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W09 Application Activity: Management Framework, Part 2

 Anthony Arias Villanueva

1. Mission and Strategy. Fill in the table below using information from W08 Application Activity: Management Framework, Part 1.
Mission (What you do) Strategy (How you do it)
Our mission is to offer the best lemonade in town, providing a top- Our strategies are; first to be an eco-friendly company
quality service wherever the clients are, and have a profitable using organic lemons, a lemonade car pulled by a tricycle
business. also using biodegradable cups.
Then we will get where the events are, like a birthday
party, festival, concert; we can be anywhere the customers
will need us and we can personalize the cups for each

2. Priorities. Fill in the table below with risks that could threaten the success of your business. Risks towards the top of the list should
be a higher priority for your team.
Risk Category Name the risk Describe the risk Why did you put this risk into this How will you reduce or overcome
category? this risk?
Deal-Killer Request a license Risk to not operate Without a license we can’t start to work Having and fulfill the requirements to
to operate get a license to operate
Deal-Killer Get the lemonade Risk of not having a stand and Without it we can’t set the stand or get Buy the lemonade tricycle and have
tricycle transportation to our place to work money for contingencies about it
Path-Dependent Find a good Risk of not having a quality Without good supplies, we won’t be Make a list of suppliers
supplier product able to offer quality products

Path-Dependent Organize our roles Risk of being disorganized Misunderstanding our roles and Make a weekly schedule
and schedules disorganization
Operational Make advertising Risk of not having customers or Customers won’t know about our Publish our advertising in social media
events. business and make flyers
Operational Find a place to set Risk of not having a place to Without establishing a place, we won’t Make a list of central places
the lemonade work have recurring customers

3. Measurement. Fill in the table below with at least three metrics that you can use to evaluate your performance and make informed
decisions. Make sure at least one measures how well you deliver on your mission. At least one should measure how well your strategy
is working. This table becomes your implementation plan.
Describe the metric Why did you choose it? How will you measure it? Why is this the best measure of
Metric 1 Number of cups per month To know how much we sell Making daily inventory To see if we will achieve our goals
Metric 2 Number of events per month To know if the demand of event is Making a monthly schedule of the We can see how much we can gain
enough events per event
Metric 3 Profits To know if our business is Make a weekly evaluation of It shows clearly if we are gaining
profitable income and expenses or loosing money

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