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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

Storm is the Reaktion book I chose. With this assignment having to relate with our Reaktion book I
wanted to focus on thunderstorm safety. National Weather Service (NWS) is a Government Agency
that specializes in weather related tasks. With both the book and organization decided, I was able to
settle on a topic. I wanted to spread storm safety awareness. Many people don’t have a solid
understanding of what to do in dangerous situations. As for the layout I wanted something easy to
follow and in order of importance.

First Draft (for peer editing)

I unfortunately failed to complete this portion of the assignment. I however did a lot of research on
the topic and applied what I learned from class.

Second Draft (for your packet)

After the planning phase I decided I needed to give the title its own page. The title was formatted to
stand out and an image was added to draw attention. Previously I mentioned that very few people
have a good understanding of storm safety. With that in mind I started the paper with a brief
description of what is considered a storm. Community was the next topic, using pathos I tried to
invoke emotion using imagery. Next came the act portion of the paper. This part was easy because it
is a heavily researched topic. Then I discussed how people can prepare for the different scenarios.
Finally, I reiterated everything discussed in a conclusion.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

Originally, I felt good about my second draft, but after reviewing what was suggested I knew some
changes had to be made. First, I added a section to explain how the solutions provided are the best
option and what it would do for the community. Next, I had several format issues to fix. A table of
contents was added along with page numbers. The spacing was reduced to single space and all
indents were removed from the body of the paper. I was happy with the changes made and they
really challenged me to put what I know to the test.

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