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Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4


Syllabus Topics:
4.1 Network Topologies: Introduction, Definition, Selection, Criteria, Types of Topology- Bus, Ring Star,
Mesh, Tree, Hybrid
4.2 Network Connecting Devices: Hub, Switch, Router, Repeater, Bridge, Gateway, Modem, Wireless
Infrastructure Components

4.1 Network Topologies:

4.1.1 Introduction
The connection mode is divided into following types: 1. Point-To-Point 2. Multi-Point

1. Point To Point (PTP)

 In a point-to-point link, two devices monopolize a communication medium.
 Because the medium is not shared, a mechanism is not needed to identify the computers.
 Therefore, a simple, two-device point-to-point network has no need for addressing.
 Point-to-point links can be simplex, half-duplex, or full-duplex.

2. Multi Point
 Link three or more devices together through a single communication medium.
 For sharing a common channel, each device needs a way to identify itself and the device to which it
wants to send information.
 The method used to identify senders and receivers is called addressing.
 Three common types of multi-point topology: Bus, Ring, Star.

4.1.2 Definition of Network Topology

MSBTE QUE. Define the term ‘Topology’. List the names of any two network topologies.
(Winter-2016 Summer-2016, Summer-2017,Winter-2018)

1. A topology is a usually ―Schematic description of the arrangement of a network including its nodes and
connecting lines (links).
2. The way in which computers are connected in a network is called as topology.
3. It is physical interconnection between various elements on computer network such as links & nodes.

4.1.3 Selection Criteria

MSBTE QUE. Give two criteria for selection of network topologies. (Winter-2016, Winter-2014)

a) Security: Physical Separation of Web Server from Application Server Processes

b) Performance: It involves minimizing the response time for given transaction load
c) Throughput: It involves creation of no of application instances to service same requests
d) Scalability: Multiple machines can be configured to add processing power, improve security,
maximize availability & balance workloads
e) Availability: It works for to avoid point of failure & maximize the system availability
f) Maintainability: It affects the ease with which system hardware & software can be updated
g) Session Management: To maintain session state between HTTP client request between multiple

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

4.1.4 Types of Topology- 1) Physical, 2) Logical

A) Physical Topologies
 Physical Topology defines how the systems are physically connected.
 It represents the physical layout of the devices on the network.
 There are five main types of physical topologies that can be used and each has its own strengths and
 These five types include: Bus, Ring, Star, Hybrid or Tree, Mesh

MSBTE QUE. List types of network topology. Name one device used in star topology
MSBTE QUE. State different types of Network topologies. (Winter-2019)
(Device used in STAR Topology: Switch, Hub) Bus

MSBTE QUE. Draw the sketch of bus topology and explain (Summer-2016)
MSBTE QUE. Draw a neat sketch of Bus topology and describe its working. Give its advantages
MSBTE QUE. List any two disadvantages of bus topology (Winter-2014)
MSBTE QUE. State any two advantages of Bus topology. (Summer-2018)

 The bus topology exists when each of the systems is connected in a line, as seen in Figure.
 In this topology, all the systems are chained to each other and terminated in some form on each end.
 This topology was used in the early days of networking because it was inexpensive to use and relatively
easy to set up.

Fig Bus Network

 When a packet is sent in a bus topology, there is no intermediary to determine who the packet should go
 Because of this, every packet that is sent in a bus topology is received by all systems on the network.
 Normally, if the packet is not for a particular system, the computer would simply disregard the packet;
however, you can see the security implications of this type of network.
 If a malicious user were on this network and utilized a packet capture program, he could see every
conversation that occurred between machines.

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

 The following are advantages and disadvantages of the bus topology:

1. Easy to install
2. Costs are usually low
3. Easy to add systems to network
4. Great for small networks
1. Out-of-date technology
2. If cable breaks, whole network is down
3. Can be difficult to troubleshoot
4. Unmanageable in a large network

MSBTE QUE. State any two advantages of bus topology .Explain whether adding more computers
in bus topology affects performance of network. (Winter-2015)

 In bus topologies, all computers are connected to a single cable or "trunk or backbone", by a transceiver
either directly or by using a short drop cable.
 All ends of the cable must be terminated, that is plugged into a device such as a computer or terminator.
Most bus topologies use coax cables.
 The number of computers on a bus network will affect network performance, since only one computer at
a time can send data, the more computers you have on the network the more computers there will be
waiting send data.

MSBTE QUE. State whether the bus is active or passive network. Justify your answer
(Summer-2017, Summer-2018, Summer-2015, Winter-2018)

Bus is a passive network.

 The bus topology is usually used when a network installation is small, simple or temporary.
 In bus network, the cable is just one or more wires, with no active electronics to amplify the signal or
pass it along from computer to computer.
 This makes the bus a passive network.
 In the bus topology the major component is the backbone cable.
 The communication takes place through it and this backbone does not do any amplification or
correction of signals passed through that‘s why bus can be called as passive network Ring

MSBTE QUE. State any two advantages of ring topology, define token. State whether ring topology is
broadcast or point to point network. (Summer-2015,Winter-2015)
MSBTE QUE. With suitable diagram describe- Ring Topology (Summer-2019)
MSBTE QUE. Explain the working of ring topology with neat sketch. (Winter-2018)

 The ring topology exists when each of the systems is connected to its respective neighbor forming a ring
 This physical topology has many of the same strengths and weaknesses of the bus topology.
 The main difference between the bus and ring is that the ring topology does not require termination.
 Because the systems are connected all together in a loop, there is no beginning and end point as there is
with the bus topology.
 For additional fault tolerance or performance enhancements, you can add a second ring.
 This configuration is seen in Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks.

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

Every computer on the ring is responsible for passing the token or creating a new one. When a computer
has information to send, it creates the token and passes it on. Once the token reaches its final destination, it
lets the sender know it arrived safely; the sender then makes a new token and the process starts over. Most
ring networks use fiber or twisted pair cable for their physical medium. In a ring topology, if one computer
fails, the entire network goes down.

1. Easy to install
2. Costs are usually low
3. Easy to add systems to network
4. Great for small networks

1. Out-of-date technology
2. If cable breaks, whole network is down
3. Can be difficult to troubleshoot
4. Unmanageable in a large network

MSBTE QUE. Give the problem faced in ring topology (Summer-2017)

 Traffic is unidirectional.
 Slow in speed.
 If one node goes down; the entire network goes down.
 Reconfiguration is needed to add a new node.
 Difficulty in troubleshooting the ring. Star

MSBTE QUE. Draw a neat diagram and describe the working of star topology
(Summer-2016, Summer-2018 )
MSBTE QUE. With suitable diagram describe- Star Topology (Summer-2019)

 In a star topology, each device has a dedicated point-to-point link only to a central controller, usually
called a hub.
 The devices are not directly linked to one another.
 A star topology does not allow direct traffic between devices.
 The controller acts as an exchange.
 If one device wants to send data to another, it sends the data to the controller, which then relays the data
to the other connected device.
 A star topology is less expensive than a mesh topology.
 The star topology is used in local-area networks (LANs). High-speed LANs often use a star topology
with a central hub.

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

Fig Star Network

Advantages Winter-2018
1. Easy to install
2. Easy to add devices to network
3. One break does not bring whole network down
4. Easier to troubleshoot
5. Widely used
6. Centralized management

1. Costs are usually higher than with bus or ring networks
2. If you have only one central device and it fails, it brings the network down

MSBTE QUE. In star topology which device is preferable as a star device between switch and hub?
Justify (Winter-2014)

 Switch is used as a central device to connect different nodes in star topology.

 Switch is an intelligent device.
 When switch receives a data packet it reads destination address stored in the packet it reads destination
address stored in the packet and send it to only that node whose destination address matches with the
address contained in the data packet.

MSBTE QUE. Compare star bus with star-ring topology. (Summer-2018)

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4 Mesh

MSBTE QUE. Explain mesh topology with suitable diagram. (Winter-2017)

 In this layout, every system is connected to every other system.
 The main advantage of this topology is high availability.
 The main disadvantage of this topology is cost, both administrative and physical.
 Because each system is connected to each other, the amount of cabling and maintenance necessary can
be prohibitive, especially in larger networks.
 The formula for determining the amount of cable needed in a mesh network is:
(N x (N – 1))/2, where N is the number of systems to be interconnected.
 In Figure, we have six systems that require 15 cables to create a mesh network.
 This topology is mainly used in Wide Area Network environments or in environments where high
availability outweighs the costs associated with this amount of interconnection.
 In given figure---
Hence, No. of Cables or edges
= 6*(6-1)/2
= 30/2
= 15 cables
1. Extremely fault tolerant
2. Data can be transmitted from different devices simultaneously. This topology can withstand high
3. Even if one of the components fails there is always an alternative present. So data transfer doesn‘t
get affected.
Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

4. Expansion and modification in topology can be done without disrupting other nodes

1. Expensive
2. Difficult to implement
3. Difficult to administer
4. Difficult to troubleshoot

Fig Mesh Network

5. Extremely fault tolerant
6. Data can be transmitted from different devices simultaneously. This topology can withstand high
7. Even if one of the components fails there is always an alternative present. So data transfer doesn‘t
get affected.
8. Expansion and modification in topology can be done without disrupting other nodes

5. Expensive
6. Difficult to implement
7. Difficult to administer
8. Difficult to troubleshoot

MSBTE QUE. A computer centre is connected in star topology with 8 computers. This set up has to
be converted into Mesh topology. What are the requirements? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of the two systems? Draw the sketches for both the topologies. (Summer-2016)
 In Star topology Devices are connected to Hub/Switch that we have to disconnect and remove the
central device.
 Now, If we have to connect Eight devices in a mesh topology. How many cables are needed? How
many ports are needed for each device? Cables needed (8*7)/2 = 28 and, Each device needs to be
connected to 7 other devices. So, each device needs to have 7 ports.
 Eight devices times seven ports equals to 56 total ports. Mesh is having high redundancy.
 Only one device would be disconnected if all the connections were to fail for that device.
 You can have many connections to other devices that‘s why it‘s less likely to fail.
 The only cause of failure at this point is really the power and if you just don't have any.
 Even if one of the connections between two devices fail there is no effect on network and they can still
communicate through other channels.

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

Fig. Star topology Fig. Mesh Topology

MSBTE QUE. Compare Mesh topology with Star topology. (Winter-2016) Tree or Hybrid

MSBTE QUE. Discuss hybrid topology with suitable diagram (Winter-2014)

MSBTE QUE. Describe Tree Topology with neat diagram. State its advantages.
(Summer-2015, Summer-2017, Summer-2018, Winter-2018)
 The hybrid or tree topology is simply a combination of the other topologies.
 Figure shows an example of a hybrid network.
 In this layout, we have three star networks that are connected to each other through a bus topology shown
by the red line.

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

Fig Hybrid Network

 Hybrid topology is one that uses two or more basic topologies together Fig. depicts this.

 In this case, the bus, star & ring topologies are used to create this hybrid topology.
 There are multiple ways in which this can be created.
 The hybrid topology which is to be used for a particular application depends on the requirements of that
application. In practice, many networks are quite complex but they can be reduced to some form of
hybrid topology.

MSBTE QUE. Name the topology which combines two or more topologies. What are its advantages?
Draw a neat diagram of the same. (Winter-2016)

Hybrid topology combines two or more topologies.

1) Reliable:
Unlike other networks, fault detection and troubleshooting is easy in this type of topology. The part in
which fault is detected can be isolated from the rest of network and required corrective measures can be
taken, WITHOUT affecting the functioning of rest of the network.

2) Scalable:
Its easy to increase the size of network by adding new components, without disturbing existing

3) Flexible:
Hybrid Network can be designed according to the requirements of the organization and by optimizing the
available resources. Special care can be given to nodes where traffic is high as well as where chances of
fault are high.

4) Effective:
we can design it in such a way that strengths of constituent topologies are maximized while there
weaknesses are neutralized. For example we saw Ring Topology has good data reliability (achieved by use
of tokens) and Star topology has high tolerance capability

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

MSBTE QUE. Draw and describe architecture for network using tree topology for an office in 3-
storeys building. (Summer-2019)

A tree topology is a special type of structure in which many connected elements are arranged like the
branches of a tree. Here in the diagram the main switch is connected with three separate switches. For each
floor separate switch is connected with multiple terminals.

MSBTE QUE. Draw with neat labelled sketch of star networks having three computers in two stars
and two computers in one star. (Winter-2015)

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

Fig: Star Bus Topology

MSBTE QUE. Design suitable network layout for an organization with five department. (Summer-

B) Logical Topologies
The Logical topology defines how the systems communicate across the physical topologies. There are two
main types of logical topologies: 1) Shared Media Topology 2) Token-Based Topology

4.1.1. Shared Media (Ethernet- Bus, Star)

 In a shared media topology, all the systems have the ability to access the physical layout whenever they
need it.
 If two systems send information out on the wire at the same time, the packets collide and kill both
packets. Ethernet is an example of a shared media topology.
 To help avoid the collision problem, Ethernet uses a protocol called Carrier Sense Multiple
Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD).
 In this protocol, each system monitors the wire, listening for traffic.
 If traffic is detected, the system waits until it hears no traffic before it sends packets out.
 If a situation occurs where two systems send out packets at the same time and a collision occurs, each
system waits for a period of time before it retries.
 This time period is different for each system, so that the collision does not occur again.
Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

 To help reduce the number of collisions, many networks are broken up into several smaller networks
with the use of switches or hubs, and each network is then referred to as its own collision domain.
 Shared media networks are typically deployed in a bus, star, or hybrid physical topology.

1. The main advantage in a shared media topology is that the systems have unrestricted access to the
physical media.
2. For small networks, the shared media topology works fine

1. Of course, the main disadvantage to this topology is collisions.
2. If add more systems to the network, there is a greater opportunity for collisions.

4.2.2. Token Based (Ring)

MSBTE QUE. State token passing. Compare token passing with CSMA/CD. (Summer-2017)

 The token-based topology works by using a token to provide access to the physical media.
 In a token-based network, there is a token that travels around the network.
 When a system needs to send out packets, it grabs the token off of the wire, attaches it to the packets
that are sent, and sends it back out on the wire.
 As the token travels around the network, each system examines the token.
 When the packets arrive at the destination systems, those systems copy the information off of the wire
and the token continues its journey until it gets back to the sender.
 When the sender receives the token back, it pulls the token off of the wire and sends out a new empty
token to be used by the next machine.
 Token-based network are typically configured in physical ring topology because the token needs to be
delivered back to the originating machine for it to release.
 The ring topology best facilitates this requirement.

Do not have the collision problems because of the need to have possession of the token to communicate.

Latency- Each machine has to wait until it can use the token, there is often a delay in when
communications actually occur.

MSBTE QUE. What is token passing? List any four protocols associated with application layer of OSI
model. (Summer-2015)

Token passing is a method of passing the token in the ring network either clockwise or anticlockwise.
Protocols associated with application layer of OSI model are as follows:
2. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
3. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
4. Domain Name System (DNS)
5. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

MSBTE QUE. What is the MAC protocol used in TOKEN ring LAN’s? What happens if the token is
lost? (Summer-2019)

Token ring local area network (LAN) network is a communication protocol for local area uses
special three-byte frame called a ―token‖ that travels around a logical ring of workstations or servers. This
token passing is a channel access method providing fair access for all stations, and eliminating the collision

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

of contention-based access methods.

Introduced by IBM in 1984, it was then standardized with protocol IEEE 802.5 and was fairly successful,
particularly in the corporate environments, but gradually eclipsed by the later versions of Ethernet.
The IEEE 802.5 Token ring technology provides for data transfer rates of either 4 or 16 Mbps.

It works in the following manner:

1. Empty information frames are continuously circulated on the ring.
2. When a computer has a message to send, it inserts a token in an empty frame (simply changing a 0 to a 1
in the token bit part of the frame) and a message and a destination identifier in the frame.
3. The frame is the examined by each successive workstation. If workstation sees that it is the destination
of the message, it copies the message from the frame and changes the token back to 0.
4. When the frame gets back to originator, it sees that message has been copied and received.
The Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) also uses a Token ring protocol.
If one device does not receive a token within a specified period, it can issue an alarm. The alarm alerts the
network administrator to the problem and its location. Then, network administrator generates a new, free


There are two error conditions that could cause the token ring to break down.
One is the lost token in which case there is no token in the ring.
Other is the busy token that circulates endlessly.
To overcome these problems, the IEEE 802 standard specifies that one of the stations must be designated
as ―active monitor‖. The monitor detects the lost condition using a timer by time-out mechanism and
recovers by using a new free token

4.2 Network Connecting Devices:

MSBTE QUE. Enlist essential components required to design computer network. Describe any one in
brief. (Summer-2015)
MSBTE QUE. What are the various network control devices? (Winter-2017)
MSBTE QUE. Describe different connecting devices used in computer network. (Winter-2019)
MSBTE QUE. State the functions of: 1) Hub 2) Repeater 3) Bridge 4) Router (Summer-2018)
The components of computer network are:
1. Hub
2. Router
3. Modem
4. Bridge
5. Switches
6. Network Interface Card
7. Cables and connectors
8. Crimping tool
9. LAN tester
10. Computers
11. Gateways
 All but the most basic of networks require devices to provide connectivity and functionality.
 Computer networking devices are units that mediate data in a computer network and are also called
network equipment.
 Units which are the last receiver or generate data are called hosts or data terminal equipment.

 Recognizes users, their devices, and their roles in the network
 Supports two distinct protocols for authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
 Security policy compliance:
 Protects existing investments:
Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

 Mitigates risks from viruses, worms, and unauthorized access:

4.2.1 Hub

MSBTE QUE. What is hub? Give types of hub. (Winter-2015, Winter-2017)

MSBTE QUE. Discuss the role of the HUB. Differentiate between Active Hub and Passive Hub.
MSBTE QUE. Describe the types of hubs. (Summer-2018)

 Hub is a connecting device; it is also known as multiport repeater.

 It is normally used for connecting stations in a physical star topology.
 All networks require a central location to bring media segments together.
 These central locations are called hubs.
 A hub organizes the cables and relays signals to the other media segments.
 There are three main types of hubs: 1) Passive 2) Active 3) Intelligent

1) Passive Hubs:
 A passive hubs simply combines the signals of a network segments.
 There is no signal processing or regeneration.
 A passive hub reduces the cabling distance by half because it does not boost the signals and in fact
absorbs some of the signal.
 With the passive hub each computer receives the signal sent from all the other computers connected to
the hub.

2) Active hubs:
 They are like passive hubs but have electronic components for regeneration and amplification of
 By using active hubs the distance between devices can be increased.
 The main drawback of active hubs is that the amplify noise along with the signals.
 They are also much expensive than passive hubs.

3) Intelligent hubs:
 In addition to signal regeneration, intelligent hubs perform some network management and intelligent
path selection.
 One advantage to this is that all transmission media segment can be connected permanently because
each segment will be used only when a signal is sent to a device using that segment.

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

Functions of Hub (Winter-2016)

 Hub connects all nodes in star topology. Hub is broadcasting device.
 It sends packets to all nodes in the network.
 It works at Physical Layer of OSI model

4.2.2 Switch
 On the surface, a switch looks much like a hub.
 Despite their similar appearance, switches are far more efficient than hubs and are far more desirable
for today‘s network environments.
 As with a hub, computers connect to a switch via a length of twisted-pair cable.
 Hub forwards data to all ports, regardless of whether the data is intended for the system connected to
the port.
 This arrangement is inefficient; however, it requires little intelligence on the part of the hub, which is
why hubs are inexpensive.
 Rather than forwarding data to all the connected ports, a switch forwards data only to the port on which
the destination system is connected.
 It looks at the Media Access Control (MAC) addresses of the devices connected to it to determine the
correct port.
 A MAC address is a unique number that is stamped into every NIC.
 By forwarding data only to the system to which the data is addressed, the switch decreases the amount
of traffic on each network link dramatically.
 In effect, the switch literally channels (or switches, if you prefer) data between the ports.
 Figure illustrates how a switch works

 Switches can also further improve performance over the performance of hubs by using a mechanism
called full-duplex, half-duplex.
 The communication between the system and the switch or hub is said to be half-duplex.
 In a half-duplex connection, data can be either sent or received on the wire but not at the same time.
 In a full-duplex connection, the maximum data throughput is double that for a half-duplex connection—
for example, 10Mbps becomes 20Mbps, and 100Mbps becomes 200Mbps.
 To use a full-duplex connection, you basically need three things: a switch, the appropriate cable, and a
NIC (and driver) that supports full-duplex communication.

MSBTE QUE. Compare hub and switch. (Winter-2017, Winter-2018)

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

4.2.3 Router

MSBTE QUE. With the help of neat diagram, describe the working of Routers. Also enlist types of
routers. (Summer-2017)
MSBTE QUE. Describe router with neat and labeled diagram. State the situation under which
router are necessary in network. (Winter-2017)
MSBTE QUE. Compare Router and Repeater. (Winter-2019)

 It operates at the network layer.

 A router normally connects LANs and WANs in the Internet and has a routing table that is used for
making decisions about the route.
 The routing tables are normally dynamic and are updated using routing protocols.
 Routers are devices that help in determining the best path out of the available paths, for a particular
transmission. They consist of a combination of hardware and software.
 The two main kinds of software in a router are the operating system and the routing protocol.
 Routers use logical and physical addressing to connect two or more logically separate networks.
 Messages are stored in the routers before re-transmission, routers are said to implement a store-and-
forward technique.

Situation under which router can be used:

 The router is a fundamental building block of modern business networks, providing traffic with a
gateway to both the Internet and other networks.
 Routers play important roles on a network, with many combined with other devices such as firewalls,
modems and switches to provide networking solutions.

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

Functions of Router: (Winter-2016)

 Router chooses the best path for packet forwarding.
 Router read complex network address in packet.
 It works at Network Layer of OSI model
 Efficiently direct packets from one network to another, reducing excessive traffic.
 Join neighboring or distant network
 Connect dissimilar networks.
 Prevent network bottlenecks by isolating portions of a network.

Advantage of Router:
 They don‘t forward broadcasts by default it save the bandwidth of network.
 They can filter the network based on layer 3 (Network layer) information (i.e., IP address).
 Packet switching and Packet filtering possible at router.
 Internetwork communication.
 Route selection from source to destination.
 It works on Both LAN and WAN
 Router uses NAT (Network-Address-Translation) that can the IP Address because each device need to
go on internet.

Disadvantage of Router:
 It is complex to maintain.
 Security Risk.
 Router is more expensive

Types of router: 1. Static Router 2. Dynamic Router (Summer-2018)

Static Router:
Static router is a device in which the system network administrator would manually configure network
routers with all the information necessary for successful packet forwarding.

Dynamic Router:
Dynamic router is a networking device which enables routers to select paths according to real-time logical
network layout changes. In dynamic routing, the routing protocol operating on the router is responsible for
the creation, maintenance and updating of the dynamic routing table.

MSBTE QUE. Give two applications of Router (Summer-2016)

 Used in Connecting multiple LANs

 Used in connecting similar and dissimilar networks
 Used in connecting WAN (Internet) to LAN.

4.2.4 Repeater

MSBTE QUE. Describe the function of repeater. In which situation the repeater is used in the
network? (Summer-2015, Winter-2017)

 Repeaters are used to take the distorted, weak and corrupt input signal and regenerate this signal at its
 It ensures that the signals are not distorted or weak before it reaches the destination.
 It recreates the bit pattern of the signal, and puts this regenerated signal back on to the transmission
 It works in the physical layer with no intelligent function.
 In any computer network, when the data bit pattern is sent from a computer A to Computer B, if
Computer B is not able to receive the exact data bit pattern, a repeater is connected in between. This
Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

will regenerate the weak signal so that the exact replica of the original input signal is sent forward. A
repeater can be used at as many points in the network as required.

Example situation in which repeater is used:

Repeater is used to remove attenuation in the media, In any computer network, when the data bit pattern is
sent from a computer A to Computer B, if Computer B is not able to receive the exact data bit pattern, a
repeater is connected in between. This will regenerate the weak signal so that the exact replica of the
original input signal is sent forward.

4.2.5 Bridge

MSBTE QUE. Draw and explain working of bridges. (Winter-2017)

 It is a device which connects two or more segment of a network.
 It only forwards the packet which are for the exact destination.
 A bridge device filters data traffic at a network boundary.
 Bridges reduces the amount of traffic on a LAN by dividing it into two segments.
 It inspects incoming traffic and decides whether to forward or discard it.
 It sends packets between two networks of same type.
 A bridge operates in both the physical and the data link layer.
 As a physical layer device, it regenerates the signal it receives.
 As a data link layer device, the bridge can check the physical (MAC) addresses (source and destination)
contained in the frame.

Fig How a bridge works.

 Simple and significant.
 Reduce the amount of network traffic on a segment.
 Bridges also make it possible to isolate a busy network from a not-so-busy one, thereby preventing
pollution from busy nodes.

4.2.6 Gateway

MSBTE QUE. With neat diagram explain Gateways (Summer-2017, Winter-2015)

MSBTE QUE. What are the situations under which gateways are used in networks
(Winter-2016, Winter-2015, Winter-2014)
MSBTE QUE. What is Gateway? Explain and state its operation. (Winter-2018)

1. A gateway is a node (router) in a computer network, a key stopping point for data on its way to or from
other networks.
2. Gateway is protocol converter.
Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

3. Gateway enables communication between different network architecture and environments.

4. It works at all layers of OSI model.

FIGURE A Gateway.

Operations of Gateway:
1. Gateway connects two systems that do not use the same protocol, data format, language and architecture.
2. Convert commonly used protocols (e.g. TCP/IP) to a specialized protocol (for example, an SNA: System
Network Architecture).
3. Convert message formats from one format to another. It translates different addressing schemes
4. Using gateways, we are able to communicate and send data back and forth. The Internet wouldn't be any
use to us without gateways (as well as a lot of other hardware and software).
5. A gateway is a node (router) in a computer network, a key stopping point for data on its way to or from
other networks. The Internet wouldn't be any use to us without gateways (as well as a lot of other hardware
and software).
6. In a workplace, the gateway is the computer that routes traffic from a workstation to the outside network
that is serving up the Web pages. For basic Internet connections at home, the gateway is the Internet
Service Provider that gives you access to the entire Internet.
7. On the Internet, the node that's a stopping point can be a gateway or a host node. 8. A computer that
controls the traffic your Internet Service Provider (ISP) receives is a node.
9. If you have a wireless network at home that gives your entire family access to the Internet, your gateway
is the modem (or modem-router combo) your ISP provides so you can connect to their network. On the
other end, the computer that controls all of the data traffic your Internet Service Provider (ISP) takes and
sends out is itself a node.
10. When a computer-server acts as a gateway, it also operates as a firewall and a proxy server. A firewall
keeps out unwanted traffic and outsiders off a private network. A proxy server is software that "sits"
between programs on your computer that you use (such as a Web browser) and a computer server—the
computer that serves your network. The proxy server's task is to make sure the real server can handle your
online data requests

Following are the situations under which Gateways are used in a network :
 Gateways are specifically made to connect dissimilar networks together
 The Internet wouldn't be any use to us without gateways (as well as a lot of other hardware and
 For basic Internet connections at home, the gateway is the Internet Service Provider that gives you
access to the entire Internet.
 On the Internet, the node that's a stopping point can be a gateway or a host node.
 If you have a wireless network at home that gives your entire family access to the Internet, your gateway
is the modem (or modem-router combo).
 When a computer-server acts as a gateway, it also operates as a firewall and a proxy server, which keeps
out unwanted traffic and outsiders off a private network.

4.2.7 Modem
Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

MSBTE QUE. What is role of Modems in Networking? Explain types of Modems.

(Summer-2016, Summer-2018)
MSBTE QUE. Explain the operation of modem. (Winter-2017)
MSBTE QUE. What is modem? *(Winter-2018)

 A modem, which stands for modulator-demodulator, is the device used to translate analog signals into
digital signals or vice versa for purposes of computer communications.
 Modem converts analog signal to digital signal and vice versa.
 In case of networking data has to be transferred from one location to another location.
 At present to transfer such data whatever the infrastructure (PSTN) is available.
 It is of analog technology but computer sends digital data to transfer this data to another location it is
needed to convert into analog format so that it can be transferred by using currently available

Role of Modem:
 MODEM works as modulator as well as demodulator. MODEM convers analog signal to digital signal
and vice versa.
 In case of networking data has to be transferred from one location to another location.
 At present to transfer such a data whatever the infrastructure (PSTN) is available it is of analog tech.
 But computer sends digital data to transfer this data to another location it is needed to convert into
analog format so that it can be transferred by using currently available infrastructure.

Functions of modems:
1. Take the data from the RS-232 interface.
2. Convert the binary data into analog signal or data.
3. Perform the line control and signaling to the other end of phone line.
4. Send dialing signals.

Types of Modem:

1. Onboard Modem -
Modem built onto the computer motherboard. These Modems cannot be removed, but can be disabled
through a Jumper or CMOS Setup.

2. Internal Modem -
Modem that connects to a PCI slot inside a newer desktop computer or ISA slot on an older computer.
The Internal Modem shown at the beginning of this document is an example of a PCI Modem.

3. External Modem -
Modem within a box that connects to the computer externally, usually the Serial Ports or USB port

MSBTE QUE. Give two applications of Modem (Summer-2016)

 Used in connecting computers to communicate either wired or wireless
 Used in remote management.
 Used in broadband connectivity
 Used in Point of Sale machines

MSBTE QUE. What is NIC? State three functions of NIC. (Summer-2018)

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

NIC (Network interface card / network adapter): It physically makes the connection, works as interface
between computer and network cable.

Functions of NIC:
1. Establishes and manages the computer‘s network connection.
2. Translates digital computer data into signals (appropriate for the networking medium)
for outgoing messages, and translates signals into digital computer data for incoming messages
3. Provide physical link or connectivity between computer and the network physical medium.
4. Creates, sends, and receives frames – Frame: fundamental unit of data for network transmission and
5. Manages access to medium.
6. Control flow of data between computer and physical medium.
7. Acts as gatekeeper (permits inbound communications aimed only at its computer (or broadcast) to pass
through NIC and on to CPU)
– Each card has a unique MAC address in ROM
– Promiscuous mode disables gatekeeper functions

MSBTE QUE. Compare Hub, Switch and Bridge (Summer-2017)

MSBTE QUE. State the function of: 1) Hub 2) Router (Winter-2016)

MSBTE QUE. You are said to establish a small network with minimum cost at least ten computer
and also necessary to use the centralized database. Which type of network and topology you will
prefer in this situation? Justify your answer.

Type of Network- Client-Server Network.

Justification- For the mention situation client Server network is preferred because centralized database can
be maintained at server.

Type of Topology- Bus Topology.

Justification -For the mention situation Bus Topology is preferred because cost is less due to short cable
length, no need of HUB, simple wiring layout. Bus topology can support 10 computers and additional
nodes can be easily added to existing bus network

MSBTE QUE. You are asked to established a small network with minimum cost at least eight
computers. Also it is necessary to use centralized database. Which type of network topology you will
use? Justify your answer. ( Summer-2015)

Due to necessity of centralized data base, we have to use the Client-Server network. As the network is
small & low cost, we can use the bus topology.

The bus topology has the following advantages:

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

1. Low cost
2. Easy control.
3. It is easy to set-up and extend bus network.
4. Cable length required for this topology is the least compared to other networks.
5. Linear Bus network is mostly used in small networks. Good for LAN.

4.2.8 Wireless Infrastructure Components

MSBTE QUE. Describe wireless infrastructure components in detail. (Winter-2019)

Wireless Network Infrastructures

 The infrastructure of a wireless network interconnects wireless users and end systems.
 The infrastructure might consist of base stations, access controllers, application connectivity software,
and a distribution system.
 These components enhance wireless communications and fulfill important functions necessary for
specific applications.

1. Base Stations
 The base station is a common infrastructure component that interfaces the wireless communications
signals traveling through the air medium to a wired network?
 Often referred to as a distribution system.
 Therefore, a base station enables users to access a wide range of network services, such as web
browsing, e-mail access, and database applications.
 A base station often contains a wireless NIC that implements the same technology in operation by the
user's wireless NIC.
 Residential gateways and routers are more advanced forms of base stations that enable additional
network functions.
 As show in Figure a base station might support point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communications

Fig. Base Stations Support Different Configurations

2. Access Controllers
 In the absence of adequate security, quality of service (QoS), and roaming mechanisms in wireless
network standards, companies offer access-control solutions to strengthen wireless systems.
 The key component to these solutions is an access controller, which is typically hardware that resides
on the wired portion of the network between the access points and the protected side of the network.
 Access controllers provide centralized intelligence behind the access points to regulate traffic between
the open wireless network and important resources.
 In some cases, the access point contains the access control function.

3. Application Connectivity Software

 Web surfing and e-mail generally perform well over wireless networks.
 All it takes is a browser and e-mail software on the client device.
Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

 Users might lose a wireless connection from time to time, but the protocols in use for these relatively
simple applications are resilient under most conditions.
 Special application connectivity software is necessary as an interface between a user's computer device
and the end system hosting the application's software or database.

4. Distribution System
 A wireless network is seldom entirely free of wires.
 The distribution system, which often includes wiring, is generally necessary to tie together the access
points, access controllers, and servers.
 In most cases, the common Ethernet comprises the distribution system.

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

1) Define the term ‗Topology‘. List the names of any two network topologies. Summer-2016
(Definition- 1 Mark, Listing – 1 Mark) (Refer Section 4.1.2)
2) State whether the bus is active or passive network. Justify your answer. Summer-2017
( 2 Marks) (Refer Section
3) Describe Tree Topology with neat diagram. State its advantages. (any two) Summer-2017
(Diagram- 1.5 Marks, Explanation -1.5 Marks, two advantages- 1 Mark) (Refer Section
4) You are asked to established a small network with minimum cost at least sight computers. Also it is necessary to
use centralized database. Which type of network topology you will use? Justify your answer.
(Type of network- 1 Marks, Type of topology -1 Mark, Justification -2 Marks) (Refer Section 4.2.7)
5) State any two advantages of ring topology, define token. State whether ring topology is broadcast or point to point
network. Winter-2015
(Advantages 2 marks, definition of token 1 mark; ring topology is broadcast or point to point 1 mark)
6) Describe the function of repeater. In which situation the repeater is used in the network? (Refer Section 4.2.2)
(Any 2 functions – 1M; Situation: 2M) (Refer Section 4.2.4)
7) What is NIC? State functions of NIC.
(Definition- 1M; Any three functions – 1M each)
8) In which situation MODEM are useful in network.
(Any two situations: 2 M each) (Refer Section 4.2.7)
b) Enlist essential components required to design computer network. Describe any one in brief.
(1 mark for list, 1 mark for diagram, 2 marks for description, any other component can be considered) (Refer
Section 4.2)

1) List types of network topology. Name one device used in star topology.
(Network Topology- 1 Mark, Device Used- 1 Mark) (Refer Section 4.1.4)
2) What is hub? Give types of hub. Winter-2017
(Definition of hub -1Mark, types of hubs- 1Mark) (Refer Section 4.2.1)
(3) Draw with neat labelled sketch of star networks having three computers in two stars and two computers in one
star. (Correct Diagram - 4 Marks) (Refer Section
4) You are said to establish a small network with minimum cost at least ten computer and also necessary to use the
centralized database. Which type of network and topology you will prefer in this situation? Justify your answer.
(Identification of type of network – 1 Mark, its justification – 1 Mark, Identification of Topology – 1Mark, its
justification -1 Mark) (Refer Section 4.2.7)
5) State two advantages of ring topology. Describe token. State whether ring topology is broadcast or point to point
network. Summer-2015
(Any two Advantages - 2 Marks, definition of token - 1 Mark; ring topology is broadcast or point to point - 1 Mark)
(Refer Section
6) For following situations, state which type of network architecture is appropriate?
(i) Number of users 50 (ii) Data and resources need to be restricted.
(iii) No network administrator required. (iv) All users with equal priority
(1 Marks for each type)
7) State any two advantages of bus topology .Explain whether adding more computers in bus topology affects
performance of network.
(Any Two Advantage – 2 Marks Explanations – 2 Marks) (Refer Section
8) Describe gateways. State the situations under which gateways are necessary in the network.
(Explanations – 2 Marks, Diagram – 2 Marks, situation explanation - 4 Marks) (Refer Section 4.2.6)

(1) Name the topology which is combination of different topologies. Explain it with advantages.
(Name of topology - 1 mark; Explanation - 2 marks; advantages - 1 mark) (Refer Section
(2) List and describe criteria for selection of Network topology.
(Listing criteria - 1 mark; Description of any three criteria - 3 marks) (Refer Section 4.1.3)
(3) State the functions of (i) Hub (ii) Repeater (iii) Bridge (iv) Router
(Two Functions of Each component - ½ marks each) (Refer Section 4.2)
(4) What is role of Modems in Networking? Explain types of Modems.
(Diagram -1 mark, Explanation - 2 marks; Types - 1 mark) (Refer Section 4.2.7)

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

(5) A computer centre is connected in star topology with 8 computers. This set up has to be converted into Mesh
topology. What are the requirements? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems? Draw the
sketches for both the topologies.
(Requirements - 1 mark; advantages and disadvantages - 2 marks; sketches of topologies - 1 mark) (Refer Section
(6) Draw the sketch of bus topology and explain. Winter-2016
(Diagram - 2 marks; explanation - 2 marks) (Refer Section

1) Give two criteria for selection of network topologies.
(Any two criteria Each: 1 mark) (Refer Section 4.1.3)
2) State the function of: 1) Hub 2) Router
3) Draw a neat diagram and describe the working of star topology.
(Diagram: 1 mark, Description: 3 marks) (Refer Section
4) Compare Mesh topology with Star topology.
(Any 4 Each: 1 mark) (Refer Section
5) Give two applications of: (i) Modems (ii) Routers
(Any two from each Each: 1 mark) (Refer Section 4.2.7)
6) What are the situations under which gateways are used in networks?
(List Any four situation Each: 1 mark) (Refer Section 4.2.6)
7) Name the topology which combines two or more topologies. What are its advantages? Draw a neat diagram of the
(Topology identification: 1 mark , Advantages: 1 mark , Diagram: 2 marks) (Refer Section
8) Define Network topology. List types of Network topologies. Summer-2015
(Definition - 1 mark; Listing - 1 mark) (Refer Section 4.1.2)
9) Draw a neat sketch of Bus topology and describe its working. Give its advantages Summer-2016
(Diagram: 1 mark, Working: 2 marks, Advantages: 1 mark) (Refer Section

1) Give the problem faced in ring topology. 2M
(1 mark each for any 2 correct problems) (Refer Section
2) State any four topologies. 2M
(½ mark for each, any 4 topology) (Refer Section 4.1)
3) Compare Hub, Switch and Bridge. 4M
(1 mark for any 4 correct point) (Refer Section 4.2.7)
4) With the help of neat diagram, describe the working of Routers. Also enlist types of routers. 8M Summer-2015
(Diagram: 2 marks, router explanation: 5 marks, types of router: 1 mark) (Refer Section 4.2.3)

1) State token passing. Compare token passing with CSMA/CD. 4M
(Token Passing explaination: 2 marks, Comparison : 2 marks: two points) (Refer Section 4.2.2)
2) What are the various network control devices? 2M
(Listing of any 4 control devices: ½ mark each) (Refer Section 4.2)
3) Describe router with neat and labeled diagram. State the situation under which router are necessary in network.4M
(Diagram: 1 mark, Description :2 marks, Situation: 1 mark) (Refer Section 4.2.3)
4) Explain the operation of modem. 4M
(Diagram: 2 marks, Explaintion :2 marks) (Refer Section 4.2.7)
5) Explain mesh topology with suitable diagram. 4M
(Diagram: 2 marks, Explanation: 2 marks) (Refer Section
6) Describe repeater. State the situation under which repeater are necessary in network. 4M
(Repeater : 2marks, Any suitable Situation: 2 marks) (Refer Section 4.2.4)
7) Compare hub and switch. 4M
(Any four comparison points:1mark each) (Refer Section 4.2.2)
8) Draw and explain working of bridges. 4M
(Any relevant diagram:2 marks, Explanation:2marks) (Refer Section 4.2.5)

1) With suitable diagram describe- Ring Topology 4M (Refer Section
2) With suitable diagram describe- Star Topology 4M (Refer Section

Chapter 4 Network Topologies & Network Devices Unit 4

3) Draw and describe architecture for network using tree topology for an office in 3-storeys building. 4M (Refer
4) Design suitable network layout for an organization with five department. 4M (Refer Section
5) What is the MAC protocol used in TOKEN ring LAN‘s? What happens if the token is lost? (Refer Section 4.2.2)

1) State different types of Network topologies (Refer Section 4.1.4)
2) Describe different connecting devices used in computer network (Refer Section 4.2)
3) Compare Router and Repeater. (Refer Section 4.2.3)
4) Describe wireless infrastructure components in detail. (Refer Section 4.2.8)


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