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Novel : Kanthapura

Author : Raja Rao

Type : Tragedy , Historical , Friction
Narrative by : Old Brahmin Lady “Achakka”

The novel kanthapura as written in 1929 in Chennai by very known novelist Raja Rao and
published in 1938. This is the story of Kanthapura is a village located in South India, how it is
affected by the rise of Gandhi’s moment in the 1930s. The village of Kanthapura consists of
about 120 houses, and perhaps 700 people, geographically divided between five main
castes: the priestly Brahmins at the top, followed by two types of tradesmen (potters and
weavers), sudras (laborers) and pariahs (untouchables).

At the time of anti-colonial moments when India is struggling for their independence. It is
narrated by an old woman Achakka. The main character of this novel is a young Brahmin boy
name moorty. who journeys to the city from his native village and he goes to the city to gain
western-style University education. he comes back without even completing his education
and the novel is primarily about this return and the Gandhian influence that inspires mostly
to make this return. which emphasizes independence from British colonial rule and self-
government. He goes from home to house preaching the importance of Gandhi's cause for
freedom, gathering more and more support as he carefully explains to his town people how
love, truth, and nonviolence may help them achieve freedom. There also a largely cast
discrimination and several Anti-Muslim Sentiment. Caste was  a practically unchanging
aspect of Indian culture, but under Gandhi's and, by extension, Moorthy's teachings in the
novel, its rigidity and validity begin to crack and falter. Though it is unclear how far Gandhi
believed the breakdown of caste barriers should go, it is apparent that a loosening of the
boundaries the treatment of Pariahs as human people—was essential to overcoming colonial
control. Unity was required for the greater nationalist cause to prevail, and this is something
Moorthy tries to persuade his dubious people of. .Throughout the text, Rao underlines
Hindus' belief in Muslims' inferiority. The shopkeeper Subba Chetty is at odds with Rahman
Khan, who is accused of a perceived offense but whose symbolic incarceration, according to
Anshuman Mondal, helps to "underline the novel's concern in relation to Muslims." The
virtually obsessive insistence on Hindu by the abstemious and Gandhi-man Advocate Sankar
contributes to this, as does the text's "most explicit and horrible act of violence," which is
described as "the rape of a Brahmin woman by a Muslim policeman."
My focus on this novel is about how the city life influence the moorty to make change in
their village (how/why villagers change their life by comparing the cities) , the differ
mythology and a kind of isolated village moorty makes its own political party a kind of small
congress and no one knows about that. Or the villager have their own goddess
“kenchamma”. How people socially construed there mind according to there own needs how
the bhatta or others goes against to moorty just because he starts uniting the people
including lower cast and giving start teaching them. And how literacy/education works in a
society. As it same if we look at the situation of india. Colonialists took advantage of Indians'
ignorance to govern them, and the people of Kanthapura are shown as stupid at the start of
the tale. When Moorthy returns to the community, though, things change dramatically.
Moorthy is a well-educated city lad who understands how to combat the Red Man's
administration's ills. He teaches the people about the colonialists' faults, supports economic
self-sufficiency, and holds a village Congress. He and his comrades distribute free pamphlets
to educate the public about the goals of the liberation struggle and the need of self-rule.
Villagers can only learn what is at risk and what to do about it by educating themselves.

Cities have built a large number of schools, colleges, and universities. As a result, city
dwellers receive proper, high-quality education, which is a key aspect in maintaining a high
standard of living. In the cities, there are numerous opportunities for recreation and
pleasure. People are also given many possibilities to establish and display their abilities here.
Cities have improved transportation, sanitation, water availability, and drainage systems.
Polluted water drains through treatment before being released into lakes or rivers. This also
helps to keep pollutants to a minimum. When medical assistance is required, it is only a
phone call away. For those in need, there are a number of healthcare facilities as well as
well-equipped doctors and nurses. In cities, anonymity helps people avoid being judged by
others. Commercialization, banking systems, and entrepreneurial firms are all available in
city life. This encourages individuals from townships to relocate to cities. People prefer city
living because it provides greater work prospects, stability, and a solid salary, all of which are
lacking in villages. But it don’t mean that city life are ideal way of living we are also facing
several problems . The rate of urbanisation is accelerating, and roughly 50-55 percent of
Indians now reside in cities. By 2040, this rate is expected to reach about 60%. The quality of
life in cities is projected to deteriorate as a result of the high population density. As a result
of the preceding argument, increased pollution levels in cities result in greater health
difficulties. People in cities are more likely to become ill as a result of the contaminated
environment, which is unsuited for human habitation. Cities have more unfair competition
among firms, higher crime rates, and individuals who are more immoral. Cost and spending
growth is a major issue for city people. This encourages increased rivalry for riches and, as a
result, promotes tension and violence. City life is hectic, evolving into a better version of
itself every second. As a result, cultural traits and flavours are lost. Congestion has come
from the high demand for city living. In urban regions, the human population has exploded.
Every day, the city's population grows. This results in a dirty environment with smog,
contaminated water sources, and noise pollution.
If this kanthapura incident happened in city then what
would be the results ?
One might always wonder why Raja rao did not select one of the Indian cities which were ruled
by the British . This could be because of the fact that villages have always formed India. Before
even British came to India, the village had been the almost existing community.

But lets examine this incident in city…

as comapred to village, people would be more educated in the city . The concept of brahmins
living in the best region the village and castes such as pariahs being marginalized would not exist
I.e system of dominent caste.According to rao’S novel all elements of nature had a strong power
on the village as nature played a significant role in the cities such things would not exist
to as that much extent.

If the kanthipura incident happened in city, media would have played an important role unlike in
villages. More people would get involved in the movement through the medium of newspaper
and other mass communications.

Unlike the act did in the village,bade khan would be allowed to live with people of other castes
which would have prevented him to inform the police about the act of other people.

As there is more population in cites as comapred to village, it would have given the advantage to
people to participate in large number in riots and to become heavy on the british government.
Such large crowd would definitely create an effect on the sahibs and have compelled them to
keep the unity of people in their minds.

Since there would be publishment of each and every news more efficiently in cities, British
people hesistate to conduct open firing on the people due to their sake.

Moorthy persuaded people to wear khadi instead of wearing clothes which were imported.
Mostly people know the process of cloth making in villages but this would have failed in the
cities .

Untouchability is more prevalent in villages as compared to cities After examining the incident it
seems lack of proper planning and organization among village people which would have
definitely rationalized by people living in cities due to acquiring better education.eir This would
have prevented them to burn their own houses at the end. The concept of non violence may
would not have followed by people living in cities unlike villagers. They must have used force
against british people.

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