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Specialty Coffee Beverage Preparation

Everett Marcian
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... iii
Chapter 1: Beverage Bases ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Preparing Espresso ........................................................................................................... 1
Setting up the Espresso Machine ............................................................................................. 1
Grinding Beans ........................................................................................................................ 2
Measuring and Preparing Coffee Grounds .............................................................................. 3
Brewing Espresso .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Preparing Milk.................................................................................................................. 4
Steaming Milk ......................................................................................................................... 5
About Milk Foam .................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Beverage Recipes .......................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Caffè Americano .............................................................................................................. 6
Ingredients ............................................................................................................................... 6
Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Caffè Latte ........................................................................................................................ 7
Ingredients ............................................................................................................................... 7
Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Cappuccino ....................................................................................................................... 7
Ingredients ............................................................................................................................... 8
Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Flat White ......................................................................................................................... 8
Ingredients ............................................................................................................................... 8
Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Macchiato ......................................................................................................................... 9
Ingredients ............................................................................................................................... 9
Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Mocha ............................................................................................................................. 10
Ingredients ............................................................................................................................. 10
Preparation ............................................................................................................................. 10
Chapter 3: Maintenance and Cleaning .......................................................................................... 11
3.1 Cleaning the Espresso Machine ..................................................................................... 11

Table of Contents

Post-Brew Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 11

Cleaning the Steam Wand ..................................................................................................... 12
Washing the Drip Pan ............................................................................................................ 12
Washing the Portafilters ........................................................................................................ 13
Descaling the Espresso Machine ........................................................................................... 13
3.2 Cleaning the Coffee Grinder .......................................................................................... 14
Machine Washable Components ........................................................................................... 14
Non-Machine Washable Components ................................................................................... 14
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 16
References ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Index ............................................................................................................................................. 18


The world of coffee can be complicated. Even if you know how to brew a pot of coffee at home,
your first days as a barista can be bewildering. You must operate and care for entirely new
machines, learn new brewing fundamentals, and memorize different recipes. This manual will
help you learn all your tasks as a barista, so you will never be without the proper knowledge.

Learning your beverage bases is the first step of your journey as a barista. You cannot make any
coffee beverages without knowing how to brew espresso and steam milk. Chapter 1 will teach
you the fundamentals of espresso brewing and milk steaming so you can make delicious
beverages consistently.

Once you learn your beverage bases, you’ll need to learn how to combine them. Chapter 2
includes recipes for every drink you will serve. Be sure to check chapter 2 every time you take
someone’s order, no matter how confident you feel.

Making beverages is only half of your job. Chapter 3 will teach you machine maintenance and
cleaning. From daily cleaning to monthly upkeep, these procedures are essential to keep
everything running correctly.

This manual is primarily for new baristas and assumes that readers already know how to brew
traditional drip coffee. Make sure to read the manual often and follow instructions carefully. If
you have any questions, ask a manager or coworker for help.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Beverage Bases

This chapter will focus on the two base ingredients of nearly every coffee beverage: espresso and
steamed milk. Knowing how to prepare both is paramount to any barista. These instructions will
ensure that you get them right every single time.

1.1 Preparing Espresso

The most vital steps in the espresso brewing process happen before pressing the brew button on
the machine. There are several ways to fail during this process, leading to sub-optimal espresso
and unhappy customers. Make sure to follow these instructions exactly:

Setting up the Espresso Machine

To ensure that the machine is warmed up and ready by the time you are prepared to brew,
perform setup before any other step of the brewing process by following these instructions:
1. Plug the machine into a wall socket
2. Pull out the water reservoir located on the right side
of the machine. If the reservoir feels stuck, the drip
pan may be blocking it. In this case, remove and
reseat the drip pan properly.
3. Fill the reservoir to the “Max” line with tap water,
as shown in figure 1
4. Reinsert the reservoir

Figure 1. “Max” line

Chapter 1

5. Press the power button (highlighted in figure 2)

down until it clicks, and the red power button
lights up. This will warm up the machine before

Figure 2. Power button location

Grinding Beans
A good shot of espresso begins and ends during the grinding process. Espresso requires a finer
grind than other types of coffee. Minute differences in grind consistency can have a major impact
(Langley, 2016). To brew a balanced shot, follow these instructions:
1. Plug the grinder into a wall socket
2. Fill the hopper with whole coffee beans. Make sure not to combine two different blends
3. Turn the grind selector to the “fine” setting
shown in figure 3. This will provide the best

Figure 3. “Fine” setting

4. Set the slide dial to the 4-cup setting, as shown

in figure 4. Using the smallest setting helps
prevent waste
5. Press the start button. The coffee will begin
collecting in the grind chamber.

Figure 4. 4-cup setting

Chapter 1

Note: The grinder will not turn on unless the grind chamber has the lid attached.

Measuring and Preparing Coffee Grounds

Measuring the coffee grounds and tamping them down are the next most important steps to
brewing a proper shot of espresso. Follow these instructions to ensure the best flavor:
1. Remove the portafilter holder from the espresso machine by rotating the handle
2. Choose the appropriate portafilter. Shorter
for single shots and taller for double shots,
as shown in figure 5

Figure 5. Portafilter sizes

3. Measure out 10 grams of coffee grounds for every ounce of espresso you will brew using
an electric scale. This is the ideal amount of grounds (Langley, 2016)
4. Pour the grounds into the portafilter
5. Shake the portafilter gently to evenly
distribute grounds
6. Tamp the grounds down using the black
plastic tamper highlighted in figure 6. Use
firm pressure and twist the portafilter
slightly before removing it from the tamper.
⚠ Warning: The group head (located next to the
tamper) can become very hot and will cause burns
in the case of physical contact. Exercise caution
when tamping by keeping your fingers under the
portafilter and away from the group head.

Figure 6. Tamper location

Brewing Espresso
After grinding, measuring, and tamping the coffee beans, the espresso brewing process is simple.
Follow these instructions to ensure a proper brew:

Chapter 1

1. Insert the portafilter into its holder

2. Line the tabs on the portafilter holder up with the notches on the group head
3. Turn the handle counterclockwise until it is perpendicular to the machine
4. Place an espresso cup underneath the group head
5. Ensure that the green “OK” light shown in
figure 7 is on. If it is not, wait until it turns

Figure 7. “OK” light

6. Press the brew button (located under the power button) until it clicks. The machine will
begin dispensing espresso
7. Press the brew button slightly before your cup is full. The machine will stop pumping,
but it will still dispense espresso for several seconds
8. Remove the espresso from underneath the brew head and stir it gently. This will ensure
that the flavor is balanced.
Note: The machine should dispense espresso in a thin, steady stream. If the espresso drips
slowly, the beans may be ground too finely or tamped too firmly. If the espresso stream comes
out fast, the beans may be ground too coarsely or tamped too loosely (De’Longhi US, p. 11).

1.2 Preparing Milk

Steamed milk is a key component of nearly every coffee beverage. A proper steam enhances the
drinking experience while a poor one can ruin it. Follow these instructions to steam milk

Chapter 1

Steaming Milk
Properly steamed milk is rich and creamy, with a silky layer of foam floating on top. Improperly
steamed milk can taste thin or burnt. To ensure a proper steam, follow these steps:
1. Press the steam button (shown in figure 8)
until it clicks, and the red steam light turns
2. Pour cold milk into a carafe. The milk must
be cold to ensure a proper steam (Korhonen,
2021). The amount of milk you use will
depend on the drink you are preparing
3. Place an empty cup under the steam wand
and turn the steam valve counterclockwise.
This will release any condensation stuck in
the wand. Turn the steam valve clockwise
once condensation is clear
4. Position the milk under the steam wand and
turn the steam valve counterclockwise

Figure 8. Steam button

5. Dip the steam want just below the milk’s surface. This will generate foam.
6. Fully submerge the steam wand once you have created the proper amount of foam.
7. Turn the steam valve clockwise once the carafe feels hot (130-150°F) (Korhonen, 2021)
⚠ Warning: The metal portion of the steam wand reaches boiling temperatures while in use. Do
not touch the metal portion of the steam wand

About Milk Foam

Different types of coffee drinks require different amounts of milk foam. If you are making a
Cappuccino, you should foam the milk until it appears to double in volume. If you are making a
latte, you need to create a thin foam layer. The longer the steam wand spends at the milk’s
surface, the more foam you will create. Keep this in mind when making different drinks.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Beverage Recipes

It can be hard to remember every unique coffee beverage. Without the proper beverage-making
knowledge, you may find yourself asking coworkers for help too often. You may also prepare
the wrong drinks for your customers, which leads to inconvenience and wasted ingredients. This
chapter will provide all the recipes you will need to avoid these situations.

2.1 Caffè Americano

The Caffè Americano (illustrated in figure 9) combines
hot water and espresso at a 3-1 ratio (Lancaster &
Owen, 2019, p. 82). Follow these steps to create a
Caffè Americano:

• 1 part espresso Figure 9. Americano (Dhakar, 2007)
• 3 parts hot water
Espresso Water
1 oz. 3 oz.
2 oz. 6 oz.

Table 1. Americano ingredient ratios

1. Heat water to 185°F; this is the optimal temperature (Fuster, 2021)
2. Brew the required amount of espresso for the size the customer orders
3. Pour the espresso into a cup for serving
4. Measure the required amount of water for the size the customer orders
5. Pour the hot water over the espresso.

Chapter 2

2.2 Caffè Latte

The Caffè Latte (illustrated in figure 10) combines
espresso and milk at a 1-5 ratio, with just a dollop of
milk foam on top (Lancaster & Owen, 2019, p. 76). To
create a Latte, follow these steps:

Figure 10. Caffè Latte (Dhakar, 2007)

• 1 part espresso Espresso Steamed Milk

• 5 parts steamed milk 1 oz. 5 oz.
2 oz. 10 oz.
Table 2. Caffè Latte ingredient ratios

1. Brew the required amount of espresso for the size the customer orders
2. Pour the espresso into a cup for serving
3. Measure the required amount of milk for the size the customer orders
4. Steam the milk. Keep the steam wand fully submerged the whole time
5. Pour the steamed milk over the espresso.

2.3 Cappuccino
The Cappuccino (illustrated in figure 11) combines
espresso, milk, and milk foam at a 1-1-1 ratio (Fuster,
2021). Follow these steps to create a Cappuccino:

Figure 11. Cappuccino (Dhakar, 2007)

Chapter 2

• 1 part espresso Espresso Steamed Milk Foam
• 1 part steamed milk Milk
• 1 part milk foam 1 oz. 1 oz. 1 oz.
2 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz.
Table 3. Cappuccino ingredient ratios

1. Brew the required amount of espresso for the size the customer orders
2. Pour the espresso into a cup for serving
3. Measure the required amount of milk for the size the customer orders
4. Steam the milk until it has approximately doubled in volume
5. Pour the steamed milk over the espresso.

2.4 Flat White

The Flat White (illustrated in figure 12) is essentially a
Cappuccino without any milk foam (Lancaster & Owen,
2019, p. 78). Follow these steps to create a Flat White:

• 1 part espresso Figure 12. Flat White (Dhakar, 2007)
• 1 part steamed milk
Espresso Steamed Milk
1 oz. 1 oz.
2 oz. 2 oz.
Table 4. Flat White ingredient ratios

Chapter 2

1. Brew the required amount of espresso for the size the customer orders
2. Pour the espresso into a cup for serving
3. Measure the required amount of milk for the size the customer orders
4. Steam the milk. Keep the steam wand fully submerged the whole time
5. Pour the steamed milk over the espresso

2.5 Macchiato
The Macchiato (illustrated in figure 13) gets its name
from the Italian word for “marked.” The drink is
essentially a shot of espresso “marked” with a hint of
milk (Myers, 2021). To create a Macchiato, follow these

Ingredients Figure 13. Macchiato (Dhakar, 2007)

• 3 parts espresso Espresso Steamed Milk

• 1 part steamed milk 1 oz. 2 tsp.
2 oz. 4 tsp.
Table 5. Macchiato ingredient ratios

1. Brew the required amount of espresso for the size the customer orders
2. Pour the espresso into a cup for serving
3. Measure 1 ounce of milk
4. Steam the milk until it has approximately doubled in volume
5. Spoon the required amount of steamed milk onto the espresso. Do not stir
6. Discard any excess milk.

Chapter 2

2.6 Mocha
You can think of the Mocha (illustrated in figure 14) as a
Latte with whipped cream and chocolate added (Lancaster
& Owens, 2019, p. 102). This recipe is the most advanced
in this manual, but with some practice, you should find
the Mocha easy to create with the following recipe:

Ingredients Figure 14. Mocha (Dhakar, 2007)

• 1 part espresso Espresso Steamed Chocolate

• 1 part steamed milk Milk Syrup
• 1 part chocolate syrup 1 oz. 1 oz. 1 oz.
• Whipped cream for garnish 2 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz.
Table 6. Mocha ingredient ratios

1. Brew the required amount of espresso for the size the customer orders
2. Pour the espresso into a cup for serving
3. Mix the required amount of chocolate syrup into the espresso
4. Measure the required amount of milk for the size the customer orders
5. Steam the milk. Keep the steam wand fully submerged the whole time
6. Pour the steamed milk over the espresso
7. Garnish with whipped cream.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Maintenance and Cleaning

This chapter focuses on the general upkeep of the espresso machine and coffee grinder. These
tasks will keep the machines running smoothly into the future. Failure to perform these tasks can
lower the quality of the coffee or even damage machines. To maintain maximum quality, you
must follow these instructions:

3.1 Cleaning the Espresso Machine

As a responsible barista, you must keep your workspace clean, including the espresso machine.
A dirty machine is not just unsightly; it can lead to poor quality coffee or attract ants and flies.
To keep your machine clean and functional, follow these instructions:

Post-Brew Cleaning
You must clean the espresso machine after you brew every shot. A poor cleaning job can lead to
poor-quality espresso. To properly clean out the machine, follow these instructions:
⚠ Warning: The group head will be hot after brewing. Use caution when cleaning it. Do not
use paper towels to wipe it off. Use only cloth towels to reduce risk of burns.
1. Remove the portafilter by turning the handle clockwise
2. Dispose of used coffee grounds by scooping them out of the portafilter and into a waste
3. Rinse the portafilter with warm tap water until all used grounds are gone
4. Wipe any residual grounds (shown in figure 15) off
the group head using a clean cloth towel.

Figure 15. Residual grounds

Chapter 3

Cleaning the Steam Wand

Clean the steam wand every time you steam milk. Failure to clean the steam wand will result in
crusted milk buildup. The heat from the steam wand can burn this crust and ruin the flavor of
steamed milk. Follow these instructions to prevent poorly steamed milk:
1. Remove the steam wand’s outer sheath by turning
it counterclockwise
2. Rinse the inside and outside of the sheath using hot
tap water
3. Dry the outer sheath using a clean, dry cloth
4. Wipe milk residue off the inner steam wand
(shown in figure 16) using a clean, slightly damp
5. Reattach the outer sheath to the steam wand
6. Wipe any residual milk off the steam wand’s
surrounding surfaces with a clean, damp cloth.

Figure 16. Inner steam wand

Washing the Drip Pan

Wash the drip pan when business is slow. Be sure to wash the drip pan several times per day, but
not after every brew. Follow these instructions to ensure a thorough washing:
1. Detach the drip pan from the espresso machine by lifting it upward
2. Remove the metal grill from the drip pan
3. Pour the drip pan’s contents down the kitchen sink
4. Scrub the drip pan and grill using a sponge and warm, soapy water. Scrub until all
coffee/milk residue is gone
5. Dry the drip pan and grill with a clean cloth towel
6. Place the metal grill back onto the drip pan
7. Reattach the drip pan to the espresso machine.
Note: Milk accumulates on the right side of the drip pan very easily. Make sure to pay close
attention to this area.

Chapter 3

Washing the Portafilters

As you brew espresso, coffee grounds will accumulate
between the portafilter’s layers. Wash the portafilters at the
end of every business day. Failure to do so can result in
clogging and lower quality espresso. Follow these
instructions to ensure clean portafilters:
1. Remove the portafilter from its holder
2. Dispose of any used grounds inside the portafilter
3. Unscrew the cap on the bottom of the portafilter by
twisting it counterclockwise
4. Remove the portafilter’s inner components (shown
in figure 17) from their metal housing
5. Remove the filter from its rubber gasket
6. Remove the back from the filter
7. Scrub each component with a scrub brush. Use hot,
soapy water for the best results
8. Rinse components thoroughly
9. Dry components with a clean cloth towel
10. Reattach the filter’s back to the filter’s front
11. Insert the filter into the gasket
12. Insert the gasket into the metal housing
13. Screw the cap back onto the portafilter by turning it
Figure 17. Portafilter components

Descaling the Espresso Machine

Limescale builds up in the espresso machine over time. This buildup can block water and slow
the brewing process if unchecked. To preserve espresso quality and consistency, descale the
machine by following these instructions (De’Longhi, p. 10):
1. Pull out the machine’s water reservoir
2. Measure one liter of water and pour it into the reservoir
3. Add 250 milliliters of descaling solution to the reservoir
4. Reinsert the reservoir
5. Press the power button on the espresso machine
6. Remove the portafilter holder
7. Position a container under the group head
8. Press the brew button on the espresso machine and allow it to run.
9. Turn the steam knob counterclockwise occasionally to descale the steam wand. After
draining ¼ of the reservoir, press the brew button again and let the machine sit for five
10. Repeat step 9 until you drain the reservoir completely
11. Rinse out the reservoir with clean water
12. Fill the reservoir to the “max” line

Chapter 3

13. Press the brew button on the machine. Allow it to run until the reservoir is completely
14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 once more.

3.2 Cleaning the Coffee Grinder

Thin grounds will accumulate inside the coffee grinder throughout regular usage. These grounds
can go stale and lose their flavor, creating lower-quality coffee. The grounds can also clog the
grinder and wear it down over time.

Machine Washable Components

The coffee grinder’s bean hopper and grind chamber are
removable and machine washable. Wash these parts at the
end of each business day. To keep them clean, follow these
1. Unplug the grinder from its wall socket
2. Empty any coffee beans from the bean hopper
(shown in figure 18)
3. Remove the bean hopper (shown in figure 18) by
twisting it counterclockwise
4. Remove the grind chamber and dispose of any
leftover coffee grounds
5. Place the grind chamber and bean hopper on the top
rack of the dishwasher. Do not use the bottom rack,
as this can damage the components
6. Run the dishwasher on the “normal” setting
7. Set the grind chamber and bean hopper out to dry

Figure 18. Machine washable


Non-Machine Washable Components

The coffee grinder’s base is not machine washable and will break if submerged. You should
clean this part during slow moments in the business day. To keep it clean, follow these

Chapter 3

1. Unplug the grinder from its wall socket

2. Empty any coffee beans from the bean hopper
3. Remove and set aside the bean hopper
4. Remove and set aside the grind chamber
5. Wipe any coffee grounds off the grinder’s surfaces with a clean, damp cloth or paper
6. Dry the surfaces you cleaned with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel
7. Brush off the inner grinding mechanism with a dry scrub brush.


This manual will be a powerful resource for you—whether you are training a new hire,
performing a new task, or having trouble memorizing a recipe. With the manual in hand, you
won’t have to worry about slowing business down by asking a coworker for help. When you
can’t seem to find a coworker to help you, rest assured that all the information you need is in this

This manual is here to help you. Never try to perform your duties without the proper knowledge.
Even if you feel confident in your skills, don’t be afraid to check this manual. Failure to do so
could lead to customer dissatisfaction or even broken machines.


De'Longhi US. (n.d.). Manual Espresso Machine EC702 Instruction Manual. Manual Detail
Page | De'Longhi US. Retrieved April 16, 2022, from

Dhakar, L. (2007, August 19). Coffee Drinks Illustrated. Coffee drinks illustrated | Lokesh
Dhakar. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from

Fuster, J. (2021, March 21). What is an Americano? is it just regular American Coffee? Super
Coffee. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from

Fuster, J. (2021, March 24). What is a cappuccino? it's The perfect morning cup of coffee. Super
Coffee. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from

Korhonen, J. (2021, June 23). 5 steps how to steam milk. Paulig - Barista Institute. Retrieved
April 15, 2022, from

Lancaster, D., & Owen, C. (2019). The Coffee Recipe Book: 50 coffee and espresso drinks to
make at home. Rockridge Press.

Langley, M. (2016, October 27). Brewing guide: A beginner's guide to making espresso. Prima
Coffee Equipment. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from https://prima-

Myers, L. (2021, September 30). What is a Macchiato Coffee? Perfect Brew. Retrieved April 15,
2022, from



Americano · i, 6
Latte · i, 7

Cappuccino · i, 7, 8
Macchiato · i, 9
Coffee · 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 14
Milk · 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
Milk Foam · i, 5, 8
D Mocha · i, 10
Drip Pan · ii, 12
E Portafilter · ii, 3, 13
Espresso · 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
F Reservoir · 1
Flat White · i, 8
G Steam · ii, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
Steam Wand · ii, 12
Grinder · ii , 2, 3, 11, 14
Grounds · 3, 11, 14
Group head · 3, 4, 11 T

Tamper · 3


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