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Day Care Center is responsible for the first step in educating children of
young ages to be ready for formal education. It is where the children can learn
more good values, discipline and good study habits to help them to become
wholesome individuals.

The Day Care Center in Barangay San Mariano Sur, San Guillermo,
Isabela is one of the most friendly Barangay in the town of San Guillermo,
Isabela. The Researcher Team felt the warm greetings and acceptance of
people around the Barangay together with the supportive Barangay Officials,
friendly Teaching Day Care Children was challenging one! They are very
attentive and eager to listen, learn and participate. This is because they have a
pleasant ambiance surrounding with kind and patient teacher around them.
As an experience, teaching them a little time meant a lot! The children learn
many things that can be of help for them to develop not only their mental
alertness but also their physical, social, emotional and spiritual alertness, thus,
grooming them to become better individuals.

We hope that children in the Daycare Center of Barangay San Mariano

Sur, San Guillermo Isabela will become the pride of their own Barangay and
the whole town of San Guillermo Isabela.

We wish to extend our deep appreciation and gratitude to
those who had contributed and assisted us during the fulfillment
of our work. First of all to our loving families, who extended
their guidance and pieces of advice to pursue our studies.
To our Alma Matter, Philippine Normal University for the
opportunity of experiencing Field Study.
To Mrs. Leticia Aquino, our supervising instructor whose
guidance made our training success.
To our cooperating teacher, Mrs. Milagros Andres, whose
encouragement, guidance and support form initial to the final
level of our observation and research to our Field Study.
To the faculty and staff of San Mariano Sur Daycare Center
who warmly welcomed us in their school.
To our beloved pupils in Daycare Center for loved and
respect during our Field Study.
Lastly, we offer our regards and blessings to all those who
supported us in any respect during the compilation of this work.
Above all to our God, who gave us strength and guidance
to accomplish our work.

Birthday: August 14, 1984
Age: 32
Address: San Mariano Sur, San Guillermo Isabela
Educational Attainment: Associate in Computer
Years of Service: 11 years
Civil Status: Married

Names of Daycare Children

Name Age Birthday Sex
Ancheta , Xian B. 4 11-11-11 Male
Collado , James 3 02-13-13 Male
Fabro, Rhafael N. 3 06-02-13 Male
Nonan , Adrian 3 07-08-13 Male
Partido, Jomar 4 03-10-12 Male
Reyes, Jeff T. 4 11-25-11 Male
Sagun , James 3 10-06-12 Male
Tumolba, Michael 4 12-19-11 Male
Andres, Rosali 4 01-16-11 Female
Dumo, Jackie 3 01-15-13 Female
Librano, Risalyn 4 11-14-12 Female
Lores, Jonah 4 09-01-12 Female
Mag-ili, Daphny 4 12-22-12 Female
Melendres. Nempha 4 06-30-12 Female
Merculio, Cathleen 4 06-01-12 Female
Ortaliza, Angelyn 4 07-20-12 Female
Quitola, Anica 4 07-24-12 Female
Sales, Dianne 4 05-04-12 Female
Unay, Xyriel 4 09-21-11 Female

San Mariano Sur, San Guillermo Isabela

Male: 8 age 3: 5
Female: 11 age 4:14
Name Perceptual Self- Social and Early Early Perceptive Expressive
and Motor Managemen Emotional Math Literacy Language Language
1. Xian Ancheta 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
2. Jackie L. Dumo 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
3. James A. Collado 1 1 1 2 1 2 2
4. Jona C. Lores 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
5. James A. Sagun 1 2 1 2 2 2 2
6. Xyrelle B. Unay 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
7. Jomar A. Partido 1 2 1 1 2 2 2
8. AngielineOrtaliza 1 2 1 2 2 2 2
9. Cathleen Jade 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

10. Rhafael N. Fabro 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

11. Jeff T. Reyes 2 2 1 2 1 2 2
12. NyemphaMelendres 1 1 2 1 1 2 2
13. Rachelle A. Sales 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
14. Risalyn A.Librano 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
15. Adrian A. Nonan 1 2 1 2 1 2 2

16. Daphny O. Mag-ili 2 2 1 2 2 2 2

17. Ritchella L. Andres 2 1 1 2 2 2 2
18. Anica Faith Quitola 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
19. Michael John 1 1 1 1 1 2 2


Table 1
Domain Average Xian Ancheta
Perceptual and Motor 1 Findings: According to her data, she got an average of 1
Self-Management 2 in the domains: perceptual motor, social and emotional,
Social and Emotional 1 and early literacy. She got an average of 2 in the
domains of the self-management, early math, receptive
Early Math 2 language, and expressive language.
Early Literacy 1
Conclusion: This child has a little concern on most of
Receptive Language 2 her domain, just a little more and she will not be a
Expressive language 2 concern to these at all.
Recommendation: The teacher must give more exercises on the things that is a concern for this
child in order for her to master all the domains.

Table 2
James A. Collado
Domain Average Findings: He has an average of 1 in the domains:
Perceptual and Motor 1 perceptual and motor, self-management, social and
emotional and early literacy while he has average of 2
Self-Management 1
in the domains: early math, receptive and expressive
Social and Emotional 1 language.
Early Math 2
Conclusion: This child is a concern in the language and
Early Literacy 1 math domains. He is still not well in naming of
Receptive Language 2 numbers, understanding basic sequences, interacting
Expressive language 2 with peers, communicating with others and using
Recommendation: The teacher should encourage him first in order to heighten his learning
capacity. And the teacher should give exercises (like having a speech in front) that can help this
child to develop his way of expressing himself.
Table 3
Jhona C. Lores
Findings: Her average in all the domains is 1 except in
Domain Average
the domain of expressive language which has an
Perceptual and Motor 1 average of 2.
Self-Management 1 Conclusion: She is not a great concern in all the
Social and Emotional 1 domains actually, it’s just that there’s a little concern in
Early Math 1 her expressive language domain.
Early Literacy 1 Recommendation: The child must practice more on
Receptive Language 1 interacting with peers, in that way she can develop more
Expressive language 2 on expressing herself.

Table 4
Michel John Tumolba

Domain Average Findings: He got an average of 1 in all the domains

except the two domains of language (receptive and
Perceptual and Motor 1 expressive) that have an average of 2.
Self-Management 1
Conclusion: Even though he got a general average of
Social and Emotional 1 one, he is still a concern because he still needs more
Early Math 1 practice in: balancing, drawing simple shapes,
Early Literacy 1 concentrating for brief periods, naming numbers,
reading activities and understanding the order of
Receptive Language
words in the sentence.
Expressive language 2
Recommendation: The teacher should give more
exercises in order for this child to practice more and develop more his domains.
Table 5
Anica Faith Quitola

Domain Average Findings: She attained an average of 1 in all the

domains except in the domains of language
1. Perceptual and Motor 1
(receptive and expressive) which has an average
2. Self-Management 1 of 2.
3. Social and Emotional 1
Conclusion: I wonder why most of the child here
4. Early Math 1
are not a great concern in all the domains except
5. Early Literacy 1
the domains of language (receptive and
6. Receptive Language 2 expressive) which are also a concern to this child.
7. Expressive language 2
Recommendation: The teacher must expose the
student to various activities (like for example reading) regarding the said concerns. She must
also encourage them to socialize with one another.

Table 6
Ritchella L. Andres
Findings: She got an average of 2 in the domains: perceptual motor, early literacy, receptive
Domain Average language, expressive language and an average of 1
8. Perceptual and Motor 2 to the other remaining domains.
9. Self-Management 1 Conclusion: She is a concern in the four domains
10.Social and Emotional 1 hence she is not a concern in three domains which
means that the number of domains that she is
11.Early Math 1
concerned is greater. She’s also a concern in the
12.Early Literacy 2
language domains like the others.
13.Receptive Language 2
Recommendation: The teacher should practice them
14.Expressive language 2
more to develop their domains to the fullest. The
teacher can use various tools to teach them, specifically tools that can get their attention
like for example if she let them watch educational rhymes.

Table 7
Daphny O. Mag-ili
Findings: According to her data, she got an average of 2 in almost all of the domains except
Domain Average for the social and emotional which is the only
domain that has an average of 1.
15.Perceptual and Motor 2
16.Self-Management 2 Conclusion: She is inclined in social and emotional
discipline, it means that she is good in interacting
17.Social and Emotional 1
with peers and she can express herself properly
18.Early Math 2 although she is a concern in all the remaining
19.Early Literacy 2 domains.
20.Receptive Language 2 Recommendation: She needs more practice mostly
21.Expressive language 2 at home if possible.

Table 8
Adrian A. Nonan
Findings: He has an average of two in the domains: self-management, early math and in
Domain Average receptive and expressive language while she attains an
average of 1 in the domains: perceptual and motor,
22.Perceptual and Motor 1 social and emotional and early literacy.
23.Self-Management 2
Conclusion: She is a concern in all the domains and she
24.Social and Emotional 1 needs more practice to fully develop these domains.
25.Early Math 2
Recommendation: I recommend that she must have a
26.Early Literacy 1 practice not only at school but also at home.
27.Receptive Language 2
28.Expressive language 2
Table 9
Risalyn A. Librano

Domain Average Findings: She attains an average of 1 in the three

29.Perceptual and Motor 1 domains in the above chart and an average of 2 in
30.Self-Management 2 the four remaining domains.
31.Social and Emotional 1 Conclusion: Just like with her other classmates she is
32.Early Math 2 still a concern in most of the domains.
33.Early Literacy 1
Recommendation: The teacher must give more and
34.Receptive Language 2
more exercises to help the child improve her
35.Expressive language 2
domains to the maximum.

Table 10
Rachelle A. Sales
Domain Average Findings: She got an average of 1 in the domains:
36.Perceptual and Motor 1 perceptual and motor, social and emotional, early
37.Self-Management 2 literacy and an average of 2 in the remaining
38.Social and Emotional 1 domains.
39.Early Math 2
Conclusion: This child is a bit good but she is still a
40.Early Literacy 1
concern in most of the domains and since she’s
41.Receptive Language 2
good I bet that a little more practice and she will be
42.Expressive language 2
develop to the fullest.
Recommendation: She must study not only at school but also at home. She must be given
things to do to develop her domains.
Table 11
Nyempha Melendres

Domain Average Findings: She has an average of 1 in four domains and

an average of 2 in the three remaining domains.
43.Perceptual and Motor 1
44.Self-Management 1 Conclusion: This child is a bit good also but she is still
45.Social and Emotional 2 a concern in most of the domains and since she’s
46.Early Math 1 good I bet that a little more practice and she will be
develop to the fullest.
47.Early Literacy 1
48.Receptive Language 2 Recommendation: Practicing develops a person to
49.Expressive language 2 attain the desired development that’s why I
recommend that she must be given exercises and
activities that can develop all her domains.

Table 12
Jeff T. Reyes
Domain Average
50.Perceptual and Motor 2
51.Self-Management 2
Findings: He has an average of 1 in the domains:
52.Social and Emotional 1
social and emotional and in early literacy while she
53.Early Math 2
has an average of 2 in the domains: perceptual and
54.Early Literacy 1
motor, self-management, early math and in
55.Receptive Language 2 receptive and expressive languages.
56.Expressive language 2
Conclusion: This child still need more practice.
According to his data, he is still not good in mathematics, in self-management and in the two
domains of languages.
Recommendation: Teacher and parents must give the child motivations so that this child will
develop a motivated self in learning.
Table 13
Rhafael N. Fabro

Domain Average Findings: He got an average of 1in almost all the

domains except in the domain of self-management
57.Perceptual and Motor 1
which has an average of 2.
58.Self-Management 2
Conclusion: As expected while we were conducting
59.Social and Emotional 1
our research, this child is really good but it’s the
60.Early Math 1 thing that he still relies that much on his self-
61.Early Literacy 1 management domain.
62.Receptive Language 1 Recommendation: The parents should let him
63.Expressive language 1 manage himself for him to be independent.

Table 14
Cathleen Jade Merculio

Domain Average
64.Perceptual and Motor 1 Findings: This child attained an average of 1 in all
the domains.
65.Self-Management 1
66.Social and Emotional 1 Conclusion: According to her data, she is really
good that’s also what her teacher told us while
67.Early Math 1
conducting this research.
68.Early Literacy 1
Recommendation: I recommend that the parents
69.Receptive Language 1
of this child must maintain what they are teaching
70.Expressive language 1
to this little one.
Table 15
Xian Ancheta

Domain Average
71.Perceptual and Motor 1 Findings: He got an average of 1 in the domains:
72.Self-Management 2 perceptual and motor, social and emotional and
73.Social and Emotional 1 in early literacy while he had an average of 2 in
74.Early Math 2 all the remaining domains.
75.Early Literacy 1 Conclusion: He is good in interacting with peers,
76.Receptive Language 2 also in his early literacy domain but actually not
77.Expressive language 2 that good in the remaining domains. He still
needs more practice.
Recommendation: Well, if the teacher’s way of encouraging them to learn is not enough, she
can use various 21st century learning tools to help her teach her class.
Table 16
Angieline Ortaliza

Domain Average Findings: She has an average of 1 in two of the

domains (perceptual motor and social and
78.Perceptual and Motor 1
emotional) and an average of 2 in all the remaining
79.Self-Management 2
80.Social and Emotional 1
Conclusion: She still has more ways to go. She needs
81.Early Math 2
to be practiced more and more.
82.Early Literacy 2
Recommendation: Her parents should encourage
83.Receptive Language 2
her to study well, they must give her rewards for her
84.Expressive language 2 to do such.
Table 17
Jomar A. Partido
Findings: He attain an average of 1 in the domains:
Domain Average
perceptual and motor, social and emotional and in
85.Perceptual and Motor 1 early math while he attain an average of 2 in all the
86.Self-Management 2 remaining domains.
87.Social and Emotional 1
Conclusion: He is good in math, but he is not that
88.Early Math 1
good in all the remaining domains.
89.Early Literacy 2
Recommendation: A little attention of her parents
90.Receptive Language 2
should do, if they’ll be able to persuade him to
91.Expressive language 2
study hard he’ll be a good one.
Table 18
Xyrelle B. Unay

Domain Average Findings: She got an average of 2 in the domains: self-

management, early math, receptive and expressive
92.Perceptual and Motor 1
languages and an average of one in the three
93.Self-Management 2
remaining domains.
94.Social and Emotional 1
Conclusion: This child is a concern to the teacher
95.Early Math 2
mainly because most of his domains do.
96.Early Literacy 1
Recommendation: The teacher should give more and
97.Receptive Language 2
more exercises and activities.
98.Expressive language 2
Table 19
James A. Sagun

Domain Average Findings: He had an average of 1 in the domains

perceptual and motor and social and emotional.
99.Perceptual and Motor 1 And he attain an average of 2 in all of the
100. Self-Management 2 remaining domains.
101. Social and Emotional 1 Conclusion: This child is a long way to go; he needs
102. Early Math 2 more practice because he is a concern in most of
the domains.
103. Early Literacy 2
Recommendation: Love and affection from parents
104. Receptive Language 2
should do in learning and studying well. If the
105. Expressive language 2 parents encourage this child then surely
NAME Perceptual Self- Social and Early Math Early Receptive Expressive
and Motor Management Emotional Literacy Language Language

1 Adrian A. Nonan 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.7 1 2 2.5

2 James A. Collado 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.8 1.3 2 2.2
3 Xian Ancheta 1 1.6 1 1.6 1 2 2.3
4 Jhona Lores 1.1 1.3 1 1 1 1 1.5
5 Jackie A. Dumo 1.4 1.6 1.1 1.7 1.3 2 1.7
6 Anica Faith 1 1.3 1.1 1 1 1.7 1.6
7 Michael John 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.7 2.2
8 Ritchelle L. 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.5 2.1 1.9
9 Daphny O. Mag- 1.5 1.7 1.1 1.6 1.5 2.2 2.3
10 Risalyn A. 1.1 1.8 1.1 1.5 1.2 1.8 1.7
11 Rachelle A. Sales 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.1 1.8 1.9
12 Nyempha 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.4 1.3 2 2
13 Jeff T. Reyes 1.5 1.8 1.3 2 1.4 2 2.4
14 Rhafael N. Fabro 1.2 1.5 1 1 1 1 1.3
15 Cathleen Jade 1 1.2 1 1 1 1 1
16 Angieline 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.5 2.2 2.3
17 Jomar Partido 1.2 1.6 1 1.5 1.5 2 2.2
19 Xyrelle B. Unay 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.1 2 2
20 1.5 1.3 1.8 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.6 2.1
TOTAL 24.8 28.8 22.1 28.3 23.5 34.1 37.1
Statistical Summary of all domains

Name Mean Median Mode

1. Xian Ancheta 1.57 2 2

2. Jackie Dumo 1.57 2 2

3. James A. Collado 1.43 1 1

4. Michael John Tumolba 1.28 1 1

5. Anica Faith Quitola 1.28 1 1

6. Ritchella Andres 1.57 2 2

7. Daphny Mag-ili 1.86 2 2

8. Adrian Nonan 1.57 2 2

9. Risalyn A. Librano 1.57 2 2

10. Rachella A. Sales 1.57 2 2

11. Nyempha Melendres 1.42 1 1

12. Jeff T. Reyes 1.71 2 2

13. Rhafael Fabro 1.42 2 2

14. Cathlen Jade Merculio 1 1 1

15. Angielyn Ortaliza 1.71 2 2

16. Jomar Partido 1.57 2 2

17. Xyrielle B. Unay 1.57 2 2

18. Jonah Lores 1.14 1 1

19. James A. Sagun 1.57 2 2


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