12.risk Management (Ergonomics-Saifur Sir)

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Risk Management

Risk: Risk means the likelihood that a specified undesired event will
occur due to the realization of a hazard by, or during work activities, or
by the products and services created by work activities.
Risk is defined as “the chance of something happening that will have
an impact on the achievement of organizational stated objectives”.

Risk = Severity of harm x Likelihood of occurrence x Number of

workers exposed to hazard

Risk is measured in terms of likelihood and impact i.e. the likelihood of

an event occurring combined with its impact (consequence).
The „ICC approach‟ to risk description:

Methods for Risk Management

Two elements are determined:
 The likelihood that a hazard/risk may occur or reoccur.
 The impact of harm to the health or the organization.
 Likelihood scoring (1-5)
 Impact scoring:

Risk Matrix (combining Likelihood and Impact)

 High risks - scored between 15-25 (red)

 Medium risk - scored between 6-12 (yellow)
 Low risks - scored between 1-5 (green)

Evaluation of the Risk

 Accept the risk or
 Treat the risk by:
 Avoiding the risk,
 Transferring the risk or
 Controlling the risk (hierarchy)
Risk Management
Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of
risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources
to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of
unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.

Risk Management Process Overview/Cycles/Steps

Safe workplace
1. The Physical work environment: Clean, Well lit &
- Cleanliness
- Lighting
- Temperature
2. Physically Safe Process (Ergonomics)
- Ergonomic Jobs (Long Term) & Rotation (Short
- STW, Training, Follow-up
- Early Symptom Investigation
3. Psychologically safe in the plant
- Safe & Respectful Environment
- Cognitive Simplification (Challenging but not stressful)
- Safety Culture
4. Team Member Care – Personal Health & Safety

Safety & Ergonomics at your work place

 Make sure minimum safety performance targets are achieved as
per standards.
 Focus on Personal health and safety policy, medical care, effective
response to urgencies
 Define Safety performance targets, develop a action plans &
measure actual performance
 Train everyone on basic ergonomics
 Asses your work place continuously for safety and ergonomics,
formulate action plans for improvement & monitor progress to
continuously improve on ergonomics conditions in the facility
 Consider ergonomics as a important part while developing the
standardized work sheets. Built Job rotation in the daily work
routine as far as possible to reduce boredom, stress in muscle
groups & to improve employee work efficiency
 Define a Proper near miss capturing mechanism (early symptom
investigation methodology)
 Prepare action plans to prevent reoccurrences and accident
prevention analyzing the near misses data
 Conduct regular safety and ergonomic audits.
 Make safety and ergonomics are part of the organizational culture

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Form No: QEHS 01
Revision No: 03
Date: 19.03.2020
Section: XYZ

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