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Diffusion and Perfusion MR Imaging in Acute Stroke: Clinical

Utility and Potential Limitations for Treatment Selection
Mathew Bateman, MBChB, FRANZCR,  Lee-Anne Slater, MBBS, FRANZCR, y
Thabele Leslie-Mazwi, MD, z Claus Z. Simonsen, MD, PhD, § Stephen Stuckey, MBBS, MD, FRANZCR, y
and Ronil V. Chandra, MBBS, FRANZCR y

Although the initial goals of imaging were to exclude intracranial

Abstract: Magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI)
hemorrhage (ICH) and major established infarct in the early IVtPA
and perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) offer unique insight into acute
trials, imaging goals evolved to include parenchymal and vascular
ischemic stroke pathophysiology. These techniques may offer the ability to
imaging to identify patients with a small infarct core and large vessel
apply pathophysiology to accurately individualize acute stroke reperfusion
occlusion for the major ET stroke trials.10 Computed tomography
treatment, including extending the opportunity of reperfusion treatment to
(CT) imaging was widely utilized to achieve these imaging goals,
well beyond the current time-based treatment windows.
and worldwide, remains the most widely utilized imaging modality
This review examines the use of DWI and PWI in the major stroke trials, their
in acute stroke due to availability and speed of use.
current clinical utility, and potential limitations for reperfusion treatment
However, there is potential novel information that magnetic
selection. DWI and PWI continue to be investigated in ongoing randomized
resonance imaging (MRI) and perfusion imaging techniques could
controlled trials, and continued research into these techniques will help
provide to better select patients for reperfusion. This stems from the
achieve the goal of tissue-based decision making and individualized acute
observation that current time treatment windows are based on
stroke treatment.
epidemiologic population studies, and that the treatment benefit
Key Words: diffusion imaging, MRI, perfusion imaging, reperfusion, for the population declines over time. However, this ‘‘time-clock’’
stroke, thrombolysis does not always correlate with stroke physiology for an individual
patient. Thus, the goal of stroke therapy patient selection is to create a
(Top Magn Reson Imaging 2017;26:77–82)
treatment paradigm that individualizes stroke treatment toward a
‘‘tissue-clock.’’ In this review, we initially discuss the hemodynamics
S troke is the second highest cause of mortality in the world and is
a cause of significant morbidity. Globally, there were an esti-
mated 16.9 million strokes in 2010 that resulted in nearly 6 million
in acute stroke that form the foundation for understanding individ-
ualized stroke physiology, and then examine current data for the use
of MRI diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and perfusion-weighted
deaths.1 In the United States, a stroke occurs every 40 seconds, and a imaging (PWI) to achieve the goal of individualized tissue based
death from stroke occurs every 4 minutes.1 Up until the turn of the acute reperfusion stroke treatment.
century, the only management options were supportive therapy,
rehabilitation, and risk factor modification. In 1995, the benefit of HEMODYNAMICS IN ACUTE STROKE
intravenous thrombolysis for acute stroke was established by the Cerebral infarction occurs when there is insufficient blood flow
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) to perfuse cerebral tissue, most commonly due to arterial occlusion.
tPA trial.2 This led to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration This is driven by a focal reduction in local cerebral perfusion pressure
approving intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (IVtPA) for (CPP). If there is only a minor reduction in CPP, autoregulatory
use within 3 hours of stroke onset. Further trials extended the time responses cause local arteriolar vasodilation that allows maintenance
window for treatment from 3.0 to 4.5 hours in select populations.3 of normal cerebral blood flow (CBF). This vasodilation increases
IVtPA remained the only proven effective treatment for ischemic mean transit time (MTT; the time that red blood cells remain within a
stroke for the next 2 decades. volume of tissue) as well as cerebral blood volume (CBV; the total
In early 2015, 5 landmark studies demonstrated the efficacy of volume of blood within a volume of brain tissue). This small increase
endovascular therapy (ET) for ischemic stroke caused by large artery in CBV may be difficult to detect with PWI. However, if local CPP
occlusion.4–8 There was a significant benefit for use of IVtPA and ET falls further, CBF begins to reduce. If there is only a mild reduction in
for patients with a small established infarct, a proximal occlusion, a CBF, further compensatory mechanisms such as an increase in local
significant neurological deficit, and ability to achieve recanalization oxygen extraction from the red blood cells can still sustain brain
by ET within 6 hours of onset compared with IVtPA alone. All of electrical function, and tissue viability may not be compromised.
these landmark stroke trials utilized brain imaging to select patients.9 This state of hypoperfusion is referred to as benign oligemia.11
With further reduction in CBF, there is insufficient delivery of
From the Neuroradiology Service, Monash Imaging, Monash Health; ySchool of oxygen to brain tissues leading to electrical dysfunction and neuro-
Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash logical deficit. CBF becomes pressure dependent, that is, autoregu-
University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; zNeuroEndovascular Service, lation mechanisms have been overwhelmed, and with further
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; reduction in CPP, there is corresponding reduction in CBF. The
and §Department of Neurology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.
Address correspondence to Ronil V. Chandra, MBBS, MMed, FRANZCR, Diag- greater the severity of the ischemia, the more likely ischemic injury
nostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Monash Health, Monash University, will be irreversible. Thus, although brain tissue dies within minutes
Melbourne, VIC 3168, Australia. without any blood flow, if the reduction in CBF is only moderate, the
(e-mail:; brain tissue may remain viable for many hours.12 One of the holy
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Copyright ß 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. grails of acute stroke imaging is to reliably identify brain tissue that is
DOI: 10.1097/RMR.0000000000000124 irreversibly injured, that is, the ‘‘core’’ infarct, and the brain tissue

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Bateman et al Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging  Volume 26, Number 2, April 2017

that has electrical dysfunction from moderate reduction of CBF, but with single-phase CT angiography (CTA),4 multiphase CTA,6 or
remains viable. This tissue that remains viable forms a ring-like perfusion imaging5,8 also typically with CT.
shape around the core, and is referred to as the ‘‘penumbra.’’12 This is
the target for acute reperfusion treatment, as this tissue is potentially CLINICAL UTILITY OF DWI FOR REPERFUSION
salvageable with timely return of adequate CBF, resulting in arrest of TREATMENT SELECTION
infarct growth and return of neurological function to that Although the major stroke trials have not utilized MRI as their
threatened tissue. major selection tool, many centers have developed rapid MRI work-
There are many factors that influence the likelihood of irre- flow and integrate routine MR DWI as the primary imaging strategy
versible injury, including the size of the occluded blood vessel, the or part of a multimodal CT and MRI strategy for acute stroke.19– 21
consequent severity and duration of ischemia, the adequacy of The primary goal for early parenchymal imaging prior to
collateral circulation, and other factors including blood glucose level commencement of IVtPA is exclusion of hemorrhage. Most com-
and temperature. Notably, when reperfusion occurs, either spon- prehensive stroke centers performing MRI only before IVtPA utilize
taneously or through reperfusion therapies, CPP is normalized. additional susceptibility-weighted imaging or T2-weighted to
However, local arteriolar vasodilation may persist resulting in exclude hemorrhage, a strategy with similar sensitivity to noncon-
elevation of CBF and CBV in the previously ischemic tissue bed, trast CT.22 Some have advocated that a stand-alone DWI screening
including in the infarcted tissue bed. This state is referred to as luxury protocol before IVtPA could reduce time to treatment by reducing
perfusion,13 as greater blood flow than required to meet the tissue overall imaging time. The sensitivity of routine b1000 DWI for
metabolic needs is being delivered. parenchymal hemorrhage has received little attention in the liter-
Ultimately depending on when acute imaging is performed ature, but probably is similar to noncontrast CT23 and T2-weighted
during an ischemic stroke, a snapshot of the patient’s individual MRI.24
physiology based on these fundamental hemodynamic concepts, and The main advantage of acute DWI for stroke patients is the
operationalized concepts of infarct ‘‘core’’ and ischemic ‘‘penum- greater sensitivity and higher inter-rater reliability for infarct detec-
bra’’ is obtained. If imaging can reliably determine between infarct tion than noncontrast CT for acute stroke.25 Overall signs of stroke
core and penumbra, it could guide and individualize reperfusion including parenchymal abnormality as well as hyperattenuating
treatment. The patients with the greatest potential to benefit could be vessels are detectible in approximately 60% of CT scans, with
those with the greatest difference between the core and penumbra, overall poor to moderate inter-rater agreement.26,27 This is in contrast
that is, a cohort of patients with a target ‘‘mismatch’’ profile.14 MRI to DWI with a sensitivity of approximately 90% with an excellent
DWI and PWI offers the greatest promise in reliably identifying core, inter-rater agreement.28–30
penumbra, and mismatch, and these imaging techniques and the Moreover, characterization of the DWI lesion could have
potential clinical applications are discussed in the following sections. prognostic information that can be utilized in treatment decisions.
In particular, it has been postulated that DWI lesion volumes more
MR DIFFUSION-WEIGHTED IMAGING than 70 mL are associated with poor outcome regardless of reperfu-
With advanced ischemic injury, failure of energy-dependent ion sion treatment.31 Moreover, DWI lesion volumes more than 100 mL
exchange pumps results in shift of interstitial water into the intra- have been considered a ‘‘malignant’’ imaging profile associated with
cellular compartment, increased intracellular viscosity, and increased symptomatic ICH and poor outcome even after reperfusion.14 This
extracellular space tortuosity. This disruption of the normal random led to the exclusion of these patients in some of the recent ET trials—
movement (diffusion) of water molecules causes reduction in the in particular, both SWIFT PRIME and EXTEND IA excluded
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of water in injured tissues and patients with infarct core volumes more than 50 mL and more than
increased signal intensity on DWI. DWI is currently considered the 70 mL, respectively.8,32 However, this concept has been increasingly
most sensitive method for detecting ischemic stroke; injury is challenged with recent reports of 1 in 3 patients with pre-treatment
manifested minutes after infarction,15 with peak changes between DWI volumes more than 70 mL and successful reperfusion with
24 and 48 hours.16 In general, the acquisition sequences for DWI either IVtPA or ET achieving good functional outcome.33,34 Future
generate b-1000 DWI, b-0 DWI, and ADC maps, all of which contain research is required to define more robust DWI volume thresholds
useful information in acute stroke. The b-1000 DWI lesion is beyond which reperfusion would be considered futile.
typically utilized as the infarct core and has been considered for There is also increasing interest in assessing ADC maps for
reperfusion treatment selection. prognostic information. The probability of infarct is inversely pro-
portional to the ADC level. Thus, there is utility in identifying ADC
HAVE MAJOR STROKE TRIALS USED DWI FOR thresholds that could predict irreversible injury.35 Moreover, ADC
REPERFUSION TREATMENT SELECTION? thresholds could be used to identify infarct core and penumbra,36 as
Overall, no major stroke trial has relied on DWI for patient well as stratify the risk of hemorrhage after reperfusion therapy.37
selection for reperfusion treatment. Although the NINDS IV tPA However, at this time, there remains no consensus on such ADC
study did not utilize MRI screening, ECASS III trial allowed both CT thresholds. Moreover, there may be a significant overlap in ADC
and MRI to screen for enrolment in the 3 to 4.5-hour treatment values for tissues of various fate after reperfusion treatment, limiting
window. Only 6% of patients in this trial were screened with MRI clinical utility at this time.37
before randomization; thus, the benefits of these 2 landmark trials
were confirmed largely using screening with noncontrast CT head POTENTIAL LIMITATIONS OF ROUTINE DWI FOR
alone to exclude hemorrhage and major established infarct. The REPERFUSION TREATMENT SELECTION
largest study of IVtPA, the third International Stroke trial,17 also
permitted CT or MR screening before randomization; however, the Practicality of a MRI Paradigm
use of MRI DWI and results of the imaging substudies are yet to be The main limitations regarding routine MRI use as the primary
reported.18 The major ET trials for acute stroke also largely utilized imaging modality before reperfusion treatment are the practicalities
CT-based paradigms—less than 5% of patients received MRI for of MR availability, patient MR safety, and persisting questions about
selection. Additional advanced imaging included vascular imaging treatment delay. Although access to MRI is variable in emergency

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Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging  Volume 26, Number 2, April 2017 Diffusion and Perfusion MR Imaging in Acute Stroke

departments across the United States, 24/7 onsite MRI is now a which provide information of clinical utility. The time-to-peak (TTP)
requirement for comprehensive stroke center designation, which map is a representation of the time taken for the T2 effects from the
should increase access to MRI for acute stroke patients. Nonetheless, gadolinium to reach their maximum in each voxel. This is likely the
use of MRI as a primary imaging modality for acute stroke is feasible most reproducible map given that the remainder of the maps require
in only 80% to 85% of patients.20,38,39 Approximately 10% of stroke greater mathematical post-processing. To calculate the remainder of
patients have contraindications to MRI, while others may be unable the maps, the time signal-intensity curve must be converted to a time-
to tolerate MRI due to unstable medical conditions or agitation.39 concentration curve and then further post processed to create CBV,
Moreover, no publications using MRI have emerged with the ultra- CBF, MTT, and time to maximum (TMax) maps. These maps can
short time to IVtPA delivery (median 20 minutes) that is feasible with then be used to assess the core, penumbra, and assess for mismatch.
CT-based paradigms.40,41 This is of importance given the powerful PWI also offers a way to assess the core infarct using CBV.
interaction between time and treatment effect—every 15-minute Although CBV has been shown to offer good correlation with DWI
reduction to IVtPA treatment could provide an extra month of and final infarct volume,49 it is rarely used in clinical practice for core
additional disability-free life.42 Thus, some centers use a multimodal infarct, as lesions are easier to identify on DWI, and DWI is less
imaging strategy with initial CT and CTA, followed by MRI DWI likely to miss small lesions.49 Accurate assessment of the penumbra
imaging in select patients.19,43 is challenging due to the requirement to accurately determine the
interface between the core and penumbra, as well as penumbra and
Sensitivity for Intracranial Hemorrhage areas of benign oligemia. There is no consensus as to which PWI
There remain persisting questions regarding the sensitivity of parameter best identifies penumbral tissue. Currently, the most
MR techniques including DWI for ICH. Hyperacute blood products widely utilized threshold to determine penumbral tissue is TMax
contain oxyhemoglobin, which is diamagnetic and thus has a min- in the range of 4 to 6 seconds. 50 Other PWI measures, in particular
imal susceptibility effect, and thus small amounts of ICH could be MTT, are prone to error with overestimation of the penumbra.51
occult on T2 and susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) sequen- There is much active research in the accurate determination of core
ces.44 This is generally not a practical issue for large intraparenchy- and penumbra, due to interest in the mismatch hypothesis. If there is a
mal hemorrhages, which often have a T2 hypointense rim due to a significant difference between the imaging core and penumbra, that
greater concentration of deoxyhemoglobin at the periphery of the is, DWI/PWI mismatch, restoration of perfusion to this penumbral
hematoma. However, the higher oxygen tension in the subarachnoid tissue results in clinical recovery.52 In general, a mismatch volume of
spaces, and mixing of subarachnoid blood with CSF reduces the more than 20% is generally accepted as an indicator of penumbral
sensitivity of T2 and SWI for small amounts of SAH.44 This could presence. Moreover, mismatch can persist to at least 48 hours in some
be potentially overcome by use of both fluid-attenuated inversion patients,52 and thus could facilitate treatment outside traditional time
recovery (FLAIR) sequences and SWI for hemorrhage detection.45 based windows of 4.5 hours from onset for IVtPA and 6 to 8 hours
from onset for ET, thus extending the opportunity of reperfusion
Does DWI Represent Irreversible Injury? treatment to more stroke patients.
There also remains debate about the extent and clinical correlate In addition, PWI parameters may also be able to identify
of DWI reversibility. In rodent models, DWI lesions have been patients unlikely to benefit and to be potentially harmed by reperfu-
demonstrated to resolve completely within an hour of reperfusion, sion therapy. A pooled analysis of the DEFUSE and EPITHET cohort
but develop again after 12 hours. DWI reversal in stroke patients has identified patients with a TMax more than 8 seconds volume more
also been reported, but the clinical significance is unclear. A pooled than 85 mL who had a ‘‘malignant’’ profile.53 After reperfusion,
analysis of the EPITHET and DEFUSE patients treated with IVtPA almost 70% of patients developed parenchymal hemorrhage, and
between 3 and 6 hours found the volume of permanent DWI reversal 90% had a poor outcome. Moreover, this PWI threshold outper-
to be less than 5 mL.46 Moreover, most areas of transient DWI formed DWI to predict outcome.53 PWI could perhaps be a better
reversal at 3 to 6-hour MRI were abnormal on follow-up FLAIR predictor of harm than DWI, as it may more readily identify severely
imaging. However, with earlier and more effective reperfusion, DWI hypoperfused microvasculature that may be prone to blood-brain
reversal is increasingly identified. Despite this, even after IVtPA barrier breakdown and postreperfusion hemorrhage. Notably, these
reperfusion within 4.5 hours, median volumes of DWI reversal patients were selected for reperfusion treatment in the 3 to 6-hour
remain less than 5 mL, with only 10% of patients experiencing more time window. In the sub-3-hour time window, the incidence of the
than 10 mL DWI reversal.47 After ET, DWI reversal is more com- malignant profile is not clear, but is probably close to 10%.54
mon; one-third of patients may experience DWI reversal more than However, with improving ET reperfusion efficiency and ongoing
10 cc when reimaged within 12 hours of ET. However, most of this is reductions in symptom onset to complete reperfusion time, the
transient, with permanent DWI reversal commonly less than 5 mL.48 malignant profile will be redefined. In patients with rapid and
The mechanism of this transient DWI reversal with reperfusion is complete reperfusion, there were no differences in outcome for
unclear, but is thought to be related to vasogenic edema, rather than patients with TMax > 10-second lesion > 100 mL compared with
true tissue salvage.48 those without this malignant imaging profile.55


Although DWI is useful in assessing for infarct core, PWI is REPERFUSION TREATMENT SELECTION?
useful to identify areas of potentially reversible ischemia, the Within 3 hours from onset, no major IVtPA stroke trial has
penumbra. The most widely used technique is dynamic susceptibility used mismatch for patient treatment selection. Beyond traditional
contrast (DSC) imaging, which relies on administration of a gado- time windows, there is growing interest in mismatch to guide
linium-based contrast agent. As the gadolinium passes through the treatment selection. Between 3 and 6 hours, patients with mismatch
large vessels, the capillaries, and then into the veins, there is local in the DEFUSE 2 trial benefited from reperfusion treatment,
signal loss due to the T2 effects of the contrast. By rapidly imaging whereas those without mismatch did not.14 This hypothesis is
at multiple time points during contrast passage through the blood currently being further tested with the ECASS-4:EXTEND IVtPA
vessels, a time-signal intensity curve is created. This then undergoes stroke trial for patients 4.5 to 9 hours after stroke onset or with
mathematical post-processing to yield perfusion maps of the brain, wake-up stroke.56

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Bateman et al Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging  Volume 26, Number 2, April 2017

The MR-RESCUE study was an ET trial that used mismatch for pass through the ischemic tissue bed and into the venous system,
patient selection.57 However, the methodology was more complex, which can be compounded by the presence of impaired cardiac
involving ADC and PWI parameters. Although this trial was not function or severe cervical vessel stenosis. Thus, PWI acquisitions
positive, a significant component of the inability to show benefit that are not long enough may result in truncation effects in the time-
related to the ET device used, which did not achieve reliable or signal intensity curve that underestimate CBV, MTT, TMax, and
adequate reperfusion rates (compared with the more recent ET trials). potentially CBF.64 Additional factors reducing transit time of con-
In the recent positive ET trials, the size of treatment effect was trast from arm to brain, such as contrast injection rate and volume,
greater for the trials that used perfusion or collateral imaging to select cardiac output, and body habitus may also create or exacerbate
patients for treatment, than those that treated based on large vessel truncation errors if PWI acquisitions are not long enough.64 Simple
occlusion alone. SWIFT PRIME and EXTEND IA utilized penum- variation in placement of the arterial input function (AIF) required to
bral imaging for patient selection.5,8 The majority of patients were generate perfusion maps can also impact on PWI volumes65; decon-
selected with CT and not MR PWI; however, both were processed volution methods used for post-processing may also be variable.
using RAPID (iSchemaView, California) automated perfusion soft- Initial thresholding of penumbra was based on a TMax threshold of at
ware to select patients with a favorable imaging profile, that is, less least 2 seconds, which was overly inclusive in identifying penumbral
than 50-cc core and more than 1.8 mismatch ratio in SWIFT PRIME tissue in the EPITHET and DEFUSE cohorts.14,66 Subsequent
and less than 70-cc core infarct and more than 1.2 mismatch ratio in research has suggested stricter definitions of TMax more than
EXTEND IA. Ongoing trials of ET using mismatch for treatment 6 seconds, which has been utilized in the recent ET trials.5,8 More-
selection include Trevo and Medical Management Versus Medical over, the initial definitions of mismatch ratio of greater than 1.2 to
Management Alone in Wake Up and Late Presenting Strokes identify a penumbral state are arbitrary50; subsequent trials such as
(DAWN)58 and Endovascular Therapy Following Imaging Evalu- the DEFUSE 2 and 3 trials, as well as the SWIFT PRIME ET trial
ation for Ischemic Stroke 3 (DEFUSE 3).59 used a mismatch ratio of 1.8,8 while EXTEND IA used a mismatch
ratio of 1.2.5 These variable definitions in the trials make it challeng-
CLINICAL UTILITY OF PWI FOR REPERFUSION ing to uniformly implement PWI into robust and reproducible
TREATMENT SELECTION multicenter pathways.
Currently, there are insufficient data to support routine use of Future solutions include the use of automated postprocessing
PWI selection for reperfusion treatment within traditional time solutions to standardize for these issues. Various platforms are
windows. Early after onset, patients with a significant neurological available commercially, but one of the more prominent is RAPID
deficit and large vessel occlusion will have a significant mismatch if (iSchemaView, CA), which was utilized in routinely in 2 of the recent
DWI core volume is small, thus rendering acquisition of additional endovascular trials5,8 and is being further applied in DEFUSE 3 and
PWI data less useful.60 There is promise in patient treatment DAWN. The significant effect on the variability in thresholding and
selection more than 4.5 hours or in wake-up strokes, who are definitions was highlighted with RAPID software applied to the
currently being enrolled into trials of both IVtPA and ET.56,58,59 EPITHET and DEFUSE cohorts.67 The original EPITHET PWI
Moreover, early data also suggest that patients with large core volumes were 55% larger than the corresponding RAPID volumes;
infarcts and large areas of mismatch could still benefit from ET.61 the original DEFUSE PWI volumes were 25% larger than the RAPID
This benefit may be even greater with different outcome goals (eg, volumes. This is likely related to the differences in TMax thresholds
reperfusion to reduce need for hemicraniectomy, reduce overall (EPITHET TMax 2; DEFUSE TMax >2, and RAPID TMax
morbidity and mortality, as opposed to achieve functional independ- >6 seconds and the differences in AIF and postprocessing). This
ence). Further prospective studies are required. highlights the importance of input variables for these programs and
Nonetheless, in routine clinical practice, the use of PWI does subsequent decisions based upon them.
improve rates of stroke diagnosis compared to use of DWI alone.
When PWI is combined with DWI, the diagnostic sensitivity for The Dynamic Nature of Stroke
stroke rises to close to 97%.29 Small subcortical and perforator Variability in processing and thresholds is compounded by the
infarcts are likely to be the cause for initial imaging negative studies. dynamic nature of stroke, characterized by arterial occlusion,
Moreover, PWI could detect small peripheral perfusion abnormal- patient-dependent collateral flow, occlusive clot migration/fragmen-
ities caused by distal occlusion that may not be identified by MR tation, and reperfusion, which can all occur in rapid succession in a
angiography, and these patients may still benefit from IVtPA.62 stroke patient. PWI captures an imaging snapshot in time of these
Finally, most stroke mimics are likely to have normal DWI and related phenomena. The most effective means of maintaining the
PWI examinations.63 These strengths of PWI could aid in refining relevance of this imaging snapshot is to maintain hemodynamics in
treatment to those with definite stroke and minimizing treatment of stable condition in the period between imaging and reperfusion, and
stroke mimics. shortening that time interval as aggressively as possible.
POTENTIAL LIMITATIONS OF ROUTINE PWI FOR Potential Alternative Definitions of Mismatch
REPERFUSION TREATMENT SELECTION Apart from PWI-DWI mismatch that has limitations as high-
lighted, there is increasing interest in alternate definitions of mis-
Variability in Acquisition, Processing, Thresholding, match, such as clinical diffusion mismatch (CDM). CDM is
and Definitions generally defined as NIHSS score of at least 8 and DWI of 25 mL
There is significant variability in PWI acquisition and process- or less on arrival, and identifies a cohort of patients at risk of infarct
ing making it challenging to standardize across centers and extrap- growth and early neurological deterioration.68 ET of patients with a
olate from trials. One of the major variables relates to acquisition large vessel occlusion based on similar clinical and MRI criteria
time and truncation errors. In the setting of ischemic stroke, bolus results in favorable outcomes.19 Proponents of this alternative mis-
contrast injections in the arm need to travel to the brain, possibly match definition suggest that additional assessment of PWI mis-
through stenotic arterial vessels, and through the pial collateral match is not necessary. Further alternate mismatch definitions,
circulation in the setting of major intracranial occlusion. This can including MR angiogram-DWI mismatch,69 MRI DWI-FLAIR mis-
significantly increase time taken for contrast to travel to the brain, match,70 MRI FLAIR vascular hyperintensities-DWI mismatch,71

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Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging  Volume 26, Number 2, April 2017 Diffusion and Perfusion MR Imaging in Acute Stroke

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