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Ôn 1:
Part I:
1. Do you plan to drvie back tomorrow night? ‘No, I’ve booked a hotel- we are
staying at the Intercontinetal’. (stay)
2. We’ve been trying to enter the Chinese market for sometime. (enter)
3. We would have sorted out the problem much sooner if we had had the manual.
4. The flight attendant is calling us. I think we are going to board the plane. (board)
5. Look! There’s a sale at Harrods. If only I had my visa card with me. (have)
Part II:
6. Forward investment has nothing to do with the reasons for last year’s problems.
7. Other companies are offering the same products at more competitive prices and I
can see no reason why we should continue purchasing from you.
8. The share price plunged when the takeover bid was rejected.
9. Apartment hotels also come with a kitchen, where excutives can make meals, and
they have laundry facilities as well.
10. We ought to look into Mika’s proposal; it sounds very interesting.
11. We sent you the invoice at the end of last month.
12. Don’t mention unless they actually ask about it.
13. I feel that the oil price rise was the main reason. It meant freight costs, for
example, were much higher than the present year.
14. Hold on a moment, that’s not exactly what I said.
15. Yes, I can confirm that the house is for sale, and the asking price is $950,000.
Part III:
16. You will not be allowed to take part in gym _____ (if you aren’t having/unless
having/unless you have/if you shouldn’t have) a doctor’s note.
17. ‘Have you finished your course yet?’ ‘No. There are still three weeks _____ (to
go/which I go/that are to go/going).’
18. ‘Have you been to New York?’ ‘I’ve stayed there _____
(much/enough/plenty/several) times.
19. _____ (Moreover/Also/Not only/As well as) having a full-time job in a bank,
David works as a freelance web designer.
20. Any new drug must undergo _____ (extension/extend/extensive/extensively) trials
before it is approved for use.
21. My doctor said _____ (I would have to take/I must have taken/that I take/me to
take) the medication for six months.
22. _____ (Such was the success of/It was so successful/How much was the success
of/So successful has) the book in the series that the publisher anticipates record
sales for the latest title.
23. The proposal was rejected _____ (on the grounds that/as a result of/in spite
of/because of) the changes would be too costly.
24. ‘When do you need the report?’ ‘ _____’ (The better the sooner/The sooner the
better/The soonest the best/ Sooner, better).
25. I didn’t sleep last night because I _____ (don’t used/never used/am getting
used/am not used) to the noise of big cities.
Part IV:
26. I’ll ask Accounts to send you another copy of the invoice.
 I’ll have Accounts send you another copy of the invoice.
27. Manuela knows this business better than anyone.
 No one knows this business better than Manuela.
28. Has anyone made a backup copy of this file?
 Has a backup copy of this file been made?
29. Perhaps I’ll see you on Thurdays evening.
 I might see you on Thursday evening.
30. What is your clothes expenditure in a year?
 How much do you spend on clothes in a year?

Ôn 2:
Part I:
1. We’re in the pharmaceutial research division. Currently we are developing a
new drug for heart disease. (develop)
2. As a rule, cuts in interest rates help companies to create jobs. (help)
3. I’m on the 18.30 flight that gets in at 21.25. (get)
4. So far this year we have sold over 10.000 units and it’s only May. (sell)
5. When he finally retired, he had been working for the company for 20 years.
Part II:
6. It wasn’t my fault. There were proper ways to do things and you didn’t follow the
7. We always fly to Paris. Why don’t we use the Channel Tunnel for a change?
8. Our market survey shows consumers reported the highest rate of satisfaction we
have ever had in the first weeks after the launch of the new range.
9. The last meeting took place on 18 July.
10. What I am looking for is a job with more responsibility.
11. The Citroen uses less fuel than the Audi, but of course it doesn’t carry as many
12. I’ve just heard that we’ve won the contract. Congratulations everybody.
13. It’s too late; there’s nothing we can do about it now.
14. The short-term prospects are not good, but in the long run I think this project will
be a good one.
15. Some of the smaller companies in the market will probably be taken over in the
next few years.
Part III:
16. Eve can’t take the pressure of her job and I think she _____ (is about to/is due
to/is on the verge of/is to) resigning.
17. ‘We don’t have a burglar alarm.’ ‘Then it’s about time _____ (for installing
one/you install one/one was installing/to install one).’
18. The negotiation didn’t end until well aftermidnight, _____ (at this time Ron
was/by this time Ron was/when was Ron/which time was Ron) already exhausted.
19. Why don’t you put _____ (any flower/any of the flowers/some of flowers/some
flowers) in a pot on the balcony?
20. It is the secretary’s job to inform all _____ (the concerned in the project
people/the people concerned in the project/the concerned people in the
project/the people in the project concerned).
21. ‘How come Brenda didn’t audition for the show?’ ‘I guess she _____ (didn’t have
to see/needn’t have seen/must not have seen/should not have seen) the notice.’
22. ‘I think I can find the information on my own.’ ‘_____ (In case of you need/Were
you to need/Had you needed/Should you need) any help, just call me.’
23. The mountain village we are going to visit _____ (is famous about its waterfall/its
waterfall is famous/is famous for its waterfall/whose waterfall is famous).
24. ‘Should I bring anything with me to the seminar?’ ‘_____ (As
well/Unlike/Besides/Rather than) a notebook and pen, everything will be
25. The air turned _____ (coldly/coldest/as cold/cold) as night fell.
Part IV:
26. It’s ages since we last had an order from CWP?
 We haven’t had an order from CWP for ages.
27. After the conference, we can travel back together.
 When the conference is over, we can travel back together.
28. How about having a game of tennis at the weekend?
 Shall we have a game of tennis at the weekend?
29. The local authorities have finally opened the new motorway.
 The new motorway has finally been opened.
30. Someone left this umbrella in reception.
 This umbrella was left in the reception.
Ôn 3:
Part I:
1. When they made the breakthrough, they had been trying to solve the problem
for two years. (try)
2. When the accident happened, he had been driving the lorry for 13 hours
without a break. (drive)
3. ‘I need to see the price list soon – today if possible.’ ‘OK – give me your
address and I will email it to you now. (email)
4. ‘Have you seen their new plans for Sports Center?’ “No – what are they going
to do?’ (they/do)
5. ‘Do you plan to drive back tomorrow night?’ ‘No, I’ve booked a hotel – we
are staying at the Intercontinental.’ (stay)
Part II:
6. We have to economize – in other words, we have to save money wherever we
7. It’s a complete waste of time seeing them – they promise everything and never
order anything.
8. Our washing machine is guaranteed for no less than 20 years.
9. We regret that we have no option but to close our office in Brussels.
10. My colleague worked in Hong Kong for five years before coming back to
11. Please show Mr Kiedrowski to the room which they are holding the meeting
12. I’ve never been white-water rafting before. It’s an interesting experience!
13. I hope John gets better soon. We can’t do without him on the negotiating team.
14. As far as price is concerned, I am sure that our product is the most competitive
on the market.
15. I agree on the whole, but I still have some reservations.
Part III:
16. I’m sure Katie will have recovered from her cold _____ (nowadays/for long/by
now/by the time).
17. ‘The meeting is going to be postponed till Friday.’ ‘Oh, I’d prefer _____ (if it
isn’t/for it not be/it if it weren’t/it not being) as I won’t be able to attend.
18. The travel agent suggested either Corfu or Rhodes, _____ (both of them/either
of which/neither of which/where neither)
19. Goods cannot be dispatched _____ (while/by the time/until/no sooner)
payment details have been confirmed.
20. The sky grew _____ (black/blackly/blackest/blackening) and the temperature
21. Children under 12 _____ (could not to travel/had better not to travel/ought to
not travel/are not supposed to travel) in the front seat of the car.
22. ‘Would you be willing to commute to the city every day?’ ‘If I _____ (have
been offered/would offer/were to be offered/had offer) a good enough job, I
23. It is vital that _____ (you will keep these pesticides/to be kept these
pesticides/you must keep these pesticides/these pesticides be kept) out of the
reach of children.
24. ‘When do you need the report?’ ‘_____(The better the sooner/The sooner the
better/The soonest the best/Sooner; better)
25. I didn’t sleep last night because I _____ (don’t used/never used/am getting
used/am not used) to the noise of big cities.
Part IV:
26. The local authorities have finally opened the new motorway.
 The new motorway has finally been opened.
27. The city council will ban all traffic from the city center.
 All traffic will be banned from the city center.
28. They printed some business cards with the new logo.
 We had some business with the new logo printed.
29. They have just refused my request for credit.
 I’ve just had my request for credit card refused.
30. They grow much less coffee in Columbia these days.
 These days much less coffee is grown in Columbia.

Ôn 4:
Part I:
1. We would have sorted out the problem much sooner if we had had the
manual. (sort)
2. This is a very unusual situation. I wish I knew what to do. (know)
3. There are too many similar models on the market now. If only we had
launched our version earlier. (launch)
4. He made a mess of all my photocopying. I wish I had done it myself. (do)
5. Look! There’s a sale at Harrods. If only I had my visa card with me. (have)
Part II:
6. The annual accounts must be submitted not later than January 31st.
7. I’m sorry, I don’t understand. What exactly are you getting at?
8. The meeting took place over several weeks as a large number of issues
needed/had to be discussed.
9. The decision was taken on the basics of economic factors.
10. I always take a spare battery for my laptop in case the main one runs out.
11. The clients have made some/many changes to the original plans, but nothing
12. I complained to the manager that I was not satisfied with the service I had
13. I hate it when they put you on hold and you can’t get through.
14. I apologized again for any difficulties that/which you may have.
15. We were extremely reluctant to make anyone redundant as it was the first time
we had ever closed a branch.
Part III:
16. ‘Do you want to go out this Friday evening?’ ‘Sure, _____ (in case/as long
17. Anyone _____ (that is faced/who is being faced/is facing/facing)
18. ‘I hear Paul has a job at a restaurant.’ ‘Well, it’s _____ (much more/nothing
like/far more of/not so much) a restaurant as a cafe really.’
19. Provided that there are no delays, Rob _____ (could have been/would
be/supposed to be/should be) here around 9 o’clock.
20. To my _____ (annoy/annoyed/annoying/annoyance), I found I had to do more
paperwork before the permit could be granted.
21. ‘I want to buy that car.’ ‘Don’t you want to know _____ (can you afford/if you
afforded/whether you afford/if you can afford) it first?’
22. The last thing _____ (Thomas needs/needs Thomas/does Thomas
need/Thomas needs it) is more troubles with the manager.
23. _____ (But for bringing the map/Had we brought the map/If we should the
map/Were we bringing the map), we’d have found the place easily.
24. ‘What did Carla wear to the reception?’ ‘The most _____ (red, gorgeous,
silk/silk, red, gorgeous/red, silk, gorgeous/ gorgeous, red, silk) dress.’
25. A sandwich can be _____ (as just nutritious/a bit nutritious/every bit as
nutritious/even more nutritious) as a cooked meal.
Part IV:
26. The prototype needs to be changed a lot.
 The prototype needs redesigning.
27. There is little travel in my job.
 There is not much travel in my job.
28. Nobody at all was available to see me.
 Not a single person was available to see me.
29. There’s a very good chance that we will win the contract.
 We’ll probably win the contract.
30. The chances are that there will be more redundancies soon.
 There are likely to be more redundancies soon.
Ôn 5:
Part I:
1. I’ve just heard that Carla has been promoted/will be promoted to Marketing
Director. (promote)
2. I can’t stand people interrupting all the time. It’s so rude. (interrupt)
3. Gold is still produced in large quantities in South Africa. (still/produce)
4. Sweden is one of the few countries where the population will probably increase.
5. It is vital that these figures (should) not be publicized. (publicize)
Part II:
6. At first sight, this proposal doesn’t seem very promising, but if you read it
carefully, it has a lot of potetial.
7. Our new product is equipped with a number of features that are not to be found in
similar devices produces by our competitors.
8. I’m sorry but we can’t accept that. Our position is clear and we have explained it
to you several times before.
9. How long ago did Mr Koczka leave?
10. In 1987 he moved to Seoul, where he set up the Asia division.
11. The original Barbie was a great success and quickly became the best-selling toy in
the USA.
12. Have you ever been self-employed?
13. The Government is trying to cut down on bureaucracy.
14. Lisbon reminds me a bit of San Francisco.
15. He rang to ask if/whether we were still interested in the site or not.
Part III:
16. The college offers summer courses _____ (so that students can/in order for
students/so as to students can/as for students to)
17. The city _____ (choosing/chosen/where is chosen/which chooses) to host the
championships must have excellent sports facilities.
18. Three days _____ (isn’t a long time/aren’t long time/aren’t a long/isn’t the long
time) to find a new place to live.
19. _____ (Even it may seem glamorous/Yet it may seem glamorous/All the same,
glamorous it may seem/However glamorous it may seem). Modeling is actually
hard work.
20. William thought it _____ (would make sense/was in sense/does sense/has done
sense) to take extra medication with him.
21. The idea is _____ (Susan to assist/Susan assisting/that Susan be assisted/that
Susan assist) the publicity department during peak periods.
22. _____ (Rarely the price of gas was higher/The price of gas hardly has been
higher/Never has the price of gas been higher/At no time has been the price of
gas higher) than it was during the recent fuel crisis.
23. Advertising on TV is now very expensive. _____
(Moreover/Nonetheless/Consequently/Whereas), there is no shortage of
companies competing for air time.
24. ‘How are you managing at work, Shelly?’ ‘It’s hard to combine work with looking
after a _____ (three-months old baby/three month’s old baby/three-month-old
baby/third month old baby).’
25. The company was losing money, so they implemented a _____
(reduction/reducing/reduce/reduced) in staff.
Part IV:
26. ‘Please don’t smoke in front of the customers,’ he said to me.
 He asked me not to smoke in front of the customers.
27. It’s is an American company, but I had no idea.
 I had no idea that it was an American company
28. ‘I haven’t had much experience of retail,’ he told the interviewer.
 He told the interviewer that he hadn’t had much experience of retail.
29. ‘I’m calling on behalf of SGE Electronics’, the man said.
 The man said he was calling on behalf of SGE Electronics.
30. Could you give us tea and coffee at 11 a.m.?
 Could you provide us with tea and coffee at 11 a.m.?

Ôn 6:
Part I:
1. As a rule, cuts in interest rates help companies to create jobs. (help)
2. I can’t help feeling that there’s a better way than this. (feel)
3. When the accidnet happened, he had been driving the lorry for 11 hours without a
break. (drive)
4. If sales continue to do this well, we will have reached our target by the end of
next month. (reach)
5. Look! There’s a sale at Harrods. If only I had my visa card with me. (have)
Part II:
6. There have been so much change since our last meeting that I’d better begin by
summarizing the present position.
7. It will probably take a very long time for the company to get over its current
difficulities. The recovery might not take place until next year.
8. In recent years we have expanded rapidly and now the company has three separate
9. We have grown increasingly dissatisfied with the quality of the goods you have
been supplying.
10. If everything goes according to plan, we will meet our targets easily this year.
11. Now we have one hundred employees and specialized in projects in The Middle
12. I think you need to get some advice from your colleagues.
13. These days you need to do a lot of reading to keep up with developments in the
14. Can you find out what has happened to the shipment which/that we sent them?
15. The Citroen doesn’t have as much room as the Audi, but that doesn’t really matter
as I don’t set up exhibitions myself any more, so I take fewer cases than I used to.
Part III:
16. The team has to win the next game, _____ (If so/On condition/Otherwise/Then),
they’ll be out of the tournament.
17. _____ (Being worked/Worked/Having worked/Having been to work) for Vogue
for 20 years, Janice was an expert on fashion.
18. Hugh wrote a book about his _____ (travel in north/traveling in north/travels in
the north/travels a north) of Africa.
19. Shop assistants are often very _____ (paid poorly/poor-pay/poorly paid/poor
20. ‘Should we call Mike and get him to bring his CDs?’ ‘It’s too late now. He_____
(was supposed to leave/will have left/could be leaving/had better leave) home
21. The board proposes that the majority of this year’s profits _____ (will be
invested/be invested/to be invested/invest) in new product development.
22. Only after the taxi had pulled away _____ (I didn’t realize/that I had realized/than
I realized/did I realize) that I’d left my bag on the back seat.
23. Many sportmen attract publicity but _____ (namely/for example/in the case of/in
any case) Beckham, his name was more like that of a pop star.
24. I didn’t think the sequel was _____ (nothing as good as/much good as/half as
good as/far better as) the first movie.
25. ‘You seem to be incredibly busy.’ ‘You’re right. I have no free time _____
Part IV:
26. I’ll have the interviews conducted by my assistant.
 I’ll get my assistant to conduct the interviews.
27. His suits are all made in Savile Row.
 He has his suits made in Saile Row.
28. I’ll aske Accounts to send you another copy of the invoice.
 I’ll have Accounts send you another copy of the invoice.
29. You checked the invoice; that’s why we didn’t make an expensive mistake.
 If you hadn’t checked the invoice, we’d have made an expensive mistake.
30. We didn’t realize interest rates were going to rise so quickly, so we took out a big
 If we’d realized interest rate were going to rise so quickly, we wouldn’t have
taken out a big loan.
Ôn 7:
Part I:
1. The statistics, which were published yesterday, show that over 10,000 subscribers
a week are turning to high-speed Internet services. (show)
2. We’ve been trying to enter the Chinese market for some time. (enter)
3. This is a very unusual situation. I wish I knew what to do. (know)
4. They will probably cut back the training budget next year. (probably/cut)
5. The flight will probably be delayed. (probably/delay)
Part II:
6. The problem was that they wouldn’t accept any changes to the contract.
7. The main reason for our problems was the increase in oil prices. That was
probably more significant than the exchange rate.
8. We will only consider continuing to buy from you if you reduce your prices, offer
a consistent discount, preferably at a higher rate, and guarantee a better quality of
service and delivery.
9. I am writting to apologize for the problems you had with the order you placed on
21 March (ref 10549).
10. Apartment hotels also have laundry facilities, which helps to keep costs down.
11. The shop in Alan Street has some advantages. For a start, it is that the busiest
street in the town, so there would be a lot of potential customers.
12. You aren’t leaving now, are you?
13. Is the factory insured against fire?
14. I’m afraid they wouldn’t agree to our terms.
15. If I can be more specific, what we need if a deal wich guarantees at least a 20%
return on our investment.

Ôn 8:
Part I:
1. I’m on the 18.10 flight that gets in at 21.25. (get)
2. How can we justify spending so much money on advertising? (spend)
3. When the accident happened, he had been driving the lorry for 11 hours without
a break. (drive)
4. We were going to use our normal suppliers, but we have changed our minds
because we have found some new ones that are cheaper. (use)
5. Swenden is one of the few countries where the population will probably increase.
Part II:
6. There’s is only a couple of days before the deadline, so it’s a top priority.
7. I think you’d better stay in the Paris office for the time being, but next year we’ll
probably transfer you to New York.
8. It is extremely important that we get this message across clearly. There must be
no misunderstandings whatsover.
9. Some of our current problems have been caused by weakness in our management
10. We felt that she was the most able of the candidates on the short list.
11. Mr Dubarry is coming in today-please give me a ring when he gets here.
12. In this department they are doing some research into the new heat-resistant
13. That looks like Carols over there, but it can’t be. He’s in Germany.
14. Capital cities around the world are trying to tackle the problems of busy roads and
pollution in different ways.
15. I’m sorry, but this is our position. As fas as I am concerned, this is non-negotiable.
Take it or leave it.
Part III:
16. I’m sure Katie will have recovered from her cold _____ (nowadays/for long/by
now/by the time).
17. ‘The meeting is going to be postponed till Friday.’ ‘Oh, I’d prefer _____ (if it
isn’t/for it nor be/it if it weren’t/it not being) as I won’t be able to attend.
18. The travel agent suggested either Corfu or Rhodes, _____ (both of them/either of
which/neither of which/where neither) we have been to before.
19. Goods cannot be dispatched _____ (while/by the time/until/no sooner) payment
details have been confirmed.
20. The sky grew _____ (black/blackly/blackest/blackening) and the temperature fell.
21. Children under 12 _____ (could not to travel/had better not to travel/ought to not
travel/are not supposed to travel) in the front seat of the car.
22. ‘Would you be willing to commute to the city every day?’ ‘If I _____ (have been
offered/would offer/were to be offered/had offer) a good enough hob, I might.’
23. It is vital that _____ (you will keep these pesticides/to be kept these pesticides/you
must keep these pesticides/these pesticides be kept) out of reach of children.
24. I waved at Sally _____ (and she even/but she yet/yet she still/so she then) didn’t
notice me.
25. Make sure that memo is sent to _____ (all the involved people/all of people
involved/all the people involved/all who are involved people).
Part IV:
26. ‘No, I can’t accept any further delays,’ said Pat.
 Pat refused to accept any further delays.
27. The new IT system is certain to improved our efficiency.
 The new IT system will definitely improve our efficiency.
28. What did that piece of machinery cost?
 How much did that piece of machinery cost?
29. The local authorities have finally opened the new motorway.
 The new motorway has finally been opened.
30. You checked the invoice; that’s why we didn’t make an expensive mistake.
 If you hadn’t checked the invoice, we’d have made an expensive mistake.

Ôn 9:
Part I:
buy believe tend promise say put talk

1. ‘Every time we buy a foreign car we put someone else out of work.’ (Woodrow
2. ‘Money talks they say; all it ever said to me was “Goodbye”.’ (Cary Grant)
3. ‘Democracy means government by discussion but it is only effective if you can
stop people talking.’ (Clement Attlee, British Prime Minister)
4. ‘Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where
there’s no river.’ (Khrushchev)
5. ‘In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.’
Part II:
1. My flight from Sydney arrived late because there had been (be) a bomb alert
before the plane took off. When we finally left we had been waiting (wait) for
over five hours.
2. I had been working (work) hard all year so I felt I needed a rest.
3. I had seen (see) the designs before they went on show but they had not impressed
(not impress) me.
4. When I bought my BIP shares, their value had been falling (fall) for some time.
5. The merchant bank didn’t know that one of their traders had been hiding (hide)
huge losses.

Part III:
1. How long (you/wait)?
 How long have you been waiting?
2. I (play) tennis four times this week.
 I’ve played tennis four times this week.
3. Look outside. It (rain); the pavement’s still wet.
 Look outside. It’s been raining; the pavement’s still wet.
4. ‘You look tired.’ ‘I (drive) all day long.
 ‘You look tired.’ ‘I’ve been driving all day long.’
5. I (know) John since we were at school together.
 I’ve known John since we were at school together.
Part IV:
1. I’ll get/ I’ll be getting (get) in touch when I return (return) from the Middle East.
2. If they shut down (shut down) the plant, a lot of people will lose/ will be losing
(lose) their jobs.
3. We won’t start (start) until everyone is (be) here.
4. He can’t make a decision unitl he sees (see) the president.
5. A project to create a bacterial cell from inanimate chemicals will go/will be
going/is to go ahead (go ahead) as soon as it receives/has received (receive)
approval from an ethics committee.
Part V:
1. Travelling doesn’t bother me as long as there are no delays.
 I don’t mind travelling as long as there are no delays.
2. In my job I have to meet many people.
 My job involves meeting many people.
3. I certainly did not pass on any trade secrets.
 I firmly deny passing on any trade secrets.
4. There’s a danger we will lose business to our competitors.
 We risk losing business to our competitors.
5. I think it would be a good idea to get in touch with the commercial attaché.
 She suggests getting in touch with the commercial attaché.
6. We fully expect to double our turnover in the next two years.
 We fully anticipate doubling our turnover in the next two years.
7. He was late so I didn’t see him.
 He was late so I missed seeing him.
8. Why on earth did you spend so much on entertainment?
 How can you justify spending so much on entertainment?

Ôn 10:
Part I:
1. I have every intention of complaining,
 I fully intend to complain.
2. Send them the samples they requested – don’t forget, will you?
 Please remember to send them the samples they requested.
3. We will provide a 24 hour-a-day-hot line.
 We undertake to provide a 24-hour-a-day hot line.
4. I anticipate receiving an answer soon.
 I expect to receive an answer soon.
5. If you like we can send a replacement.
 They have offered to send a replacement.
6. She should have told them of the potential problem.
 She neglected to tell them of the potential problem.
7. I’m not sure, but I think there is a bug in the program.
 There appears to be a bug in the program.
8. She says she has the necessary authority.
 She claims to have the neccesary authority.
Part II:
1. You’d better hurry or you’ll miss the plane.
 If you don’t hurry up you’ll miss the plane.
2. In my opinion, it would be better to sell your shares now.
 My advice would be better to sell your shares now.
3. It’s not a good idea to drive through the city centre during rush hour.
 Don’t drive through the city centre during rush hour.
4. Why don’t you see a doctor if you’re feeling ill?
 You’d better see a doctor if you’re feeling ill.
5. I don’t think it’s advisable to tell her the bad news yet.
 You’d better not tell her the bad news yet.
6. In my opinion, you ought to declare you overseas investments to the tax
 If I were you, I’d declare my overseas investments to the tax authorities.
7. It’s a good idea to ask for a second opinion.
 It’s worth asking for a second opinion.

Chúc cả team mình thi tốt nhennn! From Bé Tờrâm with love ạ hí hí !

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