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Teaching Material Design

Group 4
Erani Putri C. 19111025
Icha Rizky 19111042
Febriana Yudith 19111064
Nisa Utami 19111074

Subject : English
Education Level : SMP
Grade : VIII
Semester : 1
Characteristics :
1) Tolerance
2) Democratic
3) Responsible
Understand the meaning of functional written text and simple short essays in
the form of descriptive and recount related to the surrounding environment


5.3. Responding to the meaning and steps of rhetoric in simple short essays
accurately, smoothly and acceptable relating to the surrounding environment in the
text in the form of descriptive and recount
Learning Materials Learning Activities

The meaning of ideas Question and answer various things related to

Textual meaning in descriptive and the theme/topic of reading
recount text Review of vocabulary and grammar related to
Rhetoric Rhetor of Descriptive and the type of descriptive/recount text
Recount Text Read Descriptive/Recount Text with Curiosity
Communicative Purpose Descriptive Answering questions about the information
and recount texts contained in the text
Characteristics of language Answering questions about the communicative
descriptive and recount text goals and steps of descriptive/recout text
Indicator Assessment

Rhetoric Rhetor of Descriptive and Oral test &Writing test

Recount Text E.g.: Read the text aloud and clearly. Answer
Communicative Purpose Descriptive the following questions based on the text
and recount texts Choose the best option based on the text.
Characteristics of language Read the text aloud.
descriptive and recount text

2 x 40 minutes
What is Descriptive Text?

Descriptive text is a text that describes

something. For example, describing a person, an
animal or an object, whether its shape, its
properties, its number and others. Descriptive
text also aims to describe, describe or reveal a
person or an object.
1. Identification
The identification section contains an opener and an overview
of a topic. Identification serves as an introduction to what we
are describing.

For example, when we tell about a place, we can start from
the whole characteristics of a place such as how the scenery,
the building, the weather, and others, then refer to special
details that complement the previous general explanation.
Language Feature
1. Specific participant
Focus on discussing certain objects, not general and unique (there
is only one) for example: Monas, my house, Malioboro, uncle Joko

2. Use of adjectives (adjectives)

The function of adjectives is to clarify nouns.
for example : a beautiful beach, the famous place in Yogyakarta

3. Use of simple present tense

The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the
facts of the description object.

4. The uses of Action verbs :

Descriptive text uses verbs that indicate an activity (the
activity can be seen) for example: run, sleep, walk, cut etc.
Using Simple Present Tense. Tenses are used because in
descriptive text we will explain a fact or truth contained in a
thing or person.
Using many adjective words. The word Adjective is used
because in descriptive text we will describe the properties of an
object, human, or animal.
We will often find many words "is" or relating verbs
(connecting verbs) in descriptive text. because 'is' means 'is'
which leads to the explanation of the object, person or animal
that we are describing.
Descriptive text only focuses on explaining one object.
Descriptive Text

I went to the zoo yesterday and I saw panda for the
first time. Panda is the very cute animal I've ever seen.
It has little eyes with black spots around them. His body
is black and white colored. Panda's body is almost look
alike with bear. Panda looks like tame animals but it's
actually not. Panda eats bamboo and they almost eat
40 kg bamboo in just one day. Panda is animal from
china. I like Panda because they're cute.
A Tree
There are three main parts of a tree. They are crown, trunk, and
root. The crown is at the top of the tree. It consists of leaves,
branches, and twigs. The crown filters dust and other particles from
the air. The leaves produce food for the tree through photosyntesis.
The trunk or stem of a tree supports the crown and gives
the tree its shape and strength. The trunk consists of some layers.
The layers carry water and minerals up from the roots to the
leaves, and they are carry sugar down from the leaves to the
branches, trunk and roots.
Tree's roots absorb water and nutrients from soil, store
sugar and hold the tree upright in the ground. Some roots can go
down more than four meters.
Thank You

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