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Leadership Procedure Form ‘Team Leader Checklist (and Your Grading Criteria) step Your Responsibilities 0 Point Value Completed | (Tobecampleved 5 byab) overvie Asa class/eroup discuss the overal évent/theme/goal of activity, **Attach minutes or notes i“ {Explain the message /purpose of this activity neve essage 110 Purpose |__| Explain Row tis evenvantvin wil folow fe GIVE-ASK-GIVE a J modetby Envate Stde Give Ask 5 \ Gre t no |Eaae | | | 1 | Anchoring é | | ties 5 | comp Organize Checks of tasks & responsblties by student leaders. | Event 5 points Breakdown page, 5 points checklist, 10 poin's How To. Breakdown, Checkls, Hox Ro To compe Complete the Lesdership Activity Event Procedure Form according alersbip the regulations and required paperwork aloy wit signatures for Procedureroom | RHS A the procedure form de dt Evoke Event Complete an Aer Action Report (AAR) Tata Poi Goins Value Leadership Procedure Form Activity: Pam 2022 me Person(s) in Charge:_ Team Members:_ VY Date of Event: “Procedure form is to be tompleled and tumed in the Acivilies Director one week after the event. Itis the responsibilty of the student leader to meet this deadline without a reminder. Final Grade: *To be completed by the AD. Note: signatures irom the AD will not be completed the day this form is due. Signatures must be completed prior to due date, Team Leader Check in Form: a) RHS Paperwork Procedure Form Score [30 (point value can change due to activity) AD Evaluation of Execution of Event Score: No Total Peints/Final Score: oo Checklist: Task Who is Due Date Done? Notes Responsible Meet w Officers 12-13 Yes Debrief what Mayfield prom is, how we can do it w covID Minutes from | Gracie Yes Meeting Meet with Makenzie 12-17 Yes Ticket prices, Morty venue Decide Day Makenzie 12-17 Yes April 30th Contact Venue | Makenzie 12-20 Yes Mayfield has been in contact Tour Venue —_| Makenzie 12-28 Yes Rustic Ranch Tour Minutes | April 12-28 Yes Contact DJ Makenzie 12-28 Yes Already paid for Get DJ Makenzie 2-10 Yes Contract Tum in Makenzie 2-10 Yes May field Contract tumed it in Contact Makenzie Yes From Mr. Hern | Decorator (Rustic Ranch) Contact Caterer | Makenzie Yes From Mr. Hem (Rustic Ranch) | Contact Photo | Makenzie Yes Already paid | Booth for Decide Theme | Makenzie 12-20 Yes Enchanted Forest Decide Ticket | Makenzie 1-26 Yes $65: $70 on Prices Friday Guest Pass Due | Makenzie 1-26 Yes 46 Date Announcement | Dillan Yes To be read for Guest Pass month of and Ticket March and sales April Announcement | Dillan 1-31 Yes Dress and for Instagram Prom Google Form | Makenzie 16 Yes for Playlist Create Prom Makenzie 1-6 Yes Posted date. Instagram playlist, and theme Create Dresses | Makenzie 16 Yes Instagram Get Dance Makenzie Yes Procedure From Tum in Dance | Makenzie Yes Procedure Form Get Cash Box | Makenzie 2-10-22 Yes Form Fill Out Cash | Gracie Box Form Tum inCash — | Makenzie 2-10-22 Yes Box Form Purchase Order | Gracie 2-24 Yes Done and for 4 Crowns processed! Purchase Order | Makenzie 2.24 Yes Done and for 6 Sashes processed! Order Crown | Makenzie Yes and Sashes from eBay General Makenzie 3-14 Yes Everyday until Announcement Spring Break Make Posters | Makenzie Yes for Publicity Hang up Makenzie Yes Junior Class Posters helped Make Posters | Makenzie 4-6-2 Yes Hung up for Ticket Sales outside Student Store Make Google | Makenzie Yes QR codes to Form for sean at door Ticket Sales Find Teachers | Makenzie Yes Mayfield, to Help @ Flanders, Ticket Sales Gilliban, and Kissee Sell Tickets @ | Makenzie 4-11tod/IS | Yes Ail officers and Lunch teachers present Bring Crowns | Makenzi d Sashe: enue Thank You Cards Pay DI, Venue, and De How To: Five Months Ahe: - Meeting with Advisor Discuss potential venues and DJs - Discuss date of Prom = Discuss ticket prices and when selling + Discuss guest passes and when due = Make instagram accounts Three Months Ahead: Purchase Orders for Crowns and Sashes ~ Confirm venue, DJ, caterer, and photobooth = Confirm theme, ticket prices, and guest pass due date = Meet with Mayfield again to confirm ams = Announcements about ticket sales, guest pass due date, and insta = Keep posting on Instagram and have Juniors share it = Constant communication with venue, caterer, DJ, decorator, and photobooth ~ ie) DJ Contract, tell decorator theme = Make google form for playlist with DJ and share it with them One Month Ahea - Order Crowns and Sashes - More Announcements ~ Be in constant communication with venue, caterer, DJ, decorator, and photobooth = Make Google Sheets for each class - Meet with Mayfield ‘Three Weeks Ahead: = Sell tickets ~ Check in with all contacts Publicize Announce Promposal winner Finalize Guest Passes One Week Ahead: = Check with DJ, decorator, photo booth, and caterer = Send out google form for Queen & King - Send out google form for Prince & Princess le form for Cutest Couple = Send out goo) Make check-in lists in alphabetical order (several for chaperones) Day of: = Goearly to check decorations _ Print Awards for Queen, King, Prince, Princess and Cutest Couple - Print check-in list - Bring crowns and sashes to venue One Week After: - Thank You Cards = Mayfield, Chaperones, DJ, Venue, Photo Pay DJ, Venue, Photographer, and Decorator Leadership Activity Event Procedure Form : Any time our class has an activity for our student body there are multiple forms and steps t ist to make sure all components to an of this activ Directic accomplish in order to have a successful event, This form will completed and done so inan efficient manner, ‘The overall grade will depend on the completene and will be applied to every individual in the class whether directly involved or not. We are a functioning business and family that must help one another be successful. Working together is a key skill needed in this course and out in the real world. This process will help everyone with their responsibilities and cooperation with other | Procedure individual(s) Responsible | Point | Points | Comments/Note | Value_| Received Name of Event VOY Date of Event: Facility Form: Student will printa | Student Leader 1 point 1 | °° | cope attach the confirmation of tivities Director (assist as cw thrcgh ite towing ste. | AGNES Dice ‘ tips:/Mwww niponhigh netvus eae otaciltlas 7, | Purchase Order: Purple Jorn Tpons | 4 | found in Mory's ofc o with th \ ASB Bookkeeper in Attendance ie ~ Offic 1. Who filled form out b, | | b. Date Actvition Director signed | the fom & ASB Treasure . «. Date form turned ino the ASB | \fney be signed off by the ASB Bookkeeper ust be signed OF by a | mip e | J con musNgerovided an attached t0 ex this form | Tpomis | 75 Announcement) a. Date filled out & by whem b, Date signed off by Activities Director and/or Head Advisor ) | b, 12) | ¢. Date tured in to Mrs. Valdez +” copy ofall announcements must be 1. Date(s) announcement (s) will tached to this fon 6. | Publicity ~ T 2 points 2 2. Form of publicity used * Insta Pe | whom I | 13h Teas Bix For: form foun ine Morty’ ofce ur with the ie \ Bookkeeper in Aniendance Ofte Date form is picked up b, Date Activities Director signed t €. ate form tuned int the fe | Bookkeeper feces | Tot | Must be signed off by the ASB | Bopttespemtas [ele ey. Conmplted form tobe ved Sane o by te Aces Det GuMeey~ mount of point value and points received: i ( rans CT applabley Procedure Form: Ge Spoints | 16 he View Prinipal WO- A | form f picked up { | b-Date ror is complete ) |e, Date cured ito the atendance | ottice | Je Iw- | = ‘please include «copy of completed form [mama | et | || s.Dae cated & by whom L-10-93 M c b. Date contac is ile out and | Lecce ot | 3 point [3 BO | Grade After Action Report: What We Liked: ~ Paid decorator ~ Photo booth and props - Catered food and dessert - Venue Give-Ask-Give: - Cute Theme and Decorations a Ticket > Fun night with dancing, food, and pictures Score of Event: | being poor, 10 being areat 9/10 Additional Changes in the Future: - Double check with Generator - Different DJ Activities Director Evaluation of Event Completion | Event Team Leader | Debrier & | Communication Pactor | | | Professionalism & Respect Overall Evaluation | Total Point Team leader(s) was able to debrief cohesively wher asked, If team leader wa Unavailable, a group member was knowledgeable and able to present ADs inquire of “to dos” and/or deadlines met were answered ly by the team leader/group Team Leader/Group Members acted and executed the event with professionalism and efficiency Respeet toward peers, group members, staff, and AD were executed with professionalism ‘ADs perspective of the overall completion of activity *Deadlines met “Were constant reminders from the AD necessary * All team members present or were there excuses *Did the team exceule a strong activity or was there disappointment and improvement that could have been made? Point Value 2 /6 10 Comment Evaluation Tope Gat as flowed datas azordng job fiom based on highlighted areas and pion by AD. Stent has my write deadline ed by the Activities Director showcasing dependability. Sudent has showed positive led ‘Siudent maintabis a postive aaitude in bea comments shared in class and with itructor, and peers, regarding events, artes ond work within theclass assigned. —_| ship qualities teachers, | Director. Scent is @ true role model on campus through heir actions such as, but not limited to, spirit dress day participation, going to athietic events, Points Possible Points 20 total points ipoins | 0.0 aitending club activities and more Student is exhibiting excellent work ethic and 0 thelr fullest potential Student has followed class rules: sitting down | whan se Bot rings, be instruction from ASB President and guiot waiting for D,ond | getting started on daily assignments, ‘Student has been quiet when another person is speaking in front of the cass. activities, position work, committee work, andl if rnot busy, looks to help anor peer in class ~ goal: NOT to wasie significant time alloted to get work completed. Student is not doing other re leadership ‘school work for other classes a Student has used eleetronie devices ina professional manner. Cel phones are ok i th discretion ofthe AD. Stude uses phone fo items. NOT to check social media andor post unless directed by assignment andor AD. Student has followed the eare principles ondlined Siudent is leaving a ts 10 10 10 total points 0/10 | | 10 total poinis 10110 0 total pains | 40 110 10 total points {o /10 20 total points 20 Siudent exhibits the behavior and desire to be in the leadership program Sin skills as they re taught within the year. Student ese skis daily within the classroom developing pro Student has maintained acad courses at RHS, Student must maintain a C average grade in all classes or grade on evaluation will drop. If you cannot maintain | grades in all classes, with the demands of the Ieadership program, then this is cause for Lore: 10 total points 10 total points 10 total points ) 10 1s0omgrins | 449,150 ASB President Quarterly Evaluation of Peers n is done by the ASB President every quarter to give a different perspective on your effort and attitude in the Leadership class, ‘The grades given are determined by the ASB President’s judgment. Points are taken away due to lack of discipline, disrespect, and inefficiency to do one’s job Every cireumstance is taken individually, and the number of points that will be subtracted off the original 50 points will be determined by the severity of one’s actions. ¢ following evaluat dates or deseription of why points This evaluation will include personal notes and comments and specifi were subtracted or added. Your scotes in the evaluations are confidential and are only being discussed by he ASB President and the Activities Director. is your cheice to discuss your grade with your classmates. [there are any questions or concerns to why poinis were subtracted, direct your questions to the ASB President. Name of Student: / bby ¢ TA Topic ————'|-Points Possible | Points Comments Received < Student has meet deadlines as d by the ASB President 10 poi 7010 sing dependability = Student has showed posiiive leadership qualities. Student 10 points Zon maintains a positive attitude in behavior and comments shared in lass and with instructor, and py regarding events, activities and work | c ve in daily SPs | class eotivities, position work. 10 points Ono J work. and if not busy, up wf any thi looks to help another peer in class al: NOT to waste significant time allotted to gi work completed. | joing other schoo! work for other classes during sdership time, Student is not on | their cell phone unless using for | activity related events, | Student is exhibiting excellent work a ee eee, ethic and working to ther fulest 10 points /ono | patent Sent exhibits the ior and desire to be in the | 10 points ol \Grade:_ 200 7. Total Points = 50, 0/50 Purchase Order Ripon High School 301 N, Acacia Ave. Ripon, CA 65366 (209) 508-1287 | Student Body Purchase Order/Ri jon Form (ALL PURCHASES HUST BE FREAPPROVED BEFORE PURCHASED) Date: _%, a Student Bedy Account Event Requesters Name?) \\\ A ~ Description of Product for Purchase: Quantity Unit | TRANSFER FROM ACCT oe D1 Purchase Order Return to me by this date OR Other Directions: (please circle): Mail Check Fax Purchese Order Other: s nm ~ Uniforms MUST be approved by Pini or Aelote Dinstor BEEORE owdering Oo ee mean Sea Sa spentresceny of minutes must be tach) Minute of hb approeing Difice Lise Only hi Advisor! é Sot f- cone I ff Seat CG Date Paid Student Officer:) <7 Amount Paid! Budget PURCHASE ORDER LSTCO V1 MU Basketamnnennnnnn nt 0 EOI esp: Al — 1 208200012640... 10: 990661 134 661 12 276 2 | Visa 239.84 CHANGE 0.00 MBER OF ITEMS SOLD = 16 | Kes ie. 15:34 661 12 276 2 | HUN WINN NIN P#: 2 Name: Devon H Please Come Again | hise:661 Trmit2 Trn:2?6 OP:2 Items Sold: 16 | 8W 03/23/2022 15:34

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