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1 Early School of Thoughts 5 Human Information Processing Theory

(Rationalism and Empiricism) (Atkinson & Shiffrin) and Metacognitive theory
Aggabao – Leader Olarve – Leader
Canaway Babon
Erfilo Claverol
Llamas Fontanilla
Quintana Mon

2 Behaviorist Learning Theory 6 Psycho-social (Freud/Erikson)

(Behaviorism/Operant Conditioning) Nieva – Leader
Sibucao – Leader Baer
Alberto Delgado
Estrada Gallon
Madarang Oloy

3 Social Learning – Bandura 7 Contextual (Ecological – Bronfrenbener)

Bacsid – Leader Belen – Leader
Alejandro Bautista
Carbonell Demetiez
Mainar Gargoles
Sulit Papa

4 Cognitive Learning Theory 8 Contextual (Ethological – Vygotsky)

(Piaget, Bruner, Gagne, Ausubel) Bundalian – Leader
Diones – Leader Cabutaje
Babatio Divinagracia
Cerbo Higado
Eugenio Pioquinto
Tabaniag Usi


1. Discuss plans with your assigned leader. The leader will be responsible for collating individual
reports and summarize them into one common group report (template on p. 4). The leader will also
be responsible in creating a GC and in coordinating class presentation.

2. Label your GC according to your assigned topic, G1 English EST, G2 English Behavior, G3 English
Social Learning, G4 English Cognitive, G5 English HIP, G6 English Psycho-Social, G7 English
Ecological, and G8 English Ethological. Include me in the chat group. Due on April 18.
3. Research and read thoroughly your assigned topic and understand the concepts being discussed.
Introduce your topic, its proponent, purpose and relevance to learning. Individually, summarize the
major concept (template on p. 3) separately of your assigned topic. Include this in your paper.
4. Taking cue from your journal critiquing exercise, individually look for 2 journal studies (the
application of your assigned theory to learning that will prove or disprove the discussion presented
in your assigned topic). Make sure that your individually chosen journal studies should be different
from each one. Compare notes so that you will avoid having similar journal studies.
5. Individually, do the critiquing following prescribed format (template on p. 3).
6. Send in your individual report to me (due on May 5) and give a copy to everyone in your group
(once I already advised you to do so). The leader will summarize this (following a summary
guideline, see template on p.4).
7. Send the group summary to me and give each member of the group a copy, due on May 12.
8. Assign someone from you group (other than the leader to prepare a ppt of the group summary
report for class presentation. Ppt is due on May 20. Oral presentation is scheduled on May 26 and
May 30.
9. Assign each one a part in the group summary report presentation.

Group Presentation (20 minutes) and 10 minutes Q&A – May 26 and May 30.
Rubric for Group Presentation
Topic Presentation 30
Argument and Resolution 30
Intellectual Curiosity (Audience) 30
Appreciation 10

Reinforcing Learning through the Application of Learning Theories

(Forum/Discussion May 26 and 30)

Presentation May 26 Time allotment May 30

Opening Remarks G5 2 min G1 2
Introduction of the Topic and Presenters G6 3 min G2 3
Presentation G1, G2, G3 & G4 (20@) G5, G6 & G7 & G8 (20 @)
Question and Answer G7 15 min G3 8
Reaction G8 2 min G4 2
Synthesis and Reflection G5 3 min G1 3
Closing Remarks G6 2 min G3 2

Overall Program Coordinator G7 G3

Technical, Host, Coordinator G8 G4
Host 13 min

Individual Template

Juan A. Dela Cruz Reinforcing Learning through the Application of

BSED English (Your assigned Learning Theory)


Write something about your assigned topic (general statements). Introduce your topic, its
proponent, purpose and relevance to learning. Indicate its importance and why you should
consider this in planning learning activities for your future students. Summarize the important
points of your assigned topic by highlighting its application to learning.

Significant Findings

This is where you report the summary of the two journals you submitted. Summarize the
important points of the journal and how the findings of these studies support the relevance or
contradict ideas of the theory’s application to learning. Make proper citations in making your
summary (ex. Dela Zerna (2020) suggested that … or According to Dela Zerna (2020), the
practice of …. ). Do not put any of your opinion here. State only the FACTS as indicated in the
studies that appeared in the journals.


Here, you make your own conclusion on the basis of the findings indicated in the journal. Write
what you learned from the studies (in the journal) that help you understand your assigned topic
better and your insights (how relevant it is to you as a future teacher) and how learning theories
can fully support students’ learning and academic performance. Write also on how will you use
what you have discovered to your future students.
References: (Alphabetically arranged all your sources, include the example below)
Jackson, S. & Hoffman, D. (2019). Teaching the millennials. Making theories work to new breed of
learners. New York: Merrill Lynch.

*Note: Journal publication should be updated (only 2010 onwards). Follow the style and format that
appear on this page, margin is 1’ all over, the line space is 1.15, the font is arial and the fontsize is 11.
Written individual report is limited to three to four pages only, Deadline of submission is May 3,2022

Group Template



Princesita S. Corona (The Leader or the prime consolidator)

Juan A. Kaharian, Mila S. Maranan, Clarissa P. Padre and Pacita D. Reyna
BSED I English
College of Education, University of Makati

This is where you consolidate the introductions written individually about your assigned topic
(general statements) by highlighting its principles, proponents, purpose, importance and the
reason why you should consider these in planning learning activities for your future students.
Summarize the important points of your assigned topic by highlighting on its application to

Significant Findings
This is where your group report consolidates the summary of all journals (10 overall for groups
of 5, 12 for the groups of 6) your group members submitted. Summarize similar and different
important points of the journal together and how the findings of studies (in the journals) support
the relevance or contradict ideas in their application to learning. Make proper citations in making
your summary (ex. Dela Zerna (2020) suggested that … or According to Dela Zerna (2020), the
practice …. ). Do not put any of your opinion here. State only the FACTS as indicated in the
studies that appeared in the journals.

Here, you consolidate the individual conclusions on the basis of the findings indicated in the
journal to appear as one common group thought. Indicate what each one learned (or
collectively) from the studies in the journal that help you understand the assigned topic better
and your insights (how relevant it is to you as a future teacher) and learning theories that can
fully support students’ learning and performance. Consolidate also on how each one (or
collectively) will use what they have discovered to your future students.

References: (Alphabetically arranged all your sources, include the example below)
Jackson, S. & Hoffman, D. (2019). Teaching the millennials. Making theories work to new breed of
learners. New York: Merrill Lynch.

*Note: Journal publication should be updated (only 2010 onwards). Follow the style and format that
appear on this page, margin is 1’ all over, the line space is 1.15, the font is arial and the fontsize is 11.
Group written report is limited to eight to 12 pages only. Deadline of submission is May 13, 2022.

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