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Can Prompt Probe Pretrained Language Models?

Understanding the
Invisible Risks from a Causal View
Boxi Cao1,3 , Hongyu Lin1 , Xianpei Han1,2,4∗, Fangchao Liu1,3 , Le Sun1,2∗
Chinese Information Processing Laboratory 2 State Key Laboratory of Computer Science
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing, China

Abstract Train Data Test Data Evaluation

Architecture Target

Prompt-based probing has been widely used in Hypothesis Predictor Performance

evaluating the abilities of pretrained language
arXiv:2203.12258v1 [cs.CL] 23 Mar 2022

models (PLMs). Unfortunately, recent stud- (a) Conventional evaluation in machine learning. Language
ies have discovered such an evaluation may be
inaccurate, inconsistent and unreliable. Fur- Test Data Desirable
thermore, the lack of understanding its inner Bundled Verbalize

workings, combined with its wide applicabil- Pretrain Data Prompt Verbalization Linguistic
ity, has the potential to lead to unforeseen
risks for evaluating and applying PLMs in real- Task
PLM Predictor Performance Distributional
world applications. To discover, understand Correlation
and quantify the risks, this paper investigates (b) PLM evaluation via prompt-based probing.
the prompt-based probing from a causal view,
highlights three critical biases which could in- Figure 1: The illustrated procedure for two kinds of
duce biased results and conclusions, and pro- evaluation criteria.
poses to conduct debiasing via causal interven-
tion. This paper provides valuable insights for [MASK]”. Recent studies often construct prompt-
the design of unbiased datasets, better probing based probing datasets, and take PLMs’ perfor-
frameworks and more reliable evaluations of mance on these datasets as their abilities for the
pretrained language models. Furthermore, our
corresponding tasks. Such a probing evaluation
conclusions also echo that we need to rethink
the criteria for identifying better pretrained lan- has been wildly used in many benchmarks such
guage models1 . as SuperGLUE (Wang et al., 2019; Brown et al.,
2020), LAMA (Petroni et al., 2019), oLMpics (Tal-
1 Introduction mor et al., 2020), LM diagnostics (Ettinger, 2020),
CAT (Zhou et al., 2020), X-FACTR (Jiang et al.,
During the past few years, the great success of 2020a), BioLAMA (Sung et al., 2021), etc.
pretrained language models (PLMs) (Devlin et al., Unfortunately, recent studies have found that
2019; Liu et al., 2019; Brown et al., 2020; Raffel evaluating PLMs via prompt-based probing could
et al., 2020) raises extensive attention about eval- be inaccurate, inconsistent, and unreliable. For
uating what knowledge do PLMs actually entail. example, Poerner et al. (2020) finds that the per-
One of the most popular approaches is prompt- formance may be overestimated because many in-
based probing (Petroni et al., 2019; Davison et al., stances can be easily predicted by only relying
2019; Brown et al., 2020; Schick and Schütze, on surface form shortcuts. Elazar et al. (2021)
2020; Ettinger, 2020; Sun et al., 2021), which shows that semantically equivalent prompts may
assesses whether PLMs are knowledgable for a result in quite different predictions. Cao et al.
specific task by querying PLMs with task-specific (2021) demonstrates that PLMs often generate un-
prompts. For example, to evaluate whether BERT reliable predictions which are prompt-related but
knows the birthplace of Michael Jordan, we could not knowledge-related.
query BERT with “Michael Jordan was born in In these cases, the risks of blindly using prompt-
∗ based probing to evaluate PLMs, without under-
Corresponding Authors
We openly released the source code and data at https: standing its inherent vulnerabilities, are significant.
// Such biased evaluations will make us overestimate
or underestimate the real capabilities of PLMs, mis- lations between PLMs and prompts, i.e., the
lead our understanding of models, and result in performance may be biased by the fitness of
wrong conclusions. Therefore, to reach a trustwor- a prompt to PLMs’ linguistic preference. For
thy evaluation of PLMs, it is necessary to dive into instance, semantically equivalent prompts will
the probing criteria and understand the following lead to different biased evaluation results.
two critical questions: 1) What biases exist in cur-
rent evaluation criteria via prompt-based probing? • Instance Verbalization Bias, which mainly
2) Where do these biases come from? stems from the underlying linguistic correla-
To this end, we compared PLM evaluation via tions between PLMs and verbalized probing
prompt-based probing with conventional evalua- datasets, i.e., the evaluation results are sensi-
tion criteria in machine learning. Figure 1 shows tive and inconsistent to the different verbaliza-
their divergences. Conventional evaluations aim tions of the same instance (e.g., representing
to evaluate different hypotheses (e.g., algorithms the U.S.A. with the U.S. or America).
or model structures) for a specific task. The tested
• Sample Disparity Bias, which mainly stems
hypotheses are raised independently of the train-
from the invisible distributional correlation
ing/test data generation. However, this indepen-
between pretraining and probing data, i.e.,
dence no longer sustains in prompt-based prob-
the performance difference between different
ing. There exist more complicated implicit con-
PLMs may due to the sample disparity of their
nections between pretrained models, probing data,
pretraining corpus, rather than their ability
and prompts, mainly due to the bundled pretraining
divergence. Such invisible correlations may
data with specific PLMs. These unaware connec-
mislead evaluation results, and thus lead to
tions serve as invisible hands that can even dom-
implicit, unaware risks of applying PLMs in
inate the evaluation criteria from both linguistic
real-world applications.
and task aspects. From the linguistic aspect, be-
cause pretraining data, probing data and prompts We further propose to conduct causal interven-
are all expressed in the form of natural language, tion via backdoor adjustments, which can reduce
there exist inevitable linguistic correlations which bias and ensure a more accurate, consistent and re-
can mislead evaluations. From the task aspect, the liable probing under given assumptions. Note that
pretraining data and the probing data are often sam- this paper not intends to create a “universal cor-
pled from correlated distributions. Such invisible rect” probing criteria, but to remind the underlying
task distributional correlations may significantly invisible risks, to understand how spurious correla-
bias the evaluation. For example, Wikipedia is a tions lead to biases, and to provide a causal toolkit
widely used pretraining corpus, and many probing for debiasing probing under specific assumptions.
data are also sampled from Wikipedia or its exten- Besides, we believe that our discoveries not only
sions such as Yago, DBPedia or Wikidata (Petroni exist in prompt-based probing, but will also influ-
et al., 2019; Jiang et al., 2020a; Sung et al., 2021). ence all prompt-based applications to pretrained
As a result, such task distributional correlations language models. Consequently, our conclusions
will inevitably confound evaluations via domain echo that we need to rethink the criteria for identi-
overlapping, answer leakage, knowledge coverage, fying better pretrained language models with the
etc. above-mentioned biases.
To theoretically identify how these correlations Generally, the main contributions of this paper
lead to biases, we revisit the prompt-based prob- are:
ing from a causal view. Specifically, we describe
the evaluation procedure using a structural causal • We investigate the critical biases and quan-
model (Pearl et al., 2000) (SCM), which is shown tify their risks of evaluating pretrained lan-
in Figure 2a. Based on the SCM, we find that guage models with widely used prompt-based
the linguistic correlation and the task distributional probing, including prompt preference bias, in-
correlation correspond to three backdoor paths in stance verbalization bias, and sample disparity
Figure 2b-d, which lead to three critical biases: bias.

• Prompt Preference Bias, which mainly • We propose a causal analysis framework,

stems from the underlying linguistic corre- which can be used to effectively identify,
SCM Backdoor Paths

Da R L Db L L Da Db Outcome

Variable to Block
Backdoor Path
Causal Relation
True Causal Effect

(a) Structural Causal Model (b) Prompt Preference Bias (c) Instance Verbalization Bias (d) Sample Disparity Bias Backdoor Path

Figure 2: The structural causal model for factual knowledge probing and the three backdoor paths in SCM corre-
spond to three biases.

understand, and eliminate biases in prompt- Backdoor Path When estimating the causal ef-
based probing evaluations. fect of X on Y , the backdoor paths are the non-
causal paths between X and Y with an arrow into
• We provide valuable insights for the design of X, e.g., X ← Z → Y . Such paths will confound
unbiased datasets, better probing frameworks, the effect that X has on Y but not transmit causal
and more reliable evaluations, and echo that influences from X, and therefore introduce spuri-
we should rethink the evaluation criteria for ous correlations between X and Y .
pretrained language models.
Backdoor Criterion The Backdoor Criterion is
2 Background and Experimental Setup an important tool for causal intervention. Given an
ordered pair of variables (X, Y ) in SCM, and a set
2.1 Causal Inference of variables Z where Z contains no descendant of
Causal inference is a promising technique for iden- X and blocks every backdoor path between X and
tifying undesirable biases and fairness concerns in Y , then the causal effects of X = x on Y can be
benchmarks (Hardt et al., 2016; Kilbertus et al., calculated by:
2017; Kusner et al., 2017; Vig et al., 2020; Feder
et al., 2021). Causal inference usually describes the P(Y = y|do(X = x)) =
causal relations between variables via Structural
P(Y = y|X = x, Z = z)P(Z = z), (1)
Causal Model (SCM), then recognizes confounders z
and spurious correlations for bias analysis, finally
identifies true causal effects by eliminating biases where P(Z = z) can be estimated from data or
using causal intervention techniques. priorly given, and is independent of X.

SCM The structural causal model (Pearl et al., 2.2 Experimental Setup
2000) describes the relevant features in a system Task This paper investigates prompt-based prob-
and how they interact with each other. Every ing on one of the most representative and well-
SCM is associated with a graphical causal model studied tasks – factual knowledge probing (Liu
G = {V, f }, which consists of a set of nodes rep- et al., 2021b). For example, to evaluate whether
resenting variables V , as well as a set of edges BERT knows the birthplace of Michael Jordan,
between the nodes representing the functions f to factual knowledge probing queries BERT with
describe the causal relations. “Michael Jordan was born in [MASK]”, where
Michael Jordan is the verbalized subject men-
Causal Intervention To identify the true causal
tion, “was born in” is the verbalized prompt of rela-
effects between an ordered pair of variables (X, Y ),
tion birthplace, and [MASK] is a placeholder
Causal intervention fixes the value of X = x and
for the target object.
removes the correlations between X and its prece-
dent variables, which is denoted as do(X = x). In Data We use LAMA (Petroni et al., 2019) as our
this way, P(Y = y|do(X = x)) represents the true primary dataset, which is a set of knowledge triples
causal effects of treatment X on outcome Y (Pearl sampled from Wikidata. We remove the N-M rela-
et al., 2016). tions (Elazar et al., 2021) which are unsuitable for
the P@1 metric and retain 32 probing relations in • Verbalized Instances Generation. The path
the dataset. Please refer to the appendix for detail. {Db , R} → T → X ← L represents the
generation procedure of verbalized probing
Pretrained Models We conduct probing experi-
instances X, which first samples probing data
ments on 4 well-known PLMs: BERT (Devlin et al.,
T of relation R according to data distribution
2019), RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019), GPT-2 (Rad-
Db , then verbalizes the sampled data T into
ford et al., 2019) and BART (Lewis et al., 2020),
X according to the linguistic distribution L.
which correspond to 3 representative PLM archi-
tectures, including autoencoder (BERT, RoBERTa), • Performance Estimation. The path
autoregressive (GPT-2) and denoising autoencoder {M, P } → I → E ← X represents the
(BART). performance estimation procedure, where the
predictor I is first derived by combining PLM
3 Structural Causal Model for Factual
M and prompt P , and then the performance
Knowledge Probing
E is estimated by applying predictor I on
In this section, we formulate the SCM for factual verbalized instances X.
knowledge probing procedure and describe the key
variables and causal relations. To evaluate PLMs’ ability on fact extraction,
The SCM is shown in Figure 2a, which con- we need to estimate P(E|do(M = m), R = r).
tains 11 key variables: 1) Pretraining corpus Such true causal effects are represented by the path
distribution Da ; 2) Pretraining corpus C, e.g., M → I → E in SCM. Unfortunately, there exist
Webtext for GPT2, Wikipedia for BERT; 3) Pre- three backdoor paths between pretrained language
trained language model M ; 4) Linguistic distri- model M and performance E, as shown in Fig-
bution L, which guides how a concept is verbal- ure 2b-d. These spurious correlations make the
ized into natural language expression, e.g., rela- observation correlation between M and E cannot
tion to prompt, entity to mention; 5) Relation R, represent the true causal effects of M on E, and
e.g., birthplace, capital, each relation cor- will inevitably lead to biased evaluations. In the
responds to a probing task; 6) Verbalized prompt following, we identify three critical biases in the
P for each relation , e.g, x was born in y; 7) prompt-based probing evaluation and describe the
Task-specific predictor I, which is a PLM com- manifestations, causes, and casual interventions for
bined with a prompt, e.g., <BERT, was born in> each bias.
as a birthplace predictor; 8) Probing data
4 Prompt Preference Bias
distribution Db , e.g., fact distribution in Wiki-
data; 9) Sampled probing data T such as LAMA, In prompt-based probing, the predictor of a spe-
which are sampled entity pairs (e.g., <Q41421, cific task (e.g., the knowledge extractor of rela-
Q18419> in Wikidata) of relation R; 10) Verbal- tion birthplace) is a PLM M combined with a
ized instances X, (e.g., <Michael Jordan, Brook- prompt P (e.g., BERT + was born in). However,
lyn> from <Q41421, Q18419>); 11) Performance PLMs are pretrained on specific text corpus, there-
E of the predictor I on X. fore will inevitably prefer prompts sharing the same
The causal paths of the prompt-based probing linguistic regularity with their pretraining corpus.
evaluation contains: Such implicit prompt preference will confound the
true causal effects of PLMs on evaluation perfor-
• PLM Pretraining. The path {Da , L} →
mance, i.e., the performance will be affected by
C → M represents the pretraining procedure
both the task ability of PLMs and the preference
for language model M , which first samples
fitness of a prompt. In the following, we investigate
pretraining corpus C according to pretraining
prompt preference bias via causal analysis.
corpus distribution Da and linguistic distribu-
tion L, then pretrains M on C. 4.1 Prompt Preference Leads to Inconsistent
• Prompt Selection. The path {R, L} → P Performance
represents the prompt selection procedure, In factual knowledge probing, we commonly as-
where each prompt P must exactly express sign one prompt for each relation (e.g., X was
the semantics of relation R, and will be influ- born in Y for birthplace). However, dif-
enced by the linguistic distribution L. ferent PLMs may prefer different prompts, and it is
Models LAMA P@1 Worst P@1 Best P@1 Std
BERT-large RoBERTa-large GPT2-xl BART-large
BERT-large 39.08 23.45 46.73 8.75
80 RoBERTa-large 32.27 15.64 41.35 9.07
70 GPT2-xl 24.19 11.19 33.52 8.56
60 BART-large 27.68 16.21 38.93 8.35
40 Table 1: The P@1 performance divergence of prompt
30 selection averaged over all relations, we can see prompt
20 preference results in inconsistent performance.
10 BERT-large RoBERTa-large GPT2-xl BART-large
0 45
Language Continent Religion Owned by

Figure 3: The variances of P@1 performance of 4

PLMs on 4 relations using semantically equivalent
prompts. We can see the performance varies signifi-
cantly. X is owned by Y X is a goods of Y The owner of X is Y X belongs to Y

Figure 4: The P@1 performance of 4 PLMs using 4 dif-

unable to disentangle the influence of prompt pref- ferent prompts of relation owned by, where the rank
erence from the final performance. Such invisible of 4 PLMs is unstable on different prompts: prompt
prompt preference will therefore lead to inconsis- preference leads to 3 distinct “best” models and 3 dis-
tent conclusions. tinct “worst” models.
To demonstrate this problem, we report the
performance variance on LAMA using different when prompt varies.
prompts for each PLM. For each relation, we follow
All these results demonstrate that the prompt
Elazar et al. (2021); Jiang et al. (2020b) and design
preference bias will result in inconsistent perfor-
at least 5 prompts that are semantically equivalent
mance. Such inconsistent performance will fur-
and faithful but vary in linguistic expressions.
ther lead to unstable comparisons between different
Prompt selection significantly affects perfor-
PLMs, and therefore significantly undermines the
mance. Figure 3 illustrates the performance on
evaluations via prompt-based probing.
several relations, where the performances of all
PLMs vary significantly on semantically equiv- 4.2 Cause of Prompt Preference Bias
alent prompts. For instance, by using different
Figure 2b shows the cause of the prompt preference
prompts, the Precision@1 of relation languages
bias. When evaluating the ability of PLMs on spe-
spoken dramatically changing from 3.90% to
cific tasks, we would like to measure the causal ef-
65.44% on BERT-large, and from 0.22% to 71.94%
fects of path M → I → E. However, because the
on BART-large. This result is shocking, because
prompt P and the PLM M are all correlated to the
the same PLM can be assessed from “knowing
linguistic distribution L, there is a backdoor path
nothing” to “sufficiently good” by only changing
M ← C ← L → P → I → E between PLM M
its prompt. Table 1 further shows the quantitative
and performance E. Consequently, the backdoor
results, for BERT-large, the averaged standard de-
path will confound the effects of M → I → E
viation of Precision@1 of different prompts is 8.75.
with P → I → E.
And the prompt selection might result in larger per-
Based on the above analysis, the prompt prefer-
formance variation than model selection: on more
ence bias can be eliminated by blocking this back-
than 70% of relations, the best and worst prompts
door path via backdoor adjustment, which requires
will lead to >10 point variation at Precision@1,
a prior formulation of the distribution P(P ). In
which is larger than the majority of performance
Section 7, we will present one possible causal in-
gaps between different models.
tervention formulation which can lead to more con-
Prompt preference also leads to inconsistent
sistent evaluations.
comparisons. Figure 4 demonstrates an exam-
ple, where the ranks of PLMs are significantly 5 Instance Verbalization Bias
changed when applying diverse prompts. We also
conduct quantitative experiments, which show that Apart from the prompt preference bias, the under-
the PLMs’ ranks on 96.88% relations are unstable lying linguistic correlation can also induce bias in
Relation Mention Prediction
America Chicago BERT
the U.S. Washington
Capital of RoBERTa
China Beijing
Cathay Bangkok GPT2
Einstein Berlin
Albert Einstein Vienna BART
Isaac Newton London 20 40 60 80 100
Sir Isaac Newton town
Figure 5: The verbalization stabilities of 4 PLMs on all
Table 2: Different verbalized names of the same entity relations, which is measured by the percentage of rela-
lead to different predictions on BERT-large. tion instances whose predictions are unchanged when
verbalization varies. We can see that the verbalization
stabilities of all 4 PLMs (BERT-large, RoBERTa-large,
the instance verbalization process. Specifically, an GPT2-xl, BART-large) are poor.
instance in probing data can be verbalized into dif-
ferent natural language expressions (e.g., verbalize
Q30 in Wikidata into America or the U.S.), which stems from the confounder of linguistic dis-
and different PLMs may prefer different verbaliza- tribution L between pretraining corpus C and ver-
tions due to mention coverage, expression prefer- balized probing data X. Consequently, the ob-
ence, etc. This will lead to instance verbalization served correlation between M and E couldn’t faith-
bias. fully represent the true causal effect of M on E,
but is also mixed up the spurious correlation caused
5.1 Instance Verbalization Brings Unstable
by the backdoor path.
The instance verbalization bias can be eliminated
In factual knowledge probing, each entity is verbal-
by blocking this backdoor path via causal interven-
ized to its default name. However, different PLMs
tion, which requires a distribution formulation of
may prefer different verbalizations, and such under-
the instance verbalization, i.e., P(X). We will
lying correlation is invisible. Because we couldn’t
present a possible intervention formulation in Sec-
measure how this correlation affects probing per-
tion 7.
formance, the evaluation may be unstable using
different verbalizations.
Table 2 shows some intuitive examples. When 6 Sample Disparity Bias
we query BERT “The capital of the U.S. is
[MASK]”, the answer is Washington. Mean- Besides the biases induced by linguistic correla-
while, BERT would predict Chicago if we re- tions, the distributional correlations between pre-
place the U.S. to its alias America. Such un- training corpus and task-specific probing data can
stable predictions make us unable to obtain reliable also introduce sample disparity bias. That is, the
conclusions on whether or to what degree PLMs performance difference between different PLMs
actually entail the knowledge. may due to the sample disparity of their pretraining
To quantify the effect of instance verbalization corpus, rather than their ability divergence.
bias, we collect at most 5 verbalizations for each In conventional evaluation, the evaluated hy-
subject entity in LAMA from Wikidata, and cal- potheses are independent of the train/test data gen-
culate the verbalization stability on each relation, eration, and all the hypotheses are evaluated on
i.e., the percentage of relation instances whose pre- training data and test data generated from the same
dictions are unchanged when verbalization varies. distribution. Therefore, the impact of correlations
The results in Figure 5 show the average verbaliza- between training data and test data is transparent,
tion stabilities of all four PLMs are < 40%, which controllable, and equal for all the hypotheses. By
demonstrate that the instance verbalization bias contrast, in prompt-based probing, each PLM is
will bring unstable and unreliable evaluation. bundled with a unique pretraining corpus, the corre-
lation between pretraining corpus distribution and
5.2 Cause of Instance Verbalization Bias probing data distribution cannot be quantified. In
Figure 2c shows the cause of instance verbalization the following we investigate this sample disparity
bias: the backdoor path M ← C ← L → X → E, bias in detail.
γ% BERT-base BERT-large GPT2-base GPT2-medium performance for both BERT and GPT-2; 2) Sample
0% 30.54 33.08 15.22 22.11
20% 35.77 39.56 22.02 28.21 disparity contributes to the performance difference.
40% 38.68 39.75 24.32 30.29 We can see that the performance gap between GPT-
60% 38.72 40.68 25.42 31.16
80% 39.79 41.48 25.65 31.88
2 and BERT significantly narrows down when they
100% 40.15 42.51 26.82 33.12 are further pretrained using the same data. Besides,
None 37.13 39.08 16.88 22.60
further pretraining BERT on WebText (γ=0) would
Table 3: The P@1 on LAMA of PLMs whose fur-
significantly undermine its performance. These re-
ther pretraining data are with different correlation de- sults strongly confirm that the sample disparity will
grees γ% with LAMA. The BERT-base and GPT2-base significantly bias the probing conclusion.
both contain 12 layers, while BERT-large and GPT2-
medium both contain 24 layers. 6.2 Cause of Sample Disparity Bias
The cause of sample disparity bias may diverge
6.1 Sample Disparity Brings Biased from PLMs and scenarios due to the different
Performance causal relation between pretraining corpus distribu-
tion Da and probing data distribution Db . Never-
In factual knowledge probing, LAMA (Petroni
theless, sample disparity bias always exist because
et al., 2019), a subset sampled from Wikidata,
the backdoor path will be M ← C ← Da →
is commonly used to compare different PLMs.
Db → T → X → E when Da is the ancestor of
Previous work claims that GPT-style models are
Db , or M ← C ← Da ← Db → T → X → E
with weaker factual knowledge extraction abili-
when Da is the descendant of Db . Figure 2d shows
ties than BERT because they perform worse on
a common case when the pretraining corpus dis-
LAMA (Petroni et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021c).
tribution Da is an ancestor of probing data dis-
However, because PLMs are pretrained on differ-
tribution Db . For example, the pretraining data
ent pretraining corpus, the performance divergence
contains Wikipedia and probing data is a sampled
can stem from the spurious correlation between
subset from Wikipedia (e.g., LAMA, X-FACTR,
pretraining corpus and LAMA, rather than their
BioLAMA). As a result, there is a backdoor path
ability difference. For example, BERT’s superior
between M and E, which will mislead the evalua-
performance to GPT-2 may stem from the diver-
gence of their pretraining corpus, where BERT’s
pretraining corpus contains Wikipedia, while GPT- 7 Bias Elimination via Causal
2’s pretraining corpus doesn’t. Intervention
To verify the effect of sample disparity bias, we
further pretrain BERT and GPT-2 by constructing This section describes how to eliminate the above-
pretraining datasets with different correlation de- mentioned biases by blocking their corresponding
grees to LAMA, and report their new performances backdoor paths. According to the Backdoor Cri-
on LAMA. Specifically, we use the Wikipedia snip- terion in Section 2.1, we need to choose a set of
pets in LAMA and collect a 99k-sentence dataset, variables Z that can block every path containing an
named WIKI-LAMA. Then we create a series of arrow into M between M and E. Since the linguis-
pretraining datasets by mixing the sentences from tic distribution L, pretraining corpus distribution
WIKI-LAMA with WebText2 (the pretraining cor- Da and probing data distribution Db are unobserv-
pus of GPT2). That is, we fix all datasets’ size able, we choose Z = {P, X} as the variable set
to 99k, and a parameter γ is used to control the for blocking all backdoor paths between (M, E) in
mixture degree: for each dataset, there are γ% in- the SCM by conducting backdoor adjustment:
stances sampled from WIKI-LAMA and 1 − γ%
P(E|do(M = m), R = r) =
instances sampled from WebText. Please refer to
the appendix for pretraining detail. P(p, x)P(E|m, r, p, x).
Table 3 demonstrates the effect of sample dis- p∈P x∈X
parity bias. We can see that 1) Sample disparity Equation 2 provides an intuitive solution. To
significantly influences the PLMs’ performance: eliminate the biases stemming from the spurious
the larger correlation degree γ will result in better correlations between pretraining corpus, probing
2 data and prompts, we need to consider the natu-
OpenWebTextCorpus ral distribution of prompts and verbalized probing
Model Original Random +Intervention intervention can significantly improve the evalu-
BERT-base 56.4 45.4 86.5 ation consistency: 1) The consistency of current
BERT-large 100.0 78.1 100.0 prompt-based probing evaluations is very poor on
RoBERTa-base 75.7 44.0 77.8
RoBERTa-large 56.1 42.2 86.5 all 8 PLMs: when we randomly select prompts and
GPT2-medium 63.5 40.7 98.2 verbalizations during each sampling, the overall
GPT2-xl 74.2 35.7 77.8 rank consistency is only 5.5%; 2) Causal interven-
BART-base 63.4 61.6 98.2 tion can significantly improve overall rank consis-
BART-large 97.7 61.3 100.0
tency: from 5.5% to 68.5%; 3) Casual intervention
Overall Rank 25.5 5.5 68.5
can consistently improve the rank consistency of
Table 4: The rank consistencies over 1000 task samples different PLMs: the rank of most PLMs is very
(each task contains 20 relations from LAMA). For a stable after backdoor adjustment.
PLM, the rank consistency is the percentage of its most The above results verify that causal intervention
popular rank in 1000 runtimes. For “Overall Rank”, is an effective technique to boost the stability of
the rank consistency is the percentage of the most pop- evaluation, and reach more consistent conclusions.
ular rank of all PLMs in 1000 runtimes, i.e., the rank
of all PLMs remains the same. “Original” means that 8 Related Work
we use the LAMA’s original prompts and verbalized
names, “Random” means that we randomly sample Prompt-based Probing Prompt-based probing
prompts and verbalized names every time, “+Interven- is popular in recent years (Rogers et al., 2020;
tion” means that we apply causal intervention. We can Liu et al., 2021b) for probing factual knowl-
see that the rank consistency is significantly raised after
edge (Petroni et al., 2019; Jiang et al., 2020a; Sung
causal intervention.
et al., 2021), commonsense knowledge (Davison
et al., 2019), semantic knowledge (Ettinger, 2020;
data regardless of other factors. Consequently, the
Sun et al., 2021; Brown et al., 2020; Schick and
overall causal effects between PLM and evaluation
Schütze, 2020) and syntactic knowledge (Ettinger,
result are the weighted averaged effects on all valid
2020) in PLMs. And a series of prompt-tuning
prompts and probing data.
studies consider optimizing prompts on training
Unfortunately, the exact distribution of P(x, p)
datasets with better performance but may under-
is intractable , which needs to iterate over all valid
mine interpretability (Jiang et al., 2020b; Shin et al.,
prompts and all verbalized probing data. To ad-
2020; Haviv et al., 2021; Gao et al., 2021; Qin and
dress this problem, we propose a sampling-based
Eisner, 2021; Li and Liang, 2021; Zhong et al.,
approximation. Specifically, given a specific as-
2021). Because such prompt-tuning operations will
sumption about P(x, p) (we assume uniform distri-
introduce additional parameters and more unknown
bution in this paper without the loss of generality),
correlations, this paper does not take prompt-tuning
we sample Kp prompts for each relation and Kx
into our SCM, delegate this to future work.
kinds of verbalization for each instance according
to P(x, p), and then these samples are used to es- Biases in NLP Evaluations Evaluation is the
timate the true causal effects between M and E cornerstone for NLP progress. In recent years,
according to Equation 2. many studies aim to investigate the underlying
To verify whether causal intervention can im- biases and risks in evaluations. Related studies
prove the evaluation consistency and robustness, include investigating inherent bias in current met-
we conduct backdoor adjustment experiments on rics (Coughlin, 2003; Callison-Burch et al., 2006;
8 different PLMs. We randomly sample 1000 sub- Li et al., 2017; Sai et al., 2019, 2020), exploring
sets with 20 relations from LAMA, and observe dataset artifacts in data collection and annotation
whether the evaluation conclusions were consis- procedure (Lai and Hockenmaier, 2014; Marelli
tent and stable across the 1000 evaluation runtimes. et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2018; Levy and Dagan,
Specifically, we use rank consistency as the evalu- 2016; Schwartz et al., 2017; Cirik et al., 2018;
ation metric, which measures the percentage of the McCoy et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021a; Branco
most popular rank of each model in 1000 runtimes. et al., 2021), and identifying the spurious correla-
For example, if BERT ranks at 3rd place in 800 tions between data and label which might result
of the 1000 runtimes, then the rank consistency of in catastrophic out-of-distribution robustness of
BERT will be 80%. models (Poliak et al., 2018; Rudinger et al., 2018;
Table 4 shows the results. We can see that causal Rashkin et al., 2018).
Most previous studies demonstrate the evalua- Acknowledgments
tion biases empirically, and interpret the underlying
We sincerely thank all anonymous reviewers for
reasons intuitively. However, intuitive explanations
their insightful comments and valuable sugges-
are also difficult to critical and extend. In contrast,
tions. This research work is supported by the Na-
this paper investigates the biases in prompt-based
tional Natural Science Foundation of China under
probing evaluations from a causal view. Based on
Grants no. 62122077, the Strategic Priority Re-
the causal analysis framework, we can identify, un-
search Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences
derstand, and eliminate biases theoretically, which
under Grant No. XDA27020200, and the National
can be extended and adapted to other evaluation
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants
settings in a principled manner3 . We believe both
no. 62106251 and 62076233.
the causal analysis tools and the valuable insights
can benefit future researches. Ethics Consideration
9 Conclusions and Discussions This paper has no particular ethic consideration.
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A Datasets Construction Details
Instance Filtering We follow the data construc-
tion criteria as LAMA, we remove the instances
whose object is multi-token or not in the intersec-
tion vocabulary of these 4 PLMs.
Relation Selection We remove all the N-M re-
lations in LAMA such as “share border with” or
“twin city”. Because in these relations, there are
multiple object entities corresponding to the same
subject entity. In that case, the metric Precision@1
is not suitable for evaluating PLMs in such rela-
tions. In addition, due to the completeness limita-
tion of knowledge bases, it’s impossible to find all
the correct answers for each subject. Therefore, we
do not include these relations in our experiments.
Prompt Generation Because of the difference
between the pretraining tasks of these 4 PLMs (au-
toencoder, autoregressive and denoising autoen-
coder), we design prompts where the placeholder
for the target object is at the end, e.g., The birth-
place of x is y instead of y is the birthplace of x.
We follow the instruction from Wikidata, combine
the prompts from Elazar et al. (2021) and Jiang
et al. (2020b), and manually filter out the prompts
with inappropriate semantics. All the prompts are
created before any experiments and fixed afterward.

B Further Pretraining Details

We further pretrain BERT with masked language
modeling (mask probability=15%) and GPT2 with
autoregressive language modeling task respectively.
Training was performed on 8 40G-A100 GPUs for
3 epochs, with maximum sequence length 512. The
batch sizes for BERT-base, BERT-large, GPT2-
base, GPT2-medium are 256, 96, 128, 64 respec-
tively. All the models is optimized with Adam
using the following parameters: β1 = 0.9, β2 =
0.999,  = 1e − 8 and the learning rate is 5e − 5
with warmup ratio=0.06.

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