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2. introduce your group with supporting ideas.

- This club is for people who like to exercise and have a healthy life.

- This club represents an option for health, exercise, recreation, social life and escape from
modern life for many

- This club is suitable for all ages. It has spaces for children, youth and older adults

3. Describe the activities in your group

- On Fridays, Mixed Tennis is practiced from 5pm to 6pm

- Every Saturday we meet to form soccer and volleyball teams and have a small sporting event.

- Every Sunday from 6pm to 7pm there will be dances such as Jazz and Hip Hop

- Mondays and Wednesdays are soccer days for children from 4 to 6 years old and Tuesdays
and Thursdays are soccer days for children from 7 to 12 years old

- On Wednesday afternoons for children and young people, the swimming pool is available.
This pool has heated water

4. invite the audience to joing your group.

Do you like to play sports and eat healthy to get in shape? Join our group. Not all of us are fit,
but we like to exercise, we love to walk and we do all kinds of sports.

On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays we play volleyball, soccer, we practice mixed tennis and
dances from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Join us, get fit and have fun!

5. ---------- GROPUP AND PARTICIPANTS ----------------

My name is Bruno AND I am an administrator of this soccer group. In this group we only talk
about soccer, BUT we also talk about bowling, basketball AND tennis. We share content of
games that are playing OR that have already played

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