Micro Project Proposal Format

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K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik.

HirabaiHaridasVidyanagari, Amrutdham, Panchavati,Nashik-422003

Department of Computer Technology
Proposal for Micro-Project Institute Code: 0078
Academic Year: 2021-22 Program: Computer Technology
Course: Computer Graphics Course Code: 22318 Scheme: I
Semester: 3 Class: SY-I /III Date of Proposal: / /
Title of Micro-Project: A good title should reveal a quick picture for the reader of the key
idea(s) of your Micro-Project. The words used in the title should clearly reflect the focus of Micro-
Project proposal. The most important words should come first, then the less important words.

Problem Definition: Write descriptive problem definition (One/Two Paragraph)

A problem statement is a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a condition to be
improved upon or a solution for a problem. It identifies the gap between the current (problem)
state and desired (goal) state of a process or product. The problem statement should be
designed to address the Five W’s (Who, What, When, Where, Why). The first condition of solving
a problem is understanding the problem, which can be done by the way of a problem statement.

1.0 Aim/Objectives/ Benefits of the Micro-Project: ( 3 to5 statements )

Aims are statements of intent. They are usually written in broad terms. They set out what you
hope to achieve at the end of the project. Objectives, should be specific statements that define
measurable outcomes, e.g. what steps will be taken to achieve the desired outcome.

2.0 Course Outcomes addressed (COs):[nnn is course Index , Get course Index from your course teacher]
CO501.1:CO statement
CO501.2:CO statement
COnnn.3:CO statement
COnnn.4:CO statement
COnnn.5:CO statement

3.0 Proposed Methodology:(Procedure in brief in 100 to 200 words)

The methodology explains what you will do and how you will do it. Provide a detailed
description of how the problem statement of Micro-Project will be achieved. Include a detailed
outline of methods used in your analysis, implementation and validation. This section of the
proposal is important and should provide a complete scenario of how the intended work will be

4.0 Action Plan: (Sequence and time required for major activities for 8 Weeks)
Planned Planned Name of Responsible
S. No. Details of activity
Start date Finish date Team Members
1 Searching & finalizing micro project topic 1/9/2021 15/09/2021

Presentation & Viva of micro project 20/12/2021 25/12/2021
5.0Resources Required: (Resources such as Computer/equipment/machine/devices, OS, software, raw material, etc.)
S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks

Name of Team Members:

Enrolment No. Roll No. Name of Students Signature

Date: / / Evaluated by: Signature of Guide: __________________

Name of Guide: _____________________

Note: Print this proposal on back to back page.

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