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Date: April 7, 2022

To: Sofia Tarabrina
From: Anthony Orozco
Subject: ENGL-2210-011

I learned many useful skills from this class. The lessons I learned in this class were very
important for my future because some of the ideas I learned will be very useful in the
21st-century workforce. For example, the emails I wrote for Project 3 are a nice skill to have
once I enter the workplace. Knowing how to write a proper email became essential in the last
few decades. The Student Learning Outcomes helped guide me as a writer in this class. It helped
me consider important ideas such as a purpose, target audience, design, and medium while
working on my projects.

Student Learning Outcomes

SLO 1 (Project Planning):
I did some planning for Project 1, which made things easier for me as I worked on the project. I
created a Word template with the title page, table of contents, citations, and section titles. Doing
this at the beginning made things easier to plug in information when I finished all of my
SLO 2 (Project Analysis):
Project Analysis was one of the most important SLOs I learned in this class. Identifying my
target audience during the beginning of the projects helped me understand how I wanted to
present my information. Identifying my target audience for Project 1 helped me develop my
recommendation report in a way that considered the chance that they might not have been aware
of the problem. Making Project 2 was a lot easier after understanding my target audience because
it helped me see the project from the perspective of the audience. Simple and concise steps were
the best way to reach the reader. Project 3 was the hardest to use SLO 2 because of the different
audiences each email was targeting. However, I learned different ways to address people in the
emails depending on their work position. For example, a single employee addressing his boss is
very different from the boss addressing all employees.
SLO 3 (Content Development):
Project 3 helped contribute the most to my learning of SLO 3 because it felt the most useful to
me. I learned how to write in an email as a medium and how my writing changes depending on
it. I made concise sentences that got the point across quickly. I had never learned how to write a
proper email before this class.
SLO 4 (Organizational Design):
Project 1 developed my research skills more than any other assignment I had done in an English
class. I had to look for primary and secondary sources. On top of that, I had to include the
empirical research I did with my target audience. I developed a questionnaire for the first time
and made relevant questions to my topic that I could use in my report.
SLO 5 (Written Communication):
Communicating with writing is an important skill to have. Project 3 helped me learn about SLO
5 the most. I had to play the perspectives of an employee and his boss emailing each other.
Switching between those two different roles developed my skills as a writer because I had to be
concise with my words. Wasting the other person’s time in an email is bad writing.
SLO 6 (Visual Communication):
Visual Communication was an important SLO that I never considered as important as something
like Written Communication. However, depending on the medium, visual information could be
even more important than writing. Project 1 had minimal visual information, but the few things it
did have were very important. I presented my data through a horizontal bar graph and a pie chart.
Data is easier to understand and register through visual data than through written data. Project 2
had even more important visual information. The instructions would’ve been useless if they
didn’t include any photos. Trying to explain a physical task without any visual help is difficult,
no matter how simple the task may be. I implemented no visual communication into Project 3
because there wasn’t anything to add visually that would improve the emails. Knowing when and
when not to use visual communication has helped me better understand SLO 6.
SLO 7 (Reviewing and Editing):
I did some major editing in Project 1. My initial draft before the first peer review felt awkward
and transitioned very poorly. I took advice from the peer-review and did some self-review to fix
it up. After making the report flow better, I ran it through a grammar error checker to find some
small grammar mistakes before finally submitting it.
SLO 8 (Content Management):
I had to organize Project 2 in a way that looked visually pleasing. Since I was instructing the
reader on how to do a physical task, I included many images for each step that were
accompanied by a short explanation. Sometimes there were way too many images for one step,
so I had to group it into a different format. I used a tool that allowed the reader to flip between
each image.
SLO 9 (Production and Delivery):
SLO 9 was one of the more important SLOs that I had to work on within this class. Presenting in
different mediums is an important skill I improved while in this class. I talked about different
topics in various mediums. I used mediums such as a website, presentation, email, and video. I
also presented in front of the class which helped develop my public speaking abilities, which are
the most lacking. Project 1 had minimal visual elements with a ton of writing because of the
nature of a recommendations report. I had to do it on a Word document. Project 2 had a ton of
visual elements with little writing because that’s how instructions are shown. I had to do it on a
Sway. Project 3 had no visual elements with a ton of writing because emails don’t usually have
any visual elements. There is a huge disparity in how a project is done depending on the
medium. That is what I learned while working towards SLO 9.

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