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County of Santa Clara

Development Services Office

County Government Center, East Wing
70 West Hedding Street, 7th Floor
San Jose, California 95110
Bldg. Inspection (408) 299-5700 Land Development 299-5730 FAX 279-8537


Residential Addition, Alteration, Remodel and Repair

1. Complete a building permit application (upper left box). Fees will be calculated by the counter person.
Plan check and PO fees are required at the time of application, the other fees are paid when the permit is

2. Submit 2 sets of plans, to scale, sheet size 18" X 24" to 24" X 36". Plans must include:

• Project description - Plans should include a description of project and scope of work. Note that if the
roof and more than 50% of the exterior walls of a residence are removed for any reason, the project
may be classified as a new residence and not a remodel. In that case, building site approval,
annexation to the adjacent city or other requirements may result.

• Site plan, drawn to scale, showing the relationship of new construction to property lines (property
corners may need to be verified), all structures, location of septic tank and drainfield as constructed,
driveway, north arrow, and any other details necessary to show the addition and property.

• Floor plan, including area to be added, show and label adjacent rooms, windows to be removed,
electrical and plumbing fixtures, door/window sizes and location, heat source.

• Elevations - show at least 2 sides with building height clearly noted.

• Foundation plan and details, a soils report and engineering design may be required depending on the
extent of work and soil conditions.

• Framing plans and details, including size, span, spacing and direction of all framing in walls, ceiling,
floors and roof assembly. Show connections of new to existing at various critical locations.

3. Professional designers must sign and stamp plans and calculations.

4. For additions and alterations, submit the required California Energy Commission Compliance Forms.

5. Obtain local school district(s) clearance for additions or conversion of non-habitable to habitable area which
exceed 500sf. We will provide the form and list of school district(s).

6. Electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits may also be required.

7. If you have a septic system, the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) may require that you obtain
clearance from the DEH Field Office prior to issuance of the building permit. An inspection of the septic
tank and drainfield may be required. Provide 4 copies of the site plan for the DEH inspector to sign. The
DEH inspector will keep 1 copy. Submit the other 3 copies with your building permit application or bring
them to the Building Inspection Office when you submit your application for a building permit.

Department of Environmental Health

1555 Berger Drive, Suite 300
San Jose, CA 95112-2716
Phone (408) 918-3400

If you need more details or information, refer to the blue handout "When is a Building Permit Required?" or
speak to the counter person. BP Appl. Req. Revised 3/06

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