Experiment Journals

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Journal for English Project

Parameters include:

A spotify premium membership, earphones both wired and wireless, a phone and my computer.

February 5th, Starting this experiment I jump started with the rock genre as it is my favorite

genre. Nonetheless I will try my best to be unbiased so hopefully it turns out that way. Now this

is a saturday and typically i do a morning routine of restroom duties and such before heading to

the gym. After stretching from a good night's rest I immediately put on my earphones and put on

music from the rock genre. The gym this day was intense since the rock music was blasting in

my ears causing me to push myself more than normally. And for the most part that is what this

day consisted of, pushing myself to do more. To ground what i mean, for one assignment I had to

do a one page essay with the option of making it two pages and well when I had the music

flowing in my head got me somewhat inspired to make sure I did more than what i would do

pushing myself to improve on myself. So with that everything that I did that day I did with the

attempt to improve everything so even with just daily chores and such were done with what i

would say superior efficiency. I did get a lot of stares and some people question me when I was

listening to rock music publicly as it was noticeably loud. I have to say though, it really hard to

turn the music down as the boost in volume of aggression is just mind numbing. In a good way!

I do understand where the people are coming from though since rock music and all that are

associated with people who are ‘heart broken’ or just ‘emo people’ which again is

understandable but there was that.

February 5th, There was times throughout the day that I was not able to listen to music at the

same amount of time as yesterday however the times that I did I was more wanting to just listen

to the music rather than do any actual work it was quite difficult considering there were times

throughout this day that I did not have access to my phone as the battery ran out SEVERAL


February 7th, I once again attempted to do the hip hop genre and not even gonna lie, I was

pretty cocky the whole day causing me to do things in what I would call an “epic fashion”

however it didn’t all work out all too much. Let's say I needed to pick something off the ground,

my intentions were to do it in a flashy way, however all that ended up happening was just me

dropping the said item once again or just not being able to pick it up on the first try in the first

place. It was a day where I thought hip-hop had made me some cool guy of sorts and I even

changed my walk so that I can have that exaggerated swagger. Overall the day was full of humor

with people I interacted with since on weekdays I am out in public amongst my classmates and

such. It helped me jumpstart conversations with people in the sense that whoever I was talking to

had the same interest in the music in which I was listening to. Overall this day was more on fun

and such rather than productive/efficient I would say so yeah although it is not bad but I was

more carried away half the time trying to match my tone with the music I listened to. What I

loved about this day is that I had others comment to me that they liked the song that they were

able to hear through my headphones or at least those who managed to see my phone and look at

the song that was currently playing and such. Overall it was a fun day more than an effective or

productive day.

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