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CHAPTER Subject Chapter

I Introduction Chapter-I
II Year at a Glance Chapter-II
III Sagarmala Chapter-III
IV Ports Chapter-IV
V Shipping Chapter-V
VI Functioning of Organizations Chapter-VI
VII Inland Waterways Transport Chapter-VII
VIII Transport Research & Development Wing Chapter-VIII
IX International Cooperation Chapter-IX
X Administration and Finance Chapter-X
XI Official Language Chapter-XI
XII List of Annexure Annexure


Chapter - I


Name changing ceremony of Ministry of Shipping as Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (PS&W) by
Hon’ble Minister of State (IC) for PS&W on 09.11.2020

1.1 Ministry of Shipping was formed in 2009 pace, structure and pa ern of
by bifurca ng the erstwhile Ministry of development. The Ministry of Ports,
Shipping, Road Transport and Highways Shipping & Waterways encompasses
into two independent Ministries. within its fold shipping and port sectors
Therea er, name of the Ministry was which also include shipbuilding and ship
changed to Ministry of Ports, Shipping and repair, major ports and inland water
Waterways (PS&W) on 9th November, transport. The Ministry has been
2020. entrusted with the responsibility to
formulate policies and programmes on
1.2 M a r i m e Tr a n s p o r t i s a c r i c a l
these sectors and their implementa on.
infrastructure for the economic
development of a country. It influences the


1.3 Comprehensive policy package is C h a r g e ) fo r Po r t s , S h i p p i n g &

necessary to address the diverse issues Waterways.
facing the mari me transport sector.
1.7 Secretary (PS&W) is assisted by
The capacity of the ports in terms of
Addi onal Secretary, Joint Secretary
their berths and cargo handling
(Shipping), Joint Secretary (Ports),
equipment needs to keep pace with
Joint Secretary (Sagarmala & PPP),
the growing requirements of the
Joint Secretary (Admn., Parl. & DGLL),
overseas trade. The shipping industry
Economic Adviser, Adviser (Sta s cs),
must be enabled to carry higher shares
Development Adviser (Ports), officers
of the sea-borne trade in indigenous
at the level of Directors, Deputy
bo oms.
Secretaries, Under Secretaries and
1.4 Historically, investments in the other Secretariat/Technical Officers.
transport sector, par cularly in the
1.8 The Finance Wing is headed by
ports, have been made by the State,
Addi onal Secretary & Financial
mainly because of the large resources
Adviser who assists in formula ng and
required, long gesta on period,
processing of all policies and other
uncertain returns and a number of
proposals having financial
externali es associated with this
implica ons.
infrastructure sector. However, the
growing resource requirements and 1.9 The Accounts Wing is headed by a Pr.
the concern for managerial efficiency Chief Controller of Accounts who is
and consumer responsiveness have led inter-alia, responsible for accoun ng,
to the ac ve involvement of the private payment, budget, internal audit and
sector in infrastructure services in cash management.
recent mes. To encourage private 1.10 Adviser (Sta s cs) renders necessary
sector par cipa on, Ministry of Ports, data support to various Wings of the
Shipping & Waterways has laid down Ministry for policy planning, transport
comprehensive policy guidelines for coordina on, economic & sta s cal
private sector par cipa on in the analysis on various modes of transport
Major ports. with which the Ministry is concerned.
Func ons 1.11 The following A ached/Subordinate
1.5 The subjects allocated to the Ministry of offices, Autonomous Organisa ons,
Ports, Shipping & Waterways are listed Socie es/ Associa ons and Public
at ANNEXURE-I. Sector Undertakings are func oning
under the administra ve control of the
Organiza onal Set-up
M i n i s t r y o f Po r t s , S h i p p i n g &
1.6 Shri Mansukh Mandaviya is the Waterways:-
Minister of State (Independent


A ached/Subordinate Offices 4. Na onal Ship Design and Research

1. Director General of Shipping
2. Andaman, Lakshadweep Harbour Public Sector Undertakings
Works 1. Shipping Corpora on of India
3. Directorate General of Lighthouses and 2. Cochin Shipyard Limited
3. Dredging Corpora on of India
Autonomous Bodies
4. Ennore Port Limited
1. Tariff Authority of Major Ports (TAMP)
5. Sagarmala Development Company
2. Port Trusts at Mumbai, Kolkata, Cochin,
Kandla (Deendayal), Chennai, 6. I n d i a n Po r t R a i l a n d Ro p e w a y
Mormugao, NhavaSheva (Jawaharlal Corpora on Limited
Nehru), Paradip, Tu corin (V.O 7. Indian Ports Global Limited(IPGL)
Chidambarnar) , Visakhapatnam and
New Mangalore 8. Sethusamundram Corpora on
3. Calcu a Dock Labour Board
9. Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Limited
4. Inland Waterways Authority of India
10. Central Inland Water Transport
5. Seamen's Provident Fund Organiza on Corpora on Limited\
6. Indian Mari me University 11. Hooghly Dock and Ports Engineers
Socie es/Associa ons Limited

1. Seafarer's Welfare Fund Society. 1.12 The Organiza on Chart of the Ministry
of Ports, Shipping & Waterways is given
2. Indian Port Associa on.
3. Na onal Ins tute Ports Management.


Chapter - II


BACKGROUND human resource development, finance,

ancillaries and new technologies need to
2.1 The Mari me Sector in India comprises of
be developed in the light of the emerging
Ports, Shipping, Shipbuilding and Ship
scenario. Shipping con nues to remain
repair and Inland Water Transport
unchallenged as the world’s most efficient
Systems. India has 12 Major ports and
means of transporta on and we need to
about 200 non major ports. Indian
do all we can to recognize, reward and
Shipping Industry has over the years
promote quality within the industry.
played a crucial role in the transport
sector of India’s economy. Approximately GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES
95% of the country’s trade by volume and
2.2 India has a long coastline of about 7517
68% by value is moved through Mari me
km, spread on the western and eastern
Transport. Therefore, shipping and ocean
shelves of the mainland and also along the
resources, ship design and construc on,
Islands. It is an important natural resource
ports and harbours, issues rela ng to
for the country’s trade.


Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) andInternal and (RE), this has been reduced to Rs. 1433.65
Extra Budgetary Resources (IEBR) Outlay For crore. Against the RE alloca on of Rs.
2018-2019 1423.65 crore, actual expenditure as on
31.12.2020 was Rs.902.22 crore. Summary
2.3 The Budget Es mate of Gross Budgetary
of GBS and Internal & Extra Budgetary
Support (GBS) for FY 2020-2021 was
Resources (IEBR) outlay for 2020-2021 are
Rs.1800.00 crore for the Ministry.
given below:
However, at the stage of Revised Es mate
(Rs. in Crore)

Sector 2020-2021(BE) 2020-2021(RE) 2020 (Actual Exp.)

Ports& Light- 601.10 2979.83 513.59 2584.26 315.29 1032.36
Shipping 144.70 735.00 134.70 445 95.53 242.77
IWAI 678.30 0.00 541.20 0.00 360.28 0.00
Others 375.90 0.00 244.16 0.00 131.12 0.00
Total 1800.00 3714.83 1433.65 3029.26 902.22 1275.13

*upto 31st December, 2020

OUTLAY FOR 2019-2020
2.4 The details of total GBS and IEBR outlay details for 2021-2022 are given below:-
Sector 2021-2022 (BE)
Ports & Light-houses 647.50 4337.12
Shipping 171.25 480.00
IWAI 623.60 0.00
Others 260.00 0.00
Total 1702.35 4817.12

2.5 Out of the total GBS of Rs. 1702.35 crore, PORT SECTOR
Rs. 99.10 crore have been earmarked for
Cargo Traffic at Indian Ports
the North Eastern Region during 2021-
2022. 2.6 During 2019-20, major and non-major
ports in India handled a total cargo


throughput of around 1320 Million Tonnes. growth of 17.6% over the corresponding
The traffic grew by 2.98% over the period of previous year.
corresponding period of previous year. The
Commodity-wise Cargo Traffic at Major Ports
12 Major Ports handled traffic of 414.20
Million Tonnes during April – November 2.7 During 2020-21 upto November 2020, 12
2020, represen ng a decrease of about Major Ports handled 414.20 Million Tonnes
10.68% over the corresponding period of of traffic as against 463.73 Million Tonnes
previous year. Of the 12 Major Ports, cargo over the corresponding period of previous
handled during April – November 2020 year. The composi on of the cargo is given
only Mormugao Port registered posi ve below:
(In Million Tonnes)

Year POL Iron F&FRM Coal Container Other Total

Ore (Dry) (In Million Cargo
2016-17 208.87 41.77 14.06 135.27 124.66 (8.44) 123.85 648.47
2017-18 224.92 41.17 15.05 141.23 133.73 (9.14) 123.37 679.47
2018-19 233.77 38.81 15.41 163.67 145.52 (9.88) 101.99 699.17
2019-20 240.27 55.51 15.92 149.30 146.88 (9.97) 97.05 704.93
Apr-Nov 2020 127.61 44.71 16.29 79.90 86.37 (5.75) 59.32 414.20

Source: Update on Indian Port Sector (31.03.2020) and Port Data Management Portal
POL includes POL Crude, Products and LPG/LNG
Iron Ore includes Fine and Pellets
F&FRM (Dry) includes Fer lizer, FRM (Dry and Liquid)
Coal includes Thermal, Coking and other Coal

2.8 While the commodi es viz. POL, Coal, Iron Cargo Traffic at Non-major Ports
Ore, F&FRM (Dry) and Containers are
2.9 The traffic handled at non-major ports
showing steady growth, there has been
which was 485.21 Million Tonnes during
steady decrease in traffic of Other Cargo
2016-17 increased to 614.99 Million
during the last few years. Jawaharlal Nehru
Tonnes during 2019-20 which was 46.5% of
Port Trust (JNPT) con nued to be the
the total mari me traffic of the country.
leading container handling port in the
The Mari me States namely Gujarat,
country with a share of about 41% followed
A n d h ra P ra d e s h a n d M a h a ra s ht ra
by Chennai (18%) and the remaining share
accounted for 90.3% of the traffic handled
of 41% being handled by other major ports
by non-major ports. The cargo traffic
during 2019-20.
handled by non-major ports during April-


November, 2020 was around 362.85 Boards of Major Port Authori es and for
Million Tonnes recording decrease of 9.4% ma ers connected therewith or incidental
over corresponding period of previous thereto. The Bill intends to repeal the
year. Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 so as to revamp
the administra on, control and
Port Efficiency
management of Major Ports in India. Major
2.10 Efficiency at ports has an important bearing Ports of India provide a vital link to the
on the transac on cost. Major ports have economic growth and interna onal trade
improved their efficiency of opera on for our country. The Major Ports handle a
par cularly in terms of turnaround me. vast majority of the imports and exports.
The Average Turnaround Time improved Presently Major Ports in India are regulated
from 109.44 hours in 2011-12 to 66.24 by The Major Port Trusts Act that was
hours during 2019-20. enacted by the Central Government in the
Port Capacity 1960’s with a view to implement a ‘Service
Port Model’ and under the ‘trust’ of Board
2.11 Infrastructure development and capacity
of Trustees. The powers of the Board are
augmenta on of major ports is an ongoing
limited and there is excessive need for
process. Cargo handling capacity of major
direc ons on policy ma ers from the
ports has increased from 965.36 MTPA as
Central Government. The current model of
on 31.03.2016 to 1534.91 MTPA as on
the Board of Trustees has opera onal
31.03.2020. Similarly, Cargo handling
restric ons and in the modern economic
capacity of non- major ports has increased
scenario, the Major Ports are already facing
from 737.75 MTPA as on 31.03.2016 to
challenges in keeping up with the growth
987.98 MTPA as on 31.03.2020. There is
and development in the Ports sector and
adequate capacity build up in Indian ports
increased compe on from private ports.
to cater to the requirement of trade.
The Major Port Authori es Bill 2020 has
Recent reforms/ini a ves been passed in the Lok Sabha and will be
2.12 Recent policy reforms and ini a ves: The submi ed in next session in Rajya Sabha.
following ini a ves have been taken for The salient features of the Major Port
improving the efficiency and produc vity Authori es Bill 2020 are as under:-
of Major Ports: (a) The Bill is more compact in comparison to
Major Port Authori es Bill the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 as the
number of sec ons has been reduced to 76
2.13 Major Ports Authority Bill 2020 is a Bill to from 134 by elimina ng overlapping and
provide for regula on, opera on and obsolete Sec ons.
planning of Major Ports in India and to vest
the administra on, control and (b) The new Bill has proposed a simplified
management of such ports upon the composi on of the Board of Port Authority


which will comprise of 11 to 13 Members (e) The Boards of Port Authority have been
from the present 17 to 19 Members delegated full powers to enter into
represen ng various interests. A compact contracts, planning and development,
Board with professional independent fixing of tariff except in the ma er of
Members will strengthen decision making na onal interest, security and emergency.
and strategic planning. Provision has been In the present MPT Act, 1963 prior
made for inclusion of representa ve of approval of the Central Government was
State Government in which the Major Port required in 22 instances.
is situated, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of
(f) The Board of each Major Port shall be
Defence and Customs, Department of
en tled to create specific master plan in
Revenue as Members in the Board apart
respect of any development or
from a Government Nominee Member and
infrastructure established or proposed to
a Member represen ng the employees of
be established within the port limits and
the Major Port Authority.
the land appurtenant thereto and such
(c) The role of Tariff Authority for Major Ports master plan shall be independent of any
(TAMP) has been dispensed with. Port local or State Government regula ons of
Authority has now been given powers to fix any authority whatsoever.
tariff which will act as a reference tariff for
(g) Provisions of Corporate Social
purposes of bidding for PPP projects. PPP
Responsibility& development of
operators will be free to fix tariff based on
infrastructure by Port Authority have been
market condi ons. The Board of Port
Authority has been delegated the power to
fix the scale of rates for other port services (h) Provision has been made for safeguarding
and assets including land. the pay & allowances and service
condi ons including pensionary benefits
(d) An Adjudicatory Board has been proposed
of the employees of major ports and Tariff
to be created to carry out the residual
of Major Ports.
func on of the erstwhile TAMP for Major
Ports, to look into disputes between ports 2.14 With a view to provide greater autonomy,
and PPP concessionaires, to review flexibility and to professionalize the
stressed PPP projects and suggest governance of the Major Ports, the above
measures to review stressed PPP projects new legisla on is being introduced to
and suggest measures to revive such enable the Major Ports to adopt a
projects and to look into complaints compe ve business model and
regarding services rendered by the ports/ implement changes in the evolving
private operators opera ng within the market. With the proposed changes in the
ports. Major Port Authori es Bill, 2020; the


administra on of Major Ports shall Iranian Port & Marine Services Company
significantly improve and decisions will be (ABI) of Iran and India Ports Global Ltd.
taken expedi ously. The Major Ports shall (IPGL) of India for equipping and opera ng
gain autonomy on many key ma ers two terminals at first development phase
including tariffs, development of port of Shahid Behesh - Chabahar Port. The
assets, master planning of infrastructure Ports & Mari me Organiza on of Islamic
within port limits and powers to make Republic of Iran (PMO) and Ministry of
regula ons for opera ons of the Major Shipping, Government of India were the
Ports. The Bill also provides for formula on Confirming Par es to the Contract.
of an Adjudicatory Board that will
2.17 In its mee ng held on 24.02.2016, the Govt.
adjudicate disputes among Major Ports,
also approved the proposal of this Ministry
Public Private Partnership concessionaires
for the provision and opera onaliza on of
and cap ve users. The Bill also delegates
credit of USD 150 Million from EXIM Bank
the power of fixa on of Schedule of Rates
for Chabahar Port Development.
for ports and fixa on of tariff to the
concessionaire in PPP projects. 2.18 In order to implement Chabahar project, an
S P V, I n d i a p o r t s G l o b a l L t d w a s
2.15 The Major Port Authori es Bill, 2020 is
incorporated in January 2015, which was
expected to usher in a new era for
promoted by Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust
administra on of Major Ports in India in
(JNPT) and Kandla Port Trust [(now
which the Major Ports will contribute
Deendayal Port Trust) DPT].
significantly to the economic growth and
provide world-class port infrastructure by 2.19 Since there were challenges in ac va on of
adop ng Landlord Model of development the Main Contract, the founda on of a
where the core infrastructure is developed short period Contract was laid during the
by the Port Authority and the commercial visit of His Excellency President of Islamic
opera on are bid out to private players. Republic of Iran to New Delhi in February
2018. Resultantly a formal Short Lease
Chabahar Port
Contract between the two sides was signed
2.16 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 6th May 2018. For implementa on of
for development of Chabahar Port by India the same, an SPV India Ports Global
was signed in Tehran between India and Chabahar Free Zone (IPGCFZ) with 98%
Iran on 06th May 2015 by Minister of share holding by IPGL and 1% each by JNPT
Shipping Shri Ni n Gadkari from the Indian & DPT was incorporated in Iran. Later, 100%
side and Minister Dr. Abbas Akhoundi from equity shares of JNPT & DPT in IPGL have
the Iranian side, and therea er the been purchased by Sagarmala
contract was executed on 23rd May, 2016 Development Company Ltd. (SDCL) (a
at Tehran (Iran) during the visit of Hon’ble company under Administra ve control of
Prime Minister of India to Iran. The Ministry of Shipping).
Contract was signed between Aria Banader


2.20 Government of India has taken-over the Asian countries have also shown interest in
opera ons of two berths at Shahid Behes using the port virtually on December 14,
Port, Chabahar, Iran during Chabahar 2020. India welcomes the interest of
Trilateral Agreement mee ng held at Uzbekistan to use the Chabahar port as a
Chabahar on 24th December 2018 and has transit port. All sides welcomed India’s
successfully completed one year of proposal to hold "Chabahar Day” on the
opera on. Port Office of "India Ports Global sidelines of the Interna onal Mari me
Chabahar Free Zone" (IPGCFZ), Indian SPV Summit scheduled to be hosted by India in
at Chabahar was also inaugurated jointly by 2021.
the Head of delega ons of India, Iran and
2.25 Extension for the Short Lease Contract of
Shahid Behesh Port of Chabahar from
2.21 With this first step a long journey has June, 2020 to June, 2021.
commenced. By its engagement in
2.26 A consignment of two Mobile Harbour
Chabahar, India has wri en a history and is
Cranes (MHC) to Iran’s Chabahar port has
leading the regional coopera on and joint
been supplied, with a totalcontract value of
efforts to support land locked Afghanistan.
over USD 25 Million under a contract
This also fulfils India’s long cherished
agreement for supply of 6 MHC. The
dream of its engagement at Chabahar Port.
consignment ofcranes arrived from
2.22 Cabinet vide its mee ng held on Marghera port, Italy has been unloaded
26.02.2020 has approved this Ministry’s successfully on 18th January, 2021 at
note for the exemp on from applicability Chabahar port.
of DPE Guidelines to India Ports Global
Major Ini a ves/Achievements
2.27 An upgraded Port Community System (PCS)
2.23 T h e fi r s t c o n s i g n m e n t o f I n d i a ’s
(PCS 1x version) has been implemented.
humanitarian aid to Afghanistan reached
The system enables seamless data flow
Chabahar on 15th April 2020. It may be
between the various stakeholders through
noted that total 888 containers of wheat
common interface. Main Objec ves of
(about 22,800 tons out of total of 75000
PCS1x are:
tons) have been sent to Afghanistan in
three shipments. a) D e v e l o p a c e n t ra l i ze d w e b b a s e d
applica on which act as SINGLE WINDOW
2.24 The first Trilateral Working Group Mee ng
for secure electronic message exchanges
between India, Iran and Uzbekistan on
between all stakeholders
joint use of Chabahar Port was held
virtually on December 14, 2020. This would b) Reduce transac on me and cost in Port’s
open up economic opportuni es for the business & overall Logis cs cost of the
traders and business community of the country
region. Besides Uzbekistan, other Central


c) Achieve paperless regime in Port sector and have been issued afresh on 29.4.2019.
With the objec ve of further promo ng
d) Implement an e-commerce portal for Port
port led industrialisa on and ‘Ease of
Doing Business’ and the vision of
Facili es: ‘At m a n i r b h a r B h a ra t ’, n e w Po l i c y
a) Towards complete Paperless regime, it Guidelines for Land Management by Major
facilitates e-DO, e-Payment & e-Invoicing Ports, 2020 (PGLM 2020) has been
which has already been made mandatory prepared and awai ng the approval of the
b) It has latch-on facility with all other trade
party portals which can be evolved to 2.29 Cabotage Relaxa on- Cabotage relaxa on
Na onal Mari me Single Window (NSW) of coastal movement of EXIM
which will reduce delays in physical transshipment containers and Empty
movement of cargo & transac on me of Containers, introduced in May, 2018. Order
EXIM trade apart from just being online has been issued by the Ministry for
relaxa on of coastal movement of EXIM
c) Providing facili es like vehicle booking
transshipment containers and Empty
op on, advance no ce of traffic to ports,
etc. Transporta on module (e-Vahan& e-
Sarthi) is also an integral part of PCS 2.30 An Enterprise Business System (EBS) is
being implemented at 5 Major Ports
2.28 Policy Guidelines for Land Management
(Mumbai , Chennai, Deendayal, Paradip,
2014 were issued to all Major Ports for
Kolkata (including Haldia) Port with project
implementa on w.e.f. 2.1.2014. Later,
cost of approx. 323 crores) to provide a
some of the provisions of the Land Policy
digital port ecosystem that will adopt
Guidelines, 2014 were further clarified to
leading Interna onal Prac ces without
ease the implementa on of the Policy
losing its alignment to exis ng local needs.
Guidelines by the Major Ports on 17th July,
). A total of 2474 processes (ChPT – 671,
2015. Many Major Ports had, however,
DPT – 376, KoPT – 501, HDC – 374, MbPT –
raised various difficul es in implemen ng
278 and PPT – 274) were ra onalized,
some of the provisions of PGLM, 2015 and
harmonized, op mized and standardized
requested for further clarifica ons on the
to arrive at a final reengineered process
same. To accommodate the various
count of 162 processes. All the
d i ffi c u l e s a r i s i n g w i t h r e ga rd t o
reengineered processes will be KPI driven
implementa on of the guidelines so as to
and performance of each department and
meet the prac cal exigencies &
process at higher level will be tracked
requirements in public interest,
a ga i n s t d e fi n e d Ke y Pe r fo r m a n c e
clarifica ons on these were issued by the
Indicators for each department and
Ministry from me to me and all the
process. The proposed EBS will comprise
clarifica ons issued have been compiled
of three core solu on components - Port


Opera ons Solu on, standard ERP Kamarajar and Mormugao have plans in
solu ons, and auxiliary solu ons, and hand to increase their dra s well beyond
w o u l d g h t l y i n te g ra te w i t h Po r t exis ng dra s.
Community System (PCS) and other
Ease of Doing Business
retained applica ons of ports. This will
completely digi ze most processes at ports 2.33 The Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) index is
thus making ports be er trade facilitator. a ranking system established by the World
Trial Run has been successfully done at Bank Group. Ministry of Ports, Shipping
ChPt and other remaining ports under and Waterways is one of the stake holder
progress. Ministries in the area of business
regula on, “Trading Across Borders” under
2.31 The Union Cabinet has accorded its 'in-
EoDB. Towards facilita ng ‘Ease of Doing
principle' approval on February 05, 2020
Business (EoDB)’, Ministry of Ports,
for se ng up a Major Port at Vadhavan
Shipping and Waterways had iden fied
near Dahanu in Maharashtra. The total
various parameters for reducing dwell me
es mated cost of the project is
and transac on costs in the Major Ports.
Rs.65,544.54 crore. Vadhavan port will be
These include elimina on of manual
developed on the "Landlord model". A
Forms, accommoda on for laboratories to
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) will be
Par cipa ng Government Agencies
formed with Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust
(PGAs), facilita on of Direct Port Delivery&
(JNPT) as the lead partner with equity
Entry, Installa on of Container Scanners, E-
par cipa on equal to or more than 50% to
delivery orders, invoice, payments, RFID
implement the project. The SPV will
based Gate-automa on System, etc. These
develop the port infrastructure including
ini a ves have already been implemented
reclama on, construc on of breakwater,
at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) as
besides establishing connec vity to the
well as at other Major Ports.
hinterland. All business ac vi es would be
undertaken under PPP mode by private 2.34 The efforts by JNPT in the earlier years have
developers. contributed significantly in improvement
of India’s rank in World Bank evalua on in
Deep dra berth at Major Ports
the parameter of ‘Trading Across Border’
2.32 With a view to enable Major Ports to from 146 in 2018 to 80 in 2019, which has
handle larger vessels the Ministry has further been reduced to 68 in 2020. This
prepared an ac on plan for increasing the ul mately helped in improving India’s rank
dra in Major Ports. Most of the Ports now in overall EoDB from 100 in 2018 to 77in
already have a minimum dra of 14 meters 2019 and further to 63 in 2020. Con nuous
and the other Ports are striving to achieve efforts are going on to bring India’s posi on
this level. Some of the ports like Paradip, among the top 50 na ons in EoDB.


Doing Business Report “Year” Overall EoDB Ranking Trading Across

Border Ranking
2020 63 68
2019 77 80
2018 100 146
2017 130 143
2016 130 133
2015 142 126
2014 134 132

Project Unna ports, just by replica ng 'best

demonstrated performance' consistently
2.35 An interna onal consultant (BCG) was
was studied. Poten al to double volumes
engaged to prepare a Quan ta ve
of POL by replica ng BDP and reducing non
Benchmarking Module which covered the
working me and high costs of labour and
opera onal, financial, human resources
maintenance dredging across ports was
and efficiency related parameters for
also analyzed.
benchmarking of efficiency and
produc vity of Major Ports in India against INLAND WATER TRANSPORT (IWT)
interna onal standards and define Key
2.37 To create a country wide waterways
Performance Indicators for the ports and
network and to promote inland water
terminals. The study covered marine
transport in the country as an economical,
opera ons, stevedoring, je y opera ons,
environment friendly supplementary
vessel opera ons Yard performance, Labor
mode of transport to rail and road, 111
produc vity, Cargo storage (containers &
inland waterways (including 5 na onal
dry bulk only), rake opera ons (loading/
waterways declared earlier) were declared
u n l o a d i n g o f ra ke s ) , m a i nte n a n c e
as Na onal Waterways (NWs) by the
(Equipment up me and breakdowns),
Na onal Waterways Act, 2016. NW-1, 2, 3
Gate-In and Gate-out opera ons, safety,
are opera onal and vessels are plying on
customs and penetra on of IT.
these Na onal Waterways. Fairway
2.36 The benchmarking study focused on development works in Vijayawada –
iden fying how efficiently capacity is Muktyala stretch of river Krishna (Part of
u lized and underlying opera onal NW-4) have commenced.Development of
performance metrics across commodi es. NW-5 have been ini ated by hydrographic
The low berth produc vity and crane surveys and engineering studies through
produc vity across container terminals at consultants. Offices have been established
Major Ports along with poten al to drive on NW-1 to 5.
15-20% higher volumes of coal across


Recent Ini a ves movements of bagged cement, mber

logs, fly ash, yellow peas, food products,
2.38 The major ini a ves for development of
stone-chips, silica sand etc. between
IWT in 2020-21 are produced below:
various Origin-Des na on pairs on NW-1.
Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP) on NW-1
New NWs
a) Government is implemen ng the Jal Marg
2.39 Based on the outcome of techno-economic
Vikas Project (JMVP) at an es mated cost
feasibility conducted for 106 new NWs, 36
o f R s . 5 3 6 9 . 1 8 c r. f o r c a p a c i t y
NWs have been found to be technically
augmenta on of naviga on on Na onal
viable and Detailed Project Reports (DPRs)
Waterway -1 (NW-1) on the Haldia –
have been prepared. Development
Varanasi stretch of Ganga-Bhagirathi-
ac vi es have been ini ated on 10 most
Hooghly River System with the technical
viable NWs viz., River Barak (NW-16), River
and financial assistance of the World Bank.
Gandak (NW-37), Waterways in Goa-NW-
The project is scheduled to be completed in
27- Cumberjua, NW-68- Mandovi, NW-
December 2023 as per loan agreement.
111- Zuari, Alappuzha - Ko ayam-
Projects worth Rs. 1800 crores (approx.)
Athirampuzha Canal (NW-9), River
have commenced on ground in a me
R u p n a raya n ( N W- 8 6 ) , S u n d e r b a n s
period of three years a er statutory
Waterways (NW-97), River Kosi (NW-58)
and River Ghagra (NW-40).
b) Under JMVP, construc on RCC Je y of
2.40 Considering the poten al waterways for
Mul -modal Terminal (MMT) at Sahibganj
development as per the categorisa on of
is completed and inaugurated by Hon’ble
A, B, C, the following Na onal Waterways
Prime Minister in September 2019. Works
are considered in the master plan prepared
of MMT Haldia and Naviga onal lock at
for development during the FY 2020-2025.
Farakkaare proceeding on schedule.
SFC memo prepared and submi ed to
c) From February 2017 to December, 2020, MoPS&W for considera on.
IWAI conducted eighteen successful pilot

Sl No. Waterway Name of Waterway State

1 Na onal Waterway-3 West Coast Canal Kerala
2 Na onal Waterway-4 Krishna - Godavari River Andhra Pradesh
3 Na onal Waterway -5 East Coast canal Odisha
4 Na onal Waterway- 8 Alapuzzha - Changanassery Kerala
5 Na onal Waterway-9 Alappuzha - Ko ayam - Kerala
Athirampuzha canal
6 Na onal Waterway-68 Mandovi River Goa


7 Na onal Waterway-111 Zuari River Goa

8 Na onal Waterway-27 Cumberjua River Goa
9 Na onal Waterway - 86 Rupnarayan River West Bengal
10 Na onal Waterway - 97 Sunderban River West Bengal
11 Na onal Waterway -57 Kopli River Assam
12 Na onal Waterway -52 Kali River Karnataka
13 Na onal Waterway -10 Amba River Maharashtra
14 Na onal Waterway - 44 Ichama River West Bengal

Interna onal Co-opera on SAGARMALA SECTOR

a) Bangladesh has allowed India use of its 2.41 The Sagarmala Programme is the flagship
Cha ogram and Mongla Ports for transit programme of the Ministry of Shipping to
m o v e m e n t o f o u r g o o d s t h ro u g h promote port-led development in the
waterways, rail, road or mul -modal country through harnessing India’s 7,500
transport in its territory for which a km long coastline, 14,500 km of poten ally
Standard Opera ng Procedure (SOP) was navigable waterways and strategic
signed by the two countries on 5.10.2019. loca on on key interna onal mari me
The alterna ve connec vity is expected to trade routes. The main vision of the
boost development of the North East Sagarmala Programme is to reduce
Region (NER) by increasing trade volumes logis cs cost for EXIM and domes c trade
and reducing logis c costs. Eight routes with minimal infrastructure investment.
are provided under the Agreement which
2.42 Under the Sagarmala Programme, 505
would enable access of NER via
projects at an es mated investment of
more than Rs. 3.59 Lac Crore have been
b) India and Nepal have agreed to include iden fied for implementa on upto 2035.
Inland Waterways connec vity as an Of these, 158 projects (Rs. 83,225 Crore)
addi onal mode of transport in the have been completed and 181 addi onal
Protocol to the Treaty of Transit. Three projects (Rs. 2 Lac Crore) have been
mul -modal routes for evacua on of cargo awarded and under implementa on.
have also been agreed by both countries. These projects are being implemented by
relevant Central Ministries, State
c) Phase-1 of Kaladan Mul modal Transit
Governments, Ports and other agencies
Transport Project in Myanmar completed
primarily through the private or PPP mode.
and Phase – 2 commenced by IWAI under
Ministry of External Affairs. 2.43 9 projects have been completed in year
2020;major projects completed are New


Rail Line from Haridaspur to Paradip, Deep whereas 24 projects are under
Dra Iron Ore Export Berth on BOT basis at implementa on which are expected to
Paradip port, Construc on of flyover near add capacity of 190 MTPA at Major and
North Gate Complex on container road in Non Major Ports of na on.
JNPT, Stage II expansion of Mirkawada
Fishing Harbour in Ratnagiri District in
Maharashtra, Extension of line No. 11 to 2.46 Shipping is an important indicator of, both,
1 5 to f u l l l e n gt h at R & D ya rd at commodity and services trade of any
Visakhapatnam Port and Construc on of country. It plays an important role in Indian
approach road to Kharwadeshwari je y in economy and share of sea borne trade to
state of Maharashtra. total foreign trade is 64.9%. India’s
shipping tonnage was only 0.19 Million
2.44 Under the budget head of Sagarmala, a
Gross Tonnage (GT) on the eve of
total of Rs. 1,976 Crore has been
independence. Indian shipping tonnage is
sanc oned and Rs. 1,246 Crore have
12.75 million G.T. as on December 31,
already been released for the
2019, with the public-sector Shipping
development and implementa on of 101
Corpora on of India Ltd. having (3.20
projects for a total project cost of Rs 5,917
million GT) having the largest share of
Crore. Out of which, Rs. 94.47 Crore has
been released during FY 2020-21.
2.47 As on December 31, 2019, 41.4% of the
2.45 There are 89 projects worth Rs. 44,014
Indian fleet was over 20 years of age and
Crore which are focused on increasing
12.6% in the age group of 16-20 years as
capacity at exis ng major and non-major
per Indian Shipping Sta s cs 2019 (Source
ports. Out of which, 44 projects have been
: Directorate General of Shipping).
completed adding capacity of 234 MTPA

Size and average age of the Indian fleet previous years

As on Number of GT DWT Increase (%)

vessels (In terms of GT)
31.12.2016 1301 11425049 17105292 8.7
31.12.2017 1371 12352441 18792107 8.1
31.12.2018 1400 12683450 19174627 2.7
31.12.2019 1429 12746362 19372122 0.5


Chapter - III


Hon’ble Prime Minister inaugura ng Ghogha-Hazira RoPax Service

Introduc on – Sagarmala Programme 3.2 Under the four project themes of

Sagarmala viz. port moderniza on,
3.1 Sagarmala Programme has now moved
connec vity enhancement, port led
from conceptualiza on and planning to
industrializa on and coastal community
the implementa on stage. As part of the
development, 505 projects have been
programme, the Na onal Perspec ve
iden fied at an es mated infrastructure
Plan has been prepared and was released
investment of Rs. 3.59 Lac Crore. Out of
on 14thApril 2016 at the maiden Mari me
these, 158 projects (worth Rs. 0.83 Lac
India Summit – 2016 by the Hon’ble Prime
Crore) have been completed and 181
projects (worth Rs. 2 Lac Crore) are
already under implementa on.


Summary of projects under Sagarmala Programme

S. No Project Theme Total Completed Under

Implementa on
# Project # Project # Project
Cost (Rs. Cr) Cost (Rs. Cr) Cost (Rs. Cr)
1 Port Moderniza on 211 85,486 87 25,301 57 20,131
2 Connec vity 200 1,49,043 43 11,155 82 1,05,672
3 Port Led 32 1,19,571 8 45,300 22 73,271
Industrializa on
4 Coastal Community 62 5,536 20 1,469 20 1,006
Total 505 3,59,635 158 83,225 181 2,00,079

3.3 As part of the Sagarmala, 101 projects i n M a h a ra s h t ra ( R s . 6 8 . 1 5 C r o r e

(worth Rs.5,917 Crore) have been sanc oned and Rs 61.65 Crore released),
sanc oned by the Ministry of Ports, Development of Fishing Harbour in
Shipping and Waterways at a cost of Juvvaladinne in SPSR Nellore District in the
Rs.1,976 Crore and total fund released is State of Andhra Pradesh (Rs.72 Crore
Rs.1,246 Crore ll December 2019. List of sanc oned and Rs 18.05 Crore released),
projects include various port and Construc on of Breakwater and Capital
connec vity infrastructure projects, Dredging at Cuddalore Port(Rs. 67.5 Crore
coastal berth projects, projects of fishing sanc oned and Rs 33.75 Crore released),
harbors, RoRo and Tourism Je es, etc. In addi on, Ministry has sanc oned
projects related to Cruise and Coastal the Na onal Mari me Heritage Complex
Tourisms, skill development and projects project at Lothal with es mated cost of Rs
related to technological centers. 478.9 Crore.
3.4 Some of thefunded projectsare unique 3.5 Hon’ble PM inaugurated and dedicated
and innova ve in nature such as RO-RO ROPAX Service between Ghogha and
Services Project at Mandwa (Rs. 66.56 Hazira on 8th November 2020 which is
Crore sanc oned and released), RO-RO projected to become gateway between
Services at Gogha-Dahej (Rs. 117 Crore Saurashtra and Southern regions of
sanc oned and Rs. 99.18 Crore released), Gujarat. This ferry service would reduce
Fishing harbour at Kulai in Karnataka the distance between Gogha and Hazira by
(Rs. 98.5 Crore sanc oned and Rs. 49.13 370 km. With 03 trips per day, it would
Crore released), Fishing Harbour at Karanja a n n u a l l y t ra n s p o r t a b o u t 0 5 l a c s


passengers, 80,000 passenger vehicles, Krishnapatnam Rail Company Limited

50,000 two wheelers and 30,000 trucks. (KRCL) and Haridaspur-Paradip Railway
Company Limited (HPRCL), government
3.6 The Sagarmala Development Company
m a j o r i t y- ow n e d S PVs , to i m p rove
Limited (SDCL) was incorporated on 31st
connec vity to Krishnapatnam Port and
August 2016, a er receiving Cabinet
Paradip Port respec vely. SDCL has also
approval on 20thJuly 2016, for providing
invested Rs. 70 Crore equity in 2 other
funding support to project SPVs and
projects. SDCL has taken over Indian Ports
residual projects under Sagarmala. SDCL
Global Limited (IPGL) in 2018-19 and
has iden fied a few SPVs for the purpose of
invested approx. Rs. 10 Crore for
equity investment in-line with Sagarmala
development and opera ons of Chabahar
objec ves.
Port in Iran.
3.7 SDCL has invested equity supportof
Rs.125 Crore and Rs.284.5 Crore in

Figure: New Rail line from Haridaspur to Paradip


Figure: Krishnapatnam-Obulavaripalli Railway Project - longest electrified tunnel in Indian Railways

Figure: Satellite Image of Chabahar Port, Iran


3.8 In addi on to above, SDCL is evalua ng 3.11 2 new port loca ons have been iden fied
another 11 projects for investment in for development of greenfieldports. One
coming years. List includes innova ve at Vadhavan (Maharashtra) and another at
projects such as Re-modelling Gateway of Western Dock at Paradip Port.Project of
India Radio Club Je y, Water-Taxi services Development of Port at Vadhavan
in Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai, approved by the Union Cabinet on 05
Ropeway services at Kanyakumari, etc. February 2020. Various studies are in
progress as compliance process for
Port Moderniza on & New Port Development
obtaining Environment Clearance from
3.9 As per the studies conducted under the MOEF&CC. Project of Western Dock at
Sagarmala Programme, it is expected that Paradip Port is under considera on of the
by 2025, cargo traffic at Indian ports will be Cabinet Commi ee on Economic Affairs.
approximately 2500 MMTPA while the
Port Connec vity Enhancement
current cargo handling capacity of Indian
ports is only 2406 MMTPA. A roadmap has 3.12 Indian Port Rail Corpora on Limited
been prepared for increasing the Indian (IPRCL) has taken up 31 projects worth Rs.
port capacity to 3000+ MMTPA by 2024 to 1,829 Crore. Out of these, 17 works worth
cater to the growing traffic. This includes Rs 364 Crore have been completed and 14
port opera onal efficiency improvement, works worth Rs 1,465 Crore are under
capacity expansion of exis ng ports and implementa on.
new port development. There are 211
3.13 54 rail connec vity projects (Rs. 71,650
projects worth Rs. 85,486 Crore of port
Crore) are being taken up by Ministry of
moderniza on. Out of which, 87 projects
Railways and 3 projects (Rs. 1,300 Crore)
worth Rs. 25,301 Crore have been
are taken up either in Non–Government
completed and 57 projects worth
Rail (NGR) or JVs. 25 projects (Rs. 1,941
Rs. 20,130 Crore are taken up for
Crore) are being taken up by major ports.
implementa on.
Out of the total 81 rail projects (Rs. 74,591
3.10 Under this pillar, there are 89 projects Crore), 26 projects (Rs. 7,132 Crore) have
worth Rs. 44,014 Crore which are focused already completed, 48 projects (Rs. 65,770
on increasing capacity at exis ng major Crore) are under implementa on and 7
and non-major ports. Out of which, 44 projects (Rs 1,689 Crore) are under various
projects have been completed, 24 projects stages of development.
are under implementa on and 21 projects
3.14 Total 88 road connec vity projects have
are under various stages of development.
been iden fied under Sagarmala by
Completed projects have added capacity
MoRTH, NHAI, State PWDs and Port Trusts.
of around 234 MTPA whereas projects
10 projects (Rs. 1,491 Crore) have been
under implementa on are expected to
completed, 20 projects (Rs. 19,912 Crore)
add capacity of around 190 MTPA at Indian
are under implementa on, 58 projects


(Rs. 22,179 Crore) are under various stages v e s s e l s fo r c o a s t a l m o v e m e n t o f

of development. EXIM/empty containers, agricultural and
h o r c u l t u re co m m o d i e s , a n i m a l
3.15 5 projects (Rs.7,720 Crore) undertaken by
husbandry products and farm produce and
MoRTH. Of which, 3 projects are under
fer lizers. Cabotage has been relaxed for 5
implementa on. 62 projects are
years for specialized vessels (RO-RO, RO-
undertaken by NHAI, of which, 3 projects
(Rs.217 Crore) have been completed, 10
projects (Rs.11,793 Crore) are under 3.17 The scope of the Coastal Berth Scheme has
implementa on. 16 projects are been extended up to March 2021. A total
undertaken by Port Trusts, out of which, 4 of 39 projects (Rs. 1,569 Crore) have been
projects (Rs.146 Crore) have been taken up for financial assistance under this
completed and 6 projects (Rs.739 Crore) scheme. These projects have been
are under implementa on. 5 projects are sanc oned for total financial assistance of
undertaken by State PWDs, out of which, 2 Rs. 636.7 Crore and Rs. 367.34 Crore has
projects (Rs.828 Crore) completed, been released to Major Ports/State
1projectsis under implementa on. Out of Mari me Boards/State Governments.
the total 88 road connec vity projects, 59
3.18 Coastal shipping traffic has picked up
projects (Rs.19,332 Crore) are proposed to
grown since 2015-16. Coastal shipping has
be implemented under Bharatmala
registered growth at CAGR of 10.04% from
2015-16 to 2019-20. At the start of
3.16 To promote Coastal Shipping, Ministry of Sagarmala Programme coastal cargo was
Ports, Shipping and Waterways has taken ~83 MTPA while in 2019-20 this has grown
number of steps facilita ng trade. Some of to 122 MTPA%. Further with the policy and
these are implemen ng a Coastal Berth infrastructure interven ons, it is expected
Scheme , relaxa on u/s 406/407 for easier to reach 200 MT by FY 2024-25.
licensing requirement for chartering

Figure: Trend of Coastal Shipping in India (in MTPA)


3.19 The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and steps/ac ons on possible resolu ons in
Waterways has partnered with Asian coordina on with respec ve ministries,
Development Bank (ADB) for carrying out state government, and authori es of
coastal shipping study for development of major and non-major ports.
perspec ve plan for transport of various
Port-Linked Industrializa on
commodi es through coastal route. The
core objec ve of this study is to iden fy 3.20 Based on availability of land with the
key issues impac ng coastal shipping and Major Ports, Ministry of Ports, Shipping
developing solu ons to address these and Waterways is developing various
issues in order to make coastal shipping a industrial zones. SEZ at JNPT (Rs. 12,554
more prominent mode of transport in Crore), Smart Industrial Port Ci es (SIPC) at
India’s domes c logis cs. The study Paradip (Rs. 7,600 Crore) & Kandla (Rs.
reported significant growth in coastal 11,147 Crore) are under implementa on.
shipping for various commodi es and The Coastal Employment Units (CEUs)
projects around 340 MTPA by 2025 at VoCPT (Rs. 500 Crore) is under
including short sea shipping with development.
neighboring countries basis and has made 3.21 As a part of SIPC project at Paradip Port,
recommenda ons on necessary land measuring 700 acres is being
interven ons. Ministry of Ports, Shipping developed for the purpose of
and Waterways is taking necessary industrializa on. Some of the land has

Figure: Layout of Smart Industrial Port City at Paradip


already been allo ed to units for Crore has been allocated under Sagarmala
development of MMLP, Plas c Park, Pellet for coastal community development
Plant, Tanking Facili es, LPG Handling, etc. ac vi es.
Wood Park, Food Processing and Steel
3.23 On the skill development front, skill gap
Plant are at auc on stage. Deendayal Port
study of 21 coastal districts(spread across
is developing SIPC on1430 acre at two
9 states and 3 UTs), has been completed
green field sites: Loca on 1 will be a 580
and domain ministries & concerned state
acre Smart urban township and Loca on 2
gove r n m e nt s h ave b e e n a s ke d to
will be 850 acre Modern industrial zone.
implement the district ac on plans. In
Both loca ons will have residen al area,
addi on, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
commercial area, public & semi-public
Waterways is funding skill development
area, green & recrea onal area, trucking &
under Sagarmala-DDU-GKY Convergence
parking space and area for u li es/
programme for port and mari me sector.
Training centreswere opera onalized in
Coastal Community Development Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
and funds have also been released to
3.22 Coastal community development is an
Maharashtra, Gujarat and West Bengal.
important objec ve of the Sagarmala
The Ministry has also signed MoU with
Programme. In this regard, Ministry of
Ministry of Skill Development and
Ports, Shipping and Waterways is taking up
Entrepreneurship and Ministry of Rural
a number of ini a ves/projects in the
Development for convergence in Skill
areas of coastal community skill
development efforts.
development and development of
fishermen community. A budget of Rs. 100

Figure: Skill development undertaken by MoPSW in convergence with MoRD


3.24 Centre of Excellence in Mari me and from private sector. The total project cost
Shipbuilding (CEMS), a first of its kind in is Rs. 766 Crore and the Ministry of Ports,
Asia with two campuses with 24 Shipping and Waterways has sanc oned
laboratories in total (6 laboratories in IRS Rs. 50.07 Crore towards se ng of the
Mumbai and 18 in Indian Mari me CEMS. CEMS is equipping students with
University campus in Vishakhapatnam) employable engineering and technical
has been setup. CEMS will provide 50 skills in the areas of Ship Hull Design, Ship
courses across 18 specializa ons; covering Detailed Design, Shipbuilding &
770 modules out of which 270 will be tools Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO),
and algorithm-based courses while 500 Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and
will be process and sector based. It can advanced digital manufacturing-factory
train 10,512 students and runs on a Hub concepts.
and Spoke Model with majority funding

3.25 Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways related to ports, waterways and coasts in
has set up the Na onal Technology Centre the country. The project cost of Rs 70.53
fo r Po r t s , Wa te r way s a n d C o a st s Crore is being shared by MoS, IWAI and the
(NTCPWC), at IIT Madras to provide Major Ports. NTCPWC is working as the
innova ve and applied research-based technology arm of the Ministry.
engineering solu ons to various issues


3.26 A Centre for Inland and Coastal Mari me Crore and it is funded by Ministry of Ports,
Technology (CICMT) at IIT Kharagpur has Shipping and Waterways.
been set up to serve as the technology arm
3.27 Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
is also funding the Occupa onal Health
Waterways to provide research, tes ng
and Safety training project for workers at
and experimenta on facility to IWAI, CSL
Alang-Sosiya Shipyard. Since 2017 around
and major ports. MoU between IIT,
23,000 workers have been trained at
Kharagpur & Ministry of Ports, Shipping
Alang. In addi on to this, a specialized
and Waterways for CICMT signed in July
hospital is now opera onal in Alang. This
2019 and MoU between CICMT and DST
will ensure immediate response and care
Germany was signed during the bilateral
to the workers in the yards, par cularly for
visit of Chancellor, Germany in November
orthopedic and burn injuries.
2020. The cost of the project is Rs.69.20

Figure: Hon’ble Minister of State launched ‘Indigenous So ware Solu on for

VTS and VTMS’ developed by NTCPWC


Figure: Occupa onal health and safety training undertaken at Alang-Sosiya shipyard

3.28 Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways opera onal in JNPT, Chennai Port and
is se ng up Mul -skill Development Visakhapatnam Port. Opera onaliza on
Centres (MSDC) in major ports to meet the process is underway in New Mangalore
skills requirement in the ports in the Port.
logis cs, cruise tourism etc. MSDC is now

Figure: MSDC building at JNPT


Na onal Master Plan terminals to handle specific type of

commodi es which includes, coal,
3.30 DPIIT / NICDC have been given the
containers, fer lizers, cement, general
mandate to prepare the Na onal Master
cargo, etc.
P l a n ( N M P ) w i t h Eco n o m i c Zo n e s
integrated with mul modal connec vity 3.32 There are 101 projects (cost: Rs.62,572
network at a na onal level. In this regard, Crore) iden fied for implementa on by
MoPSW prepared Na onal Master Plan for 2024 and considered part of Na onal
mari me sector covering development of Master Plan (NMP). Of which, 56 projects
new ports, actual and expected growth in are being implemented at major ports and
cargo traffic, expected expenditure and remaining 45 are being implemented at
port led industrializa on on land available non-major ports by central government /
with Indian ports. state government / private en es. There
are 51 projects worth Rs.52,956 Crore
3.31 By 2024, cargo traffic at Indian ports is
which are being implemented on PPP
expected to be around 1,750 MMTPA.
basis. Other than those, there are 50
Considering ~60% of u liza on, capacity of
projects worth Rs.9,616 Crore which are
Indian ports needs to be targeted around
being implemented on EPC mode.
3,000 MMTPA. Roadmap for achieving
target includes port opera onal efficiency Poten al Impact
improvement, capacity expansion of
3.30 The projects iden fied under Sagarmala
exis ng ports and new ports development.
Programme are expected to mobilize more
It also includes development of dedicated
than Rs. 3.59 Lac Crore of infrastructure

Figure: Crea ve on Ghogha-Hazira RoPax Service in Gujarat


investment; double the share of domes c For example, at JNPT, dwell me for import
waterways (inland & coastal) in the modal container evacuated by road has reduced
mix, generate logis c cost savings, boost from 50.82 hours in 2017-18 to 20.4 hours
merchandize exports and enable crea on in 2019-20.
of new jobs, including both direct and
3.32 Road and rail projects planned and
completed ll date have resulted in
3.31 Ini a ves under Sagarmala have helped in smoother and more efficient cargo
increasing / unlocking capacity ports, thus movement, thereby reducing logis cs
resul ng in lower turn-around me, lower costs. Fishing harbour projects as well as
dwell me and reduc on in logis cs costs. skill development ini a ves have resulted
Average Vessel Turn Around Time (TRT) of in enhancing the income opportuni es for
ships at Major Ports have been reduced coastal communi es. Projects of RoPax
from 82 hours in 2015-16 to 61 hours in ferry services reduce travel me between
2019-20 with increase in Average Ship two loca ons enabling swi change of
Berthday Output(gross tonnage) from mode of transport from Road and Rail to
13,156 MT to 16,433 MT in the same Waterways. RoRo and RoPax services will
period. Average Vessel Turn Around Time help in reducing CO2 emissionwith huge
for Container Vessels have reduced from savings on fuel. These projects would also
44.64 hours in 2015-16 to 32 hours in open new avenues in coastal shipping &
2019-20. Dwell Time for import and export tourism and help in socio-economic
containers have also significantly reduced. welfare in its vicinity.


Chapter - IV


4.1 Ports provide an interface between the ocean transport and land-based transport. There are 12
Major Ports in India out of which 6 are located on the East Coast and 6 on the West Coast.


MAJOR PORTS IN INDIA Tonnes (MT) in 2019-20. SMP Kolkata

handled 43.211 Million Tonnes (KDS:
10.615 MT and HDC: 32.596 MT) during
4.2 Kolkata Port is the only riverine major port April-December 2020-21.
in India having an existence of 150 years. It
Notable achievements during the year
has a vast hinterland comprising the en re
Eastern India including West Bengal, Bihar, a) SMP, Kolkata took a vibrant part in the
Jharkhand, U ar Pardesh, Madhya opening year of its sesquicentennial
Pardesh, Assam, North East Hill States and Celebra ons. The Hon’ble Prime Minister
t h e t wo l a n d l o c ke d n e i g h b o u r i n g of India, Hon'ble Union Minister of Ports,
countries namely, Nepal and Bhutan. The Shipping & Waterways (IC), in presence of
port has twin dock systems viz. Kolkata other dignitaries, graced the occasion on
dock System (KDS) on the eastern bank and 11.01.2020 at a curtain raiser event at
Haldia Dock Complex (HDC) on the Millennium Park where Dynamic Light &
western bank of river Hooghly. Sound Show of Rabindra Setu (popularly
known as Howrah Bridge) was launched
4.3 SMP, Kolkata handled highest volume of
with its history showcased through a
traffic of 63.983 Million Tonnes (MT) in
spectacular water screen projec on. This
2019-20. While KDS handled traffic of
was followed by laying of Founda on
17.303 Million Tonnes (MT), HDC recorded
Stone of an installa on commemora ng
the highest ever traffic of 46.680 Million
150 years of the port.


PARADIP PORT Notable achievements during the year

4.4 Paradip Port is one of the major ports in a) In spite of the obstacles due to the Covid-
India. Government of India took over the 19 pandemic situa on, could post 25.73
management of the port from the State Million tonnes of Cargo handling mark and
Government on 1st June, 1965, and moved in to No. 1 spot among all the Major
declared Paradip Port Trust (PPT) as the Ports in the Country during First Quarter
eighth major port in India on 18th April, (i.e. April – June) in the Current fiscal.
1966 making it the first major port in the
b) PPT achievedall Time Record unloading of
East Coast commissioned in independent
39 Rakes and becomes #1 unloading
India. Paradip Port is situated 210 nau cal
Terminal of Indian Railways. Along with
miles south of Kolkata and 260 nau cal
this MCHP also clocked record unloading
miles north of Visakhapatnam at La tude
of 26 Rakes on 17.04.2020.
20 – 15’58.63 N and Longitude 86’ – 40-
27”.34 E. c) A er undergoing renova on, EQ3 berth
received its first Baby Cape vessel MV
4.5 The Port handled 82.44 Million Tonnes
ANGLO JESSICA with LOA - 255 Mtr. and
(MT) of traffic in 2020-21 (upto December,
95,000 MT Iron Ore(con) cargo on 05th
2020). The port has Seventeen (17)
November’ 2020.
berths/je es + Three (3) SPMs& One (1)
Ro-Ro Je y) for handling different types of d) New Iron Ore Export Berth of Capacity 10
cargoes with an effec ve Rated capacity of MTPA, developed on BOT basis by M/s.
259.50 MTPA and Desired capacity of JSW, is opera onal since November’ 2019.
182.25 MTPA.


In the current fiscal, ll December’ 2020, of 25.79 million tonnes during the year
about 5.86 Million tonnes of Iron ore / Iron 2020-21 (upto December 2020). NMPT has
Ore pellet traffic has been handled plans for development of one more deep
through the Terminal. dra mul purpose general cargo berth
(Berth No.17) adjacent to the exis ng
e) The Cabinet Commi ee on Economic
berth no.8 for handling general break bulk
Affairs chaired by Hon’ble Prime Minister
cargo and Ro-Ro consignments.
Shri Narendra Modi has approved the
project 'Deepening and Op miza on of Notable achievements during the year
Inner Harbour Facili es including
a) The Port has streamlined delivery of
Development of Western Dock on Build,
bulk/coastal cargo by permi ng the C&F
Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis under
agents to take alongside delivery of cargo
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode to
which has significantly contributed to
handle cape size vessels at Paradip Port'.
reduce TRT of Truck/Trailer movement,
The proposed project envisages
fuel and manpower requirement. In
Construc on of Western Dock Basin with
addi on to the above, this has also helped
facili es to handle Cape Size vessels by the
to minimize the documenta on for hassle-
selected BOT Concessionaire with an
free clearing of cargo from the Port. For
ul mate capacity of 25 MTPA (Million
the first me in the history of the port, a
tonnes per annum) in two phases of 12.50
record dispatch of 4036 metric tonnes of
MTPA each. PPT issued a Global Tender
Fer lizer from the Port was achieved in a
for the project of “Deepening and
single day on 03.11.2020 as a result of the
Op miza on of Inner Harbour Facili es
above step taken by the Port.
including Development of Western Dock
on Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis b) Due to water harves ng to the fullest
under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) extent, NMPT has become self-sufficient in
mode to handle cape size vessels at water supply for the first me in port
Paradip Port”. PPT has invited applica ons history.
from the interested par es in accordance c) The Port has reached the milestone of
with the qualifica ons (RFQ). 100% solarisa on by genera ng the full
NEW MANGALORE PORT amount of energy required for port
opera ons through the solar panels. The
4.6 New Mangalore Port was declared as the
port has established a solar power plant
9th Major Port on 4th May 1974 and was
(ground as well roof mounted facili es)
formally inaugurated on 11th January
with a total of 5.19 MW/annum power
1975. The Port has 16 berths and 1 SPM
genera on capaci es in the previous years
(Single Point Mooring) with a rated
as part of its efforts to contribute towards a
capacity of 112.51 MTPA. It handled traffic
green environment.


NMPT has achieved 100% Solarisa on

COCHIN PORT and the Far East and Australia can a ract a
large number of container lines offering
4.7 The modern Port of Cochin was developed
immense business opportuni es.
during the period 1920-1940 due to the
un ring efforts of Sir Robert Bristow. The 4.8 Cochin Port has 21 Berths including 1 SPM
port of Cochin is located on the Willington with an effec ve rated capacity of 73.67
Island at La tude 9’58” North and 76’14’ MTPA. The Port handled 34.04 Million
East on the South-West coast of India tonnes cargo traffic during 2019-20. The
about 930 KM south of Mumbai and 320 cargo handled by the port includes POL,
KM North of Kanyakumari. With its Iron Ore, Fer lizers, Fer lizer Raw Material
strategic loca on on the South-West Coast (Dry) and others.
of India and at a commanding posi on at
4.9 C o c h i n Po r t r e g i s t e r e d t h e t o t a l
the cross roads of the East-West Ocean
throughput of 21.39 MMT in 2020-21 (Apr-
trade, the port is a natural gateway to the
Dec), a decline of 14.44% over the same
vast industrial and agricultural produce
period of 2019-20. POL throughput
markets of the South-West India. The
registered 12.37 MMT, a decline of 24.44%
hinterland of the Port includes the whole
over the corresponding period of 2019-20.
of Kerala State and parts of Tamil Nadu and
Containers that exhibited a recovery trend
Karnataka States. A study carried out on
in the past few months reached the
the traffic flow in the hinterland of the Port
throughput of 4.78 lakh TEUs in 2020-21
indicates that about 97% of the total
(Apr-Dec), registering the growth of 2.51%
volume of traffic is accounted for by Kerala
over the corresponding period of 2019-20.
State. Cochin with its proximity to the
Significantly, Cochin Port has recorded the
interna onal sea route between Europe
highest ever monthly throughput of 3.20


MMT in December, 2020, a growth of have been distributed among port

10.55% over December, 2019. Also, the employees and trade communi es
ICTT has crossed 60,000 TEUs associated with port opera on. In the
consecu vely in the past four months, Cochin Port Trust Hospital top floor of new
embarking on a new growth trajectory. block is kept ready as isola on ward with
10 rooms. All suspected cases with history
Notable achievements during the year
of travel are being sent to District
a) The Port achieved an all me high cargo Hospital/approved lab for swab test and
throughput of 34.04 million metric tonnes then to Medical college if found posi ve.
during the year 2019-20 recording an Other suspected cases are advised strict
impressive growth of 6.31% over 2018-19. home quaran ne. Regarding passengers
Container traffic grew by 4.20% during the coming to Cochin Port, the details are
same period. being sent essen al employees are posted
b) As part of Samudra Setu Opera ons, CoPT for day today ac vi es of port, and
facilitated berthing of three Indian Navy arrangements made for others to work
Ships carrying 698, 202 and 568 evacuees from home.
from Maldives on 10.05.2020, 12.05.2020 e) MoU between MPEDA & CoPT for taking
and 17.05.2020 respec vely. CoPT up the project “ Modernisa on of Kochi
extended support to District Admini- Fisheries harbor” at a cost of Rs. 140 cr.
stra on for the smooth opera on of the has been executed on 28/09/2020.
c) Cargo Ferry Service was inaugurated
4.10 Constructed in the mid 1980’s and
between India & Maldives, at Cochin Port
commissioned on 26th May, 1989,
Trust on 22-09-2020.
Jawaharlal Nehru Port has come a long way
d) Cochin Port Trust offices func oned during by becoming a world-class interna onal
February & March abiding by the container handling port. It is situated in
Government of India instruc ons to between 18 56’43” North and 72 56’24”
contain the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. East along the eastern shore of Mumbai
As per the Ministry's direc on all the harbour off Elephanta Island.
foreign cruise calls have been cancelled ll
4.11 Jawaharlal Nehru Port is an all-weather
31-03-2020 and all the SOPs to handle
dal Port having 15 berths with an
interna onal cruise ships are being
effec ve rated capacity of 118.00 MTPA.
followed further, Cochin Port has cancelled
The Port handled a Traffic of 44.74 Million
the proposed bunkering conference
Tonnes during 2020-21 (upto December-
scheduled to be held on 13-03-2020. In
2020) of which containersied cargo
order to minimize the impact of this
account for 39.86 Million tons shich is
disease, an awareness campaign has been
89.09% of total traffic . The port has 5fully
organized by Port hospital and leaflets


automated Container Terminals with a accommoda on to meet the normal needs

total container handling capacity of of ships using the port. The port provides
7.7Million TEUs, a Liquid Terminal of 7.2 services/facili es from pilotage to
Million Tons capacity and a shallow water berthing, storage to delivery of cargo and
berth having capacity of 4.5Million tons ancillary services of running Container
for handling container,break bulk ,dry bulk Freight Sta on (CFS), Port Railways as also
and liquid cargo . Four of the Container maintenance of cra s, equipment and
Terminals are opera ng in PPP format in building.
partnership with major global terminal
4.14 The port has 32 berths (including OCT)
operators, namely, DP World (2 terminals),
with an effec ve rated capacity of 77.85
AP Moler Terminals (APM terminals), and
MTPA. The port handled traffic of 38.03
Port of Singapore Authority (PSA).A new
million tonnes during 2020-21 (upto
Container Terminal ,Bharat Mumbai
December, 2020). The major cargo
Container Terminal Pvt. Ltd. (BMCTPL),
commodity handled is POL (64.38 % of the
SPV of Port of Singapore (PSA) with a total
total traffic).
capacity of 60 million tonnes (4.8 million
TEUs)was commissioned for opera ons Notable achievements during the year
under Phase -1 (2.4 million TEUS) on 18th a) Union Ministry of Ports, Shipping &
February 2018. Phase-II(2.4 million TEUs) Waterways and Mumbai Port Trust in
is expected to start in 2026. associa on with Maharashtra Mari me
MUMBAI PORT Board, Government of Maharashtra
conceived a project of Ro-Pax service
4.12 Mumbai Port is the second oldest Major
between Mumbai and Mandwa in 2016.
Port in India a er Kolkata. The port has
The Ro-Pax service between Mumbai and
long been the principal gateway of India.
M a n d wa fi n a l l y co m m e n c e d f ro m
Strategic loca on is one factor in its special
15.3.2020. The ferry service reduced the
favour. It lies midway along the West Coast
me taken from Mumbai to Mandwa from
of India and is gi ed with a natural deep-
4 hrs. 15 minutes to nearly 45 minutes and
water harbour of 400 Sq. Kms. protected
the distance from 110 kms. to nearly 18
by mainland of Konkan on its east and
kms. The facility will help in a big way to
island of Mumbai on its west. The deep
reduce the traffic conges on on the
waters in the harbour provide secure and
Mumbai-Goa highway, save cost of fuel
ample shelter for shipping throughout the
consump on, reduce the carbon emission
to a large extend and will bring the
4.13 Originally a general cargo port, today adjoining areas of Mandwa and Alibaug
Mumbai Port is mul -purpose ports closer to the city of Mumbai. The Ro-Pax
handling all types of cargo viz break bulk, service will be opera onal during
dry bulk, liquid bulk and containers. The monsoon also.
port has extensive wet and dry dock


Shri MansukhMandaviya, Hon’ble Minister for Ports, Shipping & Waterways inspec ng the Ro-Pax
Ferry M2M along with Shri Sanjay Bha a, IAS, Chairman Mumbai Port Trust on 15.3.2020

Ro-Pax (Mumbai-Mandwa) Passenger Ferry was launched on 15.3.2020


KAMARAJAR PORT LIMITED (ENNORE) pride for Kamarajar Port that m.v. MSC
Faith having capacity of 14,336 TEUs called
4.15 Kamarajar Port Limited (KPL), the 12th
on Kamarajar Port on 11th November,
Major Port under the Ministry of Shipping
2020. This is the largest transshipment
was commissioned in 2001, primarily as a
vessel that has ever called on any East
Coal Port dedicated to handling Thermal
Coast Port of India.
C o a l re q u i re m e nt s o f Ta m i l N a d u
Electricity Board (TNEB). KPL has the c) Kamarajar Port handled the highest
dis nc on of being the only corporate port Container volume of 28,040 TEU’s in
amongst the Major Ports administered by December 2020 comprising of 10,842
the Central Government. The Port is TEU’s of Transhipment. This is in line with
func oning on landlord model with cargo the ini a ves taken by the Ministry to
handling opera ons either through BOT or a ract transshipment vessels to Indian
cap ve models. As a part of disinvestment Ports from Ports like Colombo, Singapore,
process, the en re Government of India Jebel Ali, etc.
shares have been transferred to Chennai
Port Trust on 27.03.2020. KPL has become
a subsidiary of Chennai Port Trust. 4.17 Chennai Port is an all weather ar ficial
harbour with one Outer Harbour and one
4.16 Over the years, the port, which was
Inner Harbour with a wet Dock and a Boat
primarily handling coal at ini al stage, has
Basin with round the clock naviga on
developed as a mul cargo port and now
facili es. The Port was established in 1875
has seven berths with handling capacity of
located at 130 06’ N la tude and 800 18’ E-
54.44 MTPA for handling coal, POL, LPG,
longitudes on the Bay of Bengal.
LNG, automobile units, Containers and
general cargoes. The Port handled traffic of 4.18 Chennai Port has 24 berths with an
17.19 MT during FY 2020-21 (upto effec ve rated capacity of 134.6 MTPA.
December) Chennai Port handled a cargo tonnage of
46.76 million tonnes during 2019–2020 as
Notable achievements during the year
against 53.01 MMT handled during the
a) The Hon’ble Minister of Home Affairs, corresponding period of last year. During
Government of India, laid the founda on the current year, tonnage handled upto
stone on 21.11.2020 for IOCL Cap ve Je y December 2020 is 30.50 million tonnes,
o f 3 M T PA c a p a c i t y i n v o l v i n g a n which comprises of 19.46 million tonnes of
investment of Rs 921 Crores for handling of Imports, 11.04 million tonnes of Exports.
POL and LPG cargo at KPL. 1,383,971 TEUs of containers were
handled, whereas in the previous year
b) Kamarajar Port got an opportunity to
1,619,857 TEUs were handled. The cargo
a ract the Transshipment Container cargo
tonnage handled in containers has been
due to delays encountered by the Shipping
26,710,640 and 31,263,240 tonnes
Lines in Colombo Port. It is a ma er of


respec vely during 2019–2020 and d) Chennai Port has achieved another record
2018–2019. During the current year in handling highest parcel size of 56994
2020–2021, 959,645 TEUs with a cargo of Tonnes of Export Steel on 26.06.2020
18.52 million tonnes have been handled through m.v. Qing Ping Shan (sailing under
upto December 2020. The total number of Hongkong flag) surpassing the previous
vessels called at the Port including record of 49,977 Tonnes of Steel parcel
Government vessels during 2019–2020 handled on 06.06.2020 through m.v.
were 2295 and the same for 2018–2019 Intrepid.
being 2479. This year upto December
2020, 1381 vessels called at the Port.
4.19 Mormugao Port, situated on the west
Notable achievements during the year
coast of India, is more than a century old
a) Chennai Port has achieved another record port. It has modern infrastructure capable
in handling highest parcel size of 49,977 of handling a wide variety of cargo. It is a
Tonnes of Steel on 06.06.2020 through natural harbour protected by a breakwater
m.v. Intrepid surpassing the previous and also by a mole. The Port has an
record of 41,648 Tonnes handled by m.v. approach channel of depth -14.4 Meters.
Sea Champion on 16.12.2017. which is presently being deepened to -
19.80 mts. The exis ng rail and road
b) M.T. BRITISH LISTENER a LNG Tanker Vessel
connec vity provides seamless logis c
with 115366 GRT, LOA of 294.90m arrived
network to the rest of the Country. There
from Singapore to Chennai Port Anchorage
is a modern Vessel Traffic Management
on 12.06.2020 carried out Sign ON/OFF by
System installed for providing reliable
disembarking 22 Indian Crew and
modern services. The exis ng VTMS
embarking 24 Indian Crew, following the
system is being replaced with new System.
Standard Opera ng Procedures issued for
Sign ON/OFF during the pandemic period. 4.20 The Port has 9 opera ng berths viz. 6
The vessel sailed on 15.06.2020 for Port of mooring dolphins for handling bulk cargo.
Yeosu, South Korea. The effec ve rated capacity of the port is
62.50 MTPA. There is a dedicated cruise
c) Chennai Port has set another landmark
berth and a berth for the use of Navy and
achievement by handling 1,14,000 Tonnes
Coast Guard.The port handled a traffic of
of Crude Oil on 21.06.2020, from the
14.53 MT during the year 2020-21 (up to
vessel M.T. MOUNT FUJI carrying 1,32,007
December, 2020). The project rela ng to
Tonnes through the 42” diameter pipeline
redevelopment of Beth no.9 and three
from Bharathi Dock (BD-III) to CPCL
Je es for handling of mul cargo with
refinery in Manali. The above achievement
mechanized system will be awarded on
surpasses the previous record of 1,13,000
PPP basis. Replacement of exis ng Fenders
Tonnes discharged from the vessel M.T.
with SCN (Reverse) type Cone fenders at
SIKINOS at BD- III on 01.06.2019.


exis ng Cruise Berth was completed in community and efficient human resource,
December2020.The project rela ng to the Port which is in close proximity to the
improvement of facili es for embarking Main line sea route and excellent rail &
and de-embarking of the Cruise road connec vity has been the harbinger
passengers was completed and of socio-economic development of the
commissioned on 21.02.2020 southern Tamilnadu region.
V.O. CHIDAMBARANAR PORT Notable achievements during the year
4.21 V.O.Chidambaranar Port, the 10thmajor a) On 26.05.2020, V.O. Chidambaranar Port
Port of India is situated 540 kms. South handled a windblade of length 72.40
West of Chennai. As a gateway Port with 15 metres, the longest of its kind made in
berths, dra ranging from 8.60 metres to India. The German flagged heavy li vessel
14.20 metres is equipped to handle a wide ‘M.V Maria’ with LOA of 151.67 metres &
spectrum of Container, Dry, Liquid and Dra of 8.50 metres was berthed at VOC-II
Break bulk Cargoes. berth at 1324 Hrs on 26.05.2020 for
loading the windblade. The loading of the
The present effec ve rated capacity of the
windblade was executed diligently using 3
Port is 111.46 Million Tonnes and it
Ship’s Hydraulic cranes. The Windblade
handled 23.60 MT of cargo and 5.34 Lakh
was transited by M/s. NTC Logis cs India
TEUs of Containers during the year 2020-
(P) Limited, using specialized windblade
21 (upto December, 2020).
transporta on truck all the way from
4.22 Aided by the state of the art infrastructure, Mappedu near Chennai to Tu corin.
dedicated terminal operators, Port user

Windblade being loaded into the Ship ‘M.V Maria’ using Ship’s hydraulic

b) On 12.06.2020, V.O.Chidambaranar Port tonnes), Oil Cake (4000 tonnes), Caus c

created a new record by handling 1,89,395 Soda Lye (2241 tonnes) and Containerized
Tonnes of Cargo in a single day on Cargoes (70,254 tonnes / 3903 TEUs ).
12.06.2020 surpassing the earlier single
c) On 19.06.2020, Port created a record by
day record of 1,80,597 Tonnes on
unloading 55,785 Tonnes of Coal in 24
26.07.2019. The major cargoes that
hours at Berth No.9 from the vessel ‘M.V.
contributed to the achievement are
Myrsini’, surpassing the earlier record of
Industrial Coal (53,077 tonnes), Thermal
55,363 Tonnes of Coal handled at Berth
Coal (45,829 tonnes), Clinkers (13,217
No.9 from the vessel ‘MV. Green K Max S’.

Coal being discharged from the vessel ‘M.V. Myrsini’ using Harbour Mobile

d) As a part of world’s largest evacua on under the ‘Vande Bharat’ Mission, was
mission by Indian Navy to repatriate the carried out through V.O. Chidambaranar
stranded Indian na onals abroad, Port on 4 occasions.
‘Samudra Setu’ – (meaning ‘Sea Bridge’)


No. Date Name of the Ship Country Repatriated Indians

1 02.06.2020 INS Jalashwa Srilanka 686

2 07.06.2020 INS Jalashwa Maldives 700

3 23.06.2020 INS Airavat Maldives 198

4 01.07.2020 INS Jalashwa Iran 687

TOTAL 2271

Passengers disembarking from the Indian Navy Ship ‘Jalashwa’ at V.O. Chidambaranar Port, Tu corinF

DEENDAYAL PORT (KANDLA) December, 2020). The cargo handled

comprises POL, Iron Ore, Fer lizers, Coal
4.23 Deendayal Port (erstwhile Kandla Port)
(Thermal/coking) etc.
was established in the year 1950 as a
Central Government Project and Union Notable achievements during the year
Government took over Kandla for its
(a) On 03rd April, 2020, Shri Nandeesh Shukla,
development as a Major Port. Kandla Port
IRTS, Dy.Chairman DPT, handed over 02
has 34 berths including SPM, Oil Je es and
Ven lators @ cost of Rs 11 lakhs, to Taluka
Dry Cargo with an op mumre-rated
Health Officer of State Govt, to combat
capacity of 261.10 MTPA. The port handled
COVID-19. Port administra on under
84.37 MMT of traffic during 2020-21 (upto
guidance of Shri S.K.Mehta, IFS, Chairman,


has taken this noble decision for dona on 200,000 DWT with a dra upto 18.10
under CSR Fund. meters. Port of Visakhapatnam has the
dis nc on of possessing Supercape
handling facility and the deepest container
4.24 The Port of Visakhapatnam, located terminal among Major Ports of India.
almost midway between Kolkata and
Important Projects completed
Chennai on the East Coast of India at
la tude 17041’ and longitude 83017’ was 4.26 Construc on of grade separator from H-7
opened to ocean traffic on 7th October, area to Port connec vity road bypassing
1933 and has been serving a vast convent junc on with an es mated cost of
hinterland since then. Capacity of the Port 59.91 Crores completed on 31.07.2020.
as on 31.12.2020 is126.89 Million tonnes.
Notable achievements during the year
4.25 The Port has a total of 26 berths and one
a) Environment command Control Centre
SPM for cargo handling. The inner harbour
was inaugurated at A.O.B premises on the
has 20 berths and the outer harbour has 6
event of World Environment Day on 5th
berths and an SPM. The inner harbour can
June, 2020 by Shri K.Rama Mohan Rao, IAS,
accommodate fully laden Panamax vessels
Chairman/VPT to exclusively monitor
of dra up to 14.5 meters and the outer
environmental issues and maintain
harbour can accommodate vessels of


pollu on free environment in the Port Inner Harbour.

d) For the first me a NALCO tanker
b) Shri K. Rama Mohan Rao, IAS, Chairman/ M.V.Chembulk Yokohama berthed at WQ4
VPT has inaugurated the Covid Care Centre on 4thNovember, 2020 for discharging
(CCC) with 63 bed capacity for VPT cargo by using newly laid underground
employees at Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium Caus c soda pipeline.
on 12th August, 2020 with all medical
e) IRQS Audit team in the Surveillance Audit -
facili es.
2 recommended VPT for upgrada on of
c) On 31st November, 2020 Vessel M.V. Oslo OSHAS to ISO 45001 – 2018 and accredited
with 38 mtrs. Beam carrying Steam coal cer fica on from 11.11.2020 to
berthed at EQ-7 in Inner Harbour., which is 04.06.2021.
the highest beam vessel ever handled in


4.27 Traffic handled at Major Ports
(In million tonnes)

Sl. No. Port Actual 2019-20 Provisional 2020-21

(upto December, 2020)
1 Kolkata 17.30 10.62
2 Haldia 46.68 32.60
3 Paradip 112.69 82.44
4 Visakhapatnam 72.72 51.95
5 Chennai 46.76 30.50
6 V.O. Chidambaranar 36.07 23.61
7 Cochin 34.04 21.39
8 New Mangalore 39.14 25.79
9 Mormugao 16.02 14.53
10 Jawaharlal Nehru 68.45 44.74
11 Mumbai 60.70 38.03
12 Deendayal (Kandla) 122.61 84.37
13 Kamarajar (Ennore) 31.75 17.19
Total 704.93 477.76


4.28 Cargo Handled at Major Ports (In Million tonnes)

Sl. No. Port Actual 2019-20 Provisional 2020-21
(upto December, 202
1 POL 237.17 148.27
2 Iron Ore 48.45 50.66
3 Fert. &Fert. Raw Materials 15.54 13.66
4 Coal 114.91 92.13
5 Containerized Cargo 146.91 100.50
6 Others 141.95 72.54
Total 704.93 477.76

4.29 Capacity at Major Ports

(In Million tonnes)
Sl. No. Year Port capacity Traffic Handled
1 2001-02 343.95 287.58
2 2002-03 362.75 313.55
3 2003-04 389.50 344.80
4 2004-05 397.50 383.75
5 2005-06 456.20 423.41
6 2006-07 504.75 463.78
7 2007-08 532.07 519.31
8 2008-09 574.77 530.53
9 2009-10 616.73 561.09
10 2010-11 670.13 570.03
11 2011-12 689.83 560.14
12 2012-13 744.91 545.68
13 2013-14 800.52 555.50
14 2014-15 871.52 581.34
15 2015-16 965.36 606.47
16 2016-17 1065.83 648.40
Re-rated capacity 2016-17 1359.00*


17 2017-18 1451.19 679.37

18 2018-19 1514.09 699.10
19 2019-20 1534.91 704.93
(Upto Dec., 2020) 1534.91 477.76

(*) The capaci es of the Major Ports have been re-rated as per berthing policy 2016.
4.30 The details of important performance indicators of the Ports are given below:
(i) Average Turn Round me

Sl. No Port Average Turn round Time/(Hours)

2019-20 2020-21
(upto December, 2020 (*)

1 Kolkata 101.10 74.10

2 Haldia 86.88 72.96
3 Paradip 71.42 67.24
4 Visakhapatnam 59.49 67.60
5 Chennai 48.08 51.74
6 V.O.Chidambaranar 48.24 52.08
7 Cochin 36.15 37.96
8 New Mangalore 45.84 46.79
9 Mormugao 64.64 81.77
10 Jawaharlal Nehru 48.00 48.48
11 Mumbai 61.37 68.19
12 Deendayal (Kandla) 70.56 83.28
13 Kamarajar (Ennore) 44.40 44.94
Total (All Ports) 62.11 63.70


(ii) Average Output per Ship Berth Day (In Tonnes)

Sl. No. Port Average Output Per Ship Berth Day
2019-20 2020-21
(upto December, 2020)(*)
1 Kolkata 4215 3995
2 Haldia 10121 9117
3 Paradip 25091 22616
4 Visakhapatnam 14901 12720
5 Chennai 16470 15476
6 V.O.Chidambaranar 15056 14925
7 Cochin 23709 21025
8 New Mangalore 15774 15190
9 Mormugao 13258 12352
10 Jawaharlal Nehru 27677 26290
11 Mumbai 10993 10036
12 Deendayal(Kandla) 16890 14657
13 Kamarajar (Ennore) 23421 17217
Total (All Ports) 16419 14944


Chapter - V


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INTRODUCTION 5.2 The salient features of India’s shipping

policy are the promo on of na onal
5.1 Shipping plays an important role in the
shipping to increase self-reliance in the
economic development of the country,
carriage of country’s overseas trade and
especially in India’s interna onal trade.
protec on of stakeholder’s interest in
The Indian shipping industry also plays an
EXIM trade. India’s na onal flag-ships
important role in the energy security of the
provide an essen al means of transport
country as energy resources such as coal,
for crude oil and petroleum product
crude oil and natural gas are mainly
imports. The na onal shipping also
transported by ships. Further, during a
contributes to the foreign exchange
crisis situa on, Indian shipping
earnings of the country.
contributes to ensure uninterrupted
supply of essen als and serves as the 5.3 India has been a founder member of the
second line of defense. Interna onal Mari me Organiza on
(IMO), a specialized agency set up under


the United Na ons, primarily dealing with permi ed to finalize export contracts on
the technical aspects of shipping rela ng FOB/FAS basis without seeking prior
to Mari me Safety, Protec on of Marine clearance from the Ministry of Shipping.
Environment, Standards of Training and
5.6 The emerging sectors, where there is a
related legal ma ers. India has been
poten al for enhancing trade (exports and
par cipa ng in various mee ngs of the
imports), need to be focused upon and
IMO Commi ees, Sub-Commi ees,
ways to open up sea routes on these
Council and Assembly and has ac vely
sectors need to be considered. Some
contributed towards the development of
examples are the Interna onal North-
various Conven ons, Protocols, Codes and
South Transport Corridor (INSTC) route,
Guidelines developed by the IMO.
which would considerably shorten the
5.4 To promote Indian tonnage and to save distance from India to Commonwealth of
precious foreign exchange, the Cabinet on Independent States (CIS) through Iranian
December 10, 1957 had decided that in all ports; the routes to South East Asian
nego a ons for large contracts involving countries, which s ll have the scope for
shipping arrangements by Central development, like Thailand, Vietnam etc.,
Government Departments, State akin to the sea routes which were opened
Government Departments and Public up for Bangladesh and Myanmar (as part
Sector Undertakings (PSUs) under them, of Act East Policy of the Government).
the Department of Transport would
5.7 During the years, India’s overseas trade
invariably be consulted and all such import
has expanded considerably both in terms
contracts were to be finalized on FOB/FAS
of composi on and direc on due to the
(Free on Board/Free Alongside Ship) basis
policy of export promo on being pursued
and those for exports on C&F/CIF (Cost and
by the Government. At the same me,
Freight/Cost, Insurance and Freight) basis
efforts are being made to provide and
and in case of departure there from, prior
improve the trade related infrastructure,
permission was required to be obtained
especially transport, to facilitate the
from Department of Transport on a case-
movement of traffic more efficiently. So far
to-case basis.
as the movement of traffic by ships to
5.5 In the changed context of economic overseas des na ons is concerned, both
l i b e ra l i z a o n a n d n e w t h r u s t o n Indian as well as foreign flag ships
co m p e ve n e s s a n d p e r fo r m a n c e opera ng consor um liner shipping
improvement of PSUs, the Government on services have been providing the services
November 15, 2001 decided that while the either directly or through transshipment
exis ng policy for placing import contracts arrangements for the general cargo in
on FOB/FAS basis will con nue, the policy break-bulk or containerized form.
was relaxed in case of exports. Similarly, for the bulk cargo moving either
Government Departments / PSUs were as imports or exports, the services of


transships, both Indian and foreign, (b) Ministry of Defence

usually engaged on chartering basis, are
i. Mazagaon Dock Limited, Mumbai
available to all the des na ons.
ii. Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers
5.8 Improvement in export related
Limited, Kolkata
infrastructure has been a consistent
endeavour to promote exports. iii. Goa Shipyard Limited, Goa
Inadequacies in seamless transport iv. Hindustan Shipyard Limited,
through road, rail, ports and airports are Visakhapatnam
obstacles faced in the infrastructure
(c) State Governments
development for promo ng exports.
However, it is a fact that in the transport (i) Under Government of Gujarat
sector, most of the funding in our country • Alock Ashdown Co. Ltd. (opera ons closed
has been towards the railways, road and in July 2019)
highways sectors. While the importance of
roads and railways in the economy is (ii) Under Government of West Bangal
undeniable, there is also a greater need to • Shalimar Works Limited, Kolkata.
encourage the mari me sector to enable it
5.10 The global shipbuilding industry con nued
to achieve its full poten al. Thus there is a
to be under extended downturn for the
strong case for suppor ng waterway
past few years, with world’s leading
transporta on.
shipyards facing financial troubles due to
SHIPBUILDING AND SHIP REPAIR lack of orders and the total order book
5.9 The Ministry of Shipping is the nodal coming down. The effects are felt in all
Ministry for formula ng policy measures segment such as bulk cargo vessel
for the promo on of Indian Shipbuilding segments (Bulkers, Containers, Crude
and Ship repair Industry. There are 28 Tankers). The major reason for the lack of
Shipyards in the country, 6 under Central demand could be a ributed to the
Public Sector, 2 under State Governments widening disparity between newbuilding
and 20 under private Sector. The breakup prices and earnings, growing uncertainty
of the government owned, controlled withinthe shipping industry as it prepared
shipyards is as under:- for the introduc on of the global 0.5%
sulphur cap on marine fuels, geopoli cal
(a) Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways instability and fear of a further escala on
i. Cochin Shipyard Limited, Kochi in the trade dispute between major
countries. Persistent financing challenges
ii. Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Limited – a
and the difficulty to raise equity or obtain
subsidiary of CSL
long term employment along with nagging
ques ons concerning the shipping


industry’s capability to generate profits. ancilliary industries to grow thus providing

Adding to the above, the pandemic due to mul plier effect to the marine
COVID 19 created more depression in the m a n u fa c t u r i n g s e g m e n t b o o s n g
market due to slow down of trade across economy and employment.
the globe and thus impac ng the cargo
Indian Shipbuilding capability
movement. The cruise shipbuilding which
was otherwise growing also went into 5.13 Currently, the maximum size of the
depression due to the pandemic and vessels, which can be built in India in the
nega ve outlook of the tourism industry. public sector is 1,10,000 DWT which is
increasing the capacity to built vessels up
5.11 Keeping in view that India has a coastline
to 3,00,000 DWT vessels by Cochin
of 7500 km, inland water ways poten al of
Shipyard Ltd. Private sector shipyards can
over 20,000 km, shipbuilding has been
build vessels upto cape size vessels
iden fied as one of the key sectors under
comparable to some of the leading
the ‘Make in India’ ini a ve. There is huge
shipyards in the world. Reliance Naval
poten al for the improvement of water
Engg. Ltd. has the capacity to build vessels
transportshare in the inland and Coastal
upto 400,000 DWT and L&T Shipbuilding -
space which can be translate to more
Ka upalli 300,000 DWT which includes
ac vity in the Shibuilding and Shiprepair
large LNG Carriers. Smaller size LNG
Carriers, Dredgers and other specialized
Shipbuilding vessels can be built by other shipyards in
the Private sector such as Tebma
5.12 Key characteris c feature of ship-building
Shipyards, Sho Shipyard, Chowgule &
is that unlike other manufacturing
Co., Vijai Marine Shipyard, Mandovi Dry
industries which pre-dominantly follow
Docks, A.C. Roy & Co.,Dempo Shipbuilding
m a ke - t o - s t o c k i n v e n t o r y m o d e l ,
shipbuilding is an order-driven industry
where each vessel is custom built on Order Book Posi on
receipt of the ship-building order. Thus,
5.14 As on September 30, 2020, CSL has 52
building an order book is essen al for
ships on order including, 1 No. Indigenous
growth and sustenance of the shipbuilding
Aircra Carrier for Indian Navy, 1 No.
i n d u s t r y. O r d e r b o o k g r o w t h fo r
Technology Demonstra on Vessel for
commercial ships is largely driven by the
DRDO, 2 Nos. 500 Pax cum 150 Ton Cargo
growth in world trade and commerce,
Vessel for A&N Administra on, 2 Nos.
which spurs demand for new ships. The
1200 Pax cum 1000 Ton Cargo Vessel for
evolving environment - friendly
A&N Administra on, 8 Nos. of An -
interna onal regula ons also trigger
Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Cra s
demands for replacement of old ships.
(ASW SWC) for the Indian Navy. 9 Nos.
Shipbuilding also provides opportunity for


Floa ng Border Outpost for the Border passenger ferry for the Kochi Water Metro
Security Force, 4 Nos. of mini bulk carrier Project and 2 Nos. of Autonomous Electric
for JSW group, 23 nos. of ba ery operated Ferry for ASKO Mari me AS, Norway.


(Rs in Crores)

Sl. No. Name of Shipyard Order book posi on ll 31.12.20

1 Sho Shipyard Pvt. Ltd. 575
2 Marine Fron ers Pvt. Ltd. 172
3 Dempo Shipbuilding and Engg. Pvt. Ltd 1.82
4 A.C. Roy & Co. 55.77
5 Reliance Naval & Engg. Ltd. 4,140
6 Mandovi Drydocks 42.3
7 Chowgule& Co. Ltd. 223
8 Vijai Marine Shipyard 70.02
Total 5279.91
Source: Shipyards Associa on of India (SAI) is an associa on of Indian Private Sector Shipyards

Poten al in Shipbuilding sea fishing segment.As per a published

report, the Indian Navy’s perspec ve plan
5.15 Under the present depressed prevailing
aims to increase the Navy’s fleet from the
market, the growth in the Industry is likely
present 137 to 200 nos. by 2027. The vision
to be accelerated through the
of GOI as per the Defence Produc on
“Atmanirbhar Bharath” ini a ve under the
Policy, circulated recently was “To make
Make In India Programme of the GOI.
India among the Top Five countries of the
Various support ini a ves were taken by
w o r l d i n A e ro s p a c e a n d D e fe n c e
the ministry such as providing preference
Industries”, with ac ve par cipa on of
to local built Tugs for the employment of
public and private sector, fulfilling the
services in all the Major ports. The likely
objec ve of self-reliance as well as
growth in demand for shipbuilding in India
demand of other friendly countries.
is expected to emerge from the above
Another area of interest is in urban
s c h e m e s fo r t h e co a sta l s h i p p i n g
transport segment and the Short sea
andInland water. Another poten al area of
shipping market where environment
interest is the defence market and deep


friendly electric mobility technology is fast b. To encourage use of new technology

catching up and provides new opportunity especially construc on of vessels which
for Indian Shipbuilders. Cochin Shipyard use alterna ve fuels.
has signed a contract with Kochi Metro Rail
c. To ensure that top global suppliers of
Corpora on for building 23 nos.passenger
advanced equipment stock and/or
boats using hybrid ba ery powered
assemble their products in India.
propulsion. Anothermajor contract was
clinching a contract to export two (2) nos d. To ensure all government-owned/PSU
Electric powered autonomous Ro-Ro ferry vessels are built in India.
for Norwegian customer. Ship Repair
5.16 Mari me clusters are vital for the growth 5.17 T h e g l o b a l s h i p r e p a i r m a r ke t i s
of the ship building & repair industry as approximately US$ 12 billion. Shipyards in
they provide ancillary services, China, Singapore, Bahrain, Dubai and
manufacturing of ancillary products, Middle East account for a major share of
mari me services and financial services this market. These loca ons have achieved
for the industry. Based on the studies a dominant posi on despite higher cost of
conducted under the Sagarmala ship repair services compared to other
Programme, Tamil Nadu has been Asian coun es, largely due to the
iden fied for development of a Mari me availability of a skilled workforce and the
cluster as part of the Na onal Perspec ve latest technology which allows these
Plan of Sagarmala Programme. Factors shipyards to a ract demand from other
such as proximity to the major shipping low cost loca ons like India, Malaysia and
routes between Asia and Europe, presence Indonesia. The global market for ship
of steel industry, shipyards and ports in the repair and maintenance service is
vicinity favour the development of a expected to witness significant growth,
Mari me Cluster in Tamil Nadu. Gujarat reaching a market value of $ 20,532.6
Mari me Board(GMB) is also working on billion in 2017. Ship repair and
developing a Marine Shipbuilding Park in maintenance services market is es mated
Bhavnagar along with a Mari me Services to reach $ 40 billion by 2028 supported by
c l u ste r i n A h m e d a b a d o r G u j a rat developments in the markets in South East
Interna onal Finance Tec-City (GIFT) City. Asia and India. Though India’s share in
Goals for Indian shipbuilding industry global shiprepair is less than 1%, the
country’s loca on is favourable with 7-9%
a. To facilitate construc on of River sea
of the global trade passing within 300 NM
vessels, Inland vessels, Barges and Fishing
of the coastline.
vessels in India.


Indian Ship Repair Capability supplementary service provided by most

of the shipyards, is also a labour-intensive
5.17 Amongst public sector shipyards, Cochin
ac vity that u lizes the exis ng ship-
Shipyard Ltd has the highest capacity for
building infrastructure to provide
ship repairing (125 thousand DWT). In
addi onal returns on the capital invested.
private sector, Reliance Naval Engg. Ltd.
has the maximum capacity for ship Strengths of Indian ship repair industry
repairing (400,000 DWT) followed by L&T
Geostrategic loca on of India
Shipbuilding Ltd. (300,000 DWT).
5.20 A long coast line with number of all
5.18 The untapped poten al in the Indian ship
weather ports which are not subjected to
repair market can be a ributed to the
severe weather condi ons and naturally
presence of compe ng interna onal ship
protected is the primary advantage. With
repair yards in Singapore, Middle East
strategic loca on in the trade route of
(Dubai, Bahrain) and Colombo on major
tanker/bulk carrier traffic on east & west
trade routes and a capability gap of Indian
and ready availability of trained workforce,
yards in repairing certain kinds of vessels.
there are tremendous opportuni es for
Due to these disadvantages, only about 5-
huge revenue genera on.
6 shipyards out of a total of 27 shipyards in
the country carry out any significant repair Abundance of labour
jobs. One of the major deterrents in ship 5.21 All the resources required for the Ship
repair is GST which is an addi onal tax Repair Units to func on efficiently are
burden and makes Indian ship repairers available and there is a huge untapped
uncompe ve as compared to foreign ship poten al. The ship repair industry
repairers. Other reasons of cost promises rela vely con nuous flow of
disadvantages include high cost of revenue and employment for all segments
financing, lack of supply of ship spares in of labour class (from highly skilled to
India and technology related issues unskilled). Most of the exis ng and new
increasing ship repair execu on cycle me. ship repair yards in India concentrate on
Poten al of ship-repair industry new building and providing services to
naval and coastal vessels.
5.19 India is located strategically on the
interna onal trade route, whereby it can Compe ve labour rates
a ract ships plying from west to east in the 5.22 The subcontract labour rates for steel
trade route for its ship-repair ac vity. This work, pipe work, blas ng and pain ng,
represents increasing market poten al for mechanical and electrical works are very
the ship-repair business, as ship owners cheap in India and are comparable to
prefer to repair their ships without labour rates in Indonesia and Vietnam. In
devia ng from their trade routes as much fact it is 10 to 15% lower than subcontract
as possible. Ship-repair service, a labour rates of Indonesia and 25% lower
than Philippines.


Quality of work Indian shipyards while procuring or

repairing vessels meant for governmental
5.23 The speed of execu on and quality of work
or own use ll 2025 a er which only Indian
is comparable to that of Indonesia,
shipyards would build and repair vessels of
Philippines and Vietnam who have a
these organiza ons. Guidelines were
significant presence in the world ship
uploaded on website of this Ministry on
repair industry.
3 1 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 6 . S u b s e q u e n t l y, a fe w
Recent steps/ ini a ves in shipbuilding and ship provisions of the guidelines regarding
repair Quay Length and Non-Destruc ve Tes ng
Financial Assistance Policy on Shipbuilding facili es have been modified by this
Ministry to facilitate more Indian shipyards
5.24 To promote shipbuilding in Indian
i n c l u d i n g s m a l l s h i pya rd s to ta ke
shipyards, the Union Cabinet has on
advantage of this policy. The modified
December 9, 2015 approved New
guidelines as amended on December 2018
Shipbuilding Financial Assistance policy for
have been uploaded on the website of
Indian shipyards for contracts signed
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
during a ten year period, viz. 2016-2026.
The Guidelines for Shipbuilding Financial
Assistance Policy has been revised in Grant of Infrastructure Status
October 2017 and the updated the web 5.26 The Department of Economic Affairs has
portal for processing the online no fied the inclusion of standalone
applica ons by DG(S) submi ed by ‘Shipyards’ in the Harmonized Master List
shipyards online, has been rolled out on o f I n f ra s t r u c t u r e S u b - s e c t o r s o n
31.10.2017.Financial assistance is being 13.04.2016. With this inclusion, shipyards
granted to Indian Shipyards equal to 20% will be able to avail flexible structuring of
of the lower of “Contract Price” or the “Fair long term project loans, long term funding
Price” or actual payments received of each from Infrastructure Funds at lower rates of
vessel built by them for a period of at least interest and for a longer tenure equivalent
10 years commencing 2016-17. This rate of to the economic life of their assets, relaxed
20% will be reduced by 3% every three ECB norms, issuance of infrastructure
years. The guidelines have been amended bonds for mee ng working capital
in November, 2020. requirements. Standalone shipyard is
Right of Refusal to Indian Shipyards defined as a floa ng or land-based facility
with the essen al features of waterfront,
5.25 The Union Cabinet has also approved on
turning basin, berthing and docking
09.12.2015 that all government
facility, slipways and/or ship li s which is
departments or agencies including CPSUs
self sufficient for carrying on shipbuilding/
have to provide Right of First Refusal to
repair/breaking ac vi es.


SOP for charter/procurement of tugs by major than 95% of the piling works, 50% of the
ports under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan deck concre ng & 80% of the dredging
ac vi es are completed and the facility is
5.27 In order to promote small and medium
expected to be commissioned in FY 2021-
shipyards, in September, 2020, the
22. As a part of our efforts to develop Kochi
Ministry has issued Standard Opera ng
as a mari me hub of India, CSL had set up a
Procedures pertaining to Procurement/
mari me park near to the Interna onal
Chartering of Port Cra s by the Major
Ship Repair Facility at Willingdon Island,
Ports. Further, to assist the Major Ports to
which was inaugurated by Hon’ble
implement the Make in India policy, the
Minister of State (Independent Charge) for
Ministry has cons tuted a Standing
Shipping, Shri Mansukh Mandaviya on
Specifica on Commi ee to prepare
September 19, 2019. Ten globally
Approved Standardized Tug Design &
renowned firms in the mari me industry
Specifica ons (ASTDS).
have already partnered with CSL for se ng
Promo on of Make in India ini a ve up their units in the Mari me Park in the
5.28 In order to promote the Make in India first phase. CSL expects to posi on Kochi as
ini a ve, a no fica on was issued in a major ship repair hub with major
October, 2020 regarding RoFR for Indian opera ons in the present ship repair dock
built and Indian flagged ships through coupled with increased capaci es that
amendments to Guidelines for chartering would be available when the ISRF is
of vessels done through tender process for commissioned.
all types of requirements. Cruise Shipping
Interna onal Ship Repair Facility 5.30 C r u i s e s h i p p i n g i s a fa st g row i n g
5.29 The Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) is component of the leisure industry
developing Interna onal Ship Repair worldwide. Huge amount of foreign
Facility (ISRF) within the premises of exchange can be earned with sizeable
Cochin Port Trust (CoPT) by installing a Ship direct & indirect employment can be
li Facility of 130m x 25m x 6000T capacity generated onshore by providing the right
with 6 Worksta ons and allied facili es at policy environment and infrastructure for
the cost of Rs. 970 Crores. CSL con nued to the growth of cruise shipping and tourism.
operate the dry-dock& exis ng facili es in Cruise tourism leads to significant regional
the leased area (first phase) at Cochin Port development and also leads to the
premises. CSL completed the repairs of development of allied services in the
eleven ships during the financial year vicinity. Currently Indian ports are
2019-20. The construc on works of ISRF primarily ports of call for cruise lines at
project, which commenced on November ports in Mumbai, Cochin, Goa, New
17, 2017, is progressing in full swing. More Mangalore and Chennai. To increase


number of vessel calls and passengers hours stay (’Fixed Rate') and $ 5 per
arriving in India Ministry of Shipping has passenger ("Head Tax"). The Ports will not
relaxed Cabotage ll 5'h Feb, 2029 for charge any other rate like berth hire, port
foreign flag passenger/cruise ships to call dues, pilotage, passenger fee, etc.
at more than one Indian Port. Recently,
b) For the period exceeding 12 hours stay, the
Ministry in order to support the Cruise
fixed charges on Cruise Ships will be equal
shipping industry and keeping in view to
to the Berth Hire Charges payable as per
balance the loss incurred to the cruise
SOR (with 40% discount as applicable for
industry due to the pandemic situa on
cruise ships),
caused by COVID-19 has ra onalized tariff
for Cruise Vessels arriving in India and the c) Further, cruise ships making
following tariff is made applicable for a • 1-50 calls per year to get 10% rebate.
period of one year vide order dated
• 51-100 calls per year to get 20% rebate.
• Above 100 calls per year to get 30% rebate.
a) The port charges for a Cruise Ship to be
charged at $ 0.085 per GRT for first 12 d) The above ra onalized tariff is effec ve for
a period of one year I.e upto 13.08.2021.

5.31 The number of Interna onal Cruise ships and passengers handled in Indian Ports are given in the
Table below.

Year 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

No. of a No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
dh la- cruise Vessels Passengers cruise Vessels Passengers cruise Vessels
Chennai Port 1244 2 3685 5 612 2
Cochin Port 47727 42 62753 49 67907 44
New Mangalore 24258 22 293 r 2 26"” 24080 21
Mormugao Port 43726 32 47778 35 57241 38
Domes c Domes c Domes c Domes c
32732 67 95634 125
Mumbai Port 56601 40 86757 106 * 222105 221*
Visakhapatnam 219 3
TOTAL 173556 138 263296 291 467579 451
* Includes Domes c and foreign cruise vessel data.


5.32 The number of Domes c Cruise Ships and passenger handled in Indian Ports in 2019-20 are
given in the Table below.
No. of Domes c Cruise Ships and passenger handled in Indian Ports in 2019-20
Name of Port No. of calls No. of Passengers
Mumbai 177 145616
Goa 125 95634

REFORMS The Admiralty (Jurisdic on and Se lement of

Mari me Claims) Act, 2017
Merchant Shipping Bill, 2020 and Coastal
Shipping Bill,2020 to replace Merchant Shipping 5.34 The Admiralty (Jurisdic on and Se lement
Act, 1958 of Mari me Claims) Act, 2017 was
enforced on 1.04.2018. Rules under clause
5.33 Over the years, due to evolu on of
(b) of subsec on (2) of sec on 16 of the
merchant shipping sector, the industry has
Admiralty (Jurisdic on and Se lement of
been facing several challenges With a view
Mari me Claims) Act, 2017 to provide for
to meet new challenges and to foster
the prac ce and procedure of admiralty
overall development of lndia's mercan le
jurisdic on under this Act, including fees,
marine ecosystem, it was felt necessary to
costs and expenses in such proceedings
revamp the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958
are being framed by the courts of coastal
by replacing me-barred provisions with
states of the country. As of December,
contemporaneous ones to reduce
2020, the High Court at Calcu a, the
compliance burden to promote ease of
Bombay High Court, the Orissa High Court
doing business, legislate on Interna onal
and the Madras High Court have no fied
Conven ons to meet lndia's interna onal
these rules.
obliga ons and to augment lndian
merchant tonnage. The challenges have The Recycling of Ships Act, 2019
also necessitated giving impetus to coastal
5.35 l n d i a a c c e d e d t o t h e H o n g Ko n g
shipping and trade and highligh ng the
Interna onal Conven on for Safe and
legisla ve provisions concerning coastal
Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,
shipping lt was therefore, decided to have
2OO9 in November 2019 and Recycling of
a separate Act for regula on of Coastal
Ships Act, 2019 was enacted in Dec 2019.
Shipping. Two separate Bills viz. Merchant
The Act is aimed at ensuring that ships,
Shipping Bill, 2020 and Coastal Shipping
when being recycled a er reaching the
Bill.2O2O are in the process of inter-
end of their opera onal lives, do not pose
ministerial consulta ons to revamp the
risk to human health and safety or to the
Merchant Shipping Act, 1958.


environment. As per the powers conferred of the Compe on Act, 2002, ini ally for a
by Sec on 3 of the said Act, Director period of one year w.e.f. the 11th of
General of Shipping had been designated December, 2013, un l the 10th of
as Na onal Authority which shall December, 2014. The exemp on was again
administer, supervise and monitor all extended for one more year w.e.f. 5th
ac vi es rela ng to ship recycling under February, 2015 up to 4th February, 2016.
the said Act. ln accordance with sec on 42 Therea er, the exemp on has been
of the Act, the Ministry is in the process of periodically extended and it is currently
framing Rules for safe and environment valid ll 3.7.2021 for fostering ease of
friendly recycling of ships. doing business in the liner shipping
industry in lndia, without, compromising
5.36 Ve s s e l S h a r i n g A g r e e m e n t s w e r e
the core an -compe on principles.
exempted from the provisions of sec on 3


Chapter - VI


DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF SHIPPING sec on 7 of the Merchant Shipping Act,

6.1 The Directorate General of Shipping
{DG(S)}, an a ached office of the Ministry 6.2 The Director General of Shipping ’s
of Shipping, Government of India was administra ve secretariat consists of
established in 1949 as the Mari me Director General, Addi onal Director
Administra on of India. It deals with General and Deputy Directors General of
implementa on of shipping policy and Shipping. On the technical side, the
legisla on, so as to ensure the safety of life Director General is assisted by the Nau cal
and ships at sea, preven on of marine Adviser for Naviga onal Issues, Chief
pollu on and other mandatory Surveyor on Marine Engineering Issues
regula ons of the Interna onal Mari me and Chief Ship Surveyor on the Naval
Organiza ons are effec vely implemented Architecture issues. The field forma on of
including promo on of mari me Directorate General of Shipping is headed
educa on and training, examina on & by Principal Officers who are assisted by
cer fica on of seafarers and supervision surveyor of Engineering, Nau cal and
of other subordinate offices for their Naval Architecture sides. The Heads of
effec ve func oning etc. The Director allied offices supported by their
General of Shipping is appointed under subordinate officers also assist the


Director General of Shipping in the overall 6.4 The addi onal responsibili es were
discharge of various statutory func ons. imposed from me to me in the form of
new statutes like Mul -modal
Func ons of offices under the administra ve
Transporta on of Goods Act, Admiralty
control of the DG(S)
Act, Recruitment and Placement of
6.3 The Mercan le Marine Departments Seafarers Rules, Majority of Surveys,
(MMDs) were set up in 1929 with Inspec ons & Cer fica on as required
Headquarters at Mumbai, Kolkata and under various Interna onal conven ons,
Chennai. MMD, Kochi was elevated to no fied by India, rela ng to safety of ships
district level office and a new district level pollu on preven on have been delegated
office at Kandla was opened in 2005. These to some of the Classifica on socie es of
Departments were directly under the IACS who acts as Recognized Organiza on
Ministry ll the establishment of the o f t h e D i re c t o ra te w i t h s e l e c ve
Directorate General of Shipping at supervisory role for the DGS on important
Mumbai in 1949. The main func ons of surveys.
MMDs are to administer the various
Passengers Ship Survey
Merchant Shipping laws and rules rela ng
to safety of ships and life at sea, 6.5 All passenger ships are subjected to survey
registra on of ships, tonnage of hull, Machinery, equipment etc. during
measurement, crew accommoda on, construc on and there a er annually. On
survey for load line, safety construc on, comple on of survey, Cer ficates such as
preven on of pollu on, enquiries into Passengers Ship Safety Cer ficate, Space
shipping casualty and wrecks, surveys of Cer ficate, Special Trade Ship Safety
passenger ships, radio equipments on Cer ficate, Exemp on Cer ficate, ‘A’
board, inspec on and approval of Cer ficate and Cer ficate of Survey are
statutory equipment for life saving and fire issued. Cargo Ship Safety Construc on
figh ng appliances, wireless telegraphy, (CSSC) Surveys 6.6 Under the
global mari me distress and safety requirements of SOLAS 74 Conven on as
systems, naviga onal aids, pollu on amended, administra on is responsible
preven on equipments, supervision of for conduct of CSSC Surveys of various
repairs and construc on of ship on behalf types of Cargo Ships under construc on
o f State a n d C ent ra l G overn m ent and periodical and annual surveys
organiza ons, Flag state implementa on, therea er. The task of surveys of Cargo
Port State Control inspec on, examina on Ships under construc on/reconstruc on
and cer fica on of various grades of abroad and subsequent periodical/annual
cer ficates of competency as per relevant surveys and issuance of cer ficate have
examina on rules under Merchant been delegated to recognize Classifica on
Shipping Act, 1958 etc. Socie es. 6.7 All Sea going vessels over 300


G.T. are required to be surveyed and issued Provident Fund Act, 1966 (4 of 1966) was
with a Safety Rad io Cer fi cate in introduced retrospec vely with effect
compliance with the M.S. (Radio) Rules, from 1st July, 1964, to provide for the
1983 and Chapter IV of SOLAS 74 as ins tu on of a provident fund for seamen
amended from me to me. The survey as old age re rement benefit and their
consists of checking of Radio equipment family members in the event of death of
for distress, safety and normal s e a m e n m e m b e r s . T h e S e a m e n ’s
communica on on board. With the Provident Fund is vested in and
harmoniza on of Cer ficates, the Safety administered by the Board of Trustees
Radio Cer ficate is issued. consis ng of the Chairman and three
representa ves each of the Government,
Tablet Based Examina on System (TBES) Project
Employers and Employees. The Director
6.6 Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) in General of Shipping is an ex-officio
line with STCW Conven on and Digital Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the
India will shi the exis ng manual Commissioner is the Chief Execu ve
Cer ficate of Competency (CoC) wri en Officer and the Secretary to the Board.
examina on into Tablet Based CoC SPFO was maintaining the PF account of
Examina on System format. Na onal approximately 88,000 Indian seafarers.
Ins tute of Smart Government (NISG) has
been appointed by the Directorate as a
consultant, who has delivered feasibility 6.8 As provided under Sec on 218 of
study; Detail Project Report (DPR), M e rc h a nt S h i p p i n g A c t . 1 9 5 8 t h e
Expression of Interest (EOI) and Request Government of India has cons tuted a
for Proposal (RFP). A er implementa on Na onal Welfare Board for Seafarers
of Tablet Based Examina on System at headed by the Union Minister of Port,
MMDs the exis ng NCV Examina on Shipping and waterways for advising the
outsourced to Ins tute of Marine Government on the measure to be taken
Engineers India (IMEI) will also be merged for promo ng the welfare of Seamen
with the DGS Tablet Based Examina on whether on shore or aboard. The Board
System. func ons with Minister of Ports, Shipping
and Waterways as the chairman. It
comprises of 2 Members of Parliament
(one from Lok Sabha and one from Rajya
6.7 The Seamen’s Provident Fund Scheme, the Sabha), 4 representa ves from Central
first social security scheme for Indian Government, 3 representa ves each of
Merchant Navy Seamen, brought under Ship - owners and Seafarers, 2
statute by enactment of the Seamen’s representa ves from Port Trusts, 1 non-


official Member from the field of Seamen’s implemented by the SWFS are (i) Survival
Welfare of Public, representa ve from Benefit Scheme (ii) Invalidity Benefit
Society interested in Seamen’s Welfare. Scheme (ii) Maternity Benefit Scheme
(Only for women seafarers) (iv) Old Age
Benefit Scheme and (v) Family Benefit
6.9 The SWF Society is set up as a Central Scheme.
Organiza on for the Welfare of Indian
Seafarers and their families. It is registered
under the Socie es Registra on Act 1860
and as a Trust under the Bombay Public 6.10 The Directorate General of Lighthouses
Trust Act 1950. The Society represents and Lightships establishes and maintains
various interests connected with Indian Aids to Marine Naviga on along the
Shipping which includes representa ves of coastline of India as per Lighthouse Act,
Indian and Foreign Ship-owners and also of 1927. According to the SOLAS (Safety of
Seafarers’ Unions separately for officers Life at Sea) 1974, Chapter V published by
and seamen. The control of business and t h e I M O ( I nte r n a o n a l M a r i m e
affairs of the Society is vested with the Organiza on), the Contrac ng
Commi ee of Management of which the Governments to:
Director General of Shipping is the ex-
Ÿ Provide appropriate Aids to Naviga on
officio Chairman. SWFS manages the
gratuity of approximately 75000 Indian Ÿ Ta k e i n t o a c c o u n t i n t e r n a onal
seafarers. The SWFS is the Central recommenda ons and guidelines
Organiza on of the Government of India, Ÿ Arrange for informa on on Aids to Naviga on
t o e n s u re t h e c o m p l i a n c e o f t h e to be made available
Regula ons 4.5 of Mari me Labour
Aids to Naviga on
Conven ons, 2006 and to comply the
same, the steps have already been taken 6.11 There were 17 lighthouses at the me of
by the SWFS by implemen ng various Independence. As on date, the details of
welfare schemes to the seafarers and their Aids to Naviga on maintained by the DGLL
families. The Welfare schemes so far are as shown below:

Sl. No. Aid to Naviga on Nos.

1. Lighthouses 195
2. Lightship 01
3. DGPS Sta ons 23
4. Racons 64


5. Deep Sea Lighted Buoys 21

6. Na onal Automa c Iden fica on System (AIS) Physical Shore 87
Sta ons (PSS)
7. Vessel Traffic Service - Gulf of Kachchh(9 Radar +4 AIS Base 01
Sta ons & 2 Direc on finder)
8. Lighthouse Tender Vessels 03
9. Na onal Navtex Chain 01
(7 Tx. Sta ons, 7 Monitoring Sta ons & Navtex Control 01
Centre at Mumbai & Vizag.)

Lighthouses mariners during the night. A lighthouse

6.12 A Lighthouse is a structure on land, close to may be used to indicate dangerous Shoals,
the shore line or in the water. The Sand Bank, Rock etc to obtain a Line of
Lighthouse tower serve as a day mark with Posi on and to indicate Landfalls,
its colour scheme, and a powerful light Headlands, entrance to estuaries/ports etc.
with a specific character serve the



6.13 A Lightship serves the same purpose as lighthouse and is posi oned in the sea, where it is not
feasible to construct a lighthouse. DGLL maintains a lightship “PERIGEE” off the Bhavnagar coast,
in Gujarat.

Revenue Genera on and Expenditure payment of light dues. A new e-portal for
online collec on of Lightdues integrated
6.14 The funding pa ern of the Directorate is
with “Bharat Kosh”, a Central Receipt Non-
based on cost recovery system and it does
Tax Receipt Portal (NTRP) developed by
not burden the taxpayers. All expenditure
CGA, Ministry of Finance for online
on management and development (plan
receipts of all non-tax nature for Central
and non-plan) is met out of the revenue
Ministries/ Department has been made
collected by levy of light dues and thus the
live w.e.f. 24/07/2020.
D i re c t o ra t e i s a s e l f - s u s ta i n i n g
organiza on. The Central Government, as Development of Tourism
per the provisions of the Lighthouse Act,
6.15 Lighthouses, due to its natural and scenic
levies light dues on all the foreign going
loca ons, have tremendous tourist
ships arriving at or depar ng from any port
poten al. The DGLL is promo ng tourism
in India. The light dues are levied on
at lighthouses in phased manner. In order
Foreign Going Vessels @Rs. 92/- per TEU
to give impetus to promote tourism at
on container vessels and @Rs 8/- per ton
Lighthouses, the Ministry has iden fied 08
other than container Vessels once in 30
Lighthouses along the coast of India and
days. Provision has been made for on-line


theyhave been taken up for promo on of Kuthekuli has been established.

tourism at on PPP mode at ini al stage. Honourable Minister Shri Mansukh
Mandaviya, Union Minister of State for
1. Kanhoji Angre ( Maharashtra)
Shipping (Independent Charge), Chemical
2. Sunk Rock ( Off Mumbai Coast)
and fer lizers inaugurated the Lighthouse
3. Aguada ( Goa) through video conferencing on 29th
4. Mu om Point ( Tamil Nadu) October, 2020.
5. Mahabalipuram ( Tamil Nadu)
6. Kadalur Point ( Kerala)
7. Minicoy ( Lakshadweep)
8. Chandrabhaga ( Odisha)
Establishment of new Lighthouse at Tajpur
6.16 For easy iden fica on of landmark and to
provide seamless coverage of lighthouse
along the Indian Coast a new Lighthouse at
Ta j p u r h a s b e e n e sta b l i s h e d . T h e
Lighthouse was commissioned by Sh. E
Murthy, Director General through video
conferencing on 5th June, 2020. COCHIN SHIPYARD LIMITED
6.18 Cochin Shipyard achieved a net profit of Rs.
637.69 Crore for the year 2019-20 as
compared to Rs. 481.18 Crore for the year
2018-19. The Company achieved a
turnover of Rs. 3,422.49 Crore for the year
2019-20 as compared to Rs. 2,965.60 Crore
for the year 2018-19. Turnover for the half
year ended September 30, 2020was
Rs.989.88 Crore as against Rs.1709.72
Crore for the half year ended September
30, 2019. Company achieved a net profit of
Rs. 151 Crore for the half year ended
Establishment of new Lighthouse at Kuthenkuli
September 30, 2020as compared to Rs.
6.17 For easy iden fica on of landmark and to 328 Crore for the half year ended
provide seamless coverage of lighthouse September 30, 2019.
along the Indian Coast a new Lighthouse at


Global Shipbuilding Industry Besides, the Indian Navy’s indigenisa on

plan is also expected to give a fillip to the
6.19 The global shipbuilding prospects got
growth of ancillaries and generally
some fillip due to large ageing fleet
improve the shipbuilding environment in
replacements and new regulatory
the country. The vision of GOI as per the
restric ons implemented by the
dra Defence Produc on Policy, circulated
Interna onal Mari me Organiza on
recently was “To make India among the top
(IMO). The global fuel, sulphur cap, which
five countries of the world in Aerospace
came into force in January 2020, is part of
and Defence Industries”, with ac ve
the IMO’s response to heightening
par cipa on of public and private sector,
environmental concerns, contributed in
fulfilling the objec ve of self-reliance as
part by harmful emissions from ships.
well as demand of other friendly countries.
Further, commitments to reduce the total
In this segment, the Company has signed
emissions to 50% by 2050 is a forward
the contract for 8 Nos. ASW - SWC vessels
looking ini a ve with farfetched impact
(An -Submarine Shallow Water Cra ).
providing plenty of opportunity for the
industry to adopt new technology and thus 6.21 Coastal shipping in India is wai ng for a
driving next genera on fleet s mulus for its growth that is expected out
replacements. That is likely to have modest of Sagarmala programme declared by
posi ve effect for the shipyards and the Government of India in 2015. As part of the
suppliers in medium and long term basis. programme, a Na onal Perspec ve Plan
(NPP) for the comprehensive development
The uncertain es in the poli cal sphere
of India’s 7,500 km coastline, 14,500 km of
and trade wars looming large, the world
poten ally navigable waterways and
real GDP had a stagnant growth on year on
mari me sector was published by Ministry
year basis. This had direct impact on the
of shipping in 2016. Port led
seaborne trade and thus limi ng the
industrializa on, port modernisa on, port
appe te for the new shipbuilding orders
development and connec vity
on the interna onal stage.
enhancement is expected to create a wider
Indian Shipbuilding Industry impact in the coastal shipping & inland
6.20 The Indian shipbuilding industry s ll waterway segment in India. In the inland
con nues to be driven by the defence waterway segment, through the World
requirements and domes c demand Bank funded ‘Jal Marg Vikas’ Project,
primarily in coastal and inland vessels. As Government is aiming at increasing the
per published report, the Indian Navy’s inland waterway cargo movement from
perspec ve plan aims to increase the the current 8 million tonnes to 27 million
Navy’s fleet from the present 137 to 200 tonnes in the next two years. $88 million
Nos. by 2027. This is expected to provide a worth sanc ons accorded to Assam
spurt in the indigenous shipbuilding. Government is an addi onal boost to help


modernize Assam’s passenger ferry sector Crore in the next 10 years through
that runs on its rivers including the mighty infrastructure and process improvement.
Brahmaputra. With these schemes, the The report has highlighted low levels of
Indian commercial segment projects a process efficiency, lack of infrastructure to
posi ve growth in shipbuilding segments service vessels above 10000 DWT and
too in a period of 3-5 years from now. weak ancillary landscape as road blocks for
d e v e l o p i n g t h e i n d u s t r y. A k e y
6.22 Cochin Shipyard has signed a contract on
recommenda on of the report was to
July 11, 2018 with IWAI for construc on of
lease out the repair facili es at major ports
10 ROPAX/RORO vessels for use in inland
to s p ec ia list to a u g m ent reven u e
waterways segment, 8 of them are
delivered at Kolkata which will commence
6.23 The fishing vessels built by CSL under ‘Blue 6.25 Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Limited (HCSL)
Revolu on Scheme’ also has been a was ini ally set up as a joint venture
successful venture, and has generated between CSL and Hooghly Dock & Port
demand for Engineered Fishing vessels in Engineers Limited (HDPEL). Pursuant to
t h e Fis h in g I n d u st r y. T h e s c h em e the approval of the Union Cabinet, HCSL
introduced by Government of India aims became a wholly owned subsidiary of CSL
for replacement of trawl fishing boats with with effect from November 01, 2019. HCSL
deep sea fishing vessels in a phased aspires to establish itself as one of the
manner with funding assistance from the leading shipbuilding yard in east coast for
Government of India and State q u a l i t y i n l a n d a n d co a sta l ve s s e l
Governments under ‘Blue Revolu on construc on.
Scheme’. This helps in promo ng
6.26 During the financial year, the construc on
sustainable fishing prac ces such as Gill
work kick-started with the ac vi es under
ne ng and Long lining in the deep sea and
civil works package and the physical
a l s o to p ro v i d e n e c e s s a r y fi s h i n g
progress of civil works has crossed the 50%
infrastructural facili es to support deep
mark. Major tenders like electrical system,
sea fishing, which will be a game changer in
fire-figh ng system, gas piping, cri cal
Fishing industry too.
machinery and cranes have been awarded
Indian Ship Repair Industry and works are in progress. Other various
packages are being finalized and will be
6.24 As per the AT Kearney report, India has a
executed to match with the progress of the
market poten al of `2,600 Crore from
repair of domes c fleet out of which only
15% share is currently captured. The 6.27 Due to the na onwide lockdown imposed
report has further highlighted that India on account of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the
can grow its ship repair industry to ₹9,000 construc on ac vi es in Nazirgunge were


halted from March 23, 2020 to June 08, pronounced the Order on March 04, 2020.
2020 resul ng in revising the project CSL is in the process of implemen ng the
comple on date to September 2021. said Resolu on Plan. However, due to the
However, all efforts are being made to unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19
complete the project and commence the Pandemic and subsequent lockdown
opera ons of the yard within the original imposed by the Government Authori es,
contractual comple on date of June 2021 CSL approached the NCLT, Chennai to
itself. obtain suitable orders for exclusion of the
period from March 15, 2020 to June 30,
2020 for payment of the bid amount under
6.28 As part of CSL’s long term strategy, viz., the Resolu on Plan. The NCLT acceded to
CRUISE 2030, CSL aspires to achieve 6x-8x CSL’s proposal and passed its Order on
growth by 2030 and towards this the August 06, 2020 excluding the said period
Company iden fied deep sea fishing vessel resul ng in revising the last date of
as one of the several opportuni es. Since payment of bid amount to September 17,
fishing vessel segment calls for a dedicated 2020. In compliance with the NCLT Order,
facility so as to cater to the large volume of CSL paid the bid amount for takeover of TSL
business different from the conven onal on September 15, 2020 with effect from
shipbuilding process, CSL was in search of a which TSL has become a wholly owned
suitable facility to enter into this segment. subsidiary of CSL.
D u r i n g t h i s p e r i o d , C S L fo u n d a n
opportunity in TSL, Malpe which was
u n d e rg o i n g C o r p o rate I n s o l ve n c y 6.29 During the last 58 years, SCI has been
Resolu on Process (CIRP) under the providing yeoman service to the country’s
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 economy by mee ng its ocean
(IBC) and bidding for TSL through IBC was transporta on requirements. Star ng out
considered appropriate. Accordingly, a er as a Liner Shipping Company with 19
obtaining the approval of the Board, CSL vessels with a capacity of mere 0.19 Million
submi ed its Resolu on Plan for acquiring Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT) in 1961, SCI
the assets and facili es of TSL under the as on 31.12.2020 owns 59 vessels of 5.311
IBC. The Commi ee of Creditors (CoC) on million DWT, 2.94 million GT and
December 26, 2019 approved the cons tutes about 27% (in terms of DWT) of
Resolu on Plan. A er successful passing of Indian tonnage.
the Resolu on Plan by the CoC of TSL, the
Crude Transporta on
Re s o l u o n P r o fe s s i o n a l fi l e d t h e
Resolu on Plan with the Na onal 6.30 India has one of the world’s fastest
Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), Chennai on growing energy markets. Energy security is
December 27, 2019. The NCLT, a er of paramount importance. Looking at
hearing, approved the Resolu on Plan and na on’s immense energy needs for


growth, SCI gradually shi ed its focus from Commodity & Product Transporta on
liner business to energy transporta on
6.32 SCI took fullest advantage of the recession
star ng with crude oil transporta on in
in the shipping industry in early 1980 and
1964. SCI ordered several crude and
did massive fleet acquisi on (tankers as
product tankers in 1970s to exclusively
well as dry bulk vessels) to meet na ons
meet the needs of the Indian Oil Industry.
growing EXIM trade. In 1991, SCI
Today SCI has a fleet of 31 crude and
diversified into cryogenic opera ons. As of
product tankers in all sizes. SCI has five
date, SCI has 15 dry bulk carriers in various
VLCCs and they are employed on a mix of
sizes and is employed on a mix of Time
me charter / voyage charter / COA in India
Charter & Voyage Charter and is trading
centric as well as in open cross trade
India centric as well as cross trade market.
market. LNG Transporta on
Container Movement
LNG Transporta on
6.33 One of the strengths of SCI lies in having a
6.31 In 2004, SCI was the first Indian Shipping
diversified fleet. SCI is the only Indian
Company to have ventured into LNG
Shipping Company providing container
Transporta on and remains the only
services which connects West Coast of
Indian Company opera ng in LNG sector in
India to East Coast of India and mainland to
India. It co-owns four LNG Carriers in
Port Blair. SCI has two container vessels in
consor um with premier Japanese
its fleet, which are deployed in the Indian
Companies and independently manages
Coastal Sector and they are the largest
their techno commercial opera ons.
vessels on the Coast. Presence of SCI in this
Further, SCI had also signed MOU for post
segment has proved to have a modera ng
fixture management with GAIL for
effect on the freight rates, thus, protec ng
transporta on of LNG from USA to India
the interest of Indian Manufacturers,
from 2016-17 for a period of 3 years. Also a
Exporters and a boon to the Coastal trade.
JV in Hong Kong is formed for managing
During the COVID-19 crisis and related lock
LNG vessels and is currently developing
down period, SCI's coastal service was able
opportuni es in providing O&M services
to de over the challenges by reorien ng
to LNG FSRU’s and FSU’s. In order to
services by adding / omi ng port calls as
ensure its presence in the new areas of the
per needs & requirements of the trade
LNG market, SCI is exploring opportuni es
with a view to ensure uninterrupted
for par cipa on by ownership and in
movement of essen al commodi es like
opera ons of FSRU, small LNG carriers and
wheat, rice, agricultural commodi es etc.
coastal LNG shipping. SCI has trained its
from surplus to deficient regions.
L N G o ffi c e rs o n c o n s t r u c o n a n d
superintended was posted for supervision 6.34 IMU is a teaching-cum-affilia ng
of FSRU construc on. University established on 14th November,


2 0 0 8 to p rov i d e q u a l i t y m a r i m e 6.36 IMU has ins tuted a Mentorship Scheme

educa on, training and research. For the in collabora on with the Company of
Academic Year 2020-21, 999 students Master Mariners of India (CMMI). IMU
were admi ed in IMU Campuses and 1270 cadets are being mentored by industry
students were admi ed in the Affiliated experts to raise the competence of cadets
Ins tutes. As on date, there are 47 Ph.D and to align them with needs of industry.
Scholars and 6 MS (By Research) Scholars IMU is laying special emphasis to enhance
undertaking research work. IMU the communica on and cri cal thinking
conducted its 5th Convoca on on 14th skills of cadets. In this regard, IMU has
February 2020 at IMU Headquarters, launched lecture series in collabora on
Chennai. During the year, IMU introduced with Ins tute of Chartered Shipbrokers.
Online Classes for all the degree (UG/PG)
Programmes to maintain academic
con nuity during the COVID-19 lockdown Role & Func ons of the Authority
period. IMU had already introduced online 6.37 The Tariff Authority for Major Ports (TAMP)
classes for Ph.D & MS (By Research) course was created in 1997 by an amendment to
work subjects since 2017. the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 and was
6.35 Due to COVID-19, IMU conducted Online cons tuted by the Government of India
Proctored Examina ons for Final Semester t h ro u g h a G a ze e N o fi ca o n o n
Students with a view to facilitate their 10/04/1997. The regulatory jurisdic on of
placement and higher studies. The Online the Authority extends to all the Major Port
Proctored Examina ons for final Semester Trusts and private terminals opera ng
Students were conducted between therein. The Authority is statutorily
14.09.2020 and 19.09.2020. Around 99% mandated to frame the Scale of Rates and
of students a ended the examina ons Statement of Condi ons for the services
(8800 examina ons). The students rendered by the Major Port Trusts and
a ended these examina ons from their Private Terminals thereat as well as
residence. The results were published charges for use of port proper es. The
within a week from the comple on of Authority consists of a Chairman and two
examina ons. Indian Navy has gi ed a BER Members. The sanc oned strength of
Gas Turbine to IMU Kolkata on 10.01.2021 officers and staff of the Authority is 36.
for educa onal purposes. IMU is ac vely Tariff Authority for Major Ports is an ISO
engaging with industry for promo ng 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 cer fied
research ac vi es, consul ng projects and organisa on.
academic collabora on. Further, IMU is in 6.38 The Authority follows the following
the process of se ng up a Chair in guidelines issued by the Government of
collabora on with Ins tute of Marine India as policy direc on u/s 111 of the
Engineers, India.


Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 for regula ng A u t h o r i t y h a s a d o p te d a d efi n i te

tariff of Major Port Trusts and Private procedure for disposal of tariff cases. In
Terminals opera ng thereat. order to promote par cipa ve approach in
tariff fixing, special care is taken to give
Sr. No. Guidelines
adequate opportuni es to users to furnish
(I). Upfront Tariff Guidelines, 2008.
wri en and / or oral submissions. Port-
(ii). Reference Tariff Guidelines, 2013. level joint hearings are organized to
(iii). Guidelines for Determina on of Upfront facilitate maximum par cipa on of the
Tariff for Stevedoring and Shore greatest number of users to hear their
Handling Opera ons, 2016. arguments on all tariff proposals and final
(iv). Berthing Policy for Dry Bulk Cargo for decisions are taken in the Authority
Major Ports, 2016. mee ngs and tariff Orders are no fied in
the Gaze e of India. This year the
(v). Tariff Policy for Major Port Trusts, 2018.
Authority has held 27 joint hearings ll
(vi). Tariff Guidelines, 2019, for regula on of date through video conferencing in view of
tariff for BOT Operators opera ng in the Covid-19 pandemic.
Major Port Trusts who were governed by
erstwhile Tariff Guidelines of 2005. 6.40 The Authority since incep on has disposed
of 1039 cases ll 31 December 2020. Every
no fica on, declara on, Order and
6.39 An exercise for review of Reference Tariff regula on of the Authority made under
Guidelines, 2013 has been undertaken. In the MPT Act is published in the Gaze e of
the meanwhile, the validity of the India. The details of the disposal of tariff
Reference Tariff Guidelines has been cases during the period 2019-20 and
extended upto 08 March 2021 or un l d u r i n g t h e p e r i o d 0 1 / 0 4 / 2 0 2 0 to
further order whichever is earlier. The 31/12/2020 is tabulated below:

Par culars From 01/04/2019 From 01/04/2020

to 31/03/2020 to 31/12/2020
No. of Tariff cases approved 43 32

ANDAMAN LAKSHADWEEP HARBOUR WORKS formula ng and implemen ng the

programme of Ministry of Shipping for
6.41 Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works
providing Port and Harbour facili es in
(ALHW) a sub –ordinate office under
Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep
Ministry of Shipping was established
Islands. From its incep on, ALHW has been
during 1965 for the service of A& N islands
implemen ng the Port development
and Lakshadweep Islands. The ALHW is
schemes from the funds provided by
entrusted with the responsibili es of
Ministry of Shipping under Central Sector


Plan schemes star ng from the Third Five ports for fishing harbours, Indian Navy and
Year Plan onwards. Apart from the other mari me organiza ons.
crea on of Port infrastructures, ALHW is
also entrusted with maintenance of
Port structures & Cargo Handling 6.43 The Union Cabinet, a er approval of
equipments under the funds provided by Cabinet Note on Sagarmala Programme,
Andaman & Nicobar Administra on and Concept and Implementa on on 25th
Lakshadweep Administra on. March 2015, gave approval for
incorpora on of Sagarmala Development
Company (SDC) on 20th July 2016 with
6.42 Dredging Corpora on of India Limited following decisions:
(DCI) was incorporated in March, 1976with
a) Forma on and incorpora on, of the
an authorized capital of Rs. 30crore and
Sagarmala Development Company (SDC),
paid-up capital of Rs. 28 crore. 1.44%and
under the Companies Act, 2013 and
20% of the share capital was disinvested by
appoin ng Secretary (Shipping) as the ex-
the Government in the years 1991-92 and
officio Chairman and a Board of Directors
2003-2004 respec vely. 5% of the share
comprising of the Managing Director, two
capital was further disinvested by the
Func onal Directors, one Government
Government in the year 2014-15. During
Director and two Non-Official
2016-17 0.09% of the share capital was
(Independent) Directors of the SDCL.
offered and purchased by the employees.
The Government has sold the b) Selec on of the ini al set of Managing
remaining73.47% to the four ports – VPY, Director and the two Func onal Directors
PPT, JNPT and DPT vide the Share Purchase of the Company, through a Search-cum-
Agreement dated 08/03/2019 along with Selec on Commi ee to be headed by the
transfer of management and control. Its Chairman, Public Enterprises Selec on
shares are listed on Mumbai, Kolkata and Board (PESB) with Secretary (Shipping),
Na onal Stock Exchanges. The Company is Secretary (DOPT) and an expert (to be
engaged in providing maintenance and nominated by the Ministry of Shipping
capital dredging services, beach from outside the Ministry) as members.
nourishment, land reclama on, shallow The Government Director and two Non-
water dredging, marine port construc on Official (Independent) Directors, on the
ac vi es, PMC services to Ports, Indian Company Board, shall be appointed by the
Navy etc. Located strategically on the Ministry of Shipping, a er taking prior
eastern seaboard at Visakhapatnam, DCI approval of the Competent Authority.
helps in a aining and con nuous c) To set-up the SDC with an Ini al Authorized
availability of desired depths, in the Share Capital of Rs. 1,000 Crore and a
shipping channels of major and minor Subscribed Share Capital of Rs. 90 Crore


with the provision of increasing it in future development tasks by providing support in

if the need arises. project studies, DPRs, financing
arrangements, facilita ng approvals and
d) A budgetary alloca on of Rs. 250 Crore for
FY 2016 -17 and an equal amount for each
of the subsequent 4 years is solicited. 6.45 During 2018-19, the Sagarmala
Development Company Limited infused Rs
e) 6.80 Sagarmala Development Company
125 Crore in the Krishnapatnam Railway
Limited (SDCL) was incorporated on 31st
Company Limited (KRCL). KRCL is tasked
August, 2016 and it will raise funds as
with the development of a double railway
debt/equity(as long term capital), as per
line between Krishnapatnam Port and
the project requirement, by leveraging
Venkatachalam and single railway line
resources provided by the Government of
b etween Ven katach alam an d
India and from mul -lateral and bilateral
Obulavaripalle. This project will result in
funding agencies. As per the approved
reduc on of transit distance from the
structure of Sagarmala Programme, the
exis ng route by over 50 km. The train
implementa on of the projects shall be
opera ons began in 2019. SDCL has also
done by the line ministries, State
taken over the Indian Ports Global Limited
Governments/State Mari me Boards
(IPGL). Investment in Chabahar port
(SMBs) and SPVs and the SDCL will provide
through IPGL is first overseas strategic
a funding window and/or implement only
venture for India. The Chabahar project
those residual projects that cannot be
gives India a sea-land access route into
funded by any other means/mode.
Afghanistan and Central Asia through
6.44 SDCL endeavors to provide a framework Iran’s eastern borders. India, through IPGL,
and funding for ensuring integrated on 24th December 2018, took over
development of Indian mari me sector. opera ons at Chabahar port. With the
These include Green field port/brown field objec ve of improving connec vity to
port development, last mile connec vity Haldia Port, the Sagarmala Development
to the ports and other relevant ac vi es Company Limited has also infused equity
under Sagarmala Programme. With SDCL in an Road and ROB project connec ng
being a common equity investor and Haldia Port to the road network. SDCL
project development agency, it can lead to invested Rs. 50 Crore in the SPV for this
be er communica ons and coordina on project formed with NHAI. SDCL has also
among the different implemen ng invested equi es of Rs. 284.5 Crore in
agencies. The Company acts as a pa ent Haridaspur-Paradip Railway Company
investor providing long-term equity as well Limited (HPRCL), government majority-
as aims to provide residual capital to cover owned SPV to improve connec vity to
up equity short-fall in specific projects. Paradip Port in FY 2019-20. With the
SDCL also acts as the facilitator for pre- objec ve of improving connec vity to


Haldia Port, the Sagarmala Development c) Crea on of new and enhancement of

Company Limited has also infused equity ca p a c i t y i n e m b e d d e d h i nte r l a n d
in a Road project connec ng VPT to the connec vity.
road network. SDCL invested Rs. 20 Crore
d) To create railway infrastructure at Major
in the SPV for this project formed with
Ports and other designated areas including
land, building, locomo ves and
INDIAN PORT RAIL & ROPEWAY CORPORATION maintenance facili es for achieving the
LIMITED (IPRCL) main objec ves men oned above.
6.46 In order to provide efficient rail evacua on e) To carry on the business of development,
systems to Major Ports and thereby opera ons & maintenance of Ropeways
enhance their handling capacity and and other modern transit systems;
efficiency, a proposal seeking approval of
f) To provide consulta ve and management
Cabinet to form a Special Purpose Vehicle
services in all ma ers derived from domain
(SPV) was mooted by the Ministry. The
exper se rela ng to all aspects of port
Cabinet approved the proposal of
i n f r a s t r u c t u r e i n c l u d i n g r a i l w a y,
forma on of SPV on 25th March, 2015.
mul modal transport & port
Based on this decision a company namely
infrastructure, railway siding, locomo ves,
Indian Port Rail Corpora on Ltd. (IPRCL)
conveyor belts, land management etc.
has been incorporated on 10th July 2015
including policy formula on, promo on,
under Companies Act, 2013, in which the
development, implementa on,
subscribed share capital of Rs.100 Crore
construc on, opera on, maintenance,
has been contributed by 11 Major Ports
management and finance thereof.
and Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL). The
authorized share capital of the company is g) To enter either alone or jointly with any
Rs.500 Crore. The company has other companies or persons in India or
subsequently further diversified into outside India, into contracts (on turnkey
Ropeways and the name has accordingly basis or otherwise) for the design,
been changed to "Indian Port Rail & erec on, construc on, maintenance,
Ropeway Corpora on Limited". altera on, repair, pulling down and
restora on of railways, factories, mills,
Objec ves of IPRCL
industrial plants, engines, machinery,
a) To provide efficient and compe ve rail works of all descrip ons, including
evacua on systems to Ports in India by way railways, tramways, waterways, road
of crea ng last mile connec vity of the bridges, warehouses, factories, mills,
ports; museums, machinery, railway carriages,
wagons, ships and vessels of every
b) Moderniza on of the rail infrastructure at
descrip on, gas works, electric works,
ports; crea ng and managing the internal
water works, drainage and sewage works
port railway system.


and other public u li es, wharfs, docks, loca ons in various parts of India. IPRCL is
piers and buildings of every descrip on in in the process of capacity building and
India and or outside India. opening of offices at various loca ons all
over India for be er co-ordina on and
IPRCL Opera ons
control of the projects being undertaken
6.47 In year 2019-20 major thrust of the by it. IPRCL has directly executed projects
management has been team and for JNPT, DPT, KoPT, PPT, VPT and KPL
organiza on building for taking up direct during the year and this includes DPR
execu on of railway projects at all the prepara on, PMC and Construc on.

Important Projects completed during the Year 2019-20:

Sr No. Name of Project Port Cost in Crores

1 Rail connec vity to berth No. 13, 14, 15 & 16 DPT 28.86
Phase-2 : Bridge and Track Linking Work
2 Design supply erec on tes ng & Commissioning 25 KV, HDC 2.10
50 Hz single phase trac on overhead equipment and
other associated modifica on work of Line no. 6 and 7
in the Haldia Dock Complex.
3 Extension of line No. 11 to 15 to full length at R&D yard VPT 10.23
4 Supply of PSC sleepers and car ng of sleepers from PPT 11.92
Dhanmandal Sta on of East Coast Railway to PPT

Financial Results: crore in the previous financial year.

Further, our company has also achieved a
6.48 During the financial year 2019-20,
Profit a er Tax of Rs. 6.03 crore as
company achieved a total revenue of Rs.
compared to Rs. 19.88 crore in the
234.53 crore as compared to Rs. 322.26
previous financial year.

Financial Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Total Income 71.68 200.36 322.27 234.53
(Rs. Crore)
Net Profit / Loss 8.54 13.16 19.88 6.03
(Profit A er Tax)
Dividend NIL NIL 7.084 NIL
(Rs. Crore)


INDIAN PORT GLOBAL PRIVATE LIMITED development phase of Shahid Behesh -

Chabahar Port. The Ports & Mari me
6.49 In view of strategic interest of gaining
Organiza on of Islamic Republic of Iran
reliable sea / land access route to
(PMO) and Ministry of Shipping,
Afghanistan and other Central Asian
Government of India were the Confirming
Countries, Ministry of External Affairs
Par es to the Contract.
m o ve d a C a b i n et N o te d ate d 5 t h
September, 2014. As per para 12 of the 6.51 Since there were challenges in ac va on
said Note, it was proposed to establish a of the Main Contract, the founda on of a
Joint Venture Company, comprising of short period Contract was laid during the
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) and visit of His Excellency President of Islamic
Deendayal (erstwhile Kandla) Port Trust Republic of Iran to New Delhi in February
(DPT) to enter into Contract with Iran’s Port 2018. Resultantly a formal Short Lease
& Mari me Organiza on (P&MO) to Contract between the two sides was
par cipate in development of Phase 1 of signed on 6th May 2018. For
Chabahar Port. Cabinet approved the implementa on of the same, an SPV India
Indian par cipa on in Chabahar Port Ports Global Chabahar Free Zone (IPGCFZ)
Development on 18.10. 2014. Accordingly with 98% share holding by IPGL and 1%
India Ports Global Private Limited (IPGPL) each by JNPT & DPT was incorporated in
was incorporated on 22nd January 2015 Iran. In order to insulate JNPT and DPT
with an authorized capital of Rs.10 crore from possible impact of United State
and a paid-up capital of Rs. 5 crore. The sanc ons a er US withdrew from the Joint
two promoters were Jawaharlal Nehru Comprehensive Plan of Ac on, 100%
Port Trust and Deendayal Port Trust, equity shares of JNPT & DPT in IPGL have
holding equity in the ra o of 60:40, been purchased by Sagarmala
respec vely. Development Company Ltd. (SDCL) (a
company under Administra ve control of
6.50 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Ministry of Shipping).
for development of Chabahar Port by India
was signed in Tehran between India and 6.52 Extension for the Short Lease Contract of
Iran on 06th May 2015 by Minister of Shahid Behesh Port of Chabahar from
Shipping from the Indian side and Minister June, 2020 to June, 2021. A consignment
from the Iranian side, and therea er the of two Mobile Harbour Cranes (MHC) to
contract was signed on 23rd May, 2016 at Iran’s Chabahar port has been supplied,
Tehran (Iran) during the visit of Hon’ble with a total contract value of over USD 25
Prime Minister of India to Iran. The Million under a contract agreement for
Contract was signed between Aria supply of 6 MHC. The consignment of
Banader Iranian Port & Marine Services cranes arrived from Marghera port, Italy
Company (ABI) of Iran and India Ports has been unloaded successfully on 18th
Global Ltd. (IPGL) of India for equipping January, 2021 at Chabahar port.
and opera ng two terminals at first


HOOGHLY DOCK & PORT ENGINEERS LIMITED for improved VRS and 1 employee has
been retrenched, who did not opt for
6.53 Hooghly Docking & Engineering Limited
improved VRS. Cochin Shipyard Limited
(HDPEL), situated at Kolkata, is one of the
(CSL) on 01.11.2019 transferred the book
oldest shipyards in India. It was established
value to HDPEL towards the considera on
in 1819 in the private sector known as
for the transfer of 26% equity shares of
Hooghly Docking & Engineering Company
Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Ltd. (HCSL) held
Limited. On merger of the Port Engineering
by HDPEL and the amount has been
Wo r k s w i t h H o o g h l y D o c k i n g &
transferred to PAO, DIPAM on 28.11.2019
Engineering Limited, the Hooghly Dock &
making HCSL 100% subsidiary of CSL.
Port Engineers Limited was formed by an
Ownership of the land assets of HDPEL has
Act of Parliament tled “The Hooghly
been transferred to Ministry of Shipping,
Docking and Engineering Company
as per extant guidelines of Department of
Limited (Acquisi on and Transfer of
Public Enterprises dated 14.06.2018.
Undertakings) Act, 1984”. Government of
Outright liquida on and winding up of
India has na onalized the ailing company,
HDPEL has already been ini ated,
so as to u lize the available infrastructure
technical evalua on of the Bids are under
t h ro u g h a d e q u ate i nve st m e nt fo r
process for appointment of Insolvency
moderniza on and increase the capacity
professional in HDPEL.
for Ship Building and Ship Repair in the
country. The na onalized Company had C E N T R A L I N L A N D WAT E R T R A N S P O R T
remained with the Ministry of Industry ll CORPORATION LIMITED
27.07.1986 and was therea er transferred
6.55 CIWTC was incorporated on 22nd February
to erstwhile Ministry of Surface Transport
1967 incorporated in May 1967 as a Govt.
and now it is under the administra ve
of India Undertaking, when it took over all
control of Ministry of Ports, Shipping &
the assets and liabili es of the erstwhile
River Steam Naviga on Company Limited
Rehabilita on-cum-restructuring of HDPEL under a Scheme approved by the Calcu a
High Court on 03.05.1967. However, due
6.54 The Union Cabinet on 03rd October, 2019
to inherent limita ons and infrastructure
has approved the proposal for Liquida on
bo lenecks in the water transport sector,
& Restructuring of and providing improved
the opera ons of CIWTC could never
Voluntary Re rement Scheme (VRS) for
become viable and the company incurred
the employees of Hooghly Dock & Port
opera onal losses in each Financial Year
Engineers Limited (HDPEL). In view with
since its incep on and surviving on the
the decision of the Union Cabinet
support/Grants-in-aid on Govt. of India for
Improved VRS has been successfully
payment of salary/wages and other
implemented in HDPEL, out of 43
statutory dues of its employees. The
employees in HDPEL, 42 employees opted
Cabinet on 31st August, 2016 approved a


proposal for Dissolu on of Central Inland sec on 271 of the companies act, 2013 for
Water Transport Corpora on Ltd. (CIWTC) winding up and compulsory liquida on.
including Disposal of movable and
6.57 NCLAT vide Order dated 07.08.2019 has
immovable assets , improved Voluntary
disposed the case direc ng CIWTC to move
Re re m e nt S c h e m e ( V RS ) fo r t h e
before Adjudica ng Authority (Na onal
remaining five employees with provision
Company Law Tribunal NCLT, Kolkata) with
of Compulsory Re rement (CR) in case of
the request to act under Sec on 59 of
unwillingness and Winding up of CIWTC as
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 in
per provision of Companies Act, 1956. All
view with the Govt. of India, Ministry of
the land parcels of CIWTC have been
Shipping decision vide mee ng dated
transferred/handed over to Central
05.07.2019 to consent for Voluntary
Government, CPSEs etc. and all the
Liquida on of CIWTC and taking into
movable assets have been disposed.
account considera on the claim of Garden
6.56 Pursuant to the Cabinet decision for Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd.
voluntary winding-up of CIWTC, the (GRSE) and Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) and
company on 19.12.2017 had appointed an order of release of certain fund. The
Insolvency Professional for conduc ng Adjudica ng Authority, a er hearing the
vo l u nta r y l i q u i d a o n i n te r m s o f par es will pass appropriate order in
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016. a c c o r d a n c e w i t h l a w. C I W T C o n
However, in view of the claims made by 18.11.2019 filed an applica on before
Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) and Garden NCLT, Kolkata in view with the direc ves of
Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers (GRSE), NCLAT, Delhi. The decision of NCLT, Kolkata
the Liquidator of CIWTC on 21.06.2018 is awaited
filed an applica on with Na onal
Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) in terms of
Regula on 40(2) of Insolvency and 6.58 Sethusamudram Corpora on Limited
Bankruptcy Board of India Regula ons, (SCL) is an SPV set up under the Companies
2017 for suspending the process of Act in the year 2004, with the approval of
voluntary liquida on of CIWTC and for Cabinet, to implement the
further direc ons. The Hon’ble Na onal Sethusamudram Ship Channel Project
Company Law Tribunal, Kolkata Bench, (SSCP). Due to various li ga ons against
Kolkata on 28.09.2018 by its impugned the SSCP, the work has been stalled by an
Order suspended the voluntary liquida on order of Hon’ble Supreme Court in August,
of the Appellant and rejected the prayer 2007 and since July, 2009 all work has been
for conversion to an applica on under stopped at the project site.


Chapter - VII



Introduc on under the Na onal Waterways Act, 2016

in order to create IWT network across the
7.1 The Inland Water Transport (IWT) mode is
country to supplement already congested
widely recognized as a fuel efficient,
road and rail networks.
environment friendly and cost effec ve
mode, especially for bulk goods, over 7.2 The IWAI was set up on 27th October 1986
dimensional cargo and hazardous goods. vide Inland Waterways Authority of India
The primary requirement for making this Act, 1985, for regula on and development
mode commercially viable is development of inland waterways for the purposes of
of IWT infrastructure (fairway, terminals shipping and naviga on, and is inter-alia
and naviga on aids) and at the same me responsible for development,
crea ng an enabling environment for maintenance and regula on of Na onal
augmenta on of IWT fleet, primarily by Waterways (NWs). The development and
the private sector. Inland Waterways regula on of waterways which are not
Authority of India (IWAI) is now focused on declared as NWs remain under the
developing the technically and domain of the respec ve State
economically viable Na onal Waterways Governments.


Na onal Waterways- 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Na onal Waterway- 1

7.3 N a o n a l Wate r way - 1 ( G a n ga - 7.4 The Ganga – Bhagirathi – Hooghly river
Bhagirathi-Hooghly river system from system between Haldia (Sagar) and
Allahabad to Haldia), Na onal Waterway – Allahabad (1620 km) was declared as
2 (River Brahmaputra from Dhubri to Na onal Waterway-1 (NW-1) in 1986.
Sadiya), Na onal Waterway -3 (West Coast Since then IWAI is carrying out various
Canal from Ko apuram to Kollam along developmental works on the waterway for
with Udyogmandal and Champakara improvement of its navigability and also
Canals) have already been developed with development and maintenance of other
fairway, naviga onal aids, je es and infrastructure such as naviga on aids and
terminals with mechanized equipment terminal facili es as laid down in the IWAI
handling facili es for loading and Act, 1985 (82 of 1985). During 2019-20,
unloading of cargo. These waterways are the important measures like River
opera onal and vessels are plying on Conservancy works (dredging
these Na onal Waterways. Fairway &bandalling) carried out for development
development works in Vijayawada – & maintenance of fairway along with
Muktyala stretch of river Krishna (part of naviga onal aids and terminal facili es on
NW-4) under Phase – I are in progress at a NW-1. The stretch-wise following Least
cost of Rs. 96 Crore. Development of NW-5 Available Depth (LAD) is maintained by
has been ini ated with Monthly deploying 11 nos. Departmental dredgers
Longitudinal Thalweg Survey in Pankapal- along with 13 nos. survey vessels for
Dhamra Port – Mangalgadi-Paradip Port monitoring:
stretches and consultancy work for studies
including EIA-EMP are underway.

(a) Haldia – Farakka stretch 560 km2.6 m to 3.00 m

(b) Farakka – Barh stretch 400 km2.1 m to 3.00 m

(c) Barh – Ghazipur stretch 290 km1.5 m to 2.50 m

(d) Ghazipur – MMT Varanasi 140* km1.1 m to 2.20 m

The LAD ranging of 0.8 - 1.5 m was naturally je y are also available for u liza on.
available in MMT Varanasi - Allahabad/ Prayagraj Another Mul -Modal Terminal (MMT) at
(230 km) stretch of NW-1. Sahibganj (Jharkhand) on NW-1 under
World Bank assisted Jal Marg Vikas Project
7.5 Fixed terminals at GR Je y-2 (Kolkata),
(JMVP) was inaugurated on 12.09.2019 by
Patna (Low level and high level) are
the Hon’ble Prime Minister through video
opera onal and in-use. Pakur & Farakka


conferencing. One Mul -Modal Terminal giving the cargo operator modal choice of
( M M T ) at Va ra n a s i ( U. P. ) a l re a d y transport and enable socio-economic
inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister growth in U ar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand
on 12.11.2018 and both are opera onal. and West Bengal. The progress achieved
The details of Jal Marg Vikas projects may under each component of JMVP during
be seen in a separate sec on of this report. the period of report is summarised
Further 20 floa ng terminals have also below:-
been provided on NW-1for berthing of
Fairway Development
vessels/ embarking-disembarking &
logis c support at following loca ons: 7.7 The fairway development consists of (i)
provision of least assured depth in the
(I) Haldia, Budge-Budge, BISN, Botanical
fairway from Haldia to Varanasi; (ii) bank
Garden (Kolkata), Shan pur, Swaroopganj,
p ro tec o n wo r ks ; ( iii) r iver b en d
Katwa, Hazardwari, Downstream (D/s)
correc on upstream of the Farakka
Farakka and Upstream (U/s) Farakka in
Naviga on Lock; and (iv) provision of
West Bengal;
Naviga on Aids & RIS.
(ii) Rajmahal (Manglahat) and Sahibganj
7.8 Dredging Management Plan (DMP) in
(Samdaghat) in Jharkhand and
consulta on with Expert Commi ee
Bateshwarsthan, Bhagalpur, Munger,
including NTCPWC, IIT-Madras has been
Semaria & Buxar in Bihar; and
prepared and approved by IWAI Board for
(iii) Ghazipur / Rajghat, Ramnagar (Varanasi) implementa on:-
and Allahabad terminals in U ar Pradesh.
a) Provision of least assured depth (LAD) of
Jal Marg Vikas Project 3m and bo om channel width of 35/45 m
on the Farakka-Kahalgaon stretch (146
7.6 Inland Waterways Authority of India is
Kms), Sultanganj-Mahendrapur stretch
implemen ng the Jal Marg Vikas Project
(74 kms) and Mahendrapur-Barh stretch
(JMVP) for capacity augmenta on of
(71 kms) through Performance Based
naviga on on NW-1 (Haldia-Varanasi
Assured Dredging contracts. The
stretch) with the technical assistance and
contracts were awarded to M/s Adani
financial support of the World Bank at an
Ports & SEZ Ltd. on 9.04.2018, 12.04.2019
es mated cost of Rs. 5,369.18 crore
and 12.04.2019 at costs of Rs. 177.00
(Revised project cost Rs. 4633.81 Cr.) The
Crore, 159.30 Crore and 182.9 Crore
project implementa on is planned to be
respec vely. The financial progress as on
completed by December, 2023 as per the
November 2020 (1) Farakka-Kahalgaon
loan agreement signed by DEA with World
stretch: Rs. 70.68 Crore; (2) Sultanganj-
Bank. On comple on, JMVP will provide a
Mahendrapur stretch: Rs. 24.81 Crore; and
supplementary, cost-effec ve, safe and
(3) Mahendrapur-Barh stretch: Rs. 26.56
environment-friendly mode of transport,


b) On the advice of NTCPWC of IIT-Madras on at Haldia, Garden Reach (GR) Je y, Tribeni,

dredging strategy plan for providing an Swaroopganj, Kumarpur, Ballia and
LAD of 2.5 m and bo om channel width of Farakka. These sta ons were integrated
30 m on the Barh-Majhaua stretch into two control sta ons at Farakka and GR
through Departmental Dredgers on O&M Je y. Both the control sta ons would
Contracts; and on Majhaua-Ghazipur monitor the vessels plying in this river
stretch and Ghazipur-Varanasi stretch stretch via Automa c Iden fica on
through Quan ty Based Maintenance System (AIS) and communicate with
Dredging contract are under finaliza on. vessels via VHF. 30 IWAI vessels were
equipped with Inland AIS system, short
Barh – Digha – Majhaua
range radar and VHF.
Majhaua – Ghazipur
Mul modal terminal at Varanasi
Ghazipur – Varanasi
7.10 The mul modal terminal, with a capacity
Tribeni – Farakka of 1.26 MTPA was inaugurated by the
c) Tribeni - Farakka – NIT for this stretch has Hon’ble Prime Minister on 12.11.2018.
been released on 21.11.2020. The pre-bid The construc on of a 650 mtr long two-
was schedule on 08.12.2020 lane road connec ng the Mul -Modal
Terminal with NH-7 and a 35 mtr long
d) Tenders for Least Assured Depth on Barh-
and 5.8 mtr wide Truss Bridge) was
Digha and Digha- Majhaua stretches were
completed and opera onalised on
floated on 20.11.2019. Due date of
11.01.19. Rail connec vity from the IWT
submission of bids was 23.03.2020. Due to
Terminal to Jeonathpur railway sta on on
COVID-19 no bids were received.
the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
e) All the awarded contracts are to be (EDFC) is planned. The rail alignment is
completed by March, 2023. under finalisa on in consulta on with the
f) Presently, no dredging is planned on the Dedicated Freight Corridor Corpora on of
Kahalgaon-Sultanganj stretch (50 km) due India and North Central Railway.
to the presence of Dolphin Sanctuary. 7.11 The proposal for Equip, Operate and
7.9 DGPS reference sta on with MF link was Transfer (EOT) at the mul modal terminal
established at Swaroopganj with a view to at Varanasi to be awarded to a private
provide sub-meter accuracy in posi on operator under the PPP Model on was
fixing so as to facilitate the operators to appraised and recommended for approval
navigate their vessels smoothly and by the Standing Finance Commi ee (SFC),
effec vely along the naviga onal channel. chaired by Secretary, Ministry of Ports,
The River Informa on System was made Shipping and Waterways, on 23.04.2020.
fully opera onal to monitor vessel Bid documents for the same were released
movements through remote base sta ons on 14.05.2020. Two pre-bid mee ngs


were conducted viz. 10.07.2020 and Ins tute of India and condi ons
26.08.2020. Tariff proposal (to be prescribed by the State Chief Wildlife
applicable) for Varanasi MMT EOT bidding Warden. IWAI has complied with/is
was approved by the IWAI Board during complying with these mi ga on measures
the 173rd Board mee ng on 22.10.2020. as per the s pula ons. Further, Govt. of
UP vide no fica on dated 17.03.2020 has
7.12 The Standing Commi ee of Na onal Board
de-no fied the exis ng Turtle Sanctuary.
for Wildlife, in its mee ng held on
15.05.2017, had recommended grant of Mul modal Terminal at Sahibganj
permission for movement and plying of
7.13 The mul modal terminal, with a terminal
inland vessels through the Kashi Turtle
capacity of 3.03 MTPA, is constructed in
Wild Life Sanctuary at Varanasi subject to
two phases in Samdanala Village of
IWAI taking the standard mi ga on
Sahibganj. Hon’ble Prime Minister
measures prescribed by the Wildlife
inaugurated the terminal on 12.09.2019.

7.14 Rail connec vity is proposed from the terminal to Sakrihali railway sta on. The rail alignment is
under finaliza on. The opera on, management and development of the mul modal terminal at
Sahibganj is proposed to be awarded to a private operator under the PPP Model on tender-cum-
auc on basis. RFQ has been issued on 14.08.2019. Pre-applica on mee ng was held on
24.09.2019. The PPPAC Memo has been referred for appraisal to the Department of Economic


Photos of the Sahibganj mul modal terminal

7.15 Sahibganj MMT OMD project was physical progress is 94.06% and financial
appraised and recommended for approval progress is Rs. 441.85 Crore as on
by the Public Private Partnership Appraisal November, 2020. Rail alignment for
Commi ee (PPPAC), chaired by Secretary, connec vity from the terminal is under
Department of Economic Affairs, on finalisa on in consulta on with the Haldia
01.06.2020. Final approval was received Dock Complex.
from Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
Waterways on 09.11.2020 and RFQ for the
same was released on 12.11.2020. Since a
two-stage procurement process is being
followed for this project, bid documents
will be released to qualified bidders
iden fied during the RFQ process.
Mul modal Terminal at Haldia
7.16 The mul modal terminal at Haldia, with a Photos of the under construc on Haldia
terminal capacity of 3.07 MTPA, is being mul modal terminal
constructed in two Phases on a 61 acres
7.17 The proposal for Equip, Operate and
land in the Haldia Dock Complex leased
Transfer (EOT) at the mul modal terminal
from the Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) on 30
at Haldia to be awarded to a private
year tenure. The work on Phase-I was
operator under the PPP Model on was
awarded to M/s ITD Cementa on at a cost
appraised and recommended for approval
of Rs. 517.36 Crore on 30.06.2017,The
by the Expenditure Finance Commi ee


(SFC), chaired by Secretary, Ministry of land in Kalughat, Saran district of Bihar,

Ports, Shipping and Waterways, on with road connec vity to NH-19. SIA study
23.04.2020. Bid documents for the same of the proposed land is completed.
were released on 14.05.2020. Two pre- Possession Cer ficate of 13.17 acres of
bid mee ngs were conducted viz. land received on 26.09.2020. DPR is ready
10.07.2020 and 26.08.2020. Tariff and tender process for award of work is in
proposal (to be applicable) for Haldia progress. The Terminal is being planned to
MMT EOT bidding was approved by the handle mostly container traffic des ned to
IWAI Board during the 173rd Board Nepal.
mee ng on 22.10.2020.
7.20 An intermodal terminal is proposed to be
Naviga onal Lock at Farakka constructed on 8.917 ha of land in
Ghazipur, U ar Pradesh. 4.386 ha of land
7.18 The new naviga onal lock is being
has already been acquired and registered
constructed on 14.86 ha of land in the
with IWAI. Balance 4.531 hac. of land is at
Farakka Barrage Project (FBP), taken on
an advanced stage of acquisi on. DPR is
transfer from the FBP on 02.03.2016. The
ready. Tender process has been kept on
construc on work of this lock, awarded to
hold due to poor response shown by the
M/s Larsen & Toubro Ltd. on 24.11.2016 at
prospec ve bidders in a stakeholder
a cost of Rs. 359.19 Crore has achieved
mee ng held in Mumbai.
physical progress of 74.46%
(November,2020) and financial progress Na onal Waterway –2
of Rs. 250.00 Crore as on 30.11.2020.
7.21 Na onal Waterway-2 comprises of river
Intermodal terminal at Kalughat and Ghazipur Brahmaputra from Dhubri to Sadiya , a
stretch of 891 km in the state of Assam. A
7.19 An intermodal terminal is proposed to be
navigable fairway of minimum 45 m width
constructed on 5.159 ha (12.80 acres) of
and 2.5 m Least Available Depth (LAD) was


maintained by the IWAI in Dhubri-Pandu 7.22 Currently, there are three road bridges
(255 km) and Pandu-Neama (374 km) across river Brahmaputra at Guwaha ,
stretch. In Neama -Dibrugarh stretch, 2.5 Tezpur, Sadiya and three rail cum road
m LAD was maintained for 330 days. In bridges at Jogighopa, Guwaha and
Dibrugarh-Sadiya (Oriumghat) stretch, Bogibeel for connec vity between
LAD of 1.5 m was maintained for 330 days. southern and northern parts of Assam.
Night naviga on facili es provided People residing on either side of the river
between Dhubri and Silghat can be need to cross the river using conven onal
extended in a short period of me ferry service at various loca ons for their
depending upon demand. day to day needs.

Containerized cargo transporta on from Haldia on NW-1 to Pandu on NW-2

7.23 Earlier, IWAI had started a similar Ro-Ro opera on between Dhubri&Hatsingimari
service between Dhubri and Hatsingimari has been established. WAI has deployed
which reduced the travel distance by 190 its own modern Ro-Ro Vessel M.V.
km. A permanent Ro-Ro terminal was Gopinath Bordoloi for Ro-Ro opera on in
constructed at Dhubri for the purpose to this route from July, 2017. Two Ro- Ro
provide a direct link between Assam and routes are under opera on viz. (i) between
Meghalaya avoiding circuitous route of Neama to Kamalabari and (ii) between
220 km through Jogighopa, Ro-Ro Hatsingimari and Dhubri. Ro-Ro terminals


are also proposed at Neama -Kamalabari undertaking dredging in all stretches

and Maijan (Dibrugarh) to Sengajan are except a 1.00 km long shoal in
proposed for which DPR has been Kayamkulam Kayal and 1.10 km to be
prepared. IWAI have deployed 4 nos. of dredged in various shoals in Edappalliko a
Departmental Dredgers and 6 nos. of – Kollam stretch.
Survey Launches in NW-2.
7.27 The progress of capital dredging and
7.24 The IWAI had launched a Roll on-Roll off widening of narrow sec ons in NW-3 has
(Ro-Ro) service from 11th October-‘2018 been experiencing delay over the years
in Assam from Neama to Majuli Island. due to various local issues related to
The new Ro-Ro facility has been started in disposal of dredged material, demand for
collabora on with the Government of extra bank protec on and dredged spoil,
Assam to provide the much-needed frequent stoppage of works and li ga ons
connec vity for Majuli Island. This service by the local people and objec on by the
has reduce the road route distance of 423 fishermen. With new regula ons
km that trucks take from Neama to regarding protec on of wet lands etc.,
Majuli Island via Tezpur Road Bridge to iden fying disposal sites for material
only 12.7 km with the use of river route. dredged from Na onal Waterway has
Majuli is one of the biggest riverine islands become extremely difficult. To resolve
(144 km2) in the world located on river such problems and take the works
Brahmaputra and faces serious challenges forward, IWAI is regularly interac ng with
of connec vity. It has 144 villages with a the State Government, but s ll, the long-
popula on of over 1,50,000. drawn process for allo ng dumping sites
is causing considerable underu liza on of
7.25 The IWAI had procured a new vessel MV
IWAI’s dredging capacity in NW-3.
Bhupen Hazarika at a cost of Rs 9.46 Crore
for the new service from Neama to 7.28 The Irriga on Department of Govt. of
Majuli island and is also providing the Kerala was entrusted with reconstruc on
needed terminal infrastructure. The 46.5 of new naviga onal lock at
metre long, 13.3 metre wide vessel has the Thrikkunnapuzha (with dimensions of
carrying capacity of eight trucks and 100 61m long, 14.75m wide and 6m (above
passengers. The IWAI is also planning to HFL) ver cal clearances), at a cost of Rs. 38
procure more such Ro-Ro vessels for use Crore on deposit basis. IWAI has deposited
on river Brahmaputra. a total amount of Rs. 27 Crore to Govt. of
Kerala. The construc on of lock-gate is in
Na onal Waterway (NW) -3
progress by Irriga on Department, Govt.
7.26 On NW-3 in Kerala, the important works of Kerala on deposit basis.
carried out during 2019-20 which include
7.29 The Irriga on Department Government of
development of the naviga on channel
Kerala was entrusted with the
with the specified dimensions by
moderniza on work of 40 feet wide lock


g a t e a t T h a n n e r m u k ko m f o r t h e other at Willington Island have been

replacement of old Mild steel shu ers to constructed by IWAI through Cochin Port
stainless steel shu ers at a total cost of Rs. Trust to provide connec vity with ICTT,
2.85 Crore on deposit basis. As a result, Vallarpadam. By u lizing this facility,
the shu ers are free from corrosion so trucks/ trailers bound for Vallarpadam
that the maintenance cost of the lock can need not pass through the congested
be reduced in large extend. The project roads of Kochi city. These terminals were
was completed during the year and in opera on from February-2011 to June-
commissioned on 17.03.2020 a er 2017. Total 2.58 lakh TEU’s have been
sa sfactory trail run. Now the lock is ready transported between these terminals by a
for opera on and facilita ng movement of Ro-Ro vessel operated under a contract
larger vessels through the lock towards with a private operator, ll the opera on
upstream and downstream of west coast was terminated in June 2017 due to the
canal (NW.3) dispute between Operator and CoPT. In
terms of tones, total cargo moved in NW-3
7.30 Cargo terminals have been constructed at
in an organized way by barges during
9 places (viz. Ko appuram, Aluva, Maradu,
2019-20 was 5.74 lakh tones, which mainly
Vaikkom, Thanneermukkom, Alappuzha,
consists of Sulphur, Phosphoric Acid,
Thrikkunnapuzha, Kayamkulam, and
Liquefied Ammonia Gas, Rock Phosphate
Kollam). The above terminals are not
a rac ng expected cargo mainly due to
reluctance on the part of consigners and 7.32 A total number of 312 Solar powered
consignees to accept a model shi to IWT lighted FRP buoys and 17 Beacon lamp
mode. Hence 3 terminals handed over posts were maintained by IWAI along
(Ko appuram, Aluva and Kollam) to KSWC Champakkara & Udyogmandal Canals and
(Kerala State Warehousing Corpora on) Ko apuram – Kollam (West Coast Canal)
for u liza on of terminals on lease basis. stretches of NW-3 to facilitate round the
clock safe naviga on.
7.31 Two Roll-on/Roll-off terminals within the
Cochin Port area, one at Bolgha y and the

Solar Powered FRP Buoy installed in NW-3 Beacon lamp in NW-3


Na onal Waterways (NW-4) Crore. Land acquisi on for the

construc on of Ro-Ro terminals is in
7.33 Development work has been ini ated on
progress in consulta on with the
NW-4 between Vijayawada and Muktyala
Government of Andhra Pradesh.
stretch of Krishna River at a cost of Rs. 96

Na onal Waterway (NW)-5

7.34 The Phase-wise break up for the development of NW-5 are as under:-
Paradip/Dhamra to Pankapal ( viaKani River) 212 km
Pankapal to Talcher ( River Brahmani ) 112 km
East Coast Canal ( Charba a to Geonkhali) & Matai Riever 256 km
( Charba a to Dhamra)
Total 588 km

7.35 Based on the feasibility studies conducted, Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for
DPR prepared during 2016 and also construc on of 4 Weirs/Barrages with 3
keeping in view the poten al of cargo naviga onal locks, 2 Check Dams & 1
movements as emanated through various Rubber Dam with naviga onal lock etc.
studies, it was decided to ini ally develop between Paradip / Dhamra and Pankapal
332 km of economically & commercially stretch (Phase – I, 212 km) on NW- 5,
viable stretch of NW-5 between Paradip/ Odisha was awarded to M/s Tractebel
Dhamra and Talcher in following two Engineering Pvt. Ltd. The Dra design of
phases:- W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, C1&C2 have been
prepared and submi ed to CWC for
a) Phase-I: Between Paradip / Dhamra and
examina on and ve ng under in ma on
Pankapal – 212 km.
to WRD, Odisha on dated 03-09-2019, 27-
b) Phase-II: Pankapal to Talcher – 120 km. 09-2019, 05-11-2019, 22-11-2019 & 06-
7.36 Preparatory work in Phase-I covering 212 12-2019. Ve ng from CWC, New Delhi is
km between Paradip / Dhamra and awaited.
Pankapal is being taken up. Preliminary Status of 106 New Na onal Waterways (Nws) :
ac vi es such as thalweg survey & studies
7.38 Under the Na onal Waterways Act, 2016,
are in finalized stage and Hydrographic
106 new NWs were declared as NWs in
survey in Phase-II covering 120 kms. from
addi on to the exis ng five NWs. The
Pankapal to Talcher has completed in
feasibility study and the DPRs of 106 NWs
October, 2020.
have been completed. A er detailed
7.37 Consultancy service for prepara on of analysis of the outcomes and
Detailed Project Report (DPR) followed by recommenda ons of the FRs/ DPRs, input


from stakeholders, 106 NWs have been categorized into three categories and men oned below:-
1. Category ‘A’: Feasible NWs with Cargo 18 Nws
2. Category ‘B’: Feasible NWs with only Tourism 25 Nws
poten al/ Ferry/ Cruise
3. Category ‘C’: NWs not feasible for Cargo/ Cruise 63 Nws
Total 106 Nws

Traffic Highlights 20 increased to 16 as against 13 in FY-19. In

FY-20, traffic movement on NW-16 (River
7.39 The total traffic movement on NWs in the
Barak), NW-44 (River Ichhama ) and NW-
FY-20 was recorded at 73.64 million tonne
94 (River Sone) was included. The
as against 72.3 million tonne in FY-19
following table presents the details of
thereby recording a YoY growth of approx.
traffic movement on different NWs.
2%. The number of opera onal NWs in FY-


Key developments / ini a ves taken place during FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21
Agreement on addi on of new routes and Ports of call under PIWT&T
7.40 2nd Addendum to the Protocol on Inland Water Transit & Trade (PIWT&T) between the
Government of India and Bangladesh was signed on 20th May, 2020 with addi onal new routes
(Badarpur, Sonamura, Kolaghat, Maia and Jogighopa in India and Ghorasal, Daudkandi,
Sultanganj, Aricha and Bahadurbad in Bangladesh).

Delegates from India and Bangladesh at 20th SCM of PIWT&T

Transporta on of transit cargo from Bhutan to Charge) for Shipping. A er that, more
Bangladesh than 28 movements of Bhutanese cargo
from Dhubri to Bangladesh via NW-2 / IBP
7.41 Transit transporta on of Bhutanese bulk
routes took place in FY-20 and FY-21 using
cargo (Stone aggregates) to Bangladesh
shallow dra Bangladeshi vessels. The
via NW-2 and IBP routes commenced on
route has the poten al to become a
11th July 2019. The IWAI vessel MV AAI
popular mode of choice for trade between
carrying stone aggregates was digitally
Bhutan & Bangladesh.
flagged off from Dhubri on NW-2 by
Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent


Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Shipping, Shri Mansukh Mandaviya digitally flagged
off first movement of Bhutanese Goods from Dhubri des ned to Bangladesh

Stakeholder consulta on events helped in promo ng waterways as a mode

of transporta on and understanding
7.41 IWAI carried out stakeholder consulta ons
expecta ons and feedback of
at six different loca ons (Kolkata, Kochi,
stakeholders. IWAI is undertaking targeted
Mumbai, Patna, Goa and Dhaka) in FY 19-
ini a ves to address the expecta on and
20. Cumula vely, these interac ons were
feedback received to further enhance
a ended by approx. 500 stakeholders and
traffic on NWs.

Dr. Amita Prasad, Chairperson, IWAI making a Dr. Amita Prasad, Chairperson IWAI making a
presenta on on Goa Waterways presenta on on emerging opportuni es due to
opera onaliza on of IBP route at the
stakeholder conference

Na onal Inland Naviga on Ins tute (NINI) at designated protocol route and dock at
Patna Ports of Call in each country, no fied for
loading / unloading of cargo. There has
7.42 NINI was established by IWAI at Patna and
been significant improvement in the
has been func onal from February 2004.
movement of cargo vessels in an organized
Induc on courses for deck and engine
manner on the Protocol route carrying
ra ngs, preparatory courses for Serang
both the transit cargo to NE region of India
and engine drivers, basic and advanced
and vice-versa and export-cargo to
dredging courses, refresher courses for
Bangladesh. The Indian transit cargo is
hydrographic surveyors, courses for repair
mainly coal, fly-ash, POL and ODC for
and maintenance of vessels, etc. are
power projects in NE region. The other
conducted in NINI regularly. So far, a total
poten al cargo for movement is fer lizers,
10130 candidates have been trained at
cement, food grains, agricultural products,
NINI ll 30th November, 2020.
containerized cargo etc. The export cargo
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION from India to Bangladesh is mainly fly-ash
Bangladesh which is to the tune of 30 lakhs MT per
annum. Around 638 inland vessels
Indo Bangladesh Protocol on Inland Water
(including 600 Bangladeshi flag vessels)
Transit &Trade (PIWTT)
completed approximately 4000 loaded
7.43 A Protocol on Inland Water Transit and voyages annually on IBP routes.
Trade (PIWTT) exists between India and
7.44 For making the Protocol more effec ve,
B a n g l a d e s h u n d e r w h i c h t h e t wo
many landmark decisions were taken in
Governments have made mutually
the last two Secretary Shipping Level Talks
beneficial arrangements for the use of
held in October, 2018 in New Delhi and in
their waterways for movement of cargo
December, 2019 in Dhaka. Some of the
between the two countries for passage of
decisions taken during these talks included
goods between two places in one country
extension of protocol routes, inclusion of
through the territory of the other, in
new routes and declara on of new Ports of
accordance with the laws of the country
Call to facilitate trade between the two
through the territory of which goods are
countries. These decisions are given effect
moving. The Protocol is valid upto June
with the signing of 2nd addendum under
2025. Under this Protocol, Inland vessels of
PIWT&T on 20th May, 2020 at Dhaka,
both the countries can ply on the


Secretary, M/o PSW of India and Secretary, M/o Shipping, Bangladesh

exchanging documents at Dhaka, Bangladesh

Use of Cha ogram and Mongla ports for Development of fairway from Sirajganj to
movements of transit goods from India Daikhowa and Ashuganj to Zakiganj on Indo-
Bangladesh Protocol route
7.45 Bangladesh has allowed India use of its
Cha ogram and Mongla Ports for transit 7.46 India and Bangladesh have signed an MoU
movement of Indian goods through for development of fairway from Sirajganj
waterways, rail, road or mul -modal to Daikhowa (175 km) and Ashuganj to
transport in its territory for which a Zakiganj (295 km) on Indo-Bangladesh
Standard Opera ng Procedure (SOP) was Protocol route for dredging and to develop
signed by the two countries on 5.10.19. and maintain fairway of 2.5 m depth and
The alterna ve connec vity is expected to 30 m width for 07 years wherein the cost of
boost development of the North East dredging is to be borne in a 80:20 ra o
Region (NER) by increasing trade volumes between India and Bangladesh. The
and reducing logis c costs. Eight routes es mated cost of the project is Rs. 305
are provided under the Agreement which Crore, out of which Rs. 244 Crore is to be
would enable access of NER via borne by India.


Dredging in progress on IBP route in Bangladesh

7.47 On the dredging in the Ashuganj-Zakiganj Mizoram with Haldia/Kolkata ports

(295 km) stretch of Kushiyara river, through Kaladan River in Myanmar. The
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport project envisages road transport from
Authority (BIWTA) has awarded the work M i zo ra m t o Pa l e t w a ( M y a n m a r ) ,
to M/s Dhar -Banga JV on 04.10.2018 at a therea er from Paletwa to Si we
total cost of BDT 95.49 Crore through open (Myanmar) by IWT and from Si we to
tendering. The dredging work has Haldia/Indian Ports by mari me shipping.
commenced from March’2019 and ini al The project is piloted and funded by the
dredging is expected to be completed by MEA which has appointed IWAI as their
March’2021. The channel shall be Project Development Consultant (PDC) for
maintained for next five years under the Port & IWT components of the project. The
exis ng contract. Phase-I work of Port & IWT component in
KMTTP is completed. Under Phase II
Wreck removal from Si we Port Basin
7.48 The Kaladan Mul modal Transit Transport area, appointment of O&M agency and
Project (KMTTP) was conceptualized by DPR prepara on for the construc on of
the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) to Container handling facility at
provide an alterna ve connec vity of Si we/Paletwa are completed.


Chapter - VIII


TRANSPORT RESEARCH 8.3 The following publica ons have been
released during the year 2020-21
8.1 The Transport Research Wing (TRW)
provides research and data support to the a) Basic port Sta s cs of India – 2018-19
Ministry of Shipping for policy planning
b) Half-Yearly update on Indian Port Sector
and formula on. TRW is the nodal agency
for period ending 30th September, 2019
for collec on, compila on and
and 31st March, 2020
dissemina on of informa on and data on
Ports, Shipping, Ship-building & Ship- c) Indian Shipping Sta s cs 2019
repairing industry and Inland Water d) Sta s cs of India’s Ship-building & Ship-
Transport (IWT) at the Na onal level. repairing Industry 2018-19
Apart from collec on, compila on and
e) Sta s cs of Inland Water Transport 2018-
publica on of transport data pertaining to
ports, shipping and inland waterways, it
also scru nizes and validates data 8.4 The publica ons are on the website of
received from various primary/ secondary Ministry of Shipping:
sources for consistency and comparability. under the head, “Transport Research
TRW is associated with review mee ngs W i n g ”. T h e w o r k r e l a n g t o t h e
on policy issues pertaining to Port, prepara on of publica ons “Basic Port
Shipping and IWT Sectors. Sta s cs- 2019-20”, “Half-Yearly update
on Indian Port Sector for period ending
8.2 Apart from publica ons, Transport
30th September, 2020”, “Indian Shipping
Research Wing coordinates with various
Sta s cs 2020”, “Sta s cs of Inland Water
other Ministries/ Department/ States/
Transport 2019-20” and “Sta s cs of
UTs Governments like Ministry of Finance,
India’s Ship-building & Ship-repairing
Ministry of Commerce, NITI AAYOG,
Industry 2019-20” is under progress.
Central Sta s cal Office (CSO) and
Na onal Sample Survey Office (NSSO), of 8.5 Apart from publica on and dissemina on
Ministry of Sta s cs & Programme of data, TRW also prepare monthly cargo
Implementa on and State Governments traffic handled at Major ports and Non-
etc. Major Ports on the basis of informa on
received from Major and Non-Major Ports


in Port Data Management Portal (PDMP), Fishing Harbour and also Mari me State
which is also uploaded on Ministry’s Governments as and when requested
website. TRW prepare a monthly progress regarding Minor Ports. This Wing also
report of the projects under Ministry of renders advice in techno-commercial
Shipping cos ng Rs. 150 crore and above dispute between ports and the
and updates on OCMS (Online contrac ng firms as and when required.
Computerized Monitoring System) of The Wing is associated with Bureau of
Ministry of Sta s cs & Programme Indian Standards (BIS) for formula on/
Implementa on. TRW has also taken upgrada on of Indian Standards on Port &
ini a ve for compila on of service price Harbour Engineering and also
indices for Port Sector and providing data onequipments and floa ng cra s.
for compila on of Global Indices like
8.7 The Development Wing is associated with
Linear Shipping Connec vity Index to
processing the technical and
Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
administra on ma ers related to the
DEVELOPMENT WING Interna onal Naviga on Associa on –
Permanent Interna onal Associa on for
8.6 The Development Wing is Apex Technical
Naviga onal Congress, (INA–PIANC)
Organiza on of the Ministry headed by
wherein Government of India is a member
Development Advisor (Ports). This Wing
country. The Development Wing is
deals with the subjects of port
associated for implementa on of their
development and renders technical
“Na onal oil spill Disaster con ngency
advice on ma ers rela ng to the
plans”at the major ports for which Indian
development of Major Port Projects,
Coast Guard is the nodal agency. This Wing
Andaman & Lakshadweep Harbour Works
also coordinates the Research Commi ee
(ALHW) and the Dredging Corpora on of
Works related to Port Sector of the
India, etc. This Wing also renders technical
advice to other Ministries in the case of


Chapter - IX

COOPERATION WITH MULTILATERAL become par es. Out of these 59 trea es,
ORGANIZATIONS India is a party to 35 trea es (conven ons/
protocols) which have been suitably
9.1 India became a member of the
incorporated into the Indian domes c
Interna onal Mari me Organiza on
legisla on i.e. the Merchant Shipping Act,
(IMO) in 1959, which is the global standard
se ng authority for the safety, security
and environmental performance of 9.3 Currently, there are two IMO Conven ons
shipping and ensures that such standards namely, (a) Interna onal Conven on on
are fair and effec ve and are universally Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollu on
adopted and implemented. India has been Damage 2001; and (b) Interna onal
an ac ve par cipant at the IMO. In fact, Conven on for the Control and
par cipa on of India in the func oning of management of Ships’ Ballast Water and
IMO has helped India to voice its Sediments, 2004 which are under
developmental concerns to the considera on in the Ministry for India to
interna onal mari me community. India sign an instrument of accession.
has been a member of the IMO Council
9.4 India has become a prime des na on for
and has got re-elected as Member of the
green ship recycling with the passing and
IMO Council for biennial 2020-21 under
enactment of the landmark Recycling of
Category ‘B’, represen ng na ons with the
Ships Act, 2019. The new Act provides a
largest interest in interna onal seaborne
legisla ve framework for implementa on
trade, for biennial 2020-21 during the IMO
of the provisions of the Hong Kong
Council elec on held on November 29,
Conven on. It also contains provisions of
the Conven on which are not covered in
9.2 IMO adopts and implements various the Ship breaking Code (Revised), 2013.
trea es in the form of conven ons/ With enactment of this Act, ship recycling
protocols. From me to me, keeping in volume is expected to double by 2024.
mind our na onal interests and the
9.5 India has also acceded to IMO’s Hong Kong
interna onal standards evolved by IMO
Interna onal Conven on for Safe and
through its trea es, India has been
Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships
becoming party to the trea es adopted by
in November, 2019. Accession to IMO’s
IMO. As on date IMO has adopted 59
Hong Kong Interna onal Conven on will
trea es which are open for countries to
give boost to the Domes c ship recycling


industry in India which is one of the mul lateral organiza ons/agreements

world’s five major ship recycling countries. such as ASEAN (Associa on of South East
Asia Na ons); Bay of Bengal Ini a ve for
9.6 India is also a party to two important
Mul -Sectoral Technical and Economic
Conven ons of the Interna onal Labour
Coopera on (BIMSTEC); India, Brazil and
Organiza on (ILO) meant for welfare of
South Africa (IBSA); Indian Ocean Rim-
seafarers, namely the Mari me Labour
Associa on for Regional Coopera on
Conven on and the Seafarer’s Iden ty
(IORA); Interna onal North South
Document Conven on. India contributes
Transport Corridor (INSTC), etc.
approximately 10 percent of the total
workforce in the shipping industry. India is M A R I T I M E T R A N S P O R T C O O P E R AT I O N
home to the second largest number of INSTRUMENTS/ARRANGEMENTS:
seafarers a er the Philippines. The
A. Bilateral coopera on arrangements
Interna onal Labour Organiza on (ILO)
has mandated standards for the mari me 9.8 India has entered into coopera on
industry too. The Mari me Labour instruments/arrangements with the
C o nv e n o n i s a s i n g l e , c o h e r e n t following mari me countries and regional
instrument which replaces and groupings by way of Agreements or MoUs,
consolidates 37 separate ILO mari me to foster growth of the Indian mari me
labour conven ons adopted since 1920. sector as well as to safeguard India’s
mari me interests:-
9.7 A p a r t f r o m I M O, I n d i a h a s b e e n
contribu ng significantly to the other

Sweden Jordan China

Maldives Iran Russian Federa on
Denmark Vietnam Singapore
Malta Austria Turkey
Republic of Korea Sri Lanka Federal Republic of Germany
Cyprus The Netherlands Finland
Bangladesh Pakistan Poland
United Arab Emirates South Africa Trilateral Transit Transport
Agreement with Iran and
Afghanistan (Chabahar
Egypt United States of America IBSA (Trilateral Agreement
with Brazil and South Africa).
Belgium Morocco Portugal


B. Unilateral Agreements
9.9 India has signed agreements for Mutual Recogni on of Cer ficates of Competence (CoC) of
Seafarers with Sweden, Malaysia, UAE and Republic of Korea. India’s CoC is unilaterally
recognized by the following countries:-
1. Vincent/ Grind Anes 18. Luxemburg
2. Dominica 19. Cyprus
3. Hellenic Republic 20. Malta
4. Georgia 21. Norway
5. Vanuatu 22. France
6. Thailand 23. Denmark
7. Liberia 24. Ire Land
8. Marshal Islands 25. Bangladesh
9. Kuwait 26. Ghana
10. Bahamas 27. Latvia
11. Qatar 28. An gua and Barbuda
12. Barbados 29. Vietnam
13. Netherlands 30. Australia
14. Japan 31. Singapore
15. Belize 32. Hong Kong
16. Jamaica 33. Panama
17. Isle of man

Joint Working Group (JWG) Mee ngs held during d) 2nd Joint Working Group on mari me
the year 2020 between India and Myanmar was
heldthrough video conference on
a) 9th mee ng of the Joint Commi ee on
Ports and Mari me Coopera on between
India and Iran was held in Delhi on e) 1st trilateral Joint Working Group between
04.02.2020. India, Iran and Uzbekistan to discuss joint
use of Chabahar Port (Iran) was held
b) 2nd mee ng of the Joint Working Group
through video conference on 14.12.2020
on Shipping with Denmark was held in
Delhi on 04.02.2020. f) 3rd mee ng of the Joint Working Group on
Shipping between India and Denmark was
c) 2nd mee ng of the Joint Mari me
held through video conference on
Commission (JMC) with Russia was held
through video conference on 14.02.2020


Chapter - X


Secretary (P,S&W) and Senior Officers of Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways taking pledge and
celebra ng Samvidhan Diwas on 26.11.2020 in Sagarmanthan Conference Hall.

Administra on Service (CSSS), Central Secretariat Clerical

Service (CSCS), Development Wing and
10.1 Administra on Wing of the Ministry of
Chartering Wing. Establishment Sec on
Ports, Shipping & Waterways is headed by
implements all administra ve orders
Joint Secretary (Administra on) who is
issued by Department of Personnel &
assisted by Deputy Secretary
Training, Department of Pension &
(Administra on), Under Secretary
Pensioners’ Welfare, Ministry of Finance,
(Administra on) supervising the work of
Union Public Service Commission, Central
Establishment Sec on, General
I n fo r m a o n C o m m i s s i o n , C e nt ra l
Administra on Sec on and Cash Sec on.
Vigilance Commission etc.
The Establishment Sec on is entrusted
with the service and administra ve 10.2 Special efforts have been made by the
ma ers of 295 regular employees of Ministry to ensure compliance of the
(Group A, B, and C) of the Ministry. This orders issued from me to me regarding
includes the management of the various reserva on for SC/ ST/ OBC in filling up
Cadres such as Central Secretariat Service vacant posts in the Chartering Wing and
(CSS), Central Secretariat Stenographers the Development Wing of this Ministry.


Informa on with regard to the total started to greet the employees on their
number of Government Ser vants, birthday by giving a card, bouquet and a
separately for Secretariat and token gi , so as to keep their morale and
Non–Secretariat side (Group-wise) and mo va on high.
representa on of SC/ST employees in the
10.4 To oversee the implementa on of the
Ministry is given at ANNEXURE- III.
Prohibi on of Smoking in Public Places’
Welfare Rules, 2008 in the Central Govt. Offices/
Buildings, the Ministry of Ports, Shipping &
10.3 In the Ministry of Ports, Shipping &
Waterways has cons tuted a Commi ee
Waterways, several welfare measures for
for surprise checking in the premises of
all employees including the women
the Ministry. The Ministry of Ports,
employees of the Ministry were
Shipping & Waterways is one of the few
u n d e r ta ke n . T h e re i s a n I nte r n a l
Ministries, which have successfully
C o m p l a i n t s C o m m i e e o n s ex u a l
completed online APARs of all the officers
harassment to look a er the grievances of
of Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways
women employees rela ng to sexual/
through SPARROW. The Biometric
Gender based harassment. Further, as
A endance System has also been
part of the welfare measure for employees
implemented in this Ministry.
in the Ministry, a new ini a ve has been

Celebra on of Swachhta Pakhwada


10.5 Important Days of na onal importance viz. at the Recep on for the convenience of
An – Terrorism Day, Communal Harmony the general public who visit personally.
Day, Sadbhavana Diwas, Swachhta Diwas,
c) In the Ministry of Ports, Shipping &
Cons tu on Day, Interna onal Yoga Day,
Waterways (Main Sec .), we have
Vigilance Awareness Week, Red Cross Day,
appointed/designated 23 CPIOs and 15
Red Cross Raffle Draw, etc. were observed
Appellate Authori es based on the
and “Pledge” taken by the employees of
Divisions, who are in the rank of Under
the Ministry of Ports, Shipping &
Secretary and Deputy Secretary/Director
Waterways. Contribu ons were also
and equivalent respec vely. No fica ons/
raised and collected towards “Flag Day”.
Orders indica ng the appointment of
Essay compe ons both in Hindi and
CPIOs/ Appellate Authori es under the
English were conducted during Communal
Act have been published and uploaded
Harmony Week / Vigilance Awareness
/hosted on the website of the Ministry of
Week. The Par cipants are rewarded for
Po r t s , S h i p p i n g & Wate r ways i . e .
par cipa ng in these events.
d) Whenever a request is received from the
10.6 E-Office system has been implemented public/ci zen by the CPIO/IFC, the same is
fully for all the officers and their passed/transferred to the RTI Cell, where
suppor ng staff in the Ministry. This the applica on is registered a er ensuring
Ministry has also migrated to e-file system that fee has been deposited. Therea er
w.e.f. 1st January, 2017 and is one of those the request is sent to the concerned
Ministries which have switched over to e- CPIOs/Appellate Authori es to provide
filing system completely. All the exis ng desired informa on to the applicants / for
physical files/ records have been digi zed. disposal of First Appeal. A monthly
Scanners have been provided to all the statement in this regard is sent to DoP&T.
Sec ons/Officers for scanning of daily
e) Copies of the RTI Act and circulars received
rou ne papers/receipts/dak etc.
from DOPT on RTI are circulated promptly
Right to Informa on Act to all the organiza ons for compliance.
a) Detailed informa on rela ng to f) Useful guidance material/instruc ons are
obliga ons listed in Sec on 4 of the RTI also circulated to all CPIOs/ Appellate
(Publica ons of Manuals) has been Authori es.
uploaded / hosted in the websites of the
g) An internal procedure has been
concerned organiza ons.
established and circulated to all the
b) For the implementa on of the RTI Act, concerned CPIOs/ Appellate Authori es
Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways and all Sec ons for guidance, while
has exclusively created a new cell and an dealing with the requests/appeals from
Informa on and Facilita on Counter (IFC) public seeking informa on.


h) All the useful records are duly maintained. by this Ministry during the period from
01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020 are as under:-
i) The Quarterly details of RTI Applica ons
and RTI Appeals received and disposed of

Sl. No. Period RTI Applica ons received RTI Appeals received
and disposed of and disposed of
1 January – March 103 2
2 April – June 66 2
3 July – September 98 9
4 October – December 85 4
Total 352 17

Accounts and Budget Ministry on financial and accoun ng

ma ers, cash management and
10.7 Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Highways is
coordinates with the Controller General of
headed by Secretary to the Government of
Accounts, Comptroller & Auditor General
India and he is the Chief Accoun ng
of India, Finance Ministry and other
Authority for the Ministry. He discharges
related agencies for accoun ng and
his responsibili es through the Financial
pension related work.
Advisor (FA) and the Pr. Chief Controller of
Accounts. The Accounts and Budget Wings 10.8 The Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts
of the Ministry are func oning under the organiza on comprises Pr. Chief Controller
Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts. The office of Accounts, one Controller of Accounts
of the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts is and one Dy. Controller of Accounts and
inter-alia responsible for making all two Assistant Controllers of Accounts. The
authorized payments of the Ministry, Budget Sec on consists of one Under
compila on of Monthly and Annual Secretary (Budget), who report directly to
Accounts, conduc ng Internal Audit of all Pr. CCA. There are 6 PAO’S/RPAO’s under
the Units under the Ministry to ensure the administra ve control of Pr. CCA
compliance of the prescribed Rules etc. Pr. located at New Delhi (two), Noida,
CCA office has the responsibility of Mumbai, Kolkata, Port Blair. The detailed
prepara on of Receipt Budget, Statement responsibili es assigned to the office of
of Central Transac ons, Finance Accounts the Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts
and Appropria on Accounts, making Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Highways
payments of bills, expenditure monitoring and its offices throughout the country are
PFMS implementa on ll agency level. Pr. as under:-
CCA also renders Technical advice to the


Payments g) Monitoring of Internal Extra Budgetary

Resources (IEBR) and its submission to the
a) Making payments on behalf of the
office of the CGA.
Ministry a er conduc ng pre-check of the
presented bills as per approved budget. h) Monitoring and submission of mandatory
informa on as per Fiscal Responsibility
b) Making payments to the subordinate
and Budget Management (FRBM) Act and
a ached offices, Autonomous Bodies,
Socie es Associa ons, Public Sector
Undertaking and State Governments. i) Prepara on of Management Informa on
Reports based on accoun ng, budget &
c) Release of authoriza on to other Ministry
audit data for submission to various
to incur expenditure on behalf of the
authori es.
j) Prepara on of financial sta s cs on
monthly basis regarding receipts and
a) Accep ng, budge ng and accoun ng the expenditure for uploading on Ministry’s
receipts of the Ministry. website.
b) Monitoring the repayment of loans and k) Prepara on of Monthly expenditure/
interest thereon received from State Weekly expenditure based on Budget and
Governments and Public Sector submission to various authori es viz. AS &
Undertakings. FA, Secretary etc. for monitoring the
c) Receipt & Payment under New Pension expenditure.
Scheme. l) Prepara on of material for Annual Report
d) Submission of Accounts & Report for submission to Ministry, Accounts at a
Glance and flash figure of expenditure and
e) Prepara on of Monthly Accounts of the
to submit to CGA and prepara on of
M i n i s t r y, S t a t e m e n t o f C e n t r a l
provisional Accounts and to submit to the
Transac on, Statements of Finance
Accounts, Head wise and stage wise
Appropria on Accounts and their m) Prepara on of State wise monthly
submission to the Controller General of expenditure in respect of All RPAOs/PAOs
Accounts, Ministry of Finance, for further submission to Ministry.
Department of Expenditure and the Budget
Director General of Audit, Central
a) Prepara on and submission of Annual
Budget Es mates and Revised Es mates
f) Prepara on of Annual Budget including re-appropria on of funds and
the Outcome Budget and coordina on Supplementary Demands for Grants of the
with the Ministry of Finance in the Budget Ministry and Coordina on with the
process during the financial year.


Ministry of Finance and other

day func oning and by bringing greater
Departments in all budget ma ers.
sensi vity for financial prudence. The
b) Ve ng of Demands for Grants yearly a er officers of the Internal Audit Wing as well
incorpora ng actual expenditure and as officers posted in other sec on have
prin ng of Detailed Demands for Grants of been imparted various trainings related to
the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Internal Audit in the past. This year three
Waterways AAOs have been imparted training in Risk
c) Prepara on of Annual Es mates of Based Audit. Consequent upon the
Revenue Receipts, Interest Receipt & effec ve u liza on of Internal Audit
Public Accounts. mechanism during the past few years by
the Pr. CCA’s organiza on, there has been
Internal Audit a significant improvement in maintenance
10.9 The Internal Audit Wing in the Pr.CCA of Accounts in all offices of the Ministry of
organiza on of Ministry of Shipping has Shipping. Internal Audit paras and CGA’s
been established as an effec ve tool for A u d i t Pa ra s w h i c h i nv o l v e m a j o r
iden fying the systema c errors/lapses in irregulari es/deficiencies are brought to
the func oning of various departments in the no ce of Head of Departments and
the Ministry and advising the ma er perused for se lement on paras
management for necessary ac on/ and review mee ng are also arranged by
rec fica on. This has proved to be as Pr.CCA office to se le the outstanding
immense management tool to bring about paras. The details of the outstanding paras
objec vity and financial property in day to raised by the IAW are as under:-

Number of paras Number of paras Number of paras Number of paras

outstanding at the se led during the raised during the outstanding at the
beginning of the year year end of the year

Internal Audit 584 154 172602


CGA’s Audit paras 52 11 04 1


10.10 Summary of important audit observa ons 10.11 A web-based applica on for genera ng
made during recent audit reports are daily/monthly MIS/Expenditure of
enclosed at ANNEXURE-IV. accoun ng informa on. All the PAO’s/
RPAO’s have been fully integrated with the
Computeriza on of Accounts
based accoun ng portal E-Lekha. They are
E-Lekha required to upload their daily transac ons


in this portal so that the date of The Head-wise Details of Receipts as per
expenditure and receipts are available on the Statement of Central Transac on (SCT)
daily basis. This has enabled availability of for the last three years have been reflected
real me data on expenditure and receipt in ANNEXURE–VI. Head wise details of
which is crucial for effec ve monitoring of expenditure for 2018-19 to 2020-21 (upto
expenditure/receipts and budgetary 31st December, 2020) are given in
controls. The reports generated from the A N N E X U R E – V I I . P ro fi l e o f a c t u a l
Management Informa on System of this Expenditure in 2020-21 (upto 31st
portal are important managerial tools and December, 2020) is at ANNEXURE–VIII.
are being by various Departments of the The Ministry of Shipping is maintaining
Ministry. two funds viz. Deprecia on Reserve Fund
and General Reserve Fund for providing
certain services required to develop
10.12 PFMS was ini ally started for release of transporta on facili es in the country.
funds under plan schemes of Govt. of Details are at ANNEXURE-XI.
India. Now the scope of PFMS has been
expanded to integrate various exis ng
standalone systems being used by DDO’s 10.14 The Vigilance Wing of the Ministry
and PAO for online processing of coordinates and supervises the vigilance
sanc ons, bills and payments of all types ac vi es within the Ministry as well as the
of expenditure. This is being implemented PSUs and autonomous bodies under its
in different phases. In the first phase, it is administra ve control. The Wing is
proposed to make all payments of PAO headed by the Chief Vigilance Officer
except Salaries, Pension & GPF through (CVO) of the rank of Joint Secretary
PFMS. The CGA has decided to roll out appointed with the approval of Chief
phase I w.e.f. 1.10.2015 in Delhi/NCR Vigilance Commission.
based PAO/NCDDO’s (This would mean a
10.15 There are 30 a ached/subordinate/
spread of around 40 departments
PSE/autonomous bodies under the
including nearly 90 PAOs and 500
Ministry and each organiza on has either
DDOs).PFMS has since been rolled out in
a part- me or full- me CVO. The part- me
all RPAOs/CDDOs.
CVOs are appointed from amongst the
Grant No. 90 – Ministry of Shipping officers of the concerned organiza on in
consulta on/concurrence with the CVC.
10.13 The posi on of savings/excess in respect of
The full- me posts of CVOs, wherever
above men oned Grant No. 90 for the
such posts exist, are filled-up by officers of
year 2020-21 and actual expenditure for
organized services through DoP&T.
the year 2020-21 (upto 31st December,
2020) has been reflected in ANNEXURE-V. 10.16 The emphasis has been laid on the role of
preven ve vigilance by taking prompt


administra ve ac ons and ensuring posters were displayed at the prime

transparency including simplifica on of loca ons of the building and No ce Board
procedures and use of e-technology etc. of the Ministry. Vigilance Awareness Week
Special emphasis was laid on the was also observed in the a ached/
strengthening of vigilance machinery in subordinate/PSE/autonomous bodies
various organiza ons under the Ministry under the Ministry.
of Port, Shipping & Waterways par cularly
10.18 Vigilance ac vi es in various organiza ons
the Port Trusts. Puni ve ac on has been
under this Ministry are being reviewed
taken wherever required in consulta on
periodically through their reports/returns
with CVC against the delinquent officials.
and also through interac ons with
10.17 During the Vigilance Awareness Week, a CVOs/Head of the Organiza ons during
pledge was administered to the staff and periodical mee ngs.
officers of the Ministry. The banners,


Chapter - XI


11.1 Hindi Sec on has been established in the Official Language Implementa on Commi ee
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (OLIC)
for implementa on of the Official
11.4 There is an Official Language
Language Policy of the Union
Implementa on Commi ee (OLIC)
Government. Presently it is under the
cons tuted in the Ministry under the
administra ve control of Economic
Chairmanship of Economic Advisor. The
Advisor, assisted by Assistant Director
Commi ee reviews the progress made in
(OL). The Hindi sec on consists of one
the use of Hindi in the Ministry on
Joint Director (OL)- (Currently vacant), one
quarterly basis. It gives appropriate
Assistant Director (OL), two Senior
sugges ons and recommends measures
Transla on Officers, one Junior Transla on
to be taken for the effec ve
Officer and one Stenographer. Hindi
implementa on of the Official Language
sec on monitors the implementa on of
Policy. Two mee ngs of the Commi ee
Official Language (Hindi) Policy in the
were held during the year 2020-21 (upto
Ministry as well as in all the offices under
its administra ve control.
Inspec ons to assess the progressive use of Hindi
11.5 Due to outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic
11.2 Keeping in view the Annual Programme
very few offices could be inspected during
issued by the Department of Official
2020-21 (upto 31-12-2020). The details of
Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, each
the inspec ons carried out by First Sub
year, Ministry of Shipping con nued its
Commi ee of Parliament on Official
efforts to do maximum official work in
Language and the Officials of this ministry
Hindi for implementa on of the Official
during the repor ng period to assess the
Language Policy of the Union Government.
progress of implementa on of the Official
Compliance of Sec on 3(3) of the Official Language Policy of the Union Government
Language Act, 1963 (as amended 1967) are given below:-
11.3 In pursuance of the Official Language Inspec ons of the Commi ee of Parliament on
Policy of the Government of India, all Official Language:
documents covered under sec on 3(3) of
11.6 Hindi sec on reviews the ques onnaire of
the Official Language Act, 1963 (as
the offices under its control during the
amended 1967) in Ministry were issued
inspec on by First Sub Commi ee of
both in English and Hindi during the
Parliament on Official Language and
repor ng period.


imparts necessary guidance to them. The official work in Hindi’. 11 par cipants from
said commi ee inspected Office of the various sec ons a ended the workshop.
Chairman, Inland waterways authority of
Award scheme for the books originally
India (IWAI), NOIDA on 14 October, 2020
wri en in Hindi and translated into Hindi
during the year 2020-21 (as on 31-12-
from other languages on the subjects
rela ng to Indian ports, Shipping and
Inspec on in the offices under the control of Inland Water Transport:-
ministry of Shipping:
11.10 Ministry of Shipping is running an Award
11.7 The officials of the Ministry of Shipping Scheme on annual basis with an objec ve
inspected two offices under its control to promote book wri ng originally in Hindi
during the repor ng period namely: and transla on of books from other
languages into Hindi on subjects related to
I. Directorate General of Lighthouse and
Indian Ports, Shipping and Inland Water
Lightships, NOIDA : 23.12.2020
Transport, under which first, second and
II. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata : third prizes are given in both categories
24.12.2020 separately. Entries were invited under the
Organiza on of Hindi Pakhwada (fortnight) scheme for year 2018-19 ll 31st August,
2020 but no entry was received. The
11.8 In order to encourage the use of Hindi in
scheme will be implemented for the year
official work and to propagate Hindi, 'Hindi
2019-20 also.
Pakhwada' was organized in the Ministry
from 14-09-2020 to 28-09-2020. During Rajbhasha Shield Scheme:-
Hindi Pakhwada various compe ons 11.11 To p r o m o t e u s e o f H i n d i i n t h e
were held. Prizes were distributed to the headquarters of offices under the control
winners of the compe ons held during of Ministry of Shipping a Rajbhasha Shield
Hindi Pakhwada. This year there were total scheme is being run on annual basis, under
35 Prizes for 05 Compe ons in which 35 which region wise offices are awarded
Officers and Staff par cipated and 19 with a shield and cer ficate.
par cipants won total 35 Prizes.
Incen ve scheme for doing official work in Hindi
Organiza on of Hindi workshop
11.12 Ministry of Shipping is implemen ng the
11.9 One online virtual Hindi workshop was cash incen ve scheme of Official Language
organized during the repor ng period. It Department in order to encourage officials
was conducted by Sh. Kewal Krishan, Rtd. for doing their official work in Hindi on
Director (Technical), Department of yearly basis. Under this scheme total ten
Official Language on 15-12-2020. In this prizes (cash awards) are to be given
workshop, par cipants were trained on namely, Two First prizes of 5000/- Rs. each,
‘Use of IT tools in transla on and doing Three Second Prizes of 3000/- Rs. each and


Five Third Prizes of 2000/- Rs. each. Any In this magazine crea ve and informa ve
officer/employee who writes minimum ar cles and the ar cles related to the
20,000 or more Hindi words in a financial ac vi es of the Ministry of Shipping are
year in his official work is eligible to published. Till now 5 issues of this
par cipate in this scheme. The word limit magazine are published and ar cles have
for non-Hindi speaking officials is been invited for the Sixth issue of this in
minimum 10,000 words per year and they house magazine.
are given 20% weightage in the number of
Hindi Salahakar Sami
words. For the year 2019-20 two officials
of this ministry have par cipated under 11.14 With a view to render advice for effec ve
this scheme. implementa on of the Official Language
Policy of the Government, the Hindi
In-House Magazine "Nautarni”
Salahakar Sami (Advisory Commi ee) of
11.13 Ministry's in house Hindi magazine the Ministry of Shipping had been
"Nautarni" is being published to promote cons tuted and its tenure had expired. The
the crea ve wri ng in Hindi in the officers process of recons tu on of the commi ee
and employees of the ministry of Shipping. is in progress.


(para 1.5 refer)


I. The following subjects which fall within IV. Other subjects which have not been
List 1 of the Seventh Schedule to the included under the previous parts:
Cons tu on of India: 11. Legisla on rela ng to shipping and
1. Mari me shipping and naviga on; naviga on on inland waterways as regards
provision of educa on and training for mechanically propelled vessels and the
the mercan le marine carriage of passengers and goods on
2. Lighthouses and lightships inland waterways.

3. Administra on of the Indian Ports Act, 12. Legisla on rela ng to and coordina on of
1908, (15 of 1908) and the Major Port the development of minor and major
Trusts Act, 1963 (38 of 1963) and ports ports.
declared as major ports 13. Administra on of the Dock Workers
4. Shipping and naviga on including carriage (Regula on of Employment) Act, 1948 (9
of passengers and goods on inland of 1948) and the Schemes framed
waterways declared by Parliament by law thereunder other than the Dock Workers
to be na onal waterways as regards (Safety, Health and Welfare) Scheme,
mechanically propelled vessels, the rule of 1961.
the road on such waterways 14. To make shipping arrangements for and on
5. Ship-building and ship-repair industry behalf of the Government of India/Public
Sector Undertakings/State Governments/
6. Ship breaking
State Government Public Sector
7. Fishing vessels industry Undertakings and autonomous bodies in
8. Floa ng cra industry respect of import of cargo on Free on
II. In respect of the Union Territories: Board/Free along Site and export on Cost
9. Inland waterways and traffic thereon and Freight/Cost Insurance and Freight
III. In respect of the union territories of the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the 15. Planning of Inland Water Transport.
Lakshadweep: 16. Formula on of the priva za on policy in
10. O rga n i za o n a n d m a i nte n a n c e o f the infrastructure areas of ports, shipping
mainland islands and inter-island shipping and inland waterways.
services. 17. Preven on and control of pollu on:


(a) Preven on and control of pollu on arising Ÿ The Inland Vessels Act, 1917 (1 of 1917)
from ships, shipwrecks and abandoned Ÿ The Dock Workers(Regula on of Employment)
ships in the sea, including the port areas; Act, 1948 (9 of 1948)
(b) E n a c t m e n t a n d a d m i n i st ra o n o f Ÿ The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958)
legisla on related to preven on, control
Ÿ The Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 (38 of 1963)
and comba ng of pollu on arising from
Ÿ The Seamen's Provident Fund Act, 1966 (4 of
ships; and
© Monitoring and comba ng of oil pollu on
Ÿ The Inland Waterways Authority of India Act,
in the port areas. The Development of
township of Gandhidham 1985 (82 of 1985)
Ÿ The Mul modal Transporta on of Goods Act,
V Acts and Rules
1993 (28 of 1993)
Ÿ The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (15 of 1908)
Ÿ The Lighthouse Act,1927


(para 1.2 refer)

Minister of State (IC)

for Ports, Shipping &

Secretary (P, S & W)

Addi onal Secretary

Addi onal
Financial Adviser

Joint Joint Joint Joint Develop Joint Adviser

Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary ment Secretary (Stats.)
(Admn., (Ports) (Shipping) (Sagarmal Adviser (PPP)
Parl& a& PPP) (Ports)


(para 10.2 refer)

Annual Statement Showing the Representa on of SCs, STs and OBCs as on 1st January, 2021 and
Number of appointments made during the Preceding Calendar year 2020:

Ministry/Department/A ached/Subordinate Office: Shipping

Representa on of SCs/STs/OBCs/EWSs (As on 01.01.2020)
Group Total SCs STs OBCs EWS Total
A 50 9 02 04 - 15
B 98 16 08 25 - 49
C (Excluding 38 10 02 05 - 17
C (SafaiKaramchari) - - - - - -
Total 186 35 12 34 - 81

Number of Appointments made during the Calendar Year 2019

Group SCs STs OBCs EWS Total
A - - - - -
B - - - - -
C (Excluding - - - - -
C (SafaiKaramchari) - - - - -
Total - - - - 01

By Promo on
Group SCs STs OBCs Total
A - - - -
B - - - -
C (Excluding - - - -
C (SafaiKaramchari) - - - -
Total -` - - -


By Deputation
Group VH HH OH Total
A - - - -
B - - - -
C (Excluding - - - -
C (SafaiKaramchari) - - - -
Total -` - - -


(para 10.10 refer)


(Including Schemes/Banks/PSUs/Grantee Ins tu ons)

S. No. Nature of irregulari es No of paras Total amount involved (Rs .

in lakhs)
1. Non-recovery of Government 1 0.44
dues from Central Govt.
Department/ State Govt./Private
Par es
2. Over payments 2 8.29
3. Non-adjustment of advances-
Con ngency Advance- 9 503.34
T. A. Advance 11 24.00
LTC Advance 2 0.23
Long Term Advances - -
4. Blocking of Govt. money - -
5. Non accountal of costly - -
stores/Govt. money
6. Items of special nature 27 507.98
Total 52 1044.28


(para 10.13 refer)


(upto 31/12/2020) (Rs in crores)

Grant No. & Name Original Supplementary Total Actual Saving

Budget Expenditure
Revenue Account 1715.00 0.00 1715.00 848.74
Grant No.
Capital Account 85.00 0.00 85.00 53.48

Total 1800.00 0.00 1800.00 902.22

Source: E lekha.


(para 10.13 refer)


(Rs. in crore)


Sl. No. MAJOR HEAD 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

up to
1. 0021-Taxes on Income other than 19.29 21.34 11.99
Corpora on Tax
2. 0045-Other Taxes & Du es on -1.70 -0.27 0.00
Commodi es & Services
3. 0049- Interest Receipts 235.61 64.70 0.27
4. 0050-Dividends & Profits 202.37 194.77 166.04
5. 0070-Other Administra ve Services 0.02 0.00 0.00
6. 0071-Contribu on & Recoveries towards 9.19 9.07 10.17
Pension & Other Re rements Benefits
7. 0075-Miscellaneous General Services 0.00 0.00 0.00
8. 0210-Medical & Public Health 0.42 0.41 0.31
9. 0216-Housing 0.45 0.53 0.36
10. 1051-Ports and Light Houses 306.99 330.37 243.24
11. 1052-Shipping 98.41 86.36 27.94
12. 1054-Roads and Bridges -- -- 55.38
13. 1056-Inland Water Transport 24.72 0.00 29.96
14. 1475 - Other General Economic Services 0.00 0.00 0.00
A REVENUE RECEIPTS * 895.77 707.28 545.66



MAJOR HEAD 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

up to
1. 4000- Miscellaneous Capital Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00
2. 6858- Loans for Engineering Indst. 0.00 60.74 0.00
3. 7051- Loans for Port & Light Houses 260.82 63.85 15.67
4. 7056-Loans for Inland Water Transport 0.00 0.00 0.00
5. 7601-Loans & Advances to State Govt. 0.00 0.00 0.00
6. 7610- Loans to Govt. Servants 0.39 0.37 0.22
CAPITAL RECEIPTS ** 261.21 124.96 15.89


(para 10.13 refer)
i.e. FROM 2018-19 TO 2020-21 (upto 31/12/2020)
(Rs. in crore)
PARTICULARS 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 (up
to December
2049-Interest Payment 0.38 11.62 0.33
2071-Pension Payment 30.79 39.07 29.81
2235-Social, Security & Welfare 0.06 0.08 0.04
2852-Industries 29.91 231.28 100.26
3051-Ports & Lighthouses (Gr.No.89) 773.33 697.59 441.84
3051-Port and Lighthouses 9.25 10.51 5.64
Andaman & Nicobar administra on
3052-Shipping 124.17 89.82 91.58
3056-Inland Water Transport 862.00 506.37 360.28
3451-Economic Services 55.74 53.45 39.91
3601-Grant-in-aid to State Government 100.00 48.61 30.31
TOTAL (Revenue Exp.) 1985.63 1688.40 1100.00
4405-Capital outlay on fisheries 8.18 6.11 2.07
4406-Capital outlay on forestry & wildlife 0.00 0.00 0.00
4801-Capital outlay on Power Proj 1.51 1.40 0.00
5051- Capital outlay on Ports & Lighthouses (Gr.No.89) 177.77 241.61 84.61
5051- Capital outlay on Ports & Lighthouses 5.74 15.56 2.67
Andaman & Nicobar administra on
5052-Capital outlay on Shipping Andaman & 2.94 3.50 1.08
Nicobar administra on
5052-Capital outlay on Shipping (Gr.No.89) -25.26 16.17 3.96
5053-Capital Outlay on Civil Avia on 0.00 0.00 0.00
5075-Other Transport Services 0.00 0.00 0.00
5452-Capital outlay on tourism Andaman & 1.05 1.37 0.79
Nicobar administra on
6858-Loans for Engineering Industries 0.00 0.00 0.00
7051-Loans for Ports & Light Houses 0.00 0.00 0.00
7610-Loans to Govt. servants 0.33 0.37 0.08
TOTAL (Capital Exp.) 172.26 286.09 95.26
Grand Total (Rev.+Cap.) 2157.89 1974.49 1195.26


(para 10.13 refer)


(upto 31/12/2020)
(Rs. in crore)

B. E.

B. E. B. E.
1715.00 85.00

Expenditure Expenditure
848.74 53.48
49.49 % 62.92 %

Source:- Consolidated Classified Abstract

B.E. – Budget Es mate


(para 10.13 refer)



Opening Balance as on 01.04.2020 245.76

Receipt during Apr-December -2020 19.00
Payment during Apr-December- 2020 0.00
Closing Balance as on 31.12.2020 264.76
Opening Balance as on 01.04.2020 809.43
Receipt during Apr-December- 2020 40.58
Payment during Apr-December- 2020 0.00
Closing Balance as on 31.12.2020 850.01

Source: Classified Consolidated abstract Account


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