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Document Development Exposition: Instructions and Usability Test Script

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

When I started this assignment, I was on the fence about writing instructions about screen printing
or the flexographic printing process. Ultimately, I went with the screen-printing process because of
its simplicity. If someone with little to no experience in printing were to read the instructions; the
flexographic printing process may be challenging to understand and execute. Screen-printing would
be easy to follow and can also be done at home. With all that in mind, screen-printing was the route I
took for the assignment.

First Draft (for peer editing)

While going through the peer reviews, I was pleased to see that the instructions were easy to follow,
and I took note of several suggestions. One of the first suggestions I applied was the use of a
numbered list rather than a bulleted list. Another point brought up was the use of images. While I
had originally planned to add my own images, I decided to hold off because it depicted classroom
equipment rather than at-home equipment. Regardless I think it is a good idea to add images.

Second Draft (for your packet)

After going through the suggestions, I ultimately came out with a finished product that I was proud
of. The numbered list really helped with the flow of the steps and the creates the ability to recall a
step if needed. Adding some color really brought the paper to “life”. Some things I would change
now are boxing off the materials sections, like suggested in the peer review. And finally incorporating
some images.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

Ms. Sindelar gave several suggestions that I found helpful and really tied everything together.
Punctuation was added to every step, materials were given their own box, tips/notes were formatted
differently, and some overall format changes were made. The hardest part was creating the box for
the materials to go in, and I still feel as if it could use some work. However, I am stumped on what it
is missing. Regardless I am pleased with the outcome.

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