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John Warren L.



Purposive Communication

1. Various forms of communication

Facebook posts

Facebook's more than one billion users make it a cultural, economic and social phenomenon, with users
across the world devoting countless hours to the site and Facebook becoming an increasingly important
way of obtaining information not only about friends and family but also about world events.

Facebook’s algorithm prioritizes posts that earn more engagements (likes, comments, shares). This means
that every time a follower interacts with one of your posts, Facebook will prioritize your posts in their
newsfeed over other less “important” content, and as a result, your post will achieve a higher reach.
Therefore, it is critical to post engaging content that encourages an interaction.


Daily posting is incredibly important for your business’s online visibility. Facebook's initial public offering on
Wall Street makes the site an important economic actor in itself. Facebook also has an entire interface
designed for businesses, complete with business profile pages and an advertising system that allows
marketers to target their ads based on the wealth of information users provide about themselves on the
site. This interface not only generates revenue for the company but also creates a rare opportunity for small
businesses with limited advertising budgets and a need to reach specific audiences.

Posting regularly on social media is important because it helps your business stay top-of-mind to
customers. You are more likely to generate leads using social media when you are memorable.

 Facebook offers a number of benefits to marketing professionals and small business owners alike.
With its massive user base, Facebook gives marketers a nearly limitless audience for commercial
messages. In addition, Facebook ad tools allow business users to target message delivery using a
variety of demographic information that ranges from geographic location to age, relationship status
and even sexual preference. Facebook also provides an array of analytical tools that marketers can
use to gauge advertising effectiveness and adjust ads as necessary.

1. Increased Brand Awareness

Posting on social media makes you more visible and memorable to potential customers. By
posting regularly, you make sure that your customers see more of you.
2. Better Conversion Rates
Every single one of the posts you make on social media can entice potential customers to buy
something from you. By posting regularly and increasing your visibility, you gain more chances
to improve your overall conversion rates.
3. Improves Knowledge of Your Customers
Another useful aspect of social media marketing is how it helps you learn about your
customers. By posting regularly, you can gain further insights into what kind of posts work and
which don’t, which helps indicate what topics your ideal client is interested in the most.
4. Improves Customer Satisfaction
A handful of your customers will prefer to communicate through social media; whether it’s a
complaint, a compliment, or a comment. By posting regularly, you’re showing your customers
that you are active and ready to help. (Make sure you reply to these messages!)


In 2009, Facebook's chat program surpassed the one billion messages per day milestone, less than a year
after the platform was launched. These figures don't take other communication methods on Facebook --
such as messages, wall posts, comments and pokes -- into account, but do demonstrate the huge and
growing importance of the site as a way for contacts to exchange information. Even on a cultural level, that
kind of popularity represents a capacity to shape language and communication methods among users.

Having your families far away from you, as well as all of your friends on Facebook, and all of the users of it,
if your post is on public, they can interact and see your facebook post in your timeline. In these, you can
gain communication exchanging of thoughts and ideas.

Facebook as a Community

The sociologist Benedict Anderson defines a community as a group where even if the members do not know
each other personally, they recognize each other's existence as parts of the whole and share a set of
common practices and experiences. Facebook is one such community. That could be good or bad,
depending largely on the conduct of users and the decisions made by Facebook to shape relationships
among members, yet the very existence of such a large community is important to say the least.

These community is organized by different leaders and admins, the members of it have the same interest
and point of view. For example the Online Barter Community, you can post some items for sale and
members of that group can only see your post if the group is in private, the members can interact and
comment on your post.

Twitter has been a brand friendly platform. One of the biggest reasons for wide adoption of Twitter by
celebrities, and brands has been its swiftness in dissemination of information apart from its transparency in
not restricting content. The openness of the platform makes it easy to monitor, listen and communicate.

 Hashtags - Communities and context

Hastags first became associated with Twitter groups (in 2007) as a way to make more sense of
noise on Twitter. Hashtags are pretty much used to contribute to discussions around topics, events,
experiences or follow such conversations.

Twitter has become not just a microblogging outlet for individuals and celebrities, but also for big brands.
Twitter's popularity, though, goes beyond the global exposure it offers to people and brands. It's also a
listening tool and a means for building community.

 For Promotion
Imagine a tool that allows you to send pithy micro-messages to current and potential clients at any
time of the day or night, with little or no objection to why and when you're sending it. That's Twitter.
It's essentially constant permission to talk about you and your company. Granted, no one has to
listen to you. But many people do. And that's part of why Twitter has become so important to
businesses -- especially smaller ones. A 2011 KISSmetrics study showed that 50 percent of
surveyed business owners reported gaining new customers from social media, most typically from
Facebook or Twitter, and 64 percent of Twitter users said they were more likely to buy from the
brands they follow. Furthermore, Twitter has a feature called Promoted Products, which
strategically promotes your Twitter profile or specific tweets according to compatibility with other
Twitter users.
 For Listening
People join Twitter mostly for the purpose of talking. So businesses can tap into that by interacting
with their Twitter followers, asking for feedback on products, services or general concerns.
Showing your clients on Twitter that you're willing to listen strengthens their trust in your service
and brand and adds a personal touch to your business reputation. Additionally, it empowers you to
respond more quickly with solutions to any problems or frustrations your customers may
experience with your business. Even if people don't interact with you directly on Twitter, you can
monitor what they say about your business, helping you understand how the public views it.
 For Helping
Quick and helpful feedback to customer complaints or problems can be complemented by other
information that benefits your Twitter followers, even if it's not directly related to your business or
industry. Here, again, is an opportunity to add a human element to your business -- by simply
posting an interesting or humorous factoid that helps your followers get through another day, for
example. Twitter also gives you the opportunity to add your voice to other conversations on the site,
perhaps by answering a question that no one else knows the answer to, thereby establishing you
and your company as authorities in your field.
 For Insight
Outside of the interaction between you and your current or potential clients, Twitter helps
businesses to better understand their competition. By observing competitors' Twitter activity, you'll
gain insight into business and market trends and learn more about what you can do to distinguish
your company and brand. Additionally, you may gain insight into the failures others have had, which
could help you from making similar mistakes.

Twitter allows you to reach your followers in something very close to real-time. Your updates are instantly
posted to your Twitter feed, and anyone who checks feeds regularly also sees your Tweets immediately. The
beauty of Twitter is that, not only can you directly contact individuals who have freely provided their contact
information, your ideas and communication can also be read by everyone following you

Twitter's strength is real-time. No other social platform comes close on this front. Twitter remains our best
indicator of the wider pulse of the world and what's happening within it.

The researcher conducted a survey on a question based of what do they prefer, Facebook post or Tweets?
Here's what the result:

23 out of 30 respondents choosed Facebook post over Tweets, in conclusion, Facebook post is more
popular in the point of view of the respondents. Facebook post can easily be access with our mobile phone,
in using free data we can see it, but in case you were out of data or no internet tweets is hard to access
because it is a real time interaction, it happens or tweets at a time.

2. the advantages and disadvantages of using these forms


In the marketing point of view, Facebook is valuable to create a brand not only for individuals but also for
businesses at the global level. The Facebook benefits include as a social networking pros provides benefits
for business and individuals too, such as making a group, chatting with clients, making an event, wall
stickers, reliable platforms, news feed, etc. you can meet new people & have knowledge of various places,
traditions & culture. No doubt, Facebook is proved as a great option to connect with the world these days.
Moreover, now you can access Facebook free without Internet from any kind of mobile device.


 There are many, who are addicted to FB. People just start living in this virtual world & spend hours &
hours on Facebook. Due to this, a new type of disorder has also come in human life i.e. Facebook
addiction disorder in which person spends far too much time on Facebook, has difficulty cutting
back. Furthermore, this disease keeps you away from real people and eventually creating problems
with real-life relationships, relatives, school, or in the career. This is the biggest disadvantage of the
Facebook site.
 The fight continues against fake profiles & phishing bots. Opening an account, making a fake profile
& ID is simple for anyone on Facebook. And there is no limit for these fake profiles. There are so
many cases of harassment & abuse that are often formulated by the fake accounts. Once you get
into this trap, it would be very dangerous. Many cases have been reported about these fake
accounts, bullying, stalking, blackmailing, due to which many lives have been destroyed especially,
 Scams are spreading like fire. Suspicious emails, messages & notifications are the most widely
used trick to hack your account & to get your personal information by using the phishing website
that looks similar to the original Facebook site. The user then gets attracted to the fake offer, click
on the fake link, open fake site but then put his real login info and then he got phished by scammer
successfully. And the ultimately this result to massive loss of your money, mental health & lots
 Can’t keep things personal. People are now used to reportedly sharing fewer personal updates on
Facebook. It’s a cycle that once you start updating about everything, then you can’t stop yourself
further anymore.
 Criticism. There are many groups & pages on Facebook published which is being created to abuse
or violate other religion, personalities, nation, etc. This kind of activities disturbs the social


 Better Socializing - Facebook is changing the way we think & feel. You can connect with the world
by just signing into Facebook. It is easy to find out like-minded people by seeing their interests, &
you can easily connect with them by looking up their wall updates, interests, & here you can connect
with them by sending a free message.
 Business promotion. It is one of the biggest advantages of Facebook. Through FB ads & fan pages,
you can advertise your business. It helps you to maintain a good relationship with your customers
 Entertainment unlimited.
 Facebook is the best thing to spend your time when you don’t have to do anything & just getting
bored. You can see your friends post, or share your photos, status, or even play games on FB.
 A platform to share feelings, life events. Through Facebook, it is very easy to share your feeling,
opinion & what’s happening in your life.
 Pages, groups, news-feed. News-feed plays a significant role in getting the latest information. In the
case of fan pages, the admin or the users publish the post, news, info, photos, videos, etc. regularly
to stay connected and being engaged with their fan followers.

Twitter is a unique social networking platform that’s been used for business and personal purposes. It’s a
perfect tool to connect to friends, relatives, and even customers.


 Twitter has limited message size, It has 140 characters per post, It can include a message or links
on your website as it is free and also free for the advertisements, You don’t have to face the
problem with a bunch of advertisements like the other social networking sites do.
 Twitter is fast, When you publish on it, the people following your business will receive the tweet
immediately, the business owners can make use of this feature to test the different campaign
angles that they are considering, They will get an instant reaction from their followers, So, there are
many businesses that buy Twitter followers to boost their sales.
 You can tweet or re-tweet, You can mark favorite, you can send the tweets by mentioning the
specific people, You can send the messages and you can invest your time in its use.
 Scheduled Tweets. If you are a future planner, you can try Scheduling Tweets to post the content in
the future. You can schedule both organic and promoted-only Tweets for future delivery and as
 Wider audience reach- The huge number of users on Twitter might include your target consumers.
Hashtags may help you connect with an audience interested in a certain subject or location.


 Offensive Content is among the major disadvantages of Twitter. Everyone has a right to freedom of
speech, but unfortunately, some users leverage this right far too much being offensive. When you
are on social media, it’s too easy for anyone to approach and troll you.
 Character Limit. Not everyone is a frugal speaker; they need more words to express their concerns
or thoughts about a particular incident or event. 280 words are still not enough to cover much of
what many users intend to say. Either a user has to split lengthy posts into multiple tweets or drop
the idea of using Twitter.

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