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Ghazi Barotha Hydropower Project

Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower Project has a power generation installed

capacity 450 MW with an average annual energy output of 6.600 GWh. The
Government of Pakistan has planned the dispersal of the power generated by
GBHP through WAPDA's existing network of the total power dispersal and
augmentation programme .

Potential impacts of the Project

Rather than a critique, the environmental impact assessment is a tool
to manage a project in such a manner that its adverse effects are minimized
mitigated and benefits are enhanced. For achieving this objective, it is necessary
that the project planning and environmental assessment be carried out side by

Envoirmental impacts:

Impacts on Water Resources:

In the Project planning care has been taken not to locate towers within
the stream beds, quite a few number of towers are located along the banks of
the streams Therefore, some temporary pollution of surface water resources
may occur when excavation or rock blasting for the tower foundation is carried
out near the stream Stringing over the streams may also contribute to pollution
of the surface water from dust.

Impacts on Biological resources:

The effects on the biological resources are of two types. One is related
with the terrestrial ecosystem, while the other is related with the migratory
species. The latter is localized near the water bodies, but the former is wide
spread all along the stretch of the transmission lines.

Impacts on land resources:

Apparently, the most conspicuous effect of the transmission lines will be that
on land resources, particularly! that is utilized for agricultural purposes.
However, if it is analyzed in detail, the situation does not seem to be of that
gravity. Conductors being elevated front the ground. the land underneath can
he utilized for cultivation. Although there will be some restriction on tree
plantation that reach In a height more than 4 m, the land may also be utilised
for orchards like citrus. Experience from the existing 500 kV transmission lines
shows that, in spite of the fact that the people have shown some resentment,
the lands under them are freely used for agricultural purposes.

Impacts on existing infrastructure:

Three set of proposed transmission lines will cross over about 69

metallic roads, 147 village tracks and 6 railway lines. The Project will not
impose any obstruction to the communication system falling in the routes of
transmission lines. Appropriate clearance has been provided at the crossing of
railway lines, roads and village tracks. This is as specified in accordance with
their utility Even during the construction, arrangement is made to avoid any
interruption caused by stringing to the flow of the traffic.

Socio-cultural impacts:

The economy of the people of the project area is manly based on

Agriculture. Therefore any loss to this resource will disrupt the farming
Communities. The Project Impact Matrix indicates that the construction
activities will have some negative impact on the land resourse/land use. This
will however be mostly Iimitted to areas where towers are are to be
installed. It is estimated that for installation of about 700 towers, only half of
those may fall in cultivated area. ,about 500 farming, families will face some
hardships. This will be off-set by compensation that they will get for their
loss of crops and by the employment opportunities that they will have during-
the implementation of the Project .

Impacts of culture and archeology:

About 10 cultural sites, including 2 shrines and 8 graveyards falls in

the corridor of the transmission lines. One of the shrine at Dhok Kala Khan has
been avoided by making adjustment in the alignment of the transmission line,
while the other located at .Jhod is 30 m away from the centerline of the
transmission line.. As such, it would not cause any safety hazard to pilgrims.

Mubashir Mumtaz

Submitted to : Sir Amjid Ali

Reg# 2007-CE-3027
Section: ‘B’

UET Peshawer

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