We Communicate Jan 2022

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Provincial’s Message

I remember…. I remember…. I remember….

Remembering, recollecting, reflecting, memorialising,
Some events leave a mark on us, No matter what we do,
That mark leaves a lasting impression on the rest of our life.
I think, memories matter the most…
The past has infinite value, if one learns from it.
Each experience is different, offering the opportunity,
To become better in a unique way.
It’s important to look at each experience in the proper light to take the most from it.
If so, we can use our past to rewrite our future,
Become happier, stronger, and more effective persons.

Books, Google and Wikipedia are all considered to be sources of all knowledge.
But all that one learns through these, are only of theoretical nature,
In the form of ideas and concepts, about a particular subject in detail.
It is essential to utilize them in real environment to gain life experience.
Books alone cannot teach us everything we need to know.
What one learns through the books should be put to use to harvest the benefits.

If we focus on the negative baggage from yesterday,

It’s going to keep us away from getting to our destiny.
Our past experiences always hold within them the potential to make us better.
We are the sum of the experiences that we encounter as we go through life.
Every decision that we make has a great significance,
Every experience of life is a memory of lessons learned.

As we read through with
gratitude the writings in this issue of ‘We Communicate’
May we encounter the real life experiences of our sisters.
May they inspire and beacon us in our life’s journey.
May we have the openness to appreciate and acknowledge,
The guidance of the Almighty,
In the life lived in History.
Congratulations to the SMC team and all those who shared their experiences.
Sr. Deepa Moonjely OP
Provincial Superior

1. Provincial’s Message 14. Participation of everyone guided by

Sr. Deepa Moonjely OP the Holy Spirit - Sr. A Jenet OP
2. Editorial 15. Quiz on St. Catherine De Ricci
Sr. Daisy Rose Peenikaparamban OP Sr. Daisy Rose Peenikaparamban OP
3. You have touched me and I have grown 16. Learner’s corner -
Sr. Nirmala Mathew Kochuveetil OP Sr. P. Premalatha OP
4. To the city of Khargone
Sr. Josephine Kuruthukulangara OP
5. Dourdan to Sainville Experience
Sr. Rose Mary Kadampattuparambil OP
6. Stepping into the unknow land and planting
the seed of Marie Poussepin
Sr. Elsy Vadakkumpadan OP
7. A Dream came true-
Sr. Anniamma Joseph Urumpumkuzhiyil OP
8.A journey to the unknown
Sr. Liza John Kadampattuparambil OP
9. Our Journey together was lika sunshine
Sr. Jayanthi Toppo OP
10. Life in Marie Poussepin Academy
Sr. Shyby Simon Pazhukunnel OP
11.Marie Poussepin’s Home - A flashback
into the hand of God that led
Happy Feast of Presentation
Sr. Ruby Jose Pulickal OP of Jesus in the Temple To Sr.
12. A Thrilling Experience Deepa Moonjely and a Grace-
Sr. Anula Irvin Suguna Joseph OP filled Day on the World Day of
13. Mission at Diphu
Sr. Jini Joseph Mazhuvancherry OP Consecated Life to every one.


Every milestone must be celebrated and cherished as a
way to give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness. 50 years have
passed, since the inception of the very first community in Kut-
tikad and we continue to live our mission- “to bring the knowl-
edge of Jesus Christ and His Mysteries wherever we are called”
Last August, we began sharing the memories of our pio-
neers, as we journeyed towards the golden jubilee in 2022. We continue our sharing
from other communities in this issue of ‘We Communicate.’ From its humble be-
ginnings in 1971 to its growth and expansion in India till today, the Congregation
has truly been blessed. We feel deep gratitude and love for each Dominican Sister
of Charity of the Presentation, who has lived in India and also for our Indian sisters
who have responded to international missions. With hearts filled with love, all of us
together have sown small seeds of salvation, through our option for the poor, as we
continued to give life to the Charism of Blessed Marie Poussepin and St. Dominic.
From the very beginning, it is only by faith that we were able to receive blessing after
blessing from our Heavenly Father.
Now, 50 years later, even in the midst of a pandemic, we will continue to walk
by faith and not by sight. We entrust the coming years and beyond, into the palm of
God’s hand, knowing that wherever He may lead us, He will provide for us.
We also would like to thank the pioneers, the members of each communi-
ty and the institutions, their administration and staff for keeping up the true spirit
of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation. We would like to acknowledge the
efforts of all the past and present key people of our communities and institutions,
for remaining committed to the mission and vision imparted to us by
our Lord, 50 years ago. In faith, with integrity, respect, and excellence
we will continue to march forward with the same passion that our sis-
ters had, when our Congregation was first established – to keep the fire
burning in our hearts and give all glory and honour to our God Most

I am very happy to present to you this issue of ‘We Communicate’

with a lot of unheard stories and sweet memories of our struggles at the
beginning as well as the joy that our sisters experienced and the faithful-
ness of each one as she tried to give life to the community and mission.
I wish you all a good time of fun and pleasant reading which may lead
you to a greater commitment to God and God’s people.

Sr. Daisy Rose Peenikaparamban OP

SMC Co-ordinator

Our formation - human, christian and ed cleaning the house and Sr. Patricia and Sr.
religious begins at home with our parents, Reetha went for shopping to buy the utensils
brothers and sisters. Yes, our family is a school for the kitchen. Then by 9 AM we had a good
of learning...learning to love, to forgive, to ad- breakfast at the Landlady’s (Mrs. Lilly) house
just , so on...We moved from Pala (Kottayam in Cox town (1km away from our house).
Dt.) to Palakkad Dt. We belonged to the par-
ish of Kanjirapuzha whose parish priest was Life in the new settings, environment was in-
Fr. Sebastian Kadampattuparambil. As I fin- deed an experience which we can never for-
ished my Pre-Degree, one day Fr. Sebastian get. With the limited space we adjusted quite
happened to come to my house and asked me well. The railway track was behind our house.
whether I want to become a religious. I said At night as we were sleeping on the floor,
yes and in a few days time Sr. Rosemary and when the trains pass by, it was like an earth-
Sr. Dorothy came to my parish. I went with my quake as the floor was shaking, or sometimes
father and met them. Then the Sisters came like heavy thunderstorms.... Eventually Sr.
to my house and they told me that they will Dorothy and Sr.Ann joined our community.
let me know when to join. Then on October Sr. Ann helped us in the household duties like,
20th, 1975, my father and my elder sister ac- cooking, maintenance, shopping etc.
companied me to Kuttikad with all the things
that had to be brought. Vimala and myself began our Postu-
lancy. Sr.Patricia, Sr. Dorothy, Sr.Reetha and
A new beginning indeed for me. I was Sr.Ann helped us to initiate ourselves to Reli-
so happy to meet the sisters, Sr. Patricia, Sr. gious Life. Sr. Reetha and Sr. Dorothy gave us
Dorothy, Sr. Rosemary and many others. All classes. Sr. Dorothy used to go to St. Martha’s
in their white habit and white veil, like an- hospital everyday as a tutor giving classes to
gels. The hospital was filled with patients. The the Nursing students. Sr. Marina arrived Ban-
property was filled with coconut trees, full of galore in 1977 and we began our Novitiate on
life all around. January 28, 1977. “Can I not do to you as the
potter does with the clay” Jer. 18: 6. God used
Then the time came to leave for Ban- Sr. Marina to form us and make us his instru-
galore in June 1976 to begin the Formation ments, to be a reflection of His love, light and
Community. The first train journey from Cha- mercy. Her understanding and gentle ways of
lakudy to Bangalore by Island Express with dealing was indeed very remarkable. Thank
Sr. Patricia and Sr. Reetha. Climbing to the you dear Sr.Marina for you have touched us
top berth itself was a risky job and the pillow and we have grown.
falling every now and then....We reached the
house in Charles Campbell road, Jeevanahally For our community experience we
early morning. We, Vimala and myself start- went to St. Charles convent in Davis road.
Vimala was helping in the school and I was

helping in the creche. We joined the sisters Sevanilaya Sisters and their Novices. The same
(St. Charles) for lunch and after lunch, we evening we journeyed to Kerala by train to take
went to Good Shepherd Novitiate in Mu- part in the final profession of Sr. Mary Joseph on
seum road for the classes. Sr. Collette was 21st November 1978.
their Novice Mistress, a gentle and caring
person, who welcomed us always with a The Lord’s powerful presence I have ex-
smile. Classes were given by Holy Cross Fa- perienced all along my life, a life filled with so
thers and CMI Fathers. It was indeed a time many beautiful experiences. Once we say “Yes”
of learning the Scriptures and Religious life, to the Lord, we let ourselves be guided by Him
which enlightened our minds and hearts. through our Superiors. Now I am in Barcelona,
Spain in the Provincial House community since
Before the profession we had our re- June 2018. It is a small province with less than 50
treat with our sisters in the Benedictine Ash- Sisters (8 Communities). Where ever we are, we
ram Kenkeri directed by Fr. Vincen Gabriel. are called to bring the message of Jesus Christ
The silent, peaceful atmosphere was condu- and his mysteries by living the Charism of Bless-
cive for prayer and reflection and prepared ed Marie Poussepin and the Spirituality of St.
us for the great day of our Religious Profes- Dominic. May we always remain faithful to this
sion on November 19, 1978. Fr. Jayanathan vision.
celebrated the Eucharist and Sr. Mary Patri-
cia received our Vows in the name of Moth-
Sr. Nirmala Kochuveettil OP
Barcelona - Spain
er Marie Saint Therese, the Superior Gener-
al of our Congregation. We had a heavenly
feeling with the melodious singing of the

When Ashirvad Community, 27th, the classrooms were not ready. So,
Dhulkot, the first community of the Domin- Fr. Jimmy invited them to stay at the Parish
ican Sisters of the Presentation in the North quarters until the living quarters were ready.
of India was established in 1984, it had been While staying there, they did the necessary
in the plan that the sisters start another shopping for the house. Srs. Rose Mary, Lilly
community not too far from Dhulkot. Bish- and Daisy along with Fr. Jimmy bought all the
op Abraham Viruthukulangara, Bishop of pots, pans, utensils. Sr. Daisy stitched all the
Khandwa diocese, also thought in the same curtains needed to make the classrooms into
line so that they would be support for each sisters’ living quarters.
other. In 1989 Bishop invited the sisters to The hospitality of Fr. Jimmy and his
staff St. Jude’s school, Khargone, which is readiness to assist the sisters were remarkable.
owned by Khandwa diocese. At the time the He really went out of his way to get everything
school had up to 3rd Standard. Fr. Jimmy ready before we arrived from Varanasi.On 1st
Vayalil was the Manager of the School. Fran- July when we arrived, the classrooms were al-
ciscan Sisters of St. Mary of Angels (SMA) ready converted for the sisters’ use. But they
were teaching and one of them, Sr. Deepthi needed to be cleaned and washed. Within two
was the Principal. Bishop requested that in hours the classrooms were transformed into a
the long run, the Dominican Sisters should home with everyone pitching in for cleaning,
take up the administration of the school as washing etc.
SMA sisters wanted to discontinue their ser-
vice. The community quarters were on the
first floor of the building. One classroom was
Sr. Deepa Moonjely and myself were used as a dining room, parlour, workroom,
already In Varanasi learning Hindi and pre- kitchen, storeroom etc. and the other one
paring for the new Mission. Sr. Rose Mary was used as a chapel and bedroom. Thus two
Kadampattuparampil and Sr. Daisy Rose classrooms in the school were converted into
Peenikaparampil along with Sr. Celine living quarters where we prayed, cooked, slept
Parakadath who was going to Dhulkot left and shared our hospitality; living a simple
Bangalore on 22nd June 1989. They went and poor lifestyle. There was not much room
first to Dhulkot. After a couple of days rest, for privacy. But the school building was big
on 27th June they left Dhulkot along with Sr. enough to find a private corner when needed.
Lilly Vadakeniyath for Khargone in order to
get the house ready. On 2nd July 1989, the home for the
The sisters were going to stay in the community was blessed. Just a couple of
two classrooms in the school which would neighbouring parishes were invited. The SMA
be converted temporarily as their living sisters and the Parish Priest, Fr. Jimmy Vay-
quarters. But when the sisters arrived on alil were there. All the sisters from Dhulkot

had come. Bishop Abraham blessed the its from Bishopswami since Khargone is on
rooms during a prayer service. Bishop the way to other mission stations.
spoke commenting on the reading from
Isaiah 65 that it was Lord’s creation and We were grateful to Bishop Abraham
that the Lord would build. What he re- and Fr. Jimmy who made all arrangements for
ferred to was a humble and contrite heart us to be comfortable and secure in our new
that would listen and obey. Bishop said home. Sr. Rose Mary Kadampattuparampil,
that it was the right attitude, to begin with. the Regional Superior, supported us at this
Before the meal which followed the prayer time of transition and adjustment. Our neigh-
service, the new members were congratu- boring sisters were very helpful and under-
lated, garlanded and welcomed to the Dio- standing towards us. The Lord who brought
cese of Khandwa and also to Khargone. us to this soil accompanied us in the struggles
of early stages. We can never forget all that
Thus, the new community be- Fr. Jimmy did for us to make us feel at home
gan with three sisters, Sr. Josephine Ku- in our new mission. We taught in the school,
ruthukulangara, Sr. Deepa Moonjely and gave tuition after the class, visited the families
Sr. Daisy Rose Peenikaparamban. We em- of the students shared our life in the commu-
braced the mission with great joy, follow- nity and appreciated sharing our hospitality
ing the example of Marie Poussepin who with those who came to us. We worked in a
instructed her daughters to educate the close relationship with the parish in all its ac-
children and the youth. On 3rd July, the tivities.
feast of St. Thomas, the Apostle of India,
was the first day of the Academic year of Life was not easy since malaria was our
1989-1990. The day started with Mass by companion. We had experiences of flood in
Bishop Abraham. Sisters joined the school Kunda River which cut the communication
as staff on the same day. between the parish and the convent. We had
no Eucharistic celebration those days. Oh!
The community was named “Sathy- How can I ever forget the experiences of Cur-
odaya” which means the “Rising of Truth”. few, due to the problems between the Hindus
There is a beautiful view of the sunrise ev- and Muslims; the days shut in the rooms in
ery morning in Khargone. As daughters fear and anxiety. Lack of supply of food was
of St. Dominic, it is important that they a great concern in those days. But God sends
impart truth to the children they educate. angels to provide in times of need. Bishop
The community should give witness to Abraham was always concerned about us and
that truth in their lives. The truth should visited us whenever he passed by. Our sisters
shine. from Dhulkot were in close contact with us.
We visited each other and shared the celebra-
Since the Parish Church was a lit- tions together beyond the distances from each
tle far and the school starts at 8 am it was community. Those were the moments of joy
difficult for the sisters to go for daily Mass we shared together.
in the Parish. So, Fr. Jimmy celebrated Eu-
charist in the convent chapel 3 or 4 days
Sr Josephine Kuruthukulangara OP
a week which really strengthened the life
and mission and the community bond. Karehally, Shimoga
The sisters were lucky to have surprise vis-

1996 marked the third rcentena- community expenses were met by the contri-
ry of the foundation of the congregation. bution from all the communities of the Vice
Marie Poussepin left the prosperous town Province who set apart income from their
of Dourdan and inserted herself in Sain- sacrifices.
ville, a poor village where the people were
suffering from various needs. It was with For us it was a “Dourdan to Sainville”
this memory that we made our move to experience. We were with the people, for the
Papanagar, Varadium on June 9, 1996. Sr. people and among the people of Papanagar.
Moly Pengiparamban,, Superior, Sr. Sand- Our house was one among theirs. The con-
ha Manjaly and myself were the founding veniences ware bare minimum. It was very
members. Sr. Vimala Vadakumpadan and different from what we were used to. But
the sisters of Jeevadhara community ac- all three of us were ready for a “Conversion”
companied us. Our luggage and a few furni- experience. We felt the inconveniences; but
ture such as one cot, some essential utensils, accepted it with an open mind and gener-
some dishes, etc, most of it contributions ous spirit. Nirmala Dasi Sisters who were
from different communities, were sent by a in Papanagar since it’s inauguration in 1986,
truck from Kuttikad. During the first year had left the year before. So the people were

very happy to have us among them and wel- later another one, Lakshmi, who ran back
comed us whole heartedly. home whenever the teacher’s (Sr. Moly)
eyes were turned. I still remember a touch-
Papanagar came to existence as a
ing event about these two children. After the
housing project, a memorial of the visit of
Nirmala Dasi sisters left Papanagar, one Lady
Pope John Paul II to India and to the diocese
used to run the nursery, but did not have
of Thrissur, Kerala, in the year 1986. Over
many children but had a project of midday
4000 homeless families in different parish-
meal. When we came to Papanagar she asked
es benefitted from this project which was a
us to take up the nursery and continued to
collaborative effort of the Diocese of Thris-
give them lunch. One day Jeevan already
sur and the Housing project of the state of
had his lunch and returned. But Lakshmi
Kerala. Every family was given a house with
came late to the class. Sr. Moly sent her with
3 cents of land. House had a bed room and
Jeevan to have her meal. When they did not
a room for kitchen, with small front veran-
come back I went to see what happened to
dah and a toilet outside the house. For the
them. As the food was over the Lady had sent
sisters a room had been added as kitchen
them back. As I was returning wondering
cum dining room and store room with a
what had happened to the children I heard
toilet attached, and there was another house
their sound from Jeevan’s house. I went in to
to be used as Nursery for children. We used
see what they were doing there. What I saw
Kerosene stove for cooking and waited for
really surprised me. Lakshmi was sitting and
water at the common tap which happily was
eating the food and Jeevan was standing and
right in front of the house so it was easy to
watching with much satisfaction on his face.
leave the water pot in the queue and come
Jeevan’s mother, when she went to work ,
to the house and wait for our turn.
had kept food for him. As Lakshmi did not
We went to the Parish church which get lunch, without any hesitation Jeevan had
is about 15 minutes walk daily for Mass (as offered his food to her. For a child of 4 it
the sisters continue to do till today) and was really a generous spontaneous gesture. I
spent time for visit to the Blessed Sacrament think he has grown to be nice young man!
after Mass before returning home, until we
We were very much available for the
had the possibility of a small chapel about
parish activities; teaching catechism, taking
three or four years later. It was a great sac-
part in family units’ meetings and sharing
rifice not to have Blessed Sacrament in the
the Word of God , flower arrangements, vis-
house. As we had no set ministries, daily,
its to the families on occasions of marriage
except Sunday, after breakfast we left home
or deaths, animating the various pious asso-
to visit the families, first in Papanagar (113
ciations (which gave us chances for picnics to
families in an area of 5 acres, so not very
different places!). We had time for all and so
far to go), then every family in the vicin-
we were available to the maximum.
ity of the Varadium Parish. Thus we came
to know all the families and their problems In Papanagar we started Ayalkootams
around us. for women (SHG) with monthly meetings
for which we too joined. Besides savings and
After a few months, a nursery was
loans , it were occasions to discuss about
started with one student, Jeevan, and little

various subjects on political, social, neighborhood and family issues and finding solutions to
the problem whenever possible. Every Sunday after lunch we went to join these meetings. An-
nual celebrations were occasions to bring out the talents of women, such as public speaking,
dancing and singing, acting etc. The men used to say that with Ayalkootoms, women have
learned to say welcome and thanksgiving speeches…
Though the beginning days our life in Papanagar had its demanding side, it was also
very satisfying and a happy time, with simplicity of life, being part of the life of the neighbors
, sharing their joys and sorrows, and many times being reconciling factor when there were
family or neighborhood conflicts. And in the community there was a lot of joy being together,
even amidst disagreements. We were together to do everything . I thank God for the opportu-
nity He gave me to be part of the beginning of this “insertion community”. I always remember
my life in Papanagar with great sense of purpose and fulfillment!

Sr. Rose Mary Kadampattuparambil OP

Marie Poussepin’s Home, Bangalore

Long awaited dream of the vice prov- be awake, when we look around and show a
ince of India come to reality in June 1997. civet cat (marapatty) inside the kitchen, en-
The missionary presence is extended to Ut- tered through a hole which made for the ex-
tar Pradesh in Basti. We began our journey haust fan. Next day we had lot of fun along
from Banglore on 22nd of June with Srs. with little fear too.
Vimala Vadakumpadan, Kochuthresa My-
We began our ministry on July 4th
alil, Treasa D’souza, Lalamma Joseph and
1997 in St. Basil School. They gave us a grant
Srs. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran & ElsyVa-
welcome which made us feel at home. We
dakumpadan came from Khargone M.P. Fr.
were involved in teaching ministry as well
John Kullathinigal & Fr. Lona Kallely Prin-
as part of the administration. They were
cipal of St. Basil School welcomed us at the
able to count on us not only in teaching but
station proceeded to the Parish & convent.
also other activities of the school, such as
Our main mission was to teach in St. Basil
admission process, sports and cultural pro-
School and offer our services in the pasto-
grammes and picnics and excursion.
ral, evangelical and social development ac-
tivities of the Parish. We were occupied the full day in the
school. Half of the day we were with English
We were getting ready the house
medium children, next half with Hindi me-
for the blessing on 26th June, by clean-
dium children free service to the backward
ing, shopping, arranging etc. With lot of
children of the area. Some of us with our
fun as well as the heat of the summer did
broken Hindi somehow managed to take
not spare us. Amidst all these we get a sad
Hindi lessons. It was really interesting & we
news about the demise of Sr. Kochuthresa’s
never felt tired, because of the interest for
mother. Everything was arranged instantly
the new mission. Hindi medium was a new
for her to attend the funeral.
beginning for that school with our presence
The house was blessed on 26th June there.
1997 with a Eucharistic celebration by Rt.
Parish activities also slowly began
Rev. Bishop Dominic Kokkat along with
with our support. Faith formation, prepar-
Cst and Diocesan Fathers, Sisters & Laity.
ing children for holy communion, visiting
Nearly 40 people were present for occasion.
the families & praying rosary in the houses
All the programmes went well & everyone
especially in the month of October etc.
left. We were extremely tired and went to
bed. Middle of the night a voice made us to We had very interesting stories with

our friends (Monkey).We never could
put anything outside to dry (rice & grains How beautiful it was when we flew
etc),If we come with a shopping bag in over Himalayas to visit Nepal. Almost two
our hand they will attack us. We throw days were spent in Katmandu & vising
the things & run away,that was the only neighboring places. Many times we went
solution. All that because we were close to Nepal for shopping through the bor-
to Rama’s Birth place Ayodhya (place of der of U.P. by road ways. More than a week
monkeys). How can we forget our first we roamed around the capitalcity of India,
winter which is very much clear in our vising all the historical places and enjoyed
minds now. Extreme cold withoutwarm thoroughly. There were moments of hap-
clothes, fingers and toes of the hands & piness & joys and sorrow too which made
legs were swollen,water from the tap was our life to accept risks & challenges among
freezing. We just had a sweater & shawl. such a situations.The seed of Marie Pousep-
Our friends from the school helped us pen was planted and it is flourishing and
to get warm clothes and explained to us bringing forth its fruits.It was my privilege
the intensity with which we need to pack to be part of this mission. “Speak to Him of-
ourselves daily. That made us healthy & ten and speak about Him often” these words
free from getting sick. At night we gather provoked us to continue our journey in an
around a small heater which make us little unknown land. Pretty soon we will be cele-
ease. Summer was horrible with scorch- brating the silver jubilee of our presence in
ing heat.The entire atmosphere burns like Basti.
a furnace. Both summer and winter were Sr. Elsy Vadakumpadan
too extremes. Khargone, M.P.

Every mission is always a mystery. a generous heart to respond to his call. Yes,
So also mission in soganur. God intervened God's ways are different. Without know-
ing anything of this place, only in trusting
mysteriously through the person of Fr. G.
Mathias and we responded to it. It was in God's Providence and in obedience I ac-
providential that when Sr. Daisy Rose Pee- cepted. I believe that if God calls you for
nikaparambil was on her journey for voca- something, he will give the grace to fulfill it.
tion promotion to Kallery, she happened I feel I am only an instrument in the hands
to meet Fr. Mathias the native of Kallery. of God who uses me the way he wants and
When father heard from her about our mis- who guides and strengthens me along the
sion and activities, he was inspired to tell way.
about his plan of new mission in Soganur
and invited us. She shared about this with We began this Journey with faith
Sr. Vimala Vadakumpadan, the vice provin- and hope. We three of us, Sr. Anniamma
cial, the plan of starting a mission in Tamil- Joseph Urumpumkuzhiyil, Sr. Shyby Si-
nadu and the process began. Rev. Dr. A. M. mon Pazhukunnel and Sr. Anula Irvin Su-
Chinnappa, the Bishop of Vellore invited guna accompanied by Sr. Vimala, the vice
the Dominican sisters of the presentation to provincial arrived in Sipcot on 1st of June
the Diocese, to the mission in Soganur, the 2001, a parish belong to Vellore Diocese,
dream of mission in Tamilnadu became the where Bridgettine sisters have a convent.
We stayed in a school building run by the
reality for us. We are grateful to Fr. Mathi-
as, parish priest of Sipcot and in-charge of Bridgettine sisters in the same campus. Af-
Salai mission, for his generous heart to of- ter the lunch and few minutes of rest we
arranged the room little bit and prepared a
fer this great opportunity and to Sr. Vimala
Vadakumpadan the vice provincial who re- place for prayer in one corner of the room
sponded to the needs of the time like Marie and had our evening prayer. Then we had
the visit of Fr. Mathias, who is in charge of
Poussepin our foundress.
the Salai mission. Sr. Vimala introduced us
Call comes at any moment and in to father. Next day we visited Soganur, our
any form specially when we least expect. new mission with Fr. Mathias. There was a
When we hear about Dharmaram college, compound wall and the construction of the
we think of some studies. I was rendering presbytery was on progress. Sr Vimala re-
service as hostel warden for the sisters in turned to Bangalore in the afternoon.
Dharmaram College, Bangalore. Sr. Vima-
We stayed in Sipcot for a month
la Vadakumpadan the vice provincial asked
learning the language, culture and customs
me to go to Soganur, for a new mission in
of the locality in view of the future mission
Tamilnadu. I know God needs a willing and
in Tamilnadu. We were able to visit substa-

tions of Salai mission, few houses in Sip- bytery and our sisters stayed there till we
cot whose living condition is very poor moved to our convent in October 2004.
and helped out in a dispensary of Sipcot
mission twice a week. We experienced The pioneers were Sr. Anniamma
God's protection and guidance every mo- Joseph Urumpumkuzhiyil, Sr. Shyby Simon
ment of our life. Fr. Mathias and Bridget- Pazhukunnel and Sr. Anula Irvin Duguna.
tine sisters were very good to us. We ex- The soganur community was officially es-
press our gratitude and love for their love, tablished in the presence of Sr. Maria Fabi-
care, concern and support we experienced ola, the mother general, Sr. Marina, Sr. Ci-
while we were in Sipcot and in Soganur. cilia and Sr. Vimala the vice provincial. Sr.
Anniamma Joseph Urumpumkuzhiyil was
In July 3rd 2001, on the feast of St. appointed as the superior of the community.
Thomas the apostle of India, the presby- She took up this new mission with all its de-
tery for the parish priest was blessed and mands in an attitude of deep faith and trust
we were welcomed officially. Sr. Vimala, in the Providence of God. To begin some-
Sr. Lilly vadakaniath, and Sr. Daisy Rose thing new is always challenging. Sr. Vimala
were present on this great occassion. The helped us to get settled in the new place. We
presence of our sisters brought us great began this Journey with faith and courage.
joy. Bishop of Vellore, priests, sisters and We were involved in house visiting, parish
people from Sipcot and soganur mission work, health ministry and tuition for chil-
were present to mark this day. Bishop and dren.
Sr.Vimala were honoured with shawls
by the elders of the village, as a custom Soganur is a small village in Vellor
in Tamilnadu following the tradition of district, belongs to Vellore Diocese in Tamil-
Kings in the court. Bishop expressed in nadu state; is a place surrounded by miser-
his message 'how happy they are' for tak- able condition of poverty and ignorance of
ing up the mission in soganur for the poor the people. Blessed Marie Poussepin was
and marginalized ones. After the lunch Sr. moved by seeing the misery and ignorance
Vimala and sisters left to Bangalore and of the people of Sainville when she began
we returned to Sipcot in the evening since the congregation. Now we are called to re-
there was more work to be completed in spond to the needs of the time to bring the
the presbytery vision of Blessed Marie Poussepin in Soga-
nur mission. Initially we tried to learn the
Even though the official blessing life of the people and their needs by regu-
of the presbytery was on July3rd 2001, lar house visiting regardless of religion and
we moved in on July 12th. We arrived in cast. The people were very simple, loving
soganur accompanied by fathers, sisters and poor. They accepted us and appreciated
and people from Sipcot. They received us our works. Most of them were coolie work-
to the presbytery with an arathi, flowers, ers and they lived in huts and lack even the
kunkum and kalabam according to the essentials of life. The people were very help-
Tamilnadu custom. It was in July 2001, ful specially few ladies and a group of youth
we started living in soganur, in the pres- were ready to help us at any time. They had
great concern towards us. We lived a simple

life with minimum. We believe it was the Jesus and by the grace of God she got well
plan of God to start a mission in Soganur. and she walked back home as normal. We
We are grateful to God who has called us to believed it was the Lord who healed her.
be an instrument in this mission.
St. Xaviers English medium school
We pray rosary with the people in was started in 2002 which belongs to the
the evenings and twice a week in the fam- parish. Sr. Shyby and Sr. Anula were in-
ilies. The spiritual animation of the people volved in administration and teaching. Our
in the parish and the substations are taken life and activities in the community and mis-
cared along with the parish priest. We were sion, also our mutual support and prayers
instrumental in bringing many to faith in kept us United. We thank God for this mis-
Christ. We were available and dedicated sion to proclaim the Word through educa-
to the service of the people especially in tion, parish ministry and health care. In this
their faith formation. There were baptisms challenging situation we have experienced
of adult children and rectification of mar- God's presence and His constant compan-
riages of couples. We started a dispensary ionship as we tried to respond to the needs
to serve the sick of the village. Sr. Vimala of the people. With gratitude I remember Sr.
Vadakumpadan, the vice provincial gave Vimala and Fr. Mathias for all the support,
full support to the health care service. Later guidance and encouragement we received,
we extended health care to a village called also the trust and confidence placed on us
Janakapuram. In this challenging situation and with the help of the people above all
with minimum facilities l was able to take by the grace of God we did what we could.
part in the healing ministry. In the evenings God does everything; we are only servants
we gave tuition for the school going chil- in his vineyard. God expects us to be faith-
dren of the village. ful and not successful. I believe the mission
I remember with gratitude our life in Tamilnadu is the work of Providence. We
and mission lived in Soganur. There were were able to build a community of love and
many memories when I look back. Every- peace inspite of the ups and downs of our
thing is not possible to mention. We had a daily living. There were difficulties and
remarkable experience of how God cares pains as well as happy moments. We tried to
and provides when we were in great need. uphold the values of spreading the charism
We really experienced God's providential of Blessed Marie Poussepin through our
care. We had another miraculous experi- involvement with the people. According to
ence where the Lord worked through us to God's plan when the time came for Sr. An-
heal a possessed lady. One night a group ula to go for her studies, she had to leave
of people brought a possessed lady. Yes, if the community in 2003. We really felt her
the Lord had inspired the people to bring absence. Today let us thank God for his pro-
this lady to us that means we have to do tection and guidance as we continue to serve
our part to fulfill His plan of healing her. in Soganur. May God bless us all.
We prayed over her placing the crucifix and Sr. Anniamma Joseph
sprinkling holy water. It was marvelous to Kuttikad , Kerala
see her healing process. With the power of

{ Catholic health association of Bhihar and
A journey to the unknown! I was re- Jharkhand.}Life went on happily with its ups
minded of the passage from the book of Gen- and downs. But I recall those beginnings when
esis12:1, ‘go from your country to the land I we were unknown to the people of that area and
show you’. One thing I was sure that someone very especially to the Church circle. A kind of
will be waiting for me on the other side. After lost feeling. One day, I recall, going to the Ca-
a round about journey, finally I reached Ran- thedral church with a loaf of bread in our hand
chi, Jharkhand. At the Station Sr. Rose Mary to make recollection. No one said hallo to us.
whispered that the house we have bought is We are like strangers sitting before the Blessed
not vacated and we have a rented house. But Sacrament putting forth our heart out to the one
I felt that it is we who make the home not the who called us there. After few hours we came
building. A good house I should say, we were out to have our breakfast. All three of us in our
privileged to have. All the sisters in one room uniform were noticed by the Cathedral parish
and we had few candidates who were in the priest. Who are these strangers? He asked. That
other room. We all had good sleeps at night itself gave us recognition. We went to Him and
although once in while we get a kick from the he gave us a grant breakfast. I felt that we were
neighbor who sleeps next to us. There were pampered a little. He was fond of the Domini-
very minimum facilities for washing and cans. My eyes were wet. My intention of going to
cooking. But it all was part of life’s challenge. the Lord there was just to complain like the Isra-
But the rest of the things were all good. elites saying why did you bring me here where I
do not know anyone and no one knows us either.
Then that fortunate day dawned when But He sent us back to our community by these
the owner vacated the house that we bought words which came through the parish priest:
and we had the privilege to be in our own You are always welcome here. Then I told him
place. Well, what to say: a good place to live openly that I wanted to cry when he said those
among so many neighbors. Those of us who words. He said once again: This is your house
have little land around our house will be sur- and you are always welcome. We felt that we are
prised to know that we have no possibility of somebody and we came back home joyfully.
getting little mud to plant a small plant in our
new house. So we brought little mud from I felt that it is our responsibility to sow
our age old friend of St. Dominic : Franciscan the seed of Marie Poussepin in the Soil of Ran-
brothers. chi. We slowly became familiar with the three of
us, the people of our area who are bit self-suf-
It was indeed a new beginning with ficient in themselves and the parishioners. Fa-
Sr. Shyby as our Animator, Sr. Jayanthi Top- miliarity can be dangerous at times especially
po as a student and I am working in CHABIJ with the members of our community. We will

get to know them very well with all the good- to protect us from the deadly disease, Malar-
ness and weakness. When love is absent some ia. As instructed,all three of us were starting
times, weakness becomes the centering point. to take it faithfully. The second day sudden-
But we were able to get up from the falls and ly Sr. Jayanthi Toppo started to vomit and
begin again. on the verge of collapsing. Shyby called our
Franciscan friend brother and we took her to
The three of us were privileged to ad-
the hospital. I was not feeling well but pre-
dress three areas of our mission. Sr. Shyby
tending to be well, I was doing my duty as
was a witness of Marie Poussepin,s teaching
a nurse and taking care of Jayanthi. We fin-
face to the students of Samlong cooperating
ished everything in the hospital and on our
with the Franciscan brothers. Sr. Jayanthi
way back home. I knew that I will fall if I get
Toppo was privileged to have many young
up. But I kept quiete. Right now my attention
hearts at her disposal to sow the Word. I was
should be on Sr.Jayanthi, I thought. But after
working in the field of health. It gave me a lot
reaching home I have to get out of the Jeep.
of opportunity to see the misery of Jharkhand
Suddenly I collapsed. Then Shyby lost her
and Bihar. One thing was sure that I was on
ground and was on the verge of collapse out
the side of the most vulnerable. It was a great
of fear: two of her community members very
need to be a listener and to be on their side to
serious. Being a teacher, she does not know
avail what is their basic rights. There I under-
what to do. Brother put on the siren of the
stood that People need not be at the mercy of
Ambulance and reached me to the hospital in
the Government but it is Government’s duty
seconds. Then they understood that we had
to give what is their due. The ball was on my
taken over dose of Anti Malarial drugs. They
court to kick. God gave a lot of opportunity to
washed it out of our system the medication
meet the most vulnerable.
by giving us fluid. It was certainly an experi-
ence of providence for Shyby when no one to
The days, weeks, months, and years
consult and two of us lay helpless. All these
went fast. The unfamiliar shores became fa-
experience brought us closer to God and each
miliar and the one who called us there was
asking us to cast our net deep into the sea.
Yes, opportunities were knocking at our door
I was convinced and am convinced
and no one hesitated to take those challeng-
that if God called me, He will be faithful even
ing steps.
if I am unfaithful. He makes me ashamed at
times when he shows me how weak creature
Let me conclude by giving you an in-
I am before His Ocean of compassion. OH!
cident that shook us those beginning days.
How hard to learn Lord to die and live.
We were all asked to take anti malarial drugs
Sr. Lisa John Kadampattuparambil OP
Varadium, Thrissur

He will cover you with His feathers and The community was very happy. We
under his wings you will find refuge. Ps were in the midst of other religions. We
91: 4. experienced the love, care, support, and
help from the people. We experienced
The dream of our Province is
the love of God more as we were new to
to start a community in the capital of
the place and the people.
Jharkhand was actualized on 19th June
2006. The population of Ranchi is 28 We welcomed the Candidates
lakhs. A valley is surrounded with riv- Anita kujur, Binita Danwar, Susila and
ers and hills and also dense forest. It Serophina. All of us started to go to the
is pleasant to see and liked by every- college. on 25th August the registration
one. Rev. Bishop Vincent Barwa came of the new house was done. The house
to bless our rented house. Our sisters was blessed on 28th of August 2006 by
from Dalmadih community joined us Fr. Prabu along with few priests were
for the blessing of the new community present from different places. On 29th
in Ranchi, to praise and thank God on October 2006, we were privileged to
this occasion. have the visit of our Mother Genderal
Sr. Monique Colrat, General Councillor
On 19th June a special prayer
Sr.Reeta Mechery and Sr.Mariamma Paul
was conducted by Sr.Mariamma Paul
Ollukaran our Vice Provincial. We were
the Vice Provincial and Sr. Shyby Si-
all happy and experienced the presence
mon took over the responsibility of
of God. Seeing the Mother General was
animating the community. The first
equal to seeing the Mother Foundress.
community members were Sr.Shyby
Our journey together was like sunshine.
Simon Pazhukunnel (superior), Sr.Li-
sa Kadampattuparampil op who was
Sr. Jyanthi Toppo OP
working in the CHABIJ office and Sr.
Dalmadih . Jharkhand
Jayanti Toppo. I was doing my PUC.

I remember with gratitude the years afternoon. It was scorching heat and I used
I spent in Nagpur. The Lord used me as to sit and wait for admissions. Many a day,
an instrument of His love to serve in Ma- we were disappointed without having any
rie Poussepin’s Academy for 9 long years. admission. We never gave up our hope and
When we started our mission in Nagpur, I started house visiting and talking about our
felt that life was so different and that the new school to the people. On the whole,
entire outlook was extremely unlike from people were receptive, but at times we had
any other mission where I had been in the to face awkward situations. All these expe-
past. It was different not because of the cul- riences made me strong to face the world
ture, people or area but because of the new with courage and optimism. At the end of
venture of starting an ICSE school in a vil- our three months’ hard work, God gave us
lage setup. It was really a God experience 100 admissions to start the school. It was
during my nine years of mission there. God purely the grace of God and the unity and
helped me to truly experience His presence cooperation of our community that made it
in my life. My faith in the Providence of happen.
God was really deepened and I could to-
Life was not very smooth in the
tally trust in Him. God taught me that His
school, as the demands of the parents were
love is everlasting even in the midst of un-
very high. Sr. Deepa worked very hard to
certainties and emptiness. It was totally a
meet the needs of the school as well as to
different learning experience in my life.
continue the construction of the building.
The beginning of an institution was We were living in two classrooms with a
not an easy task. What an abode of learning lot of adjustments. It is really a joy for me
could mean, with the motto of “Commit- to say that we enjoyed being together and
ment to educate lifelong learners,” may be working together. It was our community
simply expressed by saying that more than spirit which made our life easier, even at
I taught, I learned from the school. When I the most difficult times. We had a strong
was transferred to Nagpur, I did not know support from our teaching and non-teach-
what was awaiting me. I was so enthusias- ing staff all through my stay there, espe-
tic about helping Sr. Deepa and the starting cially at the beginning stage of our mission.
of the school. As I reached Nagpur, I was Parents were very supportive at that time.
asked to take the admission of the students It was really a joy for me to see
because Sr. Deepa was busy in taking care that the school was growing with the num-
of the legal matters. We were then living ber of students and that the name of Marie
in a rented house. I used to go to the site by Poussepin was being made known in
9 in the morning and wait there till 2 in the

It was really a joy for me to see ers and other staff members, parents and
that the school was growing with the well-wishers gave fruitful results every
number of students and that the name of year, preparing our students with a holistic
Marie Poussepin was being made known development. Within a short span of time,
in unknown places. Every child and her/ Marie Poussepin’s Academy has become
his parents knew who Marie Poussepin well-known in the area for its elite educa-
was. Parents were impressed by the ser- tion which helps our students to face the ad-
vice we rendered and were happy with versities of life. To work with the children is
the values we imparted to their children in always fun; the way that they do everything
the school. The school not only provided makes us re-live our own student life. Ev-
the academic skill but also psychological ery year I experienced teaching students as
support to the students and their parents, well as learning from them. Every year the
if needed. By means of this, we were able calendar was filled with various functions
to build up a strong bond between the stu- and activities; the major challenge was to
dents, parents and management. It was execute them but the high level of energy
totally a team work that made the school and enthusiasm of the students could over-
grow to be a well-known institution in come all the challenges with arduous prac-
Nagpur. God continuously walked with tice and our students could master all the
us in our good times and odd times. In skills. The hard work of the pioneers was
times of troubles, we stood like a moun- rewarded by God with the best performance
tain against the storms with our hands of the students in their academic studies and
outstretched to our loving Saviour who extracurricular achievements.
defended us in moments of challenges.
Blessed Marie Poussepin has always
“Well begun is half done” and by showered her choicest blessings upon this
God’s grace, in the year 2009, the school family which also made me more compas-
produced the very first seed of its ac- sionate and sensitive towards different peo-
complishment and it would be continued ple whom I meet in my journey of service to
during the following 13 glorious years. God.
The countless efforts of sisters, teach- Sr. Shyby Simon Pazhukunnel OP

Is 30: 20-21 “And though the Lord same time a disciplinarian approach to the
give you the bread of adversity and the women who would come here. We have
water of affliction, yet your teacher will spent enough time in prayer and daily ad-
not hide himself any more, but your eyes oration to the Blessed Sacrament to lead us
shall see your teacher. And your ears shall in the right path. Every time the words of
hear a word behind you saying “This is Prophet Isaiah gave me enormous strength.
the way, walk in it”, when you turn to the We were clear we will not go in the wrong
right or when you turn to the left”. path if we hold on to the Lord and walk with
Marie Poussepin. We had our chapel built 6
Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran months after the inauguration of the Hostel.
the Provincial of the Indian Province at Home away Home had a place of refuge and
that time handed over me the key of the strength for all the inmates no matter which
Marie Poussepin Home community on religion they belong. It was so beautiful to
May 9, 2009 during the evening prayer. see the women bow before the presence of
I looked at the crucifix in the Provincial the Lord before they leave for the work as
House Chapel and prayed in the silence of well as when they return home. I felt we
my heart “Lord show me the way…..”. I could teach the women an important lesson
knew it is the long awaited dream of the in life “the fear of the Lord is the beginning
Province that is entrusted to me and my of wisdom” (Prov 9:10). I am sure the hap-
community. We were entrusted with a piness, the success, the growth and the pros-
three story building with few furnishing perities that were shared in that small chapel
and 10 inmates. I knew our only hope and has doubled in the life of all and the tears,
trust is in the Lord to give life and flesh sad stories, the pains, fears and uncertain-
to the dream of the Province. We were ties were healed in the life of many.
entrusted with a great mission to offer a
‘home away from home’ to the women One of the essential aspect for
who are working as well as who come to any home to be sweet home is to provide
the city seeking for a job and to do their healthy and well balanced food. We had sis-
graduation and post-graduation studies. ters with the great art for cooking. It made
good flavors to our menu. We heard from
Any beginnings have its own hard- the girls lately what was the word of mouth
ships and challenges. We were placed that spread about Marie Poussepin Home
with multiple challenges as we embraced was there was nothing to complain about
the mission of Marie Poussepin Home. the food sisters provided. Ofcourse in the
We had to plan a friendly, homely at the beginning there were many hardships, to

find a proper cook, to have stability and to who guided us in the total furnishing of the
feel comfortable with them. We had faced hostel towards the second year. One beautiful
many challenges. In all these situations thing we witnessed is we never had to advertise
our community was together. We were about Marie Poussepin Home. God and Marie
ready to pitch in to any need of the Hos- Poussepin took care of it by inspiring those who
stay there. It is merely by the word of mouth.
tel because we knew it is the mission of
We even had a time there was no more vacant
all. Parents and inmates were happy about
beds. Our gratitude to God was untold. We were
the security measures we had. Of course able to contribute to the Province. It makes me
we knew we need to be vigilant and pru- to recall the words of a parent who came from
dent as Jesus said in the Gospel of St. Mt the north of India who is a non-Christian “Sister,
10 :16, “be wise as serpents and innocent as soon as we enter this entrance door we feel a
as doves”. We had inmates from different positive and life giving “ora” that covers us. We
cultures, backgrounds and language. Ev- are happy to place our daughter here”. This is
eryone had their own stories. Our mission the gift of God , His life giving presence.
was to be a healing balm for some, a com-
passionate listener to their sorrows and an The master builder of the Hostel is God Himself
accompanying guide in their brokenness. and He will continue to take care of it. We wit-
ness this even today. Of course this time of pan-
At the end of the first year we had 50% capac- demic is a challenge, but be sure there is a future
ity of the building. As the number increased to our Marie Poussepin Home ‘A home away
we looked for ways to furnish the rooms and from Home’. Many will come searching for this
common places to make sure we can provide ‘Home’. Marie Poussepin will never be silent.
a healthy atmosphere to the inmates. We fur- She will continue to speak as she said “Speak to
nished the kitchen slowly and build the new Him often, Speak of Him often”.
wing for the kitchen and set up a laundry for Sr. Ruby Jose Pulickal OP
the inmates. I can never forget the whole heart- Manila, Philippines
ed availability of our benefactors and friends

The interesting and thrilling journey Mission to the Elderly: Taking care of Mr.
to begin a new community in Bangalore in Royan who lived on the ground floor was one
the name of the birth place (Dourdan) of our of our priorities to live the original spirit of the
Mother Foundress was on May 31, 2010. As Blessed Marie Poussepin. Every effort was made
a newly appointed Superior and pioneer of to see that he feels comfortable, cared and loved.
Dourdan community, I had a dream to build He joined in the Eucharistic celebration offered
a very ideal Dominican community to fulfill once a month, for feast day prayer and agape.
the dream of our benefactor Mr. Albert Roy- His simplicity, generosity and hard work are
an. Mr. Royan lovingly called as Uncle Royan, very much commendable. We all were inspired
having a house of three floors, in Indiranagar, by his holy and prayerful life.
Bangalore, requested the congregation to
form a trust with him, in the name of his wife Administration: Sr. Josephine Kuruthuku-
Mary Francis Royan in order to donate the langara and I were involved in the mission of
income and property belonging to him to be administration as Provincial Treasurer and Pro-
used for charitable purposes. Aunty Royan’s vincial Councilor.
vision was to have Blessed Sacrament in the
house perpetually. Health care: Sr. Jeena Varghese Pazhayattil
was entrusted with the mission of health care
To make their dreams a reality, Sr. to be with the seriously ill patients at Naraya-
Mariamma Paul Ollukaran the then Pro- na Hrudayalaya Branch in Chinmaya Mission
vincial Superior, with a meaningful prayer Hospital. This meant a tedious and challenging
service on the theme “the empty cup in the missionary commitment and Sr. Jeena was to-
hand of God” presented the cups to us four tally dedicated to this cause.
sisters: Sr. Anula Irvin Suguna, Sr. Josephine
Kuruthukulangara, Sr. Jeena Varghese Pazha- Students: Sr. Premalatha P. and I were involved
yattil, and Sr. Premalatha P., We were enthu- in doing our higher studies. I was doing Masters
siastic to be filled with God’s grace and to be in Theology in Liturgy at Kristu Jyothi College
emptied in the service of the Lord in Dourdan run by the Salesian Fathers and Sr. Premalatha
community. her B. A. in Journalism at St. Anne’s College, Ul-
Missionary moments…
Parish Ministry: Sr. Josephine Kuruthuku-
We were sent out from the Provincial langara was involved in the faith Formation of
House Community with varied missions to the Parish Children. The community members
Dourdan community were also involved in the pastoral service of the

Social Work: In order to empower wom- other, support each other and give life. Above
en and uplift all those who are marginalized, all community prayer kept us together and fo-
Poussepin Sewing center was set up like Voca- cus on our goal.
tional Training Center in the ground floor of
Mr. Royan’s house where we teach and train the Challenging moments…
young women from the slums of Indiranagar
Bangalore. Being trained in tailoring equips, Being first time as Animator, Council-
them to stich their own clothes and also to or as well as Student of theology, it was difficult
start stitching center of their own or to work in to plan, organize and implement the different
cloth factories. Sr. Philomina Pulikkotil joined responsibilities. I remember the words of Rev.
our community to take up this mission. Slowly Fr. Paul Puthanagady, who said, “Do one work
the center began to network with Rux Sports- at a time and prioritize.” His advice was very
wear to make the uniforms that are worn by helpful to carry out my responsibilities. I am
the sports persons in the professional field and grateful to Sr. Mariamma who was very under-
also in the school around the country. standing towards me in the difficult moments
and support all my endeavours. There were ups
Lovely moments…. and downs in community life but reconcilia-
tion, acceptance and going beyond the limita-
The happiest moments were the celebrations tions of one another were important instants to
of feasts days and birthdays. The recreation in restart again with love in our hearts.
the community added energy and enthusiasm.
The time spent with Uncle Royan were enrich- I am grateful to my community mem-
ing moments to share our faith experience and bers, Sr. Mariamma and the Council, Profes-
to listen to his spiritual wisdom. The pilgrim- sors and colleagues who have played a great-
age to Velankanni was a beautiful moment to er role to accomplish the mission entrusted
enrich our faith. Doing all the house hold re- to me. I conclude with the words, “From His
sponsibilities together helped us to be active. fullness we have all received, grace upon grace”
Coming together in the Provincial House for (Jn 1:16). Everyday my cup was filled with His
common celebrations and prayer were elevat- grace to be served for others.
ing moments. Table fellowship and sharing Sr. Anula Irvin Suguna Joseph OP
helped us to understand the mission of one Nagpur, Maharashtra

The long-cherished dream of the We embarked on our journey by
Province of India to start one more new train on the 19th of October 2021 at about
community in Assam came true on October 03.20 am. After 55 hours in the train, we
21, 2021 when three of us Sr. Jessy Peed- reached our destination on October 21,
ikayil, Sr. Asrita Tete and Sr. Jini Jo- 2021. Fr. Manu Augustine, the secretary
seph Mazhuvanchery  reached Diphu. of Diphu Bishop and two others were at the
We were invited to Diphu diocese by bish- station to receive us. We straight proceed-
op, Paul Mattekkat to begin a hostel for ed to the bishop’s house. Bishop received
girls who are studying in the Don Bos- us warmly and were given refreshments
co College run by the Salesian Fathers. At after which Fr. Manu Augustine reached
present they have a junior college and they us the convent cum hostel of Mission Sis-
are upgrading it to a degree college. As the ters of Ajmeer where we are put up as of
education facilities especially for higher now.
education is lacking in this part of Assam,
there is rush to get admission here and it We plan to buy some land near-
is a fast-growing institution. We are also by and make a permanent house for our-
permitted to erect a formation house as selves. Till then this two-room arrange-
well as an apostolic school. The beginning ment in the hostel will be our community
of the new community was delayed due building. We are busy scouting the area
to Covid 19 lockdown and of further by and learning Karbi, the language of the
the accident of Sr. Deepa Moonjely, our place, which is a complex language with
Provincial, in August. English script.The sisters and priests who
are here are very good to us. We are grate-
Before embarking on to Diphu we ful to Sr. Maria Escayola Coris and
spent a few months in Bangalore, equip- her council, Sr. Deepa Moonjely and her
ping ourselves to take up the new mission council for their trust, love and support.
at Diphu, Assam, by attending some cours- We request your prayers so that the plan
es together, individually and stitching hab- of the Lord for this place through Presen-
its as it is mandatory to wear. We had a tation’s presence may be revealed and ac-
common prayer and holy Mass together complished.
with all the sisters of Bangalore communi-
Sr.Jini Joseph Mazhuvanchery
ties, novices and aspirants on August 17 to
wish us the very best and the blessings of Diphu, Assam
the Lord. 

Sentire Cum Ecclesia.... Feel with the Church

Pope Francis officially inaugurated promising to listen to all, especially to laypeo-

the synodal journey of the Universal Church ple. That is why this Synod is a 2-year process,
in the Vatican, during the solemn Mass in starting from October 10, 2021, to October
Rome’s St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, Oct. 2023. The diocesan listening phase will run un-
10th, 2021. Dioceses across the world inau- til April 2022 and will be followed by a con-
gurated the synodal journey at the local level tinental phase from September 2022 to March
on Oct. 17, 2021, to move forward together, 2023. The final “universal Church phase” will
to listen to one another and discern our times, culminate in the traditional assembly of the
in solidarity with the struggles and aspirations Synod of Bishops in the Vatican in October
of all humanity. Pope Francis said, stressing 2023.
that the Synod is an “ecclesial moment”,
whose protagonist is the Holy Spirit. “With- Communion, participation, mission
out the Spirit, there is no Synod,” he stressed. Explaining the Synod’s three key words
A special Synod - communion, participation, and mission – he
said that communion and mission describe the
The theme of the upcoming 16th Syn- mystery of the Church. Communion express-
od of Bishops is: “For a Synodal Church: es the very nature of the Church, according to
Communion, Participation, and Mission”. the Second Vatican Council. According to Saint
Synodality indicates walking together and Paul VI “communion, that is, cohesion and inte-
listening to one another but above all to the rior fullness, in grace, truth and collaboration…
Holy Spirit. It starts with, and involves all the and mission, that is, apostolic commitment to
faithful at local Churches across the world, the world of today”. Saint John Paul II stressed

far removed from the reality of the holy Peo-
ple of God and the concrete life of communities
around the world.
A third danger that a Synod should
avoid, the Pope said, is the temptation to com-
placency, which says, we have always done it
this way” and it is better not to change. The
word ‘complacency’ “is a poison in the life of
the Church”. People with such an attitude apply
that koinonia gives rise to the Church’s mis-
old solutions to new problems.
sion of serving as a sign of the human family’s
intimate union with God. For this reason, Pope
Three opportunities
Francis said, Synods must be well prepared
for, especially at the local level with the par- First, it must move not occasionally but
ticipation of all. structurally towards a synodal Church, where
All are called to participate all can feel at home and participate.
Second, the Synod offers us the opportunity to
Pope Francis pointed out that ‘commu-
become a listening Church, to break out of our
nion’ and ‘mission’ can risk remaining some-
routine in order to stop and listen, firstly to the
what abstract, unless synodality is concretely
Spirit in adoration and prayer, and then to our
expressed at every step of the synodal journey
brothers and sisters, their hopes, the crises of
and activity, encouraging real involvement on
faith around the world, the need for renewed
the part of each and all”. He acknowledged
pastoral life.
the frustration and impatience felt by many
pastoral workers, members of diocesan and Third, Synod is also an occasion for the
parish consultative bodies, and women, who People of God not to be aloof but to become a
frequently remain on the fringes. “Enabling Church of closeness by her very presence, ban-
everyone to participate is an essential ecclesial daging wounds and healing broken hearts with
duty!” he stressed, adding, it is an indispens- the balm of God.
able ecclesial commitment based on the “iden-
Not another Church but a different Church
tity card” of the baptism.
For this, the Holy Father said, we need
Three risks to avoid
the ever new breath of God, the Spirit, who sets
The Pope warned that a Synod can run us free from every form of self-absorption,
the risk of being a mere formal external event, revives what is moribund, loosens shackles,
not to project a good image of ourselves, and spreads joy. “There is no need to cre-
which makes them the “lord of the house” and ate another Church, but to create a different
not a shepherd. This, the Pope said, requires
Church,” the Pope said citing Dominican
changing certain overly vertical, distorted, and
priest Fr. Yves Marie-Joseph Congar. “For
partial visions of the Church, ecclesial respon-
sibilities, roles of governance, and so forth. a ‘different Church’, the Pope urged all to
invoke the Holy Spirit with greater fervour
Another risk that a Synod can run into and frequency and humbly listen to Him.
is becoming intellectual, offering learned but
abstract approaches to the problems of the Sr. Jenet O P
Church and the evils in our world, which are Mysore, Karnataka


Quiz on St. Catherine De Ricci

1. Who were the parents of St. Catherine De Ricci?
2. When and where was Catherine De Ricci born?
3. What was her full baptismal name?
4. When Where was she placed for her schooling?
5. Why Alexandrina was placed in Monticelli?
6. At what age did Alexandrina enter the convent
7. Where did Alexandrina enter to be a religious?
8. What happened during Catherine’s ecstacies?
9. Which were the positions Catherine De Ricci had in her monastery?
10. Who are the three persons who came seeking spiritual
advices from Catherine and became future popes?
11.Catherine De Ricci appeared to another saint when she wanted to
have a long conversation. Who is that saint and where did she appear?
12. What is Catherine De Ricci famous for?
13. When and how long Catherine had the Ecstacy of the Passion?
14. What are the special favours Catherine received from Christ?
15. For Whom Catherine De Ricci was an Advisor?
16. What was her favourite employment? How did she perform it?
17. What was her practice of austerities? Kindly send your answers
18. How did Catherine De Ricci experience the spiritual mar-
riage with Christ? to the quiz to 8137965510
19. Catherine De Ricci is known as the Patron of whom? or
20. When did Catherine De Ricci die?
21. Where do we see Catherine De Ricci’s mortal remains? daisyrosepeenikaparam-
22. Who beatified Catherine De Ricci and when? ban@gmail.com
23. When was Catherine De Ricci canonized and by whom?
24. When is St. Catherine De Ricci’s feast celebrated? on or before 5th Feb 2022

Computer Users has a set of rules to
follow when using computers at school or a
place of business. The under listed rules will
help keep your computer to running success-
cumulate. Before your computer gets to a point
where it’s begging for more storage space, use
Handle data appropriately
these PC purge tips to relieve your system.
You must be aware that you have
• Uninstall trial ware
special responsibilities when handling sen-
• Run disk clean up software
sitive data electronically (e.g. electronic data
• Empty the recycle bin
containing social security numbers, PINs,
• Delete temporary files
passwords of any nature, health, medical and
• Remove cache of offline web pages
psychological records, police records, and/or
final grades). You should use a password to . Run regular antivirus scans
protect your computer so that data cannot be
obtained by an unauthorized user.
Clean the keyboard and case

Unplug PC to avoid overcharging You’d be surprised to see just how much

dust and debris lives underneath your key-
It’s better to resist the temptation of board’s keys. Dust and dirt, and everything
plugging in the moment your PC falls under else that can fit in between the keys, a number
50% battery life. Unnecessary charging can of dirty particles can clog your keyboard. This
lead to overcharging, which then leads to re- usually results in sticky or difficult-to-press but-
generative capability deterioration. This often tons. Clearing out these hard-to-reach parts of
looks like a laptop that can’t hold a charge as your laptop or desktop setup is most easily done
well as it could in its earlier days. Being shack- with a compressed air canister, available from
led to the weight of a charger defeats the pur- office supply stores, computer stores, and hard-
pose of a laptop’s wireless portability. To avoid ware stores.
a bad battery fate, unplug your device after it
reaches 100% charge, and don’t plug in until
For external keyboards
power is actually low. Unplug the keyboard from the USB port
or power it off if it’s wireless. Tilt the keyboard
Purge your system of junk files and upside down and shake any loose debris out
programs first. Spray compressed air at an angle and ap-
proximately 1-inch away from the keys.
Computers tend to show their age best
in the number of unused files living on their
hard drives. Useless programs and old junk For the laptop user
files likely take up more space than you real- Power your laptop off and unplug any USB or
ize. These programs and files can quickly turn power supply inputs. Tilt the laptop upside
into performance hogs if they continue to ac- down and gently tap it to encourage any loose

debris to come out. Set the laptop down in its Create small sub-folders
natural position and spray between keys from
about 1-inch away. Spray in short bursts mov- Within your larger primary folders,
ing from one side of the keyboard to the other. smaller sub-folders make your organization
Believe it or not, updating your passwords is operation even smoother. Being able to cat-
a task as crucial as backing up your data..If egorize files by their functionality or content
you’re overdue for a password update, consider will help you access them whenever you need
using these strong password generation tips: them. No search button necessary.
1. Use at least 10 characters
2. Use a combination of uppercase and lower-
case letters
Empty your downloads folder
3. Include both numbers and special symbols
Your downloads folder should function
4. Add emoticons if possible (:O, :(, :D, :), T.T)
as a temporary cache for recently downloaded
A strong password safeguards all of your data
files. Get into the habit of placing recent down-
against potential third-party hackers which is
loads in their proper folders or deleting them
precisely why it’s such an essential part of com-
once they’ve served their purpose.
puter maintenance.

Organize your data Clear your desktop

When you power on your computer

It’s easy to let your computer’s data or-
and saddle up for your day’s work or some light
ganization run awry when your work and play
social media browsing, you want to be able to
lifestyle doesn’t leave much time for calculated
do so without the stress of clutter. Clear your
file management. Your PC’s many folders can
desktop of any files, folders, or programs you
grow crowded. The same applies to the rest
don’t need readily available at every power-on.
of your default folders (documents, photos,
etc.).Dealing with cluttered desktop or crowd-
ed computer folders may be a daunting task, Choose thoughtful filenames
but with these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on
your way to a functioning system of files and If you’re frequently saving images,
folders. PDFs, and other common files, you know
how easy it is to type in gibberish for a suc-
cessful “Save As” operation. Instead of rushing
Create large, main folders
through, take the time to come up with inten-
tional file names so you always know what’s
Everyone uses their computers for dif-
living on your hard drive and where it’s locat-
ferent primary purposes. A freelance writer
will likely have completely different main fold-
er assignments than a professional gamer or a
business owner. It’s important to narrow down Back up your data
your digital world into easy folder divisions to
make your first round of organization a breeze, Part of owning a modern computer is
and your future rounds even easier. to prepare for the unexpected. Sudden crashes,
untimely glitches, and random hardware fail-
ure all have the potential to damage the data

living on your PC. Backing up files is one of that you change your password at least once a
the most vital computer maintenance proce- year.
dures PC users can do for themselves. That’s
why we’ve ranked it at our final spot. Your Use resources ethically; don’t harm com-
computer is replaceable, but without a back- puting and network resources
up, your information is not.
You should use computing and network
Maintain a secure password resources efficiently and effectively. Don’t en-
gage in excessive game playing; send frivolous
You should choose a password that or excessive email, including chain email; print
is at least six characters long and a combina- excessive copies of documents, files, images, or
tion of at least two of the following: upper or data; keep unnecessarily large files on shared
lower case letters, numbers, or punctuation. systems. It is safe to set your computer on the
Do not write it down—commit it to memory. energy save mode to conserve energy when not
Don’t tell anyone what it is. Your password in use.
should not be easily guessable, so don’t use
common names or words. We recommend Sr P. Premalatha OP
Dalmadih, Jharkhand

Please visit the Congregation and Province web page

www.domipresen.org - Official website of Dominican Sisters of the Presentation.
www. dominicanpresentationindia.org - website of the Province of India.

Editorial Team: Graphics: Sr. Daisy Rose Peenikaparamban OP

Sr. Daisy Rose Peenikaparamban O.P.
Sr. P. Premalatha OP
e-mail: daisyrosepeenikaparamban@gmail.com
Sr. A Jenet OP

Web: www.dominicanpresentationindia.org
Published by Sr. Deepa Moonjely O.P., Provincial Superior, Dominican Sisters of the Presentation,
80 Feet Road, Indiranagar P.O. Bangalore – 560038, Karnataka, INDIA


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