Qing China's Rebellions and Reforms

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Qing China’s Rebellions and Reforms Cause and Effect DIRECTIONS: Read pages 717-726 and complete the chart and questions below. On the chart, make sure you answer with both short-term and long-term causes ad effects ofeach event or policy and briefly describe the event/poicy inthe middle column ‘Short-Term & Long-Term ‘Deseription of Events) Short-Term & Long-Term Causes Policies Effects {en Wave No ltage [OPIUMWARG8sex848) [Tne Chinese pride | Is lover a oe J open | Cheese government eceaes| | ca ote iesieg Phe Bash hapocepeay Brtich WANE Ther war | Soueceignyy , 1 Some s Yrwearity, Cagney {EC ford four Crea imo guanission] Areas” yo twestecn Men ke fee HOSE Treaty oF Nanyng AT | Bacloaceans® [Teconcmicoty and codtetlly gail TKe Babs — 4CKn ecuion § a L ~The ‘lia, Slaum Stes over Chinese 9304S. Tateel senemenas in rec more uneawal [-otwer Eucopean counties) Cian ONeccates: WE" [ain teeding COwee r Eocope Quins influence |TAUBINGRERELLIONGate [-Tye soperowion oF the Plover “cvintse_ fore Maing bixeowcrory vanes [HAMA CYWhic grouP = ic {fr Peasant cebels questo toe? Awad “suf be6ing, seme ~ imac: Gene foe wilirscy skceagihl= The Taiging ideologies Seto a Tenaywule oad ewe [itieness row) olhe flgecing psroicnicus Vo ve fASee baw GABE PT pagan wf % set Hoc

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