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LITERATURE 1 REVIEWER - The artist is different with the

© Mark Mostera work

01 Tradition and Individual Talent Depersonalization

- T.S. Eliot (Thomas Sterns - The artist is different from the
Eliot) man. A separation between
- From the great critic’s book creator of art from the person
- Published in 1919 experiencing life.
- The mind is a container
“Poetry is an escape from emotion” (receptacle)
- Commonly people write about - The person/poet serves as a
love. But it becomes medium
tacky/nakakasawa. - Ex. Recording a conversation
- Poetry is the spontaneous in the fx for the sake of
overflow of feelings (Thomas inspiring a work of literature
- Feeling recollected in Tradition
tranquility - Routine/way of life
- In writing, being traditional is
Aesthetic Distance not encouraged.
- Going away from the subject - If tradition simply follows the
(time and space) old ways without improving/
- GK. Persona – mask adding something new, then it
- You have a role to portray should be discouraged.

“The business of the poet is NOT to When praising a poet…

find new emotions” - We look for something different
- Writers must SHOW not TELL - What do we see in the author
- A writer must not say that a that is different?
poem is about sadness, but - In reality, you cannot be
make the reader feel it. original without coming from
someone/something else.
Which is more important? Emotion
or excellence? MATURITY
- There must be a balance of - Growing into what makes you
both for the writer to make a better at what you do, while
good work of literature. acknowledging where you
- “art for art’s sake” is only pure come from
- The form must match the “tradition involves a historical sense”
content - The past is not only past but it
still has a presence till now.
“The emotion of the art must be - A traditional writer? Must be
impersonal” TIMELESS and TEMPORAL
- Writer surrenders himself
wholly to the work
“you cannot value an artist alone” - In this scenario, when
-there is always a comparison among everything is gone, man will
other works. turn to literature.
- In doing this, man must have
“poet must be conscious of the main good literary taste.
- There are works that are being LITERARY VALUES
remade, why?
1. Intellectual Value
“we know so much more than those - Utak ang pinapagana
who came before us” - Literature appeals to intellect
- We already know the - 5 senses
standards, now it is time that - Literature comes from our eyes
we input new ideas, strategies, to our brains
and methods. - You grow smarter when you
read but it is not necessary
02 Literary ideas or standards that you use/store everything
- By Paz Latorena you read
- Former UST professor
2. Emotional Value
Literary Criticism - What appeals to emotion
- Technical - Often what gives a literary
- Formal action of the mind work its distinguishing mark
- Deliberate (sasadyain) - Remains in you

Form = structure Pleasant vs Unpleasant Emotion

Ex. Pleasant:
- Psychoanalysis - Good for senses
- Feminist
- Marxism (Rich vs Poor) Unpleasant:
- Much more impactful, it sticks
Literary Taste to the reader
- Personal - Authors use tragedy/sadness
- May improve (constant and - Something painful can be
repeating) turned into something
- The pressure of having good beautiful.
literary taste falls on the
teacher of literature “emotions that conducts our behavior
is the best literary works”
“Eventually, everything will let man
down” 3. Ethical Value
- This will not be a reason to give - Is the work good or evil?
up. - Morality vs. immorality
- Purpose is to instruct or to
“literature talks about the whole life” - 19 lines that has a repeating
- Return into original state Sestina
- Bringing higher values to - 39 lines, 6 lines per stanza
readers - Ends with 3 lines


LITERATURE - Modern approach to poetry
- Up to what the artist prefers
- “literate” – letter Narrative Poem
- “panitikan” – titik - Has a beginning, middle, and
Lyric poem
Oral tradition - Show images
- Repetition is the means of - Show emotion
- Through talking or singing Dramatic poem
- Bugtong/Riddles - Either tragedy or comedy
- Epics (Iliad, oddessy, Lam ang,
hud hud, mahabarata) PROSE
- Salawikain
Genres of Short story and Novel
Printed/written literature
- Comes from oral tradition 1. Realist fiction
- There is nothing extraordinary
Sonnet to the story
- Two types: Petrarchan (Italian) - TFIOS is an example
/ Shakespearean (English) - Social realism is a subgenre
- Sonata is a smaller version of (which includes Jose Rizal)
2. Fantasy
Haiku - Harry potter
- Originated from japan - Janusila
- Images from nature - Key word: supernatural
- (5,7,5)
- Filipino version: Tanaga 3. Science Fiction
(7,7,7,7) 4. Thriller/ Horror
5. Western
Villanelle 6. Romance
- French 7. Detective
- Do not go gentle into that good 8. Historical
night (Dylan Thomas)
- May be historical figure in 4. Addressee
historical time or historical - Sino yung kausap
time and fictional character - There are levels
- Fictional character serves as a
witness 5. Images
- Things that are described with
Drama the 5 senses
- Play (One act or full length) 6. Figures of speech
- Musical 7. Literal meaning
- Opera 8. Metaphorical meaning

Creative non fiction What to look for in a short story?

- Memoir 1. Characters
- Biography/autobiography - Keep the story moving
- Literary journalism (Nick - Involved in the plot
Joaquin) - Protagonist and antagonist
- There are major and minor
Other emerging genres: characters
- Film - Minor characters’ role is to
- Blogposts influence the actions of the
- Performance poetry main characters
- Songs
- Monologue/spoken word 2. Setting
poetry - Physical place (SPACE)
What to look for in poetry? - Pinpoints the social situations
1. Dramatic situation while the story is happening
- Setting (SITUATION)
- Why it began - May sometimes be considered
- What is literally happening as a character
- A good dramatic situation is
when you can imagine it 3. Point of view

2. Persona Third person

- Absentee persona: wala yung
kausap/yung nagsasalita Omniscient author
- The one speaking - Invisible
- Not around
3. Persona’s tone - Enters the minds of all the
- Important characters
- Look for the tone in the words - Knows everything
of the work
- Some words may be more Limited omniscient
intense to portray a stronger - Has access to only one
emotion character’s mind
How did Dante end up in the inferno?
Objective author - He was walking on a hill when
- External signs only (senses) 3 beasts told him to enter a
- Not omniscient but impersonal hole on the ground

Second Person “Alighieri harkens back to the poetic

- The “you” in narrating tradition of those who came before
- Outside the story, talking to him”
the one inside the story - He includes poets in his
First person - Virgil
- The “I” - Homer
- Usually the protagonist - Longinus
- Without biases - Ovid

4. Plot Minos
- Usual take is the mountain - A monster based on mythology
- New take is the plot is only a that is present on the entrance
single line to hell
- Humans would confess to all
5. Conflict their sins because of their fear
- Struggles towards Minos
- External and internal conflicts - Sinners elect their hell by an
- Choice a and choice b must be act of their own will
of equal weight
- Conflict may be resolved or not “it is his fate to enter every door”
- Must have illumination/ - Virgil talking about Dante
epiphany - It is crucial that Dante be able
to enter hell so that he can
03 The inferno canto V explore purgatory and
- Dante Alighieri Paradiso
- La Divina comedia (divine
comedy) The second circle of hell
- Written while in exile (1302- - Desire = appetite
1321) - Sinners are tossed around and
- First major written work using turned
the Italian language
- Terza Rima rhyme scheme (like Sinners that Dante found on the
a chain) (aba, bcb, cdc…) second circle of hell:
1. Semiramis
“Abandon all hope ye who enter here” - Queen of Assyria who took the
- There are 9 circles of hell power of the throne
- Each circle gets smaller the - Slept with the king to gain
lower you go (funnel) power
- Dante was accompanied by
2. Dido - Will be Dante’s guide in
- Founder of city of cartage purgatory and Paradiso
- Killed herself for love - Writing her in the book is a
way for Dante to “meet” her
3. Cleopatra
- Died of snake poison La comedia (the books)
- Somehow an autobiography
4. Helen - We must differentiate Dante
- “face that launched a the writer vs. Dante the
thousand ships” persona
- Allegorical journey
5. Achilles - It is written in Italian so that
- In love with Briseis there are more readers

6. Paris Why it lasted?

7. Tristan - It is a postmodern classic.
8. Paolo and Francesca - Autobiography or meta
- May be contemporary to Dante fictional?
(Lived in the same era) - Historic metafiction (it wrote
- Forbidden love about people in history)
- Paolo was not supposed to
marry Francesca
- They are stuck together in hell
as a reminder of their wrong
doing on earth
- Cai’na = another place in hell
- Dante talked to Francesca in
pity and sorrow
- Dante asked why she fell in
love with him: while rehearsing
a play, rhyme of Lancelot

The Author
- Dante Alighieri
- Born in 1265
- From Florence, Italy
- Love interest: Beatrice
- Beatrice is the reason why
Dante wrote the books
- He was against pope Benedict
VIII so he was placed in exile

- Not seen in hell in the books

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