Manual Bolt Heater

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ellfugenbolzen-Anwarmgerat loint flange bolt heating unit Bestell-Nr/Order-No. ANL A 442-WZ 24011 SU TUTTTTTE = “Range tot heating ok = Note ese Betriebsanieitung soll das Betriebspersonal Uber Arbsitswei- The abject of these operating instructions iso inform the users of lund Beeb des Gerdes autkigren, Oas Sotiebspersoral mi the mode of operation and method of use olthe unit, However, 18 per ausreichende technische Kenninsse vertigen, um con Zu- users must Nave adequate technical Knowledge in order 10 Under. immennang der beschveberan Madnahmen Zu veretenen ‘sland the full implications of the inlormation gen Inhalt Contents ibung Sete Deseription Page rwendung, 2 Application 2 nische Daten 2 Technical data 2 rumiang 2 Scope ol supply 2 Garatelste 2 “stot equiement 2 Werkzouge 3 = Toots 3 Inbetriebnahme Setting to work Becienungs- und Uberwachungseinrichtungen 3 = Operating and supervisory controls 3 Anschlu8 an das Versorgungenets 3 = Connecting to me power supply 3 LUmitemmen aul eine anders Spannung 3 = Reconnectng fora atlaront voltage 3 \orbereitung und Einbau der Teitugenschrauben 3 = Preparing and fiting joint hange bolts 3 Anschiu8 an die Schvauben 4 = Connecting io bots 4 LUmbau au! die ndcnste Setvaube $= Transaring © ped bot 5 Helzvorgang 5 = Heating procedure 5 Autbewahvung des Gerites 5 = Storage of unt 5 fartung 6 Maintenance 6 6 Spare parts 6 6 Appendices 6 SITAKT TS 311 ~LA 14 7681 Description Application ‘The jaint flange bolts of turbines need considerable pretensioning because ofthe longtudinal expension which occurs under opera {ing conaions. This pretension othe bots can Eo achieved by The application of suitably high mechanical fore to the bolts wien Cold, or Heating the bots and screwing down the nuts while in this con- ditions. The jaint lange bott heating units used for heating he bots to alow the, Subsequent screwing: down tthe nso Ge the rege preloading. The healing ellect is ganeraled by passing a high electric ‘cuter through the bot to be expanded (resistance ‘The function ofthe heating tensioner is to conver the available ‘mains current inio @ current suitable for the heating process. This currert is then fedto the ends othe bots through wale-cooledieads and electrodes. Mode of operation of the heating unit Primary voltage: 400/500 Va. c. 0 Hz 2-phase. Secondary votage: 10 Primary curent: 850/500 A at 50% duty factor Secorciay current: 125 KA at 50¥6 duty factor Type i: STAKT TS 311 -LA (@E 89100 - B14 76-81 ‘Connections Lieferumtang Geriteliste 3S case 2s ise 2 St Sechskanischrauben M16, MAT 21 }20 mm, 25 m la ‘und: t Mo V57 List of equipment 1 off Low voltage fuse isolator sizp 3/630 A off HAC fuses 400 A ¥ of Heating ranstorme (sandal version) T 250202/ 400/500 V 1 of Prae- angi contol com Uytor Doe wn 900A yet 2 oh Fw manors in coo 2 of Spcondery ood, wee coobd, 2x S00 mi 35 m To Cable spacer damping re secondary ads ‘oat 1 oft Pimary supply cable 2 X 249/1 X 120 mn, 25 m long 2 of! Water hoses %" -30 m long (water supply and discharge) 2 cit Hexagon bots M16, MAT 21|Cr Mo V57_ {soir Untoregscrebe rauaing washer Elearoden beginnt mi| dem Losen dor To detach the electrodes, fist remove the fixing bolts and then ‘Danach kennen dieE resposcvau Unger ne secre art oye er 1 the nach tie ot i i : § i Heating procedure ‘The sequence othe heating procedure for ightening and removalis, ‘oven in Append 1. bolls are pretensioned in 2 songitudi {Emporaur (eee Append and caine Shep 2:aeminethepeaessngemanagio oon mnatgrisnal Fant tango bos down Metsure the ongtucna teat at ‘Com emperor eculte, evaluate anc necessary, Soret the tron When conditions are dificult the int fange ise wil also heat u Ye jpint ange a up ‘onaideably 6g. poor contac uct the eng bot being {faymake ties or abot be roease4 or -crcuit it wll quickly gve rise to high Temperatures and sparking stong atierating magneicflds Goverad nthe erode vy ow subaru 1 star tho healing proasss, um the audiary switch ofthe power fertomol! tothe POWER ON os eating cure belveey 10 and 800A withthe ad ofthe to cermaracedoneterenn lular ste ie also necessary to ensurehattnerran uses used athe reais ‘An ammeter incicates the ine curent which is decisive forthe heat rating. However, It must not be raled higher than 400 A

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