1st Grade Expository

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1st Grade Expository

The second passage I chose to present to Oliver was a Level 1 Expository called “Air”.

Before we read, I asked Oliver to answer three concept questions in order to judge his familiarity

with the subject. Oliver showed 78% familiarity with the subject. I then told him to read the

passage orally. Although this was a relatively short passage, Oliver took 73 (1 minute 13

seconds) to read it. He was familiar with most of the words in the story, but when he reached the

word “weigh”, he misread it as “weight” repeatedly. Because of this, Oliver finished with four

total miscues, three of which were because of meaning changes. Oliver read 70 words per

minute, which translated to 67 words correct per minute after calculating the miscues. He read in

three-to-four word phrase groups and did not show much expression.

Even though he was familiar with the subject, Oliver did not seem to be interested in the

passage. He paused repeatedly and was constantly looking for distractions. After he finished

reading, I asked him six comprehension questions having to do with the text. He was able to

answer four out of six questions correctly, resulting in an Instructional level of comprehension.

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