Vocabulary: Extra Practice Section B

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MODULE 1 Extra Practice: Section B Name:

1 Complete the sentences with the routines below.
do homework • walk the dog • watch TV • have lunch • tidy my room
study with friends • make a snack • have dinner • go home
1. Some students for a meal and others eat at school.
2. We twice a day. His name is Wolf.
3. I rarely , so it’s difficult for me to find things.
4. The girls at 8.00 pm. Their favourite programme is on then.
5. At 9.00 pm, I and eat it in my room.
6. I usually on Thursday evenings. We have a test every Friday.
7. Students after school to practise new material.
8. In the evening, I with my family. We usually have a hot meal.
9. Tom and his friends at 1.00 pm. They usually eat sandwiches.

2 Write the words below next to the correct verb to make six routines.
to bed • up • breakfast • to school • dressed • a shower

get go


3 Write sentences with the routines in Exercise 2.


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MODULE 1 Extra Practice : Section B

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple affirmative.
watch • do • study • get up • go • have
1. My brother rarely TV.
2. I always breakfast. It’s my favourite meal.
3. Pam geography on Mondays.
4. The boys usually homework in the evenings.
5. We never early on Sundays.
6. Jason to school at 8.45 am.

5 Look at Lily’s profile and complete the sentences about her. Use the Present Simple affirmative.

Lily Timms Profile

Home town: Sydney, Australia
Siblings: Robby and Liz Timms
School: Jarrod High
Class: 7B
Favourite school subjects: history, drama
Favourite TV series: The Vampire Diaries
Favourite activities: sport, dinner with friends at Pizza Parlour

1. Lily and her family (live) in , Australia.

2. The students in Lily’s class (go) to School.
3. Lily (study) .
4. She (watch) .
5. She often (do) .
6. Lily and her friends sometimes (have) a meal at .

6 Complete the text with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple affirmative.
study • look • play • watch • love • want
I’m Alan and I’m a big Maroon 5 fan. I 1. their music and
I often 2.
their videos on YouTube. My friend, Jake,
like the group’s singer, Adam Levine. Jake’s a good
singer, too. He also 4.
to be famous one day. Jake
drama and music at school. The students in his music
class sometimes 6.
Maroon 5’s music. They sound amazing!

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