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• Steve and Maggie are a young couple with a 1 year old baby.

Steve is an engineer with a salary of 80,000 per annum. After

deducting taxes and other deductions, Steve can take home
of $2286.47 per fortnight. Maggie is now a full-time mom
taking care of their young children, so they don't need to hire
MINI CASE STUDY a nanny, therefore they can save $450 per week for that.
Before having children, Maggie was a preschool teacher with
a salary of $45,000 per year (equivalent to $1401 after taxes
and other deductions). Currently they only have $3000 saved
in the checking account.

• They spend about $150 per week on incidental expenses

like clothes and entertainment
• Steve and Maggie list the following information to ask for • - Food cost per week is $150
advice from a personal finance professional:
• - This couple is renting a house with a rental cost of $450 per • - Steve goes to work by bus, so his bus fare costs $120
per month
week. They also want to purchase a house of $500,000 with a
down payment 20% of the house value. • - The couple also has a newly purchased car for $15,000
• - They have 2 cell phones with a monthly cost of $40 that comes with a 5-year loan at an interest rate of
14.75%. This car costs a registration fee of $287.75 per
• - Electricity and water bill is estimated at about $150 per year. They also need to purchase two types of warrants
of fitness for this vehicle, which costs $120 per year.
• - Internet and TV bills are estimated at $70 per month • They spend $25 per week on petrol.

• - The car has a market price of $12,000 now.

• - Regarding debt, they have a personal loan of $7,000 with • Based on the above information, if you are this couple’s
installments of $151.67 per month. personal financial planner:
• - They also recently replaced some appliances in their house • 1. Set short-term, middle-term, and long-term financial
and so they have a $4,600 hire purchase debt, which means goals for the couple.
they have to pay $150 every 2 weeks for the next 3 years. • 2. Create a financial statement (balance sheet and income
• - The above personal loans and hire purchase debt have statement) for this family on a fortnight basis.
interest rates of 22.5%. • 3. Analyse this family’s financial position by applying proper
• - The value of household items, including those purchased in ratios, identify areas of concern based on your analysis and
installments, is currently $15,000. give them advices on ways to improve their financial
• - Steve has accumulated $1,750 in a savings account.

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