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Data Science is the study that concerns the retrieval and analysis of data sets, intending to identify
information and correspondences hidden in the unprocessed data, defined as raw. Data Science, in
other words, is the science that combines programming skills and mathematical and statistical
knowledge to extract meaningful information from data.

Data Science consists of the application of machine learning algorithms to numerical, textual data,
images, video, and audio content. The algorithms, therefore, perform specific tasks that concern the
extraction, cleaning, and processing of data, generating in turn, data that are transformed into real value
for each organization.

Often the terms Data Science and Business Analytics are considered synonymous. After all, both the
Business Analytics and Data Science activities deal with the data, their acquisition, and the development
of models and information processing.

What then is the difference between Data Science and Business Analytics? As the name suggests,
Business Analytics is focused on the processing of data, business or sectorial, to extract information
useful to the company, focused on its market and on that of its competitors.

The Data Science aims to identify the most significant datasets to answer the questions asked by the
companies, elaborate them to extract new data related to behaviors, needs, and trends that are the
basis of the data-driven decisions of their managers.

The data thus identified can help an organization contain costs, increase efficiency, recognize new
market opportunities and increase competitive advantage.

Data Science is mainly used to provide forecasts and trends. It also used to make decisions using tools
for predictive analysis, prescriptive analysis, and machine learning.

Data Science is revolutionizing in many sectors. It is just all about to know your client, analyzing his
behavior by identifying relationships between data that can turn into predictive results regarding market
trends and orientations. Today we are at an early stage, which already allows us to obtain results, but
through the development of the IoTData Science, sensors and other tools for data collection will be
possible developments now only imaginable.

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