Eric Tarr Letter

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The Senste of West Virgi Charleston Samm urs, Ros M6 Pac} Tae ae staat ‘Apil25, 2022 Dear County Assessors andl County Sheri, ‘As the referendum onthe November ballot approaches the Legislature I preparing forthe potential passage of Amendment No.1. Aslam sure you are keenly aware should that amendment pas, the Legislature wil have the ability to eliminate the tax on machinery and equipment used directly nthe ‘operation ofa business and personal automobiles as well a a strong mandate from the ctizens ofthe state to eliminate these taxes. “The Legislature ie aware ofthe Importance ofthis revenue to local governments. The Legislature is evaluating the amount of revenue required to replace the subsequent tax cut should the Legsature choose toeliinate those taxes. To establish a formula fr determining the replacement amount, its Incumbent that the Legislature have accurate tax data from each county. ‘The Legistature ie requesting each county to provide the following: 4, Total assessment for; ‘4, Motor vehicles; and . Business machinery, equipment, and inventory 2, Total amount of personal property taxes collected; 2. From thisamountbreat-out the amounts attributable to: Motor vehicles ne Il Business machinery, equipment, and inventory. 3, Total amount of alltaxescolected that are characterized as soverance tax. 4, An accurate accounting ofall other taxes collected by the county broken down category (including THE and Si taxes collected) excaan@wrsexsnrco ‘Tohelp the Legislature accurately determine the impact of a potential exemption from personal property taxes ofthe above referenced property please provide these figures forthe immediately preceding seven-year peri, These figures should be sent by the May 31, 2022, tothe Senate Committee on Finance. You may send them electronically to Sena, Finance @uwvsenate gov or byhard copy to the address above, ‘Tank you for your prompt attention to this and the Leslature loks forward to working with you on this isue, Very truly yours: BT. Tear {Ec Tat, Calman Senate Committee on Finance. cc: Cra. Bar, President ‘West Viinis Senate Paul Flanagan President ‘West Virginia Association of Counties Jonathan Adler, Executive Director ‘West Vignla Assocation of Counties

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