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Carroll Community College

Division of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health

Department of Nursing
NURS 233 – Nursing Concepts 3
SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation

Student Savannah Myers Date 12/3/21 Week # 1 Faculty Dr. Schlaerth

Criteria: S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not (*) Critical
(Meets) (Requires assistance) (Unable) applicable behavior
Students who meet any of the following criteria will be given a remediation plan and may be placed on probation.
Failure to progress in these areas may result in failure of the course.
-One unsatisfactory grade in a critical behavior -Two needs improvements in a critical behavior
-Two unsatisfactory grades in a non-critical behavior -Four needs improvements
Student Eval of
Course Goal 1 Self-Eval Student
Analyze the effectiveness of the plan of care (PG1) S/N/U S/N/U
Using faculty as a resource:
1. Prioritizes and completes daily nursing tasks S S
2. Completes assessments accurately S S
3. Uses EMR/MAR, patient charts, handoff report to provide care S S
4. *Establishes appropriate nursing priority list S S
5. Creates measurable patient outcomes S S
6. Establishes appropriate nursing interventions S S
7. Evaluates patient response to care and revises plan as needed S S
Student Eval of
Course Goal 2 Self-Eval Student
Seek opportunities that promote professional growth (PG2) S/N/U S/N/U
Using faculty as a resource:
8. Adheres to dress code S S
9. Seeks input from patient, instructor, and healthcare team when providing care S S
10. *Demonstrates accountability and accepts responsibility for own actions and attitudes S S
11. Actively participates in all clinical experiences S S
12. Communicates learning needs to instructor S S
13. Completes assignments/evaluations as required S S
Student Eval of
Course Goal 3 Self-Eval Student
Provide patient-centered care with faculty as resource (PG3) S/N/U S/N/U
Using faculty as a resource:
14. *Implements appropriate infection control precautions S S
15. Identifies client’s cultural needs S S
16. Accurately documents patient care N/A N/A
17. Communicates appropriately with patient, family, healthcare team, and instructor S S
18. Explains the actions, side effects, and nursing implications of medications S S
19. *Administers medication using the six rights S S
20. Demonstrates concern, compassion and empathy with patients S S
21. *Demonstrates physical and mental competence S S
22. *Notifies instructor and appropriate healthcare team members with safety concerns and changes
in the patient’s condition S S
23. Identifies patient and family health education needs S S
24. Provides nursing care in accordance with the Maryland Nurse Practice Act and the ANA Scope &
Standards of Nursing Practice S S
25. *Adheres to HIPAA guidelines S S
Criteria: S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not (*) Critical
(Meets) (Requires assistance) (Unable) applicable behavior

Approved 12/4/14. Revised 12/10/2014; 01/2015; 3/16/18, 1/2020

Carroll Community College
Division of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health
Department of Nursing
NURS 233 – Nursing Concepts 3
SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation

Student Eval of
Course Goal 4 Self-Eval Student
Implement nursing care based on scientific evidence (PG4) S/N/U S/N/U
Using faculty as a resource:
26. Incorporates evidence-based rationales that support the patient plan of care S
Student Reflection (Thoroughly answer all questions)
How has this clinical rotation helped to define your role as a nurse? Please explain.
This clinical rotation defined my role as a nurse because I’ll never forget the first time I saw a baby be born! It was such a happy
and special time I’ve never seen anything else like it. I was so impressed by the way my nurse coached her patient through the
birth and was encouraging her to push and breathe through her contractions. For not looking forward to this clinical, I enjoyed my
experience so much and have a new appreciation for what L&D nurses do.

How did you specifically meet the course goals for this course? Give detail for each. (Reminder, course goals are listed on the
evaluation here in blue).
Analyze effectiveness of the plan of care- I met this goal when I created SMART goals for the patient I had in the AM. This patient
had hemorrhaged during her c-section. I used that information to evaluate her recovery and identify what the plan was for her
moving forward.
Seek opportunities that promote professional growth- I met this goal by showing eagerness and willingness to switch patients
with my nurse because she was getting a patient in active labor and there was a good chance the baby would be born that shift. I
got to give newborn medications which I’ve never done before and then spend some time in special care nursery which was also
new to me! In clinical, I just say yes to the opportunities that are presented to me and I’ve gotten to learn so much from that!
Provide patient centered care with faculty as a resource- My classmate and I met this goal by giving a newborn her first bath. Dad
and mom were willing to help us and it was so fun to have the parents involved. I also witnessed patient center care when my
patient delivered her baby, they let baby stay with mom to dry him off and then waited until after his first feeding to take him to
the warmer and get his measurements and weight. This was great to see the increased time mom got to spend bonding with baby
and doing skin to skin.
Implement nursing care based on scientific evidence- Part of the bathing process is waiting until 24 hours after the baby is born to
bath them so the vernix stays on their skin. Newborn medication administration also meets this goal as we give vitamin K to
promote clotting in the baby and erythromycin ointment in the eye to prevent any potential infection from the delivery.

What is the biggest take away you have from this clinical rotation and how will that affect your future practice?
My biggest takeaway is to find a job that I’m as passionate about as the nurses we saw were about their jobs at L&D. Also that
when the day comes for me to have a student or precept a new nurse I will be encouraging and patient like these nurses were with

What are your goals for your next clinical rotation?

Goals for my next rotation which is psych are to finish this semester strong and keep a positive outlook! Although psych isn’t my
favorite specialty, I feel that the patients enjoy talking to us and having us there which makes me feel like what I’m doing is making
a difference!

Faculty Comments/ Student Learning Goals (Goals must be established even if performance is satisfactory. If an item was
identified as N or U, narrative comments are necessary to clarify student performance along with goals to improve performance).

It was such a pleasure to have you in clinical, Savannah. I agree with your personal reflection and assessmentYou had a very active
clinical day, and were able to witness and participate in a lot of direct patient care. Based on your assessment you set appropriate
SMART outcomes and implemented nursing actions to achieve those goals. Medication administration was effective, safe,
knowledgeable, and accurate. When asked Socratic questions you were able to accurately answer and explain why you came to
that decision. You were able to make the connections between the patients and their labs, presentation, and/or EFM strips. I wish

Approved 12/4/14. Revised 12/10/2014; 01/2015; 3/16/18, 1/2020

Carroll Community College
Division of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health
Department of Nursing
NURS 233 – Nursing Concepts 3
SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation

you the best of luck in your future!

Student Signature: Savannah Myers Date: 12/3/21

Instructor Signature: Date: 12/16/2021

Approved 12/4/14. Revised 12/10/2014; 01/2015; 3/16/18, 1/2020

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