the strong one still
has to inherit This position can lead the family back to prosperity. " With
that said, his weapon stabbed directly into Shao Ci's cockpit.

The weapons of this kind of competition are also specially made, and
actually have no lethality, but when the opponent's cockpit is stabbed, the
opponent's mecha will stop directly.

Mother Shao had covered her eyes and didn't dare to look at it anymore, but
Shao's father was holding on to look at it, but he knew what the ending
would be.
The person in charge looked at everything in front of him and felt that he
was about to collapse, but he insisted that if something happened, he would
immediately take Shao Ci to the hospital ... Today he feels extremely weak.

The next moment, Shao Ci's mech moved, but moved gently, as if
accidentally caught Shao Tianyang's attack.

Shao Tianyang was startled, but then he gritted his teeth and said, "It's too
shameful to be caught by such waste."

He immediately manipulated the mech to retreat, and said falsely in his

mouth: "Shao, seeing that we have known each other for many years, I will
let you once."

Those who were puzzled by the situation just now realized that it was Shao
Tianyang who let the water go. No wonder that move would be caught.

After saying that, Shao Tianyang prepared to use a more gorgeous move to
defeat Shao Ci, and immediately began to prepare for the posture.

"Isn't Shao Tianyang using the trick described in that textbook?" "Oh my
God, this trick is so difficult, even my Mecha teacher of the year couldn't
do it!"

Everyone was very excited. Many people took out personal terminal videos
and wanted to record this classic moment.

But what is unexpected is that such a gorgeous and cool move was caught
once again when facing Shao Shao's remarks, and the gorgeousness that
just appeared was instantly dim.

"Damn, what's going on with Shao's speech?" Shao Tianyang was going
crazy, stubbornly screaming: "This time I'm looking at your parents, and
letting you do it again, next time I will It's going to be real. "

This time, Shao Tianyang never dared to pretend like he did before. He
took the weapon directly and attacked at the weakness of Shao Ci's mech.
However, unlike the previous situation of standing obediently waiting to be
beaten, Shao Ci attacked the mech with a sudden attack after manipulating
the armor.

Shao Ci did not use very gorgeous moves, but the speed and smooth
movements were shocking. At a glance, he could be seen as a very skilled
person in Mech.

Everyone couldn't help but feel that their idea was wrong. It seems that
Shao Ci practiced the mech well after attending the Imperial Military
Academy. Those originally dismissive of Shao's speech have now changed
their views.

Shao Tianyang was taken aback by the sudden attack of Shao Ci, but the
next moment was a sudden counterattack, successfully blocking Shao Ci's
attack. I was afraid for a while, but fortunately, he had a lot of actual
combat experience to be able to counterattack by physical reaction at this

Then Shao Tianyang felt a shame again, and was very angry to fight back,
but was surprised to find that he had no chance at all.

Shao Ci seemed to be able to observe all places. He constantly attacked

Shao Tianyang. Shao Tianyang often blocked this side and couldn't block
the other side. For a while, his brain was busy and his brain couldn't turn

The crowd in the audience did not know when they held their breath,
watching the game seriously, always felt that the game seemed different
from the crushing they thought, and it was unexpectedly intense.

It's clear that the time has not passed a minute, but Shao Tianyang already
feels exhausted. His voice of panting due to nervousness has spread to the
entire training ground, making everyone nervous.

"... how could he have such strength? Obviously it's just a Beta ... how
could ..."
Shao Tianyang actually felt the moment when he was first defeated by the
bodyguards of the separated family when he first entered the Hyman
family. Only then did he realize that he was not the best, and there were
countless better people on him.

"No, it's impossible, even if he is as powerful as a Beta, it is impossible to

win me!"

The next moment, Shao Ci directly retracted the attack.

Shao Tianyang did not dare to come forward. He had just been completely
scared. He felt that he could be easily countered by Shao Ci no matter
where he attacked.

"It's time to end the warm-up." Shao's voice suddenly sounded.

There was a sudden uproar in the auditorium. Could it be said that Shao's
actions were just warming up? This is too exaggerated.

If it was before the match they would laugh at Shao Ci, but after watching
the game just now, nobody would say anything, because there was a feeling
in their hearts, Shao Ci was probably true.

"What are you talking about ?! A Beta dared to say such arrogant words!"
Shao Tianyang was instantly irritated and rushed to attack Shao Ci.

Because of the excitement, Shao Tianyang completely forgot to defend, and

there was a rush of heat in his mind, and he wanted to teach Shao to give
him some color.

The next moment, Shao Tianyang discovered that no matter how he

operated, the mech could not move at all.

"How?" Shao Tianyang said in a desperate manner: "Is this mech broken?"

There was a silence in the audience, and everyone looked a little different.
Only when Shao Tianyang reacted, did he look up and find out that Shao Ci
’s weapon did not know when he arrived on his cockpit ... It was also
because of this that his mecha stopped working.

"You lost." Shao said.

Shao Tianyang was stunned for a while, unwilling to resist, but found that
his body was so weak, I don't know when he was covered with cold sweat,
and he felt like he couldn't stand up.

The crowd in the auditorium was also stunned. From the start of the game
to the present, it took only a few minutes for the victory to be reversed so
easily. It was originally thought that Shao, who had no strength, actually
won so easily. The optimistic Shao Tianyang is so embarrassed to lose.

The next moment the crowd applauded fiercely. No matter who wins, they
will always worship the strong.

Mother Shao heard applause from around, she moved her hands, and looked
sadly towards the field, but found that Shao's father was extremely excited,
and quickly said, "What's the matter? Is it okay to say little words?"

"It's okay, okay." Father Shao could hardly calm down. Although he was
Alpha, he didn't have any talent in mechs. When he grew up, he had to
admit it, and had to give up his dream and choose to do business.

In the past, Father Shao had hoped that the child would inherit his hope, but
then there was only one omega child, and the wife had fallen ill due to
dystocia, and she could no longer be pregnant.

Shao ’s father had no hope since then. Although Shao Ci has been raised as
a Beta, Shao Ci is not a true Beta after all, and he knows nothing about
Mecha. They cannot force Shao to resign.

But now, looking at the scene of Shao Ci's battle, Shao's father remembered
his dream back then and couldn't help crying.
Mother Shao realized that it was Shao Ci's victory. The thought of Shao Ci
was actually only an omega, and he was excited and distressed, but he
cried directly.

The person in charge felt relieved, but it did feel so. Shao Ci, but his fiance,
was highly regarded by His Royal Highness, and it was really great.

Although it is a Beta, it is not worse than Alpha. No wonder he can hold the
Prince ’s thigh. .

After the game, both men went straight down from the mech.

After the previous hard work, the time for Shao to use his mental strength
to start the armor has been extended to five minutes ... and after the end, he
will not be as weak as before.

At this time, Shao Ci felt that his previous exercise was totally worthwhile.
Unfortunately, omega's body is too restrictive. If he wears an Alpha, he can
now become Long Aotian.

Shao Tianyang stayed in the mech for a long time and couldn't accept what
he had lost. Under the eyes of everyone, he rushed directly to catch Shao's
speech, but was quickly pulled by the person in charge.

"Shao Ci, how can you win me?" Shao Tianyang was pulled by several
people and looked angrily at Shao Ci, "You must be cheating!"

"Tell me to cheat, then you come up with evidence." Shao Ci looked at it


The person in charge also cooled down and said, "Your performance has
been seen by everyone, and it has been tested before the game. The
agreement has been signed, even if you do not want to abide by the
agreement. Content, it cannot be so plainly wronged against others for
cheating. "

"I am a person appreciated by the Hayman family, how could I lose to such
a Beta ?!" Shao Tianyang did not want to admit it at all, but could not give
evidence of Shao's cheating. Ask for another one! This time Shao won
again, I believe he did not cheat! "

The scornful expression of the surrounding people suddenly changed after

hearing the name of the Hyman clan. If Shao Tianyang said it was true,
then he might have really lost it all at once, after all. The first Hymans in
that empire.

As far as Shao Tianyang's cheating is concerned, no one believes that it is

necessary to know that the current mech training grounds have very
advanced detection mechanisms. It is difficult to cheat if it is cheated. If
this is true, countless scandals will be exposed, even The person in charge
cannot afford this responsibility.

"Who cheated?" A voice came from the door.

The people around him stunned, then turned to look around, and the next
moment was a scream.

"Ah, ah, can I actually see His Highness here?" "Before, people said I didn't
believe it ..." "No, I'm going to pass out ..."

Loris, wearing sunglasses, came in from the door, smiling with a very
gentle look, while the men behind him were carrying big bags.

"His Royal Highness?" Shao Tianyang naturally recognized the person in

front of him as a prince, and was immediately excited.

If he could seize this opportunity, he would still be loyal to any Hayman

family, and it would obviously have a better future to go directly to the
Prince. And his strength is so strong, the prince must also be happy to
include himself.

The person in charge was suddenly sweating, and he didn't know how he
was doing this time. Could His Royal Highness let him pass on his hard

Shao Tianyang wanted to break free immediately, rushed to the front of

Lorris quickly, kneeled down, and said in a heavy voice: "His Royal
Highness, there are suspects of cheating in this training ground. Please be
sure to find out." "

Then Shao Tianyang stated that he and Shao Ci competed fairly for the
position of Shao's heirs. It was not expected that Shao Ci, a Beta with
absolutely no force value, cheated, causing him to lose.

Then Shao Tianyang took the opportunity to introduce his glorious deeds
in front of Loris. He thought he was very resourceful and must have
impressed the Prince. "Why do you think Shao is cheating?" Loris said.

Shao Tianyang said rightly and confidently: "It's just a Beta, how could it
have won me?" Shao Tianyang looked at the Prince, "Oh?" Lorris looked
at him with a smile.

Shao Tianyang thought that the Prince was believing what he said, turned
his head proudly, and saw that the person in charge was still ugly, thinking
that he was afraid that his money collection would be exposed, and quickly
said: "This person in charge He actually received Shao's money and
shamelessly covered Shao's cheating behavior. Such people are simply not
worthy of being in this position. "

Now with the involvement of the prince, this person in charge should not
want to hide Shao's resignation anymore ... and the noble title of the Shao
family is naturally also his own.

But speaking, why did people like Prince Edward come to this planet?

Shao Tianyang's mind suddenly remembered this, but this was not a very
important thing. The important thing was that the prince was here, and he
could go further.

The person in charge's face was even more wonderful. The look towards
Shao Tianyang was almost compassionate. He is now sure that Shao
Tianyang is pulling hatred in front of him, and he will not be too miserable

On the other hand, Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, was panicked, and
quickly looked in the direction of Lorris. “There is absolutely no cheating
in small words.” “His Royal Highness, you ca n’t believe his words.” Then
Loris looked down at Shao Tianyang, "Do you think I will believe what you

"Why not?" Shao Tianyang thought it was a test set by the prince, and
immediately said: "No matter what I think, as a person selected by the
Heyman family, I can't lose to that Shao Ci, the truth of this matter It is
already clear. "

The onlookers were a bit unbearable to look straight. After all, Shao
Tianyang only kept showing that he would never lose, but could not show
evidence of cheating by others. However, Shao Tianyang has a Hayman
family behind him, and the prince's mother is also a Hayman family. Would
you believe what Shao Tianyang said in this regard?

"Then do you know Shao Ci's identity?" Lorris said with a smile.

"It's nothing more than a student at the Imperial Military Academy. It's
nothing at all." Shao Tianyang said without hesitation: "I know it very well,
he just walked in through the back door, and he's been hanging around in
school all the time."

"Then you know ..." Loris said softly: "Is he my fiance?"

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

50: Future ABo (20)
Shao Tianyang was lying on the ground at that time. He couldn't say a word
for a long time. His mind was like a blank. Why did he recognize every
word that the Prince said, but how could he not understand the meaning of
the other person's words?
The onlookers have been completely persecuted. Is there something wrong
with their ears? I just heard what the fiance said.

"So, you mean my fiance wants to win you even if cheating?" Loris looked
at Shao Tianyang with a smile on his face.

However, at this time, Shao Tianyang would never feel that this was the
smile that His Royal Highness admired before admiring himself, and his
frightened legs collapsed and fell to his knees.

Why is this happening? Obviously that Shao Ci is just useless waste, why
can it be seen by His Royal Highness? What's wrong with this world ...

"No, no, I didn't mean it ..." In fact, Shao Tianyang knew in his heart that
Shao was impossible to cheat, but he didn't want to believe this, but kept
muttering, "Just now, I just didn't play it all at once. That's it ... "

Loris did not care about him, but walked in the direction of Shao Ci.

At this point, Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, had completely stopped, but
the person in charge standing beside them seemed to be Shao ’s father,
Shao ’s mother ’s friend. He came forward with great enthusiasm and said
to Loris, “His Royal Highness, I did not expect this Shao. The people in the
family branch are so shameless. If I didn't rush to the scene in time, I don't
know what would happen. "

It seems that he benefited from the confiscation of Shao Tianyang before.

Shao Tianyang suddenly raised his head when he heard this sentence. Now
he did not dare to hate Shao as the prince's fiance, and immediately
transferred all his anger to the person in charge.

It seems that the person in charge has known about this matter, otherwise
how could the attitude become so fast? The hate is that he didn't reveal it to
himself at all, apparently he had decided to push everything to himself!

Shao Tianyang thought so completely forgot how he responded when the

person in charge first winked at him.
"Hi father-in-law, hello." Loris smiled and looked at Shao's father Shao,
and asked his men to carry gifts. "It was just a delay because I bought a gift.
It's great that nothing happened now."

Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, was more shocked than surprised. He never
expected that his son would be seen by the prince, but then he worried that
the prince knew whether Shao was actually an omega.

The person in charge explained again that he naturally concealed some of

the truth that he had received benefits, and told Shao Tianyang what people
had done these days.

The audience was amazed for a while. I did not expect that Shao Tianyang
looked like a talented person, but did such a shameless thing. Those Shao
Tianyang fans felt shame for a while, and quietly left, and even canceled
the journey home. With concern, I ca n’t wait to worship Shao Tianyang

"You did a good job." Loris looked at the person in charge. He had already
investigated what happened here naturally, but it looks quite satisfying to
see the person in charge now, although the things he did before were not
Too sober, but now it's a good change.

The person in charge was exaggerated and beaten by Loris, and quickly
said: "Like those who dare to do anything because of the power of others, I
will not let the first one He's arrogant here. "

Although he did not name his surname, he obviously said Shao Tianyang.

Shao Tianyang was told this way and suddenly came back, knowing that if
he did n’t pull back a round now, there would be no chance of recovery,
and he rushed over and hugged Shao's legs. "Shao, brother, I was wrong I
shouldn't have done this kind of thing ... I also know that I can't make up
for whatever I say, but in terms of our growing up together, let His Royal
Highness spare me this time. "

Originally, Shao Ci was shocked when he was watching, and he couldn't

shake Shao Tianyang if he wanted to shake it off. And what's the name of
Shao Ci brother! Speaking of Shao Tianyang, he is a few years older than
him ... He is even called shameless here.

Lorius' eyes were cold. The thing he didn't like most was that someone
touched the person he cared about, and immediately let his subordinates
drag Shao Tianyang away, then looked at it with cold eyes. It seems that
such a scum is very poor. "

It is conceivable that the people who accepted Shao Tianyang as their

subordinates would have reacted after learning that His Royal Highness had
actually said such a sentence.

Shao Tianyang was dragged and shivered all over, with endless remorse in
his heart, hating himself for being so blind, why didn't he think of it?

Shao Ci, who was so bad, had become so powerful. His Royal Highness
Prince, who was far away from the sky, suddenly came to the planet, and
even came to the training ground himself ... if he could find it earlier, he
and Shao What kind of aristocratic title do you want to resign, when Shao
Ci and the prince get married, what else will there be?

Now he can only hope that His Royal Highness will let him go on the
relationship between him and Shao Ci.

"But this kind of person isn't worth me to deal with personally." Lorris's
faint opponent whispered, "Send him wherever you come from, and let the
members of the Hayman family take care of it."

When the surrounding crowd saw this place, they immediately felt that the
prince was really good, and his attitude towards such people was so good.

In fact, only Shao Tianyang knew that he had offended the prince himself
and returned to the Hayman family.


After the matter was dealt with, Loris left with Shao Ci and Shao's father
Shao mother.
But this matter is not over yet. In the next few days, the mech training
ground is almost full, and countless people came to this place where His
Royal Highness had been, and felt like he was staying in the same place
with His Royal Highness. .

The day after the excitement, people even posted this matter directly to the

Many people didn't take this seriously, what Prince Prince actually liked
Beta from a downcast aristocratic family, do you think this is a fairy tale?

According to the identity of the prince, and the temperament of that

character, even the omega from a noble family did not match, and what a
ridiculous aristocracy was, it was ridiculous.

However, when more and more photos were taken, and the intimate photos
of Prince Edward and that Beta were posted on the Internet, everyone was
shocked, and finally realized that this thing didn't seem to have been edited
by others.

The next moment, I don't know who picked up the identity of another
person in the photo. It is actually a student of Imperial Military Academy.
Not only is he a Beta, but his grades in the school are very bad. Obviously,
he entered the school through the back door.

Most people are even more convinced that the relationship between the
prince and the other is just hugging the thighs. Those photos are just
ambiguous. As for what video ... the shot is so blurry, who knows if the
person above is a prince ?

Princes and such Betas are unlikely to be friends, let alone couples, and
fiances are even more ridiculous.

What's more, the prince is still undisclosed. Maybe it was this Shao Ci who
advertised on the Internet for hype.

Everyone thinks so firmly.


On the other side, Loris then took Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, directly
onto the spacecraft and arrived at the Imperial Capital.

Shao Ci remembered that he had just left from Diduxing a few days ago ...
At that time, he was still lying in a dormitory, eating and waiting for dead
salted fish. Who could have thought that so many things had happened in
just a few days.

This matter almost confirmed Shao's determination to do squat at home in

the future.

When the aircraft came to the area where the nobles of the Imperial Capital
lived, Ji Zhaoyun's residence was also nearby, and Shao Ci looked a little
bit missed.

Later, Loris led several people into a villa and said to Shao ’s father, Shao
’s mother, “This house is a gift for your second oldest. Please accept it

Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother, suddenly panicked and wanted to quit. It

was scary to send Emperor Xing ’s house without any problems.

However, Loris said with a smile, "This is all thanks for your kindness in
taking care of Shao Ci over the years. Don't reject it ... and hasn't the place
in the past been damaged and can't live? This place has been cleaned before
OK, you can move in now. Other things can be moved over. "

Shao Ci: "..." A house like this is definitely not something you can buy at
once. Loris is afraid that it was prepared a long time ago, and it doesn't
seem like he thought what he said. Is quite sincere.

Father Shao hesitated, and finally couldn't help but say, "I don't know, Your
Royal Highness, what do you care about?"

Compared to what status, in fact, Shao Ci's happiness is the most important.
And I do n’t know if it is His Royal Highness that suddenly rises. It ’s still
more Edwin who came to the house last time, and Edwin is so good at
cooking. People look very good. .

I have to say Edwin's route is still very pleasing.

If Shao ’s father, Shao ’s mother knew that Edwin was actually the heir of
the Hayman family, he would probably be more stimulated.

Shao was shocked, and felt that the next topic might not be very good. He
said that he went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water and left, taking
advantage of the fact that he was hiding and listening.

Lorris's personality, he will definitely say something shameless whether he

is present or not, he does not matter, Shao Ci himself is embarrassed ...

Loris said: "What do you think I like him?"

Loris lowered her head, as if thinking very seriously, then raised her head
and smiled, "The little rhetoric is very cute, and it looks very obedient on
the surface, but I always don't know what the idea is, It felt like he was
going to do something overwhelming at any time ... I like it very much. "

Shao Ci, who was eavesdropping beside him, said, "!" Hey, is this what a
normal person should think? !!

Shao's father, Shao mother, was also stunned. For a while, he didn't know
whether Lorris was boasting or complaining. Is it worthy to say that it is
His Royal Highness, and the taste is so special.

"In the past, I never thought of getting married, but after a small speech,
my thoughts changed." Loris said: "I want him to stay with me." I also
want him to only look at himself, only to himself.

Lorris' eyes were dim.

After Shao's father finally digested Lorris' words, he still seemed to stop
talking, and seemed to be afraid to say something.

Loris understood immediately, and said, "Don't worry, I know that the
small word is actually an omega thing. In fact, he helped me deal with the
last estrus."

Shao Ci almost rushed out. "!"

Mother Shao and Father Shao were already shocked.

Although Loris didn't do anything, even if he said so, even an individual

would make up for the fact that he had done various discordant things with
Shao Ci, and Shao Ci could not go out to refute it.

This reason is more reliable than what Loris had said before, because it
helped to deal with estrus and accidentally marked it, and then it was just
like that ...

Hearing this, Shao's father and mother Shao could only recognize it, after
all, after omega was marked, there was basically no way to unmark it,
unless the Alpha who marked him had died.

In fact, Lorris had the same plan, but he had not spoken to Shao Ci before.

They did not have a picky opportunity, not to mention that the son who had
thought that he would live a lonely life also found someone who knew his
identity, and the other party still had such a distinguished identity.

As for Edwin, he can only say that there is no fate.

And then Loris and Shao Ci rested in a room. After all, in the eyes of
outsiders, they have already done things that are not in harmony. It is also
normal to live together to prevent omega from estrus in the middle of the
Even though Shao Ci was very reluctant, but afraid that Shao's father Shao
mother was worried, he had to bite the bullet and continue to sleep in the
room with Loris.

When Shao Ci went downstairs to drink water at night, they were found by
Shao's mother. The two found a remote place to talk alone.

"Small remarks, you must tell the truth to the mother." Shao mother looked
at Shao Ci very seriously, and said, "What the **** is this? How did you
know His Royal Highness?"

Shao Ci had to talk casually, saying that he had met His Royal Highness on
the spacecraft by coincidence, and then got in love and got help from the
other party.

Although the order and time of occurrence are not the same, but these have
actually happened, and they are not lie.

After listening to Mother Shao, she sighed again. "It seems that Edwin's
child really has nothing to do with you. He is obviously very interesting to

Shao Ci said: "Edwin ... He's fine without me." Although he has been
bound by this system _ (: з''∠) _

When Shao returned to the room, he saw Loris sitting there waiting for
questioning, raising his eyebrows and saying, "... There is something I don't
know between you and Edwin?"

"You just overheard me?" Shao Ci was scared.

"I just moved my hands just because I was worried about your safety ... I
don't think you would care about such trivial matters," Loris said slowly.

Who cares! !!
Shao Ci knew that he was such a pervert. According to the original text or
something, it was normal for a person like Loris to install a wiretapping or
something, awful ... he was out of control.

"There's nothing," said Shao Ci, utterly self-defeating, "I think you know
everything about me and Edwin ... what else can I add?"

"Of course, I don't know, for example, what did he do after he came to your
house?" Loris sighed. "It is sad that my father-in-law and mother-inlaw like
him so much."

"He didn't do anything," Shao said. "It was just when I came over last time
that I cooked at home. Edwin's cooking is good after all ..."

"That's it." Lorris smiled again. "Don't be scared. Tell me everything like
this soon. Is it okay soon? I won't do anything to you, just want to know
your situation, because I like you, so Want to know everything about you. "

Normal people don't have to ask questions like this because they like others.

Shao Ci said: "But I don't know anything about you."

"Then I'll tell you right now?" Loris said heartily, "Do you want to hear?"

Shao Ci quickly shook his head: "No, I don't want to." I always feel that I
will hear something that destroys Sanguan!

Then when they went to bed, the two fell asleep on both sides of the bed as
before. Although Loris felt very sick, most of the time he let Shao Ci, and
Shao Ci was generally unwilling to do anything.

Suddenly, Shao Ci suddenly heard the system's prompt, knowing that

today's task is to treat the target of the Raiders, and suddenly became sober.

"Actually this task." Shao Ci opened his eyes. "It seems that what was not
done yesterday can be done today."
Turning around and seeing that Loris had fallen asleep long ago, Shao Ci
thought to himself that today should not be the same as yesterday, so he
carefully rushed past it. After touching Loris's wrist, he carefully passed the
power over. .

It is absolutely no problem for his healing power to be input into the body
of ordinary people, but if the other party is not human, it is likely to trigger
various things, especially the Zerg will also be triggered by estrus.

The next moment, Loris, who was supposed to be a human being, frowned
slightly, and his cheeks quickly became flushed.

Shao Ci suddenly hesitated, and his heartbeat missed for a moment,

"Hey ?!"

So, Loris is really not human? !!

The next moment, Loris opened his eyes slightly, grabbed Shao Ci's hand
directly, and pressed him to the lower level.

Shao Ci struggled quickly, but it was of no use at all. It probably felt like a
kitten caught a few times for the other party.

At this moment, Loris seemed to have become a person. Her cheeks were
flushed, and her blue eyes were full of water. Holding Shao's face, bowing
her head was a crazy kiss.

Then he slowly bit down along the neck and bite gently. When he touched
the shirt, he reached out to help him take it off.

To be honest, his actions are not like estrus, but Shao Ci is very clear. After
the Zerg estrus, his emotions will quickly suppress the reason. If he doesn't
escape at this time, it will be over.

After Shao Ci's shirt was unbuttoned for the third button, he finally broke
free, and then fled under the bed suddenly, but was directly hugged by
Loris, because of this action, the clothes were completely torn apart .
Then both people rolled down to the ground, so that there was a soft carpet
on the ground, and Shao Ci fell on top of it.

But even worse, Loris was still holding his waist. Loris seemed to be
drunk. His movement was a bit slow. The exhaled heat was scattered on
Shao's waist, and his hand was directly facing Shao's. Pants forward.

Shao Ci quickly said: "You, you calm down, this is not the time to do such

"Oh?" Loris looked up and whispered, "What do you say now ..."

Shao Ci was pressed against the carpet like this all night, and he did not
know when he passed out.

When I woke up the next day, it was already noon.

Shao Ci was sitting on Loris's leg, neatly dressed on the top, but he had
nothing on his lower body, and his legs were so exposed.

He bit his lower lip hard and didn't dare to move it. If he moved it a little,
a strong thrill would hit his whole body, and he would make a very
shameful sound at that time.

As if nothing had happened, Loris handed the spoon filled with porridge to
Shao Ci's lips. "Come, this is what I cook for myself ... Father-in-law and
mother-in-law are very happy to see it."

Shao Ci opened his mouth hard, and then swallowed the porridge. In this
case, even if he did not have the extra energy to taste the porridge, it tasted

I don't know if His Royal Highness Dignity has blown up the kitchen for
the first time ...

"I'm definitely not worse than Edwin." Lorris looked confident in the food
he made, and then came over again, "It's delicious?"
Shao Ci didn't know what Lorris was comparing. He nodded quickly. He
passed yesterday's events, and now he has no strength and can only lean on
Loris weakly.

Moreover, when it comes to this matter, he himself died, and Shao Ci

regretted it when he remembered it.

After drinking a whole bowl of porridge, Shao Ci was about to pull off,
grabbing Loris's clothes, "Hurry ... let me go down ..."

"It's not time yet." Lorris hugged Shao Ci in the same way he held a child,
and drew it to his ear and said, "You also found out, I'm actually not an
ordinary human thing."

Shao Ci: "...!" If you want to talk about business, can you say it when you
do such a thing!

"You know, my mother is the first beauty of the empire from the Hayman
family." Loris said: "But no one knows, in fact she likes another person, but
betrayed by her lover when she eloped, She was then sent to the palace, but
halfway through, she committed suicide in revenge on her family and lover.

Shao Ci was extremely difficult to concentrate, "Ah ...?" Is this too

explosive? The queen in the original text is very specific to the emperor,
and is so mad that she is going crazy.

"At that time, there was actually a Zerg on the spaceship." Lorris smiled
softly. "It's ridiculous. Everyone thinks that the Zerg has been kicked away
a long time ago ... Actually, the Zerg had been long ago. Sneaked into the
empire. "

At that time, everyone thought that General Willie killed the Zerg queen
and chased them away. In fact, the Zerg escaped only as a play. In fact, as
early as the first year of war with humans, the Zerg had been quietly mixed
into human form In the empire.
Many humans have always despised them because of their appearance, but
in fact their IQ is no less than that of humans.

And General Willie never said that he had failed to kill the Zerg Queen, so
no one was suspicious.

"At that time, the Zerg realized the opportunity, so the Zerg queen disguised
as the daughter of the Hyman family, went directly into the palace, and
came to the emperor." Lorris was like saying an ordinary story Again, these
extremely powerful words were spoken.

Shao speech: "?!"

Wait, these words are a bit informative. You actually said that in fact, the
queen has always been the Zerg queen, and then for so many years with the
emperor ... Suddenly a little sympathy for the emperor is going on.

... Then Shao Ci thought of himself who was **** by the queen's son, and
suddenly felt like he was miserable.

"Originally, the purpose of the Zerg was to kill the emperor, and then
change into his appearance, to occupy this empire." Loris said: "But the
Zerg Queen fell in love with my father. After all, although he was useless,
but There is a good skin pack. "

Although the two sons of the emperor looked like the queen and the little
white flower, neither looked like the emperor.

Shao Ci was a bit scared: "..." Isn't it too dog-blood to feed this story, the
original horror movie immediately turned into the feeling of a dogblooded
love triangle.

"After that, I was born ..." Loris said: "I knew from an early age that I
wasn't actually human, even if I had a part of human blood."

Shao Ci: "..." I don't want to think about why Zerg and humans can have
children so casually.
"But it is ridiculous that the emperor did not like her mother. Although she
did not marry another concubine, she had someone outside." Loris said, "I
don't know that woman, what is going on now, if she has children. It should
be about the same size as you now ... "

When Shao Ci heard a shock in his heart here, he suddenly remembered

what happened between Master Pei, and therefore affected his lower body,
and he could not help but pant.

"Small remarks, do you know something?" Loris naturally wouldn't miss

this, and asked over.

If he could say something, Shao Ci said it directly, but now it's a matter of
spoilers. He couldn't explain it, so he shook his head, "I ... I don't know ..."

"You're so disobedient ... I told you everything, but you kept it from me."
Lorriston narrowed his eyes and lowered his head to bite Shao's neck.
"That was punishment, I want to mark you now. "

Shao Ci: "... wait ... you, calm down ..."

It's not him who's been marked to suffer.


Because the royal family never came out to clarify, the previous photos
were more widely circulated and made a lot of noise, which made me
wonder how many people were shocked.

Most people don't believe that Prince Edward has anything to do with Shao
Ci. They would rather believe that it is Shao Ci who held the Prince's thigh.

One of the most shocking was the people of the Imperial Military
Academy. At the beginning, Shao was expelled from the academy, and it
was very surprising to return to the academy with Ji Zhaoyun, the son of the
Duke. After that, he even hugged the thigh of Heiman's heir Edwin. If it
wasn't because of his face, many people wanted to ask Shao Ci how to do it.
However, now Shao Ci actually hugged His Royal Highness directly to the
thigh of His Royal Highness. This guy's level of holding the thigh is already
at the Grand Master level!

Some people also vaguely realize that this news has not been deleted for so
long, which may not be easy.

After that, the prince finally announced the news of his engagement and
said that he would hold an engagement banquet in a few days, and his
fiance was naturally Shao Ci.

Everyone was completely aggressive, and I didn't know what point Shao
won the prince's favor. Whether it was strength or character, it didn't feel
good in any way, and was not worthy of His Royal Highness.

The emperor was completely ignorant of this. He also delighted that Loris
had married such a Beta from the aristocratic aristocracy. When he thought
of how angry the Hymans would be, he felt very happy.

What's more, the emperor had finally heard about Emilia recently. With the
news of his true love, he had no time to think about Lorris.

Later on the Internet, many people started to shame Shao Ci, scolding him
for not knowing how to seduce the prince, and some people wondered if he
slept the prince by some sinister means and forced the other party to take

After all, the prince seemed to have such a high moral character, how could
he engage with others casually! ?

And these people also feel that ordinary nobles are not worthy of the prince,
and the only person who is worthy of the prince must not be any ordinary
person, even those from high-class families.

In the end, I don't know who suddenly remembered the hot little prince who
was notorious some time ago, and it was said that only such a powerful
character as the hot little prince was worthy of a prince.
Although the spicy prince should be an Aplha, anyway, now that
technology is so developed, the two Alphas can also have offspring through

At first, this sentence was just jokingly proposed, but in the end, it was
recognized by most people. For a while, countless people on the Internet
said that compared to salty fish, they could only accept such a little prince.
The master and His Royal Highness were together.
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
51: Future ABo (21)
After Shao Ci watched the Internet, it felt awful, so that La Lang could be
matched ... If these people knew that he and the hot little prince were alone,
they would not know what to think, but they probably wouldn't know it in
their lifetime.

And compared to these things, Shao Ci feels even more annoying about the
issue of Loris's identity. He actually doesn't want to know at all.

It is said that what kind of Zerg and human races of this kind of loris are
actually more than omega than his Beta. I do n’t know how many times. I
actually said it so casually, and I am not afraid to say it.

But if you think about it, Loris is not afraid of telling these things himself,
even if you say it, no one will believe it, maybe you think he has a mental

After all, the Zerg in the hearts of everyone is still the kind of monster with
a ugly appearance. Who would think that the Zerg is hidden beside him?
Who can think that His Royal Highness Prince is not human?

If it weren't for the protagonist of Master Shi Peijian, it was an almost

complete rhythm in the empire. But these people are still struggling with
His Royal Highness Crown Prince to marry an ordinary Beta.

No matter how others protest, everything goes on as usual.

The engagement banquet was held in the tone of the flowers on the cow

Although the scolding was hard to hear outside, the attitude of the people
who attended the banquet was very good. Some people who knew Loris's
character only thought that Shao Ci was really courageous. And those who
don't know, also feel that Shao Ci can rely on such a successful engagement
with the prince, is definitely a person with means, can not easily offend.
Edwin also came to the scene with Serina, smiling and congratulating, no
one could see that Edwin had any problems.

But the Duke's family only came to Ji Zhaoyuan. He reluctantly said that
his brother was sick recently, so he could not come to participate.

In fact, Ji Zhaoyun was greatly stimulated after learning the news, and went
to exercise on a very dangerous planet alone. Ji Zhaoyuan couldn't hold
him, so he had to find a few bodyguards to look at him.

Shao Ci was very uncomfortable with this kind of banquet. He made an

excuse to take a rest in the lounge next to him, but just met Edwin who was
sitting inside.

Edwin quickly stood up and said to Shao, "Are you all right?"

When he got closer, he smelled the smell of Alpha Pheromone in Shao Ci,
and his eyes suddenly darkened.

"I'm fine." Shao Ci sat down directly, remembering what the system said,
and said, "That ... if you have someone you like next time, just tell me ..."

When it is not possible, Edwin cannot mark others as causing tragedy,

although Shao Ci cannot do anything.

"How could I like other people?" Edwin tried to grab Shao's hand, but
thought of something and closed it back. He knelt directly in front of him
the next moment. "The most important person in my heart is Only you, no
one can take your place. "

Shao Ci said ruthlessly: "But you are the heir of the Hayman family, so
sooner or later you will have to face it."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter at all." Edwin said: "I never wanted to
manage the affairs of the Hayman family."

Anyway, his mother has so many lovers, wouldn't it be better to have one at
that time? Why did he have to do something he didn't want to do.
Thinking of the marriage proposed by his mother yesterday, Edwin made a

"I may be away for a while." Edwin looked at Shao. "Please wait for me to
come back. I will be stronger than I am now ... and I can better protect

With that said, Edwin took a deep look at Shao Ci and left the lounge.


A few days after the end of the engagement banquet, the Zerg who had
disappeared for many years actually made a comeback, trying to invade the
empire's borders.

But this news did not panic the ordinary people of the empire too much.
After all, the Zerg had been beaten once before, and the hero General Willie
who had beaten the Zerg could still survive.

The Empire border is too far away, and it will take several days to fly a
spaceship, and no one has any sense of crisis.

However, Shao Ci who stayed beside Loris was very clear. Those Zerg on
the empire border were only low-level Zerg with the lowest force value and
IQ. If these people knew that the entire empire was actually occupied by the
Zerg, most of them would think. ... To the higher Zerg in the empire can be

If it weren't for the original text that the Zerg were related to the Zerg
Queen, all Zerg would have their strength plummeted after the queen died.
In the original text, the Zerg may have successfully occupied the entire

Now that Loris is actually a Zerg, and a child of the Zerg Queen, should he
be said to be a true villain boss ...

Now thinking about the finale in the original text, Loris's identity was not
revealed, but was directly exiled ... Who knows if he has any chance to do
anything in the future, and suddenly feels that this ending is not very

On the other side, the emperor investigated the news of Emilia, and later,
with the help of General Willie, he successfully recognized Pei and his

After all, it was the child who stayed with his favorite woman, plus the
memory bonus to Bai Yueguang, the emperor almost cried when he saw
Pei Shi at first sight.

You should know that the emperor has nothing to do with the children born
to the concubines who marry the queen.

And Shi Peijian also pretended to be very well-behaved in front of the

emperor, and from time to time revealed how miserable he had been over
the years. He suddenly made the emperor even more guilty and poured
almost all his father's love on Pei Shijian. It was just because of the
Hayman family that the identity of Shi Peijian was not announced.

The emperor had no plan to pass the throne to Shi Pei, but he wanted the
ashamed child to get the power and wealth he deserved, but if he gave it
casually, he might cause the Hyman family. idea.

It happened at this time that the Zerg thing happened again, the emperor
directly sent General Willie out, but actually intended to let General Willie
and others kill on the front line, and then promoted the Pei Master who was
mixed in, for this reason Nor will it attract the attention of the Hymans.

Of course, in the emperor's vision, other people were responsible for

fighting, as long as Pei Shi was safely protected by other people.

However, things did not go so smoothly. Although General Willie had

strength, the big reason for being able to fight back the Zerg was because
of the other party's scheme.

What's more, those who placed the Hyman family around the emperor have
discovered the true identity of Shi Pei.
Even if Loris didn't do it, the Hyman family behind him would not give up,
and set up various obstacles for Pei Shi, and wanted to put Pei Shi directly
to death. After all, he killed a person in a chaotic place on the edge of the
empire. But it's easy.

Shao Ci had no idea of worrying about Shi Pei at all. This was originally
the original story. In the pursuit of various people, Pei Shi will grow
stronger and stronger, and then collect it at the empire border. With a few
low-profile but powerful teammates, they will be close to the end shortly
after returning.

Thinking that he could finally leave this world, Shao Ci felt a sense of
moving. He had only spent a few months in this world, but there were so
many things that made him feel like he had been here for a long time.

Since the engagement banquet, Shao has been forced to live with Loris, and
he has to learn about court etiquette during the day.

Obviously leaving, but not perfunctory ... Because every night, Loris will
check the content of Shao Ci's study today. If Shao Ci does not answer, he
will have to punish Shao Ci well.

Shao Ci seriously suspected that this was an excuse for Lloris, but he had
no choice but to use his passion for studying Mecha to learn these court

After studying exhausted and exhausted that day, Shao was dizzy and ate.

Loris didn't know if he had to confront Edwin. These days, he has been
cooking in person, and he was very disappointed that Shao Ci, who thought
he could eat the food in the palace.

"Do you know? The father ’s true child is actually Pei Shijian." Lorris
looked at Shao with a braced face, slowly said, "He must be very happy."
His face was so beautiful under the candlelight. The fact that Shao Ci still
felt that he had been engaged with Loris was too mysterious, and it took a
long time to reflect what he had just said.

"Of course I don't know." Shao Ci quickly said: "But Shi Pei is really

Can the destiny's son of the male lead not be great? Although the tragedy
between Master Pei and Shao Ci has been lost several times, Shao Ci was
stabbed several times.

Loris added: "And, Edwin went with them to the empire border."

"Well?" Shao said a little surprised, suddenly remembering what Edwin

said to himself at the last engagement party.

In the original text, because Edwin worshipped Master Pei, he could not
rest assured that he followed alone ... and this time, probably after being
stimulated by Loris, he decided to leave this sad and go outside to upgrade.

The will of this world is also very powerful ... Can actually force the plot to
develop according to the original plot _ (: з''∠) _

"As the next heir of the Hayman family, there is no need to worry about the
future at all. Why did he risk going to the border?" Loris said: "To exercise
himself, or something else?"

Shao Ci quickly said: "Of course it is for exercise, after all, Edwin is a very
strong person."

"That's right, but ... you know too much about him, too." Lorris smiled.
"Did I not say that I should forget everything about him?" This kind of
thing is not something you can forget!

Shao Ci quickly shifted the topic and said: "But what is the purpose of
Your Highness for you to let those lower Zergs do this kind of thing ..." "Of
course it's funny," said Loris. "Isn't it fun? You can see the terrified
expressions of these high aristocrats, and it's very interesting to think about

Shao Ci: "..." Is it really a problem for someone like Loris to act as a
villain! !!


It really happened similar to the original, but a few months later, those Zerg
tended to retreat.

Although the generals fighting at the border this time were not touted as
heroes of saving the empire as they were last time, they were also quite
sought after.

In particular, Shi Pei, not only was young and handsome, but also made a
lot of contributions. He became the most dazzling figure in the empire for a
while. Many people turned out to watch the video of the virtual machine
contest before they suddenly thought of Shi He was also a figure in the

After all, this kind of match is always remembered only by the first, and
the hot little prince who is the first is so dazzling, making Pei Shi ’s light
dim a lot.

But now the little prince of spicy strip has no news for a long time, but Pei
Shi has a faint tendency to replace his position.

Many people are wondering why the little prince with such a powerful
strength has not announced his identity until now ... and General Willie has
always hated it. Now that he has found an opportunity, he will find the
Marines to guide him online.

For a while, many people said that although the hot little prince had the
strength, he had no courage. At this critical juncture, he was afraid to stand
up, far less than Pei Shijian.
Edwin also made a lot of contributions this time, and as the heir of the
Hayman family, he actually went to the front line to kill the insects and won
the favor of many people.

However, this operation was originally to pave the way for Master Pei.
The focus of the propaganda was also on Master Pei. Edwin was taken
most of the time.

The emperor was very pleased, he immediately gave the title to Pei Shijian
and gave him a very powerful position, and quickly promoted him. Others
have also given many rewards, but they are far inferior to Pei Shijian. As
long as individuals know that the emperor clearly appreciates Pei Shijian,
many people have the idea of having a good relationship with Pei Shi.

However, General Willie was seriously injured in this battle. After

recovery, he was far behind the strength of the past. Immediately, he had
the idea of rest and gave all his forces and men to Pei.

It can be said that during this period of time, Master Pei's power was faintly
greater than that of General Willie in the past. Although he was not as good
as the Shanghai Mann family, it was already a threat to the Hyman family.

During this time, there have been many scandals in the Hyman family.
After all, the Hyman family is not as innocent as it is at this level. Just
looking at the last time Shao Tianyang thought by the name of the Hyman
family, What was done became clear, but no one dared to speak out in the

This time the people behind the news were the emperor, of course, fearless.
The Hayman family did not expect that the tricks they used in General
Willie's hands were actually used on themselves, and they were a bit
anxious for a while.


This is a very ordinary house on a planet outside the Imperial Capital. No

one can think of this house as the place where Pei Shijian and his men
usually discuss things.
After getting off the aircraft, Edwin disguised himself and came in, "What's
the matter of calling me this time?"

"I want to show you something very interesting this time." Master Pei
opened the door to the inside with a smile. The Zerg corpse appeared in
front of the two, although it was a little different from ordinary Zerg. But
there is nothing new.

Edwin has seen such things on the border countless times, and said lightly:
"It's just a Zerg. What's so nice about it."

"Different from other Zerg races." Shi Pei said: "This one was only in the
form of a human before his death.

"What?" Edwin was a little surprised, looking at the Zerg corpse carefully,
but there was no difference whatsoever.

"It was a few days ago that I caught a person who wanted to assassinate me,
and then brought him here to force a question." Shi Peijian said: "I did not
expect this guy to become The Zerg ... It's really interesting. "

Edwin knew that most of the people who killed Pei Shi on the way were
sent by the Hyman family, and his face was suddenly dignified.

He realized the reality after the previous events. Although he was the heir
of the first family Hayman family, the actual power was not in his hands.
Even the entire family never considered him.

He wanted to climb up and take revenge on Loris who stole everything, so

he came to the border and made peace with Shi Pei, who had the same goal,
of course, both of them had their own plans.

On the way, various things happened constantly, various people came to

assassinate, and on any occasion, some people wanted to put Pei Shi to
death. However, Shi Pei was really a very lucky man. He could survive this
assassination. Edwin felt that he was a man favored by God. "What's going
on ..." Edwin frowned slightly. "How could a Zerg look like a human."
"I was very surprised before. These zerg behaviors are just like ordinary
beasts ... but occasionally they show high IQ, so people wonder if they are
divided into different types." Pei Shijian said: "I have studied this corpse.
Although it looks similar to the ordinary Zerg, it is actually several times
stronger than the ordinary Zerg ... If it hadn't died before it returned to its
original shape, it would be a bit difficult for me. Deal with it. "

"I then investigated again and found something very interesting."

Later, Master Pei took out a stack of information. All of them were those
who played a role in the war. Now they all climb to a high position in the
empire, and they are all the same. They are all on the Prince's side. people.

"These people ..." Edwin said, "no children?"

"Yes, after all these people have been married for so many years, but now
they have no children, why are they all?" Shi Peijian said, "I think if you
investigate them, you will find that there will be great discoveries."

Edwin said: "You mean, they are all Zerg?"

"I didn't say that." Master Pei said, "But if this is true ... then our plan is
not far from success, and His Highness His Royal Highness has finally
been grasped by us."

"I didn't expect it," Edwin whispered. "Prince, he would actually collude
with these zerg."

This was a serious matter that would have an impact on the Hymans, but
Edwin did not feel that sadness at this time, but was a little excited.

The Hyman family is too strong and should not have existed long ago. As
long as the family is there, he cannot do what he wants to do.

And if Loris fell, wouldn't Shao Ci return to his side?

Edwin suddenly felt a bit scary, but he couldn't stop.

As long as Shao Ci can be returned to him, he doesn't care about anything at
all, and nothing can make him hesitate.


Not only did some clues be found over Pei Shi, there was something wrong
with the Empire.

I don't know when, many people said in horror that they saw some humans
become Zerg.

Originally, these words were regarded as nonsense, and even the person
who said it wondered if he had a mental problem. The Zerg is the Zerg, and
the human being is the human. How can humans suddenly become Zerg?

But then, photos were sent from time to time, and the zergs in the photos
were very real. Even if the experts went to study, there were no signs of

Since then, the major planets have begun martial law, and they have to go
through a lot of cross-examinations. Many people who went to the planet
not long ago were isolated and observed.

The retired General Willie also stood up and said that he did see some
senior Zergs in the battlefield that can become humanoid, even the IQ is
quite high, so everyone should not hide it, and everyone who has doubts
speak out.

For a while, many people trembled. Many people stayed at home and didn't
dare to come out. Even the old friends looked suspicious.

At this time, Pei Shijian stood up and said that his men had developed a
method to find out whether the other party was a human being disguised as
a Zerg.

At this time, Pei Shijian, who found a solution, was quickly pushed to the
altar, like everyone at that time, and was regarded as a hero by everyone.
The work between Master Pei was also extremely popular. As long as
anyone with doubts caught up and observed it, he later seized several senior
members of the Hyman family and the military, and finally found out that
the other party was really the Zerg.

For a time, the Hayman family became a target of public criticism, but
Edwin, the heir to the Hayman family, did not hesitate to say that he would
be on the side of Shi Pei.

Everyone then remembered that the Hymans were also killed by the Zerg to
replace them, and they felt a little sympathy for Edwin for a while.

After these one after another, the senior members of the Hayman family
died a lot, but apparently did not have the power of the past, naturally it is
no better than Pei Shizhong.

Then the emperor took the opportunity to announce that Pei Shijian was
actually his beloved son for many years.

During this chaos, Lorris didn't say anything, didn't even make a statement,
and he had multiple subordinates who were picked out, but they were
actually Zerg, and most of his forces had been destroyed. The Mann family
also lost its glory.

Suddenly, many forces waiting to see him turned to Pei Shijian. Someone
even said that His Royal Highness's personality was too good to be
inherited from the throne. Such a character was most suitable, and
requested that Pei Shijian become Chujun.

All these developments went very smoothly, even if Pei Shijian was the son
of destiny, it seemed to go too far.

When the noise was going on outside, Loris was very indifferent, and there
was extra time to help Shao, who had just taken a bath, blow his hair.
"Aren't you worried?" Shao Ci couldn't help asking.
Although no one outside now says that Loris is the Zerg, many people have
already guessed that Loris is related to the Zerg ... It may be sooner or later
that Loris's identity is found out.

"Why should I worry?" Loris said with a smile. "Now everything is moving
in the direction I want ..."

Shao speech: "!?"

Wait, actually, according to the original method, after Loris became the
emperor, he could directly achieve the purpose of controlling the entire
empire. Why do so many things, is it really just because it feels interesting?

"You're wondering why I'm doing such a superfluous thing." Lorris could
see at a glance what Shao was thinking. "Actually, my purpose is not to get
this empire."

In many cases, Shao Ci felt that Lorris had a reading ability, and guessing
was too accurate.

"Actually, I want to destroy this empire." Loris said: "Don't you think
these people are boring. Whether it is humans or zerg, it is the most
interesting moment to destroy."

Shao Ci: "!" Feeding Loris is a chaotic and evil villain.

"In fact, those people are Zerg ... I also revealed it. Otherwise, what fun is
it to have a dominant chessboard?" Loris slowly said, "It's the feeling of
being forced into desperation step by step. The most exciting. " Shao Ci:
"...!" I no longer understand where your excitement is!

But now it seems ... it should not be far from the end.

No matter what else Loris wants to do, anyway, as long as he sticks to the
end! When the next world comes, everything will be back.

In the following days, Master Pei's superiority grew larger and larger, but
Loris seemed to give up his hopes behind closed doors, and his forces did

As if when everything was doomed, an accident happened.

It was just an ordinary morning. Countless people found that their friends or
relatives had turned into Zerg.

For a time, the entire Emperor Star was in a panic.

Everyone thought that the Zerg had been captured long ago, but those who
had been caught before were only intentionally exposed under the
guidance of Loris.

And there was chaos in the palace. In the hall, the emperor looked at Loris
with a horrified expression, "What are you going to do?"

After sitting on the throne for so many years, the emperor has been
enjoying various things these years, saying that nostalgia for true love is
actually all kinds of pets, new love, but never exercised, the strength is not
as good as those of eleven or twelve .

"Father, I just want you to go with your mother." Lorris smiled. "Don't be
afraid, it will be over soon."

"I know I'm sorry for your mother ..." the emperor said: "But you don't
have to do it to such an extent, have I treated you in a bad way over the

The emperor retreated hurriedly, but met Pei Shijian who had just entered
the door. He immediately stood beside Pei Shijian and felt relieved.

"Father, you don't have to worry, I'll be fine when I come." Pei Shi said this
while smiling and piercing the emperor's chest with the sharp blade in his
Looking at the emperor's stunned eyes, Master Pei smiled from the bottom
of his heart.

"I'm very sorry, I've always hated you."

Even if the emperor is biased towards him now, the hatred in Shi Pei's heart
has never changed. Although he was driven by the Hyman family to the
slums, he had a great relationship with the emperor ... if not even his
beloved woman Can't protect, how can everything come to such an extent.

Then Master Pei looked up at Loris, "His Royal Highness, I didn't expect
you to collude with the Zerg to such a degree. For the future of the empire,
it seems I have to do something with you."

"Oh? If you have that strength, just come." Lorris smiled.

The next moment, dozens of Zerg rushed in from the outside, and
surrounded by Loris.

These zerg looks are very stingy, their carapace is as hard as synthetic
metal, blood and the role of corrosive mech, coupled with extremely fast
speed, ordinary humans are difficult to deal with without mech.

"It seems that I despise you." Shi Pei looked cold and had to retreat


After Shao Ci woke up, he realized that the world had changed.

Well, he just woke up a little bit late. Why didn't he seem to have missed a
lot of things. When such a crucial thing was to be done, Lorris didn't even
wake him up.

Shao Ci was so scared that he quickly got up and went out.

At the door, there was the guard left by Loris. Although he respected Shao
Ci, he had no intention of giving way.
Shao Ci knew that the prototypes of these guards were all Zerg. It was
impossible for them to break through by themselves and had to return to the

Now he must find a way to go out, and then after seeing Pei Shijian, he can
probably leave the world. If he stays here ... after the end, maybe he will be
killed directly by the emperor Pei Shijian. .

Shao Cike still remembered that he had stabbed Pei Shi a few times, and
Pei Shi must have hated him most.

The next moment, there was the sound of a fight outside, Shao Ci was
shocked, hiding in a hidden place, fearing that this was a person sent by Shi
Pei, he was arrested and finished.

The fight was over quickly, footsteps came, and Edwin's voice was also

"I'm here to pick you up."

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
52: Cultivation (1)
Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. "Why are you here?"

When Edwin saw Shao Ci again, he was extremely excited, "You are in
danger, of course I want to come over."

Shao Ci thought that Edwin was now mixing with Pei Shi, and he should
have known about it, saying: "What's the situation outside now?"

Edwin said: "It's very chaotic outside now, the people are staying in the
refuge, and many Zerg are on the street. I'm afraid you hurried over ... I'll
take you to the refuge now."

Shao Ci followed Edwin downstairs, and saw the Zerg corpse lying on the
ground, and a mech stopped in front of his eyes, his heart suddenly moved.

"I borrow your mech for one use."

Edwin was startled. "What did you say?"

This fact was too sudden, and before he could react, Shao Ci quickly
entered the cockpit of his mech, leaving the mech with dust.

Although it is said that the general mechs have certifications and cannot be
used by others, Shao Ci's strong mental strength is enough to destroy the
mech's defense system and drive directly.

Shao Ci hurried to the direction of the main hall, the road was extremely
empty, not even a few Zerg.

Fortunately, the residence of Loris is in the palace, otherwise I don't know

how much trouble it will take.

While on the road, Shao Ci's personal terminal suddenly lighted up, and
then a virtual screen popped up uncontrollably, starting to play the scene in
front of the palace.
Shao Ci was suddenly shocked. The rest of the empire probably saw the
live broadcast as he did. I did not expect that Lorris would find someone to
control the central computer.

On the screen is Loris sitting on the throne. He wears a crown on his head,
looks at it with a smile, and says, "I think everyone is confused now, don't
worry, don't be afraid ... because you have already There is no hope. "

Shao Ci: "!" Feed this standard villain to speak. Imagine how shocked the
ordinary people would be when they heard His Royal Highness say such
words, but this is also the effect that Loris wants to achieve ...

"It's really embarrassing you to keep hiding from you in the past." Lorris
sighed. "Actually, I am a hybrid of Zerg and humans? And the beautiful
queen in your heart was actually the Zerg Queen."

Everyone who was still in the sanctuary was stunned after seeing this live
broadcast and couldn't believe what they heard.

"My father died too quickly. It's a shame, otherwise he would be surprised
if he knew about it." Loris said: "After all, he has been with the Zerg Queen
for so long, as an ordinary human being. What a rare thing it is. "

Shao Ci: "..." Obviously no one will be excited by this kind of thing at all!

At this time, Shao Ci finally rushed out of the hall and saw Pei Shijian
fighting with dozens of Zerg.

In fact, Shao Ci could not recognize that it was Meishi's Mecha, but the
moment he saw that Mecha, Shao Ci heard the sound of the system.

[嘀嘀 嘀 ... A character with a higher force value was detected ...
According to the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders was
started ... The replacement is completed. The current Raiders is Pei Shijian.

How difficult it is! At this time, he finally successfully bound the original

This is Shao Ci's first excitement about binding someone.

"Then, I can go now." Shao said, "After all, it's almost the end."

[Now the villain BoSS is not dead, and the original male lead has not yet
reached its peak, so the host cannot leave. 】

"Ah ?!" But in the original text, Loris did not eat bento!

[Now because his identity is exposed, he has changed from a viable villain
BoSS to a must-have villain BoSS. 】

"..." Is this all right?

As he just felt like he was ready to leave, Shao Ci also relaxed and didn't
care how long the mech he had manipulated.

After being shocked, Shao Ci suddenly felt a strange body, and blood was
flowing directly from his mouth.

"Fuck!" It's been more than five minutes, and his body is about to collapse!

On the other side, there was an error between Pei Shi, accidentally
contaminated by the corrosive liquid of the Zerg, and the instantaneous
action was slowed down. Obviously, it was impossible to rush over to fight
with Loris in a short time.

Shao's speech: "!?" He even happened at such a crucial time. Wouldn't he

have eaten a bento at the critical time of victory?

No, there is still hope.

Shao Ci gritted his teeth, and now there is another person who can kill
Lorris, that person is himself.
So Shao Zi gritted his teeth to control the mech, crossed the Pei room, and
rushed towards the position of Loris.

Shao Ci's figure naturally appeared on the screen. Everyone recognized that
it was Edwin's mech, and he was instantly excited, telling himself that the
empire had hope.

"Oh?" Lorris glanced at the mech in front of her. "It's still an acquaintance,
but even if it's an acquaintance, I won't show mercy."

Suddenly the zerg rushed out from the side and attacked the mech.

Shao Ci explored the surroundings with his mental strength, as if he had

temporarily forgotten that his body was about to collapse. He used the
movement of clouds and water to easily kill the Zerg who rushed up. Each
attack hit the opponent's weakness and directly hacked those Zerg In half.

However, the situation of Shao Ci's failure was even more severe, and the
situation of the collapse of the body became more and more serious, while
the Zerg around them seemed to be indestructible.

And after the Zerg died, the liquid on the mech splashed on the mech,
which was nothing at first, but the mech was corroded a lot.

Shao Ci spurted another blood, feeling that the images in front of him were

"!" Special, even if Shi Pei personally came to open the protagonist aura, it
would not necessarily kill Loris.

This scene was also broadcast live to the whole empire, and everyone saw it


"But does Edwin have that strength?"

Anyone who has studied the mech a little can see that although the mech is
in front of Edwin, the action is completely different from Edwin's.

Even if Edwin had deliberately concealed his strength in the past, this
would not be possible.

"Are some masters using his mech. These actions all look familiar."

"I remember it! Didn't the spicy prince do this in the first place ?!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's really like this ... Could it be that the person in it is the hot
little prince?"

The hearts of all the people were instantly excited. To know that the Little
Prince of Hot Strip had such powerful strength that he could easily defeat
General Willie. Those people must be in front of him now.

These passers-by recognized it, and Loris naturally saw a bit of clues, and
the original look-seeking eyes also became dignified.

On the other side, Shao Ci gritted his teeth and recovered his mental

The mech immediately stopped moving. When everyone was confused, the
cockpit door was pushed open, covered with cold sweat, and there was
Shao's speech in his mouth that was constantly pouring blood.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

They all know this ... Isn't this Shao Ci who was sprayed with dog blood
before? How could he be on this mech? !!

Could it be that he is the legendary hot little prince? Is the spicy prince a

Lorris immediately rose from her seat.

The zerg below wanted to attack, but felt something, and let it go.
Shao Ci climbed out of the cockpit hard, and then the weak body fell to the
ground, but was held by Loris.

Loris looked at Shao Ci, and immediately saw that Shao's situation was
wrong. "Your body can't hold it anymore, why?"

"I ..." Shao Ci said half, but coughed up blood again.

Shao bit his teeth and knew he was going to die. He flew directly into
Lorris's arms, and then took out the knife that he had hid to protect himself
before stabbing directly into his chest.

Even though Loris is a hybrid of Zerg and humans, his weakness in the
human form is the heart.

Before the knife stabbed, Shao Ci's wrist was caught directly by Loris.

"You want to kill me?" Loris said.

Shao bit his lower lip, feeling that he was almost done, and whispered, "Yes

"Of course you can." But Loris showed the same smile as before, as if
hearing Shao Ci's ordinary requirements, reaching out and holding Shao
Ci's wrist, stabbing directly into his chest.

Shao Ci looked up suddenly, "Why?"

"Because I like you, I will agree to your request ..." Loris held Shao in his
arms. "And ... I also feel a little tired. It would not be the happiest to die
with you. Is it happening? "

Although the thinking of Loris and the normal person is a little different,
Shao Ci is still slightly subtle and moved, and the next moment, he
completely lost consciousness in Loris's arms.

After Pei Shi came in, he saw this scene, and then he was stunned.
Edwin, who hurried up in the end, rushed forward, hugged Shao Ci's body,
and then took out the knife held in the opponent's hand, and actually went
straight to his chest.

Hurry to let his men stop Edwin, and stun him away. Pei Shijian let people
clean up the whole hall, and Shao Ci's body was put in the inner hall.

After everyone had left, Master Pei walked slowly to the body.

He doesn't want to believe now, that he has always opposed himself, and
has won his Shao speech several times, but he is dead?

Pei felt that his chest was empty and couldn't say a word.


After the death of Lorris, all Zerg genres also lost their power instantly, and
even ordinary humans could have resistance when they were confronted. In
this way, the crisis that originally thought that the entire empire would be
destroyed was resolved.

And Shi Peijian naturally became the emperor and promoted those who
followed him. Only Edwin said goodbye, and no one knew where he had

Ji Zhaoyun spent several days in front of Shao Ci's tomb, and then devoted
all his energy to the study of Mecha.

Everyone did not expect that in the end, the person who saved the entire
empire turned out to be Shao Ci, who had been scolded by everyone.

And it wasn't until everyone's death that Shao Ci was actually a hidden

Everyone then understood why the hot little prince only appeared in the
virtual world, but it was so low-key in reality, after all, he was just an
But such an omgea, at that time, stood up and saved the entire empire at the
expense of himself. It was a well-deserved hero.

As for Shao Ci's engagement with Lorris was also pulled out, everyone had
a lot of fantasies, and even felt that Shao Ci had already known Lorris's
identity long before he sacrificed himself to luris.

It was also after this incident that Empire developed another agent that
would allow omega to be unlabeled after being labeled, and a relatively
harmless inhibitor.

Omega's status has also risen a lot, and can also learn mecha like other
Alpha and Beta. At one time, a lot of omega came to participate in mecha
games on the virtual Internet.

Hundreds of years later, Shao Ci's story was also recorded in the textbooks
of the empire, and what he did was made into many movies.

If Shao Ci knew that he was touted like this because of these things, he
would be scared.


Finally liberated from the previous world and came to a new world, but
Shao Ci felt that he might soon be given away.

He wore an X-point comprehension cool text, and he became a young

master of a small family. Although he could not cultivate because of his
innate weakness, he could still enjoy the corrupt life of being a young

But unfortunately, this family is the family of the original male lead Shao

You must know that the protagonists of x point Xiu Zhen text will probably
be destroyed, and this article is no exception.
The main thread of this article is the story of the proud son of Shao
Yuezhao, who was destroyed by his enemies and his spiritual roots. In
order to take revenge on the road of magic cultivation, he tried his best to
practice, and finally reached the peak of life.

And Shao Ci was dressed up as Shao Yuezhao's cousin. Worse still, the
moment he wore it was already in the extinct plot! !!

At this time the entire Shao family was already full of death, blood was
everywhere, but the corpse had only one skin bag, which was all dried up
by the surrounding black mist.

These black mists are still around Shao Ci when he wakes up. If Shao Ci
had n’t healed himself with healing powers, I ’d be afraid to eat lunch.

Shao Ci looked up hard and saw that there was a confrontation related to
the development of the full text not far away.

At this time, the original male lead Shao Yuezhao was full of scars,
kneeling on the ground and unwilling to look at the people in front of him,
but the blood in his mouth was constantly flowing out, his spiritual roots
had been abolished, and all his people Killed by those in front of me, my
heart is full.

And the one standing opposite him was the magic repair that destroyed the
protagonist's door—Si Wuxing.

Si Wuxing is a former villain boss. On the surface, it is just an ordinary

demon with three wrong views. In fact, his identity is the son of the
demon, and his status is extremely dignified. The magic repair must be
cruel several times.

The reason why Si Wuxing wiped out Shao's house was not because of any
resentment, but it suddenly arose when passing by.

Even in the practice of magic, Si Wuxing's reputation spread to many

people are afraid of it. After all, he is not only ruthless to ordinary Taoism,
but also to those who are also magicians.
... In the original text, after Shao Yuezhao, the male protagonist, finally
killed him for revenge, he learned the identity of Si Wuxing. After that, he
was naturally pursued by Mozun and countless demons.

When Shao Ci saw it, I felt that this setting was added later. It is a common
occurrence to kill young people in Xiu Zhenwen and invite old ones.

Si Wuxing has a good look, but with indifference that he didn't put
everything in his eyes, he was only a little interested when he saw the pain
of others. He was surrounded by a black mist, and he could still hear the
wailing of souls.

This mist is Si Wuxing's most powerful weapon, made from the souls of
countless monks. Ordinary monks can be discouraged at a glance.

Destroying the entire Shao family is quite easy for Si Wuxing, who has a
strong cultivation practice, but it can be done in a moment.

But Si Wuxing just let these people get sucked up by the magic, one by one,
enjoying the despair of others.

Shao Ci is naturally these cannon fodder that was almost drained, but even
if he does n’t eat bento now, there are worse things waiting for him.

That is--

[嘀嘀 嘀 ... The character with the highest force value has been detected ...
According to the rules of the system, the target of the Raiders is started to
be bound ... After the binding is completed, the current target of the Raiders
is Si Wuxing. 】

"!" Wocao, although it had been guessed long ago, it really happened

Shao Ci simply wanted to pass out.

How does this abnormal character do daily tasks, and how to guide him?
This is simply to die!

Now it seems that the worlds that I have experienced before are too kind. It
is nothing if Ji Zhaoyun is pumped with a whip as soon as the last world

As soon as the world of self-cultivation came up, he had to face such a

difficult thing, and Shao Ci felt that it would not be easy to survive.

In the last days, although the interstellar backgrounds are also dangerous,
they are much safer than the comprehension text.

[Because the world is extremely difficult this time, give the host three
chances to resurrect, please use it with caution. 】

Shao Ci: "!!!" There is such a good thing in the bedroom, but three times is
not enough, I don't feel enough to resurrect.

[Then four times. 】

Wait for the system to speak so well.

But this happens to be a sign of danger in this world. Shao Ci immediately

said, "... I think it's still a little bit less."

Then the system never answered again. Shao Ci knew if he couldn't, and
had to look up.

It seemed to be the cover of the magic around him. The two people on the
opposite side did not find anything about Shao Citu's bento.

Si Wuxing seemed to be tired, so he took out the long sword at his waist,
and it seemed to be a direct operation.

At this time, Shao Yuezhao picked up the weapon that was dropped aside
and stabbed his teeth toward Si Wuxing.
Of course, Shao Yuezhao, who was repaired at the moment, could not
completely hurt the other party. Even when the other party's body was not
touched, he was rebounded by a force. After rolling on the ground for
several laps, he spit out a lot of blood. People feel a little pain when they
look at it.

In the future, the protagonist of X Dianwen will have such a miserable

time ... wait!

At this moment, Shao Ci suddenly flashed in his mind.

According to the memory of the original owner, although he and Shao

Yuezhao are cousins, the relationship between the original and weak Shao
Yuezhao, who is weak and cannot be cultivated, is not very good. He even
taunted because he was jealous of the other person's body.

Since the initial favorability is not high, now is a good time to brush your
favorability! After the last world, Shao Ci understood, no matter how
powerful your villain is now, it is the original man who really wants to
reach the peak of life.

Do not brush when the original male lead is weak and slagging, there will
definitely be no chance in the future!

So Shao bite his teeth, rushed out, and dragged Si Wuxing's thigh
(fortunately, this place is relatively close to the other station, otherwise he
was found before Shao Ci was encountered). He screamed exhaustedly,
"Hurry up!"

Of course, Shao Ci is also very clear about how such a person dragged on
the early villain boss, anyway, he shouted first to say goodwill.

His voice was very husky because of the attack of magic, and he couldn't
help but cough up a blood, and looked extremely embarrassed.

Shao Yuezhao looked over in shock, "Cousin ...?"

My cousin, who had such a bad attitude towards him in the past, actually
wanted him to achieve such a degree. Why is this ...

"There is actually a fish that missed the net." Si Wuxing looked coldly at
Shao Ci holding his leg, and stretched out his hand, and the surrounding
magic gas suddenly attacked Shao Ci.

These magical spirits carry souls that turn into evil spirits, and constantly
bite at the soul of Shao Ci. Compared with the body, the soul is more
important to the practitioner. This kind of pain cannot be endured even by
the practitioner in the foundation period. Not to mention Shao Ci is a

However, the soul is the most important thing of the host and has been
protected by the system. Shao Ci can be said to have no feeling at all. He
continues to hug Si Wuxing and coughs the blood constantly, trying to
make misery. I want to brush Shao Yuezhao's favorability.

Originally, Si Wuxing just wanted to kill Shao Ci and then torture Shao
Yuezhao, but now seeing Shao Ci being silent under the torture of evil
spirits, even if he broke his teeth, he would hinder his footsteps.

The first time I met a person with such strong willpower, it was still just a
mortal. It immediately aroused Si Wuxing's interest and completely left
Shao Yuezhao aside.

Si Wuxing leaned down, looking at the messy Shao Ci, with a little interest
in his eyes, "You just want to protect that person?"

The villains actually gave the opportunity, of course, Shao Ci must play
well, and then gritted his teeth: "Even if I die ... protect him ..." Did you
hear it! He's so desperate, he must go up!

Under the system's plug-in, Shao Ci's tone sounded extremely tragic,
making this picture even more tragic.
"Then if you can only have one person with him, what would you choose?"
Si Wuxing smiled. "As long as I kill him, you can survive."

As soon as Shao Ci's eyes lighted up, a bit of boringness appeared in Si

Wuxing's eyes, and he heard Shao Ci saying, "As long as I die, you can let
him go, then kill me directly."

Shao Ci has been desperate to brush the favor of the original man.

Si Wuxing froze. It seemed that Shao had not expected to say so, and then
he said, "I can let him go, but you can't die."

Shao Ci: "?" What is this magic repair going to do? It won't be a good thing

"I will torture you from now on, and open the enchantment so that person
can escape. But how far he can escape depends on how long you can last.
As long as you die, I will go straight." Si Wu Xing said, "Of course, if you
regret it now, you can choose to give up his life."

Well, it is indeed a devil, and he can come up with such a vicious idea.

If Shao Ci is really just an ordinary person, even if he has the spirit of

dedication, he will probably shake it now, but he has a systematic painless
plug-in plus three opportunities for resurrection, which does not matter at

So Shao said, "I won't regret it."

Shao Yue looked at his cousin who wanted to let him escape even if he had
sacrificed himself. Then he felt a shock, and then gritted his teeth, "No ... I
won't leave."

Shao Ci must have brushed his heart, and he gritted his teeth and turned his
head, pulling a smile hard, "You are the hope of our Shao family ... live ...
you must live ..."
"Cousin ..." Shao Yuezhao suddenly realized what kind of burden he was
carrying on his back, propped up his broken body, and turned his head,
walking towards the outside with a sting.

He will definitely survive, and then he will have revenge.

"This is what you said, then I will start." Si Wuxing said, and gently put
Shao Ci's hand on his own hand.

Shao Ci ’s dirty hand was in stark contrast to Si Wuxing ’s pale and slender
hand, but Si Wuxing did n’t care, but took out the silk handkerchief, and
slowly put Shao Ci ’s hand in every place Wipe them clean.

He seemed as if he didn't care that Shao Yuezhao could really escape.

Shao Ci was almost creepy.

The next moment, Si Wuxing said, "What a beautiful hand." While

smiling, he broke a finger in his hand.

Shao Ci snorted immediately, but was relieved in his heart. It was better to
be tortured by the villains than to wipe his hands.

After breaking Shao Ci's fingers one by one, Si Wuxing asked, "How are
you feeling? Are you sorry?"

Shao gritted his teeth and said, "No ... I don't regret ..."

Compared to torture or something, it is still painless, but it is more

difficult to pretend to be painful! Even with a systematic plug-in, Shao Ci
still felt that his acting skills were not enough.

What followed was even more terrible torture. Si Wuxing took out a seed
directly, looked at Shao Ci's blank eyes, and introduced: "This is the seed of
the blood vine, it will germinate when it bleeds, and will not dry you. All
the blood on your body will not stop. "
Shao Ci knows that Si Wuxing introduced in such a detailed manner that he
did not want to admit his regrets, nor did he know how much he had
tortured. Anyway, Shao Ci was very firm.

Rather than bind Si Wuxing, a snake ailment, to do daily tasks, it is better to

resurrect it once!

"I don't regret it." Shao Ci continued to say firmly.

Si Wuxing looked at Shao Ci, even though his body was full of wounds,
and his pain was almost numb, but his eyes were still sparkling, and he felt
something strange.

Obviously torture is his favorite thing to do, but now he doesn't have the
same sense of pleasure as before. What's wrong?

The next moment, Si Wuxing's eyes darkened, he ignored the feeling in his
heart, and then sprinkled the seeds of the blood vine to the wound behind
Shao Ci.

After encountering the blood, the blood vine sprouts quickly, and the roots
follow the wound and extend deep into the body.

This feeling is terrible. Even if the pain is not felt, the feeling of such a
foreign body invading the body quickly makes people subconsciously
struggle. The blood in the mouth is constantly pouring out, making it
difficult to breathe.

Shao Ci couldn't help thinking of how he ate bento in the first world. Now
that this body is getting colder and colder, it should be too much to eat,
even the consciousness seems to be gradually gone.

"I'll ask you one last time ..." Si Wuxing's voice sounded.

What kind of people have to eat lunch and then regret what is the use! !!

Shao Ci coughed a lot of blood again, opened his eyes hard, looked at the
demon standing high above him, and said, "I ... I will die ... I won't regret
it ..."

After saying this, Shao Ci lost all his strength and fell to the ground,
completely out of breath.

Si Wuxing did not go after Shao Yuezhao, as he said before, but looked at
the dead body on the ground, and did not speak for a long time.

I don't know how long after that, he suddenly bent down, reached out and
pressed directly on the blood-biting vine. The incredibly rapid vines that
had just grown were instantly dark, all the roots were collected, and turned
into a seed, just above The red light is a little deeper than before.

Si Wuxing looked at Shao Ci lying on the ground. The next moment, he

slowly held Shao Ci's body in his arms. I do n’t know why, but he felt a
feeling that he had never experienced before, making him feel like A little
bit happy and sad.

Then Si Wuxing reached out and wiped the other's blood-stained face clean.

Si Wuxing has seen many people betrayed. Even if his mother betrayed his
father, his father told him not to believe anyone.

But how could there be such a person in the world, no matter how much he
tortured him, he never changed his mind.

It would be nice if this person cared about himself.

In that case, he can care about him the same way.

Si Wuxing thought so, bowed his head, and carefully kissed the lips of the
corpse that had become extremely cold, and his cheeks slowly became
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
53: Self-cultivation (2)
This is a nameless valley, which is shrouded in mist all year round. No one
knows what it looks like, and no one rushes to spy it, because the people
who enter it can never return.

This is the home of Si Wuxing. Many years ago, this was the place where a
cultivation family lived, but they met Si Wuxing unluckyly.

Si Wuxing not only took this place as his own, but also made the monks of
the original family of monks into puppets, let them use them for their own
use, even after death, they will not be at peace.

It is good luck to be completely destroyed like the Shao family.

Si Wuxing has the technique of making people into puppets. If the corpse's
cultivation is higher, the puppets will be more powerful. This is an
extremely rare technique even in the magic practice, and it is also the
honorable Si Wuxing who can learn it.

At this time, Si Wuxing came to the hall with the body in his arms. The hall
was almost completely free of light, only the faint blue candlelight emitting
a faint light.

Si Wuxing looked down at the scarred corpse in his arms, apparently just a
mortal, but able to withstand the pain that such a cultivator could not
bear ... it was indeed the person he chose.

The lord of this corpse did not have any practice before his life. Even if it
was placed in a mortal person, it was considered a very weak existence. No
one would consider using such a corpse to make a puppet. Because not only
it takes a lot of materials and spirit, but the effect after refining is not as
good as that of a monk.

But Si Wuxing not only needs to make him into 傀儡, but also uses the best
materials to make the best 傀儡.
The body was immersed in Lingquan water, and Si Wuxing repaired the
body with extremely precious elixir, and then continued to draw arrays on
the back of the opponent.

He was extremely serious and did not dare to make a mistake.

After all, the person in front of him is different from the maggots he used to
make in the past.

While doing these things, Si Wuxing kept whispering.

"You will lose all your memories."

"You will forget everyone."

"In the future ... you'll be watching, it's just me."

"You'll think about it, only me ..."



In a groggy state, Shao Ci woke up and found himself lying under the

He felt like he had forgotten something, no ... he couldn't remember

anything, his mind was completely blank.

Even he couldn't even remember who he was, he could only remember his
name vaguely.

Shao Ci felt as if he had something to remember, but he couldn't remember

it at all.

And why is he lying in the water without feeling choking ... Is it because he
doesn't need to breathe?

Shao Ci was very at a loss.

The next moment, Shao Ci was pulled up from the water with both hands.
The master of the hand was a young man who looked very good. His
complexion was too pale, which added a bit of pathological beauty to him.

I don't know why, the moment he saw the youth, Shao Ci felt a good
impression in his heart, but there was still a bit of fear deep in his heart.
Such complicated feelings made Shao Ci even more confused.

The young man reached out and wiped the drops of water on Shao Ci's face.
He slowly said, "You finally woke up, I have waited for you for a long

Shao Ci asked: "Who are you? Who am I?"

"My name is Si Wuxing." The man whispered softly, but was firm when he
said the next sentence: "You are my mate."

Shao Ci said in doubt: "Aunt?"

"Well." Si Wuxing said: "Adolescents are two people who love each other
when they are together, and call each other."

Mo Xiu generally does not look for acquaintances, because they will not
make themselves weak. Most of the monks do not have any real feelings
for others, and even if they are married, they use each other.

Si Wuxing knew that her mother was a Dao Xiu robbed by her father, so
she was so miserable that she did not hesitate to do such things in revenge
on her father.

Si Wuxing didn't understand. If it were him, at the beginning, he would

make the other party into a puppet ... That way, nothing would happen.
"People in love?" Shao said for a moment, and said, "Do I like you?" "You
like me very much." Si Wuxing smiled and touched Shao Ci's head, "said
he wanted to stay with me forever."
Shao Ci always felt strange, but there was a voice in his mind telling him
that he liked the person in front of him very much.

But does he really like it?

Shao Ci is also unclear, maybe he likes it, after all, this person looks so
good, and he feels very happy when he sees the other person.

Later, Si Wuxing picked up Shao Ci from the Lingquan pond. The original
body was full of scars. At this time, he could not see any traces.

Si Wuxing took out his clothes and helped Shao to wear them piece by
piece. He had never served others in his life. His actions were a bit
awkward, and the last one was worn wrong.

Fortunately, Shao Ci now has no previous memories and cannot see


But even if he has memories, he probably doesn't understand how to wear

clothes for the real world.

After Shao Ci stood up, he felt totally weak and wanted to take a step
forward, but almost fell to the ground and was helped by Si Wuxing.

"Because you were injured before, you can't stand firm." Si Wuxing said,
"But it doesn't matter, I will take good care of you during this time."

In fact, Si Wuxing has not yet found the best materials, so this body is still
in a semi-finished condition.

But Si Wuxing was thinking, since he is his concubine, how can he use
those inferior materials?

Si Wuxing embraced Shao Ci and came to the other side of the hall, where
the scenery outside the hall can be clearly seen.
However, Si Wuxing is a magic repair after all, and he has not considered
how beautiful the whole place will be. There is a forest full of dead trees
outside, and the surrounding is filled with fog.

But now no one pays attention to whether the forest looks good or not.

"You just woke up and eat some food." Si Wuxing sat at the table, and Shao
Ci leaned softly in his arms.

Later, some people brought their meals. These meals were made by the
extremely rare Ling Zhi, but because the chefs were not good, the food
tasted a little bad, and Si Wuxing would not care. How much.

But now looking at these bad-tasting meals, Si Wuxing has some regrets.
How can he give these things to Shao Ci to eat?

Shao Ci ’s body is almost emaciated, he only needs to absorb the heaven

and earth aura, but Si Wuxing never thought about leaving Shao Ci, so he
found Linguo and handed it to Shao Ci ’s mouth. side.

Shao Ci wanted to take over Linguo and whispered: "... I can eat it myself."

"No," Si Wuxing's face sank, and he said, "Because you like me so much
that you can't eat without me. Don't you remember this?"

There was something strange power in his voice, and he felt that there was
something strange about Shao's speech. He immediately obediently opened
his mouth and let him feed.

After eating a few, Si Wuxing felt that it was almost enough, and then fed
Shao Ci with Lingquan water.

After Shao Ci drank the Lingquan water, he suddenly thought of something,

came over and kissed Si Wuxing, and passed the Lingquan water in his

Si Wuxing froze for a moment, then his eyes became cold, and he said, "I
haven't taught you this, why do you do this?"
When Shao Ci saw him like this, he felt a little scared and said, "... because,
aren't we fellows, I and I want to feed you ..."

Under Si Wuxing's gaze, Shao Ci said more and more quietly, and finally
he said, "Can't I do this?"

"Of course you can." After Si Wuxing realized what Shao Ci was talking
about, a little blush appeared on his cheeks, came over and gave Shao Ci a
kiss and whispered: "What do you want to do? Both are fine. "

As a demon repair, Si Wuxing does every day, in addition to refining

puppets and cultivation, he goes out to kill people.

Si Wuxing's practice is to absorb the souls of other people, and as the son of
the demon, many people have wanted to conspirate against him since he
was a child.

But after catching those people, his father was thrown in front of Si Wuxing
and asked him to handle it by himself.

Those who looked at Si Wuxing's young age thought they could escape it,
but they were slowly tortured by Si Wuxing's merciless death.

Si Wuxing never thinks there is anything wrong with killing. Since he is not
strong enough, who can blame if he is killed when he walks outside?

As long as he sees people who are not pleasing to the eye, Si Wuxing kills
them directly, and if others want revenge, he is also very welcome, and he
may even kill the brothers and fathers.

But now, in addition to those things, Si Wuxing has a new daily activity,
that is, feeding Shao Ci.

Shao Ci's body has not been refined, and he wakes up for a few hours every
day. Most of the time he sleeps, because the aura in his body is not enough
to supply.
Si Wuxing remembered that his father had said that if there was too much
aura in this situation, it would cause some surprises.

Although he didn't know what those accidents were, Si Wuxing also paid
great attention, and was by his side almost at all times to ensure that his
aura was sufficient.

Most of the materials for refining ravioli are available without a star, but
there are two remaining, but they are extremely difficult to find. They are
almost impossible to find, and every time they occur, it will cause a ****
storm. Sky-high price.

On this day, I finally learned the news of one of the materials, Dustweed,
and Si Wuxing was ready to snatch.

At this time, it is naturally more convenient for a person to go, but looking
at Shao Ci who is lying asleep on his own body, Si Wuxing can't relax, and
he holds him in his arms and rushes towards the place where the dust is. go

In the process, Si Wuxing also used special spiritual power to cover Shao
Ci's side so that he would not be blown by the wind.

Shao Ci woke up in a drowsy state. He has no spirit or interest now. Even if

he has left the place where he has been staying for a long time now, Shao
Ci doesn't take a closer look.

This is because at the beginning of forging, Si Wuxing gave orders to him,

so that he would only care about himself, and would not care about any
other person or thing.

But after a while, Si Wuxing arrived at his destination.

This is a very small martial art, but it only occupied a hilltop, and this
time it brought them danger is the polyester dust grass blooming in the
back mountain.
Dustweed is usually no different from ordinary weeds. It grows only once
in a thousand years, but it will release a lot of spiritual power when it

People of this martial art did not know it until then. Of course, the people
in the martial art also knew that such a small martial art couldn't keep
such a spirit grass, but they still had a little luck in their hearts.

The arrival of Si Wuxing made the people inside the door completely give
up the idea of concealment.

But even the small martial arts are not willing to give up their treasures, let
alone they have a martial arts person, and Si Wuxing has only one person.

Of course, the person holding Si Wuxing's arms was thought by everyone to

be the body held by the demon for demonstration.

"It's just a magic repair, and I dare to call me a deity." Someone said
immediately, "How can you leave easily!"

Si Wuxing sneered, "Then I'll do it directly."

Originally, according to his original temperament, he naturally rushed

directly, but this time with Shao Ci, I was afraid that Shao Ci would be
disturbed to talk to these people. Otherwise, they would have been
fragmented before these people spoke. .

Si Wuxing's words fell, and the whole black mist filled the whole mountain,
and the whole mountain was surrounded by the sky. Wherever I could see,
there was darkness, and the evil spirits that were constantly flowing out of
the black mist.

Just a moment, the hilltop looked like hell. The temperature was much
colder, and frost on many weeds.

Then the people in the door realized that they seemed to have provoked an
unbelievable demon. Someone immediately wanted to hear the voice for
help, but under the circumstance surrounded by these black mists, no one's
voice could get out.

"Reservationist formation!"

Suddenly there was a mask-like formation that shrouded the sect.

The people inside were suddenly relieved, and the head of the team was a
little proud. "This is the formation of the original one yuan infant. It can't be
solved even in the face of thousands of monks' attacks, not to mention there
is only one magic opposite. repair."

It is a pity that this array method will consume too much aura. If it was not
for Houshan with that plant, the spiritual stones reserved by the martial arts
would not last for half an hour.

Si Wuxing looked indifferently to the formation in front of him, and said

coldly, "Broken."

The souls in the black mist in the sky suddenly seemed to be forcibly
twisted together by some external force to form a giant, and the giant
punched the hammer under the mask suddenly.

The mask shook a few times and stiffly resisted.

But the monks inside looked stunned, and they could clearly see that there
were countless haggard faces on the giant's fist, and they were constantly
biting at the mask.

The mask, which was supposed to be indestructible, finally opened a small

opening under the bite of these evil spirits.

But this small mouth is enough to affect everything, and suddenly countless
souls drilled into the gap and attacked the monks inside.

The mask also collapsed after a few shakes and turned into countless light
At this point, there is no room for luck, all the weak disciples are hiding in
the dark, and the masters are pouring out, gritting their teeth to face the
demon in front of them.

Even at such a close distance, I can feel the terribleness of the other party.
Even the released spiritual power seems to be eaten by the surrounding
black mist, and the spiritual energy in the air is rapidly reduced.

If it drags on like this, when their spiritual power is exhausted, it is when

they die.

Si Wuxing stood at the gate of the mountain, smiled coldly, and walked

The disciples hiding in the dark almost shivered, only to feel that this man
was like a messenger of hell.

The next moment, the man holding in his arms moved.

Everyone found out that Si Wuxing wasn't actually holding a corpse, but a

The people brought at this time are definitely not easy to deal with.
Everyone held their breath and looked nervously at the two in front of
them, afraid that the person in his arms would do something more terrible.

But then, the person in Si Wuxing's arms opened his eyes, then frowned,
and said softly, "It's cold ..."

Everyone: "!?" It's just that it's cold. The practitioner can easily resist, but
the person in his arms actually said it was cold? Is it just a mortal?

Bringing a mortal to other people's mountain gates to provoke, for a time no

one knew what the purpose of this magic repair was.

Originally, I shouldn't feel cold, but Si Wuxing wanted to make his refining
the same as before, and he was specially engraved when he did it.
This is almost the same as ordinary people, but it has some shortcomings.
Shao Ci's senses are more sensitive than ordinary people and the same is
true of cold. He will be aware of any changes in the outside world.

Everyone looked at the situation in front of them, and saw that the eyes of
the devil who was going to kill everyone looked soft, and then what he did
was even more surprising. He was actually from Chu Take out the big ring
and cover the person in your arms.

This is simply shocking. Does such a demon have ordinary human

emotions? Are n’t the magical monsters all six monsters who do n’t
recognize them? They can do everything to practice.

"Alas." After covering the aunt, Shao Ci felt warm immediately, and he
slept awkwardly in Si Wuxing's arms, said coquettishly: "... I really want to
go home."

Si Wuxing lowered his head and kissed him on the forehead, and said
softly, "Sleep well, I can fix things soon."

Shao nodded and continued to fall asleep.

Although the environment here is completely unsuitable for sleeping, his

body is too exhausted. He has woke up several times in the morning, and
now he can't get up.

Then Si Wuxing looked up, put his hands on Shao Ci's ears, and looked at
the monks in front of him. "Have to get rid of you soon."

The expressions of these monks froze. Anyway, the people around Moxiu
were certainly not innocent. Even if they hadn't done anything, since they
followed Moxiu, they were looking for death.

Since there was a weakness in front of them, how could they not attack,
"Take the man in his arms!" "Yes! Even if you can't deal with this magic
repair for the time being, it's the same with the people in his arms!"
Those people immediately attacked Si Wuxing, exactly attacking Shao Ci
held by him.

"It's ridiculous." Si Wuxing's eyes didn't blink, holding Shao Ci slowly

walking towards the mountain road.

And all the people who attacked this side seemed to hit some barriers, their
bodies were stagnant, the next moment their bodies exploded, turned into
blood mist, and were swallowed by the surrounding black mist, even a little
wreckage. Nothing left.

And those who want to blew themselves were swallowed up by the black
mist just before the blast.

The people around were suddenly stunned by this terrible scene, and they
did not expect that with a cumbersome Si Wuxing, it was so powerful.

Even those blood mists that were close at hand did not fall on Si Wuxing's
body in the slightest. So many people have died so far along the way, but Si
Wuxing has not even left a trace of blood.

It was like being in a nobody's realm. It didn't take long for Si Wuxing to
have no living people around him.

Soon after, he came to the hillside of Houshan, and the Dustweed he was
looking for was also in the grass in front of him, his body shining brightly.

There is naturally a defensive formation around the Dustweed, but this

array of fighters can be cracked without any effort.

The black mist in the sky gradually dispersed, and the sun shone on this
grass. You can see the light white flowers on it.

Shao Ci slowly woke up, "... Are we here?"

"Here," Si Wuxing whispered.

Now, after getting Dustweed, Shao Ci can stand up.

After all, Dustgrass is a very rare spirit grass. It cannot be removed by
ordinary spirit grass. Si Wuxing set Shao Ci aside and focused on dealing
with this grass.

After a long time of incense, Si Wuxing finally took off the Di Chen grass,
returned to Shao Ci, and held him in his arms.

Shao Ci smiled and put the wreath in his hand on his head, and then came
over and kissed him on the cheek. "Good-looking."

Si Wuxing's pale cheeks suddenly became flushed. Suddenly, the grass in

front of him felt very pleasing to the eye, and he cut it directly into a
storage ring.


After returning to the residence, how did Si Wuxing feel and feel that the
valley covered by the mist was not pleasing to the eyes, and the mist in the
valley was directly dissipated.

Then cleared a clearing, and put the grass that I put away directly here, this
grass full of small flowers and the surrounding spooky woods were

If it is seen by others, it will be shocked. What is this place like a magical


Then Si Wuxing smelted the Dust-dust grass into a liquid and sent it to
Shao Ci's body.

Shao Ci, who was completely unable to help, instantly felt that something
missing in his body was found.

Now Shao Ci is not much different from normal people, except that he
usually sleeps too long.
But he can't practice it, only the strength of ordinary people ... and the last
material is to shape the spiritual root of Shao Ci's body so that he can

Such rare materials are treasured by the martial arts, and there is no chance
of appearing outside.

Si Wuxing knew that his father might have it, but he still wanted to get it by
his own strength.

Fortunately, as a concubine, he would not die. There was enough time for
him to look for it.

After all, Shao Ci hasn't crossed the road for too long. After standing up, I
still feel very weak. There is no way to control it. I took a few steps with
great difficulty and almost fell.

Si Wuxing, who was watching aside, immediately hugged him.

After going back and forth a few times like this, Shao Ci could not help
but feel discouraged, and Si Wuxing immediately comforted: "Don't
worry, as long as you practice often, you can leave soon."

"Um." Shao nodded and nodded, and stood up again to practice.

Looking at such a speech, Si Wuxing's heart was very relieved, but he was a
little scared.

In the future, he can only lie in his arms, and Shao Ci, who takes care of
everything himself, can stand up ... he has the ability to go wherever he
wants, and can he leave himself? ?

Si Wuxing quickly and quickly abandoned this idea. Now Shao Ci is all
about him, even if it is all because of the spell he gave to His Majesty, but
what about it?


After doing this exercise for several days, Shao Ci can finally take a few

"Come here, only a few steps." Si Wuxing stood on the hillside full of
flowers, smiling and looking at the person in front of him.

Shao Ci took a deep breath, then walked slowly across the opposite side,
walking slowly at the beginning, but getting faster and faster in the back,
and finally ran directly into Si Wuxing's arms, in his arms Li stunned, "... I
like you best."

Although it was not the first time he heard such words, Si Wuxing still felt
a throb in his heart, his eyes warmed, and he reached out and hugged

"I like you the most."



Unconsciously, Si Wuxing found that he hadn't been away for several days.
It seemed that now he was completely satisfied with Shao Ci and would not
waste time on other things.

Such happy days were never thought of in the past.

But Si Wuxing did not go out to kill people, but others would come to his
door. After all, Si Wuxing had a lot of enemies, and he was so arrogant that
he had a martial art.

A dozen practitioners broke into the formation outside the valley.

This formation method was available when Si Wuxing first broke into the
realm of the cultivation family. It was originally just a magic array that
made outsiders get lost, but Si Wuxing added a few small magic arrays to
it, making it extremely dangerous. Fierce battle.
The strength of these people is not enough to escape.

"Dare to break into me, but also to die for myself." Si Wuxing's eyes were

"What's wrong?" Shao Ci looked at him doubtfully.

"It's nothing, just a few ants." Si Wuxing said, "You wait here, I'll be back

But Si Wuxing also felt that Shao Ci would be bored by staying here alone,
and then he turned into a water mirror, in which the situation in the illusion
array emerged.

Si Wuxing then left.

Even if there is no magic array, it is only a moment of effort to solve these

people. After having a magic array, it is even easier. Si Wuxing did exactly
the same as he said, and soon returned.

Even because he was afraid of Shao's discomfort, he didn't carry a ****

breath on his body. No one who saw him now could see that he had just
killed someone.

Shao Ci wondered, "Did those people just die?"

"Dead." Si Wuxing's eyes were filled with indifference, and said: "Since
those people are looking for death by themselves, of course I want to
fulfill their wishes."

"... Oh." Shao Ci frowned again. "I don't know why ... I felt a bit of pain
when I saw those pictures."

Si Wuxing froze, grasping Shao Ci's subconsciously and exerting a bit of

force, "Did you remember something ..."

Shao Ci shook his head. "No ... I just feel familiar, but what did I forget?"
"What you forget are very unpleasant things." Si Wuxing smiled
reluctantly, and said to Shao: "Those memories don't need to be
remembered at all ..."

"Is that so ..." Shao Ci looked blank, and said, "But I still feel that I have
forgotten something very important."

"No." Si Wuxing almost couldn't laugh, holding Shao Ci's face and letting
him look at himself, "I am the most important person for you. In the past,
there were no other people around you and nothing else. "

Shao Ciying looked at him, and subconsciously followed his words: "...
Yeah, my most important person is you, and I ... my favorite person is
you ... no one ..."

Si Wuxing then said, "I'm probably too tired today, take a good rest."

"Um ... so sleepy ..." Shao nodded, yawned, and fell asleep in Si Wuxing's

Si Wuxing lowered his head and stroked the face of sleeping Shao Ci, but
remembered what he had done when he was at Shao's house.

At that time, Shao Ci was lying in a pool of blood.

At first Si Wuxing felt that those pasts that had no meaning at all. After
becoming a puppet, Shao Ci had been reborn.

But now, he suddenly realized that Shao Ci was indeed the Shao Ci of the

No, no, Shao Ci cannot remember what happened at that time.

Absolutely not.

But even if he said this to himself, Si Wuxing also understood that Shao Ci
would not think of this matter for no reason, it might be because of the
power of Di Chen Cao, or because of something else.
If he remembers the past, will he still like himself like this, and still lie in
his arms unguarded like now?

Even if he likes himself so much because of curse ... but one day, can he
truly ... truly fall in love with himself?

Falling in love with him, killing all his people, abolishing the practice of his
brother, and finally killing him cruelly?

For the first time in Si Wuxing's life, what he felt was regret.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

54: Cultivation (3)
Shao Ci seemed to hear a voice ringing in his mind between half asleep and
half awake.

[End of the protection time, the system starts to restart ... Detects the host's
memory insufficiency, enables recovery plan one ... plan one starts.

Shao Ci froze for a moment, trying to distinguish where the sound came
from, but couldn't find it at all.

Then there was a pain in his mind, as if something had been broken, and
countless dust-laden memories came out.

It took Shao Ci a long time to digest all these memories, completely

remembering his identity, and why he stayed in this place, and what he
wanted to do.

"... wait, what have I done these months?"

These days, of course, also existed in Shao Ci's memory intact. He suddenly
felt a sense of fragmentation.
Shao Ci did not expect that during the time of amnesia, he had done so
many such shameful things to Si Wuxing ... And what is Si Wuxing doing
about this snake ailment, why did he make others stingy? We still have to
forcibly make a base. Is it fun to do base with something like this puppet? !!

But I heard that some people have special tastes.

Shao Ci suddenly produced some very bad associations, about Si Wuxing's

hobby in some respects and the like ... It was simply bad for the whole

It's all a systematic fault. What about a good resurrection? Is it a special

resurrection to a body that has become a puppet!

He also dreamed that after the resurrection, he could change the map and
change the target, but the reality was so cruel.

[At the time of resurrection, the destination of the resurrection of the host is
tended to be selected near the target of the Raiders, and the body of the host
is right here, which is the best place for resurrection. 】

[However, due to this broken body, resetting the host's soul has already
consumed a lot of energy, and can only temporarily seal the host's
memory. 】

Shao Ci: "..." Indeed, this system of making friends with people with the
highest military value has always protected the rights and interests of the
target, and it is normal to do such things.

Everything is because he is so stupid.

The next moment, Si Wuxing walked into the door.

Shao Ci immediately pretended that if nothing happened, he could never let

Si Wuxing know what he had restored to memory. Otherwise, Si Wuxing
would definitely find a way to make him amnesia again.

Then Si Wuxing came over and naturally picked up Shao Ci.

Shao Ci feels very bad, but the memory of these days is constantly
emerging, and it makes him feel very familiar with this movement ... After
all, he has lost memory for several months, during which time almost every
day It was held by Si Wuxing.

Even if he could finally walk a few days ago, Si Wuxing still insisted on
doing so.

But the most important thing now is not the problem of not holding each
other, but that when Shao Ci saw Si Wuxing, he felt a fascination in his

Although Shao Ci is very clear that this is because the other party has a
relationship with the spells under his body, but this feeling has no way to
control it!

He will really become a guy in this way! No, maybe his sexuality has been
distorted ...

The painful and tangled Shao Ci in his heart, but the subconscious mouth
ate the spiritual fruit fed by Si Wuxing. He also picked up the spiritual fruit
on the table and fed it to the other side.

Shao was shocked when he realized what he had done.

# 论 性 的 ⼒量 #

After eating, Si Wuxing took Shao Ci again and came out to exercise on the

Looking at such a kind and gentle Si Wuxing, Shao Ci's mood was very
complicated. On the one hand, when thinking of being tortured by him
before, he felt that Si Wuxing was a terrible snake villain. But on the other
hand, I remembered how I got along with Si Wuxing ...

What's special, Si Wuxing actually has a double personality!

"I finally found where the last material is." Si Wuxing hugged Shao Ci and
whispered softly, "I will be able to get you back to the spiritual roots by

"Um." Shao nodded.

What could have been cultivated was a very happy thing, but Shao Ci was
very unhappy and felt that something bad would happen.


Clicking on the Xingmen is the last ten schools in the true world of the
Zhongzheng School. Even if it is the last one, its strength is completely
incomparable to the small school.

The spiritual master in it specializes in a very strange technique. The monk

also absorbs the power of the stars in addition to the aura. It is said that
after practicing on the seventh floor, he can step into the semiimmortal
realm, and can peek into the heavens. What will happen in the future.

But in this way, the strongest in the Star Gate is only five levels, but just
five levels is enough to shock people.

There is even a faint legend in the realm of cultivation, saying that there is
also a magical method for soul training in the Star Gate.

You must know that the soul and the consciousness are even more
important to the practitioner than the body, but they are extremely
cultivating. For this reason, many monks madly want to enter the point star

The requirement to enter the Star Gate is not too high in talent, but it has
special requirements for the soul. In the annual entry test, many other
martial arts are eliminated to rush for the very talented people, but most of
them are selected by outsiders. Come extremely mediocre.

Many people feel that the Star Gate will be ruined in this way, but until now
it is still among the top ten martial arts, and many mediocre talents are
cultivating at a rate no less than those of the outside world. A bit

It is said that if it was not because the disciples in the Star Gate were
relatively low-key, I am afraid that they would have the ability to compete
with the First School.

At this time, in the VIP room of Yuncang Pavilion, which sells elixir, a
disciple named Xingmen inside the door was waiting.

This time he came out to complete Master ’s order and bring back a very
precious elixir.

Such a task is simply an easy task for Ge Xiuwen, who has the strength of
Jin Dan, and no one will offend someone with a stare.

Then, an attendant walked in with a bottle of elixir and respectfully bowed

his head, "This is the elixir you want."

"Um." Ge Xiuwen nodded his head, frowned slightly, reached out to take
the elixir and wanted to check it out. Unexpectedly, the servant in front of
him suddenly attacked and attacked directly towards his Dantian.

"It's ridiculous." Ge Xiuwen snorted, reaching out to kill the other party, but
unexpectedly, the lid of the dan bottle actually melted directly, and the
endless black mist poured out of the dan bottle. Inside With countless
hungry ghosts, he directly wrapped Ge Xiuwen's body.

Even with Ge Xiuwen's Jin Danxiu as the attack, he couldn't resist for a
long time under the black mist. After making a few screams, he wanted to
explode with the enemy, but was swallowed up in the next instant.

The attendant raised his head, eyes blinded, as if someone had manipulated
it, and then went straight into a coma.

Si Wuxing then came in with Shao Ci from the side door. If it was not to
prevent Shao Ci from seeing the **** scenes, he would not have to use
such a roundabout method to deal with that Ge Xiuwen.
"This way you can enter the Star Gate." Si Wuxing looked down at Ge
Xiuwen left on the ground, beckoned gently, and Ge Xiuwen's storage bag
flew into his hand.

Shao Ci looked at the dark mist in front of him with a guilty conscience,
thinking that Si Wuxing had dealt with him before.

Fortunately, Si Wuxing did not let these evil spirits bit his body or anything
else, otherwise the body must be completely broken now, not to mention
what turned into a resurrection, even the whole corpse probably could not
be kept ...

However, I did not expect that the last material Si Wuxing wanted to find
was in the Star Gate.

After reading the original Shao Ci, it is clear that this martial art is not as
normal as it sounds!

Although it looks like a very serious and formidable martial art that predicts
destiny, in fact, it is not so simple to point the star gate. The disciples in
their gate are mainly practicing spiritual souls, and what The power of the
stars is only to say that they are going to pretend to be fools and fool

Moreover, such a spiritual practice requires a monk to have a soul

different from ordinary people in order to practice. These people either
lack a part of their soul or have some variation.

Most ordinary people will die directly when they are born with
insufficiency, and only a few who survive by chance can practice such a
secret method.

But unfortunately, although this secret method can also promote

cultivation, even faster than ordinary practice methods, it will explode
when it enters the infancy.

Yes, these disciples all existed for sacrifice.

No one knows that when Xingmen first existed, it existed to resurrect a
fairy king. This is an extremely crazy martial art. At regular intervals,
sacrifice rituals are held. Part of the disciple's soul is used for sacrifice to
fill the remnant soul of the immortal.

It can be said that entering this martial art is simply a danger of life.

Only those who are extremely talented in their souls will be accepted as
disciples by the elders, practicing different exercises, and there is no danger
of sacrifices in the future.

And after becoming a disciple of Xingmen, all the data will be recorded,
and even the soul will be taken away, which is absolutely impossible to

In the later period of the original article, the original male lead Shao
Yuezhao had a confidant who was a confidant who was the disciple of
Xingmen. At that time, the immortal monarch was close to the resurrection.
It was even the disciples of the inner gate who would sacrifice.

In the end, Shao Yuezhao and the whole point of Xingmen faced each other
in order to save his confidante, and he was immediately chased and killed
by the other side several times.

However, the plot has only begun for a long time now, should he even enter
such a terrible martial art for the last material!

Just thinking about Shao Ci felt terrible, but he couldn't tell Si Wuxing not
to pass, after all, he couldn't find a reason, he couldn't spoil it ...

Anyway, Si Wuxing is also a villain with not weak strength, it should be

okay to grab the materials and leave.


The point where the Xingmen is located is on the fairy mountain on the
most fringe of this continent. There are also hundreds of aerial islands
supported by the formation method. Numerous floating towers are
surrounded by clouds and fog. The most immortal is definitely here.

But no one knows that under the fairy mountain of the Star Gate, there is a
terrible sacrificial array. That's where the real core of Point Gate is.

Outside of Xianshan is where the Xingmen Outer Gate is located. Many

mortals who want to win the protection of Xingmen have unknowingly
developed into a huge city. People's Fang City.

Because the North Sea is outside Xianshan, among which there are
countless monsters in the sea. Most of the Fang market sells the monsters of
the sea monsters and some useful parts of the body. Many people from
different schools will come to buy them.

At this point, Shao Ci and Si Wuxing came here.

Now Si Wuxing's appearance is exactly the same as that of Ge Xiuwen. He

uses a certain secret technique to transform the appearance of Ge Xiuwen.
This kind of mystery is extremely powerful. It's a magic repair.

And Ge Xiuwen is also known for his cold temperament and no friends, so
he can be said to be the best candidate for disguise.

As for Shao Ci, there is no need to pretend, just pretend to be a new

follower brought by Ge Xiuwen from the outside, anyway, this inner
disciple is treated very highly.

When entering the gate, no one recognized the difference between Ge

Xiuwen, who was dressed up by Si Wuxing, and everyone's attention was
on Shao Ci.

Many people look at Shao Ci with jealous eyes. After all, the core disciples
in the inner door like Ge Xiuwen have a higher identity as a follower than
the outside disciples. It took years of hard work to get it.

Numerous outside disciples want to hug the inner disciple's thighs. Others
are fortunate to say that, like Ge Xiuwen, he is an extremely cruel person,
and basically no one succeeds in holding his thigh. How did this outside
monk succeed?

When they were on the sword in Xianshan, the two met a lot of disciples
from afar. Those disciples were in awe, nodded to Si Wuxing, and
swallowed back what they wanted to say, and then left in a hurry. , A look
completely afraid to say a word.

Shao Ci: "..." Si Wuxing chose such a person.

As a disciple of the inner gate, Ge Xiuwen lives on the cliffs of Xianshan,

surrounded by various array methods, and it is difficult for others to
approach. The aura here is very rich, and it can be said that it is one of the
best disciples' residences at Xingmen.

Although the islands in the sky look good, they have a lot of aura, far less
than the Dongfu on Xianshan.

These defensive formations under Ge Xiuwenbu could not stop Si Wuxing

at all. He easily broke the formations and entered them.

Ge Xiuwen's Dongfu is very luxurious. There is a large area of spiritual

grass outside the Dongfu, as well as a spiritual medicine garden, and even a
hot spring. The water in this hot spring is all Lingquan water.

Every day, several outside students come here to help with things, but none
of them can enter Ge Xiuwen's Dongfu.

The interior of this cave is also extremely wide, and the centrally located
array of spiritual formations turns the rich aura into fog. There are many
rooms, including alchemy rooms and rooms dedicated to cultivation.

Shao Ci was relieved when he entered Dongfu. Because of his very

sensitive body, he felt very uncomfortable outside, as if he felt the
resentment of a disciple who died in the past.
In the world of Xuanzhen, such as the weak meat and strong food, the
monks of the right way are different from the magical monks. They are
different in that they will make excuses when killing people.

Shao Ci suddenly had the urge to become stronger, but he did not even have
the roots.

"Here is our temporary residence here." Si Wuxing whispered to Shao

Cirou: "If you don't like anything, you can say it."

How dare Shao Ci dare? He knew that Si Wuxing had set him to focus on
him alone. If he showed any extra emotions to other things, he would
definitely be discovered by Si Wuxing. So Shao Ci replied, "Nothing I don't
like ..." "Oh?" Si Wuxing raised an eyebrow.
Shao Ci was so tight in his heart that he immediately embraced Si Wuxing
and said, "No need ... as long as I stay by your side, I am very happy."

Such lines are obviously very beastly, and such actions are obviously very

But after he made it, there was still a dark feeling in his heart ... Damn, if he
really became a guy, it would be Si Wuxing's fault!

Si Wuxing gently touched Shao Ci's head, then looked to the outside of

The Shuo Ling fluid he was looking for, even if it was in the Xingmen
Gate, was extremely precious and must be placed in the treasure hall.

It's very easy to take the Shuo Ling fluid directly, but there is one thing in
the star gate that he most cares about, that is the soul cultivation method.
If it is well combined, it can make his puppet skill even higher. floor.

The jade Jane that I got from Ge Xiuwen's storage bag did record the
practice method. It seems extremely common. If you try it, you will feel the
power of your body rushing and you ca n’t practice it anyway.
This even aroused Si Wuxing's interest, and wanted to see what kind of
secrets this star gate has.

"I'll go out for a while and come back immediately." Si Wuxing bowed his
head to Shao Ci, thinking that Shao Ci would be boring when he was alone,
so he handed Yu Jian to Shao Ci at will.

Shao Ci took Cui Yu with some curiosity, and Si Wuxing turned and left.
He had to hand over that elixir to Ge Xiuwen's master.

After Si Wuxing left, Shao Ci took Yujian on his forehead, and suddenly a
lot of information poured into his mind.

Of course, Shao Ci is just a curious look. Even if he can practice, he will

not practice the trick of the dead star gate.

However, when Naojian encountered Shao Ci's forehead, he faintly

emitted light that was invisible to the naked eye, and Shao Ci with closed
eyes did not notice.

At the same time, there is a huge cave deep in the underground of Xingmen
Xianshan. The ground is covered with numerous extremely precious ice
stones, and the complex patterns are carved on it. It can be seen from a
distance. These dense and intricate lines are actually a magic circle.

At the very center of this array, there is an ice coffin.

This ice coffin is carved from the deepest ice in the North Sea. If a mortal
touches it casually, it will be frozen into pieces by these cold air. Even if
they are spiritual masters, those under the Jindan period are completely

And inside the ice coffin lies a young man, dressed in a white coat, lying
quietly in the ice coffin, his hair is silver-white like snow, and the
extremely beautiful appearance is a little sacred, People dare not stare at all,
even if the people in this ice coffin have not opened their eyes for
thousands of years, no one dares to approach.
At the next moment, the youth's eyelashes moved slightly, and they opened
their eyes slightly as if they felt something.

His pale blue eyes seemed to pierce everything in front of him, and saw
someone on top of Xianshan.



After Shao Ci watched Yujian, he had no idea what had just happened to
shake the entire Star Gate.

The content of this jade Jane is unexpectedly simple, and it seems to be

carrying some deceptive power, making Shao Ci can't help but want to

However, Shao Ci knew the truth that he would die if he died, so he

dropped Yu Jian aside and lay down on the bed to sleep.


Si Wuxing originally wanted to rush back to take care of Shao Ci, but
suddenly felt that the surrounding aura was moving a little bit, and then he
saw Master's expression became serious and let him stay directly.

"What's going on?" Si Wuxing was puzzled in his heart, but his face
remained calm, and left with him.

Then the two came to the hall located inside Xianshan. At this time, the
entire high-level point gate was almost in it.

"That adult just opened his eyes!" A white-haired old lady said excitedly.

After hearing this, everyone else was suddenly shocked, almost

subconsciously did not believe it, and then remembered the aura change
just now, but they had to believe it.
An elder said directly, "How is that possible? According to the ancestor of
Kaishan, it will take at least three hundred years for that talented person to
wake up ..."

"After all, time has passed for so many years, and there may be errors." One
person said: "It is normal to have such a deviation for hundreds of years.
After all, we have sacrificed for so many years."

"Now that the adult is asleep again, it seems that some strength is still

"The sacrifice, which was originally scheduled for five years, will be
advanced one month later."

"Is this really okay? These new students have not yet entered the foundation
period." Someone asked.

"It doesn't matter what they do. They get started just for this day. What's the
difference between being high and low?"

It was just that easy, these people set the lives of the low-level disciples.

And those disciples who are more advanced are more or less aware of
these things, and the eyes they usually see when they are new to the
disciples are full of pity.

Anyway, most of these disciples have already died before their early years.
In this world of cultivation, even Yuan Ying's power can die at any time.
Who cares about the life and death of a group of low-level disciples during
the refining period.

When Si Wuxing heard what they said, he immediately understood what

was happening, and sneered in his heart. The so-called Mingmenzheng was
just like that.

But if this thing is used well, maybe there is something that can be done.
After all, Si Wuxing is the son of the demon statue, and he is most annoyed
by these Dao Xiu, and watching these Dao Xiu kill each other is the most
interesting thing.

Of course, the cannibalism has now moved on, and the most interesting
thing has become feeding Shao.


The next few days, the disciples at Xingmen were shocked.

Brother Ge Xiuwen, who was extremely indifferent to everyone, didn't

deceive everyone, so nice to the servant he brought from the outside! What
the **** happened?

Above the pavilion in the air, Si Wuxing hugged Shao Ci, and gently put
the spirit fruit on his side into his mouth.

Right now, it is the test of several disciples. The test of Xingmen is not a
test of force value, but the illusions are each illusioned by the gods to see
who is caught in it first.

But at this time, everyone's attention was not on the test. Even the disciples
in the test couldn't help looking at the place of the master secretly.

They always feel that they are dreaming. Is the person who gently squeezes
spiritual fruit into other populations really a big brother? !!

Shao Ci was not good, and his face turned red after being watched by so
many people, "Will this ... not be found?"

"It's okay." Si Wuxing held out his finger to wipe the juice from Shao Ci's
lips, and then put it into his mouth. "They wouldn't think of it."

Later, some people came together carefully, and wanted to see if the master
had completely changed his sexuality. "Master, I have some things that I
don't quite understand in my practice recently ..."
The next moment Si Wuxing turned his head, and the original gentle eyes
instantly became extremely cold.

The man pulled back immediately and was afraid to say half a word, his
body was still a little trembling, for fear that he would be rejected by his

After this temptation, everyone understood that it seems that the big brother
is special only when facing the attendant.

Many of Ge Xiuwen's admirers and admirers were unwilling at that time.

They were such a worship of the indifferent master, how could such a
master be allowed to change his temper for an ordinary servant.

"What the **** is going on!" A young man said with great dissatisfaction:
"It's just a waiter, who dare to be so close to the master, who gave him the

He is Ran Sheng, the son of the head. Although the cultivation is not high,
there is no danger of life by virtue of this relationship. Ran Sheng is very
favored because of the relationship between the head and the old son. He
often kills the low-level disciples in the door.

And because these disciples were originally used for sacrifice, the head of
the team didn't take it seriously, and Ran Sheng liked to play as he likes.

Ran Sheng ridiculed Shao Ci in front of his brother because of jealousy a

few days ago. He did not expect to be kicked out by the other party without
mercy, and his heart was full of killing.

"I've seen it all. The big brother even took the attendant out and fed him
snacks in front of everyone. It was too much!" Another said indignantly.

"I also saw that the master still touched his head and walked holding him!
And the attendant fell asleep in the arms of the master even though he was
shameless! I don't know what he used to do The method confuses Master. "
"Let's just kill the attendant while Master is away." Ran Sheng grunted
coldly, "Isn't it going to start sacrificing next month?"

"You mean?" The other person's eyes flashed. "Take the opportunity to
sacrifice that servant as well?"

"That's right." Ran Sheng's eyes were disdainful. "It's just an attendant.
Even if the master now likes it ... when the sacrifice is done, the master
won't do anything. Will he kill the elders responsible for sacrifices? "

"That's right." "Yes, yes, my brother can only be sad, and then he will
forget this attendant and change back to his original brother."

Others increasingly felt that this was a good idea, and completely
eliminated their responsibilities.

What's more, even if something went wrong, Ran Sheng was the son of the
head, and he was afraid of him in front of him.


On this day, Si Wuxing was going to **** the new spirit from the treasure

As for the practice of cultivating Xingmen, Si Wuxing gave up completely

after he figured out what their martial arts were doing.

Moreover, the sacrifice day of this sect is tonight, and it will be very chaotic
at that time, and he can leave Shao to leave after chaos, and even if he
wants to find it in the future, the people at this gate No way to find him.

Looking at Shao Ci who was asleep, Si Wuxing smiled slightly and closed
the door gently.

Shao Ci was very restless in bed.

In the dream, he seemed to have come to a very dark place, while on the
ground there were countless complicated formations, the lines of the
formations flashed with faint red light, and it looked as if they had been
soaked by countless blood.

--You finally came.

A very nice sound suddenly sounded, Shao Ci looked around and looked
forward, but did not see anyone, but only saw the ice coffin in the center of
the formation.

"Where the **** is this?" Shao Ci was puzzled. "Am I dreaming ..."

Obviously, he was still sleeping in Dongfu. How could he come to such a

place all of a sudden? It seems to be a dream.

——Come here ... Come to my side.

The voice sounded again, with a hint of urgency.

If it was normal, Shao Ci would never walk by, but at this time he felt
something bewildered, and slowly walked towards the ice coffin, with a
little irritability in his heart and wanted to see clearly What exactly is in the
ice coffin.

He was getting closer and closer, there seemed to be someone's chuckling

in his ears.

The ice coffin is almost here, as long as Shao Ci bows his head, he can see
exactly what the people inside look like.
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
55: Self-cultivation (4)
At this critical time, a loud noise sounded and Shao Ci woke up suddenly,
only to discover that the gate of Dongfu was forcibly developed.

Sure enough, he was just dreaming ... he knew that this dream would be
invisible at a critical time, but why was it interrupted in this way! I always
feel that I can see something extraordinary immediately.

And this is Dongfu, a big disciple of the inner door. Is it really okay to be
rushed in at such a casual night! This defensive formation is too
unbearable ...

Si Wuxing was also very disdainful of this array before, but his skill of the
array was much higher than that of Ge Xiuwen, and he was afraid of being
noticed after modification. In addition, it is impossible for anyone to break
into Ge Xiuwen in the star gate Dongfu, so let this formation method
continue to stay here.

The voice of several people came in.

"Did we break in this way, wouldn't the big brother really be angry?"

"It's okay. I asked about it before. The elder brother went to the treasure
hall. He won't be back for the time being, as long as we push everything to
the elder of the deacon."

The deacon elder is very innocent!

"That's the same, anyway, now we all have to sacrifice this servant, and the
matter of pushing the door doesn't matter at all."

"That abominable attendant can finally disappear, and I feel relieved when I
think about it."

Shao Ci: "!" Suddenly, why did you break into this kind of sacrificial plot,
it really is Si Wuxing's usually too high-profile fault.
Shao Ci knew that he couldn't hide from it, so he had to go to the front, and
was immediately touched by several inner disciples with swords.

"Well, you hear what we just said." Ran Sheng snorted. "You have two
choices now. One is to die now. The other is to participate in the sacrifice.
Which one do you choose?"

"Brother, does he understand what sacrifices are?"

Shao Ci: "..." Of course he knew what sacrifices were, but it was also
troublesome for these people to kill so many lives.

Ran Sheng said: "I care if he knows."

With the cold sword tip against his neck, Shao Ci's cold sweats came down.
Even if he was chopped, he could not survive after being chopped off. His
resurrection opportunity could not be used for such things. Immediately: "I
Choose two. "

Speaking of such sacrifices, is it really all right? Not all of them want to
be able to make up for the immortal soul of the immortal soul ... but he is
not the person who points the gate, and cares about what such things do.

Shao Ci was forced to change into the clothes of low-level disciples, and
followed them to go out.

The starry gates filled with immortality in the day, now it seems a little bit
more gloomy, and even a bright moon in the sky looks red.

Shao Ci was a bit scared, but Ran Sheng had been used to it, and soon came
to a square on the mountainside of Xianshan. At this time, many disciples
had gathered there.

The inner door and the outer door of Xingmen are very different in
treatment from high-level disciples and low-level disciples. Usually, there
is a strict distinction between clothing and other aspects.
After all, for Xingmen, only the core disciples are their true disciples, and
the others are only used for sacrifice.

So Shao Ci could see at a glance that the people in this square were
basically all low-level disciples, and there were several supervisors next to
them who would not let these low-level disciples escape.

Most of these low-level disciples have a muddled expression. In addition to

the techniques they practice, they will cause the body to collapse in the later
stages of cultivation, and will also make it extremely easy to be controlled.

It ’s almost the same as 傀儡, if you are an insider disciple, they ca n’t
resist it.

Seeing Ran Sheng's arrival, a steward immediately greeted him, even

though his cultivation was a little higher than Ran Sheng, at this time he
also used a very charming tone: "Why are you here?" "Huh," Ran Sheng
said, "I brought someone over to sacrifice." Talking is Shao Ci who has
passed behind him.

The steward's expression suddenly hesitated, "But this is obviously not a

low-level disciple. If something goes wrong during the sacrifice ..."

"Anyway, there are so many people, but it doesn't matter if there is one
person." Ran Sheng looked indifferent. "Will the adult be affected by this
little mortal?"

"You said that." The manager wiped the sweat on his head immediately.

"Anyway, what's wrong with me? Just ask me." Ran Sheng said, and left.

There was no way to manage things. I thought Ran Sheng would be good
for me. I didn't expect to cause such trouble.

He glanced at Shao and threatened, "You give me a little obedience, and I

can let you die."
Of course, Shao Ci could not do anything at this time. He nodded quickly
and entered the team.

Looking at the stupid monks around him, Shao Ci felt more and more
terrified: "!!!"

Ah, ah, if he goes on like this, he really wants to eat bento, although I don't
know if he can be killed and sacrificed again ...

Speaking of what Si Wuxing is doing now, haven't you noticed anything in


Even though Shao Ci wanted to get rid of Si Wuxing, but in this situation,
only Si Wuxing can come to save his life ... It is true that there are no safety
guarantees after coming to the cultivation world.

I don't know how long it took, the stewards seemed to have received any
order, and they urged these low-level disciples to walk into the cave, and
Shao Ci had to follow it.

The cave is extremely dark, only the oil lamps on both sides emit strange
blue light. Shao Ci feels more and more dark around him, and I don't know
how those people who have star gates practice normally.

You know, there are definitely fewer dead people on this battlefield. If their
souls have been sacrificed, the cliffs will be haunted ...

After walking for a while, a huge door appeared in front of everyone,

usually sealed by the formation method, and it could only be opened on the
day of sacrifice.

A few supervisors didn't know what to do, and the door opened directly,
letting everyone in and then closed it directly.

Shao Ci looked at the door behind him, and his heart sank a bit, even if he
escaped, he could not open the door.
The crowd walked down the passage of the cave, and finally came to a very
wide open space, and in the center of the open space, there was a huge legal
array, on which ... an ice coffin was placed.

Shao Ci was suddenly shocked. No matter how he looked here, it was the
place he saw in his dreams. Could it be said that he had awakened
consciously beforehand?

The ground was exuding a chill. Everyone else was a monk. They had aura
protection. They didn't feel anything but Shao Ci's cold. If it wasn't for the
attention of others, they would die faster.

It's all due to Si Wuxing's special addiction. Shao Ci can't understand why
he has to give a puppet what five senses ...

And Shao Ci did not think how much Si Wuxing liked him.傀儡 It's like
furniture. Who would like the furniture in your own home? At best, I like it
as a plaything.

After a few more steps following the crowd, Shao Ci saw that there were
railings on the mountain walls on both sides, and there were many people
standing behind. Obviously there were other entrances and exits in this

The people standing above were all high-level in the Xingmen, staring at
the ice coffin with excitement.

Shao Ci thought that if they were so excited every time they offered
sacrifices, wouldn't it be very hard ... and it would be impossible for the
immortal monarch to be resurrected now.

According to the plot of the original text, because the original protagonist
tossed and published the things done by Xingmen, everyone didn't believe
it, but Shao Yuezhao's Hong Yan personally came out and announced the
whole thing of Xingmen.
There was an uproar in the realm of complete practice. Even many
practitioners died of internal disciples because of internal struggles, but no
one would take disciples to sacrifice like this.

Dian Xingmen was instantly regarded by everyone as a cult. Many families

and sects who had made good relationships kept busy clarifying the
relationship. Fortunately, Xingmen did not allow internal monks to marry
outsiders. Otherwise, there would be many couples The tragedy of

Many decent monks want to come here for crusade, of course, most of them
want to take advantage of the opportunity.

But it was shocking that the star gate disappeared on the second day. That
’s right, even the whole Xianshan disappeared, leaving only a huge pit in
the place, which was instantly filled by the sea water of the nearby North
Sea. full.

No one knows exactly where the person who ordered the Star Gate went.

And there is no follow-up to the matter of Xianjun. The author originally

wanted to ambush, but buried it and completely forgot about it ...

However, you ca n’t completely rely on the plot of the original text. Some
things that are not mentioned in the original text will be added
automatically. Some things that have nothing to do with the original text
appear even for the sake of the plot.

Like the Prince of the last world who was actually a Zerg or something,
Shao died.

The eyes of the monks above occasionally glanced down at the bottom here
as if they were looking at some ants. They didn't see their lives at all, and
then an old man said, "The hour is here, let's start."

Her voice dropped, and many monks on it reached out and printed their
seals. I don't know how long it took, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on
the forehead, and then many butterfly-like light spots appeared on the

Those dots of light are scattered on the matrix, and the matrix is
illuminated in an instant. The rays flow in the lines, but the color is very
dim, which is completely different from the blood red seen in Shao
Cimeng's dream.

Then, a supervisor suddenly patted the body of the lower-level disciple

standing in front, "Go."

The low-level disciples suddenly flashed with terror and reluctance on their
faces, but their bodies moved forward uncontrollably and walked to the

After stepping into the circle, the reluctance on the face of the low-level
disciples disappeared, and a little fanaticism appeared, his eyes closed and
he meditated on something.

The next moment, his body turned directly into countless red spots of light,
submerged into the magic circle, the clothes fell lightly, and turned into
countless ashes before falling to the ground.

This is how a living person would die completely. In return for his life, a
part of the legal array on the ground finally turned bright red.

The next disciples stepped forward, and everyone was extremely silent,
without saying a word, just to die, and the lines of the magic circle on the
ground also lit up.

Shao Ci was still thinking about how his disciples resisted. Now it seems
that his body is out of control after he walks in.

Shao Ci felt that he was likely to eat lunch again, and because the Raiders
were still Si Wuxing, even if he was resurrected, he was still resurrected
beside him ...

Even if you have 4 chances to resurrect, you ca n’t just waste it!
"No ... I have to think of a way." Shao Ci looked around nervously,
constantly thinking about the story about Star Gate in the original text,
trying to find a breakthrough.

The next moment, suddenly someone broke free from control and shouted:
"No, I don't go, you can't force me to die! What kind of martial arts actually
let a disciple die?"

Under such stimulation, those discipleship-conscious disciples suddenly

came to their senses, one by one, struggling and scolding the Star Gate.

"After I started, I worked hard. Who knows that in the end, I only got this
kind of ending. You have made me miserable!"

"I knew it would be like this. I wouldn't have come to cultivate any
immortals. It would be better to farm in my hometown than to die here!"
Several others tried to resist, but the manager was stunned immediately.

"It's arrogant." The old lady standing on the mountain wall snorted coldly.
"At the beginning, I ordered the Xingmen to accept your souldisadvantaged
people as disciples, but it can save your life. Otherwise, people like you
who have soul-impairedness would have been You can't live until you are
an adult. Where can you live like a tiger now, and even get resources to
cultivate? "

Shao Ci: "!" When you feed your disciples, you do n’t even say it. Now
people have been practicing for so long before they say that they are
justified people ...

"Give so much, now it's time for you to repay." Said the old woman,
reaching out with a finger, "forbidden."

The crowds calmed down, their mouths were still open, but they couldn't
make any sounds. If they wanted to struggle, they found that just using the
spirit to pierce their bodies was like pain.
The eyes of those who had been awake also slowly and dimly, returning to
their former control.

Shao Ci: "..." Forget it, don't even think about escaping, think about how to
die faster.

Although there are many low-level disciples, the speed of sacrifice cannot
be held fast, and it is Shao Ci's turn here soon.

The front of the law circle has already completed more than half. As long as
a dozen people are sacrificed, this sacrifice can be completed.

"Abominable." Shao Ci had a little arrogance in his heart, giving rise to the
impulse of the newspaper.

When it was Shao's turn, he pretended to be under control, and slowly

walked to the edge of the formation.

After entering the battle, Shao Ci seemed to have many illusions.

It was an extremely gorgeous fairy palace. Numerous beautiful maids were

dancing in the middle. Among them were countless delicious dishes. There
was also a very confusing fairy music sounding in their ears.

It seems that as long as you take one more step forward, you can enter into
that world. From now on, you do n’t need to practice hard anymore, and
you can fly straight up.

If an ordinary disciple, after practicing the exercises, becomes even more

irresistible to this illusion, he will directly run the usual exercises, and in
correspondence with the matrix method, he will directly absorb its strength
and soul.

Shao Ci, however, had not practiced a bit of star gate at all, and soon got rid
of that illusion. People around him didn't even realize it.

"... is now." Shao Ci walked forward abruptly, and what seemed to have
happened to the law formation under his feet caused a huge light to erupt.
Because of the strange power in the formation method, Shao Ci ’s body was
instantly absorbed, but his soul did not have any problems. Shao Ci then
remembered that his soul was protected by the system, and he immediately
relaxed his heart and supported his body. Move slowly towards the ice

All the onlookers were uproaring, "How did he get rid of the
hallucinations?" "No, stop him!" "Can't let him move forward, and it will
disturb the adult if he continues like this!"

"Wait, this doesn't seem to be a low-level disciple this time." One person
suddenly said, "I look at him with a very clear look."

The manager's face was extremely ugly. "Who brought this person in?"

Ran Sheng stood up immediately, with an indifferent expression on his

face, "Father, I brought it in."

"You ..." The head was so annoyed that he wanted to say that the man must
be a traitor, but looking at his son's proud face, he couldn't explain the rest
of the words, and he could not wait to choke Ran Sheng to death.

But thinking that Ran Sheng was the only child left by the couple to
himself, the head of the team finally suppressed the anger, and asked, "Who
is this person?"

"It's not a big deal." Ran Sheng hadn't realized the seriousness of the
problem, and said casually: "This man is just an unacceptable attendant.
What can he do if he is not dead yet?"

The steward below was also surprised by this change. Immediately he

wanted to go in and hold Shao Ci, but the moment he stepped into the array,
his face turned pale. The next moment the entire body collapsed and turned
into a light spot. Devoured by the formation.

The steward's practice is much higher than those of the lower-level

disciples, and the instant matrix method is more than half completed.
"Damn, now when entering the formation, it will be drained of all the
power." "What's going on with this guy, and why can he ignore the power
of the formation?"

"You inverse! See what you do!" When the head saw this scene, he was
furious, and immediately slapped him on Ran Sheng's face.

Ran Sheng covered his cheeks and looked angrily at the head. "It's just a
little problem. He even started to deal with me. You're not my father

After speaking, he ran out quickly, but the remaining young boys with pale
faces did not dare to leave and could only stand still.

The head was going to be annoyed by his disobedient son. At first, he

thought he was a little bit indignant. Now it seems that he has no brain at
all. It really shouldn't have been so indulgent to him these years.

Then the head looked at Ran Sheng's younger brothers, his face was
extremely cold. "Come on, what is the identity of this person?"

Those people turned pale, they were not loved by the lawless Ran Sheng.
Of course, they knew that the situation was very dangerous. If they did n’t
explain in detail, they would be frightened, and said immediately: "This
person is Master's servant. "

"Ge Xiuwen?" Everyone's face changed. Ge Xiuwen is the hope of the

martial arts. The most gifted person, if he is a traitor ...

The manager's face was much more serious, "You'll say more in detail."

"The other day when Master returned, he brought a servant from outside."
Several people said suddenly, as if remembering something, he said
quickly: "Since then, the situation of Brother is not quite right, especially
for this servant. it is good,"

"Yeah, it's just a waiter who hasn't cultivated, so I don't know where to win
the brother's blue eyes."
"Maybe this person is a spy from another school!"

"But how could the big brother help this attendant? Couldn't he also ..."
Hearing the topic to his lover, Ge Xiuwen's master quickly said: "Wen Er
will never do anything to betray the martial arts! He must have been
deceived by this attendant."

The head of Shen Shen said, "Compared to that kind of thing, let's solve
this person first."

With so many people here, anyone can easily stab Shao with any hand. But
the problem is that Shao Ci still has the extremely precious law formation
under him. If the aura fluctuates sharply, what is wrong with the formation,
or even the adult, they cannot afford the consequences.

And if the matrix is suspended on the spot, the matrix will also be
stimulated. Before enough remnants are absorbed, if the formation is
forcibly stopped, it will forcibly absorb the souls of everyone around it,
which will make the situation extremely dangerous.

The old man directly said: "Send all the low-level disciples to the sacrifice!
After the formation method is absorbed, we can naturally deal with this

The steward seemed to remember this thing, when all the low-level
disciples were pushed to the front of the formation.

Although this kind of breath absorption will make the soul a lot of
impurities, but there is no way out.

As soon as these disciples entered the formation, their bodies seemed to

have been turned into numerous light spots by a tornado, and they
disappeared at an alarming rate. Even the elders who have watched such a
sacrifice scene many times are subtlely scared.

"Wait, things change ... You see ..." an elder said suddenly.
I saw that Shao Ci was approaching the ice coffin, but the strength in his
body was getting less and less, and finally he fell on the edge of the ice

Everyone knows that this ice coffin was made by the thousand years of
Xuanbing. Ordinary people like this with no practice, even if they do n’t
know what **** was taken to the ice coffin, they will definitely feel it in
the moment Just frozen.

Shao Ci lay on the ground and took a few breaths. He knew very well that
the ice coffin was definitely Xianjun's body. No matter what, he saw his
face before talking.

So Shao Ci stretched his hands on the ice coffin.

The people who stared at the Xingmen looked at each other, and could
almost imagine the picture of this unknown person being frozen into scum
by the thousand years of mystery.

However, several lapses of time have passed ... all these imaginary pictures
have not happened, Shao Ci is like holding up ordinary ice cubes.

Even Shao Ci didn't feel the coldness himself, and was a little stunned,
wondering whether this ice coffin was made of some strange non-cold ice

What everyone didn't notice was that the outside world suddenly became
cold, and even frost had condensed on the immortal mountain, and many
monks under the mountain suddenly found that the air was a bit cold, and
they were still thinking about what happened. .

All the low-level disciples also finished their sacrifice, and the whole
formation burst into a very dazzling light. This was a sign before success.

And Shao Ci, finally saw the person lying in the ice coffin.
It was a young man with a very handsome beauty, with fair-skinned and
nearly transparent skin, silver hair scattered, his eyes closed slightly, as if
he would wake up in the next moment.

However, Shao Ci is very clear, this is just a corpse. Otherwise, the system
will definitely prompt a new strategy target.

But the next moment, the young man's eyelashes suddenly trembled.

Shao Ci: "!?" What did he see?

The momentum of the youth's whole body suddenly rose up. Everyone in
the outside world couldn't lift his head because of this suppression. Only
Shao looked down at him was fine, but he felt suddenly a little heavy.

[嘀嘀 嘀 ... A character with a higher force value is detected ... According
to the rules of the system, the replacement of the Raiders is started ... The
replacement is completed. The current Raiders is Ling Wangchen. 】

Shao speech: "..." lying down! !! Ling Wangchen! !! !!

Shao Ci has no idea whether to be shocked by this person suddenly waking

up or shocked because his name is Ling Wangchen.

Ling Wangchen was in the late period of the original text. Shao Yuezhao
saw a record of an immortal statue in an ancient book in a secret realm. The
name of that fairy statue was Ling Wangchen.

How could it be possible to resurrect Ling Wangchen at this point of the

star gate? You must know that the difference between Xianjun and Xianzun
is not a little bit. Ordinary immortal monks who have sacrificed for
thousands of years may still be resurrected, but to say immortal ...

It can probably be resurrected by feeding someone who has been trained by

Xingmen for tens of thousands of years.
[After testing, the body of this place is not Ling Wangchen's original body,
but the body that the Xingmen Kaishan ancestor used to make the remnant
soul natural. 】

Shao Ci: "..." means that Ling Wangchen is only part of Xianzun here? It's
amazing ... It's such a degree.

Just this part of Ling Wangchen, the strength is enough to crush most
monks in the cultivation world. I don't know how great it would be if the
whole person was resurrected.

When Shao Ci was emotional, Ling Wangchen's eyes opened completely.

They were a pair of pale blue eyes, like ice, but when he looked at Shao Ci
in front of him, he smiled slightly. .

Shao Ci was very nervous. He didn't know if the other party would reach
out and kill him because he was unhappy. After all, such a strong person
would not have a good personality.

Although Ling Wangchen seems to be in a good mood now, many snake

spirits in the cultivation world look happy.

The light faded. When everyone saw Ling Wangchen opened his eyes,
everyone was shocked. He even forgot to deal with Shao Ci, but fell to his
knees on the ground and couldn't help himself.

This is the result of thousands of years of hard work of the entire Star Gate.
The head of the gate almost burst into tears, imagining how Ling Wangchen
will lead their martial arts to the peak.

At this time, a person came slowly from the entrance.

His face was very gloomy, but because he was usually so indifferent, no
one noticed anything unusual about him.

After seeing Shao's speech at the center of the formation, Si Wuxing's face
was a bit ugly.
He was just going to get the Shuo Ling fluid, these things happened
unexpectedly. Fortunately, Shao Ci has nothing to do, otherwise he will
definitely let the whole Star Gate to be buried for Shao Ci.

Si Wuxing watched the person in the ice coffin with vigilance, and could
clearly feel that the person's strength was much stronger than himself, and
even continued to grow. That is probably the person who has worked hard
and resurrected.

"This thing can't be so calculated." Si Wuxing's mind moved, and the whole
black mist spread out.

People around did not respond, they were surrounded by the black mist, and
suddenly screamed.

Everyone was in shock for a while, and someone asked: "Brother? What are
you doing?"

"I'm not your big brother." Si Wuxing smiled sneerly, and his original
appearance was revealed, and the mist spread away, filling the entire space
in an instant.

"You!" Even the head, it was difficult to fight against this weird black mist,
and countless disciples were swallowed into serious injuries.

The following Shao Ci did not notice what was happening around him, but
stared at Ling Wangchen in front of him.

The next moment, a dark mist was suddenly rolled into Shao Ci's body.
This all happened very quickly. Before Shao Ci responded, he was strongly
pulled away.

"Let's go now." Si Wuxing caught Shao's speech, glanced behind him

vigilantly, and was surrounded by the black mist.

In addition to its great lethality, this black mist is also quite fast, and the
two flew to the outside world in an instant.
The person who clicked the Xingmen then responded, "That person is not a
big brother!"

"I didn't expect him to be the one who came in!" "That big brother ... isn't
it ..."

Someone wanted to chase immediately, but the next moment, weird power
came from the direction of the ice coffin, and all the aura in the air was
sucked away in an instant.

It's more important than chasing a fleeing spy, or a master who doesn't
know whether he died or not. The crowd immediately turned their heads
and looked respectfully towards the ice coffin, kneeling down one after

The head of the office looked at the ice coffin with great excitement, "You
finally woke up, we are all your faithful servants, waiting for any
assignment from you."

"Well." There was a sound of no emotion.

The next moment, a tenderness poured into everyone's body, and everyone
suddenly found that their injuries were repaired instantly.

Ling Wangchen slowly got up from the ice coffin, looked at the people
around him, said: "Chasing."
Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter
56: Self-cultivation (5)
Shao Ci's mood is complicated.

Although he really wanted Si Wuxing to save him, and Si Wuxing really

came to save him.

But the timing is not right at all. Now the targets of the strategy have
changed, and it is simply a death to follow Si Wuxing ...

When being held by Si Wuxing, Shao Ci felt all kinds of electric shocks all
over his body, but fortunately, Si Wuxing was barely his master. Shao Ci
was able to restrain his strangeness without breaking away from Si
Wuxing's arms. Come ... otherwise Si Wuxing is afraid that he will kill him
directly now.

After the two fled for a while, Si Wuxing stopped holding Shao Ci and hid
in a cave. His face was slightly pale.

Because the black mist has just been rolled directly into the entire cave,
although the head and others are trapped, it also consumes a lot of magic.
After all, Si Wuxing's strength is not enough to easily crush those
highlevel monks.

He turned and glanced, his eyes froze a bit, "People who clicked on the
Xingmen even dared to catch up. It seems that the attack just now has not
taught them any lessons."

Si Wuxing asked Shao Ci to hide in the cave, and to hide the magic circle
outside the cave, he said to Shao: "Hide well inside." Shao nodded.

Si Wuxing's magic array is highly accomplished. It is said that he learned

from the magic array masters in the magic cultivation. The point of the star
gate does not value the magic array, so ordinary monks can't even notice
that there is a cave here.
Si Wuxing waited directly for the monk at Xingmen, and soon many
disciples of the inner door chased him up.

"It seems that many people are rushing to die." Si Wuxing smiled coldly.
He is a magic cultivation. Naturally, it is not meditation to absorb spiritual
energy to restore magic energy. Killing talents is the fastest way.

In the next instant, the black mist beside Si Wuxing spread, and the evil
spirits in it were obviously debilitated because they had been traumatized
by other senior monks before, but it was enough to deal with these Zhuji
and Jindan monks.

The inner disciples did not have the slightest fear on their faces, but
instead expressed their devotion with fanatical spirits and released their
spiritual powers to defend them, but they did not want to attack the
ordinary Si Sixing.

Si Wuxing took out the rarely-used long sword. Its sword was full of evil
spirits. This sword did not know how much blood was contaminated. It was
a magic weapon.

If an ordinary monk uses a magic weapon, his will will even be affected
and become mad, but for the magic monk, this is the best magic weapon.

Si Wuxing waved his sword at those who rushed, and the sword gas
instantly cut through the aura defense of dozens of people, causing those
people to be seriously injured.

The sword Qi has evil spirits, and it will drill into the person being attacked.
The dozens of people will suddenly turn pale. At this time, they can only
expend spiritual energy to expel the evil spirits, but this method will make
the spiritual energy consume faster. ...

And before these people hesitated, the surrounding black mist attacked
them. After a few screams, there was no more movement in the place, but
the evil spirits in the black mist were a little bit spirited.
"The more people you send to me, the stronger my strength will be." Si
Wuxing's taunted in his eyes, "Don't understand this yet?"

Suddenly, a few disciples appeared with fear on their faces. They were best
at dealing with the soul, but they were useless to Si Wuxing, because the
evil spirit on the other side was too heavy, and their cultivation was not
enough. Less than Si Wuxing's soul.

"Just wait to die together," Si Wuxing said. "It's good to let you die in the
same place, right?"

Speaking of this, Si Wuxing smiled low, and many painful faces emerged
from the black mist around his body. It was the faces of those disciples
who had just died.

Everyone at the Star Gate was stunned by the scene in front of them.

Although I have seen the death of countless low-level disciples in the

martial arts, the process of death is very fast and there is no pain at all. And
those disciples who were swallowed up by Si Wuxing's black mist didn't
make a terrible scream before his death.

And after his death, there was no peace, and he had to be driven by this
demon ...

"Are you one by one, or come together?" Si Wuxing looked indifferent, and
said, "I don't mind ... but let's go together, after all, I don't have that much
patience and time. "

"Damn, even if the magic is so powerful, the black mist won't devour us
all!" One person gritted his teeth and said, "As long as we go up together,
we can kill him."

It's also that these people haven't heard how many small martial arts and
families that Si Wuxing had destroyed in the first place, otherwise they
would have been frightened.
The other disciples were immediately encouraged and wanted to come
forward to attack together, but the next instant shape was instantly
immobilized as if they were held still.

The smile in Si Wuxing's eyes suddenly converged, staring at the direction

in the distance, flashing alertness in his heart.

"That man is here."

Si Wuxing directly filled the black mist into the entire space, then flew to
the cave, fled directly with Shao Ci.

This time, because of his magical energy, most of the relationship was
restored, and he went straight out of the teleportation array.

The realm of self-cultivation is very wide. This continent has ten martial
arts and various mortal kingdoms. Opposite an abyss is where the magical
and evil cultivations are raging.

There are also many islands above the North Sea, and most of them live on
demon repairs, and there are countless aquatic demon clan in the water.

But what is at the end of Beihai is unknown, because the demon repairs in
the center of Beihai become more powerful, and it is really difficult for
ordinary people to deal with.

Even if you can only stay on this continent, the size of this continent cannot
be underestimated. It can only take months for monks to reach the abyss.

Therefore, on the continent, there are countless teleportation formations

jointly constructed by various martial arts, which require two middle-class
spirit stones to teleport.

When several people in charge of the teleportation team saw that the man
was Moxiu, they immediately hid.

Si Wuxing didn't care about them either, he just took out the middle-grade
spirit stone and put it down. As long as he teleported from here, and then
destroyed the teleportation array from that side, even if it was repaired to a
very high power, it would not be possible to find it instantly.

However, the next moment, the center of the teleportation array was
actually directly sealed by ice, and the middle-grade spirit stone on it was
instantly broken into powder.

Si Wuxing's face sank, blocking Shao Ci behind him, and looking coldly at
the person, "What do you want to do?"

The natural walker from there was Ling Wangchen, and there was a
grassland around him, but wherever he came, all was covered by ice, and it
was cold that made people suspect that it would snow the next moment.

"I am the one who took me away." Ling Wangchen said lightly.

"Don't think about it." Si Wuxing sneered and took out his sword. He would
no longer use the black mist at this time. In the face of a monk who is much
higher than himself, the black mist will only consume the magic energy in
vain, there is no use for the other party.

Ling Wangchen glanced at Si Wuxing indifferently. He almost did not

regard the magic in front of him as an opponent, but just reached out.

Si Wuxing suddenly found that countless frosts had condensed on his

sword, which condensed the magic weapon that did not know how many
people were angry, but it was completely frozen in the next instant, and
then directly cracked apart.

The next instant, the cold air struck into his body, and Si Wuxing only felt
that his body was frozen by ice, and then it was broken like a long sword

Si Wuxing immediately fell to his knees on the ground, covered his chest,
and suddenly coughed a large mouthful of blood, which was mixed with
visceral fragments that had been frozen into scum.
His magic was completely frozen, and he couldn't work at all. Not to
mention, he couldn't even take out the contents of his storage bag.

Si Wuxing knew that he could not compare with the other party, but he did
not expect that he would lose so quickly and so simply.

Ling Wangchen seemed to solve a trivial problem. He didn't look at Si

Wuxing at all, but looked in the direction of Shao Ci.

He was dressed in white and looked like an immortal. His silver hair was
scattered behind him. There was no expression in his blue eyes, as if he
was separated from other people.

Although both are indifferent, Ling Wangchen is completely different from

Si Wuxing who is always contaminated by evil spirits.

Although Ling Wangchen is also an icy expression, compared with Si

Wuxing's indifference with cruelty and ridicule, Ling Wangchen is the kind
of indifference that does not put anyone in his eyes. Even if countless
people were loyal to him, he looked at it all coldly as if he were in another

But now, such Ling Wangchen smiled slightly at Shao Ci, "Come, go with

"It's ridiculous." Even if Si Wuxing was restrained by Xuan Bing, he

couldn't help sneering and wiped the blood on his lips. "What confidence
do you have that he will follow you?"

As the puppet master, Si Wuxing knew very well that in any case Shao Ci's
most important person was him.

Even if it reverts to the memory of the past ... the same. But the last thing Si
Wuxing wanted was for that to happen.

What's more, Shao Ci has not yet restored his memory, and it is impossible
to promise Ling Wangchen's request.
Ling Wangchen didn't care about Si Wuxing's words at all, but walked
slowly to Shao Ci, "Your name is Shao Ci, right."

Shao nodded and nodded, "Yes, yes ..."

"It's so nice." Ling Wangchen smiled slightly. At this moment, it was like
melting snow and new sprouts, which made people feel the warmth of the
spring breeze.

Then he reached out to Shao Ci, "Would you like to go with me?"

Such a high-profile person like a fairy, even reached out to invite you,
anyone can probably not refuse to face this scene.

Si Wuxing coughed up a lot of blood again, his eyes stared at Shao Ci, and
said, "Even if you die with me, Xiao Ci will never agree to your request.
Don't dream!"

Similar to what Si Wuxing thought, Shao Ci was really tangled because of

the spell that Si Wuxing put on him.

But this kind of tangle means that he can no longer stay with Si Wuxing!

Although Shao Ci did not know why Ling Wangchen made such a request,
now Ling Wangchen is the target of the Raiders. There is no other way than
to walk with him.

Shao Ci bit his lower lip, reached out and covered Ling Wangchen's hand,
and whispered, "I'm willing to go with you."

Si Wuxing looked at the scene in shock and could hardly believe what he

No, it's impossible, how could his Shao Ci leave him ... how could ...

Si Wuxing was irritated and coughed several more blood. I don't know if it
is because the organs in the body have been completely destroyed, or
because of something, it feels like the chest is going to be excavated.
He gritted his teeth and worked his magical energy, and the frozen
meridians were forced open, and the already severe injuries were a little
more severe.

But even so, he will not let Shao Ci leave, even if it is buried here with
Shao Ci, it does not matter.

The next moment, Shao's voice sounded again, "As long as you ... let him

Hearing this sentence, Si Wuxing's dim eyes lit up again.

That's right, Shao Ci didn't want him anymore, it was because he made such
a thing in order to survive ... but he couldn't even resist it.

At this moment, Si Wuxing suddenly began to regret that he should not

leave. If he had cultivated well with his father at the beginning, how could
things turn out like this now.

However, in fact, the reason why Shao Ci made this request is because Si
Wuxing is the villain of the original text. It is still the goal of the original
original male's hard work and cultivation and vowed to be killed. If he dies,
the impact on the plot is too great .

"As you wish." Ling Wangchen never regarded Si Wuxing as an opponent

from beginning to end, such a person was even worse than the ants in his

Shao nodded and nodded, and Ling Wangchen was directly held in his arms
the next moment, leaving in the direction of Xingmen.

Si Wuxing stood up and tried to catch up with them, but the next moment
he fell weakly on the ground and coughed up a lot of blood. His pale face
was even as white as paper. He grabbed the ground aside, his eyes full of

"Wait for me ... I will definitely bring you back ..."

He must not die now, as long as he lives, there is hope.

Si Wuxing stood up hard, his eyes were on the persons in charge of the
teleportation array who had been in hiding before.


The disciples at Xingmen returned to the school. Everyone was waiting for
the return of the adult at the gate of the mountain.

Now the low-level disciples are almost dead, and the rest are disciples who
do not need to be sacrificed.

This martial art will probably be much more normal in the future. After all,
those who want to be resurrected have already been resurrected, and there is
no need to perform any sacrifice ceremony.

The lingering figure of Ling Wangchen, everyone fell on his knees, fearing
that Ling Wangchen felt that they were noisy.

The head carefully raised his head, looked in the direction of Ling
Wangchen, and found that he held the low-level disciple brought by the
demon in his arms, and immediately said, "Master, is this person?"

Ling Wangchen said lightly, "You are not qualified to know."

"Yes, yes." The head of his head quickly lowered his head, but he did not
dare to guess Ling Wangchen's mind.

After all, the strength of the other party is already as strong as they can't
imagine. As long as Ling Wangchen has this heart, it is not a problem to
flatten the whole world of cultivation, not to mention that they have a star
gate, and they can be such powerful servants Blessings from my last life.

This idea is a bit extreme, but all the disciples at Dianxingmen grew up
listening to such teachings, and their whole lives are for this adult.
Ran Sheng and his younger brothers had shuddered, and were afraid to look

They thought that Shao Ci would definitely be killed by Lord Xianjun after
running away in this way, but now they have returned unscathed, and they
are so close to Xianjun ... If Xianjun wanted to investigate the previous
things, they would Is it over?

Ran Sheng's heart regretted it so much that he shouldn't have done it

because of jealousy, not to mention that the elder brother was not a real
elder brother, but was disguised by a demon.

Fortunately, Ling Wangchen didn't even look at them before leaving.

Ran Sheng then fell to the ground in a relaxed state.



The head of the house originally prepared for Ling Wangchen was the most
abundant mountainside, and an extremely luxurious residence was built,
which is much more gorgeous than the mortal palace.

However, Ling Wangchen didn't ask their opinions, but lived directly on the
island in the air, and laid extremely powerful formations on it. Other monks
could not enter it at all, and only the head can be summoned occasionally.
Only then can they enter.

Even more amazing is that in addition to defense, the formation of Ling

Wangchen cloth also has a powerful concentration effect.

In an instant, the island became the place with the strongest aura. Of course,
the aura in Xianshan was much richer than the past, and it was very
different from the past.

This powerful psychic formation method cannot be arranged by the current

The head entered the island, and was shocked to find that the island at this
time was very different from the previous one, full of various magical
arrays. If he trespassed, even his practice would probably have problems.

The head of the head was even more in awe. When he entered the hall, he
saw that the immortal monarch was holding a fifteen or six year old boy. It
was the servant who disguised himself as a low-level disciple. The person
named Shao Ci.

Shao Ci was falling asleep, and seemed to have no idea what kind of noble
man he was lying in, and frowned a little uncomfortably.

Xianjun actually observed this scene and adjusted her posture carefully so
that Shao Ci could sleep more securely.

The head of the head was extremely horrified. I didn't know where Shao Ci
made Xianjun fancy, but this was not something he could ask. He knelt
down on the ground. "Excuse me, what do you want?"

Ling Wangchen said lightly: "Let people send some spiritual food up every

The head naturally nodded.

After he left, he still could n’t believe it. People like Xianjun have already
been immortal. Such spiritual foods are full of impurities for them.
Obviously, these spiritual foods are given to Shao Ci. food.

However, even if it was given to Shao Ci, the head did not dare to slack off,
and ordered his men to prepare the most advanced spiritual food. They must
be satisfied with Xian Jun. Since Shao Ci was a fancy to Xian Jun, they
naturally respected .


After the head left, Ling Wangchen looked down at the boy in his arms, his
eyes warmed a little.
Although he is the remnant soul of Xianjun, he has no memory.

When he was brought back by the ancestor of the Star Gate thousands of
years ago and used □□ to shape his body, he had his own consciousness.

But Ling Wangchen prefers not to have himself. Although conscious, he is

trapped in the boundless darkness.

He can only vaguely understand that people outside seem to be constantly

feeding their remnants with their souls, making his soul more and more
complete, and sooner or later he will be awake.

But he had too many souls to wake up, even if it hadn't been completed for
thousands of years.

This seems to have endless darkness, which will almost drive him crazy.
Every day he faces this darkness, nothing, and he can't even talk to anyone.

In the beginning Ling Wangchen was able to keep his mind, but in the end,
he gradually became abnormal.

If Ling Wangchen was resurrected in this situation, the first thing he

probably did was to kill all the monks at Xingmen.

But just a few days ago, when Shao Ci accidentally looked at the jade Jane
of that star gate, the soul inspired him.

These jade slips are all attached with special exercises, almost all of which
are connected with Ling Wangchen's remnant soul. This approach is to
make those souls closer to Ling Wangchen when practicing, so that future
sacrifice will be more smoothly.

Of course, ordinary people with incomplete souls can only be completely

controlled by Yu Jian, and Shao Ci, a soul that has traveled through several
worlds, is too powerful and invaded into the consciousness of the residual
soul at that instant.
At that moment, it was like the only ray of light shining in the darkness. At
that moment, Jade Jane became like Ling Wangchen's eyes.

His consciousness was instantly separated from the boundless darkness. At

that time, Ling Wangchen could clearly see the person in front of him.

For thousands of years, the first person to appear before him.

This man ... must be his salvation.

At that moment, Ling Wangchen's mind became obsessed, and he was

afraid that the person would leave from here and leave where he would
never see again. Under the influence of such devotion, he actually woke up
ahead of time.

If Shao Ci really left him, he would probably go crazy.

Who would have thought of the immortal Jun that had such an idea in his

Ling Wangchen bowed his head and kissed Shao Ci's forehead almost

Where no one could see, his eyes were a little paranoid.



I don't know how long it took before Shao Ci woke up.

When I first came back, I couldn't bear it. I fell asleep accidentally and
didn't know what was going on.

"You're awake." Ling Wangchen's voice came, and Shao Ci suddenly found
himself lying on the bed in front of him, and he was only wearing a coat.

Shao Ci: "!!!" What is the unfolding of this trough.

"Don't worry." Ling Wangchen smiled slightly, making the room light up a
bit, "I just want to check your body ..."

Shao Ci burst into his heart. "..." wouldn't it be easy to find out that he was
a puppet ... But according to Ling Wangchen's practice, he should have
discovered it already.

Ling Wangchen gently dropped Shao Ci's lining, and some cold fingers ran
across Shao Ci's back along the neck.

Shao Ci, who was much more sensitive than before, suddenly trembled,
groaned subconsciously in his mouth, and suddenly covered his mouth
when he responded, his face flushed.

It was just being touched by someone ...!

The other's finger stopped at the position of the butterfly bone, and
whispered, "It's true that you have read it right. You have the sacrifice of

"Yes ..." Shao said.

"Untie is not impossible, but forcibly untangling it is likely to make the soul
and body scattered ..." Ling Wangchen frowned gently, "It seems that there
is no way to solve the spell thing for the time being. . "

Shao Ci was very curious about why Ling Wangchen was so good to
himself, but always felt that it was not good to ask some things, so he shut

Maybe ... Ling Wangchen suddenly felt very kind. He told himself so.

Ling Wangchen thought that Shao Ci was unhappy because of the spell, so
he comforted: "Don't worry, as long as I am by my side, no one can control

Shao nodded.
Then Ling Wangchen touched Shao Ci's head and said, "Hungry, I have
ordered my servant to prepare spiritual food."

That's right, in Ling Wangchen's eyes, the whole point of the star gate,
except Shao Ci, all of them are just subordinates, the difference is that some
subordinates have a slightly higher cultivation.

Soon a few came with spiritual food, and then left in a hurry.

These spiritual foods are the highest-level food that Stargate can prepare.
They are full of colors and fragrances, and their aura is very rich. It makes
people feel hungry just by looking at them.

Shao Ci, who was still struggling with various things, immediately arrived
at the table and ate happily.

Ling Wangchen sat and looked at Shao Ci with a smile, as long as Shao Ci
was happy, he felt a lot better.

After eating, Shao Ci was taken by Ling Wangchen to the side of the island.

A huge peach tree is planted here. The breeze blows over the petals and
falls down. Looking down, you can see the North Sea. The scenery is
beautiful and the aura is very rich. There is a hot spring under the peach

I don't know where the hot springs from this aerial island are.

"Now these spiritual foods can barely match the spiritual power of your
body." Ling Wangchen said: "In principle, you need to create a spiritual
pulse in your body, so that you can freely absorb the heaven and earth

"Yes," Shao said.

Si Wuxing originally brought him here with the purpose of obtaining the
last material to shape the veins.
But now the material is in Si Wuxing's hands, but others are left in the point
of the gate ...

Ling Wangchen said, "So, I am going to shape that last vein."

Shao Ci thought of Si Wuxing and asked, "Do you need any materials?"

"No need." Ling Wangchen said lightly: "Only those who don't have
enough strength need to use foreign objects to create a spiritual vein for
you, as long as I am there."

Shao Ci: "..." Si Wuxing made an arrow in his knee.

"But before that, it will take a few days of preparation." Ling Wangchen

Shao Ci always felt as if something terrible would happen.

Then soon he knew what the preparation was.

Actually want him to be hungry! !!

For Shao Ci, this is even crueler than the most terrible torture! !!

Even if he died after being tortured by Si Wuxing, Shao Ci could not say a
word (although it was because the system blocked the pain), but he could
not eat without watching the food. Such pain is simply a torture of the soul

What's more, although Shao Ci's body will not die, he will have no energy
at all without eating food, and he will still feel hungry. In just a few days,
he could only lie weakly on the bed, unable to exert any effort on his body.

And Ling Wangchen has been with Shao Ci all the time these days, and has
been comforting him gently, so that Shao Ci has no strength to be angry.

Finally, preparations were over. Ling Wangchen held Shao Ci, came to the
peach tree on the other side of the island, and gently placed him in the
Soaking in hot water, Shao Ci closed his eyes comfortably, while Ling
Wangchen sat next to him, sending spiritual power into Shao Ci's body, and
slowly forming a vein in it.

His spiritual strength is cold and boneless, and the contrast with the hot
spring is more intense. This feeling is very subtle. Shao Ci feels warm and
feels very uncomfortable while feeling that he is going to be frozen to

"It can be over soon." Ling Wangchen said softly, moving much faster, and
Shao Ci's body stiffened for a moment.

I don't know how long it took before the Lingmai was completely shaped.
Shao Ci was relieved and felt that the whole person was going to be frozen
into ice ... The next moment, a strong enthusiasm poured out from Dantian.

This feeling is very familiar to Shao Ci ... Isn't this the feeling of omega
when in obo world! !!

Why is this happening just for ordinary shaping of the veins? !!

Shao Ci resisted stiffly, feeling that the dryness in his body was getting
stronger and stronger, his breathing became hot, and the deep part of his
body was also abnormally empty.

How cold it was before, how hot it is now.

"... Your body is extremely lacking in spiritual power now." Ling

Wangchen reached out and raised Shao Ci's face and smiled at him, "Just
so, I know a quick way to replenish spiritual power."

"Eh ... what is it?" Shao Ci almost lost his senses, and the scene in front of
him had become a ghost, he asked hardly.

Ling Wangchen's hands are so cold. If he leans on him, he must be

comfortable, but if he leans on now, he will definitely do terrible things.

Ling Wangchen bowed his head and kissed Shao Ci's lips, and said.
"That method is--"

Double repair.

Befriending The Most Powerful Person Chapter

57: Self-cultivation (6)
Of course, Shao Ci did not answer him. At this time, Shao Ci had been
completely confused by that hotness.

Of course, this is all in Ling Wangchen's plan. The spirit veins created by
his aura of ice attributes will not only inspire the hotness of the opponent
’s body, but also make Shao relied on his aura in the future. Sex.

As long as he has tasted with him, Shao Ci will no longer be able to absorb
the ordinary aura.

Ling Wangchen Bao stayed at Shao Ci and kissed his neck lightly. After
seeing the faint light of the magic circle on the white back, his eyes were
darkened, and his fingers were pressed on it.

"Sooner or later ..."

The above formation will disappear completely, and then it is replaced with
his formation.

That's right ... Shao Ci's body is naturally only traces of him.


the next day.

Shao Ci got up from the bed.

The situation yesterday ... it should have been unnecessary, but because of
his unconsciousness, he did something wrong.
However, I have to say that Shuang Xiu is quite useful. Now Shao Ci feels
that he is almost rejuvenated. Not only is his body lighter, the scene in front
of him is much clearer, he is not even hungry.

Then Ling Wangchen, who was lying beside Shao Ci, opened his eyes. The
smile on his face faded a little when he saw the position of Shao Ci's back.
Then he held Shao Ci and said, "What do you feel now? OK? Is there
enough aura in the body? "

Shao Ci stiffened, and then said, "Enough, enough ..."

Enough is enough! It might as well be a bit more. Shao Ci vaguely

remembered the feeling of the other person's aura suddenly pouring into his
body, and he felt extremely ashamed at the thought.

"It's great." Ling Wangchen said as if he didn't realize the entanglement of

Shao Ci: "Now, it's time to deal with the spell on your body."

"Is it so fast?" Shao was startled. He thought it would take a while.

"Just a few materials, it doesn't take long." Ling Wangchen said. The
important thing is that he can't stand it for too long.

Shao Ci: "Well, go now?"

"No, after you build the foundation." Ling Wangchen said: "After all, it is
dangerous to go out with your current practice."

Shao Ci gave a subtle sigh of relief, "Building the foundation, it will take a
long time."

Generally, the protagonist in the X-point comprehension text is not a

painstaking effort tossing over a hundred thousand words, it took more
than ten years, even decades, to build the foundation.

Then Shao Ci found himself wrong.

Specially, when those protagonists have no resources and can only work
hard, they need to use a few hundred thousand words.

Now the spirit veins on him are directly shaped by Ling Wangchen, and he
doesn't worry about elixir or anything, not to mention there is a stunning
beauty who comes to work with him and is willing to give him a lot of
spiritual power.

Although the beauty's gender is male, although Shao Ci is not very willing,
but ... he always feels very uncomfortable without leaning beside Ling
Wangchen, and then many accidents will happen after leaning together ...

In short, Shao Ci's resources are placed in the entire world of selfcultivation
with super advanced configuration. In this case, of course, he does not need
to spend as long as the x-point writer who mixed tens of thousands of
words outside the door.


Just a dozen days later, the person who clicked the star gate was shocked to
find that the person brought back by the adult had already built a foundation

In addition, Ling Wangchen came to Xianshan on a rare occasion.

Suddenly, the entire martial arts came together.

Ran Sheng was absent, not because of his madness, but because of his
continuous practice in these days. He could not be saved no matter what
method was used. In the end, it was completely abandoned, and it was
nothing to ordinary people. The difference is that the spiritual roots are
dissipated directly.

The same happened to his younger brothers, and they knew very well that
this matter was definitely related to the adult, but no one dared to go to the
adult's trouble.

How can Ran Sheng endure such a thing, he immediately forced the head to
find someone forcibly to seize the other's cultivation.
The head also knew that this was the adult's punishment for Ran Sheng, but
it was good enough to become a mortal. He ignored Ran Sheng's
requirements and sent him and the younger brothers directly to the mortal
town outside.

At least relying on this identity, Ran Sheng can still live as an ordinary
person. If he dangles in front of Ling Wangchen, who knows when he will
lose his life.

"Sir, what do you tell me?" The head of the manager knelt directly in front
of Ling Wangchen.

"I'm going to Beihai." Ling Wangchen said lightly, "I'll be back in a few

The head of the head stiffly said, "Did you go to Beihai for any sea beast
materials, there are a lot of them in our school."

What if Ling Wangchen couldn't get back to them like this? Ling
Wangchen can be said to be the belief of the whole Xingmen.

Ling Wangchen said: "Dragon scale."

The head's face paled for a moment: "..."

Dragon scales are only available to the dragons. Now it is said that the
dragons are all in the depths of the East China Sea. One by one, they can
cultivate the sky.

Shao Ci was also shocked. I didn't expect to need such a high-level thing to
lift the magic spell on his body, and Ling Wangchen said that he could
easily find it ... but according to the identity of Xianjun, it was quite
casual. .

An elder beside him suddenly said, "The Secret Realm of the East China
Sea that will open in a few days has the cemetery of the ancient dragons, if
it is that ..." They could also send someone to follow Ling Wangchen by the
"That's right." The spirit of the head was refreshed. "And the mystery is
safer, so Master Shao Ci can follow you."

The head knew that Ling Wangchen valued Shao Ci and immediately said
this sentence. It can be said that he was a very intelligent man, but he had
failed to educate his children.

Shao Ci: "..." He heard him right, the head of the house actually called his

Ling Wangchen nodded when he heard the words, and said lightly, "That's


The mystery of the East China Sea has only been opened for centuries, and
there are many treasures left by ancient practitioners and demons.

Natural danger is also extremely high, and in addition to Dao Xiu, magical
and evil Xiu, even the demon tribe will steal it for opportunities.

In Dao Xiu, only the disciples in the top ten schools can go, and because
this time the risk is extremely high, each school sends out the elders who
have already entered the Yuan infant period to protect the disciples.

Although the disciple's cultivation was not required, everyone took Jin
Danqi disciples.

Dian Xingmen was not very interested in these mysteries in the past. They
basically resigned, but this time they accepted.

Everyone was very curious about the legendary disciples who were
extremely mysterious in the legend, but did not expect that this time they
came to an elder and two disciples.

Obviously there were ten places, but only two came.

Ling Wangchen's appearance and unfathomable cultivation made other
disciples feel a little vigilant.

The elders of other schools could not see the practice of Ling Wangchen,
and thought that he was wearing a magic weapon that could cover up the
practice. He did not expect that he cultivated a relationship far beyond his

And when others looked at Shao Ci, who only had the foundation period,
his eyes were very delicate.

I remember the news of the most talented disciple, Ge Xiuwen, who was
heard a few days ago and was cruelly killed by Mo Xiu ... Is it because the
best disciple died, so he just abandoned himself and dropped a base period.

Although it is possible to take to the mystery, but this kind of cultivation is

definitely to die in the mystery, and when it is not dead, it is completely

I don't know what the person who clicked the Xingmen thought.

If these people knew that Shao Ci was an uncultivated mortal more than ten
days ago, they would be even more shocked.

This mystery trip is said to be the cooperation of the majors, but in fact
there is still a competitive relationship among them. Since people like
Starmen have come to put themselves at a disadvantage, there is nothing
they can do.

Then everyone came to the beach and boarded a huge ship.

The secret entrance to go is in the North Sea, and it takes several days to
reach it. Among them are ancient cemetery graves.

The ancient dragons were very powerful demons in ancient times, and their
life span can be said to have almost no end.
The source of this cemetery was recorded in a book that said that a mighty
grief was caused by the gang killed by the dragons. Under the anger, they
felt the Tao, and then the power of the heavens killed dozens of ancient
Dragons. Then he himself He was also seriously injured.

However, there are no longer such strong dragons. Compared with their
ancestors, the current strength and talent inheritance of the dragons is far
inferior to that of the ancient dragons, but it is enough to make monks

Of course, such a good place could not have appeared in the original text.
Shao Ci remembered that Shao Yuezhao had infiltrated the top ten sects of
Wan Jianzong as a disciple in the later part of the original text, and then
entered this secret realm to find the wreckage that could drive the Dragons.
The exercises.

Of course, this kind of luck is only available to the original male lead ... It is
hard to think of such a smashing-up technique.

Now Shao Yuezhao has probably just become a magic repair soon, and is
working hard to upgrade it.

The thought of Shao Yuezhao felt dizzy as soon as he waited until Shao
Yuezhao reached the level of the finale.

The plots of the x-point revision text are all over thousands of years, tens of
thousands of years, millions of years! This article is slightly better, but it
will take thousands of years to end.

And he has to stay in this world for thousands of years ...

Shao Ci decided not to think about this problem for the time being, and
turned to look at the position of the ship.

To go to the sea, you must take such a large ship. Not only is the material
used extremely tough Thunder Cang wood, but the hull also asks the Master
of Formation to engrav a lot of defensive formations. Such defensive
formations can even resist the Yuanying Period monsters. Several attacks.
You must know that the monsters of the Yuan infant period are extremely
powerful and difficult to deal with, much better than human monks of the
same level, and even some can be transformed into human figures.

There is also a demon tribe born in the shape of a human being, but they all
live farther away, and generally do not encounter human monks to avoid
any friction.



When I first went out to sea, I was very calm. As long as I felt the terrible
breath on the ship, those low-order sea beasts with very low IQs would
subconsciously avoid it and would not harass.

When the day passed, the land was far from being visible, and at this time
some Jindan sea beasts began to attack the hull.

These Jindanqi sea beasts are free to leave without any problem, but in the
end there are some troubles, and various schools will send their disciples to
hunt and kill sea beasts.

After all, the fur of the sea beast and the elixir are very useful materials.
They are indispensable in refining the alchemy, refining the alchemy, and
making runes, and can also use this opportunity to train their disciples,
which can be said to serve two purposes.

And while everyone in the other martial arts had worked hard to kill the sea
beast, Shao resigned him ... and became seasick.

Shao Ci did not know that he would still be seasick! Obviously, when I was
in a spaceship before, it was good ... although the difference between a
spaceship and an ordinary ship is quite big.

However, it is also possible that Si Wuxing made his five senses more
sensitive than before.
Feeling another shock from the ship, Shao Ci's eyes became darker, and he
wanted to vomit but could not vomit. He could only lie on the bed like a
corpse, his stomach was empty and he could not eat, it was painful.

People from other martial arts are going to laugh to death, even if you bring
a waste of the foundation period, they are still seasick. It is ridiculous to
want to go to such a secret place.

Ling Wangchen looked at Shao Ci, feeling very distressed, holding Shao Ci
in his arms, and constantly transmitting spiritual power into him.

I don't know what the principle is, anyway, after the spiritual force entered
the body, Shao's speech became a lot easier. He got into Ling Wangchen's
arms and smelled the cold aroma on him. The whole person seemed to be
much better off.

When there was a lot of sea beasts, the boat stopped and the Jindan period
monks went to hunt and kill sea beasts.

Shao Ci also cheered up a bit. He didn't want to stay in the room all the
time, so he went outside.

Standing on the wide deck, blowing the sea breeze and looking at the
endless sea level, Shao Ci finally felt better.

At this moment other monks hunted sea beasts around.

The most troublesome of these sea beasts is the flying fish. These flying
fish are extremely fast and have the practice of building from the
foundation to the Jindan period, and the body is also extremely sharp, like a
flying knife. When hit, the body will be pierced directly.

These monks, who are usually pampered and honored for a while, are a
little bit embarrassed. Their Jin Danxiu is to be sought after in the entire
world of cultivation. Where would it be like a fish that is getting burnt out.
The closest monk to the deck was the disciple of Hua Yunzong, who ranked
second among the top ten schools, and his master was the elder of Hua

This person was usually very arrogant. Now watching Shao Ci standing on
the deck so pleasantly, he suddenly felt a bit displeased, and suddenly
loosened the flying fish that he was dealing with, and guided the flying fish
toward Shao with great skill. Channeling away.

Such a flying fish can pierce even the body of Monk Jindan, not to mention
monk Jianji, if one is unlucky, he may be lost even if he is killed.

Monk Wang could almost think of the future tragedy of the person in front
of him, but a very proud smile appeared on his face.

Shao Ci was shocked at the time, but after possessing the spirit pulse, he
naturally also had spiritual knowledge. The stronger the soul, the stronger
the spiritual knowledge.

Of course, the soul of an ordinary monk is strengthened with the

enhancement of cultivation. Who has ever seen a terrible person who is not
very good in cultivation like Shao Ci, but has a strong soul.

At this moment, the flying fish was stiffly angled by Shao Ci's extremely
powerful spirit, and fell directly on the deck behind.

Even a deck with a strong defensive formation was almost pierced by this
flying fish.

Seeing Shao Ci is even more worried.

The monk Wang suddenly looked disdainful, "you have a bit of luck."

"What do you do?" Shao Ci looked at it coldly, "It would be fatal."

"What's wrong with death?" Monk Wang sneered, "If you don't die in the
hands of Feiyu, you will die in a secret place ... not as fast as being killed
by Feiyu. Not to mention What evidence do you have that I did it
deliberately? It just happened that the flying fish broke free and flew out of
my hand, and then hit it beside you. "

It is indeed similar to that of monk Wang, even the elders who are
overseeing whether there are powerful monsters coming will not care
about this matter.

Anyway, the Zhuji disciples at this point in their eyes are already dead.

"If you're afraid of death, you shouldn't just go to the secret place, just stay
in the cabin every day." Monk Wang said sarcastically: "Oh ... I forgot that
you will still be seasick. It is indeed a Waste is trouble. " "Very good." A
cold voice came from behind.

The expression on the face of the youth who was extremely arrogant Wang
solidified, and he looked at Ling Wangchen, who was walking slowly
towards him, with horrified eyes, "What have you done? Why can't my
body move?"

"Nothing." Ling Wangchen's face was cold and terrible. "Just hold your

The monks around: "?!" I can settle monk Jindan casually, the strength must
be far more than the young Wang surnamed, and even said that ... Is the
person who clicks Xingmen really so powerful!

Then Ling Wangchen slowly stretched out his hand, and there was a
stagnation in the surrounding seawater.

The elders of other martial arts have noticed this scene, and they can
actually settle the seawater temporarily. Although they can do it, they will
never do it as easily as Ling Wangchen.

This person's cultivation is by no means the Jindan period they had thought
before ... I am afraid it is even more terrible. When did Xingmen find such
a master?
And the sea beasts that had been fighting with the Jindan disciples shivered
as if they encountered some terrible opponents, but their bodies were bound
by something, and they could not escape at all.

The other monks who dealt with the sea beast noticed the strangeness, and
also saw Ling Wangchen on the deck, realizing that all this was done by the
other party, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

Even more shocking happened. Thousands of flying fish emerged from the
sea, floating in the air, and the body was still oscillating, as if still alive.

The elders were all shocked. They were able to pick out so many flying fish
from this piece of seawater and made them all unscathed. This is what it
takes to cultivate and spiritual knowledge.

"What do you ... what do you want to do?" The fettered monk Wang saw
the flying fish in front of him, his face was pale and scared, but he stiffened
and said, "I am a disciple of Hua Yunzong! If you are hurt After me, we
Hua Yunzong will not give up. "

Ling Wangchen held Shao Ci in his arms, bowed his head and kissed him
gently, and then said lightly: "Apologize."

"How is it possible?" Monk Wang angrily said, "How can I apologize to

this waste? You might as well kill me directly."

Of course, he firmly believed that the other party did not dare to hurt him.
In the past, monk Wang surnamed countless enemies. Every time he took
out Hua Yunzong's name, the attitude of others changed instantly, and the
person in front of him would definitely be the same.

Ling Wangchen smiled and looked at Shao Ci, "How about letting this
offended person die?"

The voice dropped, and a flying fish suddenly flew over, directly running
through monk Wang's left leg, and he suddenly made a scream.
Seeing this scene, an elder who had been watching immediately stood up
and looked at the elder Xingmen who just came out. "Everyone comes to
enter the mystery together, not to kill each other. Let the child stop."

Before seeing Shao Ci in the foundation period may be dangerous, they all
ignored it. However, monk Wang is the core disciple of Hua Yunzong. He
died, but it was difficult to deal with, and it was completely different from
Shao Ci.

The sweat on the forehead of Xingmen's forehead slipped down. It was

offensive to say that the adult was a child or something. Fortunately, the
adult would not care about such trivial matters. Then he said kindly, "You
better not offend that lord."

"That lord?" The elder frowned, and was startled, suddenly feeling that he
was wrong in his heart. This man's cultivation was afraid that he was much
higher than he thought. "What is his identity?"

However, Shao Ci stood and stood a bit seasick. Ling Wangchen took out
the soft couch directly and let Shao Ci lean on it, while softly pacifying the
Shao Ci, stroking his back so that Shao Ci can Feel better.

People around did not expect that these two people would show affection
on such occasions. Could the monk Wang scream in the sky?

The surrounding flying fish stabbed from the surroundings irregularly.

There were already dozens of mouths running through the body, but the
sage of monk Wang was very sober.

After all, Monk Jindan will not die as long as Jindan is okay, and Ling
Wangchen deliberately avoided his vital points when he started, and it
didn't matter how much blood passed away.

Therefore, although the injury of Monk Wang seems very serious, it is still
far from endangering his life.
Monk Wang surnamed the remaining thousands of flying fish floating in
the surrounding air. He regretted that he did not admit his mistakes before,
but was more angry and asked the monks around for help.

Other monks saw this scene with cold sweat on their foreheads. They didn't
even look at this person for help. They were not blind. Ling Wangchen ’s
practice was so horrible and his work was so cruel. How can this species

The monk surname Wang was really intolerable, so I had to temporarily

endure the anger in my heart, and immediately asked for forgiveness. "Let
me go, everyone is Dao Xiu, why do you do that?" In my heart I was
waiting to escape this time. Next time, absolutely revenge must be fierce.
Ling Wangchen didn't even look at it here.
The monk surnamed Wang knew that this road would not work, so he had
to grit his teeth and directly break a jade in his mouth. This is what he
stayed to save his life. He originally wanted to wait for it to be used in the
mysterious realm, but he didn't expect to have to use it in this place.

Almost the next moment, an old man suddenly flew out of the cabin. After
seeing the tragic situation of Monk Wang, he was furious. "Who dares to
attack the old master's disciples?"

This old man is the elder of Hua Yunzong. He is very high in temperament
and has a very irritable temperament. He is also extremely short-serving.
Whenever he encounters things, he never asks right or wrong and starts
with others. Anyway, in his opinion, he is definitely not a good person Will
do wrong.

"It's me." Ling Wangchen responded lightly.

"It seems that you are dead, and the old man will complete you." The old
man stretched out his hand directly, and suddenly a huge golden handprint
gathered on the outside, which contained extremely terrible spiritual power.

This is a high-level spell that he cultivates, and the old man is a spiritual
root of inflammation. The palm contains extremely manic power, and even
the monk Yuanyuan must be cautious when encountering it. If they were
used to deal with Jin Danqi ’s monks, it would be enough to kill the other
party on the spot.

Seeing this, Elder Xingmen immediately surrounded him. As Ling

Wangchen's servant, naturally he could not allow others to be so rude to
Ling Wangchen.

The old man looked over angrily, thinking that Elder Star Gate was trying
to protect Ling Wangchen and threatened: "Let ’s go, otherwise I will kill
you together. Such a shameless person even hurts his companion halfway, a
look It ’s not a good thing. Even if you have a high level of talent, it will be
a scourge to grow up in the future. "

Elder Xingmen frowned and said, "Jin Daoyou, this is a bit overdone. You
don't know what the matter really is, but your good apprentice will do it

"How about that? It didn't hurt my life, but it was just a joke." The old man
named Jin snorted coldly. "It must have been the jealousy of my
apprentice's talent, and he immediately started to kill. Such a person cannot
stay, old man Come on for the sky today. "

The cold sweat in Elder Dingmen's heart came down. If the old man with
the surname Jin knew the actual identity of Ling Wangchen, he would
definitely not be able to say such a thing.

Just at the time of their stalemate, the organizer of this secret journey, the
head of Wan Jianzong, the largest faction in the cultivation world, came

After all, now several Yuan infant monks are going to fight, he can't
pretend to see nothing.

"Let's make this a big deal, don't hurt your peace." Wan Jianzong's head
quickly said: "However, although it was Hua Yunzong's disciples' first
move, he is now seriously injured, and it is a bit overwhelming. ...... It is
better to let Jin Daoyou teach Xingmen to teach this disciple. "
What he said was completely partial to the old man with the surname of Jin.
After all, the old man with the surname of Jin was powerful and could not
offend. As for the Xingmen, they do n’t ask the world anyway, they just
said that they had to learn lessons, but they did n’t say they would die

When Monk Wang heard these words, he was a joy in his heart, and
laughed madly, "My Master is here, and neither of you want to leave alive
today ..."

In the next instant, there were several flying fish piercing his chest directly,
and even one pierced the throat of Wang's youth, and opened his mouth,
saying nothing.

The youth of Wang surnamed was shocked. It was obvious that his master
had come. This man was not only not afraid at all, but he dared to take
action. Is he dead?

"Noise." Ling Wangchen didn't put the youth Wang and his master in his
eyes at all, still gently massaging Shao Ci's temple.

"What a heartbroken person is so venomous at a young age. If he grows up

in the future, he will definitely try to repair a scourge of the real world!"
The old man surnamed Jin immediately became furious and completely
forgot how arrogant his apprentice was when he was outside. .

Talking about the old man named Jin is to ignore the attack.

Elder Dian Xingmen was sweating in his heart. He couldn't really beat each
other by his cultivation, but now he can only be hard.

"Get out." Ling Wangchen's voice came over.

Immediately afterwards, the Elder Xingmen retreated, with an expression of

reverence, just like a slave.
Because the situation was so critical at this time, most people's expressions
gathered on the elder's face, and he suddenly found his expression, and his
heart was a little surprised.

Although the old man surnamed Jin had some doubts about how Ling
Wangchen could order several elders, he turned his attention to the next
moment and sneered: "It seems that you kid can't wait to die, and the old
man will complete you . "

"Wait a moment." Ling Wangchen stood up and said to Shao Cirou: "Take
care of some troublesome things, and it can be over soon."

The old man surnamed Jin has already attacked directly, and everyone
around the audience was surprised that Ling Wangchen could still be
distracted and loving at this time ...

The next moment, Ling Wangchen raised his pale blue eyes lightly. There
was no emotion in it, "OK."

The old man surnamed Jin was stunned by the other's eyes, but the next
moment was a startled discovery that his body could not move, and the
huge golden handprints in his hands were all fixed.

What kind of cultivation can this do? !!

The old man surnamed Jin suddenly looked at Ling Wangchen, and his
heart was a little bit scared. "How can you ...?"

Even the technique of others can be blocked. Such an opponent, the old
man with the surname of Jin has never encountered ... No, when he was
young, he had seen the elders of the martial arts who had passed away.

And now Ling Wangchen feels to him, just like that elder.

"No, you are by no means a Jindan monk ..." The old man surnamed Jin
suddenly said: "Your cultivation is even higher, you ..."

Ling Wangchen: "You talk too much."

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