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Name: Carlirose C.

Benito Section: BSA-1

Activity #: __________


Gloc 9, a Filipino rapper, has released a music video titled "Walang Natira." The song
he wrote is intended to convey a message about Filipinos working abroad rather than in
our country. The song also mentioned that we have a lot of teachers, nurses, engineers,
carpenters, labanderas, and kasambahays who are choosing to work abroad in order to
have a better life that working abroad can provide them due to the higher rate of pay
there. Even so, it is risky because they have no idea what will happen to them in that
country, as far as their family is concerned. Can provide and sustain their needs, as well
as to assist their children in their studies and in achieving their goals. This song depicted
that we have a large number of skilled and professional workers, but the song wanted to
convey why they chose to work abroad rather than here. Aside from that, we believe that
other countries' salaries differ from ours, and it is true that our salary here is two or three
times that of other countries.
As a result, one of the societal issues addressed in the video is the low wage or salary
rate provided by our country. Another issue is the unemployment of Filipinos who are
still looking for work but are unable to find it due to high company standards or
qualifications. Because of the high rate of underemployment in our country, most of our
degreed Filipinos choose to work abroad or work on the basis of availability. However,
some of them did not work in the field that they studied, instead working as kasambahay,
driver, caregiver, and so on, but at a high rate of pay. Also still there are degreed
Filipinos working in their field at a higher rate of pay than in our country. So, in these
kinds of situations that have existed for many years. It has a significant impact on the
movement of labor in our country and society. We have a lot of skilled and professional
workers, but they all left for another country. And in our own country, we have a shortage
of skilled workers, which has a negative impact on society, particularly the economy. Our
economy's circulation is unstable because there are things that cannot be done because
there are no people to work. Some plans are impossible to carry out, particularly those
involving work, due to a lack of Filipino workers.
Filipinos have all of the talents, skills, and abilities, but they can't do it well in their
own country, as is the case now. We obtain stock as a result of this situation, and it is
possible that those skilled workers worked abroad if they work in this country now. It is
possible that those skilled workers will make significant contributions to our country, and
our society will be similar to that of other countries with thriving economies. Instead,
these workers can help the country, but in this situation, we are losing or the Philippines
government is losing the opportunity.So, in conclusion, Gloc 9's song depicts not only the
reason for Filipinos working abroad, but also poverty. However, the salary rate that the
government and private sector. This, I believe, is the primary reason we are losing skilled
and productive Filipino workers. The Philippine government should prioritize salary rates
as well as qualifications. Even if they have not completed their studies, there are Filipinos
who are more skilled. Here in our country, which is full of criticism, we should have a
fair distribution of salaries, which is something I always want to address about jobs in
this country. Is that we should not base salaries on degrees, but rather on the physical
work done.There are also Filipinos who are being judged because they did not complete
their studies, but these Filipinos worked hard with blood, sweat, and tears. As a result, the
salary in our country, the Philippines, must be accurate and appropriate to the job
performed by Filipino workers.

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