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Name: Bagohara, Norbert Kiel P. Score:

Course/Year: 1st Year – BS Accountancy Class Schedule: (T & Th – 12:30 – 2 PM)

Directions: Please take time to read questions carefully and make sure you understand
the facts before you begin answering, be concise and avoid providing irrelevant
information in writing your answers.

1. Why is management said to be a universal principle? Justify your answer. (10


2. Discuss the nature of management. (10 points)

3. What are the functions of management? Discuss each function. (10 points)

4. Explain the three levels of management. (10 points)

5. Enumerate and discuss the characteristics of management. (10 points)


Prepared by:
Florante P. De Leon, CTT, DBA (CAR)
Management is the same age as the mankind. It is already around since the
beginning of time, and it is clearly evident on the well – managed systems and
principles of the past civilizations such as Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. As
centuries goes by, people are constantly evolving the principles of management and it
shaped the modern management science that we knew today.

One of the common stigmas about management is that is only exclusive to

business. It is, in fact, wrong because it can also be seen in different disciplines such as
politics, culture, social and even science. That’s why it is a universal phenomenon
because it is about the managing aspect itself, not the discipline. It is a group effort that
requires making objectives, planning, coordination, control and goal – making that is
focused on achieving the said goals.

Another thing that makes management universal is the heterogeneity among the
different disciplines. There are different types of organization within it, objectives and
goals vary from the task assigned, philosophies may differ from the leader and work
culture is definitely different.

From the creation of different disciplines, various contributions to the field of

management also altered its nature. Management is multi – disciplinary, in the sense
that it integrates knowledge and concepts from different disciplines such as psychology
and social science, and can incorporate their own concepts that can be practiced to
maintain their operation. It is also dynamic in nature since its principles are flexible and
changes within the environment of an organization. It has relative principles meaning
that is used according to the need of a particular organization, since it varies on different
aspects such as demographics and statistics. Lastly, it is also classified as a science
and art, since it includes research and analysis on formulating ideas on how to improve
a workspace. It is also considered as art due to certain skills that can only be possessed
by managers.
What is a good management without a good manager or superior? According to
Henry Fayol, to manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, command and to control.

Koontz and O’ Donnel named it planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling,
which is the short term of Gullick’s POSDCORB – same terms, but controlling should be
omitted and coordinating, reporting and budgeting should be added.

Planning is the process wherein you need to choose appropriate goals to pursue
them, while thinking of what strategies and actions to partake. It encourages people to
work harder, sometimes in extended periods and partaking in behaviors that will
contribute to the overall goal of organization. The second one is organizing, involves
assigning of tasks, allocation of resources and coordinating work activities to achieve a
common task. Staffing is the recruitment and selection of employees for positions within
the organization, it is also manning the organization to ensure that the organization will
work. Directing on the other hand, is the inspiring and motivation of workers to achieve
the organizational goals. It is composed of subfunctions: communication, leadership,
motivation and supervision. Lastly, controlling, is the monitoring of progress towards
goal achievement and taking corrective action when progress is not being made.

Since management is a hierarchical structure, it needs to have managers /

executives supervising and managing each level of organization. Levels of management
refers to the line of division that exists in different positions of an organization. It can be
generally classified into three categories; all of these managers are expected to perform
different functions according to their jurisdiction.

Top - level managers are responsible for creating a context for change. They
also need to create a positive organizational culture through actions and proper
communication. CEO’S, President, Vice – President belong in this group, the ones who
are responsible for the overall management of the organization. Middle - level or
executives are the branch and the departmental managers who are responsible of
directly reporting to the top – level managers. They plan and allocate resources to meet
the goals and implementing strategies generated by the administrators. Lastly, the
frontline – managers or supervisors concerns the day – to – day workflow and execution
of tasks.

They also teach entry – level employees on how to do their jobs, and making much
more detailed schedules and plans based on the middle – managers’ plans.

Now for the ultimate question, what makes management unique? What
separates itself from other disciplines? One distinct characteristic of it is that it is goal –
oriented. It is a purposeful activity. Reaching the goals is the ultimate aim of an
organization and it can be achieved multiple times, depending on the circumstance.
Management is a tool used to fulfill the pre – determined goals by employing resources.
Next one is that management integrates human, physical and financial resources, which
is all harmonized by human efforts. It includes assets, materials and skills. The third one
is that it is continuous. It is perpetual in a way that the organization will not stop
achieving goals even though they already reached it. It is a cycle of identifying a
problem and solving it, then accomplishing the goal. Management is pervasive. It is
required on different fields, especially if there are two or more persons involved, so that
directs efforts towards a common purpose. Lastly, it is a group activity. It is less much
concerned with individuality, and since there are also levels of organization, it is
basically a group effort for reaching pre – determined goals.

No doubt that management is a universal phenomenon because we are

experiencing it everywhere. But it is still applied differently according to the
organizations it belongs, that’s why it is heterogeneous. Let us break the stigma that the
management just revolves around superiors and subordinates, but there is more than
that. It is a systematic approach for the achievement of goals and commonality of many.
It also involves functions such as planning and organizing that is essential for deciding
the most appropriate course of action.
Management changed the course of our history. Because of it, we humans
learned how to work efficiently. Imagine our world without someone managing us, - just
our house for example, it would be an utter chaos. Probably without management, our
aspirations and goals would forever be stuck as dreams and it will never turn to reality.
Essay Grading Rubric

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Assignment Length, topic, key features Exceeds Meets all Addresses all Does not
requirements requirements address all
Requirements Requirements requirements

Content Critical Thinking Original and Some Limited Little

thorough originality understanding originality or
80% understanding and analysis and originality understanding
and analysis

Thesis/theory/arguments Insightful and Clear and Weak or unclear Missing or off

original effective topic

Introduction Engaging and Logical and Underdeveloped Missing or

effective complete or unclear overly brief

Supporting Relevant and Generally Not always Off topic or

logical related and relevant or incomplete
Paragraphs logical logical

Examples Effective and Appropriate Partial or Few that

persuasive and sufficient incomplete develop thesis

Transitions Strong Acceptable Weak Missing

Conclusions Effective Acceptable Some Missing

Presentation/Appearance Well Some errors Serious errors Presentation

presented in in presentation is not
presentation guidelines clear/logical
Mechanics Grammar/ Punctuation/ Minimal Some errors Many serious Intrusive
Spelling errors, all -several errors that errors that
20% minor minor or few distract from impede
serious content understanding

Referencing Excellent Good – may Adequate – Poor – no

be some some errors but attempt to
Basics/Punctuation minor errors effort is clear follow

Total Points

Final Grade:

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