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Damian Fuentes

Mrs. Trishia Briones

ENGL 1302-222

14th April 2022

Reflection Essay

When writing essay two an experiment was required and wrote our process of it in essay

format along with explaining it to the readers and showing how the experiment benefits or

changes a small aspect of day-to-day life. For essay two it was simply researching a topic and

explaining about it. What was managed to be applied to essay three from essay one is the

descriptive aspect and the convincing of the experiment but from a topic instead. From essay 2 to

three what was specifically applied was the ability to proper cite my sources and using in text

citations. In essay one what was learned and not applicable was the first-person point of view of

the essay and from the second essay that was not applicable was mostly the explanation and

general information feeding rather than a teaching or understanding format. From the third essay,

the rhetoric of trying to convince someone can be applied to other courses such as making a

convincing presentation and having the viewers be engaged and not turned off by taking their

opinion thrown out. From the third essay learning how to convince someone that the said topic

was important was the most specific. For example the topic is the changing of modern cinema

and the appeal to newer generations is important due to mainly the fact that the political climate

along with technology is ever changing. So again, the persuasion aspect is what can be applied to

other classes. It can improve writing in the way sentences can be worded and approached rather

than just standard essay writing. My writing strengths is that I do know what I will be going to

write about but the weakness to that is the fact that I tend to stray from the topics and while they

are descriptive that are too descriptive. This can be challenging as the descriptive writing is what

my forte is more of however through more peer reviews I will only improve. I think the

comments will remain the same although they will be a lot less frequent as the first two essays, if

anything the next comment would probably be the usage of in text citation and my quote usage.

The most challenging was just trying to appeal to the opposite side of the argument and the least

challenge was just writing.

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