Star Wars RPG - D6 - Rules Companion

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Introduction 3
New Rules and Revisions
Chapter One: Attributes and SlOlIs
Chapter Two: Movement
Chapter Three: Combat
Chapter Four: Starships
Chapter Five: Star Warriors Conversion
Chapter Six: Droids and Equipment
Chapter Seven: Capital Ship Combat

One: Force Rules
evised Force Powers
ew Force Powers

In that long ago and far away galaxy of inal system. This was necessary in order to
1987, West End Games introduced Star Wars: address the many additional aspects we
The Roleplaying Game. It had the grand wished to deal with in The Rules Companion.
sweep, the excitement, the feel of the won- It is also necessary that you understand
derful movies it was based upon. Your char- that the rules provided here work as an in-
acter could swing across chasms with a tertwining system of their own, relying on,
princess in his arms, try to con a horde of supporting and playing-off of one another.
Imperial guards on the other side of a blast You cannot pick and choose, cafeteria style,
door, dive through a deadly asteroid field the specific rules you prefer from among
with TIE fighters on your tail, run into blaz- those presented here. This simply won't
ing firefights with umpteen Stormtroopers, work. The combat rules are made to work to-
and generally have a good time fighting for gether, as are the rules for movement and at-
freedom and the values of the Old Republic tributes and skills, and each works best
against the evil Empire. when all the rules are combined into a com-
But there were those of you who, while prehensive system.
enjoying the fast-paced action and excite- In addition to this, you should be aware
ment of the game, yearned for more. More that all future published Star Wars: The
detail, more flexibility, more information - Roleplaying Game adventures will be com-
more rules. Rather than ignore the thou- patible with The Star Wars Rules Companion.
sands of letters you sent us, we have come
up with a compromise. Something which we What The Rules Companion Is
feel keeps the qUick tempo and spirit of the The Star Wars Rules Companion is not a
game intact, while at the same time provid- game unto itself. It is designed to be a com-
ing that little extra that so many seem to de- panion book to the original Star Wars: The
sire. And so, with this in mind, we are proud Roleplaying Game system. You must have
to present The Star Wars Rules Companion. the original book in order to use this com-
. Within these pages you will find an inter- panion. From this point on, the two volumes
esting mixture of brand new rules along with of rules will work together to create an excit-
revisions and clarifications of those already ing roleplaying game experience.
in existence. Many of the rules specifically Nothing stays the same. Things grow,
created for our published adventures, as evolve, get better. That's the case with the
well as the entire Rules Upgrade, are includ- Star Wars game system. This companion vol-
ed as well. A wealth of new information for ume is part of the evolving process. It in-
the gamemaster who wants more, all kept cludes revisions, ·clarifications, and totally
within the fast-paced, breathtaking parame- new rules that have been instituted to in-
ters of the classic films upon which the game crease enjoyment of the game and enhance
was based. the movie-like spirit of the original system.
Still, no rules system ever handles every
Using The Rules Companion contingency. That's what gamemastering is all
The rules presented in this book are about - taking the presented rules and ap-
meant to work along with the existing rules plying them fairly to a given situation. The
for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, al- end result is to have fun, and we hope that
though in many cases they may replace or this volume increases your level of fun.
extensively revise whole sections of the orig-

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- N ew Rules and Revisions

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C hapterOne
Attributes and Skills
In Slar Wars: The Roleplaying Game. chap- When you are improving a skill or the die
ter two of the Gamemaster Section intro- code of equipment you round pips up to dice.
duced and defined the concept of attributes So a blaslerskill of 30 increases to 30+1, 30+2,
and skills. This is the framework upon 40. For these purposes. a single die is made
which the game system is developed. The up of three pips (as the average roll of a single
six attributes and numerous skills from the die is a little more than 3, anything higher ef-
original game remain intact. but we have up- fectively gives you another die). Adding 20+ 1
dated and better defined some of the con- to a skill of 10+2 would now make it 40. (The
cepts related to them. 20 and 10 add together to give you 30, while
In this chapter you'll find new information the +1 and +2 pips add up to give you another
on the dice system, difficulty numbers, com- die, increasing the total to 4D.)
bined actions, and uncertainty dice. Any In play, though, multiple pip modifiers
rules that are different from their counter- never round up to dice. A character can roll
parts in the original roleplaying game take 40+6, for example, depending on combined
precedent unless otherwise noted (such as actions and other modifiers. When rolling
the optional uncertainty dice mechanic). actions during the game, never increase
the pips to dice.
Dice and Pips
Slar Wars: The Roleplaying Game mea- Difficulty Numbers
sures everything in units of six-sided dice; The difficulty numbers listed for each
40, 50. etc. For more variation, the game type of task are guidelines, numbers which
further divides the dice codes into pips. the can vary from task to task, even when the
term used to define the colored dots on tasks are similiar. They are not intended to
dice; 40+2. 50+ 1: etc. We use the term to be absolutes. Swinging across a shaft in the
distinguish between modifiers expressed as Oeath Star, one hand on a rope, the other
whole dice and numbers which just modify around a princess. is a Difficult task. So is
Ihe die roll. So, adding two dice to a roll is swinging across a simple mine shaft while
..+20", while increasing the total of the die being pursued by Stormtroopers. But the
roll by two is "+2"or "+2 pips." Oeath Star is the Oeath Star; swinging
For example, if players are told to roll 40, across a mine shaft is a bit easier, although
they must roll four six-sided dice and add it should still be tougher than a Moderate
up the numbers. If they are told to roll 40+2, task. To reflect this subtle sort of distinction
they must roll four six-sided dice and add in the game. the difficulty numbers are pre-
up the numbers, then add "2 pips"to the to- sented as a scale.
tal. So a 40+2 roll with the results 4, I, 3, 1. There are similar scales for combat.
+2 equals a total of II. knowledge, general knowledge, and medpac
When you add or subtract pips, you al- use. The "Difficulty Number Chart" is print-
ways get pips back. For example, if a Rebel ed on the gamemaster's screen included in
spends a Force point on a 50+2 skill he dou- The Slar Wars Campaign Pack.
bles it (according to the Force Point rules)
and rolls 100+4.

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the lead character, or lead firer in combat.

Others involved are simply adding support.
Difficulty Number Scale For every supporting character add one pip
for every full die of skill, attribute, or fire
control the supporting characters have.
Task Description Difficulty Number Then roll once to resolve the combined ac-
Very Easy 3-5 tion.
Easy 6-10
Example: On Kwenn Space Station, Rebel
Moderate 11-15
Erisson Flask comes face to face with three
Difficult 16-20
stormtroopers. The three troopers declare a
Very Difficult 21-30 combined shot at the startled Rebel. One
trooper is chosen as the lead firer (his blaster
skill code is 3D). The others troopers, also
Most tasks can and should be scaled ac- with blaster skills of 3D, add one pip for
cording to circumstances. Medpac difficulty each full die of skill they have for a total of
numbers, for example, are based on the ex- +6. So the lead stormtrooper rolls a com-
tent and severity of the damage. Was a bined 3D+6 to hit the Rebel infiltrator.
Rebel wounded by a single blaster bolt? Use
6 as the difficulty number. Was a Rebel Every combined action counts as one ac-
tion. Reduce the skill or attribute codes of
wounded by a thermal detonator? Slide the
every character involved accordingly, de-
difficulty number toward the upper end of pending on the number of actions declared
the wounded scale, which has a maximum of in a round.
10 (9 is a good number in this instance).
As you can see, the application of difficul- Example: The three Stormtroopers take
ty numbers within a scale is dependent on another crack at Erisson, declaring two com-
the gamemaster's judgment. The exact num- bined shots. Their skill codes are reduced by
bers picked are not crucial, but the consis-
tency of the number selection is.
Gamemasters should not give a medpac dif-
ficulty of 6 for a blaster wound suffered this
combat, and a difficulty of 10 the next.
Player objections are quite likely if
gamemasters are inconsistent with their dif-
ficulty number selection. If you apply the
rules the same way from instance to in-
stance, the players will appreciate the fair-
ness and work with you instead of against
you for a satisfying session.
Until the Rebels in your campaign have
improved a number of skills, set up situa-
tions which involve difficulty numbers that
fall in the lower end of the scale. These
numbers will provide exciting challenges
without frustrating players with impossible
tasks. Reserve the top end of the scale for
exceptional circumstances.
Combined Actions
Two or more characters can combine
their actions for a single round in order to
more effectively accomplish a single task.
To perform a combined action, all charac-
ters involved must declare they are combin-
ing. One of the involved characters must be
chosen to actually perform the action, using
his skill code for the roll. This character is

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===========::::;:STARR.::=========== WARS

I D for taking two actions. The /roopers now standard amount of time for a non-combat
have blaster codes of 2D. So the lead lrooper skill, the maximum number of characters
fires Iwo ShOIS, each combined allack al who may combine on a single action is
2D+4. equal to the highest skill die code of a par-
ticipating character. This is called coordi-
Limitations naling Ihe work. Coordinating the work is an
Reaction skills (such as dodge) may not action in itself.
be combined. Other skills which may not be
combined are beasl riding, repulsorlifJ oper- Example: Erisson and his four compan-
alion, Slarship gunnery (on ships with a sin- ions, each wilh starship repair 3D, need 10
gle weapon), and slarship pi/oling. Slarship replace Ihe negalive power coupling on Iheir
shields may be combined only if a ship has ship. Under normal circumslances (wilh
more than one shield, with an operator for plenJy of lime), Ihey would all be able 10
each one. Stamina skills may not be com- combine on Ihe allempl. Bul because Ihe
bined. Most Perception skills may not be Imperials are hoi on Iheir lai/s, only three
combined, the exceptions being search and can combine (fhe number equal 10 Iheir high-
con. esl starship repair skill). The fourlh Rebel
Some skills may be combined with only can only coordinale Ihe actions of Ihe olher
limited effect or under special conditions. Ihree, because if he coordinaled and worked
For example, mountain climbing, with all the on Ihe ship (fwo actions) his stars hip repair
gear, is certainly a combined action, but die code would drop 10 2D, nol enough 10
scampering over a wall might not be. Use combine Ihree characlers.
your best judgment here, but as a general
Command is the skill used to combine
rule if the assistance of another person
fire. The maximum number of characters
would help accomplish a task, allow a com-
who may combine fire is equal to the com-
bined action.
mand skill of the character who is coordi-
Penalties nating the attack. The commanding charac-
There are limits beyond which combined ter may do other things, such as fire or
efforts do no good, and may even be harm- dodge, but these lower his command die
ful. Nine eager characters cannot get any code by ID for every action beyond the
more information out of a single datapad at first. Taking a command action also allows
one time than one character can. When a the lead firer (the character whose die code
limit is exceeded, the combined action is being used for the attack roll) to be
bonus is lost. As a penalty, subtract three switched should the commander see fit.
pips for each character above the limit in- Example: Before boarding Iheir ship,
volved in the action. Erisson and his four leammales slumble inlo
The combination limits for actions are set a firefighl in Ihe Kwenn docking bay. Wilh a
by the conditions of the action. If the guide- command skill of 4D, Erisson dec/ares he is
lines set in "Time and Coordination" below coordinaling a combined firing allempl. Bul
do not cover a particular task, the because he also chooses 10 fire, Erisson's
gamemaster must set limits using judgment command skill drops 10 3D, allowing only
and common sense. Ihree of Ihe Rebels 10 parlicipale in Ihe com-
The space available and the margin of bined fire. Banks, wilh a 6D blaster skill, is
error for a task are two good indicators (a inilially chosen as Ihe lead firer, bul he is
data-pad is meant to be used by one person wounded before Ihe combined fire allempl.
at a time; more than one would not be a Because he is coordinaling, Erisson is able 10
help). Tasks which require very fine control swilch Ihe lead firer dislinclion 10 anolher
(a low margin of error) are confined in an Rebel.
analogous sense; the less the margin of er-
ror the more difficult it is to keep every- Stormtroopers and Combined Fire
ones' efforts within those boundaries. If a group of stormtroopers can see a tar-
get they may combine fire on it. There is no
Time and Coordination other limit to the number of stormtroopers
If there is ample time to perform an ac-
who may combine fire. Lead firer status is
tion, there is no limit to the number of char- instantly shifted to another firing
acters who may combine to do it. If a skill is stormtrooper if the designated lead firer is
used in combat, or if there is less than the
'. . '.. '. .' . .. .: - . .... " ....0 .

wounded before firing. This is one of the Example: Erisson has an astrogation of
benefits of the sensor/com gear which is 5D, trying to plot a difficulty 13 course
part of every stormtrooper's armor when in- through hyperspace. No problem ... until the
tegrated with the training and eerily well- gamemaster tells him that the hyperspace
meshed mindset of the Imperial stormtrooper. conditions have altered slightly in the region
of destination. He asks Erisson's player to
Uncertainty Dice (Optional Rule) roll three uncertainty dice with the astroga-
If you are the sort of gamemaster who tion check. Erisson rolls eight dice (his nor-
likes to keep his players off balance, judi- mal 5D plus 3D of uncertainty) for a total of
cious use of uncertainty dice can be just the 27. The gamemaster rolls three matching un-
thing for your particular style of play. certainty dice for a total of 13. He subtracts
Uncertainty dice are extra dice rolled in the 13 from the Rebel's roll of 27, making
conjundion with a character's normal skill Erisson's modified roll 14. The astrogation
roll. They add suspense when the players' was successful.
characters are at an important juncture in The gamemaster, however, does not have
an adventure, or when you want to have the to let Erisson know the outcome of the uncer-
players make a qUick decision while still un- tainty roll. Instead he gives a dismayed
sure of their information. shake of his head, looks glumly at the roll.
Uncertainty dice may be applied to any and announces, "Erisson has punched in the
non-combat skill where a character would coordinates. He's pretty sure he compensated
have a reason to be uncertain about the out- for the deviation. As the trip progresses you
come. Two to four uncertainty dice may be approach a charted hyperspace anamoly, but
applied to a skill roll. Tell the player how it seems closer than your projected course in-
many uncertainty dice to add to a skill roll. dicates. Do you want to cut out of hyper-
You roll the same number of dice and sub- space?"
tract them from the player's total. On aver-
age, the dice will cancel out, but the player This moment of uncertainty, provided by
can never be sure of that. As gamemaster, the use of uncertainty dice, puts the sus-
you do not have to tell the player the out- pense back into a system that may be overly
come of the uncertainty roll. It might be familiar to players after many sessions of
more fun to make him sweat a little. play. Should Erisson send his ship back into
realspace? That choice is up to him, but
now he has to make it just on his knowledge
of the story elements - not on the artificial
reading of number-crunched dice.

8. . . ' . .. ..". .. ... .


C hapterTwo
In Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, 2D+ 1 would allow up to three speed actions
movement was divided into walking and to be declared. To travel faster than three
running. We've broken movement down speed actions, the character would have to
even more than this in order to handle addi- declare overspeed actions.
tional situations and game scenarios. A movement action is successful if the
There are times in combat when a charac- moving character rolls equal to or greater
ter wants to move regardless of whether or than the difficulty number, as modified by
not his opponent is moving. There are times speed and other circumstances.
when a character wants to chase another.
The following movement rules are used in
either case, and for these purposes replace Movement Difficulty
the movement rules presented in Star Wars:
L,-_.J To determine the difficulty number of
The Roleplaying Game (including "Chases"
on page 34). a movement action for a creature, vehicle,
or character:
Movement Actions • Find the base speed code.
There are four types of movement ac- • Declare the number of speed actions.
tions: speed actions, for speed up to a char- • Determine the difficulty number as
acter's or vehicle's normal limit; overspeed modified by speed and other
actions, for speed above a character's or ve- circumstances.
hicle's normal limit; maneuver actions, for
trying to outmaneuver an opponent; and
ramming, for forcing an opponent out of a Rolling Movement
chase. A character who takes multiple move- The die code used for rolling a movement
ment actions in a round has his die codes re- action is the operator skill, plus the speed
duced according to the" multiple action code for vehicles and mounted creatures.
penalty. The operator skill does not increase the
When a player declares movement for a speed code, just the movement roll. The op-
character, he must declare all movement ac- erator skill for a character moving under his
tions, including the speed at which the char- own power is his dodge skill for land move-
acter is moving. To declare speed, the player ment, his swimming skill for water move-
states how many speed actions he is taking, ment. Note that even if a character does not
up to a maximum of his character's base declare his maximum speed he still gets to
speed code. The base speed code for a crea- roU all of the speed dice for his creature or
ture is its speed code; for a vehicle it is ei- vehicle. Vehicles built for high speeds can
ther its speed code or sublight code; charac- travel easily at speeds lower than their max-
ter's use Dexterity as their speed code on imum.
land, swimming as their speed code in water.
Pips are rounded up for the purposes of de- Example: Erisson must move across an open
termining how many speed actions can be field to reach cover. His base speed code is
declared. For example, a base speed code of rounded up to 4D (because his Dexterity is

.... "... . - '. ..... .: . .' ~" 9


3D+2). He declares three speed actions. The Any movement faster than a half-speed
difficulty number is 3 for a Very Easy task. movement is considered running or better.
Erisson rolls his dodge skill of 3D+2 (SD+2
minus 2D) to make 3 or better. Overspeed Actions
An overspeed action allows a creature, ve-
Example: Erisson must move his speeder hicle, or character to exceed the normal
bike across an open field to reach safety. The maximum speed.
bike's base speed code is 4D. Erisson de- A successful overspeed action allows the
clares four dice of speed. The difficulty num- creature, vehicle, or character to travel an
ber is 3 for a Very Easy task. Erisson rolls extra speed action for that round only. This
SD+2 (4D speed code plus 4D+2 skill code increases the distance traveled in a round,
minus 3D action penalty). but does not increase the speed code for
A character may choose to go a shorter the movement roll.
distance than the maximum possible for his An overspeeding character is pushing the
final movement action, but must travel the limits to get more speed out of a body or ve-
full distance for other movement actions in hicle than is normally possible.
that round. For example, a character who Each overspeed action declared reduces
runs for two movement actions must run all die codes by 10 and increases the move-
the full 10 meters for his first action, but ment difficulty number by three.
may run less than the full distance for his
second action. A character taking a single Movement Distances Chart
movement action may also move less than
the full movement distance. L,_.J For each die of speed declared, a
character may move the distance given
Partial Movement on the chart below.
For a man or creature, the minimum dis-
tance that can be moved in a full movement Character is using Distance Moved
action is one meter. For a vehicle the mini- the Speed Code of a: (in meters) per
mum distance is the distance of a full move Successful
action of the level below. For example, an Speed Action
AT-AT Walker's minimum distance for a full
move action is 10 meters, the distance of a Character/Creature 10
move action on the character/creature level. AT-AT Walker 100
Speed Actions Repulsorlift Vehicle 250
Speed actions are pure movement, Starfighter/Capital Ship 10,000
whether walking, running, or better. Each de-
clared speed action moves a creature, vehi-
cle, or character a specific number of me- Maneuver Actions
ters (according to the matching scale be- If a character is involved in a chase he
low). may elect to use a maneuver action. A ma-
Speed actions may be combined only in neuver action uses the operator skill plus
circumstances where more than one individ- any applicable maneuver code. If his oppo-
ual is contributing to movement, such as nents do not to take a maneuver action, the
rowing a boat. maneuver automatically succeeds (equiva-
lent to a >2x losers roll result on the
Walking "Maneuver Action Chart" below) when the
Walking is a half-speed movement.
character succeeds in his movement roll.
Characters may take a single half-speed Otherwise the pursued and the pursuers
move without penalty. A walking character make an opposed roll.
can travel up to five meters in a round with- The winner of the opposed roll gets to re-
out using a movement action (for the pur- serve a number of declared speed actions
poses of reducing die codes). for later use, depending on how well he
The following are also examples of half- rolled. These reserved actions can be used
speed moves: Imperial AT-AT Walkers up to to move an equal distance after his oppo-
50 meters per round; a landspeeder up to nent's movement action is complete. The
125 meters per round; starfighters up to winner does not have to reserve the full
5,000 meters. number of declared speed actions for use.
10 '. ; ;: . . . . . . .0: .. ",: · . .-0._·.". -
===========;'TAH.D=========== WARS

If you need to, you can figure how many

IManeuver Action Chart speed actions were taken before the charac-
ter lost control. For every three pips by
which the roll was failed, one speed action
Winners Roll is Reserved Speed Actions was not taken. The first such speed action is
>Ioser's roll I the point at which the character lost con-
>2x loser's roll 2 trol.
>3x loser's roll 3
Example: Erisson dips and guns the throttle
Note the speed actions may be re- on his rickety landspeeder, maneuvering to
served against an opponent's movement avoid the bounty hunters' fire while hoping to
action which has a haste equal to or less outdistance his pursuers. He is full evading,
than the haste of the maneuver action. overspeeding for 3 speed actions, giving him a
difficulty of 14. He has 4D+2 ofrepulsorlift op-
eration, reduced by 3D to ID+2 as he is trying
four actions (two speed actions, evade, over-
A maneuver action assumes ample room speed); the speed code of the landspeeder is
for maneuvering; making sudden changes of 2D, giving the Rebel 3D+2 to make the move-
direction or speed, anything which might ment roll. He only rolls an 11, missing by 3.
fake out your opponent. The gamemaster Erisson loses control of his landspeeder while
may rule that a maneuver action is not pos- traveling the distance covered by his second
sible under conditions which restrict move- speed action.
ment, such as running in a corridor. To regain control after failing a movement
Vehicles add their maneuver codes to the roll, a character must make a successful
operator's skill code when making a maneu- movement roll the next round. The charac-
ver action. The speed code of the vehicle or ter must add +5 to the difficulty number due
creature does not factor into the roll for a
maneuver action.
Ramming Actions Ramming Actions Chart
A character may use a ramming action to
attempt to force an opponent or an oppo-
nent's vehicle out of a chase. If the oppo- Winner's roll is ... Then Loser ...
nents are less than a full movement action
away (defined from the viewpoint of the op- >Ioser's roll adds +5 to movement
ponent declaring the famming action), the difficulty number;
ramming character and target character failed movement roll
make opposed operator skill rolls, adding means loser is
the hull or body strength to the roll. The ef- wounded/heaVily
fect of the ram is based on the comparison damaged
of the opponents.
If the opponents are of a different scale >2x loser's roll adds +10 to
(say snowspeeders and walkers) take the movement difficulty
scale difference into account. Use the number; failed roll
"Damage Scale Chart" to modify the means loser is
ramming action damage rolls. incapacitated/
severely damaged, roll
Failing Movement Rolls collision damage for
Failing a movement roll means a charac- occupants of
ter has lost control over the attempted rammed vehicle; suc-
movement. If he is running he slips, if swim- cessful roll means
ming he flounders. His mount bucks or loser is wounded/
stumbles, his vehicle whirls out of control. If heavily damaged
he collides with anything while out of con-
trol, use the modified "Collision Damage >3x loser's roll loser is mortally
Chart" below. (This chart replaces the wounded/destroyed
"Falling and Collisions Table" in the role-
playing game.)
.' ... . .. .
' . ".... ..' . . '. . 11

to having lost control. This penalty does not

apply if a character has stopped moving due
to a collision or other consequence of hav-
ing lost control.
Movement and Medium
Both creatures and vehicles operate best
in specific environments. Even if it is possi-
ble for a creature or vehicle to move in a dif-
ferent environment, it will not be as fast in
that secondary environment. Reduce the
distance per successful movement action by
one level; if already moving on the charac-
ter/creature scale (the lowest scale), reduce
the distance to two meters per successful
movement action.
For example, a TIE fighter can enter a
planet's atmosphere, but it was designed to
work primarily in space. So each successful
movement action, when in atmosphere,
moves the TIE 250 meters. A human can Typical Movement Difficulties
swim, but moves better on land; each swim- Very Easy Movement: Running over flat
ming action only moves him two meters. ground (artificial surfaces); swimming in
clear, calm water; repulsorlifting over unob-
structed terrain; flying in a straight line
ColliSion Damage Chart through space.
Easy Movement: Running over natural
Speed Actions Damage Dice Km/Hour
for... of Collision Range ground (slightly uneven); swimming through
a coral reef with widely spaced branches; re-
Characters pulsorlifting through a city; flying when
& Creatures there are other directed vehicles in the
m 2D 4-7 vicinity, such as landing at Mos Eisley
2D-3D 3D 8 - 21 Spaceport.
40-70 50 22 -50
80-100 60 51- 70 Moderate Movement: Running over broken
ground or ground with many obstacles; run-
Walkers ning over a sandstone ridge which can col-
m 60 51 - 70 lapse; swimming in constricted spaces; land-
20 7D 71 - 145 speeding or flying while maneuvering to
30 80 146 - 200 avoid enemy fire; landspeeding through a
4D 90 201-360 desert sandstorm.
Difficult Movement: Running in a panicked
Speeders crowd; swimming in violently turbulent wa-
ID 80 146 - 200 ter; racing a speeder bike through the
20 90 201 - 360 forests of Endor while fighting other speed-
3D 100 261-540 er bikes; starfighter combat in space strewn
40 lID 541 - 720 with the debris from exploded starfighters.
50 120 721-900
60 140 901+ Very Difficult Movement: Running through
a section of a starship as it breaks apart into
Starfighters hundreds of pieces and the vacuum of space
m+ 140 901+ tries to suck you into the void; flying
through a dense asteroid field while fighting
enemy ships.

12 .. : - ,"" .. " :~: ."


Chapter Three
Combat Sequence 4. Calculate Damage as Hits Hit. Roll dam-
To provide a faster, simpler combat envi- age and strength dice for all targets hit by
ronment that makes visualization easier, the an attack, and determine the effects accord-
combat sequence has been refined from its ing to the "Damage Summary" chart.
original form (found on page 46 of the role- Note the change in the "Declare Combat
playing game) and from a later version Reaction Skills"segment. While actions are
-(found in the Rules Upgrade). This new se- still declared in order from low dexterity to
quence still divides combat into combat high, reactions are declared high dexterity
rounds. Each combat round is divided into to low. This change was made to give low
four segments. dexterity characters a slightly better chance
Each combat round follows this se- in combat. High dexterity characters still re-
quence: tain a significant edge.
1. Declare Actions and Full Reaction Skills. Actions
Characters declare all actions for thiS com- Actions which must be declared during
bat round - movement, haste, skill or at- the first segment of a combat round are
tribute use, or full dodge or full parry. The movement, skill and attribute use, full reac-
character (PC or NPC) with the lowest tion skills, haste and preparation.
Dexterity code declares actions first, fol-
lowed by the other characters in ascending Haste
order of Dexterity. If a PC has the same Haste actions may be declared in either
Dexterity as an NPC, the NPC must declare the "Declare Actions" or the "Declare
first. Reaction Skills" segments. Hastes declared
in the "Declare Actions" segment are ap-
2. Declare Combat Reaction Skills. plied to all actions. Increased haste may be
Characters declare combat dodges or par- declared in the "Declare Reaction Skills" seg-
ries. Haste for reaction skills, including full ment, but this level of haste applies only to
reactions, may be increased. The character reaction skills. A character may never de-
with the highest Dexterity code declares crease his number of haste actions in the re-
first, followed by the other characters in de- action skill segment, only increase them or
scending order of Dexterity. If a PC has the leave them alone. The total number of haste
same Dexterity as an NPC, the NPC must de- actions taken by a character is the number
clare first. stated in the "Declare Reaction Skills" seg-
3. Roll Actions and Reactions in Order of ment.
Haste. Non-movement actions with the Example: Erisson has decided to use a
same degree of haste are resolved, followed subtle tactic against his Gamorrean foe -
by all movement actions with the same de- shoot him in the tusks. He declares a single
gree of haste. Characters roll skill dice for shot. The Gamorrean declares a haste and a
their actions. The gamemaster determines brawling attack. Looking at the size of those
the to-hit and other difficulty numbers for green, wart covered arms, Erisson decides to
this round. declare a haste and a brawling parry. The
0"' .:e " . .:."• . . . . . " , . 13
=============t:;'TAN.R============ WARS'

Gamorrean's attack and Erisson 's parry have attacker's difficulty number. The defender
the same degree of haste and happen simut- rolls his dodge code, and then chooses the
taneousty. difficulty number of the attack, either his
dodge roll or the original difficulty number.
Optional Haste Rules A combat dodge lowers a character's skill
When actions are given a degree of haste codes by ID as per the multiple action rules.
a character may voluntarily degrade the
haste of some of his actions. He would do Other Rules for Reaction Skills
this in order to sequence his actions. A One reaction skill roll affects all attacks of
Rebel could declare double haste, two the appropriate type directed at the react-
shots, and two speed actions. He further de- ing character for the round. However, a
fines his actions as follows: one speed ac- dodge will not affect an attacker using a
tion at double haste, both shots and the sec- melee weapon. For example, if a character is
ond speed action at single haste. This would being attacked by both blaster and sword in
allow him to run 10 meters around a corner, a single round, he has to melee parry and
squeeze off two blaster bolts, and then run dodge to react to both types of attack.
back around the corner. As all of his actions Both futl dodges and combat dodges must
are reduced by 5D, this is not the sort of tac- be performed at a level of haste which is
tic a beginning character is going to use. But greater than or equal to the degree of haste
more advanced characters will probably of the attack being dodged. Hence, a three-
want to try this sort of thing. haste attack must be countered with a
dodge (or other appropiate reaction skill)
Dodging and with at least three haste actions. Note this
Other Reaction Skills change from the Rules Upgrade which im-
There are two options available when us- plies the opposite.
ing a reaction skill: a futl reaction and a Futl dodges, parries, and evasions are de-
combat reaction. clared during the "Declare Actions and Full
Fut! dodge (or reaction) is similar to the Reaction Skills" segment of combat. A char-
dodge described in the roleplaying game. acter who has declared a full reaction skill
You add the dodge skill roll a character may only take the following actions: haste
makes to the difficulty number of the attack- and movement (including maneuver or
er. A speed action is required for full dodge overs peed actions, but not ramming ac-
(or reaction), but it does not reduce the die tions).
code of evasion. The effects of moving in- A character may increase the degree of
crease the effectiveness of the dodge by ID, haste of a full dodge during the "Declare
which is cancelled by the multiple action Combat Reaction Skills," allowing him to
penalty. Any other movement actions taken counter a hasted fire. This version of reac-
that round are reduced ID by the speed ac- tion skills allows a pilot to evade and still
tion. A futl evasion will affect the skills of try to open or close the distance on his op-
others on board the starship that round - ponents. This is a change from the rules on
especially starship gunnery. See "Evasion" pages 2 and 3 of the Rules Upgrade.
for more information.
A combat dodge (or reaction) allows a Preparation
character to substitute his skill roll for the Preparing an action lets a character in-
crease one skill code by ID on the next com-
bat round. During the round that a charac-
ter prepares, he can do nothing else. In the
next round, he makes his improved skill roll.
Preparation only affects skills which normal-
ly take a round to execute; you could not
prepare computer programming or repair, for
At all times during a game, a character is
either standing or prone. For game purpos-
es standing includes crouching, kneeling, or

14 •
. . . - ...
. '
.... . .....
• • •
. ..-
... .

===========;:;STAR.R=========== WARS

any position in which a character is not ly-

ing down to avoid fire. Prone is deliberately
lying down to avoid fire. A character can fall
prone at any time without penalty. Prone
characters are harder to hit; add +2 when
determining to-hit difficulty numbers.
Rising from prone to standing counts as
an action; reduce all other declared actions
by 1D. Prone characters may move by
crawling, moving two meters per declared
die of speed. Crawling is a movement action.
Stun Attacks and Damage
When blasters are set on stun, or when
characters are attacked by weapons which
are specifically designed to stun, these rules
are used. Note that for blasters these rules
replace "Setting Blasters on Stun" on page
48 of the roleplaying game. Setting a blaster
on stun counts as an action, reducing the
die codes of other actions taken that round
by !D. Also note that weapons set on stun
retain their normal damage codes, but use
the chart below for effect.

5 tun Damage Summary

can take no Dexterity skill actions while im-

DR<SR No Effect mobile. If they have dice remaining in other
DR>=SR 1 Stun attributes, however, they can take those
DR>=2xSR 2 Stun types of actions. For Example, a 3D Stun to-
DR>=3xSR Unconscious tal received in one round would immobilize
a Gambler because his Dexterity is 3D+2.
DR = Damage Roll· SR = Strength Roll
If the number of stuns ever equals or ex-
ceeds a character's basic dice code of
stamina then the character falls uncon-
All die codes (except Strength) are re- scious.
duced by 1D for each stun result. For exam-
ple, a "I Stun" result reduces die codes by Escaping Unscathed
!D, a "2 Stun" result reduces all die codes by If two times the damage roll is less than
2D. Stun lasts for the rest of the round dur- the Strength roll (2xDR < SR) there is no ef-
ing which a character was stunned, and for fect. The target is not stunned. (For purpos-
the following round. es of starship combat, there is no ionization
Stun damage is cumulative. Taking three or shield loss.) This rule is inferred from the
"I Stun" results in a round reduces all die "Rules: Ships and Personal Combat" section
codes by 3D. A character taking two "I on page 65 of the roleplaying game and now
Stun" results in combat round six and a "2 applies to all combat.
Stun" result in combat round seven would Grenades and Thermal Detonators
lose 4D from all actions for the rest of round To determine the distance scattered (in
seven. meters), roll !D at short range, 2D at medi-
If the number of stuns taken in one round um range, and 3D at long range.
ever equals or exceeds a character's basic
dice code of Dexterity (not including pips), Surprise
then that character is immobile. Immobile Surprise gives a character two free haste
characters are not unconscious, but they actions for the combat round. These actions
do not lower any of his die codes.

, •• '. .: • ' . . • '0 .' : ~. • : • •

===========::;:'TA,ICoR=========== WARS

Medpacs Twin-Pod Cloud Car is rated a 10+2 damage,

Medpacs may be used more than once a making it a light speeder-mounted weapon.
day. Each medpac used beyond the first has
less chance of being effective, due to nega-
tive synergy of the drugs and diagnostics amage Summary
programmed with the assumption that only D
(Personal Combat)
one medpac is being used. Each medpac
beyond the first in a day increases the diffi- Stun Damage Other
culty number by three. 2xOR < SR no effect no effect
OR<SR no effect Stun -10
Ranges for Additional Weapons OR> = SR -10 wound
The chart below lists ranges in meters for OR >= 2xSR 20 incapacitate
weapon types not specified in the roleplay- OR>= 3xSR unconscious mortal
ing game. The die codes in parentheses are wound
the damage dice of the average weapons in
that category. For instance, the double
blaster cannon on a Bespin Motors Storm IV

A dditional Weapons Chart

Speeder Range in Meters

Mounted Short Medium Long
Light (1-20+) 50-300 301-500 501-1,000
Medium (3040+) 50-300 301-800 801-1,500
Heavy (50+) 50-400 401-900 901-2,000
Light (1D-2d+) 10-500 501-2,000 2,001-10,000
Medium (3040+) 20-600 601-3,000 3,001-16,000
Heavy (50+) 50-600 601-5,000 5,001-25,000
Blaster 200-10,000 10,001-20,000 20,001-35,000
Missiles 250-4,000 4,001-17,000 17,001-30,000
Laser Cannon 200-5,000 5,001-25,000 25,001-50,000
Ion Cannon 5-5,000 5,001-15,000 15,001-75,000
Proton Torpedos 500-15,000
Capital Ship
Missiles 3,000-25,000 25,001-60,500 60,001-125,000
Turbolaser 5,000-30,000 30,001-70,000 70,001-150,000
Ion Cannon 2,000-20,000 20,001-50,000 50,001-100,000
Tractor Beam 1,000-10,000 10,001-30,000 30,001-60,000

16 • • -" '.~: • • . : .0 ".. • :.


C hepter Four
Astrogation 3. Roll Actions and Reactions in Order of
The "Astrogation Gazetteer" and Haste. Non-movement actions and reactions
"Astrogation Chart" provided in the role- with the same degree of haste are resolved,
playing game and on the gamemaster screen followed by all movement actions with that
are slightly incorrect. The charts should list same degree of haste. Characters roll skill
the time in hours, not days. The numbers do dice for their actions. The gamemaster de-
not change at all, but each number repre- termines the to-hit and other difficulty num-
sents one hour not one day. bers for this combat round.
The difficulty numbers are increased by 4. Calculate Damage as Attacks Occur. Roll
one for each hour saved, and decreased by damage, hull or strength dice for all targets
one for every extra hour the journey takes. hit by an attack, and determine the effects
All hyperspace journeys take at least one according to the "Damage Summary" chart.
hour. A trip's duration cannot be reduced to Note the change in the "Declare Combat
Jess than one hour. Reaction Skills"segment. While actions are
Starship Combat Sequence still declared in order ftom low Dexterity to
The "Starship Combat Sequence" is es- high, reactions are declared high Dexterity
sentially the same as the normal "Combat to low. This helps keep characters with low
Sequence" presented in chapter three of Dexterity codes from getting blown into
this book. Each round is divided into four glowing debris so easily, although charac-
segments. Each starship combat round now ters with high Dexterity codes still retain an
follows this sequence: edge.
1. Declare Actions and Full Reaction Skills. Evasion
Characters declare all actions for this com- Full evasion is the evasion described in
bat round (movement, haste, skill, attribute the roleplaying game. A pilot who chooses
use, or full dodge evasion). The character full evasion may only choose haste or move-
(pC or NPC) with the lowest Dexterity code ment actions in addition to the full evasion.
declares actions first, followed by other A speed action is required for full evasion,
characters in ascending order of Dexterity. If but it does not reduce the die code of the
a PC has the same Dexterity code as an NPC, evasion; the effects of moving increase the
the NPC must declare first. effectiveness of the evade by 10, which is
2. Declare Combat Reaction Skills. cancelled by the multiple action penalty.
Characters declare combat evasions, or oth- All other movement actions are reduced
er reaction skills, including shielding. Haste by 10 for the speed action. When a pilot is
for reaction skills, including full reactions, full evading he is desperately trying to avoid
may be increased. The character with the enemy fire. His efforts make it considerably
highest Dexterity code declares first, fol- more difficult to hit his ship. Such a wildly
lowed by other characters in descending or- gyrating, unpredictable flight path also
der of Dexterity. 11 a PC has the same makes it more difficult for any gunners on
Dexterity code as an NPC, the NPC must de- the evading ship to hit other ships; add the
clare first. evasion roll to the difficulty number to hit
. ~" .. ' " . ..... . . ~ .. : .. ' . .. .,: ... '. : . 17
===========:::::;:'TARK.:=========== WARS'

roll 34 or better, they hit the ship while

avoiding the shields; only the hull dice are
rolled to resist damage.
Starship Damage
The description of ship ionization (page
63 of the roleplaying game book) is modified
as follows.
If shields were not successfully used, or
the ship has no shields, or all shields are
blown, when a ship is lightly damaged its
controls are ionized. All ship codes, except
hull (see "Chapter Seven: Capital Ship
Combat"), are reduced by 10 for the rest of
this round and the next combat round. The
ship and crew may take actions with the de-
creased die codes; they do not have to for-
feit a round. The ship recovers from ioniza-
enemy ships. Any other action aboard an tion at the end of the next combat round.
evading vessel has its difficulty number in- If ionization results from an ion cannon
creased by +5 (or the evasion roll, whichev- attack, see the "Damage Summary Chart" to
er is less) due to the violent, erratic motion determine the die code penalty for that level
of the vessel. Any shielding rolls are de- of ionization. The ionization lasts for the
creased by 5 (or the evasion roll, whichever rest of the round during which the ship was
is less). ionized, and the following round.
Combat evasion functions exactly as a Ion Cannons and Damage
combat dodge. The pilot may choose to sub- Ion cannons do not cause direct physical
stitute his skill and maneuver roll for the at- damage. High-energy ionized particles cause
tacker's difficulty number. A combat evasion tremendous signal and power fluctuations
has no effect on the fire of gunners aboard aboard target vessels. Ion cannons disrupt
the evading ship, nor any other action the sophisticated electronics of starships,
aboard the vessel. causing ionization damage only. Ion cannons
Shielding are specifically designed to penetrate
Shielding is a reaction skill, declared dur- shields. Ionization damaged is rolled against
ing the "Declare Combat Reaction Skill" seg- the hull code; shields do not add any pro-
ment of the starship combat sequence. tection to the target vessel.
Shield attempts are made in order of haste. Missiles and Torpedoes
The starship shields roll is added to the diffi- A change from page 64 of the roleplaying
culty number of the attacker. This sum is game concerning missiles and torpedoes is
called the shield number. If the attacker rolls as follows.
above the difficulty number to hit, but less When missiles or torpedoes are fired at
than the shield number, he hits the ship. In an enemy ship, the difficulty number is in-
this instance the shield dice are added to creased by 10 for every speed action the
the hull dice when calculating damage. target ship is taking. This bonus does not
Example: Erisson, piloting the Silver Bolt, count as a skill use, and so the enemy pilot
rolls an 18 for a combat evasion against TIE suffers no penalty to other actions.
fighters at short range, choosing that number Tractor Beams
instead of the difficulty number of 6. The co- Tractor beams are now given a die code
pilot, Polke, operating the shields, rolls a 16. for the Strength of the beam. Breaking free of
The shield number is 34 (Erisson's 18 plus a tractor beam is an opposed roll, the sub-
Polke's 16). If the TIE fighter pilots roll a 17 light speed code of the trapped ship against
or less they miss the Silver Bolt. If they roll the Strength of the beam.
18 through 33 they hit the ship, but the
shields help protect the hull. If the TIE pilots

18 • • • • ' . . . . . . : " • :'. • •• '... . : . 0' '~".. • • • ••

===========:;'TAICoR=========== WARS

If the sublight roll is larger than the roll

for the beam's strength, the trapped ship Damage Summary
breaks free of the beam. For each successful '--r------' (Starship Combat)
overspeed action taken by the trapped ship
(see "Chapter Two: Movement") the roll to
overcome the tractor beam is increased by Ion Cannons Other
!D. This bonus applies to the opposed roll Attacks
only; it does not increase the sublight code
for the movement check on the overspeed 2xDR<SR na na
When two ships are connected by tractor DR<SR lose generator lightly damaged
beams and one ship is much larger than the (lose shield generator or ionized -JD)
other, then the smaller ship travels in the
same direction as the larger ship. An escort DR>SR -!D ionization heavily damaged
frigate might successfully tractor beam an
Imperial Star Destroyer, but the Star DR>2xSR -2D ionization severely damaged
Destroyer's mass is large enough to drag the
frigate with it. The Star Destroyer cannot DR>3xSR dead controls destroyed
leave the frigate behind without first break-
ing the tractor beam. Aship with dead controls can do nothing
When capital ships attempt to capture for one round, it is dead in space. The next
ships on the starfighter scale, use the scal- round it is ionized at -3D.
ing charts to determine the outcome.
Other Vehicles Improving Ships
The starship combat sequence is used Ship improvement is now included in the
whenever the combatants are in vehicles. A procedure for improving any sort of equip-
speeder bike chase uses the same sequence ment with die codes. (See chapter six.)
as a dog-fight between starfighters, for ex-

. . . . .... . '.' . . .' '" . ..... . . .'. . 19

20 . .' : '. '. . ... .. . .. ... ..

Example: A bounty hunter is shooting at a

speeder, the crew of which is firing back with
the speeder's weapons. On the "To Hit" table,
cross indexing the character scale with the
5 cale Chart: Damage

speeder scale gives a result of 6 - the die Targef Scale

cap for the bounty hunter. All of his rolls can Die Code Char. Spd. Wlk. Sfar. Cap. Death
therefore contribute to his total (because 6 is Scale
as high as a D6 goes).
Cross indexing the speeder scale with the Character 6 3 2 2
character scale gives a 5; so therefore the & Creature
crew has a die cap of 5 when shooting at the
bounty hunter. Speeder 6 6 5 5 4
The damage table is used for both the
damage roll and the strength (or hull, or Walker 6 6 6 6 5
body) roll. So if the bounty hunter above is
actually hit by a speeder scale weapon, his Starfighter 6 6 6 6 5
Istrength roll to resist the damage would have
la die cap of 3. Capital Ship 6 6 6 6 6 1
A "-" result on a table means the action
Death Star 6 6 6 6 6 6
is not possible for the scale die code against
the target die code. The Death Star cannot
target its main weapon on an individual
character, for example. It simply has to blow
up the planet on which the character is
standing. A starfighter would be too fast for
its powerful but ponderous weapon to tar-
lget as well, but it might be able to fire the
massive beam into a swarming cloud of
fighters in the hopes of catching some of the
tiny ships in its destructive wake.

.' : '.. :. . . . ..." . .: " ...-. ... .., .. , . .' 21


Chapter Five
StorWarriors Conversion
Many of you who use the Star Warriors What Converts to What
starfighter combat game to resolve starship The conversion system assumes that die
combat in the roleplaying game have asked codes from the roleplaying game match up
for a conversion system between the two in some way with the Star Warriors game val-
games. The system outlined here is based ues - that particular roleplaying die codes
on an analysis of the statistics in Star correspond with certain statistics from the
Warriors and the ship die codes in the role- boardgame. The "Conversion Chart" on the
playing game. following page summarizes the relation-
This conversion system allows you to ships.
take a ship with roleplaying game statistics
and convert it into a ship with Star Warriors To convert a ship with roleplaying game
codes. statistics to Star Warriors, find the appropri-
The tables below are the best possible fit ate die code on the chart and cross index
for the data which makes sense for each the code with the ship value for Star
game. Some values for existing ships may be Warriors.
slightly off, but all future ship stats we pro-
vide will work perfectly with the conversion
system. Damage Codes

RPG to Star Warriors Conversion Charts Weapon

D ie Code Conversion
RPG Die Codes for ...
Hull Shields Man. Sublight
Match Bo Y Shields iJ!f2ooog Speed Max
SWR Angle Slip . Overspeed
Codes StaBilizer 011 Accelerate
of ... - ~fulli Overaccel I;;",,,-,,,,~y
Baill<i Decelerate
@.ieFtUrri Overdecel
The RPG weapon's damage codes correspond to the Star
Warriors gun power at a range of 1. Subtract the old gun
power from the new, then add the difference to gunnery
power of the ship's weapon at all ranges.

22 • ..' . II . . 0":: • • ..•. '.' . ' . . ...'

============;:ST'APR.:=========== WARS

Example: The Silver Bolt has a sublight

code of 4D+ 1. The vessel therefore has a Star
Warriors maximum speed of 7, an overspeed 5 peed Codes
of 4, an accelerate of 2, an overaccelerate of 7,
a decelerate of 3, and an overdecelerate of 8. Star Warriors Equivalent
Modifying Existing
Star Warriors Ships
Players often want to modify existing
ships in the roleplaying game, and the
gamemaster is then faced with the consider-
able challenge of finding the appropriate
number codes for Star Warriors. Converting
such ships is a two step process. First, use
the charts above to determine the base
characteristics from the die codes. Then,
modify the characteristics by the amount
listed under the appropriate ship or ship
type on the "Offset Charts" found on the fol-
lOWing pages. Add the offset number to the
charcteristic. Adding negative numbers is
the same as subtraction.
Example: Rekeene's Roughnecks decide
to modify The Long Shot, increasing its
sublight code from 3D to 3D+2. Using the
''Speed Codes" chart above, the gamemaster
gets the following codes:
Speed Max: 6
Overspeed: 5
Accelerate: 3
Over Acce!.: 8
Decelerate: 3
Over Dece!.: 9
and from the "Offset Chart" of The Long Shot: 1

Speed Max: 2
Overspeed: 2
Accelerate: 2
Over Acce!.: -I
Decelerate: 4
Over Dece!.: 4
He then adds the two together to get the
current Star Warriors statistics for the modi-
fied Long Shot.
Base Code + Offset = Current
Speed Max: 6 2 8
Overspeed: 5 2 7
Accelerate: 3 2 5
Over Acce!.: 8 -1 7
Decelerate: 3 4 7
Over Dece!.: 9 4 13

0" • • • ." 0
• '. •• • •• • •••••• • • • • : • •


F ire Control M aneuver Codes

Fire Control Star Warriors Equivalent Maneuver Star Warriors Equivalent
Die Code Pinpoint Snap Targeting Gunnery Die Code
FIre 1/2 L Slip Roll Jink Bank O-tnrn
7, Ir-O
0 7, \8 '11'l ;{ 't -lfj 5 't
+1 7- 7 8 17 +1 'l, 4 6 ,5 4
+2 7 • 6 8 :E_ 16 +2 6 4 6 5 4 12
1 6 6 7 16 1 6 4 5 5 4 12
+1 6 6 7 16 +1 6 4 5 5 4 II
+2 5 5 6 15 +2 6 4 5 4 3 II
2 5 5 6 15 -2==-S 4 ~4- 4 3 10
+1 5 4 5 15 +1 5 3 4 4 3 JO
+2 4 4 5 14 +2 5 3 4 3 3 ..';9
3 4 3 4 14 3 5 3 4 3 2 9
+1 4 3 4 13 +1 4 3 3 3 2 8
+2 3 3 3 13 +2 4 3 3 2 2 8
4 3 2 3 12- "4 4 3 3 2 11 7
+1 3 2 2 12 +1 it 3 2 2 1 'l,
1~+2 2 2 2 11 +2 - ii- 3 2 2 1 .'6
5 2 2 1 11 5 3 3 2 1 1 6
+1 2 1 1 11 +1 3 2 2 1 1 5
+2 1 1 1 10 +2 3 2 1 1 1 5
6 1 1 1 . 10 6 2 2 1~ 1 1 ii' -
+1 1 1 1 9 _"+1 2 2 1 1 1 it
+Z 1 1 1 9 - +2-. 2 2 1 -1 1 T
7 1 1 1 8 7 2 2 1 1 1 3
+1 I 1 I 8 +1 2 2 1 1 1 2
+2 1 1 1 7 +2 1 I 1 1 1 2
8 1 1 1 7 8 1 1 .1 1 1 1
+1 1 1 1 6 +1 1 1 1 1 1 -
.-t. 2 1 1 1 6 +2 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 1 I I 6 9 1 1 1 1 1 1
+1 I 1 I 5 +1 1 1 1 I I 1
--.±2 I 1 I 5 +2 1 1 1 1 I I
-.10 I I 1 4 10 1 1 1 1 1 1

24 . '. . . . .-. . :.. . . ': . '. .


bbreviations for Offset Chart
(see pages 26-27)
TIE Int: TIE Interceptor
TIE/In: TIE fighter, line model; the TIE
fighter of Star Warriors
TIE Bomb: TIE Bomber
V-wing (recon): V-wing as given in Star
Warriors and The Star Wars Sourcebook
V-wing: V-wing as given in this book
X-wing: X-wing starfighter
A-wing: A-wing starfighter
B-wing: B-wing starfighter
B-wing (2 Man): Two man B-wing starfight-
er as described in Strike Force: Shantipole
Z-95t: Z-95 as modified by Adar Tallon in
Tatooine Manhunt adventure
Stock LF: Stock Light Freighter as given in
Star Warriors, which differs from the RPG
stock light freighter by haVing ID of
shields, as the Star Warriors version is
specifically built for combat
Falcon: Millennium Falcon
Long Shot: Modified Lantillian deluxe
short hauler introduced in the Star Wars
Campaign Pack
Alabak: Alabak's Gold, a modified
Calamari jump freighter listed in Tatooine
Manhunt adventure
Outrunner: Rebel modified light freighter
from Strike Force: Shantipole adventure

~'.: .. ' ..... " ;., ,., ....•.......... : 25

===========:::::;:'I'A,RR=========== ===========::::;:'I'ARR===========

Offset Chart
TIE Int TIEjIn Y-wing X-wing A-wing B-wing B-wing Z-95t Stock LF Falcon Long Shot Alabak Outrunner
(2 man)

Gunnery Value
Gun Power

26 .~ .' ." . '". . " .. ., . . '. .' . ".. . .' . . . '.. . .. 27

===========::::::;:'TAP",============ WARS

Chapter Six
Droids and Equipment
Aliens numbers. Part of the name is its model num-
The Star Wars Sourcebook provides many ber (R2, 3PO), and part is an identifier.
templates for non-player character aliens. • Choose the skills and attributes you want
The rules accompanying them instruct you your Droid to have. Build the Droid accord-
to add 6D to the given statistics in order to ing to the rules listed below.
create a player character alien. Add this fur-
1. All Oroids have base attributes of 10.
ther adjustment to that rule: Of the 6D
added to create an alien player character, These may be increased by spending a
I D must be added to each of the six at- Droid's initial allocation of building dice
tributes. This way, for example, your players (see below).
cannot create Ewok PCs with 8D Strengths. 2. Non-player character Droids receive 35D
Whenever you want to create new tem- of building dice to allocate to skills, equip-
plates, whether aliens or humans, remem- ment and attribute codes. Player character
ber these simple rules. Non-player charac- Droids receive 650 of building dice.
ters have a total of 12D distributed among 3. Increasing an attribute costs 5D of build-
their attributes; player characters have a to- ing dice per ID of attribute increased. For
tal of 18D. example, to increase Dexterity from 10 to 3D
would cost 10D of building dice.
Droids are intelligent machines capable of 4. Speed codes may be purchased in excess
independent thought and (usually) locomo- of the Droid's Dexterity. Each ID increase
tion. Droids are wholly manufactured from costs 3D of building dice. Armor may also
inorganic materials, which differentiates be added to a Droid; each ID of armor costs
them from other constructed or enhanced 3D of building dice.
life forms. This technical definition is some- 5. Equipment may be purchased at a cost of
times weakened in popular usage. Droids 10 of building dice per item or tool. Possible
are programmed with huge stores of special- tools include: method of locomotion, elec-
ized knowledge and algorithms, and have tric arc welder, buzz saw, seismic sensors,
customized servos and circuitry devoted to photoreceptors, tactile surfaces, olfactory
their skills. They are designed for specific sensors, autochef, macrobinoculars (only if
tasks at which they are very good, but few the Droid already has some form of vision,
Droids are nearly as good at a wide range of such as photoreceptors), trash compactor,
tasks as are organic beings. fire extinguisher, comlink, radar, sonar,
Creating Your Own Droids barometer, spectrometer, IDS data-connect
You can create your own Droids following for standard computer ports, audio mem-
thiS procedure: branes (for hearing), or speakers. Security
and war Droids may be eqUipped with
• Decide what the Oroid looks like and what blasters or other weaponry. The gamemas-
it is equipped with. ter will determine if other types of tools are
• Decide on a name. Droids of human manu- appropriate. If a piece of equipment has
facture have names consisting of letters and more than one function, or has features

28 ,.;. ." : : .
===========;:STAKoR=========== WARS'

which are unusual or supplementary to the Height: 1.7 meters Weight: 50 kilograms
main purpose, the cost may be increased by Equipped with:
1D per feature. • Two legs.
6. Remaining building dice may be allocated • Two arms.
to skills, just as dice are allocated when cus- • Two video sensors.
tomizing character templates. Allocating 2D • Broad-band antenna receiver.
of building dice increases a skill by 2D. • Vocabulator speech/sound system capa-
Droids may not purchase Force skills. Current ble of providing an extraordinarily wide
limits of Droid technology do not allow range of sounds.
skills higher than 13D in any individual Note: The legs count as a single method
Droid. There are rumors that Imperial tech- of locomotion, while each arm costs ID, as
nology is pushing this limit, but these re- does each video sensor.
ports have not been confirmed.
Improving and Adding Droid Skills
Droid Descriptions Droid skills are improved through the use
R2 Astromech Droid of skill points, just as any other character's
DEX 1D PER 10 skills are improved. New skills may be
Speed Code 2D added through skill point expenditure and a
KN010 STR 1D (+10 Armor) cost of 1,000 credits for chipburns, new soft-
Binary Language 3D ware, and attachments.
MEC 1D TEC2D Droids and The Force
Computer Prog. & Droids may never have Force skills. Some
Repair 7D Droids, especially those which have not had
Starship Repair 7D their memories Wiped for a long time, per-
Height: I meter Weight: 50 kilograms ceive themselves to be liVing beings. A frac-
Equipped With: tion of these Droids have heard of the Force
• Two wheeled legs, plus retractable third and believe in its power; such Droids may
leg. use Force points even though Force skills
• Two arms, both normally retracted and are prohibited to them.
kept inside compartments in the body. One
is a heavy grasper, the other is used for fine Player character Droids, with skills indi-
work. cating greater than usual experience and
• One video sensor which can be extended with service in the Alliance, are among
almost a meter from the main body. these rare Droids. All player character
• Small arc welder, normally used in star- Droids begin with one Force point.
ship repair, but can be used in emergency Character Equipment
for defense. Customizing and improving personal
• Small buzz saw, also used in starship re- equipment takes time, credits, know-how,
pair. and skill points. The time per pip and credit
• Video screen for display of data. Can also cost per skill point spent on improving
project data as a holographic image. equipment is tied to the scale of the piece of
• High pitch acoustic signaller (sound cod- equipment being modified, as summarized
ed for Binary). in the table below. These costs include parts
• One small fire extinguisher. and labor, and may be higher if specialized
Note: The extension on the video sensor labor or intricate parts are rare.
costs an additional ID as a special feature, The cost in skill points of increasing a die
as does the holographic option on the video code for a piece of equipment is determined
screen. in the same way as for characters' skills. For
3PO Human.cyborg Relations Droid example, increasing a blaster pistol's dam-
DEX2D PER2D age code from 4D to 4D+ I costs four skill
KN02D STRID points. Improving skills which have OD
Alien Races 4D codes costs one skill point per pip.
Cultures 4D Skill points must be expended per die
Languages IOD code improved. If a ship mounts multiple
Planetary Systems 3D weapons, each damage and fire control die
MEC 10 TEC 10 code must be improved separately.
.' '.:' . .' . . '. . . . . . . . .' . . ~. . . 29

to overcome this penalty. Dexterity enhance-

ments may not be purchased other than to
EquiPment Improvement overcome the Dexterity penalty in this fash-
ion. As an additive enhancement it costs
Time per Credits per three more skill points per pip than normal.
Scale Pip Improvement Skill Point
Example: +1D armor is improved to
+ID+2; the Dexterity penalty is also erased
through enhancements. The cost of the armor
Character I day 10
would be 16 skill points ([1+3]+f1+3] for ar-
& Creature
mor, [1+3]+[1+3] for Dexterity).
Speeder 3 days 100
Walker 3 days 500 A character improving a ship can alter its
hyperdrive multiplier. Changing a multiplier
Starfighter I week 500
from "x4" to "x3" costs five skill points, "x3"
Capital Ship I month 1,000,000 to "x2" costs I 0 skill points, "x2" to "xl"
costs 20 skill points; changing it from "xl" to
Death Star 2 months 1,000,000,000
"xlj2" costs 40 points.
Adding Weapons to Equipment
An owner can add more weapons to his
Die codes which are added to a charac- ship, speeder or personal armor. A weapon
ter's skill or attribute code cost three more with 10 fire control and 10 damage costs
skill points per pip than equipment die nine skill points. A weapon may be pur-
codes which stand alone or are substituted chased rather than added through skill
for skill or attribute use. The speed codes, points; in addition to the purchase price of
fire control codes, maneuver codes, shield- the weapon it costs ISO credits to install a
ing, and armor (Strength and Dexterity, see weapon in armor (or other character scale
below) are attribute enhancing die codes piece of equipment), 1500 credits to put one
which may be increased. For example, in- into a speeder scale piece of machinery,
creasing +10 armor to 10+ I costs four (i +3) 6,000 credits to install a new weapon system
skill points. in a starfighter scale ship, 10,000,000 credits
Armor for a capital ship.
Every pip of increase in armor decreases Installing a new weapon system is quite
Dexterity by the same amount. If armor has tricky as vessels and other devices are
been improved by +2, then the wearer suffers rarely built with room for additional
a two pip decrease in Dexterity. Armor may weaponry. An owner may install a pur-
be purchased with Dexterity enhancements chased weapon by spending nine skill
Ownership and Improvement
Equipment may be owned by more than
one person. Each owner may make improve-
ments to the equipment, but a single im-
provement must be made by a single charac-
ter. This includes making the technology roll
mentioned below.
Technology and
Improving Equipment
Star Wars technology is highly specialized
and advanced. Small improvements are pos-
sible with almost any piece of equipment,
but large improvements are difficult. Large
improvements indicate revolutionary rather
than evolutionary design technologies.
To improve equipment requires that the
character doing the improving (I.e. spending

30 .. .
. . .' .. '
. '. .
===========:::::;:rrA'IiIoR=========== WARS

the skill points) make a technology roll after Han Solo. The Rebel can attempt to con his
the points are spent. If the roll is successful way out of any resulting situations, or other-
the improvement actually works; otherwise wise extricate himself as necessary.
the skill points have been wasted (although
the equipment will work as it did before the Equipment Descriptions
unsuccessful tinkering). While it would take more than a single
The first pip of improvement on a die volume to describe all the equipment in the
code requires a Very Easy technology roll. Star Wars galaxy, there are certain items that
The second is Easy, the third Moderate, the continually seem to confuse players and
fourth Difficult, and the fifth and all subse- gamemasters alike. These particular items
quent pips are Very Difficult. are explained here.
Example: Erisson ~ blaster has been modi- Macrobinoculars
fied from 4D to 5D damage. He now wants to Macrobinoculars are light intensifier
modify it to 5D+ 1. This is the fourth pip of im- viewers with primitive yet rugged image-en-
provement, so a Difficult technology roll is hancing chips for magnification, ranging,
needed after the five skill points and 50 cred- and targeting information. They provide
its have been paid. zoom capability for viewing far away images
and line-of-sight sensors for determining dis-
NPCs and Equipment Improvement tance.
If players want non-player characters to
improve their equipment for them, double Pocket Computers
the credit cost (except for capital ships and An average pocket computer (or data-
Death Star size projects, which assume hun- pad) has a keyboard/memory unit, comput-
dreds to millions of NPCs on the project to er probe, and a touch-sensitive screen/scan-
begin With). Remember that standard spe- ner. The screen can process only images
cialists have 4D in their specialty, so NPCs within a few centimeters of the unit.
with more than 4D technology will be rare Computing power and memory are suffi-
and should be special elements in your cam- cient to store several thousand volumes
paign rather than generally available in any worth of information, retrieving any existing
spaceport. data in less than a second. Datapads can al-
so serve as interfaces for larger computer
Equipment Availability banks.
The Star Wars Sourcebook gives equip-
ment aVailability codes for items that can be Recording Rods
purchased throughout the galaxy. The fol- Recording rods are audio recorders with
lowing are modifications to the original laminate-cylinder storage, enough for 100
codes. hours of recording.
Equipment which has an availability of Space Suits
"F" requires some sort of fee or permit in or- Emergency space suits are not built to
der to purchase it. The standard fee is five stand extensive exposure. They begin to
percent of the purchase or use price, al- leak after 72 hours of use. For game purpos-
though fees as ·Iow as one percent and as es, such leaks are treated as a wound to the
Ihigh as 15 percent are known.
occupant. After 120 hours emergency suits
I Availability "R" means the items in ques- no longer have significant pressurization ef-
tion are restricted. The Empire or local au- fects and the occupant dies.
thorities stringently license such equip- Utility space suits last for hundreds of
ment. Such licenses average 10 percent of hours of exposure without loss of pressur-
the purchase or use price, some as low as ization or breakdown of radiation protec-
five percent and some as high as 100 per- tion. High quality space suits last about the
cent. Licenses usually require a background same amount of time, but they can instantly
check. A non-player character specialist seal far larger ruptures than can utility suits.
who makes a Difficult bureaucracy or com- Utility suits leak when the occupant is
puter programming roll turns up any avail- wounded by a sharp melee. projectile.
able information on the player character re- blaster or other attack which can puncture
questing the license. The roll is Moderate if the suit, giving the occupant an additional
the Rebel has achieved a touch of infamy, wound. High quality space suits will not leak
land is Easy if the Rebel is as well known as until the occupant takes a mortal wound.
: .' .. . . ' .. '. . .. .. .'. . . 31
===========:::;:'TA.K.P=========== WARS

comes in 15 meter coils and is extremely

light, making carry easier.
Glow Rod
A glow rod is a small tube-like item, about
the size of a computer screen stylus, that
casts an intense and concentrated beam of
light in a given direction. These items pro-
vide limited illumination for about 50 hours
before its power cell must be replaced.
Chronometers corne in all sizes, from
those small enough to wear on the wrist or
install on the control panel of a starship to
those large, free-standing models used more
as dwelling decorations than for practical
purposes. These time keeping devices are
usually set for a particular planet, with a du-
al setting that keeps Galactic Standard time.
Breath Masks
In near-vacuum conditions, characters
can survive for limited amounts of time with
Syntherope breath masks. Breath masks provide life-sus-
Syntherope is a powerful coil of rope that taining gases through a cup that fits snuggly
is highly impervious to damage. It has a over the wearer's mouth and nose. These de-
standard strength of 3D that holds up vices do not offer protection from the cold,
through incapacitating damage. Syntherope and do not allow survival in hard vacuum.

32 . '. .' . ' . . . .. .. .. "... .


C hepfer Seven
Capital Ship Combat
Introduction and crew. G'hengle, would you be so kind as
The Rebel fleet, a motley assemblage of to open up an Imperial channel. With Parlan
outdated cruisers and frigates, shimmered in gone, I will be fighting Westen. I would like
from hyperspace at the rendezvous point. him to know who he is facing ... "
Scanner techs immediately confirmed the
greatest fears of Alliance intelligence; three
Capital ship combat is combat on a grand
Imperial Star Destroyers were suspended in
scale. It is not the dog-fights that the small
orbit over Heterkus, obliterating Rebel one- and two-man starfighters regularly en-
gage in. It is war between spacefaring cities
strongholds and cities suspected of support-
ing the Rebellion.
and the outcome of such conflicts could re-
Billowing swarms of TIE fighters exploded
sult in thousands of deaths.
from the huge warships in reaction to the ap-
These combat starships measure over 100
meters, require large crews to operate, use
pearance of the Rebels. Alliance A-wings and
X-wings broke off to intercept. Long range fire
massive power cells and generators, and are
from a battery of turbolasers rocked an heavily armed and armored.
Alliance corvette, banks of stabilizers dying Prior to these new rules, capital ships
in a sparkling blaze. Adar Tallon, hero of the were beyond the scope of the player charac-
Old Republic and newly recruited to the ters except for rare instances and as back-
Alliance, stood on the bridge of the flagship ground material. Now Star Wars: The
Silent Water, a Mon Calamari cruiser. Roleplaying Game has developed a combat
Looking over his crew, he saw that they were system for handling these giant vessels. To
fearful. Too fearful. They had never faced an reflect the huge nature of capital ships,
Imperial Star Destroyer before, let alone these rules are be necessity more complicat-
three. ed than other forms of combat in the Star
Tallon walked around to the command Wars galaxy.
chair as his crew went through the battle drill Caveat
by rote. He watched the battle slowly unfold Combat between capital ships takes
until he saw a possible tactic begin to emerge longer than combat involving a few charac-
from the resulting combat. ters or starfighters. The ships are huge and
"Pilot, " said Tallon calmly, "accelerate on hundreds of guns are often involved. The
my mark toward the lead Star Destroyer. capital ship combat system is faster than
Operator, prepare to shut down rear shield. running the battle strictly through the star-
Inform the fleet of action, and tell them we ship combat rules, but it still takes time.
request only minimum fighter cover - one Such a battle should be a key element in the
squadron. " story you are running, and this system is de-
"Sir?" asked the operator. "That's the signed to keep your story from getting
Relentless out there. She's an Imperial-class bogged down at such a crucial point.
ship. Going in alone seems ... " The capital ship combat rules are simply
"... foolish," finished Tallon. "Thank you a variation of the stars hip combat rules.
lieutenant. Normally you would be correct, if Make sure you are familiar with those rules
I did not know something of her commander before trying the capital ship combat varia-
. . '. . '. '. '. .' ..... 33
============WSTA,R.R=========== WARS

tions, as the basic elements involved in the "Hand-picked Elite" are reserved to crew
system are not included in this chapter. the vessels of the most important charac-
ters in the galaxy; The Emperor and Darth
Ship's Crew Vader, Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar.
Starship crews can range from inexperi- The importance of these characters to the
enced recruits to the hand-picked elite who struggle for the galaxy demands they have
have experienced dozens of battles. If you subordinates of the highest caliber.
are designing a scenario, pick a crew rating
from the list below. If you are running one of
the published adventures for Star Wars: The
Roleplaying Game, assume "average" crews
5 hip's Crews Statistics
unless the crew proficiency is specified. Crew Quality Imperial Rebel
When assigning your own proficiency, re-
member that an "average" crewman would Recruit 3D 2D to 3D+2
be considered a specialist among the normal Average 3D+l to 4D 4D to 5D
population. Also remember that a crewman Veteran 4D+l to 5D+2 5D+l to 6D
rated at 5D would be 5D only in those skills Elite 6D to 6D+2 6D+l to 7D
which were his primary duties on the com- Hand-picked
bat starship. He would be at least a few pips Elite 7D to 8D 7D+l to pes
less on other starship skills, and at least ID
less on other useful combat skills.
Rebel non-player characters, out of neces-
sity, tend to be multi-skilled. Therefore t~ey The Ship Templates
have several skills which are just a few pipS In capital ship combat, ship templates are
or 1D less than their primary skill. used to record crucial information about a
Imperials select their crews for particular capital ship before combat begins, and to
traits and train them intensively in the one keep track of a ship's status during combat.
You can find a master copy of the template
skill they need. They discourage crew mem- at the end of this book. Take a moment to
bers from broadening their talents, seeing look at this template as we describe how to
such effort as better spent on their primary use it.
skill. The result is that many Imperial crew-
man are skilled at their primary task (usual- Fill in the vessel's name, ship type, hull
ly at specialist level), with all other at- code, and crew value on the top line. The
tributes and skills at 2D. captain's command skill code, with starship
"Recruits" have seen very little combat tactics in parentheses comes next, followed
training. They can be found crewing vessels by the pilot's starship piloting code, the chief
in every fleet - on Imperial ships because gunnery officer's starship gunnery, and the
advanced training is only provided to those chief shield officer's starship shields code on
specifically doing the task, and on Alliance the second line. Fill in the weapons status
vessels because the Rebellion must use ev- lines, including the number of weapons, the
ery available sentient in its battle with the weapon type and its damage code.
Empire. To fill in the fire control of a weapon,
"Average" crews are found everywhere ex- black in all the boxes in excess of the fire
cept flagships, although they are found less control code of the weapon. For example,
frequently in fleets which have seen a lot of for a fire control of 2D+2, black in all of the
action. boxes under the "4D" heading and one of the
"Veteran" crews are found on the flag- boxes under "3D" (leaving eight boxes - or
ships of fleets which are new to war be- 2D+2). Remember, for this purpose each die
is broken up into three pips.
tween the Alliance and the Empire. They are
also found crewing individual warships For the shields, sublight code, and ma-
which have seen more action than the fleet neuver codes, black in all of the boxes in ex-
as a whole. cess of the die codes.
"Elite" crews are found on the flagships of Each combat round, you record the eva-
fleets which have seen a good deal of com- sion, shield number and ionization level of
bat - the ships of Moffs and Grand Moffs, the vessel. Loads of numbers fly along with
and Rebel Admirals and Generals. the massive gunfire involved in capital ship
combat, and keeping track of these impor-

34 . '. . ... :': .. . .. .. .' '.' . '. .

============:;:,'TAtc.R============ WAIU'

tant numbers makes it all a lot easier to run. the top of your enemy to the bottom takes
When writing down the numbers, check for two successful maneuver actions). All other
scale differences if starfighters are involved, facings are one reserved action away.
throwing out any sixes from the totals (the When choosing facing with manuever ac-
scale die cap for maneuver is 5; this includes tions, a captain can only choose the facing
shielding). Put a slash and then the scaled with regard to one other vessel. Additional
numbers to the right of the evasion and enemy vessels may have different relative
shielding numbers. facings depending on the combat situation.
Ship Codes
~ In "Ship Descriptions" below we list the
\'~'II'\I co

O~ O=.
hull and shield codes for many types of capi-
tal ships. These function in ways similar to
- ~.:::-'
hull and shield codes for starfighters.

- -,- - -
0 0 0 0 Capital Ship Combat Sequence

'- ---- --

-- -

':::.': The capital ship combat sequence is
much the same as the starship combat se-
quence. Use the normal starship combat
'- --
-- -=..,=50

..... ~CIDlltCID"'aDml:ID<D
rules for all facets of capital ship combat not
modified with special rules outlined in this

-- -
'- r-_,__

FIro e-r.t CIDIP CIDZlI aDxlCID..,


.-I-L......l 15.-...J-L......l =--.J-L......l

Note: this sequence has an extra segment,
the hits recorded segment. The entire se-
quence is summarized below.
~--'-' .-I-L......l "--I-L......l D-I-----L-J
'-'--'-' 1.--1---L......,l 17---J------L-J ~-L......l

~--'-' 'l--l-L......l I"--J-L......l :E:I.--J-L-J

'-'--'-' I"---J-L......l I.---J-L......l ~-L......l 1. Declare Actions and Full Reaction Skills.
'-'--'-' 11---1-L......l .---J-L......l rI-I-L......l
'-'--'-' '~-L......l Z'---J-L......l ""--J--L...J First, any anticipate enemy or deceive ene-
my rolls are made (see "Starship Tactics" be-
low). Characters in command of each ship
The Combat System declare all actions for this combat round
(movement, haste, skill or attribute use, or
Facing full evasion). The option to shut down
When capital ships face each other, they
are attacking one of six facings; top, bottom, shields must be declared now. The character
left, right, forward, or rear. As capital ship (pC or NPC) with the lowest command skill
code declares actions first. Other characters
weapons can fire in all arcs, facing only mat-
ters when one of the combatants has shut declare their actions in ascending order of
down a shield. For game purposes, you only command codes, leaving the character with
have to keep track of facing once one of the the highest command skill the advantage of
ships has shut down a shield. For purposes declaring last. If a PC has the same com-
of dramatic visualization however, you mand as an NPC, the NPC must declare first.
should have a rough idea of where the ships 2. Declare Combat Reaction Skills.
are, if not the exact facing. Characters declare combat evasions and
shielding during this segment. Haste for re-
Movement action skills, including full reactions, may be
Capital ship movement uses the same sys- increased. (A full evasion may have its haste
tem as all other movement (see "Chapter increased in this way.) The character with
Two: Movement"). The only difference is
the highest command code declares reaction
that maneuver actions take on an added sig- skills first, followed by other characters in
nificance. Each speed action successfully re- descending order of command codes. If a PC
served through a maneuver action has the has the same command as an NPC, the NPC
following additional benefit: The winning
must declare first. Deceptions which were at
captain may choose the facing of his vessel least 2x their opponent's roll are declared,
in relation to the enemy ship. Each speed ac- lowest deception roll to highest.
tion successfully reserved allows the ship to
move from a current facing to an adjacent 3. Roll Actions and Reactions in Order of
facing. A directly opposite facing is two re- Haste. Actions and reactions are resolved in
served actions away (I.e. going from facing descending order of haste actions taken. A
. '. .'. ~: .'" : .\ .. .' ":'. . '.: ". 35
=============;:'TAR.P=========== WARS'

character who takes three haste actions

would act before a character who took none,
one or two haste actions. Non-movement ac- Guns Modifier Chort
tions with the same degree of haste are re-
solved, followed by all movement actions
with that same degree of haste. As they are Guns To Hit/ Damage Modifier
rolled, record this round's maneuver and I o
shield numbers on the ship's template. 2 +2
Attacks are resolved; the to-hit dice modi- 3 ID
fied by the number of guns fired (as ex- 4 ID+I
plained below). 6 ID+2
8 2D
4. Calculate Damage as Attacks Hit. Roll 12 2D+I
damage dice (as modified by targeting) and 16 2D+2
hull dice (as modified by shields and vital 10- 24 3D
cation attacks) for each hit. The effects are 32 3D+I
determined according to the "Damage 48 3D+2
Summary" chart. 60 4D
5. Hit Results Recorded on Ship Template. 90 4D+I
Mark off pips of damage, scratching out the 120 4D+2
appropriate box(es) on the damaged ship's 180 5D
template. Note ionization for next turn. 250 5D+I
Make rolls for shutting down shields.
Resolving Attacks
When declaring actions, attacks must be Attacks are resolved in the same way as
grouped by weapon type. If you are firing starfighter combat. Roll your total 'to-hit
turbolasers, laser cannons and ion cannons dice against your target's evasion (maneu-
in the same round, the attack of each ver code plus crew). If you hit, roll your
weapon type is resolved separately. damage dice versus the target ship's hull
Guns Modifier Chart
You use the "Guns Modifier Chart" rather Ship Damage
than rolling to-hit and damage for every gun Capital ships are obViously larger and far
on board a large vessel (which can number more compartmentalized than starfighters.
in the hundreds for some ships). To deter- Tl)ere are a lot more pieces to chip away be-
mine your to-hit dice, add the "to-hit/dam- fore the ship is completely destroyed.
age" modifier for the number of guns you Therefore, capital ship damage is recorded
are firing (listed on the chart below) to the in pips, except for ionization damage which
gun's current fire control. Then add your is still allocated in whole dice.
crew die code, and the result is the number Damage is recorded on the ship template
of dice you roll to hit. by crossing out a number of boxes equal to
Damage dice are determined by adding the pips of damage taken. Overall damage is
the "to-hit/damage" modifier to the damage recorded under the "Ship Damage" heading.
code of the weapon type fired. The crew die Damage to specific portions of the vessel is
code is not used to determine damage. recorded in the appropriate spots on the
template (see "Targeting" below).
Example: A Mon Calamari cruiser is firing Each pip of damage recorded on the "Ship
12 turbolasers at an Imperial strike cruiser. Damage" row reduces the performance of all
The Rebel crew is rated at 4D+2, their turbo- operations of the ship by one pip. When three
lasers have a fire control of 2D, and they do pips of damage are marked off on the "Ship
4D damage. According to the "Guns Modifier Damage" row (three pips equal one die), the
Chart, " firing 12 guns gives the Rebels a "to- ship is conSidered heavily damaged, and all
hit/damage" modifier of 2D+l. The to-hit dice actions taken by the vessel are reduced by
rolled is 8D+3 (2D fire control for the turbo- ID. When six pips of damage a taken
lasers, plus the 2D+l modifier, plus the crew's (equalling two dice), the ship is severly
4D+2 die code). The damage dice rolled is damaged and all actions are reduced by 2D.

36 '. •• • ••• .. • . : • ' . . 0. • • '. • ~


. '. ".... '. . . . .' .. .' . . :.:.' . ". . '. .. '.' . '. 37
;,;;; WARS

I A liang time ago, in a

galaxy for, for away", a
thousand thousand worlds were
caught in the grip of a titanic
civil war.

38 . .... ... _." . . . . . . . ". . . .. -'. :. ' ~


tarfighters of every
description streak
through embattled star systems
- fighting for the evil Galactic
Empire or the struggling Rebel

'. .
.. .. . .' .
. ..' - .
.' . . . ' . 39

I A Isescalates.
the battle
are drawn In to this terrible
waf .. , strange aliens,
exotic creatures. loyal

40 •. ' . '". '. •• .0 ..' • • •••• • • ' . , •• ~ ._ •

===========::::;'TAKoR=========== WARS'

ut in the for reaches of space. the war will be won by the
gigantic and powerful capital ships. These massive
weapons of wor roam the space lanes in large fleets. more
powerful than most other storforing vessels.

• ,'. . . . " .~. '·0" • • • ""-.' ." • •


his is a galaxy of good
and evil, of heroes and
villains. There are fhose who
promote the tyranny of the
Galactic Empire. and those that
strive for freedom as remembered
by the Rebel Alliance.

42 •.•... ' •.•... 0',", '.~'~ ••• .• ".

============;:STARR.:=========== WARS'

erhaps the most
powerful weapon in
this galactic conflict is the
Force. The Force binds the
galaxy together and is a
powerful ally. But while it is a
power for good. it also has a

. • ,_ . ".& .•
~ • .:·.·.·1, .... · . . . . • . . . . . 43

44 ~ ..
- , '.. .. . . .

,.J..--- • To assign differing levels of haste to differ-

apital Ship Damage ent operations on the ship. Each haste order
C Summary
Chart (beyond the basic haste of the vessel) costs
1D from the commander's command skill. By
"haste order" we mean each haste action
Damage Roll Beam & Ion ordered by the ship's commander, not each
vs. Hull Roll Missile level of haste.
Each haste order can be given at any level
2XDR<HR . - no effect - -no effect of haste, but the penalty is still only !D. (For
!"IDR< HR. I shield pip no effect this purpose a "one haste" order and a "six
IDR>-HR 1 J2ip,-=~~~~l~D~~ haste" order have the same effect; minus 1D
DR>=2xHR 2 pips 2D from the commander's command code. The
DR>=3xHR 3 pips 3D penalties for choosing multiple levels of
DR>=4xHR 4 pips 4D haste are taken into account elsewhere.)
,ljpR>=5xHR 5- pips- 50 For example, a capital ship could be mov-
IDR->=6xHR 6. pips 6D ing and firing at one haste, but a superior
LIDR>~ 7xHR _7 pjp",-s~~~7",D~~ commander could select a certain battery to
DR>=8xHR 8 pips 8D fire at two haste, and another battery to fire
DR>=9xHR 9 pips 9D at three haste. The single haste is the basic
haste of the ship, and therefore costs the
commander nothing. But the additional two
The ship is destroyed when its ninth pip of haste orders given by the commander (mov-
"Ship Damage" (equalling three dice) is taken. ing one battery up to two haste, and another
When a ship is damaged, its hull roll is up to three haste) reduce his command code
not affected by the damage, regardless of the by 2D. The batteries which are double and
ship's status. The ship continues to resist triple hasted still suffer the normal die code
damage with the full value of its hull code. A reduction due to haste (see "Chapter Four:
ship's sublight speed is not reduced unless Starships"). The command code reduction
its engines are specifically targeted (see merely allows for differing levels of haste
"Targeting" below), but the damage does re- aboard a single ship.
duce the dice rolled for movement actions.
Command Skill Starship Tactics
The commander of a capital ship needs a Starship tactics is a specialized KnOWledge
good command skill code. In accordance skill. In the published adventure Tatooine
with this, he must always perform three Manhunt, Old Republic hero Adar Tallon had
actions: his starship tactics code listed under
Mechanical skills. From now on it is a
• Give orders to the pilot. Knowledge skill.
• Give orders to the chief gunnery officer. The following actions can be performed
• Give orders to the chief shields officer. during capital ship combat using the star-
ship tactics skill.
Each one of these officers (called the "ma-
jor combat officers") is considered to be Anticipate Enemy: A Moderate starship tac-
successfully "commanded" as long as the tics roll is needed to "anticipate the enemy."
commander has 1D of command dice to allo- If the roll is successful, a commander's ship
cate toward him. Failure to command a char- receives a "free" haste action - his ship re-
acter results in a minus 1D penalty to all of ceives no penalty for using the haste.
the actions taken by that officer as he is no
longer in coordination with the rest of the Deceive Enemy: A Difficult starship tactics
crew. In addition to keeping the three major roll is needed to "deceive the enemy."
combat officers under his command, the Success on this roll allows a commander to
commander uses his command skill to do the redeclare his actions after hearing what his
following: opponent has declared, even if he has al-
ready declared his own actions.
• Command determines the order of declara-
tion in the capital ship combat sequence. Coordinating Attacks
High command skills declare actions last and A commander may choose to use a com-
reactions first during the combat sequence. mand action to coordinate his attacks with

.' . •. :. . ." . . •. . .". • . • . . . . ••. ."... e.. :. .


the attacks of other ships. When attacks are the crew code. A chief gunnery officer uses
coordinated, the guns of more than one ship his starship gunnery skill to provide a subor-
are added into a single attack for purposes dinate bonus. The pilot uses starship pilot-
of finding the "to-hit modifier" on the "Guns ing, and the chief shields officer uses star-
To-hit Chart." Each attack is still rolled sepa- ship shields.
rately for each weapon type on each ship, Shielding
only the larger to-hit modifier obtained from As in starfighter combat, shielding is a re-
coordinating attacks is used to determine to- action skill declared during the "Declare
tal dice rolled to hit. Combat Reaction Skills" segment of the com-
The damage modifier is not affected by bat sequence. The shield attempt is added
coordinating attacks. to the difficulty number of the attacker. The
Each coordination action counts as one sum is called the "shield number." If the at-
skill use, and only one additional ship can tack roll is equal to or greater than the
be added to the coordination per action. shield number, the attack has penetrated
Therefore, it is possible to coordinate more the shields - damage is calculated directly
than two ships, but only as many as the co- against the hull code.
ordinating commander has command ac- If the attack roll is greater than the eva-
tions remaining. sion difficulty but less than the shield num-
Weapon types need not be the same in or- ber, the attack hits but the shields are elfec-
der to be coordinated, but ion and non-ion tive. Add the shield dice to the hull code for
attacks may not be coordinated into a single the hull roll - any hits taken in this case are
attack. applied against the remaining shields. When
A ship's chief gunnery officer may use his the shields are completely blown, subse-
starship gunnery skill to coordinate attacks quent damage is applied to the rest of the
within a single additional ship. Each coordi- ship (the hull).
nation action counts as one skill use. Ships When shielding against starfighters, the
which are not coordinated may not add shield operators roll is "die capped" at five,
their guns together for a single attack. Small as shield operation is akin to maneuver and
vessels attacking a larger ship often have to subject to the same scale penalty.
coordinate attacks to have any hope of de-
feating their opponent. Advanced Shielding Rules
Subordinate Bonus
All actions on a ship are performed by the Shutting Down a Shield
crew, but a superior officer can have an ef- On a Moderate starship shields roll, the
fect on the performance of his subordinates. operator may choose to shut down damaged
The commander's subordinates are the ma- shields rather than lose a pip of shield code.
jor combat officers - the pilot, the chief Shutting down a shield means diverting the
gunnery officer, and the chief shields officer. power surge which would burn out a genera-
A commander may give these subordinates tor to the waveform transmitters, frying one
"bonuses." For every bonus action used by of them instead. A vessel maintains six such
the commander, the chosen subordinate re- transmitters, one for each facing of the ves-
ceives one additional pip to his roll. sel; top, bottom, left, right, forward, and
A commander may choose to use bonus rear.
actions on more than one subordinate com- Losing a transmitter means losing the
bat officer. Each bonus action counts as one shields on one facing of the ship until re-
skill use. A commander may not reduce his pairs can be made. Shutting down a shield is
command skill below zero through multiple an action, announced during the "Declare
skill use, though. When a character's com- Action and Full Reaction Skills" segment of
mand skill reaches zero, no further skill use the combat sequence.
of any type is possible. If a commander is us- The shield operator does not have to shut
ing all of his abilities to command his ship, down a shield (if the shields take no dam-
he has nothing left to devote to other activi- age, for instance), but cannot 'shut a shield
ties. down unless he declared the action. The
The three major combat officers on a cap- shield operator's skill is reduced by 10 for
ital ship can also give bonuses to their sub- the declaration, whether or not a shield is
ordinates. In this case, the pips are added to actually shut down. A character is assumed
.. . . .
. . . '. . , . ..
46 . . ..

to be monitoring shield-circuit activity, as

well as directing computer response to an
dvanced Targeting Chart
anticipated hit if this action is declared -
when the shield is damaged the power surge
is then diverted. Target Hit Damage
, Modifier
Increasing Power to Shields .-. Zk & ·-O-~

A shield operator or ship's commander Hull <

_.~ubligQt Engines -2D -- 0 - ..
may choose to increase power to the -3D

shields. But the power increase must come +2D*
Fire Control -4D
from somewhere. In this case the power 'Weapon (Beam~3IJ.~_________O~-· ~
comes from another shield facing. For exam- .:(I\IIissilek :;;.: ·-2D·. . , ~;JD .
ple, the power from the rear shield is rerout-
Command -4D 0
ed to the right shield, thus increasing the -2D -ID**
Vital Location
strength of the right shield. Doing so auto-
matically burns out the shield facing from
* Only if attack penetrated shields.
which the power was rerouted, shutting it
** Reduce hull roll of target vessel by ID.
down. In the above example, the rear shield
would shut down after the right shield was
If a ship has only one facing of shields re- Fire Control: If the shields are penetrated,
maining, it cannot increase power to shields. or if all the shields have been blown, a suc-
Increasing the power doubles the shield cessful fire control attack receives +2D to its
code of that facing for one round. A Difficult damage. The attacks are aimed at disrupting
shield operation roll is needed to increase the central fire control circuits; pips of dam-
power to the shields. This action reduces all age reduce the fire control of all weapons.
other shielding rolls by !D.
Weapons: Counter battery fire destroys the
Targeting (Advanced Rule) weapons of the opponent. When targeting
While capital ships often stand off and try weapons, the firing commander must de-
to pound one another to slag with their clare which weapons are being targeted and
dozens of weapon batteries, there exist oth- how many are being fired at. Multiply the
er options for the ambitious commander. damage pips by the number of guns firing for
Specific parts of the enemy vessel may be a damage total. This total must be distribut-
targeted, and any applicable damage is done ed as evenly as possible among the target
to that portion of the ship. Specific targeting weapons. One damage point "wounds" the
may also be done with ion weapons, al- weapon; it now fires with ID less fire con-
though it is usually beneficial to target an trol. Two damage points incapacitates the
entire ship with an ion attack. weapon, rendering it useless until repaired.
Three damage points destroys a weapon.
Advanced Targeting Chart Missile tubes are simpler and better protect-
Explanations ed than beam weapons; damage dice are re-
Hull: A normal attack. Pips done against the duced by !D when firing at missile tubes.
hull are recorded under the "Ship Damage" Command: Damage pips done to the com-
heading. mand center of a capital ship disrupts inter-
Sublight Engiues: The sublight engines are nal communications and command through-
damaged by the effects of this attack, reduc- out the entire vessel. The ship responds far
ing the die code of the ship's sublight speed. more slowly. For each pip of damage done to
command, opposing vessels receive a free
Maneuver: If the shields are penetrated, or if haste action.
all the shields have been blown, a successful
maneuver attack receives +ID to its damage. Vital Location: A vital location hit reduces
As the attacks are designed to cause shock the hull roll of the target vessel by !D. Vital
and pulse damage to maneuver control cen- location attacks are cumulative; a triple vital
ters, the pips of damage reduce the maneu- location attack would have its attack re-
ver code. duced by 6D and, if successful, the hull roll
of the defender would be reduced by 3D.

.' . . . . . :. .' '. .' '. .... .... .' . . :-

============;:;STA.R.R=========== WARS

A n Example of Foreshadowing
'--r---,----' You decide it is critical to your story His co-worker responds, "The switcher cir-
that a squadron of Y-wings cripple a cuits should hold any increase in power to
Victory-class Star Destroyer while the play- the shields that the captain wants."
er character Rebels use a Mon Cal cruiser "Sure," the first says, "as long as the
to battle an Imperial Star Destroyer (we Rebels don't hit our stabilizers."
can't recommend this unless the Rebels are During the battle you again cut-away to
real hot-shots). the captain of the Victory-class Star
Looking at the "Scaling Chart" and using
Destroyer. He orders more power for the
the capital ship combat system, it's evident
shields as the camera sweeps outside. It fo-
that the Y-wings are doomed unless each
cuses on a set of vanes on the Star
one is piloted by Luke Skywalker. As the Y-
Destroyer beginning to spark.
wings are being flown by NPC Rebel pilots, Later, desperate Y-wing pilots can fire a
they are certainly not up to par with Luke. barrage of lucky shots, some of which hit
So you might use a cut-away belore the bat-
the stabilizer vanes. At this point your play-
tle to show Imperial technicians patching
ers probably are willing to believe that
together damaged shield circuitry.
those Y-wings do significant damage to the
A technician mutters, "You'd think the Imperial warship. You just have to give
Empire could afford new ND cryoboards." them sufficient reason to believe in such an
exceptional occurrence.

Vital location attacks may be made in combi- the parameters of the battle. When a swarm
nation with other targeting attacks. For ex- of starfighters attack a capital ship, treat the
ample, a vital location attack on the sublight starfighters as "guns" and use the "Guns
engines would have a hit modifier of minus Modifier Chart." In this case, add up the
4D, and would reduce the hull roll by 1D n·umber of starfighters in the attacking
while doing damage exclusively to the sub- swarm and determine the "to-hit/damage
light engines. modifier" from the chart.
When capital ships fire back at starfight-
Ramming ers, interpret the results as counter battery
When one vessel rams another, the pilot- fire. When starfighters are fired upon, divide
ing roll of the ramming vessel must be the damage number taken among the swarm
greater than the evasion roll of the defender. of starfighters. A starfighter which takes one
The damage roll for each ship is its hull die damage point is heavily damaged, two points
code plus one die for each speed action tak- is severely damaged, and three points is
en that round. destroyed. A squadron takes ionization dam-
The opposing roll is the hull rating of the age at the equivalent level.
target ship plus any applicable shielding.
Damage to each vessel is determined ac- Starfighters are most commonly used for
cording to the "Capital Ship Damage counter battery fire, slowly disabling the
Summary Chart." When starfighters are ram- larger ships unless countered themselves
ming a capital ship, remember to use the with extremely heavy fire or other fighters.
scale die caps. Surface Weapons
Surface weapons which are intended for
Starfighters defense against capital ships are scaled to
When starfighters attack each other, use capital ships; remember this when they are
the normal starship combat system to re- being used against smaller starfighters.
solve the combat. When starfighters attack
capital ships, use the capital ship combat Tips on Running Capital Ship Combat
system, but remember to take into account Using counters, models, or miniatures can
the difference in scale between the ships. help keep track of facing and position.
When a single starfighter takes on a capi- Numbering the counters and having a ship
ta! ship (not a recommended tactic, by the template with the same number also helps.
way) use the "Scaling Chart" to determine

48 . . .. .' .: . . . .'. ..... ..

============;:;'TA...R=========== WARS

Sketching shapes on paper to determine fac- Don't plunge in and design a huge fleet en-
ing and recording the ship number is anoth- counter the first time you run the combat
er good way to visualize combat. system; it takes some time before you can
Pay strict attention to the combat se- adjust encounters so they are balanced
quence. If eager players start to act out of enough to be enjoyable.
sequence, the combat becomes hopelessly If you are running the combat for its effect
mired in confusion. If you are running the on a story rather than for its own sake, play
capital ship combat system in the style of a it a little fast and loose with the portions of
wargame, deciding actions for each ship and the combat which do not directly involve
then resolving the combats, you should ex- the players.
pect it to take about as much time as a Of course, you can time events dramati-
wargame. If you and your players want to cally rather than through the vagaries of the
spend an evening resolving a large fleet ac- dice. If the event you are planning seems an
tion go right ahead. Just make sure that ev- extreme long shot, it's best to foreshadow
eryone involved wants to spend the evening the event to help your players believe that
that way. the event actually does happen.

Facing Fig. 1
'-,-_-' Sometimes you can determine facing
more easily with figures for the ships and
a straightedge or a piece of string. A
ship's top or bottom view can be divided
into quarters, two quarters per facing
(Fig. 1). A ship can fire at a facing if it can
draw a straight line to each quarter of the Front Left Rear Right
facing. The line of fire must not be ob-
structed by capital ships or other large
objects; the presence of starfighters has
no effect on this line of sight. Fig. 2 Top
Fig. 2 shows the three possible atti-
tudes of a ship - top, planar, and bottom. Planar
It is possible for two vessels to each have
top (or bottom) facings on each other. For Bottom
example, if an Imperial Star Destroyer has
top attitude on a Corvette while the
Corvette has bottom attitude on the Star
Destroyer, each could have a top facing by
having the tops of the vessels face each
other. In a movie scene, one of the vessels
would look upside down. There is no pla- Fig. 3
nar facing because when planar a ship Fig. 4
faces some combination of front, right, Front
rear and left facings.
In Fig. 3 a Star Destroyer is planar with
a Mon Calamari cruiser; the Imperial ship
can hit the rear quarters and the right
quarters of the ship. It can fire at the rear
and right quarters of the Rebel ship.
In Fig. 4 the Man Cal has maneuvered Front
to a top attitude on the Imperial ship with
a top facing. The Rebel commander can
therefore fire on the right, left, front, rear,
and top facing of the ISO.

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•• • • • • • • • ... ' ••
C pital Ship Statistics
'0----' The following capital ships have been described in previously published or soon-to-be published
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game products. Their statistics are presented here for convenience.
Ship Sub Man Hull Ship Sub Man Hull
Spd Spd
I"'C:Cor~e:;;IIi"-·an:'E'"1C;;:o~rT.v~et"t""e-;;;;;;';"~~:1> 2ID 2ID.....--1....0~---r.R'"""'I
Escort Frigate 20 W 3ID 10
Mon Cal Cruiser 30 20 3D 10
Container Ship 10 3D 10
Bulk Freighter 10 dO zero
luxu!:¥ "'iner . 3ID~] 2(j) zero
Rebel TransRort 3El zero zero

Ship Shields Wea ons Oamll&e Ship Shields Weapons Oamage

CorelIian.CorY.ette 2E>,---,6iI'L:£.C~20 40.+2 Victo.::or~y"'I"---;~;;;0~+T1:;:;;'''';-;10 ~T[: FL: 40
Escort Frigate 20 12 TL:FC 30 4D 40 OTL: FG 30
12 LC:FC 20 20 80 CM: FC 20
Mon em eruiser ~o 118 1'L:FC 20 4D ~_~::-~---::::--_IO TB~~FC_3D 60
20 ION:FC ~O 30 Victory II 3D 20 TLB: FC 10 7D
6 TB:F:C 20+2 40 20 TL: FC 20 50
Bulk Freighter 10 none
10 ION: FC 40 40
10 TB: FC 20 60
L ~ Uner 10 none ISO I 30 60 'TILB: FC 'lID 5ID
Rebel Ti<r=an;;'s"""'0"'it~-2"'0~-~n;0:'::n:::e'-----~-" 601@N: FC 2D+2 gO
10 rr:B: FC '10 61>
Ship Hyp Man Hull ISD II 20+2 50 HTL: FC 00 100
Mult 50 HTL: FC 10 70
Rebel 'Fransport 2 5ID~2 20 ION: FC 40 40
Assault Shuttle 2 30+2 10 TB: FC 40 60
Lancer Frigc!'.at~eo.-_~2~_~~_~!--_~il¥.D~ Torpedo Spfiere 2D 10 TolB: FC OlD sfiielil
Carrack I 50 500 CM: FC 20 planet~
Star Galleon 2 50+2 shield sfiort (90)
Strike Cruiser 2 60 Super SO 80 250 TLB: FC 10 70
Carrier 1 70+1 250 HTLB: FC 00100
Interdictor 2 50 250 CM: FC 20 90
Oreadnoug;~h~t_ _~2e-~~~_~::..-_~50=+2':J 250 ION: FC 4D 40
40 ETB: FC 40 90
Ship Shields Weapons Damage Loronar FSCV none none
Assault Shuttle 40+2 4 LC: FC 30 20
I TB: FC 40 5D+2
Lancer F.rigate 20.+2 20 ill,..C:FC 40 40 Capital·Ship Statistics Descriptions
Carrack 2D+2 10 HTL: FC 10 70 Shield: The shield code of a ship.
20 LC: FC 30 20 Weapons:
5 TB:FC20 40 CM: Concussion missiles
Star Galleon 20 10 TL: Fe!: 30 40 HTL: Heavy Turbolaser
":--:--~_ _~~-,to GM: Re!:_5..01-..g50~_...t ION: Ion cannon
Strike Cruiser 20+2 20 TL: FC 20 50 LC: Laser cannon
10 TLB: FC 10 70 QLC: Quad laser cannon
10 ION: FC 40 40 TB: Tractor beam
10 TB: FC 20 40 TL: Turbolaser
Carrie,-~_.20,-_:1O.ILQ: FC ~O 30'-_.... TLB: Turbolaser battery
Interdictor 30 20 QLC: FC 20 40 TLC: Twin laser cannon
4 Gravity Well FC 60 Fe: The fire control code of a ship.
no h)lJ>ersJ>ace Damage: The damage code of a weapon.
07:LG: Fe 3:fi0~"'2'»0"---~ Hyp MuIt: Hyperdrive Multiplier code.
20·li.!LG: FC 20 40 Sub Spd: Sublight Speed code.
",-_~~_~ _ _IO~T:LB:.'£.€ 10 i7.o_--, Man: Maneuver code.
Hull: Hull code.

T he Force
. '. . .. " ... ~ .' ..' ... ..:. . . .' '". .' .'

C hapterOne
Force Rules
Always the is and is not are made together; Characters, both Force users and non-Force
Always the hard and easy happen at the users, may call upon the Dark Side of the
same time. Force when angry, aggressive, desperate, or
When the galaxy knows that only strength otherwise out of balance in order to get a
can rule, Force Point. This is not a recommended
Then shall weakness dominate; method for receiving Force Points, but it ex-
When the galaxy knows that only evil can plains the basic differences between good
act, and evil in the Star Wars galaxy.
Then shall good actions be seen. When a character calls upon the Dark
As the Force is empty, Side for the first time, he or she must make
So must you be that both may be filled; either a Perception or a Control roll (the play-
As the dark and light are apart, er's choice) at a difficulty of six. Each addi-
So must you be that you may be whole. tional time a character calls upon the Dark
May the Force be with you. Always. Side, the difficulty number increases by
The Force is a great and mysterious pow- three. If none of the actions chosen by the
er. Game rules, however, should not be, even character appealing to the Dark Side are in-
when dealing with something as cryptic as tended to harm a liVing being, increase the
the Force. It is with this in mind that we pre- difficulty of the Dark Side check by 10 - the
sent this section on the Force, in the hope Dark Side favors actions which are inimical
that it might shed some light on how to to life.
make better use of this great and mysterious Calling upon the Dark Side is a free action.
It does not lower the die codes of any of the
power in a game context. Please read
"Chapter Six: The Force" in Star Wars: The character's other actions in a round, nor do
Roleplaying Game before examining the revi- other actions affect the die code for the
sions instituted in this and the following Dark Side check. Calling upon the Dark Side
chapters. is resolved before any other actions in a
round, but is declared at the same time the
The Dark Side of the Force character declares all other actions.
The rules presented here modify and re- Characters who adamantly refuse to be-
place all of the existing Dark Side rules from lieve in the existence of the Force may not
the roleplaying game. call upon the Dark Side. This includes the
The Force is not an instrument of good or great majority of Imperial forces, for whom
evil; it is a power with both a light and dark the Force is a musty relic of a religion they
side to it. Characters are warned to beware never believed in anyway.
the Dark Side. It is qUick to join you in a Successfully calling upon the Dark Side
fight, but once you start down the dark path immediately grants the character one Force
it is hard to step off. The Dark Side domi- Point and one Dark Side Point. The Force
nates those who use it, consuming them as Point must be used in the same round in
time goes by. which the Dark Side was called upon. The
The Dark Side is evil. It is qUicker, easier, Dark Side point stays, however, and the
more seductive. But it is not better. player should record it on his character
template as usual.

52 . ". .... ." '.' . . '. ..... .... . . .'

============;FTA,RR============ WARS

To fail when calling upon the Dark Side in-

curs no penalty; the character gains neither
a Force Point nor a Dark Side Point. Of
course, a character who is expecting to have
a Force Point when he declares his actions
will probably find himself in trouble when
that Force Point is not available. That is
what happens when you come to depend on
the Dark Side.
Time and the Dark Side
Within the span of an adventure, the diffi-
culty number for using the Dark Side starts
at six and increases by three every time a
character calls upon it. After the adventure,
the difficulty number is set back to six.
This represents that while the Dark Side
is easier initially, the more you call upon its
help in a short period of time, the more it
costs you. Once you've stayed away from it
for awhile, it again seductively returns with
its easy invitation.
Effects of Dark Side Points lf the player chooses to ignore the
Whenever a character gains a Dark Side gamemaster's warning so be it, but he has
Point, the gamemaster should roll one die. If no reason to complain when his character is
the die-roll is less than or equal to the num- consumed by the Dark Side. By letting the
ber of Dark Side Points which the character player make a conscious decision, the
has accumulated, the character is immedi- gamemaster emphasizes the character's
ately consumed by the Dark Side. His tem- choice in going over to the Dark Side. It also
plate is turned over to the gamemaster for makes the decision a dramatic moment.
use as a non-player character. Can characters receive Dark Side Points
Because all player characters in Star for performing evil actions when they are
Wars: The Roleplaying Game are members of not using the Force? Yes. The player charac-
the Rebellion, a character consumed by the ters represent the Rebel Alliance in their
Dark Side cannot be a player character. If struggle against the Empire. The Empire is
the player wishes to continue playing he or more than a military machine - it is the em-
she must generate a new character. bodiment of an evil philosophy. Acting in an
evil way champions the cause of The
Other Evils Emperor, even if it does not directly aid him.
Whenever a character uses the Force in Such a character will eventually succumb to
an immoral way, he gains one Dark Side the Dark Side.
point, and his player should record the num-
ber of Dark Side Points on the character's Atonement
template. Using the Force includes using Through ritual, fasting, and deep medita-
Force Points or any Force powers. Immoral tion, a character may cleanse himself of the
is any act that the gamemaster considers stain of darkness. The process is not easy,
contrary to the Jedi Code. nor is it qUick; in fact it is everything which
The gamemaster should always tell a calling upon the Dark Side is not. The char-
player when his character is about to earn a acter must be pure and of the most serious
Dark Side Point. Explain that the action de- mind while attempting to atone. The atoning
clared for the character will earn a Dark Side character may continue to play, but must
Point, and allow the player to change his avoid taking any action which is even slight-
mind and choose another action if he wish- ly tainted during the period of atonement.
es. If a player argues that his original action If the player worries about his character
is not immoral, there is only one answer: doing the right thing, and clearly does the
what the gamemaster says goes. right thing, then the character is attempting

"0. :' • • . ' •

===========:::::;:'I'A,RIIIo=========== WARS'

to atone. If he acts as if announcing his

atonement is the same as actually atoning,
going on about business as usual, then his
character is not actually trying to rid him-
self of the Dark Side.
During the session in which he is atoning,
the character may rid himself of one Dark
Side Point by spending a Force Point. This
Force Point cannot have been generated by
calling upon the Dark Side. Spending a Force
Point in this way is considered heroic, so
the sacrificing character regains this Force
Point at the end of the adventure. A charac-
ter may rid himself of no more than one
Dark Side Point per adventure.
Villains, NPCs, and the Force
A non-player character who has turned to
the Dark Side is considered a villain,
whether or not he began as a player charac-
ter. A villain may gain Force Points only by
calling upon the Dark Side - a villain may
not gain Force Points in any other way.
lf a villain fails a Dark Side check he is
temporarily free of the thrall of the Dark
Side. This moment of lucidity lasts only
briefly before the darkness again clouds his
mind. In dramatic situations, this lucidity
the good guys. Therefore any remaining
might last long enough to let the non-player
Force-wielders who serve the cause of light
character make a critical choice between
must be of modest power.
good and evil. Often a villain chooses the fa-
miliar path of darkness. But strong reasons • The Emperor has a keen interest in charac-
or strong emotions can make the villain opt ters who are strong with the Force. This ap-
for a different choice, as Darth Vader did in plies to villains as well as heroes. What
Return of the Jedi. As gamemaster, let the Force-using villains there are must either be
story and the situation in your game deter- inconsequential so as to not concern the
mine the outcome of such events. Emperor, or be directly under his control. Of
course, what is inconsequential to the
Force-Using NPCs in the Galaxy Emperor may be more than enough for any
We know that the Emperor and Darth player characters to handle.
Vader use the Force. But player characters
are not likely to run into either individual, • While the Force is everywhere, its practi-
and should be most grateful for that favor. tioners are not. Force Points are as close as
The Star Wars saga makes no mention of oth- most people get to using the Force, and even
er Force-wielding villains, but the galaxy is then most explain away the effects of this
tremendously vast. There could be a few nearly subconscious use as luck or some
characters who succumbed to the Dark Side other intangible.
still lurking about, as well as few good non-
There are trillions of beings in the galaxy,
player characters who know the way of the yet the number of beings with even a little
Force. There are some points to keep in
ability in the Force is perhaps in the hun-
mind when creating Force-using NPCs for
dreds. The number of potential or latent
your campaign. users of Force powers is perhaps 10 times as
• Force users must be unknown to both the large. However you look at it, characters
Emperor and to Vader. The Star Wars films proficient in the Force are quite rare, rarer
certainly suggest that Obi-Wan Kenobi, than they have ever been before due to the
Yoda, Luke and Leia are pretty Vluch it for predations of Vader and the Emperor.

54 .•• ' .' • • .;' I. '. ••..• ' . : . ' ". •

============;:STA,ICoR=========== WARS'

Due to their scarcity, it pays to devote

particular care to designing and developing
a Force-using non-player character. Such
characters are valuable dramatic resources
which gamemasters cannot afford to squan-
der by giving them bland personalities and
Players know that Force-using characters
are not common, and gamemasters can en-
hance that feeling by fully developing the
characterization. The players should sense
that a non-player character uses the Force
because he is an interesting and unique
character, not that he is unique and interest-
ing simply because he uses the Force.
Those characters who start the game with
Force skills as part of their character's tem-
plate (the Alien Student of the Force, the
Failed Jedi, the Minor Jedi, and the Quixotic
Jedi) must find a teacher in order to increase
those skills or learn new ones. A teacher is
any Force-using character with higher Force character who has no teacher or master
skill codes than his pupil. may train himself in Force skills he has al-
Those characters who start the game ready acqUired, but such training costs dou-
without Force skills as part of their charac- ble the normal number of skill points.
ter's template must find a master in order to Double cost also applies if a character in-
learn Force skills. A master is a character creases his Force skill to a higher code than
who understands the way of the Force, its in- the skill of his teacher or master. A charac-
tricacies and mysteries. In game terms, a ter can never increase a skill that is still at
master must have all three Force skill codes zero without the help of a teacher or master.
at 7D or better. Those without Force skill Example: A master has a Control skill of
codes do not have and cannot use Force 7D+1. The master's pupil who increases his
skills without undergoing training with a skill from 7D+ 1 to 7D+2 pays double the cost
master and learning the skills. - 14 skill points instead of seven.
The first skill a character learns when
training in the Force is either Control or Mastering Force Powers
Sense; the last skill a teacher or master will When a pupil learns a Force skill he does
teach is Alter. Ten weeks of intensive train- not yet have mastery over all of the individ-
ing are required to learn a skill. This time ual powers accompanying it. He still must
may be shortened by spending skill points- learn the powers from a teacher or master,
each skill point spent lowers the time by one or else experiment with his own skills to de-
week. Training time may never be shortened velop the powers. When a pupil receives ID
to less than one week. in a Force skill he also masters three Force
Spending skill points is not necessary to powers. In traditional training, these powers
learn a Force skill, but it saves a lot of time. are as follows:
After completing training, the character
gains the skill. When learned, each skill be-
gins with a skill code of !D. A character who Control Pain
continues to train with a teacher or master Remain Conscious
after learning a skill may improve the skill Force of Will
by spending skill points earned during the Sense
game. Life Sense
A teacher or master can only train a pupil Magnify Senses
whose skill code is less than his own. A Receptive Telepathy

0.. .. .. . :" .... . . '. • ~ '.' " . '. . . 55

===========:::::;:;n-AKoP=========== WARS'

Alter component skill). A player character who

Control Another's Pain (Control + Alter) has initial Force skills above ID is assumed
Shift Senses to have mastered the maximum number of
Telekinesis Force powers - the player may choose each
power beyond the initial three powers for
Each time a character increases his Force each skill.
skill code by a pip he gains the capacity to
master a new Force power. A character may Using Powers Not Yet Mastered
master up to three powers per die of force A character may use a power over which
skill, plus one power per pip. This maximum he does not have mastery, but all difficulty
is a skill's power total. Note that a character numbers for that power are increased by
does not have· to master a new power when five. If the difficulty is based on an opposed
his Force skill improves - he may wait as roll, five is added to the opponent's roll.
long as he likes. If he is learning the Force
power from a teacher or master there is no
luke, leia, and the Force
cost, but it takes a week of time to learn The children of Anakin Skywalker were
each power. If the character is experiment- born to the Force, and the Force runs strong
ing himself it takes a week of time and costs in them. Luke and Leia have a facility with
the Force which is just not available to a
one skill point per power learned. Powers
which use multiple skills cost against the player character. Luke learns Force skills
more qUickly than a player character, and
power total for each skill used; for example,
telekinetic kill counts as a Control, Sense, performs amazing feats with even incom-
and Alter power. plete training.
The Skywalkers represent the top levels
Example: An aspiring Jedi with 3D+2 of of Force ability possible for the amount of
Control could master up to II Control pow- training and time. Player characters cannot
ers (including powers in which Control is a achieve the same levels so easily.

56 . .,:. '. '." ".:. . .•.. ' :. . .....


C hapterTwo
Revised Force Powers
About This Chapter Control Powers
The following is a list of modifications and
further explanations of existing Force pow- Control Pain
Difficulty: The difficulty is Very Easy for
ers. Most are largely the same as in the role-
playing game book, with a few changes. The wounded characters; Easy for incapacitated
rest of the powers have been reproduced to (but conscious) characters; Difficult for mor-
save you the hassle of flipping back and tally wounded (but conscious) characters.
forth between the two books. The difficulty for controlling pain from stun
damage is Easy if the character has not yet
Powers as Skills fallen unconscious, and Moderate if the
All Force powers are composed of and character has had to regain consciousness
therefore require ability in at least one of the through the use of a power.
three Force skills: Control, Sense, and Alter. Effect: A wounded character who controls
Control is the ability to control internal pain can act as if unwounded - starting
Force (and by implication to sense it within with the round after his control roll is made,
oneself). Sense is the ability to sense exter- his die codes are not reduced by ID. His
nal Force. Alter changes either internal or ex- wound is not healed, just ignored; a wound-
ternal Force. ed character who controls pain and is
All of the skills which comprise a power wounded again becomes incapacitated.
must be used at once. This is considered a Characters who were stunned and control
multiple skill use, lowering the die codes by pain eliminate the effects of the stun entire-
lD for every skill use beyond the first. ly, curing themselves of the effects of the
Keeping a Power "Up" If a character is in pain for some reason
Some powers which are kept "up" cannot other than a wound, this skill can be used to
be voluntarily dropped. They require anoth- ignore the pain and to continue functioning
er skill roll or other action to deactivate the normally.
power. These exceptions are noted in the
power descriptions. Remain Conscious
Difficulty: Easy for incapacitated charac-
Difficulty Numbers ters; Difficult for mortally wounded ones.
The difficulty numbers for Force powers Effect: On the round after a character is in-
are now in line with the new difficulty num- capacitated or mortally wounded, he may
ber scale. Difficulty number five becomes use this power to attempt to remain con-
"Very Easy" for a range of 3-5; 10 becomes scious. If he fails, he falls unconscious, as in-
"Easy" for a range of 6-10; 15 is now capacitated or mortally wounded characters
"Moderate" for a range of 11-15; 20 is now normally do.
"Difficult" for a range of 16-20; and 30 be- A conscious incapacitated character acts
comes "Very Difficult" for a range of 21-30. as though wounded for one round and may
take any number of actions (reduced by lD).

.' . . .., .: . ..... . ." . ". : '. '.' ..'


A mortally wounded character who re-

mains conscious may not perform any ac-
tion, other than control pain.
A character who remains conscious and
then controls pain may perform any number
of actions without lapsing into unconscious-
A character who was reduced to uncon-
sciousness through stun damage receives
one round of action as if he were at "I Stun,"
that is he may act with all actions reduced
by !D.
This power may not be used repeatedly. It
may be used a single time to gain a charac-
ter one additional round of action, and dur-
ing that round he cannot use the remain
conscious power. He will retain conscious-
ness if he sucessfully controls pain as an ac-
Hibernation Trance
Difficulty: Difficult.
Effect: The character falls into a trance. wake him up. He can say how long he wants
Heartbeat slows to a few beats per minute. to hibernate, or what stimuli will awaken
Breathing drops to a minimum. The charac- him.
ter is unconscious. Accelerate Healing
Hibernating is useful at two times: when a Difficulty: Easy for wounded, moderate for
character wants to "play dead," and when incapacitated; Difficult for mortally wound-
food or air supplies are low. ed.
A hibernating character appears to be Effect: If a character uses this power suc-
dead. A mirror held to his mouth would cessfully, he may do one of the following:
show a very faint mist, but you'd need pret-
ty sharp eyes to be sure. Someone who lis- • Make two natural healing rolls for the cur-
tened with a stethoscope for a minute or rent day with +2 to each roll (see page 53 of
more might hear a very faint, very slow the roleplaying game book).
heartbeat. Life sensors might show a slight • Use two medpacs and make two rolls for
flicker. Assume that anyone who sees the hi- the current day, with +2 to each roll. The
bernating character takes him for dead un- base difficulty is not increased for the sec-
less they make a point of testing him. ond roll. Any medpac use beyond the sec-
A character with Sense can detect a hiber- ond does incur the multiple medpac penal-
nating character's Force, and will know he is ties.
still alive.
Someone hibernating consumes about Contort/Escape
one tenth as much air as someone sleeping. Difficulty: Loose bonds: Very Easy. Hand
A character can hibernate for a week in a binders: Easy. Serious restraints: Moderate.
dry atmosphere, or up to a month in a foggy Maximum security: Difficult. Houdini: Very
or wet one, before dying from lack of water. Difficult.
It is possible to hook him up to an intra- Effect: The character escapes his bonds
venous water drip to let him survive indefi- by contorting in painful and difficult but
nitely. physically possible ways. For example, it is
A character can hibernate for three possible to escape from hand binders by
months before dying of starvation. An intra- dislocating the thumb and pinky to reduce
venous sugar solution drip extends that to the width of the hand. This is painful, but a
one year. trained Jedi can resist pain and damage to
When a character enters a trance, the the musculature and ligaments with proper
player must tell the gamemaster what will body control.

58 ..
.~ ,- .. . . :. ". .. :. '. ...

Detoxify Poison Sense Powers

Difficulty: Alcohol: Very Easy. Mild poison: Receptive Telepathy
Easy. Average poison: Moderate. Virulent Difficulty: If the target is friendly and does
poison: Difficult. Neurotoxin: Very Difficult. not wish to resist (e.g., reading the mind of a
Effect: Allows the character to detoxify party member), the base difficulty is Very
poisons or eject them from the body in a Easy, as modified by proximity and relation-
much shorter time than would be normally ship. If the target resists, make a Perception
possible. If the character makes his skill roll,
he is not affected by the poison. or Control roll for the target, and add the
modifiers for proximity and relationship.
Control Disease Effect: If the user's skill roll is equal to or
Difficulty: Mild infection (cold): Very Easy. greater than the difficulty number, he can
High fever (bad flu): Easy. Serious sickness read the target's thoughts as well as emo-
(gangrene): Moderate. Life-threatening dis- tions. The user "hears" what the target is
ease (tuberculosis): Difficult. Massive long- thinking, but cannot probe for deeper infor-
standing disease (lung cancer): Very mation. Normally, the skill is used one round
Difficult. at a time, but a character can keep it "up" in
Effect: Allows the character. to direct and order to continue monitoring someone's
control the antibodies and healing resources thoughts.
of his own body to throw off an infection or If the skill roll is at least double the difficul-
to attack the diseased parts of his own body. ty, the character can probe for deeper infor-
Using this power takes more than one com- mation - basically, rifle through the target's
bat round; the character must spend at least mind and memories for the information he
half an hour meditating while directing his wants.
body, and if the disease is life-threatening or A character can read the minds of more
long-standing, repeated skill attempts over a than one person - but each person "read"
period of weeks or months may be required counts as a power use, and the normal rules
to cure the disease entirely. for multiple skill use apply.
If the character successfully controls dis- This power can be used on creatures as
ease he is no longer infectious if he so wills, well as sapients.
even if the disease is not completely cured. Some alien races experience emotions of
which humans are incapable, and vice versa,
Absorb/Dissipate Energy so when used with aliens the sensations may
Difficulty: Sunburn: Very Easy. Intense sun: be difficult to interpret. It may not be used
Easy. Solar wind: Moderate. Radiation storm: with Droids.
Difficult. Blaster bolt: Moderate, plus the
blaster's damage roll. Magnify Senses
Effect: Absorbs or dissipates energy to Difficulty: The base difficulty is Very Easy,
which the character is subjected. "Energy" as modified by proximity.
can include light and heat, microwave or Effects: The character can sense some-
other electromagnetic radiation, "hard" radi- thing that would be impossible with unaided
ation (alpha, beta, gamma), and blaster senses - hear something beyond the range
bolts. of the human ear, see something that would
A successful Control roll means the ener- normally require the use of macrobinocu-
gy is dissipated and does not injure the lars, hear a very faint sound.
character. When a character is subjected to
continuous radiation (sunlight, a radiation Life Sense
Difficulty: The base difficulty is Very Easy,
storm, etc.) he may keep the power "up" to
avoid its affects. but is modified by target proximity and rela-
This power works in a way which is sim- tionship.
liar to shields on starships, except that if the Effect: The user can sense the presence
Control roll exceeds the difficulty number, no and identity of the person for whom he
damage is taken at all. Once up, this power searches. The user can also sense how badly
affects all attacks in a round. The Control wounded, diseased, or otherwise physically
skill cannot be "blown" as shields can, and disturbed the target is. If the user keeps the
the die code of Control is unaffected by any power "up," he can use it to track a target.
attacks, successful or not.

. '.. ." '. .' . . '". .'. ..... ", . 59

============;:;STAR.R=========== WARS

If the target has the Control skill, he may Farseeing Past Future
use it to try to "hide" from the senser. His Roll is .•. Present
Control skill roll is added to the senser's diffi-
>= Diff# 75% 50%
culty number.
>= 2x Diff# All 75%
Instinctive Astrogation >= 3x Diff# All All
Difficulty: Moderate. The past and the present are set; the fu-
Effect: Normally, the difficulty for astrogat-
ture is always in motion and therefore is
ing a ship without a nav computer is Very much harder to predict.
Difficult for a standard duration trip. By us- The percentages above are not meant to
ing Sense to plot his trip through hyper- be exact. They are a rough quantitative mea-
space, a character can reduce the astroga- sure of the character's knowledge as per-
tion difficulty to Very Easy for a standard du- centage of the total knowledge which is rele-
ration trip. vant to the story being told.
Control + Sense Powers "50%" means the character got roughly
half of the information correctly; the other
Projective Telepathy half may be omitted or distorted as the
Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified gamemaster sees fit. At "75%" the character
by proximity. Add five to the number if the should have all the critical information, but
user cannot verbalize the thoughts he is may be missing a detail or two which could
transmitting (e.g., if gagged or does not wish prove sticky, but not fatal. "All" is exactly
to make a sound. that; the character has obtained all the rele-
Sense Difficulty: If the target is friendly vant information, although the gamemaster
and does not wish to resist, Very Easy, as may wish to provide him with accurate but
modified by relationship. If the target re- completely extraneous information if the
sists, make a Perception or Control roll for story could be enhanced that way.
the target and modify for relationship.
Effect: The target "hears" the thoughts of Gamemaster's Note: When a character
the user and "feels" the emotions of the us- farsees into the future, uses a Force Point
er. The target knows that the thoughts and
emotions are not his own, and that they be-
long to the user of the power. This power is
not used to control minds, but to communi-
Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified
by proximity. If the user wihes to see the
past, add five; to see the future, add 10.
Sense Difficulty: If the target is friendly
and does not wish to resist, Very Easy, as
modified by relationship. If the target re-
sists, make a Perception (or Contro£) roll for
the target, and modify by relationship.
Effect: The user sees the place or person
he wishes to see in his mind, as it appears
now. He also sees the immediate surround-
ings, and so can know, for example, when a
friend is in danger, or what has happened to
his home planet in his absence, etc.
Farseeing requires calm conditions and
some time; usually a few minutes. Farseeing
cannot be done in the face of danger. Use
the following table to help determine how
accurate and complete the information ob-
tained is. ("Diff#" is the difficulty number of
the farseeing attempt.)

60 . ... . ".' . . "' .. . . . ".. ... ;" ': ."


and makes a fantastic roll, do you have to of the target. Damage is determined normal-
have the adventure go precisely along the ly except that if the Alter roll is less than the
lines you foretell? No ... but you shouldn't difficulty number, the target is not alfected.
be cavalier about the roll. When you tell the
player character what you think the future Control + Alter Powers
of the person or place is going to be, you are Control Another's Pain
going to have to make honest assumptions Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified
about the actions of all the player charac- by target proximity and relationship.
ters. lf they do things differently, so be it. Alter Difficulty: Easy for wounded charac-
The future is always in motion after all. ters; Moderate for incapacitated characters;
A gamemaster can have a lot of fun with Difficult for mortally wounded characters.
partial results. Giving player characters Effect: This power has the same effect on
carefully selected truths can set the Rebels the target as control pain has on its user.
straight in the thick of a story without giving
away all the surprises. In a sense, farseeing Inflict Pain
is a "cut-away" scene which the players Warning: A chracter who uses inflict pain
would not otherwise see. Important informa- immediately gains a Dark Side Point.
tion is revealed, but not the whole story. Control Difficulty: Very easy, as modified
by proximity.
Alter Powers Alter Difficulty: Make a Perception or
Telekinesis Control roll for the target and modify by
Difficulty: Very Easy for objects one kilo- proximity.
gram or less; Easy for one to 10 kg.; Effect: The target experiences great agony.
Moderate for 11 to 100 kg.; Difficult for 101 Damage is determined as in a stun attack,
kg. to one metric ton; add five to the number but there is no separate damage roll. The
for each additional factor of 10. Modify for Alter skill roll is the damage roll, with the
Alter diffiCUlty number substituting for the
Effect: This power is used to levitate and Strength roll. Damage is as follows:
move objects with the naked mind. If used Alter Roll Compared Damage
successfully, the target object moves as the to Difficulty Number
user desires. The user can continue moving
the object if he keeps the power "up." >=Diff# I stun
Using levitated objects to injure or attack >=2xDiff# 2 stun
other characters is possible - but anyone >=3xDiff# Unconscious
who does so gains a Dark Side Point. Return to Consciousness
Telekinesis can be used to levitate oneself Control Difficulty: Easy, as modified by tar-
or other characters. It can even be used as a get proximity.
primitive space drive in emergencies. When Alter Difficulty: Easy for incapacitated
used to levitate someone against his will, characters; Difficult for mortally wounded
the target may resist, adding his Perception ones.
or Control roll to the difficulty number. Effect: The target becomes conscious
Injure/Kill again. See the "remain conscious" power for
Warning: A character who uses this skill explanations on what conscious incapacitat-
immediately gains a Dark Side Point. ed and mortally wounded characters can
Difficulty: Make a Perception or Control roll do.
for the target. A character may use this power on him-
Effect: An attacker must be touching a self as well as other characters. The power
character in order to use injure/kill. In com- may therefore be used while the user is un-
bat this usually means a successful brawl- conscious, but only to revive himself. He
ing attack must be made the same round as cannot return others to consciousness while
injure/kill. lf successful, the Alter roll is used he himself is unconscious. If an incapacitat-
as the damage roll and the Perception or ed or mortally wounded character fails to
Control roll substitutes for the Strength roll control pain while conscious he will lapse in-
to unconsciousnesss again.

.... . . .... .. ' ."

. ". . 61

Control Another's Disease

Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified
by relationship.
Alter Difficulty: Same as the "control dis-
ease" power, but modified by target proximi-
Effect: Works the same way as "control
disease" but a1fects a person other than the
Transfer Force
Control Difficulty: Easy, as modified by re-
Alter Difficulty: Moderate, as modified by
Effect: If both skill rolls succeed, the user
must spend a Force Point to use this power.
The use is considered heroic, so he will get
the Force Point back.
The user tranfers a portion of his own life
force into the body of the subject. The pow-
er is usually used on mortally wounded sub-
jects to keep them alive.
Normally, you make a 2D roll for mortally
wounded characters every combat round. II
Place in Hibernation Trance you roll less than the number of combat
Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified rounds that have elapsed since the charac-
by target's relationship. ter was mortally wounded, he dies (see page
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by 14 of the roleplaying game book).
proximity. Don't roll for mortally wounded charac-
Effect: The user puts another character in- ters to whom Force is transferred. The tar-
to a hibernation trance. The affected charac- get'of the power goes into hibernation, and
ter must agree to be shut down - the power will die only alter hours or days - plenty of
cannot be used as an attack to knock others time to get him to a rejuvenation tank.
unconscious - and must be in physical con-
tact with the user of the power. Control + Sense + Alter Powers
Accelerate Another's Healing Affect Mind
Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified Control Difficulty: Very Easy for percep-
by relationship. tions; Easy for memories; Moderate for con-
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by clusions. All are modified by proximity.
proximity. Sense Difficulty: Make a Perception or
Effect: Follows the new rules for acclerate Control roll for the target, and modify for re-
healing; the character may make either two lationship.
natural healing rolls or two medpac rolls a Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for slight, mo-
day, in every case receiving +2 to the rolls. mentary misperceptions, minor changes to
distant memories, or if the character doesn't
Detoxify Poison in Another really care one way or another; Easy for
Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified brief, visible phenomena, for memories less
by relationship. than a year old, or if the character feels
Alter Difficulty: Same as the "detoxify poi- some emotion about the conclusion he is
son" power, but modified by target proximi- reaching; Moderate for short hallucinations,
ty. for memories less than a day old, or if the
Effect: Follows the same rules as "detoxify target has strict orders about the conclu-
poison" but a1fects a person other than the sion; Difficult for slight disguises to facial
user. features or hallucinations which can be
sensed by two senses, or for memories less

62 .. ': . .... . ... ."..... '.' .... .

=============t:"APH.::=========== WARS'

than a minute old, or if the matter involving blow if the hallucination struck him.
the conclusion is extremely important to the Although he would feel it, he would suffer no
target; Very Difficult for hallucinations damage.
which can be sensed by all senses, if the This power cannot affect Droids or
memory change is a major one, or if the log- recording devices.
ic is absolutley clear and coming to the
wrong conclusion is virtually impossible. Telekinetic Kill
Warning: A character who uses this skill
Effect: This power is used to:
immediately gains a Dark Side Point.
• Alter a character's perception so that he Control Difficulty: Easy, as modified by
senses an illusion, or fails to see what the proximity.
user of the power does not want him to see. Sense Difficulty: Easy, as modified by prox-
• Alter a character's memories permanently imity.
so that he remembers things incorrectly, or Alter Difficulty: Make a Perception or
fails to remember something. Control roll for the target. If the Control and
• Alter a character's conclusions so that he Sense rolls are successful, the Alter roll is
comes to an incorrect decision. used as the damage roll and the Perception
Before making his skill rolls, the user or Control roll substitutes for the Strength
must describe exactly the effect he is look- roll. Damage is determined normally except
ing for; the Alter difficulty depends on the ef- that if the Alter roll is less than the difficulty
fect. number there is no effect. The relationship
The power is normally used only on one modifier no longer has any effect on the
target. Two or more targets can only be af- Alter difficulty number.
fected if the power is used two or more Effect: The user uses his telekinetic ability
times. to injure or kill the target. The exact method
A target who is subject to a hallucination used can vary; one can stir the brain,
that can be sensed by all senses would feel a squeeze the heart, or collapse the trachea.

· •... . ... '.' . :. . . ;. . . . ..... . . "


C hepter Three
New ·Force Powers
The lore of the Jedi has been been lost. When in emptiness, characters dehydrate
Not all of it has been irretrievably lost, how- and hunger normally. It has happened that
ever. Fragments of knowledge have come to initiates who were not yet strong enough in
light on a scattering of worlds ranging from Control have died while in emptiness.
the Galactic Core to the Outer Rim. As the While in emptiness, a character is difficult
Rebel Alliance grows in strength and the to sense or effect with the Force, since there
struggle against the Empire grows in fury, is very little to sense and hostile force can
some have begun searching for this lost literally pass through the emptiness of an
knowledge. Often the hunt is long. Even accomplished master. When another charac-
more often it yields nothing more than a tan- ter attempts to use a Force power on a char-
talizing rumor. But once in a awhile a bit of acter in emptiness, add the character's
lore is recovered and relearned. emptiness roll to the difficulty number for
The powers outlined below are a product Sense, or to the Alter difficulty number if
of these recently uncovered connections to there is no Sense skill being used.
the glorious past of the Jedi. In this way, emptiness acts as a full dodge
against the use of Force powers. Note that
Control Powers this "dodge" effect is not voluntary. Even if
Emptiness the character in emptiness does not wish to
Difficulty: Moderate to initiate the power, resist the Force power, the emptiness roll is
Difficult to break away from the emptiness. added to the appropriate difficulty.
Effect: The user empties his mind and al- Being empty cleanses and strengthens a
lows the Force to flow through him. The character's connection with the Force. A
character resembles one in deep meditation, character receives +6 to all Force skill rolls
and a character experiencing emptiness is for a period of time equal to the time spent
oblivious to his surroundings. A character in in emptiness. This bonus is reduced by one
emptiness may not move or take any other for every Dark Side Point the character has
action except try to disengage from the gained. Characters who are consumed by
emptiness. evil may not go into emptiness.
When the chracter enters into emptiness, Example: Ewyrin is an alien student of the
the player must state for how long he in- Force. She has gained one Dark Side point
tends to be empty. A character may roll to from an unfortunate incident on Dantooine.
come out of the emptiness when one of the Her Control skill is 4D+2. Ewyrin decides to
following occurs: empty herself for a period of three hours.
• When his alloted time has passed. She rolls a 16, gently easing away all her
• Once each hour beyond the time limit set thoughts, all her misconceptions. all of her
by the player. identity as an individual being. After three
• The character's body takes non-stun hours, Ewyrin attempts to fill back into a
damage. smaller reality. She rolls a 13, remaining in
the tranquility of being nothing. An hour later

64 . .. ..' . ...... . . ~ ... .' . .. .:.

===========::::;:;rrARp=========== WARS"

she rolls a 19, becoming herself again. in that the primary sense (the sense which
Ewyrin then receives a bonus of +5 to all of gives the most information, usually sight) is
her Force skill rolls; +6 reduced by one due to wavery or obscured, but the other sensory
her Dark Side Point. As she was empty for impressions come through clearly.
four hours, the bonus lasts for four hours. If the postcognition roll is simply greater
than the difficulty number, then all sensory
Force of Will impressions are muzzied; sight is blurry,
Difficulty: Very Easy; the power may be sound is muffled, tactile sense is dulled,
kept "up." smells or tastes are indistinct or mixed.
Effect: The character manipulates his
Force in such a way as to protect himself Sense Force
from hostile Force powers, creating a filter- Difficulty: Very Easy for an area; Difficult
ing/shielding aura as a manifestation of his for sensing details or specific objects within
will. The protection extends only to the the area, modified by proximity.
character who is using the power. Force of Effect: This power is used to sense the am-
will is similar to shielding on a starship. bient Force within a place. It cannot be used
The power roll is added to the difficulty to detect sentient beings, but there are
number for the use of any hostile power many forms of life and many areas of the
against it; this sum is called the "protection galaxy well intertwined with the Force which
number." If the attack roll is less than the dif- can sensed with this power.
ficulty number, then it has no effect. If it is Sense Force will tell a character the rough
greater than or equal to the protection num- magnitude of the Force in an area or object,
ber, then the attack has full effect. If the at- and whether the area or object tends toward
tack roll is greater than or equal to the diffi- the Dark Side or the light.
culty number, but less than the protection
number, the attack hits but the force of will Shift Sense
protects the target character from harm. Difficulty: Moderate. Power may be kept
An attack does weaken the force of will; lI
up ."
lower the die code for force of will by 1D Effect: The character may shift his senses
each time it protects from a Force attack. so as to detect phenomena of a different
This reduction affects no other actions or type than normal; shifting the spectrum of
Force skills, only the force of will. It takes vision into the infrared or even radio waves,
one day to recover each ID of damage from setting olfactory nerves to detect specific
a battering of the will, or one hour in empti- chemical combinations which are not nor-
ness (see above) for each ID recovered. mally perceived, or improving hearing to fre-·
quencies above or below that which can
Sense Powers usually be heard.
Difficulty: Less than two hours into the Sense + Alter Powers
past is Easy; more than two hours but less
than a week is Moderate; more than a week Dim Other's Senses
but less than two years is Difficult; more Sense Difficulty: Easy, as modified by prox-
than two years is Very Difficult. imity.
Effect: Postcognition allows a person to in- Alter Difficulty: Make a Perception or
vestigate the tenuous imprints of the Force Control roll for the target.
left on objects when they are handled by liv- Effect: This Force skill greatly reduces the
ing beings. The character must be able to Perception of a character. If successful, re-
handle the object which he is examining. duce the target's Perception, hide/sneak, and
If the postcognition roll is greater than or search skills according to the table below.
equal to three times the difficulty number,
Alter Roll Perception
the character can witness the event as if he
were there himself. If the postcognition roll is ... Reduced
is greater than or equal to twice the difficul- >=difficulty number 1D
ty number, the character gains a good sen- >=2x difficulty number 2D
sory impression of the event, but is limited >=3x difficulty number 3D

'. . . . '. '. . . .. '. '. 65


A dventure Section
66 • • .'. ••••
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T o Free the Forgotten

An Adventure for Star Wars: The shifting magnetic storms wrack its battered
Roleplaying Game surface. Captivity is covered by a thick,
swirling, permanent cloud cover. The mag-
To Free the Forgotten is a Star Wars adven- netic storms make instruments unreliable.
ture for two to six players and a gamemas- Beneath the clouds is a hugely irregular sur-
ter. Gamemasters should read the entire ad- face of towering peaks and jagged rock for-
venture before play begins so the action and mations. In addition, TIE fighter patrols from
storyline can progress without a lot of un- nearby Grehollo station frequently patrol
dramatic pauses. the area. These factors make landing a ship
This adventure contains information for all but impossible; an ideal place for an exile
gamemasters only. Players should stop read- world. Prisoners are dropped in by escape
Ing here. pod, and even if they survive the descent no
ship would dare a landing to rescue them.
In This Adventure ... But the Alliance dares. Alliance infor-
... a group of Rebel heroes must carefully mants have reason to believe that many sen-
arrange their own capture so as to be sent ators and important Rebel sympathizers
to Captivity, an Empire exile world. Alliance who "disappeared" or were arrested by the
intelligence has reason to believe many po- Imperials are in exile on Captivity. These
litical prisoners are being held on Captivity. people are important resources and sym-.
The Rebels are to gather as many of the pris- bois for the Rebellion. The Alliance is deter-
oners as they can for a daring, precisely- mined to see that past freedoms are not for-
timed escape from Captivity. gotten, and these exiles are living links to
that past. Rebel scientists have discovered
Adventure Materials and that one peak, Borolol's Claw, is often in the
Preparation low pressure center of a storm, in a funnel
This adventure uses new rules found in shaped "eye" which pierces the cloud cover
the rest of this book. A glancing acquain- briefly. Landing on the peak would then be
tance with those rules would be helpful. merely very difficult as a one-shot attempt.
Also, this adventure stresses character in- Risking such a high-caliber pilot twice is out
teraction and roleplaying over blazing gun of the question. So a Rebel team will be "in-
play. The adventure's brevity means we can- serted" onto Captivity; once on the moon
not flesh out all of the characters in the they are to find any surviving senators and
available space. Think about the characters sympathizers, and get them atop Borolol's
in each episode, and how your players Claw for the proposed pick up.
might interact with those characters. Flesh
out the details you consider the most likely Recent Events
to be important for your group. The Alliance has heard that the Empire is
about to supplant the local government of
Adventure Background Virujansi with Imperial officials. In the past,
The moon of Captivity is a hostile place, Imperial officials have done one of three
barely habitable as violent weather and things with local rulers:
. .- . ....•
.' ' . .. .. ."
. .

• If the rulers seem inoffensive or likely to tors. The smaller group of political prison-
cooperate, the Empire keeps them under ers had the benefit of superior skills and
house arrest as titular heads of the govern- leadership to keep Rolo from besting them.
ment while stripping them of all real power. Destroying the political prisoners has be-
• If the rulers seem unlikely to cooperate come an obsession with Rolo - there is
but are well liked by the populace or other- nothing else to conquer on Captivity.
wise dangerous to dispose of, the Empire ex- Andews Rolo is a shrewd old man, bitter
iles them to Captivity. and vicious. He keeps his beard trimmed
• If the rulers appear to be a real danger to perfectly, but his hair is matted and scrag-
Imperial rule, they are executed. gly.
With the advance warning the Alliance Captain Dedelin: Captain Dedelin served in
has secretly removed the Rajah of Virujansi the Imperial Navy in the days just after the
and his advisors to a safeworld. In their collapse of the Old Republic. He believed in
place they insert a Rebel group into the the New Order as a way out of the corrup-
Palace of Splendid harmony, disguised as tion and chaos Dedelin had seen in the
the ruling council. Acting as the Rajah and worst parts of the galaxy. His enthusiasm
his court, the Rebels are to confront the and his skills led him to become a hero of
Imperials and convince them to exile the the New Order, a household name in billions
"Rajah" and his friends. of families.
His idealism was eroded by the increas-
The Main NPCs ingly harsh orders his superiors asked him
Here are brief explanations of the major to carry out, by the fear which replaced the
non-player characters, including their plans admiration in the eyes of new acquaintances
and motivations. Their statistics appear in when they discovered he was an Imperial
the episode where they are first encoun- Navy captain. Dedelin became increasingly
tered. critical and outspoken on Imperial policies
Major Lariss: A career Imperial, Major Lariss with which he disagreed. The Empire exiled
specializes in qUick military take overs of its former hero, removing him from view un-
native governments. He brooks no nonsense til his popularity, especially among fleet offi-
from obviously_inferior locals. He prides cers, declined.
himself on being an expert in the cultures he Episode One: Royal Welcome
ruthlessly destroys, but in fact he has only
the most superficial knowledge of any of the Summary
worlds he has conquered. The adventure begins with the Rebels
Alliance agents familiar with Lariss call posing as the Rajah of Virujansi and the
him "Major Nose" or "hangar nose", a fact Royal Court. Unarmed, facing more Imperial
which has gotten back to Lariss and infuri- firepower than they can hope to defeat, the
ates him. He is extremely sensitive about his rebels must convince Major Lariss. to exile
appearance, especially his nose. them to Captivity, rather than hold them in
house arrest or execute them.
Andews Rolo: Andews Rolo turned to crime
at an early age, partly from necessity, largely
from malice toward society. He became the
leader of the Spectrader Ring, a notorious
R eadAloud
L,----'A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far
underworld gang which preyed on over 30 away ...
worlds. More of a nuisance to the Empire Alliance Command has conceived a dar-
than he was worth, Rolo was exiled to ing plan to rescue prisoners from the
Captivity, left alive so a Grand Moff could cloud-shrouded exile moon of Captivity. A
use the threat of his return to keep the new, small group of Rebels has been chosen to
more pliant, leaders of the Spectrader Ring go to Captivity to locate and organize the
in line. senators and Alliance sympathizers for es-
On CaptiVity he organized other criminals cape. Evacuation is possible only at one
into a vicious band of cutthroats with which point, a mountain called Borolol's Claw.
to dominate the other groups on the small There is only one chance for success ...
moon. He exterminated all save one - the
party of Captain Dedelin and the exiled sena-

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Start the Adventure

Locate and copy the accompanying
script. Assign each player a part, from "1st
Rebel" to "6th RebeL" If you have fewer than
six players, assign additional parts as neces-
If possible the player who plays the "6th
Rebel" should have no other part. Other
players are assigned corresponding roles in
the Royal Court (see the sidebar below).
An Expected Intrusion
When the players finish reading the
script, read the following passage out loud.
The thlck bronze doors at the entrance
to the room of the Ever Radiant Throne si-
multaneously issue a low vibrating groan
and a high pitched metallic squeal. Sparks
flare from the massive hinges and the two
locks. The doors teeter momentarily before
crashing thunderously to the floor.
Stormtroopers pour into the throne room,
covering all the possible avenues of es-
cape. Over the fallen doors strides a man
in a major's uniform. His tight, triumphant
smile matches his pinched expression,
while nothing matches his gargantuan
This is Major Lariss, an Imperial officer gain 4D; all other attributes and skills 2D.
who is savoring his victory and anticipating Lewis is slight. He speaks rapidly and clear-
the joyous task of deciding the fate of the ly.
Rajah and the Royal Court. He is aware of
traditional protocol (see sidebar), and in- Making the Major Mad
While going through the protocol ritual,
tends to beat the pitiful natives at their own
three basic things will make the major mad:
He has brought with him two Imperial offi- • Ignoring his importance as a ranking
cers, Lieutenants Wachten and Lewis to act Imperial officer, or failure to acknowledge
as his "Wrathor and Conciliator." Once his victory.
Lariss is angered, he breaches protocol by • Refusal to cooperate with the Empire or
involving himself directly in the discussion, belittling its goals.
pushing Wachten aside. • Comments about his nose.
Major Larlss: DEX 2D, blaster 3D, dodge If the Rebels manage to avoid angering
3D+I, melee parry 3D, melee 3D+I; KNO the major at all, or only anger him on one
lD+2, alien races 2D+2, cultures 2D+2; MEC point, the Major decides on house arrest. If
lD; PER 3D+I, command 4D+l; STR 3D; TEC the Rebels anger him on two points, Major
lD. Carries a blaster pistol (damage 4D) and Lariss exiles the Rebels. If the Rebels anger
a lajik whip (damage STR+ lD), a souvenir him on all three, he decides on execution.
from a previous campaign. Once Major Lariss announces his deci-
Lt. Wachten (Wrathor): DEX 2D, dodge 3D; sion, the Rebels have one chance to change
PER 2D, command 4D; all other attributes it. The "Rajah" must make a Difficult con roll
and skills 2D. Wachten is large, with a broad to convince Lariss to change his mind. This
face. His voice is loud and harsh. He carries action may be combined - each Rebel who
a blaster pistoL makes a statement in character as a member
of the Rajah's court in support of the Rajah's
Lt. Lewis (Conciliator): DEX 2D, blaster 3D, appeal may combine with the Rajah.
dodge 3D; KNO 2D, cultures 3D; PER 2D, bar-
. .' . ,'. ., .. '. . .. - . ... . .' ~. . 69
============:::rrA,KR============ WARS

After sealing off all avenues of escape, the
stormtrooper platoon leader allocates nine
T he Rajah and His Court
troopers to watch the Rajah and the court When the Rajah holds an audi-
for any suspicious movements. The troopers ence, there is a strict protocol to be ob-
combine fire on the first Rebel who tries to served. This is true even when the visi-
escape or pulls a weapon. The rest of the tors are hostile stormtroopers. In the be-
platoon await Lariss's orders. ginning the Rajah will not address any of
the visitors directly, not speaking at all if
possible. The Rajah speaks through the
Episode Two: Rough Landing court. The Rajah is not even supposed to
Summary listen directly, but has the visitor's words
The Rebels, still disguised as the Rajah interpreted through the Peoples' Advisor.
and Royal Court, are unceremoniously The Rajah reacts not with words but with
dropped onto Captivity. Exiting the drop exaggerated expressions indicating the
pod they are attacked by a group of rock- Rajah's feelings.
throwing hooligans. Feigning friendship, The Rajah's court handles the actual
Andews Rolo offers them shelter. Presuming negotiation. The standard protocol is as
the Rebels to be the Royal Court, he plans to follows. The Peoples' Advisor translates
ransom the Rebels to Dedelin's group for the visitor's words for the Rajah. Then the
machinery Dedelin's group has built. The Mouth of the Ancestors recalls incidents
Rebels have an opportunity to fool Rolo into from the rules of previous Rajah's which
thinking they are criminals in order to avoid might be applicable to the current issue.
being ransomed. Pending the success of The Eye of History then speaks of options
their new charade, the Rebels find them- and the likely consequence of possible ac-
selves in an ambush or floating down river tions. The Rajah gives his reaction. The
without a paddle. Wrathor then speaks of the Rajah's dis-
pleasure with the visitor's proposal, using
Drop to Captivity elaborate insults to hammer the point
The Rebels have been transported to home. Then the Conciliator points out the
Captivity in the Grehollo system. They are possible merits of the visitor's comments,
crammed into a single drop pod and jetti- and suggests a reformulation which might
soned over the surface of the moon. Read be acceptable to the Rajah.
aloud: As the negotiations get heated, some of
They cram you into a drop pod meant to the court may speak out of turn. One rule
hold one person fewer, and probably which is never broken is that when the
smaller people at that. The sharp Sharbone Wrathor speaks, the Conciliator always
back rods and shoulder bars of your makes the next statement.
Virujansi costumes do not bend as you Visitors are expected to follow the rules
duck into the pod. A startling whoosh is of protocol, haVing at least the equivalent
followed by the sickening sensation of un- of a Conciliator and a Wrathor. Once the
controlled descent. The pod begins to heat deal is done, the principals actually ac-
up as it enters the atmosphere. You wait knowledge one another to seal the bar-
for the reassuring sound of the braking gain.
jets. The pod is getting hotter. You are still Alliance intelligence has briefed the
waiting. Rebels on the protocol, so give the play-
ers this information.
The drop pod is intentionally pro-
grammed to engage the braking jets at the
last possible moment in order to assure that
the pod is damaged on landing, preventing tions of the pod, only two Rebels may com-
any possiblity of getting off Captivity. That bine on the attempt.
this process is often rough on the passen- A single Rebel may try to reprogram the
gers is of no concern to the Empire. A Rebel pod controller on a Moderate computer pro-
may alter the braking jets' programming by gramming/repair roll. If successful, the drop
first ripping open a sealed panel (Difficult pod lands without damage. If unsuccessful,
Strength or lifting roll). In the cramped condi- the drop pod is damaged beyond repair

70 . . ::. '. .. . - : . ... '.

===========:;:;STAR.R=========== WARS'

without sophisticated tools. Each Rebel claim to be the Rajah and the Royal Court,
must attempt an Easy Strength roll on im- Rolo has his men move in to capture the
pact. Those who fail are wounded. Rebels.
Sticks and Stones Break Bones ... A Little Lie Between Friends
Upon exiting the pod, the Rebels find As the ruffians move in to capture the
themselves on an inhospitable moon with Rebels, the heroes have to think fast. If they
even less hospitable people. Read: suggest that they were lying about their
past, Rolo reflects for a second and then
As you shakily leave the pod, you notice gives them an opportunity to prove that
you have landed on the ledge of a cliff. they are just as nasty and vicious as his ruf-
The sky above is streaks of blue and fians. If they don't, continue with "The
brown swirling in shades of gray. The wind Ransom."
is cold and abrasive with grit. Below you is
a series of caves worn into the cliff. From The Brawl
above comes a hail of rocks and a garbled Andews Rolo decides to test the Rebels in
cry, "Kill the newcomers before they can a fight. Read aloud:
get to Rolo!"
Andews Rolo shrugs. "Maybe you are
Rolo's Ruffians (28): DEX 2D, brawling parry what you say you are, maybe you aren't.
3D, dodge 3D, grenade 4D, melee 3D, melee A man in a fight convinces me of his charac-
parry 3D; STR 2D, brawling 3D, ter a hundred times faster than he does
climbing/jumping 3D+I; all other attributes through talk. So if you take on Volq here,"
and skills 2D. the old man gestures to a slab of a man who
looks like a walking chunk of the cliff out-
Rolo's Ruffians use rocks as grenades, side, "and win, you're one of us. If not ... we
throwing them for STR damage at close and ransom you. Or kill you. Or whatever."
medium range, STR-ID damage at long
range. They begin their attack at medium Rolo then lays down the rules:
range. The Rebels only avenue of escape is
• The fighters must remain in the ring.
down, just as Rolo intends. Climbing the cliff Leaving the ring at any time during the fight
is an Easy climbing/jumping roll, reduced by
1D if the Rebels are also dodging. After a few is against the rules.
rounds the heroes hear a thin voice calling • One fighter only, no help from the outside.
them. They see Rolo below, beckoning them The fighters are to brawl only.
into the shelter of a cave. A qUick swing • No kicking, gouging, or other dirty fighting.
over the lip above the entrance and the • The fight continues until one of the contes-
Rebels can land in the cave. tants is unconscious.
The ring is a four-meter circle, eagerly
... But Words Can Get You Killed surrounded by the ruffians. Volq moves to
The cave is poorly lit with guttering torch-
the center of the ring to a sarcastic cheer.
es, and poor ventilation keeps the stinging
The crowd becomes genUinely rowdy when
smoke perpetually in the air. The smell is
the chosen Rebel moves into the circle.
strong to the point of overwhelming.
Possessions are bundled together to indi- Volq: DEX 3D, blaster 4D, brawling parry 4D,
cate ownership and to mark specific por- dodge 4D+1; PER 3D; STR 4D, brawling 5D;
tions of the cave. all other attributes and skills 2D. Volq's skin
Rolo claims to be the leader of a small has been treated to increase his Strength to
group of political prisoners. He claims his 4D+2 for damage purposes. The process also
peaceful group is under a constant state of lowered his sensory awareness - all
siege from the brutal cutthroats who popu- Perception and Knowledge-based rolls are re-
late Captivity. Rolo weaves this elaborate de- duced by one pip.
ception to probe the newcomers, to see
what he can get them to reveal about them- Rolo actually does not care whether the
selves. He is most curious about their garb, Rebel wins or loses. The ringleader is inter-
and asks how they managed to get exiled to ested in seeing whether the hero or his com-
Captivity. panions cheat. Given the importance of the
If the Rebels confess to their mission, or
contest, Rolo certainly would cheat. He fig-
ures anyone worth having in the gang would

.. . . . . .. .:. . ~'. . '. .'. '.' '. .. . .~ . 71


his men darts to free the Rebels as a fight

breaks out. The Rebels are weaponless, but
can pick up rocks to hurl at the ruffians if
the wish. If they think of it, they can rip their
costumes and extract the Sharbone back-
rods; these act as short spears doing
STR+ID+1 damage.
With the Rebels help, Dedelin should de-
feat Volq and the ruffians before the men
scaling the cliff can arrive to tilt the odds.
Dedelin the leads his party and the Rebels
back to their camp and episode three.
Captain DedeIin: DEX 2D+2, blaster 3D+l,
brawling parry 3D+ 1, dodge 4D, heavy
weapons SD, melee parry 4D, melee 4D; KNO
3D, planetary systems SD, survival SD, tech-
nology 4D; MEC 3D+2, astrogation 4D, star-
ship gunnery SD, starship shields 4D; PER
3D+l, command 6D; STR 2D+l brawling 4D,
climbing/jumping 4D, stamina 4D; TEC 3D,
starship repair 4D. Dedelin carries a crude
vibroaxe (damage STR+ID+2), and still
wears his captain's cap.
Dedelin's "Crew": DEX 2D, brawling parry
too against a behemoth like Volq when their 3D+2, dodge 3D, grenade 4D, melee 3D,
life depends on the outcome. If the Rebels melee parry 3D; STR 2D, brawling 4D, climb-
lose without cheating, continue with "The ing/jumping 3D+ 1; all other attributes and
Ransom." If they win without cheating, con- skills 2D.
tinue with "Sold Down River." If they cheat
- win or lose - continue with "Ambush!" Sold Down River
By defeating Volq fairly, Rolo considers
The Ransom the Rebels capable enough to pose a threat
The ruffians surround the Rebels. If they to his rule. He decides to rid himself of this
somehow manage to fight their way free of threat. Read:
Rolo and exit the cave, they run into one of
Dedelin's patrols and are cautiously taken to Rolo's eyes widen in astonishment as
episode three. Volq thuds to the cave floor. He stands for
If the surrender or succumb to the ruffi- a moment, considering. His men tense for
ans, read the following aloud: action. Then Rolo smiles broadly.
"That was quite a performance, one
Rolo picks his teeth as he regards you which I believe deserves a reward. Men,
with contempt. "I may not know who you what do you say? Shall we show these
are, but I certainly know what you are: champions to the treasure vault, and give
trade bait. I figure Dedelin and his fools them each one prize?"
would be willing to trade some of their The men furtively look at each other,
patched-up gear for your lives. If I'm and then a few nod. Then some cheer, and
wrong," he smiles, "at least I get to kill an unspoken agreement is reached.
Rolo gestures to a side passage and the
Rolo puts Volq in charge of a dozen ruffi- ruffians start to move in that direction. The
ans who take the prisoners to an exchange passage is slippery, sloping gently down.
point. There they meet with Dedelin and 12 While traveling down, Rolo continues to
of his men, talking about trading a power praise the Rebels, but emphasizes they are
generator for the Rebels. A Moderate search to take one prize apiece, no more, from what
or Perception roll lets a hero spot the ruffi- they find in the treasure chamber. Some ruf-
ans scaling down a nearby cliff to ambush fians are dragging a log and handmade rope
Dedelin's party. If they warn Dedelin, one of

72 . .' .... .... .. ' . .;. . . ". .

===========::::::;:'TAIiIoP=========== WARS'

down the slope, others carry torches. The If the Rebels help Oedelin and turn
sound of rushing water fills the cave and against the ruffians, their aid should turn
makes conversation difficult. the battle. If they stay out of the fight all to-
The Rebels enter a low-ceilinged chamber, gether, the pitched battle results in heavy
where an undergroud river races through casualties, but Oedelin and his men prevail.
the notch it has cut in the rock. As the ruffi- If the Rebels help Volq and company, you
ans attach the rope around the log, Rolo have to improvise a way for them to free
shouts that the Rebels are to hang onto or Oedelin and make it back to the captain's
ride the log downstream into the treasure camp.
vault, take one item apiece, and then pull on Once Oedelin has conversed with the
the rope when they are ready to be dragged Rebels, he is convinced they are genuine if
back upstream. they tell him the truth, reasoning that a lie
As soon as the Rebels enter the water would sound more plausible. If the Rebels
with the log, the crushing current (STR 60) try to fool him, he is much more suspicious
forces them downstream. The rope simply of them, but escorts them to his camp under
slides off the log. The Rebels can see Rolo guard.
and the ruffians laughing, but cannot hear
them over the roar of the water.
The current shoots the Rebels through Time and the Gathering Storm
dark, irregular passages. Each hero must L,-_..J When the Rebels land on Captivity, in-
make three Dexterity rolls, two at Moderate, form them they have about 48 hours to
one at Difficult, or take 60 damage for each find the senators and make it up to the
failure as they slam against the wall. The peak of Borolol's Claw. Episode two
current slows, and even the gray light of should take only a few hours of game
Captivity seems blinding as the Rebels are time, leaVing them with 40 hours or so by
washed into a gravel basin. Less than 20 me- the time they reach episode three.
ters away the heroes can see Captain
Oedelin's camp. Go to episode three.
Rolo is convinced by the Rebel's cheating Episode Three: Climb to Freedom
against Volq that they are his kind of people.
He congratulates the victorious Rebel, and Summary
the group is accepted into the ruffians with The Rebels arrive at Oedelin's camp, find
aggressive back-slapping and arm-pounding. the surviving political prisoners, and make
Rolo loudly proclaims that with the Rebels, their way up the side of Borolol's Claw
they should finally teach the high-born through a violent storm. Awaiting rescue,
snobs who follow Oedelin a real lesson. they discover the storm isn't large enough
A raiding party is hastily assembled, con- for the eye to clear the peak. They must sig-
sisting of a patched-up Volq, 18 ruffians, and nal their rescuer and survive strafing runs
the Rebels. They head out for battle in ob- from TIE fighters to get away.
noxiously high spirits. As they walk along a
defile leading to Oedelin's camp, read:
Hail the Camp!
As the Rebels approach the camp, they
Volq gives you a ragged grin as you see hundreds of meters of hand-extruded
trudge along in Captivity's gray day. The wire fence surrounding the well-kept huts of
winds are noisy; as the rocks fly into your the camp proper. The occasional sizzle of
group from above you feel it must have rain on wire indicates power is running
been that noise which prevented you from through the fence. A pair of old guards pa-
hearing your attackers. trol the perimeter.
"Out and at them! Andews Rolo has ter- Entering with Oedelin prompts a ragged
rorized us long enough!" shouts a strong celebration. When Oedelin explains the
voice. A man wearing a makeshift but well- Rebels are here to get them off Captivity, the
tended uniform leads a determined group celebration becomes a spontaneous and
from behind the rocks. The ruffians have chaotic outburst of joy. Let the heroes bask
the advantage of numbers by half a dozen in the gratitude of the exiles for a brief mo-
men, but many are stunned from the rock ment before they press on with their mis-
barrage. sion.
. ....
.. . '
' . . .::..: :
. -. 73
============;:FrA.R.P=========== WARS

No Really, We Are Rebels When Dedelin expresses his concerns, read

If the Rebels have been washed up on the aloud:
gravel basin, they must approach the guards The captain removes his cap, gently
without Dedelin's help. Wet, hurt and more brushing the dust and grit clear from the
than a little irritated, they must convince insignia. Dedelin looks at the huts, then his
the guards they really are members of the gaze trails from the buildings to the
Rebel Alliance, a task which is doubly diffi- ground in front of his feet.
cult as the men were exiled when the "You have given us hope," he says, "but
Rebellion was still in its infancy - they we have survived on pragmatism, not
know the New Order, but not the Rebellion. hope. Your freighter may not make it down
Telling the truth allows the Rebels to en- safely. We may have to live here for the
ter the camp on a Moderate can roll, trying rest of our lives. Anything I leave behind, I
to stretch the truth raises it to Difficult, risk giving to Rolo and his scum. The huts,
while complete fabrication raises it to Very the fields, are prize enough. I will not
Difficult. The guards could be overpowered, leave the cannon."
but that makes matters worse once the
Rebels enter the camp. The Rebels can offer to burden them-
selves, carrying a load a tad greater than
Old Guards: Melee 2D+2, brawling 2D+2; All their body weight on a Difficult lifting roll. If
other attributes and skills 2D. the Rebels remember the drop pod (presum-
Exodus ing it landed safely) they have just enough
There are 33 exiles in the camp. Preparing time to reclaim it, rewire its controls, fly it to
them for a qUick exit is a lot of work. Rather camp, tether a large load to it, and get it to
than handle the preparations in detail, use a the top of Borolol's Claw before the fuel
montage scene which includes the following gives out. Flying in the storm up the
bits. Expand any which appeal to you. mountain requires a Difficult starship pilot-
ing roll. If the pilot is willing to make a Very
o Dedelin proudly shows off the camp. He Difficult roll, the Rebels can even take the
shows huts painstakingly constructed from Bantha sculpture (use of a Force point to fly
edgelwood, rock, and mortar. He shows the Bantha is a generous gesture, and so
tools, utensils, and equipment scavenged or counts as a heroic use).
manufactured from the wreckage of drop With the drop pod, all of the equipment
pods - everything from wash basins to can be salvaged. Without the drop pod, only
braking-jets, from power generators to a sur- personal effects and a single power genera-
prisingly sophisticated agricultural Droid. tor can be taken. If the Rebels are unwilling
Dedelin is both proud and regretful of their to fully burden themselves, even the power
lastest accomplishment, a crude blaster can- generator must be left behind. The blaster
non hooked into two of the power genera- cannon may be dragged as far as the base of
tors. Borolol's Claw, and then abandoned.
o The Rebels explain the Alliance to the two
surviving senators (Farazzish and Borolol's Claw
Templeton). The senators are noticeably ex- The climb up the Claw begins as the
cited by the news. storm is reaching full fury, although the
o The exiles sort what can be left behind storm is not as bad as Alliance scientists
from what they can take. They dismantle had told the Rebels it would be. If the Rebels
large, bulky, homemade equipment into think to scout the peaks for the side with
smaller components. the most sheltered approach, an Easy
o The Rebels convince one of the more stub- climbing/jumping roll and an Easy stamina
born exiles that his beloved one-half lifesize roll are necessary to scale the summit. If
Bantha carving has to stay. they do not think to look for the sheltered
o Bundling everything together and assign- approach, they must make three such rolls.
ing equipment for the climb. The checks are considered to be simulta-
neous, reducing die codes by ID. If the
There is too much gear for the exiles to Rebels are fully burdened (to the extent of a
carry while scaling a mountain. The Rebels Difficult lifting roll) the die codes are re-
and Dedelin have to come to some sort of duced another ID. Each check failed
agreement over what goes and what stays. wounds the character who failed.

74 ~ .. '. : ":. . .. '. .' .... ~..'


Once the Rebels make the summit, they

discover new troubles. Read:
Exhausted, you and most of the exiles
reach the plateau of the summit. Thin rock
spires jut here and there from the rock,
some towering dozens of meters in the air.
The storm is not as bad as you had feared.
Looking up you realize the mildness of the
storm has also worked against you. The
eye has not fully formed, and so the peak
is still shrouded in mist.
Worse, you can see shapes in the clouds
- the pronged disk-shape of the freighter
and the shadow of pursuing TIEs. An
Imperial ship disintegrates in a fireball as
two more scream by just overhead.
The Rebels must set up some signalling device farther down the slope (reqUiring a
device to alert the freighter to their pres- Moderate climbing/jumping roll). When a TIE
ence. If they have brought a power genera- makes its next run and lines itself up with
tor, such a device is simple to rig: lights or the signal device, it flies too low and collides
com signal are both possible. Without a with one of the spires.
power generator the Rebels have to think of As soon as the Rebels have damaged a
something else, such as trying to start a fire TIE, a barrage of blaster fire from the
freighter blows another TIE from the sky.
in the middle of a storm (possible if they can
shelter the flame in any way). The remaining Imperials head home. Read:
Once the Rebels devise a signal, four TIEs Your sigh of relief is echoed by the hiss
spot it also, and begin to strafe the peak. of the freighter's landing retros. As the ac-
TIE/rc Starfighter: Hyperdrive multiplier: ze- cess ramp opens, you hear an inarticulate
ro. Sublight speed 5D; maneuverability 2D+2 roar, apparently directed at the man de-
(reduced to 1D+2 in atmosphere); hull 2D. scending the ramp.
Weapons: One laser cannon; fire control 2D; "Take it easy Chewie, I told you we'd
damage 2D+2. Shields: None. make it," the Corellian pirate Han Solo
smiles at you, then continues, "Vh, folks,
TIE Pilots: Starship Piloting 4D+2; Starship we're going to be a little crowded. We're a
Gunnery 5D+2. Combined fire not possible bit pressed for time as I have a date on
due to the storm. Ord Mandel, and we still have plenty of
company up top, so if we could just get go-
If the Rebels have the blaster cannon,
ing ... where did you get all this junk?"
they may use it to defend themselves
against the Imperials. Remember to use the The only pilot the Rebellion had who could
new scale rules when running this combat. navigate the vicious storm was Han Solo. He
agreed, as CaptiVity wasn't too far from Ord
Blaster Cannon (speeder scale): fire control Mandel (a planet Solo and Leia visited be-
ID, damage 4D+2. tween the first two mOVies). We leave it to
If they have no blaster cannon, they can you, the gamemaster, to see the group safely
still try to fool the TIEs by setting a signal out of the system and to assign rewards.

. ..' .. . . . . . -: 75
===========::;'T'AR.R=========== WARS'

T o Free the Forgotten

'-----------'Adventure Script
Use the following script to start your adventure. Your gamemaster will tell you what part
(or parts) to read.

Start the Script up to the top of a mountain. ft figures that's

GM: The camera pans across Stormtroopers the only spot on Captivity where a ship
and Imperial soldiers advancing across a might be able to land.
broad patio filled with exotic plants, firing 6th Rebel: If you didn't like the plan, you
on a palace guard unit armed with archaic shouldn't have volunteered. How does my
weapons. The sound of the battle diminish- Royal Turban look?
es as the camera turns, climbs, and then
zooms through a broad skylight in a gilded 5th Rebel: Nay, mighty Rajah, I never said I
dome. It stops and swivels to view the did not like the plan. But as the "Mouth of
throne of the Rajah, and the figures who are the Ancestors" I have to point out that it has
stylishly dressed in High Virujansi garb. never been done before.
1st Rebel: This sash doesn't fit - it keeps 3rd Rebel: Okay, when they burst in here,
creeping up on me. Why did I have to be the we're suppose to convince them we are roy-
"Peoples' Advisor?" alty, and get ourselves exiled. What happens
if we convince them we are royalty, but they
2nd Rebel: Because you chose the short
decide not to exile us?
holobeam. This outfit for "Conciliator" isn't
much better. 4th Rebel: As the "Eye of History" I must in-
form you the other options are permanent
4th Rebel: Hey! Watch where you stick those
house arrest and execution. If we are· put un-
Sharbone collars! They're sharp and awfully
der house arrest, they would eventually pen-
solid. etrate our cover.
3rd Rebel: I want to know who talked us in- 2nd Rebel: And then execute us for being
to this. The real Rajah is safe, and we're here Rebels. So we want to make the Imperial's
to get captured in his place. angry, but not too angry. Sounds easy
4th Rebel: We want to be exiled, not just enough.
captured. I think the "Wrathor" has the vest
GM: Blaster fire echoes from the marble
buttoned wrong. hallways which lead to the throne room.
1st Rebel: Do we really want to get exiled to
a moon named Captivity? It doesn't sound 6th Rebel: Okay, here they come.
Remember, I am the Rajah. Show me the re-
like a lot of fun to me.
spect of my rank.
5th Rebel: If we are exiled, we then have to
1st Rebel: Speaking of which, Sahib, did you
find the senators and sympathizers who see the entry on "Traditional Execution of a
might still be alive. Then we probably have
Deposed Rajah"? I found it as a subfile under
to climb through a raging storm to get them "Larval Borecrawlers, uses 01."

76 .0 • ~.. • • ": • • • • .' •• • •

Vessel: _
O Hun
O Crew

Chief Gunnery Chief Shield

Captain Pilot Officer Officer

Command Starship

Weapon Banks Damage Record

Weapon: Damage: _ Ship Damage:

Weapon: Damage: _ Shields:

Fire Control: ITIJ 10 ITIJ2D ITIJ3D ITIJ4D
Weapon: Damage: _
Weapon: Damage: _ ITIJ 4D ITIJ 5D
Fire Control: ITIJlO ITIJ2D ITIJ3D ITIJ4D Maneuver:
Weapon: Damage: _ ITIJ 10 ITIJ 2D ITIJ 3D ITIJ 4D
Fire Control: ITIJlO ITIJ2D ITIJ3D ITIJ4D Command Damage: ITIJ ITIJ ITIJ

Evasion Number / Shield Number (Ionization) Record

1 1 ( ) 8 1 ( ) 15 1 ( ) 22 1 ( )
2 1 ( ) 9 1 ( ) 16 1 ( ) 23 1 ( )
3 1_ _( ) 10 1 ( ) 17 1 ( ) 24 1 ( )
4 1_( ) 11 1 ( ) 18 1 ( ) 25 1 ( )
5 1 ( ) 12 1 ( ) 19 1 ( ) 26 1 ( )
6 1 ( ) 13 1 ( ) 20 1 ( ) 27 1_( )
7 1 ( ) 14 1 ( ) 21 1 ( ) 28 1 ( )
STARSHIP This section
COMBAT SEQUENCE replac~s the
1. Declare Actions and Full Reactlon portion of the
Skills. Characters declare all actions "Weapons
for this combat round (movement, Chart" on
haste, skill, attribute use, or full dodge page 139 of
evasion). The character (pC or NPC) the role-
with the lowest Dexten"ty code declares
actions first, followed by other playing game
rulebook_ '--:""=::-::-=:::-;=;:-::=7::-;;~;;;:-=::-;:;;-;~===7.":"'::-:==C:;:;;:-::~;::;;-=~
I. Damage at point-blank range (see S1V:RPG page 47).•• Characters with the control skill add skill code
characters in ascending order of damage. Anything less than 3 meters away is point-blank range for ranged weapons.
Dexterity. If a PC has the same Dexten"ty
code as an NPC, the NPC must declare

2. Declare Combat Reaction Skills.

Characters declare combat evasions,
or other reaction skills, including COMBAT SEQUENCE
shielding. Haste for reaction skills,
including full reactions, may be 1. Declare Actions and Full Reaction Skills. Characters
increased. The character with the declare all actions for this combat round - movement, haste,
highest Dexterity code declares first, skill or attribute use, or full dodge or full parry. The character
followed by other characters in (pC or NPC) with the lowest Dexterity code declares actions
descending order of Dexterity. If a PC
has the same Dexterity code as an NPC,
the NPC must declare first.
STAR first, followed by the other characters in ascending order of
Dexter;ty. If a PC has the same Dexten·ty as an NPC, the NPC
must declare first.
3. Roll Actions and Reactions in
Order of Haste. Non-movement
actions and reactions with the same
WARS 2. Declare Combat Reaction Skills. Characters declare
combat dodges or parries. Haste for reaction skills, including
full reactions, may be increased. The character with the
degree of haste are resolved, followed
by all movement actions with that
same degree of haste. Characters roll
CHARTS highest Dexterity code declares first, followed by the other
characters in descending order of Dexterity. If a PC has the
same Dexterdy as an NPC, the NPC must declare first.
skill dice for their actions. The
gamemaster determines the to-hit and 3. Roll Actions and Reactions in Order of Haste. Non-
other difficulty numbers for this movement actions with the same degree of haste are
combat round. resolved, followed by all movement actions with the same
degree of haste. Characters roll skill dice for their actions.
4. Calculate Damage as Hits Occur. The gamemaster determines the to-hit and other difficulty
Roll damage. hull or strength dice for numbers for this round.
all targets hit by an attack, and
determine the effects according to the 4. Calculate Damage as Hits Occur. Roll damage and
"Damage Summary" chart. strength dice for all targets hit by an attack, and determine
the effects according to the "Damage Summary" chart.


Moderate Combat Difficulty
JMfu;uit .', Situation Number
Very Difficult
Target Brone
Combat _ Diffieul -Scale
Short Rang.!' - 1l.10""",..,.,.~1
Medium Range B·15 +1
-Long Range 16, 0 ",2
Knowled e Difficul Scale +5
Everyone Knows 3·5
Tommon Knowlep~g~e;;;:'::;:::::::::::=::;::':~6-~.I~JJ~:=-::FEI +2
No Secret, But Not Widely Known B·15 +.3
-Speciali~-Ki1oWeage r6r211 +4
Expert Knowledge 21·30
General Knowied e iftieul Scale Target Size (personal combat only)
Pretty Ignorant 3·5 '+.15
Knows a Eill e ll< ·0
Broad General Knowledge 11·15 -flO
·Specific, Detailed-I<nowleoge a1i:-~o +5
~Truly Comprehensive Knowledge 21-30 +2
Med ae Use ~,JD1fficul Scale'
Wounded 6-10
MortaliyWounded 16-20
============;:STAICoR=========== WARS'

Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game Official Rules'lndex o '

This index is drawn from three damage summary Dewbacks SB86

sources: Star Wars: The Raleplay- characters SWC 16 Detoxify poison RPG77
ing Game (abbreviated below as starships SWC 19 Detoxify poison in
RPG). The Star Wars Companion difficulty number SWC 6, 78 another RPG 79
(abbreviated as 5WC) and The distance per speed Diagram
action SWC 10 grenade scatter RPG 139
Star Wars Sourcebook (56). SWC49
equipment cost SB 96 ship facing
equipment Die pips SWCS

A-wing SB 14
modification cost
guns modifier
SWC 11
Difficulty numbers

Difficulty number
RPG 11,

Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) SB 133 melee weapons SWC78 chart SWC78

AT-AT, Imperial SB 68 affset,SWR Dim other's senses SWC65
AT-ST, Imperial SB 69 conversion SWC 26-27 Distance per speed
Absorb/ dissipate optional fire action chart SWC 10
energy RPG 77, modifiers SWC78 Dodge skill RPG 31,
SWC59 ramming chart SWC 11 SWC 14
Accelerate another's scale difference SWC 21l-21 Dodging and other
healing SWC62 spacecraft reaction skills SWC 14
Accelerate healing SWC58 performance data SB 23 Droid programming
Aflect mind RPG 79 weapons RPG 139 and repair RPG44
Alien races skill RPG32 weapons ranges, Droids as player
Aliens RPG81 additional SWC 16 characters SWC 28-29
Alter powers RPG 78-79, Chewbacca SB 129 Droids, creating
SWC61 Climbing! jumping RPG42 your own SWC 28-29
Astrogation RPG 35,58, Cloud car SB 60
SWC 17 Collision damage
Astrogation chart
RPG 5%0
SWC 17
Combat sequence
SWC 12
SWC 13
Astrogation gazetteer capital ship combat Emptiness SWC64
correction SWC 17 sequence SWC 35-36 Equipment cost chart SB 96
Atonement SWC53 starship combat Equipment, general SB 92-99,
Availability codes sequence SWC 17 SWC 31-32
(equipment) SB 96, Command RPG41 Equipment, improving
SWC31 Computer and customizing SWC 29-31
programming/repair RPG44 Escort Frigates SWC50,
SB 31
-{!J Can
Container Ship
SB 45 Evasion and vehicular
combat SWC 17-18
B-wing SB 15 Contort! escape RPG72
Control another's Ewoks SB 71
Banthas SB 85
Bargain RPG36 disease RPG 79
Control another's pain RPG79
Beast riding
Blaster die codes
Blaster skill
RPG 139
Control disease RPG 77,
Control pain SWC57 Facing, capital ship
Boba Fett SB 139 combat SWC 35. 49
Brawling RPG 42, 49 Control powers SWC 57-59
RPG 71-77 Farseeing SWC60
Brawling Parry RPG 31. 49 Fire control codes and
Bulk Freighter SB44 Corellian Corvette SWC50,
SB 30 stars hip gunnery RPG 62
Bureaucracy RPG32 Force, the alter powers RPG 78-79.
Creating a character RPG 7-10,
81 SWC61
-@ Droids
Crew quality chart
SWC 28-29
control powers
RPG 71-77,
C-3PO (See-Threepio) SB 134 Cultures skill RPG 33 SWC 57-59
Calling on the Dark Customizing, equipment Dark Side, calling
Side SWC52 and ships SWC 29-31 on the SWC52
Capital ship combat Dark Side points SWC 52-53
sequence SWC 35-36 Force points RPG 66-l37.
Capital ship statistics
chart SWC50
-@] Force powers versus
SWC 52-53

Character templates RPG 122-138 Damage summary chart skills RPG 70

Charts (capital ships) SWC45 Force skills RPG 70,
astrogation SWC78 Damage summary SWC57
capital ship chart (personal) SWC 16 Lightsabers RPG49,
statistics SWC50 (starship) SWC 19 71
collision damage SWC 12 Dark Side, calling on the SWC52 sense powers RPG 77-78,
crew quality SWC34 Dark Side points SWC 52-53 SWC 5%1
damage summary Darth Vader SB 140 training SWC 55-56

(capital ships)



.. . "

.. '. .
Force of will

.... .

.,,". 79

...@] ..@ Starship piloting

Starshlp repair
Starship shields skill
RPG 36, 62
PRG 36,
Gambling skill RPG41 Obi-Wan Keoobi 5B 135
5WC 18
Gamorreans 5B 72 ofrset charts. SWR
Starship system
Grenade skill RPG31 conversion 5WC 26-27
damage table RPG 142
Grenades and Opposed rolls RPGll
Star Warriors to RPG
thermal detonators RPG 49-50 5WC 22-25
Grenade scatter
diagram 5WC 139 -0
Passenger Uner 5B 47
Stock light freighter

Hand-to-hand combat RPG49
Pips, die
Place in hibernation

and combined fire
cold assault
5B 104
5B 106
5B 127 Planetary systems skill RPG33 standard RPG84
Han Solo
RPG31 Postcognition 5WC65 zeroG 5B 105
Heavy weapons skill
Preparing a skill RPG 12 Stun damage 5WC 15
Healing table 5WC78
RPG72 Princess L.eia 5B 125 Sullustans 5B 80
Hibernation trance
RPG42 Projective telepathy RPG78 Surprise in combat 5WC 16
Hide / sneak
RPG 12 Protocol Droid (3PO) 5WC29 Survival skill RPG33
How long does it take?
Swimming RPG43

.{IJ -@ Swoops 5B64

Imperial AT-AT
Imperial AT-ST
5B 68
5B 69
Quarren 5B 79
Imperial Star
Destroyers 5WC50,
5B 34
R2 Astromech Droid SWC29
astrogatlon mishap
starshlp system
RPG 140
Improving equipment 5WC 29-31 R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo) 5B 133
Improving ships 5WC 29-31 damage RPG 142
Rancor, the 5B88
Inflict pain 5WC 61 Technology skill RPG34,
Reaction Skills RPG 12,
Injure/ Kill 5WC 61 5WC 30-31
5WC 13, 14
Instinctive astrogation RPG77 Telekinesis RPG78
Receptive telepathy RPG 77,
Ion cannons 5WC 18 Telekinetic kill SWC63
Ionization 5WC 18 Templates
Remain conscious RPG 72,
Ithorians 5B 72 character RPG 122-
Repulsorlift operation RPG36
ship 5WC77
Repulsorlit repair RPG45
3PO Human·Cyborg
Return to
Relations Drold 5WC29
Jawas 5B 75 consciousness RPG 79,
TIE bomber 5B28
TIE Interceptor 5B26

Lando Calrissian 5B 131
Sand People
TIE/In starCighter
Torpedos and
Training and the Force
5B 25

RPG 63-64
Landspeeder 5B59
(fusken Raiders) SB 79 Twi'Jeks 5B82
Languages skill RPG33
Scripts RPG88

Life sense
Search RPG42
Lifting RPG43
Security RPG45
Lightsabers RPG 49, 71
5ee-Threepio (C-3PO) 5B 134 Using more than
Leia Organa 5B 125
Sense Force 5WC65 one skill RPG 12
Lord Vader 5B 140
Sense powers RPG 77-78,
Luke Skywalker 5B 123

5WC 59-60
Sensor modes 5B9
setting blasters on stun 5WC 15 Victory-Class Destroyers SWC 50,
Shields, starship 5WC 18 5B32
Magnify senses RPG77 Shift sense 5WC65
5WC 16
Ship facing diagram
Ship template
5WC77 -@
Melee weapons skill RPG 31,49 Skills 5B 62 Walkers, Imperial 5B 68,69
Melee parry RPG 31,49 Skill points RPG 15,94 Wookiees 5B83
Millennium Falcon 5B43 Space barge 5B38 Wound effects RPG53
Mishaps, astrogation RPG 59-60 Speed action 5WC 10
MissIes, tmpedos RPG63 Speed die code 5WC9
Mon Calamari 5B 77 Speeder bike 5B63
star cruisers 5WC50, Stamina RPG43 X-Wing 5B 18
5B 36 Standard duration
V-Wing 5B 17,
Mon Mothma 5B 130 journey, hyperspace 5WC 17
Movement 5WC 9-12 Starship combat
5WC 17 Yoda 5B 137
Multiple skill use RPG 12 sequence
Mynocks 5B 87 Starship gunnery RPG 36, 62 2-95 Headhunter 5B 13

80 . ' .. .... . .. . . . . .. ~. .. .. ....

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