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Veterans & Military

Families Monthly News

June 2011-Part I Vol. 2 No. 8
Good afternoon and thank you for reading, this
month’s edition of the newsletter. We appreciate your Recovering Warrior Task Force-
involvement. Mission Statement
Remember, we have two online sources where From:
you can read and offer comments on the current and pre- The Recovering
vious editions of the newsletter. The newsletter is posted Warrior Task Force (RWTF)
on Facebook through the group called “Veterans and will provide the Department
Military Families Monthly News.” Check it out of Defense (DoD) with
and join the group. Click here to go directly to the page. advice and recommendations
(Keep in mind, you need a Facebook account to join; on matters and policies relat-
however, the documents can be viewed through the docs ing to case management,
link toward the bottom of the page even without an ac- staffing of wounded warrior
count.) organizations, establishment
The second source for the online version of the and effectiveness of performance and accountability
newsletter is the website This online standards, availability of services for traumatic brain inju-
source for the newsletter works in the same fashion as the ry (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
Facebook page. establishment and effectiveness of the Defense Centers of
Please let us know what you think, or if you have Excellence, effectiveness of the Interagency Program
any questions about the online sources. For those of you Office, effectiveness of wounded warrior information
who enjoy just receiving the email each month, we will resources, support available to family caregivers, legal
continue to send it out. But we want to build the online support available, availability of vocational training,
presence as a way to reach out to more people. effectiveness of programs to improve or enhance the
As always, thank you very much for reading. Our Disability Evaluation System (DES), support and assis-
hope is to continue to expand the newsletter. For that, we tance provided to members as they progress through
need your input. So, again, if anyone has any suggestions DES, support systems in place to ease the transition from
for topics to cover or wants to write their own piece, we DoD to Veterans Affairs (VA), interagency matters
will gladly try to work it in. We hope you enjoy, and affecting members in their transition to civilian life,
please share your feedback with us. effectiveness of the Senior Oversight Committee, overall
Thank you very much! coordination between the Departments, and such other
matters as the RWTF considers appropriate.

In This Issue
P.2-Johnson Attends Bill Signing for Gold Star License Plate Michigan Republican
Party Facebook Page
P.6-Beaver Island Veterans Memorial Park
P.8-TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery
P.13-WWI Vet Search
P.14-‖Overture 1812‖
P.19-PTSD APP Helps Thousands Along with building the newsletter’s
P.20-MPVA Facebook page, which can be found by
P.21-Honor Flight Network the link above, the Michigan Republican Party is build-
Up Coming events and so much more……. ing their page. If you would like join, please click here.

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United States
Military. Thank you for your service to this country.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 1

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Johnson Attends Bill
Signing for Gold Star
License Plate Legislation
May 26, 2011 the ones who have to
New plates, which honor fallen heroes & their families, face each day without their loved one,‖ said Pappageorge.
to be available after July 4 ―This plate serves as a symbol of the sacrifice they have
Secretary of State Ruth Johnson looked on today made and reminds us all that freedom is not free.‖
as Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation that will allow the Genetski said: ―I am thankful that our Gold Star
sale of Gold Star license plates to the families of military families, just in time for Memorial Day, will know that
personnel killed while serving on active duty. Michigan is ready to recognize their great sacrifice.‖
―I don’t know if any of us can understand the loss The use of gold stars to denote families who have
and sacrifice of these Gold Star families,‖ said Johnson, lost sons and daughters in military service dates back to
who also attended the Michigan Senate’s solemn, annual World War II. Families hung flags in their windows, with
Memorial Day service Thursday. ―It is our hope these each blue star denoting a family member serving in the
license plates, in some small way, will help them honor military and each gold star denoting a family member
their loved ones.‖ who had died.
The new plates will be released just after the July Johnson also announced this week another new
4 holiday – a fitting time for their release, said Johnson. option for veterans who want to show their service to
Thursday’s bill-signing ceremony was attended by many their country in a more meaningful way. Beginning the
Gold Star families including Valerie May, of Midland, Tuesday after Memorial Day, veterans will be able to
whose son, Cpl. Rollie M. Northhouse, was killed in Vi- purchase automobile plates that feature the actual insig-
etnam in 1968. nia, in color, of their military service branch. Those plates
May said she would be purchasing a Gold Star will feature the official seals of the Air Force, Army,
plate to honor her son and was pleased the license plate, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy and National Guard –
discussed for so many years, had finally come to pass. instead of just the printed name of the military personnel.
―I’m so excited, I may be in line July 3rd!‖ May said. ―This is one more small thing we can do to honor
Johnson had been a strong proponent of the Gold veterans who have worked so hard, endured so much and
Star plate legislation, sponsored by Sen. John sacrificed for their country,‖ Johnson said. ―We are very
Pappageorge (R-Troy) and Rep. Robert Genetski grateful to all our military members.‖
(R-Saugatuck). Legislation that would allow the Secretary of
Pappageorge, a highly decorated veteran who State’s Office, for the very first time, to offer service
retired with the rank of colonel, served 30 years active branch motorcycle plates for veterans is being considered
duty in the U.S. Army, including two tours in Vietnam. in the Legislature and is supported by Johnson. She said
―The family and friends of our fallen heroes are she is hopeful that legislation will pass so motorcycle
riders will be able to enjoy the plates while
riding this summer.
Michigan offers veterans more than 20
distinct plates that highlight their service in the
military, and in individual wars and conflicts
such as World War II, the Vietnam War and
the Somalia conflict. The department also al-
lows people to personalize their veteran plates.
More than 75,000 veteran plates are in
Honorably discharged veterans are eligible for
plates signifying the branch of service, or war
or conflict in which the veteran served. Active-
duty personnel and spouses are eligible for
plates signifying service in a war or conflict.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 2

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Additional plates that recognize Medal of Honor
recipients, disabled veterans, combat-wounded veterans,
former prisoners of war, and Pearl Harbor survivors
require additional documentation.
The cost for a veteran plate is the annual registra-
tion fee for the vehicle plus a one-time $5 service fee for
the standard white plate or a one-time $10 fee for the
Spectacular Peninsulas graphic plate. Personalizing a
license plate costs an additional $30 if bought when the
vehicle’s existing plate is due to be renewed. If the plate
is bought at another time, the cost of the plate is pro-rated.
Renewing a personalized plate costs an added $15 each
year. official Secretary of State Twitter feed (
Potential personalized plate buyers can visit the Michsos) or Facebook updates (
Secretary of State ―Plate It Your Way‖ webpage to check Michigansos).
if a plate configuration is available. Customers also may call the Department of State
For more information about veteran plates, or Information Center to speak to a customer-service repre-
office locations and services, visit the Secretary of State sentative at (888) SOS-MICH (767-6424).
website ( or sign up for the

Lest We Forget SW Michigan

Have you ever felt that history, particularly military history, isn't being
taught in our schools like it was in the "good old" times? Why is it that many of our
high school graduates, some say a majority, don't know who we fought in WWII,
who bombed us at Pearl Harbor or worst yet, believe that the holocaust never hap-
pened? Our children are not being taught the basic principles that have made this
country great!
"Lest We Forget" was started by a group of veterans who felt that patriot-
ism was too important of a subject to be given the short shrift that it presently
receives in our schools and community. Our operating principle is "To brighten the
future we must illuminate the past."
We've "illuminated the past" through WWII re-enactments, patriotic concerts, presentations by Medal of Honor
recipients, presentation of the American flag to Frank Buckles, our last WWI veteran, TV telecasts to schools throughout
the country, participation in local parades, made presentations in our schools on the flag, presented college classes on
WWII, Korea and Vietnam wars, published a book of WWII stories by local veterans, presented college classes on
WWII, Korea and Vietnam wars, published two books of veterans stories, brought in the VN Wall and honored the Kore-
an vets this year. Next year
(2012) Jun 29-Jul 1 we will
have D-Day and Iwo Jima
beach landings and much
"Freedom is NOT free!"
Patriotically Yours,
Don Alsbro, President
COL, US Army (ret)

For more info about Lest We

Forget SW MI please visit
their website by simply
clicking here. LWF 2010 Group Picture

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 3

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Save the date-110th ASOC presents our Attention!
Bi-Annual Reunion for 110th and 172nd A note to everyone we are working on collecting
From: Hank Fuhs the stories of WWII veterans from around the state with
Date – July 16, 2011, Time: Noon – 4:00 P.M., the hope of running them in upcoming editions. We must
Place: Home of Lt. Col. (Ret.) Henry (Hank) Fuhs not forget the stories of these brave men have to tell for it
Phone: 616-949-8613 Cell: 616-437-9059, Food: Bring our history and far too many people seem to have forgot-
Dish to pass, Drinks: BYOB ten the sacrifice so many have made for this great nation.
At 2:00 p.m. there will be one minute of silence We are asking for everyone’s help to compete this goal.
for those who have passed away and for our troops in If you have or know of someone who has a story they
Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of the world. See you would like to share please send it along.
there…….rain or shine….We have a tent! If you have any questions let us know.
Thank you very much!
Ron Bienias, Co-Chair, Larry Harr, Co-Chair, Jim Sincerely,
Ondersma, Co-Chair, Hank Fuhs, Co-Chair, Keith Matthew X. Hauser & Lt. Col. Hank Fuhs
Acker, Rep. Dave Agema, Bruce Blakeman, Stephen
Burke, Jerry Cook, Bill DeBroux, Bill Donovan, Ivan Deadline for Retroactive Stop
Giese, Larry Gilbert, Hal Isenhoff, Dennis Keast, Tom Loss Special Pay Extended
King, Rob Koenig, Dick Kreuzer, Fred Langeland, Don From: U.S. Department of Defense-Office of the Assistant
Lewis, Lyle & Linda McPherson, Theodore Nikodem, Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
Art Oxley, Marie Oxley, Claude Oxley, Donna Rojas, The deadline for eligible
Ron Seely, Jack Seranian, Dee Simmonds, Gene Simon, service members, veterans and their
David Stanley, Dave Strohm, Fred Strauss, Gorden beneficiaries to apply for Retroac-
Stump, Joseph Tomlinson, Pat Webb, James Wise tive Stop Loss Special Pay (RSLSP)
has been extended to Oct. 21, 2011,
Support Our Troops! allowing those eligible more time to
We all know people who are currently serving in the mil- apply for the benefits they’ve earned
itary. For example: My nephew Scott who is an Army under the program guidelines.
Staff Sargent just came back from serving three years in The deadline extension is included in Continuing
Iraq and one year in Africa. We need to remember those Resolution H.R. 1473, signed by President Obama April
who are now serving and say Thank you. 15, 2011, providing funding for federal government oper-
ations through Oct. 21, 2011.
Please pass this flyer on to your military buddies……if The RSLSP was established to compensate for
you have addresses of people you would like me to send the hardships military members encountered when their
invitations to please send them to service was involuntarily extended under Stop Loss Au-
thority between Sept. 11, 2001, and Sept. 30, 2009. Eligi-
ble members or their beneficiaries may submit a claim to
their respective military service in order to receive the
benefit of $500 for each full or partial month served in a
Stop Loss status.
When RSLSP began on Oct. 21, 2009, the ser-
vices estimated 145,000 service members, veterans and
beneficiaries were eligible for this benefit. Because the
majority of those eligible had separated from the military,
the services have engaged in extensive and persistent out-
reach efforts over the past 18 months. Outreach efforts
including direct mail and engaging military and veteran
service organizations, social networks and media outlets,
will continue through Oct. 21, 2011.
To apply, or for more information on RSLSP, including
submission requirements and service-specific links, go to

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 4

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Need a Ride Some Useful Links
Air Force Times
Because so many sick and disabled veterans lack Navy Times
transportation to and from VA medical facilities for
needed treatment, the DAV operates a nationwide Trans-
Marine Corps Times
portation Network to meet this need.
Through the Transportation Network, DAV
volunteers drive sick and disabled veterans to and from Army Times
VA medical facilities for treatment. The Transportation
Network is a clear example of veterans helping veterans. Military Times
The DAV stepped in to meet a substantial community
need when the federal government terminated its TRICARE
program that helped many veterans pay for transportation
to VA medical facilities. The DAV has 189 Hospital American Legion
Service Coordinators around the country who coordinate
the transportation needs for disabled veterans. Veterans of Foreign Wars
Use the DAV Hospital Service Coordinator
Directory to contact your nearest HSC for information
or assistance. Please remember that the DAV Transporta- AMVETS
tion Network is staffed by volunteers; therefore, it is una-
ble to cover every community. We hope we can help The DAV
you. Locate your nearest VA Medical Center
Department of Defense
Military/Veterans Report
The Pentagon Channel

If anyone has a site they would like to have

added to this growing list please let us know!
Veteran Legislation Contact us anytime at
Check Out the E-Newsletter From The
House Committee on Veteran Affairs: Thank you for
enewsletter.shtml your Support!

Upcoming 2011 Events

The Navy will be coming to Michigan and Indiana in a big way this summer. We have secured agreements with
the Blue Angels to perform June 11 and 12 in Evansville IN, July 2 and 3 in Muskegon, MI July 23 and 24 in Detroit
and again in Indianapolis, dates TBD. A special thanks to Claude for the tip and more information to come soon!
Battle Creek ANG 110th ASOC for 110th Group-2nd Saturday after the 4th of July on the odd year. July 16th 2011.
12-6pm at 3848 E. Leonard NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525-From Hank Fuhs.

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United States
Military. Thank you for your service to this country.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 5

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Beaver Island Veterans A Note from AMVETS POST 46
Veteran organizations across America are
Memorial Park committed that all American veterans receive recognition
From: Bob Tidmore-Post Command- and honor for their valiant service
er AMVETS Post 46 (Michigan and sacrifices. Working hard to keep
AMVET News, Winter 2011) veterans efforts made today and in
AMVETS Post 46 on Beaver the past visible to everyone, we are
Island has received the final permits spearheading the renovation of old
for the construction of a Veterans Memorials and are building Memori-
Memorial Park on the site of the old als in communities that have none.
Beaver Island power plant located on AMVETS Post 46 of Beaver
Main Street in the middle of the Island is building a Veterans Memo-
harbor. rial on the water’s edge of Beaver
The park will included three Island’s beautiful harbor which we
flagpoles that will fly the American hope to dedicate this July Fourth.
flag, the Michigan flag, and a rotat- The location of this memorial will be
ing service flag. One monument will visible to thousands of people as they
list the names of those from Beaver enter Beaver Island’s harbor each
Island who gave their lives in the year. Along the harbor thoroughfare
service of their country. A second it offers outstanding visibility and
pays tribute to all veterans who have access to tourist and residence alike.
served their country and the third This Memorial, a popular
honors the Emmet Burke AMETS attraction now, is destined to become
Post 46. In front of the monuments there will be a must see stopping place where the sacrifices in life and
three area s containing bricks with veteran names, dates blood of America’s veterans will be honored and re-
and service affiliation. These are available to any veteran membered. To finish this grand project we are coming to
or families and friends who wishes to honor their veteran. the Charlevoix Chamber of Commerce and its members
The bricks are 4‖x8‖ and 8‖x8‖ and are $100 and $200 seeking tax deductable donations which will enable us to
respectively. Order forms for bricks, questions and complete the Memorial. With your help and support this
answers about the park are available on the web site Memorial will become a fitting tribute for everyone serv- or by emailing the Post at ing and those who have served. and we will send you a form.
AMVETS Post 46 wishes to thank the St. James Lest We Forget, Our Freedom Is Not Free.
Township Board and Wolverine Power for their help and
support in this project.

Short video from that explains some back ground information
about TRICRAE.
View this video to get a better understanding of what TRICARE is. Or Click Here.

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United States
Military. Thank you for your service to this country.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 6

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Additional Benefits for Active Duty A Note From Department Hospital
Time Served: DD FORM 214-SOCIAL Chairwoman Merridy Lewis
I’m sure you’ve heard about budget cuts that are
From: Social Security Administration (SSA) affecting so many of us. Our Veteran Medical Centers
Please share this with anyone are no exception. Have you thought about being a
who's had active duty service between volunteer?
January 1957 to December 31, 2001 There are so many ways volunteers can help the
and planning for retirement. Veteran’s Homes, medical Centers, clinics or even local
In a nutshell it boils down to Hospitals and nursing homes. As a volunteer you help to
this: You qualify for a higher social ensure that our Veteran’s are treated with care, affection,
security payment because of Military respect and enthusiasm.
service, for active duty any time from There are many opportunities available that
1957 through 2001 (the program was done away with 1 volunteers are needed for. A few ideas that come to mind
January 2002). Up to $1200 per year of earnings credit would be ---- A greeter/ambassador, this position you
credited at time of application - which can make a would help Veteran’s who may need assistance locating
substantial difference in social security monthly general information of the hospital, giving directions, or
payments upon your retirement. even escort them to an appointment. Perhaps, get a
You must bring your DD-214 to the Social Security wheelchair for them.
Office and you must ask for this benefit to receive it! Another idea would be to write letters, read a
Social Security website: book or to sit and visit with them, as sometimes they
retire2/military.htm This is something to put in your files don’t have family or friends that are able to visit. Play a
for when you apply for Social Security down the road... game of cards or even work on a puzzle.
It is NOT just for retirees, BUT anyone who has served The veterans can always use phone cards, bus
on active duty between January1957 to December 31, tokens or transportation, vouchers, crossword puzzles,
2001. FYI - this benefit is not automatic, you must ask canteen books to purchase coffee or soda from the
for it! canteen and reading materials.
How do I become a Veteran’s Affair Voluntary
From: Patricia Webb- Correction: Service (VAVS) volunteer? Contact your nearest VA or
It is automatically applied for duty from 1968 local nursing home or hospital. Ask to speak to a
forward. Duty prior to 1968 must be applied for. voluntary service specialist. They will set you up an
appointment for an interview to see what interests you
have, and give you a scheduled time to volunteer. You
To request a copy of a DD-214 visit will also be given an orientation of hospital policy. Non members of the VFW & Ladies Auxiliary can be
sponsored from each post. So, if you have a friend that
would like to help you when you volunteer perhaps your

Old Warrior Camp

Auxiliary would sponsor them. Children are welcomed
to volunteer also.
Do you have an out-standing hospital volunteer?
From: Hank Fuhs Lt. Col., USAF, Retired, ANG Please submit an application to me for the Out Standing
This Hunting Camp was built by a retired Hospital Volunteer of the Year!
Marine First Sergeant with the primary purpose of
facilitating the ―Wounded Warriors‖ as they begin their
Journey back to Civilian Life. The First Sergeant is the
Commander of the Disabled American Veteran
(Manistique Chapter 26) He is also 100% totally
There is no cost to vets…Bring a Valid Michi-
gan Hunting License and your sleeping bag. Contact
Bob Blevins at (906)-477-0025 for dates and times

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 7

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Brain Injury Association of Michigan
From: Rick Briggs, Major, USAF (Ret)
The Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI)
Veterans Program utilizes numerous types of outdoor activ-
ities to gather Veterans and currently serving military
personnel together for a little R&R. These special events
are almost always free for the troops depending totally on
the kind donations of sponsors and donors. In addition to
being a great way to say ―Thank you‖ for their service,
these activities serve as the mechanism to get the troops to
open up a little if they are having post-deployment issues.
―Frequently we find that in the comfortable
confines with others who have ―been there, done that‖ they
tend to be more receptive to learn about Invisible Wounds‖ says Rick Briggs the Program Manager, ―both PTSD and
TBI are treatable if they seek the proper help.‖ To find out more about these activities, or to donate to their Veterans
Program, please make out checks to ―BIAMI Veterans Program‖ and send them to 7305 Grand River Suite #100,
Brighton, MI 48114 or contact Rick Briggs at or call him (810) 229-5880 or visit
About the Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI): BIAMI is celebrating its 30th Anniversary as it continues
to strive to provide persons with a brain injury and their families, healthcare professionals, and the general public with
the resources necessary to enhance brain injury awareness, education, prevention, and support. BIAMI is also fields the
first and only dedicated Veterans Program staff within the Brain Injury Association of America.

TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery

Automatic Prescription Refills Offer
Peace of Mind
FALLS CHURCH, Va. - Beneficiaries who use
TRICARE pharmacy home delivery get prescription
medications shipped conveniently to their door. Home ―Automatic prescription refills offer convenience
delivery also gives beneficiaries the option of automatic and peace-of-mind to TRICARE beneficiaries,‖ McGinnis
prescription refills when their medication supply is said. ―And it helps us meet our firm commitment to their
running low. health.‖
―Automatic refills lower the chances of unsafe Beneficiaries using home delivery rather than
breaks in medication therapy, which can lead to emergen- civilian retail pharmacies also save money. Copayments
cy room visits, hospitalizations and other health care at retail pharmacies are three times higher for a 90 day
setbacks,‖ said Rear Adm. Thomas J. McGinnis, chief of supply of the same medication – up to $176 more per year
TRICARE Pharmacy Operations. ―Auto refills or remind- for a brand name prescription. Beneficiaries switching
ers are especially helpful for anyone being treated for from retail to home delivery also helped the Department
chronic, long term conditions. It also cuts down on last of Defense save $30 million in 2010.
minute dashes to a retail pharmacy.‖ For more information about home delivery, visit the
TRICARE beneficiaries can include prescriptions TRICARE website at To
in the automatic refill program when they first sign up for sign up for home delivery, or to enroll existing home
Home Delivery, or they can go back later on to select that delivery prescriptions in the automatic prescription refill
feature. Then, seven days before an automatic refill is program, beneficiaries should go to ESI’s website,
scheduled for shipping, beneficiaries are reminded by or call the
email or phone that their medication supply may be TRICARE Member Choice Center at 877-363-1433.
running low. Unless they contact Express Scripts Inc.
(ESI), the TRICARE pharmacy contractor, the prescrip-
tion will be automatically refilled.
Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 8
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
The Michigan Air National Guard Historical Association created a three volume set of history books covering the
periods 1926-1996. A fourth volume covering the years 1996 to 2006 is in production and should be available soon.

Volume 1 covers the period 1926 to 1976-Cost: $1.00

Volume 2 covers the period 1976 to 1986-Cost: $4.00
Volume 3 covers the period 1986 to 1996-Cost: $1.00
Volume 4 covers the period 1996 to 2010-Cost: $6:00 Full color $35.00

If you wish to purchase one or more of these volumes or are interested in more information, please contact MAGHA at
Phone: 586-239-6768, Fax: 586-239-6646, Email:

From: Eugene (Gene) A. Simon- Command Chief Master Sergeant USAF (Retired) & Matthew X. Hauser
As you may have seen in past editions of the newsletter, MANGBANG has been one of our sources. We are
thankful for the source and so we just wanted to pass the information along for MANGBANG in case anyone is interest-
ed in joining the Michigan Air National Guard Historical Association.
You can contact Lou Nigro if you are interested. We think it is a worthwhile investment-it supports the history
of the Michigan Air National Guard and his monthly publications are very informative.
For those who want to view it on our website (, ), Lt Col Lou Nigro, MI ANG (Ret) Executive Director, Selfridge Military Air
Museum Email:

"Veterans Voices"
This is a brief detail of what HVWP is about. It
may be an interest you would like to share with a Veteran
on a volunteer basis. This is part of our history for genera-
From: Dept. Hospital Chairman Merridy Lewis tions yet to come we are losing World War II Veterans
Hospitalized Veteran’s Writing Program every day and we need to hear their stories. For more
(HVWP). This program helps veteran’s get their poems information about the organization please visit their
and stories down on paper is one of the goals for our website at
volunteers. Volunteer aides help both with a one on one
or with groups of patients to help them put their thoughts
and feelings into stories and poems.
The stories and poems can be submitted to veter-
an’s voices, a magazine that publishes the articles that
have been submitted. The HVWP does its very best to
publish every article that has been submitted following
the guide lines.
It is important to submit the author’s name,
VAMC facility and state, the authors permanent address
the branch of service and duties along with the serial
number or social security number. Manuscripts must be
original and unpublished, except in VAMC publications.
Writers can submit up to three poems, each no longer than
24 lines with 60 character width. Stories no longer than
10 pages, typed using double spacing.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 9

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Hookin’ Up Heroes
Motorcycle Charity Ride/Poker Run

Military Veteran Pro/Am Bass Tournament

Bass Tournament Weigh-In Ceremony

All proceeds donated to the Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI – Veteran’s Program)
Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America

To Register as a Boater for this Event: All Participants ages 17 and older must have in
Contact Eric Smith @ possession an applicable valid Michigan Fishing
License and State Identification.
Motor Vehicles must have a State Park Recreation
-or- Passport, Check ―Yes‖ when renewing your plate.
call Eric at 616-318-9814

For Donations, Sponsorships and Up-to- Tournament Schedule:

9:00 am Registration Begins
Date Information: 10:00 am Launch
Contact Ron Monroe @ 3:00 pm Tournament Ends 3:15 pm Weigh-In Begins
-or- 3:45 pm Prizes and Awards
231-590-2376 4:00 pm Coocheez hosting pig roast,
live music, raffles and more!

For Newaygo State Park Camping Reservations: 1-800-447-2757

Newaygo County Sportsmans Club may offer free camping to Vets and
Boaters. For more information call: Ron – 231-590-2376

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United States
Military. Thank you for your service to this country.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 10

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
50th Anniversary of The Vietnam War
From: Gene Simon
The Vietnam war 50th anniversary
web page is up and running. It still
is under construction but check it
out anyway.
Legal Help for Veterans
From: James G. Fausone
Legal Help for Veterans, PLLC is a law firm
located in Northville, Michigan. We have a national
practice representing veterans on veterans disability
claims. This representation occurs at the United States
Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, the Board of
Veterans’ Appeals and regional offices. We have helped
veterans collect over $10,000,000 in retro and future
benefits. Over the last decade, LHFV has become a
Check out the New trusted name in the legal community for providing legal
services to veterans and lecturing at law schools, bar
We would like to express our appreciation to all of the associations and community events.
fighting men and women in the United States Military. Members of the Legal Help for Veterans practice
Thank you for your service to this country. group are former service members who bring not only
legal expertise but an understanding of service and duty.
The members of the group have medical and administra-

A Note from Naomi Love tive backgrounds as well as finely honed legal skills
developed over twenty years of practice and experi-
Donating Sky Miles to Veterans and Fisher ence. We have represented thousands of veterans and
House. Many of us have sky miles we will never currently have over 650 active clients.
use. We just don't have enough for a flight and the For more information about the organization and
miles just sit there until they expire. Donate those about legal help for veterans and for contact information
miles to our Military Veterans and their families. It is and found on Twitter,
easy to do. Facebook and YouTube. Our telephone number is
Visit or go on-line to 800.693.4800. Our blog discusses current issues facing
check the account you have your miles with and find veterans and the VA.
the donate sky miles tab. This is such an easy way to Typically our clients are enlisted men and
help a vet and their families. women who served post Korea. The Vietnam vet is still
the one with the most common problems. These include
Agent Orange related disabilities, PTSD, psychiatric
or orthopedic injuries. Other vets often have hearing loss,
military sexual trauma or tinnitus. We are now seeing
Iraq and Afghanistan vets with TBI. Many vets do not
even begin the disability claim process until many years
after service. The trigger may be unemployability and
the need for benefits. With a million claim back log at
Please Support ―Frontlines of VA, it is a slow and confusing process and many people
Freedom‖ Military Talk Radio need professional help establishing the proper diagnosis
Hosted by Lt. Col. Denny Gillem. and service connection. That is what Legal Help for Vet-
You can hear it every Saturday at erans, PLLC has been doing for clients for years.
1p.m. on 1260 AM the Pledge
(Zeeland, MI), or by visiting the
website at or for
Facebook click here.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 11

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Pershing’s Last Patriot
Many award-winning feature films have tried to
bring the American twentieth century to life through
fictional stories. Forrest Gump walked us through the
twentieth century with his profound life; The Curious
Case of Benjamin Button used a characters life to enter-
tain us through American History from 2005 to World
War I, and The Notebook escorted us through a tale of
American history through a similar formula. These films
Upcoming Event
demonstrated a intense and blockbuster success and a
powerful indicator for the public’s level of interest in
such stories.
Picnic at the Battle Creek
But what if there was a true story of an Ameri-
can who actually accomplished these things and whose
life is a parallel to the proven success of these films?
VA For Veterans
The life of America’s last World War I veteran, Frank
Buckles, is the one story, the one survivor and the one
whose story needs to be shared.
Tuesday, June 14
Pershing’s Last Patriot: The Frank Woodruff
Buckles Story is slated for release in 2011. In this unique
10:30am - 1:30pm
and insightful documentary film, we will travel with
Frank to reflect on his early life in rural Missouri and Need volunteers to help Veter-
Oklahoma. Frank will share his experiences as he enlist-
ed and served our nation in ―The War to End All Wars‖. an's participate. Monetary dona-
We will experience his life in a Japanese prisoner of war
camp, and relive his amazing rescue from death. Finally, tions for food sent thru LAVFW
we will see how Frank’s life has changed over the
decades, and his rise to fame as America’s last witness
dept office. contact Merridy at
to the First World War and so many other world events. for more info.

Thank you for your support!

Veterans Radio is dedicated to all of the men and

women who have served or are currently serving in the
armed forces of the United States of America. Our
mission is to provide all veterans with a voice, to give
them a forum where they are able to discuss their
issues…and tell their stories. You can listen to the
show on: WDEO (990-AM Ann Arbor/Detroit),
WMAX (1440-AM, Saginaw), WDEO-FM (99.5 FM,
Naples FL), KAGY (1510-AM Port Sulfur/New Orle-
ans LA), KIXW (960-AM, Apple Valley CA) and
KMRC (1430-AM Morgan City, LA). Or, listen to our
Photo from: Dale Hemphill-Designer, Spirit of America flag, Webcast and archives at:
Please visit:

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 12

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Claude Stanley Choules
WW1 Vet Search
From: RAO Bulletin May2011 (Lt. James ―EMO
Tichacek, USN (Ret) Associate Director, Retiree Assis-
tance Office, U.S. Embassy Warden & IRS VITA Baguio
City RPPSC 517 Box RCB, FPO AP 96517 Tel: (951) 238
-1246 in U.S. or Cell: 0915-361-3503 in the Philippines.
AD37 member)
The last known combat veteran of World War I
was defiant of the tolls of time, a centenarian who swam
in the sea, twirled across dance floors, and published his
first book at 108. He also refused to submit to his place in
history, becoming a pacifist who wouldn't march in
parades commemorating wars like the one that made him
famous. Claude Stanley Choules, a man of contradictions,
humble spirit and wry humor, died in a Western Australia
nursing home on 5 MAY at the age of 110. lie meant to cover a more painful truth: She
And though his accomplishments were many left when he was 5 to pursue an acting career.
-- including a a 41-year military career that The abandonment affected him profoundly,
spanned two world wars -- the man known as said his other daughter, Anne Pow, and he
"Chuckles" to his comrades in the Australian grew up determined to create a happy home
Navy was happiest being known as a dedi- for his own children. World War I was raging
cated family man. "We all loved him," his 84 when Choules began training with the British
-year-old daughter Daphne Edinger told The Royal Navy, just one month after he turned
Associated Press. "It's going to be sad to 14. In 1917, he joined the battleship HMS
think of him not being here any longer, but Revenge, from which he watched the 1918
that's the way things go." He usually told the surrender of the German High Seas Fleet, the
curious that the secret to a long life was main battle fleet of the German Navy during
simply to "keep breathing." Sometimes, he the war. During World War II, he was the
chalked up his longevity to cod liver oil. But acting torpedo officer in Fremantle, Western
his children say in his heart, he believed it Australia, and chief demolition officer for the
was the love of his family that kept him western side of the Australian continent. Choules
going for so many years. disposed of the first mine to wash ashore in Australia
Choules was born 3 MAR 1901 in the small during the war. He later transferred to the Naval Dock-
British town of Pershore, Worcestershire, one of seven yard Police and remained in the service until his retire-
children. As a child, he was told his mother had died -- a ment in 1956. Choules and another Briton, Florence
Green, became the war's last known surviving service-
HMS Revenge members after the death of American Frank Buckles in
February, according to the Order of the First World War,
a U.S.-based group that tracks veterans. Choules was the
last known surviving combatant of the war. Green, who
turned 110 in February, served as a waitress in the
Women's Royal Air Force. [Source: Associated Press
article 5 May 2011 ++]

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the

fighting men and women in the United States Military.
Thank you for your service to this country.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 13

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
From: www.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 8:00 p.m.
Sylvan Theater, Washington, DC
Each year The United States Army Band
performs its big summer concert that concludes
with the spirited Tchaikovsky’s ―Overture 1812‖
on the slope of the Washington Monument
Grounds—complete with the cannons of The 3rd
U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old
Guard) Presidential Salute Battery. A favorite
among Washingtonians, the annual must-see
musical extravaganza offers an enjoyable musical pro- tion is the Smithsonian station on the Orange and Blue
gram of traditional band music with vocal highlights and Metro lines.
Herald Trumpet fanfare. The concert features classical, The concert ends in grand fashion thanks to the
popular, and patriotic music for audiences of all ages. Presidential Salute Battery, equipped with four three-inch,
This free performance will be held at the Sylvan 5,775-pound, World War II vintage anti-tank guns, will
Theater on the Washington Monument Grounds between fire 75mm blank shells with one-and-a-half pounds of
15th Street and Independence Avenue. No tickets are gunpowder. A total of 23 shots will be fired, including the
required for this event. The closest metro stop to the loca- final volley from all four cannons.
―Overture 1812‖ was com-
posed for the 1880 Kremlin Square
celebration honoring the Russian
victory over the French Napoleon Bo-
naparte in 1812. Today the overture is
revered among concert goers—from its
playful, mocking themes from the
French national anthem, La Marseil-
laise, to the powerful finale with ring-
ing church bells and booming cannons
proclaiming victory!
This performance is a high-
light of the Washington, DC, outdoor
music season. Come early and bring a
blanket/lawn chairs and a picnic and
enjoy the sights and sounds as The
U.S. Army Band and the Presidential
Salute Battery light up the night
(alcoholic beverages are not permit-
ted). View a video preview of the
―Overture 1812‖ Concert (QuickTime
Player 7.0required).
Photo From:

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United States
Military. Thank you for your service to this country.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 14

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Michigan Air Guard Historical Association/127th
Wing 2011 Reunion and Golf Outing

Saturday, 6 August 2011

All proceeds benefit MAGHA
& the Selfridge 1:00 PM Shotgun Start
Military Air Museum
Best Ball Scramble Rules at
$80.00 per person
Selfridge ANG Base Golf Course
$25.00 per person for dinner only
18 Holes of golf and golf cart
(2 carts per team of 4)
• Four persons per team
• Hot dog/chips/soft drinks/beer on the course
• Door prizes
• Free range balls available at 11:00 a.m.
• Dinner & cash bar @ 6:00 pm
• 50/50 drawing: $2.00 per ticket or 6 for $10.00 Sign-Up Information
Reserve by 1 August 2011
-4 Person teams. Everybody is welcome
-Single registrations will be grouped into teams
-Tax-deductible hole sponsorships available
($100.00…max of 4 names on sign)
-Each sponsor gets one free 50/50 ticket and a one
stroke deduction for putting on their sponsored
-Make checks payable to: MAGHA
-To reserve your space, or if you have any ques-
tions please Contact: Lt Col Lou Nigro-
Selfridge Military Air Museum
Phone: (586) 239-6768
27333 C Street, Bldg 1011
Selfridge ANG Base, MI 48045

For those of you unable to attend who still wish to donate to the Michigan Air Guard Historical Association
and/or the Selfridge Military Air Museum, please contact Lt Col Lou Nigro.
Your donations are tax deductible and very much appreciated.

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United States
Military. Thank you for your service to this country.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 15

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Rep. Kurt Damrow
Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Chair
and Homeland Security Welcome to the Military and
Committee Testimony Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security
Committee Minutes Committee. The committee's regularly
No SubCommittees scheduled meeting time is Tuesday at
12:00 p.m. in room 308 of the House
Committee Members: Office Building in Lansing. I welcome citizens to contact
Kurt Damrow (R), Committee Chair, 84th District me or other committee members regarding bills or
Ray A. Franz (R), Majority Vice-Chair, 101st District proposals our committee is addressing. Individuals need-
Gail Haines (R), 43rd District ing special accommodations to participate in a committee
Sharon Tyler (R), 78th District meeting may contact my office to request the necessary
Mike Callton (R), 87th District assistance.
Dale W. Zorn (R), 56th District
David E. Nathan (D), Minority Vice-Chair, 11th District
George T. Darany (D), 15th District
Charles Smiley (D), 50th District
Lesia Liss (D), 28th District
Paul Clemente (D), 14th District
Ben Cook, Committee Clerk

News From American Legion Post 341

American Legion Post 341 is seeking the names
of troops that are deployed to a combat zone so that we
can send them large package of goodies and that their
names and address should be sent to the address below.
Also post 341 is always seeking new members
please contact Robert at the
same address if interested.

From: American Legion Post 341

Monthly News Program put out by the Department Sr. Vice Commander
Robert P Goulet
of Veteran Affairs and posted through the Pentagon
6130 Nicholas
Channel. We will be providing the link each month West Bloomfield, MI
in this newsletter.

Simply Click Here, or the image above to view. Freedom is never more than one generation
away from extinction.
We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
We would like to express our appreciation to all of the It must be fought for, protected,
fighting men and women in the United States Military. and handed on for them to do the same.
Thank you for your service to this country.
~Ronald Reagan

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 16

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
a later date.
Joint POW/MIA Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Five JPAC teams
will investigate and excavate multiple sites associated
Accounting Command with Vietnam War losses. Three recovery teams will
From: Public Affairs Office ~ NEWS RELEASE ~ 5/23/11 search in the Hue, Quang Tri, Quang Binh and Thanh Hoa
Contact: Elizabeth Feeney provinces at burial and underwater sites where 13 Ameri-
POW/MIA RECOVERY & INVESTIGATION cans may have perished. Two investigation teams will
TEAMS SEARCH FOR MISSING AMERICANS JPAC research 27 unsolved cases, both on land and underwater.
teams search for missing in action (MIA) Americans from The teams will authenticate eyewitness leads and conduct
Vietnam War JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR- field research, searching for information on 43 missing
HICKAM, Hawaii (May 23, 2011) - Several archeological individuals. The approximately 40-day long undertaking
recovery teams and investigation teams from the U.S. marks the 103rd Joint Field Activity in Vietnam.
Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) recently Falling directly under the U.S. Pacific Command,
deployed to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam searching JPAC is a jointly-manned organization of more than 400
for MIA’s from the Vietnam War. military and civilian specialists that has investigated and
About 60 JPAC team members deployed to recovered missing Americans since the 1970’s. To date,
account for Americans that have been missing for more more than 83,000 individuals are listed as missing in
than 40 years. Recovery teams will search for human action dating back to World War II.
remains, life support items, and other material evidence The ultimate goal of the Joint POW/MIA
(personal and military issued items) that may further the Accounting Command, and of the agencies involved in
identification of Americans missing from past U.S. returning America’s heroes home, is to achieve the fullest
conflicts. Investigation teams will authenticate leads from possible accounting of Americans lost during the nation’s
eyewitnesses, conduct field research, and gather infor- past conflicts.
mation throughout the various provinces to determine
whether or not there will be a return visit for excavation at "Until They Are Home"

The mission of the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) is to achieve the fullest possible accounting of all
Americans missing as a result of the nation's past conflicts. The highest priority of the organization is the return
of any living Americans that remain prisoners of war. To date, the U.S. Government has not found any evidence that
there are still American POWs in captivity from past U.S. conflicts.
JPAC is located on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. The command was activated on Oct. 1, 2003, created from the
merger of the 30-year-old U.S. Army Central Identification Laboratory, Hawaii, and the 11-year-old Joint Task Force -
Full Accounting. Commanded by a flag officer, JPAC is manned by approxi-
mately 400 handpicked Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Department of
the Navy civilians. The laboratory portion of JPAC, referred to as the Central
Identification Laboratory (CIL), is the largest forensic anthropology labora-
tory in the world.
JPAC also maintains three permanent overseas detachments to assist
with command and control, logistics and in-country support during investiga-
tion and recovery operations. They are Detachment One located in Bangkok,
Thailand, Detachment Two in Hanoi, Vietnam and Detachment Three in
Vientiane, Laos. JPAC has a fourth detachment, Detachment Four, located at
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, responsible for recovery team personnel when they are
not deployed.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 17

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
To attend the Brain Injury Association of Michigan Veterans Program’s

“2011 Tips-Up fOR ThE TROOps”

Brain Injury Awareness Family & Friends Event
Kensington Metropark, Brighton, Michigan -
Saturday, June 11th, 2011
The nationally acclaimed, 5th Annual Legal Help for Veteran’s ―Tips-Up for the Troops‖ Bass Tournament
and Brain Injury Awareness Family and Friends event is a blending of the best from the past BIAMI ―LAPS Walk‖
events and the ―Tips-Up for the Troops‖ Veterans events. This much larger and hopefully more exciting event will
feature a Family style reunion for all of our friends and families of Veterans and Brain Injury survivors. This event
provides us the opportunity to gather and say “Thank you” to some Michigan Veterans and 1st Responders who serve
us and to learn more about TBI.
Please join us in a day of celebration with food, fun, entertainment, and games. Proceeds will go to benefit the
Brain Injury Association of Michigan Veterans and other programs for ―Creating a Better Future through
Education, Advocacy, Research, Support and Prevention”.
Once again, the Legal Help for Veteran’s ―Tips-Up‖ Bass Tournament for our Veterans will be just one part of
a much larger joint civilian and military family reunion style event. While the Troops and their Pro teammates are
―Tackling‖ the big bass, everyone else will be enjoying the entertainment, Family fun walk, Classic Car Show,
Midway displays, Farm Center and Nature Center ―Tours‖, Rides on the River Queen II boat, hay rides, swimming,
canoeing, and the many other family oriented activities. So please plan on brining the whole gang.

Registered individuals will be eligible for:

Free ―All-American‖ family style B-B-Q starting at 11:00 a.m.
Free events start at 9:00 a.m. and go all day long: Canoeing; Hay Rides, River Queen boat rides, Classic Car
Show, Midway displays, Family ―Fun Walks‖; Swimming; Bike Rides & Roller Blade - bring your skates,
bikes, helmets and safety equipment (required); Nature and Farm Center tours; and more.
Free Tournament ―Weigh-in Show‖ and entertainment.

Public Welcome to FREE Weigh-in and Entertainment Shows

The day’s schedule is loosely structured in order to accommodate everyone participating in as many events as
possible. Please indicate activities in which you or your family members would like to participate. It’s a wonderful
opportunity to relax and socialize with new and old friends and family while enjoying the beauty of one of Michigan’s
premiere park complexes.

From More information or to Register call ―Rick‖ at the Brain Injury

Association of Michigan at: (810) 229-5880.

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United States
Military. Thank you for your service to this country.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 18

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD) App Helps Thousands
From: May 17, 2011 user describes the app as ―a must
WASHINGTON – The PTSD Coach smartphone for every spouse who has a family
application (app), launched in April by the Department of member with PTSD.‖ Professionals have sent positive
Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Defense reviews, suggestions and offers to collaborate on research
(DoD), has already helped more than 5,000 users connect evaluating the PTSD Coach app.
with important mental health information and resources. The app has also already proven to be a useful
―This new tool is about helping Veterans and Ser- tool for the staff at the Veterans Crisis Line. Within the
vicemembers when and where they need it,‖ said Secre- first two hours of the app’s official launch, the Crisis Line
tary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. ―We are en- staff were contacted by a distressed Veteran who reported
couraged so many have already downloaded this resource being instructed by the app to call the crisis line and was
and hope many more will utilize this convenient tool to subsequently given an appointment at the local VA medi-
access VA services.‖ cal center. Crisis Line staff have begun to regularly rec-
Since its launch, the ommend this resource to callers.
PTSD Coach app has been The app is one of the first in a series of jointly-
downloaded by thousands of designed resources by the VA National Center for PTSD
individuals. While 96 per- and DoD's National Center for Telehealth and Technology
cent of the users so far are to help Servicemembers and Veterans manage their read-
located in the United States, justment challenges and get anonymous assistance. Given
the app has also been down- the popularity of mobile devices, VA and DoD hope to
loaded in 25 other coun- reach tens of thousands of Veterans, Servicemembers, and
tries. The app lets users their family members with the new suite of apps.
track their PTSD symptoms, Information on the PTSD Coach app is on the
links them with public and VA’s National Center for PTSD Website: http://
personalized sources of sup- More
port, provides accurate infor- apps from DoD's National Center for Telehealth and
mation about PTSD, and Technology can be found at:
teaches helpful strategies for apps.
managing PTSD symptoms
on the go.
Currently, the PTSD
Coach app has received per-
fect customer review scores
on the iTunes App Store. Comments from Veterans and
family members are overwhelmingly positive and one Great Source for all Military Health Related Questions.

Steaming Live for those who serve check it out.

If anyone has any other sites or link they find to be a good source please let us know we
will gladly work it in. Please contact us anytime at

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United States Military.
Thank you for your service to this country.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 19

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Hubbardston American Legion
Disable Veteran Hunting
From: Dan Heckman Adjutant-Hubbardston American
Legion The MPVA Mission
Located on Jones Rd. ½ mile South of Maple From:
Rapids Rd. Clinton County, Lebanon Twp. MPVA is celebrating its 50th year of service in
Disabled Veterans Hunting Shack Built and Michigan. It is a chapter of the national Paralyzed
sponsored by the Hubbardston American Legion Post Veterans of America (PVA), operating according to the
#182. It was constructed on the corner of Tim Chartrand, standards and practices established by the PVA.
Doug Cusack and Wilson Dairy Farms properties. The MPVA is, however, a separate 501(c)(3) charita-
shack is 8 x 8, 2 feet off the ground. It’s sporting a five- ble organization. The Michigan programs, services,
foot deck with roof and it’s insulated and heated. education, and outreach conducted here are made possi-
A disabled veteran or person can drive to the ble by local volunteers, partners, sponsors, and donors.
shack and exit onto the 4 x 8 platform and ascend up the The mission of Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of
12-foot ramp. America is to enhance the lives of veterans with spinal
The entire cost was accepted by the American cord injury or disease as well as all citizens with disabili-
legion. Sons of the American Legion donated $200.00 ties, by advocating for civil rights, assuring quality health
for the cost, Triple C trucking donated the gravel for the care, supporting continued research and education, and
driveway and Cusack Masonry provided some material encouraging independence and healthy living through
and equipment. various health, sports and recreational programs. MPVA
This opportunity is free, with no guarantee for shall continue striving to remain at the forefront of both
harvesting a deer. DNR rules & Laws Apply. veterans’ benefits services and disability rights, while
working toward a better quality of life for all American

More Information will

be Coming soon about
MPVA 8th Annual Salute
To veterans Gala!

Available Hunting Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2011

Dates are as Follows Location: The Ronald Reagan Building and
100% Disabled Veterans Sept. 26-27 International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania
Special Disabled firearm hunt, 100% disability
Oct. 15-18 Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC
Regular Bow season with a crossbow Oct. 1st-Nov. 14th
Regular firearm season Nov. 15th-Nov. 30th Please visit for more information.
About the Event and PVA’s National Chapter.
Appointments or scheduling, call Mid-Mich. Process
Serving at (989) 981-6979

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 20

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
The History of Honor Flight
The inaugural Honor Flight took place in May of 2005. Six
small planes flew out of Springfield, Ohio taking twelve World War II
veterans on a visit to the memorial in Washington, DC. In August of
2005, an ever-expanding waiting list of veterans led our transition to
commercial airline carriers with the goal of accommodating as many
veterans as possible. Partnering with HonorAir in Hendersonville,
North Carolina, we formed the "Honor Flight Network." Today, we
continue working aggressively to expand our programs to other cities
across the nation
How a Dream Became a Reality
The Honor Flight Network
program was conceived by Earl Morse, a physician assistant and Retired Air Force
Captain. Earl wanted to honor the veterans he had taken care of for the past 27
years. After retiring from the Air Force in 1998, Earl was hired by the Department of Vet-
erans Affairs to work in a small clinic in Springfield, Ohio. In May of 2004, the World
War II Memorial was finally completed and dedicated in Washington, D.C. and quickly
became the topic of discussion among his World War II veteran patients.
Earl repeatedly asked these veterans if they would ever travel out to visit THEIR memorial. Most felt that even-
tually, somehow, they would make it to D.C., perhaps with a family member or friend.
As summer turned to fall and then winter, these same veterans returned to the clinic for their follow-up visits. Earl asked
if they accomplished their dream of visiting the World War II Memorial. By now, for most of the veterans he asked,
reality had settled in; it was clear to most that it simply wasn't financially or physically possible for them to make the
journey. Most of these senior heroes were in their 80s and lacked the physical and mental wherewithal to complete a trip
on their own. Families and friends also lacked the resources and time to complete the three- to four-day trip to the
nation’s capital.
All above information cam from: visit the site for more information.

Great video of a Spontaneous Victory VJ Day, Honolulu Hawaii, August 14, 1945
By: Richard Sullivan
Parade in Honolulu in 1945. 65 Years Ago my Dad shot this film along Kala-
From: John Haggard kaua Ave. in Waikiki capturing spontaneous celebrations
Take a look at this video-absolutely fabulous! that broke out upon first hearing news of the Japanese
Notice the cars and jeeps, youth. The guys in khaki or surrender. Kodachrome 16mm film: God Bless Koda-
gray shirts and black ties are Navy officers or chiefs. The chrome, right? I was able to find an outfit
rest are Army or Marine. How young they all were to do ( to do a much superior scan of this
what they did. This guy really captured a moment in footage to what I had previously posted, so I re-did this
history! (You can listen to Jimmy Durante singing "I'll be film and replaced the older version there are more still
Seeing You" in the background, too). This is a super images from this amazing day, in color,
video of a time past - we need to remember and be at
THANKFUL. Check out the color fidelity.
It's not bad for 1945. Nothing will ever
compare with Kodachrome film.

Simply Click the image to

view the video

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 21

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
When politicians leave this earth,
AND SHARING! Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing,
From: Hank Fuhs And proclaim that they were great.
He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast, Papers tell of their life stories
And he sat around the Legion, From the time that they were young
Telling stories of the past. But the passing of a Soldier
Goes unnoticed, and unsung.
Of a war that he once fought in
And the deeds that he had done, Is the greatest contribution
In his exploits with his buddies; To the welfare of our land,
They were heroes, every one. Someone who breaks his promise
And cons his fellow man?
And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors
His tales became a joke, Or the ordinary fellow
All his buddies listened quietly Who in times of war and strife,
For they knew whereof he spoke. Goes off to serve his country That our country now enjoys.
And offers up his life?
But we'll hear his tales no longer,
For old Mike has passed away, Should you find yourself in danger,
The politician's stipend With your enemies at hand,
And the world's a little poorer And the style in which he lives,
For a Soldier died today. Would you really want some cop-out,
Are often disproportionate, With his ever waffling stand?
To the service that he gives.
He won't be mourned by many,
Just his children and his wife. Or would you want a Soldier--
While the ordinary Soldier, His home, his country, his kin,
For he lived an ordinary, Who offered up his all,
Very quiet sort of life. Just a common Soldier,
Is paid off with a medal Who would fight until the end?
And perhaps a pension, small.
He held a job and raised a family,
Going quietly on his way; He was just a common Soldier,
It is not the politicians And his ranks are growing thin,
And the world won't note his passing, With their compromise and ploys,
'Tho a Soldier died today. But his presence should remind us
Who won for us the freedom We may need his like again.

For when countries are in conflict,

We find the Soldier's part
Is to clean up all the troubles
That the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honor

While he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage
At the ending of his days.

Perhaps just a simple headline

In the paper that might say:

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 22

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
VA to Take Applications for New Family tance we have received from Veterans, Veterans Service
Organizations, and the greater Caregiver community in
Caregiver Program shaping this program and bringing this new VA program
VA Implementing Enhancements to Existing Services for to our wounded warriors and their dedicated Family Care-
Veterans and Their Caregivers givers.‖
From: Caregivers for Veterans of all eras are eligible for
WASHINGTON – Today, the Department of Vet- respite care, education and training on what it means to be
erans Affairs (VA) published the interim final rule for a caregiver, how to best meet the Veteran’s care needs,
implementing the Family Caregiver Program of the Care- and the importance of self-care when in a care giving role.
givers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act 2010. The full range of VA services already provided to Care-
This new rule will provide additional support to eligible givers will continue, and local Caregiver Support Coordi-
post-9/11 Veterans who elect to receive their care in a nators at each VA medical center are available to assist
home setting from a primary Family Caregiver. Family Caregivers in identifying benefits and services
―We at VA know that every day is a challenge for they may be eligible for. The Caregiver Support Coordi-
our most seriously injured Veterans and their Family nators are well versed in VA programs and also have
Caregivers,‖ said VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki. ―I know information about other local public, private and non-
many Veterans and their Family Caregivers have been profit agency support services that are available to support
waiting anxiously for this day and I urge them to get their Veterans and their Family Caregivers at home.
applications in as soon as possible so they can receive the VA programs for Veterans and their Family Care-
additional support they have earned.‖ givers include:
On May 9, staff in VA’s Office of Care Manage- 1. In-Home and Community Based Care: This includes
ment and Social Work will open the application process skilled home health care, homemaker home health aide
for eligible post-9/11 Veterans and Servicemembers to services, community adult day health care and Home
designate their Family Caregivers. Based Primary Care.
Additional services for primary Family Caregiv- 2. Respite Care: Designed to relieve the Family Caregiv-
ers of eligible post-9/11 Veterans and Servicemembers er from the constant challenge of caring for a chronically
include a stipend, mental health services, and access to ill or disabled Veteran at home, respite services can
health care insurance, if they are not already entitled to include in-home care, a short stay in one of VA’s commu-
care or services under a health care plan. Comprehensive nity living centers or an environment designed for adult
Caregiver training and medical support are other key day health care.
components of this program. The program builds on the 3. Caregiver education and training programs: VA
foundation of Caregiver support now provided at VA and currently provides multiple training opportunities which
reflects what families and clinicians have long known; include pre-discharge care instruction and specialized
that Family Caregivers in a home environment can caregiver programs in multiple severe traumas such as
enhance the health and well-being of Veterans under VA Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Spinal Cord Injury/
care. Disorders, and Blind Rehabilitation. VA has a Family
Starting May 9th, Veterans may download a copy Caregiver assistance healthy living center on My Healthe-
of the Family Caregiver program application (VA CG 10- Vet,, as well as caregiver infor-
10) at The application enables the mation on the VA’s main Web page health site; both
Veteran to designate a primary Family Caregiver and Websites include information on VA and community
secondary Family Caregivers if needed. Caregiver Sup- resources and Caregiver health and wellness.
port Coordinators are stationed at every VA medical cen- 4. Caregiver support groups and other ser-
ter and via phone at 1-877-222 VETS (8387) to assist vices: Family Caregiver support groups, offered in a face
Veterans and their Family Caregivers with the application to face setting or on the telephone, provide emotional and
process. peer support, and information. Family Caregiver services
―Providing support to Family Caregivers who include family counseling, spiritual and pastoral care,
sacrifice so much to allow Veterans to remain at home family leisure and recreational activities and temporary
surrounded by their loved ones, is very important to us at lodging in Fisher Houses.
VA. We offer a range of Caregiver support services in- 5. Other services: VA provides durable medical equip-
cluding training, counseling and respite care to ensure that ment and prosthetic and sensory aides to improve func-
our caregivers have the tools and support they need to tion, financial assistance with home modification to
continue in their care giving role,‖ said Deborah Amdur, improve access and mobility, and transportation assis-
VA’s Chief Consultant for Care Management and Social tance for some Veterans to and from medical appoint-
Work. ―We appreciate the patience, support and assis- ments.

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We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United
States Military. Thank you for your service to this country.

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 25
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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Stand Up For Veterans-They Stood Up For US
-The DAV

Staff & Contributors

Coordinator- Matthew X. Hauser ( Lest We Forget-A Clip from Hank Fuhs
Writers-Larry Harr Msgt USAF Retired Lt. Col., USAF, Ret, ANG
Denny Gillem Lt. Col., US Army, Retired
Claude McManus Command Master Chief (Just Click the Link Below)
(Surface Warfare), USN, Retired I Fought For You
Sean M. Furr Specialist 4, US Army Veteran
Sherry Swann-Secretary of Fort Custer Advisory
Committee and Event Coordinator
Sam Cottle-Michigan State Captain Patriot
Guard Riders
Sandra Eggers-Family Service Counselor
Oakland Hills Memorial Park From: The USO
Gary Lillie, MCB3, Chu Lai, RVN '66 In 2011, we're calling
Phil Smith-Director/Chief Vietnam Veterans of on the brave men and women
America, Veterans Benefits and of our armed forces to make
Rehabilitation, State Council of MI some incredible sacrifices in
Eugene (Gene) A. Simon- Command Chief Afghanistan, Iraq, and remote
Master Sergeant USAF (Retired) locations around the world.
John Arend, SGT, USMC That means you and I need to
John Nagle, USAAF make an extra effort to show our support.
Maureen VanHooser, Navy (SeaBee) Veteran One of the best ways to let our troops know
Mom and wife. that you've got their back is by supporting the work of
Don Alsbro, COL, US Army (ret), President of the USO. Step Up and Lead -- support our troops
Lest We Forget by signing up to be part of the USO today.
Noami Love
Becky Bruin-Slot
Publisher- Hank Fuhs Lt. Col., USAF, Ret, ANG We would like to express our appreciation to all of
Thank you to everyone for your support! the fighting men and women in the United States
Military. Thank you for your service to this country.

In Closing
Thank you for your service to our country. It is truly the men and women like you who
make this nation great, and we must never forget that.
Thank you to everyone for all the help you have given us with the newsletter. We have
been able to reach more people because of your help. Compared to when we first started, the
amount of input and ideas we receive has increased greatly. For that we are very thankful. If you
have anything you would like to share, any questions, or have an article idea, please let me know.
You may contact us anytime at


Matthew X. Hauser and Lt. Col Hank Fuhs

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds. 26

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933

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