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Fuentes 1

Damian Fuentes

Mrs. Trishia Briones

ENGL 1302-222

28th March 2022

Essay 2 Reflection

This time around for the second essay, we used our sources form the annotated

bibliography to create an essay that is just analyzation. And so with this being said what I did for

my essay was an analyzation on the motion picture industry mainly with how it has evolved over

the years.

We were tasked with finding ten sources regarding our essay topic that we chose and as

stated before my topic was the evolution of the motion pictures industry. What I decided to

choose what the way representation has changed in the motion picture industry and the way the

technology has changed altogether. The specifics of these where the representation of black

communities, the representation of small towns in the United States, the way British film

directors migrated to the U.S. for more film opportunities, and the advancement of technologies

for movies regarding virtual reality and the use of artificial intelligence.

Yes this seems like an easy way to write an essay with all the research already said and

done and it was an easy way to do it, but nothing is without its faults. Having to use in text

citations and having them make sense as to why they were used proved to be rather challenging.

I noticed immediate that I was using improper citation when it was called to my attention that I

had used the authors name/’s twice. Also using citations to elaborate on whatever it was I was

referencing to was difficult to say the least.

Fuentes 2

Overall, I would say that Essay 2 will help me in the future to when I would like to do a

research paper or just a pitch to an experiment I might have in the future, and I would need to use

previous scientists work in order to prove my theory or invention. By using analysis on

preexisting work to be able to show how putting a few aspects from multiple pieces of work, this

will truly help me in my foreseeable future.

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